[FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

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[FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

as I mentioned in the original fic's thread, i'm starting over with this. the original was repeatedly getting stuck due to mistakes i made in planning it out, and it's much easier to just let the mods lock and archive it than go through and replace every single post that contains stuff from the old version of the story. Okay yes I guess I'm being a bit lazy there, but were this a story archive, I would have been able to just delete the entire story and resubmit the edited version. Can't do that here.

going to try to do one of these every weekend.

As King's paw touched the floating object everything went black. Please be the right one... he thought to himself.

"Huh. I honestly didn't think you would pick that one... Whoops." Kitsune's voice came from everywhere and nowhere, instilling in king a feeling of dread. "Were my hints too subtle? Oh well, too late now, I can't exactly undo your choices. Free will and all. If it's any consolation though, I really did want you to get that happy ending of yours. But maybe you can make this one work out..."

The infernal klaxon of a cheap digital alarm clock jostled Joel from his sleep. He was in a dark room, the numbers 4:00 blinking at him from the corner of his vision. Praying he was wrong, he hesitated a moment before reaching for Bailey's side of the bed. Nothing His hand hit the wall, not paw, hand. No fur or pad softened the thump of his palm against the gyprock. Nothing was there, there was no 'other side' to the bed, it was smaller... too small to fit anyone beyond just himself. His eyes finally adjusting to the gloom the room was soon enough familiar. And all the more unwanted for it. Faint blue gray light filtered in through the frost covered window, giving the entire place a cold, abandoned look. It was small, efficient, and carried none of the familiar scents of home. In fact it barely had a scent at all, nothing did. Like that sense was gone... On one of the shelves, in amongst the DVDs, books, and model kits was a familiar lantern, faintly glowing yet somehow lighting nothing around it as if it were not true light.

He wanted to deny it, but he knew where he was. It was his apartment in the city, and from the time his alarm had been set to, there was only one day he would be getting up this early in the winter...

Sixteen hours from now he was going to be in a jail cell.

The day was a blur, get up, get breakfast, go to work early, pack up the order vfor after work, take care of the 'residents'. His mind wasn't really on the task at hand.
"Joel!" he heard his name barked, as he headed down the hall, stopping and turning to the source just in time to miss being hit by a delivery cart. one of his coworkers rushing to get everything put away before they left.

"Are you okay?" The voice asked, finally drawing Joel's focus to it's source, One of the shelter's residents, a rather diminutive dog. the black and grey portions of his coat standing out quite well against the cream coloured plastic of his pen.

"Yeah." Joel mumbled, his mind elswhere. as he glanced back at the hall intersecting his. That hit me last time... wait, I can change things? he wondered before something else caught his eye. He didn't remember that dog from last time. "Wait... I haven't seen you before... you're new? how do you know my name?"

"You're wearing a name tag." The corgi deadpanned, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, Right... uh, well thanks... uh..."
"Right, well thanks, Bishop." Joel said before heading off. he had to find Chris.

It didn't take long to track him down, as usual he was finishing with the cats before their shift ended.

"Hey Joel, so, we still on for tonight?"

"No... I'm not going. I have a bad feeling about this. You sure you can trust her?"

"Uh yeah. Nothing's going to go wrong, you're worried about nothing." Chris commented snickering, "What happened, I thought you said you 'needed' the money. What about loosing your apartment?"

"I... I'll figure something else out, I still have ten days. I shouldn't have let you talk me into this at all." Joel just grumbled, turning "If this goes bad I'm screwed, I can't risk it." walking away, not caring that Chris knew where the bag was hidden. His coworker just Scowled mumbling 'coward' and headed the other direction.

For the first time that day, Joel found himself looking at that night with hope.


It was 11:00 when the phone rang, "Hello?" Joel asked somewhat distractedly.

"You were right, I shouldn't have tried. Tell my brother I’m at central okay? He's not answering his phone." Chris' voice came from the other end, sounding a bit rough.

"Sure." Joel answered before the other end went dead. One quick dial later, and sure enough Bobby wasn't answering. I'll call him tomorrow. Joel decided before heading to bed.

He was out before his head hit the pillow.
The corgi bounded around a familiar neighborhood just enjoying the day and having fun before he came across a strange scene that had incorporated itself into the dream.

