Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

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Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

Hello and welcome to Sonic Adventure:Grand Metropolis! Below you will find some information about the world, character list, and very importantly a version of the standard character sheet noting the changes made to accommodate the setting. Read on and have fun!

Based on the famous Sonic games by Sega, the characters are Mobians (anthropomorphic animals) who live in the city of Grand Metropolis. Grand Metropolis is one of the largest cities in the world and is essentially run by the energy company HEXAeco. In the RP the characters will live their lives in this big city while uncovering the secrets it holds. Secrets such as, is HEXAeco as benevolent as it seems, what is the G.U.N (Guardian Unit of Nations) base on the outskirts of the city secretly doing, and why does the food at the Nuts and Bolts diner taste so good? Lots of fun character driven adventure and exploration.

The City:
The city of Grand Metropolis is one of the largest and most advanced in the world. It's a coastal city with a river running through it. It’s known for its towering skyscrapers and its Sky Walk Ways that speed along pedestrians between buildings. And the crown jewel of the city is the clean energy company HEXAeco, which brought the city to its current heights (both of the literal and figurative sense). HEXAeco essentially runs the city, providing services such as hospitals, police, and many others in addition to the energy it produces. Grand Metropolis attracts many people to live there from all over the world. The city is sprawling and made up of many districts and has many places for people to live. On the outskirts of the city is a small G.U.N. (Guardian Unit of Nations) base which occasionally provides support to the HEXAeco security.

The Nation:
Grand Metropolis is part of the United Federation and is the largest city within it, but not the capital (that would be Central City). The United Federation is made of up of eight member nations which banded together to form one controlling government headed up by a popularly elected president and representative legislature. It is protected by the organization G.U.N (Guardian Unit of Nations) which uses a mix of soldiers, analysts, scientists, doctors, robots, and field agents to keep the United Federation safe.

The World:
The world is called Earth, much like our world, but looks different. No real world locations exist on it. It has only five continents, and only one of the poles has any land around it. The technology is also much more advanced with many robots around. Additionally there are different countries and humans are not the only intelligent inhabitants. The moon is also halfway artificial due to a disaster caused by a mad scientist. Here is a map of the world:

On this version of Earth humans are not the only intelligent species. They share the planet with a species called Mobians. Mobians are creatures that resemble anthropomorphic animals from our world. They are small and colorful and less common than humans, but are still part of every society on the planet and are treated as equals. Mobians are known for their surprising speed, the high number of mutations, and being able to adapt to technology installed in them (e.g. cyborg parts) better than humans. They do however have a slightly shorter life span than Humans. Mobians can mate with each other regardless of type. If two Mobians of the same type mate (E.g. a cat and a cat) the children will always be of the same type. But should to different types mate (e.g. a cat and a dog) the child's type will be that of the opposite sex parent. So if there is a female cat and a male dog any male children they have will be cats and female children will be dogs (my deepest apologies to biologists everywhere).

A word about Canon Characters:
This RP follows the RP section rules on allowing canon characters into the RP. They are not allowed in (they're probably busy elsewhere anyway). They may be mentioned in passing (they are famous after all) but should not be controlled by anyone. For fans of Marvel's Cinematic Universe, think of it like the Daredevil show.

Additional Information:
Sometimes a post will be made with more information on a given topic. Check back occasionally to see if there are new posts.
Robocitcs and Cybernetics
The United Federation Government
Guardian Unit of Nations

Character Sheet:
(“Same as default rules” means the same as the rules on the main OOC topic)

Character Name: Mobians have a Given Name that is very similar to human names (though many lack middle names). According to Mobian tradition a Mobian will eventually take a Taken Name they will be called by. This is usually a word that describes them in some way (Physical traits, abilities, personality, etc.) followed by the species they appear as, e.g. “the Hedgehog”. Most modern Mobians honor this tradition but still respond to their Given Name and consider both names to be valid. Some even forgo Taken Names entirely and have only their Given name. Traditional Mobians do the opposite and have only their Taken Name. You can list one or both.

Color: Same as default rules.

Type: Same as default rules.

