Chosen path

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deep winter
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Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

"How many people ever wondered if there was life among the stars?" a corgi asked itself bitterly,' I did. I pondered how many civilizations are out there, dreamed of how first contact will go, and believed there was a possibility they existed. Now, I know for sure without a shadow of a doubt. Why people may ask?'

The corgi looked around the room he sits in. His natural night vision letting him see little beyond a yard away in complete darkness
' I am in an alien craft yes. crashed on earth. I think so. no more than half a mile away from the nearest human population center. How?' The corgi mused. He tries to rise but not a muscle Was pulled. He tried to move his hands only his wrist and stubby fingers react. His toes... nothing ,dead. Ears!? Yes, mobile. Panic- yes , unfortunately.

'Also i cant move for some reason unknown to me... correction, I do know. My body is immobile due to the genetic rewriting, time locks, disconnected nerves otherwise id be in a lot more pain, and the lack of functioning brain messengers to the body. In few words, I'm paralyzed from the neck down somewhat. However a few functions, namely being able to talk remain.' A faint sound came to the corgis attention. His ears swivel to locate it but fail the sound cone from everywhere. Yet the sound he could vaguely identify, sirens. Singular.

'Ohhh... here comes the Fuzz or is it the Government's mooks?... ' he wondered. 'No not enough time for government response.'
The siren stopped. "All right get back nothing too see here folks just a plane crash. Just back away till emergency service can get here."
'A cop?'
"Sheriff? You call that a plane? It look like a ufo from every other scifi alien invasion film! Should we be evacuating from here?"
'Oh its the Fuzz. Good.'
" Hey i found a hole."
'Oh goody how convenient.' The corgi dead palmed.
“Hey dont go in there!”
“Too late im going to find to find out of there is life beyond the stars.”

The satellites on the post human corgi 's head moved to locate the sound his right ear turned down while the left ear turned to a sound. Footsteps pattered against the metal floor. They grew closer and closer still then the wall in front of him lit up like a screen at a theatre or a smart board. The corgi sat and watched for a moment his ears erect and facing forward the hum of electronic machinery coming to life. Below him tables lit up displaying unknown information some had black screen with green code Scrolling vertically, then light came online illuminating areas that where hidden in the previous darkness. Before him was a bridge that mirrored that of the USS Vengeance from Star Trek: Into Darkness. The screen in front of him showed a corridors schematic with 19 Red Dots.

[Warning: intruder alert]
The projected screen flashed then a window came up. It held four solutions to this conflict:

1. Make intruders believe no one is onboard(recomended)
2. Kill intruders(caution severe consequences)
3. Escape (caution unknown outcome)
4. Open the door for diplomatic solution(not recommended)

Number two was out; Too much can go wrong.

1. Open door and risk being exposed and most likely not get X-Filed
2. Don't answer the door, keep his trap shut and take a chance being x filed by the government's goons.
3. Don't answer and leave the planet getting transported else where in the process.
[Chpose the corse of action audience]

First post here as well as my first fanfic here so Tell me if somethings off or how i can improve. Thanks for reading.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by The-J-Man »

i like this. this is a very fun story to read
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Saturn381 »

Nice job. Can't wait to see more.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Buster »

I vote Option 5: be rescued by ninjas.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice job on the story! I choose option 3
deep winter
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Buster wrote:I vote Option 5: be rescued by ninjas.
:) later in one path he may.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Hello it me again so for the sake of Going forward before I loose my insparation i shall write on the third path, escape just ironing out details here and there. So sometime later i shall post maybe on Monday.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That sounds really nice! You know that I look forward it!
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

A full 60 seconds passes before the Cardigan chose what course of action should be taken. He decided that hed take his chances getting shot out of the sky by the Air Force. But how to relay it?

[“voice command software rebooted. Please choose one of displayed options.”] A synthetic female voice said over the speakers on his seat.

