The Not-So Dynamic Duo

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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Thanks guys. Well, as I said, I was tempted to post the rest of the story in text (for me, it takes a bit less time). This chapter in particular is proving to be surprisingly tricky to condense into a few strips, but I will eventually give it a try when I have time. This at least gives me some practice writing again...


For a moment, the entire neighborhood seemed to stop in complete silence. Only the muffled sound of Heidi weeping in Holly’s chest could be heard. Holly in turn held her little sister tight, consolingly stroking her ears while struggling to suppress her own tears. Tarot and Cerberus looked on silently with deep sorrow in their hearts.

Holly and Heidi’s owner, Antonio Premont, had not seen a doctor in over a decade. The 39-year-old man had always put it off for reasons not entirely clear even to him. It was only the afternoon he arrived in Babylon Gardens when his cousin convinced him to make an appointment for a physical, noting his frequent coughing and fatigue. The next day, his deepest fear was realized: he was diagnosed with cancer. It was then verified at a hospital that the cancer had advanced to the point he only had approximately three to four months to live. Despite the doctor’s insistence for treatment, Antonio adamantly refused it, choosing to spend as much of his remaining time with his loved ones as possible.

Cerberus was the first to finally break the silence. “We’re so sorry,” her right head said, drooping down. “We know how much you all loved each other and are heart-broken to hear this.” After a short pause, her middle head wiped her tears and chimed in with authority. “There will be time to grieve, but I’m afraid that we have very pressing matters at hand. As we said, you- Holly- may be the key to stopping a great threat to this world. You must go on a flight to Mt. Everest tomorrow morning and confront Homer, demanding a third wish to seal him back inside the box. The journey will likely total at least three days, but afterwards we promise to be there to support you and Heidi through these upcoming difficult times however we can.”

Holly did not acknowledge anything Cerberus said, but kept her eyes closed and continued to quietly caress Heidi.
The three-headed demigod thought for a long moment before her left head smiled. “Oh, by the way, the arrangement for the flight was made by the Miltons, provided you also play the lead role in a movie. You may want to look over and rehearse the script. In spite of everything, at least you’ll finally have the big chance you’ve always dreamed of.” She handed the script down to Holly.

Outraged and crestfallen, Holly grabbed the papers and threw them down on the lawn. She looked up at Cerberus, her eyes misty with tears but narrowed in an expression of scorn, and said, “You were lecturing before about fate; how everything happens for a reason. Tell me; is there a reason for this? ”

Cerberus again struggled to think of the right words to say. “As difficult as this is, you must learn to accept that death is a part of life that all must face,” her middle head replied, wincing slightly as she heard the Bahamut’s strict preachy tone in her words. “One way or another all things must pass. You have our condolences, but this doesn’t change the fact that all things, whether perceived as good or bad, happen for a reason ultimately for good.”

Holly’s facial expression became even more strained with aggression. “Don’t feed me that! There’s no reason- no good that could possibly come out of this! Ever since our mom walked-out, all we’ve had was each other, suffering all that you, fate, or whatever has thrown at us! Now what do we have?!”

“We know of your family’s history and must say that you are being more than a little ungrateful,” Cerberus’s middle head snapped. “Many animals and people alike never even find homes and have to toil their entire lives alone in the streets. I know life seems harsh and unfair, but with all considering, you have all lived very well.”

“Besides, remember that you still have your cousin to look after you,” her left head added with a kind smile.

“But Mark doesn’t really care for us,” Holly objected. “He hates us. He only took us in this weekend for our dad’s sake and probably won’t hesitate to put us in a shelter the moment he drops dead.” Those harsh words made Heidi bury herself deeper into Holly’s chest.

“You don’t know that,” Cerberus’s right head argued back. “Mark may seem cold to you, but people sometimes need time to warm-up to each other and reveal their true selves. He may prove to be most caring if you just give him a chance.”

Holly rubbed her eyes and sniffled before formulating another question. “Okay, answer me this: what if a dying person never had a chance to truly live? Say that circumstances prevented him from ever finding any fulfillment in life, while he still had so much ambition, so much potential to do more. Could you, with all your divine power, just give him a second chance? I know that complications are preventing you from undoing what happened to me- I accept that being my own doing- but surely you see just cause to do something as simple as sending our dad’s cancer into remission.”

“You do realize what you are asking of us,” replied Cerberus’s middle head. “Firstly, if we were to make an exception for him and intervene, we would also have to do the same for every other case, both future and past. Among the many that have died and will die, are you to decide which ones deserve a second chance? Secondly, as painful as it is to say this, his lifestyle choices led to his current state. It’s miraculous that he lived this long... and simply curing him this one time will all be in vain unless he makes major changes in life; changes that we cannot make for him.”

