Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Buster »

Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by D-Rock »

Well, his plate got a bit more full as of late.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by NHWestoN »

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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by CHAOKOCartoons »

An update will be coming in another 12 hours or so. I wanna at least try to see how far into this I can get before I can call it quits. With my games in development and work this game has been kinda hard to find worth the time, but I figure if I can just keep things simple with only one or two images per update in sketch form, I can probably make it at the very least once a week.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Douglas Collier »

What?? AN UPDATE??! YAY!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by wolfbrothren »

Omg! Awesome!
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by CHAOKOCartoons »

Let's pick up where we left off... sorta.


Therapy Dog: Glad to see ya again Echo! Looks like you're doing well, especially considering what day it is. How are you holding up though? Are you ready to continue our last session?

Echo: I'm... holding. Investigation's been kinda dry, and ironically all this rain hasn't been helping. As for the session, and I don't mean any offense by this, but I'm about as ready as a brick supporting the same old house. What's it been like, 5 or 7 years of repeating the same story? At this point it's just kinda getting annoying, and the sessions just drag oooon and ooooon and--

Therapy Dog: Right, my apologies, and no offense taken! I completely understand, this method of therapy is a bit out of my range of expertise, but Officer Hotel insists we go through it again before this new case, just to make sure your head's in the right place and all that!

Echo: What? Did the boys get me mixed up with Charlie again? We don't even look that similar anymore, even less so to humans! Besides, I'm not the one that needs the help...

Therapy Dog: Mmmmmno. It was definitely you specifically. Charlie's being given a special briefing, still not sure what that entails but I'm sure he's getting the support he needs! But, for now, let's focus on the support that you may or may not still need as deemed by Officer Hotel and not by any means me. I'm going to be showing you some illustrations you made back when you first met with a therapist, please flip through them as you recall the events that took place on the day of your brothers... "long-term missing case record."

Echo: (Dog almighty did he really have make me remember how bad I was back then???)

Echo: As I pulled Charlie out of the water, he seemed to have gained a lot more confidence and determination than when we first found him. I don't know what Bravo did, but whatever it was it was enough to snap Charlie out of his hopeless mindset. It was almost as if he was trying to act tough, maybe he was mimicking the strength he saw in Bravo? He always did look up to him as a symbol of power and safety. Up until then, he seemed invincible in Charlie's eyes...


Echo: I didn't get many chances to look over at Bravo once we found Charlie, but the few times I did it... looked like he was smiling. For years I could never get the image out of my head, I just couldn't understand it. He clearly knew the danger he was in, so why on Earth would he SMILE? I think now I've come to understand the answer to that question, and it's given me hope in my investigation, he was smiling because he knew. At that point, the danger he was in wasn't his biggest concern, it was all on Charlie. He knew he could still do something to help, something to give Charlie hope, to get him out of that situation. Besides, he was far to stubborn to go out without a fight. He was gonna make a statement, to both that monster and Charlie...


Echo: All I could hear was the suffocating of my bother (well, and the rain too I guess... and the river... and some ducks-- you get my point), but just as Charlie was getting out of the water, I turned to the inhuman wailing of that fluffy monstrosity, and Bravo latching his claws where a beady white dot was supposed to be. It looked as if it were going to go in for a bite at his neck, and Bravo must have waited for that exact moment.


Echo: However... in response, the monster's fist clenched harder. The abrupt shout from Bravo was enough to tell me that it was time to go. Even as a pup, I understood what Bravo had just done, and I understood what little time we had to capitalize on it. Our goal was to keep Charlie safe, we had a plan... but man do I wish I hadn't stuck to it. I know he was tossed into a raging river, I KNOW what they found on the rocks, but... I should have checked where he went. There's still a chance he could have sur--

Therapy Dog: Echo... perhaps we should stay on track, we'll get back to that soon.

Echo: Right...


Echo: I knew what I had to do, but Charlie wouldn't move. He watched, he couldn't keep his eyes away. After the initial shock, he just... stared. Anytime I ask him what he saw, he'd never answer me straight. He gets all, ya know, weird about some crazy religious sounding carp. I guess he's at least saying something now, no therapist could help get him over his quietness until he started meeting with Mr. Sandwitch's girlfriend. I don't mind that he found a hobby, I just wish he wasn't so insistent on it. Even if he did have important info on where Bravo may have gone, to him, the case was already closed...