“Escape.” he replied

[“Engines and FTL Drive cannot guarantee safe exit. Confirm order. ”]
[“Doors are now Lock down.”]
The Corgi did the only thing he could say where he was and wait for the storm to pass. The map of the ship in front of him changed to a 3D Hologram of one was ahead of all the 18 signatures. The human was young and his out line was white. On his heels was a larger Human and a mob of contacts outlined in red. He continued to hold his breath. The figure of the young human runs into a door and trys to open it. However that moment was brief. the larger red subdued him and soon the other contacts turned white.

On the command chair the canine sighed with relief. The contacts exited from the shuttle and the hatch that happened to be open closed. The computer plotted the next course of action. Suddenly he was jerked back in his chair he screamed in pain as the space ship Made a clear bee line out of the area and avoid interceptor aircraft along with the contingency of SAM(Surface to Air Missile) fire.

All the while the cardigan screamed it was not one of Surprise or fear, it was one of mostly pain. What he found out was that he had multiple needles in his back. However as for the others scattered throughout his body remained unknown to him.

Gravity begins to lighten up for a moment and for the first time in ever the young corgi felt weightless, no longer was he bound by the law of gravity he was free. Yet in freedom one reality remained as oppressive as gravity, pain. He was ventilating his ragged breath where the only sound.

Suddenly he felt something, or rather someone setting him back the way he was. He looked to the left and saw a familiar face- or rather one he guessed was familiar. It was a Humanoid otter from what he could see it was similar in build to lily from argo. However the Biggest clue it held was the Gem on its forehead but one thing he wanted to do is confirm or bust it.


The otter 'ani-droid' smiled and replied," Your welcome Mr. Cardigan."


"I have no Official Designation for you at this time Mr. Cardigan. According to my information banks, it is the equivalent of using the name John Doe or john Smith if my information banks are up to date."

"...A dog named dog... how original." The corgi muttered. The otter said nothing, paying no heed to the mumbling corgi. Said corgi then asked, "So what is your name?"

"My designation Lily. Opera Ani-droid."

'...Wow my guess was true. She is lily.'

[“Be advised Section Brovo Reattaching with Saucer section.”] The computer chimed.

The corgi looked to the screen. There was the secondary hull coming into view from the dark side of luna. The hull may have black paint but the blue glow of the engine showed it location. To him it became apparent he was on the USS Vengeance. He was on a Star trek Warship that was no push over compared to the others. Soon the Secondary hull was attached and locked in.

[“Section Brovo connected. Engine online. Warp drive full power. Weapons and defense counter measures Online. Reactor online. Life support in section Brovo online. Air circulation of all sections Prepped. Cleaning dispatched to main Corridor. Course set: The dark side of Luna.”] the computer babbled.

The corgi and the otter listened intensely to the computers voice. Once it finished the corgi sighed he had escaped the world and he didn't know if there was any return. He assumed he could but had to risk the Air Force organizations would attack him. For now he wanted to see the ship and possibly fond some answers. Then he remembers one detail; he cant move. But for now he decided to ask,“lily? How much do you know about thus place?”
The otter didnt reply, He turned to her. Lily only looked forward to the screen that was on the wall turned transparent revealing space. The corgi had turned to her and looked in the direction she faced.

He turned and he was speechless looking to the scenery of dark space. He saw stars and the moon which stayed in its lane to the left. He smiled forgetting his worries along with the deep emotional sorrows, and fears now washed away his mind focused on the now. “Space the final frontier isn't it?” asked the otter.

The corgi only smiled looking to the deep dark void of space. Not another word was spoken.

The screen goes white and the projector sprung to life and one Word on its Display.[WARNING]

[“Warning Unknown Anomaly Starboard bow. All hands Battle stations and brace for impact.”] The Computer said in a calm voice showing no emotion in the chaos as the ship was dragged to the right but still went forwards.[“All hands Prepare for emergency full stop and reverse.”] The great ship tried to deny the end but its course would not change. The great black bird stops for a second and reversed at full power. It was futile. Not an inch was gained. Suddenly the 'unexpected' happened.

