HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by AnimeNerd88 »

Kermit and Lisa had been struck speechless. Neither of them could properly think of what to say about the situation, and no wonder why. A random city rising up from the ground? It was amazing neither went completely insane at the sight of it. Eventually, Kermit was able to say, "I-is...is that a normal thing?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

"Forget it, Spencers!" The French Prime Minister said, not really diplomatically. "No one will be coming to your island, and no one will leave for now. Your territory is being quarantined as we speak."
Spencers didn't object to that -in fact, he had expected it. It *had* to be expected... "I understand. But I am allowing my fleet to evacuate the tourists who will make explicit request. All communications shall remain open via the Gottschalk Satellite Network, so that the whole world can listen to their own decision. No one will be forced to act against one's own will. I have enough resources to keep a newscast open 24/7 already, it would be in everyone's best interest that you don't show the world a panic-induced reaction..."
"President Spencers," said the Chinese Prime Minister. "Please be...honest with us. What happened, really?"
Spencers almost laughed at the man's face. "Sir, I wish I knew: That is why I urge the presence of as many scientists you can spare. I shall hide nothing from you, but you must cooperate."
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis slowly sat up from Donaus arms. The sudden change he could definatly feel. Many things felt, off...His mind for one was flooding with memories and his body ached. After a few words to himself in pure latin he went wide eyed and stood at donaus words. "AVAROS?!" Anubis asked looking around then down at himself to see he was in a robe of black with some gold heiroglyphic etchjngs on it.
He turned in a full circle before holding his head and trying to comprehend everything "Ugh...ok i know Zilnawa wasnt here what happened? Anubis asked joining Donaus side before seeing Avaros and standing with some disbeleif at the sight of the lion once again.
Anubis had many questions but inside he was happy to see the place he felt.....he grew up the most in? Why did he have these memories?And if they were true....what happened?
Donau nodded to the fox. "Every time you jumped between the eras, your mind tried to block most of the memories, it's a sort of defense. But now you are starting to remember. It will be confusing, but you'll adjust. As for the city..." He explained what had happened, his expression getting sad. "I am sorry, it is my fault."
"Hardly so," Avaros said, lookong in the direction of the fabled city. "Your miracle freed our home. Now the road to redemption really begins for us...but tell me, my old friend," he asked, while looking around. "Where are Eerebus and Kendra? I can perceive their presence, but I can't see them..."
"Yes, you are very much alive, though the aura of death still lingers on you," the red wolf said, approaching Haq and the 'Hunter'. "I am Eerebus of Zilnawa, who are you savage wolves? What forced you to abandon your vestiges of civilization?" A legitimate question, considering he was wearing a fine clothing of cotton and silk, compared to what scantly covered the oter two -or, rather, only one of them, the other being quite naked.
AnimeNerd88 wrote:Kermit and Lisa had been struck speechless. Neither of them could properly think of what to say about the situation, and no wonder why. A random city rising up from the ground? It was amazing neither went completely insane at the sight of it. Eventually, Kermit was able to say, "I-is...is that a normal thing?"
"The fabled city of Zilnawa..." Lyla said, forcing herself not to stutter. "The lycaons spoke a lot about it, showed me drawings...But it was supposed to be destroyed centuries and centuries ago!" Her ears flickered. No sirens, no alams at all coming from the resort.
The city was an impossibility made true, but...it was doing nothing. No army was coming out of it, or falling from the sky. The buildings just stood there in their alien splendor...
Then the loudspeaker, at last, spoke. "Your attention, gentlefurs, ladies, and gentlemen: This is the Direction speaking. We will not be adding anything to what you already know, and that is: We are as surprised as you, to say the least. But the good news is, every scanner is showing us that the city is showing no activity and those inside its area are perfectly safe.
"Together with the natives of the nearby villages, we are organizing exploration and rescue parties for those inside the city. Those of you, animal and human, with military, police and medical expertise who wished to volunteer are welcome to do so. As for the others, for the moment we highly recommend you stay indoor. We are also organizing our fleet to allow you to evacuate as soon as possible for those who wished to do so. Please keep your devices charged and on to receive further instructions. We are, ah...sorry for this inconvenience."

As the loudspeakers went off, Lyla said to Kermit, "I should go check for my friends at Liberation. It's a village on the coast, past the promontory..." Behind the buildings facing the sea, she wanted to add. "Kermit, you are a former fighter. I may need your help, all security will be focused only on organizing the parties and watch for you guys."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

"Aaand there they go..." Flint let out a soft huff, hands across his chest. From what he's seen of Indiana Jones films, splitting up is not the first thing they should do. Then again, no matter what's happened today, no ones gotten hurt.
"So this old city just came out of nowhere, and it's deserted?" The canine padded over to one of the walls of the hall and placed his hand on it. He was literally touching something older than anything he had ever touched before. He was no history buff, but the thought made his tail wag just a bit.
"Well I have, a bunch of questions. But I'm... Not really one that's good at listening to lecture so..." He clapped his hands together and spun around, facing Janus and Buster. "How about we take a book from Reginald and get a first hands look at this place? Seems like Levi is helping out Alyse at the moment. I'm sure it'll give us enough time to narrowly dodge some traps and find a few treasure rooms.".
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Roarin wrote:"Aaand there they go..." Flint let out a soft huff, hands across his chest. From what he's seen of Indiana Jones films, splitting up is not the first thing they should do. Then again, no matter what's happened today, no ones gotten hurt.
"So this old city just came out of nowhere, and it's deserted?" The canine padded over to one of the walls of the hall and placed his hand on it. He was literally touching something older than anything he had ever touched before. He was no history buff, but the thought made his tail wag just a bit.
"Well I have, a bunch of questions. But I'm... Not really one that's good at listening to lecture so..." He clapped his hands together and spun around, facing Janus and Buster. "How about we take a book from Reginald and get a first hands look at this place? Seems like Levi is helping out Alyse at the moment. I'm sure it'll give us enough time to narrowly dodge some traps and find a few treasure rooms.".
"I dunno about the traps," Janus said, but as the moments passed and he adjusted to this incredible place, his tail wagged harder. "But this beats even being on Mars. I'm in...but only if Buster wants too!"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

