Non-HPU: Crater City

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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

SeanWolf wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:52 pm It could be possible, he thought as he watched the boat for a bit. He had heard of people trying to lure kaijus to areas for a variety of reasons by many different means so this wouldn't be that out of the ordinary. However, another thought soon entered his mind. One that caused him to curse at not only the thought, but at a few individuals, namely the Crater City Mayor, as well. If that thought was true and Mark was right, then this wasn't no ordinary kaiju attack. He turned to Mark, "Whatever's the status on those depth charges are, tell them to triple time it now!" He then pointed at the boat, "And get someone out there to get those idiots out of the water!"
"Right," Mark said as he got up and scanned the area.

Since Crater City docks were a priority danger zone there had to be a KDF alert system somewhere nearby. The boardwalk was deserted so it was definitely working as intended. Luckily it was only a brief moment of searching before he found what he was looking for a relatively short walk away. To the untrained eye, it looked like any other PA system but Mark knew better.

"There!" Mark announced with a point before taking off and tapping into his comms device one more time. "HQ, I need a status update on those depth charges, please expedite the process triple-fold. Mayor Mordecai and I suspect that leviathan's attack may have been a setup. I regret to inform you that we don't have proof but there is a fishing boat performing highly suspicious tasks at the moment. I will establish contact now."

Once at the KDF alert system Mark took out his badge and held it up to the box attached to the base of the pole. The built-in RFID chip unlocked the mechanism, which opened to reveal a simple radio set-up with the KDF logo imprinted into the center. Under normal circumstances, the alert system did only one thing: sound the alarm that came from HQ. Luckily some of the techies in KDF HQ had the foresight to plan for people too stubborn to leave and allowed the broadcast system to have a manual input as well. Since it wasn't in alarm mode anymore it was a simple flick of the switch to configure it into announcement mode.

"You may want to cover your ears." Mark called out to Mordecai as he put on the headset, "This was designed to be really loud, and to get the message across I'm maxing out the volume."

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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:55 am "You may want to cover your ears." Mark called out to Mordecai as he put on the headset, "This was designed to be really loud, and to get the message across I'm maxing out the volume."
Mordecai nodded and did just that, though the thought to hear just how loud they were did cross his mind.
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:55 am Mark cranked the volume to the highest setting before speaking into the microphone "TO THE FISHING VESSEL STILL OUT AT SEA, BY THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME BY THE KAIJU DEFENSE FORCE I DEMAND YOU DOCK YOUR VESSEL IMMEDIATELY! NON-COMPLIANCE WILL RESULT IN STRICT ACTION!"
Thankfully, he was still able to hear what was being said as it was still pretty loud, though thankfully it wasn't ear-hurting thanks to the before-hand warning. "Here's hoping that worked." He commented. Noticing the rifle, Mordecai picked it up and, finger off the trigger, zeroed in on the boat, wanting to get a look at the idiots on board. "I could be wrong," He then said, handing the rifle back to Mark, "But look at the third guy on the left. Doesn't he look sorta familiar or am I just imagining things at the moment?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Hlaoroo »

Fortunately for Ronan, the small fishing boat in the bay is already familiar with him and soon takes the hint and heads for shore.

The kelpie swims under the Giant's Gate Bridge and out into the open ocean, following his nose, and soon spots the boat doing the dumping.

He laughs out loud as the fisherman addresses him.
"What do you think I am, a dumb dog?" he demands, knowing they can't understand him. He then decides to take matters into his own flippers, or rather, nose, and nudges the boat, hoping to throw the crew off their feet. Then he starts powering the boat towards the shore.

"I know. One thing at a time, though. I've already got the med team on the way for the four idiots. I can't do much to help them until we neutralise or remove that acid." Ted points out. "There we are. You're all done. You can go play again." Changing his bloody gloves, Ted turns to the unconscious kaiju as Annie arrives leading a team of medics with stretchers.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 5:54 pm "Oh? Uh..." Richter performed a poor mimicry of the salute he'd seen others give Heather, using the wrong hand, not standing up straight, putting it down before he was dismissed, everything, "I don't know why it's here but I do know that standing too close is bad. I've been trying to get its attention but once I had it, the thing only attacked me once before going back to ignoring me. I might have an idea on how to slow it down though,"

Just to double check Richter gave the ground a good stomp, "That checks out, I can't believe I'm saying this but if you can give me enough time I can destabilize the ground in the path directly ahead of Pestilence. There's a network of caves deep and long enough that should keep it stuck, maybe give it a lava bath while its down there."
"The only cave systems big enough to hold Pestilence are the Kaiju tunnels under the city, and dropping him in there will just let the disease spread everywhere thanks to the ventilation in those tunnels." Wildfire explained, his gaze focused on Pestilence as it moved through the valley. "What if you blocked it's way with a lava flow? It wouldn't stop it, but it would slow it down."

DdeeStar wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:03 pm Kneeling down to shove aside some of the rubble at her feet, Tigress pulls from the wreckage the hot wire Richter's maneuver had made conveniently easy to access. There were probably safety reasons to secure something like this, but more importantly, it was an easy power boost. Her gaze wanders back to the Colonel as her directions are received, casually biting through the insulation and cutting the remaining power in the building as the circuit breaker trips. She coughs up her response, the sudden steam in her mouth bothering her voice. "Yu-Fhh! Urh. Yeah. I got it." She remarks with a dismissive wave, trying to remember seeing a wolf. There'd been a couple of people in the room, but she hadn't focused on any of them enough to tell what they were physically. There had been a couple of others who ran with her, and then the Doctor sent them off somewhere. They were long past her sight range in her current state, but she had an idea of which way they'd gone. As good a lead as any. Hopping upright with a quick step through the collapsed doorway, she calls "FENRIR!" as she blindly jogs after the busy group.
As Heather grumbled in the dark about the damage done to HQ before the backup lights came on, Fenrir the wolf hopped over some rubble and bounded up to Tigress. "Hi! Yes, that's me. I heard the Colonel, we should get going quickly! Follow me!" the wolf said before jogging off toward the elevators.

- - - - -
DdeeStar wrote: Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:03 pm The sudden snap and wash of darkness brings a chilling effect over the frightened rookie, shocking some degree of sense back into him. He couldn't be scared in the dark, it was his element. That assertion isn't enough to completely cure his terror, but the threat, though present, isn't able to hurt him here. After a few moments taken to steady his shaking breaths, he slowly stands against the wall, allowing the silence to cover his retreat as he strafes around the stranger, moving with the grace and awareness of an experienced sneak. The blade dances along his hand once before it slides back into the sheath, deemed unnecessary now. He waits for a moment between sets of steps, carefully listening for movements from the stranger, but if left alone he makes a break for the emptied hall as quickly as possible.
When the lights came on, the Cerberus was sitting calmly in the opposite corner to Mist, looking at the feline with a mixture of concern and understanding. "Are you ok?" he asked.

- - - - -
Hlaoroo wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:13 pm "I know. One thing at a time, though. I've already got the med team on the way for the four idiots. I can't do much to help them until we neutralise or remove that acid." Ted points out. "There we are. You're all done. You can go play again." Changing his bloody gloves, Ted turns to the unconscious kaiju as Annie arrives leading a team of medics with stretchers.
"Thank you, doctor." Heather said, standing back up before proceeding to bark orders as though she had never been injured. "Inari, get those hunters cleaned up before they dissolve in front of us." She ordered first before addressing others. In response, a pure white fox started tending to the hunters.

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:47 am Julian sniffed as he got out of the car and took in the scents of worry and confusion around him. It was strangely intermingled with a little complacency in his nose, he thought as he made sure the mask was correctly affixed. He stepped over to one of the nearest groups and started assisting them towards transport. "I'm afraid we do need to go quickly, ma'am," he told an elderly human he helped towards one of the buses, talking loudly enough that others could hear. "I know you can rely on people to help you but this is a bad one today and we need everyone safe... yes, I am a hero. I was hoping the fact I'm hiding my face behind a mask would prove that?" He grinned as he helped her up into the coach and got to work with others.
Once the busses were full, the ex-colonel addressed Julian. "You think you've got enough room to shift here? We need to carry these busses over to the shelters. There's no way they'll get there normally with all this chaos." he said, gesturing to the abandoned cars and backed up traffic.

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:55 am Mark cranked the volume to the highest setting before speaking into the microphone "TO THE FISHING VESSEL STILL OUT AT SEA, BY THE AUTHORITY VESTED IN ME BY THE KAIJU DEFENSE FORCE I DEMAND YOU DOCK YOUR VESSEL IMMEDIATELY! NON-COMPLIANCE WILL RESULT IN STRICT ACTION!"
"Ah, go boil yer head!" the fisherman shouted back, though he was much too far away for Mark to have heard. "Come at me then! I'll 'ave an army of lawyers for what this gig's payin'." he added, more to himself. He turned and looked at one of the two other men on that tiny ship. "Hey George! When's that chopper supposed to be here?"

George was standing up on the upper deck, looking out towards shore with binoculars. "It should'a been here by now, Frank."

"That's Captain Frank! I'll have a proper ship once we get the rest of our payment."

"I don't see any helicopter, 'Captain' Frank." George called back.

"Well, they better get here soon! This old girl won't be able to get to shore before that great snake gets to us" Frank said, gesturing towards the boat.

"'Captain', I've come to a realization that I really wish I didn't have." the third man said.

"And what's that, exactly?"

"We're loose ends." he said. "The helicopter isn't coming, and it never was. We're the only people who know why that snake is coming this way. We did our jobs, and now we aren't any use anymore."

The captain froze, the rusted cogs turning in his head as he processed this information.

"It'd be pretty convenient for those guys if the only witnesses and all the evidence of what they did got swallowed up by a giant monster..." George added.


George slid down the ladder and entered the cabin. The engines started... then sputtered to a stop. The captain swore again.
Hlaoroo wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:13 pm Fortunately for Ronan, the small fishing boat in the bay is already familiar with him and soon takes the hint and heads for shore.

The kelpie swims under the Giant's Gate Bridge and out into the open ocean, following his nose, and soon spots the boat doing the dumping.

He laughs out loud as the fisherman addresses him.
"What what do you think I am, a dumb dog?" he demands, knowing they can't understand him. He then decides to take matters into his own flippers, or rather, nose, and nudges the boat, hoping to throw the crew off their feet. Then he starts powering the boat towards the shore.
all three fishermen fell to the deck when Ronan bumped them. They tried to stand, but hit the deck again when the boat started speeding towards shore, being pushed by the massive Kaiju Kelpie.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

CyberDragon wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 5:09 pm "The only cave systems big enough to hold Pestilence are the Kaiju tunnels under the city, and dropping him in there will just let the disease spread everywhere thanks to the ventilation in those tunnels." Wildfire explained, his gaze focused on Pestilence as it moved through the valley. "What if you blocked it's way with a lava flow? It wouldn't stop it, but it would slow it down."
Richter gave the ground another stomp to double-check, "OOOH!" He says as the realization hits him, "So that's why the cave system I saw down there was really straight, whoops, guess it's a good thing I didn't go through with it." He remembered the stern look Heather gave him and shivered in fear. "She would've been really mad at me."

Taking the chance to peek through his stone barrier Richter tried to gauge the distance between himself and Pestilence. After his barrage and his conversation with Wildfire Pestilence had gotten somewhat farther and trying to run above ground would definitely get its attention. Usually, tunneling would be his next best option but at the rate, Pestilence was going Richter would have a hard time keeping up.

"Think you can give me a lift?" Richter asked Wildfire, "I'm not the fastest Kaiju around and Pestilence does attack anything that attacks it. So maybe you can carry me over to a better spot to set up a lava pool?"

Richter shifted down to his disguised form, but sadly he didn't think it through and the moment the process finished Richter's clothes immediately caught fire due to the intense heat from the lava around him. Of course, since Richter had a tolerance to the heat the fires did little more than frustrate him.

"Aw come on. I just got these clothes yesterday." He pouted.

CyberDragon wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 5:09 pm all three fishermen fell to the deck when Ronan bumped them. They tried to stand, but hit the deck again when the boat started speeding towards shore, being pushed by the massive Kaiju Kelpie.
"Really?" Mark took his rifle back and peered through the scope.

