HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

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HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

Myers Street: Located close to Downtown Kantra, this was one of the hardest hit areas during Z-Day. Known by some of the residents who once lived there as one of the best places to just hang out (though many would say it's actually the second best), it was now no more then a war zone where many tried to fight back but either failed or just made like a tree and got out of there. While there was nary any survivors left there as most have either evacuated, boarded up and stayed in their homes, or are now a member of the undead, there were still those who bit the bullet and ventured out into the city for reasons only they know of. Coming out of a nearby convenience store was one such survivor: A tall, Leonberger whose outfit would make one think it was Duke Nukem, thanks in part to their choice of tank shirt, jeans, and combat boots. This Leonberger's name was Roarke and armed with his owner's lever-action (His owner lives in one of the Military Designated Safe-Zones outside of Kantra and although they were separated due to the hysteria, they do try to keep in touch with each other), he's been doing his best to survive this new world and ranking up quite the kill count too. Today, however, he was more interested in getting some soda from the store as he had a hankering for some root beer. Entering the messy store, which if it was clean was your typical convenience store, with his rifle drawn, he headed back towards where the sodas were kept and, after finding said drink he was thirsty for, then grabbed a nearby small cooler and placed the soda within, along with a few extras, then headed back out front to the Ice container and filled it with ice (as he didn't want warm soda). Just then, a groan then crept into her eardrums: The tell-tell sign of a zombie. Hiding beside the ice chest, he peeked out and was relieved to see that it was only one zombie and not multiple as he was thinking, though he didn't want to risk another horde rush so, pulling his suppressed pistol out (a M1911), he took aim and quickly dispatched the undead freak with a clean shot before standing up, cooler in hand (though it was a tad heavy due to the ice), and making his way back to his safe house, all the while thinking that this was a pretty easy run...alas, Lady Luck was out of town as, while he was passing by a car, the cooler bumped right up against it, triggering the alarm...
"Oh crap..." Roarke uttered as the alarm went off, for he knew that was going to attract a whole ton of zombies and, where he was at that moment, he didn't have much in the way of cover but, thankfully, he did notice a nearby dumpster was shut and he was tall enough to reach the roof of said store from the dumpster so..."Well it's worth a shot!" He quickly made his way to the dumpster, climbed on it then onto the roof and hunkered down there, waiting for the zombie horde to arrive...and hopefully some help as he didn't pack much ammo for his rifle and pistol this time...
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by Buster »

Meanwhile, out in the woods...

the forrest was quiet, a lone deer off by itself grazing in a small clearing.
the only warning it had a faint rustle behind it and a low growl in mid air above it a fraction of a second later as it's pouncing hunter came in for a landing, already too late to run. a moment after a pair of strong hands wrapped around it's neck and powerful jaws clamped onto the back of it's head as a weight landed on the back of the now panicked animal.

a quick twist of mila's jaws 90* to the left and the clearing was silent once again.
digging her claws into the neck and relatively cleanly severing the head of the now dead deer, she let it fall to the ground. it would be left behind as a distraction for the shambling menace she competed with out here.

slinging the carcas over her shoulder and rising to her full height, the tigress started walking back to camp. pausing a moment, she grabbed the bag of herbs from where she had hidden it while hunting before continuing towards home. Technically it was more than her little trio needed, but the ones in town always traded well for fresh meat and herbs, and her supplies of medicine and bandages were getting low...

"Здравствуйте." she called out as her fellow Zoo Escapees came into view, the kangaroo ahead of her setting down a sledgehammer to wave back. "Trouble while gone?" she asked noticing a bit of a mess just outside the camp.

"Nothing Charles and I couldn't handle." The roo answered, gesturing to the boa constrictor relaxing on a rock next to her, "It's been pretty calm today."

nodding, she ducked inside the shelter, getting to work on properly butchering and curing her kill. the mess would draw more... they'd need to move camp again, soon.

(The word used is a greeting)
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by 22xander »

Meanwhile, far south of civilisation and on the edge of the forrest Mojave wandered. He was about five Klicks south of the nearest fire watch tower, and would be heading to it in not too long. He was humming along to his music playing from the radio, head-phones pulled over one long ear while his other listened to danger. As he jumped from car to car, unnesisarily doing parcore for fun, he heard a rustling in the allyway to the south.

He wasn't far from a hardware store, and that was one of his marks for today's survay. He'd just left a grocery store, and while they had been mostly out of everything, he had been able to find some penut m&ms that he happily tossed into his mouth as he walked. With the calm ease of someone far too comfortable with his own mortality, he slipped down and to the edge of the allyway, peaking around the corner.

Within there was one Zulu, a term for zombies his ranger team had been using as it was the military slang for the leter Z. He could try to sneak past it, but it would smell him soon. And he might as well wake them all up now if he was just going to do it later. With a grin on his face he pulled out his gun. A long-bearled, modified, and butifuly crafted .357 Magnum his paw fit nicely into the well-worn ivory grips.

With a loud bang the zulu was down, while his weapon was loud it was also powerful and his bullet was lucky enough to sever the spinal cord and shatter the fourth cervical vertabre. More would be comming soon, of course, so with the hot second he had he spun the revolver's bearel, dropped the spent shell, and slid a new one in quickly enough to not be cought by the Zulu that ran around the street behind him as he turned back to it.

