OOC: Lounging Around

Put down the character sheets and walk away!

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OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

Welcome to the Dimensional Lounge, a place outside of space and time, where you can hang out and do whatever. that front door of ours goes anywhere, any time. all you need to do is think about being here, open a door, any door, and you're here. when you want to go home, open it from this side and it'll take you where you need to be. Though to keep the local deities off my case you won't remember being here when you're not here.

There are tables for card games, pool, plenty of other distractions. we've got a huge tv, a stage for those who like to entertain, a dance floor for the more skilled in footwork, there are rooms upstairs if you need somewhere to rest, and I just finished putting in some classic arcade machines. all free of charge. And if you're thirsty, or want something from the kitchen, I'm always behind the counter. (like, literally, always. I might look like a normal ferret, but I'm an immortal machine. I don't exactly get tired or need breaks.) Don't need a menu here, if it exists, we've got it. if it doesn't exist... well we probably still have it, multiverse and all.

- - - - - - - - - -

Character template:
Character Name:
Neighborhood Of Origin: (name of the OTHER place this character exists)

(Only applicable to BoH/ChivRes/RGV characters, and other similar rps, can be omitted from other character sheets if desired)



(a summary of any parts of the character's back story revealed so far, and what they've gotten up to in their native thread for those not part of that RP)

Other notes:

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats: (values are to be copied directly from original thread)
Character Name: Remnant (Rem)
Type: Special
Species/Breed: Ferret? (Technorganic shape-shifting sentient plant)
Age: "I stopped counting at 120."
Neighborhood Of Origin: ?????

A Black Sable Mitt ferret, except, it's more gunmetal gray than black and is quite shiny. Glow-in-the-dark pale cyan eyes.

In a word, eccentric... A retired mad scientist now running an establishment out of nostalgia for one that used to be run by a friend of his a long time ago in what he refers to as "universe 404"

At some unknown point in the past or future, technicaly both, Rem, sent a copy of himself back in time 50 years in order to test a temporal displacement device. it's uncertain if that Rem had an actual origin or was merely the result of a predestination paradox, but the 'new' Rem believed it to be the later, and repeated the experiment on the same day, sending 'himself' to the exact same point in space and time time. this may in fact be the cause of the explosion that destroyed his time machine and damaged his memory. either way because of that chain of events Rem's existence is caught in a sort of 'temporal loop' and its unclear how many cycles have occurred since.
in the most recent loop, rem was curious about the possibility of inter-dimensional travel, leading to the experiment that switched a friend of his for one if his probe devices. an event that also started a war, dumped said friend into a combat training exercise unaware he was in another world, and somehow merged the two of them into one being when he went to retrieve his probe.
since then Rem has worked as both a scientist and field operative for a secret organization in Universe 404, and despite being somewhat unpredictable and unstable, is often the voice of reason countering his fused counterpart's 'shoot first, see if its hostile after its dead' attitude towards various situations. Later the two were un-fused and Rem got locked into the form of a Decpetacon seeker, then a ferret, then briefly in his tree form, then he regained his shape shifting abilities.

in December of 2009, His partner and twenty three other individuals, all disappeared around the same time. Only three of whom reemerged before Universe 404 became inaccessible.
Rem however, is a very different person from before. He seems to have no memory of the disapeared. Nor does he have any recollection of having ever been a symbiotic machine, he does however remember his entire career as a mad scientist. Everything from escaping his home world and winding up in the garden of a megalomaniac, twin assasin sisters helping him escape across the dimensional boundary, joining up with the secret organisation he was part of back in 1998, and lastly December 2009 when his newest creation, the retcon beam, exploded on the workbench before compleetion, badly burning him.
Stranger still, while that organisation's records, as well as the records of several ground based facilities of the parent organisation show this version of events to be entirely accurate and well documented, as well as no trace of the 'old' rem, said parent organisation's orbital archives say just the opposite.
He eventually discovered that the discrepancy was the result of using the retcon beam to free himself from the time loop, resulting in a butterfly effect.

All of which is moot now as universe 404 disappeared in it's entirety in 2013. Nobody's certain how Rem got from there to here, not even him, but he's spent his time since recreating his favorite hangout from Universe 404, save for not being run by Moxie.

Other notes:
For those who haven't figured it out, this is a character ported over from an entirely different forum.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 5
- Perception: 8
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 10
- Agility: 5
- Luck: 5
- - - - - - - - - -

Special Rules:
- With the exception of rem, Existing characters only.
- Nothing that happens here is canon to other threads.
- If a character is idle for long enough, it will be assumed they had to leave for one reason or another and will need to re-enter via the door to continue.
- Shenanigans are encouraged.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by CyberDragon »

Character Name: Eira “Arctos” Steele

Color: This

Type: main

Species/Breed: Lycan

Age: 19 human years

Neighbourhood: Radients Vineyard

Home: for now, a decent apartment in the city

Power(s): As a Lycan, she is able to switch between two forms: One that looks like a wolf, and one that looks human. She is not either. She has the strength of an athletic human in her left arm, but her right, mechanical prosthetic arm isn't quite as strong. She is a fairly fierce fighter, with knowledge of a variety of martial arts. In addition, she is an aquakinetic capable of impressive displays of power. However, she pushed these powers past their limits in an attempt to live up to her cosmic-tier "mother." In doing so, something went wrong inside of her. She began to loose control, even when emotionally calm. Eventually, she could not use her powers without posing a risk to everyone nearby. Eventually, after a massive incident where she lost control, the leader of her superhero group made her get a power limiter implant that suppresses her aquakinesis entirely. She might be able to power past this limiter if totally consumed with rage or fear, or if she is for some reason in an adrenaline rush. However, she still has no control over what happens, and thus this only causes absolute chaos.