[“Engines full power. No result. Danger. Engines shutting down we are drifting to the anomaly. All crew brace for Impact!”]

“No token given Sherlock!" Yelled the distressed Cardigan. In truth he always wanted to say that when it when the worst hit the metaphorical fan.

[“Captain we have hit the anomaly we are past the event horizon! Be advised please strap your seat belts in position. "] The computer said. The corgi looked but didn't see it. Lily pushed the button on Mr. Cardigan's chair a harness comes down like in Star Trek Into Darkness. He was secure lily bolts to a chair. However she is tossed aside to a wall her frame taking damage.

[ “Warning Artificial Gravity offline. All Doors locked.”] The corgi sheds a tear hoping to whatever higher being that he would make it out. Weightlessness returns and Lily is tossed up with the inertia of the ships movements. The canine keeped his eyes clamped shut as the seat harness keeping him in place.

[Danger. Danger. Danger] The screen flashed showing sections of the USS Vengeance in red reading Multiple Breaches, structural damage, heat damage, systems malfunction

["Warning artificial horizon bearings are offline.”] The power to the lights above went out then red lights came on.

["Power to alpha section is offline. Batteries providing power to main systems. Danger life support offline. Main Engines online. Orders captain."] The projector was out.

“Jump us out if here!" He cried.

[“Warning Action could result In hull damage. Confirm order to continue."]

"Confirm you stupid computer!"

[“ Main engines full power forward."]

The ship lurched forward the young captain Screams in pain. The wounded bird hits a wall of the anomaly. The ship jolts but keeps accelerating at full speed. Once out it be came a smoother ride no longer spinning in every direction. Up, down, left , and right these directions are meaningless due to the fact that in space there is no up or down.

[“Life support online. Dispatching additional Repair teams teams. Damage assessment in progress.”]

Just like before lily had helped the cardigan get out of his pain. He turned to her she like parts of the ship was damaged. PseudoSkin was torn, her left arm twitched as cut wires where connected and disconnecting sending small sparks into the air and Metal plates showed. However in a few locations the plates of metal broke off exposing what he guessed were artificial muscles which were slightly less damaged.

The ani-droid pushed the button she used to activate his harness and now it retracted folding into squares of metal that soon where gone from sight into the chair.

[“Captain, Android lily report to the medical ward and the Repair ward respectively.”] The computer chimed.

The captain looked to the Ani-droid to his right and asked,“How am I suppose to do that?”

The otter just looked at him and said,“ I shall return.”

She turned around and went out the door sliding metal doors behind him with a slight limp in hwr step. The corgi said nothingat first as he watched the only other 'person' he knew left. He sobs not of fear but of joy; joy that he was still alive. He has faced certain death and now realized how horribly it could of ended for him in the anomaly. At least the worst has passed, for now.

<TBC No options Available>

ALMOST forgot disclaimers
Housepets! And Argo(short story) belong to rick griffin
The USS Vengeance belongs to the creators of the star trek franchise or whoever it is.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Wow that was very nice! I thought the ending was good!
deep winter
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

EVE, on board the USS -unnamed-, Hanger 2.

“EVE Probe one. Awaken.”, male voice commanded.

(System loading…)

The probes electronic eyes open on its LED Screen shown as two solid electronic blue orbs. The Eve salutes to the mysterious figure in the shadows. He is wearing a black tux with a red tie. However his face is Blackened by shadows- only his shoes are in the light which appear to be black crocodile hide cowboy boots.

“Stop saluting you gloried scout drone. I'm not part of the crew nor do hold any real aliasis here to tie to a title. At least not yet that is your captain is another story. A File has been sent to you via wireless signal.” The probe only nods in acknowledge. “Your job right now is to have my Paying piece, captain X-ray, ready for the comming game. The battle ground will put the elements of two separate universes into one larger battle ground. Heck the one Where his body was from was a battle ground.