Who wouldn't have fun listening to Rockabilly and shooting down Zulus indiscriminently. Mojhave certainly wasn't missing out.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

Somewhere in downtown Kantra, a sandy colored and rather massive husky stepped out of a boarded up old pharmacy, carrying crates of food and medicine over to a heavily armored, spiked, and bladed 18 wheeler. The husky wore a leather jacket, an old and well worn Skillet band T-Shirt, and sturdy yet broken in jeans. He wore some strange looking goggles over his eyes, and a suit of spiked armor plating over his clothing. He stepped out of the building calmly onto a street that was completely covered in undead! Not flinching even for a second, he hefted the boxes on his shoulders and walked right through the group of zombies, careful not to bump any of them. The undead in the area were currently in a state of mass confusion, gripping their eyes and their ears and taking swipes at nothing at all.

Carefully, Drake the Husky made his way over to the truck, which he had modified and expanded to have enough room to seat four or five people in the front, and set the crates in the back seats. He shut the rear door and climbed into the driver's seat. He took off his goggles and checked the dashboard. "19 Hertz. 130 decibels. Appears to be enough to blind and disorient the undead without them being able to locate the source." He said, pulling out a notebook and jotting down his findings. "Helpful to know. Alright. Time to stealth-mode out of here." He turned the key, starting up the engine. Then he cranked up the sound being emitted from his truck's container all the way up to 150 decibels, and started driving. The cabin of his vehicle was insulated against sound, so he just comfortably turned on some Mozart and drove right through the crowd of zombies, who were at this point shrieking so loud they wouldn't have heard the truck even if it wasn't bursting their eardrums and nearly vibrating their eyes out of socket.

After a while of driving, the undead started to thin out, so he cranked the volume down to about 100 decibels. He was about to reach the fort gates when he looked over and noticed a survivor standing on top of a roof, quickly being surrounded by the dead due to a car alarm in the area. "Not today, Zed." He turned the truck down the road he saw the survivor on and revved the engine, plowing through the horde like a 40 ton knife thanks to the "Cow Plow" mounted on it's front. He pulled up in the middle of the street and hit a button on the dashboard. The trailer walls unfolded and fell to the ground with a bang on top of some more of the undead. Inside of the trailer was the largest handmade array of speakers, amplifiers, and sound equipment, all remote controlled from either the truck cabin or Drake's wrist computer. He opened up the array, pointing the speakers in all directions, and climbed out of a hatch on the roof of the car.

"HEY!" he called out to the dog on the roof. "CATCH!" he threw a pair of the protective goggles and sound-canceling headphones over to him. "PUT 'EM ON, OR THIS IS GONNA HURT!"
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

Roarke looks and sees the oncoming goggles and catches them. While a bit skeptical, he acquiesces and plops them on then shouts "WHAT EVER YOU'RE GOING TO DO...DO IT!" and braces for whatever was going to happen.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

Drake nodded. He reached back down the hatch on the truck's roof and pulled up a reinforced electric guitar. He plugged it in to the backpack on his back. "CITIZENS OF KANTRA!" He shouted out, gathering the attention of every zombie on the entire block and causing them to rush straight for his vehicle. "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?! NO?! WELL TOO BAD!!!!" He reached his right hand up and brought it down, striking a chord on the guitar.

Any undead within a few feet of the truck were blasted back and ignited by the truck's pyrotechnics, sending them crashing into the crowd of flammable zombies like particularly ugly fireballs. The sheer volume coming from the subwoofers and speakers and amplifiers immediately ruptured the eardrums of every undead on the street and shattered every window, sending glass shards straight into any nearby zombie. The sound could be heard for miles, even in some parts outside of Kantra. Drake lowered the frequency to 19 hertz again and played the chord once more. Now the undead were deaf, showered with glass, on fire, gripping their throbbing heads, and best of all couldn't see. Drake jumped down into the truck's cabin and folded up the trailer from there. He pulled up closer to the building the survivor was on. Drake opened the hatch on the roof and motioned for the survivor to get in while the undead were still blind, deaf, and distracted.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

"Holy..." Roarke uttered as he watched the chaos unfold! He knew there was some power behind music, but he never realized it was THIS powerful! Once the carnage subsided, he noticed the vehicle, one he wasn't too familiar with, parked below him, with the driver inside seemingly motioning him to jump in. While hesitant, he knew the deadheads would eventually get onto the roof so, grabbing the cooler, he hopped right in and sat down beside the driver, all the while quipping "That...was pretty brutal."
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by Buster »

22xander wrote:He wasn't far from a hardware store, and that was one of his marks for today's survay. He'd just left a grocery store, and while they had been mostly out of everything, he had been able to find some penut m&ms that he happily tossed into his mouth as he walked. With the calm ease of someone far too comfortable with his own mortality, he slipped down and to the edge of the allyway, peaking around the corner.
The hardware store in question has already been picked through by the looks of it. any edibles, or first-aid worthy materials long gone, save for the garden center which i looks like someone was using as a greenhouse before abandoning it. on the loading docks there is a sort of improvised fort with a work bench and two sleeping spots. someone was living here...

a few shed snakeskins in the corner, and gray fur stuck to a few surfaces. it looks like it was abandoned some time ago, after something forced its way in. several somethings, not hard to tell what given the rotted mess left behind.

- - - - -

further out in the woods, mila is done with the deer, and Sophie done packing their supplies into a pair of large backpacks. the trio getting ready to head in toards town to trade when they hear the shots ring out in the distance. barely audible even to their hearing, a human wouldn't have heard it at all.

