Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

This chapter was inspired by the song Red Like Roses by Jeff Williams

Chapter 17

When I took my first steps through the door I was instantly awestruck at the sight. Fox, Grape, Fido and I were standing on a bridge of light that extended to a nearby star but what stole our words and our breaths was the sight from the bridge. The door that came out of the star book led to what I could only describe as outer space. I knew this because everywhere I looked I saw stars of varying colors blue, red yellow, green you name it I saw it.

I could almost spend hours looking at the sight but I knew that there was something more important at stake here. After all I was the one responsible, there was no time to waste sight seeing, not after what happened.

“I'm fine.” Fido said to no one in particular as he continued his pace ahead of the three of us “I just wish Sabrina was here with to see this with me. How about you, I know this isn't your first encounter with the supernatural but how are you holding up?” who was Fido talking to, he was ahead of us and not looking back so it couldn't be either Fox, Grape or me.

“I know, I know, we share a room remember?” he laughed even though no one said anything to him “Man Slagron the enforcer was not happy that day.”

Okay now I was concerned, and picked up my pace to keep up with the brown dog “So do you talk to yourself often or should we go back and drop you off at a mental hospital?” I started off causally to make sure I didn't offend him “Cause I'm beginning to worry that all this just broke your sanity.”

“No, I can assure you I'm perfectly sane.” He tilted his head down to reveal a mouse using his ear as some sort of cushion “Fenrir this is Spo; he's not typically heard by others unless he wants to be so I can understand why you didn't notice him before.”

“Sup' wolfie,” he greeted nonchalantly

Did he just call me wolfie? This is new, of all the greetings I've experienced this is the most unexpected as well as the most casual “Well I'm Fenrir but I usually shorten it to Fen, but Fido can I ask you a question?”

“Shoot,” he replied as his eyes were still locked on the door ahead of us

I took a moment to find right words to say “How are you doing?” His attention then sifted from the door to me with a puzzled look “I mean, if this was happening to me I'd think I'd gone crazy and lie down till all of this got better but how are all of you just coping? Does this not bring up any questions like at all?”

“All I need to know is that Sabrina's in danger and I can help her.” he said touching the wayfinder on his collar “Everything can be explained later but Sabrina takes priority.”

“Trust me wolfie,” Spo crawled down to Fido's shoulder “a lot of weird things happens to the pet population of Babylon. The humans don't notice it cause they're too thick headed but us animals we just roll with whatever comes our way. If I were you I'd try not to put too much thought into it, doing that would only wear down whatever brain cells you've got left.”

I held in a growl, was this mouse actively trying not to be friendly or is he really this much of a jerk “One more thing,” I said as we came to a halt in front of the end of the light bridge and in front of the exit door “I'm sorry about what happened.” I felt my ears lower a little as I spoke “I brought that hooded figure to Babylon, and he says that I brought his attention to your friends' hearts. I just wanted to say I'm sorry.”

I could tell I was on a touchy subject since Fido scratched his head as if to think of an appropriate response “Look you're a good dog.” my ears sunk more at what he said “I know you didn't mean any harm and you couldn't help it. You being here is enough to prove that you're a good dog, and nothing can convince me otherwise.”

I pushed myself to at least crack a smile at him. From the moment we met he's always believed in me. Even if I was the one who lead his girlfriend to be captured he still believed in me. Seeing him display that trust towards me only strengthened my resolve. I will bring all these pets home.

When Fox along with Grape finally came into view and met up with us by the door I noticed Fox and Fido's academy training instantly kicking in causing them to inspect the door. I tried to do it myself but no scent came from it, not even a draft, no sound could be heard from where we were so it was hard to tell what exactly was on the other side.

Fido shared the same look of unease as Fox before calling my attention “We we're going in blind. Normally on raids going in blind was one of the things you didn't want to do especially if the perpetrator you were chasing had even a hunch you were after him. For all we know this could be a trap.”

I took his words into consideration and beckoned my blade to answer my call “Alright guys I'll lead the way since I have the only weapon that can do actual harm to heartless.”

All of them nodded except for Spo who climbed down to Fido's shoulders to tuck himself inside the dog's collar “Heartless?”

“It's a long story.” I sighed as I mentally counted to three before pulling open the door

As the doorway was fully opened a blinding light robbed us of the use of our eyes as a sense of weightlessness overtook all of us. Before I could realize what was happening to all of us we found ourselves in the middle of free fall above a dense forest near a cliff side.

Without wasting another moment I switched my grip on my blade to a backhanded one and planted it directly into the cliff. As I did so I grabbed the nearest thing to me which happened to be one of my companion's feet though something felt off.

“Are you guys okay?” I called down to see if they were all accounted for

“Terrified but fine.” Fido called from below me

“Same here.” Grape said from the same direction only sightly father away

“I've been better.” Fox said from the furthest distance away

“I'm great! Just hanging on for my dear life over a thousand foot drop! You know NORMAL THINGS!” Spo's voice came from the same distance as Fido's

I looked up to see if there was anything I could grab onto but instead I saw the cracks forming on my keyblade “Guys someone better think of something fast, my keyblade's beginning to break.”

“Fen, is that you?” Fido blurted out, no doubt the panic and sheer absurdity of the moment getting to him

I looked down to see a human wearing a green shirt under an orange vest “Fido? What happened?” I replied in the same confused tone

“We really don't have time for this!” Grape yelled causing me to look down and see two more humans one wearing Grape's scarf and the other wearing Fox's bomber jacket

We weren't given another second as the sound of metal snapping signaled the start of our death plummet. As the winds slapped my face into a more aware state I felt the energy rise within me and the black book appear just within my line of sight. While I was in a panic I almost didn't notice the page the flipped past as we fell. Instantly I grabbed the book and scanned through the pages till I found the one that caught my attention, the page with the title gravity.

“GRAB THE OTHERS!” I screamed at Fido as I tried to reach for who I could guess was Fox

As soon as my hand rested on Fox's bomber jacket I turned to see holding on to two figures. One I could make out was grape, the other was a small boy who looked to be around ten years old. I dismissed any questions I had at the moment and returned my attention to the book. The energy surge I felt was still fresh so without hesitation I closed my eyes, gathered my focus and cast gravity on our entire group.

On cue the wind was silenced and my survival instincts relaxed. I opened my eyes and we greeted by the sight of the forest canopy just a few feet away from the ground. A second later on my cast time and we would have been goners. As I let a sigh of relief escape me I instantly felt the energy rush end, and with it the spell causing us to ungraciously crash on the forest floor. Casting the spell on such a wide range on a group of pets must have instantly eaten up the energy I was given.

“FIDO!” Spo's voice came instantly with excitement “LOOK AT ME I'M HUGE! Well by mouse standards I'm huge!”

As my sight cleared I began to notice the details. Gray shirt and hair, brown shorts, and mouse ears? I shook my head maybe I was dreaming the whole thing up.

“THIS IS AMAZING!” cheered the little boy I now recognized as Spo “I'm not small anymore take that mom! Who's the little runt now!? And I'm no longer afraid of you cat, there's no way you can eat me whole!”

Spo's mocking tone was aimed at a girl looking to be around seventeen sporting a short sleeved purple shirt underneath her purple scarf accompanied by black jeans and a jacket tied around her waist. The only reason why I was able to pinpoint the girl as Grape was because over her purple pixie cut hair was a pair of cat ears.

“Seriously!?” the girl screamed when she gave herself a quick look over “What is it with universes and humans?”

Upon realizing that if Grape and Spo were turned into humans I wondered if I was now one too. I looked down on myself to find that I had changed too. My usual gray fur was replaced with a shirt of the same color, and instead of a collar I had a necklace with my tag on it. Over time I got used to wearing coat, which I was thankful was still in one piece, but I was even wearing pants and shoes and the experience was unsettling at best. I felt around my body to reacquaint myself with it and found my tail where it should be.

“Looks like everyone's fine.” Came the voice of Fox from a similarly aged boy as Grape while he helped Fido stand who also took on human form “King once asked me if I wanted to be human, but I never thought I'd actually become one someday.”

Fox still had his bomber jacket on only now underneath that was a gray shirt and ripped jeans. Gone was his collar and only his dog tags remained. However instead of keeping his ears, Fox's tail was still present on the back of his jeans like mine was.

Fido on the other hand wore a green shirt under an orange vest, his canine ears peeking over his hair. Like my collar his was gone and replaced with a necklace with his tag on it. One thing I did notice was that his right eye took on a darker shade of orange no doubt to show where his spot used to be.

“Check me out!” Spo said from atop a tree “If I was small this would've taken hours to climb instead of minutes.” He dropped down and looked me square in the eyes “No more threatening to send me off to some cat to get eaten, and no more getting accidentally stepped on.”

It was as if the universe had heard Spo's cries cause at that moment a giant talon landed next to him, almost crushing the mouse turned human. A quick look upward and I was instantly acquainted with the sight of a giant black bird that was covered in white plates of armor on its beak and some places of its wings.

“AW COME ON!” Spo yelled as Fido grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him to safety

Once again my blade found its way back into my hands completely repaired of any damage it had been dealt. With my blade in tow I leaped between Fido, Grape, Spo and Fox and the bird to begin deflecting the arrow like feathers that somehow shot from the bird's wings. Eventually the blade broke once more and a white book appeared next to my hand. Without missing a beat I raised my right hand and immediately a dome of hexagons appeared to shield us from the barrage.

“RUN!” I yelled once the onslaught of feathers came to an end

None of them took a moment to argue as we all burst into a sprint from the giant bird, with me lagging slightly behind to cast repeated spells of Fira at it. As I ran I noticed that the bird already had multiple cuts and burns running along its body, both on its bone like armor and its bare body. I was almost certain that the bird didn't just happen upon us and decide to attack. Something drove it towards us, the only question was what?

I was given my answer in the form of the shadow wolf that took Sabrina, King, and Peanut's hearts, except something was different about it. At a glance I could already tell that it looked like it shrunk down a few sizes. Before its body used to be bulky and well built now it was slender and lithe. The most notable difference though had to be the witch's hat that obscured its sinister yellow eyes.

When we were directly in front of it I noticed Fido's wayfinder glow brighter. It must be reacting to Sabrina's heart inside the beast. The knowledge seemed to have sent Fido in a rage since he threw all caution to the side and immediately made a charge directly at the wolf.

The wolf seemed to notice Fido's anger and in response it sucked in a generous helping of air and unleashed it all at once creating a wall of fire. Only making matters worse was that the wolf distracted me long enough for me to forget about the giant bird behind us. With my guard down the bird easily swatted me to the side, my back hitting the bark of a nearby tree clouding my vision and sending me into a daze and leaving my friends without protection.

The bird readied its wings for a second strike while the shadow wolf aimed its breath at them once more. There was no other option left for them except to take the attacks, but as they braced themselves for impact a flurry of red rose petals obscured my vision. When I was able to swat the petals away I had found the bird completely frozen in ice, the wolf on its tail end while a feminine figure obscured in a red billowing cloak stood between the group and the wolf a large red scythe at her command.

“Stay here.” she spun the scythe with ease and established her stance as the wolf stood up and made its charge “Think you can knock it off balance?” She called out to me giving me the motivation I needed to break the stun

“I'll see what I can do.” Once again I brought my blade forth and met the wolf's fangs with it

As the blade met the fangs, cracks formed along the blade once more as both me and the wolf held our ground. With my right hand free, I was able to deliver a blow to the wolf's muzzle disorienting it enough to break the stalemate and land a second blow with my blade strong enough to shatter it for a third time.

The cloaked girl saw her opening and was able to rush in faster than my eyes were able to register. Before I knew it the girl landed two slashes across its chest with her scythe and kicked off of the wolf only to land next to me.

In one seamless motion the girl spun her weapon and was able to transform it into a gun and pulled the trigger as I supplemented her shots with a barrage of multiple spells all at once. Our combined fire power meant nothing as the wolf was still agile enough to dodge all the shots with ease and counter with a blast of fire straight from its maw. As soon as the fire hit the ground a smoke screen was drawn up obscuring our vision and restricting our air supply.

Once the smoke died down the wolf was nowhere in sight, that at least meant that we were safe. With the threat gone I felt my knees go weak as I was caught by the girl whose hood managed to fall down revealing her hair that almost touched her shoulders with red highlights at the tips. Breaking my blade three times must've really taken a lot out of me as instead of standing on my own I had to rely on the girl's help.

“Who are you?” I managed to ask through ragged breaths

She looked like she was about to answer but was cut off by a male's voice coming through the forest “RUBY!” he burst through the bushes revealing his yellow hair as well as a sword and shield strapped to his back “There you are you shouldn't go ru... uh Ruby what are you doing with a group of faunus?”

The girl took a moment to stow her gun on her back before resolving to a sigh “Its a long story.”

End of Chapter 17
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Well, this was an unexpected change for our heroes. And the wolf had a witch's hat and yellow eyes?

Yep, kinda figured that it would take aspects of Sabrina, King, and Peanut at different moments of the story. I'm more curious about their Nobodies, really.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Well... i got bored while waiting for classes to start so I drew Fen in one of the valentine's card from housepets! also i tried making him more in the housepets! style no chapter yet but that's going to be a while since i kinda had to restart since i didn't like the pace i was setting

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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Looks great!
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by HellishK9 »

Good job Krytus :D
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job, Krytus. I really like it. :)
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

So, this chapter changes things up. To start it isn't inspired by a song but a quote from none other than the great dragon of the west himself, Iroh

"Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems, is to help someone else"

Also just as a precaution:

Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning! Spoiler Warning!

If you are interested in the RWBY series, by Monty Oum, then there's a spoiler in here for the ending of Volume 3. If you do not care for the RWBY series then read on. you have been warned

Chapter 18

“So let me get this straight,” the blonde haired teen said massaging his temples “You went off on your own effectively separating us from Nora and Ren who, might I remind you, are holding most of our supplies because you saw a strange looking Grimm?”

“Pretty much.” Ruby said casually as she sat in a crossed legged position next to the five of us

“And all of you,” He gestured to Fen, Fox, Grape, Spo and me with both his arms outstretched “are traveling through these woods looking for your friends even though only one of you is armed and capable of taking on Grimm? Not only that but you're all actually beings from another world?”

“That is indeed accurate, yes. I know it sounds crazy but that's us alright. Although I can assure you that I tried to tell them going out here was a bad idea but they wouldn't listen to me.” Spo said on all of our behalf earning him a couple of glares from everyone besides me, as usual

The teen took a moment to let what he was told settle in. Clearly he was using all of his brainpower in such a task but eventually he threw up his arms in defeat. I couldn't blame him; when Sabrina first told me she was a psychic I laughed it off like it was some kind of joke. She then immediately proceeded to show me her memories via telepathic link causing me to faint and require a rehash of her explanation the next morning.

“Alright you know what, I don't even want to know about the five of you, but Ruby and I have to get back to our friends.” he pulled out a phone and proceeded open a map from it “I've already set up our rendezvous for the top of that mountain.” he pointed to a nearby mountain before grabbing Ruby's arm “Let's get going. We're behind schedule as it is.”

“Wait, Jaune.” Ruby resisted as she planted her feet into the ground and unhooked his hand from her arm “I'm staying with them for the night. You said it yourself they aren't properly equipped to survive one night out here. Not the smartest move on their part but still.”

“Hey!” Grape whined from her spot

Ruby ignored her complaint and continued “Can't we at least set up camp here before we meet with them? Besides its almost dark and around here that makes Grimm restless.”

He looked at the twilit sky and conceded defeat “Alright fine, but you and I leave for that mountain at the crack of dawn.” With that he set down his pack next to a tree “I'm going for some fire wood.”

“Well isn't he a ball of sunshine?” Spo said as soon as Jaune was out of earshot

“Please don't hold it against him.” Ruby apologized on his behalf as she rifled through her pack producing a canteen of water “He really hasn't been the same since, well a few months ago. Just give him some space.”

Even though she was describing Jaune, Ruby herself looked like she was also affected by the event. Her once calm tone had regressed to one drenched in sadness. Whatever happened must've been bad, and from the looks of it we could all speak from experience. With the air suddenly infertile for a conversation the rest of us decided to work in silence shaping the clearing into a suitable campsite.

