My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That sounds really suspenseful! I think it will come out very well!
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:That sounds really suspenseful! I think it will come out very well!
Oh it will be suspenseful, I can guarantee that!
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Sorry for no updates on the cover. Stuff's been going on that's been distracting me (Mainly involving shopping for my mom's upcoming birthday and reorganizing the house and my room) but I haven't forgotten to do the covers. I'm still running some ideas for the covers (GrimmSouls and Z-Fur) through my head and deciding on which one will work better (Honestly, GrimmSouls is easy and Z-Fur is the hardest to do).

I DO have one update though...and it's kinda sad: As of this post, I am cancelling the Nightmarematronic comics and going to see about revamping it into something else. Why? Well...personally, I don't think what I was going to do to the Five Nights At Freddy's series would work as a comic (My comic was gonna alter the whole FNaF story-line to create a whole new story-line) and would end up being a standard action/horror comic. So, I'm cancelling it. But I might try to revamp it as something else, either as a story-arc for GrimmSouls or as a fan-comic of the arcade game CarnEvil.
The arcs for Nightmarematronic would've been as followed: First Year Of Business, The 2econd Year, 3 Years Of Terror, 4ourth And Final Year, The Day After (pretty much 4ourth And Final Year part 2), Forgotten Terror, Before The Nightmare...There Was A Dream (A prequel story), and would end with Return To The Horror.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oh we all understand why you can't get around to the cover. Just take your time on it!
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Oh we all understand why you can't get around to the cover. Just take your time on it!
Again, thanks. I just hate how long it's taking me to get around to it.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Hey I know how you feel. I procrastinate a lot also.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Two small updates: The main GrimmSouls story MIGHT actually be 11 arcs now. Why? Well...let's say I don't like how I ended it at 10 with the last arc, which is gonna be a HUGE story arc, so I'm rewriting the first two arcs to no-longer be a Part 1/Part 2 arc and instead will be separate arcs (Said arcs are now Reaper's Shadow and Prelude To A Storm, with 'Reaper's Shadow' being the world introduction and character introduction). So, unfortunately, I need to delay the release AGAIN to rewrite the first arc so it's no longer a 2-part story line and instead two separate stories (but still lead up to each other). How long of a delay? Eh, maybe a week or two, depending on if I can fight off my procrastination. Also, sorry for not uploading this week. I'm taking care of my sister's dog, named Moose, this week until Sunday and my net, for some strange reason (I blame the weather), been slow and wonky this week as well.

Second update: I was on Facebook yesterday and saw Rick uploaded a Halloween pic of the K9 Units (Right here - ... 17/?type=3 ) and...well I think I found how I want to do my K9 fan comic (Which is basically this: Peanut joins the K9 Unit), when I get around to it, now and how the designs will look :) Funny how things work out sometimes :) but this comic will NOT, and I reapet NOT, come out UNTIL I get both GrimmSouls and Z-Fur started. I need to focus on these two comics first before I do ANYTHING else involving my other comics planned (I think that might also be part of my problem: I always seem to plan ahead when ever I'm making something so that's probably why most of my stuff always take too long in releasing).
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am so onboard of there being a K-9 comic! Anything that involves more Kevin is just awesome! ^^
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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Well talk about a distraction (and I'm not just talking about the Star Wars: Battlefront beta) O.O So even if I was able to get the first pages done...I wouldn't be able to upload them. Why? Well the internet in my room decided to become slow all of a sudden, to the point where even if I put the pictures onto my computer, it would take a LONG while for them to upload to either here or FA, and that's without any errors (as in page refusing to load cause of the 'net speed)! I'm doing everything I can to fix this problem so I can have a steady connection once again and get these pages out to you guys! Trust me when I say: I am madder then what Tarot can be at times!
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oh I understand. Don't worry about uploading anything. You have all the time in the world. ^^
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Oh I understand. Don't worry about uploading anything. You have all the time in the world. ^^
True. I did manage to fix a bit of the connection problems, though I still got some slowdown.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah I'm still getting used to a new router so I'm also a bit slow."
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Minor updates: I'm still trying to get my net up to a fast speed again (Looks like I'm going have to re-arrange my room to get a good connection....ugh...) so once I get that sorted out, I can upload the covers for Z-Fur and GrimmSouls then. Also, the first arc for GrimmSouls is also getting a major rewrite so it doesn't end so abruptly as it currently is AND I have to re-do a good bit of the script cause...well the dialogue of the reapers are a bit...boy-scoutish...that is something I'll need to re-work, along with how the reapers are portrayed when they aren't reaping, per-say.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well as I said before, we will all be here waiting for you to post it when you have enough time for you to do it. :)
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

OK! GrimmSouls might not come out until later this month, probably around the time I get 'Werewolf Radio' up and running (Just a simple podcast I'm working on as a side-project), BUT I can announce that I have started work on the background info for my re-imagining of Road Rovers, which I'll show here:
-Hunter Wyldhart > Leader
(Previous: FireFighter)
-Colleen Shepherd
(Previous: Army Medic)
-Richard 'Blitz' Warsaw
(Previous: S.W.A.T Leader)
-Drake 'Exile' Marcinko
(Previous: Navy SEAL)
-Mason'Shag' O'Donnell
(Previous: Air Force Piolt)