"That has to be atleast three miles from here. think we should step in?" the roo sounded concerned, but her feline companion just shook her head.
"Take six minutes at run. doubt there be anything left to 'step in' when we arrive. one way or other."
"I know... but we have to head that way anyway..." she muttered, trailing off before picking charles up and heading out, following Mila's lead.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by 22xander »

Mojhave grinned, taking down Zulus with his pistol as they came in the door. The area was relativly pretty clear, so it was just one or two coming in ever few minutes. This wasn't horde territory, it was just straglers. Shamblers at that.

The jackrabit searched the entire Hardware store to make sure of what was left and what wasn't. It was low on the suplies folks tend to take, and to be honest, he'd expected that. Power tools somewhat messed with, but mostly were left behind which he made a note of on his wrist mounted device.

The device on his wrist had been made by a particularly nerdy member of the team, a freind of his. It was origonaly a phone and used large switch buttons to use text-typing. It was horible to use, but it was better than dropping the use of his right arm holding his gun.

A few extra notes, especialy on exactly how much lumber, metal, and pipes the place had, and he was off. He didn't leave through the front door, that would just draw the atention of the investigating zulus. A small pile also blocked the door, so... eww. Instead he climbed out a vent to the roof.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:"Holy..." Roarke uttered as he watched the chaos unfold! He knew there was some power behind music, but he never realized it was THIS powerful! Once the carnage subsided, he noticed the vehicle, one he wasn't too familiar with, parked below him, with the driver inside seemingly motioning him to jump in. While hesitant, he knew the deadheads would eventually get onto the roof so, grabbing the cooler, he hopped right in and sat down beside the driver, all the while quipping "That...was pretty brutal."
"Hey, thanks. Pretty sick, right?" the husky said. He pulled out the notebook on his dashboard once again. "We should head to the nearest fort. This place is gonna be a living graveyard in a few minutes. Ever seen an 18 wheeler go stealth mode?" he said, making sure the dials were set to what they were set to earlier. "19 hertz. The resonance frequency of the human eye, and the frequency thought to be responsible for ghost sightings." he started pulling back out onto the street, cranking up the volume knob as he drove. "Can't be heard, but it vibrates the eye and messes with the undead's vision. Put it at a high enough decibel count, and it'll bust their ears so they can't hear the truck either." He appeared to be demonstrating the results of this as the truck trove straight through a crowd of undead running towards where they heard the truck was last, but completely oblivious to the truck that was plowing through them. "The name's Drake. I'm a MetalKnight."
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

"I'm Roarke," the Leonberger replied as he watched how obvious the undead were to them at that moment while doing a ammo check on his pistol, "And you're a MetalKnight? What are you folks doing within the city? Thought you guys tend to stay outside the limits" He reached down and opened the cooler and pulled out one of the sodas he scavenged and cracked it open, before turning back to Drake and saying "Speaking of forts...ain't much but we can stop at my house on Thunder Street."
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

"Most do." Drake said. "I'm the exception. Though I'll go outside the city limits just to drive around or test things that aren't safe to do in the city. My engineering skills are too valuable to the larger forts, and I'm looking for someone, so I stay around Kantra more than the others do." He took a turn down one of the main streets, the spiked sides of the trailer downing a few zombies along the way. "Your house, huh? I actually had a delivery to make. The fortress I'm working with now was low on scavengers, so I do odd jobs like this there." He shrugged "Need me to drop you off, or can I make this delivery first?"
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

Roarke thought for a bit before replying "Ah, you can do the delivery first. I need the fresh air anyway," which was true as he was cooped up in his home the past few days, "I hope you don't mind me asking...who are you looking for?"
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by 22xander »

Mojhave, after re-loading his gun, started hopping from rooftop to rooftop. He could easily jump over most gaps between buildings, so that was no problem. He nearly stumbled once or twice, but whenever he did he seemed to luckily find ust the right paw-hold to get him to where he needed to go.

The Zulus were behind him, long gone in fact, and most in the near-by area had been pushing towards the gunfire. With his escape he'd not only avoided them, but avoided almost all of the ones in the area. As he ran, he played music and grinned, it was time to go!

As time passed he made a few notes of places to go next scavange, but he had to move on further. He had to return to the closest base in the forrest, a few miles out. It was a ranger station, not a fire watch tower, which was slightly less conveniant for protection but it would work for him.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by furrygamer793 »

