The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

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Harry Johnathan
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The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

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Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER ONE: The Battle of Darkhwyd


The planet of Darkhywd (known to you mortals as "Mars") could easily be mistaken for Hell, with it's bright, orange-firey lakes of lava, it's caverns of brimstone and dark, shadowy alleyways, abandoned buildings of cobblestone, it's lake of ice, it's acid-rain, the screamlike wind that bellowed throughout the place, it's completely black sky, and bitter patches of wormwood strewn about the setting.

Of course, it wasn't Hell, but in terms of places that make you suffer, it comes in at a close second.

Great Kitsune and his (it's?) comrades, the celestials Pete the Gryphon, The Spirit Dragon, and Dragon's avatar Snowball, were busy storming the castle of Darkhwyd's resident tyrant, King Ahabagag, on a mission from Heaven to bring him back to Heaven to be judged by Uriel for his supression of the aliens that inhabitanted Darkhwyd.

As they walked through the city streets of Darkhywd's capitol, BeeKrest, they saw scaly Infernals torturing the cat-like aliens that populated the planet. One such Infernal walked up to Pete, clearly questioning the prescence of Celestials on "their" planet, when Pete cut off his hand with his sword.

Pete, always one to take direct action, Kitsune thought to himself.

Ahabagag's ornate and dimly lit palace, Snowball the Cat began to feel a sharp pain in his chest. He convulsed, before falling over, foaming at the mouth, dead.

"Oh fudge", Pete cried, armed with a fazer, as Ahabagag rose from a chasm that suddenly appeared in the ground before them.

"Father", Spirit Dragon said, coldly.

"You disobedient children, rebelling against me. Tsk. Tsk.", Ahabagag noted. He lunged at Pete, and clawed the gryphon's face. It left a scar over his eye. Pete retaliated, tearing off his father's claw with his beak.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He rubbed the greenish, gooey blood trickling down his arm. turned to Kitsune, running towards him. "Die!", he screeched.

"Stand down!", cried Kitsune. He blasted his fazer, knocking Ahabagag down a ledge. He held on for dear life with his one claw.

"N-ugh!", Ahabagag struggled. "Save me son!"

"Heck no!", Pete cried, as he ran towards Ahabagag, despite Spirit Dragon and Kitsune attempting to hold him back, and stomped on Ahabagag's hand, causing his finger bones to break. Ahabagag winced in pain, before laughing like a looney as he fell to his death in the River Hades.

"He's gone. He's finally gone.", Pete said as Dragon tended to his wounds with a cloth.

"Doubt it.", Kistune said. He had a bad feeling about this...



Ace Milton wasn't no ordinary child. For one, she was antisocial, but that was the least of her ordeals. Another was that her best-friends was a talking statue. Another was that she could see visions.

For instance, while asleep earlier that night, Ace had a rather odd vision of a dragon playing chess with a fox, who oddly, looked just like her statue. After losing the game, the fox fell into a firey pit. It was more akin to a nightmare than a dream.

As Ace rode on her bicycle back home after buying some ice-cream. Peanut Sandwich, a pointer, and Grape, his sister, a periwinkle cat (her babysitters) were busy painting their owner's house porch.

"Hello, Uncle Peanut!"

"Busy, Ace.", Grape stated as a bucket of red paint fell on Peanut's face. "Oh, brother."

"Farewell!", Ace cried as she rode over to Wolf House.
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:12 am, edited 4 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This was a really nice and beautiful piece you put together! Its awesome!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER TWO: An Auspicious Beginning


Ace walked inside the house to see her father, King Milton, busy looking over the ad pages of The Babylon Times.

"Nothing, huh?", asked Ace's "grandma" (sorta), Lucretia the Wolf, who was washing dishes.

"No, not really.", King replied. Bailey, Ace's mother, walked in and kissed King on the top of his head.

Ace walked up the stairway to the room she shared with her brother and sister, Rook and Olive. The room had been given to them ever since the wolf cubs had moved out to attend college. There was also just generally a lot more room in the Wolf House ever since Miles died.

Ever since Miles died... Nobody liked talking about that, he was an old wolf, but it still stung.


As ace walked up the stairs, she fell into a sudden trance. She awoke in a dark room, where she saw her statue friend. This was a vision.

"Hi, Statue.", Ace said, cheerily. She heard the sound of a horn-like instrument playing quietly throughout the whole, chilly room.