Appearance: Being a Lycan, she has two appearances. The first one is her wolf form. In this form, which is her default, she looks similar to an arctic wolf in the HPU universe. she has the build of someone with a clearly active lifestyle. When she was born, her aquakinetic powers reacted oddly with her and gave her hollow ice-colored fur instead of the solid black fur of her father. She lost her right arm at the elbow as a child. She uses her control over water to form an arm out of ice when not in disguise, but due to her power limiter she cannot form the arm anymore.
When disguised as a human, she has somewhat pale skin and hair the same color as her fur. She sometimes dyes it to fit in better. She has sapphire colored eyes. As a human, she stands fairly tall, just a little over 6 feet.
in both forms, she normally wears casual clothing, such as jeans and T-shirts, that are made of a specifically designed smart-fabric that adjusts itself dynamically to fit the different forms shape-shifters (and just the large variety of clothes wearing species in her universe) can have. She also normally carries a large bottle of water clipped to her belt so that she has some water to manipulate (or, you know, just to drink) when she needs to. Though she cannot use the water at the moment due to the power limiter, she still wears it on her belt out of habit.

Personality: Eira is an athlete. She loves being active, and she loves sports, especially martial arts. She is somewhat rash and aggressive. She finds it difficult to trust others, but her heart is in the right place. While she is mostly physical, she’s no idiot. She is fairly well read and decent at planning. Finally, she utterly hates bullies. If she sees someone picking on a weaker person, she will step in.

History: Not much of Eira's backstory has been revealed in RGV. She is a genetic combination of her two parents, put together by scientists as Randy and Morgan were different species, and thus not able to have a kid. Eira had a rough childhood full of bullying because of her lycanthropic nature and her mixed-species parents. At some point, she lost her arm, though it is not yet known how aside from the fact that it was the result of bullying. She accidentally overloaded her powers and was forced to have a power limiter implanted in her to keep her from hurting herself or others.

Other notes: Back in her own universe, Eira is a superhero. She is the child of two other superheroes; her father, the Lycan, and her mother, the aquakinetic Tempest. She was created by scientists by taking her father’s DNA and inserting compatible portions of Tempest’s DNA. They raised her with a strong sense of justice and compassion for the weak. As a child, she accidently revealed her lycanthropic nature when she fell asleep in class and shifted to her default wolf-like form. The school bully (who might have had a case of super-strength) saw her and beat her over it. He took her arm when she fought back.
She spends a lot of time and effort training in hopes to live up to her parents' legacies, both of whom have gone toe-to-toe with deities. However, she pushed herself too far, and something snapped. The first thing she noticed was how her ice arm, whenever she formed it, would look overly large and gnarled. Eventually, she couldn't form it at all. She tried to hide this deterioration, but others started to notice. Eventually this lack of control got flat out dangerous to herself and others. The higher-ups as well as her parents agreed that she needed to stay away from hero work while they figure out how to get her control back, so they implanted her with the power limiter and sent her off to a quieter place that doesn't have constant super villain and monster attacks. And so, she arrives in the small city of Radients Vineyard.

Inter-universal travel is common for superheroes in her universe. She was sent away this time in hopes that she might be able to slow down while her "uncle" Solomon (a super called "Hivemind") figures out how to set her powers back to normal.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 6
- Endurance: 8
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 5
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 5
Character Name: Randy Steele

Codename: “The Lycan”

Color: Bold

Type: Main

Species/Breed: Lycanthrope

Age: 52 human years

Neighborhood: Beacon Of Hope

Powers: The Lycan is, as the name implies, a lycan. He is a wolf-like creature that shapeshifts into a human. In this universe, however, lycan’s are different from other places. They don’t infect others with lycanthropy, as that isn’t a thing. Lycan’s are a species. Instead they possess venom in their bites that cause people to hallucinate their worst fears. Though this is not really a power, the Lycan is also a master of smoke and mirrors, as well as playing to people’s expectations of horror tropes.

Appearance: In his wolf form, he takes the shape of a midnight black bipedal wolf. He stands at nearly 7 feet tall. He has a heavy, muscular build and stands on semi-digitigrade legs that aid him in fast movement. His fur is reminiscent of when shadows are cast on shadows, and it is somewhat stiff and prickly to the touch. In his human form, Randy is just over 6 feet tall (he doesn’t have the long ears anymore.) and still has the heavy muscular build. His hair is the color of his fur. He possesses some features that might tip off the perceptive that he isn’t human, such as his large irises and the fact that he has claws instead of nails. He hides these with contacts and false nails. Finally, he wears casual clothes that adapt between forms and goggles that help him see better in the daytime.

Personality: While he looks fierce, he is actually quite docile. When he isn’t fighting crime, he is often just either relaxing, hoping nobody catches him napping at his workbench, or he is building new devices he can use for crime fighting. He is friendly, yet cautious, towards strangers and is willing to hang out with new people. He thoroughly enjoys horror movies and inventing. When fighting crime, however, he turns the battleground into a horror movie, hunting his opponents down and quietly incapacitating them one by one, dragging them into the darkness.

History: The Lycan started being a hero when he was around twenty years old. His neighbor was kidnapped by a crime lord and he pursued the kidnappers to their hideout where he proceeded to hunt them down one at a time.
Randy met Morgan when they were in college, and they became best friends quite quickly. At some point, they began to date. Both of them hid their powers from each other until they were forced to defend themselves against a group of muggers. They then realized they had more in common than they thought.
In BoH, Randy is the leader of a new team of superheroes. Together they have stopped a zombie apocalypse, destroyed an undead serpent ten city blocks long, stood up to the living aspect of hatred twice, and protected the Bahamas from a mutated killer mech.

