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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Miles played a happier, old Gaelic dance tune.

Oh you know, the same old story. Car wreck, tree, you know. You'll get the hang of this thought thing don't worry. It's like talking on a cell only your not talking but talking in your head instead. Miles thought to Ray
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Heh. Smoothly. Right..." Ray is not so sure about that, given his and his owners' reactions.
Ah. I'm sorry... he thinks to the cat. That was insensitive of me. Again he imagines himself pushing the thought towards the ghost and finds himself wondering if the cat will get that image or just the thought. He hopes he'll get the hang of it an that it won't always be this awkward. He's brought out of his reverie by the violin playing again.
"Gaelic, right? Mom listens to that sometimes." The cat subconsciously begins tapping out the rhythm on his thighs, and soon begins embellishing it with various thumps on his chest and belly to create the illusion of a set of drums. As he thumps, he realises something.
"You never answered my other question though. How come you can touch the violin but not me?"

"It's okay. He... He can't help... What... What he is... It...Was just a shock. Lots to take in..." The Stevens' jump as the drum crashes to the floor.
"It's okay. We'll pick it up... Is it damaged?" Jack excuses himself and takes his near-catatonic wife through to the kitchen where she seats herself at the table while he fixes her a drink. After making sure she's okay, he heads back out to the shop, running a hand over his face and sighing.
"Sorry. I think we didn't really give you a good impression there..."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Jacey »

Wah! said Draco quickly. he must have fallen asleep while listening to the music "Sorry there, I seemed to have dozed off. You play the violin rather well Miles. Did you used to play?"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Seth »

Hlaoroo wrote: ~@~@~@~
"It's okay. He... He can't help... What... What he is... It...Was just a shock. Lots to take in..." The Stevens' jump as the drum crashes to the floor.
"It's okay. We'll pick it up... Is it damaged?" Jack excuses himself and takes his near-catatonic wife through to the kitchen where she seats herself at the table while he fixes her a drink. After making sure she's okay, he heads back out to the shop, running a hand over his face and sighing.
"Sorry. I think we didn't really give you a good impression there..."
"Hey no problem, it's a lot to take in. The rest of us have just already had our freak outs about it. You uh...you want some help with that drum kit by the way?"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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Hlaoroo wrote:"Heh. Smoothly. Right..." Ray is not so sure about that, given his and his owners' reactions.
Ah. I'm sorry... he thinks to the cat. That was insensitive of me. Again he imagines himself pushing the thought towards the ghost and finds himself wondering if the cat will get that image or just the thought. He hopes he'll get the hang of it an that it won't always be this awkward. He's brought out of his reverie by the violin playing again.
"Gaelic, right? Mom listens to that sometimes." The cat subconsciously begins tapping out the rhythm on his thighs, and soon begins embellishing it with various thumps on his chest and belly to create the illusion of a set of drums. As he thumps, he realises something.
"You never answered my other question though. How come you can touch the violin but not me?"
Serenade kept listening quietly to the conversation , it seemed from Ray's reaction that he didn't think it went as "smoothly" as she put it, but......the fox really can't blame him , maybe she just forgot how strange and probably terrified it is for anyone first time meeting a ghost . Speaking of which , they're speaking with one right now , soooo
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Nah, it wasn't. Everyone asks it eventually and you learn to make it less gruesome and quicker for some. And I thought I did any way, answer your other question. My spirit dragon friend is why I an play. And yes, Gaelic. Taught to me by a like traveling setter. Miles thought to Ray.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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"Cool. You don't see many setters around these days. Are there any instruments you don't play? We should totally jam some time. Er... I hope mom and dad will be able to handle it... They were pretty freaked out when we left... Sorry about that. I hope they didn't upset you... I think it's just a lot to take in... Heck, I'll probably need a stiff drink later too, no offence..."

"Er, yeah, thanks... I hope it's not damaged... Doesn't look it, thankfully... Do you play at all?" Jack is thankful for the opportunity to change topic and hopes it doesn't show overly.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Seth »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Cool. You don't see many setters around these days. Are there any instruments you don't play? We should totally jam some time. Er... I hope mom and dad will be able to handle it... They were pretty freaked out when we left... Sorry about that. I hope they didn't upset you... I think it's just a lot to take in... Heck, I'll probably need a stiff drink later too, no offence..."

"Er, yeah, thanks... I hope it's not damaged... Doesn't look it, thankfully... Do you play at all?" Jack is thankful for the opportunity to change topic and hopes it doesn't show overly.
Gage went over and helped jack with the fallen drum set. "Nah, I never really picked up an instrument. I've always been really into music though."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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Miles finished the song with a flourish.

