Conspiracy Theories

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The Blue Fox
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Conspiracy Theories

Post by The Blue Fox »

A few months ago on Chat Thread 43, me and a handful of others eluded to the topic of conspiracy theories for a little bit before the topic got changed.

Since then, I'd been pondering if it would be worth making a specific Conspiracy Theory thread.

Well today, I decided, heck it, why not?


Have any of you guys heard of any of the conspiracy theories out there? If so, which ones? And do you believe any of them?

There's a few I'm subscribed to myself.

Imma start with one of the two most well-known events for having conspiracy theories revolving around it, 9/11. (The other event being the JFK assassination, but I'll leave that for another time.)

According to the conspiracy theories, there are a number of red flags related to that fateful day...but perhaps the biggest smoking gun just about 100% of them point to is WTC building 7. Allow me to explain why.

During the events of the biggest terrorist attack in history, WTC building 7 had somehow caught fire, and this fire was apparently intense enough to cause the whole building to collapse in it's own footprint in a manner that looks identical to a controlled implosion tower block demolition.


Now, I'm no expert on the structural integrity of steel and concrete buildings like building 7 and the effectiveness of fire for comprimising said integrity, but I'm preeeeeetty sure a fire would have to burn very intensely hot to cause a building like that to fail at all.

And to even have a remote chance of every single supporting beam and wall to fail simoultaniously, that fire would pretty much have to have been very visibly engulfing the entire building's bottom floors.

But in all the footage I've personally seen of Building 7 on that day, all I've seen is smoke, and not really THAT much of it.

No planes hit building 7 so "JeT fUeL cAn'T mElT sTeEl BeAmS" isn't even a factor here, neither is ballistic damage from the metal of the planes themselves hurtling into it at hundreds of miles an hour.

Furthermore, there have been far more visible and intense tower block fires on news media before and since then, and NOT A SINGLE ONE resulted in a simoultanious total building collapse from the fire itself.

There's plenty of other conspiracy theories knocking about, such as the conspiracy theory that the powers that be are sowing in some dumb conspiracy theories to make other conspiracy theories look bad by proxy.

The most popular and obvious example being the flat earth conspiracy theory.

It doesn't help that actual real dumb people subscribe to dumb conspiracy theories like flat earth.

People so dumb they go so far as to conduct their own experiments on whether the Earth has curvature or is flat and their experiments are either really dumb and don't prove anything or the ones that are actually any good show curvature and they still say the Earth is flat and they musta messed up the experiment somehow.

Feel free to discuss these and bring up any conspiracy theories you've heard of to add to the topic.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

In terms of what happened during 9/11 and how the collapse WTC 7 happened, I do think that the government is covering some stuff up and not being truthful but it is only so they don't get hit with lawsuits by families of the people who died in the attack. I do not think they caused the building to collapse through a controlled demolition nor do I think that the government was involved in anything that happened. I personally think that something ended up happening to weaken that building and cause it to collapse the way it did.

My personal theory was that there was a flaw with the existing basement substation that was there before WTC 7 that when not disturbed in the way it was, helped cause the building to fail. I think the shockwaves from underground that were transmitted when WTC 1 and WTC 2 were hit ended up exposing that flaw and that was one of many factors that lead to the collapse.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories

Post by The Blue Fox »

Oh yeah, the government are definitely hiding the truth about 9/11, no question about it, it's just a question of to what amount?
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Re: Conspiracy Theories

Post by Dissension »

Sorry, we're not particularly interested in the potential conflicts and other issues conspiracy theories could yield.
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