Other notes: Randy is the father of Eira from RGV and the husband of Morgan Steele, aka “The Tempest” (I expect to introduce her later, but for now…). He cares about them both deeply and tries to protect them despite admitting that they are both much more powerful than he is. Because of his caring nature (and because he is one of the few founders left in the group), Solomon appointed him to introduce new recruits for the Champions and get them equipped.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 8
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 6
- Charisma: 6
- Intelligence: 6
- Agility: 6
- Luck: 5
- Power: 4
Character Name: Morgan Steele

Codename: “Tempest”

Color: This

Type: Secondary

Species/Breed: Human

Age: 53 human years

Neighborhood: Beacon Of Hope

Powers: Tempest is an extremely powerful aquakinetic. If it has even a little water in it, she can control it; Ice, water, or steam, even blood and organic tissue that contains water. She is so powerful that she once held the physical form of Odium at bay by taking a nearby ice world and literally punching him with it by sending it flying at him at a tenth the speed of light (note, held him at bay, not injured him. That’s the kind of big bad you guys are up against people) and trapping him inside momentarily. She also wears shielded armor that protects her from most lower powered attacks such as gunfire and small explosives. Finally, she can sense water around her, feeling it's position. She can use this to determine the positions of other people or objects by the changes in the amount of water in a given space.

Weakness: Some serious ones. She is especially weak to electrical attacks as her body is fairly conductive, even compared to a normal human body. Underneath the armor is a normal human body with no super strength, speed, or endurance. Also, she controls water but cannot create it. Her range and power are partly dependent on the environment and her own hydration. If dehydrated in a desert environment, she is pretty much powerless. If well hydrated and in a humid or wet environment, her power increases.

Appearance: She stands at a little less than six feet tall with lightly greyed formerly jet-black medium length hair. She has a fairly average appearance with a pleasant face that nevertheless has some subtle hints to her experiences. Small scars can be seen on her face if you look closely enough, showing she’s been through quite a few battles.

Personality: Morgan has a few “blood knight” tendencies. She enjoys what she does and always looks forward to the next fight. She is aggressive in a fight, but is relatively friendly otherwise. However, she is somewhat quick to provoke and will figuratively curb-stomp opponents, normally overwhelming them within the first few seconds of the fight.

History: Morgan met Randy when they were in college, and they became best friends quite quickly. At some point, they began to date. Both of them hid their powers from each other until they were forced to defend themselves against a group of muggers. They then realized they had more in common than they thought.
Morgan met Randy's team at the end of their first day on the job. In hearing of the demon Odium's attack, she joined the team for their second mission. During this mission, she was knocked out by the mech, but returned to the fight not long after. When the battle spread to a war ship on the sea, she used her powers to keep it from sinking for as long as she could.

Other notes: Morgan is the wife of Randy Steele and the mother of Eira Steele of RGV. Steele is actually her last name. Randy took it when they married because he liked it better than his own last name. Morgan, like Randy and Eira, took a lot of grief as a kid because she was born with her powers. People wanted to see them, and would bully her until they did. When she met Randy and they started dating, neither knew about the others’ abilities, as each had a reason to hide them, until they were forced to defend themselves against an ambush by muggers, at which point they were each forced to reveal their abilities to the other. They then realized they had nothing to worry about from each other and have been together ever since.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 6
- Endurance: 4
- Charisma: 5
- Intelligence: 5
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 4
- Power: 10
I thought it might be interesting to have the family together.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

Good to go CD.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

how many characters can one person throw in, cause I've got a few characters I'd like to bring in who don't fit anywhere else.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

i rarely ever have more than three characters going in a given rp, and i already allowed CD 3, so lets go with that.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Character Name: Matthew Leo AKA Forge the Lion

Color: red

Type: Main Character

Species/Breed: Lion

Age: 21

Neighbourhood: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis

(made with Sonic Character Creator. just google that to find it)

Personality: He likes tinkering with any technology he encounters, taking it apart and putting it together. If someone has something he's never seen before, he will ignore the person and focus on asking questions about the tech. If not, he'll make an effort to get to know them, but he'll likely be distracted thinking about what he's going to build next. If faced with a fight, he'll try to get away, but he can fight if it's the only option.

Backstory: As a child of 7, little Matt Leo got in an accident that cost him his arms. luckily his dad was a scientist who was able to give him a pair of mechanical replacements. Matt was so impressed by his new appendages that he wanted to know how they worked. so he spent years studying some of his dad's books, taking apart some spare components, and eventually, he was able to open and modify his own arms by the time he was 10. Once he was done, he found out he enjoyed building, fixing, and learning about electronics. He took on the name Forge the Lion, and started off on a life of discovery, getting by by fixing other people's stuff for money. now 11 years later, he's moved to Grand Metropolis, hoping to run into the latest G.U.N. tech, and maybe even get work making things for them. Of course, there's still a lot of stuff to take apart and study in the meantime.

Other notes:
-his left hand holds a compartment full of screwdriver attachments that can be attached to his fingers on his right hand (makes his work easier)
-his mechanical prowess is comparable to Tails, but most of what he "invents" are just improvements on and combinations of things he's already seen the inner workings of. (he can't invent a time machine, but he could make an existing one more portable.)
-he's seen enough to immediately diagnose and quickly fix any hardware issues in anything (guns, robots, cars, etc.)

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
Strength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 7
Luck: 5
and the better pic of him provided by our illustrious illustrator GM, Buster
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote: Character name: Chris Dunkirk
Owner name: Dr. Samuel Dunkirk
Age: 26 pet years
Gender: Male
Species: Cat

Appearance: Orange Tabby cat with yellow eyes. wears a blue collar.

Personality: Chris is a good-natured trickster, making jokes as he goes about his business, but when he knows he might lose a fight, he gets serious. He knows when he;s beaten, and will accept help if it's offered to him, but if he;s the last chance he'll fight til his last breath.