"Well, the harp, a few more stringed instruments, the piano," Miles said, "No wind instruments of course, I don't have any of that left, heh heh."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Jacey »

Can your dragon friend not help with that? Thought Draco, to him it seemed like an okay question to ask.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Well, you picked up the drums pretty quick. You're a natural." jokes Jack. "In all seriousness though, once you learn how to read sheet music you can use those skills to teach yourself to play almost any instrument you like." Jack pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and polishes a few specks of grime off the drums before reorganising them slightly into a comfortable arrangement for playing.
"For drums," he continues, picking up the sticks and seating himself, "You don't need any music at all. You just haave to keep the beat." With a flourish, he launches into a jazzy drum solo with a solid beat from the kick to drive it along, accompanied by a rhythm on the high-hat and flourishes on the snares, toms and crash cymbals.

"How about Double Bass? We could use a bassist." suggests Ray.

"Turn left and then follow the course of the road for ten yards. Then you will reach your destination."
"I sure hope you know where we are, Siri, because I have no idea." answers the ferret as pushing her cane along the ground in front of her she enters the alleyway between the book shop and the music shop on the directions of her new phone. She's actually hunting for the bookshop, hoping to meet some new friends and find a couple of books to read. She hears the conversation ahead and heads for it, following the wall she can sense beside her from the way the sound of her pawsteps bounce off it. Continuing forward, she collides with the violin held by Miles and stops, standing right inside the ghost. She puts her paws in front of her, cane hanging from the strap on her wrist, seeking to determine the nature of the obstacle as she apologises.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Did I just collide with... Someone... What's going on here?" she falters as she realises the object which she can't identify is floating in mid air.
"Gee, it's cold in here. Is somebody there? Am I under the A/C or something?"
"Er... Hi."
"You have reached your destination."
"Thank you, Siri." Lilly slips the phone into her satchel and turns to the voice, smiling.
"Hi, I'm Lilly. Sorry to barge in."
"Hi, I'm Ray. It's not trouble, really. Er.. You're... Uh..." Ray falters, unsure how to explain the presence of the ghost.
"Blind? Yeah. You get used to it though. It's really not an issue, mostly." Lilly completely misunderstands Ray's dilemma.
"No, well, yes, I mean, no, I mean..." The cat becomes flustered again. For him, being speechless once in a week is highly unusual, so to have become flustered twice in one day is unheard of.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

"The thing about string instruments is that most of the time they're alike in many ways. Play one and you've played them all. I asked my dragon friend to help me show the foxes the importance of music, so I doubt it'll work just whenever. Maybe winter though," Miles said, then he stepped to the side of the ferret.

"The blind usually react to the same way as the seeing when they know they've just walked into a ghost, heh," Miles said, then he added sadly, "It's all the same. Still, hello, my name is Miles, and I do hope your not afraid of ghosts."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Jacey »

Seeing the new face draco wondered if she was new like him and Ray or been in town longer. Seeing as she didn't seem to notice Miles, and seeing Ray stumble over himself. He sets a paw on Rays shoulders, and joins in the conversation that is also what my very new and flustered friend was meaning to say. That is Miles, he is or I guess was but still is a cat. and I think you might freak out but please don't. This area is just a tad bit. Well "strange", as things like ghosts can happen, It surprised me to. Also as for me I am Draco, one-hundred percent not a ghost, nice to meet you. He reached his paw out and then remembered she said something about being blind. Feeling like a fool, he put his paw down and lowered his head in shame for a time.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

"Um , Hello there Lilly , I'm Serenade , and....yeah , what Draco said is true , but Miles is a friendly ghost , if it makes you feel better" Serenade said , slightly leaned in to take a sniff at the ferret
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Hlaoroo »

