Important Message For Everyone Here

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Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by SeanWolf »

I want to preface this post by saying this: I understand that not everyone here is having issues with this current arc and that’s OK. I’m not saying that everyone here is having issues and/or problems with this arc, but I have noticed some of you are and I would like to take some time and help you guys with handling these feelings and issues you may be having right now. This is all coming from first-hand experience as well.

Recently, there have been many readers reading this current Housepets arc that are having some feelings of anxiety and varying other mental issues stemming from the recent pages and I completely understand. This arc is a surprisingly very dark arc and has been dealing with some dark and, for some, triggering subject matters, especially the last few pages. I know they aren’t real characters and they aren’t really dead, but even on-screen deaths of fictional characters can be triggering for many. If this arc is triggering to anyone here and you are feeling any sort of mental issue, then please, hold off on reading Housepets until this arc is over.
I'm not saying to avoid the comic entirely, let me be perfectly clear. If it’s just this arc that’s bothering you in any capacity, then just read the past arcs that you love and enjoyed and don't bother with this arc. But, if you truly can’t read any of Housepets because it’s reminding you of this arc and not even reading the arcs you love is helping you? Then it’s OK if you have to step away from the comic for a while. No one is forcing you to keep reading.

Listen, anxiety is a fear and fear is like a winged creature from the Netherworld. The moment we let it into our lives and affect us even in the slightest? You’ll have a heck of a time trying to get rid of it. Why? Cause it already got its claws latched into you and it won’t let go without a fight. Why, every time you give in to your fear, it’s sitting back and laughing, digging its claws deeper into you! The more it sees you giving in, the stronger it gets. But, you want to know something? Fear has its own fear and what they fear is more powerful than it. What they fear is something called POSITIVITY. The more you give into positivity and focus on the good things in your life and the things that make you happy and the less you give into fear? The more you give fear something to fear.

Yes, like many of you, I'm looking forward to HP going back to slices of life and this arc being over, but I'm not going to let me being anxious/fearful over this arc take over me mentally. I'm going to do what I said earlier and do things that bring me happiness and help me to focus less on the things that bring fear and anxiety into me. In fact, for the last few pages, this is what I’ve been doing and maybe it’ll help you as well: I read the newest page whenever it goes up. Then, I give my thoughts on it on the forums and then? I forget about it. I don't go back to re-reading the page and don't venture to the forums to see what other folks are saying about the current page. I forget about the page, move on, and I do things to keep my mind off of it and focus on good things (like playing a game, working on something, or listening to my favorite bands). That's probably the best advice I can give anyone who’s dealing with any type of anxiety and/or mental stress/issue that’s stemming from this arc: Do things that can help keep your mind off of things that trouble you.

Let me bring in an example here: When I was going through some very rough mental issues in my life, my mother, while she was helping me through it, gave me this little piece of advice: Instead of doing the same ole’ song and dance every day, why not do different things instead? Like cleaning my room, for instance, which I did and I noticed something; The more I had my mind focused on the room cleaning, the less I was focusing on the things that troubled me. Now, they didn’t go away overnight, let me be clear here, as I still had them for a while. But, the more I kept up with doing different little things to keep my focus away from the negativity and fear, the less they bothered me.

You don't want these thoughts coming to you? Well, do other things to keep your mind occupied. Instead of a violent video game? Play something non-violent, like Minecraft. Read a good book. Do some cleaning/rearranging in your room. Take a walk outside for a bit. Sit outside in the air in silence for a bit (No music, no videos on YouTube, etc.), or build a Lego set. It's not an instant change and it may take a bit, but once it does happen? You'll be a better person physically, mentally, and spiritually. Will those thoughts come back? Sadly, yes, but if you keep focusing on the good things and continue to replace the negative with positivity, you can win this battle and not have those thoughts bug you as such. The more you speak about it, the more it's going to remain in your head and trouble you like it is. Yes, what’s happening in the comic is dark, but you shouldn't let this affect you and ruin your life.