Since we were to set out early in the morning we didn't bother with the tents and decided to sleep under the cover of the trees. Instead we focused on moving all sorts of rocks and pebbles, gathering water from a nearby stream and helping Jaune with the gathering of fire wood for our source of warmth for the night. Once all the tasks were done I took a seat underneath a comfortable looking tree and took the chance to relax a little. After the craziness I went through for today I was in desperate need of a break.

As I stared at the night, I closed my eyes and let the wind brush through my exposed skin. It was odd feeling since I spent my whole life with fur, yet at the same time it was refreshing. Really, I should have felt cold but the clothing I had balanced it out evenly. Now I can see at least one reason why humans never go anywhere without being clothed.

“You kept me waiting,” my breath held its place in my throat “bad dog.”

My eyes opened and I was in the backyard in front of the forest where Sabrina and I would meet in secret when we were in the closet. I was back in my regular body while, much to my relief, Sabrina was using my shoulder as a cushion like she always did when we cuddled together.

Even if I didn't think to talk I felt my mouth move anyway “Well, the station needed me to finish the reports on the new d~”

“Ah-ah,” she cooed with her finger on my lips “I've been waiting all week for this. We are not going to spend it yapping on about your job or supernatural emergencies. Tonight its just me and you.” she wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled deeper into my shoulder

Normally I would melt like cheese under her smooth and silky voice combined with her affectionate cuddling but this time it had the exact opposite effect. Not because I didn't like it but because she said those words before, and that was before she was captured by the hooded figure.

Even though I knew what was coming for us my body didn't even move a single solitary inch. I wanted to tell her to run, I wanted to grab her arm and bring her to Fen so maybe he could protect her but I still didn't move.

“Get away!” She yelled as she pushed me away shattering our moment together and exposing me to the cold

Landing on my tail I looked up to see Sabrina bound by shadows “Sabrina? What's going on?”

“Not what I had in mind but she'll do nicely.” A voice came from the direction of the forest “The tricky thing with you two is that both of you fulfill the conditions in different but sufficient ways, but which to choose?”

I followed the sound and my sight came across a cloaked figure accompanied by a wolf covered in shadow and walking on all four of its legs. When I had come to the realization that they were the ones holding Sabrina captive my instincts gave way.

“Whoever you are, let Sabrina go!” I yelled hopefully loud enough to catch a bystander's attention

The figure ignored what I had said and turned to the wolf “Now which do you hunger for my pet?” he pointed at Sabrina and me “Both are hearts of unrestricted love, and both hearts are of equal strength; at least I think they are.” he leaned in closer to Sabrina to get a better look

“LET HER GO!” I found myself yelling as I charged for the wolf holding my girl captive

Without even so much as a command the wolf intercepted me and with the same shadows holding up Sabrina sent me flying back into the side of the house. Thankfully the blow wasn't strong enough to break anything and I could still pick myself up albeit very slowly.

“Let's just take her instead,” the figure turned to the forest and started walking “We already have her so let's not hassle ourselves with catching the other one.” The wolf followed suit while dragging Sabrina along with it.

I tried to speak out to say something but my body was still recovering from the blow it just suffered “Take me.” I managed to say even when it was too late “PLEASE JUST TAKE ME INSTEAD!”

I shot up from my position somehow soaked in the face. One moment was all it took to reestablish where I was and my current situation. Everything was where I left it, only with a few exceptions. Everyone was gathered around the fire fast asleep except for Jaune who I assume was given watch duty while a sandwich wrapped in plastic bearing my name on it was waiting for me.

For now I ignored the sandwich and stood up to make my way to the nearby stream we located while setting up camp. I had a feeling that a few refreshing splashes to my face wouldn't do me any good but I had no idea on what else to do. Maybe I could do with a little alone time.

When Ruby and Jaune told us that monster inhabited this world and are called Grimm I'd never have guessed that a moment of tranquility would be given a chance to exist. Yet I was given a prime example as I walked. No monsters were present to disturb the peace, nothing dared to break the tranquil air the had blossomed over the night, the only two things that seemed to give detail to the forest was the sound of whispering winds and crumpling leaves.

Through the silence though my ears were able to pick up a solitary sob. The sound served as a wake up call to my senses as they all pointed me to the source. Judging from the sound it wasn't too far and wasn't of distress, yet I didn't slow my speed. Only when I the owner of the sound came into view did I stop dead in my tracks.

There he was spotlighted in a single moonbeam among the falling leaves as he sat on a stump. Jaune clutched a golden metal circlet closer to his heart, tears trailing down his face as he did. Instantly I felt my nature tell me to move closer to him, ask him what's wrong, comfort him, anything that could help him.

When I took a step the crumpling of leaves alerted him to my presence “I uh, Fox?”

“Fido.” I corrected as I moved closer, only to have him move away “Jaune, what are you doing out here?”

He hid the circlet behind his back “I uh nothing I just needed a breather. I'll get Ruby to switch with me now.”

I stopped him by grabbing his shoulder “That's not nothing Jaune.” I gave him my most serious look and my most concerned one “Trust me I know.”

“First Nora and Ren, then Ruby and now you?” He finally managed to say with a downcast look invading his eyes “You're not going to let this go are you?”

“Talk to me, it might make you feel better. Keeping this to yourself is only going to make things worse.” I pleaded without backing down an inch

What I said only seemed to anger him as he grit his teeth “You know what fine! Since you're so curious I'll talk! Only if you answer me this.” he shook off my hand from his shoulder and grabbed the collar of my shirt “Did you lose someone because you weren't good enough!? That maybe if you were just slightly worth something that you might have changed the outcome for the better! That maybe they wouldn't be gone if you were capable of doing something, anything to help them! Who did you lose because of that reason huh Fido!?”

I looked him square in the eyes and responded with no surplus in words, her name was all I needed “Sabrina D'Angelo”

At the sound of her name Jaune's eyes widened as he let go of my collar ”Is that why you're out here? You're searching for her?”

I nodded as Jaune leaned on a tree realizing what he had asked me “What makes it all worse was the fact that Sabrina and I were interchangeable. It should've been me; I should've been the one who was taken, and yet here I am.”

Jaune took a moment to let what I had said to him sink in clearly this conversation was drawing up painful memories “What was it like?” he said as he sank to the ground using the tree as support “What was it like to say that you loved her?”

“Just being able to say it to her makes burdens rise.” I took my place next to him and cast my gaze to the stars “When I say it to her I feel like I can take on anything the world has to throw at me. Which is why I can't give up, there's still hope. She out there somewhere and I need to bring her home.” my hand found its way to my wayfinder and as contact was made it emitted a small orange glow

I threw one more gaze his way. Jaune's experience was similar to mine only that it was the worst case scenario of what would happen to me. I wasn't about to let that happen, and as selfish as it sounds, I didn't want to end up like Jaune. I would fight For Sabrina, even if it costs me my life.

“She's still alive?” he asked only to get my nod in response “Then maybe there's something I can do to help.” he stood up and held out his hand to help me up which I accepted “It might be too late for Pyrrha, but I can't let the same happen to you. No one deserves what I've been through.”

Even when I was up Jaune didn't let go of my hand, he only closed his eyes and steadied his breathing gathering his focus.

“Now, close your eyes and concentrate,” he said as he maintained his focus

I gave him a confused look but did what I was told. Once my eyes were shut I continued to block everything out. The winds as they whispered, the cool breeze, my sorrows as well as my frustration. All of it was blocked out as I was instructed.

As soon as I did so a warm feeling had started to well up from inside my body. I didn't know where it was from but it was as if Sabrina was here right next to me and we had fallen into embrace.

“For it is in passing that we achieve immortality.” Jaune spoke softly only to make the warmth grow stronger “Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder, protect thee.”

At the end of his words Jaune let go of my hand and I opened my eyes. My hands, as well as the rest of my body had adopted a green glow similar to evergreen trees, while Jaune was leaning on the tree again this time he was out of breath.

“What did you do?” I asked as I continued to stare at the green glow

Jaune didn't say anything he only unsheathed his sword and swung it at me. As I was caught off guard the only thing I could do was hold my arms up and hope for the best.

I felt the blade, but I didn't feel the pain I thought I would. Parting my arms I saw the blade making clear contact with my skin, except the green glow stood in the way of the sword protecting me without any trouble at all.

“I unlocked your aura.” he said pulling back his sword

End of Chapter 18
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by HellishK9 »

Nice update! :)
I wonder what Fido's aura is?
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

So we're shifting viewpoints as we go along? That's cool. Quite the emotional one. Grief is a lonely time, but sometimes someone has an understanding of how it feels and can shoulder the burden.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Well here it is Chapter 19 along with a description of what aura is in the world of remnant. If you want to know more about it there is actually a series on youtube that goes by the same name explaining what aura is
this helped me in writing this.

Chapter 19
Those Who Take Up The Sword

“Aura is the manifestation of our soul.” I raised the shield to block the Grimm wolf's claws “It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. Almost like the feeling you get of being watched without knowing if someone was there.”

A quick roll placed me to the side of the grimm and in perfect position to jab at it with the sword “With practice our aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals, even you.” The grimm deflected the sword's point and disarmed me leaving only the shield I had on my left arm “Creatures of Grimm are the exception to this for they lack a soul in the first place, they are the manifestation of annonymity. They are the darkness and we are the light.”

The Grimm saw my offense was weakened and pressed further with its claws and fangs as the shield withstood all the blows “Understanding both dark and light helps us manifest our aura. Everyone has some of both.” Eventually my arm couldn't keep up and I was robbed of my shield as well “By bearing your soul ourward as a force, you can deflect harm. All our tools and equipment are conduits for aura. The key is to project yourself and your soul when fighting.” The grimm raised its claws to hammer down on me while I raised both my palms upward

As the Grimm swung down my plams intercepted the blows and did not falter. I felt no pain instead I felt the warmth of my own aura act as a second skin protecting my hands as I held the Grimm's claws at bay. Both me and the Grimm stood at stalemate for a good two minutes as neither of us was capable of overpowering the other. Except what I lack for in power I made up for in strategy.

Thanks to the academy training I knew the basic rules of hand to hand combat, and one of those rules was: be aware of everything in the environment. This Grimm is nothing more than, for lack of a better term, a feral. It relied on nothing more than instinct and thus only paid attention to me and only me, nothing else. A quick survey of the surrounding area showed me Jaune's sword was behind the Grimm, and instantly I had a plan.

Angling my palms to the side, I allowed the Grimm's claws to slide off my aura creating the opening I needed. A quick roll under through its widdened legs and I had Jaune's sword back in my hands to deliver the final blow to its back causing it to fall over.

With my stamina taxed I had to plant the sword on the ground to lean on so I could stand up “Eleven minutes sixteen seconds. Great work Fido, you're a natural,” Jaune said with a clap of his hands “well for a begginer that is.” he held his phone to my chest and when it beeped he took a look at it “Your aura's in the red take a breather and maybe we can try again.”

At the sound of his words I met with the ground “So... any... notes?” I asked in between gasps of air

“Fido you're doing far better than I ever did when I first started,” Jaune laughed as he took a seat next to me “I mean sure, a beowolf is basically the weakest Grimm out there but still. I only unlocked your aura about, six hours ago you're progressing fine. I know why you're pushing yourself but you need to breathe a little. You'll find her.” He placed a hand on my shoulder “I'll make sure you're as strong as you need to be.”

I could only flash him a smile, not only did he release my aura but he was also teaching me how to at least fight with a sword. Not the easiest thing to do but it was far better then knowing only how to fight with my bare fists. At least this way if Fen was too worn down I might try to borrow his sword for a while.

“As far as basics are concerned you're fine, you just need a little polishing before you focus on developing your own style.” Jaune said taking back his sword and shield “I have an idea. While you're resting why don't we try finding your semblance?”

“Semblance?” I echoed with confusion

he put his fingers to his chin as if to think of how to properly explain “Did you notice when you first saw Ruby she was extremely fast?” to that I nodded “That's her semblance; speed. Its a more physical manifestation of your aura and is more often than not linked to an aspect of who you are.”

“I guess I get it.” I mimmicked his posture thinkinig what my semblance could be “What about you? What's your semblance?”

he put his hands together and settled his breathing “I still haven't found that out yet, but Ren said that semblances can either come naturally or need to be meditated on to find out what they are. I've tried meditating and I always feel so close but not quite there, maybe you can find yours.” With that he closed his eyes and I did the same

Jaune said that a semblance is linked to an aspect of who you are, so I focused on my memories. Ones where I suspected that I had at least a moment of clarity. Few memories came to mind, the first one was when I fell in love with Sabrina, another one was when I decided to become a K-9 officer, and finally when I announced to the world I was Sabrina's boyfriend. No matter how hard I thought about it I found no common ground between all three of these memories. All I do know is that when I made those decisions my mind had been the clearest its ever been. I had three pieces of a puzzle in front of me and I had no idea how they all fit together.

As I concentrated on the three memories a slight quake shook the ground and broke my concentration. When I opened my eyes I found Jaune sharing the same concerned look as we both stood up to check the camp perimeter.

“Your friend must be really dedicated to be doing this out here in the middle of the night.” Jaune said as he came to a halt in front of a charred battle ground

As I studied what was left of probably a beautiful forest was now ruined by fire the only thing left standing was Fen who was without his coat and drenched in sweat “Fen? What are you doing out here and in the middle of the night too?”

“I've been busy,” he said as he panted even harder to regain his breath “how about you, what are you doing up?”

“I couldn't sleep, so Jaune decided to teach me how to use a sword.” I said sheepishly

“Looks like both of you have been busy,” Jaune suddenly grabbed both of our shoulders “why not sparr to see how well the two of you have improved?”

“WHAT!? Are you sure that's a good idea Fen doesn't have an aura. I could accidentally hurt him.” I looked at Jaune like he lost his head, I wasn't going to be the reason why Fen got hurt

Fen almost looked like he took offense at what I had said “Please, I've fought a pair of heartless that wrecked Babylon with their claws. I think I can handle your sword.”

“It was how we were taught in Becon Academy, but its your call. Fen seems to be okay with it.” Jaune shrugged

I had to admit; I did want to know how I did when it came to combat. In the academy we were never trained to outright fight someone. It was always restrain, delay or apprehend; apprehending being the most we were trained to do back at the academy. This was different, this was actual combat.

“Fine,” I relctantly aggreed with Fen “but are you sure about this?” I asked as Jaune handed me his sword and shield while Fen moved to the opposite side of the field

He assumed his stance as a grin appeared on his face “It'll be fine.”

Seeing as Fen was commited to this I followed his example and took up a stance as well. While I had seen Fen fight before I wasn't sure how well he fought when it was an opponent instead of some monster we encountered. Judging from the way he presented his blade with his left hand in front of him as well as previous experiences, Fen favored offense. He wasn't going to wait for something to happen; he would be the one to do that. So I had to keep my guard up, I had to be careful.

Fen seized the opportunity and rushed in first just like I expected. His strikes were quick and calculated, most of which were aimed at my hands so that he could disarm me without hurting me. Luckily I had Jaune's shield with me to fend off most of his attacks. Once Fen's latest strike bounced of the shield I saw the opportunity and thrust the blade and the handle of Fen's blade to disarm him instead. I suceeded and sent the blade skyward.

“While we're at it, where did you learn how to fight?” I asked him as he raised his hands

His grin widdened a little “Why are you asking me? The spar isn't over yet.”

Before I could ask him what he meant the blade I had sent flying came back down and shattered on impact. Only then did I remember that Fen's blade shattering meant that he had access to spells, and I had given it to him. He knew that with a shield I could easily block his attacks to weaken his blade, while at the same time hidding the cracks forming by having it behind the shield at all times.

Now with his books out Fen actually surprised me by reaching for his white one, which was pulsing with energy. If I remembered it correctly it was the black one he used more often, so why the sudden change? My question was answered in the form of Fen placing his palm on his chest and exhaling. Immediately he was wrapped in a glowing light similar to my aura and when he moved it was faster than the first time.

Fen's attacks resurged against my shield, but at least with his blade gone he resorted to using his fists. However the power and speed at which his fists came almost rivaled his blade's attack power. His reach had been cut in half but in exchange for speed.

