Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

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Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Welcome to Crater City!

Crater City is an idyllic, bustling city filled with both natural and artistic beauty. Reinforced skyscrapers and houses coexist with steep wooded hills, rocky mountains, and coastal cliffs to form a city skyline that is as natural as it is man made. The city almost entirely surrounds Crater Bay, a large salt water bay formed when an ancient crater flooded with ocean water. Crater Bay opens up to the ocean to the west with the Giant's Gate Bridge connecting the northern and southern peninsulas. The city features a number of scenic beaches, piers, and overlooks where one can surf, whale watch, fish, or simply take a seafaring tour out to the nearby National Park, the Colossus islands.

City Layout:
Crater City is a large and highly populated city which surrounds Crater Bay on all sides save for where the bay opens into the ocean. This gives the city itself a crescent moon shape, with the Giant's Gate Bridge, an ornate and solidly built drawbridge, connecting the northwestern and southwestern sections of the city. Due to safety concerns and estimated expenses, no bridges exist over the bay. As such anyone driving from one side of the city to the other must drive around the bay, which has a twenty mile diameter. The rim of the crater raises high above sea level, and can even be seen stretching towards the sky beyond the city's tallest skyscrapers.

To the south and north lay a number of small villages and towns, mostly dedicated to fishing. These towns largely wish to be left alone, but still offer excellent hospitality to visitors. The Crater City counsel politely requests all residents show respect to these villages and their inhabitants.

To the west, out in the ocean, lies the Colossus Islands, a nature preserve and tourist destination. While access to the islands is restricted, tourists may take one of the many available boat tours to see the towering pillars of rock stretching towards the sky, surrounding a central volcanic island.

To the east, there lay of mountains, valleys, and wilderness, where no settlements exist for miles. While there are plenty of nature walks and national parks in the area, this zone is largely off-limits to most citizens. There is a select demographic that enjoys the isolation of this area. For everyone's safety, they are the only ones permitted to be in the off-limits zone.

Crater City is a diverse settlement with a wide range of races, ethnicities, and even species. The breakdown of the three major demographic groups are as follows.

Humans: Mostly hairless primates and one of the oldest sentient species on the planet. Humans are a diverse group in their own right, and, while not the most populous of the three main groups, are the species that ultimately founded Crater City.

Zoomorphs: This group gets their name from their resemblance to various anthropomorphic animals. Externally they tend to be covered in fur or feathers or scales, and frequently have tails and other peripheral animal-like traits. Internally, they seem to be quite similar to humans, and instances of hybrids with humans and with other Zoomorph species have been recorded in the past. Different Zoomorph species have occasionally exhibited trends of behaviors and preferences that seem to tie into the species of animal they resemble, but evidence suggests these are more cultural differences rather than biological ones.

Kaiju: Making up approximately 5% of the population, Kaiju might seem to be the smallest demographic. In fact, that could not be further from the truth. Kaiju are a species of shape-shifting giants. They are massive, ranging from house sized to skyscraper sized. Most of the time, these Kaiju live peaceful, quiet lives alongside the Humans and Zoomorphs. They are able to do this because all Kaiju are capable of assuming a smaller form that greatly resembles a Human or a Zoomorph at a surface level. Internally, however, Kaiju are still giants.

Kaiju Breakdown:
The species of Kaiju comes with three main classifications: Legends, Colossi, and Xenoforms.

Legend: Generally this classification is reserved for Kaiju who's powers and appearance resemble a creature from legend. Massive dragons, kitsunes, sea serpents, gryphons and the like all qualify as Legend class Kaiju. That list is not comprehensive. Legend class Kaiju generally have powers either related to natural phenomenon such as Earthquakes and Lightning, or abilities resembling those of the mythical creature they are based on such as fire breath.

Colossus: This classification includes any Kaiju who takes the form of a scaled up version of an ordinary animal, Zoomorph, or Human. Giants and giant versions of animals are considered Colossi. These Kaiju generally do not have specific powers beyond their size and strength.

Xenoform: This is, for the most part, the "other" classification. Meaning alien form, Xenoforms are generally strange creatures that don't closely resemble any known species, either ordinary or legendary. Xenoforms also have a wide range of abilities that aren't necessarily associated with anything. Essentially, Xenoforms can be summarized as "Anything Goes."

What isn't allowed: Your main character must not be a villain. The goal of the players is to live in peace with powers that make it particularly difficult to do so, and to thwart attempts to shatter that peace. If you wish to play a villain during an arc, or wish for your character to temporarily become the villain of an arc, then speak with me and we will see what we can arrange. Any arcs with player controlled villains must be run by me, the GM.

Zoomorph species: Any existing animal or animal hybrid is allowed as the base for a Zoomorph character. However, all Zoomorphs are roughly similar to humans in terms of height, weight, intelligence, and internal anatomy.

Kaiju Stat: An additional stat has been added to the character sheet, and the total number of points you have to work with is 48. The "Kaiju" stat is a rough measurement of how large your character's Kaiju form is. Any powers they have will be scaled appropriately to this stat as well. Generally, a Kaiju's height in meters is 10 times the Kaiju stat. Powers generally only have an effect in the immediate vicinity of the Kaiju, and are proportional to that Kaiju's size.

Example Character Sheets:
Kaiju Sheet:
Character Name: Titus Brand

Kaiju Codename: Wildfire

Color: Deep red

Type: Main

Kaiju Class: Legend...?

Kaiju Form: Nature/Fire/Lightning Dragon

Disguised Species: Human

Age: 80 years (Looks 27)

Neighborhood: Crater City

Powers: Wildfire's Kaiju abilities revolve around destruction and renewal. He is capable of breathing fire and producing lightning from his body that can create a great deal of destruction. In the wake of that destructive force, however, Wildfire has the ability to passively restore new life to devastated areas. Scorched earth sprouts saplings where he walks, and injured animals heal at an accelerated rate around him.

He has wings, so he can fly, and he has obtained the ability to partially shift himself into a human-sized anthropomorphic dragon through intense training over the course of years.

Weakness: Wildfire is weak to water and pollution/poison. Water extinguishes his flame, and pollution/poison prevents him from giving new life to destroyed areas.

Appearance: As a Kaiju, Wildfire takes the form of a semi-quadrupedal fire dragon. He has a long mane of fiery red fur running from the top of his head down the back of his neck. Atop his head, Wildfire has two charcoal grey antlers resembling burned tree trunks. When he uses his powers, the cracks in these antlers glow red, yellow, or green depending on the power he is using. Most of Wildfire's scales are a dark red with specks of ash grey. The plates on his belly and neck and the leather of his wings are black as obsidian.

In disguise, Titus is a tall, handsome, well kempt looking human. He has medium length bright red hair that he likes to keep brushed down and neat. When at work, Titus tends to sport a dark grey suit and enjoys making a good impression with his appearance. If he feels he needs to put out a less intimidating presence around people, he will sometimes wear glasses purely for the aesthetic effect. When he isn't working, Titus enjoys wearing T-shirts and jeans or cargo pants. Feeling he needs to represent his species as best as he can in his government position, he takes great care of his appearance.

Personality: While he is a bit more focused on his appearance than he might need to be, it is mainly because he wants to make the best possible impression to the humans and Zoomorphs in the city counsel as well as the state and national government. He cares deeply about his fellow Kaiju and their struggles, but this just results in him getting even more passionate about defending against Rogue Kaiju attacks. Any time they happen, it turns into a nightmare for all of the law abiding Kaiju to deal with as extremists try to hunt them down while they're in hiding and vulnerable. Kaiju may be forces of nature in their own right, but Humans and Zoomorphs are not to be underestimated. Wildfire/Titus hates seeing his people suffer, and will not hesitate to hurt another Kaiju if they're putting the rest at risk.