Anyway I programmed most directives into you. Also for now while the captain is making up for the loss of sleep I shall give you a temporary task. Guide the group until the captain Awakens they are in hanger 1. Till next time we meat Eve. ”

The probe nods.

He gets up and walked to the right away from the wall. He grabs an object in the physically impossible Darkness. He opened a door Revealing light. Before he entered in a stern voice he added,“Eve one more thing…" the probe stops,“This little conversation is Classified by Directive 64.”

He exits the plane of reality. Leaving the White and black Disney creation to think of an explanation to what just occoured. Where the table was now theirs a rack of eve probes in there pods in a well illuminated area. Heck the whole deck is illuminated. It took her three minuets to reach the conclusion that further study was needed.

She hovered to the turbo lift that lay no more than two dozen meters away from her current location location. She calls the elevator and the right side opens. She hovered into the elevator.

[From: Managent
To: Eve Probe 1
Subject: Changes
Classified under directive
/ Begin File/
Due to unforeseen change in the location of the shooting we have altered the plans due to rearangement of the playing piece. The nature of our shoot has changed in part to the unplanned wormhole on the dark side of luna. The show will Go on. Take this time of three earth months or 93 days to train the crew in the art of running a ship. Due to the Amount of unknowns here, the ship is to stay put until a Artificial planet can be made along with a dock for the ship. With no real base of operation your organic crew will have to run on whatever food it has onboard.

Also this Universe has plenty of sentient beings and a good population are in a government called The Citadel council whom are no more than a whole 24 cycle away at maximum Warp. Intellegence on them will be something you will have to done by the organic crew with some of your assistance.

The additional crew as you where told are on the fist hanger deck. However this deck carries most of the infantry technology which is locked to anyone without the proper clearance. You, however have access. You will find a roster in a data chip near the entrance at the checkpoint.

The show will go on regardless of the change in universe. Under directive 64 this document is Classified. We shall expect a Full report by the end of 31 ship earth days.
\End File\]

*Ding* The door opens. The room is illuminated in white light by the LED Lights over head. The Probe Floats forward into the hanger she floated up to the check point. An Ani-droid in a gold security shirt and a ghost recon set of glasses Let her in. confirmed her ID before she even left the elevator.

The probe goes into one of the silendical tubes made of clear bullet resistant glass and a wall of titanium alloy. This tube and the guards wall separated the first eight feet of the hanger, effectively providing security to the infantry technology Behind the titanium curtain. Inside the tube Two towers rotated around her scanning. The cylinder moves in a clock wards motion, bullet proof glass was now behind her.

[“Identity confirmed. Welcome to Hanger bay one Probe one. ”] the ship computer chimes.

The titanium wall rotated out of view. Before her was a room full of mechanical arms, weapons, mechs, and Other exotic items that can be wielded by the average infantry man. However there was two things out of place one of which is singular. while the lader was a set and live.

The first is the data chip on a table but next to it was two small beds. Out of curiosity she scans the two figures. Blue light develop the pair.

*beep* Red*beep*red *beep*red *bebebe* blue
[Identified. Organic Life forms. Mice.]

She her 'face' turned to an expression of questioning as she inspected the two life forms. In comparison to her internal database these werent mice she knew of unless someone twisted genetics or evolution before she was activated. Further research required on this subject.

She plugged the Data chip onto the back of her head in a hidden port. A roster shows up oh her HUD all near the person they belong to.