Lilly is startled for a moment as Miles' voice seems to come from all around her. On hearing the explanation, Lilly blinks and pauses for two heart beats as she takes in this new information.
"Ah. Well, that would explain it."
"Yeah, sorry. I didn't really know how to explain it. It sounds kinda crazy, I know." Ray apologises, rubbing the back of his neck slightly self-consciously.
"Heh. It's okay. I'd have done the same. Lilly assures with a smile. "Hello, Miles, Serenade and Draco. Nice to meet you. So sorry to have stood in you, Miles. I didn't see-, well, I didn't see you there." she laughs at her own joke, having almost used the figure of speech thoughtlessly.
"I do hope I didn't hurt you though." The ferret addresses that comment in the direction that the cold air had moved, surmising that that was the direction the ghost had travelled.
"So... Have you guys lived here long? Are we in the book shop, by the way? It sure doesn't smell like a bookshop but I followed my GPS..."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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"Well I just got here yesterday , and about your question , we're outside of a music store , but the bookstore is right next to it , so yes you've arrived"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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I moved here yesterday myself said Draco. "And yes, we are outside the music shop. But just around that corner is the bookshop. Also, what kind of book are you looking for?
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Seth »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Well, you picked up the drums pretty quick. You're a natural." jokes Jack. "In all seriousness though, once you learn how to read sheet music you can use those skills to teach yourself to play almost any instrument you like." Jack pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and polishes a few specks of grime off the drums before reorganising them slightly into a comfortable arrangement for playing.
"For drums," he continues, picking up the sticks and seating himself, "You don't need any music at all. You just haave to keep the beat." With a flourish, he launches into a jazzy drum solo with a solid beat from the kick to drive it along, accompanied by a rhythm on the high-hat and flourishes on the snares, toms and crash cymbals.
Gage stood back and watched him play, "Well, I might need to pick one up one of these days. Playing an instrument would be a pretty cool skill to have. Preferably one I can play without waking people up. I don't think my folks would want me practicing drums late at night.... "
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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"Heh, understandable." Jack calls over the drums, ending his solo with a flourish and a crash on the cymbal.
"Well, there are other options. Heck, if you're interested in the drums we do have an electric drumkit which you can listen to via headphones or an amplifier and which you can change to be a whole range of drums. That's it right behind you." Jack points to a contraption that looks like it ought to be part of a video game, with flat plastic discs and wires sticking out at all angles in a configuration vaguely resembling a real drum kit.
"Or as you know we've a variety of other instruments to choose. It's not something you have to rush into though, if indeed you decide you want to learn to play at all."

"Ah. Right. Seems the GPS needs some fine tuning then. I'd welcome you to town but I only got in this morning myself. So... Where are you all from? And what are you, for that manner? I assume you're all pets, except Miles. You don't smell human. Humans are real smelly, you ever noticed? Er... no offence if you are humans."
The psychically-minded pet might feel the gentle touch of Lilly's thoughts as she bounces a query off their brain, collecting some information from their understanding of the layout of the alley, using it to build her own guide to the layout of the alley. She calls this technique "psychic echolocation" and although she doesn't see through their eyes or read any of their mental images (having never had sight she couldn't interpret them anyway) she can use what they know of the alley to create a basic map in her head. It's not hugely detailed but it's enough to give her an idea of the shapes and locations of things and help her not to trip over anything big.
"What did I collide with before, by the way?" she queries, still not having recognised the violin for what it is.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Jacey »

A violin, Lilly. As for me, I am from a city which the name of I can't remember right now. I also am a dog, border collie and German Shepard mix
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Miles blinked at the mental touch, being a ghost.

If I may be so bold to provide most of that information on the hush. Neat trick. Where'd you learn it? Or has it always been with you? I'm also assuming you know the basics of cognitive communication as well? Miles thought to Lily, projecting a mental image of everyone, and the immediate surrounding area.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Ah. Right. Seems the GPS needs some fine tuning then. I'd welcome you to town but I only got in this morning myself. So... Where are you all from? And what are you, for that manner? I assume you're all pets, except Miles. You don't smell human. Humans are real smelly, you ever noticed? Er... no offence if you are humans."
The psychically-minded pet might feel the gentle touch of Lilly's thoughts as she bounces a query off their brain, collecting some information from their understanding of the layout of the alley, using it to build her own guide to the layout of the alley. She calls this technique "psychic echolocation" and although she doesn't see through their eyes or read any of their mental images (having never had sight she couldn't interpret them anyway) she can use what they know of the alley to create a basic map in her head. It's not hugely detailed but it's enough to give her an idea of the shapes and locations of things and help her not to trip over anything big.
"What did I collide with before, by the way?" she queries, still not having recognised the violin for what it is.
"Don't worry , I think it's alright" Serenade assured Lilly , giving her a smile even though she knew the ferret couldn't see
"well erm , anyway , I'm a fox , Ray and Miles are cats , and as Draco said , he's a dog , and what you just ran into was a.....violin I think" She explained , ignoring the little tingling feeling she had for a little bit there , maybe it's nothing....
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by hypernovatic »