Wildfire/Titus also cares about Humans and Zoomorphs, but they have plenty of representation as it is. He acts as a guardian to all citizens in Crater City.

Other notes: Wildfire/Titus was employed by the government as the first member of the Kaiju Defense Force, a small group of allied Kaiju who stand in defense of the country against attacks from large-scale threats such as rogue Kaiju or military invasion. The military branch was formed after Wildfire, risking his own life, saved the Third Navy Fleet from being destroyed by another Kaiju, code named Hurricane. He has played a central role in spreading awareness and preventing government retaliation against the Kaiju population after any rampage that occurs.

Wildfire once rescued a naval officer from an offshore Rogue attack, and the two have been friends ever since.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 5
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 8
- Intelligence: 6
- Agility: 5
- Luck: 6
- Kaiju: 6
Non-Kaiju Character Sheets can follow the standard Character Sheet format of the forum.
Frequently Asked Questions wrote: Q: Do Kaiju keep their powers in their disguised form?
A: Yes, but in a largely scaled down version. For example, in his disguised form, Wildfire can light a fireplace with his fire breath, power a TV with his electricity, and cause plants to grow strong and healthy by touching the soil they're planted in or by holding their pot.

Q: Do Zoomorphs have the same rights as humans?
A: Yes. In this society, Zoomorphs have equal rights to humans, and in fact are very similar to humans both socially and physically.

Q: How similar are Zoomorphs to humans?
A: Very similar. Zoomorphs are the same size as humans, age the same as humans, are able to eat the same foods as humans, have very similar needs to humans, and are even able to produce hybrid children with humans. These hybrids are not normally able to have kids, however, so Zoomorphs are roughly in the same genus as humans, but are not the same species.

Q: Do Kaiju keep their strength in their disguised form?
A: Sort of. Disguised Kaiju don't have access to their full strength, but can exhibit superhuman strength without needing to shift into Kaiju form. This strength isn't passive, and often requires training to be able to access.

Q: Can Kaiju shift into a sort of in-between form with traits of their Kaiju form, but the size of their disguised form? (not really frequently asked, but might be relevant)
A: Yes, but that's an extremely advanced skill. It took Wildfire years to learn how to make his wings appear without fully shifting, and even longer for other parts like claws, horns, scales, and his tail. He originally trained to do this so he could fly to where he needed to go without alarming people with his 200 foot tall Kaiju form.

Q: How old do you have to be to join the Kaiju Defense Force?
A: As with the standard military, you must be at least 17 to join. If you are 17, you need parental permission.
I've finally made a map of the Crater Bay area. It's a bit simplistic, but should give a general idea of the layout of the city.

Last edited by CyberDragon on Sun May 03, 2020 9:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by SeanWolf »

I like this idea. Gonna work on a character sheet tonight and probably post it tomorrow! Just one question: Can a Legend Kaiju have a physical weapon to go along with their normal powers like, say, a sword?
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:I like this idea. Gonna work on a character sheet tonight and probably post it tomorrow! Just one question: Can a Legend Kaiju have a physical weapon to go along with their normal powers like, say, a sword?
An interesting question.

Clothes and equipment generally don't scale up when a Kaiju shifts, with the exception of Human and Zoomorph Colossi. As such, the weapon would have to be a part of the Kaiju form. I suppose it depends on what your Legend is based on and the nature of the sword. For example, if the sword is actually a part of the Kaiju's body that it can detach and use similarly to a sword, that would probably be better.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by SeanWolf »

CyberDragon wrote:
SeanWolf wrote:I like this idea. Gonna work on a character sheet tonight and probably post it tomorrow! Just one question: Can a Legend Kaiju have a physical weapon to go along with their normal powers like, say, a sword?
An interesting question.

Clothes and equipment generally don't scale up when a Kaiju shifts, with the exception of Human and Zoomorph Colossi. As such, the weapon would have to be a part of the Kaiju form. I suppose it depends on what your Legend is based on and the nature of the sword. For example, if the sword is actually a part of the Kaiju's body that it can detach and use similarly to a sword, that would probably be better.
Alright, I might be able to still do something with the sword though I may have to go back to the drawing board with what kaiju he is (had planned on basing him off of the Tikbalang as I saw a few images of it holding a sword, but research is proving other wise atm).
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Looks up Tikbalang...

Oh man, that thing is terrifying and awesome.

It doesn't have to be an exact match to be classified as a Legend. You could have it be very similar to a Tikbalang, but with a sort of bony ridge on it's back that it can detach and use as a sword.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by SeanWolf »

CyberDragon wrote:Looks up Tikbalang...

Oh man, that thing is terrifying and awesome.

It doesn't have to be an exact match to be classified as a Legend. You could have it be very similar to a Tikbalang, but with a sort of bony ridge on it's back that it can detach and use as a sword.
Heh, thanks :)

I was actually thinking the sword was hidden away due to the destruction it caused (I'm looking into swords I could use as a basis) and the character I'm making would only use it as a last-ditch thing. The bony-ridge weapons seems interesting...may incorporate that somehow.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by SeanWolf »

Character Name: Mordecai

Kaiju Codename: Sleipnir

Color: Whatever this color's name is

Type: Main

Kaiju Class: Legend

Kaiju Form: Tikbalang

Disguised Species: Zoomorph (Clydesdale Horse)

Age: 14 years (42 in human)

Neighborhood: North of Crater City

Powers: Sleipnir's Kaiju powers are a cross between a professional wrestler and, what he likes to call, 'sword-kata'. When wielding the sword Jörmungandr, a weapon that only certain Tikbalang can wield, the sword becomes the sharpest blade that never dulls and has a blue flame* that can ignite from it for extra damage (Something along the lines of Excalibur from Hellboy 2019)

Weakness: Sleipnir is weak to extreme cold temperatures

Appearance: As a Kaiju, Mordecai takes the form of the muscular Sleipnir, while retaining some of the features from his zoomorph form (light-brown coloring and jet-black hair). In this form, Sleipnir strength and speed is doubled, which enables him to get the drop on his opponents and deliver fast kicks and bone-crushing punches.

In disguise, Mordecai takes the form of a light-brown Clydesdale Horse with sapphire-colored eyes and jet-lack hair. His outfit, however, lead many to call him, in fun, 'Meat Loaf' due to him wearing a white shirt with a black dress vest (both of which he removes when he becomes kaiju), complete with black jeans and steel-tipped boots.

Personality: Mordecai is a very peaceful and hard-working person. Be it lending a hand to construction in his village or just helping out in smaller ways, Mordecai always puts his people and friends first before himself.
When it comes to the various kaiju, however, his and his villages belief is that they are not weapons but tools to help out those less fortunate. In his case, he usually shifts to his kaiju form when helping with building or farming of the land. However, he does understand that, at times, a kaiju has to fight and he isn't afraid of laying the smack-down, so to speak, on any kaiju that threatens his home and people.

Other notes: Mordecai is not only the protector of his home village, but is their leader as well.
He also has another weapon. Beneath his village lies his other sword. A sword he swore to only use if he had no other choice.
He has only used the sword nine times. Nine times it has tasted the blood of kaiju. Nine times it had caused deveastation to the land and innocents. This sword's name strikes fear into those who hear it.
The sword's name? Jörmungandr.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 5
- Endurance: 6
- Charisma: 7
- Intelligence: 6
- Agility: 6
- Luck: 6
- Kaiju: 5
Last edited by SeanWolf on Fri Dec 23, 2022 2:26 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

The only issue I see is that generally the small towns surrounding Crater City and Crater Bay are generally terrified of Kaiju. Though I could see perhaps they might make an exception for Mordecai if he's their guardian and elected Mayor.