Mark didn't even get a chance to try and determine which one of the three looked familiar as the boat suddenly lurched out of sight. Decreasing the zoom on his scope revealed that a Kaiju was ushering the boat back to shore. Wanting to confirm if his hunch was right or not Mark traced the trajecting of where they were going.

"It's on the move, and probably gonna dock there," Mark pointed to their estimated landing site as he slung his rifle over his shoulder, "Let's head them off so we can interrogate them."

As he ran, Mark unholstered his sidearm to make sure it was loaded. He needed to be prepared in case interrogation turned ugly.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 5:09 pm As Heather grumbled in the dark about the damage done to HQ before the backup lights came on, Fenrir the wolf hopped over some rubble and bounded up to Tigress. "Hi! Yes, that's me. I heard the Colonel, we should get going quickly! Follow me!" the wolf said before jogging off toward the elevators.
She gives him a quick nod, caught completely off guard by his sudden appearance. With a quick glance over her shoulder to look for Mist, she follows after the wolf, trying to figure out what exactly she should be preparing. She was leaving her bike and things here, again, to fight a giant snake in the water? As much as it felt natural to be charging towards a battlefield, it had been years since she'd actually fought. She felt rusty. And with no Shifters by her side, all she had was the bit of Power to fight with. Mist could charge her up, but only if he got hurt. She wasn't going to count on her own failure. Power... that's the quick one? Yeah. Quick jabs to seize muscles on flesh, and if I can land hits on both sides of the heart I might have enough to stop it. If I knew where a snake's heart was. With a short cough to clear the rest of the heat from her mouth she adds "Hey, so what is this thing? Heather said it's a kilometer serpent? So it's just a big snake?"
CyberDragon wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 5:09 pm When the lights came on, the Cerberus was sitting calmly in the opposite corner to Mist, looking at the feline with a mixture of concern and understanding. "Are you ok?" he asked.
The reveal of the cloaked cat leaves him in the dead center of the room, having been stopped at the precise moment he'd paused to check on the intruder. Staring at him, eye-to-eye, a beat passes as he processes the sudden ease with which he can see the Cerberus... and the sudden ease with which the Cerberus can see him. His silencing shield of Shadow melts off as soon as the lights come on, with the Cerberus's locked attention the key to dashing it to pieces.
"JYAAAAA!" Mist cries out in alarm, reactively trying to jump straight up, leap for some non-existent cover, and sprint for the door all at once, leaving him to bounce only a slight distance back instead before collapsing in an unbalanced wreck. Heart pounding in his chest, with his own rapid breathing the loudest noise in the room, he struggles between what options he has. If he runs, the Cerberus will certainly attack when his back is turned. If he attacks first, maybe he can cause enough damage to get an opening. But the sheath is too visible, there's no w-
"I- N-no" He squeaks out softly, the response coming without his choice. "A-ahuh...ha- Ar-re yo-u h-here to k-ill-" His breath hitches as his mind refuses to acknowledge this ending, his options pushed more readily to the forefront of his mind. He could handle this stranger, he could make his way out. He was Rakshasa, unkillable.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Of course, boss," Julian said. "Ready to direct?" He turned towards the buses. "I'd just like to say that, despite what you might see, I AM friendly. And, if we have any of those that likes to kill Kaiju?" he grinned. "Probably a good time to restrain yourself?" Julian stepped over to a clear area, as far as possible from the coaches whilst still watching for stragglers. He knelt on one knee and put a fist to the floor and closed his eyes before he shifted up to full size gracefully. He opened his eyes to see into the upper windows of some skyscrapers before standing up and starting to pick the coaches up carefully, keeping a watch on the cafe 'owner'.
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Sun Oct 30, 2022 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:00 pm "It's on the move, and probably gonna dock there," Mark pointed to their estimated landing site as he slung his rifle over his shoulder, "Let's head them off so we can interrogate them."

As he ran, Mark unholstered his sidearm to make sure it was loaded. He needed to be prepared in case interrogation turned ugly.
Mordecai nodded and followed Mark, still thinking the one person looked familiar some how. Thankfully, as they got closer to the boat, the particular person he saw wasn't who he thought. "Just what in the heck were you folks doing out there?" He asked the boaters, "Didn't you even hear that evacuation siren?" Mordecai wasn't mad or anything, just both curious and a bit upset.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:00 pm Richter gave the ground another stomp to double-check, "OOOH!" He says as the realization hits him, "So that's why the cave system I saw down there was really straight, whoops, guess it's a good thing I didn't go through with it." He remembered the stern look Heather gave him and shivered in fear. "She would've been really mad at me."

Taking the chance to peek through his stone barrier Richter tried to gauge the distance between himself and Pestilence. After his barrage and his conversation with Wildfire Pestilence had gotten somewhat farther and trying to run above ground would definitely get its attention. Usually, tunneling would be his next best option but at the rate, Pestilence was going Richter would have a hard time keeping up.

"Think you can give me a lift?" Richter asked Wildfire, "I'm not the fastest Kaiju around and Pestilence does attack anything that attacks it. So maybe you can carry me over to a better spot to set up a lava pool?"

Richter shifted down to his disguised form, but sadly he didn't think it through and the moment the process finished Richter's clothes immediately caught fire due to the intense heat from the lava around him. Of course, since Richter had a tolerance to the heat the fires did little more than frustrate him.

"Aw come on. I just got these clothes yesterday." He pouted.
Wildfire nodded, though before doing anything else, he dipped his head down and put his lower jaw in the lava pool. He sipped, drinking several gulps of the molten rock. It burned going down, and the fiery heat radiated from the pit of his stomach outward, reigniting his dragonfire. His scales, blackened and cool, glowed cherry red from heat once more. Wildfire lifted his head out of the lava, molten rock dripping from his muzzle, then lowered his head again next to Richter. He placed his hand next to his neck, allowing the disguised Richter to climb on.

DdeeStar wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:04 pm She gives him a quick nod, caught completely off guard by his sudden appearance. With a quick glance over her shoulder to look for Mist, she follows after the wolf, trying to figure out what exactly she should be preparing. She was leaving her bike and things here, again, to fight a giant snake in the water? As much as it felt natural to be charging towards a battlefield, it had been years since she'd actually fought. She felt rusty. And with no Shifters by her side, all she had was the bit of Power to fight with. Mist could charge her up, but only if he got hurt. She wasn't going to count on her own failure. Power... that's the quick one? Yeah. Quick jabs to seize muscles on flesh, and if I can land hits on both sides of the heart I might have enough to stop it. If I knew where a snake's heart was. With a short cough to clear the rest of the heat from her mouth she adds "Hey, so what is this thing? Heather said it's a kilometer serpent? So it's just a big snake?"
"If by 'big' you mean 'causes tsunamis by just moving near shore and can fit a fully shifted Kaiju in their mouth' then yes, it's just a big snake." Fenrir said as the elevator descended. "I haven't seen this one. Sounds like an average sized Leviathan, but even those can cause major damage."

When the Elevator arrived at the tunnels, the wolf stepped out into the open. With a flash of energy, Fenrir revealed his full form as a beast-like werewolf, about 60 meters tall. "Come on." the werewolf's voice boomed and echoed in the tunnels. "Shift up and follow me."

DdeeStar wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:04 pm The reveal of the cloaked cat leaves him in the dead center of the room, having been stopped at the precise moment he'd paused to check on the intruder. Staring at him, eye-to-eye, a beat passes as he processes the sudden ease with which he can see the Cerberus... and the sudden ease with which the Cerberus can see him. His silencing shield of Shadow melts off as soon as the lights come on, with the Cerberus's locked attention the key to dashing it to pieces.
"JYAAAAA!" Mist cries out in alarm, reactively trying to jump straight up, leap for some non-existent cover, and sprint for the door all at once, leaving him to bounce only a slight distance back instead before collapsing in an unbalanced wreck. Heart pounding in his chest, with his own rapid breathing the loudest noise in the room, he struggles between what options he has. If he runs, the Cerberus will certainly attack when his back is turned. If he attacks first, maybe he can cause enough damage to get an opening. But the sheath is too visible, there's no w-
"I- N-no" He squeaks out softly, the response coming without his choice. "A-ahuh...ha- Ar-re yo-u h-here to k-ill-" His breath hitches as his mind refuses to acknowledge this ending, his options pushed more readily to the forefront of his mind. He could handle this stranger, he could make his way out. He was Rakshasa, unkillable.
"No." the Cerberus, currently disguised in the form of a dog zoomorph, said. "I'm with the KDF, like you are. I... can feel your suffering. I just... I guess I felt compelled to see if I could help you. At least I could watch over you. Make sure you didn't get hurt."

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:54 am "Of course, boss," Julian said. "Ready to direct?" He turned towards the buses. "I'd just like to say that, despite what you might see, I AM friendly. And, if we have any of those that likes to kill Kaiju?" he grinned. "Probably a good time to restrain yourself?" Julian stepped over to a clear area, as far as possible from the coaches whilst still watching for stragglers. He knelt on one knee and put a fist to the floor and closed his eyes before he shifted up to full size gracefully. He opened his eyes to see into the upper windows of some skyscrapers before standing up and starting to pick the coaches up carefully, keeping a watch on the cafe 'owner'.
The moment Julian shifted, there was a clamor of excitement, confusion, fear, and interest as people flocked to the side of the buses that gave the best view of the giant fox. Some seemed like they were about to panic, but were calmed by some of the others. The Cafe owner rode the bus up when Julian picked them up, then climbed out and crossed the Colossus's arm to his shoulder. Holding on tight, he shouted up to Julian. "Don't say anything or you'll bust my ears." he warned first. "I won't be able to understand you anyway, but I know you can still understand me. The shelter is to the North West, 11 O'clock! Looks like a storm bunker, entrance facing south!"

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:00 pm "Really?" Mark took his rifle back and peered through the scope.

Mark didn't even get a chance to try and determine which one of the three looked familiar as the boat suddenly lurched out of sight. Decreasing the zoom on his scope revealed that a Kaiju was ushering the boat back to shore. Wanting to confirm if his hunch was right or not Mark traced the trajecting of where they were going.

"It's on the move, and probably gonna dock there," Mark pointed to their estimated landing site as he slung his rifle over his shoulder, "Let's head them off so we can interrogate them."

As he ran, Mark unholstered his sidearm to make sure it was loaded. He needed to be prepared in case interrogation turned ugly.
SeanWolf wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 10:41 am Mordecai nodded and followed Mark, still thinking the one person looked familiar some how. Thankfully, as they got closer to the boat, the particular person he saw wasn't who he thought. "Just what in the heck were you folks doing out there?" He asked the boaters, "Didn't you even hear that evacuation siren?" Mordecai wasn't mad or anything, just both curious and a bit upset.
"We ain't sayin' nothin' without lawyers and a guarantee of protection!" the 'captain' said immediately.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

CyberDragon wrote: Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:24 pm Wildfire nodded, though before doing anything else, he dipped his head down and put his lower jaw in the lava pool. He sipped, drinking several gulps of the molten rock. It burned going down, and the fiery heat radiated from the pit of his stomach outward, reigniting his dragonfire. His scales, blackened and cool, glowed cherry red from heat once more. Wildfire lifted his head out of the lava, molten rock dripping from his muzzle, then lowered his head again next to Richter. He placed his hand next to his neck, allowing the disguised Richter to climb on.
Conveniently the fires only ate away at his tank top due to being made with much more flammable material. His shorts while a little bit more resistant still were in tatters with a few small embers burning to life before Richter slapped them to snuff them out. When Wildfire lowered his head and hand rather than climb on, Richter decided to save time by slamming his foot into the ground which caused a small platform to shoot up and propel Richter into the air just high enough that he could easily land on Wildfire's hand. Once he landed Richter cycled hands through many poses before he finally remembered the thumbs-up gesture he'd seen many other Zoomorph and humans give each other and flashed it Wildfire.

CyberDragon wrote: Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:24 pm "We ain't sayin' nothin' without lawyers and a guarantee of protection!" the 'captain' said immediately.
The captain spoke of lawyers and legal action but Mark knew what he saw when he peered through his rifle scope. They were throwing something into the water and Mark had probable cause. While he did want to confirm his suspicions Mark decided it was best to play their game for now at least. Mark cleared his throat and fiddled with his phone and made sure it was recording audio and video before placing it in his chest pocket with the camera facing outward.

