2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Raku »

Maybe as others were guessing previously, it could be the first TF to be reversed? Might just have to wait, and see where this story leads to when it ultimately finishes.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Frank »

Let's see, gender-swapping is something more often seen in anime... who in the comic might be into Anime?

...okay Joey and his creepy friends, but who might have anime powers?

...okay, we have a literal kitsune, but who is actually from Japan?

...I forgot where I was going with this
fenrirblack wrote:I wonder if Rick plans this ahead of time. Right when things are slowing down, BOOM! he does something that boosts it up again in a big way.
He started off writing a general outline for each arc, and modifying it slightly depending on people's reactions/guesses, mostly just changing speech bubble wording. But at one point... it got really out of hand. He announced then that he would write the whole thing in one go, and not look at reactions until it was all drawn
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by vulpinator »

Geartooth wrote:
vulpinator wrote:Wasn’t on board initially with this being ANOTHER tf, but now... things just got a lot more interesting.
How many TFs have there been in HP? Besides King/Joel, Mr.Milton, Craig/Pete and Draig/Dragon, I don't think there are any other cases where a character got transformed. I might be confused though, since I haven't read through the entire strip.
That’s... STILL quite a few TFs :lol:
I mean even having just three seemed rather excessive imo. I’m surprised you seemed to have hit all of them!
But hey, I won’t really complain about turning Dragon and Pete into adorable aggravated fox kits. <3
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Pumkin6 »

Today's episode of Housepets is brought to you by: El Goonish Shive, bringing you teenage drama, gender bending and squirrels since 2002.

Hoo boy, quite a lot revealed in this comic. Remember when everyone was debating Marion's gender? Seems like that was what Rick wanted us to do.
When I first looked at this, it legitimately took my breath away for a second. It was so unexpected to me.
Well, I guess this confirms that, er... The characters can see things that the audience can't. Assuming that Lois isn't just joking.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by fenrirblack »

Gameb18oy wrote:
leinglo wrote:
Argent wrote:It's established (Grape, the Bigglesworths) that gender is not obvious to members of the same species even, so unless Lois is majoring in small mammal biology she may easily be mistaken.
I don't know, Marion sent a pretty clear pic. It probably doesn't take small mammal biology major to see what is, or isn't, there. In-universe, at least. As for Marion, I think he can be excused for not immediately noticing given his current mental and emotional state.
I mean, I’m not against it being real, but considering Marion clearly is, I hope Lois was pranking him back or was mistaken. Rick, it’s the squirrel’s first arc, go easier on him so his little heart doesn’t burst
It’s hard to deny that it is TG. Marion clearly can tell just by looking at himself. He just didn’t want to believe it at first, heck I didn’t want to believe it at first, but Lois pointing it out was the final nail and he could no longer deny was was staring him in the face. Denial is a powerful thing.

On a different note, if you look back at the Housepets Babies arc, they never once referred to Grape as a boy or girl. I think that was a nice touch.
Raku wrote:Maybe as others were guessing previously, it could be the first TF to be reversed? Might just have to wait, and see where this story leads to when it ultimately finishes.
Considering Marion is the first character who actually has something to lose by remaining an animal, he is the most likely candidate to have reversed. He still has to graduate in two weeks. That is even more painful thinking about it. You got the TF, TG, and it all happened two weeks before graduation. I mean this couldn’t wait until summer break? This still doesn’t include any college plans he may have.
Last edited by fenrirblack on Mon May 13, 2019 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Nobody »

Well, there goes my personal ability to get really into this arc.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Cody »

Nobody wrote:Well, there goes my personal ability to get really into this arc.
I really hope it's just Lois messing with Marion as she is sure that he's just messing with her. I'm sort of actually hoping that's what's going on here anyway because I was all set on Marion being a male squirrel since that's how I'd personally be able to relate to him.

I wonder if Marion is going to ask Lois to ditch school and come to him, or if he's going to try and make his way to school. The former seems more probable, though.

Also, both Marion and Lois should really learn proper capitalization and punctuation :lol: :lol:
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by leinglo »

fenrirblack wrote:
Raku wrote:Maybe as others were guessing previously, it could be the first TF to be reversed? Might just have to wait, and see where this story leads to when it ultimately finishes.
Considering Marion is the first character who actually has something to lose by remaining an animal, he is the most likely candidate to have reversed. He still has to graduate in two weeks. That is even more painful thinking about it. You got the TF, TG, and it all happened two weeks before graduation. I mean this couldn’t wait until summer break? This still doesn’t include any college plans he may have.
I was thinking the same thing. Unlike King, Marion has a presumably good life as a human. He has family, a home, relationships, a future, he has a lot to lose. If he can find a way to reverse this, he's almost certainly going to take it.