While his strikes were strong and fast he didn't account for the fact that fists were more my level, and I could tell he wasn't trained properly to fight with his fists. The moment I saw my opening I acted. I caught Fen's punch with my shield and lowered myself to sweep Fen's stance over with my legs. With Fen knocked off balance I swung the blade horizontally to catch Fen in its range only to remember that he had no aura.

When Fen landed I almost dropped the sword and shield to check on him but he raised his hand in the stop sign and stood up “Arms, Haste, Armor,” he said as he looked completely fine “like the new spells I learned?”

Before he could renew his assualt on me however his blade reappeared in front of him. Fen accepted it with a shurg and made a third charge for me. With blade in hand Fen continued to apply pressure wherever he could, not even giving me a single moment to even breathe. Finally Fen's pressure got to me as he was able to knock the shield of my hand and draw an arc from one side of my chest to the other. Fen's face turned to one of shock as he realized that he went too far.

This time it was my turn to surprise him as I shook it off no problem “it's called an aura; like it?” I mimmicked his tone only to get a slight laugh from him

“ha ha, very funny,” he said as he finally slowed down

Now was my chance. I gripped the sword with both my hands and charged him to give the final blow. Once I was close enough I made a leap so I could bring down Jaune's sword hard enough to make a dent in Fen's defenses only to find Fen hurling his sword at me. The blade threw me off course and sent me back into the ground just for Fen to mirror my move earlier and come down.

'The key is to project yourself and your soul when fighting.' Jaune's words echoed in my head as I tried projecting my aura outward to deter Fen's attack

To my surprise a blinding flash occurred, not what I was planning but I'll take it. Once my sight readjusted I found Fen knocked into a still standing tree and drained from the fight.

“I'm calling it here.” Jaune said rushing over to the both of us “Great job you two. Fen your style is a little rugged but effective I don't know where you learned how to fight but I think it works. For you Fido, like I said earlier your basics are fine, however, I think you're closer to the start of the development of your own combat style.” Jaune looked like he still had more to say but was cut off when he heard his phone ring

“Did you catch that last part,” Fen said still a little disoriented as he tried to feel out his spine “What was that exactly?”

“I think it was my semblance.” I said a little sceptically “Although I'm not sure what it is exactly.”

“Whatever it is, it sure packs a punch,” Fen said as he stomped on his blade “it still stings you know.” he reached for his white book and place his palm on his chest once more as relief spread through his face

“How many spells are in these two books?” I grabbed the floating black one and opened its pages to find weird symbols

“Actually I'm not entirely sure,” he said trying to reach the end of the black book I was holding

“Guys,” Jaune called and grabbed our attention as he waited in the direction of camp “There's been a Grimm attack on a nearby town! Hurry we need to get Ruby!”

Fen and I both exchanged looks before we nodded and followed him back to camp.

End of Chapter 19
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by HellishK9 »

Nice update :)
Maybe Fox and Grape will also get to use their aura.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

So now we have two armed members on the team. If I may hazard a guess, Grape and Fox will get their own powers in different worlds?
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

HellishK9 wrote:Nice update :)
Maybe Fox and Grape will also get to use their aura.
D-Rock wrote:So now we have two armed members on the team. If I may hazard a guess, Grape and Fox will get their own powers in different worlds?
Maaayybe, Maaayybe not. *places lock on ideas journal* :D :D :D :D
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

This chapter is inspired by Vim and Vigor as well as die from RWBY

Chapter 20
Call of the Faithful

“How far are you guys from the village?” Ruby asked her phone as she led our group through the forest

“Nora and I are about three miles out,” came a male voice for a response “ETA is delayed since we're all the way up in the mountains making it around thirty minutes.”

Jaune drew up the map on his pone “We're almost there, its just beyond this look out point.”

“Alrighty then! We'll see you there, save some for us!” this time a bubbly voice came from Ruby's phone before she cut the connection

Ruby skidded to a halt as she caught a glimpse of a town set to fire “You'd better hurry.”

What greeted us was utter chaos; humans were fleeing in fear as the creatures of Grimm tore apart whatever they came across. Even from here the screams of the humans below could be heard. Innocent lives were being destroyed before my very eyes, something I never thought I'd ever see personally in my lifetime. Just catching a glimpse put a heavy weight on my shoulders. I had the training, both from the academy and Jaune; I needed to do something. Further cementing my resolve was the slight glow my wayfinder started emitting the moment we were close to the town. This only meant that Sabrina was in the vicinity.

Adding to the chaos was a loud screeching that caused everyone to shield their ears from the sound. We looked above and saw a pair of large bird Grimm flying towards the village. Wasting no time Ruby brought out her gun and extended it to its full scythe form before leaping into the air and hooking her giant blade into the bird's wing.

As Ruby rode the bird into town Jaune looked to Fen “We should get going too.” he then began his side down the slope of the look out point

“Right.” Fen jumped down the slope after him

I was about to follow suit but someone grabbed my sleeve “Where do you think you're going?” Fox said keeping a firm grasp

“What does it look like?” I responded shaking off his hand “I'm going to help them.”

“You get an A plus for spirit but really, what can you do? You don't even have a weapon to fight with.” Spo said casually

“Leave it to them Fido.” Grape looked at the town sadly knowing the the four of us were supposed to sit on the sidelines “Its not like we can do anything here.”

I found my hand resting on the wayfinder hanging on my neck “I can't just sit here. Sabrina's down there and I need to reach her. Jaune taught me how to fight he gave me the ability to stand up to those creatures.”

“That doesn't change the fact that you could get hurt out there.” Fox's tone was just as hurt as mine but they were all wrong I could do something

“I'm sorry.” I turned my back on the three of them and jumped after Fen and Jaune

I turned my head to only see them looking at me as I slid down. They didn't move nor did they argue. All they did was watch me go after Fen, Jaune and Ruby.

As I approached the town the screams of terror only got louder while a few townspeople were able to escape on foot. The view from the lookout point did no justice to what I was now seeing. Fires raged, buildings were ravaged, lives forever disturbed.

“WATCH OUT!” I turned to the sound of Fen's voice only to find a giant mole disintegrated mid air to leave behind a floating orb of light

Past the shadows revealed Fen with his blade on the verge of shattering once more “You'll have to be careful, these things burrow around and attack from below.”

“How about the townspeople? Are they safe?” I asked placing my back against his

“That was the last batch,” Fen replied while dispatching two more heartless “according to everyone fleeing that should be it.”

Feeling the ground rumble underneath me I sidestepped and grabbed the mole “My wayfinder says that the wolf is here.” I tossed the mole Fen's way only for him to hack it apart like the other heartless “We should be on guard.”

“HELP! SOMEONE!” Fen and I faced a burning building where the voice came from and we instantly went to work

I ran ahead and tried to open the door, just to find it jammed shut. After a few kicks without it moving, I gabbed a fragment of nearby debris and threw it at the window. Now with an opening to go through I slipped in and immediately found the entire place already covered in smoke.

“Anyone in here!?” I yelled through the coughing

Another pair of coughing came through the smoke “Over here!” from the sound of it the two were in the back most of the house in the kitchen

Following the sound I found two children, one boy and one girl huddled together underneath the sink. The girl I placed on my shoulders and the boy I grabbed his hand as I led them the way I came. To my sheer horror what stood at the doorway was the wolf, witch hat and all, blocking the entry point I had made.

“Get Back!” Fen yelled before a large bolt of lightning blew the wolf away “Go, go!” Fen gestured as he pumped spell after spell at the wolf forcing it to keep its distance

With the way cleared I brought the two children out of the building “Get out of here and don't look back.” I said to the children mid pant

“I'll make sure they're safe.” Fox said catching me off guard as he placed a hand on my shoulder “I swore an oath to protect and serve, it doesn't matter if it wasn't on this world, I still swore.”

“You may be delusional, but you've got heart, can't fault you for that.” came Spo's voice who was beside Grape

“We've got all the stragglers covered,” She said taking the hands to the two kids I rescued “go calm down your girlfriend.”

“Thanks guys.” I said before running back into the fray

As I ducked and dogged through the destruction left by Fen and the shadow wolf I finally found them clashing wits near the town entrance. The wolf must be smarter than it looks since it was keeping its distance while keeping Fen pinned down with its fire breath as to not allow him to shatter his blade. Fen needed an opening desperately and I was the one who could give it to him.

I threw caution to the wind and made my move to tackle the shadow wolf “Sabrina!” I yelled as I completed a lock around its neck with my arms “I know you're in there! Fight it!”

The wolf struggled to throw me off, and while it was occupied with me Fen took his chance as well. After a running start Fen jumped up and prepared to bring his blade down on the wolf to end the fight. However the wolf did something I wasn't expecting. It shot a breath of fire downward causing an explosion around the two of us. The shock wave was enough to push Fen out of the air as well as shake me off. Thanks to my aura I was saved from the worst of the blast but Fen was knocked into a building and separated from his blade which happened to land next to me. The impact from the fall only managed to crack it slightly which meant I could get in a few good swings before it broke.

As I pulled the blade from the ground the shadow wolf was upon me “I know you're in there Sabrina.” I sighed as I readied the blade “I know you don't want to hurt me, and I don't want to have to hurt you too,” the wolf readied its claws “but if I have to then I will.”

Both of us made our charge at the same time; I was brandishing Fen's keyblade while the wolf flashed its claws knowing that the blade's powers weren't mine to control. As I ran I got a good look at its eyes. They were yellow like hers but distorted to a degree where it almost wasn't the same anymore. There was more to it than that as I saw sadness in them. Seeing proof that Sabrina was in there only steeled my resolve. I failed to protect her, but I won't fail in bringing her home.

Even before we clashed I heard Fen's blade crack, but it was far too late to stop now. However when we did clash a blinding light occurred like when I sparred with Fen not too long ago. Once the light died down and my eyes readjusted I was faced to face with a shield with a star on the front. A few seconds passed and the shield lit up before pushing the wolf back and disappearing.

'An aspect of who you are.' echoed Jaune's words bringing light to my three memories

I was wanted to protect those that I loved, which was what lead me to join the K-9 unit in the first place. I loved Sabrina and I was going to do what ever it takes to be with her, nothing could scare me away not even global shame for being the only dog to go out with a cat. It didn't matter what the circumstances were, I was in love with Sabrina D'Angelo and I was going to protect her no matter what.

I had momentum and it was my chance to use it. I brought Fen's blade up to find it heavier than when I first picked it up. When I looked at it I found that I wasn't holding Fen's keyblade anymore; it looked completely different now. Instead of having a rounding guard with spikes covering it, the guard was diamond shaped and lead to a star at the tip of the blade with three edges serving as the key's teeth.

The wolf didn't care for my moment of realization and shot another steady stream of fire. I didn't flinch as another shield appeared to take the hit for me. However instead of disappearing like the last one it took in all the flames and changed shape from a standard shield to a circular one. Acting on impulse I used my blade to launch the shield toward the wolf. The wolf met the shield with its claws but instead of bouncing it back to me the wolf was met with a fiery explosion that knocked it down.

“Nice trick you got there.” Fen approached me while clutching his elbow and surrounded by his books “I have an idea. How many shields can you make?”

“Lets find out!” I said holding out my left hand and summoning up as much of the ethereal shields as I could

All in all ten came out and once he knew that was all he was going to get Fen brought his black book closer. After a breath Fen discharged spell after spell at the shields transforming them into various shapes and sizes. Once he hit all of the shields he nodded at me signaling I was to hit them all.

With all shields turned into projectiles Fen brought up his hand once more as soon as they were close enough to the wolf. At his command all projectiles stopped mid air with clocks just slightly above them.

Fen grinned at me as his blade appeared in his hands once more “Lets finish it off!” he sounded off triumphantly as he jumped on the nearest shield using it as a platform

From there he used the advantage of having platforms surrounding the wolf to both outmaneuver it while placing keyblade strikes as he went. I followed his lead and added my fair share of strikes on various parts of the wolf's body while utilizing the platforms as Fen did. The wolf made several failed attempts to strike back but couldn't since we were easily able to slip away and come back with another strike.

A good few seconds passed before beeping could be heard all around us. Fen backed off and I did the same leaving the wolf in the middle of the shields, that detonated in various elemental blasts once Fen's spell wore off.

To be sure we weren't being overconfident in our victory Fen and I approached the smoke cloud with both our blades at the ready just in case the wolf tried anything. Once the air cleared itself of smoke we found the wolf reverted back to its natural form.

“Let's end this.” Fen raised his blade but stopped once he saw the darkness flowing around the shadow wolf

Both of us backed off as the wolf morphed and stretched. While it had control of Sabrina it was smaller and had a lithe frame. Now we were looking at a beast as it grew to its normal size and exceeded it. Its body leaked power as a new head piece in the form of a blindfold appeared covered its now gray eyes.

With a deafening roar the wolf leaped into the air causing me and Fen to go into defensive mode with our blades at the ready. We expected another heated battle but instead it over shot its jump and landed on a house where the hooded figure stood waiting.

“YOU!?” I yelled in anger before I charged the two figures

I didn't even take three steps before the wolf came down and swatted me into a building effortlessly. Now that I had my aura I expected that I would walk away from the encounter but something was off. The warmth that had surrounded my being had been turned to ice. Despite my aura being down I tried to stand only to find that all my energy was gone.

“I see you've gained a merry band Fenrir.” the hooded figure said mockingly as he glided down to pet the wolf's head “That isn't going to be a problem, my pet grows stronger and when the time is right we will seize your heart. It would be so easy to do it here but it would seem that my pet's current form requires... sustenance. It hungers and who am I to let my pet starve.”

Fen threw his blade at the figure only to have it deflected by the shadow wolf “WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH OUR HEARTS!?” he roared angrily “WHY DO YOU NEED THEM SO BADLY THAT YOU'RE WILLING TO PUT ALL THESE INNOCENT PETS THROUGH ALL THIS!?”

“Its simple really,” the hooded figure laughed as he created another portal “what I seek is freedom.” Not another word was uttered before the figure and the now massive wolf disappeared into the shadows

Fen did his name justice as looked like he was about ready to take on an entire army of Grimm and heartless together, but instead he calmly walked over to me and knelt down to check for injuries.

“Are you okay?” he said offering me a hand

I took it and was brought to my feet albeit shakily “I'm fine, I just feel so cold.”

“Fen, Fido!” Jaune ran in with Fox, Grape and Spo “Are you two alright? These three said you were in trouble so I came as fast as I could but it looks like I was a little late.”

“We're okay. Just give us a minute and we can help finish up here.” Fen said giving my shoulder to Fox

Jaune shook his head “I may have been late but I did hear the last part of your encounter. That was him wasn't it?” he said looking dead at me “That was the one who took your friends?” I nodded “Then you have no time to lose, go after him. Ruby and I can handle things here. Besides Nora and Ren are almost here.”

I looked to Fox and Grape who both nodded as we took out our wayfinders “Thank you for everything Jaune.”

Like before, once we channeled the memories of our friends into the wayfinders a light took over them as the rose to the sky before falling to orbit around Fen's star book. This time however Fen looked to me.

“Would you like the honors Fido?” he said stepping aside

I called out to my blade and it answered my call in a flash of small stars that gathered around my palm before coming together to form my blade. Ignoring the others gaping mouths I pointed the blade at the book and like when Fen did it a light shot out and forced pages from the book to fly out and form a door. A new door appeared and this one had multiple dragon like creatures decorating it.

One by one the others walked through the new door but Jaune stopped me “Wait, before you go I have something for you.” he presented me with a belt that looked like it was meant to go over my shoulder “Its a stash of dust crystals. It can help you in battle or can modify your semblance when you do find it.”

I accepted the gift not telling him that I had already found it already, I didn't want to one up him so for now it was a secret “Thanks Jaune, for everything.”

Once I stepped through the door I was blinded for a brief moment by the same light that greeted us into this world. With my eyes adjusted again I saw that I was now back to my original canine form, which was a huge relief for me. Seeing as they had a head start I had to run to catch up with Fox and the others who, like me, have been returned to their original forms.

“Took ya long enough.” Spo said climbing up to my collar “here I was beginning to think that you enjoyed being a human-pet hybrid thing.”

