HPU - Richmond Acres

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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

Duke nodded as he was ready to catch Winch. He noticed Ruby come out of her house and he was a little distracted for a moment. He snapped out of it, waved to her and continued to run after them.
Bianca slowed down to a stop, because she was too tired to keep running any further, "Good luck!" She called after them.
Winch noticed Jack run just as fast as him, underneath him. He leaned over the edge and waved at him, "Hi Jack!" He laughed for a second, "Haha, hijack." He said as he kept flying, just out of Jack's reach. The plane started to make sputtering noises, but Winch failed to hear them.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by EvilTwin »

Adzo wrote:"Keep the noise down, I've got Dad thinking I'm still asleep, I need you to help me sneak out otherwise I'll be stuck here all morning."
"Um, OK I guess. gimme a second."

Ozzy looked around for inspiration but drew a blank and started to rummage around his pockets for something to use. After a few seconds he found what he needed.

"Try this Al." Ozzy threw what looked like a ball of string into Al's window.
"That's parachute chord, it should take your weight easily enough."
ctcmjh wrote:The plane started to make sputtering noises
"That doesn't sound too pretty." He turned to look at winch's now ailing plane. "Al, you catch us up. I'm gonna see whats going on."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Adzo »

EvilTwin wrote: "That's parachute chord, it should take your weight easily enough."
"Thanks," Al said, "I'll be down in a minute."
He securely tied the cord to the pipes of the radiator beneath the window, trying to make it look as inconspicuous as possible, not that it wouldn't be obvious where he had gotten to if his Dad should check on him for some reason.
He picked up his collar from beside his bed and put it on. He then took the cord in one handand climbed out onto the window ledge, pausing to shut the window most of the way before he left, he slid down the cord. After untangling himself from the bushes, and hiding the end of the cord as well as possible in the bushes, he ran after Ozzy.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by BlueAnubis »

Jack heard the engine sputter, Blast! he thought, if the engine goes out, Winch could get seriously hurt. while the thought, his body jumped twice and tried to snach Winch out of the air with his teeth, missing by inches both times. unless he flies near a tree or something, I'm gloing to have to intercept him on the way down... this could be mildly catastrophic.

Ruby saw the group chasing after the plane, returning a wave towards Duke. Then she saw Jack running beneath it on all fours. "Oh no, Jack, not again." she groaned, then she dashed back into the house and grabbed a scarf hanging by the door. "I really hope I don't need to use this." she ran outside and saw Bianca standing by herself. "Bianca! Who is responsible for this mess?"
Jack and Ruby: Richmond Acres
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by The Game »

T.J took off, following the plane in the air and making a few attempts to jump and grab it.

Zane was still laughing at the sight of a flying ferret when he saw Ruby. Then he saw her wave at Duke, which he thought was his cue to go say hi. He made his way over to where the others were, and slowed his jog next to the two girls. "Hey Ruby, Bianca. Did you know that ferrets can fly now?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

Bianca, who was still on edge about the whole Winch thing, jumped when Ruby called her name, "EEP! Oh, um... W-Winch likes to build things, a-and he build a plane. B-but it started m-making sputtering noises, a-and we're a-all afraind Winch m-might get hurt." She told Ruby. When Zane approached, she was spooked yet again, "AH! Oh, um.. S-sorry about that Z-Zane. Oh, um... W-Winch likes planes." She told him.
Duke smiled as Ruby waved back at her and ran faster towards Jack and Winch, starting to catch up to the two of them.
Ginger decided to keep running at her own pace, getting ready to catch anything thrown her way.
Winch noticed the entourage following him and turned around in his plane, "Hey guys! Isn't this awesome!" He called, failing to notice his crash collision course with a tree.
Bianca noticed this and her eyes widened, "Oh no!" She said, pointing to the disaster waiting to happen.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by BlueAnubis »

"Oh, trust me, that rat is going to get hurt." Ruby growled, extending and retracting her claws in anger.

Jack saw the tree Winch was headed for, This should work, provided that I can guide myself. He thought as he tried steering himself towards the tree. A second later, he found himself three steps up the tree, then his body thrust itself at a branch and swung across it like a high bar. At least my muscle memory is intact. A second later, he was back in control of his motor skills with his teeth grasping the tail of the plane. Within a moment, he reached up, grabbed Winch from out of the cockpit, and rollled on the ground with himself curled over Winch to protect him. When they stopped, Jack lay flat on his back with Winch on his chest. "That only hurt half as much at I thought it would." He coughed.
Last edited by BlueAnubis on Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jack and Ruby: Richmond Acres
Sahsa: Radiant Garden
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