^THIS one, I can 100% guarantee, will not come out until next year cause of three factors: I'll have to watch the original to get a basic grasp on what they use to be like, how I'll go about re-imagining them, AND....actually I'll keep the third factor secret for now (Trust me when I say that I will be mind-blowing). Now back to GrimmSouls, I have a question to ask: Would you guys want me to release the script for the first arc onto here first so you guys can read it and suggest any changes I should make to it or would you want it kept as a surprise?
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Whatever is good with you will work just fine since you can't go wrong with your own instinct. Just do what feels easiest to you! :)
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Well...didn't want to do this (No I'm not cancelling the comic): Looks like I have to reboot it. I was reading the original description and my current script for GrimmSouls when I realized something. I realized that even though I introduced the whole order of the reapers, I was only focusing on the one reaper and, this is noticeable if you read the description of each character, I made them all too nice without any faults. So...I decided to scrap the original script and story-line and re-do the whole dang thing, THIS time with faults for each character, a better script that is less...exposition-filled and more time on all the reapers and not just the one. Because of that, I am releasing the original script here for you guys to read while I work on the new one. That also means I'll have to re-write the ending of the "final" arc to coincide with the new changes (Thankfully, I didn't start work on two future stories).

OH! By the way, That K9-Unit comic I want to do might not come until next year, but I can say it will be different then most of my comics (I'm treating the K9 Unit like S.P.D and Peanut will be the star of it (Yes he joins the K9)) I'm working on...but I feel generous so I'll just show the arcs here (Mind you, these are fan comics and I might not end up doing them if I can't find the time next year):
-K9 Units
-K9 Units II: DogWars
-K9 Units III: Heroes Of The Past
-K9 Units IV: Leather Rebel
-K9 Units V: Hounds Of The East
-K9 Units VI: RoboPup (Might do a new Spin-off series with Robopup)
-K9 Units VII: Next Rank (The K9 Unit evolves to a new Unit name ala Power Rangers)
-K9 *Avengers*

And now, here is the ENTIRE script for the original first arc (It's pretty long):
OPENING SCENE: City Skyline (City Name - Pavilton, Pop: 180,000), News Helicopter flies by with the following text "We are currently arriving on the scene of a shoot-out between police and a group of people calling themselves "The Followers Of Ragnarok". It is reported that the group has hostages inside and are threatening to kill them if their demands aren't met." (PEOPLE IN CHOPPER: A Male piolt (Owl), a female co-piolt (Tiger), a male cameraman (Doberman) and a male reporter (Duck)
NEXT SCENE: Top of Drighton Towers (The tallest tower in the city). A cloaked figure is sitting there, a box of Pokey to its right, a bottle of soda on its left and reading a comic book (NAME OF BOOK: Darkness Before Salvation). The figure senses the occurances at the werehouse, puts the book down and places the soda on it (to make sure it doesn't blow away...duh) and parkours to the place.
NEXT SCENE: Shows Police cars and SWAT + K9 Unit (Hint: Takes place in the same universe as Housepets) positisioned outside the werehouse with guns ready and the SWAT team ready to storm the compound at a moments notice and some snipers on the roofs with orders to hold fire and scout the building via the outside windows to get a idea of how many Followers are in there and how many hostages are inside (which is 15 Followers and 25 Hostages).
*Following lines should be heard: "???"

