Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

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Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

I felt like I needed to post this here and I don't know why.
Kitsune looked over the reports given to him. He laughed and rolled them back up, handing them to archangel next to him. He tapped his chin in thought and stared out the window next to him. It was then, that he swear he saw the smallest of tears in the sky and a being fell out. The tear closed and Kitsune was pressing his nose to the glass.

"Can I please catch a break?"

Kitsune pushed open the window and jumped, landing on all fours. He rose to his hind legs and began running to where he assumed the beings landed. He skid to a stop in the back of a crowd. He politely pushed through and looked at the being on the ground. It was a dark skinned young girl, her black hair tied back into a lightning bolt pony tail. She wore a long light green scarf and a green coat with sharp silver ends over a dark green shirt. Her pants were emerald color and silver chains hung from each pocket. Her shoes were lime and had silver laces. Paper was littered about and she had her arms to her chest, as if protecting something. She appeared to be unconscious.

Kitsune closed his gaping mouth and walked over to the girl, shaking her a bit.

"Uh, kid? You alright?"

Her arms moved and the head brown mouse with a black muzzle appeared. She squeaked and climbed out of her arms, revealing she had on light green pants that bunch up around the ankles. She jumped to the girl face and produced a small notepad and pulled the pencil from behind her large ear. She scribbled something down, ripped it from the notepad, and tossed into the air. It became a full sized sheet of paper that fluttered down and landed on the girls face. She sat up instantly and ripped the sheet from her face to glare down at the mouse, brown eyes turning completely green.

"Mickey Micks Mouse! I told you not to create a portal! And now we're in this universe! I don't even know where this is!"

"Mickey" shrugged and smiled slyly.

"Stop being such a drama queen, Human Author. All we need is a star universe door and we can get back home easy."

"Human Author" growled and looked around, eyes landing on Kitsune. She looked him over and touched his nose. Kitsune calmly and gently slaps her hand away.

"K, you're real. I was just checking. Might I ask what universe this is?"

Kitsune pushed up the fur on his wrist, revealing a tattoo that read, "Property of Rick Griffin within the Housepets Universe."

"I believe it's the Housepets Universe, kid."

Author sighed and stood up, stretching. She kneeled and placed her hand in the ground, Mickey climbing into it and up her arm. She took her place on Author's shoulder as the human turned.

"There an exit?"

"Yeah, the gates, but-"

Author raised hands slowly, creating paper and pulling it up from the ground. She jumped and the paper rose to catch her. She began to surf the paper after she saw the Gates.


Kitsune dropped to all fours and began to follow after her. He jumped and sunk his claws into paper. Author winced and turned to look at the climbing nine-tailed fox. She tossed Mickey and quickly created a separate wave for her.

"Hey, Foxy!"

"That is NOT my name!"

"Whatever! Just pump it!"

Author and Mickey jumped, the waves falling and taking Kitsune with them. Author created new waves just as Mickey shouted, "Louder!"

"Come on, let's-yipe!"

Author was picked up by the back of her collar by a large pair of fangs. She craned her back to see Kitsune with red eyes and a chain of orbs flying around his waist.

"Aww, man! You got me!"

Author pointed to Mickey and pulled her hand back into a fist. She punched forward, sending Mickey flying forward and over the gates. Kitsune went wide-eyed and accidentally dropped Author, but she caught herself with a paper pillow.


The gryphon appeared on the sidewalk.

"We need a hunt. Someone has escaped from Heaven. A little brown mouse with a black muzzle, paws, and tail. She wears green pants. We have no information on her other than physical appearance. Go now!"

Pete nodded and jumped over the gates. Kitsune looked down at Author, who was summoning all the paper back and into something within her coat.

"You're coming with me, young lady. I have a few questions."

Author raised a few pillars and sat down on Kitsunes back as he began to walk.
Mickey was haphazardly flying toward the ground. She wrote something on her notepad and ripped it off the pad. She stood on the full sheet of paper and the moment it touch the ground, a giant pillow shot out of it. Mickey was launched again, flying toward a neighborhood.

Pete landed on his back paws, looking around the clearing. He picked up the pillow and examined it. He then looked to Babylon Gardens.

"Must be there."

He shrunk down to the form of a cat with tan fur. He chuckled and began walking toward Babylon Gardens.