Echo: Didn't take too long for the monster to take notice. It reached right out for Charlie, at this point I was just about ready for a worse case scenario but then... he punched it! Like, straight up just punched the thing in the nose. He's not the strongest guy but that punch in particular had so much anger to it! I was expecting him to just break down then and there, admittedly Charlie was always a cry baby, but not this time. He had a look I'd normally only seen from Bravo, he was absolutely furious. It wasn't enough to keep it at bay for long, but it seemed to have made the monster double take a bit.


Echo: Just then, after all that time, our parents had finally arrived. I was convinced they wouldn't come, that they were stuck in their own stupid problems, but they came. They must have heard me when I ran down the stairs that night.
My dad didn't take his had off that trigger till the monster was clear and gone. He must have fired six rounds just trying to land a hit on that thing, I think they hit it at least once. It ran off into the night, I never saw it again....


Echo: The next day, we began searching the area for any signs of Bravo. After searching up and down the river with the help of Officer Hotel, we found his collar snagged on a branch by the bridge leading in and out of River Ridge. There were no other signs of him. Not a track, not a trail, nothing. At the same time, they never found a body either, even after days and months of looking over the entire stretch of the River's course. Mom and Dad took it really hard, frankly I think they should have. In their eyes, they were responsible for losing them, and on top of the money situation they were already failing us. Out of grief, fear that the monster may come back, and knowing they wouldn't be able to afford taking care of us for much longer, we were given to Officer Hotel. They did get some money from giving us to the police force, and that seems to have helped them get a bit more stable, but that was years ago. It's been years since I last checked up on them, last I heard they'd separated. I don't think I want to see them again anyway...


Echo: As time went by, we got accustom to our jobs as members of the K-9 unit in Babylon. I started to use my drawing skills to help visualize suspect descriptions from witnesses, but once a week they'd let me work on my own investigation. I never did stop searching for Bravo, even when everyone else gave up and we'd been transfered to River Ridge. Even Charlie...

Therapy Dog: Oh wow! You drew this when you were 2? This looks great! How'd you know what you'd both end up looking like?

Echo: Oh, no I just drew this while we were talking about the first part. We were sitting there a long time and I just kinda got bored. Amazed you didn't notice that actually.

Therapy Dog: Neat...! Wait, when did you get the time to color this, we only have pens in--

Echo: We got assigned to some pretty big assignments, really weird ones too. I took to more of the usual work, but Charlie kept getting assigned really weird cases regarding the local pets. There was this one time he got invited to a wedding between that old cat that hangs out with Mr. Sandwiches girlfriend a lot and apparently some king of Africa or something? Mr. Byron showed up, broke out into a giant fight, Charlie really didn't know what to do there, it was way out of his element. He was really afraid of the pool though, and I don't think what ended up happening helped that in any regards.

Therapy Dog: I heard about that actually! It was super romantic, I wish I could have been there to see it live! Glad it's been working out okay though, Sabrina and Fido are such a cute couple!

Echo: Yyyyyeah, still think Mr. Byron is kinda weird but I've got bigger things to worry about than Dogs and Cats living together, or the mass hysteria it brings. Anyway, that's around the time Charlie had actually started to get in contact with the fortune lady, and around the same time he started acting really weird.

Therapy Dog: You mean Tarot right? Not surprising really, she's had me do some weird stuff lemme tell ya!

Echo: M-maybe another time, I do gotta go do something after this, remember?

Therapy Dog: Right-- right, sorry! Please continue!


Echo: He started talking about spirits, afterlives, the past and present, other dimensions, all kinds of fantasy mumbo jumbo. He was a pretty creative pup, I think hanging out with Ms. Tarot brought back the childlike wonder in him, but I don't think it was very healthy for his mental state. He was already pretty vulnerable, and now I think he really believes everything he's been saying.

Therapy Dog: I believe him!

Echo: Not helping M--

Therapy Dog: I saw a portal to hell once...


Mungo: Sorry sorry sorry! I forgot ya don't like talking about that stuff, just seems like common knowledge to me...

Echo: *Sigh* Anyway, his new found "abilities" apparently led him to solving a pretty big case involving a murder suspect. All he was told to do was watch over the crime scene, but after a while of just wandering around he just... knew exactly what happened, even the suspects identity and where he'd fled to. No one at the scene believed him, but he insisted the SWAT team be sent to the location he "was told about". Lowe and behold, 10 minutes later it turns out they'd found the suspects home. I just think he found some clues that the detectives would have found on their own, but some of the officers started to listen to him more. More murder cases were investigated, more murder cases were solved. It wasn't long till the FBI took notice of him. Around this time, he'd stopped meeting with Ms. Tarot, and he never made any mention of her to them. He was taken in as the first member of some kind of special K-9 force: FK-1. As far as I know, he's the only member of this unit. It's been hard keeping in contact with him, they don't seem keen on letting people talk to him. He's still owned by Officer Hotel of course, but he rarely visits, and if he does it's briefly in the middle of the night.