FOLLOWING SCENES: INSIDE WEREHOUSE: Two Followers are looking out the windows looking out at the people positioned outside. One member said "Look at all those oliphants out there. You think they would risk the lives of these people?" The member next to him "Hey you know the police: They'll risk anything in order to rescue the hostages. Even if that means losing a few of their men." Previous Member "Figures. You know if we weren't killing them, they would make a great asset to us." Other Member "While true, think of it this way: Would you rather have more advance weaponry like this gun or weapons made by the police?" Previous Member "Good Point." Then another member shouts up "Hey! Did they make any moves yet!" The left member said "Uh...Nope! They are still set up to make a move on us." "Alright, just be sure to take a few shots at them every so often. Just try not to kill them, OK? We don't need another Gilhead School Incident." "Hey wasn't my fault! That cop spooked me!" "Well maybe if you didn't drink three cups of coffee before we got there, you would not have been spooked!" *Shrugs and flips the bird* "Hey, Lou" "Ugh...What?" "What are the plans with the Hostages here?" "What about them?" "I mean, are we going to kill them once the demand is fulfilled or are we going to off them?" "Well, personally, I was planning on forcing them to join us with the other Followers but the current plan is two fold: Either we let them go once the demand it fulfiled or we kill them once the cops start moving in." "Execution Style?" "What else? Besides *pulls out a Desert Eagle* been meaning to put this gun through its paces." "Oh when did you get that gun?" "Got it two days ago before we got this job. Was pretty expensive though...$500,000,000 in cash" "muffins and cookies!" All while that conversation is going on, in the background, the cloaked figure from earlier has penatrated the werehouse via a roof window, and is sneaking around ready to surprise the Followers before...*during the conversation about the Desert Eagle, the figure slips off a ledge and shouts* "Oh, S***!" *crash noises* "What the h*** was that noise!?" *The Followers readies their weapons and point them at the source of the noise* "Alright you dumbass cop...come on out!" *after a few minutes, the cloaked figure jumps up, coughing from the dust, along with him throwing his hood off with dust flying off* "*cough* Wow...I did not think that through! Last time I was here, that ledge was not that slippery..." *before he could continue, the leader of that small group of Followers, Lou, speaks* "Oh screw this...Followers, waste him." *What follows is a stream of continuous gunfire directed at the cloaked being. After a few minutes, the Followers reload their weapons while Lou saids* "Hold your fire!" *The cloaked being stands there, slouched over, chuckling* "Well...since you had your fun, I think it's time I do what I do best." *At that moment, a shotgun slides out of his sleeve. (Zoom in on the shotgun) The shotgun is very heavily customized with a small cross on top of the barrel in place of iron sights* "Gentlemen, ladies: Let's dance" *What follows next is the cloaked figure taking out the Followers, save for Lou, left and right. But instead of blood coming out of the victims, a ghostly figure flies out of the Followers and all disappear into the ground. With all the Followers 'dead', Lou tries to take out the cloaked being via a head shot from his Desert Eagle.* *Outside, the Police, SWAT, and K9 units hear the gunshots and the captain shouts* "Oh s***, they're offing hostages...Alright we're moving in now!" *Inside, Lou is laying on the ground, panting in terror, as the cloaked figure walks up to him* "What the heck do you want?! Money? Power? Women? Booze?!" *The figure, now offically revealed as a Wolf, looks at Lou, smilies, and saids* "What I want? Tell Hades I said Hi! And tell him that I'll be down later to chat with him!" "Huh...urk!!!" *And with that, the cloaked being flips his Shotgun around, flips a switch on the shotgun and a long blade (scythe) slides out of the stock of the shotgun. The figure swings it up and stabs Lou. But instead of blood, the figure jerks the blade straight up (From where he stabbed him, which was the stomach, and straight up through past his head) and a red ghostly figure flies out, still hooked onto the blade, as the figure slams it head-first to the ground, where the figure disappears.*
NEXT SCENE: The SWAT Team (along with a few K9 Units) bust into the werehouse where they find the lifeless bodies of the reapers, along with all the hostages. Alive and Safe, while the cloaked being is nowhere to be found. (How long should this scene continue?)
NEXT SCENE: The figure is back where we found him in the begining of the comic, back to reading a comic, eating Pocky and drinking his soda. The following scenes tells about the world of GrimmSouls:
"I take it you guys are confused about what happened. Beleive me, I would be too, seeing those dead bodies but no blood and wounds. You see, they weren't 'killed', per say, but reaped. I went and and simply took their souls and sent them to their designated resting place, in this case, The UnderWorld. *heh* Listen to me, I'm getting ahead of myself, so allow me to introduce myself: My name is Merick, pronouced Mur-eek, Wilson. Ex-Detective and Cop now a full-fledged Grim Reaper. I was born in 1905 and died in 1945...what's that? You say that's impossible cause I still look 40 and not 110? Well thank you for saying I still look young! And in answer to your question, it's actually pretty simple: I was reaped. See I was investgating a building here in Pavilton, which was alot smaller back then, and, in short, somehow I got reaped by a reaper. Who I have no idea, but I was sent to Heaven and was asked if I would like to join the Order Of The Reapers. I said sure and well, here I am! I've been reaping since 1945 and lived through everything: World War 2, The Berlin Wall, Disco (which was one of the scariest times in our history *shutters*), the rise of metal, the VERY brief career of Justin Bieber, you name it, I lived through it. Gotta say, being a reaper is fun, if not annoying at times. Sometimes you find a soul who is ready to go but is somehow revived, a soul is sent to the wrong place by accident which causes tons of paperwork, or you find souls who aren't ready to go. Ah well, that's life. And before you ask, yes I did reap some of the more famous souls out there: Elvis, John Lennon, Dio, and yes, they still know how to rock!"
"Still confused? OK, let me explain: See in this world, there are various types of souls that exsists: First are DreadSouls. These are the most evil souls in the world and has no redeeming quailites about them. Pretty much, once a reaper sees this soul, we must send them to the UnderWorld. Next are PureSouls: These are simple enough to explain. They are in childern and only childern. As such, we CAN NOT reap them, no matter how much a kid wants another kid dead (which does get the occassional chuckle up here from a select few). NeutarSouls are everyone else. They are neither good nor bad..just in the middle. Like the cream in an Oreo cookie...which now I crave one, give me a minute" *Following scene shows Merick going to a local convience store and buying a pack of Oreos* "Sorry about that, now where were we...ah yes. ReapSouls: These are only in Grim Reapers like me. We also can't be reaped, like PureSouls. SoulLess souls are...zombies. That's it. And the occassional skeleton. Yeah...we can reap them techincally..but mostly we just off them and send them to the UnderWorld. Soulclipse souls are souls who are already reaped but just need a place to go. In other terms, they are like the Sims, 'cept you can't kill them in pools. Now we got TreSouls. People with TreSouls has more then one soul in their body due to one reason or another. ColdSouls are just that: They are cold. Well it's alot more complex then that, but in short, they are frozen in time souls. Think Captain America. The next soul-type are a interesting one: TorchSoul. They are souls in Love and can be combined with any of the afore mentioned souls. It's actually a cool looking