Listen, I'm not saying these things to be mean. I'm just trying, as someone who went through this myself for years, to help you folks out. Yes, I get that the topic of death in any media is scary and can bring fear to any one, but you don’t have to let it affect you. "Oh, I tried everything but I just can’t get these pages out of my head and I have to keep focusing on them and worrying.” Don’t say things like that. You’re speaking negatively and the more you speak negative things like that? The more the negative will thrive within you. When you say things like that, you're letting it control you. Instead, say something like, “I know these pages I read were depressing and dark, but I am not going to let it affect me and my enjoyment of this comic or my life on a whole.”

My point that I’m trying to make is this: If this arc is bothering anyone here in any way, then you do not have to feel bad about skipping this arc or not reading Housepets on a whole until this arc is over. Your mental health and well-being is more important. Again, everyone is affected differently by the subjects being discussed and shown in this arc, so not everyone reacts the same. I also ask that you do not make fun of or belittle anyone that is having problems with this arc.

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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That has been very well said Sean! You are right about it. If people need to skip an arc because it makes them uncomfortable nobody will fault them for it.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by MischaTheWolf »

I’m still on arc 129, so idk if I have room to speak on this, but I fully agree on what you are saying, Sean. I’ll be honest, Housepets! is probably one of my favorite things in the world, but at the end of the day, we have to keep in mind, it’s just a story. Things will happen and the story will probably take turns that upset fans. Rick’s interests have clearly changed over the course of the years, and that’s alright. It’s also alright to be upset with the changes, just don’t let them conquer you. I like to think back to when Res and Grape were discussing plans about the last Pridelands novel, and it’s talked about that not every fan can be pleased. When I do hit Heckraiser, I think its very possible that I will not enjoy that arc specifically, but who knows? This is a passion project and even if you disagree with what is happening or find the arc upsetting, (I know I will be very ticked off if Tarot dies), it’s important to remember it’s only a story, and it has no right to ruin your day.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Its not like Rick set out to make this arc incredibly upsetting either. This is the last arc before he does short stories and I have a feeling he wanted to make it BIG.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by NHWestoN »

I want to be very careful here because I don't want to offend or hurt anyone, and I really don't want to get bombarded with a barage of "OK Boomer" messages. Like a number of folks, I've had some - how to say this? - disappontments in recent directions that Housepets has taken. But, as I've said too many times before, it's Rick's world and I'm just a guest here.

One source of anxiety seems to be that the pacing of the narrative has slowed down since Rick decided to go from three comics a week to only two and often just one. Kinda reminds me of those "Cliffhanger serial movies" we'd watch on TV or the firehouse Saturday movies - they'd end with the heroes in dire peril or near death but, to know what happened, you'd have to wait until next week to catch the next episode. Overtime, some of us stayed with the sagas because they were fun, exciting, and catchy. Others got tired of the waits and stopped watching - the mind game went from exciting to annoying. The slower pacing, I think, has begun to bother the fan base who'd like to get to the "last chapter" faster.

Secondly, people get strongly invested in the characters - and no one likes seeing favorite charactes die. That's NOT supposed to happen, especially in what is ... at base ... a "funny animals" comic strip. Now, historically, Rick has only "killed" one or two minor characters and hasn't done that in a decade (unless, maybe, TheForgotten). Secondly, having established a world in which characters have immortal souls and afterlifes, he has narrative options to resolve any deaths through resurrections or transformations. That said, it's Rick's world so ... guess we'll have to wait.

Third, I too miss the "slice of life" and "situation comedies" and "comic duo conflicts (and quasi-romances)" like Peanut and Grape (or Max and Bino; Fox and Kevin; Jessica and the Racoons used to have that were also very funny but also very emotionally uplifting and humorously satisfying. I miss the comic partnerships (Tarot and Sabrina, Ink and Jessica, Tiger and Marvin, and the Wolf Pack; Rex and Yeltsin) I miss some of the slam-bang hilarity of the movie and play reenactments and Christmas pageants. Truthfully, many of recent characters and storylines just don't interest me much while there are older characters I thought deserved more in-depth development (well, you knew I'd mention Daisy somewhere, didn't you?). However, part of being a good "fan" is reconciling yourself again to the realities of being a guest in someone else's world.