Species/Breed: Mobians can be mammals, reptiles, birds, or some bugs. Some animals that are not Mobians are any sea creature, mythological creatures, extinct animals, animals without limbs, animals with hooves (e.g. horses), and particularly large animals such as elephants (the largest Creature a Mobian can be is a Bear). Below are listed some ideas for species that are not seen in mainstream Sonic Games, but can work for a character:
Mammal: Dog, Flying Squirrel, Hamster, Mink, Mouse, Possum, Quoll, Sugar Glider, Vole
Reptile: Alligator, Lizard, Turtle
Bird: Dove, Goose, Eagle, Raven, Rook, Seagull, Swan
Insect: Beetle, Cicada, Ladybug, Wasp

Age: Mobians age like humans. However, they tend to enter adulthood at a younger age, closer to 16. Characters younger than 8 suffer from penalties placed on them as young characters as per the default rules. Characters older than 65 suffer the penalties placed on older characters by the default rules.

Neighbourhood: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis

Appearance: Mobians’ fur, scales, or feathers, come in all shades of colors. Most Mobians have one dominant color with a secondary color on their muzzle, chest or torso, and possibly their arms. Mobians eyes come in almost as many colors as their bodies. Mobians usually only wear gloves, socks, and footwear. Many Mobians add accessories such as hats, belts, and jewelry, and some even parts of or a whole outfit. Mobians are considered decent with only the Gloves, and Footwear however and don’t need to wear clothes like humans. Full grown Mobians can be anywhere between 3 and 6 feet (0.9 to 1.8 meters) tall, with larger species naturally being taller on average. Most Mobians average between 3 and 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters) tall.

Personality: Same as default rules.

Backstory: How did your character come to Grand Metropolis? Why did they come? Were they born there? Why have they stayed in Grand Metropolis?

Other notes: Some Mobians have special abilities. For this RP the abilities should be relatively minor if they're present (Such as a Bat’s ability to fly, or the ability to sense if life is nearby), and are subject to approval by the GM.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats: Same as the default rules. A Mobian’s species does not affect the stats.

Character List:
WeirdGamer - Beacon the Jaguarundi
Mickey- Alpha the Raven
Buster - Cpl. Katt Black
RandomGeekNamedBrent - Matthew Leo AKA Forge the Lion
~\Rook/~ - Sgt. Serge Towers
Deske - Artyom Nedzchev
Civilization - Quasi the Ferret
WeirdGamer - Acting Colonel Warren Wallace
MrNeonShot - Daniel "Danny" the Sea Otter
Last edited by WeirdGamer on Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:29 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

Character Name: Beacon the Jaguarundi

Color: color=#0080BF

Type: Main Character

Species/Breed: Jaguarundi

Age: 18

Neighbourhood: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis

Appearance: Beacon has light blue fur with dull purple eyes. She is somewhat thin and athletic and stands at 3’7. She has small ears and black nose with large, angular, and expressive eyes. The area around her muzzle has white fur. She has a long tail that is solid light blue. She wears brown and rough gloves with brown boots with black laces and plain grey socks. She also wears a grey miner’s helmet with a headlamp on it and a grey button up long sleeved jacket.

Personality: Beacon clearly never heard the expression “curiosity killed the cat” and not just because it doesn’t exist in her world. Beacon is always constantly exploring and looking for adventure. She is usually cheerful and happy, and is very even tempered. She is slightly jumpy though and seems to have a bit of nervous tick about her. She is always filled with energy (except when she’s taking a cat nap of course).

Backstory: Beacon always wanted to see Grand Metropolis, but never thought she would end up living in it. It all started when she was out sailing when a storm hit. She tried to make it back to her family’s houseboat, but was unsuccessful. Weathering the storm she ended up in Grand Metropolis. She tried to contact her family, but nothing she tried worked. Beacon sold what remained of her boat and has currently taken up residence in a small motel, doing favors for the owner in return for room and board. All the while she has been trying to find a way to contact her family.

Other notes:
Strangely, her headlamp never seems to run out of power.

She is also an accomplished sailor.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
Strength: 9
Perception: 6
Endurance: 7
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 7
Agility: 4
Luck: 4
Last edited by WeirdGamer on Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Mickey »

Character Name: Alpha the Raven

Color: This.