"Before we begin I would like to notify you that due to the suspicious nature of this altercation and spouting of legal action I am recording for an accurate record of events. If you would like, you may say nothing but I ask that you comply with the procedure. I saw your men disposing of something into the waters, while I might be wrong I would like to inspect your cargo and disposal license. Crater City takes the cleanliness of its waters very seriously given that a certain dragon routinely likes to make trips out here to cool off their fires before it becomes a public hazard. Rest assured we will protect you from this incoming disaster but failure to comply will not reflect well on you or your men."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:24 pm "If by 'big' you mean 'causes tsunamis by just moving near shore and can fit a fully shifted Kaiju in their mouth' then yes, it's just a big snake." Fenrir said as the elevator descended. "I haven't seen this one. Sounds like an average sized Leviathan, but even those can cause major damage."

When the Elevator arrived at the tunnels, the wolf stepped out into the open. With a flash of energy, Fenrir revealed his full form as a beast-like werewolf, about 60 meters tall. "Come on." the werewolf's voice boomed and echoed in the tunnels. "Shift up and follow me."
She's left mostly silent, trying to figure out if there was some plan she just wasn't privy to. If there was a massive snake that was just going to eat them, there was better ideas than running in front of it and hitting it, right? Or was this whole traitor thing more important than actually winning this fight? While she wouldn't put it past Heather (and, by extension, the KDF) to immediately throw her a suicide mission, there was a lot to suggest Heather had just as little idea what was going on, considering she had basically exploded not long ago. She snaps out of her thoughtful trance as the doors slide open, coming to the conclusion that she'd just have to figure it out. Her head cranes to watch the wolf skyrocket upwards, remarking "Fully shifted you or fully shifted Kaiju?" with a small laugh.

Planting her stance, she positions her hands across her flanks under her slept-in shirt, taking a moment to steady her breathing before tearing her claws across her stomach. A mighty roar erupts from her as the Power crackles along her coat, discharging harmlessly into the ground. The echo fades as she recovers, the rush of Shifting fading back to her previous disposition as she adds "Does Heather just collect lapdogs?" in the same amused tone.
CyberDragon wrote: Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:24 pm "No." the Cerberus, currently disguised in the form of a dog zoomorph, said. "I'm with the KDF, like you are. I... can feel your suffering. I just... I guess I felt compelled to see if I could help you. At least I could watch over you. Make sure you didn't get hurt."
The little cat remains still in his discomfort for several moments, letting the shudder vanish from both his breathing and his voice as he tries to reason through his thoughts. Better yet, reason through what was pushing this fear so violently into him. Every time his mind strays towards that fear the burst of energy returns to his thoughts, inciting a smaller burst of that same terror and scramble of focus, until eventually he gives up. Slowly, cautiously, he corrects his position, pushing himself to be sitting upright, legs drawn against his chest as he warily regards the stranger. Without processing what he says, he approaches the fear again. "No. You - You aren't. The K- we were on lockdown. There was - The KDF had a traitor, and he tried to kill me! He - his friend tried to - and we were on lockdown so I came to help but it was a trap." That word seems to ignite the mage, drawing a soft hiss as he speaks it and a fierce glare. He shakes off the small gasp of realization as he continues, angrily whispering: "The hunter got away from YOU. YOU brought us to him! We were on - we were on lockdown, and a stranger just - walked up to us! And - and - the portals." Mist whispers, the anger switched back to fear. "He could be anywhere. Any time. The doctor locked us in with him, and then he tried to hurt us - and Mom chased him. She's alone with him. You - you want us dead. Because we're evil. Demons." The passion has long died, leaving the emphasis on the words hollow as he lays his head on his knees, giving up on trying to watch the stranger. The long-instilled fear, aggravated by the panic, wasn't processed so much as spit nonsensically at the Cerberus, but it was enough to let him breathe a little easier. "They locked us in with him. With - guns. He was mad. The door - and I could feel it was wrong and bad but he wanted me to go in there. He knew I'm dangerous. I hurt people." His voice fails, an arm wiping budding tears at the perceived betrayal.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian had to admit he didn't know which way North was but he did know the positions of a clock and where eleven O'clock referred to. A slight left from where he was facing. He nodded and very nearly said 'O'K' but he recalled what the temporary boss had said and his old training and set off for the distant storm bunker, making an effort to make their journey as level as possible whilst trying not to breathe hard at the same time. He gave passing thought to if the Cafe Owner was enjoying the view. He'd have to ask him later.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Have you got backup?" Ronan asks the man in the KDF uniform. He doesn't know him but recognises the uniform and hopes the man is wearing a comms so he can understand a full-sized kaiju. He makes sure to look just over the man's head as he speaks so that his breath doesn't blow the man away.
"You'll want to arrest these men. The Colonel will be very interested to talk to them. They were attracting the leviathan. You'll find a bunch of left over fish bait in those barrels. That one's George and the other is Frank. Didn't get the third guy's name though. I heard them talking about what they did and I'll happily testify in court. Someone paid them to do it too, by the way." the kelpie informs the KDF man before spitting a small jet of supercooled water at the boat's propellers and rudder, freezing them solid. He then gives the steering wheel the same treatment, making sure the men on the boat can see it.
"Oh, and tell them if they try to run I'll happily turn them into popsicles too." he adds, making sure to direct the comments towards Mark. He doesn't want to reveal Mordecai as a Kaiju, just in case. Instead he just tips the horse a friendly wink when the fishermen are distracted and hopes the Mayor will recognise him and that he will have the sense not to reveal his identity in return.

The first thing Ted does is to make sure the roc's neck and spine are healed so he can be moved without killing or paralysing him. That done, he allows the bird to be extracted from the wall and then sets about removing his clothing an analysing his injuries. He's quietly impressed at the damage the Colonel managed to do but knows better than to comment on it or to distract her from her duties.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

As the Kelpie kaiju spoke, Mark covered his free ear. While capable of adjusting Kaiju-Speak into adjustable frequencies Mark's earpiece only works on the ear the device is attached to. It's the price Mark had to pay for portability and ease of concealment but it relayed the message just fine.

Mark's expression turned grim when the Kelpie finished speaking and continued to stay grim as he relayed the message to the sailors. Now he had probable cause to search the cargo. Even though Mark had been told of their crimes he still had to see it for himself. With his phone at the ready-to-record evidence, Mark unlidded the barrels mentioned by the kelpie. Instantly, Mark had all the information he needed. It was an odd use of his culinary talents, while specializing in ramen, his culinary studies were expansive enough to have covered fish and what he saw was definitely odd. At a glance, Mark could tell it was of quality; rich in fat, probably caught en masse that very morning, the barrel was practically concentrated fish umami. Certainly, something no self-respecting fisherman would be tossing back into the water without an ulterior motive.

"Colonel," Mark had a hard time holding back a growl as he tapped his earpiece to talk to Heather, "I have solid proof and witness testimony from myself, Mayor Mordecai, and a Kelpie KDF operative that the sailors within our custody have been trying to lure the Leviathan here. Is the security breach issue dealt with? If so I would need someone from Evac Squad to come and escort these sailors to custody. The Kelpie operative says they've been paid off to lead the leviathan here. That sort of information could be invaluable."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Hlaoroo wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:01 am "Have you got backup?" Ronan asks the man in the KDF uniform. He doesn't know him but recognises the uniform and hopes the man is wearing a comms so he can understand a full-sized kaiju. He makes sure to look just over the man's head as he speaks so that his breath doesn't blow the man away.
"You'll want to arrest these men. The Colonel will be very interested to talk to them. They were attracting the leviathan. You'll find a bunch of left over fish bait in those barrels. That one's George and the other is Frank. Didn't get the third guy's name though. I heard them talking about what they did and I'll happily testify in court. Someone paid them to do it too, by the way." the kelpie informs the KDF man before spitting a small jet of supercooled water at the boat's propellers and rudder, freezing them solid. He then gives the steering wheel the same treatment, making sure the men on the boat can see it.
"Oh, and tell them if they try to run I'll happily turn them into popsicles too." he adds, making sure to direct the comments towards Mark. He doesn't want to reveal Mordecai as a Kaiju, just in case. Instead he just tips the horse a friendly wink when the fishermen are distracted and hopes the Mayor will recognise him and that he will have the sense not to reveal his identity in return.
However, it seemed Mordecai wasn't even paying attention to the kelpie, let alone even acknowledging him, as his eyes were directed to Mark, watching him inspect the illicit cargo. He then looked out to where they were dumping the fish, then back at the fish in the container Mark was looking in before walking off the boat and towards the third guy who was with the fisherman. He glanced over at the city, "You know?" he began, "When that leviathan did reach shore? This whole city's going to be underwater. Stores will be flooded...Can't really spend any money you got from attracting such a beast. I mean, if you were paid to do this which would beg the question as to who wanted to bring that creature here in the first place. But, I mean, let's be real; who would pay fisherman to attract a kaiju, let alone a leviathan, to destroy a city that they love?" He chuckled sardonically.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Sun Oct 30, 2022 8:23 pm Conveniently the fires only ate away at his tank top due to being made with much more flammable material. His shorts while a little bit more resistant still were in tatters with a few small embers burning to life before Richter slapped them to snuff them out. When Wildfire lowered his head and hand rather than climb on, Richter decided to save time by slamming his foot into the ground which caused a small platform to shoot up and propel Richter into the air just high enough that he could easily land on Wildfire's hand. Once he landed Richter cycled hands through many poses before he finally remembered the thumbs-up gesture he'd seen many other Zoomorph and humans give each other and flashed it Wildfire.
Once Richter was on his back, Wildfire took off into the sky. The dragon soared through the clouds, then dived for the putrid monstrosity below. Wildfire opened his jaws and a jet of white-hot fire burst forth, striking Pestilence in the face. The miasma ignited and exploded, causing the zombified creature to real backwards. One of the giant mushrooms growing from it's skull ignited in a roaring flame before shriveling up and falling out of the crack it was rooted in. Pestilence bellowed, more miasma erupting from it's mouth to replace what was lost.

Wildfire took the opportunity from that distraction to dive down and land in the valley right between the city and the elder Kaiju threatening it. He lowered his head to let Richter off.

DdeeStar wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:00 am She's left mostly silent, trying to figure out if there was some plan she just wasn't privy to. If there was a massive snake that was just going to eat them, there was better ideas than running in front of it and hitting it, right? Or was this whole traitor thing more important than actually winning this fight? While she wouldn't put it past Heather (and, by extension, the KDF) to immediately throw her a suicide mission, there was a lot to suggest Heather had just as little idea what was going on, considering she had basically exploded not long ago. She snaps out of her thoughtful trance as the doors slide open, coming to the conclusion that she'd just have to figure it out. Her head cranes to watch the wolf skyrocket upwards, remarking "Fully shifted you or fully shifted Kaiju?" with a small laugh.

Planting her stance, she positions her hands across her flanks under her slept-in shirt, taking a moment to steady her breathing before tearing her claws across her stomach. A mighty roar erupts from her as the Power crackles along her coat, discharging harmlessly into the ground. The echo fades as she recovers, the rush of Shifting fading back to her previous disposition as she adds "Does Heather just collect lapdogs?" in the same amused tone.
"More like she inherited us." Fenrir said, turning to run on all fours down the tunnel. As he ran, he called back. "When we get to the coast, I will head to the south. I'll try to draw it away from Giant's Pass and keep it's attention away from you. If you've got some ability to engage it at a distance, that's ideal. If not, aim for the neck just below the head, and wait for it to look away before approaching. It can't bite you if you're there."