valerio wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis slowly sat up from Donaus arms. The sudden change he could definatly feel. Many things felt, off...His mind for one was flooding with memories and his body ached. After a few words to himself in pure latin he went wide eyed and stood at donaus words. "AVAROS?!" Anubis asked looking around then down at himself to see he was in a robe of black with some gold heiroglyphic etchjngs on it.
He turned in a full circle before holding his head and trying to comprehend everything "Ugh...ok i know Zilnawa wasnt here what happened? Anubis asked joining Donaus side before seeing Avaros and standing with some disbeleif at the sight of the lion once again.
Anubis had many questions but inside he was happy to see the place he felt.....he grew up the most in? Why did he have these memories?And if they were true....what happened?
Donau nodded to the fox. "Every time you jumped between the eras, your mind tried to block most of the memories, it's a sort of defense. But now you are starting to remember. It will be confusing, but you'll adjust. As for the city..." He explained what had happened, his expression getting sad. "I am sorry, it is my fault."
"Hardly so," Avaros said, lookong in the direction of the fabled city. "Your miracle freed our home. Now the road to redemption really begins for us...but tell me, my old friend," he asked, while looking around. "Where are Eerebus and Kendra? I can perceive their presence, but I can't see them"
Anubis rubbed his temples for a moment before unrolling his robe and putting it on. "Well....at least there is much familiarity to it all. Though nothing comes to fault something has occured with the gods will to allow the city to stand once again but being the same time what ever was not a part of the city is still the same. We do not know if the boas will be in there proper place or alive. And we will not know what adverse effects of this happening will occur." Anubis said with a small sigh as he rubs Donau comfortingly.

He then looked to Avaros "Avaros...your a shaman of light correct? Your name is very familiar....Erebus....and Kendra.....life and death shamans correct?" Anubis asked as he looked at the tower in the distance then shook his head a small map appearing in his mind.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by AnimeNerd88 »

"Uh...y-yeah, I...I can do that..." Kermit managed to stutter out. He was usually more confident, but again, a city had risen up out of nowhere, so he wasn't feeling himself at the moment.
"I'm going as well," Lisa said, now once again calm, "I'm a police officer, so should be helping."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Khun could only stop and blink. Monique did the same.

He paused a moment.

"Well now," was all he managed.
Luke and Amber, for their part, were a bit struck as well. Then Anger got to Luke. It was a calm, authoritative anger though. With Raijda in hand, he slowly walked her to stand next Amber, he then put up a paw for silence. He walked over to Donau slowly and calmly.

"Law number one: NEVER do that again without consultation of any 3 of the chieftains," he said, glaring, "Is that PERFECTLY understood?" Without waiting for an answer, he walked over to the horses. He gently hugged them, patted them, whispered something in their ears.

"Law number two: Do NOT lie or hide information from us again, we are not stupid," he said, then he walked over to the stranger.

"Law number THREE," he said, offering a paw to shake, "There are no strangers unwelcome in Camp Argon."

"I am Luke, that is Amber, and that is Raijda, my fiance's," Luke said.

Amber leaned over to Donau.

"Ahem, what was that about whom was to be sitting on the throne again? Heh heh," she said.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

