Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

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Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by trekkie »

(This is from an idea suggested by Amayzee Dayzee in Future Arcs)

“Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine, or idealism.” Carl Gustav Jung

Chapter I

Meeting Night & Peanut’s problem

Maxwell climbed the steps of the church and made his way into the cool November afternoon The sky was still light, it was around four o’clock and the cat figured he had around an hour to get inside before it got too dark. Usually, Jeff, his owner would give him a ride home, but was away on a business trip and so Max would be walking tonight. Fortunately, the church wasn’t far from his house, so he would make it with plenty of time to spare. As Max’s housemate Bino was staying at his girlfriend’s house, and Max had no wish to spend the night alone, he thought of where he’d like to spend the night. As his girlfriend Grape Jelly Sandwich was out on a date with her housemate Peanut Butter Sandwich and his friends Sabrina, Tarot, and Marvin all also had previous engagements, he decided to stay at the home of Breel & Keene Milton. he enjoyed cooking with the pine marten, and Keene Milton, Breel’s ferret boyfriend was a convivial host. Max had permission to stay overnight whenever he wanted and he decided called to tell them that he’d be over.

Max reached under his collar, pulled out his cell phone and powered it on. He texted his owner that he was leaving the church, that he was staying with Keene and Breel, and that he would let his know when he was safely ensconced with the pine marten and ferret. He had just finished sending the text when the cell phone rang, it Grape. Max looked at the phone in puzzlement, today, he remembered again, was her date night with her housemate Peanut, and it was still early. He hoped nothing had gone wrong, he liked both of them and didn’t want to get swept up in a disagreement. Neither of the Sandwich pets would hold it against him, but he stress of the disagreement might lead him into something he hoped to avoid, catnip. He was half a year free of nip, and he had no desire to get back on there awful stuff. He had just left his recovery group’s weekly meeting, where he received a certificate and medallion along with the congregations of the other members on making six months free of his addiction. Maxwell put the phone to his ear, and answered the call.

“Hi Grape.” Max greeted his love, “What’s up?”

“Maxie.” Grape’s voice was different, there was something there, something dreadful in it, fear, “Have you seen Peanut?”

“Well, no, but I’m not at home, I’m…” Max was about to tell Gape his location but the purple cat remembered

“Oh, right hon, this is your recovery group meeting night. I’m sorry, I just, I just..need. Look , if you see him tell him to go home. I just, please, Maxie, please.” Grape’s voice seemed on the verge of tears, and Maxwell’s heart was in his throat , “earlier this afternoon he shouted at mom and dad and ran out of the house. I was napping in my room and couldn’t stop him. I’m…we’re . afraid something may’ve happened to him.”

“What’s gong on Grape? Have you called Tarot?” The yellow Pomeranian also dated Peanut

“Yes, she’s staying at her house in case Peanut shows up there. Maxie, hurry, please. Wait, hold on.” Grape paused, and Max prepared to run to the Sandwich house, but he then felt a paw on his collar and he was instantly in the Sandwich living room with Grape and Mr. & Mrs. Sandwich. Seeing the looks of worry on their faces, Max made his way to the couch and sat alongside Grape . He put his tail and arm around the purple cat, hoping to give her some comfort.

“Thanks for, ah, coming hon,” Jill Sandwich, did her best to smile at Max, “I’ll tell you what has led us to ask for your help. When I went into Peanut’s room this morning, to get him to come to breakfast he was really out of it, it looked like he was almost passed out and he was surrounded by rawhide bones. When I talked to him he said he needed more time to sleep and so I let him. I didn’t mention the rawhide bones. I hoped he’d mention them. When he came out for breakfast he didn’t mention anything about the bones, so Earl and I gave him until lunchtime. When he didn’t mention it at lunch, we tried to talk to him about it after lunch in his room. When we brought up the rawhide bones, Peanut just yelled that we wouldn’t understand or love him and he just ran off. We tried calling his cell phone, but he left it here. We told Tarot to stay home in case he came by her house but he hasn’t been there so far. At two we searched the neighborhood, calling his name, but he didn’t respond, and we didn’t see him. We thought we’d stay and wait for him to come home, but it’ll be dark soon and he hasn’t shown up. We’re getting very concerned, as you can imagine.”