DdeeStar wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:00 am The little cat remains still in his discomfort for several moments, letting the shudder vanish from both his breathing and his voice as he tries to reason through his thoughts. Better yet, reason through what was pushing this fear so violently into him. Every time his mind strays towards that fear the burst of energy returns to his thoughts, inciting a smaller burst of that same terror and scramble of focus, until eventually he gives up. Slowly, cautiously, he corrects his position, pushing himself to be sitting upright, legs drawn against his chest as he warily regards the stranger. Without processing what he says, he approaches the fear again. "No. You - You aren't. The K- we were on lockdown. There was - The KDF had a traitor, and he tried to kill me! He - his friend tried to - and we were on lockdown so I came to help but it was a trap." That word seems to ignite the mage, drawing a soft hiss as he speaks it and a fierce glare. He shakes off the small gasp of realization as he continues, angrily whispering: "The hunter got away from YOU. YOU brought us to him! We were on - we were on lockdown, and a stranger just - walked up to us! And - and - the portals." Mist whispers, the anger switched back to fear. "He could be anywhere. Any time. The doctor locked us in with him, and then he tried to hurt us - and Mom chased him. She's alone with him. You - you want us dead. Because we're evil. Demons." The passion has long died, leaving the emphasis on the words hollow as he lays his head on his knees, giving up on trying to watch the stranger. The long-instilled fear, aggravated by the panic, wasn't processed so much as spit nonsensically at the Cerberus, but it was enough to let him breathe a little easier. "They locked us in with him. With - guns. He was mad. The door - and I could feel it was wrong and bad but he wanted me to go in there. He knew I'm dangerous. I hurt people." His voice fails, an arm wiping budding tears at the perceived betrayal.
"The traitor was caught." the canine said calmly. "He tried to run for it, and the Colonel..." He looked down briefly in thought. "Something happened. She punched him so hard his ribs broke. His neck broke. His spine broke. He's a Kaiju, and he still broke. He flew down the hallway and became embedded in a reinforced concrete wall. From a single. Punch."

He sighed and shook his head. "I don't know what's going on. And honestly, I'm worried too. I trust the Colonel with my life, and she trusts us with hers every single day. She's a human surrounded by titans and still maintains authority from mutual respect. If she refused to work with us out of fear someone here would one day just step on her to be done with all the orders and drills and subordination I can't say I'd blame her for that fear. But she isn't afraid. She works with us on equal footing every day. We're all dangerous. The KDF doesn't care."

He smiled sympathetically and gestured toward himself. "I'm a Cerberus. My power is to witness death and illness around me. My kind were said to be the guardians of the underworld. A guard dog for a prison of the condemned souls. Heather didn't care about that. She didn't care about my association with death, or the myths about guarding Heck, or even that I had hurt people myself..." He paused and stared at his hands. "I... went to the hospital when I was a child. My parents were adoptive. Nobody knew I was a Kaiju. But when I went to the hospital... I could feel every illness and every disease and every death happening behind those walls. I ran. I was barely outside when I suddenly shifted right there in the parking circle. The shift alone hurt a lot of people..."

He looked back up at Mist. "The KDF, they brought me in. But they didn't charge me. They didn't hate me. They knew it was an accident. They got me help. Once I was of age and my family kicked me out, the KDF took me in. Helped me. Gave me food, a place to stay, and a chance to help people. They didn't care who I was. They didn't care what I had done. They understood me, and I believe, if you give us another chance, we can help you. And we can give you an opportunity to help others."

The Cerberus stood up and opened the door. "I need to go. With all that's happening, people are going to need my help. I am sorry for what happened. I hope you will give us another chance."

With that, he walked out of the room toward the elevators.

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:23 pm Julian had to admit he didn't know which way North was but he did know the positions of a clock and where eleven O'clock referred to. A slight left from where he was facing. He nodded and very nearly said 'O'K' but he recalled what the temporary boss had said and his old training and set off for the distant storm bunker, making an effort to make their journey as level as possible whilst trying not to breathe hard at the same time. He gave passing thought to if the Cafe Owner was enjoying the view. He'd have to ask him later.
Not too long after, the Cafe Owner called up again. "You were going to be assigned a partner today!" he said. "Just got a message that she's on her way here now. I'll keep my eyes open and call her out when I see her. For now, shepherd people to that shelter. Pick 'em up and move them if you need to, but be careful. Act like you're handling glass figurines."

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:58 am As the Kelpie kaiju spoke, Mark covered his free ear. While capable of adjusting Kaiju-Speak into adjustable frequencies Mark's earpiece only works on the ear the device is attached to. It's the price Mark had to pay for portability and ease of concealment but it relayed the message just fine.

Mark's expression turned grim when the Kelpie finished speaking and continued to stay grim as he relayed the message to the sailors. Now he had probable cause to search the cargo. Even though Mark had been told of their crimes he still had to see it for himself. With his phone at the ready-to-record evidence, Mark unlidded the barrels mentioned by the kelpie. Instantly, Mark had all the information he needed. It was an odd use of his culinary talents, while specializing in ramen, his culinary studies were expansive enough to have covered fish and what he saw was definitely odd. At a glance, Mark could tell it was of quality; rich in fat, probably caught en masse that very morning, the barrel was practically concentrated fish umami. Certainly, something no self-respecting fisherman would be tossing back into the water without an ulterior motive.

"Colonel," Mark had a hard time holding back a growl as he tapped his earpiece to talk to Heather, "I have solid proof and witness testimony from myself, Mayor Mordecai, and a Kelpie KDF operative that the sailors within our custody have been trying to lure the Leviathan here. Is the security breach issue dealt with? If so I would need someone from Evac Squad to come and escort these sailors to custody. The Kelpie operative says they've been paid off to lead the leviathan here. That sort of information could be invaluable."
Heather picked up her comm device and listened to what Mark had to say. She swore. "Don't let them out of your sight. The security breach has been handled. I'll send someone to pick them up. Keep them out of sight; if whoever hired them was expecting the Leviathan to kill them, they'll likely be sweating bullets now that they survived, and those bullets might just get aimed at our witnesses."

She then reached out to Wildfire over the comm device. "Wildfire, the Leviathan was lured here. Odds are, Pestilence was lured here too. Keep an eye out."

- - - - -
SeanWolf wrote: Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:56 am However, it seemed Mordecai wasn't even paying attention to the kelpie, let alone even acknowledging him, as his eyes were directed to Mark, watching him inspect the illicit cargo. He then looked out to where they were dumping the fish, then back at the fish in the container Mark was looking in before walking off the boat and towards the third guy who was with the fisherman. He glanced over at the city, "You know?" he began, "When that leviathan did reach shore? This whole city's going to be underwater. Stores will be flooded...Can't really spend any money you got from attracting such a beast. I mean, if you were paid to do this which would beg the question as to who wanted to bring that creature here in the first place. But, I mean, let's be real; who would pay fisherman to attract a kaiju, let alone a leviathan, to destroy a city that they love?" He chuckled sardonically.
"As I said, I ain't talkin' without a lawyer and protection." Frank said, his arms crossed."[/u]
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

CyberDragon wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:18 pm Once Richter was on his back, Wildfire took off into the sky. The dragon soared through the clouds, then dived for the putrid monstrosity below. Wildfire opened his jaws and a jet of white-hot fire burst forth, striking Pestilence in the face. The miasma ignited and exploded, causing the zombified creature to real backwards. One of the giant mushrooms growing from it's skull ignited in a roaring flame before shriveling up and falling out of the crack it was rooted in. Pestilence bellowed, more miasma erupting from it's mouth to replace what was lost.

Wildfire took the opportunity from that distraction to dive down and land in the valley right between the city and the elder Kaiju threatening it. He lowered his head to let Richter off.
Once low enough Richter hopped off Wildfire's head and before he could even hit the ground shifted into his full size. The impact of his landing shook the earth but doubled as the force he needed to begin the heating process in as wide and deep an area as he could muster.

First and foremost, a Zorah Magdaros's place on this world is to ensure the stability of the earth's mantle. However, for the first time since he had learned to control his powers, Richter was now using it to destroy. Trees, bushes, streams, burrows, anything, and everything that stood in Richter's path was immediately consumed by a growing heat that gave way to the ground literally boiling to the point of becoming lava. Even the small mountain on Richter's back began spewing smoke because of the heat generated as a byproduct of using his powers.

"I'll keep going to cover a much wider area!"
Richter yelled to Wildfire, "If I can squeeze it in I'll lob a few lava motes at Pestilence to give you some breathing room, but I'll let you know if there's any zoomorphs or Humans nearby just in case they got stuck out here!"

Richter then began stomping his way through his makeshift lava lake that reached up to his belly only continuing to spread the lava lake once he was certain it wouldn't hit anyone via his Seismic sense.

- - - - -
CyberDragon wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:18 pm Heather picked up her comm device and listened to what Mark had to say. She swore. "Don't let them out of your sight. The security breach has been handled. I'll send someone to pick them up. Keep them out of sight; if whoever hired them was expecting the Leviathan to kill them, they'll likely be sweating bullets now that they survived, and those bullets might just get aimed at our witnesses."

She then reached out to Wildfire over the comm device. "Wildfire, the Leviathan was lured here. Odds are, Pestilence was lured here too. Keep an eye out."
"Understood Ma'am." Mark ended the transmission and turned his focus toward his captives.

If the name of the game was security detail, then Mark was dealt a bad opening hand. They were on the pier with virtually no cover to duck behind should a firefight break out. It was possible that there might be a gunman on the buildings but it was also a possibility that an aircraft could swoop over for a fly-by shooting. Regardless they were overexposed. Mark evaluated the nearby buildings for easily defensible positions and chose the best among what was available.

"We're going to need to act fast," Mark sighed to Mordecai, "The Colonel thinks they could be in danger, so we've got to protect them until one of Evac Squad can bring them to a safe location. Those two buildings over there look the most fortified, shall we?"
Last edited by Krytus The Dreamer on Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian almost spoke again but bit his tongue. Silence was key to safety. He moved people, car by car, person by person, lifting most up to his shoulders so he could carry more. He could sense that THING approaching. Still some miles off but it was twitching his whiskers. As part of his third trip, he knelt and held out his hand for a scared child to climb up on. He gave a polite smile and used his other hand to imitate 'walking' onto his hand and then pointed to the shelter they'd be heading for.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:18 pm "More like she inherited us." Fenrir said, turning to run on all fours down the tunnel. As he ran, he called back. "When we get to the coast, I will head to the south. I'll try to draw it away from Giant's Pass and keep it's attention away from you. If you've got some ability to engage it at a distance, that's ideal. If not, aim for the neck just below the head, and wait for it to look away before approaching. It can't bite you if you're there."
With her massive step distance, Tigress kept at a jog to keep behind her guide. There wasn't much else to see in the tunnel, so she only had to worry about getting lost if he vanished on her. "I just hit things." She replies, deadpan. "As long as I can get through the scales it'll be fine." With a moment to think, she adds "Back home we used to spear them into the ground. No chance you've got anything big enough to use, huh?"
CyberDragon wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:18 pm The Cerberus stood up and opened the door. "I need to go. With all that's happening, people are going to need my help. I am sorry for what happened. I hope you will give us another chance."

With that, he walked out of the room toward the elevators.
Mist was left with a lot of thoughts. Way, way more than he was ready to deal with. The automatic arguments about why he was worse. A new terror of whatever the stranger said the Colonel just did. A softer fear for why Tigress hadn't come back if all was fine. Shame over his selfish choice to have joined the KDF in the first place. But he was alright. He wasn't sure what the Cerberus had said, or done, but he could feel some quiet sense of control again. The world wasn't ending. He could still feel his fur standing on end, his tail flicking in response to his own burned energy coating his Aura, but he was stable enough.

He's... scared. And... alone. Adopted...? And he - he hurt people too, by accident. Waiting until he could no longer hear the Cerberus's footsteps in the hall, he shoved himself to his feet, stumbling slightly under his own force. I - can't believe I lost control like that. Everyone here is here because they want to ease someone's suffering. I'm here for myself. And he took the time to help me. I wasted his time. His claws dig into his palms as he reflects on his actions, only barely catching himself before falling into the same trap of wrath his mother so enjoyed. Consciously steadying his breathing, he concludes Still not helping. I need to get out there.