After another consultation, the leaders seemed to agree.
"All right," said the US President. "We will be allowing selected research teams and embedded reporters. But escorted by UN forces."
That didn't really look like some other leaders enjoyed it, but there was a general consensus.
"My representative will be gladly voting yes to a resolution in such sense. I will be waiting for your envoys, ladies and gentlmen. And now, if you will excuse me, I have a nation to run."
AnimeNerd88 wrote:"Uh...y-yeah, I...I can do that..." Kermit managed to stutter out. He was usually more confident, but again, a city had risen up out of nowhere, so he wasn't feeling himself at the moment.
"I'm going as well," Lisa said, now once again calm, "I'm a police officer, so should be helping."
Lyla nodded, and bowed deeply in respect. "Thank you! I know I should be doing staff job, but those are my dearest friends, my family. Now, please, follow me." And off she went, running toward the village of Salisgrave
Hotep the psychic wrote:"Hardly so," Avaros said, lookong in the direction of the fabled city. "Your miracle freed our home. Now the road to redemption really begins for us...but tell me, my old friend," he asked, while looking around. "Where are Eerebus and Kendra? I can perceive their presence, but I can't see them"
Anubis rubbed his temples for a moment before unrolling his robe and putting it on. "Well....at least there is much familiarity to it all. Though nothing comes to fault something has occured with the gods will to allow the city to stand once again but being the same time what ever was not a part of the city is still the same. We do not know if the boas will be in there proper place or alive. And we will not know what adverse effects of this happening will occur." Anubis said with a small sigh as he rubs Donau comfortingly.
He then looked to Avaros "Avaros...your a shaman of light correct? Your name is very familiar....Erebus....and Kendra.....life and death shamans correct?" Anubis asked as he looked at the tower in the distance then shook his head a small map appearing in his mind.[/quote]
"Death and life, respectively, but yes, you remember well. Now for--" And it was then that he was interrupted by two angru cougars
xhunterko wrote:Luke and Amber, for their part, were a bit struck as well. Then Anger got to Luke. It was a calm, authoritative anger though. With Raijda in hand, he slowly walked her to stand next Amber, he then put up a paw for silence. He walked over to Donau slowly and calmly.
"Law number one: NEVER do that again without consultation of any 3 of the chieftains," he said, glaring, "Is that PERFECTLY understood?" Without waiting for an answer, he walked over to the horses. He gently hugged them, patted them, whispered something in their ears.
"Law number two: Do NOT lie or hide information from us again, we are not stupid," he said, then he walked over to the stranger.
"Law number THREE," he said, offering a paw to shake, "There are no strangers unwelcome in Camp Argon."
"I am Luke, that is Amber, and that is Raijda, my fiance's," Luke said.
Amber leaned over to Donau.
"Ahem, what was that about whom was to be sitting on the throne again? Heh heh," she said.
"The throne that should belong to the lions of the fourth tribe!" Koros said, advancing, spear in hand, glaring at Luke. "Do not presume anything, stranger: *you* are out of place--" she fell silent as a massive paw fell on her shoulder.
Avaros was not smiling anymore. "Enough, my brave. This is the city *every* tribe founded for a better future, it contains the power and the blood and the bones of each one of us, it is not meant just for one species as your clan, too many clans, used to claim. And look what good did *that* to us all."
Koros, slowly, nodded. "Yes, shaman." Then, using the spear, she made an elaborate salute to the cougars. "I salute you, chieftains. I am Koros, daughter of Yuma of the Eclipse Pride, Head of the Lion High Guard."
Back came the smile to Avaros' lips. "I am Avaros of the Eclipse Pride, High Shaman of the Light. I should say I am...sorry for this intrusion, but it really came out of our control. And please, do not take it against Donau. I know him, I am sure he acted for your common good. It is the God, or rather Fate, that works in odd ways..." then he looked at Luke's outstretched paw. "Uhh, what is that for?"
xhunterko wrote:Khun could only stop and blink. Monique did the same.
He paused a moment.
"Well now," was all he managed.
"Say that again," came a familiar kid's voice. "Say, that bat is a hologram or something? I mean, she's...almost transparent?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:"GUYS, YOU GOTTA SEE *THIS*!" a voice boomed through the whole speakers' set. It sounded like the voice of god.
And it had the desired effect: the complex that had been a base and now was the circus stood still as holographic projector showed what had just happened.
Shonda's silly mask just fell. "Well, I'll be..."
"I vas right. Magic picture." Sasha grins. "Perhaps vee can use for effects in show, da?" he queries, completely missing the point of what everyone is staring at. Dinara walks into the hologram, marvelling at how the light bounces off her paws and at how the seemingly solid picture is so impalpable.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"I vas right. Magic picture." Sasha grins. "Perhaps vee can use for effects in show, da?" he queries, completely missing the point of what everyone is staring at. Dinara walks into the hologram, marvelling at how the light bounces off her paws and at how the seemingly solid picture is so impalpable.
Behind the family, Shonda had been replaced by her male counterpart once again.
"Ah," Gitama said, trying to keep his jaw in place. "We're not talking about special effects here. Guys, open full: Dome mode, provided we've not been locked in."
Apparently, Mr. Spencers had decided that if something could literally materialize a whole city out of nothing, it was pointless to hide like so many scared ants. That city had foundations, no doubts: so the phenomenon had involved the underground as well, the circus complex wasn't any safer than the outside...
A moment later,, there came a diffused rumble and the ground shook
"No worries, guys," Gitama said, getting back to his confidential self. We usually do this when no one is here, but I think protocol can be suspended this time. This is usally the highest point of our presentation, but meguesses we've just been outranked."
The rumble went on, steady and low, like a controlled miniquake.
And on.
And on.
It took about 10 minutes, before...the vault opened, sliding away with another rumble, as the whole circus was revealed to be a whole dome standing on a pillar!
And yet, as impressive as it was, it was really nothing compared to the sheer scale and style of the city.
"Yes, this could be getting really interesting..." Gitama said
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:"Hubert...brought this place from a sort of temporal confinement," Janus said. "Said this was an ancient city built by the natives. Its name is Zilnawa. But I can't smell anyone here. This place seems...deserted."
"Names are boring. Let's explore! Weeee!" And off Reginald went, soon disappearing behind a corner.
"REGINALD!" Alyse barked, before grabbing Levi by the arm "You come with me, mister!"
"Hubert!" Janus said to the dragon.
"They will be safe. This place poses no danger for you, unless you choose so.""[/color]
"I figured from your earlier warnings this would be a bad thing," Buster said, relieved to know it was Hubert's doing.
"wait... you said this place seems deserted?" Levi asked. "does that mean there are no lions, or are we just in an empty part of the city?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"I figured from your earlier warnings this would be a bad thing," Buster said, relieved to know it was Hubert's doing.
"wait... you said this place seems deserted?" Levi asked. "does that mean there are no lions, or are we just in an empty part of the city?"
The wolfdog shrugged. "Well, I'm no Krypto, but...the only smell I can make out are ours, the tourists'...but as for the rest this is place smells empty. As if it had never been inhabited.. Or, at least, it has been abandoned so long ago that by now no scents are lingering anymore. I think we can explore it safely, yes?"" He made his best puppy eyes at the rabbit.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis smiled and joined Avaros. "Its a show of friendship and respect, you shake his hand with yours. . . . . AND WELCOME TO MY TIME OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY!" Anubis said arms outstretched. He had remembered how he talked to each shaman about his time and chuckled at some sense of irony before looking at Donau

"Seems like yesterday even you were ever so curious of my time and yet here you are in it all" Anubis chuckled after before bowing to Koros
"And a pleasure to meet you Koros, i am Anubis student to the aether shaman Donau." Anubis finally said politly to the other lion with a small bow and rejoining his masters side. As he did another glood of menories filled his head making it pound once more. Seems this may be something he will have to gwt used too
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis smiled and joined Avaros. "Its a show of friendship and respect, you shake his hand with yours. . . . . AND WELCOME TO MY TIME OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY!" Anubis said arms outstretched. He had remembered how he talked to each shaman about his time and chuckled at some sense of irony before looking at Donau
"Seems like yesterday even you were ever so curious of my time and yet here you are in it all" Anubis chuckled after before bowing to Koros
"And a pleasure to meet you Koros, i am Anubis student to the aether shaman Donau." Anubis finally said politly to the other lion with a small bow and rejoining his masters side. As he did another glood of menories filled his head making it pound once more. Seems this may be something he will have to gwt used too
Avaros roared a laugh. "Ahh, it is good to see you retained your sense of humor, kit!" He shook Luke's paw. "Forgive my manners, chieftain. In our time, holding out paws meant getting ready to unsheathe claw and fight. But tell me, what kind of lions are you? You remind us of no big feline of our lands."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by AnimeNerd88 »

"Can you give us any info on what your friends look like?" Lisa asked as she and Kermit ran along side Lyla, "The more details, the better."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

AnimeNerd88 wrote:"Can you give us any info on what your friends look like?" Lisa asked as she and Kermit ran along side Lyla, "The more details, the better."
"Various species. All former pets, all coming from abuse history, mistreatment, pit fights, you name it. Pets, even kidnapped ferals, that had been enslaved in many physical and psychological ways. Spencers donated donated part of the island to them, to found a community, Liberation. I hope they're fine, otherwise..." She gritted her teeth, not daring to finish the sentence.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by AnimeNerd88 »