“Well, if you didn’t have the infinite capacities of a god and had suffered his life, you probably would end-up just like him,” Holly mumbled. She gently pushed Heidi aside and turned back to open the backdoor before Cerberus could make a rebuttal. “Let’s go Heidi; these cosmic bureaucrats are not going to help us. I’ll try and cook dinner.”

Cerberus knelt down, her right head pleading, “We implore you to reconsider for the sake of the world.”

“Antonio is our world!” Holly yelled back as she entered the house. “Besides, if you’re really so gosh-darn-powerful, you can handle this problem yourselves. I’m not wasting a second that Heidi and I could be spending together with our dad.”

“Just think about it overnight,” Cerberus’s middle head called-out before Holly slammed the door. “If you change your mind, go to the Milton’s estate before 10:00am tomorrow. It’s entirely you’re choice, but know that heaven does not turn its back on those who help.”

A long pause ensued after Holly closed the door. Cerberus stood transfixed with all three of her heads mournfully looking down.

Tarot also remained silently stuck in place, though frequently looking up at the downcast demi-god. She eventually mustered the courage to speak her mind. “So, you’re sure that she is in fact the key in all of this?”

“Pete suggested that she is,” Cerberus’s left head replied.

Tarot’s eyes widened with shock. “Pete!?”

“Yes, thanks to Homer, Pete is back,” Cerberus’s middle head stated. “Unfortunately, Pete knows Homer the best and is now the only one who can lure him out of hiding, thanks to a deal they made. It’s clear that Homer has grown very powerful, such that we’re not sure if even we can stop him. It’s a bit of a longshot, but Holly may be our best chance, assuming that Homer indeed has an obsession with doing things in threes. We vaguely remember that sort of being his MO long ago; you know, kind of like Two-Face and his coin.”

“I see,” Tarot answered. “Speaking of things two-faced, how can you be sure that Pete won’t decide to betray us at the last second? I understand that you know him better than anyone, but he has thrown even the most astute of us for a loop before. Plus, you said that he made a deal with Homer; surely he must have been promised something, like a means of getting payback for what happened to him.”

“We trust Pete because we must,” Cerberus’s right head said. “Yes, we do suspect that there may be something that he’s not telling us, but considering the threat, we have no choice but to have faith that he’ll pull through and make the right choice.”

“Likewise, we must trust that Holly will decide to help,” her left head added.

“All the pieces are swiftly coming together,” her middle head remarked. “In the end, it will be up to mortals in how this all plays out. All we can do now is wait and believe.” The three-headed demigod slowly walked away, smiling back at Tarot before disappearing past the trees. Her departure coincided with the last golden rays of the setting sun fading into the evening twilight.

Back inside the house, Holly and Heidi sat quietly in the guest room downstairs, while Antonio was fast asleep in the bedroom Mark gave him upstairs. Mark was still out and about doing errands downtown. The two dogs and their owner had come to the realization that this may be their new home from now on. They each were attempting to adjust to their new quarters as best as they could.

Heidi was currently sitting on the side of the bed next to Holly. She was looking down at a blue rubber bone under her feet. Holly looked over in wonder, not knowing where her eccentric sister had gotten the bone. It looked very old and neither Mark nor Antonio had given them any toys, certainly not since they first arrived at the house. Holly resisted the urge to chastise her to put it back wherever she got it. Both of them were far too sad to even eat, let alone argue.

Heidi looked over and asked, “Was there something that I could have done- you know- to save daddy?”

“No,” Holly replied, holding-back her tears again. “There was nothing that you or I could have possibly done.”

“So, what do we do now?” Heidi asked.

Holly hesitated before answering. “We treasure every last moment we can together. I’m sure tomorrow that Antonio will want to play with us as best as he can.”

The thought of how Antonio and Mark would react upon learning that she had been turned into a human had escaped Holly up until now. She had not come into contact with either of them thus far, but realized that she could only stay out of sight for so long. Perhaps she could pretend that she was there as a surprise arranged by Heidi. After all, Holly Wood is a famous celebrity that many would absolutely love to have over their house.

It was then she began to think about the movie she was asked to star in. Indeed, this was the golden opportunity that she had always been waiting for. Her fame had only come about automatically through that wish, with no memory of any of the roles she played. It all seemed so hollow.