"Ace, this is serious.", The Statue said. "If you see a black dragon in one of your visions, don't trust it. Don't talk to it. Don't hear it."

"Why?", Ace was about to ask when everything returned to normal.


Ace doodled while Olive and Rook argued whose turn was it on the X-Box. A doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, mother!", Ace cried.

"Thanks sweetie, but I've got it." The person at the door was Peanut and Grape, the babysitters.

King and Bailey left to do their date (they did this at least once a week, usually on Thursdays, but it was Wendsday.) As Peanut and Grape got out the paper-bags and markers and toys and whatnot to do their whole Imaginate! speel.

"What we doing today?", Rook asked.

"The Exorcist.", Peanut replied.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by CunningFox »

Perhaps you should Imaginate something a bit more PG, Peanut.

Excellent work, Rydr.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CunningFox wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:32 am Perhaps you should Imaginate something a bit more PG, Peanut.

Excellent work, Rydr.
Peanut has been covering increasingly un-PG works ever since the Jurassic Park Imaginate. It's kinda been worrying Grape.

Oh, and thanks for the compliment. (I'm still not sure I deserve it... :oops: )
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:33 pm This was a really nice and beautiful piece you put together! Its awesome!
Thanks, Dayzee! :)
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I do want to see more of your writing soon some time in the future!
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:17 pm I do want to see more of your writing soon some time in the future!
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Just don't keep us waiting too long. ;)
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »



Ace was getting her regular check-up at the vet Dr. Jonas P. Stoker's office. Ace winced as the needle of Rabies Vaccine was pumped into her wrist. She complied as the doctor told her to undress and stand on the scales, and giggle upon feeling his metal thingie crash into her ankle.


King worried too much, as usual.

"I hope she's alright-", said King, shaking all over.

"She will be fine, hon. She's a strong kid.", reassured Bailey, kissing him on the cheek."


Just a few days ago, Ace was playing the part of Father Karras in their Exorcist Imaginate (Grape was Reagen and doing a SCARILY good job at it. She even said all the cuss words, which shocked Peanut because he replaced them with euphemisms in the script.)

Ace then saw a flash of a black, draconic face in a dark realm, and fell over. She slept for hours and had been sick all week.

She also hated music. She asked it always to be turned off...


Ace rode home in Jeeves Milton's limo. She played with her teddy bear Poom; a present from Uncle Maxwell, who may or may not have stolen it from Tiger, who was in a pysch ward anyway for attacking Bino.

She went straight to bed. She didn't even eat dinner.

She had a nightmare.
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter may have been short but it was a really awesome read! Good work!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER FOUR: The Incident


Ace was digging around the Wolf House attic when she found a Ouija board Tarot had left around.

"Huh.", she said.

"Don't touch that! That guy on TV, Paranormal Hunters I think the show was called, said that if you play with those kinds of games, evil spirits can enter your house!", warned Rook, who was playing around with Olive with a watch and a weird green shirt and tie they found in an old chest with the name Joel on it.

"I wouldn't play with it, either, if I were you...", The Statue voice said in Ace's head.

Ace played with it anyway. She talked with a spirit calling itself Papa. It was good fun. He said some funny things.


While eating dinner one night Ace felt a bizarre compulsion to start acting out.

"This town is hell!"

"Ace, don't swear.", Bailey said, shooting a glance at King, who was known for his rather profane mouth. King blushed, and hid his face behind the job papers.

Ace then proceeded to spout a colorful array of curse words and other things. She covered her mouth. She didn't know why she said that. She didn't want to.

Ace was grounded, scolded by Bailey and King and Lucretia.

She went upstairs, burying her face in her pillow.

"This house is hell"
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER FIVE: The Second Coming


Ace was digging around in her room. Olive had gone off to play with Craig and Draig, and Rook was going shopping with Bailey and King at the grocery store. Lucretia was gardening, and Uncle Daryl and Daryl were asleep.

Ace felt a sharp pain in her chest. She fell over, backwards. Suddenly, she felt her arm move by itself, and it grabbed something sharp off a shelf...


"I think you should take a look at this...", cried a frantic Lucretia, leading Bailey and King upstairs to Ace's room.

"Mom! Dad!", cried Ace.

They entered the room to see Ace with a large cut on her arm. She was crying.

"How did this happen?!", her parents asked, worried beyond all reason.