“Faunus Spo.” I corrected with a laugh

“Ahem!” my laughter was cut short by Fox who had his arms crossed and one of his brows raised “Where have you been?”

“Saying goodbye to Jaune?” I gave him my best smile hoping he wasn't mad at me for leaving him behind

Grape grabbed my collar and sat me down in front of the door forcefully “You and Fen are the only two who can fight, and you're both sleep deprived!? What kind of idiots are you two!? Fen said that you two have been up all night last night sparring. Add that to the fact that you didn't sleep then night we left on this stupid journey then that means the last time you got a decent amount of sleep was two days ago.”

“What?” I pretended not to know what she was talking about “I slept like a pup last night. I don't know what you're talking about.”

Grape gestured to the spot next to me and only then did I realize that I was seated next to Fen who was fast asleep, tongue sticking out and drool dripping. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things but that was real. Peanut wasn't kidding when he said that he snored like a chainsaw that people forgot to shut off. How did the Sandwich family even sleep with him in their house?

“Okay, so maybe a quick power nap wouldn't hurt.” I said as I shifted my weight on to the door “although I'm not sure how I'm going to fall asleep with all that racket going on.”

Despite what I said the moment I leaned the back of my head on the door I felt myself drift instantly to sleep.


End of Chapter 20

Author's notes
I'd like to name Fen and Fido's limit as constellation
Also Fido's Semblance Shields of Faith
and his newfound keyblade:
Last edited by Krytus The Dreamer on Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Pretty good, and now we have a much more capable team. You know, as I know nothing of RWBY, I was in for a complete surprise with this arc. I'm guessing the design on the door is a reference to where they'll be crossing over next? In that case, still no clue where they're going.

Fun scene of Fido and Fen just passing out on the door. Usually leads to the best nap in a while.

Really cool that Fido has a keyblade now. Great design. You know what that means on my end, right? ;)
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

D-Rock wrote:Pretty good, and now we have a much more capable team. You know, as I know nothing of RWBY, I was in for a complete surprise with this arc. I'm guessing the design on the door is a reference to where they'll be crossing over next? In that case, still no clue where they're going.

Fun scene of Fido and Fen just passing out on the door. Usually leads to the best nap in a while.

Really cool that Fido has a keyblade now. Great design. You know what that means on my end, right? ;)
Can't wait for it! and because i already have the major plot points written down and all i really need to do is write it i can give away one keyword for the next world.


its vague and extremely general but the wolf's new form might play into it.
;) ;) ;)
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

I just need tips on the keyblades color.

That hint still doesn't help. Is it possible that I'm not on the internet enough to know? :shock:
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

D-Rock wrote:I just need tips on the keyblades color.
huh, knew i was forgetting something. i actually forgot to think up of one and i don't know yet so for now you can come up with one but if i do come up with one I'll be sure to let you know
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Alright, I'll see what looks good.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

With a new chapter comes a new world, so enjoy. Also part of this chapter was inspired by the soundtrack

Chapter 21
Monster's Paradise

How was I not asleep at this point? Everything was perfect; the sun was shining down on this quiet spot, providing just the right amount of warmth. The continuous flow of the river set just the right amount of ambiance, while the wind brushed through my fur carefully. Despite the perfect conditions for the perfect nap I couldn't bring myself to doze off.

Maybe it was because our friends were still missing, or that after our last world I was still on edge about being in worlds I literally knew nothing about, but I felt that these weren't the right reasons. Something wasn't keeping me awake more like something was missing, something important.

“GRAPE!” there it is, although what was wrong with his voice? “GRAPE! WATCH OUT!”

I felt the ground underneath me vibrate slightly causing me to open my eyes. Instead of seeing the brown dog I knew and loved as Peanut I found a shield with a star just inches away from my own face. With that any hope of falling asleep was crushed instantly.

“FIDO!” I yelled as I stood up

he rubbed the back of his neck bashfully “Sorry about that; I guess I still need a bit more practice.” before raising his hand to dismiss the shield

“I'll say,” Spo said peeking out from his collar “sure the shield came close but close doesn't mean much if you miss it in combat. You, my friend, need to get in touch with your inner Captain America.” I swear that rodent's just asking to be eaten

“Okay, before Spo starts anything else, lunch is ready!” Fox said placing down a tray of fish for me “We've covered quite the bit of distance today, and I say we should take a break for a bit.” he rubbed his hands as he eyed his chicken leg hungrily with Fido doing the same to a slab of steak and Spo to a pile of grains

Before we could even put anything into our mouths our rings started flashing. With a collective groan Fox, Fido and I pointed our rings at each other and projected a holographic Tarot.

“So Tarot, make any progress?” Fido put down his steak slab and waited for her response

She rubbed her temples when she was asked “Ugh, no luck, something's blocking the signal so I can't get through to any of the celestials. Not even King's Kitsune statue works. Sometimes I'm not sure if they're ignoring me on purpose or if they just can't hear me now that dragon's not backing my telepathic powers. Anyway frustrations aside, I just wanted to check if any of you have had better luck tracking down the wolf.”

“Over the past day we've made progress towards the north of this world.” Fox pulled out a crude map he had been drawing on his notepad just in case we might have use for it in the future “Things we should note are that aside from fishes we've come into no contact with other forms of wildlife whatsoever. The only other beings we've seen here are a few straggler heartless that really aren't a threat.”

“The hooded figure did say that the wolf's new form did require sustenance. Maybe its eating anything it comes across?” Fido added as he recalled his recent encounter with the figure

Tarot started scratching her chin “That does seem strange. Also I have noticed that Fen is missing from your group. Where is he?”

“He's scouting the northern area for potential threats.” I said picking up my fish, I was hungry and this fish wasn't going to stay warm forever “He should be calling in through the telepathic link any second now.”

'SPIIIIIIIIDERRRRRRRRRRR! SOMEONE HEEEEEELLLLLLP MEEEEEEEEEE!' Fen's thoughts hit all of us harshly like feedback from a stereo placed right next to our ears

The surprise of Fen's cry for help caused me to drop my fish on the floor, first my nap now this? “Come on we better go help the poor dog.” I stood and was followed by Fox and Fido who were equally annoyed as they had to leave behind their meal as well

“I'll just leave you guys to it then, I wish you all the best.” she smiled as she cut the connection

“What!?” Spo asked as he was swooped up by Fido “Why are we leaving? I just started to get to the good grains!”

Because we've already spent a day hiking through this world's forest we were already used to its twists and turns making it all the more easier to find Fen. Surprisingly enough it was even like being in the forest near Babylon Gardens save for the woodland critters worshiping Zach every waking moment of their lives. It almost made me homesick; I know its only been four days, but its Christmas and I haven't seen mom or dad or even Peanut since we left. It just annoys me that we could all be at home enjoying our presents especially that weird canister thing Peanut got for me. That was the very reason why he was out late the night he met Fen was because he said he was getting it for me.

Pushing my thoughts away I refocused myself on locating Fen, that dog owes me a well cooked salmon to replace the one I dropped. After trudging through the calm forest in the direction Fen used we eventually happened on a deep ravine that had varying dips and climbs to get through, and sure enough we saw Fen running like a coward, his arms flailing as he ran.

“SPIDER!” he stopped waving his arms and pointed to a small cave entrance he had just come from “CAVE! MASSIVE! CHASING ME! HELP!”

“So wait,” Spo rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things “let me make sure that I have this right; that's the dog who was unfazed by a thousand foot drop?”

“Yup” we all groaned collectively

“The same one who charged head first into a wolf witch without batting an eye?” he asked again

“Yup,” we replied with the same tone

“And he's afraid... of Spiders?” he finally brought an end to his barrage of questions

“Apparently.” Fox sighed blatantly

Spo brought his hands together as a smile formed on his face “I think I just got some blackmail ammo to use on this guy.”

“Come on guys,” Fido said looking at us “now I know it looks weird but everyone has their own fe~”

Before Fido could even finish his sentence a giant spider burst through a set of boulders blocking a small entrance into a cave screeching as it did so. It was about as large as a mobile home while its mandibles were as long as a small car and dripped poison as it stalked Fen. The way it moved, and swiveled its legs around looked like it was toying with Fen as he tried desperately to escape it.

Now we could at least see why Fen was afraid of it but he's faced much worse before what was so different about this monster. The dog has literally faced what's basically a demonic manifestation of darkness in the form of a feral wolf. When you compare that to a giant spider that kinda puts things into perspective.

“Why don't you just kill it?” Fox shouted as he watched Fen dodge the spider's mandibles

Fen smashed his blade against a nearby rock “DON'T YOU THINK I'VE ALREADY TRIED TO DO THAT!?” he shot a ball of fire from his palm only to have it slightly graze the spider's outer shell “IT JUST WON'T DIE!” he cried as he began unloading spells that were shrugged off easily as the spider closed in

“Hold on tight Spo, we're going in.” Fido said as he manifested shields that formed stepping stones to help him down

“Waitwaitwaitwait!” he cried “Don't take me with you!”

It was already too late. With the help of his shields Fido managed to place himself just above the spider. Latching himself onto the crystals on the spider's back Fido summoned his blade and tried to repeatedly damage the monster. What Fido was doing only managed to anger it as the spider shook him off easily.

“Grape, look!” Fox pointed my attention at a red cat sneaking dangerously close to the fight “We've got to go stop him now. He could get hurt.” He said starting his climb down

With a roll of my eyes I followed Fox as he climbed down the ravine. Honestly what was wrong with everyone, we have two mutts charging head first into battle, a do-gooder of a K-9 officer, and a cat who thinks its just okay to take a leisurely walk beside a battle with a GIANT SPIDER.

As we got closer to the cat I noticed it was wearing red plated armor with a blue hammer slung across his back. At least this cat wasn't a total idiot, and came all the way out here unarmed and alone.

“Cat,” Fox grabbed the cat's shoulder as he tinkered with a device “What are you doing here? There's a fight going on and you could get hurt.”

“Huh?” he tilted his head confused “Back up's here already? Oh well, the shock trap's ready so do me a favor and call your friends to bring the Nerscylla's attention this way.” Fox and I took a turn to look at the cat confused “The giant spider?” he facepalmed “Don't you rookies read the monster compendium?”

“WATCH OUT!” Fen warned as he was sent flying in our direction denying us of our chance to answer the cat's question and causing us to back away

As he stood up something was wrong. Fen was shaking and convulsing and had to use his blade to stand on his two feet. This wasn't the time to be afraid, the spider was closing in on him.

“What are you still doing there!? Get out of the way!” I yelled as the spider got closer and raised its two mandibles to its full length

Fen struggled to speak as he shook violently “I... can't. Something's.... wrong!”

I noticed the device at Fen's feet. The cat called it a shock trap, and it must've gone off on the wrong target. Which was why Fen couldn't move.

Fido rushed passed me in order to help Fen out of his bind, but it was already too late. The spider had made a cross motion with its mandibles and sent Fen a few feet away only to land on his stomach groaning.

Angered Fido, pulled out a handful of crystals from the belt he had slung over his shoulder. Summoning another set of shields to his side Fido threw one crystal per shield changing its shape and color. Fido then swatted the set of shields at the spider surrounding it in various elemental explosions. Yet after all that the only damage done to the spider was the crystals on its back were now gone.

“Over here!” the cat yelled as he was standing next to yet another device

Since Fido was at the front of the monster's attention right now I rushed in and grabbed his collar. He complained at first but I ignored him as I continued to drag him to the small the device the red cat was waiting by. Once we were close enough I let Fido's collar go.

“Grape what are we doing all the way over here? We're backed into a corner” Fido asked as he noticed the spider approaching quickly

The red cat hunched lower to the ground “All you rookies better time your jump properly. We're bringing this thing in alive.”

“Wait you want that thing alive!?” Spo asked as he sank lower into Fido's collar

As the spider did the same cross motion as it did with Fen all three of us dived out of the way allowing the spider to hit the device the cat had set up directly behind us. Instantly the ground beneath the Spider gave way sinking the beast lower into the ground with a few well placed rocks to keep it struggling.

Directly after the spider sunk into the ground the cat produced three pellets from his armor and threw it at the spider instantly releasing greenish smoke as it hit the ground. Soon the spider's struggles slowed down and eventually came to a halt as the beast was now fast asleep under the pile of ruble.

“There now that wasn't too hard.” The cat said attaching a rope to the ends of the net underneath his trap “I'm Leaf by the way, I should also probably thank your friend. He was the perfect bait to lure out that Nerscylla from its nesting grounds.”

Fido grabbed Leaf by the collar “You used Fen as bait!?” he snarled as he raised his blade to his face “Why!?”

“What?” he asked as he blocked his face “Aren't you the relief I asked for? I thought he was just doing his job.”

“You better hope he's okay or I'll personally make sure you never see the light of day again.” I flashed him my claws to make sure he got the point

“He isn't.” fox said as he brought Fen closer

At first glance we knew instantly something was wrong. Aside from the x shaped injury on his chest Fen was wheezing as he was supported by Fox and his eyes looked distant and unfocused. I felt his forehead with my palm and found it warmer than it should've been.

“He's burning up.” I looked to Fido “What do we do?”

“Fen can't you heal yourself?” he asked as he checked the injury

Fen shook his head “Can't... concentrate. Head... too... fuzzy.”

All three of us shot an angered look at Leaf who was now visibly and understandably worried. The first thing he did was to set down Fen and pull out a jar of green goo. Fido helped Leaf remove Fen's coat as the red cat applied the green slime to the x shaped injury. Understandably Fen reeled from the pain but the cat continued to spread the green goo. Once the jar was emptied Fen's face relaxed a bit; he still looked horrible and wheezed from time to time but it was a definite improvement.

“That's only a quick fix.” Leaf said pulling out a small gun and firing a red flare into the sky “The response team should be here within,” a green flare answered Leaf's red one “three minutes. We'll bring him to the Palico Ranch and have our medics look at him there. Nerscylla venom isn't fast acting so he should have plenty of time.”

With that all Fox, Fido and breathed a sigh of relief. Why couldn't we have gone to a more peaceful world?

End of Chapter 21
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Okay, now we follow Grape. I sympathize with Fen, I did NOT like my first encounter with giant spiders in Skyrim.

So judging from the track you linked, Monster Hunter world? Never played that.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

D-Rock wrote:So judging from the track you linked, Monster Hunter world? Never played that.
You don't have to know a lot anyway since Monster Hunter doesn't do a lot in the plot department. You just play as a hunter that goes on and well hunts monsters for a living
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by HellishK9 »

I wonder what the peeps at Palico Ranch want with that spider?
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Well school is being school and I'm out of sorts because of it, meaning i couldn't focus on my writing. Upside is i did get to focus on some of my sketching. So as consolation for no chapter being up I posted it. Fen's ref sheet takes the format used on Bailey, King, Peanut and Fox with a few extra things from me thrown in i guess. Enjoy

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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

I was curious if that spider would leave a permanent scar.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Here we go, Chapter 22, I'll be honest not a lot happens here but it does set up the next one so enjoy and as always if you have any thoughts you are free to share them

Almost forgot to put the track that helped with the writing of this chapter

Chapter 22

“How's Fen doing?” Fox asked when he noticed Leaf strolling out the healing hut leisurely

“I'm happy to say that the healers managed to give him the antidote.” Leaf announced with a large smile on his face “They just need to stitch the wound closed so we should be getting out of here. C'mon I'll treat you to dinner.”

“Wait why do we need to get out of here?” I looked over to the hut out of concern and instantly a few crashes came from the hut as well as a faint cry coming from Fen

“Well the healers said that Fen looked like the type to struggle during the process. So from the looks of it they look like they're going to need to focus really hard on this one.” Leaf edged us away from the hut and closer towards town

“Why don't they just use anesthetics?” Fido asked as he hesitated to leave Fen's side even more now

Leaf tilted his head fascinated with the word “What's that?”

Fido facepalmed as he remembered that we were on a different world, and a very primitive one at that. Although its not all bad compared to my first time in a primitive setting. Like back with ancient Egypt the stars were clearly visible complemented by the dancing torch lights the town had set up. The scent of food and drinks wafted through the air as hunters and their cat companions gathered around several different outdoor tables recounting their escapades. If I didn't know any better I'd say I'd been transported the the Pridelands world. The only thing ruining the illusion was the humans and the lack of well built, muscular lions in loincloths but I guess this was a close second.