Staring out the window, Holly began to wrestle with herself on matter. She thought to herself, “I want to stay here and be with dad, but what’s the point if I can’t do anything but stay out of his sight? Just coming up to him and saying ‘O hey, it’s your Holly, I got turned into a human- want my autograph?’ will only have one of two real outcomes: one, he has a heart attack from the shock and dies right there and then, or two, he calls the men in white coats. I could make it like I- as Holly Wood- came here as a surprise, if only he didn’t despise movie stars. Makes me wonder if he would even know who Holly Wood is.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a shooting star. She quickly resumed her pondering. “Maybe I could have done something- maybe I am the one to blame. For some time, I knew that dad was sick, though I never imagined him having cancer. I don’t know if I can even look at him now without feeling ill. For that matter, how will I even be able to live with myself after he’s gone? It seems like every bit of logic is pointing me to go through with this ridiculous journey; a journey for the sake of so-called omnipotent beings that have done nothing for me... But I guess all I can do is hope that, if I do this, they will reward me by reconsidering his fate.”

Holly turned to talk to Heidi, but she had fallen asleep. To her surprise, four hours had passed since she drifted off in thought. Mark had already returned home, ate dinner, and went to bed without ever checking-up on them. That effect did not surprise her in the least. The smell of a microwavable meal still lingered in the air as proof.

She gently tucked the covers over her canine sister and patted her on the head, feeling that it was best not to wake her. Her mind for the moment was made up as she quietly packed her essentials in preparation to leave the next morning. She planned on leaving a note for Heidi’s eyes only and sneaking out early before everyone woke up. However, upon trying to fall asleep, more random qualms crept back inside her head. Should she at least have Heidi tell their father where she was going? What is she to do afterwards should heaven still refuse to save him? These vexing thoughts made her toss and turn for hours.

To calm her mind, she decided to quietly wander around the house for a while. Her midnight meander eventually took her past Antonio’s room, where the exhausted man was still fast asleep. The door was wide open, allowing Holly to stealthily walk right up to him. She dared not to say anything, lest she awaken him, but simply stared at him in hopes of verifying her decision. Not to her surprise, she received no answer or closure of any sort; just the soft sounds of his breathing. The temptation of peaking in his diary on the nightstand passed through her mind, but she restrained herself. This was truly a choice for her to make alone.

Before walking out, she faintly whispered, “Hang in there, dad, I’ll be back soon.”

She then tiptoed outside in the backyard, expecting to see Cerberus still waiting there. Only the still darkness of the night was there to greet her. By her feet, she spotted the script Cerberus had handed her. She picked it up and glanced over it as she went back inside.

Reading the title, The Fowl Player, she quietly groaned to herself, “I’m seriously going to need sleep first... and an agent.”
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Douglas Collier »

Interesting - the part where Holly asks about a second chance for people who haven't had a chance to truly live reminds me of an early episode of the Twilight Zone; in it a guy makes a similar arrangement with Death that he would be ready to die once he had made a truly great sales pitch (he was a salesman). It's pretty neat that you basically made the same argument. :)
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This story is really starting to get a bit sad. I hope Mark finally steps out to the plate when Antonio becomes worm-food.

I wonder if he'll ask to be euthanized near the end. If pets who behave like humans are still euthanized, maybe euthanasia is legal in the Housepets! universe.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Douglas Collier wrote:Interesting - the part where Holly asks about a second chance for people who haven't had a chance to truly live reminds me of an early episode of the Twilight Zone; in it a guy makes a similar arrangement with Death that he would be ready to die once he had made a truly great sales pitch (he was a salesman). It's pretty neat that you basically made the same argument. :)
I miss that show. Maybe I can watch it on the internet... *Computer crashes* No, that's not fair. There was time now, all the time I ever wanted... That's not fair!

Well, after careful reconsideration and a magic 8-ball, I decided to resume telling the story through comics. Several scenes, including the ending, will prove best conveyed this way, granted it might take some time. As you gathered from what I wrote last time, there are going to be a few blue Mondays before we get to see Pete in all his deserved glory... Maybe I'll insert a short-lived "teaser trailer" of sorts sometime soon, showing some of the good times that await.

I can't think of any alternate texts for these as of now, other than "I'm too sad to think of anything else to say"...
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Douglas Collier »

I'm glad you decided to keep going with a comic. :) And yay for references I actually get! :D
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Yeah its a lot easy to feel the emotions through a comic.

And yay for the teaser trailer!
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Whelp, I did say that I'd put up a little "teaser trailer" and so here it is. This image will self-destruct in approximately 3 hours. But at least it gives some viewers a bit of hope that I'm not completely out of ideas.

And it got exploded. Hope at least a couple of people enjoyed the sneak peak...

