2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Adoring Fan »

Rikunda wrote:Maybe it is me... She looks so sly and evil in that middle panel...
I totally agree. She has this evil look as if taunting fox with her reveal. TBH this strip has me really surprised. I could think of lots of possibility but at the moment i have no evidence to support any of them... I will eagerly await Wednesdays comic.

Also am i the only one who noticed that Sasha's "Not a cutie mark" is missing?
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Cesco »

It's evening, and the poor Mungo is being stuck since many hours... :? Oh, good that Fox succeeded to exit from the entrance, despite the big dog's obstruction. :P Ahah, and there's Sasha. :D Yep, you're hiding very well. :lol: Eh, You still love her, Fox. ;) Oh wow, Sasha, you tell that with such nonchalance? :o I agree with Mungo! :P Right, her eyes aren't looking good, probably she's not being herself (except for her permanent childlike euphoria :P)...
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Not A Furry »

Adoring Fan wrote:
Rikunda wrote:Maybe it is me... She looks so sly and evil in that middle panel...
I totally agree. She has this evil look as if taunting fox with her reveal. TBH this strip has me really surprised. I could think of lots of possibility but at the moment i have no evidence to support any of them... I will eagerly await Wednesdays comic.

Also am i the only one who noticed that Sasha's "Not a cutie mark" is missing?
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by FancyHat »

.....Oh my bootleg that's not promising...Wait, Mungo's still stuck so..Somewhat better.
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by HellishK9 »


But I also think Sasha is not fully there or thought she was doing good.
Last edited by HellishK9 on Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Douglas Collier »

Sasha's definitely being framed. That can't be Sasha.
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by ChekeBello »

Well she underwent some training, so the mind-control thing can be a result from that. and she really did it under conditioning.
I cant help but feel a vibe like the last Spot (Superdog)'s comic...
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Sinder »

Crazy, evil, or possessed?
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by John-056 »

Adoring Fan wrote:
Rikunda wrote:Maybe it is me... She looks so sly and evil in that middle panel...
I totally agree. She has this evil look as if taunting fox with her reveal. TBH this strip has me really surprised. I could think of lots of possibility but at the moment i have no evidence to support any of them... I will eagerly await Wednesdays comic.

Also am i the only one who noticed that Sasha's "Not a cutie mark" is missing?
Broken Howl... You're right! That's not Sasha! Sasha's clearly seen with her mark back in the Security Footage (it's shown to be quite large on her hip compared to the previous art shift), but here, it's gone! Either it's an art mistake on Rick's part, or it's intentional on his part.

As a matter of fact... Has Sasha ever been shown with any siblings? It's not too far a stretch to say that this 'Sasha' here is a similar looking twin of the same gender, but had snapped long ago. Not to mention that what's to say she's going to trick the K9U into running into the real Sasha?

However, if it's an art mistake, then I'm sticking to my guns of Mind Control/Hypnosis/Possession, whatever! Until Wednesday pops up, we'll just keep guessing.
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by CHAOKOCartoons »

For those saying that this is mind control, I'm PRETTY sure this is not the case, especially in the case of any character from heaven. If you remember, having someone control another only changes their eye color. This is shown frequently with both Tarot and once with King:


And if you notice, Sasha's (or whoever this is) eyes are the exact same color they always are. Unless mind control unrelated to celestials looks different, I don't think this is the case.
Though it IS very strange that she's clearly playing up the role of "the villain", with her suspicious wording and straight up saying she committed the crime. It can only be one of two things:
Either she's mentally snapped and gone full villain, or this isn't Sasha.

These types of eyes are in fact used for mind control for some media, but they're ALSO used alot to show a character's sanity has broken (mainly in eastern art). Due to how her owner treats her, and her tendency to repress her anger, sadness, and inner most thoughts, it's very possible that in the time it's been since we've seen her, someone was able to convince her to aid them in committing this crime. With some time, clever wordplay, and possibly just encouraging thoughts she already had, I can see this happening. Why is she being so obvious? Well, it's either because she's just that far gone, or she's covering for the true culprit. By being blatantly villainous, she's putting all the attention on her. She's hoping they take her, give them a false testimony further incriminating herself, then making the case close then and there.

On the OTHER hand, and I didn't believe this at first, but it really could be an imposter of Sasha. First, the obvious lack of "not a cutie mark". This really might just be a drawing error, dog knows I myself am prone to these from time to time, but paired with the other evidence of how she talks to Fox, or at least what she calls him. She says "officer", and completely ignores any friendly gestures given to her, as if she doesn't even know him. Again, this may just be due to a mental snap, but think about it: if this was a phony, they would have no idea which officer would come looking for them. At most they might be informed of Kevin, but the things she said could be said to any officer, as if she's reading off a script.