Sooooo ....
(1) trust Rick to care for his characters - he has a good track record there.
(2) Expect to get your emotions jarred - he does that, too.
(3) Old Maxim: If something that was fun is no longer fun, stop doing it. Don't worry, the world will give you more than enough pain so don't create your own.

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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by D-Rock »

Thing is, anxiety ranges from "move along" to "debilitating." Seen at least one example of the latter already. The brain is a complicated thing, and it can under some circumstances be our worst enemy.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by DDeer »

I'm just waiting to see how this arc resolves itself but appreciate everyone interprets and is affected by the world in different ways, the mind is truly a complex thing as you say D-Rock and everyone deals with things in different ways. I am all for authors taking their own path even if that may not be to everyones taste. The optimist in me hopes there is a happy resolution, it is often darkest before the dawn.....
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Wrenisprobablyb0red »

I agree with what Sean said about anxieties and stuff.
I'll leave any comments I have on Heckraiser part 5 for the discord at the risk of sounding too negative. I think NHWestoN raises some decent points but when it comes down to it I don't think I fully agree with the three numbered points he made.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm sure that people who can no longer read the comic due to having stress about the comic arc has probably stopped. After all, most people put their own health first over a comic.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

You know, it's kind of funny...

This arc has several things going on which I can totally see being disturbing to a chunk of the audience, but none of them are the kinds of things that have made me decide to put the comic down in the past. It's interesting how, not only are everyone's limits different, but the things which bother us themselves can be very different.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by SeanWolf »

RockstarRaccoon wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:36 pm You know, it's kind of funny...

This arc has several things going on which I can totally see being disturbing to a chunk of the audience, but none of them are the kinds of things that have made me decide to put the comic down in the past. It's interesting how, not only are everyone's limits different, but the things which bother us themselves can be very different.
And that's fine. Not everyone is affected by this arc. But, some folks are, and this is here to help those people out.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by SeanWolf »

I want to add something here: If anyone here is having any of the above issues with this arc or just need someone to talk to in regards to this arc, then feel free to message me here, Discord, or Telegram (you'll find me in the Housepets channels on both of those) and I'll do my best to not only listen but help you out as well to the best of my abilities.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm sure that there are quite a few people that someone who is having issues with this arc can also seek out. That was Sean doesn't get flooded by readers who need to talk.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 2:34 pm I'm sure that there are quite a few people that someone who is having issues with this arc can also seek out. That was Sean doesn't get flooded by readers who need to talk.
True. Still, I'm available in case anyone needs someone to talk to.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I get that. I only was trying to make sure you didn't get flooded with requests for help. :)
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by NHWestoN »

I'd really hate to think there were too many folks in that situation ... still, it is the Twenty-First century and the dark ages are yet to dispell ...
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Harry Johnathan »

I highly doubt anyone is gonna be depressed because of the comic itself, it's far more likely something external like money problems or an illness.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Some people can be overly sensitive and be affected and triggered by what is going on in the comic. It can cause a bit of anxiety in them just like any media can.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by D-Rock »

Harry Johnathan wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:21 pm I highly doubt anyone is gonna be depressed because of the comic itself, it's far more likely something external like money problems or an illness.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by NHWestoN »

D-Rock wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 9:59 pm
Harry Johnathan wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:21 pm I highly doubt anyone is gonna be depressed because of the comic itself, it's far more likely something external like money problems or an illness.
You’d be surprised, trust me.
Sadly, D, no ... I wouldn't. Small joys seem especially fragile these days. But, hey, stay alert ... the tide turns ... or the squirrel scoots ... or the pomeranian pummels ... or ....... anyways, be not dismayed.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by angelusbr »

I came back to see how the comic was doing and I'm baffled at seeing people's reaction. How is the current arc upsetting or triggering for the matter? Rick is literally making jokes while characters are "dying" making light of the whole situation. Everyone will either get ressurrected consequence free or enjoy a stay in heaven by the end of this arc.