soul and they are really prevelant on Valentines Day. There is one more soul, but this an odd one. It's called a WickerSoul. See, No one in the OFTR (Order Of The Reapers) or Heaven knows what this soul is, or for that matter, who has this soul, due to only one exsisting in the universe. The only known fact about the WickerSoul is that it can only be led to one final destination and not the other, for some unknown reason. The Mythic Council have speculated that the reason why said soul can only go to one destination and not the other is because if it was sent to the other destination, it would become something sinister and, worst case scenario, unstoppable. The Order Of The Reapers have their own theory: They think that the WickerSoul was once a reaper but fell on bad terms and their soul, some how, became the WickerSoul, and sending it to it's opposite destination would destroy the soul forever, rendering the owner of the soul a mere carcass. Though just theories, some members of the Mythic Council have started to lean more towards the Fallen Reaper theory then the Unstoppable Being theory. But, to date, that's all that they have...theories. I think the WickerSoul is just a myth, personally, but hey. Believe what you want." *shrugs* "You look confused again...oh! I was getting to explaining who the Order Of The Reapers and The Mythic Council are, hold your horses! So impaitent, tsk. Just let me finish this drink first. *finishes drink* There we what did you want to know? Oh yes!"
"First I need to explain Heaven: It is one of the most beautiful places you will ever see. Roaring hills, lush forests, vast valleys, green and flowers everywhere, not a problem, smog, trouble in sight! Kinda like Hobbiton!..'cept without magical bean...wait that's VeggieTales...anyway. The Mythic Council runs Heaven and they run it fairly and peacefully. The council is made up of some of the brightest people from throughout history: George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Gerald Dorian, Cerùn, Ha're Tal'mu (Who is one of the best Poker players I have ever played against), Fasdor, Alert Einstein, Rick Gryphon (whom is responisble in helping to form Marvel and, before he died, handed over his dutites to Stan Lee) and James Dunderfield. Oh! And The Leader himself: Bahumut. One of the nicest guys I know, he has final say in anything that goes on both in Heaven and on Earth, in terms of souls and answering people from Earth who talk to him. Then there's my job: The Order of The Reapers, yes there is more then one Reaper, not just me. We work both in Heaven, Earth, and The UnderWorld, if need be. We work at sending souls to their final destination. There are, as of now, seven Reapers: Myself, Dereck Kellar, Myles Rutter, Corey Dikon, Gile Routledge, Richard Masone, and good ole' "Blackie" Garrett Donderan. Oh yeah, there's also Louie Michael, but I'll get to him later. First thing first:
"Dereck Kellar: One of the youngest Reapers in the order. Fought in World War 3 during his time on Earth, made Sergant too! Good man too! AMAZING cook, espically when it comes to cook-outs. Seriously, you have not lived until you tried one of his grilled ribs...OOOH it's so good! He's also one of the cleanest guys we have, everything is labeled and put in its designated shelf, nary a speck of dust, and his clothing is never wrinkled. Has a good choice in movies too, though why he like Grandma's Boy is beyond me. And when he's reaping, he uses a M4A1 w/ M203 Grenade Launcher, called the Grim Dreadnaught (Wish he chose a better name but oh well) and BEFORE you ask, yes I will be explaining why we use firearms wth scythes built into them instead what is commonly associated with Reapers. Be painet please?"
"Next up is Myers Rutter. Born in 1735, he's second oldest Reaper in the Order. There's one that pre-dates him but I'll get to him in a bit. should I put a teddy bear. And I don't just mean he's a bear, I mean he is the most kind-hearted, gentlemanly person you will ever meet! He's always voluneteering at the local daycare, both here in Heaven and down on Earth and the children love him! He helps out at the local homelss shelters, old-folks home, schools, I mean he helps out where ever he feels needed! When he's not doing that, he's always up here farming and raising his crops and farm animals. Good farmer, by the way. You can also find him reading fantasy books, he's currently reading the entire Shanara series, riding his horse or giving riding lessons, or just watching classic TV and movies...with the occassional current one thrown in, I think he's the only person (aside from me) who likes Rush Hour 3. *shrugs* Terms of his weapons, he prefers to dual weild. As such, he uses Custom built Berreta 93Rs named Peace & Prosperity. Dude's a good shot too, by the way."
"Now this one is the oldest Reaper in the Order: Corey Dikon. Born in 1600, he's what you called a stubborn old man. He's kinda like Myers as he loves children but aside from that...he might be the most set in the old ways person I've know. He takes Beethoven over Black Sabbath, Citizen Kane over Die Hard, JFK over UnDead...though I did catch him watching Big Trouble In Little China and laughing at it...just don't tell him I said that. Um, hm...sadly I don't know much about him 'side from what I told you no, so I'll just end with his weapon: A Custom Sawed Off Double Barrel Shotgun lovingly named Emerald Gold."
"Richard Masone....THIS GUY...OK you know about Sly Raccoon right? Well he is the living persona of Sly...except a bit more of a nincompoop. He's either reaping OR he's getting himself into trouble here by either being his sneaky self or his derpy self. *shakes head* He loves his cookies though! Oreos, Fig Newtons, Chips Ahoy, Little Keeblers, you name it he loves it! Except for what he calls Diet Cookies. He sees one and he goes completly mental on it! He also loves doughnuts, swimming, eating and sleeping in...'cept when he's called away to reap. Uses a Custom Colt Python called Flames Of Autum and, 'side from that, he's just a ninny."
"Meet Gile Routledge. Surprisingly a shy guy...heh, sorry made myself chuckle. Pretty much, he spends his days working and modifying his garage of cars. From Thunderbirds to DeLoreans all the way to old Model Ts. When he's not doing that, he's working on computers, reaping...duh, or taking drives in the country. A HUGE fan of winter months, I guess cause he was born in Alaska, he loves just sitting outside with a cup of cocoa and watching the snow fall. But when it comes to heat waves, he does EVERYTHING to keep cool. Well when he's on Earth...see in Heaven, the temperture is good all year round and we do get snow, so he is OK with the temperture there. On Earth though, HOO BOY, the second it hits 80 or 90, he is doing everything in his power to stay cool: From drinking iced water to staying in the water, he HATES the heat. Makes me laugh then when I hear the name of his reaper weapon: Thunder Fire (Fire, hates heat. Get it? No? OK.), a, once again, custom Barrett .50cal Sniper Rifle. Overkill, much?"
"I saved the best one for last: Garrett Donderan aka Blackie. Born in 1969, shut up, he is the creator of one of the greatest genres in music: Power Metal. His band, LycanBloodRage, rose to stardom thanks to their first album, Screams Of The Dark Eagle (Which I own a autographed copy of *shows a pic of the album*) and their populairty kept on growing with their other album releases, which were *Shows the albums*: Blood Metal Knight, The first part of their Warriors Of Orion saga Arrival, Journey To Darkness, Land Of The Free-Home Of The Pyschos, Dinner Is Served, and the best selling album of all time and still is to this day Warriors Of Orion Part 2: War. About 1980, he left to do some solo work with the albums The Wastelanders, Monster In Your Dreams, and the soundtrack to the movie Yor 2: Return Of The Hunter From The Future. 1995, he returned to LycanBloodRage and unleashed the albums Warriors Of Orion Part 3: Galatic Warfare, Personal Nightmares, The Eye Of Sauron which was a power metal retelling of the Lord Of The Rings, and his final album with the band before his death Warriors Of Orion Part 4: United Federations. Outside of the band, he was known as one of the nicest guys in metal and a amazing family man. Married his wife in 1989 and had two kids: A boy named Glen and a daughter named Kristy. Even though his band took up alot of his time, he was always there for his family. Heck, he even postponed one concert till the next day just to celebrate his son's birthday! And before you ask, no he never drank or did drugs, that was his band's keyboard player, who died a little after Blood Metal Knight was released. As a reaper, he is one of the best. While he can't visit his family, he does still check up on them from time to time to see how they are doing. In fact, his son, Glen, after his fathers death, joined LycanBloodRage as their lead singer and guitarist to continue his dad's legecy and the band is still going strong, with their latest release, The Lion's Call. Oh did I forget to mention that Blackie, yes we call him that here, has a PH.D? Surprised Bahumut too! His reaping weapon is more of a electric guitar but it was his choice. He calls it: Screamin' Hawk."