Maxwell shivered though the Sandwich house was warm. He hadn’t expected something like this, he had expected a disagreement where he might have to help patch things up, but this, this, was quite different. It scared the carp out of him if was honest with himself. Max looked up at the Sandwiches, “Have you tried Joey’s place? Peanut and I have played RPGs with him, Squeak, and Dallas.”

Earl Sandwich looked up, “No, we forgot about Joey, Grape…” the Sandwich father turned to the purple cat who dialed a number on her cell phone. After a brief conversation she shook her head and hung up the phone.

“He hasn’t seen Peanut and neither have Dallas or Squeak.” Grape Jelly Sandwich stared at the phone, “It’s my fault, if I hadn’t taken that stupid nap, maybe I could’ve stopped him from running off. If something has happened to him…I’ll never forgive myself.”

“Grape, this isn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known this was going to happen.” Max wanted to stop his girlfriend’s self-blame

“You’re right, Maxie, I know that, but I-I just want to find him so much, we need to find him, I, we, love him so much.” the purple cat looked very disquieted.

“I love him too, Grape he’s like the canine brother I wish I had. Look, we’re not going to find him just sitting here, we have to get out and start really searching. Start beating the bushes.” Max stood, and Grape stood with him she leaned into the black and grey tomcat.

“Yes, yes, good idea, Maxie. Mom, dad…” Grape turned to the Sandwich parents

“Go on guys, be careful and..” Earl went into the kitchen and came back with a flashlight. He handed it to Max. “If you find him tell him we aren’t angry and we love but we need to know what’s happening. If you don’t find by eight we’ll call the K-9s. Good luck guys, and please be careful, think about your own safety as well. We’ll stay at home in case Peanut returns. We’ll call you if that happens.”

Grape looked up, “My phone is almost dead, you have Maxie’s number, right?”

Jill nodded, “Good luck guys, and thank you.” She reached down and hugged both cats.

“No problem, Mr. and Mrs. S, don’t worry we’ll bring him home alive. Keep the home fires burning.” Max tried to reassure the Sandwich parents and himself, then together with Grape he headed out into the darkening afternoon to search for a missing and much loved dog.
Last edited by trekkie on Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by cogalinha »

cool :D
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Loving how this is coming out! Really nice job!
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by NHWestoN »

Well, this is different. I'm intigued.
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by CunningFox »

Wonderful work, trekkie. As with your other fics, your love for the characters really comes through.
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by NHWestoN »

Wonder if Reverend Gurney is leading the counseling sessions? After all, he gave King and Bailey marriage counseling so he seems willing to pastor animal's spiritual needs.
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Interesting. I like how dramatic your stories can get. My only problem is your dialogue. It's good most of the time but it can occasionally sound stilted and unnatural. I also can have a problem with that, though.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Good thing you never read any of my stories then. Because I'm pretty sure I suffer from the same problem. <_>
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by trekkie »

Harry Johnathan wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:52 am Interesting. I like how dramatic your stories can get. My only problem is your dialogue. It's good most of the time but it can occasionally sound stilted and unnatural. I also can have a problem with that, though.
Yeah, I took a fiction writing class in college, unfortunately the professor and other students would invariably veer wildly off-topic, and we never learned anything about writing. I did learn more than I care to know about the staff of a radio station in Poughkeepsie, NY though, so there’s that.

Weston, yes, he is one of the leaders of Maxwell’s recovery group.
Last edited by trekkie on Sun Nov 14, 2021 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by Harry Johnathan »

trekkie wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 10:20 pm
Harry Johnathan wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:52 am Interesting. I like how dramatic your stories can get. My only problem is your dialogue. It's good most of the time but it can occasionally sound stilted and unnatural. I also can have a problem with that, though.
Yeah, I took a fiction writing class in college, unfortunately the professor and other students would invariably veer wildly off-topic, and we never learned anything about. I did learn more than I care to know about a radio station in Poughkeepsie, NY though, so there’s that.
That's nothing compared to an old Social Studies teacher I had. She hated me for some reason, really didn't like it when we asked questions and would always talk about her personal issues.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by trekkie »

Maybe they went to the same college.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by trekkie »

Chapter 2 Black and Grey rescuer

“Remember that just because you hit bottom doesn’t mean you have to stay there.” Robert Downey Jr.