"Hey, Lincoln, what was that?" a sable ferret asked an almost identical ferret as they were searching in a store, the ferret shrugged. "I don't know, Thomas, take everything back to camp, I'll check it out." After a little bit of walking, he realized he was lost. "Lincoln! Have you found it yet?" Thomas shouted through the walkie, and a groaning* of zombies were alerted to the ferret, "SO HELP ME THOMAS, YOU ROTTON CARP, IF I GET OUT OF THIS ALIVE, I AM GOING STRAIGHT BACK TO VIRGINIA!" he yelled back and got ready to fight the zombies. He puts on some headphones and presses a button on an iPod that is stuck to his revolver, and he started shooting.
*Groaning: A group of the undead.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:Roarke thought for a bit before replying "Ah, you can do the delivery first. I need the fresh air anyway," which was true as he was cooped up in his home the past few days, "I hope you don't mind me asking...who are you looking for?"
"Thanks." Drake said, taking the next left turn. "Probably shouldn't tell everyone who asks who I'm looking for. Unless you know someone who's been looking for a husky."
Hawkfang42 wrote:"Hey, Lincoln, what was that?" a sable ferret asked an almost identical ferret as they were searching in a store, the ferret shrugged. "I don't know, Thomas, take everything back to camp, I'll check it out." After a little bit of walking, he realized he was lost. "Lincoln! Have you found it yet?" Thomas shouted through the walkie, and a groaning* of zombies were alerted to the ferret, "SO HELP ME THOMAS, YOU ROTTON CARP, IF I GET OUT OF THIS ALIVE, I AM GOING STRAIGHT BACK TO VIRGINIA!" he yelled back and got ready to fight the zombies. He puts on some headphones and presses a button on an iPod that is stuck to his revolver, and he started shooting.
*Groaning: A group of the undead.
Drake drove his 18 wheeler up the street when he noticed a large group of undead running after something down the next street over. Realizing they must be chasing down survivors, Drake sighed and turned down the street. The Headbanger*'s Cow Plow** brushed a number of the undead aside with ease as he drove into the thick of the dead. "We have at least one survivor. Right there." He said, pointing to Lincoln and Thomas. "Don't have enough protective gear to spare for them, so I'll have to do this the stupid way. Wait here." Drake grabbed his guitar out from between the front seats, and only now would Roarke see what a beast that thing was. It was a Gibson SG at one point, but it was reinforced with solid steel. Drake had turned the axe guitar into a literal axe, with a razor-like blade on one side of it's body and a chainsaw blade on the other. Hidden behind it's neck was the nozzle of a flamethrower.

Drake opened the hatch and climbed up onto the roof of the 18 wheeler. He played a few chords on his guitar to get the attention of the undead, and trigger the Headbanger to start playing Warrior. "'SUP FOOLS!" he shouted. Some of the undead turned towards him, dividing their attention. Drake jumped straight off of the roof of the Headbanger and sunk the axe end of his guitar into the zombie he landed on with a downward swing that nearly left it in two pieces. He pulled the axe back and followed through, swinging it at neck level at two more of them. Using the momentum of that swing to wind up, he shifted directions. The chainsaw blade revved up, and Drake spun around, driving the guitar through the undead in a large circle with both hands, before swinging it overhead with the blade at neck level.

The surrounding zombies dropped like messy flies until the group around Drake was significantly thinned. Drake swung the guitar upward axe side first into the jaw of a nearby zombie. The axe continued through, and the husky dropped it down on the head of a zombie coming up from behind. He pulled it out and swung it at the chest of another, then pointed the neck at an approaching group. Once they were the right distance away, he pressed something on the neck of the guitar and started playing it. Fire burst from the headstock and engulfed the approaching group. Drake pulled the axe out of the zombie and started cutting down the burning dead while they were occupied with the fact that they were on fire.

The undead hoard was starting to thin somewhat, but more were coming. Drake called out to Lincoln, the survivor he found. "Get in the truck! Back seat, now!" he shouted at them before the undead horde started thickening again.

*The Headbanger is the name of the modified truck Drake drives. It is mounted with typically non-lethal but useful sonic weapons.
**A cow plow is the term for the plow seen at the front of train engines that push away things that could derail the train. Drake has one mounted on the Headbanger to push zombies and debris out of the way.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by furrygamer793 »

CyberDragon wrote:
SeanWolf wrote:Roarke thought for a bit before replying "Ah, you can do the delivery first. I need the fresh air anyway," which was true as he was cooped up in his home the past few days, "I hope you don't mind me asking...who are you looking for?"
"Thanks." Drake said, taking the next left turn. "Probably shouldn't tell everyone who asks who I'm looking for. Unless you know someone who's been looking for a husky."
Hawkfang42 wrote:"Hey, Lincoln, what was that?" a sable ferret asked an almost identical ferret as they were searching in a store, the ferret shrugged. "I don't know, Thomas, take everything back to camp, I'll check it out." After a little bit of walking, he realized he was lost. "Lincoln! Have you found it yet?" Thomas shouted through the walkie, and a groaning* of zombies were alerted to the ferret, "SO HELP ME THOMAS, YOU ROTTON CARP, IF I GET OUT OF THIS ALIVE, I AM GOING STRAIGHT BACK TO VIRGINIA!" he yelled back and got ready to fight the zombies. He puts on some headphones and presses a button on an iPod that is stuck to his revolver, and he started shooting.
*Groaning: A group of the undead.
Drake drove his 18 wheeler up the street when he noticed a large group of undead running after something down the next street over. Realizing they must be chasing down survivors, Drake sighed and turned down the street. The Headbanger*'s Cow Plow** brushed a number of the undead aside with ease as he drove into the thick of the dead. "We have at least one survivor. Right there." He said, pointing to Lincoln and Thomas. "Don't have enough protective gear to spare for them, so I'll have to do this the stupid way. Wait here." Drake grabbed his guitar out from between the front seats, and only now would Roarke see what a beast that thing was. It was a Gibson SG at one point, but it was reinforced with solid steel. Drake had turned the axe guitar into a literal axe, with a razor-like blade on one side of it's body and a chainsaw blade on the other. Hidden behind it's neck was the nozzle of a flamethrower.

Drake opened the hatch and climbed up onto the roof of the 18 wheeler. He played a few chords on his guitar to get the attention of the undead, and trigger the Headbanger to start playing Warrior. "'SUP FOOLS!" he shouted. Some of the undead turned towards him, dividing their attention. Drake jumped straight off of the roof of the Headbanger and sunk the axe end of his guitar into the zombie he landed on with a downward swing that nearly left it in two pieces. He pulled the axe back and followed through, swinging it at neck level at two more of them. Using the momentum of that swing to wind up, he shifted directions. The chainsaw blade revved up, and Drake spun around, driving the guitar through the undead in a large circle with both hands, before swinging it overhead with the blade at neck level.