Mickey landed hard and began tumbling and skidding through grass and dirt. Luckily, she was written with hard bones, but even she didn't get from this unscathed. She heard something snap and her back slammed against a door. She landed on a porch and the last thing she saw a dogs silhouette.
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Obbl »

I'm not sure I'm completely following all the action that just took place there :?
Apparently I'm more lost in the waves than Kitsune was :P
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

All will be explained soon (or whenever I can write). Soon...
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by The-J-Man »

This is amazing. I wonder what other characters there are to meet in this grand Adventure
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really like how this is starting off! Good job!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Bucky-Roo »

This is really interesting ;)
Awesome job Mickey
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Buster »

...I have no idea what's going on.

I think i'll wait for more before i decide if i like this or not.
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

Ok, so this is the story of how we got to the Housepets universe. I had to send Mickey to the surface to find a Star Universe door so she can create a portal to get out of this universe. I this chapter should explain a few things.
Author sat in a courtroom, idly fiddling with the paint on the podium she stood behind. She heard the slam of a gavel and her head shot up to see many Heavenly Spirits. The middle one was a purple dragon wearing a silver face mask. He looked firm at her as his gaze shifted downward.

"We are gathered here for the judging of this being."

"Human Author, if you please."

"Human Author, it is. You may explain why you have chosen to interrupt the order."

Human Author chuckled and cleared her throat. She swirled her hands, creating paper as she told her tale.

*story mode engaged!*

I am Human Author, one of the many creators of my realm. I write the stories and histories that give life to my characters. I can create paper, old and new, from nothing. How is a secret. Mickey, Mickey Micks Mouse is her full name, is my created familiar. She also likes to write with me, more often than not helping me with new characters.

Mickey and I are universe travelers, with the assistance of Star Universe doors. They are doors that when opened, display an entire universe full of everything but planets. Mickey can use her tail to cut a hole in the fabric and create portals, but she can only do this twice a day and when needed because it drains heavy energy and she'd be very tired, cause being able to do it whenever is OP.

We were in our home, where our personal Star Universe door resides. We were in said room when Mickey, being a mischievous little rat, created a portal to somewhere she didn't know as a joke. She attempted to close it, but we got sucked in and started freefalling. Because I'm more protective of my characters then myself, I grabbed Mickey and turned my back to the ground. I created a protective ball out of paper and hit the ground. I was knocked unconscious, but then I was awakened by Mickey's Notes. You all know the rest.

But the question is, why did I launch Mickey?

I sent her to the surface to find a Star Universe door. If we find it, we can get leave you and this universe alone.

Author let the paper drop and it all fled into her coat. The dragon held his gavel.

"This door sounds mystical. I doubt there be one on the surface."

"Actually, there's at least one everywhere."

Author walked over to a wall, felt around it, before gripping something and pulling it open to reveal a star universe.


She shut the door and walked back to the podium.

"We meant no harm to this universe, we just really need to get back home. I hope she's alright though. I did launch her from Heaven itself. Wonder where she is."
Mickey woke up to the full shining moon, wolves howling their beautiful songs, a star filled sky and-


-a broken leg.

Mickey stopped her whining and sat up, wincing and hissing. Her back hurt like crazy and her tail had a kink. She held it in her paw, pressing down on it to try and straighten it. Her ear twitched toward footsteps and she immediately looked around her notepad, but it was lost under all the blue cloth she was under. The door opened and she dove under the covers, to the best of her ability.

An orange-eyed dog walked in and over to the blue-covered basket. He noticed the lump under the blanket and smiled. He walked over and slowly peeled them back to reveal Mickey, shaking with her hands covering her face. Tiger reached a paw out, which only made her more cautious. But she started to relax when he slowly started to stroke her head.

"Ssh. I'm not going to hurt you, little guy. I'm Tiger."

(Headcanon: Since Tiger is based of Garfield, he is actually fond of mice. I have always been told Garfield didn't really hunt mice, so that was my whole thing of Garfield)

"Little girl, pal. I'm Micky. And what universe is this," Mickey asked, dropping her regular voice for a slightly higher one.

Tiger pushed the fur up on his forearm, where he had the same tattoo as Kitsune.

"Housepets, at least that's what my arm has always said. Why?"

Mickey groaned and kicked with her not-injured leg. She stopped midair when she didn't notice the green bunchiness that was her pants ankle. She looked herself over, shrieking when she realized she was naked. She yanked the covers over herself and glared at Tiger.

"Thanks for making me look feral!"

"Hey! They were dirty and scratched up."


Tiger covered his ears and looked down at the suddenly green-eyed mouse.

"I had Zach patch them up and clean then, jeez."

Tiger carefully picked up Mickey and held her in both his paws. She wanted to jump and escape, but her leg prevented anything. She merely huffed as he opened the bathroom door.