Mist dashes through the halls, tracing his route back to the blast zone where the front entrance first was. The mage dodges through the rubble and assigned workers, silently recoiling automatically in shock as he happens across the doctor. Managing to push past the unconscious reaction, he approaches from the side, venturing "ah - Doctor! Can I help somehow?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

CyberDragon wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:18 pm "As I said, I ain't talkin' without a lawyer and protection." Frank said, his arms crossed."[/u]
"Alright, just saying." Mordecai nodded, walking away from Frank and back to Mark.
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:22 pm "We're going to need to act fast," Mark sighed to Mordecai, "The Colonel thinks they could be in danger, so we've got to protect them until one of Evac Squad can bring them to a safe location. Those two buildings over there look the most fortified, shall we?"
He looked over at the buildings in question then back at Mark. "Lead the way." He nodded. "If push does come to shove, I will go kaiju and help out."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

SeanWolf wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:43 am He looked over at the buildings in question then back at Mark. "Lead the way." He nodded. "If push does come to shove, I will go kaiju and help out."
With a nod, Mark pulled up his phone and brought up the KDF App. With a few clicks of his screen, he pinged the building they were going to take cover in for any free Evac squad members to know that a priority target was in this location. Mark even made sure all the proper tags were set, Suspected Criminal(s), Group of Three, Warning for Possible Assassination Attempt(s). Just yesterday Mark was wondering if he would ever get to use all the tags when pinging a target but it would seem he already had his answer.

"Alright then, let's move." Mark holstered his sidearm and had his rifle at the ready as he ushered the sailors forward to follow his lead. "You... uh Kelpie! Is your partner nearby? If you're not part of a squad dispatched to deter the leviathan we could use the extra hands. No telling what underhanded tricks could be at play and given these sailors are in the possession of vital intel Colonel wants them back alive."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Hlaoroo »

"I'm not actually KDF, sorry, so I don't have a partner. I'm just friends with Wildfire and he asked me to help out with the Leviathan. I'll keep an eye on these guys until you get them inside though. I have a bit of range with my powers." Ronan tells Mark.
"My name's Ronan, by the way. Wildfire and Colonel Heather will know how to get in touch with me if you need my testimony later."

Ted offers Mist an IV bag to hold up without looking at him. A moment later he realises who'd asked.
"Maybe. Remember how you healed me in my office? Think you could do that again, but maybe bounce it back at this guy instead?" he asks the cat as he continues to work.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:22 pm Once low enough Richter hopped off Wildfire's head and before he could even hit the ground shifted into his full size. The impact of his landing shook the earth but doubled as the force he needed to begin the heating process in as wide and deep an area as he could muster.

First and foremost, a Zorah Magdaros's place on this world is to ensure the stability of the earth's mantle. However, for the first time since he had learned to control his powers, Richter was now using it to destroy. Trees, bushes, streams, burrows, anything, and everything that stood in Richter's path was immediately consumed by a growing heat that gave way to the ground literally boiling to the point of becoming lava. Even the small mountain on Richter's back began spewing smoke because of the heat generated as a byproduct of using his powers.

"I'll keep going to cover a much wider area!"
Richter yelled to Wildfire, "If I can squeeze it in I'll lob a few lava motes at Pestilence to give you some breathing room, but I'll let you know if there's any zoomorphs or Humans nearby just in case they got stuck out here!"

Richter then began stomping his way through his makeshift lava lake that reached up to his belly only continuing to spread the lava lake once he was certain it wouldn't hit anyone via his Seismic sense.
Pestilence continued to march closer to Richter on the way to the city, but slowed as the intense heat beat against it's face and the lava lit up it's vacant, rotting eye. The beast moaned and stopped in it's tracks, then turned and started walking further south to look for a way around the danger.

Wildfire dove from the sky once again and blasted Pestilence's face with fire, causing it to bellow and step back again. It hurled a wad of decay at the dragon - who blasted it in midair with fire - and started moving north, seeking another way around the lava lake.

"Richter! Got a call from Heather!" Wildfire shouted from above. "She thinks someone is luring Pestilence here! Pestilence feeds on the bodies of diseased life, particularly diseased people. It used to control plagues by consuming the infected, dead, and near-dead. If someone is luring it here, we're looking for a lot of sick people in a very small area."

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 6:34 am Julian almost spoke again but bit his tongue. Silence was key to safety. He moved people, car by car, person by person, lifting most up to his shoulders so he could carry more. He could sense that THING approaching. Still some miles off but it was twitching his whiskers. As part of his third trip, he knelt and held out his hand for a scared child to climb up on. He gave a polite smile and used his other hand to imitate 'walking' onto his hand and then pointed to the shelter they'd be heading for.
While Julian helped the child to the shelter, the Cafe Owner had his phone out and was texting with someone on the other end. He then scanned the town below, found what he was looking for, and grinned. "Hey Julian, I think I see your partner over there!" he pointed down towards someone on the ground.

There, staring up at Julian with her mouth open in stunned silence, was Tracie in KDF recruit fatigues.

The Cafe Owner covered his ears, fully expecting some kind of loud exclamation to come from the building-sized muzzle next to his head.

DdeeStar wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:30 am With her massive step distance, Tigress kept at a jog to keep behind her guide. There wasn't much else to see in the tunnel, so she only had to worry about getting lost if he vanished on her. "I just hit things." She replies, deadpan. "As long as I can get through the scales it'll be fine." With a moment to think, she adds "Back home we used to spear them into the ground. No chance you've got anything big enough to use, huh?"
"City Counsel was adamant about not wanting Kaiju running around with skyscraper-sized weapons in the city." Fenrir answered. "That said, we'll be outside of city limits. I think there are some older Kaiju weapons down this way, assuming the Counsel didn't have them cleared out."

The wolf took the next turn and ran into an open chamber. Sure enough, there were some objects there that could be considered weapons, though clearly quite simple or even improvised. "Let's see... we've got a hammer made of bundled I-Beams welded to a tank. A spear made from an entire redwood tree with a piece of an icebreaker's hull attached to the tip, and a pair of swords that, now that I look closer, seem to actually be airplane wings that are reinforced and fixed to giant handles."

DdeeStar wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:30 am Mist was left with a lot of thoughts. Way, way more than he was ready to deal with. The automatic arguments about why he was worse. A new terror of whatever the stranger said the Colonel just did. A softer fear for why Tigress hadn't come back if all was fine. Shame over his selfish choice to have joined the KDF in the first place. But he was alright. He wasn't sure what the Cerberus had said, or done, but he could feel some quiet sense of control again. The world wasn't ending. He could still feel his fur standing on end, his tail flicking in response to his own burned energy coating his Aura, but he was stable enough.

He's... scared. And... alone. Adopted...? And he - he hurt people too, by accident. Waiting until he could no longer hear the Cerberus's footsteps in the hall, he shoved himself to his feet, stumbling slightly under his own force. I - can't believe I lost control like that. Everyone here is here because they want to ease someone's suffering. I'm here for myself. And he took the time to help me. I wasted his time. His claws dig into his palms as he reflects on his actions, only barely catching himself before falling into the same trap of wrath his mother so enjoyed. Consciously steadying his breathing, he concludes Still not helping. I need to get out there.

Mist dashes through the halls, tracing his route back to the blast zone where the front entrance first was. The mage dodges through the rubble and assigned workers, silently recoiling automatically in shock as he happens across the doctor. Managing to push past the unconscious reaction, he approaches from the side, venturing "ah - Doctor! Can I help somehow?"
Hlaoroo wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 4:17 am Ted offers Mist an IV bag to hold up without looking at him. A moment later he realises who'd asked.
"Maybe. Remember how you healed me in my office? Think you could do that again, but maybe bounce it back at this guy instead?" he asks the cat as he continues to work.
"Mist!" Heather called. "Good, I see you're helping the doctor, but once you're done there it's all hands on deck. The mole and the hunters have been caught, and the base is no longer locked down. However, we've received and confirmed reports of two Kaiju threatening the city. An Elder Kaiju known as Pestilence is approaching from the East, and a 10 kilometer long Leviathan is approaching from the ocean in West. Your mother is on her way to the Coast with a Kaiju known as Fenrir. They're going to attempt to repel the Leviathan. Others will join them down by the coast. You can join her there, or you can join Julian and Ferman - the Cerberus you met - down in South Town as they get people to shelters, or you can join Fenrir and your mother by the coast."

She puts a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for what happened. I never should have let you go into that room. But I need you to be strong. There will be time to take a breath soon, but now is not that time."

SeanWolf wrote: Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:43 am He looked over at the buildings in question then back at Mark. "Lead the way." He nodded. "If push does come to shove, I will go kaiju and help out."
"Wait... 'go Kaiju?' What's that mean?" Frank asked.
Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Wed Nov 09, 2022 6:23 am With a nod, Mark pulled up his phone and brought up the KDF App. With a few clicks of his screen, he pinged the building they were going to take cover in for any free Evac squad members to know that a priority target was in this location. Mark even made sure all the proper tags were set, Suspected Criminal(s), Group of Three, Warning for Possible Assassination Attempt(s). Just yesterday Mark was wondering if he would ever get to use all the tags when pinging a target but it would seem he already had his answer.

"Alright then, let's move." Mark holstered his sidearm and had his rifle at the ready as he ushered the sailors forward to follow his lead. "You... uh Kelpie! Is your partner nearby? If you're not part of a squad dispatched to deter the leviathan we could use the extra hands. No telling what underhanded tricks could be at play and given these sailors are in the possession of vital intel Colonel wants them back alive."
"Partner? Ain't like... rider or somethin'? And... Why're you talkin' to that beast? 'fact, Why's it still hanging 'round here? And how'd you get it to push our ship back anyway?" Frank continued, the rusted gears turning in his head and just starting to clear out the cobwebs.
Hlaoroo wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 4:17 am "I'm not actually KDF, sorry, so I don't have a partner. I'm just friends with Wildfire and he asked me to help out with the Leviathan. I'll keep an eye on these guys until you get them inside though. I have a bit of range with my powers." Ronan tells Mark.
"My name's Ronan, by the way. Wildfire and Colonel Heather will know how to get in touch with me if you need my testimony later."
Frank covered his ears to avoid the pain of a giant Kaiju speaking too close to them. "Now hold on! That was a response! Sounded like a buncha growling, but it was a response! It can understand you? Can it understand me?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:23 pm "City Counsel was adamant about not wanting Kaiju running around with skyscraper-sized weapons in the city." Fenrir answered. "That said, we'll be outside of city limits. I think there are some older Kaiju weapons down this way, assuming the Counsel didn't have them cleared out."

The wolf took the next turn and ran into an open chamber. Sure enough, there were some objects there that could be considered weapons, though clearly quite simple or even improvised. "Let's see... we've got a hammer made of bundled I-Beams welded to a tank. A spear made from an entire redwood tree with a piece of an icebreaker's hull attached to the tip, and a pair of swords that, now that I look closer, seem to actually be airplane wings that are reinforced and fixed to giant handles."
Carefully navigating the corner, Tigress wandered into the impromptu armory nearly blind. The limitations he had mentioned didn't disappoint her, considering she'd never actually had a weapon capable of use at her full size before anyway. Basic smithing was the extent of the Yaksas weaponry, and she'd spent more time with a shortbow than anything else thanks to the many hunting trips. She waits as her guide describes the weapons, silently thankful, though she understood little more than the ideas of the weapons he gestured to. "Beats nothing."

Her first priority was the labeled hammer, a tool she had more recent experience with. Deftly it swings in her hand, then is returned with a soft "hmmf". The I-Beams disturbed her grip and the head wasn't hefty enough. Probably better used by someone who holds it in their mouth and short-hafts it.