Hearing that most of Lyla's friends had come from bad situations, Kermit suppressed a small smile from coming onto his face. Maybe not all the animals here were stuck up snobs. "If they've come from situations like that, I doubt a city emerging from the ground would hurt them," He said, finally able to say a proper sentence, "Now how about names and last known locations? Do you got any of that?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

AnimeNerd88 wrote:Hearing that most of Lyla's friends had come from bad situations, Kermit suppressed a small smile from coming onto his face. Maybe not all the animals here were stuck up snobs. "If they've come from situations like that, I doubt a city emerging from the ground would hurt them," He said, finally able to say a proper sentence, "Now how about names and last known locations? Do you got any of that?"
"Had this thing come from the ground, there would've been an earthquake the magnitude of which you couldn't have imagined. Infrastructures would've been destroyd, there would be a cloud of debris still hovering all over...No, somehow Zilnawa has ben...*magicked* into existence.
"As for the names, the list is long: 2,523 animals. All of them living in a section of the coastline, their homes had been mainly built by carving into the rock of a cliff. And I can see that city extending straight toward the promontory!" She led them to the pier and from there to one of the boats. "Let's take this, we'll make it faster! Kermit, the hawser!"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by AnimeNerd88 »

Kermit let out a frustrated sigh before saying, "Okay, any way to tell the difference between them and just some random pet separated from their Mommy?!"
"Kermit! Don't be rude!" Lisa said, restraining the urge to smack him on the head, "Admittedly, though, is there a way to tell the difference between them and a normal pet?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

AnimeNerd88 wrote:Kermit let out a frustrated sigh before saying, "Okay, any way to tell the difference between them and just some random pet separated from their Mommy?!"
"Kermit! Don't be rude!" Lisa said, restraining the urge to smack him on the head, "Admittedly, though, is there a way to tell the difference between them and a normal pet?"
Lyla started the boat and took to the sea.
"Tattoos. Made for them by the natives, implemented by Spencers, or rather by certain friends of his. No flashy things, but visible enough to tell them from un-rescued animals. Even the second generation carries a tattoo...But worry not, they never wanted to mingle with tourists in the first place. They are a rather...isolated community, they want to grow but at their own conditions. We won't be finding humans there, except, possibly, rescue parties...Oh." Now that she was far enough from the coast, driving the boat so that they wouldn't hit potential unknown obstacles, the hyena could appreciate the magnitude of the city.
She wondered: whatever happened to blink it out of existence the first time could be repeated? And if so, how much of a disaster could be *that*?
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by AnimeNerd88 »

"Okay, that's something, at least," Kermit said, getting a little less frustrated, "It's not going to be easy finding them though, is it?"
"Kermit, she said there are over two thousand of them here," Lisa said, having to brush her long brown hair from her green eyes, though an odd smile was on her face, "I'd be surprised if it was easy."
Kermit let out another sigh, though this time out of disappointment. "How long til we get there?"
Let's give it everything we've got! Get ready, because it's Punishment Time!

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

valerio wrote:
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"I figured from your earlier warnings this would be a bad thing," Buster said, relieved to know it was Hubert's doing.
"wait... you said this place seems deserted?" Levi asked. "does that mean there are no lions, or are we just in an empty part of the city?"
The wolfdog shrugged. "Well, I'm no Krypto, but...the only smell I can make out are ours, the tourists'...but as for the rest this is place smells empty. As if it had never been inhabited.. Or, at least, it has been abandoned so long ago that by now no scents are lingering anymore. I think we can explore it safely, yes?"" He made his best puppy eyes at the rabbit.
"Nothing ventured nothing gained I always say." Flint quipped as he walked over to the end of the hall and peaked around a corner. He took in a big sniff through his nose, wrinkling it a moment later. "Though it's kinda weird. Those Martian things from Mars said this place was their home too. Mars is kinda far from Earth isn't it?"
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Khun grumbled.

Stealing treasure from an ancient city. You should be shipped back to the mainland like you deserve. Khun thought at Flint. Then he did the only sensible thing he could think of. He set his backpack down, fished out his good camera, put it back on, and started snapping pictures. In the meantime, he tailed Flint.

"Smart thinking!" Monique said.
Amber politely bowed.

"My apologies, protocol mistranslation in a few thousand years. And the throne and laws mentioned were for this fourth tribe," Luke said, "As for our species, we are from another area, used to more mountainous regions. Hence our other name, Mountain Lions. Or Cougars, or Pumas. Depending on where you are in the world. I trust you know or should shortly know your destinies concerning this event?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

valerio wrote: Avaros roared a laugh. "Ahh, it is good to see you retained your sense of humor, kit!" He shook Luke's paw. "Forgive my manners, chieftain. In our time, holding out paws meant getting ready to unsheathe claw and fight. But tell me, what kind of lions are you? You remind us of no big feline of our lands."
Anubis looked to Donau and shrugged he saw no humor only truth before looking in the distance at the tower. He now remembered his shop and home in the city before remembering the titanboas once again.

"Zilnawa.....no.....home......My....home" Anubis thought slowly with a mix of content and realization that he had finally saw a place as home. However the more he stared the more other questions rose. What still stood in the city, who else had returned, and if just the city wheres everything that once made it so grand? A curious hrmm is heard from the fox as he contemplated the very questions themselves. He had a strange feeling about it all.