"What are we in here for?"

"I made you a bath."

Tiger gestured to the sink, which was filled with hot water. Her pants her next it, along with a towel and a tiny brush. He set her down next to all. She glared at him.



"Oh yeah. Sorry. I'm gonna eat."

Tiger walked out and shut the door just Mickey slid into the water.
"I need a place to stay for a bit."

Pete knocked on the door of the Sandwhich Residence. A tan dog, holding back a purple cat, answered.

"Hi! I've never seen you before."

"Hello. I am but a cat without a home. May you please ask your owner if they may adopt me?"

Peanut nodded and turned to yell, "DAD!". A bearded man came to the door, just as it started raining hard. Pete pulled a kicked puppy look up at the man.

"Fine. Come on in..."

He thought for a second.

"Wheat Bread."
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by The-J-Man »

who knew that pete could be such a sucker
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really love what you did to this chapter. Great job on this Mickey!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

Alright, who's ready for dimension hopping? There's gonna be a lot of it after a while. Parallel universes, too! So, I'll be needing some different universes. By this I mean, I'm gonna need some different stories and works by others to fill in as different dimension when the time comes. Anyone?
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by The-J-Man »

Mickey wrote:Alright, who's ready for dimension hopping? There's gonna be a lot of it after a while. Parallel universes, too! So, I'll be needing some different universes. By this I mean, I'm gonna need some different stories and works by others to fill in as different dimension when the time comes. Anyone?
what does this entail?
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

Well, it would be like this:

Author jumped through the portal, dragging the others behind her. She looked around and created a pillar to get a better view. She closed her eyes and looked around. A universe appeared to her and she jumped from the pillar.

"Come on!"

She jumped over to a black dog with a centipede pattern in his fur.

"I'mgonnagoinyourhouse! K, thanks! BYE!"

She launched over the dog and busted the door down, ran over to the closet and yanked it open. She created a portal and they all jumped through it.

There wouldn't be much interaction, but if you want, there can be. You have the rights to your own characters and stories and it's your decision what happens with your characters.
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by The-J-Man »

ok i think i get it... im definately going to have fun with this...
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think we all are gonna have fun with it.
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Buster »

Would kinda be tempted to let you play around with This place... except I rarely update the blasted thing. ran into problems part way through the intro. >.<

(Having a hard time figuring out how introduce the world of Lahrei without resorting to exposition)
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

Pete growled slightly at the new name given to him, but pulled a cutesy face as he walked in. Peanut and Grape went back to their previous activities, Peanut dragging him over to the couch.

"Come on, Bread! We can play Mario Kart!"

"Mario Kart?"

Peanut's muzzle fell and he stared at Pete. The demigod looked about before his eyes landed on Peanut again. The dog grabbed him by the shoulders and got so close, they almost touched noses.

"You've never heard of Mario Kart?!"

Pete cautiously shook his head, causing Peanut to gasp again. He quickly shoved a controller into Pete's paws and started up the game.

I need to find a place where I can be alone. I need to find that mouse.
Mickey, now clean but still in pain, slipped into her pants and pulled the drain. After all the water had gone down, she climbed down the counter and did her best to climb things to get to the door handle. She jumped and grabbed the door handle, her weight pulling it down. She swung back and forth until the door was open enough to get out. She climbed to where the handle met the door and pulled a Chesire (slowly and smoothly turn with back against a wall). She carefully slid down and grabbed the very end of the other door handle. She dropped and landed, ending up on her back with her legs held in the air. The floor was carpeted, lucky for her, and most of the landing blow was removed.

"Ow. That still hurt."

Mickey sat up and popped her back, her black tail going limp as she attempted to stand. A pastel-purple rabbit came around the corner, oblivious to the little brown and black mouse.

"Woah! Woah! Hey! Hey! HEY! DOWN HERE, GENIUS!"

The rabbit stopped before he put his paw down, lifting it and making a slight "Eep!" noise. He reached down and picked her up.

"Sorry. You're Tiger's mouse, right?"

"No. I'm a Star Nomad, traveler of the galaxies and bringer of friendship."


Mickey face-palmed and looked up at Zach, nodding. He nodded back and walked into the kitchen, where Tiger was devouring the last of a bowl of alfredo pasta. Zach walked over and set Mickey down on the table.

"Tig, here's your mouse."


Tiger wiped his mouth with a napkin and carefully set the bowl aside. He took Mickey into his paw and nodded to Zach. The rabbit shrugged and walked out the door, into the forest. Tiger took Mickey and set her on his head, walking out.

