A Curious Coin Conundrum

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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah but I don't think he would screw around with mortals either unless they deserved it.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Yeah but I don't think he would screw around with mortals either unless they deserved it.
Still, with Kitsune, when "the fix is in", there's often a "prize".
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Lockely »

Hey all! I'm so very sorry this took me so long. I ran into a lot of IRL stuff and slowdowns and other projects that I needed to do. Thank you so, so much for your patience. This is the final part in this arc, but I do plan to do more with these characters. Thank you again for sticking with me on this ride and reading through, this is the biggest writing project I've ever undertaken. I also have a small epilogue I'm writing so please look forward to that! Without further adieu, here's part 10, the finale of A Curious Coin Conundrum:


Life for Lockely returned, mostly, to its normal routine prior to that fateful day with the coin. He woke up, went to work, grabbed a coffee, and went home, day in and day out. Though his experiences with the crazy, weird side of Babylon Gardens had livened up his creative works a bit, eventually he fell back into his old patterns and with them, the same old rut he struggled to get out of. Life was calm, rote… boring.

It had been a few weeks now, and he was increasingly sure that this wasn’t some trick by Kitsune. He needed something else to do, something to liven things up again, so he decided to see how his students were faring with the Fresh Start program. This thought only floated for a minute before he remembered that the program wouldn’t exist anymore. “Well, that’s something to do…” He mumbled to himself. So, with a bit of trepidation, he laced up his shoes, tossed on his jacket, and headed out for a hike back down to the nearby neighborhood. He’d done it once, with enough determination he’d make it happen again. The animals he helped at least deserved that, right?

It was a cool, crisp Saturday but the walk over had kept him warm. Lockely found himself standing in front of the ornate mansion gate with bated breath. The Miltons probably wouldn’t remember him, but surely they’d understand the importance of his cause. Another deep breath… and *click,* he rang the intercom.

“Milton residence, how can I help you?”

“Hi… um, well no, but I was hoping I could speak to Lana about the ECP?”


“Lockely Scott, I have a few id--”

“Hold please.”

The intercom went silent, and Lockely looked up and down the empty street. The wind surged and he pulled his jacket tight. He tapped his foot impatiently, before the voice box sprung back to life.

“We don’t have an appointment for you Mr. Scott, and Lana doesn’t know you. Just to confirm, maybe the lense is a bit smudged, but you appear to be human, correct?”

“N-- Yes.” Lockely had to correct himself, he’d been a fox for so long he almost forgot.

“Mr. Scott, the Equal Chance Program is for animals to find a better life. By animals, for animals. It’s not for humans to meddle with. Lana will not be seeing you, so please remove yourself from our sidewalk before security removes you.”

“Wait! I--” Lockely leaned up against the brick wall with the intercom.

“We will call the police. Go.” The line cut off, and he could hear the gate’s lock actively engage with a loud *ka-thunk*.

Lockely’s eyes misted over as he dejectedly watched the intercom for a moment, then turned and gave one last look at the Milton Mansion before making his way back down the sidewalk. ‘Alright, I guess that would have been a little too easy. I’ll just save up money from work for supplies and… I can start my own. And then the Miltons will see I’m helping and we can get back on track.” He smiled softly to himself as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and slid in his earbuds, turning on some music from his phone. A stop at the coffee shop for a pick me up and then home for the rest of the weekend. He had planning to do.

Monday Morning

“Mr. Scott, do you know why I’ve called you into my office this afternoon?”

Lockely sat with his legs crossed under his chair across from a large mahogany desk in the corner office. “Well, sir, no I do not.”

His boss pulled out a folder from behind the desk and slid it across to him. “Mr. Scott, as you know, our industry is undergoing a bit of a… recession and financial projections are not synergizing to meet our target goals for this quarter.”

Lockely grabbed the folder, slowly opening it as he spoke to his boss, “No, sir, I wasn’t actually aware of that. What am I looking at?” The front page of the packet inside had in big, bold letters, ‘NOTICE OF TERMINATION AND SEVERANCE AGREEMENT’. “Am… am I being fired?” He flipped through the pages, eyes welling with tears.

“You and about twenty others. I'm sorry, but please don’t take it personally…” The boss’s words droned on in the back of Lockely’s head but he couldn’t focus on them. He had other concerns. How was he going to pay rent, or his bills, or get the program off the ground now? “...good luck in your future endeavors, Mr. Scott. Please take a moment to clean your desk out before you go.”