"I dunno! I just -"

Ace heard a laugh. It wasn't like the statue's laugh, it felt... menacing. Evil even. Cold.

How odd.
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER SIX: The Game Show


While watching The Milton Show on TV (where contestants would traverse a temple in hopes of winning the grand prize of a lifetime supply of Canine Kibble) Ace felt sick. She went to the bathroom and barfed in the toilet.

"Ace? It's me.", The Statue voice said in her head.

"What do you want?", Ace asked. She sounded peeved.

"Ace, you're very, VERY sick. Just, just don't try anything stupid okay?"

The voice was gone.


Ace helped her mother shop for shoes at the Shoe Store run by Joey's dad Jake. As she did, she heard that laugh again.

She felt cold.
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »



Ace walked around the house the next day. She had gotten a nasty cold, and her parents told her to stay home from Obedience School. She was fine with that. She didn't like Mr. Ralph anyway. He was too mean as a teacher, being an ex-K9 and all. He had been discharged off the force after failing to protect one of his officers, Fox, from being killed by a car bomb placed in a squad car by some PETA fanatic. King didn't like talking about that. It stung too much.


Ace walked through the garden Lucretia planted in the backyard of The Wolf House. She liked the garden. It had all sorts of nice, pretty flowers, and was very serene. It was good place for her to practice her art skills.

As she began to draw, Ace heard The Statue's voice in her head again. He sounded... worried?

"Are you okay, Ace?"

"Yes, Statue Friend.", Ace said.

"Ace, this is serious. I ---"

The statue's voice was cut off.

How odd.
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great work on the story so far! I am definitely getting into it more and more!
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by trekkie »

Awesome story, Rydr. Keep up the great work!
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really hope that I can see more from you!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER EIGHT: Guilty As Charged


The doctor's office was once again where Ace ended up. She had a nasty fit the night before, and was very sick afterwards. It was almost like a nasty flu, but worse. Poor King and Bailey had stayed by her side all night. They had called the Wolf Cubs to babysit at the last moment. When they could no longer stay at the hospital, Bailey had to drag a panicky King away. "Wait, let m-!" It was a rather funny, but still distressing scene.

While Ace lay dreaming, a strange, draconic spirit appeared to her. It reached out it's one, black claw, as if to grab her...


She awoke, screaming. The vet pushed her down and sedated the poor girl. She cried, snot dripping out of her nose.


In Heaven, Kitsune checked his green watch. Yep.

Cerberus appeared. She looked worried. "He's alive, isn't he?"

Kitsune nodded.


In the woods, Jess and Zach were asleep in their hammock when they were awoken by a strange noise. Zach ran downstairs to find that Cory was shaking, deathly afraid and wet with sweat on his pitch black fur. Trinket was missing.

"Cory? What the heck happened-"

"I-i..." Cory pointed his claw to the wall.

Huh. A dragon, drawn in red jam.

How odd.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Still love the work you are putting into this!@ You got it!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER NINE: Baruch Ata Jay


Ace walked along the classroom of the River Ridge County Obedience School. She had gotten better, but she was still too sickly to go out and play at recess. Mr. Ralph was busy grading papers.

Ace walked up to Ralph and grasped his paw.

"What do you want?", ask Ralph gruffly. I have better things to do than to attend to an annoying pup, he thought to himself.

"I was looking through some old photos my parents had, Mr. Ralph.", Ace said meekly. "And I noticed in their wedding photos you were there and didn't look too happy about it. Why?"

"None of your business, ki-"

"Is it because she dumped you?"

Ralph looked uneasy. "Who dumped me?"

Ace laughed. Her voice changed and her pupils took on a reddish color, strangely enough, especially when compared to her normal baby blue irises. "You don't even remember, do you? You've had so many chances, but your devotion to your career ruined them all. And it was all for nothing, wasn't it, Ralph?"

Ralph's paw, still in Ace's surprisingly strong grasp, was shaking. With anger.

With fear!


Ace's voice became deeper. She gripped Ralph like she was on the ledge of a castle surrounded by a moat of lava and wormwood. "You don't even remember her name. But you remember the name of the man you killed. Fox. Fox. You killed Fox, you son of a-"

"SHUT UP!!!!!", Ralph screamed in fury, but Ace laughed coldly and THREW HIM WITH ALL HER SUPER-NATURAL MIGHT INTO THE WALL BEHIND HER BY HIS HAND!!!!