The spear actually manages to displace her as she forces it into her hands, the ungainly height a surprise. It was plenty tall. Provided the edge held, it tracked with her experience and knee-jerk plan of pinning it into the ground. And with time short, good enough was the best she was looking for. "Alright! I'll have to talk to someone about finding something a little sharper later, but I can make do with this. Maybe take one of the snake's fangs or something." She announces, giving the weapon a thrust into the air before sweeping it back behind her. It nearly slips from her grasp, but her quick reaction manages to recover it against her side with only a moment of awkwardness. "Stupid backwards thumbs. Let's move."
Hlaoroo wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 4:17 am Ted offers Mist an IV bag to hold up without looking at him. A moment later he realises who'd asked.
"Maybe. Remember how you healed me in my office? Think you could do that again, but maybe bounce it back at this guy instead?" he asks the cat as he continues to work.
The rookie receives the bag automatically, gingerly manipulating it so he can look for some label of what odd liquid was within. This idle activity stops immediately with the note of He remembered. He knows. jumping into his thoughts, causing him to shake his head quickly as he tries to dislodge the suspicion. His silence presses him to speak, finally making eye contact with the Doctor. "Ah-yeah-it'll... If you do it with your hands, I just- I can put my hand on yours and it'll use all this that's on me. I'm - I'm really charged right now though, so just - start really slow, it's... it's like a multiplier. Not adding." He falls to whispers, peeking back to check on the lashing of his tail that alerts him to his roiling Aura. He didn't know what overhealing looked like, but with his luck, he was about to find out. Shifting the bag into his offhand, he kneels down to the injured party -
CyberDragon wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:23 pm "Mist!" Heather called. "Good, I see you're helping the doctor, but once you're done there it's all hands on deck. The mole and the hunters have been caught, and the base is no longer locked down. However, we've received and confirmed reports of two Kaiju threatening the city. An Elder Kaiju known as Pestilence is approaching from the East, and a 10 kilometer long Leviathan is approaching from the ocean in West. Your mother is on her way to the Coast with a Kaiju known as Fenrir. They're going to attempt to repel the Leviathan. Others will join them down by the coast. You can join her there, or you can join Julian and Ferman - the Cerberus you met - down in South Town as they get people to shelters, or you can join Fenrir and your mother by the coast."

She puts a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for what happened. I never should have let you go into that room. But I need you to be strong. There will be time to take a breath soon, but now is not that time."
Mist gasps audibly as his name is shouted, searching wildly for the source despite the familiar voice. As Heather continues and is identified the alarm ceases, leaving him merely tensed as he listens, his gaze flicking between the Doctor and Heather every few seconds. As she approaches she gets his full attention, a violent flinch in reaction to the contact, though he manages to stop himself from trying to tear away from her grip. Clearly, she meant no harm. But the contact and the claustrophobic feeling rising rapidly as the two strangers addressed him was hard to disguise, his breath forcefully managed. "I'm fine. I'm-I'm perfect, don't worry!" He lies automatically. His head turns completely away from her, towards the mangled Roc. Obviously, she wouldn't believe him, but she probably needed him to say that so she could leave him alone. Same as the teachers. That sight did not calm his nerves, somehow, leading him to merely close his eyes completely and hold a blind, softly trembling hand a ways above the body. "Can we - please - can we just do this I need to go, I need to help Mom." He whispers breathlessly.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

CyberDragon wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:23 pm Pestilence continued to march closer to Richter on the way to the city, but slowed as the intense heat beat against it's face and the lava lit up it's vacant, rotting eye. The beast moaned and stopped in it's tracks, then turned and started walking further south to look for a way around the danger.

Wildfire dove from the sky once again and blasted Pestilence's face with fire, causing it to bellow and step back again. It hurled a wad of decay at the dragon - who blasted it in midair with fire - and started moving north, seeking another way around the lava lake.

"Richter! Got a call from Heather!" Wildfire shouted from above. "She thinks someone is luring Pestilence here! Pestilence feeds on the bodies of diseased life, particularly diseased people. It used to control plagues by consuming the infected, dead, and near-dead. If someone is luring it here, we're looking for a lot of sick people in a very small area."
"You can hear her from all the way out-" Richter stopped himself, "Nevermind, not important."

Once again Richter slammed his two claws into the Lava creating a massive splash that sent lava spewing everywhere. In addition to helping spread the lava around him, Richter was also sending out another wave of vibrations. Of all the targets to search for using his seismic senses those sick and unwell were the hardest. Since they could barely move, they could barely give off any vibrations to give themselves away. Still Richter had to try, there had to be something he was missing. Anything.

Hlaoroo wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 4:17 am "I'm not actually KDF, sorry, so I don't have a partner. I'm just friends with Wildfire and he asked me to help out with the Leviathan. I'll keep an eye on these guys until you get them inside though. I have a bit of range with my powers." Ronan tells Mark.
"My name's Ronan, by the way. Wildfire and Colonel Heather will know how to get in touch with me if you need my testimony later."
When Ronan mentioned he wasn't KDF a thought occurred to Mark. Even if Ronan knew how to control his powers and handle himself in a fight, having not one but technically two civilian Kaiju in the mix complicated things. If Anti-Kaiju dissenters found out they'd have a field day, claiming they were rogue Kaiju acting on their own, ignoring the fact that Ronan and Mordecai were trying to help during a time of crisis. His knowing about their civilian status made things even more complicated as it could be taken that the KDF actively encouraged this sort of behavior and didn't care to regulate Kaiju activity like they were supposed to. However, beggers couldn't be choosers, "Pleased to make your acquaintance then, my name is Otogami Hazamaru, but I've been given the nickname Mark over here. I look forward to working with you."
CyberDragon wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:23 pm Frank covered his ears to avoid the pain of a giant Kaiju speaking too close to them. "Now hold on! That was a response! Sounded like a buncha growling, but it was a response! It can understand you? Can it understand me?"
Mark held back an exasperated sigh as his group finally reached the building, "Sir, we at the KDF have been saying that Kaiju are as sentient as you or I are." Mark was about ready to unleash an entire tirade but the incoming threat of a leviathan left time a luxury Mark couldn't afford.

Once everyone was inside, Mark reached into his backpack and pulled out his spare communicator, and tossed it to Frank. Seeing, or in this case, hearing was believing after all. "Here educate yourself and if I were you I'd refrain from calling him a beast, monster, abomination, or anything of the sort. It doesn't make for a good first, or in your case, second impression. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to secure the perimeter."

Mark then set to work evaluating which of the current windows on the ground floor are the most vulnerable to attacks and placing just enough smoke bombs preemptively around them just in case.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian almost couldn't help it. He just about managed to stop himself calling out in surprise but still released a small "Wh..?" before swallowing to compose himself. He had people too close. It was difficult to get people to trust you if you blew out their eardrums. And he'd probably send the kid flying. He sensed he was going to need to talk with Tracie when he dropped the new batch off. As for now..? Almost insanely gently, he picked Tracie up between his fingers and put her down next to the boy before lifting them up to his shoulder and moving off.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

"Of course we can understand you! I'm not only a mayor of a town, but a kaiju myself, sir, and right now? We're the only thing standing between you and that leviathan out there. So, please, do what Mark over there said and educate yourself." Mordecai replied rather exasperatedly, turning to watch Mark for a bit as a way to cool himself down, all the while readying himself just in case he needed to act. "How's it looking, Mark?" He yelled over.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

DdeeStar wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 11:01 pm Carefully navigating the corner, Tigress wandered into the impromptu armory nearly blind. The limitations he had mentioned didn't disappoint her, considering she'd never actually had a weapon capable of use at her full size before anyway. Basic smithing was the extent of the Yaksas weaponry, and she'd spent more time with a shortbow than anything else thanks to the many hunting trips. She waits as her guide describes the weapons, silently thankful, though she understood little more than the ideas of the weapons he gestured to. "Beats nothing."

Her first priority was the labeled hammer, a tool she had more recent experience with. Deftly it swings in her hand, then is returned with a soft "hmmf". The I-Beams disturbed her grip and the head wasn't hefty enough. Probably better used by someone who holds it in their mouth and short-hafts it.

The spear actually manages to displace her as she forces it into her hands, the ungainly height a surprise. It was plenty tall. Provided the edge held, it tracked with her experience and knee-jerk plan of pinning it into the ground. And with time short, good enough was the best she was looking for. "Alright! I'll have to talk to someone about finding something a little sharper later, but I can make do with this. Maybe take one of the snake's fangs or something." She announces, giving the weapon a thrust into the air before sweeping it back behind her. It nearly slips from her grasp, but her quick reaction manages to recover it against her side with only a moment of awkwardness. "Stupid backwards thumbs. Let's move."
Fenrir nods and grabs the duel swords before running back into the tunnels. He takes a right, then heads straight. Eventually the two of them reach a section where the walls feel far more natural. Salty ocean water and sand covered the ground, creating giant splashes as the two Kaiju ran through it. Eventually, they exited out of a natural looking cave formation and splashed down into the ocean. The water went up to Fenrir's knees, and his movement through the sea generated large waves as he made his way north to where the Leviathan was sighted.

"Ronan's already here? Wildfire must have sent him. But he's not KDF, so lets get to the Leviathan." he mentioned, glancing over to Ronan near a boathouse before moving past and heading West. He could see the waves the Leviathan kicked up from where they were.

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 12:40 am "You can hear her from all the way out-" Richter stopped himself, "Nevermind, not important."

Once again Richter slammed his two claws into the Lava creating a massive splash that sent lava spewing everywhere. In addition to helping spread the lava around him, Richter was also sending out another wave of vibrations. Of all the targets to search for using his seismic senses those sick and unwell were the hardest. Since they could barely move, they could barely give off any vibrations to give themselves away. Still Richter had to try, there had to be something he was missing. Anything.
At first, there would be little to feel from Richter's seismic sense. But there was a slight anomaly. Faint motion, hard to make out but lake a lot of people sharing one or two big footprints. He would not be able to make out much more than the general area to search for them, but they were somewhere in South City's trainyard.

Meanwhile, Pestilence has taken aim at Richter, and once again lobbed a giant glob of rot and disease straight for him.

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 1:59 am Julian almost couldn't help it. He just about managed to stop himself calling out in surprise but still released a small "Wh..?" before swallowing to compose himself. He had people too close. It was difficult to get people to trust you if you blew out their eardrums. And he'd probably send the kid flying. He sensed he was going to need to talk with Tracie when he dropped the new batch off. As for now..? Almost insanely gently, he picked Tracie up between his fingers and put her down next to the boy before lifting them up to his shoulder and moving off.
Once Julian dropped off the next load of civilians, Traci looked up at him. "JULIAN????" she exclaims. "You're a Kaiju?!?! And... Wait, was this the job you told me you interviewed for yesterday? That's so wild! I went in for my interview literally the day before you did!"

"You got a spare comm?" the former Colonel asked.

"Sure do!" Tracie said, tossing them to him. Very carefully.

The former Colonel puts them on. "Right then. You got permission to speak, Dove. The comms'll keep my ears from bursting."

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 12:40 am Mark held back an exasperated sigh as his group finally reached the building, "Sir, we at the KDF have been saying that Kaiju are as sentient as you or I are." Mark was about ready to unleash an entire tirade but the incoming threat of a leviathan left time a luxury Mark couldn't afford.

Once everyone was inside, Mark reached into his backpack and pulled out his spare communicator, and tossed it to Frank. Seeing, or in this case, hearing was believing after all. "Here educate yourself and if I were you I'd refrain from calling him a beast, monster, abomination, or anything of the sort. It doesn't make for a good first, or in your case, second impression. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to secure the perimeter."

Mark then set to work evaluating which of the current windows on the ground floor are the most vulnerable to attacks and placing just enough smoke bombs preemptively around them just in case.
The building they had chosen to take shelter in was a boathouse just big enough for Ronan's head to fit in. Frank took the comm device and, looking suspiciously at Mark, put it in his ear. He turned toward Ronan and asked. "Uh... Can you understand me? And... uh... if so... how much did you hear?" he asked.
SeanWolf wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 3:30 pm "Of course we can understand you! I'm not only a mayor of a town, but a kaiju myself, sir, and right now? We're the only thing standing between you and that leviathan out there. So, please, do what Mark over there said and educate yourself." Mordecai replied rather exasperatedly, turning to watch Mark for a bit as a way to cool himself down, all the while readying himself just in case he needed to act. "How's it looking, Mark?" He yelled over.
There wasn't much outside. Most people had already evacuated the immediate area. A helicopter flying overhead was the only source of human life to be seen.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Richter had devoted his entire focus onto pinpointing Wildfire's target. It was harder than expected but after diligently searching Richter's senses finally managed to pick up something note worthy.