"Hi. My name is Lyn." Lyn greeted from where he was silently standing behind Lily.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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"Oh yeah , and Lyn here is a cat too"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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"Ah, right, a violin. Wait, how could a gho-yeeek!" Lily yelps and jumps, falling against the wall behind her, startled by Lyn's sudden voice from beside her. Distracted by the other pets talking and by Miles in her head she hadn't had time to realise that he was there. Heart thumping, she struggles to her paws again and realises her sunglasses have fallen off.
"Oh. S-sorry, I didn't realise you were there. Hi, Ly- Oh, my sunglasses! Where did they go?" The ferret squats and begins patting the ground around her, trying to locate her missing eye-wear, pulling a face as her paws get mucky.
"Urgh. I don't wanna know what I just put my paw in..." The white of her pupils is now obvious as she looks around unseeingly.
"Here, I'll get them." offers Ray, hurrying forward and picking up the sunglasses.
"Er... We'll need to clean them off for you... Why not come into our shop and you can wash your paws there too? Like the others said, I'm Ray Stevens and I'm a cat. I arrived yesterday and my owners own the music shop right next to us."
"Oh, thanks. That's very kind of you. Can you lead me? I don't wanna put my paws back on my cane like this."
"Yes, of course. Anybody coming with us?" Ray queries.
I guess I've always been able to do it... I didn't know others could too. Lilly can't make head nor tail of the image Miles sent her as never having seen before she has no concept of colour and very little concept of shape. She informs the ghost of this telepathically and apologises, making sure to thank him for trying. Then she sends him her map of the alley which is very different. Rather than being an image as such, it's more a packet of information with a rough appreciation of distances and sensation of the shapes and textures.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote: "Yes, of course. Anybody coming with us?" Ray queries.
"well erm , I guess I will come in too , we should probably see if your owners are alright after what happened anyway , coming everyone ?"
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Miles visibly facepalms.

Oi, sorry, forgot that you've never seen before. Any way, hopefully this should be a bit more helpful. But yeah, some others like ghosts like me. And dolphins too. Miles thought to her. Then he thought things to her in a sequence. First, he took her "mental map" of things and put a bunch of little white dots on the points. Then he created a bunch more points in vague shape outlines. Then he connected all the points with white lines. But before that, he created an example, of where the sun would be, as first a point, then a number of points, then connected points. Then a crude shape at first. Then a finer circle. Then he filled that circle with white, then he filled it with yellow. THEN he went back to the mental map, and did the same thing, creating a 3d image of everything colored in.

Hopefully that helps a bit more. But we can go over parts you don't get if you want. Miles thought to her.

"Yeah, I'll come along," he spoke, "But first, I need to return this violin."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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Draco moved out of Ray and Lilly's way as they started walking towards the shop. Lead on you two.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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"Okay. Let's go then. I'll take your arm if you like, Lilly."
"Sure. Thanks." The ferret offers her arm and allows Ray to take hold of her wrist and lead her towards the end of the alley.
"Er... Why did you facepaw though, Miles?"
Lilly is lost again as soon as Miles starts trying to do anything visual.
Sorry, Miles. Thanks for trying but I just can't make any sense of it. I got all I needed anyway. Don't worry, I'm used to being like this and I don't really know any other way of being.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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That's all right. We'll take baby steps in learning. If you want to that is. Miles thought to Lilly.

"Oh, I was chatting with Lilly," he said, thumbing at her, "Be right back." Miles then entered the music store again and handed the violin back over to the owner.

"She has an utmost lovely voice," Miles said, "I think your asking too little for her, heh."
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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I don't think there's much point. I mean, I can't learn to see. But thanks anyway."
"Come on guys, let's go. So, Lilly, what brought you to Applegate?" The cat and ferret lead the way out of the alley after Miles.
"Well, mum and dad had a kid and wanted somewhere safer than the city to raise her in so we moved out here. What about you?"
"Well, my mum and dad finally found enough money to retire and achieve their dream of opening a music shop. They used to be trash collectors, you know."
"Yeah. Step up here, Lilly."

In the shop, Jack is not so startled by the appearance of the ghost the second time around, especially since Miles is now visible.
"Um... Sure... Thanks... Listen, I... Well, I don't think we made the best impression back there... I don't even know if I'm doing this right... I've never spoken with a ghost before... But... Um... Yeah, so... Sorry, you know, about earlier..." Jack scratches the back of his neck awkwardly before accepting the violin.