Deep within Anubis however Kritaros slept deeply and soundly. The spirit having been effected difderently from the shift caused him to hide within the fox. He had lost alot of power so suddenly and felt fear for the first time in his entire existence. Luckily being part of Anubis had its own ups and downs as he knew what was occuring from a constant link however due to bejng merged he could not help and he felt very powerless. For now he did not worry. He needed the rest
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

AnimeNerd88 wrote:"Okay, that's something, at least," Kermit said, getting a little less frustrated, "It's not going to be easy finding them though, is it?"
"Kermit, she said there are over two thousand of them here," Lisa said, having to brush her long brown hair from her green eyes, though an odd smile was on her face, "I'd be surprised if it was easy."
Kermit let out another sigh, though this time out of disappointment. "How long til we get there?"
"Five minutes. At least, we shouldn't be having problems docking..." She pointed at the destination at the end of the 'U' she was making.
There was no longer a cliff, no houses carved into the rock.
The city had taken that place too.
Roarin wrote:"Nothing ventured nothing gained I always say." Flint quipped as he walked over to the end of the hall and peaked around a corner. He took in a big sniff through his nose, wrinkling it a moment later. "Though it's kinda weird. Those Martian things from Mars said this place was their home too. Mars is kinda far from Earth isn't it?"
"This is their *new* home," Hubert said. "They are a stranger lifeform, they needed a niche to colonize. And they are going to do it, their own way, once they find the water conduits. But that will not pose no danger to you nor everyone else."
xhunterko wrote:Khun grumbled.
Stealing treasure from an ancient city. You should be shipped back to the mainland like you deserve. Khun thought at Flint. Then he did the only sensible thing he could think of. He set his backpack down, fished out his good camera, put it back on, and started snapping pictures. In the meantime, he tailed Flint.
"Smart thinking!" Monique said.
Janus felt bolder by the minute. This wasn't just some fabolous set-up to his benefit, this wasn't a safe scenario for him to play, this was his first true adventure! Something beyond all control, and he couldn't just let it pass! This time, there would be no Hunter guiding his actions, no authorities or medic to suggest him what to do!
"Buster, follow us," Janus said, with a firm voice, trying to sound bossy, though he kept wagging like a happy pup. "Let's follow the main corridor, opposite to the crowd. Flint, Khun, Monique, you ok with the course?"
xhunterko wrote:Amber politely bowed.
"My apologies, protocol mistranslation in a few thousand years. And the throne and laws mentioned were for this fourth tribe," Luke said, "As for our species, we are from another area, used to more mountainous regions. Hence our other name, Mountain Lions. Or Cougars, or Pumas. Depending on where you are in the world. I trust you know or should shortly know your destinies concerning this event?"
Avaros shook his head no. "Inside the limbo, countless times we tried to set ourselves free from our confinement, but to no avail. What just happened took us by surprise, but I fear this miracle didn't benefit all of us..." at a gesture, lightwaves obeyed and a section after the other of the city -mainland, seaside, and mountaintop...every time, the result was the same. "An empty shell. Apparently, the God wants others to populate it, which leads me to ask: Why, of all people, bring us back only te four of us?"
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis looked to Donau and shrugged he saw no humor only truth before looking in the distance at the tower. He now remembered his shop and home in the city before remembering the titanboas once again.
"Zilnawa.....no.....home......My....home" Anubis thought slowly with a mix of content and realization that he had finally saw a place as home. However the more he stared the more other questions rose. What still stood in the city, who else had returned, and if just the city wheres everything that once made it so grand? A curious hrmm is heard from the fox as he contemplated the very questions themselves. He had a strange feeling about it all.
Deep within Anubis however Kritaros slept deeply and soundly. The spirit having been effected difderently from the shift caused him to hide within the fox. He had lost alot of power so suddenly and felt fear for the first time in his entire existence. Luckily being part of Anubis had its own ups and downs as he knew what was occuring from a constant link however due to bejng merged he could not help and he felt very powerless. For now he did not worry. He needed the rest
Donau rubbed his brow. Gone was the immediate danger, but things were buildng up way too fast... "One at a time, my friends. One thing at a time. Anubis, if the city in its whole is back, so are the small villages and the shops built along the Trade Roads. Including your own. Let us take the horses and go there."
The naked red wolf was too stunned to even growl at the manners of this strangely-dressed shaman. "My name is Tojo, of the Dakko--" but before he could answer, he saw his friend getting wrapped by dozens of ghostly arms -a ghoulish vision of the countless souls the untrained shaman had kept under control only thanks to the Hunter.
Angry souls that now wanted to FEAST!
"HAQ!!" Tojo roared and lept to save him, but it was a moment, and the hapless wolf was dragged through a roaring light into the underworld dimension. Tojo's leap brought only to land comically against the ground.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis nodded at Donaus words before looking to Avaros, "As an Answer Avaros, You four being the only to return shows great meaning. You have a duty to fulfil within this time as i do, and as Donau does. Or there is another meaning yet to be found." Anubis said smiling as he sighs and looks to donau with a look of content.

"Your right Master Donau, though once we arrive it may also be best to see what may have changed. If anything has changed that is" Anubis said aa he moved to the horses.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis nodded at Donaus words before looking to Avaros, "As an Answer Avaros, You four being the only to return shows great meaning. You have a duty to fulfil within this time as i do, and as Donau does. Or there is another meaning yet to be found." Anubis said smiling as he sighs and looks to donau with a look of content.
"Your right Master Donau, though once we arrive it may also be best to see what may have changed. If anything has changed that is" Anubis said aa he moved to the horses.
"I suggest, if I may," Boomer said, "that we use the cart. We can both pull it, so you can carry some provisons if you need them."
"Yep," Botticelli added. "I don't think that right now game will be game."
Boomer groaned. "Did I already tell you how much I did *not* miss your puns?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

"Ahem, you are given leave and permission to borrow OUR horses for the time being, Argon Shaman and his apprentice," Luke said towards Donau and Anubis.

"Ensure no harm comes to them please," he added, then he returned to the lion.

"Only Hubert will know," he said, "And I hope he has a plan. In any case, we are PROBABLY going to be very busy soon, I feel, so I suggest the leaders should stay put. The people of this time are jumpy and fearful, and we'll probably get guests soon asking questions. So."

"Such as it is, make yourselves at home, I wish we had chairs but," he said, and with that, Amber was already setting out a selection of folding chairs she had acquired. She had taken from the Camping Palette. Twelve, in fact.

"I was going to get one for each, but you break things," she said to Luke, "And they came in packs of three, so."

"Still, are you sure you are the only ones to survive? Is there a way to find out?" Amber asked, sitting down.

Hubert, sweet heart, I hope you know what you are doing. A little guidance couldn't hurt. She thought to him.
Khun shrugged.