“Ha! That's nothing!” boasted a hunter who threw his mug high “You should've seen the size of the Plesioth I took down a week ago. Puts that Rathalos to shame instantly!”

“You think that's a hunt!? You should've seen the Gore Magala I tracked for weeks!” laughed another hunter from a different table

Spo tucked himself deeper into Fido's collar as we ducked over a waitress serving food to a group of hunters “They're certainly a lively bunch. How do I get them to shut up?”

“I know you; um what do you call yourselves? Otherworlders?” Leaf lead us to a table that seated four and we all took our place

“Yeah lets go with that. You otherworlders don't understand. This town is a hunter centered village, what with the guild being close by and all.” Leaf paused so he could call over a cat waitress “Stories, combined with certain monster parts are the only way you can prove yourself around here, that or the weapon you make out of the monster corpse. Anyway for now I want you to order anything you want; its on me for mistaking you for my back up and landing Fen in danger.”

“Sweet! Quick, get the most expensive looking thing on the menu!” Spo jumped out of Fido's collar and began drooling on some of the dishes

Fido grabbed the mouse and stuffed him back into his collar before the waitress noticed him “Spo, we are not going to bleed him dry. Also try not to expose yourself Leaf might be cool with it but I'd rather not have to explain the concept of other worlds to these people. We're just lucky enough that they think Fox, Fen and I are just deformed looking cats.”

“Wait, so is that why you want the spider alive, to make a weapon out of it?” Fox asked after he placed his order

“Well,” he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly “there's more to it than that. Sure I plan on making a sweet sword and shield that combine into a giant axe from the Nerscylla but for it to be effective in battle I need a constant supply of that venom Fen was hit with. That's why I need it alive. The Palico ranchers handle this sort of thing so you don't need to worry about it getting loose.”

I rolled my eyes as Leaf was basically saying he had a giant pet Spider he was keeping around to milk its venom. Like that wouldn't cause any problems if it got out at all. Then again; it was nice being back in some form of society again. Not having to worry about safety or monster attacks, not having to decided where to set out heads so we can sleep for the night. It was a nice and well needed change of pace.

For the past few days we've been nowhere but forests, forests and more forests. That burning town back in that other world doesn't count since, well, it was riddled with monsters. I already miss my food, my bed, Mom, Dad... Peanut.

“You guys are going to have to excuse me,” Leaf said as he stood from the table to meet a blue cat “My order's just come in and I need to inspect the craftsmanship. Go on ahead eat, I wasn't really hungry anyway.”

Fox, Fido and I shared a shrug as we were served our meals. We were ready to devour our meals but when our plates were set down we stopped in our tracks. The meals were absolutely gigantic. It was as if it was meant for an entire family.

“Did you order these?” I asked the two dogs as I wondered if all they did was toss the fish into a vat of oil instead of actually cooking it

Fox shrugged as he poked his meal “How should I know I couldn't read whatever was on the menu so I just pointed at the pictures.”

We couldn't avoid eating it, we already saw Leaf hand the waitress the money. It would go to complete waste if we just turned it down. I was the first to take a bit out of one side of the fish. I had never tasted anything like it; the way it made my mouth tingle from the saltiness, the crunchiness of the fish. It tasted amazing! The only problem was finishing it without my stomach exploding from all the excess food.

As I continued to literally dig into the fish I overheard a group of human hunters boasting about their hunts. Normally I would've ignored them since I've only been here for three minutes and I've already gotten tired of hunting stories, but something was different.

“I know I said some crazy things about some monsters but this one's the real deal!” he took a swig from his mug slowly, as if he was nursing a wound “It looked like a wolf, but encased in shadows with wings that shot extremely sharp spikes at me. I'm telling you its dangerous!”

Fox and Fido looked like they heard the conversation too since they stopped mid chewing to listen “Yeah right, I think you've just been hit by another Malfestio scale powder again.” his companion mocked him openly

“He isn't kidding! It was huge, it even commands lightning like a Zinogre would, and the weirdest of all was the strange symbol on its chest.” That was the clincher

Before I knew it I was on my feet, right in front of their table and gripping one of the hunters by the shoulder pads of his armor “You! Human tell me where you last saw that monster!” Unknowingly I had caused a scene and a few seconds was all it took for cats and humans to stare at me

“Grape!” Fido grabbed me off the hunter and shot me a stern look “Sorry sir but we were just looking for the monster you described.” he then gestured for Fox to hand over his notepad “By any chance did that symbol look like this?” Fido slid the notepad over to the hunter for him to see what Fen said was the heartless insignia

“That's it alright, but what are you three low ranking palicoes going to do about it? Don't tell me you're planning on hunting it down. That beast will skin you all alive before you even knew what hit you.” he stood up and then looked down on me Fox and Fido

“Sounds a lot like fun!” Leaf, who was now carrying a large package on his back, interrupted the stare down that was just about to take place “So could you tell me where you found this monster?”

His nonchalant question got the crowd to start laughing. From the looks of it, a lot of the hunters knew this was no joke. We could very easily lose our lives in pursuit of such a creature, and Leaf had just asked about it like it was nothing more than a lost woodland critter.

As the laughter continued Leaf's smile never faltered. Instead he reached to the parcel on his back, ripped of the wrappings to reveal a curved black blade with a bony guard and handle as well as a shield sharing the same bony motif with an emerald jewel encrusted into the center. Using one fluid motion Leaf joined the sword and the shield to form an axe to bring down on the table, cutting it in half.

“I'll ask again,” Leaf's smile remained untouched “Where did you find it?”

At this point all laughter had died making Lead the center of attention “Volcanic Hollow,” the hunter said coldly “but this is your last warning, leave it to the professionals of G-rank otherwise you're going to get yourself killed.”

“Well then, its a good thing I am G-rank.” Leaf disassembled the axe and slung the sword and shield onto his back before walking away from the crowd

Fox, Fido and I followed after the red cat, ignoring the giant meal we left behind. I was almost full anyway, besides there was no way I was going to finish it anyway.

As we followed Leaf it was hard to tell if he was angry or just plain excited. He said nothing as we followed him, but kept a pace that we could never lose him in the crowd. It was unsettling to say the least.

It wasn't until we entered a huts did I finally manage to try and speak to him “Leaf?” I started off slowly “Are you alright?” The red cat said nothing as he opened a brown chest and dug through the contents “Hey! Earth to Leaf!”

“Huh, oh sorry Grape,” Leaf pulled his head out of the chest and shoved a pair of swords into my arms “I was just thinking about our strategy.”

“Strategy for what exactly?” Fox asked before what looked like a giant revolver pistol was thrown at him knocking him off his feet and onto his tail

Leaf shut the chest closed and answered us with a smile “We're going hunting.”

End of Chapter 22

just for the sake of showing it off Leaf's Charge blade

and the revolver gun he threw at Fox

I do not own Monster Hunter or its monsters nor do i own Housepets! or its characters. Leaf is a ramdomly generated Palico i took a liking to.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Well, this should be interesting to see. Pretty cool for Leaf to not lose face when destroying that table. Those situations are always fun.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by HellishK9 »

Nice update.
I think they (excluding Leaf and maybe Fen) need a lot of training before they head to Volcanic Hollow.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

This chapter is up early because the following week will be devoted to family reunions on the scale of Bailey and Fox's reunions so i thought i'd get a jump on my load.

Surprisingly this chapter was easy to write because it's mostly battle. For this chapter i tried to make the combat as close as possible to the Monster Hunter gameplay even thinking the telepathic link was some kind of in game chat. anyway i used the tracks of the Zinogre battle theme from Monster Hunter and The Corrupted battle theme from Kingdom Hearts as inspiration or this boss battle


Chapter 23
Dream Sunderer's Wings

'Alright Fen, any sightings on the monster.' Fido asked over the telepathic link

' Guys do I really have to stay up here on the Dragon's Eye, and does Spo have to stay with me too?' Responded Fen, finally being at least well enough to see straight

'Be glad that you don't have to go inside the volcano. Oh dog, its hot in here.' Even though Fox's voice came over the link I could tell he was worn down, and I didn't blame him, in order to combat the heat all Leaf did was give us all cold drinks

'Alright, alright, fine.' As Fen surveyed the area, images flashed through the mental link giving me a birds eye view of the volcano 'I've got nothing yet. So you can bet the wolf's still down there. Of course if you guys think you're in trouble I could always come down and help.'

I glared at the blimp even if I knew he couldn't see me 'Don't you even think about it! You said it yourself your spell wasn't good enough to heal something that extensively damaged. If you want to go down that badly put on the armor Leaf left for you first, and then we'll talk.' A few seconds went by before I heard Fen's pained screams come down from the blimp 'Yeah that's what I thought.'

“That sounds like Fen, is he in trouble?” Leaf unsheathed his sword and shield as he went into defensive mode

I tapped his shoulder as if to relieve him from duty “Nah, that dog's just being an idiot again.”

Once Leaf unsheathed his weapons the two of us went back to moving into position. Thanks to the wayfinders we were able to pinpoint the wolf's location more accurately. With that in mind Leaf decided to split our group into three so that we could surround the wolf and make sure it had no means of escape.

“Alright Grape which way?” Leaf pointed to a pair of cave openings that created a fork in the path

I held out my wayfinder and it pointed me left “You know you seem pretty okay with all of this. On our world its pretty much the norm but here I'm not so sure.”

“Well I'm not so sure about the mystical stuff but my world's just as absurd,” he laughed, as if he wasn't about to dive headfirst into a battle “I mean if you get me started on the Shah Dalamadur you will not hear me stop. Besides being a hunter is all about being adaptable anyway. Just take everything at face value first then worry about the less important details later. I owe you guys so this is going to be my apology.”

As Leaf said those words I found my wayfinder glow's strengthened. I wasn't sure if it was because the wolf was near or because Leaf's words reminded me of Peanut. He took everything at face value too, that's why the supernatural things never bothered him in the first place. I couldn't help but wonder what was happening inside the wolf where Peanut's heart was being kept. Did he see all that was happening, did he know what the wolf was using him for? I owe that dog a lot of things, for being my close friend, for being the one who kept me company almost always, for being my brother.

'I see the wolf, and am in position.'
Fox sent an image through the telepathic link

Another image came again, this time from Fido 'Same here, we're both good to go.'

“Fox and Fido are in position.” I called over to Leaf “Connecting you to the link now.” I placed a hand on Leaf's shoulder

'Is this how it works?' Leaf said both aloud and in his mind too

'Just think it,' I responded mentally 'the telepathic link is all about the mind, don't think about it too hard.'

Leaf took a moment to perfumey poultine the image of the wolf digging and sniffing at an old carcass of a long dead monster 'From the looks of it the beast is searching for food. Let's go over our basic strategy one more time.'

Before we left the village Leaf asked us to tell him what we were capable of, so that he could formulate the most effective strategy to face the wolf in battle. Using that knowledge Leaf assigned weapons and different roles to each of us.

'My aura protects me far better than any armor we have, that combined with my keyblade makes me the perfect candidate to engage the wolf head on.' Fido recited what he remembered from Leaf's battle plan

Next was Fox 'Since I followed my dad sometimes to a firing range, and had some basic shooting training at the academy I will use the heavy bow gun to keep a good distance and provide cover fire wherever and whenever needed.'

'That leaves us,' I said at last 'I can move fast, and have a good swinging arm, so my tactics with the dual swords is hit and run. I should always be near Leaf so that if I get into trouble I can duck behind his shield.'

'Good, I know the basic training I gave all of you on our way here was minimal at best, but we don't have much of a choice. That monster is unpredictable and has no specific native land. So if we lose the monster here, it might be some time before we find it again. Stick to your strengths and my strategy, and we may come out of this on top; good luck.'
Leaf looked at me and nodded as I cut the link

With our weapons at the ready Leaf and I rounded the corner to see the wolf up close. Fen and Fido weren't kidding when they said the wolf was huge, it was easily twice the size of mom and dad's car and easily out classed Miles when it came to physique. It eyes were covered by what looked like a blindfold, but that didn't make it any less scarier. The wings on its back slowly unfurling to its full length, filled with spikes that looked sharp enough to cut through even the armor Leaf lent to us. This thing truly did deserve the title of monster.

The grip I had on my twin blades tightened as I saw Fido in the distance readying his blade and shield. However before I could focus myself I felt Leaf's hand grab my shoulder as he whispered urgently.

“Call it off!”

“What!?” I responded in the same volume

“Call it off,” he repeated “something's coming!”

I looked back and saw Fido about ready to charge 'Fido stop!' I shouted through the mental link

Fido did as he was told and stopped. Before he could ask me why his eyes widened causing him to dive back into cover. What caused Leaf to call off the attack, and force Fido back into hiding was a giant monster that looked strangely like a T-Rex, only spikier and with a blue tint added to its elongated tail.

The T-Rex confronted the shadow wolf and roared to announce its dominance. The wolf, to my surprise actually grew a smile on its face before shifting its stance to a combat ready one. That was why Leaf called it off, taking on the wolf was going to be hard enough, but with the appearance of the T-Rex, it just wasn't that simple anymore.

The T-Rex was the first to act as it brought its tail into its mouth to bite onto “That's a Glavenus, a creature that has a tail so sharp it might as well be a sword. It bites on its tail to sharpen it and with the sulfur it gets from biting its tail it can breathe fire.” Leaf whispered to explain what was going on

Sparks shot from the tail as the Glavenus swung it around in an attempt to cut up the wolf. The wolf ducked low and unfurled its wings to take flight while launching a barrage of spikes that rained on the Glavenus. Once the spikes struck deep into the T-Rex looking beast the wolf howled calling lightning from its body to rain down into the spikes it had sent into the Glavenus.

Even though it was injured the Glavenus did not back down as it bit down on its tail once more. The smile on the wolf only grew as it swooped down and knocked its opponent onto its side. As the Glavenus struggled to get up the wolf grabbed onto its neck with its maw. I looked away for the next part but all I heard was a snap and when I looked back the Glavenus wasn't moving anymore.

With its prey down the wolf leaned over to the carcass and began to feed. As it did I saw the beast grow in size almost to the point where it rivaled the Glavenus it had just conquered. Its tail sharpened to a point, its wings extended, but the one detail that threw me off was the track of tears that was spilling over one eye. At that instance the glow from my wayfinder exploded with light like it was a lighthouse hanging from my neck. This only meant that, that wolf was using Peanut's heart.

That wasn't the Peanut I knew, he could never bring harm to another being. Those tears meant that Peanut was in there somewhere, and he was experiencing everything. That alone was enough to drive me over the edge. Peanut never deserved this, he should've never had to experience something like this.

I gripped my two blades tight as I ran towards the shadow wolf as it fed “GRAPE STOP!” Leaf called from behind me, but I didn't care not a single bit

Once I was within striking range I brought both swords up high and tried to bring them down, but the wolf's wing scales protected its hide and left me wide open. With its front claw raised the wolf would've struck me right then and there if it weren't for the shield I saw forming to protect me.

The wolf's claw met with the shield, only for it to glow before exploding and sending the wolf reeling back. It would've charged again but a barrage of gunshots rang loud and ice encased the wolf's back and wings.

“GET OUT OF THERE!” Fox yelled from his vantage perch as he ejected the empty round and loaded a second one before taking aim once more

Before I knew it I felt Leaf's hand grab my arm and pull me away from the fray. The moment we we re far enough Fido sent a flurry of differently colored shields flying in the direction of the still stunned wolf. Unfortunately since we were in a volcano, the ice on the wolf's back gave way easily allowing it ample time to send itself skyward with a flap of its wings.

Leaf knew what was happening next and raised his shield to protect both of us. Right on point the wolf sent a rain of spikes that bounced harmlessly of Leaf's shield and Fido's aura, allowing him to charge into battle unburdened by danger.

After summoning a set of shields to act as platforms Fido jumped over each of them and grabbed onto the wolf mid air. While Fido hung on tight the wolf tried desperately to shake Fido off, but that left everyone else open to do their own thing. Fox took the opportunity to unload another round of bullets onto the wolf's back while Leaf was already hard at work predicting where the wolf would land.