Echo: This next case will be the first time talking to him in 6 months, and likely the most amount of time I'll get to spend with him for a while. I don't know what the case is exactly, but for some reason they require both of us specifically to lend a hand. I expressed concern over this case interfering with my own, but Hotel said he think it'll lead me to knowing more about what happened to Bravo. There's no way I could pass something like that up, I KNOW he's still alive, I just have to keep looking...

Mungo: And... what is it you hope to find after all these years?

Echo: At this point? Just some closure at least....... by the way, I've been petting you for like 2 hours now and I can't help but notice how soft your fur is today, you using some kinda new shampoo?

Mungo: Yeah!! We got a gift basket full of little soap squares at the office in Babylon a couple days ago, this stuff's great, even in all this rain!

Echo: Aw man, lucky! Wonder why they chose a weird buttery scent for it though...

Mungo: Alright, time to end this session. Glad you could stop by Echo, maybe I'll come back and visit you in River Ridge again sometime, it'd be nice to see the old SWAT team again too! Where ya heading first, by the way? I know ya haven't been briefed yet, but surely they must have had a lead if they're calling you in now right?

Echo: Right now we're heading back to the RRPD. Something went down at a local pet shop, and it sounds like we're getting geared up to speak with some witnesses on the scene. Apparently we have one "unusual suspect" in the area as well, wonder who that could be...




⛓️Chaining is Locked⛓️
2) Begin to fake-snore loudly
3) Begin to get up, reluctantly
4) Smack the annoying alarm clock
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by wolfbrothren »

3. Begin to get up, reluctantly
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Champion Wallace »

OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN! This game was what pushed me over the edge to make an account and after nearly a year it's finally happening! It's too bad that Bravo had to die in the rescue attempt. Then again, trying to save everyone wasn't exactly a practical goal. I'm guessing we're now controlling the "'unusual suspect'" and that person is Maple the tabby cat, so I'm going to vote for 1)... just keep on sleeping.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Render »

Wow! That's an impressive wall of text and pics. :) Great to see this being continued! :D

Does Echo have Bravo's collar and tag now?

Who do we wake up now? Might be Maple, fits the "pile of autumn leaves". So a kitty... I'd love to just smack the annoying alarm clock but I'm not sure how wise that'll be... But on the other paw we could just start with a little slapstick and maybe the "alarm clock" is already used to that - so I vote for it. ^^
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Legotron123 »

Is it wrong that one of the first I thought of after reading this was how I wanted Echo to get drunk on orange soda and explode at Tarot for indirectly being responsible for Charlie leaving? Because this update made me feel really really sad. Also, 3.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Saturn381 »

I say we go for with route 3.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Bandit1990 »

Option 3 seems most sensible. This is a new jumping on point, right?

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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by D-Rock »

Charlie brightened up after meeting Tarot over Bravo? Hm, sounds like he was able to get in contact with Bravo in the afterlife. Or maybe she was able to confirm for him that he was still alive? If the latter, could tie into Echo looking for him. Perhaps he'll pull a Red Hood? Just hope he doesn't come back all murder-y at first. But it currently seems like we've lost Bravo for good, especially after the previous update's description.

I mean, I'm sure Mungo has plenty of others that will vouch for him over the fact that he saw angels, demons, and the gates to Hell. :lol:
Be interesting if Echo was Seto Kaiba-levels of skeptical.

Well, I'm guessing it's Maple as well, so my vote is
Choice #3.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Buster »

Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by CHAOKOCartoons »

wolfbrothren wrote:3. Begin to get up, reluctantly
Legotron123 wrote:Is it wrong that one of the first I thought of after reading this was how I wanted Echo to get drunk on orange soda and explode at Tarot for indirectly being responsible for Charlie leaving? Because this update made me feel really really sad. Also, 3.
Saturn381 wrote:I say we go for with route 3.
Bandit1990 wrote:Option 3 seems most sensible. This is a new jumping on point, right?
D-Rock wrote:Charlie brightened up after meeting Tarot over Bravo? Hm, sounds like he was able to get in contact with Bravo in the afterlife. Or maybe she was able to confirm for him that he was still alive? If the latter, could tie into Echo looking for him. Perhaps he'll pull a Red Hood? Just hope he doesn't come back all murder-y at first. But it currently seems like we've lost Bravo for good, especially after the previous update's description.

I mean, I'm sure Mungo has plenty of others that will vouch for him over the fact that he saw angels, demons, and the gates to Hell. :lol:
Be interesting if Echo was Seto Kaiba-levels of skeptical.