"I gotta get some medicine for you and can't really leave you alone with Marvin."

Tiger began walking along the sidewalk, smiling and humming a song to himself. Mickey shrugged and laid down in his head fur and began to sun bathe.

"Here, kitty, kitty!"

"Aw man."
Human Author was still inside the courtroom, growing impatient with all the questioning. She looked up at Bahamut for he had called her name.

"Yesssss," she dragged out the letter out of pure and raging annoyance.

"You seem to have powers. Show us the full extent of them and we will decide if you are too dangerous to set free."

Author rolled her eyes and slammed her head into the desk. She rose with a groan and walked out form behind it. She reached behind her and removed her lightning bolt ponytail. Literally. She pulled the whole thing off and it hardened into a emerald blade.


She walked over to the wall and opened the Star Universe door again. She used the blade to cut open a portal and closed it soon after.


She put the blade where her ponytail was and it softened and fell into hair once more. She cleared her throat and raised her hands, pulling paper from the ground.


Her eyes turned completely green and she pulsated with a green energy, before stopping.

"Actually, that one could get someone hurt. But four."

She fell backwards, paper manifesting into a lounge chaise couch. She laid down on it, smirking as she commanded it to walk back to the podium. It titled up and Author slid back onto her feet, leaning on the stand once more. She hummed to herself as she went back to being annoyed. Bahamut pulled up a mirror and watched Pete, who was locked in a heated battle for first place on Dragon Driftway. The dragon mask-palmed and put the mirror away.

"I only hope she means it when she says that they aren't here to cause trouble."
Tiger sighed and turned toward Bino, Fox, Rex, and Fido, while Mickey stumbled to sit up correctly. He cracked a smile when the brown dog finally got over to him.

"Hiya, Bino!"

Tiger cleared his regular voice (Jack McBrayer ((Wander from WoY and Fix-It Felix from WiR)) in my opinion and I have no idea why) from his throat and began to speak again.

"I sure you have other things to do than pester me."

"Come on, buddy! We always have time for that."

Mickey, finally upright, leaned over the front of Tiger's head. She sported a sly grin as she looked at Bino.

"So, from what I hear, you have such a boring and nonexistent life that the best thing you can do is pester other dogs. You don't a girlfriend, huh?"

Bino recoiled a bit at the sight of the mouse and sneered at her sharp tongue.

"I do to have a girlfriend! A beautiful cocker-spainel named Duchess."

Bino smiled and stuck his tongue out at Mickey, who scoffed in response. She looked him over form her place atop Tiger's head. She chuckled and shook her head. Her brown irises turned dark green as she spoke in her normal voice.
Author winced as she felt a surge go through her head. Mickey was using her powers. Author attempted to make a physic connection, but they were too far apart to make a proper one. Author settled for the weakest link.
"Though I am not sure if this is a thing here, I am pretty sure you're into another species. With how you act, you can't just a dog-lover. I can deduce this merely from looking and listening to you. I can smell anise on your breath and could hear your voice waver when you spoke of your girlfriend. She isn't really in love with you, she just wants your place of power. That's the only reason she's with you. You've dated many dogs, but they all left you. Lemme guess what species your actually into."
Author looked at the fuzzy picture of Bino. She saw his eyes move nervously and she sent Mickey one phrase, followed by another just in case he denied it.
Mickey chuckled and limped down the bridge of Tiger's muzzle. She leaned over his nose and looked directly into his eyes.

"Somebody's a cat-lover!~"

Bino jumped backwards and growled at Mickey.

"I am not!"

"We shall see this December."

Bino growled before waving everyone after him. Fido began to walk, but not before he winked at Mickey and Tiger in a, "Yeah, it's obvious.", kinda way. Mickey's eyes turned brown once more and she went back to her place in Tiger's hair. Tiger began walking again.

"I've never seen anyone stand up to Bino before! Thanks."



"I said don't mention it."

Tiger shrugged and walked into the store.
Pete was doing a celebratory dance. He had beaten Peanut in the Hyrule cup and was now just dancing to the music on the replay. Peanut set the controller aside and held out his paw, which Pete shook.

"Good game, Wheat! I have to go finish a new Spot comic. See ya, later."

Peanut hummed as he jogged to his room. Pete ended the game and shook his head.

"Why am I here? I had a task. Oh yeah, catch that mouse."