Keep in mind, these small towns are a lot like modern suburban towns. Crater City and the surrounding towns are inspired by San Francisco and it's own surrounding suburbs.

When you say he's the leader of the village, does that mean he's the mayor, or is he more just the one person in the village people go to for advice and help?

Finally, just to make sure you're aware, a Kaiju level of 6 means his Kaiju form is roughly 200 feet tall.

Also, how is he going to end up interacting with the other players? Is he currently taking a trip to the main city?
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by SeanWolf »

CyberDragon wrote:The only issue I see is that generally the small towns surrounding Crater City and Crater Bay are generally terrified of Kaiju. Though I could see perhaps they might make an exception for Mordecai if he's their guardian and elected Mayor.

Keep in mind, these small towns are a lot like modern suburban towns. Crater City and the surrounding towns are inspired by San Francisco and it's own surrounding suburbs.

When you say he's the leader of the village, does that mean he's the mayor, or is he more just the one person in the village people go to for advice and help?

Finally, just to make sure you're aware, a Kaiju level of 6 means his Kaiju form is roughly 200 feet tall.

Also, how is he going to end up interacting with the other players? Is he currently taking a trip to the main city?

1. 200 feet? OK...might go 150 ft (200 may be a bit TOO big for him lol)

2. I was thinking that the town Mordecai lives in is one of the very very few who are accepting of Kaiju as they have had Kaiju guardians and/or mayors in the past.

3. Yes, this also means he is the mayor and guardian of the town

4. As for the last one, he's visiting Crater City on a trip.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

1. A Kaiju's height in meters is 10 times the Kaiju stat. Each meter is about 3.3 feet. If you want him to be 150 feet tall, that's closest to a K stat of 5.

2. That's fine. Just unusual.

3. Cool.

4. That works.

So just adjust your stats as you see fit, and you should be good to go!
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by SeanWolf »

CyberDragon wrote:1. A Kaiju's height in meters is 10 times the Kaiju stat. Each meter is about 3.3 feet. If you want him to be 150 feet tall, that's closest to a K stat of 5.

2. That's fine. Just unusual.

3. Cool.

4. That works.

So just adjust your stats as you see fit, and you should be good to go!
Stat's adjusted. Otherwise, everything else seems good?
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

You can put that stat into one of your other stats to keep the total 48.

Other than that, it looks good.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by Foxfan2164 »

I'm gonna create a character sheet soon for this but right now im a bit busy. I'll have it as soon as possible.
which may not be soon :(
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

Here to show my entry, subject to your perusal. Introducing Mist, the Rakshasa Kaiju!


Character Name: Mist Kayto

Kaiju Codename: Blood Wind

Color: Tiger Eye (#e08d3c)

Type: Main

Kaiju Class: Legend

Kaiju Form: Rakshasa

Disguised Species: Below average build Black & White Mask & Mantle Cat

Age: 17 years old

Neighborhood: Crater City

Powers: Initially, Blood Wind is a very pitiful threat. While he does have a powerful set of claws and monstrous teeth, these pale in comparison to many Kaiju and he’s practically just a Colossus until he's hit with a significant blow. This activates his Blood Rights abilities.

Blood Rights grants him access to his actual power, which is translating raw energy into other forms, his learned forms being: ruin (conceptualized as acid), heat (fire), cold (ice), and power (electricity). These abilities work by translating lost life energy into other forms that he has a fundamental understanding of, being those above. The ability itself is rather free-form, allowing him to control and create energy of those types relative to the life energy he's lost into the area. Damage taken unwillingly still fuels this ability, but if the injuries are healed the power is revoked with respect to the degree of healing received. All the energy is limited to being within used within line of sight, and he must be able to speak understandably and freely move at least one hand to use it. If he loses consciousness, all the effects his life energy fuels cease immediately and he shrinks to his normal form in critical condition regardless of his actual state of health prior. Once Blood Wind is on his last hit, all his life energy turns to raw, making the "spells" incredibly quick to cast, as well as a powerful speed boost (roughly Agility 9), but can no longer heal until he shifts back down. With time and effort, he may be able to control other types of energy, as well as a way to use ambient energy, but with the little training he has the best he can muster is through self-sacrifice.

Outside of his Kaiju form, he loses control of his energy transformation. It stabilizes as life energy, meaning his lethal wounds quickly close but less urgent ones will last longer than usual. If at any time he has a visible injury, the lost energy destabilizes and will react if he makes contact with dense energy fields. (These effects will mimic the field, such as him: freezing onto cold objects like ice-cream machines, warping or melting heat sources, accelerating the decay of matter such as wood rotting, or discharging into electrical circuits.) He has no way to purposefully use the energy in this form, meaning he has to be more careful about his surroundings after he's hurt.

Weakness: Blood Wind has no power to control metal or manufactured materials, and loud or high-pitched noises ruin the concentration needed for Blood Rights. Being grappled or restricted can also inhibit him badly, as his strength is unremarkable for a Kaiju.

Appearance: As a Kaiju, Blood Wind is a roughly 150 foot bipedal tiger-creature, coated in a thick hide of the typical orange and black. The only notable thing setting this apart from a normal Colossus Zoomorph is that the hands are clearly human, except for the fur and long claws emerging from the fingertips, and the fact that they close backwards, meaning that when held outstretched, palms up, the thumbs point inwards. Once Blood Rights is activated, black coloring spreads from the wound and covers all the fur, making him a roughly tiger-shaped mass of darkness, with only his piercing red eyes and gleaming white fangs retaining their color in the mass. As his health drops, his fur will rapidly begin to turn to shadow, wisping around him as he moves, the orbit range increasing as the quantity of loose shadow does. This shadow can be recolored and shaped onto his body at will, though he rarely bothers with it.

In disguise, Mist is a smaller-than-average (standing at about 5' 3") Mask-and-Mantle cat, breed unclear. He has sharp seafoam eyes, and normally wears an over-sized smile when around strangers. White fur covers a triangle and the lower half of his face that runs through the center of his eyes, making the point along his face’s horizontal center just below the height where his ears start. His stomach and collar line are both white as well, with the rest of his body, limbs and all, pitch black. He normally wears a slim black suit, plain red vest, and shimmery purple cape, the cape nearly touching the ground as he stands. This is accompanied by black tearaway pants that hang around his feet, held loosely around his waist by a red sash, also wearing a velvet black top hat, appropriately sized for his height unlike the pants and cape. He keeps a simple cell phone and two small empty glass vials hidden in pockets within the vest.

Personality: Mist is a greatly empathetic soul who can’t stand having others around him unhappy despite the fact that he normally makes it worse with his attempts to please them. He starts with a friendly attitude towards all he meets, despite whatever reputation they may have, until he’s shown that they aren’t worth his time. Whenever his powers accidentally go off in his normal form, he’ll play it off as “magic” and normally do a few other tricks before moving on. His dream is to be able to use his abilities without fear of being killed for it, but he doesn’t think it actually has a chance of happening, and despite the big smile he always wears, he’s sure that the KDF will be his death.

Mist doesn’t hold a lot of hope for Kaiju, and is practically certain that he’ll be hunted down and killed before his 18th birthday due both to the rogue attacks’ outrage and his mother’s paranoia. This pessimism has led him to be dangerously generous, and he thinks nothing of wasting his time or health to help others.