In a side note, I wonder if Rick has read the Out-Of-Placers webcomic by Valsalia. The whole plot of that story revolves around the main character being transformed through mysterious means into a small genderbent rodent creature.

Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by biddyfox »

my personal take on the issue of what pronouns to use for marion (copy pasted from the discord lol) is that gender, being a social construct, is based on the ideas of humans regardless of the physical sex of the body, which means marion's gender expression is theirs to figure out. but i would assume by default that marion would prefer to continue being the gender they were as a human.
i was thinking on this and if marion doesn't get turned back then this may raise a few questions - for instance, does hrt (hormone replacement therapy) exist for animals? further, are there trans pets?
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by D-Rock »

I think some species of amphibians and fish are capable of switching genders should a population need it. Don't know of any mammal species that can do the same. But honestly, I wouldn't doubt the existence of trans pets.
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Female Squirrel, Feline Quarrel

Post by shadowlucario50 »

Again, this is painful for me since he got transformed during finals week as a senior... :<

So, that explains why I got confused. He did look female to me, and it was confirmed that he was transformed into a female squirrel. Also, looks like Lois has some experience with squirrel anatomy. I wonder if she's a veterinarian? When the day is over, I wonder if Lois will come over and confirm it for herself to see what's going on. However, something tells me his instincts will probably start running rampant once he gets hungry and he'll start foraging for food. His mother will come home, see a squirrel, then kick him out. That's my prediction of what will happen next.

Either way, poor Marion.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Sansash »

Silly Zealot wrote:fuzzy-mancer etc
I love this! And you know what I think Thor is a fuzzy-mancer I mean with the way he braids his beard with magic and he and Rocket get along so well in Avengers
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Oxymoronic_Gryphon »

Well there's those lionesses that grow manes and scare off males and stuff, they'd probably identify as trans if they were sapient. As far as I know, no mammals are able to spontaneously self-reassign, but many species of both mammals and other animals have examples or even entire 'subgenders' of males or females that develop the behaviours of their potential mating partner for various reasons. Really, the male/female binary is ridiculously exclusionary, isn't even correct for all humans, let alone all mammals or animals, and when you've got serious biologists saying that few humans stick exclusively to it by all of the usual five metrics, can be largely thrown out as a scientific/medical classification and considered a social one.

Anyway, there's gay and lesbian animals, bisexual animals, and (behaviourally, as opposed to biologically or reproductively) asexual animals, many examples of which are only recently being recognised as such, rather than solely and exclusively mistakes on the animal's behalf or dominance displays, so I would not be at all surprised if there were trans animals - we just wouldn't notice them unless the species was significantly visually or behaviourally sexually dimorphic. And even then there would always be someone claiming there was no possible similarities between those animals and trans humans.

Heck, haplodiploidical insects that hatched from unfertilised eggs (mostly ants/bees/wasps, but also some other species, not all eusocial) have been considered to be universally 'female' for pretty much as long as they've been scientifically studied, because some of them (queens in eusocial ants/bees/wasps) were female, the ones that hatched from fertilised eggs (drones in same) were male, so the workers had to be something, right? And it made sense to consider them 'sisters' of those that hatched from other unfertilised eggs that can reproduce (queens in etc). When they are in fact biologically asexual, with no developed sexual organs whatsoever, let alone female ones. But it's only recently, with gender theory sloooowly spreading through the scientific community (and trans and nonbinary scientists cautiously edging their way into being out in their public lives (there are a number of historic trans scientists who had their lives and careers ruined by being outed or coming out, many still alive today) and thus feeling safe to apply some of their lived experiences to their work), that someone reexamined old biases and went 'waitaminute...'