"Now that I got the Reapers out of the way...Oh! *snaps* I forgot something! I bet you are wondering why we use firearms, or a guitar, instead of the usual scythes. Well we do use scythes, its just that they are built into our weapons, see? *Activates the scythe on his shotgun* The whole idea of reapers using scythes was some monks idea back in the medieval age. No actually the reason we use firearms or guitars is all thanks to one man: Louie Michael, our armorer...he likes to call himself BadA** but I don't know why...he ain't Danny Trejo. Louie is an odd one. Claims he was born the same year as Atilla The Hun, though I read he was born in the 50s. Claims he died when one of his ex-girlfriends (yes he had mulitple girlfriends) neutered him THEN shot him multiple times. I read he died when trying to obatin the world record for drinking the most cans of Miller Light in one sitting and he only got to 99. I guess one got passed around. He loves his weaponry and is always working on new gear for us reapers, though about 80% of them gets rejected by the Mythic Council which makes him mad sometimes *chuckles*. One example of a rejected weapon was a, I kid you not, a minigun that would shoot miniture nukes off that will only affect DreadSouls. The problem: It kinda affected all guy found out the hard way. He's OK, mind you, he just was missing half of his stomach for a few days. He's a HUGE, I mean huge, fan of deep frying foods and greasy foods. Any chance he gets, he's down at the Heart-Attack Grill enjoying a meal. Dispises healthy food, though Gile did get him to eat a piece of celery one day by hiding it in his bowl of M&Ms. That was probably the maddest I have ever seen Louie *laughs* When Gile came back from getting yelled at by Louie and told Me, Dereck, and Bahumut about what he did, we all just lost it in laughter! So yeah, that's Louie for you!"
"NOW that I got the reapers out of the way, it's time I talk about one other person. The ruler of the UnderWorld and where all DreadSouls go. First, a description of the UnderWorld. It's pretty much an Industrial Zone. Black skies, smoke stacks, people working 24/7, dirt, grime, all that good stuff. It's pretty much a nastier vesion of Chicago. And the ruler of this place goes by the name...of Hades. And unlike the common repecenation of him you see in movies and video games, he's actually very clean cut. Wears a tux complete with watch chain and a rose. Hey, you gotta look good no matter where you are, right? He used to be a reaper before he, I kid you not, got bored one day and asked Bahumut if he can keep an eye over the DreadSouls. Bahumut agreed and Hades created the UnderWorld and based it on, as said earlier, Chicago, but made it more grimy and more of a workzone. He still participates in Mythic Council meetings but he does it via Skype due to him having to watch everyone down there, along with someone that used to be a menace to everyone back in the old days, before the The Order Of The Reapers came to be. He goes by the name of Garmr and he was the cause of the first Raganok or End Of The World. Thankfully, Hades and Bahumut stopped him and imprisoned him down in the UnderWorld and he is still there to this day, all locked up in chains. Back to Hades, he's a pretty good guy, bit of a fast-talker. Reminds me of Hades from that one Disney film, 'cept less evil. Has two helpers with him too: Anubis, who helps to watch over the place and keeps and eye on the souls there when Hades is on vacation (hey we need vacations too you know?) and Osiris, who's pretty much Hades' secretary. She's pretty cute and nice, 'cept is gets tempermental if she misses one of her soaps. Don't ask."
NEXT SCENE: Back to Merick & The Werehouse
"Well I think that just about covers everything about Heaven, Reapers, The Mythic Council and The UnderWorld. I'd love to tell you more but I need to get back to listening to when the next soul is ready to go." *Merick goes back to reading and eating.* *Jumps back to the werehouse, where EMTs are wheeling out the reaped bodies of the Followers and some of the K9 and SWATs are bringing the rescued hostages out. A news reporter tries to get some interviews from one of the hostages but can't due to the crowd. A press conference is then hold where Police Chief Kyle Regan is present* " this time we can not determine the cause of deaths of the terrorists and we won't be able to until the coraners finish their investigations. What we will say is that all hostages are secured and appear to be in good health..."
NEXT SCENE: Back To Merick Again
*While walking the streets amongst the people, [Reapers can walk among people and they appear as normal beings], he stops in at a local diner to get a quick bite to eat* "muffins and cookies I love you" Trucker
"Hm?" Merick
"Those an incredibly interesting anecdote taking those people hostage. Sure glad they got what was comin' to 'em" Trucker
"Same here. Wonder why they did it...Thank you" Merick (Thank you is for the waitress delivering his burger and fries)
"Ain't it ovious? They're terroists wanting to make a name for themselves" Trucker then sips his coffeee
"Uh huh." Merick starts eating
"Well if those an incredibly interesting anecdote try this stunt again and I'm there, they can be muffins and cookies sure I won't go without a fight! How much do I owe?" Trucker saids then asks for the price of his coffee
"$1.50" Waitress
"That all, honey? Well here's a $2 and keep the chain, babe *winks*" Trucker
"OK. Have a nice day." Waitress
*After the trucker leaves* "What an bubblegum." Waitress "Enjoying the burger?"
"Oh yes. *wipes his mouth* Really good! My compliments to the chef!" Merick
"I'll be sure to let him know that!" Waitress before leaving
"Reminds me of Lou's Diner back in my mortal days" Merick thinks to himself
*After watching the press conference some more* "..we will be right back with the weather and a look at traffic..."
*Plate is set down in front of Merick* "What's this?" Merick
"I told the chef that you enjoyed the burger and he made this dessert for you. Both this and the burger are on the house." Waitress
"Well, thank you! Here..." Merick saids while pulling out his wallet and procuring two $20s. "For both you and the Chef"
*Tear comes down* " just made both of our days....thank you..." Waitress saids
*After getting up to leave after finishing both the burger, fries and dessert, the chef comes out to thanks Merick* "Just want to say thanks again. That was the best compliment I have ever received for my food and first time I ever got a tip that size. Thank you" Chef
"My pleasure *shakes hand* Least I can do for a excellent chef and waitress like yourselves." Merick
"We hope you come back sometime!" Waitress
"You kidding? With good food like this, I'll probably try to come back at least once a week! Bye!" Merick before leaving
"Nice group of people. Wish I could say the same about that trucker but we all have our faults. I'll probably tell Myers about this place since he loves home-made cooking." *Zoom in on Merick's cellphone as it rings and a picture of Cerberus appears.*
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

