My old and finished Fanfiction - Care Bears

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My old and finished Fanfiction - Care Bears

Post by CryosR »

Hi, I mentioned I was a writer in my introduction and I decided to finally talk about some of the things I've written in the past. Part of me wants to try posting them here one chapter at a time but the problem is that first, these stories are very long and even if I could post them here the time needed to do so would take up most of my free time, second that these are old and while I loved creating them like most artists I look back on my older stuff and cringe, and third they might violate the PG-13 rating of the board. Instead I will post links to where I've hosted these stories in the past and quickly describe them. I'll only be talking about my finished fanfiction here, not abandoned or in progress ones.

And yes my main fandom writing is Care Bears. I don't know why or how but one day when I was in grade 11 I saw that an episode called "Grams Bear's Thanksgiving" was airing and asked my mom to tape it for me and I was suddenly drawn into this kid's show that until then had just been another show I remembered as a kid. Care Bears is the reason I started using the internet for things besides looking up cheat codes and guides for games or school research and the reason I decided I wanted to try being a writer.

Teen Care Bears
Written in partnership with my old friend Fauna Greywolf this is a series of 7 stories (with the last one being about 60% of the total text) written with the premise of the Care Bears being like relatively normal human teenagers growing up and trying to learn various lessons while battling evil. This story also became a low-key crossover with the anime Bleach along the way when I was into that series. While I do cringe at some of the stuff I wrote in this I still remember it fondly as the first story series I managed to finish so it was a valuable experience.

Care Bear Magi Life
Probably my most adult story ever written that follows my own OC group of Care Bears called the Care Bear Magi. It's a shonen-inspired adventure story that I wrote on my own and gets very bizarre later on. I like to think this was important part of my learning process even if it stops making sense at a certain point.

Care Bears Family Adventures
A Crisis-Crossover of sorts that takes my own characters and mixes them with the fan-verses of several old friends and Care Bears fans that were written in the mid-2000s but never finished. Split into four parts: 1: Founders, 2: Magi, 3: Space and 4: Generations with a "movie fic" called The Cold Wars to act as a finale, with parts 3 and 4 being a crossover with Star Fox. This was basically me looking at a bunch of abandoned or unfinished stories from the mid-2000s by old friends and Care Bears fans and, after asking for their permission to do so, tying off the loose ends of their characters with plot points they gave me that they were never able to get to and finish these stories. I think I'm proud that I wrote this but some things I wish I could go back and change, however I will leave it as is and hope people enjoy it.

Care Bears Hallows Eve
This is a Care Bears Slasher story I wrote just to see if I could. It's standalone and not connected to anything else I've written but yeah, I wrote a Care Bears Slasher story.

So that's it for the finished stuff at least. There's a few more stories I've written and posted but they either aren't Care Bears or are short enough that I don't feel I could summarize them without just telling the whole plot. As for where I posted them you can find all of them along with abandoned and unfinished stories of mine here on

Magi Life and Family Adventures and any new stuff I'm writing can be found on Deviantart and Archive Of Our Own and a few other sites I won't link here since they might violate forum rules.

I've also posted these links in my signature if anyone wants to read them. I hope you enjoy them if you choose to read them, I'll try to post other stories here once I can be sure I'll be writing more consistently.
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Re: My old and finished Fanfiction - Care Bears

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

These are some really brilliant and very unique stories that you written! Really great job!
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Re: My old and finished Fanfiction - Care Bears

Post by CryosR »

Thank you, I'm trying to get back into writing.
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