Other notes: Mist was raised by his mother alone in a small apartment building, where she constantly worked to keep them both hidden as much as possible. She did her best to give him a good life, and he did his best to cheer her up when she’d come home late each night, drowsy and exhausted. Cracking jokes, performing magic tricks, and telling stories of all he’d seen out the windows, he considered himself gifted because she always slept easy after his entertaining. As he grew, he found his overzealous "magic" made hiding extremely hard, and his mother spent most of her time at home teaching him how to turn the raw energy into something less volatile. He didn’t agree with the idea, despite his mother’s cajoling in giving him a magician’s outfit to fit the lies, and vowed to her he was going to make it so they didn’t have to hide anymore. His 17th birthday gift (after a LOT of talking, begging, persuading, and whatever else it took) was her permission to try his hand at getting into the KDF.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
Strength: 4 | His below-averageness extends to the physical attributes of Blood Wind as well, meaning a grapple can incapacitate him entirely.
Perception: 8 | Impressive spatial awareness, and being able to find weak points or notice negative reactions can make Blood Rights far more useful.
Endurance: 10 | His Rakshasa blood doesn’t quit. He gets up, and he gets up, and he gets up...
Charisma: 3 | As Mist, he’s quiet and unassuming, and normally has to forcefully interject himself into conversations. As Blood Wind, when injured, he has a hair trigger for any form of physical contact, purposefully or otherwise.
Intelligence: 8 | He’s figured out how the powers are activated, but how they work is still beyond him.
Agility: 7 | Trained in a form of mock-Kyusho Jitsu, using pressure points to cause as much pain as possible with as little actual force as possible. Dodge and jab.
Luck: 3 | You’d be surprised how many sharp edges are within a normal household.
Kaiju: 5 | Not impressive physically, but his tenacity and ability can actually let him hold his own.

Thanks for your time!
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

So basically "Cast from HP."

Sounds good.

Could you specify what kinds of energy he can create and manipulate?
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

Note that the power curve grows fastest when he's nearly down and out, so the midpoint of his "HP" would only grant him like 1/3 of the max power.
Acid: Corrosive liquid that eats away at unnatural or manufactured materials. Most effective in polluted or uninhabitable lands. The Blood Rights effect increases the speed at which the acid cuts (which is based on density, not the material), the amount created is normally pretty consistent. It's summoned initially as an orb and normally launched as one or shot like a fire hose in a powerful stream. At unlock, it would take full minutes to cut through the few inches of asphalt of a street. Midway, it might take a minute. Edge of consciousness, it could hit a steel beam and the rest of the acid behind the reacted acid continue through the hole it creates. The volume created is around 65,500 cubic feet (encompassing a roughly 50-foot diameter sphere) but the low density means it takes far more acid than a 1/1 ratio for practically every material. All acid fully dilutes in contact with fresh water.
Cold: Creates a field based on a visible point that rapidly drops in temperature. Most effective in humid air or on materials with lower specific heat capacities. Blood Rights effect increases the speed at which the temperature drops. The fields can be shaped to any shape, but the easiest is a 75-foot diameter sphere (roughly twice his forearm's length for reference). At room temperature and 50% humidity, on unlock, the ability would take about a minute to create frost on a surface, half-point would take a few seconds, and edge of consciousness it's practically immediate.
Fire: Creates a plume of flame from one hand that bursts with a constant deep red flame, roughly 1400 degrees Fahrenheit maintained until he loses focus. Most effective in dry air and on materials with lower specific heat capacities. Blood Rights effect increases the distance the fire travels before it dies off, with the spread covering a 30-degree cone from the point of origin. At unlock, it travels about 37.5 feet (being his forearms's length) before fizzling off. At mid-health, it'll travel about 80 feet. Edge of consciousness, it'll travel 175 feet (115% his height), making it far more dangerous as it retains much of its power even after hitting a target and will roast whatever is past it.
Electricity: Creates an unstable electrical connection between himself and a certain target, lasting less than a second. Most effective when cast on a conductive target, or through a conductive medium. Blood Rights decides the amperage of the connection. At unlock, it's a mere .15 A (lethal to humans even then), mid-point granting 150 A, and edge of consciousness granting 1.5 mA (the power equaling that of a lightning strike).
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

You're approved.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by Citrisfur »

Character Name: James Schlatt

Color: #00A8CA Light Blue

Type: Main

Species: Zoomorph Ram

Age: 19 human years

Height: 5’4” (1.626 meters)

Appearance: White, with blue eyes and brown, curled horns. Almost always is wearing a loose fitting light blue sweater that matches his eyes.

Personality: Nice and casual, although cautious when meeting new individuals and a jokester with those he's already familiar with.

Other notes: James has lived in Crater City his whole life, graduating through grade schools like everyone else. He still lives with his parents, but attends the same college as Lyncus, albeit some different classes as his focus is business. Lyncus and James are best friends, and even have the same job position at the library to try and spend the most time with each other.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 4
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 10
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 7


Character Name: Lyncus Scephur

Kaiju Codename: Flare

Color: #DE9D0A Golden

Type: Main

Kaiju Class: Legend

Kaiju disguise: Zoomorph Lynx

Age: 20 years

Height: 6’1” (1.854 meters)

Powers: Holding out either one or both of her paws, cupped and perpendicular to her body, Lyncus can levitate an orb of pure white light directly above the chosen paws. This is generally the way Lyncus channels her power, to preform one of the following actions:

- The orb can be used to shoot thin light beams that vary in color based on her current mood. The power of these beams also is affected in the same way, from a gentle warming sensation to instantly singeing the small impact area or even lighting her target on fire. She can also use these beams of light as a way to activate light-powered machines or to write hidden messages that take great perception for others to discover.
Using two orbs, Lyncus can focus both beams for a stronger effect.
- The orb can launch light blue projectiles in bursts of three straight up into the air. Lyncus then focuses on her target, redirecting the path of the projectiles. This leaves her open to other forces during this time, as most of her focus is put into controlling the projectiles' flight paths. She can focus these projectiles a distance away, allowing her to focus on any area she chooses at a time, stealthily. Although, if she focuses on the area for too long, her projectiles will eventually reach the target and most likely give her away.
Using two orbs, Lyncus can fire five projectiles simultaneously, but cannot preform even the simplest of actions, such as speech or leg movement/walking.
- The passive light that the orb generates can be redirected in a wider, harmless beam, similar to a flashlight. Lyncus can directly control what color light is generated, and is not influenced by her current mood. This light can reveal text or drawings not immediately visible to others by tracing it with a yellow highlight. Lyncus herself can also use the light to see what is immediately on the other side of thin walls, which cannot be revealed to others.
Using two orbs, she can combine the two orbs into a much larger orb, held in front of her chest. This large orb generates a much brighter beam, albeit still harmless (if not blinding). This allows her to see through thicker walls or farther past the wall for thin walls. Strangely, she is not able to create two different flashlight beams by holding two smaller orbs; the first orb generated controls the beam while the second simply passively lights the immediate smaller area in its standard white.
- Lyncus can create an orb, leaving it in a location. This orb still gives off passive light and drains from her reserves. Lyncus can then later generate another orb, which she then can travel through to arrive back at the first location. She doesn't know if others can also travel through the orb.

After discovering the powers above, she later learns the powers below.

She can flatten one of her generated orbs into a disk, used as a mini shield. When controlling the orb, Lyncus decides what materials can pass through the orb, and what can’t. This requires some of her focus, of course. Entities that touch the shield aren’t harmed. On impact, the force pushes Lyncus back and drains additional energy based on the amount of force. If her energy store is unable to withstand the energy drain, her shield will shatter.
Using two orbs, Lyncus can connect the two, creating a wide, flat ellipse between her two paws. This barrier has the same properties as the smaller one, although it obviously provides her with more coverage.

Later on, she might be able to focus on holding two separate mini barrier orbs in each paw simultaneously, although when she first learns this ability, generating the second orb connects the two instantly.