With a bit of excitement Richter perked up and pointed to the trainyard excitedly "Over there Wildfire! I sense some-

Richter then noticed the glob of rotten death headed his way. He wasn't nimble enough to dodge it nor did he have an escape route to avoid its initial impact as well as its following burst upon landing. Rather than relying on quick thinking, instead, Richter fell back on his training to master his powers. His body moved almost like it was on autopilot and the once stiff and hardy movements softened. In the face of incoming danger Richter calmly swayed his arms from his initial position the next causing the lava around him to react. As quickly as he could will it, Richter commanded the lava around him to form a curtain to block the projectile. As the two volatile forces collided in mid-air Richter could only hope his strength could over power Pestilence's.


Mark's eyes squinted ever so slightly. The helicopter had little to no reason to be in this area. Kaiju attack procedures require all non-KDF vehicles to be grounded in case they become collateral. If it were KDF he would've noticed the unmistakable decals. Even if it was a KDF helicopter Mark had seen it first hand most if not all civilians were long gone by now. Mark knew he could be overthinking things but he needed to be sure.

"Everything seems clear for now, except for one lone Helicopter." Mark said to Mordecai as he pulled out his phone and used the app to tweak the frequency to check the standard for most air-born vehicles. "I could be wrong but just in case I'm going to establish communications. If they're civilian I'm gonna have to ask them to turn around, if they're KDF they might be the ride Colonel Heather sent for us. In any case, we should stay vigilant."

With each standardized frequency setting, Mark spoke into his comms "This is Agent Otogami of the KDF, unidentified aircraft above Crater City Bay please identify yourself."

He would then give it a good few minutes before cycling into another frequency and starting the cycle over again until the aircraft would respond.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Julian couldn't help but smile at the beautiful Vixen. He still kept his voice down, just in case. "You think you're stunned," he asked. "I was fretting on how to tell you, Traci. And the answer just walks up to me?" He flashed her a smile some thirty foot in height for a few seconds. "Are there any more pickups I need to make?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 12:35 am
Fenrir nods and grabs the duel swords before running back into the tunnels. He takes a right, then heads straight. Eventually the two of them reach a section where the walls feel far more natural. Salty ocean water and sand covered the ground, creating giant splashes as the two Kaiju ran through it. Eventually, they exited out of a natural looking cave formation and splashed down into the ocean. The water went up to Fenrir's knees, and his movement through the sea generated large waves as he made his way north to where the Leviathan was sighted.

"Ronan's already here? Wildfire must have sent him. But he's not KDF, so lets get to the Leviathan." he mentioned, glancing over to Ronan near a boathouse before moving past and heading West. He could see the waves the Leviathan kicked up from where they were.
Tigress's light jog continues after Fenrir, taking the time to inspect her weapon more closely. The polearm's haft was visible enough due to the material, but the actual point was effectively invisible in the dim tunnel. It blended into the Shadow. Hopefully, the actual battlefield would have enough ambient energy to show her where the edge she needed was. The analysis stops as soon as her foot hits the water, sending a chill shock through her entire system. With a quick stutter-step she loses no speed, shaking off the surprise as she watches her target kick up waves. Natural water contained trace amounts of Raw Energy, making it more visible to her than the dead earth, but nowhere near enough to be a threat to her self-control.

As she finally ducked through the cave's opening and returned to the open air, she takes a deep breath and surveys her surroundings, an odd surrealism to it all. She'd always expected this to be the sight once she finally snapped at some issue the city had caused her, and she'd just attack whatever was nearby. Destroy and maim. Shrieks of terror, the crash of steel and concrete, and the booms of various explosives all to follow. It was something she'd dreamt about, even romanticized in her darker times. She feels her heart starting to beat faster, as though she'd been caught in some evil act, and her grip tightens around the spear. It didn't feel right. She didn't desire to destroy the city - at least not at the moment - but she'd so forcefully ingrained in herself the idea that just being herself like this anywhere near the city would mean the end of her, and Mist. If she was doing the right thing, why did it feel so... profane?

With a wordless growl she shakes her head, steeling her resolve. Their secret was already out. Whatever she'd done to cause this doomed feeling was done now, probably. It still bothered her, but this guy was leading her to someone she could take it out on, so it was time to push on. Leave the thinking to those suited for it. With a curt nod, she acknowledges Fenrir, continuing after him with soft unease.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:29 am Mark's eyes squinted ever so slightly. The helicopter had little to no reason to be in this area. Kaiju attack procedures require all non-KDF vehicles to be grounded in case they become collateral. If it were KDF he would've noticed the unmistakable decals. Even if it was a KDF helicopter Mark had seen it first hand most if not all civilians were long gone by now. Mark knew he could be overthinking things but he needed to be sure.

"Everything seems clear for now, except for one lone Helicopter." Mark said to Mordecai as he pulled out his phone and used the app to tweak the frequency to check the standard for most air-born vehicles. "I could be wrong but just in case I'm going to establish communications. If they're civilian I'm gonna have to ask them to turn around, if they're KDF they might be the ride Colonel Heather sent for us. In any case, we should stay vigilant."

With each standardized frequency setting, Mark spoke into his comms "This is Agent Otogami of the KDF, unidentified aircraft above Crater City Bay please identify yourself."

He would then give it a good few minutes before cycling into another frequency and starting the cycle over again until the aircraft would respond.
While Mark dealt with the helicopter, Mordecai leaned next to him, gazing into the distance. "Just doesn't make sense; Why would someone go through the trouble to hire folks and get them to attract a kaiju just to destroy a city?" He thought as he looked at the horizon, waiting for the leviathan to show itself. Many theories played in his mind and while they all seemed plausible, there was one that just stuck with him more than the others. One that, if it was a house, had a better foundation than the rest. He tapped Mark on the shoulder, "Could you do me a favor?" he asked. "Could you make a call to your HQ and ask them if the Crater City Council evacuated all at the same time or separately? I just have this theory in my head and I'm curious about it." Honestly, Mordecai wasn't even sure if his theory was true but, if it was, it would explain a few things, especially in regards to the past two days.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Yes. And... Everything!. So, if you want to avoid spending the rest of your miserable existence in a tiny cell for, I dunno, six million counts of attempted murder and a couple of billion dollars worth of property damage, then I highly recommend you cooperate fully with the KDF and tell them everything they want to know." Ronan tells Frank, his voice dripping with menace.

Feeling the growing waves, he glances back into the bay.
"Mark, Mordecai, I gotta go head this thing off. You gonna be all right with these three until I get back?"

"Let's do it. But before you touch anything, put this on." Ted offers Mist a disposable glove, holding it open and folded out slightly over his fingers so the cat can slide his paw straight in without touching the hare's contaminated gloves.
"Make sure you use paw sanitiser after you deglove. Now, ready?" At the cat's signal, the doctor slowly allows his healing magic to flow through Mist, watching both the roc and the cat closely for any reaction.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

Hlaoroo wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:33 pm "Let's do it. But before you touch anything, put this on." Ted offers Mist a disposable glove, holding it open and folded out slightly over his fingers so the cat can slide his paw straight in without touching the hare's contaminated gloves.
"Make sure you use paw sanitiser after you deglove. Now, ready?"[...]
"It's not going to work then..." Mist mutters, annoyed, only for his ear to flick twice. His expression changes, the sudden curiosity temporarily taking hold as he slowly puts his hand in the glove. "Well... actually, let's try it." He had tried gloves before, a pair of winter mittens. They worked against heat and cold, but they hadn't insulated against electricity - Power - and he'd managed to burn himself on a doorknob's static shock. If the good doctor's power worked through these, they would draw from him just as well, wouldn't they? With that reasoning he returned to the scene at hand, carefully leaning forward and placing a balled fist atop Ted's readied hand. He gives one quick nod at the Roc.
Hlaoroo wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:33 pm [...] At the cat's signal, the doctor slowly allows his healing magic to flow through Mist, watching both the roc and the cat closely for any reaction.
Mist's coat visibly rises as the healing first takes effect, his fangs bared in surprise as he fights against jumping away. He watches alongside Ted as the deep bruising and cuts of the patient rapidly stitch themselves together. As the wounds soften, so too does his discomfort. The itching under his skin, the dull buzz in his hearing, the vibrancy of the colors around him, and the tension in his muscles: all fade slowly. The vast amount of energy coating him burns rapidly as it refines into the more complex form, failing to surpass a doubling of Ted's provided potency at most. With the size of the patient in question and the depths of the injuries, Mist's lost strength runs out shortly before the doctor can call the healing complete, though he holds his position until given a sign to stop. When finally prompted, he pulls his hand back with quiet reverence, eyes still on the unconscious Roc. His previous urgency is gone, all his attention split between theorizing about Ted's power and searching for other hints as to what had happened. The times when he would carry that much energy were few and far between - the laceration on his arm had gone completely numb with the sensory rush, and the pain welcomed him back to safety. A beat passes without reaction as he enjoys his newfound peace. Then his head flicks quickly up at Ted, his whisper anxious. "Did it work?"
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by CyberDragon »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:29 am Richter had devoted his entire focus onto pinpointing Wildfire's target. It was harder than expected but after diligently searching Richter's senses finally managed to pick up something note worthy.

With a bit of excitement Richter perked up and pointed to the trainyard excitedly "Over there Wildfire! I sense some-

Richter then noticed the glob of rotten death headed his way. He wasn't nimble enough to dodge it nor did he have an escape route to avoid its initial impact as well as its following burst upon landing. Rather than relying on quick thinking, instead, Richter fell back on his training to master his powers. His body moved almost like it was on autopilot and the once stiff and hardy movements softened. In the face of incoming danger Richter calmly swayed his arms from his initial position the next causing the lava around him to react. As quickly as he could will it, Richter commanded the lava around him to form a curtain to block the projectile. As the two volatile forces collided in mid-air Richter could only hope his strength could over power Pestilence's.
The ball of poison struck the curtain of lava and exploded into a large fireball, spraying lava onto the mountainsides to either side of Richter's lava pool. Wildfire punishes Pestilence with a blast of fire to the face, causing the diseased corpse of a Kaiju to reel back again.

"Careful!" Wildfire called out. "Don't take your eyes off of this thing. Some of the diseases in there hit Kaiju differently, especially some of the parasitic plagues. If the illness doesn't kill you, it'll hijack your mind and make you spread the disease," he warned. "I'll have Cerb head down and check the trainyard."

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:50 am Julian couldn't help but smile at the beautiful Vixen. He still kept his voice down, just in case. "You think you're stunned," he asked. "I was fretting on how to tell you, Traci. And the answer just walks up to me?" He flashed her a smile some thirty foot in height for a few seconds. "Are there any more pickups I need to make?"
"Woah..." Traci said, marveling at Julian's smile. "Your teeth are bigger than I am... Cool!"

"The officers on the ground can direct most of the people to the shelters. If you see any jams, see if you can clear them." the Ex-Colonel said. "Though it looks like we're going to get some help." he pointed into the distance where a gigantic three-headed dog was trotting through the city streets, careful of where he was stepping. The dog approached Julian and the others and spoke.

"Sir, I'm here to help with Pestilence. Heather thinks it's being lured here, which means that somewhere in this town there's a large number of untreated sick people in a very small area." the Cerberus's middle head spoke to the Cafe Colonel.

"I got a message from Wildfire on our way down." the right head spoke. It had a sort of large audio device hooked around it's ear. "One of the recruits identified an area of interest around the train yard."

"Even from here, I can smell death from that direction... If we're going to stop Pestilence, we need to find whatever's luring it and remove them from the area." the left head said while sniffing at the air.

"Right... Dove, we need medical supplies and masks. Take your partner to a pharmacy or hospital and make your way to the train yard. I'll go with Cerberus and meet you there."

DdeeStar wrote: Fri Dec 09, 2022 10:30 am Tigress's light jog continues after Fenrir, taking the time to inspect her weapon more closely. The polearm's haft was visible enough due to the material, but the actual point was effectively invisible in the dim tunnel. It blended into the Shadow. Hopefully, the actual battlefield would have enough ambient energy to show her where the edge she needed was. The analysis stops as soon as her foot hits the water, sending a chill shock through her entire system. With a quick stutter-step she loses no speed, shaking off the surprise as she watches her target kick up waves. Natural water contained trace amounts of Raw Energy, making it more visible to her than the dead earth, but nowhere near enough to be a threat to her self-control.