But I must leave something in its place, so... here's another group of storyboard sketches that I scrapped. These would have been part of a prequel (inspired a little by Stuu's work) that I kind of gave-up on. I figured I might as well just stick with the current story. It was about a little incident that occurred before Heidi and Holly came to Babylon Gardens. It definitely would have shown an interesting side to Heidi (and explain her hidden power that will be of great importance later)...

But yeah, she was going to FACE all those squirrels... Get it? It's a play on the word "face", which could be referring to what Bailey did to Bino or... to face... someone... Quiet, I'm funny!

Also, check-out Amazee Dayzee's fanfic, "The Winds of Change." I hear that things are about to get ruff for certain house pets. Hang on to your wigs and keys!
Heidi versus Squirrel Army.jpg
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Last edited by dryideabat on Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Boo! Bad jokes! Don't make me get Captain Falcon again in here! 8-)

But yeah, I like Kari and Heidi.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

I decided to add this one to lighten the mood. I'll probably try to repost this with proper coloration whenever I ever get a chance to use the scanner at my library. Enjoy!

Alternate Text (yeah, I know I haven't been consistent with those, but I'll think of and add the missing ones in time): Hey, we need our star rooster to stay in character at all times.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Hey at least it has some protein in it Pete!
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Here's the next one, hot off the presses! I've also added the previous one using the library's scanner. To me, this one looks better (the reds are more accurate), but maybe I'm just going colorblind. Until next time, enjoy.

Alternate Text: -Furry? Yes we are, Tarot. Yes we are.
Beggers can be Losers.jpg
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oooooh! Tarot has a potty mouth! :lol: Do you kiss Peanut with that mouth?
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

This will probably be the last one for a while (things to do, places to be and all that). I can only estimate that this is more or less the halfway point of this arc, which hopefully I can resume during the spring break.

Alternate text: This is what happens when Hollywood has exhausted every idea.

As a bonus, I also added a scene that I ultimately decided to scrap. Alternate text for this one: Yeah, no, that's not happening to Holly in this story.
Keep The Change You Filthy Human.jpeg.jpg
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I enjoy how this came out! It is really nice and a great cliffhanger! Great job!
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

I added the missing alternate texts to [img]most[/img] of the previous entries and sketched the lay-out for the next chapter... In fact, here's a tiny sneak peak into the future: the first strip of part 2. Mind you, updates will be rather infrequent and stochastic given my schedule (technically, I have no spring break), but hey, I know all of you can relate.

Alternate Text: I never knew Homer was into Minecraft.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I know who the avatar is and nobody else does~ :P
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:I know who the avatar is and nobody else does~ :P
Ah, to solely (as far as I know) bear the burden of such a disturbing (or not-so disturbing) truth :twisted: . I can tell you one thing: if he/she is activated before Pete completes his quest to Mt. Doom- er I mean Everest, things will really get fast and furry-ous.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Again with the puns! Do I have to summon Ozzy AND Captain Falcon?
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by valerio »

At least we get to meet the Dark Paladin at last!
And the fact that we don't get to see dragon pretty chained up makes me fear she may not really be a prisoner after all...
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If it is Dragon, that pretty much makes Pete's sacrifice less meaningful as it was implied that he agreed to spare Dragon and to have Dragon behind all of this would just shatter the bond we saw when they became mortals. No, I think there is more to this.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Obbl »

Not that Homer is particularly known for being a men of their word. I wonder if they have her as a bargaining chip later :?
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I would rather THAT be the case because it makes Pete's sacrifice more noble.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Obbl wrote:Not that Homer is particularly known for being a men of their word. I wonder if they have her as a bargaining chip later :?
Come now, who wouldn't trust a fallen three-headed demi-god with a penchant for anarchy and pranks?... What am I saying? I wouldn't trust the jerk as far as I can throw him.

Well, here's the next one...

Alternate Text: I'll go get the spray can.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Poor Heidi. She is so uneducated. :lol:
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Yes, marking trees/hydrants... with spray paint may work in her hometown, but I assume it's frowned upon by the BG residents. Still, you must give her some credit for "unintentionally" pulling a Peanut and scaring the living daylights out of Holly. "How did you get down here so fast?" "The window." :shock:
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Oooh! So she is a tagger. For a minute there, I thought she meant mark like in how dogs usually mark! XD
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

During my "spring break," I found enough time to make the next two strips, with a third 3/4 done (I'll probably finish sometime over the weekend). I personally enjoyed making these two (though, yeah, I couldn't really think of great titles for them, but oh well). Enjoy at your peril.

Alt text for Heidi's Got Your Back: Heidi's not as dumb as she looks, or sounds, or as best testing indicates.