Weakness: Lyncus is only able to focus on one area or group of individuals at a time. Because of this, if her attention becomes divided into two areas she won't be able to react to both at the same time, and becomes extremely nervous when she is aware of this happening. To protect herself, she then attempts to leave or reposition herself a distance away or to the outer perimeter of the area.

Lyncus's orbs are created directly and only from the sun's energy. Her body passively stores this energy in a reserve when she is in direct sunlight. Whenever she uses powers in the daylight, the energy is drawn from around her, efficiently supplying her to use her powers indefinitely. However, in the darkness, the body then draws from limited reserve, and when her reserve is empty she cannot even generate her basic orb.

Appearance: A bipedal lynx with brown fur. Her belly is a lighter shade of brown, while her back is dotted with darker brown spots. She has light blue eyes, lots of ear fluff the same color as her belly fur, and black-tipped, pointed ears.

Personality: Calm, collected, and nice to everyone she meets. Selfless and likes to use her abilities to play around with others. She gets embarrassed when she has her nervous breakdowns in front of others, but because of her powers this happens to her much more than she likes.

Other notes: Reworking in progress She takes great responsibility for Scille after she found her about a half-year ago, and the two get along exceptionally well.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 8
- Perception: 8
- Endurance: 4
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 5
- Luck: 7
- Kaiju: 4


Character Name: Scillephura (Scille) 'Keshe' Scephur Reworking in progress

Color: #8e50c4 Purple

Type: Main

Kaiju Class: Xenomorph

Kaiju disguise: Bobcat

Age: 1 human year (3.5 pet years)

Height: Generally around 3' (0.9144 meters), although varies



Appearance: Her appearance changes based on what latex she's composed of - while the natural latex she is fed is pure white and her core is hardened white latex, when added to her core and replicated it can also change to a pure black latex. Her eyes, curiously, stay an emerald green for either color. The two colors do not blend together to form gray scale colors, usually her being either pure white or black. On the off chance both colors are present, the smaller off color latex dot looks much like oil in water.

Personality: Very curious of everything and everyone. Can speak fluently but doesn't talk often, mostly preferring to observe her surroundings quietly. Her pure white/black colors help her blend in to backgrounds as well.

Other notes:

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 4
- Perception: 6
- Endurance: 9
- Charisma: 6
- Intelligence: 5
- Agility: 9
- Luck: 3


Scillephura is similar to a black latex from Changed, while Lyncus's first two listed orb abilities resemble the Last Prism and Solar Flare weapons from Terraria, respectively.

James may or may not be jSchlatt from SMPLive.
Last edited by Citrisfur on Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:37 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Ok, so there's quite a few things to address.

First, the setting should be considered mostly modern. There are fringe scientific discoveries that put things into Sci-Fi sometimes, but they are nearly always discovered in the process of finding a way to defend against rogue Kaiju. Things like giant mechs and materials that can withstand the weight of a Kaiju stepping on it. You won't find artificially intelligent androids walking around the city, for example. Nothing like artificial life currently exists in the setting, especially if it doesn't have any use against Kaiju. If Scillephura was developed in an attempt to find a weapon against Kaiju, then they might have a bit more of a chance, but there'd still be a few things that need addressing.

Second, Zoomorphs age at the same rate as humans, and are effectively very similar to humans biologically. So similar, in fact, that hybrids have been recorded. Human-Zoomorph hybrids are generally unable to have kids.

Third, Scillephura wouldn't qualify as a zoomorph or a xenoform. The former is a specific species of animal-like people, and the latter is specifically a class of Kaiju, with Kaiju specifically referring to the species of people who are capable of shifting between a human and giant monster form.

Fourth, is the scientist's mind the one controlling Scillephura?

Lyncus is a bit easier to fix. What defines a Legend is they must be inspired by some kind of mythical creature, while a Colossus is a scaled up version of an animal or person. Colossi don't have access to many powers because I wanted to encourage people to go do a bit of research into legendary monsters, or to create something wholly original.

That being said, after a bit of research, it turns out that while Lynxes aren't on their own mythical creatures, they do have myths surrounding them. They are considered "seers of truth" with abilities like clairvoyance and the ability to see through walls. If you incorporated factors from some of these myths in your character's power set, (for example, if the flashlight power was able to reveal secrets, or if she could also see through walls) then I would consider that close enough to classify her as a Legend Kaiju.

EDIT: As a side note, I added a FAQ to the description.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by Foxfan2164 »

Ok so here is my sheet; tell me if there's anything i need to fix!

Character Name: Hyper "False" Wenston

Kaiju Codename: Blizzard

Color: Blue = #0000ff

Type: Main

Kaiju Class: Legend

Kaiju Form: Ice/Wind Dragon

Disguised Species: zoomorph (Grey Wolf)

Age: 16 human years (idk where to put this so here it is
Gender: male)

Neighborhood: Crater City

Powers: In his kaiju form he becomes a bipedal dragon with ice and wind powers. His wings create large wind gusts and can blow the ice that he creates (well he's an ice breathing dragon) and move it pretty far.
Weaknesses: Well it's kind of obvious: fire/heat
Appearance: In his disguised zoomorph form, he is a somewhat tall anthropomorphic grey wolf. He has dark red eyes, almost brownish colored eyes. For the most part his entire body is mostly just gray fur but his right footpaw is a slightly darker hue from the rest of his body. Also his belly fur is a sort of light is grey; almost white hue.

In his “unleashed” kaiju state, he becomes a bipedal dragon (I stated this already) that has frost covering its wings.
He has metallic scales and a sharp needle-like tail.
Personality: Hyper tends to stay calm (ironically) and collective. He likes to meet new people and to drag them along into some of the things he does and sometimes this can get him into trouble. He is also a thrill seeker and loves adventures.
Other notes:Also, as his nickname suggests, Hyper is kind of a joker and likes to play around, and thus giving him the appearance of not being trustworthy (hence the name, False).
He also tries to hide his powers and his hidden abilities, and to do so he mostly stays in his disguised zoomorph form. He knows what would happen if he was exposed as a kaiju.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 6
- Perception: 4
- Endurance: 8
- Charisma: 9
- Intelligence: 9
- Agility: 5
- Luck: 2
- Kaiju:4
Edit: I based the kaiju form off a monster in a game I play, called Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. The monster I based it off of was Velkhana.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

It looks pretty good, but the backstory of him being bullied for being a Kaiju might need a bit of work.

Part of this game is keeping up the masquerade and keeping secrets from potentially hostile NPC's, which is hard to do if you're openly a Kaiju. Not to mention, the hatred of Kaiju by much of the population goes quite a lot farther than schoolyard bullying. Entire families generally have to uproot and move to a different side of the city if even one member is outed as a Kaiju. Bad things often happen to Kaiju families when they get found out.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by Citrisfur »

CyberDragon wrote:First, the setting should be considered mostly modern. There are fringe scientific discoveries that put things into Sci-Fi sometimes, but they are nearly always discovered in the process of finding a way to defend against rogue Kaiju. Things like giant mechs and materials that can withstand the weight of a Kaiju stepping on it. You won't find artificially intelligent androids walking around the city, for example. Nothing like artificial life currently exists in the setting, especially if it doesn't have any use against Kaiju. If Scillephura was developed in an attempt to find a weapon against Kaiju, then they might have a bit more of a chance, but there'd still be a few things that need addressing.
I was planning on having Lyncus discover later that Scillephura can actually store general energy as well, allowing Lyncus to recharge her reserves when they run out. Addressing the above, I could alter the point of her creation as a way to drain energy from rouge Kaiju she's attached two, either weakening/slowing them down or for other uses.
CyberDragon wrote:Second, Zoomorphs age at the same rate as humans, and are effectively very similar to humans biologically. So similar, in fact, that hybrids have been recorded. Human-Zoomorph hybrids are generally unable to have kids.