Type: Main Character

Species/Breed: Raven

Age: 16

Neighbourhood: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis

Appearance: Alpha has mostly purple feathers and sharp red eyes. His underbelly, wingtips, and the tips of his headfeathers are snowy white. His beak is black and marked with some symbol in a strange language. He himself doesn't know what it means or care about it much. He's taller than must, hitting a solid 4'7. He wears white goggles on his forehead, along with grey boots with blue flame patterns, and white gloves with golden armbands on them. He wears a shell necklace. He has a ukulele strapped to his back, with his Extreme Gear board under his wing.

Personality: At a glance, Alpha is a big, strong, intimidating bird. But then you realize, he's the closet thing you'll find to a hippie. He's loves to play songs in his ukulele and is a pacifist, with exceptions. He is a closeted coward and will let it girlish shrieks of fear when scared. He's a pretty chill guy and will take you for a ride on his Extreme Gear if you ask nicely. He will not tolerate any disrespect of any kind, be it to him or anyone else. If he sees you being a bully, just run. Don't ask questions, just run.

Backstory: Alpha came from a rather average nest. He was a rather fluffy chick that was fixated on living his dream of reading against the pros. Through his years, Alpha picked several talents, such as the ukulele and such. All the bullying he witnessed lead him to become the peace-loving feathered fool everyone has come to love. When he finally came of age, he was quick to sign up for the first race he saw. It was all the in Metropolis. He flew and flew for a day and a half before he got there. He was able to participate and was able to take home a fifth place ribbon. Except. He never went home. No, Alpha stayed in Metropolis. He had no reason not to!

Other notes:
His feathers fluff up and he gets all floofly when he's flustered.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
Strength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 8
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 7
Luck: 5
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Buster »

Okay, definately getting an OCP vibe from HEXAeco now that the extended description is up. especially that privatized police force bit...
Character Name:
Cpl. Katt Black

Bright Orange




Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis

That's her off duty, on duty she'll be wearing standard-issue Tactical Gear for a G.U.N. trooper.

Katt is the type who goes looking for trouble. She actively seeks out potential problem sources in the hopes of heading them off before they become an issue. Blunt as a mallet, stuborn as an ox, and perhaps not the sharpest tool in the shed, she usually finds trouble whether she meant to or not. Though she has her calm moments as well, they're just rarer.

Katt joined GUN shortly after the Black Arms incursion, her home town having been one of the locations that came under attack. She has served for close to ten years before accepting voluntary reassignment to a post here, where she felt she was needed, as she's heard odd rumors about this city.

Other notes: Katt is "Speed" type character, and is rather talented at climbing using her claws.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
S: 8
P: 5
E: 9
C: 2
I: 4
A: 9
L: 5
Last edited by Buster on Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

Both approved!

Once we get a few more people I will start the RP page.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Hope mechanical arms are okay, you did mention cyborg parts in your intro. decided to go with a smart guy instead of a fighter.

Character Name: Matthew Leo AKA Forge the Lion

Color: red

Type: Main Character

Species/Breed: Lion

Age: 21

Neighbourhood: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis

(made with Sonic Character Creator. just google that to find it)

Personality: He likes tinkering with any technology he encounters, taking it apart and putting it together. If someone has something he's never seen before, he will ignore the person and focus on asking questions about the tech. If not, he'll make an effort to get to know them, but he'll likely be distracted thinking about what he's going to build next. If faced with a fight, he'll try to get away, but he can fight if it's the only option.

Backstory: As a child of 7, little Matt Leo got in an accident that cost him his arms. luckily his dad was a scientist who was able to give him a pair of mechanical replacements. Matt was so impressed by his new appendages that he wanted to know how they worked. so he spent years studying some of his dad's books, taking apart some spare components, and eventually, he was able to open and modify his own arms by the time he was 10. Once he was done, he found out he enjoyed building, fixing, and learning about electronics. He took on the name Forge the Lion, and started off on a life of discovery, getting by by fixing other people's stuff for money. now 11 years later, he's moved to Grand Metropolis, hoping to run into the latest G.U.N. tech, and maybe even get work making things for them. Of course, there's still a lot of stuff to take apart and study in the meantime.

Other notes:
-his left hand holds a compartment full of screwdriver attachments that can be attached to his fingers on his right hand (makes his work easier)
-his mechanical prowess is comparable to Tails, but most of what he "invents" are just improvements on and combinations of things he's already seen the inner workings of. (he can't invent a time machine, but he could make an existing one more portable.)
-he's seen enough to immediately diagnose and quickly fix any hardware issues in anything (guns, robots, cars, etc.)