"I never should have listened to you!" one human shouted angrily at another, inside a small cinder-block room with a single barred window.

"Oh shut up! How was I supposed to know she was a Narc?! It was just easy money for some expired supplies. They were going to throw em out anyway."

"You're an idiot Chris!" The shorter of the two shouted, loosing his temper and driving his fist into the other's face. knocking him back, before he rebounded. Soon enough officers appeared to separate them.

King just watched as the scene dissolved, replaced by a far less interesting scene of one of the men on a couch watching tv.

As Joel started to wake, he couldn't quite remember why he had been so certain everything would go wrong the previous day.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am really looking forward to the reboot! I hope you post more soon!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

Wow, so now it's Joel not having a criminal record. I'm guessing he has a better chance being helpful with the ASPCA now. Looking forward to it!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, Buster. :)
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

I went for the kid the first time around, because changes in the way someone thinks or acts are much easier to explain away at younger ages. Especially from the perspective of the person experiencing them. After all they're just growing up. but put a 25 year old through the same thing? Not even a recent traumatic event to use as an alternate explanation? Well, he might just think he was loosing his mind... :twisted:


The week had been one string of setbacks after another. Come on... I already have the job, I just need to hold on until they finish building the clinic. Joel reminded himself, as he grabbed his mail key and headed down to the building's first floor. besides, working for an ASPCA shelter wasn't that bad, even if it didn't pay well.

Things were a mess, they hadn't told him until after he was on contract that the veterinary assistant position was for a different centre that that wasn't finished being built, so technically he had a job, but wouldn't start being paid until construction finished in the spring. Trying to make due with temporary jobs in the interim was proving annoying, and the pets at the shelter were starting to get to him. They’re being given free food, a free place to stay, free vet care, and a chance to find a real home, and yet so many do nothing but complain. You don't have to deal with rent or legal nonsense. Why are animals always so self centred, I’d give anything to have it as easy as they do. ungrateful-

Joel stopped mid-stride, realizing where his thoughts were going. Grimacing and forcing his mind elsewhere he continued down the stairs. No. Stop thinking like that. That's not you anymore, you're better than that Joel. Joel couldn't really remember when or why he had started trying to break that cynical side of himself, but it made the days easier to deal with, so he kept at it.

Unlocking the small box, and sorting through the contents it was the usual mix of spam and bills, before he came across the last envelope. It was blank, just having the word "Congratulations!" on the front. A surprise letter...

At the thought, an image of red glowing eyes, an almost insultingly guilty sounding utterance of 'whoops', and a feeling of dread invaded his mind. He'd been having flashes like that for days now and it was getting annoying. Every time, those voice and eyes seemed a little less sincere and a little more mocking...

Banishing the image from his mind and opening the mystery letter, he started reading through the contents.

Thank you for participating in blah blah blah... I don't remember entering a contest. Huh. Event has concluded, contribution appreciated, cheque for compensation enclo- wait, what? now far more focused on the contents of the envelope, Joel searched through, and sure enough, inside was a cheque. It wasn't much, but it would cover rent for a few months.

First I dodge getting arrested, now my money problem solves it self? Is somebody 'upstairs' looking out for me or something? He got the distinct feeling that that wasn't how the universe worked, as if some part of him knew. Besides, if someone were looking out for him he wouldn't be having these weird dreams, or those images flashing into his mind. Joel scowled at the envelope and it's contents. Probably just luck, A filing error somewhere. A good part of him wanted to just throw it away, forget he ever saw it. It couldn't really be meant for him. he wasn't that lucky.

I'll figure something else out, I still have ten days.

That's four now and I still haven't. I don't have that option.

Grumbling and heading back up to his apartment, Joel retrieved the keys to his van. May as well get this out of the way before I find a way to talk myself out of it. He thought to himself as he roughly stuffed them into his pocket. Dumping the unneeded parts of his mail on the table while he was at it. Heading down to the garage beneath the building, he started the old gray machine up. Driving towards the bank, his mind drifted a moment. the streetlights flicking overhead one after another against the dark backdrop of the early morning having an almost hypnotic effect. That moment was all it took.