“I-- yes sir. Good luck to you as well…”

Some time later...

Lockely tossed the box of office goods and desk toys into the closet, slamming the door with a huff. Great. Just great. Now what was he going to do? If he were still a fox, he might have been able to get the Milton’s help with finding something else, but this was the bed he decided to lie in. He hadn’t made a mistake changing his past, had he?

He flumped face down on his old squeaky couch and buried his head into the cushions, letting his mind wander. Life as a human was rough, sure, but he had way more freedom, right? He sighed, “Sure, if you have money… which I now don’t.” And humans had better job opportunities… except that he knew of at least one very prominent cougar who made a lot of money in town, and then there was the tanuki dog mechanic, and the Miltons of course, and... He rolled to face the ceiling, shifting unconsciously to make room for his no longer existent tail. “Argh! Why am I such an idiot?!” He pounded the cushions with his fist before rolling again to face the center of his living room, looking it over. It wasn’t anything really to write home about. Small tv, small coffee table, small game system he didn’t even use… he sighed. This is what he gave his other life up to return to.

“Kitsune!” He called out to the empty room.

“Hey! Kitsune! I know you’re always listening! ...Kitsune…?”

“... I made a mistake…” His voice lowered a bit, defeated.

His calls fell on deaf ears.

With a whisper, he tried once more to call to the Celestial, “...I wanna go back, lemme go back…”

There was no answer and he closed his eyes, taking in a breath and pushing himself up so that he was sitting. A slight ringing sound filled his ears as a quarter fell out of his pocket onto the floor. He bent over and gathered it up, setting it on the coffee table next to his latte. Something about the combination of these two items stuck together in his head. A coin, and a coffee cup. He stared at it for a moment before everything clicked.

“The coin! It should still be where I buried it!”

He raced up off the couch, slipping his shoes and jacket back on. He turned and looked at his meager apartment and nodded, clicking off the light and setting off.

The sun was setting, casting a warm, orange glow on the world as Lockely made his way down to the forest. A slight rain began to drizzle but he had a smile on his face. Yes, it’d be hard work, but it was all going to be right again… though he wouldn’t drag Jack into it if it could be avoided this time. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked at a leisurely pace to the spot he was sure he’d buried it. The underbrush had grown a bit, but he was certain he was in the right spot as he knelt down and started to dig through the dirt with his bare hands… and turned up nothing. “I was sure… maybe it was further down the road.” He tried again in another spot, and then another but nothing turned up. He’d kept digging along the road until well beyond where the sun had set, even lying to passers-by that he'd lost a ring and it rolled off into the underbrush. Thankfully, no one stopped to help. Now he was illuminated by just the glow of streetlights, but Lockely wasn’t giving up, even if it took all night.

“Looking for something?”

The voice, so familiar but also terrifying, sent shivers up his spine. He cautiously turned up his head, catching the gaze of red eyes gleaming at him from deep in the forest.

“Kitsune? I-”

“Oh Lockely. Lockely, Lockely, Lockely… just what are you doing here? Surely not looking for the coin. What reason would you have for that now? Didn’t you get what you wanted?” The eyes moved towards him as light-golden fur began to shine in the street lights.

“I… I made a mistake. I didn’t realize how selfish I was being or how much better and more interesting things were. I thought if I just… I’m sorry.” He continued to stare as the Celestial came fully into view, his tails fanning out as he seemed way, way more imposing than he ever had before. It was more than imposing, he was bigger... and something about seeing the Kitsune walking forward in a feral form only increased his fear.

“And now you want to just return to how things were? Didn’t I tell you that I wasn’t a fan of time manipulation? What makes you think I’ll let you just go start again?” Kitsune now towered over him, his body enveloped in golden flames and his power on full display.

Lockely swallowed his pride and stood up, clenching a fist.

Kitsune spotted this, smirking, “Oh, that’s a first. Do you understand who I am, mortal? I am Great Kitsune! My powe--”

“--Yes, you’re all powerful, and I’m just some mere mortal, but this isn’t just about me either. Listen, I don’t want to fight you, I just…" He swallowed again and refixed his gaze on the golden fox, "I had a purpose. I was helping others, and now they're not getting that help. I can’t help them unless we go back to how things were. So please, if you have the coin, let me just… let me use it and I’ll get started on fixing my mistakes.”