And I wonder whether whatever force transformed Marion either knows him better than they know themself at this point in their life, or could see her in his closet - in either case they may have realised/made it public at some point later in life, which a being that can see potential futures as or more easily than they can see the present may have either gotten mixed up as to where in their personal journey Marion is at this temporal juncture, or have a fuzzy understanding of mortal self-realisation and expression, and how long they can both take, and thought they did her a favour? The amount of blue in their room, for example, could just be their favourite colour, or could possibly be a compensatory overreaction - even an unconscious one, if Marion is not consciously aware of their true gender yet. And if they are trans, then having a name that, while gender neutral, is more traditionally considered a girl's one could be both a blessing and a curse.

Alternatively, and much more horribly, he's already come out, and there's a reason his name is more popularly associated with girls, if he decided not to make it a deadname and to cling to its gender-neutralness. If that's the case, either Lois doesn't know, or she's trying not to make a big deal of it to hopefully freak Marion out less - the former of which would point her role more towards 'girlfriend', rather than 'childhood friend', unless Marion was particularly precocious with his gender identity and had remarkably accepting parents, with Lois being a 'later childhood' friend.

Or whatever force caused this has no evidence that she's a closeted (possibly even to herself) transwoman, and he's not a transman, in which case said force deliberately inflicting upon Marion a situation were they may soon be suffering gender dysphoria as well as species dysphoria (not all transpeople suffer dysphoria, so perhaps not all cisgender people forcibly transgendered would suffer it?), in which case said force is at least as big a jerk as Pete is/was.

Or whatever force is doing this has completely random gender effects upon transformation, in which case I'd just be glad for Marion that they turned into an air-breathing organism, since if said force is going to leave something so important up to random chance, they probably aren't the most precise in other portions of the transformation, either!
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Cesco »

Oh, poor Marion... :| The bracelet unites him with her girlfriend Lois, how nice. :) It's ok think he got a pet squirrel, and it's ok think he's doing a prank, but, did Marion really changed also sex? And why? :P :? Maybe it wasn't a good idea to contact his girlfriend now, as it looks like the more he does, the worse goes for him...
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Sansash »

Marion wrote:...don't squirrels have different parts than people
Good question...
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by trekkie »

I wonder if Marion's voice has changed, if it did so far he hasn’t noticed it. If Marion’s mom does kick the squirrel out, then I’d guess she would try and search for Marion, and maybe file a missing persons report.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by CunningFox »

And here I was thinking these past few strips that Rick had drawn Marion so the fur on his chin resembled a beard.
[To be honest, this happening did occur to me, but didn't think it actually would.]
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by leinglo »

trekkie wrote:I wonder if Marion's voice has changed, if it did so far he hasn’t noticed it. If Marion’s mom does kick the squirrel out, then I’d guess she would try and search for Marion, and maybe file a missing persons report.
Oh, his voice has almost certainly changed, as in helium-level squeaky, simply due to the fact that his lungs are roughly 50 times smaller now. If Marion hasn't specifically pointed it out, it's probably less to do with him not noticing it and more with the fact that it's only one minor part of a entire orchestra of everything in his world going wrong right now.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Argent »

Geartooth wrote:How many TFs have there been in HP? Besides King/Joel, Mr.Milton, Craig/Pete and Draig/Dragon, I don't think there are any other cases where a character got transformed. I might be confused though, since I haven't read through the entire strip.
Thomas/Camel and Steward/Badger. Also Res/Weretiger.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by fenrirblack »

The mother is still an interesting factor. As much sense as it would make for her to have a role, parents and even owners have historically been excluded from the comic especially in times of crisis. Even the Sandwiches have not been seen in almost four years. So that tells me that between the fact that she couldn't even answer her phone indicates that she will not be apart of Marion's story (at least on screen). That tells me that whatever Marion is going to do long term it will not be in his house or rely on his mother for help. His best option, besides living in the woods, would be to hide with Lois for the time being. Or find another place to live that is closer to the Pets (especially considering we don't know exactly where his house is). If I was Marion, I would simply call Mother again and make up a phony excuse for why I would be leaving for the summer. Of course this would be easier if A. He had already graduated and B. had actual plans for the future. Again the fact that this is happening two weeks before school is over is a huge slap in the face and honestly makes this scenario ten times more difficult.
His best option might even be a classic letter left on his bed. Before he finally heads outside to brave the new world, he could write something saying that he is leaving and will not be back anytime soon. I could totally see him trying to write with a pen that is half his size. Then he steps outside and says "I can do this." Then immediately gets carried off by a bird.

Lois is still a question as well. Like Marion we know nothing about where she lives or her own home life. If by some weird coincidence she happen to live in Babylon Gardens, that could be Marion's ticket.