"Hey, Dad, this is Lilly. I'm just taking her out the back to wash her paws and glasses. They got dirty in the alley."
"Sure, Ray." The cat takes the ferret through to the bathroom briefly and then the pair return with paws and glasses sparkling clean and smelling of lavender soap.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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Draco followed the group inside, as he waited for Ray and Lilly to finish up. Thank you for letting me try the guitar Mr. Stevens. I didn't think earlier was a good enough time to say it, but I certainly appreciate the help. he said right around the same time Ray and Lilly returned.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

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Serenade followed the group inside shortly after everyone else , seeing how Ray's owners were.....less frightened now (?), she smiled at them , but didn't say anything , instead just looked a bit more around the place
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by kurowolfe »

Some time before following the rest into the music store, one of Timmy's wheelchair's wheels popped right out from the axle, causing the man to be unbalanced on his seat and also inducing some silent panicking from both him and Grace. Not wanting to create a scene, they both hurriedly replaced the wheel back in place and Grace silently and cautiously pushed the wheelchair back to their home, with Timmy holding on to the jutting axle to prevent the wheel to come back out again. Thank the Gods Timmy had learned how to fix the wheelchair by himself! But he needed the tools back home, and they left for a while without saying a word, not even from the ermine to Miles.

((OOC: This is just a small paragraph explaining their actions while I was gone, I'll have them back at the store soon :3))

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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by xhunterko »

Miles just waves a paw at the comment.

"It's no biggie, I get it from time to time being a ghost and trying to make friends, heh," Miles said, then noticing something, he facepalms.

"Excuse me just a second," he said, then, he turned on his 'visible form', that being a grey cat with white under fur and white paws, instead of his ghostly self.

"There, that should be better," he said.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Hlaoroo »

Ray blinks in surprise. "How did you do that? What other magical powers do you have? Is this how you used to look before you- well, you know... died?"
"What? What did he do?"
"Didn't you just see-" Jack cuts himself off as he looks at the ferret for the first time and notices the cane and dark glasses.
"Oh. S-sorry. I guess you didn't."
Lily just smiles, used to this type of thing by now.
"It's okay. I'm used to it. It's surprising how many figures of speech relate to sight though and it's actually kinda funny when people stumble over themselves when they realise they're saying them to a blind pet. But I really don't mind since I use those same figures of speech myself all the time. So what did he do?"
"Miles just changed his appearance to look like a cat instead of a ghost." Ray explains, knowing that it wouldn't mean much to Lilly anyway.
"Oh. Cool. Full of tricks, aren't you, Miles?"
Drake wrote:Draco followed the group inside, as he waited for Ray and Lilly to finish up. Thank you for letting me try the guitar Mr. Stevens. I didn't think earlier was a good enough time to say it, but I certainly appreciate the help. he said right around the same time Ray and Lilly returned.
"Oh, you're welcome, Draco. That's what we're here for. How did you like it?" answers Jack as he finally realises what Draco said.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Jacey »

"It was okay Jack. I might like to come in at some other time and try it again. Well when there isn't so much happening". Draco responded.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Seth »

Gage, content that the drum wasn't going to fall over walked over to join the group. "Hey guys, did I miss Miles giving anyone else a panick attack?", he asked jokingly.
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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by kurowolfe »

After some while, Grace and Timmy returned back to the music store, with the popped wheel back in place and the man wearing a new pair of shirt. They simply walked through the entrance to see everyone was still there, somehow converging in a group and discussing something. Wondering what it was, Grace wheeled Timmy forwards and towards the group.

"Hey there everyone. Very sorry-ah to leave so suddenly." Grace said.
"Yeah, my wheelchair suddenly broke, so we rushed back home to get it fixed and came back here. I'm surprised everyone is still here, in all honesty." Timmy chimed in, a frank grin on his young face.
"You did fix this thing in a very short time, Ah Kong. Maybe you've been practising?"
"Heheh, who knows?" That frank grin became a genuine one.

"Anyways, here we are... oh." Grace stopped seeing a brown ferret wearing black sunglasses. What stood out was not the sunglasses or the cane she was holding on to, but the fact that she was almost as short as the ermine herself! Timmy noticed her too, and they both immediately knew that the ferret was blind.

Timmy spoke first. "Hello there Miss Ferret. I'm Timmy, and behind me is my partner Grace."
"Hello! Are you friends with anyone here?" Grace took a glance at everyone around them, only then noticing a grey cat as well. Looked familiar, but better wait for the ferret to reply first, as to not confuse her.

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Re: Pet Friendly:Applegate

Post by Jacey »

Seth wrote:Gage, content that the drum wasn't going to fall over walked over to join the group. "Hey guys, did I miss Miles giving anyone else a panick attack?", he asked jokingly.
Draco chuckled at the joke, "Well, no. Not really panic, but you did miss meeting a new friend.As Grace and Timmy joined in the group as well. Draco pointed at the ferret while addressing the three. Hopefully no one would mind if he did some introductions for them "I don't recall if you have been introduced, but this is Lilly, she also moved in recently to the neighborhood. I am sure she can tell you more, I just met her a few minutes ago.
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