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
Strength: 6
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 7
Luck: 5
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Aaand I totally forgot Vector was the name of the aligator.. Here's the revision..

Name: Sgt. Serge Towers

Color: This - #008000

Type: Main Character

Species/Breed: Bear

Age: 28

Neighbourhood: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis

Appearance: Serge looks particularly like a black bear from our universe, but his muzzle, belly, and inside ears are white instead if tan. His eyes are a deep emerald green and he has a rather slender build for his size. His off-duty clothes are a pair of thick black leather hiking boots, large black biker-gloves, white tanktop, ripped denim jeans and an industrial tow-chain around his neck with dog-tags. His on-duty attire is a custom-sized heavy combat uniform. Standing at a amazing height of 6'2", Serge can be quite intimidating. Plus the fact that he's a Bear, makes this moreso.

Personality: Despite what you might think, Serge is not a gentle giant. Ill tempered and quick to jump to conclusions, he can and will get angry.. But even in anger he won't physically hit anyone unless hit first. When he's alone or with just one or two people, he can be quite docile. But he still won't be friendly. Finally, he can be found the least grumpy when training or asleep.

Backstory: Serge was enlisted into sevice in G.U.N. when he was only 16 due to his father, who was a high-ranking officer, enlisting him himself. Was forced to transfer after an 'incident' with another soldier after 4 years sevice in his hometown. He has been living the last 8 years in Grand Metropolis as a training officer.

Other Notes: Has a custom-built RV in which he lives.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats:

S: 10
P: 4
E: 10
C: 2
I: 7
A: 3
L: 6

Let me know what you think! Again..
Last edited by ~\Rook/~ on Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

A lot of G.U.N. personnel or future G.U.N personnel here. A little later I'll draw up a NPC character sheet for the G.U.N officer in charge of the base.

Brent, approved!

Rook, it looks good, but two things. First, hate to do this, but there is a well known Sonic character named Vector, and I don't want to confuse anyone, so please change his name. Second, according to the rules no SPECIAL stat can be below 2, so you're going to have to subtract a point from somewhere and add it charisma. It's just those two things though, after those changes I can approve him.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Deske »

I thought about making a bear character this morning. I just might, though he might just be slightly the opposite of our friend Vector.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

It's perfectly fine to have two characters who are the same animals. :) After all there are many hedgehogs in the games them selves.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Buster »

I swear to Pete, if he starts asking where the computer room is...
i can't be held responsible for the result...
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

Here is the G.U.N officer in charge of the base.

Character Name: Acting Colonel Warren Wallace

Color: color=#000080

Type: NPC

Species/Breed: Coyote

Age: 42

Neighbourhood: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis

Appearance: Warren is a grey coyote with a white stomach and chest, white muzzle, and a large tail. He stands at 3’7 and is well built. His eyes are narrow and dark blue. He wears black combat boots, and white gloves. When on duty he wears a gun uniform consisting of a coat, pants, and beret.

Personality: Warren is a serious and focused individual. He is always focused on his duty and is something of a workaholic. He is usually a calm person and manages to keep his anger in check for the most part. He is usually very formal and rarely lets his guard down. He isn’t humorless however, and is known for his dry wit.

Backstory: Warren’s strat as a member of G.U.N was a little unusual. He first worked as a mercenary in their employ before a job went wrong. he joined up with G.U.N in an official capacity afterwards and worked his way up the ranks, eventually landing a position in grand Metropolis. Recently the colonel in charge of the G.U.N base retired, making Warren acting colonel until he is actually promoted or a new commander is transferred. In his short tenure the base has been highly focused on technology.

Other notes:
While not a man of science himself, he appreciates how important it is

He’s a great cook.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats:
Strength: 6
Perception: 8
Endurance: 7
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 6
Luck: 3
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

Rook, approved! Looks great!
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Deske »

Name: Artyom Nedzchev

Color: "I enjoy the color blue."

Type: Main Character

Species/Breed: Bear

Age: 45

Neighbourhood: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis

Appearance: Artyom is massive, standing at a height of 6 feet 4 inches he can look down upon many humans. He looks normal, Brown fur covers his body and arms with black fur on his muzzle and on his front to his thighs. Artyom looks terrifying at such a height, with one frosted over eye from an accident many years back. He is blind in this eye. His build is muscular without being too muscular.