The whole story that you posted is very thrilling! Marvelous job on putting it together!
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:The whole story that you posted is very thrilling! Marvelous job on putting it together!
Thanks! I gotta re-write the whole thing but I was pleased with this original script!
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah I thought it was really entertaining! You are a very skilled writer!
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Yeah I thought it was really entertaining! You are a very skilled writer!
:o :D Thanks! I never heard that from ANYONE whenever I used to write (ESPECIALLY from my Middle and High School teachers.)
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well it looks like you have really improved then.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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No MAJOR updates pertaining to GrimmSouls (other then I've been busy with RL stuff: Cleaning, Christmas shopping, Star Wars, Fallout 4), but I wanted to show this. As mentioned WAY EARLIER, I was working on another comic as well called Z-Fur. Well, I CAN confirm it won't come out until 2016. Why? Well this is gonna be a multi-media comic...cause I'm making a video game for it. Called 'Z-Fur: The Outbreak Begins', it'll be a simple Top-Down shooter with survival elements ala Unturned and DayZ. I have no more info on it cause...well I just started getting ideas for it :P

Now...I know what you are gonna ask: Well since Z-Fur is getting a game, will GrimmSouls get one? Short answer: No. Long Answer: I have no plans for a GrimmSouls game cause...well I fear it'll just copy Dante's Inferno and Devil May Cry in terms of mechanics. Speaking of GrimmSouls, I decided to at LEAST showcase the arcs I currently have planned (But I'm NOT showing the notes I have for them. I want somethings to be a surprise :) ):