Another thought about the school thing. The timing seems....wrong. It's not just summer break but all of it. Why do it now? Why have this happening during finals? IF Marion is going to be a long-term character like King then it would make more sense for him to not have the burden of still being in school on his shoulders. Even if it was just about being a teenager then it would make more sense for this to happen at a different point like if he was younger, say Sixteen. That would open up the world of having him still going to school even as squirrel which seems likely that would be an arc considering Rick's displeasure of drawing humans. Animal only school? Anyway, not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that either Marion's life just got train wrecked for no good reason OR whatever he's going to do, whatever his role will be, will be short lived so he can take his finals and still graduate. What's going to happen to him if he does eventually change back but didn't pass his classes because of this mess? Even if he doesn't change back and the school accepts him as is, what will happen to him. Unless he is a straight A student and can afford to get 0 on all his exams, he is in big trouble. I know this is not his biggest concern right now but even being a female squirrel is easier to deal with because all it will take is one "Poof" to change back but no divine magic is going to help him if he has to repeat those classes.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Gameb18oy »

fenrirblack wrote:The mother is still an interesting factor. As much sense as it would make for her to have a role, parents and even owners have historically been excluded from the comic especially in times of crisis. Even the Sandwiches have not been seen in almost four years. So that tells me that between the fact that she couldn't even answer her phone indicates that she will not be apart of Marion's story (at least on screen). That tells me that whatever Marion is going to do long term it will not be in his house or rely on his mother for help. His best option, besides living in the woods, would be to hide with Lois for the time being. Or find another place to live that is closer to the Pets (especially considering we don't know exactly where his house is). If I was Marion, I would simply call Mother again and make up a phony excuse for why I would be leaving for the summer. Of course this would be easier if A. He had already graduated and B. had actual plans for the future. Again the fact that this is happening two weeks before school is over is a huge slap in the face and honestly makes this scenario ten times more difficult.
His best option might even be a classic letter left on his bed. Before he finally heads outside to brave the new world, he could write something saying that he is leaving and will not be back anytime soon. I could totally see him trying to write with a pen that is half his size. Then he steps outside and says "I can do this." Then immediately gets carried off by a bird.

Lois is still a question as well. Like Marion we know nothing about where she lives or her own home life. If by some weird coincidence she happen to live in Babylon Gardens, that could be Marion's ticket.
I’m highly expecting some magic stuff might happen with Lois, especially if her little comment wasn’t her teasing. I think it be a little hard for Rick to handle both a newly nutless squirrel plus a human and animal relationship, and of the two storylines I’d drop, I’d probably pick the latter considering how the equivalent in our universe would be received.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by fenrirblack »

Gameb18oy wrote: I’m highly expecting some magic stuff might happen with Lois, especially if her little comment wasn’t her teasing. I think it be a little hard for Rick to handle both a newly nutless squirrel plus a human and animal relationship, and of the two storylines I’d drop, I’d probably pick the latter considering how the equivalent in our universe would be received.
That's probably another indicator that they are NOT in a romanic relationship in the first place. It eases the situation some if there isn't anymore unnecessary baggage like romantic attachment. We've already seen, very recently, how complicated romanic relationships are in the comic and this is already more complicated than ever.
If they are in a romantic relationship and TF happens, let me tell you as someone who has written a few stories about this scenario, it does not end well. There is always a divide between the two that creates not only friction but heartbreak that always leads to sacrifice of some type.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by CunningFox »

fenrirblack wrote:
Gameb18oy wrote: I’m highly expecting some magic stuff might happen with Lois, especially if her little comment wasn’t her teasing. I think it be a little hard for Rick to handle both a newly nutless squirrel plus a human and animal relationship, and of the two storylines I’d drop, I’d probably pick the latter considering how the equivalent in our universe would be received.
That's probably another indicator that they are NOT in a romanic relationship in the first place. It eases the situation some if there isn't anymore unnecessary baggage like romantic attachment. We've already seen, very recently, how complicated romanic relationships are in the comic and this is already more complicated than ever.
If they are in a romantic relationship and TF happens, let me tell you as someone who has written a few stories about this scenario, it does not end well. There is always a divide between the two that creates not only friction but heartbreak that always leads to sacrifice of some type.
Considering Rick released a drawing of Marion looking sad while holding the M&L necklace, I'd assume they are in a relationship and this will be the source of much angst for Marion.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Silly Zealot »