Eventually Fox and Fido was able to deal enough damage to the wolf to send it crashing back down into the earth, where Leaf and I were waiting with swords drawn and giant axe at the ready. While the wolf struggled to regain its stance all of us were free to let loose all our attacks on the wolf. However its wings were wrapped around its torso so we first had to get through those.

“Back off! Its getting back up!” Leaf yelled disassembling his axe into a sword and shield to raise in defense

As Leaf said the wolf had gotten up on its legs and howled loudly before ascending into the air. Instead of raining another volley of Spikes the wolf took the opportunity to fly off through the tunnels and out of the general area.

“Alright, we're doing some damage!” Leaf cheered in the midst of doing a bunch of tasks “We regroup first before we go after it. Grape, your blade needs a sharpening, get on that, also take this for any cuts I wasn't able to cover for. Fido, you're out of breath, here drink this. FOX MAKE SURE YOU DON'T OVERHEAT THE CHAMBER!” he yelled before giving me a whetstone and a jar of green goo while Fido got a jar containing an orange mixture

As I applied the goo to my minor injuries and sharpened my swords I couldn't help but notice Leaf at work. First Leaf took out the same green goo he gave to me, and applied it to various cuts and bruises where his armor couldn't protect. Then he proceeded to sharpen his blade before finally replacing a vial on the hilt of the sword with a new one. No doubt that was the poison vials he was talking about.

Leaf did each task without pausing to think about what he needed to do next. The way he carried out each individual task quickly and without messing up here and there really spoke volumes of how good he was. Clearly these were the signs of a seasoned pro.

“Alright team, move out!” he said as he slung the sword and shield onto his back once more “Grape, where is the monster?”

“Right,” I responded before accessing the telepathic link 'Fen the wolf escaped, is it on the surface?'

'I-I'm on it,' it wasn't long before another visual feedback was sent to us 'Nothing yet but I'll keep you guys post~ OH DOG!' The blimp shook causing Fen to look behind him only to be confronted with the shadow wolf attacking the furnace that kept the blimp floating

Fido looked at me in horror, obviously he saw what I did too “Leaf we need to hurry, the wolf attacked the Dragon's eye; its got Fen! Judging from the trajectory I think it might've hit the peak of this volcano.”

“Then we've got no time to lose.” he scratched his chin as he tried recalling the passages and which one would lead us to the top “This way. Fox, go back the way you came and take a right, stick to that path and do not take any turns, that should lead you to the summit! You'll get there before us so you need to be cautious. Do not draw too much attention to yourself.”

With that Fox nodded and slung the giant gun on his back before taking off into the tunnels. Now that Fen was on the line once more Fido, Leaf and I had to double our pace. I tried to contact Fen through the link but he wasn't responding to any of my attempts. The only thing we could do now was to quicken our pace through the maze like structure of the tunnels in this volcano.

After enough twists and turns, Leaf eventually managed to lead us up to the summit where Fen was already running like crazy with Fox already positioning himself a good distance from the wolf.

“CAN'T YOU RUN ANY FASTER!” Spo yelled in a panic since he could only watch as the wolf closed in on them slowly

Fen, while doing the best that he could, was barely getting away from the wolf as it interchanged shooting, fire and lightning at him “Get cut across the chest, go through surgery without anesthetics, run for yourself, THEN YOU CAN COMPLAIN!”

Fido came to their rescue and intercepted the wolf with a larger version of his shield. Since it was airborne and Fido was able to time his movement perfectly, the wolf wasn't able to turn and slammed head first into the shield. Like before, it lit up before exploding to send the wolf back. Unfortunately Fido was caught up in the explosion and was sent reeling over the cliff. On impulse I rushed over to the cliff the check if he was alright, thankfully he used his keyblade to anchor himself to the cliff, so he was fine for now.

This time Leaf took the stand and combined his sword and shield once more to make a charge. I readied my two swords as I joined followed his lead.

“HOP ON!” he said lowering the face of his axe to the ground

I did as I was told and jumped onto it. With a mighty heave Leaf sent me flying in the direction of the wolf, who was still recovering from the shield blast. Adjusting the grip on my blades I managed to make myself spin a little adding to the momentum of my slashes.

When my blades made contact I felt the swords vibrate as I slid it across the wolf's wing scales, effectively removing some of them as I went along. I landed with a skid to see Leaf following up my attack with one of his own. He pressed a button on the handle of his axe causing the blade to expand and let of steam. As he swung it around for more momentum the shield began to spin, and when Leaf had enough force he brought the spinning axe blade down on the Wolf.

Leaf's spinning axe blade met with the wolf's tail, catching the red cat off guard. With Leaf's only weapon and means of defense preoccupied the wolf raised its wing and slashed horizontally separating Leaf from his weapon.

I rushed over to Leaf's position trying to get him to move, but it was no good. That last blow dazed him and I had to move him ASAP. Sadly the wolf was on top of us ready to strike with its sword like tail.

“HEY!” Fen's keyblade sliced through the air and impacted the wolf's face causing the blade to shatter instantly

Fen's keyblade bought Fox enough time to roll in front of the wolf and point the barrel of his gun at the wolf. Time seemed to slow down as Fox pulled the trigger and fired a shot from a point blank range. The bullet left the chamber and exploded against the Wolf's chest creating ice that was now harder to melt since we were farther from the volcanic magma. That however wasn't enough and the wolf swatted fox aside. Luckily Fox was able to raise his gun to absorb the worst of the blow.

With Fox out of the way the wolf raised its claws to strike once more, but was stopped by a wall made of hexagons. To my surprise Fen was already by Leaf's side with a lotus blooming above the red cat's head, sprinkling its pollen down to heal his injuries.

Now that Leaf was taken care of my attention returned to the wolf as it battered down the hexagon wall, then I noticed something. Fen's keyblade damaged the blindfold that was covering its eyes, and now it was clear to see. Peanut's eyes, the left one was crying profusely. It remained soulless and dull gray but that single track of tears said otherwise.

I felt my rage rekindle itself as the grip on my blades tightened once more. Cracks began to form on the hexagon wall and I could already tell Fen was struggling to keep it standing, but I could use that to my advantage. I took a stance with both my blades raised high. The moment the barrier shattered I rushed through it throwing caution to the wind. It was idiotic, it was senseless, there probably was a better way, but I just didn't care.

I didn't care if all the strikes I was making with my two blades were bouncing off harmlessly, I didn't care that I felt the main handed sword shatter from the pressure I was putting on it. I kept swinging, and swinging even with the damaged sword.

I have had it with this impostor. There was no way that this was Peanut, there was no way that this was his strength. Peanut was kind, he was considerate, this shadow of a monster insulted Peanut's very name by even existing.

When I started to wear myself down I brought both blades up to bring them down sending the wolf skidding backwards, and then I noticed something. The beast was set a blaze with a fire that matched the color of my fur. I looked at the swords in my hands and then did I notice the main handed one was replaced with a strange looking blade.

Its purple guard was rounded around the black handle. Topping the guard was a pair of blue wings that still caught purple flames. This was my keyblade. I could feel myself smile, because I was about to make the beast pay for keeping Peanut locked up inside itself.

While the wolf was still trying to recover from my flurry of blows I ran straight for it. It saw me moving towards it and swung its wings, which I dodged by jumping. However instead of my normal jump I felt myself move higher up. Using that to my advantage I used the wolf's head as a stepping stone to jump higher. While it was still disoriented I spun myself again and landed another set of blows to the wolf, followed by another flurry of slashes that set the wolf on purple blaze once more. The fire continued to consume the beast and its shadows, shrinking it down back to its normal size. It took a moment but once the fire died down and the smoke settled what was left of the giant wolf beast was only the wolf we saw the night we began our journey.

“Remind me never to make you mad ever again.” Leaf laughed as he moved to pick up his sword and shield “In any case,” a smile grew on his face as he lowered himself “QUEST COMPLETE!” he cheered as he jumped onto an unsuspecting Fen

“DUDE! SCARS! GET THE HOWL OFF ME!” Fen snarled as immediately pushed Leaf of of him

“I would complain that I'm the only left,” Fox said feeling out his spine “but I'm just happy I was able to do something this time.”

“Don't say that Fox, you were plenty of help last time in helping to evacuate the village.” Fido he patted Fox's shoulder in an attempt to cheer him up

“THATS ENOUGH!” at the sound of that all too familiar voice the skies darkened “I HAVE BEEN TOLERANT, BUT THIS HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH!”

I saw Fen's eyes widen in horror as he rushed over to the wolf with his blade in hand. Fen raised his keyblade to finish off the beast but a whirlwind made of shadows sent Fen flying back to us. From the whirlwind of shadows stepped the shadow wolf, this time it was standing on its hind legs with a scythe in tow while a black crown decorating its head. The wolf's now steely light blue eyes were focused on us before turning around and walking into a portal made of shadows.

“THIS WILL BE YOUR FINAL WARNING FENRIR! FOLLOW THROUGH THE GATE ONCE MORE AND THERE WILL BE DIRE CONSEQUENCES!” The hooded figure's voice rang through out the area with no particular point of origin

Once the wolf stepped through the portal, it began to shrink “NOT THIS TIME!” Fen yelled as he threw the star book into the portal and aimed his keyblade at it

As it does when opening a portal Fen's blade shot forth a beam of light that hit the star book as it entered the portal. The result was a door depicting a triangle surrounded by all sorts of weird shapes coming to form. Fen looked to all of us before proceeding to the front of the door.

“Sorry Leaf but we have to go.” I said as I began to undo the straps of the sword sheathes

He stopped me and Fox from returning the weapons “No. You have more pressing concerns. Keep them, I'm sure you'll need it in the future.” He edged Fox and I closer to Fen and Fido as the both waited by the door “Good luck!” he yelled as Fen opened the door and gave chase.

End of Chapter 23

I'll admit I seriously had no idea on what to do with Grape's keyblade, but then i remembered she was originally supposed to be Pete's avatar but was cut off by Dragon so i decided to design it around that. Sadly there's no picture of Grape's Keyblade because the scanner on my printer isn't working (OH DOG WHY!? :cry: :cry: :cry: )

and i was planning on revealing Fenrir dressed as Zabivaka ( the Russian mascot for FIFA 2018 for Halloween too
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by HellishK9 »

Awesome Update! :D
Peanuts wolf/shadow form is epic! It's reassuring how Grape can tell the wolf is Peanut just from the tears though.
I wonder where the portal will take them next?
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Definitely felt her fury here. And yeah, I've dealt with scanner issues before, those were terrible times.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

HellishK9 wrote:Awesome Update! :D
Peanuts wolf/shadow form is epic! It's reassuring how Grape can tell the wolf is Peanut just from the tears though.
I wonder where the portal will take them next?
Thanks! This shadow form was actually the one that took me the longest to conceptualize since Peanut rarely did anything combat related or something that could be used offensively. Then i remembered that Peanut was very devoted to his imaginate sessions. Taking that into account i made it so the wolf would take on traits from monsters it devoured (Spikes+wings = Seregios, ability to control lightning = Zinogre, Sword-tail + fire breath = recently devoured Glavenus). This is also why the wolf gets a blindfold since the paper bag covers their eyes whenever they imaginate, a blindfold just looks more appropriate and not out of place.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Wow, would never have pieced the concept together like that.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »


Just a quick update since i got the scanner fixed. Also, just as a fun fact this keyblade makes anything it comes into contact with lighter weight wise which makes Grape able to jump higher and topple foes many times her size since when they come into contact with the blade they become a lighter as well. I also included Grape's off handed sword
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Pretty cool, and sounds like it could easily be an overpowered keyblade. Still, looks great. I was rarely ever to get wings to look good, myself.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

D-Rock wrote:Pretty cool, and sounds like it could easily be an overpowered keyblade. Still, looks great. I was rarely ever to get wings to look good, myself.
I guess the drawbacks included short blade range compared to Fen and Fido as well as the damage the blade can do. Also i guess Grape is easily knocked over or sent flying more often because she wasn't that heavy to begin with. And yeah wing consistency is really hard to get right took me some time to get the wings right.
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

Don't you just hate it when you're all ready to write stuff or do something creative or productive you suddenly just get Writer's block out of nowhere. Anyway i survived it and in the process of trying to get over writer's block i drew these, the world logos for RWBY and Monster Hunter


As for the inspiration i drew it from the Kingdom Hearts Theme Roxas ... A&index=20


Chapter 24

My hand grabbed the doorknob slowly as I met with the others' eyes onCe more. After spending the lAst few minutes helping the others recover from their own injuries we came to an agreement that we were to go into this new world cautiously. The last fight that we had been in really took its toll on them meaning we were in no condition to face that shadow wolf head on. There was no other choice I had to let the others rest a little more so the could at least stand a chance against the wolf.

Out of all of us Fox was the one in best hEalth, the most that he took on was a bruise welling up the side of his stomach, which was eaSily fixed with one of my spells. Grape, thanks to both Leaf and Fido, walked away with many but easily healed cuts on her arms and legs. Fido however was not as well off; he may not show it but I could see him sagging his shoulders, walking slower, breathing harder. That aura of his is protecting him sure but its taking a lot out of him just to maintain the barrier. He's tired, slowing down and if he faces the wolf in that condition he's just asking for trouble.

“Are you guys sure you're doing alright?” I asked the three as they cautiously looked at the still closed door

That hooded figure warned us about coming through the portAl one more time. He said dire consequences awaited me if I did so. I very well couldn't ignore the three hearts he had taken from these pets but I couldn't lead the otheRs into a trap either. They were tired and injured if it turns out to be a trap which it might as well be how can I be sure that I can bring them all back home safely? I needed to be sure that they could still handle a little more danger.

“We're as ready as we'll ever be,” Fido hid his exhaustion behind a smile “don't worry about us, we can handle ourselves just fine. Maybe we'll even get lucky and find a nice place for us to lay our heads down and rest.”

“Yeah and while we're at it why don't we just ask the celestial demigods for a nice hotel reservation. Complete with spa and food buffet at our beck and call.” Grape laughed at the thought

“Come on,” Fox folded his arms at Grape's sarcasm “I'm sure it won't be all bad.”

After what Fox said Spo peeked out of his collar “Hey now don't jinx it. I'd like to actually see Babylon Gardens again.”

“We all would.” I sighed as I twisted the knob to the door

With one final breath coming in and out I steeled my self and pulled the door wide open. The moment I stepped through I had to admit I was completely and utterly underwhelmed. I wasn't sure what I expected but I was pretty sure convenience store was one of the lowest ones.

From the looks of it no one has been in here for ages. The maChines were outdated and clearly unused, the contents of the shelves were tossed and scattered about, as if someone had just started the mother of all food fights whIch explained all to well the smell of rotten food and drinks drifting through the air.

Fox flicked the lights and after a few moments it slowly came up “Well the lights still work, do we spend the night in here? The smell's somewhat bearable if you want to have a roof over your head tonight.”

“We should probably avoid the stuff on the shelves, and stick to our stash of food.” Grape took a sniff at one of the jelly doughnuts and reeled from the stench

“Maybe we should stay in here,” I said as I looked out the window to see the moon well above our heads “It's way past sundown and with the hooded figure threatening death to us I think its a safe bet to stay inside for what good it'll do.”

Fox, Grape and Fido all joined me to look at the outside area. Sure enough there wasn't a shred of detail that looked out of the ordinary. The forest wasn't too far off and from the looks of it a town was the same distance as well. Dare I say it maybe we actually landed on a world with nothing absolutely absurd happening around it. No Grimm, no heartless, and most imPortantly no giant spiders.

As all four of us started to let our guard down I noticed something in the reflection. When I squinted my eyes I saw an elderly couple looking at us cautiously as if they were debating if we were a threat. I turned around and saw no one there.

“Guys maybe you should check this out.” Grape said as she looked at the floor behind the cash register

Fox was first to get a closer look followed by Fido “Its an old chalk line. I guess a crime was committed here, but its already been looked over by the local Police department since there aren't any police tape lying around.”