It's still the same random sillyness from day one, except now with more magic thrown into it. There are no bad consequences and no real heart or trial the characters have to go through.

Any impact and sadness you feel will vanish when rick clicks the "undo bad things without consequence" button at the end of the arc, like how he erased Sasha's entire plotline.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Honestly I was never sure why people thought that the "deaths" would be permanent but I'm not gonna say they can't be triggering. Seeing your favorite character getting blown away by lasers might end up causing people some bad anxiety in some way but I don't think we should judge.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by SeanWolf »

angelusbr wrote: Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:19 pm I came back to see how the comic was doing and I'm baffled at seeing people's reaction. How is the current arc upsetting or triggering for the matter? Rick is literally making jokes while characters are "dying" making light of the whole situation. Everyone will either get ressurrected consequence free or enjoy a stay in heaven by the end of this arc.

It's still the same random sillyness from day one, except now with more magic thrown into it. There are no bad consequences and no real heart or trial the characters have to go through.

Any impact and sadness you feel will vanish when rick clicks the "undo bad things without consequence" button at the end of the arc, like how he erased Sasha's entire plotline.
People react differently to things going on in media, including this arc.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Harry Johnathan »

angelusbr wrote: Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:19 pm I came back to see how the comic was doing and I'm baffled at seeing people's reaction. How is the current arc upsetting or triggering for the matter? Rick is literally making jokes while characters are "dying" making light of the whole situation. Everyone will either get ressurrected consequence free or enjoy a stay in heaven by the end of this arc.

It's still the same random sillyness from day one, except now with more magic thrown into it. There are no bad consequences and no real heart or trial the characters have to go through.

Any impact and sadness you feel will vanish when rick clicks the "undo bad things without consequence" button at the end of the arc, like how he erased Sasha's entire plotline.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by D-Rock »

Go tell the people with anxiety that were triggered by this that, then.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You can't just say that people who read along with this arc shouldn't be triggered like this and make it sound like its ridiculous to even be upset about it. Some people just have extreme emotional reactions to things. Even if you think they are mundane it is wrong to try to brush their reactions aside.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Harry Johnathan »

I'm just saying, while I feel bad for those people, this comic is ultimately a work of fiction, and adding onto that it is not meant as a serious, artful piece of fiction with "deep themes" about actual war or demons or death: it's just a neat diversion, a funny little comic-strip, with stakes not that much higher than say, a cartoon on TV. At the end of the day, everything will be fine (the announced sequel series is proof of that). And if people ARE worried, its probably, as I said earlier, an external real-life issue they project onto the comic and this community. I have anxiety and OCD, so I know what this is all like.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by D-Rock »

Then you should also know that it can affect people differently. All that’s asked is an understanding of such and avoid belittling those who suffer in a different way.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by MischaTheWolf »

I can understand for some people it is tragic to lose a funny slice of life comic to this cosmic dimensional stuff. I personally miss when it was just funny, lighthearted stories with the odd fantasy sprinkled here and there. But even in the midst of all this chaos and death, I can assure you, it will be alright. The sequel series is underway and even if the dead characters don’t come back, they’ll be having a good time in heaven and won’t be forgotten.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by angelusbr »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:46 pm You can't just say that people who read along with this arc shouldn't be triggered like this and make it sound like its ridiculous to even be upset about it. Some people just have extreme emotional reactions to things. Even if you think they are mundane it is wrong to try to brush their reactions aside.
I could perfectly understand why this arc would be upsetting if:

1)Sequel hadn't been announced
2)It wasn't established that resurrection is a thing and that afterlife was mysterious and no one knew much about it, so the thought of the unknown after death would be scary
3) Rick was capable of writing serious material without cracking jokes.