Third, Scillephura wouldn't qualify as a zoomorph or a xenoform. The former is a specific species of animal-like people, and the latter is specifically a class of Kaiju, with Kaiju specifically referring to the species of people who are capable of shifting between a human and giant monster form.
Maybe Scillephura can be classified as a human/bobcat zoomorph hybrid? I planned on her aging at the same rate as humans and being sterile, but the main issue is that her biology would be nothing similar. She definitely wouldn't be a Kaiju (and thus a xenoform), as she doesn't have the capabilities to grow any new cells, or become larger. I'll keep working on a better explanation or solution for this.
CyberDragon wrote:Fourth, is the scientist's mind the one controlling Scillephura?
Definitely not. For unexplained reasons, the host's mind is rendered completely useless as Scillephura's own mind dominates over it. While the host's cells are converted to her own, only the host's DNA is kept and is mostly used to alter her physical form.
CyberDragon wrote:Lyncus is a bit easier to fix. What defines a Legend is they must be inspired by some kind of mythical creature, while a Colossus is a scaled up version of an animal or person. Colossi don't have access to many powers because I wanted to encourage people to go do a bit of research into legendary monsters, or to create something wholly original.

That being said, after a bit of research, it turns out that while Lynxes aren't on their own mythical creatures, they do have myths surrounding them. They are considered "seers of truth" with abilities like clairvoyance and the ability to see through walls. If you incorporated factors from some of these myths in your character's power set, (for example, if the flashlight power was able to reveal secrets, or if she could also see through walls) then I would consider that close enough to classify her as a Legend Kaiju.
That was an issue I had while researching; lynxes themselves were seen as mythical, but there wasn't a specific example of an individual legendary lynx. I didn't want to give her those abilities from the beginning as well, but I see how that fits the Kaiju theme better. In addition to the flashlight revealing secrets or highlighting details for others, maybe her projectile ability can also be used to monitor locations much farther away from where she is.

That being said, I also thought of another ability: if she leaves one of her orbs lying around, it slowly drains energy from her reserves, but she can create a second orb from any location and travel through it to the original orb. I've read that a lynx battled with Cerberus, guardian of the underworld, so maybe as a bit of a stretch this can be a representation of escaping confinement?

Thanks for your input.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

*wall of questions 1! Not priority by any means, just whenever convenient.*
Topic: Kaiju in society

1. With the KDF being a seemingly voluntary path for Kaiju citizens, how does the local government treat civilian Kaiju? Are they on some sort of registry, or face any sort of special regulation to ensure they don't suddenly shift and start smashing things?

2. What punishments can/does this government apply to Kaiju who try to hide their powers? What about those that do the rogue attacks?

3. Are Kaiju naturally better at spotting each other in hiding? Are there any widespread support groups, or will most Kaiju's interactions with other Kaiju just be their family and the rogue attack reports?

4. Does the government have any fail-proof (or at least reliable) way to tell if a citizen is a Kaiju? Do they have any devices that can limit or cancel their powers?

5. Titus, as Wildfire, was stated as being part of a pretty significant battle, though the populace of Crater City is known to be rather anti-Kaiju. Is he still hiding his identity as Wildfire from the public, and if so, is the KDF's message being spread in any special fashion to make it clear it's not just a trap for Kaiju?

6. Are there any important figures/govt branches/mega-corporations that purposefully make life harder for the Kaiju group and/or the KDF?

7. What is the general public outlook towards the KDF? (since it seems to be a rather new branch which, while making the people safer, likely cost them money and will force them to face the fact that there are numerous Kaiju within their population)

*think that's all I've got for this topic, if I need to rephrase them to be more clear/concise I can.*
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Citrisfur wrote:I was planning on having Lyncus discover later that Scillephura can actually store general energy as well, allowing Lyncus to recharge her reserves when they run out. Addressing the above, I could alter the point of her creation as a way to drain energy from rouge Kaiju she's attached two, either weakening/slowing them down or for other uses.
The idea that Scillephura was designed to weaken Kaiju does help their case... a little. Still doesn't explain why they would need a goo creature to do that. Maybe if the mechanics of the energy drain required the slime-like qualities to work somehow?
Citrisfur wrote:Maybe Scillephura can be classified as a human/bobcat zoomorph hybrid? I planned on her aging at the same rate as humans and being sterile, but the main issue is that her biology would be nothing similar. She definitely wouldn't be a Kaiju (and thus a xenoform), as she doesn't have the capabilities to grow any new cells, or become larger. I'll keep working on a better explanation or solution for this.
Human/Zoomorph hybrids are people born from a human parent and a zoomorph parent. Again, Zoomorphs aren't just any anthropomorphic animal-like creature. They're a specific species. Though I suppose if Scillephura uses zoomorph DNA as a base, then technically an arguement could be made to consider her a zoomorph.

Though if she doesn't grow new cells, how does she heal injuries or replace old cells?
Citrisfur wrote:Definitely not. For unexplained reasons, the host's mind is rendered completely useless as Scillephura's own mind dominates over it. While the host's cells are converted to her own, only the host's DNA is kept and is mostly used to alter her physical form.
That's... actually horrifying. Does that mean his mind is locked in a backseat position? Does it mean his mind is dead and Scillephura basically ate the dude? Any scenario coming to mind is really morbid and causes several complications. Like, for example, when Wildfire finds out, which he likely will, he's pretty much obligated by his duty as National Guard/Kaiju-related Law Enforcement to turn Scillephura in.
Citrisfur wrote:That was an issue I had while researching; lynxes themselves were seen as mythical, but there wasn't a specific example of an individual legendary lynx. I didn't want to give her those abilities from the beginning as well, but I see how that fits the Kaiju theme better. In addition to the flashlight revealing secrets or highlighting details for others, maybe her projectile ability can also be used to monitor locations much farther away from where she is.

That being said, I also thought of another ability: if she leaves one of her orbs lying around, it slowly drains energy from her reserves, but she can create a second orb from any location and travel through it to the original orb. I've read that a lynx battled with Cerberus, guardian of the underworld, so maybe as a bit of a stretch this can be a representation of escaping confinement?
Yeah I think that sounds Ok.

DdeeStar wrote:*wall of questions 1! Not priority by any means, just whenever convenient.*
Topic: Kaiju in society

1. With the KDF being a seemingly voluntary path for Kaiju citizens, how does the local government treat civilian Kaiju? Are they on some sort of registry, or face any sort of special regulation to ensure they don't suddenly shift and start smashing things?

A: There was going to be a registry, but Wildfire used his influence to block that. Not that he was opposed to accountability, but the people advocating for a registry generally were the same people who advocated for legalizing Kaiju hunting, so... yeah. The government officially regards civilian Kaiju as regular citizens, but Kaiju often find no actual justice when one of their number is in trouble. The "I was just defending myself" excuse is used a lot by illegal Kaiju hunters.

2. What punishments can/does this government apply to Kaiju who try to hide their powers? What about those that do the rogue attacks?

A: Given most of the Kaiju population tries to hide their powers, and the fact that if they're successful that means those powers haven't posed a threat, the government does not punish Kaiju who hide their nature. Punishment for rogue attacks depends on the damage the attack does and the reason for the attack. Each death in the attack counts as a homicide, all property damage gets penalized, and transforming in a public space is considered a "Public Disturbance" even if no damage is done, as it generally causes panic. The exception is when a local Kaiju shifts into Kaiju form to repel a threat or to defend themselves or others. Good Samaritan laws also apply. For example, if there was a car crash and Wildfire turned into a Kaiju to use his healing powers on the victims, he would not be considered guilty of any criminal action, even if he wasn't Kaiju Defense Force.