Background: Chris grew up on the street, always avoiding animal control. He had no idea what they'd if they found a cat with his abilities, so he spent his life running and fighting. eventually, at age 15, he lost the wrong fight and the animal control officers found him hurt. they took him to a vet, Dr. Samuel Dunkirk, to get patched up. Samuel was sad to see how scared Chris was, so he promised to take him home and make sure no one would hurt him.

a little over 4 years later, Chris is happy living with Sam, practicing his martial arts in a safe environment and honing his other abilities.

Alias: Electrocat
Archetype: Power Type
Alignment: Good

Ability: electricity- he can produce electric charges from his paws. also can absorb electricity to produce a stronger charge.

Tech: none

Peripherals (Equipment/tools) – none

Training – he has a basic level of skill in mixed martial arts.

H: 8 M:+1
E: 5 M:0
R: 8 M:+1
O: 5 M:0
I: 5 M:0
C: 5 M:0
S: 6 M:0
not sure how to change that over to SPECIAL.
also he now has metal knitting needles and conductive yarn he can throw but since there wont be combat here thats not that important.
and his color will be #008000 cause his original was too close to Flynn's
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Name: Flynn Fram
Species: cat
Specialization: persuasion. he can use his charisma to bring people to help him in almost any endeavor.

appearance: His fur is black with white fur in the shape of a V from his shoulders until about half way down his chest. his eyes are blue. He's fairly small. He likes to wear a grey fedora like the old time mobsters. he also has a red collar with a tag shaped like a diamond. He often puts on a large smile like Max's and he can usually be seen chewing a toothpick.

Personality: His personality is that of an old time scam artist- fast talking and complimentary. He knows just what to say to get someone on his side, and uses this skill without prejudice. If he's talking to you, chances are you have something he wants. If you're a female and he's talking to you, chances are you are something he wants. He's a real jerk, but most people don't realize this until he gets what he wants.

History/background: His first owner was a small time scam artist in the streets of the city, and Flynn learned the tricks of the trade. Eventually, he was on his own in the streets when his owner got arrested. He used his skills to avoid getting thrown in the pound for about a year before he got caught. He then used his skills to get into the home of the first well-off looking family that came in looking for a pet. Since then, he's been living on easy street with Mr. and Mrs. Fram.

Morality: renegade. He only cares about others when it's convenient to him.


color: #0080FF
Paradigm Shift by me
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

looks good brent.


So, how many people am i supposed to wait for in here before making the main thread..?
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Serence Frostbite »

maybe 3-4 , as many as you think is needed to maintain the RP for a long run
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

Neon Icy Wings wrote:Character Name: Amanda Bellus (Bell-oos)

Gender: Female


Species: Feline/ Cat

Age: 5 Human, 17.5 Pet

Neighborhood: Radiant Vineyard

Home: Medium two story house on a small ranch just out of town

Appearance: Miss Bellus is a careful mix of bright white and medium grey, with the grey only on her chest in a back and forth swirl pattern and back in the formation of stylistic wings. Her eyes are a bright, icy blue and she wears a sparkly, soft bow behind her right ear. She is kind of small, about a head and a half shorter than other cats.

Personality: Amanda always attempts to be refined and dignified, calm and polite, as her family taught her, though sometimes her true nervousness or anger can poke through. What she truly feels can bother her if she can't understand it, without her calm and polite face, she'd have a hard time controlling her emotions, though if caught in a more natural calm, she would be slightly more childish and fun loving.

Powers: She has basic telekinesis, that runs through the family and slight control of ice, but nothing large. Side effects include icy tears, frost covered blushes and a small resistance to the cold. Her powers spike when emotional, the largest example of this would be when she suffered from a nightmare that caused her powers to spike.

History: She spent her early life living on the large family estate. After an incident she and her father began to travel. She avoided making friends on those travels, out of fear of being exposed by her ice or hurting others with her cold. After moving to Radiant Vineyard she made a group of good friends, even if she's forced to face fears and emotions. She's still getting used to such normalities, including having a brother, though she still worries what her family will think of her friends and vice versa.

Other notes: Amanda Bellus comes from a large family that has lived with a magician family for years upon years, where for every son and daughter there would be a cat companion for them. While the rest of the family ventured for more typical uses of magic, Amanda's 'father' went out to become a magician, and he did so pretty well. Amanda loves magic fiction, Dresden, Harry Potter and the like.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 4
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 4
- Charisma: 6
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 6
Neon Icy Wings wrote:Character Name: Tatiana Esfir Anatasia

Codename: Specter

Color: BF40FF

Type: Main

Species/Breed: Liquid Based Lifeform Contained Inside Humanoid Armored Shell

Age: Known Age Approximately 11 Human Years

Neighborhood: Beacon Of Hope

Powers: Few select Psychic abilities, including Telekinesis, Invisibility, and has achieved feats like Levitation and Kinetic Blasts through training her Telekinesis, though she’s more practiced with her invisibility and basic Telekinesis than anything else. She also uses a specially made sniper rifle, which uses normal ammo and can contain and fire Kinetic blasts. Has a psychic link to the Armored Shell, allowing remote control of it when outside of it. Can utilize controllable openings in the Shell to partially exit the Shell, using her liquidlike body for small actions.

Appearance: The Armored Shell resembles a simple suit of purple power armor, slim and sleek in design. Most notable is the helmet which resembles a stylized cat head and Cheshire grin. The only technology inside the armor is the helmet, for simple HUD functions and stylized cat eye flashlights. The actual “body” of Tatiana flows throughout the Armored shell, as a purple liquid that can act independent of the Armored Shell, though she rarely exits the Shell.