There were other voices, presences, in the van. Arguing, yelling. They were familiar, yet he couldn't quite name them. One instilling a feeling of hate and betrayal, the other regret... And in an instant they were gone.

Joel's attention was drawn back to the real world just in time to slam the breaks and screech the van to a halt, just narrowly missing... Nothing? Hadn't there just been a gray dog there?
Stepping out and looking around there was no sign of anyone there, nor had been there.

What is wrong with me? He wondered, getting back in and continuing on his way.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, Buster!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

This has gotten incredibly interesting really fast as well. One change can make a massive difference in his life. And Kitsune did mention that he would have a pretty good life in this path, this is seemingly the start of better things. But remembering the friends he no longer truly has, I would imagine that would be harsh to experience.

Also, never seen it spelled "cheque" before.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really do like this new update! Nice job!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

It was a slow day at the shelter, and Joel found himself off on his own tending to the dogs. He didn't mind, truth be told, he actually preferred it this way. It had been a calm week so far, not much had happened. Life was returning to normal, or as much as possible when your best friend is in trouble with the law and your coworkers are avoiding you. Still, work was fine, things at home were fine, and his best friend avoiding talking to him was, legally speaking, a good thing right now. Even if it didn't feel like it. There were worse things than being left alone.

"hey!" a familiar voice barked from one of the kennels, "You okay?"

Joel looked over at the small dog before going back to what he was doing, not wanting the dogs words to sour his mood. The pup kept watching him though, waiting for an answer.

"I can fix it for you you know, help you out." The small dog commented, waving in Joel's direction.

"Bishop, you're stuck in a pen. Don't try to bargain with things you don't have." Joel just rolled his eyes, not pausing for a moment from his task, handing out the bowls of food to the other dogs. So much for plan A.

"So? I see how things are around here. You've been acting weird ever since your friend left..." he kept going anyway, refusing to be ignored.

That's not exactly it. He didn't leave, he was arrested. I still don't know how I dodged winding up in there with him. I haven't felt like 'me' since that day. Joel thought to himself, but kept his mouth shut, only scowling. He tried to ignore him, but he kept talking anyway.

"You just need a friend! Then you won't feel so lonely." The corgi added in with a smile, eliciting laughs from some of the dogs and at least one comment that he should 'save that talk for visitors'. Joel though, paused. He is technically right, even if wanting a new friend and missing the ones who aren't there are somewhat different.

...One. The one who wasn't there. It's just Chris, those are just dreams. It's not real. They're not real.

'Joel...' a voice echoed in his thoughts. Hurt, disappointed. That name sounded wrong coming from the face he saw in his mind...

Stop it. Go away.

"Are you okay?"

Joel didn't hear him, he just felt the urge to make the images stop, get away from these dogs that kept reminding him. get out of there.
He wasn't sure how long he had been out back, when he had gone was a blur. With his back to the fence, surrounded by nothing but the sight and smell of trees and grass, away from the sounds of the kennel, things were calmer. After a while he realized he wasn't alone.

"Bishop? What are you doing out here?"

"Coming to see you. This was my fault..." he explained with a slight whimper as he pawed the grass with one leg. Amber eyes staring at Joel, a moment before pointing his thumb over his shoulder at six other dogs also out in the fenced-in yard. "aaand, you left the door open, a few of the dogs decided they wanted to play..."

"Sorry. " Joel grumbled. Getting up, and looking around, though, the gates were all closed, so the dogs couldn't go anywhere. Letting them have a bit of a run early couldn’t hurt anything. As he started back toards the door, he added, "Let em have their fun. We should get back though. I need to put the food away before someone decides to eat a whole bag in one go or something."

"Whatever you say, oh King a' the Shelter!" Bishop commented, laughing and going on ahead. Not even realizing the human that had been walking beside him was now frozen mid stride a dozen paces back.

"what did you call me?"

Inside his mind one last fragment of the image returned, clear this time.

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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Obbl »

Memories are such fickle things :roll:
Bishop is very kind. Hopefully these two can help each other out :D
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice update, Buster. :)
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really liking this new reboot Buster!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by The-J-Man »

very nice job. i like this new version of the story much better
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

Oh dang. Now to see how he reacts to the memories of another time crashing in.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

Kasidy had hoped that a new playmate would help with her beloved lab's chronic nervousness... instead it had just led to the poor girl showing that same nervous tic and fake smile at home. Even the new dog barely talked, and she had seemed so friendly when they had met at the shelter...
This was a mistake, what am I going to do? This is only making things worse... I should have tried something years ago, but I kept thinking daisy would just grow out of it...