The surrounding zombies dropped like messy flies until the group around Drake was significantly thinned. Drake swung the guitar upward axe side first into the jaw of a nearby zombie. The axe continued through, and the husky dropped it down on the head of a zombie coming up from behind. He pulled it out and swung it at the chest of another, then pointed the neck at an approaching group. Once they were the right distance away, he pressed something on the neck of the guitar and started playing it. Fire burst from the headstock and engulfed the approaching group. Drake pulled the axe out of the zombie and started cutting down the burning dead while they were occupied with the fact that they were on fire.

The undead hoard was starting to thin somewhat, but more were coming. Drake called out to Lincoln, the survivor he found. "Get in the truck! Back seat, now!" he shouted at them before the undead horde started thickening again.
*The Headbanger is the name of the modified truck Drake drives. It is mounted with typically non-lethal but useful sonic weapons.
**A cow plow is the term for the plow seen at the front of train engines that push away things that could derail the train. Drake has one mounted on the Headbanger to push zombies and debris out of the way.
Lincoln could tell he was serious, so he ran and got into the truck, then he turned on his walkie-talkie "Thomas, I think I know what the sound was, there's this husky that has a guitar, I need that guitar, it makes my revolver look like a off brand Nerf gun, it has a literal flamethrower on it along with a chainsaw blade and an axe blade, though I honestly would prefer the bass clarinet. That aside, he's killing the zombies like they're made of paper maché!"


Thomas listened to Lincoln's description, and replied with "Okay, well I'm going back to camp. Don't get yourself killed." and like he said, started hauling his finds, but noticed last second a copy of Infamous, he quickly put that in too. He finally got all the stuff outside and loaded it into his Ford Escape, then got in, the vehicle wasn't that crazy, as Lincoln didn't have enough time to work on it, but it got the job of transport done.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by Buster »

the trio meanwhile continue their trek to the nearest safe place to trade with the local camps. each keeping an ear and an eye out for anything following them.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by 22xander »

Running over the last fence out of the town, Mojhave was home free. He only had three more miles to run, and all that would be through the woods. He quickly began to refill his gun as he ran, bearly taking note of where he put his paws. This was completely easy for him, he had no chance of tripping. No chance, that was, until he ended up in front of a roo. As soon as he was within sight of other creatures it seemed his luck wore out, and he tripped, falling directly on the other creature.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

Roarke watched as the ferret go into the truck, "Welcome aboard!" he exclaimed, popping a few rounds from his lever-action out the window at a few stragglers, "Names Roarke! Tenacious D up there is Drake: One of the MetalKnights! What's your name!"
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by furrygamer793 »

SeanWolf wrote:Roarke watched as the ferret go into the truck, "Welcome aboard!" he exclaimed, popping a few rounds from his lever-action out the window at a few stragglers, "Names Roarke! Tenacious D up there is Drake: One of the MetalKnights! What's your name!"
Lincoln replies with "Okay, first, hello Roarke, second, what do you mean by Tenacious D? Third, what are MetalKnights, I haven't heard of them before, as my brother hasn't talked about them and I'm not from around here, from Virginia. Finally, my name is Lincoln Vanderbilt."
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

Drake kept cutting down the undead as they came, attracted to the sound of the headbanger. A large group of zombies were approaching the truck from behind. Drake kept swinging, making his way back to the driver's seat and climbing into the truck. "Thanks, Roarke. Nice shooting, but things are about to get busy." He slammed the door shut on a zombie's hand, kicked it out, and then closed the door fully. "MetalKnights are a group of warriors out in the wasteland." Drake started turning some knobs and fiddling with some switches. "We're also engineers who like to go crazy with what we make, and re-kill dead things in creative and overly-complicated ways. But for now, we're going to go stealth mode." Drake turned a few more dials and pressed a button once the wavelength and frequency was correct again. The pursuing undead fell into a mass confusion as the truck blinded them once more, and drove off. Got anywhere you need to go?
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by Buster »

22xander wrote:Running over the last fence out of the town, Mojhave was home free. He only had three more miles to run, and all that would be through the woods. He quickly began to refill his gun as he ran, bearly taking note of where he put his paws. This was completely easy for him, he had no chance of tripping. No chance, that was, until he ended up in front of a roo. As soon as he was within sight of other creatures it seemed his luck wore out, and he tripped, falling directly on the other creature.
considering she saw him coming a good thirty feet off and had a chance to brace her tail against the ground, Sophie was barely moved, beyond being slightly off center for a fraction of a second then back upright. Bouncing the noticably smaller mojave off of her and to the ground.