Winch didn't even notice Jack jumping to grab him until he was already lifted out of the plane, "Hey wait!" He said as they fell to the ground, landing with Winch on top of Jack's chest, "Hey Jack!" He said, waving. The plane, now without anyone steering it, flew directly towards the tree, exploding on contact, blackening the tree and taking off a few layers of bark.
Duke and Ginger ran the rest of the way to Jack and Winch, "You almost got really hurt, you little rat!" Ginger said to Winch. Duke offered a hand to Jack, "That was some fancy footwork."
Bianca fidgeted nervously, "Um... W-what do you m-mean by that?" She asked.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by BlueAnubis »

Ruby sighed, "Oh, nothing much. Just this." she said to Bianca as she calmly walked over to Winch, picked him up by his tail, and held him, upside-down, at eye level. "Winchester, you have just almost started a fire with your plane, drove Jack mad, made me worried, and almost killed Jack and yourself. While I'm glad you both are alright..." she said calmly, then her eyes narrowed, her voice became hard, and she extended her claws before his face. "If you ever do ever do anything like that again, I will spit-roast you alive and eat you with a side of risotto. Got it?"

Jack took Duke's hand and rose to his feet. "Ruby! Put him down! He didn't mean any harm."

Ruby placed Winch on the ground. "I hust wanted to make sure that he got my message." she said with a smile. "Other than that, how is everyone this morning?"
Jack and Ruby: Richmond Acres
Sahsa: Radiant Garden
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

Winch nodded, "Alright! No more planes!" He said, smiling at Ruby, "And I think I'll go better as a breakfast dish." He joked.
Bianca caught up to them and hugged Jack, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Ginger came up and flicked Winch in the back of the head, "You had us all worried." She said.
Duke walked up next to Ruby, "It's a good think Jack caught him with him, or we would have barbecued ferret all over that tree." He joked with her.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Adzo »

Al stared wide eyed at the chaos for a few seconds, then looked around, examining the scene very carefully. He wandered up to Ozzy and said,
"This is all a hallucination, I am still either at the vet's or in bed, unconscious from a concussion. This has to be the case because otherwise a scaled down aeroplane being driven by Winch the ferret, has just crashed into a tree, Winch himself being pulled out of the way of the ensuing explosion at the last second by Jack, the mild mannered, trilby wearing archaeologist. I wonder when the rainbow striped gumdrop elephants will show up?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by EvilTwin »

Ozzy caught up with the others just as winch's plane performed it's supernova impression.
Adzo wrote:Al stared wide eyed at the chaos for a few seconds, then looked around, examining the scene very carefully. He wandered up to Ozzy and said,
"This is all a hallucination, I am still either at the vet's or in bed, unconscious from a concussion. This has to be the case because otherwise a scaled down aeroplane being driven by Winch the ferret, has just crashed into a tree, Winch himself being pulled out of the way of the ensuing explosion at the last second by Jack, the mild mannered, trilby wearing archaeologist. I wonder when the rainbow striped gumdrop elephants will show up?"
"As much as I long to deny it we are all wide awake Al."
Ozzy surveyed the scene for a moment
"gasoline explosion, mostly vapour, no leaking gas on the ground to deal with, the body of the plane stayed mainly in one piece so not much shrapnel. We got pretty lucky, a fire could've started out of this one."
Ozzy eyed the smouldering carcass of the plane with a pyromaniac grin.
"Hey Winch! Congratulations buddy, this is the first ever explosion on this block I didn't cause!"
May you lead an interesting life.
Ozzy - S5 P7 E4 C3 I10 A8 L5

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

Winch ran over to Ozzy, "Yeah! And it won't be the last! Just don't tell Ruby or she'll eat me alive!" He said, still close enough to the group that Ruby could hear him as clear as day.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by BlueAnubis »

Jack felt his face growing redder with each second. He was suprised when Bianca started hugging him, not that he minded (^^). "Uhh... I'm glad to be of service, Miss Bianca, any time you need me." He laughed awkwardly. He heard Winch talking to Ozzy, "Oh my. I scincerely hope that Winch is more careful around Ruby, lest he become like Stumpy back in Egypt." He said as he cringed.
Jack and Ruby: Richmond Acres
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

Bianca let go of Jack, "Th-that was really impressive. W-where did y-you learn to do that?" She asked.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by BlueAnubis »

Jack chuckled, "it couldn't have been that impressive. I had no idea what I was doing until I did it. As for where I learned it, my Mom and Dad signed me up for gymnastics when I was one and a half in an attempt to direct the 'exsessive energy' that I had. It was quite effective and I grew to love it. I have been taking the classes ever since."