Pete walked out the door after leaving a note that said he was going to the park. He began to look around for Mickey and he would catch her on any means necessary.
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great job on this newest update! It came out very nice!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by The-J-Man »

ill say. this story is great!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

Let it be known, that this story was intended to be short and sweet, but filled with a lot of violence.
Pete snaked about Babylon Gardens, looking under rocks and up trees. He had found several different mice, but none were the little brown and black one he was looking for. His stomach grumbled and he even considered hunting for a moment, but he spotted a small cart kiosk and ordered a meal. He walked over to a bench and sat down, taking a bite. He looks around, eyes eventually looking through the window of a store. What he saw made him choke on his food.
Author was playing Super Paper Mario when she suddenly dropped her controller and fell backwards, clutching her head and writhing. Kitsune leaped to her side.

"What's wrong?"

"M-Mickey! She's in trouble!"

She looked up.

"And I lost a life!"
Tiger and Mickey were examining rat medicines when a tan cat crashed through the window. People stared in confusion the cat, but scream and run when he turns into a buff tiger, equipped with sharp claws and fangs. Tiger's mouth hung open while Mickey squeaked.

"Hey! Hey! Come on, we have to leave now!"

"Hey, your voice chan-AH!"

The tiger grabbed Tiger and transformed into a blue-feathered gryphon. Tiger felt any and all happy emotion leave his body and his entire being was replaced with fear. He shook and quaked in the claws of the mythical animal.

"Give me the mouse or suffer the consequences."

"Step OFF!"

Mickey pulled her notepad from her pocket and her pencil from behind her ear, her eyes completely green. Green electricity sparked around her tail as she put the lead to the paper.
Author shot to her feet, a look of worry and extreme concern on her face. Kitsune grabbed her by her shoulders when she tried to run. He turned her around to face him.

"Kid, calm down. What's wrong?"

"Mickey! I can't just stand by and do nothing while she's in trouble! I went through too many versions of her to just sit here and play this old game! I'm going to save my familiar no matter what!"

Author's eyes turned completely green as electricity flooded through her and shocked Kitsune. He jumped back and began to shake off the shocking, giving her time to remove her ponytail and open the Star Universe door. She quickly cut a straight line and jumped through the forming portal. Kitsune howls and red markings adorn his fur. His eyes turn completely red and his orbs fly in a circle around his waist. He jumps in after Author, the portal closing behind him.
Mickey ripped the note from the paper and slammed it over Pete's head, a bird cage closing around it. He dropped Tiger and Mickey jumped up, grabbing Tiger's hand and dragging him out the store. She lead him back to the neighborhood.

"Which house is it?"

Mickey's head snapped about, finally landing on the Sandwich home. She sensed the door and quickly summoned a punching box. She pushed Tiger in. She stopped when she saw Grape and quickly shoved Tiger onto the couch.


She squeaked when she saw Pete coming toward and yanked the door open, revealing the Star Universe to only herself. She jumped in and back-flipped, using her tail to cut open a portal. She jumped through it, Pete making it through right before the portal closed.

Grape turned to Tiger with a straight face.

"Care to explain?"
Author landed on the pavement, tripping a bit before regaining her balance. She looked around, groaning up to the Heavens she was recently in.

"This is literally the same universe!"

She heard Kitsune's howl and began running. She sensed a door and quickly kicked it down, running passed a light brown dog and a black cat.


Author yanked open the door and cut open a portal. She yelped and dove in, Kitsune hot on her heels.
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This story is actually getting good! Great job on this!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

Give thanks to The-J-Man for this! I changed it a bit to fit what's happening, but this is his writing, not mine. The first part is, the rest is my writing. I own Mickey and Human Author, no one else you might see in this story. All alternate universe belong to their owners and them alone.
Mickey tumbles out of the portal she had created and lands on a sidewalk near a dingy building. She looks around to see that she was in the same place as before, but in an alternate reality. The streets are cloaked in a thick fog and the colors of the buildings are dingy from the smothered street-lights.

“What is this place?” she says as she flips through her notes, trying to find something on the dimension she was currently in, but she finds nothing. She puts her notes away and looks around, she then notices something stenciled onto the wall next to the sidewalk she was sitting on.

She swipes at the fog and clears it so that she can read the red letters that were painted on the wall:

“Property of: ‘The-J-Man’.”

“’The-J-Man’…? Wait I’ve heard of him.”

Mickey pulls out a book that Author gave her and flutters through the pages until she comes across one that was bookmarked with a red tag. On the paper is the description of the notorious author:

“The-J-Man; a fellow human author famous for the creation of several heavenly spirits in his universe. He is quite talented in fight scenarios and fear tactics that keep his readers on the edge of their seats throughout the events in his stories. Do not underestimate him.”