Personality: Artyom is a gentle giant. He knows he is large and he knows he is strong, so he knows how to control it. He knows how to look the least scary he can and as such people tend to enjoy his company right off the bat. He enjoys talking about random subjects, stories real or fictional or just the weather.

Backstory: Artyom was once part of the circus, his height and strength making him an excellent base for acrobats. But this was only part of Artyoms life. He was with the circus for only a short while before leaving to go explore the world, working odd jobs here and there. He knows the basics of repair, tree service, and how to fold a piece of paper into a luxurious hat. Artyom works as a baker for Mrs. Penny's Cake Jamboree.

Other Notes: Artyom can climb well and can make food with a variety of ingredients.
Artyom has a voice much like a deeper Morgan Freeman

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats:

S: 10
P: 4
E: 10
C: 5
I: 5
A: 5
L: 3

"How do I look to you? Am I too fat, too tall, too generic, too cliche?"
Last edited by Deske on Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

You're none of the above Artyom. Approved Deske!
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Buster »

"So, we've got a bear bear and a giant teddybear? heh. this'll be fun."
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Deske »

"Do not forget that I am still capable of tearing you in half. I wouldn't unless necessary, but I can."
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

"..And I will tear you in half. Well, I would if G.U.N. let me.. But no, I have to work with you.."
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Buster »

"And that's why you're a teddybear."

"Pfft. Oh please. A slowpoke like you? You'd have to be able to land a hit first, Goliath."
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

~\Rook/~ wrote:"..And I will tear you in half. Well, I would if G.U.N. let me.. But no, I have to work with you.."
Buster wrote:"And that's why you're a teddybear."

"Pfft. Oh please. A slowpoke like you? You'd have to be able to land a hit first, Goliath."
"And I have to command you idiots."

Anyway, this roleplaying makes it pretty clear that we're ready for the main RP page. I'll set that up now.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Buster »

Actually, i just realized, I have the highest agility of anybody here... I guess that would make her more of a speed type than strength.

You mind if i edit that? May as well switch her strength and agility scores while I'm at it, since it should be her highest with that build...
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

Yeah, that's perfectly fine.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Mickey »

Don't tell Alpha this, but he's adopted. He was born to a raven, his mother and a dove, his father. Both were fairly intact with the Amazon and the wild, and that's where Alphas egg was lain. But when something within their exotic home when went horribly wrong, they were forced to leave him in someone else's nest. With someone far away from the Amazon. When he hatched, he assumed the two birds he was with, a female sparrow and a male snowy owl, were his parents. He never once questioned why he didn't look like his brother or sisters, and they didn't ask either. They were a family and they didn't care what he looked like.

I already had this planned, the whole "you're adopted" thing, but I couldn't figure just what to do. Thanks to Rio 2, I know now.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

Good to know. that being said, the Amazon doesn't exist in this world. Or any other real world places. Instead, here is a listed of known forest and jungles in the Sonic universe:
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Mickey »

Oh, then the Jungle Zone!
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

Noted! :)
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Buster »

WeirdGamer wrote:
~\Rook/~ wrote:"..And I will tear you in half. Well, I would if G.U.N. let me.. But no, I have to work with you.."
Buster wrote:"And that's why you're a teddybear."

"Pfft. Oh please. A slowpoke like you? You'd have to be able to land a hit first, Goliath."
"And I have to command you idiots."
I guess the colonel's luck is just that bad. :mrgreen:
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

He does only have 3 Luck according to the SPECIAL stats. ;)
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Buster »

so... less than a full page in, and Brents locked in an interrogation room...

Was not expecting that.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"I may be a genius, but my self-preservation instincts aren't the best."
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Buster »

"Are you sure you're a genius?"
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"I'm a mechanical and electrical genius. not the best with common sense."
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by MrNeonShot »

Hey! Sorry I didn't realize how fast this would take off!
Anyways, here's my character.
Name: Daniel "Danny" the Sea Otter

Color: #00FFFF

Type: Type? Not sure what this is. Or is this Gender?
In that case, he's male.