Sighing, she got up from her seat, and started heading for the other room. She had already put this off for weeks. Feeling guilty for bringing the corgi into her home for such a selfish reason, then wanting to send her away when it didn't work... But delaying more wasn't going to make things better, or make the guilt go away...

As she got close to the girls' room, she could hear talking from the other side of the door.

"I know you don't like to talk much, I don't really expect an answer... But I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry."

"...Doesn't want me..."

Did she just... It broke Kasidy's heart hearing those words. especially not from the dog she had raised from a puppy. That wasn't what she had intended at all. She wanted to run in and comfort her, but she couldn't move.

"What? that's crazy! Of course mom wants you, why wouldn't she?"

"Too quiet... not good enough. ...She has you. should just go..."

there was a shuffling sound inside the room, and a confused yelp.

"You're not going anywhere Daisy. I won't let you."


"don't care. you're staying."

the voices within the room were silent for a few minutes, before a soft whimper sounded, slowly turning into words.

"...thank you."


And now we have all three of our main cast.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

Just, wow. This should be one interesting ride with Daisy now.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

well, older pets IRL are often hesitant around new pets, combine that with the fear of being replaced a LOT of people have, and take away the 'puppy' mindset and things have a different outcome.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice update, Buster. :)
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Very interesting update that you have here!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

No update this weekend on account of spending most of it hanging out with Isabelle Mitzi and Lobo, instead of working on... well, anything.

I'll try to get one out through the week to make up for it.

Now if you'll excuse me I need to go find the charger for my DS.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

No problem.

Though Animal Crossing? You know, I love games such as Pokémon, Persona, Metal Gear, and similar games, but lately, Animal Crossing is taking all of what little game time I get. Why am I so invested in that game?! :shock:
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

It was strange. The dreams seemed different now...

"My name is King!" a voice drifted from one disjointed corner of the dreamscape. The words far clearer than the rest of the murky mess. They sounded angry and confused, but also... right, somehow.

The dream was a jumble, building were scattered everywhere in imposible shapes, as if a dozen landscapes made of clay had all been mashed together with no regard for how it would deform their content. the street he stood upon seemed to stretch outward but instead of sink below the horizon it stretched up into the sky. one end stopping at a loaf of bread with a front door, two jars of condiments moving around outside it.

It made no sense.
And still something was calling him.

As he started to walk down the street the world around him seemed to grow taller. The imagined dull thuds of rubber soles on asphalt becoming something else, softer. Cloth brushing against cloth becoming the clink of metal dangling from metal. Yet if he looked upon himself he was the same as he had been.

From a cabin like building a chilling laugh echoed, while a friendly tone called from the darkened cage structure across from it.
No matter how far he traveled nothing got closer.

A hand on his shoulder, a tall shape behind him.
Someone wearing gray and blue. A person? Too distorted to be certain. still the figure had a feeling to it.




The figure broke into leaves and blew away, taking the strange place with it. He reached out to stop it, but the pieces the white fingers closed around just passed through, melting away.

only a black void greeted him now.

"Why do you keep coming back here?" a voice wondered. far clearer than any of the sounds of the dream. More vivid, more real.




Joel groggily opened his eyes, as his alarm clock buzzed incessantly.

"Ugh... The **** was that?"

Mod Edit: Do not use that word as profanity
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

I think I had the same reaction as Joel. Dreams are such strange occurrences, aren't they? Though they sometimes hold a bit of what you need to know.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really great job on this chapter! Think it came out well!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by deep winter »

And it is not and it's not enough to have memories...
only when they have changed into our very blood...
it can happen that in some very rare hour the first word of a poem arises
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

Things are not always as they first appear.