Speaking of, Kaiju Defense Force units are given more leeway regarding public shapeshifting, as they are specifically trained to minimize damage and panic caused by the transformation.

3. Are Kaiju naturally better at spotting each other in hiding? Are there any widespread support groups, or will most Kaiju's interactions with other Kaiju just be their family and the rogue attack reports?

A: They don't have a 6th sense, but the Kaiju community has ways of finding each other. Often pretty mundane methods, like internet chats and support groups. Also, Kaiju are better at spotting certain signs that another person is a Kaiju, simply because they've been there. Even disguised, Kaiju are still giant monsters on the inside, even if they don't outwardly show it.

4. Does the government have any fail-proof (or at least reliable) way to tell if a citizen is a Kaiju? Do they have any devices that can limit or cancel their powers?

A: There are certain signs that a citizen is a Kaiju, and gravimeters generally freak out when placed near a disguised Kaiju. Oddly, gravimeters don't malfunction when placed near a Kaiju in their monster form.

As for a way to limit or cancel a Kaiju's powers, there is something that can keep a Kaiju from shifting. It's generally an injection, however, and doesn't do anything to turn a Kaiju from it's monster form into it's disguised form. Generally it's only used on Kaiju who have been arrested.

5. Titus, as Wildfire, was stated as being part of a pretty significant battle, though the populace of Crater City is known to be rather anti-Kaiju. Is he still hiding his identity as Wildfire from the public, and if so, is the KDF's message being spread in any special fashion to make it clear it's not just a trap for Kaiju?

A: Titus doesn't hide as much as others. He's a well known pro-Kaiju activist. He doesn't make it public that he is Wildfire, but he has occasionally shown his nature to others in order to deter them from a course of action he considers dangerous.

Example: He was buying some snacks at a gas station when someone tried holding the place up. He grabbed them, showed his dragon fangs, snorted a short burst of fire, and told the robber they were ticking him off.

Said robber nearly broke the sound barrier booking it out of there.

As for reassuring the Kaiju population that the KDF isn't a trap, most of it's members are Kaiju and one of it's highest ranking members is Wildfire, who is known for his Kaiju activism among the Kaiju population.

6. Are there any important figures/govt branches/mega-corporations that purposefully make life harder for the Kaiju group and/or the KDF?

A: I'd make a list, but I don't have an hour to spend on this answer.

7. What is the general public outlook towards the KDF? (since it seems to be a rather new branch which, while making the people safer, likely cost them money and will force them to face the fact that there are numerous Kaiju within their population)

A: The KDF was met with skepticism and distrust when it was first founded. However, since it only consists of a handful of members and has cut the damage from Kaiju attacks down by nearly 80% in it's first two years, more people are starting to open up to it. The KDF, consisting mostly of Kaiju, also is responsible for popular opinion of Kaiju steadily improving in recent years.

*think that's all I've got for this topic, if I need to rephrase them to be more clear/concise I can.*
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by Citrisfur »

CyberDragon wrote:The idea that Scillephura was designed to weaken Kaiju does help their case... a little. Still doesn't explain why they would need a goo creature to do that. Maybe if the mechanics of the energy drain required the slime-like qualities to work somehow?
I suppose the scientists could have been attempting to create some sort of general power drain, disguised as a regular looking zoomorph that could drain the energy when it came into contact with the Kaiju. The 'goo' form of the creature could be due to cells storing much more excess energy than they could handle as a consequence of poor biological design, which means that with the more energy she stores the less she is able to hold a consistent form.
(and Scille's backstory was made up on the spot, and could be entirely rewritten. Some things I'll change to be consistent with this anyways)
CyberDragon wrote:Human/Zoomorph hybrids are people born from a human parent and a zoomorph parent. Again, Zoomorphs aren't just any anthropomorphic animal-like creature. They're a specific species. Though I suppose if Scillephura uses zoomorph DNA as a base, then technically an arguement could be made to consider her a zoomorph.
To be honest, I'm not too concerned myself about how she's classified, since she's technically even artificial technology and all. I'm trying to suggest possibilities to help conform to your classifications, so whatever works best for you.
CyberDragon wrote:Though if she doesn't grow new cells, how does she heal injuries or replace old cells?
She doesn't. Cuts and slashes have little to no effect on her since she can mostly control her form, so she can just reform the bond between cells with minimal loss. This makes her extremely vulnerable to burning and freezing, although water is just another method of separation, and mild poisons can be quarantined to specific parts of her body (or expelled completely) to reduce spread to other cells or areas. The proper way the scientists should have disposed of their experiment was an incinerator, but someone was a bit careless, assuming the experiment was already dead.

Her cells don't die of old age to be replaced by new ones, they just withstand their environments until some outside force happens to kill them. Her body was designed to constantly be absorbing and discharging large amounts of energy, after all. But like modern batteries, they break down with old age, and her entire body ages at the same time.

The only possible way she can create new cells is to absorb other hosts and convert their cells to their own, although she actually hates doing this as she knows she is effectively killing the host.
CyberDragon wrote:That's... actually horrifying. Does that mean his mind is locked in a backseat position? Does it mean his mind is dead and Scillephura basically ate the dude? Any scenario coming to mind is really morbid and causes several complications. Like, for example, when Wildfire finds out, which he likely will, he's pretty much obligated by his duty as National Guard/Kaiju-related Law Enforcement to turn Scillephura in.
Scientist dude is gone, like in a Goosebumps novel. His mind doesn't even exist anymore, and those memories that went with it are gone as well. And if Wildfire wants to lock her up for it, that's perfectly fine as well. Scillephura knows that she shouldn't be around all the other creatures in Crater City and knows that she's dangerous; she just doesn't know what she's done to deserve the fear. She's only been alive for a year, so even though she's human sized, she's still a child mentally.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

So here's the problem. The fact that she can only live long term by killing and absorbing people puts her, whether she means to or not, in a villain role. A tragic villain, but still a villain for the purposes of the game. PC villains aren't allowed for major characters except for specific arcs that are organized beforehand. She's already on shaky ground considering artificial life is some fringe science at best and the fact that she isn't one of the specified "playable races" so to speak.

As the character is, I can't justify accepting her. Lyncus is fine once you implement some mythology inspired powers discussed earlier, but Scillephura needs some pretty considerable changes.

The biggest problem for the character is having to kill people to survive, as mentioned before. This is a hard block barring the character at the moment, as it means she's doomed to become a bad guy. Consider the power sets we have, and that even getting anywhere near a stray shot from Wildfire or Blizzard would cause damage to many of her cells, she will inevitably be forced to either replace them by killing someone, or to die. Considering major player characters aren't allowed to die due to forum rules, that leaves her one option.

As much as I'm bickering, and as nitpicky as I'm being, I do appreciate the thought you put into this. The characters you've submitted are interesting and creative. It's just one of them needs some changes in order to fit within the rules of the game.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by Citrisfur »

Okay! That's fine. I'll work on improving Lyncus's abilities and tell you when her revisions are done.

Quick question: were the three abilities we discussed earlier good enough for now, or should she have more mythical abilities?

Again, thanks for the consideration. Scillephura was kind of a spontaneous idea, and I'm sure I'll be able to use her somewhere else in the future.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Sounds good. Thanks for understanding.

If you're looking for a good place to go with spontaneous ideas, Beacon of Hope has far fewer restrictions on the kinds of characters you can play. We even have a character who's a blob of goo in a suit of armor over there.

Might be worth checking out. It could use some new players.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

*wall of questions 2! Still not urgent.*
Topic: The KDF

1. You've mentioned that the KDF has some criteria for the Kaiju wanting to join, one being self-control. Does that mean there's some sort of combat simulation/test fight involved?