“Well its heartwarming to know this place was someone's dying place.” Spo jumped off of Fido's collar and had his own look around of the place

Reluctantly I moved closer only to see the chalk outline of two figures that matcHed the couple I saw. As I reeled back from the discovery I noticed my reflEction in the glass window had changed. Instead of having fur or even flesh I was all bones still somehow moving even with the lack of muscle tissue.

“OKAY!” I yelled as I made for the door “I AM NOT STAYING HERE FOR THE NIGHT!”

Fido turned to face me with a confused look on his face “What are you talking abo~” at that he froze mid sentence a look of disbelief plaguing his eyes

Fox, Grape and Spo soon joined Fido making me nervous as to what was behind me. I took a deep breath and turned around. In the reflection of the door was the same eldeRly couple, the man wore an apron with a tag that said Pa, and the other wore a sweater with a tag that said Ma.

“Maybe they're friendly.” Fido suggested as he loosened his collar to breathe “I did meet a ghost once that just wanted to protect his treasure.”

Spo instantly climbed back up to Fido's collar in record setting pace “Oh what should we ask them if they wanted some tea or something?” At Spo's sarcastic comment a nearby dispenser went off splashing melted, expired smoothies everywhere

Instantly Grape ran to the door “Guys! We're locked in!” She started banging the door with her fists

Since I was already desperate to get out of this place I summoned my blade in a flash of radiating light around my palm. When the blade was fully formed I pointed it at the door and like summoning the light bridge doors a light shot out from the tip of the blade and melded with the door. The locks instantly undid themselves opening the doors wide for our escape.

“Wait, that worked!?” Spo looked at the door in disbelief “HOW!?”

“Are you really questioning why? Besides its named a keyblade for a reason.” Fido was the last one out the door before I shut it and followed the others into the forest

When I rejoined the others in the forest all of them were trying to regain their breath. Seriously can we for once just land in a world that doesn't have something crazy going on.

The place where we had stopped for a rest was a clearing with multiple trees surrounding the area with a convenient stream flowing through the middle of it all. Since it was nighttime the air was cooler with a gentle breeze passing through every now and then. This made the temperature just right for falling asleep on the spot.

Fox looked around before calling our attention “Since sleeping in there is clearly not an option I'll take first watch. You should all eat and get some shut eye. We'll contact Tarot in the morning.” Fido looked like he was about to argue but even he had to admit he was already running on fumes, we all were.

After my incredibly rushed meal, I took off mom's coat and used it as a blanket to cover myself as I rested my back on a nearby tree. We've been gone for what almost a week now. It bothers me when I think how the others might be doing, spending all this time away from their friends and family. And for what, we didn't really make any leeway into what the hooded figure's plan is nor are we any closer to getting our friend's hearts back. Shrugging off those kinds of thoughts for now, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall into slumber.

Darkness was all I saw as I drifted through the void. There was no sound, nor was there anything to give me some form of direction. This was strange, I half expected the spider that gave me the scar to pop out from behind me to turn this into a nightmare. My dreams were unpredictable sure but at least there was something. This was nothing but inky black darkness.

As I continued to drift familiar voices drifted to and from various directions and different volumes. There so many coming and going that it was hard to keep track of it all. Despite the multitude of voices I could make our some. If I concentrated I could pick out mom's voice, along with Fido's, King's, and even dad's voice. There were even voices I didn't recognize, one was both tired but filled with joy at the same time, another one was filled with wonder and sniffled a lot like it was crying.

The more I continued to follow the one direction I chose, images like moving pictures began to appear. Each one showed first person visions of things I had done before. Were these my memories? Each one was so accurate that I could have sworn I was living through the memories again but one image threw me off. It was brief, and clouded but enough to catch my attention. All I could make out was a white imposing figure that seemed to be missing its right arm as his other giant hand reached out to me.

All these images and voices were heartwarming and all but what did they all mean and why was I seeing them all now?

“Aw poor Fang's confused,” a high pitched voice echoed through the darkness “why don't we fix that?”

The sound of finger snapping filled the void and the circular tower where I had first encountered the shadow wolf appeared at my feet. Stunned I instinctively looked around for the voice that had called the tower into my dreams. I don't even know why I bothered anymore, these people like to keep themselves shrouded in darkness why bother looking for them?

“Aw come on Fang,” a triangular figure appeared before me and tipped its tiny top hat as a greeting “don't be like that. I spent all this time trying to get in here and this is my welcoming committee?” he gestured to the multiple images wondering about the void “It wasn't easy I tell ya, not with all your sappy memories to dig through. Don't you get lonely in here?”

I took a step back, okay clearly I ate something spoiled or the fumes from the store were messing with my head “Who are you,” I asked the small yellow triangle “and where are we?”

“Name's Bill Cipher. Nice to meet ya Fang.” he extended his oddly simplistic hand

“Okay first, its not Fang its Fenrir, and what, is this; my dream?” I took another step back, I know I just met the guy but speaking from previous experience people i meet here aren't the most morally upright people i know

“Can't you tell?” he laughed as he circled me “This is your heart, well to be more specific, the metaphysical realm where your memories and emotions meet together in harmony. Its just a hop skip and a jump from the dreamscape which is why I'm here.”

“And you're here because?” I hid my hand behind my back and summoned my keyblade just in case he was about to try something

Bill disappeared and reappeared behind me, catching me off guard enough to steal my blade from my hands “Today's your lucky day Fang, I'm here to help you. Being someone with eyes almost everywhere I can safely say I know your situation.” he threw the keyblade back into my hands

“You do?” I took a step back, this guy was starting to creep me out

“Of course I do, I mean I did just dig through your memories to get here.” he disappeared and reappeared to put his arm around me “So tell ya what, I'm here to cut you a deal.” he clapped his hands and from the multiple images surrounding the tower a few came to be in front of us

My eyes widened when I noticed all of them were of me and mom “Poor little dog, made a great sacrifice for the one he loves.” he made a tissue appear and blew on it “Separated not by force but by choice for a better life for her. Will mother and son be reunited once again, and if so will it be on better terms? Its enough to make someone shed some tears.” he threw the tissue away for it to burst in blue flames “Well I can make that happen. Picture it, the reunion of your dreams and enough money so that the two of you'll never be separated again. Your life back to the way it was before any of this ever happened.”

“What do you want?” I surprised myself by how fast i asked that question, but I was unable to take my eyes of the memories floating close by

“Its simple,” he shrugged as he pulled images of Grape, Fido and Fox closer “all I want is for you to follow me and leave them behind.”

I pulled away from Bill “I-I, can't, they still need me. I need to make sure that they all get home safely.”

“Not from what I've seen.” he pulled Fido's picture closer “This one was the first to awaken, and sure the two of you shouldered the burden of fighting for a while but that didn't last long.” Bill snapped and image of Grape came by “In that last fight all you did was stand back and watch, and in that same fight the cat awakened her powers too and the other one is close to awakening as well.” I felt my hand move closer to the scar on my chest “You see; they're going to be fine. Go be with your mother, its all you've ever wanted right? All you need to do is open this door and follow me through it.” a plain white door with a sign that said 'enter' appeared “Do we have a deal?” he extended his hand as it coated itself in blue flames

As I reached for Bill's flaming hand my mind started to clutter with thoughts about mom. How has she been? How long has it been since I've seen her? Can I finally be by her side once again? At that point the voices in my head had started to grow louder. Each waging war over the other to be the loudest.


'My brave, handsome and caring dog,'

'King hang in there!'

'I sometimes miss the dull eyed pup from the pound,'

'Please tell me everything.'

I fell to my knees, he was offering the chance to go see her again. See mom again. How could I possibly refuse, but I promised to protect them, to bring all of them home safely.

'but when I look into your eyes,'

'everything can be explained later but Sabrina takes priority.'

'I can see these eyes matured from those.'

'You saved my life, its the least I could do.'

'I love you, I wish I could still be the one to take care of you.'

They don't need me anymore. They can handle themselves now and with my injuries all I am to them now is just a burden.

'King, please you have to live through this.'

'However no matter how hard I try, its just not possible anymore.'

'What about our pups!?'

'Please be safe out there.'

No! I made a promise, that shadow wolf is still out there. The hearts haven't returned to their rightful owners yet, my work isn't done here.

'We were supposed to take care of them together.'

'and no matter what please don't forget me. Okay?'

'Please you have to live through this!'

The glow of Bill's hand caught my eye one more time. This was my chance, my one chance to see her again without having to worry about weighing mom down with the cost of money. If Bill held up his end of the bargain I could be with mom again. Its all I've ever wanted.

'Goodbye Fen.'

'Goodbye mom.'

Blue flames enveloped my hand as I shook Bill's. I could only shut my eyes in complete shame, as I painfully heaved


When I looked up Bill was no longer around and neither are the images and voices. Directly in front of me was the same plain white door with a sign that said enter. Wiping my eyes I made my way towards the door. Slowly I placed my hand on the knob and after one more breath coming in and going out I opened it.

Catching me off guard was a flood of shadows that poured from the opening I created. The current knocked me off my feet and had me pinned to the stain glass that was starting to crack from the pressure being placed on it. As I began to panic Bill reappeared and waved me goodbye.

End of Chapter 24

I don't own Gravity Falls, Bill or Housepets! and its Characters
this was all made for fun

Also in the spirit of Gravity Falls i leave you this

Zkhq irxu khduwv jdwkhu ihdu klv uhwxuq
Eb klv dfwlrqv khdyhq zloo exuq
Qhyhu vkrxog klv grru eh ohiw wr xqorfn
Iru zlwk klp eulqjv wkh frplqj ri Udjqrurn
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by HellishK9 »

Welp, Bill's here, everything's lost now. :lol:

Well, maybe this deal will work out in the long run. Also I have no idea what you left us with here, I'm assuming it's a word scramble?
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by D-Rock »

Never did watch Gravity Falls. I hear it was great, but just never checked it out, just saw some blog posts regarding it. To be honest, I expected that we would follow Fox's POV this time, nice surprise for it to be Fen.

Also, this is a Kingdom Hearts crossover story and we ended up in a Disney world.
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Krytus The Dreamer
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Re: Housepets! X Kingdomhearts~ Hearts of The Selfless

Post by Krytus The Dreamer »

This one took a little bit longer than i expected because well, sun and moon came out and really did a number on my concentration levels. That aside i was able to get some work done as well as incorporate an idea pointed out by D-Rock before the game released and all i needed to do was polish it up a bit. Also i drew Fen's Dive to the heart so yeah.


The track that inspired this one was The Other Promise battle remix from KHII
hope you enjoy

EDIT: Forgot to mention there might be some degree of spoilers for Gravity Falls, so if you haven't seen it yet I'd recommend that you get on that. You have been warned

Chapter 25
How Far One is Willing to Go

“FEN!” I yelled one more time “FEN, WHERE ARE YOU!?”

Once again no reply, save for the echoes sounding throughout the forest. I took in one more sniff hoping I would catch Fen's scent, but nothing came up. Normally it shouldn't be too hard to catch his scent, since lately Fen started reeking of the green medicine Leaf had given all of us. My academy training should've kicked in to spot out the scent but, things were different in these woods. Here, scents ranging from honey, to sap, to miscellaneous, mixed completely and overshadowed Fen's. The smells were so overwhelming that if I focused on it too much my head would start to spin.

'Fox, any luck?' Fido's thoughts reached me through the telepathic ring

I decided to take a break and get some water from a stream while I was at it 'No, I'm getting nothing. Not even a whiff. How about you guys did you see anything?'

'Not unless you count squirrels, bats, and some gnome thing named Shmebulock.'
Grape's thoughts responded 'We may want to consider that, the wolf might be using this time to get stronger. The longer we take finding Fen the longer we give that thing to power up.'

'With the past few forms we need to be at full strength if we even want to think about taking it on.'
I responded as I continued to lap from the river

As I wiped my mouth and dipped my paw pads into the water to cool them off Fido backed me up 'That's not all, remember the hooded figure isn't after just Peanut, Sabrina and King's hearts, he's also after Fen's. So if he's missing we might have to assume the worst and think he's been captured. If only we actually made a connection with him, then maybe we could've tracked him with the wayfinder.'

'I guess you're right,' Grape sighed 'anyway there's still a little bit of sunlight left that should leave us an hour of searching before we get back together.'

'Remember if you accidentally run into the wolf do not take it head on, get away and call the others alright.' Fido said one more time before the connection ended

With my thoughts only heard by myself I laid my back on the cool grass and stared at the warm orange sky. Not that I was slacking, but I wanted to go over the clues we had one more time. Things just weren't sitting right with me, and I didn't need someone bearing down on me to know a lot was ridding on finding Fen as soon as possible.

When I first woke up this morning the campsite, if you can really call it that, was perfectly normal except Fen was missing. At first we thought he had gone off to do his business off somewhere in the woods, normal dog things. The problem was when Fido said he heard someone go off on their own late last night thinking it was just a bathroom run. After a quick telepathic message that had no response, that's when we seriously began to worry. There we decided to split into two teams Fido and Grape would try to follow Fen's scent through the woods and I stayed behind to inspect the campsite.

Fen slept on the tree farthest from the rest of us so I decided to check there first. His sleeping spot bore signs of a struggle, but after that nothing, you could see a set of his footprints lead off in the same direction his scent went. After a little bit of searching I found the reason why Fen wasn't responding to telepathic messages; his ring was hidden underneath a layer of grass.

At first glance you could say that Fen was ambushed in the dead of night, forced to take off his ring and lead away from camp. Except the struggle marks were a little tame, more like twitches as if he was in the middle of a nightmare, and there wasn't a second set feet leading in and out of the campsite, it was only Fen's. Further more Fido was on watch duty after me, and he would've jumped when he heard someone bind Fen with something, but wouldn't think twice about someone leaving camp for a while. There wasn't enough evidence to prove he was taken, its more likely that he, for whatever reason, sneaked off on his own, and decided not to come back.

We had to keep in mind that maybe Fen saw the wolf and went after it but didn't want to get us involved, so he dropped his ring. So when Fido, Grape and I reconvened I decided to check my wayfinder, only to find it glowing when I pointed it in the opposite direction Fen went. Its also possible the wolf changed directions but we needed to be sure that Fen was safe. This was where we decided to split into three groups to expand our search.

Fido, since he was basically our tank, would follow his wayfinder to the wolf just in case he found Fen tailing it. I would follow Fen's trail through the woods and maybe find him, while Grape would search in between the two areas.

So far my search hasn't turned up anything, I only get inklings of Fen's scent every now and then but its not enough to point me in Fen's direction. My wayfinder isn't of much use either since even after all we've been through I didn't built that good of a connection with Fen, so it only glows ever so slightly that I could easily mistake it for the reflection of sunlight, rather than it acting as its own light.

After removing my feet from the water I stood up and tried to get my bearings once again. The sun was already starting to set, and I was still no closer to finding that dog when I had started this morning. As Grape said there's still a little bit of sunlight left, and I had to make the most of it.

“Out of my way!” a girl in a pink sweater pushed me aside as she continued to cry

As I dusted myself from the fall, I debated to myself on whether, or not I should follow her. She seemed pretty upset, and from the looks of it she looked to be about twelve to thirteen years old, I couldn't leave a kid out here when its about to get dark. Besides I barely had any leads on Fen anyway, and she looks like she needed someone to talk to.

It took me a while but after searching through a small portion of the woods I was able to find the girl huddled to herself and leaning against the bark of the tree. Her eyes were reddish as if she had been crying to herself for quite some time, and from the look on her face it was serious.

“Only party chocolate can cheer me up now,” she sighed to herself as she dug through her pack only to pull out some pens and a notepad “Nerd books? Chewed up pens? Wrong back pack.” she pulled up the sweater to cover her face and pulled it down to cover her legs “Its not fair, I just wish summer could last forever.”

“That might be possible.” I felt my eyes widen in surprise as Fen stepped out of the shadows with his hood raised to cover his face

The girl refused to lower her sweater and shook her head “Sweater town is not accepting incoming calls right now.”

“Mabel is it?” Fen said again this time going closer, what was he up to? “I can help. I know what you're going through.”

“Who are you?” Mabel lowered her sweater to look at Fen

“My name's Fenrir, but you can call me Fen. You said you don't want summer to end right?”

“Yeah, why are you asking?”