Personality: Usually calm and somewhat awkward due to her isolated nature, but can become a bit of a chatterbox of curiosity despite being unused to being around too many people. That don't mean her harm at least.

History: "Grew up" in a far cluster of planets that seem far removed from the other more civilized planets, having woken up, alone inside an abandoned lab on an asteroid not too far from the main planet of the cluster. She worked as a mercenary there for a few years, oblivious to the wider galaxy before her. Once she had a proper way out and the knowledge of a greater universe she set out to join the Champions of the Beacon of Hope. Once there she helped put down a zombie apocalypse and stop a Mech driven on a greater hate deity, nothing big, though she's still getting used to this whole 'team' thing.

Other notes: Due to her paranoia of overdoing her kinetic blasts, she’s learned some self defense to broaden her abilities.
Speaks through the Armored Shell’s voice modulator, as her “body” lacks proper vocal chords.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 9
- Perception: 6
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 6
- Agility: 9
- Luck: 3
- Power: 6
Finally got around to this. Can't really think of a third that would be amazingly interesting as of yet, perhaps for the future.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Deske »

Character Name: Sirius Nielsson
Age: 50 pet years/ 20 human years (1 Human year=2.5 pet years)
Gender: Male
Species: Dog - Siberian Husky
Color of Speech: #934915

Owner: Markuss Nielsson

Sirius's fur is chocolate colored, with it spreading over his head like a hood and around the eyes. It extends down his back over the top of his tail and the backs and outside of his legs. At the edge of this chocolate color he has a silvery lining, almost blue outlining the darker color. As for the rest of his fur, it is a light tan, not a white. His eyes are a light blue, almost white, giving them an icy but warm stare. He is getting old however and the fur on his muzzle is beginning to grey.

Even with his age, he hasn't slowed down yet. He's still happy and easy to excite. Not everything might be new for him, but he's been around long enough to know that moping about is no good for anyone.

Sirius was adopted by a family early in his life. He grew up with them and he loved them. But time is unforgiving and slowly the family dwindled, leaving the latest generation in ownership of him instead of the large group he originally came to. Again the family divided, children took on their own lives and his previous owner, Petrus, was unable to keep up with him. Now he is left in the care of his brother, Markuss.
Didn't have SPECIAL stats, don't have the files for him either. *shrug*
Character Name: Váfuðr "Rig"

Gender: Male

Color: #00005C

Species: Canis Lupus / Wolf

Age: 700 HY / 2450 PY / Effective 5 HY - 18 PY

Home: A simple one floor cabin. Bedroom, kitchen, living/dining room and a small basement accessible from the outside.

Appearance: Light grey fur over his entire body, ring of runes, colored in light blue, going around his bicep denoting his original owners as well as down his right and left forearms to the wrist. His left eye is covered by a metal patch, engraved with runes, with no discernible straps, this however has little effect on his perception, simply making it harder to see to the left. His collar is a simple leather strap engraved with his name in runes, the pendant on the front is the symbol of the Norse pantheon. As for height, he's generally taller than the majority of dogs and cats.

Personality: He's friendly, but he doesn't exactly understand this world's customs to the best extent. He still feels rather alone in this world, his mannerisms, way of speaking, accent and native language all differ from everyone else's. But it's why he tries to at least make peace with the people he meets.

Powers: Runic magic. The runes of old carry with them great power and depending on which he invokes. They can be combined, but only by someone far more powerful than him.
Each rune syphons his energy by varying degrees with its use, however focus on it is not required, but forgetting about it can be lethal.

Other notes:
- I do have a list of what he can do, available on request.
- Referring to the lethality of the runes, there is a reason why he is missing an eye...
- His name means Wanderer.
- No, he is not immortal. But he won't be dying anytime soon.
- He can direct his magic at others as well as himself.
- He lives alone
- He's not omniscient, nor does he have extensive knowledge of his current residence. He has not been here for 700 years, try 5.

Backstory: One does not simply meddle in the lives of mortals without permission, even seemingly small acts can have great consequences to those not prepared to handle them. Rig was a companion to not one, but all the gods, most often brought out on hunting trips and feasts, otherwise, he travelled where he was allowed. But changing the life of someone without reason does not come without consequences. As punishment, he was cast from his home, destined to learn the true meaning of that which he had taken for granted, the value of life. What now remains is simply a fraction of himself, but even so fragments remain and knowledge is never lost forever.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 7
- Perception: 7
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 4
- Intelligence: 8
- Agility: 5
- Luck: 5
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

I'm kinda curious which thread Nielsson is from given his info is incomplete...
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Deske »

Chival Res. The files are referring to what his abilities were.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

oh, right, cause that stuff was all hidden...


yeah he's good. you'll just have to improvise the stuff you couldn't retrieve.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Deske »

I'm gonna try and pick up my hard drive when I head back home for Christmas, hopefully it'll be on there.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

yeah, just update it if you can get the files.
everyone else is good.
Huston, we have liftoff.

EDIT: for those wondering who the new face i'm bringing in soon is.
Character name: Strike
Color: N/A
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Bio-Weapon disguised as a Hybrid wolf
Origin: Chival Res

Healing Factor - Ghost can recover from any non-fatal injury in a matter of minutes. This effect also slows her aging, making her perpetual-cub disguise as Strike much easier to maintain.
Shape-Shifter - Ghost isn't actually a wolf at all, she's a living bio-weapon designed to be a mad scientist's primary line of defense. Able to mimic the appearance and physique (though not skills or abilities) of anyone she's met, as well as mix-and-match parts, she was labeled defective and put into storage when her inability to speak became apparent. The defect is due to her copying being based on visual input and her not knowing what canine vocal chords look like, except she doesn't know that's how her power works so she can't fix it.