Shooting mila a glare over the tigress laughing her tail off at the sight, she leans down and asks, "Where are you off to?"
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by 22xander »

Mojhave rubbed his head, taking a second to get his barings. He suddenly seemed almost incompitant, sprawled across the ground and not bothering to get up as he waived at the Sophie. "I'm going to the nearest ranger outpost." The Jackrabbit said, taking a second to streighten the antlers in his headband after sitting up. "I'm trying to get there before sundown."
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by furrygamer793 »

CyberDragon wrote:Drake kept cutting down the undead as they came, attracted to the sound of the headbanger. A large group of zombies were approaching the truck from behind. Drake kept swinging, making his way back to the driver's seat and climbing into the truck. "Thanks, Roarke. Nice shooting, but things are about to get busy." He slammed the door shut on a zombie's hand, kicked it out, and then closed the door fully. "MetalKnights are a group of warriors out in the wasteland." Drake started turning some knobs and fiddling with some switches. "We're also engineers who like to go crazy with what we make, and re-kill dead things in creative and overly-complicated ways. But for now, we're going to go stealth mode." Drake turned a few more dials and pressed a button once the wavelength and frequency was correct again. The pursuing undead fell into a mass confusion as the truck blinded them once more, and drove off. Got anywhere you need to go?
"I need to meet my brother at…" Lincoln paused, he pulled out his Navy blue walkie talkie, and asked Thomas "Where are we meeting again?" "For the last time, Lincoln, 877 Colfer Bark Lane, I've lived there for over 6 years!" Lincoln turned off the walkie talkie and told Drake "What he said, 877 Colfer Bark Lane, but can we check the GameStop in case it isn't already raided?"
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

Drake shook his head. "No. I already have to deliver supplies to the fortress, and I'm already late from these detours. That's where we're going first. Once I get these supplies delivered and grab some of my things, then we'll get the two of you where you need to go." The dog took the next left turn and started driving up a hill. The path lead the group to a massive, two story high wall with doors more than large enough to let the group through. Drake rolled down the window, the sound of the Headbanger having long since been turned off. After all, he didn't want to blind or injure the people in the fortress. He reached out and pressed a button on a sort of improvised communicator.

"Identify yourself and your cargo-" the voice on the other end said.

"Four crates of food, three crates of antibiotics and vaccines, two survivors, and a primed weapon of mass ear-destruction. Seriously, Red. You should have recognized it from a mile off."

"Heh. Good to see you back, Drake."

The door buzzed and opened up. Drake rolled up the window and drove through. The fortress was rather busy on the inside. Many survivors were running about, trying to go about their day to day activities just to keep going and try to make the most of things. Merchants had set up shops on the main road selling various supplies traded from other fortresses in the city. Drake sounded the horn, causing people to move out of his way as he made for an old storage facility. He parked the truck next to a raised platform in front of an open door. "I need to drop of these supplies here, then get a couple of toys of mine before we head out again. If you two want to help, you can grab a box. Otherwise, feel free to wander and check the place out. I'll find you when I'm done."

Buster wrote:considering she saw him coming a good thirty feet off and had a chance to brace her tail against the ground, Sophie was barely moved, beyond being slightly off center for a fraction of a second then back upright. Bouncing the noticably smaller mojave off of her and to the ground.

Shooting mila a glare over the tigress laughing her tail off at the sight, she leans down and asks, "Where are you off to?"
He wasn't the only one the group would likely notice. Walking towards them in the distance was someone else. From the shape and size, they were human, though he or she was completely covered in clothes. They were wearing a red hoodie with the hood up. Their face was obscured by a bandanna and large sunglasses. On their back, they carried a rather large rucksack that appeared to be stuffed nearly full, with various supplies being strapped to it on the outside. The man continued to approach the group, and while he was not being threatening in any way, he did smell of death.
Last edited by CyberDragon on Thu Aug 01, 2019 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

Roarke nodded and replied "I'll help you a bit. You save my hide back there...least I can do." before grabbing one of the boxes and following Drake. "Say you know a place around here that sells weapons and ammo? I'm running a bit dry on .357 rounds and I've been meaning to grab a shotgun."
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by Buster »

22xander wrote:Mojhave rubbed his head, taking a second to get his barings. He suddenly seemed almost incompitant, sprawled across the ground and not bothering to get up as he waived at the Sophie. "I'm going to the nearest ranger outpost." The Jackrabbit said, taking a second to streighten the antlers in his headband after sitting up. "I'm trying to get there before sundown."
CyberDragon wrote:He wasn't the only one the group would likely notice. Walking towards them in the distance was someone else. From the shape and size, they were human, though he or she was completely covered in clothes. They were wearing a red hoodie with the hood up. Their face was obscured by a bandanna and large sunglasses. On their back, they carried a rather large rucksack that appeared to be stuffed nearly full, with various supplies being strapped to it on the outside. The man continued to approach the group, and while he was not being threatening in any way, he did smell of death.
"Well, good luck with that, i hope-" Sophie only managed to get part way into a response before mila shushed her. picking up the same scent, she quieted. the two thinking the same thing, The dead were close. one hand tightly gripping her hammer as Mila undid the cord holding her improvised lampost/spear to her back. spotting a figure in the distance moving slowly towards them. ducking away from the path behind an old gnarled oak tree with a wide trunk, she took cover while mila lined up a shot and threw.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:Roarke nodded and replied "I'll help you a bit. You save my hide back there...least I can do." before grabbing one of the boxes and following Drake. "Say you know a place around here that sells weapons and ammo? I'm running a bit dry on .357 rounds and I've been meaning to grab a shotgun."
Drake picked two of the largest crates up out of the back seat of the truck. "You can find all kinds of things from the merchants that set up shop on Main. It's always changing though. They have to sell what they can find these days." He stepped up onto the raised platform and started walking into the storage facility. "Come on. I'll show you where to put these."