Species: Sea Otter

Age: 20

Neighborhood: SA: GM

Appearance: Danny is a Sea Otter with standard brown fur and white face with a big black nose. His eyes are brown and he usually has his hair styles with a little tuft at the front.
When out and about town, Danny wears a thin tan vest that has 4 pockets.
When working, he wears nothing but a a small diving tank for extra air in case he somehow runs out of air.
Of course, being a Sea Otter, he's slightly taller than the average mobian, standing about half a head taller than most.
Danny.png (217.77 KiB) Viewed 61368 times

Personality: Danny is pretty calm, loves his work, but never takes his work with him out with his friends. However, when he's really interested in something, he'll be happy to take it home.
He's polite almost always, but when frustrated, he usually stays quiet so as to not offend anyone.

Background: Danny used to live on the beach back when his parents were marine biologists. He sure has helped quite a few turtles out with protecting their eggs back in the day. Now he's grown up to research ocean currents and how to possibly use them as an alternative energy source for the city of Grand Metropolis! Along with that, he's working on an underwater oceanic hotel for the overworked mobian. He takes trips back and forth from the city for his research and to talk plans with other architects and other such business stuff. He's lived a pretty simple life, so there really isn't much interesting background of himself. Just a pretty smart guy.

Other notes: Danny can see underwater, whether salty or fresh. He's also able to hold his breath for a very long time. And whether this is noteworthy, he's able to bust open a clam with a rock :v

S: 6
P: 6
E: 7
C: 8
I: 8
A: 4
L: 3
Total: 42

Edit: Added a reference image!
Last edited by MrNeonShot on Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

Approved! Nice to have someone with high Charisma. :lol:
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by MrNeonShot »

I added a reference image ^^

"Thanks," said Beacon taking the water bottle, "I just ran all the way here," She took a long drink from the bottle before continuing, "Thanks for your concern though," said Beacon to Alpha and Artyom, "I'm here to ick up an order for the Sea Shell Motel."
Is this an opportunity for me to jump in?
Beacon sold what remained of her boat and has currently taken up residence in a small motel, doing favors for the owner in return for room and board.
Oh, nevermind. I guess the hotel my character is working on could be a vacation hotel extension of the Sea Shell Motel ^^
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

MrNeonShot wrote:I added a reference image ^^

"Thanks," said Beacon taking the water bottle, "I just ran all the way here," She took a long drink from the bottle before continuing, "Thanks for your concern though," said Beacon to Alpha and Artyom, "I'm here to ick up an order for the Sea Shell Motel."
Is this an opportunity for me to jump in?
Beacon sold what remained of her boat and has currently taken up residence in a small motel, doing favors for the owner in return for room and board.
Oh, nevermind. I guess the hotel my character is working on could be a vacation hotel extension of the Sea Shell Motel ^^
Yeah, that would be a great place to jump in. Beacon is about to head back there. I should mention that Mobains are expected to wear gloves and shoes when out in public though. Otherwise Danny might get a lot of weird looks.
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by Buster »

so, i was messing around with the program Brent used to make his character, and I've noticed it has a ridiculously narrow selection of decent options in some of the categories. which has me wondering something...

Is forge's hair actually supposed to be a mowhawk, or is that just because that's the only one that looks like a mane?
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

definitely the second. though the top of his mane is actually that messy, it definitely extends beyond his ears
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by MrNeonShot »

WeirdGamer wrote: Yeah, that would be a great place to jump in. Beacon is about to head back there. I should mention that Mobains are expected to wear gloves and shoes when out in public though. Otherwise Danny might get a lot of weird looks.
Because of his webbed digits, perhaps he should wear fingerless gloves and red high tops for his feet?
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Re: Sonic Adventure: Grand Metropolis OOC

Post by WeirdGamer »

MrNeonShot wrote:
WeirdGamer wrote: Yeah, that would be a great place to jump in. Beacon is about to head back there. I should mention that Mobains are expected to wear gloves and shoes when out in public though. Otherwise Danny might get a lot of weird looks.
Because of his webbed digits, perhaps he should wear fingerless gloves and red high tops for his feet?
Yeah, that would make sense. I'm sorry i didn't notice before the drawing, that was my bad. :oops:


Also someone want to head the bakery? Mickey and I left Deske on his own there with no one to roleplay with. Poor Deske. :(
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