Power Limitations:
-Her ability obeys conservation of matter, So she's about 50kg no matter what size she is, making big forms rather squishy, and small ones oddly heavy, due to tissue density.
-her minimum and maximum height range are roughly 0.7m - 2.2m though drastic changes (more than 0.5m difference) take several minutes due to her skeleton needing to shift.
-She only mimics what she sees, so the disguise only goes skin deep unless she needs to alter her height/build. It can however make her fur take on the appearance and texture of clothing and accessories, though certain types can look odd if she's moving in a way the outfit shouldn't allow, and the accessories are never functional or removable.
-if she looses consciousness in any form other than strike or ghost, she'll involuntarily revert to the 'in-between state' that's momentarily visible when she changes (all-white, indistinct species). Partial reverts may also occur if something makes part of her go completely numb.

As Strike(Civilian identity):
Has most of the markings and colors of a Eurasian Wolf save for the black muzzle stripe, shoulder strips, and brow of a mexican wolf. Though she's small by wolf standards, closer to dog size.
As Ghost("Hero" identity):
Ghost appears to be an adult version of strike with a different collar. There is literally no difference otherwise.
When she's not imitating someone anyway, See Powers.
True Form:
all-white bipedal psudo-canine, indistinct species, develops black stripes eventually turning all black based on stress level.

http://rpguide.soulsrpg.com/public/imag ... arison.jpg

Strike is mute, though you wouldn't know it from the amount of noise she can make. An absolute klutz, trouble seems to follow wherever she goes. It doesn't bother her though, she's perpetually acting like a happy-go-lucky idiot.
Ghost on the other hand is frighteningly stealthy, cold, and logical, always putting the mission and her code first. all else is secondary.

Those who spend enough time around her will realize though, that she's a complete sociopath; she has no grasp of empathy or morality. Something built into her by design, part of her intent as a weapon, and that her code is a rebellion against.

Strike's earliest memories are of being the unwilling test subject of a mad scientist who's theories and devices were a century ahead of their time. After her creator was dealt with by 'supers' she wound up in a kennel where she met her current owner. That's just her cover though, in truth she wasn't experimented on, she was designed and programmed. Every last cell, every nucleotide sequence, instinct, and cognitive function, made from scratch by her 'father' the supposedly defeated Doctor Nightmare. Her code however is her own, her first true choice as an individual, and her one act of rebellion while within her "father's" lab; a promise to herself that she will never be the weapon he designed her as.

Ghost doesn't see herself as hero as she sees no distinction between hero and villain, rather, she's a mercenary. Helping out as long as she's paid. Albeit one with a strict moral code, that in her eyes supersedes any orders or laws imposed upon her by outside parties.

As it was her intended function when she was made, Ghost has been trained and conditioned to be naturally stealthy. A far cry from the loud clumsy and generally harmless Strike. Then again, a good cover is the key to hiding in plain sight, what better than Clark-Kenting as your polar opposite?

very little about her beyond her support network was revealed before the RP ended.

Other Notes:
Doctor Nightmare(ChivRes), and Doc Waters(RGV) were at one point in my notes intended to be the same person. I was even planning to convince Iron to let me bring a ChivRes-ified Sandy in as a one shot, the "Dragon" to Doc Nightmare's "Mad Genius", and have a tank with a prototype form of ghost be in sandy's basement in RGV. the thread died before I could get far enough along to propose it to the mods though, and Sandy has since gotten the "04 retcon" so it no longer works on that end. (Logistics of making the crossover work maybe?)

her code is as follows, in order from highest priority to lowest:
-My actions must never bring harm directly to a child.
-My actions must never bring harm to a parent in the presence of their child.
-I do not kill bystanders, only targets and accomplices.
-I will not allow innocents to bear witness to a target's death if it can be avoided.
-I will not draw my blade against an innocent, even if I can not subdue or avoid them.
-I will not resort to lethal force against a suspected accomplice, only a confirmed one.
-I will not resort to lethal force against one who can not defend them self.
-My targets will be brought down quickly, they will not suffer.
-I always keep my word.
(if her target is being protected by police/government, they count as accomplices in her eyes.)

(this version of the sheet is the most complete one anywhere, including stuff I didn't even give the mods of ChivRes.)

H: 8 M:+1
E: 3 M:-1
R: 8 M:+1
O: 10 M:+2
I: 5 M:0
C: 5 M:0
S: 3 M:-1
Last edited by Buster on Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by CyberDragon »


Well, it's that time again. I have my appointment today and I need to leave in less than a half an hour. Feels like I just got home from work too. Anyway, because of this dumb appointment, I won't have much time to post today. I might be able to get either LA or BOH, but it's unlikely I'll have time to post in both.

Sooo... yeah. That's what's up. Nighttime appointments are the worst. :(
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

figures someone would post while i'm making edits. >.<
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Incoming, from the past.

Name: Owain Ap Daffydd

Neighborhood: Redwall



Description: Owain is a middle aged Mouse of moderate stature. He's a Grey fur with a small scar under the left eye from a prior encounter. His clothes are red in colour (Lincoln grayne) indicating he's never been that well off. He has pockets for small tools in his belt (that looks sturdier than his clothes) and a short sword used for protection. His shoes are sandals with wraps and everything is rather tired/a bit ripped

Background: A wanderer and a fighter - He'll point out that he's no warrior but can use the short sword if needed. He's travelled from the Marches this way and he's not honestly sure what he's looking for. His family wre wheelwrights so he knows his way around carts and how to fix wheels and wood. Always carries some tools with him that are usually enough to effect at least minor repairs although he may need to borrow tools for heavier repairs.