“I know we've just met, but I know what you're going through. Its hard to lose someone you love, and maybe I can fix that.”

Fen summoned his book in his hand and presented it to Mabel “In this book I found a spell called time bubble. It prevents time from moving forward, summer here in Gravity Falls can last as long as you want to.”

“Really?” she wiped her eyes “How does it work?”

Leaning down to the ground, Fen picked up a pebble and threw it towards the sky. As the pebble climbed Fen threw his keyblade at a nearby tree to shatter it. Now that he was energized Fen aimed his palm at the pebbled before it hit the ground and a small clock appeared above it as it halted its place just above Fen's head.

“You see, I'm not very powerful when it comes to time spells,” he brought his book closer and showed the page to Mabel “so I can't cast the time bubble spell properly. There's something in that backpack that can give me the energy I need to perform the spell but only if you give it to me.”

Mabel dug through the back pack once more and brought out a globe shaped object with a black goo sloshing around inside “Is this what you're looking for?”

“Yeah that's it,” He held out his hand “Now just give it to me and I can perform the ritual. Unless you're ready to leave Gravity Falls?”

“Just a little more summer.” Mabel sighed to herself as she placed the globe in Fen's hands

With the globe safely in hand Fen snapped his fingers and Mabel instantly fell to her knees and passed out sleeping. I couldn't believe my eyes, was that really Fen? The dog who risked his life to save Peanut's, and even accompanied us when he had nothing to gain; was that really the same Fen who was standing before me?

Why was he doing this now of all times? What did he have to gain from using Mabel like that? Manipulating her emotions to get whatever she had in her backpack.

As Fen raised the globe to shatter it I immediately stepped out from my hiding spot and stopped him just in time “Fen,” I started out weakly but he still heard and turned to face me, his hood still obscuring his face “Fen is that you? What are you doing out here?”

“Just, leave me alone.” he turned away again, his tone riddled with shame

“What do you mean leave me alone? Fen, you've got everyone worried about you, and when I finally find you i see you tricking and stealing from a girl.” I walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder “Fen, we deserve an explanation. Why did you leave camp without saying a word? Why did you use that girl like that?” he said nothing, but only lowered his head further “What happened to the Fen I saw in that prison cell, the one who did the right thing despite what it got him into?”

Before I could get another word in I felt a strong gust of wind knock me off my feet. Because of that wind Fen's hood was pushed off and I was able to see his face. Matted fur to show tear tracks, bloodshot eyes to show he hadn't slept well, or at all last night, the look on Fen's face said it all; he was in pain, not physically but emotionally.

“Maybe because i got tired of being that Fen!” he yelled clutching the globe harder “A deity visited me in my dreams last night, he promised me I could see my mom again, and all I had to do was destroy this thing.”

I got up slowly to not make myself look like a threat “I don't understand, I thought you were going to see her after the holidays? Why do you need to do all this?”

“Because, I left her behind! Do you know what its like!? To give up the only person who's ever cared about you because you were the one weighing them down?” he presented me with the globe “I have to destroy this, so I can be with her. Its all that matters!”

I reeled back, was Fen hiding this from us the whole time? “That may be true but Fen, you can't trust whoever promised you that. You're only being used to further their own ends, and when they're done with you they'll just cast you aside. They don't care about you, or what you want. It happened to King, and its going to happen to you too. Please just put the globe down.”

“I'm sorry Fox, but I can't let you stand in my way.” he raised his hand and from it a blast of winds fired off again

While I was being held down by the winds Fen tossed the globe skyward and aimed his palm at it. Thinking fast I drew the bow gun Leaf had given me and exchanged its pellet cartridge for one loaded with paint pellets that was normally used to track monsters. Before Fen could cast his spell I took aim and pulled the trigger. The shot ripped through the air and hit Fen's eyes, blinding him so that he'd miss his lightning spell.

Fen was left wide open so I tackled him out of the way and caught the globe before it hit the ground “Fen, you're just being used!” I shouted as he struggled to clear his eyes “There must be some ulterior motive to why he wanted you to destroy this thing. I mean do you even know what it is?”

“Why should I care? All that matters now is getting back to her!” Fen summoned a cyclone that ravaged the surrounding area

He must still be blinded by the paint, that's why he used a spell that surrounded him. As I clung onto the roots of a tree, I noticed Mabel still sleeping nearby, just begging to be dragged into the cross fire.

'Guys,' I cast my thoughts into the ring 'I found Fen, but he's gone nuts!'

No response, something's definitely up, but for now that was the least of my worries. Once Fen's spell had ended, I immediately got up and headed in the direction of where we had set up camp the night before all this happened so I could lead him away from Mabel at least. As I ran I took out the paint cartridge and replaced it with the pellet one and aimed the crosshairs at the canopy of the woods, hoping that I'd take out some branches to fall on Fen.

Unfortunately he saw it coming and cut through the falling branches with his newly reformed keyblade. That also meant that he was able to wipe off the paint that was covering his eyes.

'Fido, Grape, anyone!' I tried again telepathically as I hid behind the trees hoping at least one of them would respond, but sadly neither one of them did

Clearly I was outmatched in every single category here except for range. Leaf had told me that heavy bow gun users in his world rely on other hunters to distract their targets so that they'd have a clear shot. The problem was that I didn't have that luxury, since I was the only one Fen was facing.

Since I was desperate for options I looked through my various cartridges and maybe I could find something that I could use. I didn't want to actually hurt Fen, so the normal, Pellet, crag, wyvern fire and pierce bullets were out of the question. Which only left me my paint, freeze, paralysis, and tranquilizer cartridges left. Loading in the tranquilizer into the slot I had to take a chance. Fido once told me that Fen casts spells only when his blade breaks. Right now its in his hand, so I had one shot at this.

I got down onto my stomach and focused my eye through the crosshairs. When I had Fen's shoulder in my sights I pulled the trigger twice and fired off. unfortunately Fen reacted much quicker than I had thought and managed to turn around and deflect the two shots aimed at him. After he deflected the last one he threw his blade at me and managed to hit the bow gun, rendering it useless. Since my plan failed I was forced to ditch the bow gun and make a break for it.

“You won't get away that easily!” he yelled as he gave chase

I needed to think of something fast. Fen was desperate, and was willing to do anything to crush the globe. Me on the other hand, I had nothing but the now useless pellets secured to the belt around my waist. While I was running it almost slipped my sight when I saw a public pool.

Normally I had no time to think about it, but I remembered what leaf had taught me about the crag pellet and the wyvern fire pellet. Crag pellets are essentially grenades, set the timer load it into the gun and fired before it goes off, while Wyvern Fire pellets were incendiary of the highest caliber.

I had little time to put my plan into action, so I made my detour quick and my climb over the fences quicker. Once I was in front of the pool, I emptied my bullet pouch of everything but one crag pellet and one wyvern fire pellet. I set the timer for one minute, secured the water proof pouch and dropped it into the pool.

“Fox,” Fen finally caught up to me and I felt the tip of his blade pressed against my back “give me the device, and I won't have to hurt you.”

fifty five seconds left “I'm going to tell you one more time. Please Fen, you're being used can't you see that?”

“If there's a chance that I can see her again,” he sighed almost like he sounded apologetic, “I'm willing to take it, no matter what. Please understand.” forty seconds

“I get that you want to see her again. I get that you don't want to be a burden to her, but for what? Fen this isn't you. What would your mom think when she finds out what you've done?” I asked him, as I turned to face his dumbfounded face

he shook his head “What I break some novelty item a little girl had in her backpack and I'm a criminal?” twenty nine seconds left

“Think about it, really think about it, we're not from this world so we wouldn't know what this is, and ask yourself why would a deity need this broken. It must be more important than it looks if a being from a higher plane of existence wants it so badly. I know how supernatural deals end Fen, and more often than not end up in disaster.” ten seconds

he pointed his blade at my chest “All I want is just to go home to her. You have no idea what that means to me, why she matters so much to me. Please just understand.” five seconds

In one fluid motion I grabbed Fen's wrist, twisted it so that he dropped his blade, and threw him face down so that his coat was protecting him “I'm sorry.” with under four seconds to spare I jumped over a snack counter and secured myself underneath the table

When my mental timer hit zero, the bomb I planted in the pool set off. I didn't even get a chance to cover my ears for the explosion that took place. The ground shook was so much force that I hit my head on the underside of the counter. Once the ringing had settled down a little I decided I had given it enough time and took a peek to see the aftermath.

The pool now had a giant crater in the center of it, and was completely devoid of any water. Steam drifted about everywhere making me instantly pant the moment I stepped into it. All the pool chairs were overturned by the shock wave while the ground radiated heat.

Luckily I was able to throw Fen into a face down position so that the resulting scalding water wouldn't hit too much of his body but be just enough to make him pass out from the pain. After making sure that the damage wasn't too extensive I tried to make contact with Fido and Grape one more time.

'Guys, guys are you there?'
again no response, those two must be in serious trouble if they aren't responding now

Then from out of nowhere a sharp pain shot up from my right leg. I couldn't hold in my pained cry as I fell over causing me to drop the globe instantly shattering it. When I looked down to my leg I saw Fen back off instantly and just as quickly covered his mouth with his hands, tears instantly flowing down from his eyes.

Laughter started to fill the air as the winds started to pick up. Yet no matter how bad the situation looked Fen and I were frozen in place unable to move or do anything from the sheer exhaustion we had put ourselves through.


“What have I done?” Fen whimpered to himself, his hand not moving from his mouth

Thunder violently rattled the sky as a giant tear appeared and started spitting out all kinds of monstrosities. The sky turned from its orange warm sunset, to an eerie dark red as winds more powerful than Fen whipped up earlier started to batter the surrounding area relentlessly.

“My how far you've fallen.” an all to familiar deep voice said in the middle of a slow clap

My eyes widened at the sight of the hooded figure slowly approaching us. That however was not the worst of it, the shadow wolf its long black scythe scrapping the cement as it dragged the weapon along.

“Fenrir do you know why the wolf couldn't consume you when it first tried.” Shadows grabbed Fen by the head and hoisted him to the Figure's eye level “That's because it was formed from your shadow. It couldn't consume you because your heart bore the light that specifically counteracted it. Which only meant that all I had to do was corrupt that light, so that the shadows can take you over.”

“Which is where I come in. Me Bill Cipher.” announced a yellow triangle as he appeared from thin air “See good ol black hood over here needed Fang's heart, and I needed someone to destroy the rift. Seeing as we were fighting for a similar cause we decided to help each other out. I get Fenrir, over here to break the rift and in the process corrupt his heart. And boy did it work; not only did he actually trick little shooting star and fight you, but he also sank those his fangs into that leg of yours. The one shame he had before all of this started.”

The hooded figure snapped his fingers and the shadow wolf came closer “Now my pet consume him; take advantage of all the darkness in his heart, and become the vessel that will lead to my salvation.”

The wolf stepped forward, and held out its hand. Slowly but surely shadows began to peel away from the wolf's body and slither their way over to Fen, who was still trying to struggle out of the shadow's grip. It was almost like watching an instant replay, as the shadows reached in passed Fen's bandages, and began searching for his heart. Before long the surrounding area was drowned in Fen's pained screams.

'Guys, please, we're in serious trouble, Fen needs your help!' I tried one more time; what else could I do, I had no weapons, no friends, not even strong enough to stand up

“Oh we're you looking for these two?” Bill floated closer to me and gestured to the sky where two giant orbs, one green and bearing a shield and the other purple and bearing wings “A little prototype I've been working on for the real deal.”

Taking a closer look I saw Fido and Grape inside the bubbles, all suspended in the air and unable to do anything. I didn't get to see the for long as the bubbles started clouding, and before I knew it Fido and Grape were hidden away in their respective bubbles. Without any hope left I turned to Fen, he's all that's left. He has to fight it.

Dark energy started to surge from Fen's body as more and more shadows went inside him to look for his heart. It was slow and painful to watch, but a quick surge of dark energy and everything just got worse. Before, the shadow wolf took out the hearts but now the wolf dissolved into shadows and all of it instantly poured into Fen. Once that was over the shadows relinquished Fen and allowed him to fall to the ground convulsing whenever spouts of dark energy still surged.

“FEN!” I yelled as I tried to make my way over to him, but my leg wasn't having any of it

Before I could go any further I felt myself being lifted into the air “Now, don't think I didn't forget about you.” Bill said in an extremely casual tone “How about I set you adrift through the multiverse to live out the rest of your pathetic canine lifespan thinking about how badly you failed this day.”

I tried to struggled, I tried to break free, but there was nothing I could do “Fen, help me!” I cried out as a last resort

“Oh great idea,” Bill brought me closer to Fen, who was slowly picking himself up “get your friend to be the final nail in the coffin. May I?”

“Do as you wish Cipher, but make it quick.” he dismissed him with a wave and turned to Fen and nodded

Fen turned around and what was once his vibrant crimson eyes, was now dulled to the point where he almost looked lifeless. Raising his hand a fountain of darkness erupted from his palm and from the stream of shadows a keyblade almost exactly like Fen's formed the exception being that the colors were inverted and at the end of the chain the heartless insignia replaced the fang that once hung there.

“FEN, SNAP OUT OF IT!” I had to try and break their hold on him once more “PLEASE!”

Fen continued to ignore me and with his darkened blade opened a dark portal mere inches from me. Without warning Bill motioned me closer and closer to the portal, and all the while I've been powerless to stop the two beings before me. Once I was fully inside the portal I felt a creeping chill start to envelope me. I was turned to face the darkness which was everywhere. I was already preparing myself to get used to it, Bill said I was to drift here for all eternity.

“Hey uh quick question, is your mutt supposed to be doing that?” Bill's normally causal voice was for the first time distressed

Quickly I turned around and saw Fen kick Bill to the side. It was brief but I saw it; I saw Fen brandish the darkened version of his keyblade at the hooded figure after he threw somethings into the portal with me before it sealed shut. As it drifted closer and closer I saw that it was Fen's regular blade and his star book.

Before I could even reach for the book and the keyblade, the two objects collided with each other to form a massive core of light that grew brighter and brighter by the second. Since there was nothing in this void it was all I could focus on, in fact the light was in such contrast to the darkness that it was starting to burn away the darkness that surrounded me. Eventually the light was so overwhelming that it caused me to blank out.

When I came too; I shot up from a cozy bed panting like there was no tomorrow. I wish I could tell myself it was a dream and that this was my warm bed and that dad was just down the hall, but I couldn't lie to myself like that. The bed was human sized, a vase of flowers was put on the nightstand along side my collar and dog-tags, my wayfinder and Fen's star book. When I removed the covers to stand up I found my leg had already been treated and cleanly bandaged. After testing it out a bit, the damage didn't seem to bad now, i just had to limp if i wanted to get anywhere.

As i made my way to the window i saw the sun was up high so the room was warm and welcoming. A complete contrast to the apocalyptic sights of the last world I was in. I wasn't almost guilty, I was completely guilty that I was the only one to make it out of the last world. Fen was corrupted, Fido and Grape were captured and all that was left was me.

Disrupting my train of thoughts was the sound of the door opening. From the entrance I saw a strange man wearing a green jumpsuit sporting a bowl cut and holding a fresh vase of flowers enter through the door. When he looked up to see that I was awake, he smiled warmly before waving me hello

“Ah, it is good to see that you are awake. Now then Fox, would you care to tell me how you got here?”

End of Chapter 25

(6-18-15-13) (15-14-5) (19-16-12-9-20-19) (9-14-20-15) (20-23-15)
(15-14-5) (23-8-15'19) (12-9-5-4) (20-15) (8-9-13-19-5-12-6) (1-2-15-21-20) (1-12-12) (8-5) (11-14-5-23)
(1-14-15-20-8-5-18) (23-8-15) (1-12-15-14-7-19-9-4-5) (20-18-21-20-8) (23-1-19) (3-1-19-20) (1-19-9-4-5)
(8-1-18-13-15-14-25) (15-14-12-25) (3-15-13-5-19) (23-8-5-14) (20-18-21-20-8) (1-14-4) (12-9-5-19) (19-20-1-14-4) (4-9-7-14-9-6-9-5-4)
Last edited by Krytus The Dreamer on Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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