biddyfox wrote:my personal take on the issue of what pronouns to use for marion (copy pasted from the discord lol) is that gender, being a social construct, is based on the ideas of humans regardless of the physical sex of the body, which means marion's gender expression is theirs to figure out. but i would assume by default that marion would prefer to continue being the gender they were as a human.
i was thinking on this and if marion doesn't get turned back then this may raise a few questions - for instance, does hrt (hormone replacement therapy) exist for animals? further, are there trans pets?
I don't agree that gender is a subjective thing, but besides that, I'll answer your questions:

Hormone therapies for animals? That sounds super costly. And probably super experimental. They don't even let them go to the mall without a leash.

And trans pets?
As far as I know only one.
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Champion Wallace »

why are you texting in class
it's finals week

Is this Rick Griffin's nod to Avengers by adding a character that's a Squirrel Girl :P.
Wait, so Marion was at least partially to terms with having different parts because he's a squirrel, be keels over at the idea that he has different parts because he's a female? Either way he doesn't have the parts he had before.
GameCobra wrote:Uh oh. Better make sure you don't attract a guy in that form, then. They'll never let it down when you return back to normal. x3
It would appear that regardless of how his body was changed, his mind remained the same (well, excluding all the psychological trauma waking up as a squirrel entails) therefor he still wouldn't be into males or squirrels in that way (assuming he wasn't before). Then again, if he's anything like King, his body is going to find members of his current species attractive.
ChekeBello wrote:Also the fact that there is only a capital "i" just drives me crazy... >.>
Building on that, only one "i" he types out of five is capitalized yet he still types out an ellipsis. Lois capitalizes Marion's name in her first text, but not her last. Those two could benefit from an autocorrect that fixes capitalization.
Rikunda wrote:I think we can officially write off that coin unless sex is also swappable with it.
Fixed it for you. His gender can still be male even if his sex becomes female.
leinglo wrote:
Argent wrote:It's established (Grape, the Bigglesworths) that gender is not obvious to members of the same species even, so unless Lois is majoring in small mammal biology she may easily be mistaken.
I don't know, Marion sent a pretty clear pic. It probably doesn't take small mammal biology major to see what is, or isn't, there. In-universe, at least. As for Marion, I think he can be excused for not immediately noticing given his current mental and emotional state.
And this strip made me look up the physical sex differences in squirrels. Thanks Obama Rick Griffin. Anyway, now that I've done that I can say Lois would be able to tell the difference from a photo like that if she knew what to look for, but Marion should also excused for his misunderstanding. It's not something only future small mammal biology majors would know, but I don't think it's common knowledge either.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:
Argent wrote:apply tinybluescreen.mod


It's established (Grape, the Bigglesworths) that gender is not obvious to members of the same species even, so unless Lois is majoring in small mammal biology she may easily be mistaken.

Or she thinks he's pranking her and she's pranking him back.
I put in the 'old comic intent' line with this in mind specifically.

This is a PG-13 comic. Certain areas can't be shown.

Doesn't necessarily mean they're not there and others can't see them...

(Bigglesworths may have been 'fixed'.)