Buster wrote:"Well, good luck with that, i hope-" Sophie only managed to get part way into a response before mila shushed her. picking up the same scent, she quieted. the two thinking the same thing, The dead were close. one hand tightly gripping her hammer as Mila undid the cord holding her improvised lampost/spear to her back. spotting a figure in the distance moving slowly towards them. ducking away from the path behind an old gnarled oak tree with a wide trunk, she took cover while mila lined up a shot and threw.
The man saw them duck behind the oak tree, but kept on walking his own way. His movements, though slow, wasn't the aimless shuffling of a typical zombie. He caught a glimpse of something huge and metal sailing through the air straight at him. "GYAAAHH!" The man dropped to the floor just in time for the spear to sail over his head. "NO! NO SPEARS! DON'T ATTACK! I'M A MERCHANT! A MERCHANT!" He said, hurrying to put his bandanna back on before anyone could get a glimpse of him.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

CyberDragon wrote:Drake picked two of the largest crates up out of the back seat of the truck. "You can find all kinds of things from the merchants that set up shop on Main. It's always changing though. They have to sell what they can find these days." He stepped up onto the raised platform and started walking into the storage facility. "Come on. I'll show you where to put these."
"Thanks," Roarke replies as he follows Drake with the crate. As he does, he gets a better view of the vehicle Drake rescued him in and whistles at it, "Gotta say, I knew you MetalKnights were known for your craftmanship...but that is a thing of beauty! Though I bet cleaning zed guts out of the amps is a pain, eh?" He chuckles a bit.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by Buster »

CyberDragon wrote:The man saw them duck behind the oak tree, but kept on walking his own way. His movements, though slow, wasn't the aimless shuffling of a typical zombie. He caught a glimpse of something huge and metal sailing through the air straight at him. "GYAAAHH!" The man dropped to the floor just in time for the spear to sail over his head. "NO! NO SPEARS! DON'T ATTACK! I'M A MERCHANT! A MERCHANT!" He said, hurrying to put his bandanna back on before anyone could get a glimpse of him.
"Smell like Rot." Mila pointed out with a growl, claws still out and at the ready, as she sized up the stranger. moving towards him, but cautiously, to retrieve her weapon. Sophie meanwhile was trying to parse the antler-hat rabbit's odd lack of reaction. As for her snake, he's still napping, he never actually woke up during that.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:"Thanks," Roarke replies as he follows Drake with the crate. As he does, he gets a better view of the vehicle Drake rescued him in and whistles at it, "Gotta say, I knew you MetalKnights were known for your craftmanship...but that is a thing of beauty! Though I bet cleaning zed guts out of the amps is a pain, eh?" He chuckles a bit.
"You've got no idea." Drake said, pulling out his keys. "That's why I studied and implemented a stealth mode setting. Turns out, setting the Headbanger to a constant ambient 19 Hertz and 130 decibels or greater vibrates the eyeball and makes it hard for the zed to see. Not to mention busting eardrums since the sound's still there even if it can't be heard. And that last part's important. 19 Hertz is outside of a human's, and therefore a zombie's, range of hearing." Drake explained this while opening one of the storage rooms and placing the boxes inside. "Just set these things down right about here..."

Buster wrote:"Smell like Rot." Mila pointed out with a growl, claws still out and at the ready, as she sized up the stranger. moving towards him, but cautiously, to retrieve her weapon. Sophie meanwhile was trying to parse the antler-hat rabbit's odd lack of reaction. As for her snake, he's still napping, he never actually woke up during that.
The strange, smelly man scrambled to his feet, his bandanna now secure. "Yes! Yes, I-I cover myself with the scent. It causes... them to ignore me... But I talk! Zombies don't talk!" he declared in a somewhat gravelly voice.

He had a point.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

CyberDragon wrote:"You've got no idea." Drake said, pulling out his keys. "That's why I studied and implemented a stealth mode setting. Turns out, setting the Headbanger to a constant ambient 19 Hertz and 130 decibels or greater vibrates the eyeball and makes it hard for the zed to see. Not to mention busting eardrums since the sound's still there even if it can't be heard. And that last part's important. 19 Hertz is outside of a human's, and therefore a zombie's, range of hearing." Drake explained this while opening one of the storage rooms and placing the boxes inside. "Just set these things down right about here..."
"Well, the stealth mode, that's for sure!" Roarke replies, setting the boxes down, "I don't think I even heard you coming until you started shouting at me! Thanks again by the way for the rescue, I definitely owe you a drink sometime. Will admit I WISH you were with me a few weeks back...that was NOT fun trying to get out of that food store with the stuff I had looted without alerting any of the rotters. Swear I was walking on eggshells that whole time." As Roarke told Drake about the food store, a thought soon came to him, which led him to ask Drake, "You folks ever come across those flyers for that gang...oh what were they called..um...Valhalla's Chosen? I came across one of their flyers that day and was thinking about making a trek up there when I had some time to check them out."
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by Buster »

CyberDragon wrote:The strange, smelly man scrambled to his feet, his bandanna now secure. "Yes! Yes, I-I cover myself with the scent. It causes... them to ignore me... But I talk! Zombies don't talk!" he declared in a somewhat gravelly voice.
"...Still tempting to spear little man. take no chance." the tigress comments, shrugging slightly as she puts her weapon away. an odd expression on her face.

"Mila!" the roo admonishes, face palming and letting out a frustrated groan.