Alt text for V.I.P. treatment: Is this karma for the whole me taking your wife bit, or for me calling you the worse dark paladin ever?
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Very Important Poultry treatment.jpg (145.38 KiB) Viewed 19036 times
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Douglas Collier »

Hahaha! Those are great! The first one is especially brilliant. :mrgreen:
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really do like how these came out! Whose gonna be covering for Daisy though?
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Buster »

Most important thing I've learned from D&D?
No matter how tempting it may be, as a DM I can't both present a problem and solve it.
Every time a DMPC or NPC fixes something a payer couldn't i'm diminishing and undermining that player's contribution.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That actually would work very well.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Cesco »

A film making pause sounds good for Holly's nerves (the territory marking should too, but each of you do this the way she wants :P), and there won't be mystical creatures to face (except Pete-chicken). :) Can't wait for the next strips about this. ;) The Milton's couldn't reject a top actress (really? :P) like you for a role in the movie (will she be the heroine who will defeat the big chicken for King's joy? :lol:), and the money retribution could hopefully help for a cure to save your dad's life. :) Do anything also to avoid the evil Mark! Then, as third and last desire, you'll have the chance to lock up Homer in his box! :D
But, what about return a dog? Ah, if you didn't throw away the first desire by repairing an insignificant piano... But also the one to become an actress, is pretty : you could have the chance to desire the healing of your dad Antonio (Homed had to grant it, it's always a desire!), but instead... :| But, question over all questions: why the desires to express have top be always only three? Stupid cliché... :P
BTW, King, aren't you being a bit sadistic against Pete? Nah... :P And about that, Sasha, I hope for you your camouflage of Daisy works, despite it's not that much good as the one Heidi made of you and Tarot. :P

Just got refreshed about the moment reached with this story. Keep up the great work with this awesome story and the cool draws! :D
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Are you gonna run with the idea I suggested about the movie? xP
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Thanks :D . Again these were particularly fun to make. It's difficult/impossible to see in the second strip with the blurriness and all the stuff covering it on the desk, but in the first panel Keene is reading A&H Club :lol: . Hehe, crossovers. Anyway, I will get the next one done ASAP.
Amazee Dayzee wrote:I really do like how these came out! Whose gonna be covering for Daisy though?
Or maybe Daisy... She's everywhere after all :shock: .

As for the movie, I have something in mind that one might imagine coming about with Peanut AND Karishad writing/directing it. Crazy, but just clever enough for Keene to endorse it. But you'll see soon enough.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Cesco »

dryideabat wrote:It's difficult/impossible to see in the second strip with the blurriness and all the stuff covering it on the desk, but in the first panel Keene is reading A&H Club :lol: . Hehe, crossovers.
Yeah, didn't noticed it, nice touch. :) I recognized the "yo dawg" figure on the biscuits pack, instead. :P
dryideabat wrote:As for the movie, I have something in mind that one might imagine coming about with Peanut AND Karishad writing/directing it. Crazy, but just clever enough for Keene to endorse it. But you'll see soon enough.
With Peanut's imagination and Karishad's foolishness will come out something epic. :D Keene gave the chance and money to Tiger's show, so why he had to refuse the making of this movie? :P
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Cesco wrote: With Peanut's imagination and Karishad's foolishness will come out something epic. :D Keene gave the chance and money to Tiger's show, so why he had to refuse the making of this movie? :P
Good point. That guy really has made some major gambles/investments with his money. Surely this one won't blow-up in his face :lol: .
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I know, but I would still like to see my idea.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

Alright, I was kind of hesitant to post this one, but here it is... Yeah, I know, "Bats, what're ya doin'? Droppin' another mystery character like that on us!" Well, there are some pros that hopefully you will not hate me for, including his role in the movie itself (you'll immediately see what I mean next time). I simply had to do it. Otherwise, this character and his history with Heidi will probably not be fully explained until I finish this arc (but alluded to in short bits). They'll probably be a relatively short but action-packed prequel of sorts.

That aside, allow me to formally introduce Harrison the Hare (aka Big Ford... don't ask): now the newest addition to Keene's goon squad.

Alternate Text: I'll just say it before anyone else does: he looks like a cross between Keanu Reeves and Bugs Bunny...
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I wonder who else is apart of the Goon Squad know also? I got Karishad, but there were three pairs of eyes at the wedding.
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Re: The Not-So Dynamic Duo

Post by dryideabat »

I also wonder if they were fired after being held-up during that whole Jungle Fever incident.

Anyway, they're finally at Mt. Everest. I'm hoping to get the next one posted before Sunday (for reasons I hope you'll find amusing).

Alternate Text: Say, can I have your autograph Foghorn Leghorn?
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