1. GrimmSouls: Reaper's Shadow
2. GrimmSouls: Prelude To A Storm
3. GrimmSouls: Ragnarock (First major event in the GrimmSouls universe)
4. GrimmSouls: Flight Of The Gryphon
5. GrimmSouls: Fallen Reaper
6. GrimmSouls: Dark Omens
7. GrimmSouls: Ragnarock II
8. GrimmSouls: The Followers Of Ragnarock
9. GrimmSouls: Wraith Of The WickerSouls
10. GrimmSouls: World War IV
11. GrimmSouls: After The War

As always, the comic is coming out, just that RL is still getting in the way (And can you blame me with Fallout 4?) but I will get this and ALL my comics out soon!
Basic outline as of now (There is more info on said document but...keeping it a surprise)
Basic outline as of now (There is more info on said document but...keeping it a surprise)
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well at least you got an outline done for it, so that is good. :)
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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Darn....darn, darn, darn.....So, I owe some more apologies: I am so sorry that I never got GrimmSouls out this year. I'm putting the blame solely on my procrastination (as I tend to do with a lot of things, sadly). I'm been trying to fight it off but...truthfully it's like an addiction now. I'll need to really kick myself in the rear to get this comic, along with everything else I'm doing, worked on and out to you guys AND to K.O my procrastination once and for all (said projects being, aside from my comics, the Z-Fur game, WereWolf Radio, AND, still up in the air about this one, something music related). I promise you guys I will not cancel this projects at all. Again, I apologize for the wait but I don't apologize for my procrastination cause that is something I need to work at K.O'ing.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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I understand the problems with procrastination. Don't worry. Everything is fine. Take as much time as you need.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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So I have a small update...well maybe not small, just minute...then again it could be a big update, but not TOO big....
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well at least it is something! Nice job!
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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Very Late Happy 2016, everyone! Slowly getting my act togther and I AM getting to the point where I am ready to finally sit down and work on my comics. I only have ONE, minor thing left to deal with: Will-Power. That should be easy for me to do since I have been having the will-power to get other projects done (cleaning, movie watching, etc...). I will be kicking myself in the rear VERY hard so I can get these projects out to you guys. I'm done making promises cause, by now, I'm pretty sure some are getting annoyed at my constant delays. For that I do apologize. Life did get in the way at times (Lost of my grandfather, helping around the house, etc.) but, now, I am getting close to the point where I am able to sit and draw. All I ask is that you guys give me a month to get my life back in order and I'll finally release GrimmSouls, Z-Fur (and the game), FurWar, and ALL the projects I have in the works.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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That's OK. I know how it can be with willpower because sometimes I don't have enough to actually do what I need to do.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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So, alot of things has happened between New Years Day and today. The biggest of which is this: I am changing where you are able to read my comics. They will still be on this forum, but they will NOT be on FurAffinity nor DeviantArt. Instead, I am working on having a personal website for them to be hosted on. I'll update you guys on this when its closer to the release date. Also, FurWar is going through a second re-write, mainly involving the villains. As for GrimmSouls, it is still coming, but might not arrive until March, give or take.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That all sounds really nice. I can't wait to see how the first strip and your website will look like.
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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EDIT: Sorry to announce, but GrimmSouls is now getting a huge re-write and is now being transformed into a new comic. I hated to do this, but I just felt like it needed another re-write. It will still keep the GrimmSouls name, but it's no longer what I originally planned for it.

*sigh* Sorry for no updates. Aside from still trying to get off my procrastination, I've been dealing with some stress and a bit of a health issue (nothing major, just weight related and lack of exercise). At this rate, the comics will come out whenever I friggin' get around to drawing the muffins and cookies things. I REALLY want to get these products out to you (especially the stuff related to future non-comic related stuff I have in store *Which includes a movie adaptation of a comic I mentioned earlier*) Look, right now, I'm OK with you guys losing trust in me cause I haven't delivered with a product. This is an issue I've been having for years now (Yeah, I'll admit it: I'm a lazy-an incredibly interesting anecdote when it comes to work) and I need to get my ****** bubblegum in gear if I want to release my comics, movies, and games to you guys. I'm not asking for apologies or sympathy from you guys. All I ask is this: Tell can I get my bubblegum in gear to get these products out?!
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

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So yeah, as stated earlier, GrimmSouls is, again, getting a full on reboot. But, this time, I'm gonna attempt this. See, one of my future comics is called 'The White Circle' and, well, this comic is actually the backstory to the one character in that comic so I figured I get this one done and out of the way (Plus, unlike GrimmSouls V3, I actually have the info done a year or two ago). Again, bare with me as I get to work on this comic (It's gonna be harder now since I finally got a job in the radio business) but, as always, I'll keep you guys posted on any updates. Well..guess I can drop a teaser image* :)

*Sorry about the size
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

Case anyone was interested, I DO have another web-comic already available right now (Just to hold everyone over until this comic comes out) - ... tos_albums
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Re: My Upcoming Webcomic: GrimmSouls

Post by SeanWolf »

So...what happened to this comic?

I remember when I first announced this and had alot of people excited for it some many years ago. I kept updating this forum with small updates and the hype train was rolling. Unfortunately, nothing came out of it. What should've been an easy job turned into a major clusterbomb of issues, from my art not being that good to the fact that the story just didn't sit well with me (pertaining to the setting and how I was doing it). So, I have come to a decision I regret doing but seeing as there is no alternative, I must: As of this writing, I am cancelling GrimmSouls and ending any production on it. Truth of the matter is that I over-estimated my abilities and thought I could do all of them with no problems. That was a huge lie to myself I should not have said in the first place. Now I do still want to do a story with the name GrimmSouls, which I have been planning for a while (it is based and inspired by an RP I was in), but as for the original version, the one I kept talking about here? It's cancelled and I have no intentions to bring it back. I apologize to everyone who was excited for this comic but, honestly, it was something I should not have even talked about unless I felt more comfortable in making it. As of now, I do have two minor stories on my FurAffinity going on now (one is a Zootopia re-imagining and the other is a story about a heavy metal band) but these are side-projects that I work on very slowly (learning from the lessons that was the whole GrimmSouls debacle).