"I kid, I kid." the feline laughs.
CyberDragon wrote:He had a point.
oddly none of them acknowledge that. :P
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:"Well, the stealth mode, that's for sure!" Roarke replies, setting the boxes down, "I don't think I even heard you coming until you started shouting at me! Thanks again by the way for the rescue, I definitely owe you a drink sometime. Will admit I WISH you were with me a few weeks back...that was NOT fun trying to get out of that food store with the stuff I had looted without alerting any of the rotters. Swear I was walking on eggshells that whole time." As Roarke told Drake about the food store, a thought soon came to him, which led him to ask Drake, "You folks ever come across those flyers for that gang...oh what were they called..um...Valhalla's Chosen? I came across one of their flyers that day and was thinking about making a trek up there when I had some time to check them out."
"Yeah, I've heard of 'em." Drake said, heading over to a different set of storage rooms. "Met a couple of members. Not exactly sure I'd call them a gang though. They're mostly medics, aren't they?"

Buster wrote:"...Still tempting to spear little man. take no chance." the tigress comments, shrugging slightly as she puts her weapon away. an odd expression on her face.

"Mila!" the roo admonishes, face palming and letting out a frustrated groan.

"I kid, I kid." the feline laughs.
"Thanks..." the man growled sarcastically. He shook his head. "Whatever. That was a poor introduction. My name is Zachery." He said. He would have held out a hand to shake, but he was worried about the tiger ripping it off. "As I said, I am a trader."
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

Roarke nodded, "I believe so. Haven't had much interactions with them other then those flyers. Tell the truth, you're actually the first survivor I've chatted with in a long time as I usually keep to myself in the city." Looking back at the compound, Roarke asks Drake "You've been outside the city, right? Past the blockades? How is it out there?"
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by Buster »

CyberDragon wrote:
Buster wrote:"...Still tempting to spear little man. take no chance." the tigress comments, shrugging slightly as she puts her weapon away. an odd expression on her face.

"Mila!" the roo admonishes, face palming and letting out a frustrated groan.

"I kid, I kid." the feline laughs.
"Thanks..." the man growled sarcastically. He shook his head. "Whatever. That was a poor introduction. My name is Zachery." He said. He would have held out a hand to shake, but he was worried about the tiger ripping it off. "As I said, I am a trader."
"We hunt." mila states bluntly, deciding to once more start trecking toards the nearest settlement.

"Don't mind her, she's not all that talkative." sophie says, following along though keeping her distance for the sake of her nose.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by furrygamer793 »

Lincoln, meanwhile has started wandering the building, occasionally taking a moment to chat with Thomas or to look at the things there. He eventually came across a box that was partially opened revealing spare parts that could create some heavy firearms, causing him to drop his walkie talkie and just stare "Holy macaroni, that would definitely make some crazy weapons, why have I only just heard of this place?" he asked, only to himself.
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by CyberDragon »

SeanWolf wrote:Roarke nodded, "I believe so. Haven't had much interactions with them other then those flyers. Tell the truth, you're actually the first survivor I've chatted with in a long time as I usually keep to myself in the city." Looking back at the compound, Roarke asks Drake "You've been outside the city, right? Past the blockades? How is it out there?"
"Actually not as bad as inside the city. You'll find more bandits than zombies out there." the massive husky replied, closing up the storage container and moving on to the next one. "The undead don't wander where there aren't any people, and they don't spawn from nothing. Naturally, the more people there were in a place, the more undead you run into there. Granted, the bandits can be a lot more dangerous. That's why I have Cooper and Draiman here." Drake opened up the storage room.

Inside of the room were two objects, roughly the size of large go carts, concealed under tarps. Drake pulled the tarps of revealing two armored unmanned ground vehicles, each sporting a three barrel minigun sticking out of an armored turret. Just above the minigun, the nozzle for a flamethrower could be seen, and a gas powered grenade launcher was attached to both sides of the turret. And, of course keeping with the theme, both had large speakers attached to the UGV's flanks. "Half-inch thick armor, handmade miniguns firing .30-06 ammunition, flamethrower's got a range of 100 meters, and the grenade launchers have twice that. Both remote controlled by a panel on the Headbanger's dashboard." Drake explained.
furrygamer793 wrote:Lincoln, meanwhile has started wandering the building, occasionally taking a moment to chat with Thomas or to look at the things there. He eventually came across a box that was partially opened revealing spare parts that could create some heavy firearms, causing him to drop his walkie talkie and just stare "Holy macaroni, that would definitely make some crazy weapons, why have I only just heard of this place?" he asked, only to himself.
"Because most of these storage containers are my private things." The large husky growled at Lincoln. "Don't touch anything, especially the ammunition. Handmade bullets aren't always the most stable things."

Buster wrote:"We hunt." mila states bluntly, deciding to once more start trecking toards the nearest settlement.

"Don't mind her, she's not all that talkative." sophie says, following along though keeping her distance for the sake of her nose.
"Seems we're going in the same direction." Zach followed along, keeping his distance if only to keep from having his head removed by a tiger. "You're hunters? It just so happens I just picked up some hunting supplies. A bow and arrows, a machete for foliage, even a handmade ghillie cape."
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Re: HPU: HousepetZ: Survivors United

Post by SeanWolf »

Roarke nodded as Drake told him about the outside world. He had a slight feeling it was bandit country, but it was nice to have some actual confirmation. However, Roarke's train of thought was then interrupted as Drake revealed the two vehicles hidden under the tarps. Instantly, he was impressed at the sight of the two vehicles. Checking the one out closer, he said to Drake "Gotta say, these would give an army of M1 Abrams a run for their money. Heck, I'm pretty sure these puppies could survive an encounter with a xenomorph!" He laughs while continuing to look them over, taking in the absolute beauty of the machines. As he looked over the grenade launchers, he couldn't help but ask "What type of rounds do you usually put in these? HighEX or Napalm?"
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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