"Fine by me, but I say we use caution at least," he said, "And not touch anything. You don't know whether or not things will collapse on their own or how sturdy this is."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Once the conference was done with, Spencers turned his attention to...a series of life-size holograms of humans and animals, all wearing the various departments tags and uniforms. Even if those were projections, the man could almost smell their excitment, their worry, their...well, everything he could feel himself.
With the difference that he couldn't allow himself to concede to any of those emotions. Let's get started, people: Any loss to report?"
Security Chief, a human, shook his head. No losses, Sir," he said with evident relief. "As of present, my men are gathering the tourists in the...anomaly--"
"That 'anomaly' has a precise name and nature. It's name is Zilnawa. Please, go on."
"Yes, Sir. Scientists have all applied the right to not...cooperate with the evacuation. They are provisioned for, but we will be needing to bring them more food and water. As of now, we do not know if there are taps inside the city.
"very well. What about the tourists outside Zilnawa?"
"They are going to melt their tablets and phones, but other than that they are adapting quite well to the event. Those who wanted to already went to their rooms. Fifty-two claimed they want to leave."
Spencers nodded. "Which brings us to the next topic: Admiral, looks like your job stopped being symbolic. The Sea Dragon will take too long to get here before those fifty-two start spreading mass hysteria. Put all fleet to sea. We will use the Smaug to escort our tourists to the UN fleet that will be soon stationing outside our limits.
"You can count on me, Sir!" The woman in the blue navy uniform beamed as she saluted smartly, before the hologram disappeared.
Victor of Salisgrave, ambassador for the native affairs office, said, "I am pleased to inform you that no non-human suffered any consequence due to the event. In fact, our shamans and many birds report that as of now many enclaves are getting ready to move back to their forefathers' home."
"I see. Ambassador, was there any...prophecy, anything regarding the event?"
"I'm afraid not. But this does not mean we should not take advantage of this occasion, Sir. That *is* our pòace, after all."
"Can't say I disagree on that. Which is also why i want things to go on as smoothly as possible. I will not force the tourists into acting as if we were in danger. Prudence is mandatory, but I want to make sure that we all can...profit from this situation before someone at United Nations decided that I'm unfit to lead this nation."
Victor bowed his head. "I can assure you, Sir: You will have all of our cooperation. Our sacred pact is still valid."
The man rubbed his temple, his only concession so far to his state of mind. So many things to organize, so little time... "I need, first of all, to secure our sea perimeter. What do the dolphins say about this?"
A mindvoice answered to that. <You don't have to worry, human. We are *quite* interested in doing our part, now>
Then came the voice of an operator. "Ah, Sir? I think our scanners found a *fourth* sector of Zilnawa.
No one spoke as they looked at that jewel where all marine life was converging.
Spencers sighed. "Before we take more decisions, I need a complete satellite scan of the island. I'd like to carry on this conference knowing what we are dealing with.
xhunterko wrote:"Ahem, you are given leave and permission to borrow OUR horses for the time being, Argon Shaman and his apprentice," Luke said towards Donau and Anubis.
"Ensure no harm comes to them please," he added, then he returned to the lion.
"Only Hubert will know," he said, "And I hope he has a plan. In any case, we are PROBABLY going to be very busy soon, I feel, so I suggest the leaders should stay put. The people of this time are jumpy and fearful, and we'll probably get guests soon asking questions. So."
"Such as it is, make yourselves at home, I wish we had chairs but," he said, and with that, Amber was already setting out a selection of folding chairs she had acquired. She had taken from the Camping Palette. Twelve, in fact.
"I was going to get one for each, but you break things," she said to Luke, "And they came in packs of three, so."
"Still, are you sure you are the only ones to survive? Is there a way to find out?" Amber asked, sitting down.
Hubert, sweet heart, I hope you know what you are doing. A little guidance couldn't hurt. She thought to him.
"There is no more need to conceal myself, now," the tiny dragon said, popping in over her shoulder. "Please, do not fret over Donau's decision: he had the right to a miracle, it was his call. And he had no control whatsoever over the consequences, and believe me... His decision was a sacrifice you cannot imagine, but that saved you all from a fate far worse than your current bearings."
"Koros, blood of my blood. You will stay here, to protect the chieftains of this new fourth tribe."
"Hai!" the lioness answered.
xhunterko wrote:Khun shrugged.
"Fine by me, but I say we use caution at least," he said, "And not touch anything. You don't know whether or not things will collapse on their own or how sturdy this is."
"Methinks that this place cannot possibly fall," Janus said. "I studied some architecture for my art, and...well, if this place didn't have any solid foundations, it would've collapsed at once."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

valerio wrote:The wolfdog shrugged. "Well, I'm no Krypto, but...the only smell I can make out are ours, the tourists'...but as for the rest this is place smells empty. As if it had never been inhabited.. Or, at least, it has been abandoned so long ago that by now no scents are lingering anymore. I think we can explore it safely, yes?"" He made his best puppy eyes at the rabbit.
"As long as Hubert can assure us we'll be safe," Buster replied.
valerio wrote:Janus felt bolder by the minute. This wasn't just some fabolous set-up to his benefit, this wasn't a safe scenario for him to play, this was his first true adventure! Something beyond all control, and he couldn't just let it pass! This time, there would be no Hunter guiding his actions, no authorities or medic to suggest him what to do!
"Buster, follow us," Janus said, with a firm voice, trying to sound bossy, though he kept wagging like a happy pup. "Let's follow the main corridor, opposite to the crowd. Flint, Khun, Monique, you ok with the course?"
"yes sir," Buster answered jokingly.
valerio wrote:"Methinks that this place cannot possibly fall," Janus said. "I studied some architecture for my art, and...well, if this place didn't have any solid foundations, it would've collapsed at once."
"Yeah, I've climbed around my share of ruins before, I'm pretty god at judging what'll crush me if I try. this place seems solid," Levi chimed in.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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"Zilnawa stopped being safe when the tribal war started," Hubert said. "Now it is meant again as a place of peace, like in the days of its foundation. But there is one place where mortal richness can be found in vast amounts, if one of your purposes is to find such items."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by AnimeNerd88 »