Well, I'm guessing it's Maple as well, so my vote is
Choice #3.
Despite your better judgement telling you to smack them and go back to bed, you decide to open your eyes.


???: Thaaats it, lass! I figured a bit of negative reinforcement woulda' gotten yer' attention! Come on now princess, yer subjects require your attention, no time to complain about any peas!


???: GOODNESS GRACIOUS MAPLE! Ya still look like you just got out of a twister bustlin' of leaf blowers! Hurry up'n make yourself presentable! No lass of mine's gonna go out lookin like the rest of the trash 'round 'ere!

You look and feel like garbage, even moreso than usual! You can't really recall why though. Welp, time to start your day... whatever your day was supposed to be.
⛓️Chaining is Active!⛓️
1) Get dressed
2) Groom yourself
3) "Who are you?"
4) "Where are we?"
5) Inspect
6) Improvise
7) Smack the annoying alarm clock anyways
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Legotron123 »

Seven, then one.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by furrygamer793 »

two then one. I mean, it would be more formal, which I believe Maple should be, 7 then 1 seems more common and funnier.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by D-Rock »

Yup, smack that bird. Though a bird that confident around a cat? Seems to have something over her. Bird looks like a pet, so maybe it's essentially blackmailing her? Like "you can stay, I won't tell anyone else, but you answer to me."

Hm. Don't want to chain so much this early, so let's just go 7, then 3. The first is cathartic, the second is for context.

Bird better be glad that this wasn't Grape.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Champion Wallace »

I support 7) Smack the annoying alarm clock anyways chained with 1) Get dressed. With a face like that in the first picture, option 7 needs to be done. As for option two, we can't have her walking around naked, even if she is the lion king. I don't think 3 or 4 are good ideas because ??? knows what's going on and is acting like Maple knows what's going on. I'm afraid ??? might take advantage of her if they found out Maple didn't know what was going on.
CHAOKOCartoons wrote:You look and feel like garbage, even moreso than usual!
I see what you did there.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Buster »

because i like theme naming, Improv time!

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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Render »

CHAOKOCartoons wrote:Despite your better judgement telling you to smack them and go back to bed, you decide to open your eyes.
See... I wanted to smack the noisy thing directly. xD

And I'll go on with smacking. ^^
I also agree that only smacking isn't doing it here, assuming that Maple should know who the burd is I wouldn't continue with "Who are you?" (even if I wanna know it, but it would just be weird) and I also think she knows where she is, so let's get dressed. 7 + 1
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Not A Furry »

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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by D-Rock »

Actually, yeah, I think I'd like to change my chain to 7 then 1. Wallace has an interesting point.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Bandit1990 »

7 then 1 seems to be the consensus.

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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Naro Rivers »

Not that it matters, since it's the same as almost everyone else, I also say seven then one.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Saturn381 »

I say we go with option 3.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by CHAOKOCartoons »

Legotron123 wrote:Seven, then one.
Hawkfang42 wrote:two then one. I mean, it would be more formal, which I believe Maple should be, 7 then 1 seems more common and funnier.
D-Rock wrote:Yup, smack that bird. Though a bird that confident around a cat? Seems to have something over her. Bird looks like a pet, so maybe it's essentially blackmailing her? Like "you can stay, I won't tell anyone else, but you answer to me."

Hm. Don't want to chain so much this early, so let's just go 7, then 3. The first is cathartic, the second is for context.

Bird better be glad that this wasn't Grape.
Champion Wallace wrote:I support 7) Smack the annoying alarm clock anyways chained with 1) Get dressed. With a face like that in the first picture, option 7 needs to be done. As for option two, we can't have her walking around naked, even if she is the lion king. I don't think 3 or 4 are good ideas because ??? knows what's going on and is acting like Maple knows what's going on. I'm afraid ??? might take advantage of her if they found out Maple didn't know what was going on.
CHAOKOCartoons wrote:You look and feel like garbage, even moreso than usual!
I see what you did there.
Buster wrote:because i like theme naming, Improv time!

"Oh Shut up Alder."
Render wrote:
CHAOKOCartoons wrote:Despite your better judgement telling you to smack them and go back to bed, you decide to open your eyes.
See... I wanted to smack the noisy thing directly. xD

And I'll go on with smacking. ^^
I also agree that only smacking isn't doing it here, assuming that Maple should know who the burd is I wouldn't continue with "Who are you?" (even if I wanna know it, but it would just be weird) and I also think she knows where she is, so let's get dressed. 7 + 1
Not A Furry wrote:seven
D-Rock wrote:Actually, yeah, I think I'd like to change my chain to 7 then 1. Wallace has an interesting point.
Bandit1990 wrote:7 then 1 seems to be the consensus.
Naro Rivers wrote:Not that it matters, since it's the same as almost everyone else, I also say seven then one.