Don't think on it too much, it's a bit disturbing(!)
This is actually a PG comic, not a PG-13 comic. Anyway...
I really want to agree with the rest of your post, but you can't have it both ways: It doesn't follow for the characters to see what's really there while the comic visuals are censored (like what seems to be the case in this strip), and have it such the characters don't see anything different than we do (in the case of other characters not realizing Grape is a girl). Bailey was able to have stubby-legged husky puppies so we know she wasn't 'fixed'. Even if it is not routine but also not non-existent to happen to the Bigglesworths, there is still a difference between boys and girls on the exterior of real cats after the procedure. I guess this contradiction could be resolved if the characters do see more than us, but Peanut just didn't have the specific knowledge to be able to connect what he's seeing to the fact that Grape's a girl. I could accept that for Peanut because he didn't appear to know many girl cats or girl pets in general at the time (and he also didn't pick up on the fact Joey in a cat suit was Joey) so he might assume any differences between their bodies was because they were different species, even if some things were because they were different sexes. However, Max was fooled as well and the Bigglesworths shouldn't have that issue since they're around boys and girls of the same breed every day.
biddyfox wrote:my personal take on the issue of what pronouns to use for marion (copy pasted from the discord lol) is that gender, being a social construct, is based on the ideas of humans regardless of the physical sex of the body, which means marion's gender expression is theirs to figure out. but i would assume by default that marion would prefer to continue being the gender they were as a human.
i was thinking on this and if marion doesn't get turned back then this may raise a few questions - for instance, does hrt (hormone replacement therapy) exist for animals? further, are there trans pets?
I agree with this. I would assume (especially with how anthropomorphized they are) there would exist some pets that don't identify with the sex they were assigned at birth, even if non-human rights aren't to the point of legally recognizing them. Assuming there are trans pets, I still don't think it would be commercially viable for researchers or corporations to make HRT available to non-humans. Even if there is a niche market for rich people spoiling their poodles, I doubt it would reach all the way to colloquially feral species. That being said, if the ferrets get involved I'm sure at least one of them could make squirrel HTR a reality for Marion should he decide that's what he wants.
fenrirblack wrote:Another thought about the school thing. The timing seems....wrong. It's not just summer break but all of it. Why do it now? Why have this happening during finals? IF Marion is going to be a long-term character like King then it would make more sense for him to not have the burden of still being in school on his shoulders. Even if it was just about being a teenager then it would make more sense for this to happen at a different point like if he was younger, say Sixteen. That would open up the world of having him still going to school even as squirrel which seems likely that would be an arc considering Rick's displeasure of drawing humans. Animal only school? Anyway, not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that either Marion's life just got train wrecked for no good reason OR whatever he's going to do, whatever his role will be, will be short lived so he can take his finals and still graduate. What's going to happen to him if he does eventually change back but didn't pass his classes because of this mess? Even if he doesn't change back and the school accepts him as is, what will happen to him. Unless he is a straight A student and can afford to get 0 on all his exams, he is in big trouble. I know this is not his biggest concern right now but even being a female squirrel is easier to deal with because all it will take is one "Poof" to change back but no divine magic is going to help him if he has to repeat those classes.
Allow me to introduce you to a literary concept known as "tragedy" :P.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by fenrirblack »

Champion Wallace wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:Another thought about the school thing. The timing seems....wrong. It's not just summer break but all of it. Why do it now? Why have this happening during finals? IF Marion is going to be a long-term character like King then it would make more sense for him to not have the burden of still being in school on his shoulders. Even if it was just about being a teenager then it would make more sense for this to happen at a different point like if he was younger, say Sixteen. That would open up the world of having him still going to school even as squirrel which seems likely that would be an arc considering Rick's displeasure of drawing humans. Animal only school? Anyway, not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that either Marion's life just got train wrecked for no good reason OR whatever he's going to do, whatever his role will be, will be short lived so he can take his finals and still graduate. What's going to happen to him if he does eventually change back but didn't pass his classes because of this mess? Even if he doesn't change back and the school accepts him as is, what will happen to him. Unless he is a straight A student and can afford to get 0 on all his exams, he is in big trouble. I know this is not his biggest concern right now but even being a female squirrel is easier to deal with because all it will take is one "Poof" to change back but no divine magic is going to help him if he has to repeat those classes.
Allow me to introduce you to a literary concept known as "tragedy" :P.
I'm all for tragedy, I mean it's my main thing but this seems to be taking it a bit far. If you want to kill off a love interest or a beloved character, that's fine but when you mess with someone's graduation, I draw the line.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by D-Rock »

Admittedly some interesting priorities.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Silly Zealot »

fenrirblack wrote:I'm all for tragedy, I mean it's my main thing but this seems to be taking it a bit far. If you want to kill off a love interest or a beloved character, that's fine but when you mess with someone's graduation, I draw the line.
As a high school graduate, this speaks to me on an spiritual level.
D-Rock wrote:Admittedly some interesting priorities.
Boys will be boys!
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by CunningFox »