Personality: He's friendly enough and a bit full of himself with the odd tale of derring do to impress the ladies. Affable and mostly charming but direct about the effects of violence. He'll lend a hand wherever he can.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: S-7 P-6 E-8 C-6 I-6 A-8 L-7
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Deske »

Maybe being forgettable is my super power. Rob banks and as long as nobody sees me afterwards, nobody will remember me. I shall use this power for good.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by CyberDragon »

Sorry, Deske... :oops:
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

i feel like i'm forgetting someone again.
though i'm pretty sure it's not deske this time...
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

I was just thinking of a character I used to love in comics. A 50ft tall Robot Bounty Hunter called Death's Head. He used to appear in the U.K. Transformers comic, hunting down a bounty placed on Rodimus Prime. After a while, when Marvel U.K. were about to lose that contract they realised HASBRO might have a claim to Death's Head.

So they found a way to transfer him across. First he appeared in a one page strip in all Marvel U.K's titles then, to deal with the 50ft problem stomping around the Marvel Universe, they had him meet the 7th Doctor and try to claim a bounty on him. The Doctor defeats him with the aid of the Master's Tissue Compression Eliminator, which shrinks Death's head to comparative doll size. A.K.A. 6ft. |Then he enters the Marvel Universe.

Then I thought of this thread. It could be used, with permission of the GM's, as a 'transfer point' between the realities. I'm still not saying bring it 'IC' but, if you wanted to bring a character from a redundant RP to an active one, send him to the bar for a bit and then shift across. Because, if the door is open and we can see the Beacon of Hope ship then would not anyone stepping through end up there? If the door were to adapt to whoever was actually opening it we could do this. What do you think?
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by CyberDragon »

I don't know... That sounds like it could complicate things, or even kill some of the older threads. I also don't know how Serence would feel about that.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Yeah but, if you have a character in an RP that has stopped and you like that character (Redwall hasn't stopped btw...) then you can transfer him/her to another neighbourhood in the HPU. It's quite easily done. I'm suggesting this as a transfer way between all the RP threads on the basis that you can do it ONCE.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by CyberDragon »

Well if the thread is dead and you have a character you liked from that thread, I personally don't have a problem if you want to portal them into BoH no matter what their original universe directly, but that's just me. I can't speak for other GMs or other RPs.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

actually i kinda saw this coming, and it's WHY I made it non canon only as using it as a hub the way you suggest would require this section's mods and all the game masters actually working together and agreeing on everything as clashing AUs collide, and inevitable compatibility issues happen. and i don't want to get stuck being the one mediating that colossal mess, nor do i want to force that task onto anyone else.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Serence Frostbite »

to answer your question , in case of the dead RP, it's completely fine to move the character to another RP, even keeping their history/experience/memory of the previous RP as part of their backstory for the new one if you wanna go that route and have a reasonable explanation for it. If you wanna move character from an active RP to another, you should let both GMs know before hand and have a way to write out the character in their current RP and move to the new one.
I personally kinda attached every characters in their current RP, but they're yours, so you decide where they'll go.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

this seems to have stalled out, are people waiting on anyone? did i miss/ignore something i should have responded to?
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

A lot of them have just... stalled.

This seems to be the pre-Xmas stall.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by CyberDragon »

Eira is waiting on Rig, and Randy is waiting on Flynn. I was trying to wait to respond with Morgan until I could respond to more people.

EDIT: Actually I think Randy can move. I'm just not really sure who to introduce him to next. I'm taking a break from RP today though. I'll write something tomorrow. Either in the morning or after work.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by CyberDragon »

What's everyone waiting on?
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

I haven't a clue.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Neon Icy Wings »

I've been meaning to post here, but for whatever reason keep forgetting. I'll try to buckle down and stop forgetting later tonight.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by SammyWhiteFox »

Image created using geN8hedgehog's Male Furry Doll Maker: http://gen8hedgehog.deviantart.com/art/ ... 1-64778353

Name: Sam Vayner

Species: Arctic Fox

Color: Royal Blue

Age: 4.6 HY; 16 PY

Neighborhood: Exotic Acres

Appearance: He has shaggy white fur all over his body, except how a tuft of brown hair. He has brown eyes, is 3 ft. and 5 in., and has an average body in weight. He also wears a blue collar.

Personality: Sam is a quirky, honest, smart fellow with a great sense of humor. He likes playing video games, and he would rather play them than do something boring. He often gets very curious about other people's business. He is calm most of the time, but gets aggravated when things don't go his way. He also spaces out sometimes.

Other Notes: As a pup, he lived with his mother and siblings in the Arctic. He was the youngest of his 3 brothers and 1 sister, but they all lived happily together. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, for one day, they were attacked by a gang of polar bears. Sam's mother fought for her life in defending her pups, but the bears managed to maul all of them, except for one. As she struggled to keep her life, she cried, "Sam, you are my last pride and joy, and I can't afford to lose you. You may be just a pup, but you have a long road ahead of you. It may become perilous or devastating at times, but trust me, your life is going to be wonderful. Now run! Run away as fast and far as you can!" As he did, he looked back at her mother as she kept fighting the bears. Later, a hooded man in a puffy jacket found Sam balled up in the snow, crying. Feeling sorry for the little pup, he walked up to him and asked, "What's the matter, son?"
"Huh?" Sam responded as he looked up, "Oh. *sniff* Just loneliness, sir."
"I see," the man said as he knelt down towards the young fox, "And why's that?"
Sam then proceeded to tell his story. Eventually, he explained to the man, "I managed to escape the bears, but all my siblings were killed."
"Oh," the man sighed, "And what became of your mother?"
"I don't know," Sam answered, "but she probably died as well."
"Hmmm..." the man dismally puzzled; then he perked back up and said, "Hey, how would you like to live with me?"
A nervous look came across Sam's face. "Y-You're not going to do any thing to me, are you?" he mumbled.
"Of course not," the man replied. He then took his hood off to reveal a face of kindness with somewhat side-swept brown hair. "Cross my heart and hope to die." Sam face went from displaying nervousness to slight relief. "You can call me Mr. Vayner," the man said as he stuck his hand out toward the white fox.
Sam hesitated at first but then reached out to shake Vayner's hand, saying, "I'm Sam. Nice to meet you Mr. Vayner."
Vayner then helped him up and led him to his Arctic abode, where he lived there for a few years. Eventually, they moved to Vayner's true home in Exotic Acres, where they still live today.