This entire arc had characters doing or saying "funny" things before they were "zapped".
Another example, one of the most emotional and dark (because of what Grape said about the wolf actor) moments in the comic had to have a joke making light of the situation: ... my-dreams/

If a light hearted story with no real consequences (everyone will be fine in the end, either resurrected or enjoying high life in heaven) triggers you, then you have other issues in life.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by SeanWolf »

angelusbr wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:52 am
Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:46 pm You can't just say that people who read along with this arc shouldn't be triggered like this and make it sound like its ridiculous to even be upset about it. Some people just have extreme emotional reactions to things. Even if you think they are mundane it is wrong to try to brush their reactions aside.
I could perfectly understand why this arc would be upsetting if:

1)Sequel hadn't been announced
2)It wasn't established that resurrection is a thing and that afterlife was mysterious and no one knew much about it, so the thought of the unknown after death would be scary
3) Rick was capable of writing serious material without cracking jokes.

This entire arc had characters doing or saying "funny" things before they were "zapped".
Another example, one of the most emotional and dark (because of what Grape said about the wolf actor) moments in the comic had to have a joke making light of the situation: ... my-dreams/

If a light hearted story with no real consequences (everyone will be fine in the end, either resurrected or enjoying high life in heaven) triggers you, then you have other issues in life.
Again, people react differently to events in all different types of media, especially with Housepets. Even with certain subjects already being established, they can still be triggering for some readers.

Also, as both I and D-Rock stated, we ask that you do not make fun of or belittle anyone that is having problems with this arc as, again, everyone reacts differently.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by NHWestoN »

Everybody owns their own pain and has no obligation to justify those emotional reactions to the rest of us. A little more patience and a lot more kindness would do us all a world of good.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

We don't know in what ways people could be affected by the arc even if they do know all of the information. It isn't down to us to judge or belittle them if they are upset by something.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by MischaTheWolf »

I know Housepets! is just a story and I’ve already stated that. But I’m legit guilty of feeling attachment to it to the point where I’ve dreamt of incarnating into their universe only to wake up and be disappointed the rest of the day. So, yes, it’s just a comic, but some people will be affected by it more than they should be.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That is just one example of being affected by it but I'm sure there are plenty more. It is not our place to say it is wrong to feel a certain way.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by trekkie »

I can definitely see how this current arc might be upsetting to some people, I have my own frustrations with this arc which I won’t go into here, and whilst this current arc hasn’t particularly triggered me, I have had to leave the comic in the past, because of how other arcs affected me. One piece of advice I might give to anyone, in addition to Sean’s excellent advice, is, if bring on the forum, and thinking about the characters aren’t triggering, or upsetting is to write your own fanfics, just ignore the current arc, and make up your own. This helped me. It might not work for everyone, but it did help me out. And yes, your health is more important than HP!,(or any other fiction ) so if you need to step away for a while, it doesn’t make you weak or stupid, it just makes sense and you don’t owe anyone an explanation . Take care of yourselves, you matter.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by NHWestoN »

Fanfics are often a kind of therapeutic journalism. I think trek is on to something helpful and wise.
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by SeanWolf »

trekkie wrote: Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:52 am I can definitely see how this current arc might be upsetting to some people, I have my own frustrations with this arc which I won’t go into here, and whilst this current arc hasn’t particularly triggered me, I have had to leave the comic in the past, because of how other arcs affected me. One piece of advice I might give to anyone, in addition to Sean’s excellent advice, is, if bring on the forum, and thinking about the characters aren’t triggering, or upsetting is to write your own fanfics, just ignore the current arc, and make up your own. This helped me. It might not work for everyone, but it did help me out. And yes, your health is more important than HP!,(or any other fiction ) so if you need to step away for a while, it doesn’t make you weak or stupid, it just makes sense and you don’t owe anyone an explanation . Take care of yourselves, you matter.
You know, that bit about writing your own fan fics is actually good advice!
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I do really agree with that. Though I need someone to help me write a fanfic since I can't do it on my own. >_<
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Re: Important Message For Everyone Here

Post by angelusbr »

Oh, look. Dragon is completely ignoring Tarot's sacrifice. I'm soooo invested in this "drama".
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