With a blink, Kitsune was suddenly standing in front of Lockely in his humanoid form. “Okay!”

“Th--- okay??” Lockely didn't quite understand what had just happened.

“Okay." Kitsune nodded, holding his closed paw out. "But understand, this is a one way street. You may not have chosen before but you’re choosing this now. There’s no going back from this.” With a small flourish, Kitsune opened his paw, the golden coin shining within it.

Lockely swallowed hard and nodded, “I understand. This time, it’s my choice.”

With no hesitation, he reached out and gripped Kitsune’s hand and the coin within. He held it there for a moment and then looked around, “Aren’t I supposed to… I dunno… poof?”

Kitsune merely smiled, “Oh Lockely, did you think this was Star Trek? Do you think I have a TARDIS? I did say I wasn’t a fan of time travel. Maybe you should just....

… Wake up.”

The world spun in place and Lockely could feel the breeze through his fur. Voices were speaking but they faded in with his own attention.

“...e you okay? Lockely? Dude?” Jack placed a paw on the fox’s shoulder. “Dude, you’re drooling a bit, did… is he okay?” The rabbit turned to look at Kitsune, who was standing next to him grinning.

“He’ll be fine… probably.” He snickered.

Lockely blinked his eyes a few times before staring down at his body, seeing it covered once more in fur. Behind him was the now closed door of King’s home, which he heard lock with a heavy click.

“Was none of that real? But I swea--” He blinked a few more times at Kitsune.

“Don’t think too hard about it. Anyway, you seem to have sorted your crisis out so I’m off. Ta-taaa.” Kitsune turned to disappear wherever he normally did when he was interrupted.

“What about Jack? And the scrolls Griffin took? What if others get accidently turned, how do we fix this for them?” Lockely looked back towards Jack, then Kitsune as he spoke just to emphasize his point.

“Oh, those things? I don’t know, and Griffin is currently... indisposed, so he won’t be much help. I’ll keep an ear out for things, but you and Jack will be fine. Oh, uh, shush on that others bit. Spoilerrrs.” He put a finger up to his muzzle and shushed for effect, and then laughed. With a snap of his fingers, he disappeared in a flash of light for Q-like dramatic effect, likely mocking the sci-fi loving fox one last time.

“Spoilers? What does that even mean…?? Kitsune, hey! Come back!” Lockely ran off down the street back towards the woods where he first encountered him.

Jack, for his part, sighed and rolled his eyes. He’d figure stuff out with work, somehow. “Just another day in Babylon Gardens.”

END (until next time)
A Curious Coin Conundrum, my little fanfic in the HP Universe.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by trekkie »

This was a great story! Good job on the ending, I look forward to reading more of Lockley, Jack, and friends.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really have enjoyed how you have written this chapter and what you have done with it with the twist! Awesome job!
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah, that was fun.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by FireworkFox »

This was a very nice read! Bravo!
So, what's next?
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Lockely »

I'm so glad you all enjoyed it. Thank you much for sticking with me through the long writing droughts! I honestly truly appreciate it.

As for what's next? I'm working on a small Epilogue to catch the characters up with where we are after the Marion/Lois storyline played out. Then? Who knows, the sky's the limit! I'll definitely be writing more adventures for Lockely, Jack, and co. Stay tuned!
A Curious Coin Conundrum, my little fanfic in the HP Universe.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I do look really forward to seeing more stories that start Lockely and his friends! Hope you can start writing those stories so we can read them!
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by LunarFox »

I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say we'll be eagerly awaiting any more Lockley and co that you might have in store for us! I loved every step of this story, and thank you so much for writing it!
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Foxfan2164 »

This is a really cute and interesting fanfic. I love it!
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by NHWestoN »

Has been a bit... But distractions abound of late.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Lockely »

Hey all! Quarantine has been making things rough lately but I am still working on the Epilogue and planning the next story out!

In the meantime, P-Aei (Jack!) made a comic of the first chapter for my birthday! It's so good you guys!!!