Ruby sighed, "I have the distinct feeling that, somehow, someday, that little rodent is going to be the death of me. Or vice versa."
Jack and Ruby: Richmond Acres
Sahsa: Radiant Garden
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

Bianca smiled, "I-I did not know that y-you took gymnastics." She said, impressed.
Duke looked to Ruby, "I think we all feel that way about that rat."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Adzo »

"That's pretty cool." Al said to Jack, "I have always wanted to be able to do some gymnastics, contrary to what the kung fu films show, most martial arts don't train you that well for flipping around."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by furryovrlord »

"so, uhh, mrs Nut, do you think Hazel will be awake soon? it seems like she has been sleeping for a long while, heh, shouldnt you maybe, go check on her, see if she is still, you know, living?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ChewyChewy »

furryovrlord wrote:"so, uhh, mrs Nut, do you think Hazel will be awake soon? it seems like she has been sleeping for a long while, heh, shouldnt you maybe, go check on her, see if she is still, you know, living?"
"Braaaaaaaaains.... Braaaaaaaaaains...." said Hazel, acting like a zombie as she entered the room.

"Despierta, Hazel," said Mrs. Nut. "Your friend here came to see you."

"Eat friend's braaaaaaaaains...." said Hazel, approaching Crimson.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by furryovrlord »

ChewyChewy wrote:
furryovrlord wrote:"so, uhh, mrs Nut, do you think Hazel will be awake soon? it seems like she has been sleeping for a long while, heh, shouldnt you maybe, go check on her, see if she is still, you know, living?"
"Braaaaaaaaains.... Braaaaaaaaaains...." said Hazel, acting like a zombie as she entered the room.

"Despierta, Hazel," said Mrs. Nut. "Your friend here came to see you."

"Eat friend's braaaaaaaaains...." said Hazel, approaching Crimson.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!!!!! Z-Z-Z- ZOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMBBBBIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" *he freaks out a little bit and leaps into the air, landing behind the couch and hiding*
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ChewyChewy »

"Gee whiz, Crimson King, thanks a lot for your critique," said Hazel. "I was making fun of the fact that you asked if I was still alive, as if you didn't know that."

She came toward him, no longer pretending to be a zombie.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by furryovrlord »

ChewyChewy wrote:"Gee whiz, Crimson King, thanks a lot for your critique," said Hazel. "I was making fun of the fact that you asked if I was still alive, as if you didn't know that."

She came toward him, no longer pretending to be a zombie.
"o- of course i knew that! hehe, i was just uhhhh... just playing along, yeah, that's it! hehe" *he comes out from hiding and smiles at her* "how was my acting? yours was flawless"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ChewyChewy »

"Crim, if that WAS acting, you stole the scene from me hands down," said Hazel. "Anyway, now that you're here, what's up?"
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"I'm sorry Stan, I'm afraid I can't do that."

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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by furryovrlord »

ChewyChewy wrote:"Crim, if that WAS acting, you stole the scene from me hands down," said Hazel. "Anyway, now that you're here, what's up?"
"well, i uhh.." *he goes a bit shy* "i was just wondering if you wanted to come outside and maybe, hang out with me? walk around the neighbourhood and see what everyone is up to, you know? heh"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ChewyChewy »

"It's a date," said Hazel, winking at Crimson. "Be back later, 'right, Mom?"

"You do what you want, Hazel--you always do. Just stay out of trouble."

"Aw, don'tcha trust me?" Hazel headed for the door to open it for Crimson.
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"I'm sorry Stan, I'm afraid I can't do that."

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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by BlueAnubis »

Jack rubbed the back of his head nerviously and chuckled, "Heh, everyone in this world can excel at anything with enough practice, I just happen to be agile." He said to Bianca and Al.

Ruby looked at the scarf she had forgotten was in her hand. I guess I won't be needing this now. she thought, so she tied it around her waist like a belt. Though, better safe than psycotic, I suppose. She turned and smiled, "Well, now that that's over, anyone have any plans for the day? Preferably any that don't involve burning down the neighborhood?" She added as she shot a glare at Winch and Ozzy.
Jack and Ruby: Richmond Acres
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by EvilTwin »

BlueAnubis wrote: "Well, now that that's over, anyone have any plans for the day? Preferably any that don't involve burning down the neighborhood?" She added as she shot a glare at Winch and Ozzy.
"Could we just toast it a little?" Ozzy asked jokingly. "I could show you around town a little since most of you just moved in.
There isn't a ton to see but it's a nice enough day and there isn't any harm in a short tour around our pleasant burough.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Adzo »

"that sounds good to me," Al said "I just have to try and keep out of the way of my Dad, I sneaked out this morning and he won't exactly be thrilled to see me dodging plane crashes when he thinks I'm still in bed."
He saw a male figure coming from the vicinity of his house, "Shimatta! there he is!" he cried, diving for cover behind the nearest bush.
He gingerly peeked over the shrubbery. "oh, it's the mailman, false alarm" me muttered sheepishly, emerging from his hiding place.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