Baily-Female Alaskan Husky
Status: dormant
Relations: King Milton (husband)
Ship occupation: TBD

Bino- Male Mutt
Status: dormant
Relations: Fido(older brother)
Joey(younger brother)
Ship occupation:

Daisy- Female Black lab
Status: dormant
Ship occupation: TBD

Fido- Male mutt
Status: dormant
Relations: bino(younger brother)
Joey(youngest brother)
Ship occupation: TBD

Fox-Male Alaskan husky
Status: dormant
Relations: Baily
Ship occupation: TBD

Grape jelly Sandwich-Female -Unknown breed- cat
Status: dormant
Relations: Peanut Butter Sandwich
Ship occupation: TBD

Joey-Male mutt
Status: dormant
Relations: fido
Ship occupation: TBD

King Milton- Male Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Status: dormant
Relations: Baily (wife/mate(?))
Ship occupation: TBD

Maxwell- Male black cat
Status: dormant
Relations: Grape jelly sandwich(girlfriend)
Sabrina(former girlfriend)
Ship occupation: TBD

Peanut butter sandwich-Male Mutt
Status: dormant
Relations: Grape Jelly sandwich
Tarot (girlfriend)
Ship occupation: TBD

Sabrina- Female black cat
Status: dormant
Relations: fido (Boyfriend)
Tarot(close friend)
Ship occupation: TBD

Sasha- Female Mutt
Status: dormant
Relations: Bino(ex-boyfriend(?))
Ship occupation: TBD

Spo- common mose
Status: dormant
Relations: Fido
Ship occupation: TBD
Bed:12 b

Squeak- Female common mouse
Status: dormant
Relations: Joey
Ship occupation: TBD

Tarot-Female Pomeranian
Status: dormant
Relations: peanutbutter Sandwich (boyfriend)
Ship occupation: TBD

X-ray- Male Cardigan Welsh Corgi(Currently in Medical)
Status: W.I.A
Relation: lily- assistant
Eve- assistant *acting*
The organic crew(TBD)
Ship occupation: CO (Captain)

She looked down and saw that infront of her was Spo and Squeak. However on her HUD one IFF changed to active. It was the Pembroke 's status. The IFF was active and its color was now a light orange, Caution.

////Civilian Milton, King\\\\

The Probe quickly hid behind one of the mobile mechanical arms in a corner and stocked the canine as he awakened. This course of action would not only allow her to make introductions easier, but it would also prevent any unessary tensions between her and the organic crew.

As she stocks the Pembroke, king sat up in his bed looking around at his surroundings. By this moment the probe though the had guessed that king now knew he wasnt in kansas anymore. For a moment neither moved nor Made a lound sound.

He was Sold on the fact that this place is military in nature by the sights and smells. A combination of Gun oil, Gunpowder, machine oil, and grease where Strong oders in the air. He breathed deeply, desperately trying to keep a lid on his internal turmoil. He regains his grip on reality when he sees Fox who was just across from him.

He hopped off the bed as he walked across he noted that it felt a bit more difficult to walk. It mattered little in that moment because he was at the foot of his friends bed In no time. Then he trys to wake him; no ground was gained because he continued to sleep deeply, paying no heed to the corgi to his left.

“Didn't know fox was such a heavy sleeper. Now if only I knew where I-.” he looks around at the beds. “or rather, where we are.”

King waits yet the husky didnt stir. He turned and noted that baily was over a distance away. As he left Fox's side he noticed a pair of blue orbs in a dark secluded corner. He stopped half way there and only stared at the two blue orbs which he linked with the white body hovering in the air.

“Who are you?” he asked not really knowing what to do.

“Eve” the Robot replied.

“ok ‘Eve’ Where are am I?” he hissed.

“Home.” the probe answered. A holographic projection of the ship sprange forth from her projector. Internaly the probe Hoped she didnt make a critical error that warranted a Need to Stun the corgi with her cannon. Otherwise her trigger happy wireless receivers would stun him till next week and then some.

The corgi looked confused, “So this isnt part of one of the celestial beings games is it?”


“oh carp.” The corgi sighed slumping against Daisy's bed. He so hoped it was the kitsune playing a prank on him in his sleep. It was a forlorn for he will not show up to provide any security for they are farther from home than theyve ever been.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ Options ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

What shall the ship be Named?

4. Point of No Return
5. Other

Do you as the audience Think that the Ship should change shape?
A. Yes
B. No
If yes which type of ship and of which franchise?