As Max and Grape walked down the sidewalk in front of the Sandwich house, both cats were quiet. Max shone his flashlight at the bushes, hoping against hope that Peanut was hiding there. Calling the dogs name got no response, however, and when Max searched the bush he found only an agitated chipmunk , the animal calmed down after he recognized Max, who along with Daisy, put out food for the semi-ferals. Max returned the chipmunk to his home the animal promised to ask the other semi-ferals as to Peanut’s location. The cats had reached the end of the sidewalk and Max was about to ask which direction they should go first when Grape spoke. The purple cat’s voice was hoarse, and Max could feel his girlfriend’s anger, sadness and hurt

“Oh, Maxie, why didn’t he tell me something was wrong? I might’ve upset if I had been woken up, but something important like this takes precedence over naps. Why didn’t he trust me? We’re best friends the four of us, and he knows he can tell me anything.” Grape leaned her head into Maxwell’s shoulders and tears steamed into his dark fur, shaking with sadness and fear. Max wrapped his tail around her, having looked down at his paw, realized he was shaking too.

“I don’t know, Grape. Sometimes you just feel so ashamed, especially if you are just realizing you have a problem. It feels like you are a disappointment and a failure. Even though you might know in your mind that you are loved, you have all these horrible feelings and they just overwhelm you.” Max recalled his own feelings when he had too much nip

“I.. I don’t know if I can do this, Maxie, I’m so scared for him. If something happens to him…” Grape’s voice was hoarse and heart-wrenching

“I’ll find him, Grape. Don’t worry.” Max knew he had to find Peanut, for so many in the neighborhood cared for that dog

“I-I’m going to go back with mom and dad, you’ll,,,” Grape looked at her home

“I’ll be fine, and so will Peanut.” Max said, trying to soothe her fearful feelings, and suppress his own

“All right, I’ll stay with mom and dad. Maxie, you be careful too, I don’t want you getting hurt. Love you.” Grape kissed Max and returned to the Sandwich house

Max watched Grape enter the house, waved to her and then , not knowing which way to go, finally decided to go to Sabrina and Tarot’s house, maybe he could get an idea there. While walking he wished Bino wasn’t such a jerk, the dog knew everyone’s scent, but getting him to help was like pulling teeth, sometimes. Ahead of him, Max saw the corgi King and his husky wife Bailey out for a stroll, maybe they could help. They could alert others, if nothing else, Max thought and made a mental note to make sure that Sabrina and her beau Fido knew about Peanut, though Tarot probably told them. Max waved to the corgi and husky. Bailey smiled and waved, the smile, faltered however, when she saw Max’s fearful face.

“What’s the matter, hon?” Bailey was worried, thinking that Bino had upset the cat again

“Peanut is missing. He ran out of his house earlier and hasn’t been seen since. The Sandwiches think he might have an addiction problem with rawhide bones. Tarot hasn’t heard from him either.” Max looked at the two dogs

“Oh, dear dog. We haven’t seen him hon. If we do, should we call the Sandwiches?” Bailey felt a mother’s anxiety for the missing Peanut

“Yes. Or tell him to go home, tell him they aren’t mad, maybe take him home.” Max was glad for help

“We will Max, and don’t worry, he’ll be okay.” King put his paw on Max’s shoulder trying to comfort the cat

“Thanks guys. One question. Do either of you know where a dog might hide if he doesn’t want to be found?” Max asked hoping for a lead

“The doghouse I made Sasha. “ King said, “at least I’ve hidden there a couple times. And Sasha showed it to all the neighborhood dogs”

Max remembered the doghouse King had made for the sweet Sasha, Bino had told him about it. He hoped Peanut was there.