Mickey puts the book back in her pocket and stares off into the distance; deep in thought about the pages.

“Wait…if I’m in HIS universe, then that means…”

Mickey jumps up into the air and her eyes widen into a shocked expression.


Mickey lands on her feet and runs down the foggy streets, knowing what happens in these kind of stories. She tries to see through the thick fog, but she ends up colliding with the back of a leather shoe that seems to appear out of nowhere. She lands on her back and looks up at the person she had hit.

A man wearing a black tuxedo and red tie turns around to show his face. His face is locked in a stern expression and his hands are balled into fists at his sides. He leans down and Mickey can feel his eyes staring into her soul, inciting fear. He then speaks in a chilling voice:

“There you are” the man says with a smile, showing spiked teeth behind his lips.


Mickey jumps to her feet and flees in the opposite direction from the frightening man.

Mickey runs on all fours until she can no longer see the frightening man until she doubles over and wheezes, looking all around to see that no-one were pursuing her.

“Hah, I guess I gave him the slip!”

Mickey’s cheerful expression is then replaced by one of fear when she realizes that she broke the most important rule of scary stories: ‘Don’t turn around’.

Mickey slowly turns back around and finds herself faced with the head of a black centipede that had clawed legs and two fangs that were opened far enough for Mickey’s head to fit into.

“Uh…you must be Venn…” Mickey says with a forced smile and a bead of sweat falling from her fore-head.

Mickey’s words are only met with a loud hiss coming from the centipede.

“Sorry, I wish I didn’t have to do this.”

“What are you talking about? You don’t have to do this, just let me go and I’ll never bother you or your author again.”

Venn hesitates for a moment and turns around to where his human author has appeared. Mickey takes a few steps back and waits for the two to stop talking. They then turn towards her and the human author opens his mouth.

“Promise one thing before you leave: ‘You will not return here unless absolutely necessary. There’s a price on your head and I can’t have you hiding here so that I can get blamed.”

Mickey nods her head with a serious expression on her face.

The author then reaches into his coat and pulls out a tablet with a stylus attached to it.

“A drawing tablet? This author is very different from mine.”

The man pulls out the stylus and draws an image of a door on the wall behind him. The door opens itself and reveals a portal to another dimension behind it.

“I don’t know where this portal goes, but you need to go thought It before the spirits notice.”

Mickey wastes no time in running into the portal and disappearing inside, for Pete had appeared and had jumped after her. The door then closes and the image of the door is sucked into the tablet the author was holding in his other hand. The man looks at the fading image until it disappears from the screen and then turns his attention towards Venn, who was on his shoulder.

“I wonder which author that mouse belongs to...?”

“We can worry about that later, right now can you get rid of the scary ambiance? Its giving me the creeps.”

“Oh yeah.” The author hits a button on his tablet marked ‘undo all’. Upon hitting this button, all of the fog and darkness are sucked into the tablet, revealing a bright and sunny day. The author looks up from his tablet to reveal his normal face. “You think I scared that mouse enough?”

“Maybe too much…”

Author panted as she tumbled into a closet and busted the door open with her momentum. She rolled and bit before coming to a stop against a wall, landing scorpion position. She quickly righted herself and began to run, for Kitsune was right on her tail. They passed through an arena, the sight of other people making them quickly stop. Kitsune transformed into a human teen, Author pulling out her book and rewriting her attire to one of blue jeans and a green sweater. They speed-walked through the white, professional-looking, hallways. They entered an arena, the sight of robot-boxing making both beings eyes sparkle with extreme interest.

They chanted and cheered for the smaller silver robot with the copper "headband" and "boxing gloves", wincing every time he took a hit from the golden robot with a red mohawk. The words, "Get him, Atom!", caught their attention and the smaller bot delivered a right uppercut to the golden robot, knocking him to the ground. They joined in on the countdown, cheering loudly when they hit 10 and the golden bot was still down.

"Atom is the winner! Midas, not so much!"

Atom walked back to his corner while a man with an eyepatch screamed in rage. Midas sat up and winced at the glare he was given from the man. Kitsune and Author quickly walked over to the merchandise ring and bought shirts with different prints of Midas and Atom, both together and on separate shirts. Author also bought two of the headbands while Kitsune purchased a helmet much like Midas'. They walked out, smiling and very hype.

"Wait, we were doing something."

"Oh yeah."

Author quickly ran away from the growing Kitsune. She kicked down the door of a gym and opened a closet door, cutting into the Star Universe and jumping through, Kitsune right behind her.
Mickey tumbled through the portal and received a face full of sand. She sat up and coughed, begin to run, but a claw pinned her to the ground. She looked up and see Pete's smiling face.