"This is ridiculous. He can't just change the rules at the last minute."
"He didn't. You felt it as well as I did, the rogue elements are warded against all three of us, and specifically the three of us. Why would he block himself from interacting with something he planted? Something else is going on here."
"But his magic is all over them, underneath the wards..."
"Yes, under the wards. But the wards themselves are someone else's. And he was just as confused as we were; for once I didn't feel any trickery from him."
"This is going to derail everything... The entire plan is-"
"You mean the 'stalemate me until I yield' plan? Like I care about that getting wrecked. Can we please focus on what's important here? Like why we can't sense anything about them beyond the magic coating them?"
"...But how are we supposed to find anything out? I can't even tell where they are..."

"I don't know."

With that the two parted ways, the elder vanishing from the starry void the younger sat within.

Why does the magic of those wards feel familiar? Who do I know that would have a reason to get involved with this world? Stupid temple, I could get a clearer read if I wasn't stuck in here.


The day was slow. Then again every day was slow. That's just how things were here. Things just tended to follow a routine.

"Steve... Give me the bowl."

Well, Most of the time anyway.

"But I have to save some for the cat in the next pen!"

Some days were different.

"That pen has been empty longer than I've been working here..."

Like when you get put on tending the cats.

"She probably just went to the washroom. I don't want her to miss out on snacks when she gets back." The cat stated, matter-of-factly.

Joel just stared at the gray tomcat, dumbfounded as to what to say to that. How in the world could this cat believe that one of the other pets had been in the washroom for over a year? Glancing over at the other pen, it had a note on it, old enough to have discolored and started to fade, that read. Do not use pen. Steve will whine. Just how long had it been empty?

"Don't bother with him Robinson, You're just wasting your time." The supervisor called from down the hall. Heading off his barely started attempt to explain the situation to the crazy cat.

Still somewhat confused, Joel moved on to the next cat continuing down the row until he was done with changing out the pet's food dishes. It wasn't long before he found himself in the break room. The incident with Steve still on his mind.

"Weird day?" Joel heard from behind him.

"Yeah. Met Steve today. Now I know why the others call him delusional." Joel commented, pausing part way through eating his lunch. He was about to start eating again when it clicked in his mind who the familiar voice was. Turning around to see, somone who definitely shouldn't be here.

"So... Are you going to finish that? Can I have some?" Bishop asked, staring intently at the sandwich Joel was holding.

"Wait a minute, what are you doing out here? Who let you out?" Joel sputtered out, baffled how the dog had wound up at the other end of the building.

"Nobody, you guys use really cheap locks. So can I have some or not?"

Joel was about to snap at him, bark some angry rebuttal, but he couldn't. After all nothing but kibble every day just kinda sucked.

"...Alright. Just don't tell anyone okay? And head back to your pen right after." He answered with a smile, tearing off a piece of the sandwich and passing it over.

"Awesome! Glad there's at least one nice person working here." Bishop barked happily, though trying to keep his voice low.

"You're just saying that because I gave you something."

"No, I'm serious. You're the only one here who isn't a jerk..."

Crossing his arms and scowling slightly Joel had to ask, "What makes you say that?" Surely there was at least one other member of the staff he got along with...

"Because it seems like you know what it's like to be the one in the cage." Bishop answered his tone thoughtful, before happily returning to munching on the piece he had been given. Speaking up again when he was done. "You don't act like we're just a burden."
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great job on how this chapter came out! Very nice!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

A new force? This only manages to get even more interesting!

Also, ----, pretty heavy stuff. You managed to make Daisy and Steve, who are pretty much one-dimensional joke characters, into individuals we feel for. Sad to see that Steve is still waiting on Grape.

Also, I'm liking how Bishop is shaping up to be. Maybe he'll be to Joel as Fox was to King.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, Buster!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

Another lazy Tuesday. For most people they'd be saying that about Saturday or Sunday, but not Joel. At least not this week. That was the 'fun' part about rotating schedules. Besides, the shelter wasn't such a bad job. Well, not anymore. Before Chris had been arrested, it had been dull as anything, but the last six months had been different.

So he was at home watching tv, just relaxing. Waiting for a trailer for Duplicity to end so his show would come back on. Nothing was going to ruin this day.

That was when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Joel answered dreading the call, simply because of the timing. Call it superstitious, but some things are too coincidental.

"mh mhm."

"I'll be there."

"Yeah, no problem."