2. Is the KDF a full-time job, or more like an on-call group across the city?

3. Is there a sort of tactical command within the KDF for the Kaiju in battle, or does Wildfire give commands in battle?

4. Does Wildfire choose who's sent on a certain mission, someone/group else, or is each Kaiju expected to know where they'll be useful?

5. Do KDF-employed Kaiju still hide their personal identities, and/or can they get in trouble for trying to get fame for it?

6. Does the KDF provide lodging/training areas/personal trainers/medical resources for the members (assuming there's a facility/area dedicated to it, an HQ or something)? Are these required to be used over their own resources?

7. Is there a certain power/usefulness a Kaiju has to have to be worth employing in the KDF?

8. Is the KDF exclusively Kaiju workers, or is it staffed mostly by Human/Zoomorph personnel?

9. Roughly how many Kaiju are in the KDF?

10. Do new recruits face any different patterns/treatment than a longer member, and/or are there probationary periods before they're allowed to be sent out on a mission?

11. In Kaiju battles, how important (to the KDF and government) is avoiding collateral damage?

*Once more I'm happy to rewrite any clumsily-written questions*
Last edited by DdeeStar on Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by Foxfan2164 »

CyberDragon wrote:It looks pretty good, but the backstory of him being bullied for being a Kaiju might need a bit of work.

Part of this game is keeping up the masquerade and keeping secrets from potentially hostile NPC's, which is hard to do if you're openly a Kaiju. Not to mention, the hatred of Kaiju by much of the population goes quite a lot farther than schoolyard bullying. Entire families generally have to uproot and move to a different side of the city if even one member is outed as a Kaiju. Bad things often happen to Kaiju families when they get found out.
Hmm ok. I'll fix that part of his backstory.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Foxfan2164 wrote:Hmm ok. I'll fix that part of his backstory.
Looks good. You're approved.
DdeeStar wrote:*wall of questions 2! Still not urgent.*
Topic: The KDF
1. You've mentioned that the KDF has some criteria for the Kaiju wanting to join, one being self-control. Does that mean there's some sort of combat simulation/test fight involved?

A: There are a series of practical tests involved when joining the KDF. These are conducted either in a secure government test site, or in the ghost town in the wilderness East of Crater City.

2. Is the KDF a full-time job, or more like an on-call group across the city?

A: The KDF pays like a full-time job, but functions more like an on-call job. Regular training sessions and test drills are required, and there are smaller tasks KDF members often have to do. They are a military branch, so they have to do whatever task they are ordered to do, whether it's fighting off a rogue, protecting people during natural disasters, or even simpler stuff like recruiting and fundraising events.

3. Is there a sort of tactical command within the KDF for the Kaiju in battle, or does Wildfire give commands in battle?

A: There is a sort of tactical command, and orders will come from higher ups regarding priority tasks in larger scale battles with multiple rogues. However, Wildfire gives most of the commands, particularly in fights against only one or two rogues.

4. Does Wildfire choose who's sent on a certain mission, someone/group else, or is each Kaiju expected to know where they'll be useful?

A: Various higher up commanders will assign missions, though Wildfire can have considerable influence in this choice.

5. Do KDF-employed Kaiju still hide their personal identities, and/or can they get in trouble for trying to get fame for it?

A: Depends on the Kaiju. Being open about being in the KDF isn't a crime so long as no confidential information is leaked. That said, going around bragging that you're a Kaiju is pretty much always asking for trouble, and you can be penalized for leaking the names of other members.

6. Does the KDF provide lodging/training areas/personal trainers/medical resources for the members (assuming there's a facility/area dedicated to it, an HQ or something)? Are these required to be used over their own resources?

A: The KDF does have all of these things available, and members are generally required to make use of them. That said, these resources are pretty high quality, especially the lodging. Members aren't barred from supplementing some of these resources with resources of their own. For example, if they have a particularly trusted doctor, they're allowed to still go to that doctor in addition to the KDF employed one.

7. Is there a certain power/usefulness a Kaiju has to have to be worth employing in the KDF?

A: Not really, though some powers are more in demand than others. Defensive and healing abilities will get pretty high consideration over others, for example. That said, even a 20 foot tall level 1 Kaiju can at the very least help with construction of KDF facilities.

8. Is the KDF exclusively Kaiju workers, or is it staffed mostly by Human/Zoomorph personnel?

A: Most of the soldiers are Kaiju, but non-combat personnel are a mix of human, zoomorph, and Kaiju. Some soldiers are also Human or Zoomorph mech pilots, but Kaiju outnumber them due to the prohibitive cost of building giant mechas.

9. Roughly how many Kaiju are in the KDF?

Given it's still pretty new, only about 10 or so Kaiju soldiers are in the KDF. There isn't a specific number of non-combat Kaiju working for the KDF, but it can be presumed to be 5% of non-combat personnel.

10. Do new recruits face any different patterns/treatment than a longer member, and/or are there probationary periods before they're allowed to be sent out on a mission?

A: There is a probationary period where new members are trained before they're sent on assignments.

11. In Kaiju battles, how important (to the KDF and government) is avoiding collateral damage?

A: Very important. Reducing collateral damage is how the KDF measures it's success, and it's the reason why new members have to undergo heavy training.

It seems that once Citris makes the requested adjustments to their character, we will have enough players to begin. I'll likely start writing the first post later today.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

Just a quick note for everyone playing- I tweaked Mist's power's activation so it's a little less gruesome, but the effects are pretty much the same. That's why I put a final tag on it.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

Citrisfur wrote:Okay! That's fine. I'll work on improving Lyncus's abilities and tell you when her revisions are done.

Quick question: were the three abilities we discussed earlier good enough for now, or should she have more mythical abilities?

Again, thanks for the consideration. Scillephura was kind of a spontaneous idea, and I'm sure I'll be able to use her somewhere else in the future.
I'm just realizing that I never answered the question. The abilities we discussed are good for now. Thanks!
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by Citrisfur »

CyberDragon wrote:It seems that once Citris makes the requested adjustments to their character, we will have enough players to begin. I'll likely start writing the first post later today.

I'm just realizing that I never answered the question. The abilities we discussed are good for now. Thanks!
I made the revisions to her character sheet. Let me know if everything looks good.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I'd suggest putting another backstory in Other Notes, but the character looks fine for now. Lyncus is approved.

I'm going to start on the first post. What do you all want your characters doing to start with? Like, where are they going to start out?
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by Foxfan2164 »

Umm... Could be like an apartment or a house near a high school?
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

Both work easily for Mist, as he and Hyper (assuming the apartment it's near would be Hyper's residence, if I'm wrong disregard the first) could easily live near each other or go to the same school. Being within a year of age, they could even be in the same grade. They likely wouldn't know each other were Kaiju or have much of a relationship at all since Mist doesn't want any sort of attention (which Hyper seems to have a reputation for), so it wouldn't retcon much since I don't think we nailed down any addresses or housing zones.

Other than that, Mist won't stray far from the KDR unless he's ordered to or another soldier lets him follow them around.

Note: When I refer to Mist's home, I mean his mother's apartment, not to imply that Hyper would live right by the KDF facilities.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by CyberDragon »

I think I'm going to start us on a Saturday so that Mist and Hyper aren't stuck in school for the larger part of the day, if that's OK with everyone.
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by SeanWolf »

Fine with me!
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Re: Non-HPU: Crater City OOC

Post by DdeeStar »

CyberDragon wrote:I think I'm going to start us on a Saturday so that Mist and Hyper aren't stuck in school for the larger part of the day, if that's OK with everyone.
Probably for the best. Truancy wouldn't look good on any records. :D
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