“I’m going to go check there . Thanks for the advice.” Max felt a new surge of hope

“You’re welcome, hon, hope you find him.” Bailey said and then she and her corgi love set off down the street

“Me too.” Max said , more to himself than anyone else.

Max quickly remembered the location of the doghouse , and sprinted off to try and find his missing pal. Arriving at the doghouse, Max, marveled at how well it was built. From inside he heard a voice crying a voice that was as familiar to his as Grape’s, and one that belonged to a dog he cared about deeply. Max knocked on the door to the doghouse. The crying stopped. Max knocked again, then he spoke.

“Peanut, it’s Max. Can I come in?” The cat hoped Peanut would respond

“Is Grape with you?” Peanut’s voice was as hoarse as Grape’s had been

“No, I’m by myself.” Max felt anxious hoping Grape had made the correct choice by staying home

“Okay, come in.” Peanut said and Max entered. Entering the doghouse Max was impressed by the warmth inside , and saw Peanut against the back wall, his head on Sasha’s toy piano.

“Nice and warm in here.” Max said

“I’ll have to stay here for the rest of my life, mom, dad, and Grape will never forgive me.” Peanut’s voice was miserable

“They love you Peanut, they aren’t angry. “ Max said

“I need help. I need help, Max.” Peanut cried

“Let me tell you a story, Peanut. A man jumps into a hole. He calls out for help from a stranger. The stranger throws money down in the hole and leaves. The man then asks for help from a cleric , the cleric writes down a prayer and tosses it in the hole . The man finally sees his friend, and asks for help. The friend jumps into the hole with him. The man says ‘Are you crazy ? Now we’re both stuck down here.’ His friend says, “Yes, but I’ve been down here before, and I know the way out.’ “ Max smiled, “I know the way out of this hole, Peanut. And I help you get out of it.”

Peanut stared at Max, “You’ll help me?”

Max smiled, “Of course, I love you, and I am your friend.”

“Thanks Max. “ Peanut reached out and the cat and dog hugged, Peanut crying into Max’s fur just as Grape had done, “Oh sweet dog, I feel so stupid.” Peanut wiped at his beautiful blue eyes,

“Yeah, addiction can do that to you.” Max said, he looked at Peanut who was tidying up the doghouse, “Ready to go home?”

“Yes. “ Peanut smiled, “More than ready, actually.”

“Okay. Let me call I promised to call as soon as I found you. “ Max then made the call he had been looking forward to making ever since he heard of Peanut’s disappearance.

“Got him.” The cat said upon hearing Grape’s hello, “We’re coming home.”

“Maxie, Maxie, thank you. Thank you so much. You are so awesome.” Grape’s relief was all the reward Max needed

The cat and dog set off for the Sandwich home , chatting along the way. They chatted about everything but the addictions, they shared . Pridelands, Imaginates, Bino’s latest escapades, their next double date. It made them both feel better, not to ignore the addictions, but to know that things would be okay, and normal again. Well, as normal as things got in Babylon Gardens, at least. Arriving at the Sandwich house, Max knocked on the door. Grape answered, Earl and Jill Sandwich behind her.

“Special delivery.” Max said as Peanut ran inside and was embraced by the Sandwich parents.

Grape went out and hugged her boyfriend, “Thank you so much, Maxie. You are an awesome boyfriend. Tomorrow, we snuggle.” She hugged Max tightly, and went inside.

Max turned to leave. But he heard Jill Sandwich call him back, “Max, thank you.” She and Earl hugged Max, “Thank you so much. Max, when this day started we had two pets, now we have three. You will always have a home here, Max, always. Do you have a place to stay tonight?”

“Yeah, I’ll call Breel and Keene. “ Max said, and did so, in a couple of minutes the Milton butler Jeeves arrived, and after helping Max to the car, drove him to the house of the ferret and pine marten. Arriving there, Max smelled Breel’s wondrous baking, and knew he could relax at last.
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” - Thomas Sowell

“The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.” Phyllis Diller
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Love the newest part of this story here! It came out very nice!
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by CunningFox »

Great chapter, trekkie.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Ad Astra per Aspera(To the stars through difficulties)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looking forward to seeing more and seeing you revive your other works!
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