With that said, I do like to reveal what the whole comic story line was going to be so you guys can make your own interpretation of the storyline:

1. GrimmSouls: Reaper's Shadow
2. GrimmSouls: Prelude To A Storm (Hints at a shared-universe with FurWar){Ends with the first return of Gamar}
3. GrimmSouls: Ragnarock (First major event in the GrimmSouls universe)
4. GrimmSouls: Flight Of The Gryphon (Reveals that Housepets! and GrimmSouls exsists in the same universe)
0. GrimmSouls/Housepets!: Shadow Of The WickerSoul (Prequel to the first arc/Follow-up to the third arc)*
5. GrimmSouls: Fallen Reaper (Gile's character will evolve starting here and ending with Ragnarock II)
6. GrimmSouls: Dark Omens (Reveals that the leader of the Followers Of Ragnarock has a device/necklace that can control Gamar)
7. GrimmSouls: Ragnarock II (Will have 1 or 2 confirmed deaths) (Introduce the SoulDestroyer Gun{8-Barrel .50cal S&W Pump Action Smith & Wesson Revolver}) (Merick is NOT the one to end Gamar)(Gamar, while destoryed, ISN'T dead)
8. GrimmSouls: The Followers Of Ragnarock (Starts the build up to World War IV///Also hints at a shared-universe with Road Rovers){The Followers, after their failure of a second Ragnarock, decides to go to war agaisnt the world}
9. GrimmSouls: Wraith Of The WickerSouls (Reveals that there is a second being who has a WickerSoul)
10. GrimmSouls: World War IV (The "end" of the Followers Of Ragnarock){They WILL return}
11. GrimmSouls: After The War (____, _____, _____, and ____ stay on Earth to help the clean-up efforts in some of the worst stricken areas during WWIV while the others attend a council meeting to discuss ways of preventing a Fifth World War){Ends with Merick coming arcoss Bahumut's hidden book and, after talking with Bahumut, reads it and learns of Pete's next move AND what he planned to do with King and Bailey}(Tease the '8th Reaper' arc)
12. GrimmSouls: *CodeName: UnderWorld War* (Tentative Name: GrimmSouls: Reaper's Inferno){Main Character-Gile Routlegde{Introduce a new design for Gile, in terms of clothing and weapons}(Explination as to why he's in this war is shown near the end of the Ragnarock 2 arc)}
13. GrimmSouls: The 8th Reaper {Introduces an 8th, more powerful reaper that doesn't work with the Order}
X. Grimmpocalypse -{?Expendables-Style Crossover with TwoKinds, Furthia High, Jack, GrimmSouls, Housepets?} (How would this crossover work?) (NOT CANON)
XX. Grimmageddon -{?Bring in the Orion Knight, Bucky O'Hare?} (NOT CANON)
14. GrimmSouls: The Renegade Reaper (Follow-up to *Underworld War*) {Base the covers for this 3-part arc off of the Bat Out Of Hell album covers}
15. GrimmSouls: The Renegade Reaper Part II
16. GrimmSouls: The Renegade Reaper (Follow-up to *Underworld War*) {Base the covers for this 3-part arc off of the Bat Out Of Hell album covers}
17. GrimmSouls: The Renegade Reaper Part II
18. GrimmSouls: The Renegade Reaper Part III (Takes place after Ragnarock 3) {Do a Thanos-Style tease with ****}
19. GrimmSouls: Viral Outbreak Stage 5 (Leads up to cross-over with FurWar, S.W.A.T Kats and Road Rovers)
20. FurWorldWar/S.W.A.T Kats/Road Rovers/GrimmSouls: World War V (Offical End of The Order Of The Fox?) {Officially reveals that GrimmSouls/FurWar/S.W.A.T. Kats/Road Rovers takes place in the same universe} (Other names for this arc: World War V---GrimmWarriors---Warriors Of The World: World War V) {The Order Of The Fox begins their world-wide attack. S.W.A.T Kats Echos 1-10 Teams stays in the USA to defend while Echos 11-20 Teams and Bravo Squad heads across the seas to defend, the Road Rovers split up to help the S.W.A.T Kat teams while Shag takes to the skies with the AirForce to fight back, and the "FurWar Resistance", along with The Reaper Order, heads to the base of The Order Of The Fox to take 'em out once and for all. World War V has begun}
21. GrimmSouls: The New Reaper (Introduce Krissie Haven-Species: Deer-One of the members of S.W.A.T Kats-The first TRUE Female Reaper) {Might switch this storyarc with another one}
22. GrimmSouls: Message From Beyond The Stars (Leads up to GrimmWar)
23. GrimmWar: The Reaper War Part 1: Disturbance
24. GrimmWar: The Reaper War Part 2: Vengence From The Grave
25. GrimmWar: The Reaper War Part 3: Death Comes For Anyone
26. GrimmWar: The Reaper War Part 4: Battlefield
27. GrimmWar: The Reaper War Part 5: Olympian Arrival (Enter the Gods Of Olympus)
28. GrimmWar: The Reaper War Part 6: The War Begins
29. GrimmWar: The Reaper War Part 7: End Of A Reaper (NOT KILLING A REAPER){Someone leaves the Order Of The Reapers}(Might change)
30. GrimmWar: The Reaper War Part 8: (Tentative Title: The End Of The War)
31.GrimmSouls: The Final Chapter (How should GrimmSouls end?)*
*GrimmSouls: Warriors Of The World
*GrimmSouls: Ragnarok

As you can see, I had the whole future planned out for this, from beginning to end, which might've been the reason why I got burnt out so quickly. See I am kinda known for planning my projects and it's sequels in advance and that could've factored in the reasons why 90% of the stuff I want to do never gets made. Again, I can't express how sorry I am for having to cancel this comic but seeing as I never did anything with it past May of 2016 and that I think I bit off more then I can chew, GrimmSouls is effectively cancelled. I may still use the name GrimmSouls in a future story I have on the board (Don't worry, I learned my lesson and this won't be rushed nor put into production until I finished with one of my other stories), but the comic it was originally slated for is dead. Again, I am sorry.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
Game Master of Apollo City
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