"On the bright side, I'm sure that'll up the value of land there." Kermit said with a small smirk on his lips.
"Kermit..." Lisa said, giving him a fiery glare.
"Oh come on, that was funny!" he said with a small bit of laughter.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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AnimeNerd88 wrote:"On the bright side, I'm sure that'll up the value of land there." Kermit said with a small smirk on his lips.
"Kermit..." Lisa said, giving him a fiery glare.
"Oh come on, that was funny!" he said with a small bit of laughter.
Lyla showed a grin, herself -though not out of true amusement. She was so tense, every joke was welcome. "He's right, in a way: a lot of people from the continents are going to come just to grab as much of this city's secrets as possible. And, yes, this land now does have a greater value: it's a place waiting to be filled with..." Before she could end the sentence, she saw it.
or rather, hem. And she felt so relieved, she almost fainted at the wheel.
The inhabitants of Liberation. They were there, safe, waving from the city's seaside.
The hyena waved back while heading for a pier. Whoever or whatever had summoned the place back into this reality had made sure there were boats, a lot of boats, as well. She had to find an empty place before stopping the boat, and when she did she jumped up onto the boardwalk. "My friends! Are you..?"
"We're all fine!" said a raccoon. "We were doing our business like every day, and *bam!* our own houses disappeared behind that wall, and we found ourselves scattered in this...place! Luckily, communications still work, and someone at the resort told us to gather at the port and that you were coming. So, what happened? And who's that mean-looking rabbit?"
Lyla nodded and explained as much as she could, before introducing Kermit and his human. "I guess he's a candidate for the new Liberation, provided no one's gonna claim it."
The raccoon beat his chest with his fist. "Hah! They must even try! We built our home here from scratch, and if someone put their buildings where they don't belong, it's *their* problem!"
It was a comprehensible mistake.
Satellites had gone crazy with the massive apparitions, it was like a scanner's bonanza. All automated systems hadn't considered the picture in its whole.
Until someone had told the satellites to get a better look.
Meriweather Island now looked as if a webbing of roads and villages had been painted over its surface. Each village was but a small cluster of buildings, as if they were nodes in the walkway network. Nothing suggested higher functions than sleeping, farming, perhaps forging. For sure, there were no fortifications at all. The network showed no visible military purposes.
Spencers was *not* happy. All of a sudden, his island had turned into a perfect landing path for any invading force. Whatever magic his allies could work, he dearly hoped it worked for good!
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis had set up the cart with the horses after hearing him avaros and donau had the permission to use it.

"ill be sure we return the cart the way we have it now or better chief luke" Anubis said as he looked to the horses.

"And watch you both as well." he said looking to doanu and avaros
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

ooc: Sorry, missed the kid. Also, if I'm unable to post and this needs to move along feel free to god mod my characters. Also, what cart?

"So, I have to ask then, is this change permanent?" Amber asked.

"And I hope it continues to be peaceful," Luke said, "All this commotion will bring, lots of unwanted types. I hope Mr. Spencers has a handle on it all."
Khun shrugged.

"Still, you never know about these things," he said, placing a paw on a pillar.

"Hologram?" Monique said in a query, turning towards the kid.

"Oh, you mean," she said, then flew off Khun's head, then, in a loop, through the kid! Then onto the kid's head.

"THIS hologram? Eh heh heh," Monique said.

"Sorry, that family is a little mischievous," Khun said.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by AnimeNerd88 »

"See? Someone here can take joke!" Kermit said when Lyla agreed with him. This only got huff out of Lisa. "So, what were you about to..." Kermit was saying, before he and Lisa saw the animals of Liberation. "Wow. Is...is that all of them?"
"I think so, yes," Lisa said, slightly amazed that all of them seemed to be fine. No signs of panic from most, no blood that she could see...all seemed fine. "You don't suppose there's a monster lurking around somewhere to make sure things will go horribly wrong, do you?" she jokingly whispered to Kermit.
"Hey! That should be my line!" he said, also jokingly. A thing he liked about this human; she sometimes shared his pessimistic attitude, or at least she pretended to.
After they had docked, and after Lyla had talked with the raccoon, he couldn't help but say, "Hey, I never said I wanted to be a part of this colony or whatever. I'm actually alright with my situation now, so don't try putting phrases into my mouth. Or however that saying goes..."
"Words. It's words in my mouth."
Let's give it everything we've got! Get ready, because it's Punishment Time!