As she finally ducked through the cave's opening and returned to the open air, she takes a deep breath and surveys her surroundings, an odd surrealism to it all. She'd always expected this to be the sight once she finally snapped at some issue the city had caused her, and she'd just attack whatever was nearby. Destroy and maim. Shrieks of terror, the crash of steel and concrete, and the booms of various explosives all to follow. It was something she'd dreamt about, even romanticized in her darker times. She feels her heart starting to beat faster, as though she'd been caught in some evil act, and her grip tightens around the spear. It didn't feel right. She didn't desire to destroy the city - at least not at the moment - but she'd so forcefully ingrained in herself the idea that just being herself like this anywhere near the city would mean the end of her, and Mist. If she was doing the right thing, why did it feel so... profane?

With a wordless growl she shakes her head, steeling her resolve. Their secret was already out. Whatever she'd done to cause this doomed feeling was done now, probably. It still bothered her, but this guy was leading her to someone she could take it out on, so it was time to push on. Leave the thinking to those suited for it. With a curt nod, she acknowledges Fenrir, continuing after him with soft unease.
The wolf continued running out to sea towards where the Leviathan could be seen. Once he got a safe distance away from the shore, he stood up on his hind legs. Water dripped and splashed from his chest, as the water was starting to get deep for him. "I can't go much deeper, but you can. I'm going to hit from a distance. If it gets too close, I'll use these swords. You get up close while I get its attention."

The great wolf lifted his head towards the sky and opened his massive jaws. A mighty vortex formed as Fenrir sucked in enormous quantities of air from around him, causing gusts of wind to flow and swirl in the area. He closed his jaws, faced the approaching leviathan, and released hurricane-force winds straight at it.

The leviathan started to slow down as it fought against the wind and waves. It's enormous monstrous head, like a snake with fins, burst forth from the water and shrieked, its eyes on the wolf.

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Tue Dec 06, 2022 3:29 am Mark's eyes squinted ever so slightly. The helicopter had little to no reason to be in this area. Kaiju attack procedures require all non-KDF vehicles to be grounded in case they become collateral. If it were KDF he would've noticed the unmistakable decals. Even if it was a KDF helicopter Mark had seen it first hand most if not all civilians were long gone by now. Mark knew he could be overthinking things but he needed to be sure.

"Everything seems clear for now, except for one lone Helicopter." Mark said to Mordecai as he pulled out his phone and used the app to tweak the frequency to check the standard for most air-born vehicles. "I could be wrong but just in case I'm going to establish communications. If they're civilian I'm gonna have to ask them to turn around, if they're KDF they might be the ride Colonel Heather sent for us. In any case, we should stay vigilant."

With each standardized frequency setting, Mark spoke into his comms "This is Agent Otogami of the KDF, unidentified aircraft above Crater City Bay please identify yourself."

He would then give it a good few minutes before cycling into another frequency and starting the cycle over again until the aircraft would respond.
The chopper didn't respond, neither did it have any identifying marks. Though Ronan might find it somewhat familiar from somewhere. The helicopter hovered around the top of the crater ridge for a while, then flew off.
Hlaoroo wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:33 pm "Yes. And... Everything!. So, if you want to avoid spending the rest of your miserable existence in a tiny cell for, I dunno, six million counts of attempted murder and a couple of billion dollars worth of property damage, then I highly recommend you cooperate fully with the KDF and tell them everything they want to know." Ronan tells Frank, his voice dripping with menace.

Feeling the growing waves, he glances back into the bay.
"Mark, Mordecai, I gotta go head this thing off. You gonna be all right with these three until I get back?"
Stunned, Frank lowers the communicator and steps back. He slowly walks over to an overturned spare lifeboat near the wall. Reflecting on his own stupid life choices, he takes a seat on the boat...


A bullet flew in through the window and struck the wall right behind where Frank's head had been. He let out a rather high-pitched shriek, fell backwards off of the raft, and ducked under it for cover.

DdeeStar wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:13 pm Mist's coat visibly rises as the healing first takes effect, his fangs bared in surprise as he fights against jumping away. He watches alongside Ted as the deep bruising and cuts of the patient rapidly stitch themselves together. As the wounds soften, so too does his discomfort. The itching under his skin, the dull buzz in his hearing, the vibrancy of the colors around him, and the tension in his muscles: all fade slowly. The vast amount of energy coating him burns rapidly as it refines into the more complex form, failing to surpass a doubling of Ted's provided potency at most. With the size of the patient in question and the depths of the injuries, Mist's lost strength runs out shortly before the doctor can call the healing complete, though he holds his position until given a sign to stop. When finally prompted, he pulls his hand back with quiet reverence, eyes still on the unconscious Roc. His previous urgency is gone, all his attention split between theorizing about Ted's power and searching for other hints as to what had happened. The times when he would carry that much energy were few and far between - the laceration on his arm had gone completely numb with the sensory rush, and the pain welcomed him back to safety. A beat passes without reaction as he enjoys his newfound peace. Then his head flicks quickly up at Ted, his whisper anxious. "Did it work?"
The Roc is still out cold, but his breathing starts to get less pained as his injuries begin to heal.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Right," Julian said, nodding and being careful not to knock Traci off. He looked towards the train lines. "I think Saint Beretta Molla Hospital is our best bet, Traci? Sir, you may want to tell them we're coming." So saying, he started off. "How's your first day going," he asked Traci with amusement.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Richer reeled back from the resulting explosion.

"R-Right!" Richter responded, "I'll be more careful."

Keeping a more careful watch on his target Richter began spreading his power to more of the surrounding landscape to replace the lost lava in the attack. As he moved through the lake to spread it wider, Richter occasionally lobbed more motes at Pestilence trying to get it to change directions.


"We should be fine here for the time being," Mark sighed to Ronan "Go ah-

The sound of breaking glass and a bullet hitting concrete cut Mark off causing him to tackle the nearest other witness into safe cover before any more shots could be fired. Instantly he brought out his trigger for the smoke bomb but managed to stay his hand. There was still too much he didn't know. How many people were shooting at him? Mark looked to the spot where the bullet landed and only saw one, but there wasn't the familiar sound of gunfire, the enemy must be using a silencer. Without the sound of the gunfire it was hard to tell what kind of gun he was being shot with and therefore couldn't figure out their maximum/minimum distance. At the very least he could tell where the bullet came from, but he couldn't tell from what angle without compromising his position. He could obscure the shooter's vision but his smoke bombs were initially there if anybody tried to crash through the windows but detonating them now would cut off his ability to shoot back. Ronan's body was sticking out the side of the building so of course, they'd know a Kaiju was with him. What sort of Anti-Kaiju measures did they have in place?

Mark was inundated with unknowns and it made him hesitant to act. Still, Mark knew full well that the priority was the witnesses so he knew he couldn't leave them behind. Instead Mark focused on what he could do, and the highest of importance on that list was to call for help.

"Colonel!" Mark urgently brought his hand up to his ear to activate his coms, "We're under fire! I repeat! We're under fire! We don't have eyes on the shooter but we're pinned down. Judging from the angle whoever it is intended to kill the captain. I'm requesting backup in case there are more shooters that have us surrounded."

"Mordecai Sir!" Mark yelled out as he pointed to the offending window, "It's coming from over there! Number of enemies unknown, max/min distance unknown, I'm calling for backup but what do we do until help arrives."
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by SeanWolf »

Krytus The Dreamer wrote: Wed Dec 21, 2022 6:34 pm "We should be fine here for the time being," Mark sighed to Ronan "Go ah-

The sound of breaking glass and a bullet hitting concrete cut Mark off causing him to tackle the nearest other witness into safe cover before any more shots could be fired. Instantly he brought out his trigger for the smoke bomb but managed to stay his hand. There was still too much he didn't know. How many people were shooting at him? Mark looked to the spot where the bullet landed and only saw one, but there wasn't the familiar sound of gunfire, the enemy must be using a silencer. Without the sound of the gunfire it was hard to tell what kind of gun he was being shot with and therefore couldn't figure out their maximum/minimum distance. At the very least he could tell where the bullet came from, but he couldn't tell from what angle without compromising his position. He could obscure the shooter's vision but his smoke bombs were initially there if anybody tried to crash through the windows but detonating them now would cut off his ability to shoot back. Ronan's body was sticking out the side of the building so of course, they'd know a Kaiju was with him. What sort of Anti-Kaiju measures did they have in place?

Mark was inundated with unknowns and it made him hesitant to act. Still, Mark knew full well that the priority was the witnesses so he knew he couldn't leave them behind. Instead Mark focused on what he could do, and the highest of importance on that list was to call for help.

"Colonel!" Mark urgently brought his hand up to his ear to activate his coms, "We're under fire! I repeat! We're under fire! We don't have eyes on the shooter but we're pinned down. Judging from the angle whoever it is intended to kill the captain. I'm requesting backup in case there are more shooters that have us surrounded."

"Mordecai Sir!" Mark yelled out as he pointed to the offending window, "It's coming from over there! Number of enemies unknown, max/min distance unknown, I'm calling for backup but what do we do until help arrives."
Huddled up against the wall, Mordecai looked over at the where the shot landed. Looks like whoever hired them is trying to silence them, he thought as he peaked out from cover. Another shot rang out, this one whizzing by his head by a mere inch and causing him to swear a little but, at the same time, giving him an idea. It was risky as he wasn't sure if it'd work, but he wasn't going to let anyone die today, not even the idiots who wanted to kill the city. "Mark!" he shouted as he tossed him his button shirt, revealing a rather impressive six-pack underneath, along with his phone and wallet. "You protect the fisherman and keep them safe! I'm going to give our sniper out there something else to shoot at!" With a cracking of his neck, Mordecai sprinted out from the safety of the building and, for some reason known only to him, dove into the ocean as a third shot cracked the sky. Though it was quiet, the silence was soon to be broken. For the ocean where he dove began to bubble and rumble. Very soon, like a classic movie monster, a massive horse creature emerged from the depths, it's roar echoing throughout the city. Standing before all to see was a Tikbalang and it wasn't happy. Looking to where the shots came from, the tikbalang grinned and made a 'bring it' gesture towards whoever fired the shots.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

"wait thats..!" Was all Mark could say before the shirt harmlessly smacked his face followed by a wallet and phone hitting him in the chest.

Thankfully he was reactive enough to catch the two items, but when Mark removed the shirt from his face Mordecai was already out the door. Carefully Mark maneuvered through what cover he had to get an angle on Mordecai as he ran. Two, maybe three shots. Mark wracked his mind desperately trying to calculate the angle of the bullets trying to hit Mordecai. Since they were focused on Mordecai now, Mark peeked through the window trying to see which of the buildings the sniper could be located in.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote: Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:47 pm The wolf continued running out to sea towards where the Leviathan could be seen. Once he got a safe distance away from the shore, he stood up on his hind legs. Water dripped and splashed from his chest, as the water was starting to get deep for him. "I can't go much deeper, but you can. I'm going to hit from a distance. If it gets too close, I'll use these swords. You get up close while I get its attention."

The great wolf lifted his head towards the sky and opened his massive jaws. A mighty vortex formed as Fenrir sucked in enormous quantities of air from around him, causing gusts of wind to flow and swirl in the area. He closed his jaws, faced the approaching leviathan, and released hurricane-force winds straight at it.

The leviathan started to slow down as it fought against the wind and waves. It's enormous monstrous head, like a snake with fins, burst forth from the water and shrieked, its eyes on the wolf.
Her voice is stuck in her throat. Without a word she pushes alongside the waves, trudging towards the threat. Initially, she keeps a clear space, circling along with growing speed as she gets farther from her backup until the engagement is parallel to the shore. This way she wouldn't be knocked into the boardwalk on a good hit, but she wouldn't block a retreat. And if she was lucky, a stray wave would throw it off balance and give her a shot at the head. She'd just need to stay out of their range herself. Now... A soft laugh spills from her, set in a defensive stance as she cranes her neck upward. Something she'd... never had to do before. "<^^>." She growls, the challenging grin growing across her muzzle as the spear is brought to a ready position. Planting her stance, she glares up at the serpent and roars "ALRIGHT! Let's see what color you bleed, Nagaraja!", charging forward with the blade held down in preparation for an opening.
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