Winch smiled at Ruby again, "Don't worry! If we burn the neighborhood down, then we'll have nothing to blow up!" He joked, with a hint of seriousness
Duke nodded at Ozzy, "I think that sounds pretty good. Show all these new pets around."
Ginger smiled, "That sounds fun!" She told him.
Bianca nodded, and looked to Al, "Umm, w-who is Shimatta?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by BlueAnubis »

Jack coughed and leaned close to Bianca, "I belive it is a japanese word that translates to... something I do not want to repeat in the presence of a lady." He whispered.
Jack and Ruby: Richmond Acres
Sahsa: Radiant Garden
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Fluttershy wrote:You're... going to LOVE ME!!!

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

BlueAnubis wrote:Jack coughed and leaned close to Bianca, "I belive it is a japanese word that translates to... something I do not want to repeat in the presence of a lady." He whispered.
Bianca nodded, "Oh, th-thank you." She told Jack for explaining. She remembered her cousin Yukiko saying that before, and she was wondering if they both knew the same person or something.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Adzo »

Al blushed, "Now that I have successfully made a fool of myself I can hopefully get through the rest of the day without any significant drama." He glanced back towards his house, "I only have to keep on my toes for a few hours, Mom and Dad will be working till late tonight, so once Dad leaves for work I'll be fine. providing he hasn't already realised I sneaked out."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by EvilTwin »

Adzo wrote:Al blushed, "Now that I have successfully made a fool of myself I can hopefully get through the rest of the day without any significant drama." He glanced back towards his house, "I only have to keep on my toes for a few hours, Mom and Dad will be working till late tonight, so once Dad leaves for work I'll be fine. providing he hasn't already realised I sneaked out."
"Well if you feel like getting some distance between you and the parental overlords I know a good pet friendly cafe of two, or there's the park, a few good stores, movies, all the usual really. If you wanna find something particular I can lay my paws on about anything around here." he breifly surved the crash site once more.
"I would suggest we drag this wreck back to my workshop before we leave though. Dad will be at work by now and a little twisted metal in my back yard doesn't raise eyebrows anymore but out here it's gonna cause a fuss."
May you lead an interesting life.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by The Game »

T.J nodded excitedly, though a bit short of breath. "A tour sounds fun!" Zane agreed a bit less enthusiastically. Not that he wasn't excited, he was just more composed then T.J was."A tour would be pretty fun. And i could help with that." he said to Ozzy.

((I can't remember, have Zane and Ozzy met?))
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by furryovrlord »

ChewyChewy wrote:"It's a date," said Hazel, winking at Crimson. "Be back later, 'right, Mom?"

"You do what you want, Hazel--you always do. Just stay out of trouble."

"Aw, don'tcha trust me?" Hazel headed for the door to open it for Crimson.
"allow me" *he said and beat her to the door, opened it for her and as he held it open, he smiled politely and bowed very slightly.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ChewyChewy »

Hazel was surprised. She smirked. "Tryin' to be a wise guy, huh?"

She ruffled his headfur, then stepped outside, keeping an eye on him the whole time.

"Well, c'mon, the day ain't gettin' any younger."
PF chars

"We have to do this take again! HAL, do it with a LOT less emotion!"
"I'm sorry Stan, I'm afraid I can't do that."

pair-o-dimes dot blogspot dot com

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

EvilTwin wrote:"Well if you feel like getting some distance between you and the parental overlords I know a good pet friendly cafe of two, or there's the park, a few good stores, movies, all the usual really. If you wanna find something particular I can lay my paws on about anything around here." he breifly surved the crash site once more.
"I would suggest we drag this wreck back to my workshop before we leave though. Dad will be at work by now and a little twisted metal in my back yard doesn't raise eyebrows anymore but out here it's gonna cause a fuss."
Winch nodded, "Yeah, if my dad saw that then he'll probably make me sleep in the outside kennel again! And Bianca would probably be grounded for letting me in the garage!" He told Ozzy and looked to Bianca, "That was a bad move on your part sis!" He smiled at her.
Bianca laughed uncomfortably.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by Adzo »

"Good Idea," Al agreed, "The carnage isn't helping my anonymity. I can lend a pair of paws for the lifting, it'll take a few of us by the looks of it.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Post by ctcmjh »

Duke walked over to the wreckage, "I'll take the bulk of it." He said as reached down and picked up the wrecked plane with ease, balancing it on his shoulder with one paw. (S-10) There was still some parts that fell off the plane.
Ginger followed him, "Come on now, there's still plenty to pick up." She said, picking up some of the stuff leftover.
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