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:"So, I have to ask then, is this change permanent?" Amber asked.
"And I hope it continues to be peaceful," Luke said, "All this commotion will bring, lots of unwanted types. I hope Mr. Spencers has a handle on it all."
Donau nodded. "Aye, the change is permanent. A reality was traded with another, I can't even imagine *what* should arise in order to undo all of this. And as far as 'unwanted types' go, well, you can either choose to still build your own place here, or go to one of the trade villages along these routes. If Zilnawa has returned and these roads with it, the rest of the villages must be back as well. Which means you will happen to meet a lot of people going on their business and trade with them as well." the rabbit's ears flicked nervously. "And, ah, please, consider the idea of moving to one of the main cities on the land. That is surely where the rest of the tribes will move now that the home of their ancestors is back. It would do you good if you acted as if you were part of the community, even if it is...well, different from what you had planned at first. heh." He attempted a sjy grin.
"There will be time to discuss about that," Avaros said. "Now let us go." And with that, the cart started to move.
Only when they were at a safe distance, did Botticelli say. "A city in the clouds, to to speak. One in the mainland, one by the sea, one under the sea..."
"Ah, that is incorrect," Donau tried to say. "They are all part of--"
"We still miss one under the ground, right?"
The rabbit fiddled with his fingers. "Well, it is not part of Zilnawa, so to speak, but yes, there's the one my kind built when the Tribal War started."
xhunterko wrote:Khun shrugged.
"Still, you never know about these things," he said, placing a paw on a pillar.
"Hologram?" Monique said in a query, turning towards the kid.
"Oh, you mean," she said, then flew off Khun's head, then, in a loop, through the kid! Then onto the kid's head.
"THIS hologram? Eh heh heh," Monique said.
"Sorry, that family is a little mischievous," Khun said.
"Cool!" the kid said, trying to catch the ghost bat at each passage. "Do you know where we are? I was with my pet, but she got scared and won't move, I don't want to leave her here, even if the adults tell us to move."
AnimeNerd88 wrote:"See? Someone here can take joke!" Kermit said when Lyla agreed with him. This only got huff out of Lisa. "So, what were you about to..." Kermit was saying, before he and Lisa saw the animals of Liberation. "Wow. Is...is that all of them?"
"I think so, yes," Lisa said, slightly amazed that all of them seemed to be fine. No signs of panic from most, no blood that she could see...all seemed fine. "You don't suppose there's a monster lurking around somewhere to make sure things will go horribly wrong, do you?" she jokingly whispered to Kermit.
"Hey! That should be my line!" he said, also jokingly. A thing he liked about this human; she sometimes shared his pessimistic attitude, or at least she pretended to.
After they had docked, and after Lyla had talked with the raccoon, he couldn't help but say, "Hey, I never said I wanted to be a part of this colony or whatever. I'm actually alright with my situation now, so don't try putting phrases into my mouth. Or however that saying goes..."
"Words. It's words in my mouth."
"We will have time to talk about that," Lyla said, turning to her guests and bowing to them. "My apologies. in my woryy, I had forgotten I could try communications before dragging you in."
"Ah, that's just her," the 'coon said. He offered paw to Kermit. "Hi bre'r rabbit, I'm Ravio. And she's just our momma hen, can't help it. Wanna you two help us set up, at least? We could use some help."
The hyena nodded. "We'd all be really glad if you could stay. Also, given the present situation, this is an...interesting place to explore as well."
Spencers rubbed his head again. He was giving a serious thought about a nice, long drink... "So, let us recap, Ambassador, and see if I have this straight: The city of Zilnawa was at first built into four, let's call them 'Megablocks': Maintown, Portside, Cloud Temple, Sea Dwell. And a network of trading villages connected by roads. Then the wars started and the rabbits built their own fifth extension, the burrows. Then during the wars, the lions tried to...overmagic the balance of forces in their favor, and that blinked everything but the Burrows out of existence, until now."
The hologram of Victor nodded. The lycaon looked uneasey. "It is basically correcte-correct, yes, Sir."
The man's mind was working furiously -no way to evade this, any explanation, for how much true, would sound like the ravings of a lunatic. Despite the obvious presence of a place that once hosted, according to the native tales of old, over one million inhabitants before they had started running out of food in a world not still trade-globalized, it was better to let everyone play detective rather than giving out truths which were of no use.
Spencers could accept the idea of magic, his own family had lived and prospered on this island thanks to a magic pact...But nothing on this scale. And what if someone else decided to use it? Why was he starting thinking this way?? He was a businessman, not King Arthur of the accursed Round Table!!
One problem at a time, just one at.a.time. "Okay, this is what I will do for my part. The dolphins are with me on this, but I need your help. From all of you. You told me once that a Council of the Tribes can ben still summoned. And now we have a fourth tribe as well."
Victor nodded. "Aye, we can. It's been a long time, but still the Call of the Council cannot be ignored."
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Hotep the psychic
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

"Well theres the four main tribes. If Donaus people made a fifth place with the city back it only shows how there is to be five tribes. The problem will be getting all tribes to return back together." Anubis said as he listened to Avaros and Donau

"And....we will have to be sure that other influences dont destroy the city. With this timeline Humanity has found that what they dont understand they would like to control or destroy." Anubis said

He held a worry for Avaros, being a lion he and koros could lead to another tribe war. But he was also a great player in rejoining the council of five tribes.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by AnimeNerd88 »

"Oh, it's completely fine," Lisa said to Lyla, "You wanted to make sure your friends were alright, and you had just forgotten about something that could help in your panic. I do have to ask, can you point me in the direction of the people that will be helping others get out of here? I still need to help there, and I'm much more experienced there, to be honest."
"Kermit," Kermit said as he took Ravio's paw, and shook it with a tiny bit of effort, "And yeah, I guess I can help, but...what's a bre'r rabbit?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:"Well theres the four main tribes. If Donaus people made a fifth place with the city back it only shows how there is to be five tribes. The problem will be getting all tribes to return back together." Anubis said as he listened to Avaros and Donau
"And....we will have to be sure that other influences dont destroy the city. With this timeline Humanity has found that what they dont understand they would like to control or destroy." Anubis said
He held a worry for Avaros, being a lion he and koros could lead to another tribe war. But he was also a great player in rejoining the council of five tribes.
A frown of worry creased Avaros' face. "So tell me, shaman: Exactly, *when* are we, and how experienced have humans become in the ways of magic?"
AnimeNerd88 wrote:"Oh, it's completely fine," Lisa said to Lyla, "You wanted to make sure your friends were alright, and you had just forgotten about something that could help in your panic. I do have to ask, can you point me in the direction of the people that will be helping others get out of here? I still need to help there, and I'm much more experienced there, to be honest."
"Kermit," Kermit said as he took Ravio's paw, and shook it with a tiny bit of effort, "And yeah, I guess I can help, but...what's a bre'r rabbit?"
Ravio shrugged. "Nah, just a quote from a Disney movie, "Song of the South". Y'see, there's this fox and his mate--" He was interrupted when the sound of sirens echoed in the air! Everyone's ears perked up with alarm, for that was a call they knew from their training!
"The general alarm!" Lyla said, running back to the boat. She jumped in and turned on the radio. "Lyla from Liberation. Command, what is happening?"
A crackle of static, then a voice, "Hi, beautiful! Sorry for not telling you earlier that everyfur at Lib was okay, but as you can imagine, we got a real handful here. Someone really likes redecoration, y'know, and started a party without telling us."
"You don't say..." the hyena sighed, keeping the volume loud enough for the others to hear. "Why the alarms, Otis?"
"Well, I can assure you, it's not because scanners found out two other subcities other than Maintown and Seaport. Ask the birdies and the dolphins. For now, know that all sea and air traffic is strictly controlled. The fleet is on the move, babe: And I mean the whole stuff. They are bringing out the Smaug, Phobos, Deimos and Ares as well. And there is word that the United Nations are going to quarantine Meriweather. The Smaug will be allowed to carry the evacuees, but apparently it's only a handful of them, the new attractions worked just like charm. Oh, and yes, it also means that you and your friendsies are going to stay there where you are, or Spencers himself will have your hide for his tepee. Do you guys have enough food and water to carry on?"
Lyla turned her head and saw the citizens nodding seriously. "We're good, Command. Tell Spencers not to start WW3, or *I* will have his hide for my tepee."
"Got it, my ferocious valkyrie! Command, out."
Lyla put the mike back into its socket. She looked meekly at Lisa and Kermit. "Ah...well, I guess we could use your experience here as well. I'm so sorry..."