Ralph was unconcious. The pups and kittens on the playground began screaming. Ace, who regained her senses, started crying.

"What's happening to me?"
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER TEN: Judgement Hour


Ralph was in the hospital. For a broken neck. Woe. Misery.

At least he didn't have to deal with idiot kids for a couple months.

Ralph was reading a card given to him by his students, including Ace. He shuddered at her name. How could a little girl summon up the strength to throw a grown dog through a brick wall?

Unless, she wasn't a "little-girl" when she did it...


Ace was in the hospital again. In a coma. She had fallen into one after walking home, she collasped on the floor of Wolf House straight after walking inside. That was the same day Ralph had been injured... by her.

King and Bailey, Lucretia had stood by her side frequently. Peanut and Grape visited once. Officer Bill and the K9s sent flowers. Fido was the Seargent now; he had adopted a kitten with Sabrina. The kitten was a newborn. All three went to see Ace a couple weeks ago.

Couple weeks ago. Good Lord, is that how long she'd been in a coma?

Everyone was worried sick. But no one, not even Ace's family, was more worried than...



Kitsune walked up to the Dragon Judge of Heaven. He was on trial for extended communications with a mortal, something against Celestial law. Whereas Pete and Dragon got a free pass on this when the Game was going, Kitsune didn't have such an excuse.

"Your honor, I was trying to help her. She was targeted by him ever since she was born. She's a magicia being. She was only born because of the curse Pete put on Joel Robinson. You know this."

"Yes, I do."

"And you know that magical beings are often targets for demonic attacks due to their nature. He picked her rather than even her siblings because she was the most shy, the most vulnerable. She was an easy target, and look. He's got her in his grasp."

"That doesn't excuse breaking the rules. All your cryptic 'help' didn't save her from Ahabagag getting her, either, did it?"

"It didn't, no. But it was worth a shot."

"Not Guilty. You technically had no I'll will. But you will be limited in your ability to cross over to the mortal realm for a year. Case closed."

Bahamut slammed the gavel. The jury got up, murmering, and left, starring at Kitsune.

"Thank you!", Kitsune cried as he ran out of the courthouse.


Father David Jackenell sat at his desk. He was the son of Father Henry Jackenell, an upstanding man in the town of Topeka. Jackenell had moved to Babylon Gardens, unaware his father's dog, Stanley, lived next door at the Wolf House. David didn't like dogs much, so he gave up Stan for adoption. Bad move. He got taken in by an abusive "family", and was being tormented. Stan had gone on vacation to the town of Richmond Acres to get over Mile's death. Miles the Wolf was like a father to Stan. His death stung hard.

David wished he could more sympathy, but he hardly knew Stanley, and besides that, he had more important things to be doing. Running the Church, blessing people, organizing his finances. He didn't have time to help the greiving dog.

David got a call on his phone. "Hello?", he answered. His eyes became wide as saucers!

"You want me to perform an exorcism on a DOG?"
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


Father Jackenell entered the Stanwick Veteranriy Hospital a bit skeptical. He doubted that an animal could be possessed, much less believe in God and demons at all. But it was an interesting way to liven up his exceedingly dull life.

He didn't realize that he wasn't going to have "fun" at all during this trial.

He stepped up to the counter of the receptionist and looked over the papers....


When he was finished, he took an elevator up to Ace's room and sat by her bedside. Nurses reported she was still in her coma. He was a bit surprised to find her sitting normally in the bed, with her... odd-looking red/brown eyes. Had the hospital lied to him? Had they lied to her family?

"Hello, David.", Ace said in an innocent, child-like tone.

"How do you know my name?, David asked her. Or it. Or whatever she was now.

"I've known you ever since you were born, David. I like to keep on the lives of my enemies."

"I'm your enemy?", David asked.

"Yes. All of His children my enemies."


Ace ignored him. "There's so much good around me. People filled with love, hope and joy. It disgusts me..why can't everyone feel the way I feel --- rejected. Hurt. Wounded."

"If you're really a demon, the only thing wounded about you is your pride."

"I am pride.", Ace repsonded, in a much deeper, harsher voice she kept for the rest of their conversation. "I am wrath. I am lust. I am gluttony. I am sloth. I am Envy. And I am Greed."

"That's quite an array of sins."

"What's sin to you is virtue to me."

"I'll never be like you."

"You are me.", Ace screeched, before something exploded, sending Father Jackenell flying into a pit of fire...