As soon as he hung up the phone, Joel started digging around the kitchen for his car keys. Briefly grabbing the remote and switching off the tv. Slipping on his shoes and jacket he bolted out the door and down the stairs to the parking lot. He had somewhere to be.

- - - - -

"I thought today was your day off." Joel heard the familiar voice of the shelter's supervisor. Apparently the tune he had been cheerfully humming had been louder than intended. Putting the last of the items from his locker into the bag he had brought, he booted it shut and stood up.

"Yeah, and it still is," Joel explained, shrugging as he turned to face his coworker. "I got a call this morning, the Babylon veterinary clinic is finished construction. They'll be opening up in a week."

"well, I suppose congratulations are in order then." Stephanie commented with a smile. her arms uncrossing and falling to her sides, her previously suspicious gaze softening, "I don't suppose I can convince you to stay, I'm sure the clinic can find other veterinary assistants?"

Stephanie couldn't make it through the full sentence with a straight face. Both of them had a good laugh at that, knowing there was no way it would happen. This had been the plan all along after all.

"No, but there is someone I'd like to come with me."

- - - - - -

The engine of the old Toyota hummed as it shot down the highway, though Joel's attention kept getting drawn to the back seat.
"So, you did make sure to leave a note in case mom comes by the shelter looking for me, right? I don't want her to think I ran away..."
"Hey, go easy on him Bishop. He was there a long time. And yes, They know where you are."
"Okay... Thanks..."
"Hrmph. Dumb cat."

Yes, the bait 'n switch with the phone call was on purpose. :twisted:
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, Buster!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

:) :arrow: :D
The slowest and biggest smile spread on my face with that last paragraph. But now I must wonder, will Grape remember him? And how will Joel react to Fox?

Tune it next time, I suppose.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wonderful job on this chapter! It really came out good!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

"You can't stay cooped up in the car forever..." Joel tried to gently coax his nervous pet, but that cat was having none of it. Bishop by comparison had jumped, almost literally, at the opportunity to get out and run around. Steve though was curled up on the floor in front of the seat and showed no interest.

"But I like it in here..." Steve mumbled, trying not to look out at the park they had stopped at. Looking up a moment in response to Joel gently scratching one of his ears in a reassuring manner, he ducked back down right after, muttering "that room is too big..."

At first Joel was thrown off by his choice of words "Steve, When was the last time you were outside, not just in the back kennel to stretch and exercise, but really outside?"

"Don't remember..." his muffled words coming from the curled ball of fur.

"you know what, the park can wait. We can have fun right here."

"Kay." Steve said quietly leaning into Joel's hand as he scratched, starting to relax a little.

"Hey look at that, the new pet is a scardy cat!" one of the other pets started shouting, a medium sized brown dog, drawing laughs from a few of the other dogs. "What's the matter kitty? Afraid the trees will get you? Oh no, a scary leaf! Run away!" He taunted, laughing.

That certainly wasn't helping Steve's confidence.

Elsewhere a certain corgi was feeling more than a little conflicted. He knew the comments were bothering his owner, he could see it plain as day, but at the same time, it was that stupid cat they were talking about. There was no way he was going to stick up for scruffy the pirate, or whatever his name was. So he stayed out of sight, pretended he didn't hear.

"Um... Maybe you should go over there and-..." another dog started to say to him, before he silenced her with a glare.

Gulping nervously she plastered a fake grin on her face, and almost mechanically stated, "Hi, I'm daisy."
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job, Buster.
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

Oy, neither of them are adapting well. Bino's a jerk, as usual. If it's not King, it'll be someone. Heartwarming that Joel is trying to be there for Steve, though. Also, wow, Bishop was rather harsh, but conflicting emotions can do that to a guy.

How's this for Bishop?
How's this for Bishop?
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice job on the story Buster and great job on the picture D-Rock!
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

Actually, I drew the twins ages ago. in one of the other threads.
Ripley.png (77.29 KiB) Viewed 23513 times
bishop.png (62.87 KiB) Viewed 23513 times
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by D-Rock »

Wow, I was WAY off. They look great, though!

Also, "twins?"

Guessing Ripley is the corgi with Daisy?
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Re: [FanFic] Making the wrong choice (V.2)

Post by Buster »

Oh, right, i didn't use her name this time.

Yeah she is.
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