Welp, ya got me hooked back into this arc Rick, eagerly waiting for the next update for further evidence. :D
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Gregourii »

1. They have always said to beware the nice ones.
2. She seems to be aware of trashing the limo, hence, she may not have been under any mind control.
3. She seems to have gotten a tad creepy in the middle and fourth panels... *shivers*
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by D-Rock »

If it's mind control, then the controller would also have pink eyes. And here's why it can't be either of the heavenly girls trying to get Fox's attention.
Red and green eyes.

I kind of buy it being brainwashing. Obedience training teaches that humans are their masters. Keene wants to raise the status of pets to be equal to humans. Maybe a teacher doesn't want that to happen, and gets someone who is already in the process of "reprogramming" to commit the crime to get rid of the guy who wants to shift the balance.
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by FancyHat »

Either we got someone who's pushed too far over the edge to a dark, dark place of 'Welp, I got nothing left on this earth anymore' which is one of the darkest places anything can go. Or straight up very convening imposter...Or else we do infact learn the true side of Sasha, which already is a kinda messed up thing (earlier strip refering to her stapling Bino's ears to his eyes)..Plus drunk abusive pop, and we got a grade A psychopath(as in the 'stepford smiler' trope)...Oh boy, this is gonna be a doozie of an arc..
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Argent »

OK, you folks have made a good argument that that's not actually Sasha.

Now, Fox has a thing for Sasha still. Even if she's currently Kevin's girlfriend.

Now, who would have incentive to mess with his attraction to Sasha?

And also has the ability to take control of people and change their appearance?
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Frank »

Probably late to say this, but now would be a good time for a dramatic thunderclap (cue Sasha going "yay, rain!")

my bet is on it all being a misunderstanding, say Sasha is actually taking car repair classes from Itsuki and they had to repair a completely different limo that was by the docks... and while they were "repairing" this one it was accidentally nudged and...

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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by GameCobra »

Frank wrote:Probably late to say this, but now would be a good time for a dramatic thunderclap (cue Sasha going "yay, rain!")

my bet is on it all being a misunderstanding, say Sasha is actually taking car repair classes from Itsuki and they had to repair a completely different limo that was by the docks... and while they were "repairing" this one it was accidentally nudged and...

Occam's razor is not in my favor is it?
I think also the misunderstanding part is going to be the big reveal, but with a twist ~ everyone will view Sasha as someone who takes her anger out on cars and just happened to take it out on Keene's car, which leads to a pet rights kind of plot. the twist? Someone we don't know is familiar with Sasha enough to have her steered towards Keene's car and set up Sasha to take the fall.
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Fish Preferred »

In re the various hypotheses presented thus far:
1 I was under the impression that the heart-spot was artificial, and therefore not necessarily permanent, but then purple cats, so ... maybe.
2 At that proximity, Fox should be more than capable of identifying her by scent.
3 The state of her eyes looks like miosis, which would suggest that she may have been poisoned or drugged, although I wouldn't eliminate possession as a possibility.
4 There would be no point to the pink husky causing all of this, as it would be an absurdly roundabout way of doing something she could easily accomplish with the same powers.
5 Milton's biological heirs would have little to gain from assassinating Keene alone. It could only be profitable if they killed off all of the ferrets in one go, and even then they'd have better odds waiting for them to die naturally.

Really, I get the feeling someone running the obedience classes set Sasha up for this. They obviously didn't make her obedient to Mr. Hartford, and organizations dedicated to subverting the will of domesticated animals would not fare well if those animals were granted equal rights.
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Frost SF »

Why do i have a hunch this is Sasha's attempt at escaping her father? I dunno, she seems too cool with admitting a felony to the cops soooooooooo...... *shrug*
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by JBrephrasing »

I'm not sure if anyone would care to know this, but I just realized something. The date that this strip was posted on is also the same date that I started reading this comic, two years ago. The reason I know that because this was strip that was posted at the time.
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Re: 2016/10/24 - Pyrrhic Victory

Post by Naro Rivers »

Frost SF wrote:Why do i have a hunch this is Sasha's attempt at escaping her father? I dunno, she seems too cool with admitting a felony to the cops soooooooooo...... *shrug*
Is destruction of property a felony? That's what she admitted to doing, not attempted murder; it shouldn't be assumed whether or not she knew that Keene was in the car.
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