Thanks for all your patience and support it means a lot to me!
A Curious Coin Conundrum, my little fanfic in the HP Universe.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by FireworkFox »

Your character is very cute! I must say, I am very excited to see his interactions withe Marion and Lois.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I was wondering if you would ever come back! I'm so glad you appeared and haven't forgotten us! Even on your birthday!
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 11:51 pm I was wondering if you would ever come back! I'm so glad you appeared and haven't forgotten us! Even on your birthday!
Yeah, Lock, aren't YOU the one who's supposed to GET presents, not GIVE`em? :)
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by LunarFox »

Okay, woah, this is great! Keep it up, I love it!
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by trekkie »

That’s adorable.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm wondering if he is also freaking out over losing his coffee. :lol:
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by NHWestoN »

Now that Badger Stewart is back, reinforced by Trinket and the Li'l Dino-demon, maybe this thread deserves some new working.......
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Lockely »

I have some ideas brewing, especially for the first story epilogue now that we have some more knowledge of what he's been up to and the impact it's had. I'm still lurking around :3c, don't you worry...
A Curious Coin Conundrum, my little fanfic in the HP Universe.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Was wondering if you finally let the forum for good. I really don't see you interacting much around here other than posting in here.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Lockely »

I honestly have not been engaged at all with the filler storylines. Just not a fan of them but I understand and respect that Rick has to take some time off from doing the main storyline in order to recharge for the plot stuff! As someone working on my own Original Universe stuff, you gotta remove your head from doing the same thing over and over to refill that pot of ideas. Creativity is a cycle of inspiration and drought.

I'm still lurking even if not engaging, I only have so much social energy to spend around and this year in particular has just lowered my available amount so much, but if you ever need to get in touch with me, I check my notes on FA daily (it's where I post my other work as well), or you could just hit me up on Twitter.
A Curious Coin Conundrum, my little fanfic in the HP Universe.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by NHWestoN »

Lockely wrote: Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:26 am I honestly have not been engaged at all with the filler storylines. Just not a fan of them but I understand and respect that Rick has to take some time off from doing the main storyline in order to recharge for the plot stuff! As someone working on my own Original Universe stuff, you gotta remove your head from doing the same thing over and over to refill that pot of ideas. Creativity is a cycle of inspiration and drought.

I'm still lurking even if not engaging, I only have so much social energy to spend around and this year in particular has just lowered my available amount so much, but if you ever need to get in touch with me, I check my notes on FA daily (it's where I post my other work as well), or you could just hit me up on Twitter.
Life'll do that. Stay safe, chum, and enjoy.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I understand why you don't often post here anymore and that is fine. When I get drained of energy I need to be social online I also just want to hide away but I hope that you feel better soon.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by NHWestoN »

Now that Eudoant's come to earth, wonder where THE COIN is going to wind up?
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Now that Bahamut seems to be making the Earth more of a paradise despite Kitsune telling him not to I wonder exactly what would make Lockely happy while Kitsune is trying to find a way to stop the demon and Eudoant?
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by NHWestoN »

... and now that Eudoant has fractured the coin, I guess we're dealing with "pieces of eight". There's an Economics 101 joke lying here unexploded but I'm too tired to puzzle it out.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Not sure that this fic will have to worry about that because it doesn't look like its gonna be updated anytime soon. Not even sure if Lockely still comes here. :|
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by NHWestoN »

Last active: 19 October 2020. Hope he comes back eventually. I've noticed that, while a fair number of folks just stop interacting, some will pop back in after some time - years in some cases.

Fanfics can be a problem that way, too. Some writers just walk away after losing interest. Others don't know how to conclude as if they'd planned on writing the saga as their life's work. I remember a discussion of a friend of mine who liked to frequent a Forum which had a lot of fanfics. He mentioned there was one contributor who was constantly writing stories with pseudo-Starwars contexts. He'd keep several going at the same time and usually with characters he invented, Jedi, Senators, and so on. But he'd never finish them.

So, one of his readers got honked off about this and pointed it out to him rather sharply - "Stop abandoning your stories and finish the @#$%& things or no one's going to read your *&%$#@ !!"

So the author went back to about twenty different unfinished stories and wrote the same final sentence for each:

"Wait, Captain, something's wrong! The engine's about to explo ... !"

Anyways, I hope Lockey comes back, too. He's a clever, creative guy.
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Re: A Curious Coin Conundrum

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Even if he doesn't I know where his FurAffinity account is so if I want to contact him I will do it there.