"Looks like I-"

Pete was silenced by a whip wrapping around his throat. He was thrown into the rocks on the shore and Mickey was picked up by two hands. She turned in the hands to see a boy with dark curly hair and big eyes staring right at her.

"Hey little guy."

Mickey growled at the boy.


Mickey nodded.

"Oh! Hey, little girl. I'm Steven. Was that monster hurting you?"

Mickey turned around once more to see Pete getting beat on by three women. The one with the cube-afro was punching him with gauntlets, the purple was on top and had in him wrapped in a whip, while the one with the skirt was looking for something on Pete.

"It doesn't have a gem!

"Eh, let's kill it anyway."

"Yeah, we can't take any chance."

Mickey's ears pinned back and her eyes shrunk.


"Whoa! You can talk!"

"Yeah, a talking mouse! Who cares?"

Mickey jumped from Steven's hands and ran toward the trio, pulling her notes from her pants. Her eyes turned green and her energy rings pulsated around her tail. She wrote something down on the paper and ripped it from the pad. She held out her arm and let the energy flowing from her tail, up her arm, and on to the paper. She chuckled, folding it, and whistled, catching the attention of the trio.

"Danger! Danger! High voltage!"

Mickey tossed the paper into the air, where it unfolded and created the perfect storm. A larger lightning version of herself appeared, distracting the three. Mickey used her tail to cut Pete lose and the two quickly scrambled into the house. She looked around and ran over to the temple door. Pete pushed it a bit, Mickey pushing the rest of the way.

"Our chase isn't over."

"I know."

Mickey quickly cut open a portal and jumped in, Pete right behind her.
Author appeared in a small office. She quickly created a pillar as Kitsune appeared.

"Where are we?"

They looked around, Author messing with the buttons on the doors on either side of the office. Kitsune picked up the pad and immediately began flipping through the cameras, noting the battery on the bottom. He looked at the animatronics on screen, tilting his head. He jumped back a little as the camera fuzzed.

"What...OH! AUTHOR!"

Author turned and walked over, looking over Kitsune' shoulder. She didn't see anything and scoffed at Kitsune. She walked back over to the door and her hand rested on the light button.

"Stop being such a babyyyYYYYYYYAAAAAA!"

Author had pressed light button, turning to look at the doorway. The rabbit was staring through the doorway. Author slammed the door button and the two took off screaming. They ran right passed the entering man in a night guard suit and Author yanked opened the commended door. The two were still screaming even as they cut open the portal and dove into the portal.

"I'm still chasing you," Kitsune yelled between his screaming.

"I know!"
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by The-J-Man »

i might make another installment of that story post. Venn will return...
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Obbl »

I seriously have yet to figure out what these pillars are that Author keeps creating. I mean, I know what a pillar is, but I don't think you've ever explained the purpose of it. Can you help me out here? :?
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

It's a pillar made of paper. Author is not all that tall so the pillars help her stand up to see what's happening.
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Obbl »

So like a little pedestal to stand on? Okay, that makes more sense :D
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

Yes! Exactly!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Good job on that chapter! Keep writing!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

Mickey tumbled through the portal, but she didn't try to run. She had used up her two portals for today and she had wasted all her extra energy running away. The mouse collapsed to the ground, panting hard as her tail faded to from black to pink. Pete came in and quickly placed his claw over Mickey.

"You've done a good job evading me, but it ends here. I'm gonna take you back to Heaven and see what is needed of you."

Author tumbled through a portal, seeing Pete carrying Mickey. The mouse wasn't even attempting to fight then Author was her tail.


Kitsune pinned Author down with his paw.

"Come on, kid. We're going to Heaven."

Author looked between him and Mickey. Her mouth slowly pulled into an angered frown. Her eyes began to glow green and electricity pulsed from her. Kitsune yelped and lifted his paw, Author getting to her feet. The girl began to float a bit off the ground. She pulled an old book from her coat and threw it out in front of her, where it opened and began to float. She raised her hands, which pulsed with green energy, and began creating paper airplanes. The tips glimmered with sharpness and author threw her hands forward. The planes hit Pete, causing him to roar and drop Mickey. Author ran up and caught her, cradling her in her arms.

"Micke, are you ok?"

"I...I'm fine. Just...tired."

Author set Mickey in her coat pocket before starting the magic again. Her lightning bolt ponytail turned into emerald and she began to pulsate with even more energy. Mickey, using whatever energy she had left, jumped onto the book. It fell to the ground and Author's energy stopped.