Jackenell awoke, sweating and terrified on the floor of the hospital. Ace was still in her bed. Then he noticed a black goo leaking from the ceiling. He tasted it. It tasted like vomit.

He looked up. There were words written on the wall.


Father Jackenell ran out of that hospital, screaming his head off, and making quite the scene...
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

Please remember to comment! I want to hear your criticisms and thoughts! When noone comments it makes me sad. :(
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER TWELVE: The Second Twelfth Disciple


Father David awoke the next morning to the sound of thumps in the attic. He barely remembered anything that happened last night, and felt groggy and sick.

"Ugh." His shirt was wet with sweat.

He walked up the stairs to the attic and found rats all over. "Shoo, shoo!", he cried, but the rats laughed before scurrying into their hiding-places. David briefly contemplated getting a cat.


David walked downstairs again and put on his priestly robes. He took a walk around the park, passing by a brown dog and a purple (?) cat playing some game where they had bags on their heads. How odd.

"Kids these days", David muttered under his breath when a passing car sprayed muddy water all over him.

"Hey!", he cried, but the car was gone. While looking, he noticed there weren't any tire tracks on the ground.


David walked into the church and prayed, before setting up the table. He sat at his desk and read some C.S Lewis when his partner, Brother John, walked in.

"Hello", David greeted, but John looked like he saw a ghost!

"What's wrong?", David asked him. John's skin was pale.

"I took a look at that dog today. The one who says she's possessed.", John gulped. "I looked into her eyes. Only one eye was open. Rigor mortis, the doctor said. And you know what I saw in her eyes?"

"What?" David began sweating with anticipation.

"Flies. Thousands of them. On a blood red battlefield, with a dragon.... eating people."


David walked to Ace's hospital room, where King, Bailey and their two other puppies were sitting by Ace's bed. Bailey looked on the verge of tears, which was unusual for her

"Hello", David said, placing his hat on a coat-rack.

The dogs left the room, as David watched Dr. Stoker examine Ace's heartbeat.

"It's strange. Her heartbeat is going extremly fast. Almost 5,000 beats per minute."

"That's abnormal?"

"That's more than abnormal. She should be dead!"


David walked across the street back home to his house. He slept in his bed. He had a dream. A dream of a golden statue, on a dark, foggy chess field. His father was behind him, looking like a zombie.

"Help her.", he said.

David woke up. He had to do something!
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This is definitely a wonderful addition to the story. It is so strong and succinct!
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Leotamer »

I am curious where this is going. I also bit curious about this priest who doesn't believe in God.
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by NHWestoN »

Leotamer wrote: Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:28 pm I am curious where this is going. I also bit curious about this priest who doesn't believe in God.
The Clergy is one of those professions that experiences a surprising amount of burn out. Over the decades, I had a number of them in my history classes, and the challenges are many and often painful. They wrestle with doubts and questions which don't necessarily lead to unbelief but are burdens to be carried, intellectually and emotionally. Now, as to this character, we'll see where the story takes us.
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Pavilion, Tabernacle, Synagogue, Altar.

Father Daniel walked into the Stanwick Veteranriy Clinic and placed his ID at the front-desk. He walked into Ace's room and sat by her bed. He felt an exceedingly warm feeling all over his body, like he was baking in an oven. He looked upwards. No threatening messages written in bile. Good!

He took out his well-worn Bible out of his purse and began to read aloud Psalm 19.

"The Heavens proclaim your handiwork..."


Father Daniel looked behind him to see a small crack in the wall. Strange, but the hospital was an old, old building. He checked his phone. Any news about earthquakes? No? He looked out the window, and saw something that sent a chill up his spine.

The outside world had seemingly disappeared. All he could see was a pitch black mist covering a twisted, warped and empty version of Babylon Gardens.

He felt something touch his shoulder...

He looked behind him, and saw Ace had EXTENDED her arm at an unnaturally long length to touch him. Her paws, once innocent and child-like, now resembled a monster's (dragons's?) claws.

Ace's voice was metallic. "Father, I see you've come back for seconds." Father Daniel could hear a warped, ambient, synthy distortion of hymns and holy music coming out of Ace's throat in conjunction with her voice.

Father Daniel screamed, but Ace's claw clamped itself over his mouth, shutting him up.

"You're a doubter!", cried the monsturous Ace, who now looked like a werewolf, seven feet tall and with rufflef fur and black as night eyes. "You don't believe!"