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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

looks good.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

im thinking of relaxing the existing characters rule, as while this is still primarily meant as a place for characters who haven't seen use in a while to hang out, it's kinda been idle long enough for the 'character eject' rule to kick in for EVERYBODY, and i would like to see it regain some activity somehow.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by CyberDragon »

I still personally have enough characters I like to play as. Though I'm planning on entering with a new group.

Deus and Flash will be next.
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Serence Frostbite »

as per Buster's request, I'm copying JackieChun's character sheet from the "character link" thread to here, since it's a more appropriate place
IamJackieChun wrote: Name:
Houston "Muldoon" Davies
my main
7 human/24.5 animal
SRP- lounging around.
A typical old fox, except slightly brighter fur, with a cybernetic left arm, branded with a griever decal usually covered by his white button-up shirt, blue leather chaps, brown vest and duster, and wears a weathered brown Stetson hat with a dual revolver Gun-belt.
Personality: When on duty, he acts all professional, no slack or joking for this ol' chum. Off the clock, however, he is a kind, caring and loveable old sod and is more than willing to give his hand to help out.
When Houston was born, his parents accidentally dropped him in a river, thinking he drowned. He was saved by a human male who raised him as his son and helped him with the recruitment test for the Hunters, a group of people sworn to protect every good soul from harm. He lost his arm on a job which he doesn't like to talk about.
S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
- Strength: 6
- Perception: 9
- Endurance: 5
- Charisma: 5
- Intelligence: 5
- Agility: 7
- Luck: 5
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Deske »

So I've got Miguel from *shuffles papers* Apollo City. Going unused currently because I dropped out from that one after an extended period of not posting.

Name: Miguel Villalobos

Type: Resident

Species: Anidroid Wolf

Age: 5 Pet Years / 2 Human Years

Color: #666699

Neighbourhood: Apollo City

Appearance: Miguel isn't your average Anidroid, in fact he's probably the only one like him in the world. Miguel is a custom built Anidroid, created by an employee of Atlas. His parts are mismatched but with proper fur coverage he looks relatively normal. Regular grey fur mixed with a bit of brown and various shades of grey give him a bit of a feral look, a feature intentionally given by his builder. He has all his parts and most of his fur which, unlike the grown fur of today's anidroids, his was a prototype synthetic blend meant to self repair after damage. Matching eyes are hard to come by for his head model as such only the green colored cameras are visible giving him a bit of an eerie appearance, especially at night. He's missing some motion dampeners so the small twitch movements like eye movements and ear movements are accompanied by small clicks as they move. Usually wears a pair of sunglasses to hide his eyes and a light jacket to hide the unfurred parts of his supporting chest structure. He's well built however and sturdy, no wires sticking out, just some supporting metal and exposed back and stomach servos, hence the jacket.

Personality: Miguel is rather charismatic, he's good at making friends and good at listening to people and helping with their troubles. He's as adventurous as he can be with his limitations. He's rather closed off about himself and tries to hide what he's missing, hence the sunglasses and jacket. His programming places him around 23 years of age.

Background: Miguels owner and creator, Enrique Villalobos, was a project overseer during a prototype phase of Atlas' Anidroid project. His knowledge of building parts and assembly allowed him to step forward as overseer and gave him the ability to build Miguel. During prototyping phase various parts were thrown into the metaphorical bin as unfit for use. Many of these parts were grabbed up by Enrique and used to build Miguel. This occurred over the entire prototype project as such, Enrique was able to gather many parts even extras in case things broke or turned out to be damaged. Over the course of his entire prototype project run, Enrique collected parts and built Miguel in complete secrecy, fixing and programming certain parts and processors to do their jobs correctly. By the end of the run, Miguel was near completion and when the consumer model Anidroids were released, Miguel was having his base personality completed. Just after Anidroids became a hit, Miguel was completed and running nicely, still covered in secrecy, but learning about the world nonetheless. Eventually, Miguel was brought out of hiding during a house visit that somehow turned out in Enrique's favor. The executive director had come to visit while Enrique was tinkering with a knee servo. The director stepped through the door and discovered Miguel and Enrique sitting there, both looking at him. A small write up of legal papers proving that Miguel was the legal property of Enrique, due in no small part to the fact that discarded objects are no longer considered property unless retained and Miguel was allowed to continue his existence albeit with no help from Atlas in the form of parts.

Other notes:
-Miguel is not waterproof, with no synthetic skin or fur to protect his midsection, water has full access to the movement systems for his legs and back or stomach. The jacket he wears protects him enough from rain or ocean mist, but being submerged or having large amounts of water directed at that area can cause small short circuits to his hip and spinal servos, usually resulting in their ceasing to function. Resiliency is his game though, a little drying and he'll be fine.

-Miguel has a malfunctioning vocal processor, due to an accidental short circuit during installation, leading to troubles such as a faulty censor and temporarily being unable to speak English.

-Miguel has a intermediate knowledge of various computer systems, coupled with a high powered prototype networking antennae, allows him relatively powerful remote access functionality and while he doesn't have a security system(Anti-Virus, Firewalls, etc) built into him, he is fully capable of defending himself against attempts to access his function :x s.

SPECIAL: S7, P7, E8, C6, I7, A6, L7
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Re: OOC: Lounging Around

Post by Buster »

Go ahead.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.