Silly Zealot wrote:Boys will be boys!
Not Marion, apparently.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Gameb18oy »

fenrirblack wrote:
Champion Wallace wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:Another thought about the school thing. The timing seems....wrong. It's not just summer break but all of it. Why do it now? Why have this happening during finals? IF Marion is going to be a long-term character like King then it would make more sense for him to not have the burden of still being in school on his shoulders. Even if it was just about being a teenager then it would make more sense for this to happen at a different point like if he was younger, say Sixteen. That would open up the world of having him still going to school even as squirrel which seems likely that would be an arc considering Rick's displeasure of drawing humans. Animal only school? Anyway, not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that either Marion's life just got train wrecked for no good reason OR whatever he's going to do, whatever his role will be, will be short lived so he can take his finals and still graduate. What's going to happen to him if he does eventually change back but didn't pass his classes because of this mess? Even if he doesn't change back and the school accepts him as is, what will happen to him. Unless he is a straight A student and can afford to get 0 on all his exams, he is in big trouble. I know this is not his biggest concern right now but even being a female squirrel is easier to deal with because all it will take is one "Poof" to change back but no divine magic is going to help him if he has to repeat those classes.
Allow me to introduce you to a literary concept known as "tragedy" :P.
I'm all for tragedy, I mean it's my main thing but this seems to be taking it a bit far. If you want to kill off a love interest or a beloved character, that's fine but when you mess with someone's graduation, I draw the line.
D-Rock wrote:Admittedly some interesting priorities.
Not so interesting, I agree with Fen on this, he better get to graduate. The only thing that could make those years worse if they were all for nothing
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by NHWestoN »

Marion's finals may have to orals.....
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Gameb18oy »

NHWestoN wrote:Marion's finals may have to orals.....
Pray he somehow kept his masculine vocal chords. Rick already possibly stole his nuts, he has so little left
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Frank »

Geartooth wrote:
vulpinator wrote:Wasn’t on board initially with this being ANOTHER tf, but now... things just got a lot more interesting.
How many TFs have there been in HP? Besides King/Joel, Mr.Milton, Craig/Pete and Draig/Dragon, I don't think there are any other cases where a character got transformed. I might be confused though, since I haven't read through the entire strip.
Wait, I just realized, excepting Joel, those are all reincarnations. The other transformations we've seen are the ones caused by the cursed coin, but I guess that would be spoilers
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by NHWestoN »

Gameb18oy wrote:
NHWestoN wrote:Marion's finals may have to orals.....
Pray he somehow kept his masculine vocal chords. Rick already possibly stole his nuts, he has so little left
You said that. I didn't. You'll notice I'm not contradicting you.......
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Pumkin6 »

Gameb18oy wrote:
NHWestoN wrote:Marion's finals may have to orals.....
Pray he somehow kept his masculine vocal chords. Rick already possibly stole his nuts, he has so little left
I guess Rick made him experience every squirrel's worst nightmare then.
Losing his nuts.
Because squirrels eat nuts.
And he's female now.
This is very sophisticated humor.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Obbl »

Um... High schools usually let you (at the very least) retake the year if you fail... Like that's still an extra year, but there is no way this can completely ruin his life even if he misses this year's finals :?
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by fenrirblack »

I hope when Marion meets King, he’ll tell him about his high school days. Joel in high school, I want to say it was fun but knowing Joel is probably wasn’t. Despite everything we know about him his life normal up to a point besides the kidnapping thing. It just went south after his parents kicked him out. Something to talk about with his therapist, I guess. ;)
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by TheOne »

biddyfox wrote:...gender, being a social construct...
Can we please keep the politically left-sided statements off this site? At the very least, it only gives credit to one side of the argument. I'm on the other side, and
https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/57234146-b ... 83835400fb

But, I won't make the counter-argument, because I've been told, multiple times, by multiple moderators, that this site isn't the place for political arguments.

So I ask politely for the political statements about gender to cease and desist.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by leinglo »

Obbl wrote:Um... High schools usually let you (at the very least) retake the year if you fail... Like that's still an extra year, but there is no way this can completely ruin his life even if he misses this year's finals :?
And even if he doesn't graduate he could still just get a GED, which has the same functional value, if not the prestige, of a graduation.
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Re: 2019/05/13 - What Are Little Squirrels Made Of?

Post by Silly Zealot »

Obbl wrote:Um... High schools usually let you (at the very least) retake the year if you fail... Like that's still an extra year, but there is no way this can completely ruin his life even if he misses this year's finals :?
A teenager boy wakes up as a squirrel.
Only his girlfriend knows what happened.

But worst of all.....
Far worst of all.......

It's finals week on his senior year at high-school!
If he doesn't change back to normal before the weekend, he will have to go to summer school!

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20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

I'm telling you, hyenas ARE canines too!
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