As a final request what jobs should the cast do? They shall enter basic Training.

Voting deadline May 19, 2015

Eve probe Series from Wall-E Are a creation of Disney Pixar Studios.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Change it to a "One Piece" ship!
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Buster »

>Change ship to the USS Plan B.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by The-J-Man »

For some reason, I thought the name ; The "USS adventure" would be a good name
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really need to start watching "One Piece" again so I know the ship names. x.x
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

The-J-Man wrote:For some reason, I thought the name ; The "USS adventure" would be a good name
Agreed. I can see soneone calling it the Avenger if they slip.

As for the one piece ships :? Some of them look odd though its a little less of a target compared with the star trek ships with a sauser section. Also I dont think the insurance will cover every space bad guy. Plus the consept of Up or down is null and void in the void of space.
Last edited by deep winter on Wed May 13, 2015 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by The-J-Man »

that'd actually be funny if they had a whole debacle about calling the ship by different names
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm always up for a bit of comedy.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

that'd actually be funny if they had a whole debacle about calling the ship by different names
:) it wont be. The ferrets have the right idea, use a dart board.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Buster »

And then we wind up with a ship that's just a rectangle with 'ship ideas' written on one side.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by SuperStar »

Wow! I Sci-Fi Housepets fanfic? Man, everything is being done, :D

I vote for "Point of No Return", that's one of my favorite Gaim songs.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Buster wrote:And then we wind up with a ship that's just a rectangle with 'ship ideas' written on one side.
:lol: that would be funny to look at. But the name ship ideas led me to something unrelated the 'spaceship of the imagination' . The newer tyson verison im thinking about.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! The S.S. Imagination would be a good name!
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Space, the final frontier these are the tales of the Star ship Imagination. Its unsaid two year mission, to boldly go where No pet has gone before.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah you definitely NEED to name it that.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Here are positions the crew will play on board.

Baily- Gardner/ mechanic
Bino- S1
Fido- security head
Fox- security
Grape- Undecided
Joey- helmsman
King- Undecided
Maxwell- CQC specialist / arms sargent
Peanut - librarian/ Science officer/ aquatic Boat Driver
Sabrina- Airborne Early warning and Control operator
Sasha- Medical
Spo- Undecided
Squeak- Undecided
Tarot- Airborne Early Warning and Control operator
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You know, now I am really curious as to what Daisy is.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Ok so today was the deadline for the topics of ship appearance and its name. For the first its both point of no return and SS Imagination sorry j-man The Ss adventure sounds cool and all but the name imagination has some symbolic meaning and refrence to a fictional ship from something educational. However the name I shall use yes just not this turn. Plans are in place. Toombs will be moved and bla bla bla
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Change it to a "One Piece" ship!
As for cosmetic appearance it goes to dayzee's one piece ship idea what it will look like only dayzee can tell me. The Uss plan b is... well i be honest I didnt know what to say at firat now it only looks like a borg Cube and i realy cant see its true potential sory wise becase it was only a info video for a pack in mine craft to go on. Sorry Buster i just couldnt work on so little intel.
Ps borg give me the goosebumps.
Pss onto Fist days and basic, forward onto dawn
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Since I haven't watched One Piece in years, you can decide which ship from the anime to use.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Then in that case it shall be the Moby dick. Modifed for space Solar sails, metal Hull, propulion system array, Lazers, and Magnetically accelerated cannon.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by The-J-Man »

deep winter wrote:... and Magnetically accelerated cannon.
i know this thing by another name: "THE RAILGUN".
a very powerful weapon indeed
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oooooh. It even sounds like its menacing! Nice name!
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Buster »

The-J-Man wrote:
deep winter wrote:... and Magnetically accelerated cannon.
i know this thing by another name: "THE RAILGUN".
a very powerful weapon indeed
Actually, a M.A.C. in sci-fi usually refers to a coilgun not railgun. Because the word sounds cooler, railguns are more often than not called by their actual name rather than the writers making one up.