"I do!", cried the muffled protests of Father Daniel, but he was lying. He didn't believe. He didn't believe at all.

And in fact, he never did.


"Dad, you spend too much time playing with that dog!"

"Son, you're nearly 15. I was old when I had you. Wasn't SUPPOSED to have you! You should be independent-'

"Dad, I-"

"You should have your own friends! Besides, you won't have me much longer anyway."

"Between you and the church, and caring for that puppy, you never had any time for me! When I was five I was often alone! I want to be c-"


Father Daniel's dream-like memory was cut off along with his oxygen, leaving him in a catatonic state.

Doctors and nurses found him sitting, drooling with his eyes rolled back by Ace's bed, Bible in hand. They put him in another room; yep, he was comatose.

So much for the Exorcist. Time for Plan B.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »

CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Kitsune and Plan-B

The Great Kitsune walked into Babylon Gardens in one of his several human disguises. He had pulled some strings so that the doctor called to work on Ace had missed his flight, and Kitsune then took his identity. The doctor was now asleep, unaware that a Celestial Fox was out and about pretending to be him.

All good so far---

"Where do you think you're going?"

Kitsune turned around to see Erna, the Guardian Angel of Babylon Gardens, pointing a lightning gun at him. "Your travels are supposed to be restricted."

Kitsune groaned as Erna touched his forehead, causing the normally invisible Heaven ID ("777-KTSNE") to appear. It burned like a scar on fire as he was sent back to Heaven, in his dingy apartment. While, dingy for Heaven standards, anyway. (Every house WAS made of gold after all.)

"Now what?", he sighed. He took a drink of his orange soda.


Ralph lay in his hospital bed, starting at a picture of him with some brown dog with a peace-sign tag. He sighed, before turning the picture over and looking at one of him giving Fox his K-9 vest.

Ralph had forever felt guilt for letting the poor husky die. He would never live it down, either. Everywhere he went, he was met with jeers and cried from members of the Good Ol' Dog's Club for "killing Fox."

"You killed Fox! You killed Fox!", Bino taunted one day, throwing spit-balls at the German Shepherd's neck.

Ralph repressed his emotions and laid his head back. "I'm a failure...", he thought to himself. He had failed everyone. He failed Fox. He failed his owner. He failed the K9s. He failed his students. He failed Ace.

And he failed her...


Peanut, Tarot and Max were walking down the road one day and passed a squirrel in a... nun's habit?

"Hi", the nun squirrel said. "Have you heard the good news of Zachary Arbelt, the opener of ways?"

"What?", Peanut asked, when he saw something in the sky. A storm cloud.

But storm clouds shouldn't be red...
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »



SIMON: This is reporter Simon J. Parker of the KPET NEWS NETWORK, and today we have been informed a mysterious, strange, red lightning cloud has been heading it's way for Babylon Gardens for only a few hours now, according to several leading meteorologists it might just be the biggest storm-cloud ever to appear in the United States of America or even the world for that matter!


"What the Heavens declare am I looking at?", Josh Grooce, tornado chaser, said upon seeing the utterly terrifying abomination calling itself a "storm-cloud" approaching Babylon Gardens.

"I dunno, sir.", said Poncho Milton, a wolf and ameteur cameraman making his way up in the industry after taping several shows for Milton Television. "But what I do know is that friggin' cloud is dangerous and the town should be evacuated immediately!"


Mayor Ricardo P. Griffin was having the exact same thoughts, as he ordered an immediate evacuation of the entire town.

His assistant, Laura, handed him a paper from President Stu saying to halt the order.

"Why on Earth should we half the friggin' order?"

"He says the cloud should pass over. It's not like, a hurricane-"

"You're telling me the President sees a giant, red, demonic cloud passing over Babylon Gardens and says 'hey, it's harmeless!' We as a country are doomed! I don't care if I have to use the police to charge people outta here like cattle, I'm getting everyone out of this town and into safety!"

"That's highly impractical. What about hospital paitents,
prisoners or labor workers?"

Mayor thought for a moment and then chuckled. "We'll just leave them there. If the Pres is right, they'll be fine. If I'm right, well... we'll have lost nothing of value anyway."

The Mayor called up The Milton Ferrets. "Get me Keene Milton. Tell him to get me some VERY big trucks..."
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »



Milton delievered on that order. Trucks the size of a small locomotive were racing around Babylon Gardens, making their presence known to everyone.