You notice your uncle, Clover, in your tent, berating you in your morning suit.


Clover: *SQUARK!!!*

You berate him with the back of your hand. You feel like your usual self again.


Clover: Eeeeeyup, thhhat's the lass I know. Glad t'seyer doin better after a good nights rest... hoo--ow boyo, there goes me lucky feather... and me lucky rib...

He seems to have knocked over your scarf, you take it and get ready for the day. You'd rather not part from it again, or at the very least not go out without something on. You're not some kind of nameless nobody...


You head to the mirror, your fur has seen better days, but your clothes seem in tact. Whatever happened last night, it seems someone made sure to keep them safe, probably Clover. For a moment you feel bad that you sent him flying across the tent. It's not a long moment, but it's a moment.

Clover: Righty-o then! It seems you've sprung to a mood for business so lets get right into the agenda for today, eh lass? First things first: It seems after your little, er, "episode" last night, you've gone and gotten everyone all shaken up! The lads are worried about'cha, Maple. Some of em are thinkin' ya've lost your marbles, some think you've gone a bit to-- and I must emphasize that these are their words-- weak and unstable, and some right out think ya aint long for this world! Now you know I know ya better than any'a that heap o' gossip, but surely ya don't want yer' own folks thinkin poorly a' ya! It just ain't good for morale, ya hear? Make of it what you will, but I must ask that you at least look the part of a leader once ya walk outa this tent. You're the one holdin' us all up out here Maple...

Seems like you really made a scene last night. You've got a hunch as to what may have gone down, but it's all fuzzy. Does it really matter though? You've got business to take care of, and they should know better... (shouldn't they?)

1. "What happened last night?"
2. "I'll talk to the others."
3. "They can think what they want..."
4. "Yeah yeah, sounds fun. NEXT?"
5. "..."
6. Groom yourself.
7. Inspect area.
8. Head outside.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by wolfbrothren »

7 (because there might be something useful in the tent)
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Champion Wallace »

Woo! Successful chain. It was only a chain of two but still, take your victories where you get them. So, the leaf on Maple's mug-shot in the first post wasn't her tag and is instead a birthmark or other fur marking because she has no collar. Interesting...
It seems like Maple's some sort of mob boss. The question now is is the mob made up of birds or other cats. I think we can trust Clover enough now to let up that we don’t know what’s going on with our alley cat. Additionally, I think it would be a bad idea to try to convince the others we haven’t lost our marbles when we don’t know the location of our marbles, so to speak (unless you’re confident in our smooth-talking ability). That being said, my current stance is 1. "What happened last night?"
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Legotron123 »

1, then 2. Important to know what we did before we start making excuses for it.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Not A Furry »

1. Don't overuse the chaining
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by furrygamer793 »

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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Buster »

Legotron123 wrote:1, then 2. Important to know what we did before we start making excuses for it.
i'm with lego.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by D-Rock »

Huh, Maple seems to have a level of authority. Not good when a leader looks disheveled. I'd say groom yourself.
If the leader looks collected, it could help overall morale.

I really don't want to get used to chaining like we did in the previous chapter.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Buster »

nonsense, maple is clearly an isekai protagonist, and therefore information collection is priority one.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by D-Rock »

...had to look that up and don't see the connection, but okay. Most I'm thinking to do is chain getting groomed and looking around. Problem is that I'm still wary of chains.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Naro Rivers »

I'm wary of chaining, too, but it would be fairly easy to ask what happened and then groom herself while getting the answer.
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Render »

Buster wrote:maple is clearly an isekai protagonist
Wikipedia wrote:Isekai (Japanese: 異世界) ( lit. "different world") is a subgenre of Japanese fantasy light novels, manga, anime, and video games revolving around a normal person being transported to or trapped in a parallel universe.
Ahm... what? Why do you think Maple's in/from a parallel universe?

Naro Rivers wrote:I'm wary of chaining, too, but it would be fairly easy to ask what happened and then groom herself while getting the answer.
That makes total sense. I'm with you. 1+6
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Re: Case: Housepets!-A Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Post by Buster »

the combination of 'sane character who seems crazy' (because of being used to somewhere different) and 'leader by default' are as common there as retrograde amnesia is in video games.

Maple's is seemingly a leader, yet her behavior has others doubting her sanity. makes sense to me.
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