see, a coilgun (also called a gauss gun, magnetic linear accelerator, or mass-driver, and very similar to a linear motor) uses a series of electromagnetic coils, one in front of the other. activating and deactivating in sequence, so that there's always a magnetic pull in front of the slug accelerating it forward.

a railgun on the other hand has two conductive rails, one negative one positive, that the slug sits between. when the slug makes contact with the rails it completes a circuit, charging the rails and causing the slug to be pushed forward by an electromagnetic phenomenon called lorentz force.
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No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by The-J-Man »

well i cant argue with cold-hard science...
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Buster »

Doesn't make it any less destructive though;muzzle velocity is exponentially proportional to the length of the rails/coils in both cases, so one running down the middle of the ship from end to end would pack quite a kick.

EDIT: Wait, no. got that wrong. It's proportional to the time spent inside the barrel, not the length. I suppose there's still a relationship there, but not that one.
Last edited by Buster on Thu May 21, 2015 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
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Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by The-J-Man »

dont i know it. I'm actually in the process of creating a model of an actual railgun seen here in my favorite game: Metal Gear Solid 4.
Just from the looks of it, you can tell how powerful it is...and thats just the man-portable version...
flemings left hand rule anyone?...dont worry if you dont get the refrence
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Good lord, that looks like it could blow up a car.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Happy memorial day to all and may we never forget The Men and women who serve today and the ones who came before. Then for them, we shall not forget thouse who never returned. From the revolution to Desert storm they are the people who gave their sevice to build this nation and in return let us not forget who they are or were.
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Re: Chosen path

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Thank you for reminding us of all the people who lost their lives fighting for us! We shall never forget!
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Re: Chosen path

Post by deep winter »

Post Graduation Mission Day 1/365

0735 hours, November 4, Fall 2015

Its been a busy morning for the crew. So far its been Get shipment of X to Location Y. Food, Munitions, Machinery, Air Filters, Machine spare Parts, fuel, and more where moved about on the already busy dock. It didnt help that the dock was already cramped with the other tons of material to build the new ships in the shipyard. Said shipyard is bring manned but Thousands of Anidroids, most of whom are of the labor Class variety. Then there's ship board problems such as checking controls, electronics, engineering, and awaiting fair solar weather.

Though the ship now looks like a Sailing ship modified for the void of space. Said design mirrored the appearance of the Moby Dick from an anime called “One Piece”. Colonel (O-6) Xray rolled his eyes upon learning that little bit of information he received from chief Warrant officer(W-3) Joey Price. The only verbal response the young warrant officer received was The Word “Kahn.”

Logically the ship had some alterations, most of which where obvious to the observer, titanium hull, mast, figure head/whale head, and metal plates for windows. The propulsion was a large trio of main thrusters, four smaller side thrusters, and a larger number of stabilizer torches scattered across the ships hull. Then theres paint Which was mainly black with Spots of white. One such white spot is the Name S.S. POINT OF NO RETURN that clashed with the Opposite side that had the name ‘Star ship Ideas’ written on it.

The colonel could relax a bit due the saucer section no longer being in place and risking being in a big bulls eye for any hostile force with enough sense to aim. Heck he often thinks that a 17th century british regulars Could hit the saucer section at 75 yards. That is if they Where the half the size of the USS Enterprise from the Star Trek franchise.

For some odd reason the Anidroid crew was down to 10% no one was ready for the sudden drop of personnel. That meant that they are running on a skeleton crew. Everyone was busy with something that involved getting their craft Space borne. Both of the organic crews were doing something productive.

Joey did his flight checks at the helm with 1st LT. Fido who was reading off the flight list and they are going to checking it twice. Baily was currently Taking inventory of every war bird in hanger two. SGT. (E-4) Daisy was on deck Three checking the backup power generators. Fire team Red was checking The Anti-gravity system array. While Fire team echo Was getting the armories organized. Everyone else was getting supplies into the hanger or organizing by what it was.