Out of the trucks came men in suits who rounded up the people from their homes into the trucks to be taken away. One such family were King's family at the Wolf House, who asked if they could pick up Ace from the hospital.

"Sure", replied the truck's driver, some hick named Dan. He was lying, of course. Like he was really gonna risk his life for some dying girl with a mysterious illness.


Father Dan felt around and found himself in that same dark, misty, warped version of Babylon Gardens he had dreamt up while talking to the demon inside of Ace. Embers were coming out of the ground, like this alternate, hellish Babylon was built atop on the remains of a never-ending coal mine fire.

He looked around him and heard some chiming voice, laughing cruelly and coldly at him.

"Hahahahahaha!", laughed that childlike, girly voice.

"Who's there? Show yourself!", cried Daniel, waving a plain crucifix. He noticed the cross giving off a warm light, like a match. A holy light.

The laughing thing stepped out of the shadows, revealed to be.... Sasha Hartford? That dumb German Shepherd that lived across the street from Daniel at the ECP house?

"Sasha? What are you doing here-"

"I'm not Sasha", the thing replied before morphing into a gelanteous goo before him, melting the ground beneath her and falling deep below the Earth. He could still hear it screeching out; "I'm the devil---"

A lone streetlight behind Father Daniel inexplicably exploded, scaring him silly and spewing glass chunks about, one shard landing near his eye, stinging him, causing a small, small trickle of blood to run down his face warmly. He grunted in pain.


He looked around, waving his cross like it was a torch and he was in a cave pursued by goblins. He heard crying. Against his better judgement, he ran into the boarding house he heard the crying come from to find....

....two fox kits?

"Are you okay?", comforted Father Daniel. The kits pointed to something in the corner.

There was a dead Racoon there. He had died recently, as his body was in perfect, mint shape.

A creak startled Father Dan and the kits. He heard that cruel laughing again.

"Where did you come from?", he whispered.

"We were just playing in Aunt Jess' treehouse when we woke up here and found him lying there, dead."


Dan turned around to see Ace running through the hallways.

"Come here and fight me, you cowardly spirit!"

No response. Dan turned back to the kits, to see something, or someone, behind them.

A dragon. A man-sized, black dragon whose mouth was dripping with red goo.

"I'll gladly fight you."
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really love the way you wrote this! You are such a great writer!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Harry Johnathan »



Everything that happened next was a blur. Father Daniel remembered being choked by the draconic figure, escaping his clutches by biting the dragon's paw, causing it to scream in pain, and running around the warped Babylon with the two kits in his arms. He remembered firey embers rising from cracks in the ground, and feeling a warm wetness on his neck... blood, he later learned, from the dragon's choke-hold.

Father Daniel fell into a deep sleep, all he could remember was seeing a white fox, blasting something at the dragon, who was still oozing red goo from his mouth, and a little yellow puppy, crying, scared, running into the Fox's arms... Yahweh protect her.


Father Daniel awoke in the hospital. He saw Ace by his side on a chair.

"Hello, Father Daniel."

"Ace. I thought-"

"I was. But I'm fine now."

He saw a cross on the wall. A light from the window shone on it. The words inscribed on the cross read "and you shall tread over serpents, and nothing shall by any means harm you..."

"Thank you... Yahweh.", Father Daniel said, before falling asleep again...


"That stunt you pulled really was foolish, May-", said Officer Bill, holding the Mayor's coat.

'I know, I know.", said Mayor Griffin. He was writing a speech.

His resignment speech.


Ace was playing with her siblings. She had a cone on her head now. Papa was awfully protective of her lately. He said a very bad thing had been living inside her for days and tried to destroy the town. She didn't remember anything like that happening. She assumed daddy was just being crazy again. Bailey seemed to think so.

She saw Statue Friend, in his fox form, sitting on a bench, watching her play. He looked pleased with her.

"Thank you", she said in her mind. She smiled.

"No problem, kid.", said he. He snapped his fingers and disappeared.


In the Netherworld, a certain black dragon wasn't having a good time.

"KITSUNE!", screamed Ahabagag as he labored by the River Hades. Suddenly, a Leviathan rose out of the river of lava and gobbled him whole.

So much for the dragon.

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really enjoyed reading all of that! It was hard for me to choose a favorite part.
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by CunningFox »

Great fic.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Sun Shines on Ace Milton

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Hope that this eventually gets a sequel! Because it deserves it!
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