"Mickey! What are you-"

"Don't hurt them. We came into their world and interrupted whatever system they were running. It's our fault."

Author's eyes had back to brown and she looked at the Mickey. She knelt and pulled Mickey into her hand. She shut off the bomb she was creating and picked up the book. She waved her hand and the paper flew into it. She walked up to Kitsune and held her hand out.

"To Heaven and back?"

Kitsune smiled and snapped. They didn't notice the two brown-haired kids staring wide eyed at the sudden disappearance.

Author and Mickey stood before Bahamut, smiling and still pulsating with energy.

"For causing a slight havoc and resisting arrest, I hereby separate you for a period of time. In due to time, you may come together again, but you must live in separate places until then."

Bahamut raised his hands and the two were pulled apart.

"Kitsune, these two are much like the others. Allow them inside."

Kistune nodded and opened a door, revealing a sunny community. There were others, but some turned when the door opened. The first one to greet them was a quoll wearing a hat.

"Hello and welcome to the Housepets Town!"

Mickey and Author were quickly separated.

"See ya soon, you annoying little mosue."

"Same to you, hot shot."
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by The-J-Man »

oooooooo...this story is getting GOOD. nice job Mickey
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yay! We got a Furrhan cameo! Nice job on this chapter!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Mickey »

Author hid within the shadows, changing her name and never really interacting with others. Mickey changed her appearance and name as well. She rewrote herself as a red bandana-wearing, black and brown calico cat named Mickey Strawters. She changed her backstory to one of farmlife and strawberry picking. And that's how people knew them. They were never even seen together. But they never forget one another. After a few months, Bahamut called them back.

Human Author, now know as Human Creator, had not changed much. She wore her dark green shirt, her light green scarf, a pair of jeans, and a beret. It seemed she had just removed her coat, chains, and changed pants. Mickey looked up at her creator, smiling, before turning back to the purple dragon before her.

"With your sentence now over, you two may once more be together."

With a snap of his fingers, the force separating Mickey and Creator disappeared. Creator snatched Mickey into her arms, pulling her up and spinning her around. The two laughed all the while, crying happy tears as they nuzzled one another. Creator finally put her down and held her hand out, the other pawing at her wet eyes. Mickey took it, wiping her own tears, and the two began walking back out the door to the town. Creator noticed the friendly looks she got and couldn't help but smile back.

"So, when do ya think Ah can go back to mah original form?"

"I could ask you the same thing, kitty."

"Oh yeah, could ya change me back?"

Creator smiled and pulled out The Book of Pencil Dust. She threw it out in front of her and raised her hands, of which were pulsating with green energy. Her eyes turned green and her hair turned emerald.

"With of eyes of brown, bandana of red, and fur of brown and black. I change the appear of this cat, to be Mickey Micks Mouse. Because I want her back!"

A green light overtook the cat, leaving only her silhouette. It shrank and morphed before exploding away. Creator shot her hands out to catch the falling mouse.

"Can you bring her back?"

"What for?"

"I mean that version of me is still me and I think she deserves a place."

Creator smiled a pulled a pencil from behind her ear.
Creator slowly began to fade back into being Author. Mickey had introduced her to the several officers, know as M.O.D.S.. Mickey Strawters as taken to one of the branching neighborhoods, Applegate. She seemed happy with her new place and waved goodbye to her creators, being picked up by her new owner, Rosette.

"Wanna make more?"

"Don't say it like that! ....And yes."

So together, the two created two others, Indian pets. A dhole named Delilah and a degu named Mario, both with the last name Cu'cua. The two were sent off to Exotic Acres with their owners, Maria and Luther. He gave their goodbyes in Hindi.

Next came a French Brittany named Flukely Tylers. He was sent off to Richmond Acres with Carter and Marissa. He waved goodbye, tinkering with a little robot.

Finally, there was James Semaj, an ani-droid jackal. He was sent to the moon to live in Apollo City, with Jay and Jake. He threw the two a from the window of the space ship as it was taking off.
"We're gonna miss it!"

Author grabbed Mickey and ran outside, skidding to a halt and jogging into the big house to watch the newest Housepets! short. She sat cross legged on The Book of Pencil Dust, hovering high in the air as the scenes began to play. She nuzzled the little mouse on her shoulder.

Back together at last.

We also have one more thing to present, but you'll have to wait!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That was a really nice story! I can't wait to see what else you have in store!
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Re: Housepets: Dimension Hoppers

Post by The-J-Man »

cool cant wait to see what the secret is
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