0940 hours.

‘Ok. Deep breaths you can do this you have spoken to larger groups... i think. If only i could remember what I've done before this.’ The Cardigan thought as he paced in his office. At this moment he has lost the nerve he has had for the past three months. Always ignoring the uncertainty and moving forwards. Now its caught up with him.

Then a paw stopped the corgi from his pacing. To his left side was a female German Shepherd who is white as snow and had the bluest eyes he had seen. The corgi came face to face with her and she gave him a Single peice of paper. He accepts it and read the contents.

When he finished he smiled and commented,“Thanks Eve.”

The shepherd nods in reply and floated to the door behind her. It automatically slides opens to the right quickly and producing an artifical sound of air hissing. He straitened out his class B uniform, which mirrors those worn in Star trek: Nemesis, and Straightened the eagles that are pinned on his Red paracord duty Collar. He walks onto the bridge where Fido and joey Are currantly on their stations. They acknowledge his arival with a tap on metal surface.

He takes his place on the bridge on the captains chair. A moment of silence passes and he pushed a button on the chair's arm rest that turned a portion into a smart screen two and a half inches wide by six and a half inches long. He pressed a few commands and got a count down timer starting from ten.
In... out... in... out... in......A small whistle sound came to his ears...out, “Attention crew Of the SS Imagination This is your 'Captain' speaking.

I am not great at speeches like a politician on capital hill. So I will keep it short as possible. If any of you Were betting on me giving a moving speech or preach some kind of Spirite de corps into your skull that basic didnt pound into us. I would do whatever it I bet to do because you lose 'case I don't have a speech.

As you all know we have a Long journey ahead. We are heading for the technically uncharted regions of space in which no being of earth has witnessed with their own eyes. I personally do not know what to expect from our mission here. However we can only expect that it wont be easy and that it just may result in someone injured or killed. So for the next two days an hour will go to getting to know each other. This will be an Assignment that even i must participate in. We build trust among each other the stronger we will be in the field. So see you for dinner At eighteen hundred hours. This is a Mandatory event so be there on time or face disciplinary action.

Also prepare for imminent Slip space jump in the next five minutes.

That is all. Thankyou.”

The speakers Cut off around the ship and most of the organic crew rest after the hard morning of playing warehouse worker nonstop. Sgt Major (E-9) Baily Milton continued storing munitions in one of several storage compartments with Major (O-4) King Milton who had some trouble with lifting higher caliber rounds.

“Mr. Cooper, To our destination: turmus Systems at Slipspace. ”

“Coordinates set. All radiation shields are now up. Ready to jump on your mark…uh, sir.”

A smile creeps on his face. Then he echos the words, “Lets see what is out there. Engage.”

Outside of the Ship, a slip stream space rupture erupted into existence. The great metal whale glided into the rupture. The solar sails tucked in quickly and within moments its swallowed in the wormhole in space. Inside of the ship the crew celebrate their first slip space jump. Though they remained a bit queasy after the less than pleasant experience of a Slip space jump. The autopilot is on and joey can now rest for the moment. The whole Anidroid crew is now online and functioning at their stations. Work begins where the organic crew left off.

So far the first voyage was off to a reasonable start considering the earlier problems. So far nothing has gone wrong. Yet. He hopes that it remains as smooth and Murphy doesnt catch him with his metaphorical pants down. Then again this was just wishful thinking on the defacto CO's part. Its a Big case of As If thats going to happen. Of course he keeps his trap shut to avoid tempting fate by saying that particular phrase.

He takes his leave to his quarters to do any CO related business. Unfortunately, its of the Not so fun Paperwork nature. Its going to be a long morning no doubt about it. Thankfully he had an ample supply of dog biskets in his office.

♠♠♠♠♠♠♠inquiry ♠♠♠ ♠♠♠♠
Do you think King Would make a Good C.O.(Commanding Officer)?

Remember June the sixth of 1944. D-Day.