17th Century Fox

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"Don't dare tell me what I can and can't do nor how to run my ship. I'm well aware of the damage and losses which is precisely why I'm heading for Castillo Pato with all haste. Perhaps I ought to maroon you and your dog with them for your insubordination." The captain never raises his voice but his tone exudes danger.
"Who precisely was their old captain? Is he still amongst them?" Palgrave takes the chart from James and casts his eye over it before pocketing it himself for closer examination later.

"I don't like sad sissy stuff. I'm nearly a grown-up and grown-ups don't get sad." observes the boy naively. He ponders the sketch for a few moments before brightening as he likens the image of the tree to the closest thing he knows.
"Oh, like a mast and sails?"

"Sir Cedric Ian Pimsworth... at your service." the last words are spoken almost reluctantly.

"And you also, señor Ventus." At the mention of the island, Pepito sits back on his bed.
"I do not want to talk about it. Gulley is gone, that is all that matters."
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"The captain you want to know of is named Bartholemew Torrent Morgenstern, he honored pirate code and had a loyalty to his crew that we favored. He aided other pirates escape, fight and even shared loot. But if it wasnt for the mutinous man Roque vorain I wouldnt be here. that captain Is long dead at the bottom of the sea because of him and now hes gone with the enemy ship we faced. With that i have no cause towards insubordination captain. But i will not stand by while my shipmates are to be marooned to possibly die when they can work for a ship they helped without question. And if your to maroon me ill take my map back since im the only one of few who know those waters, how to get there, and i know who can read its language."James said back keeping his calm even at the captains anger. He held a hand out in showing to want the map back. "decides whats a loyal crew without its captain? And whats a captain without a loyal crew."James finished.
Pinch nodded with a smile.
Blacks on the main deck heard the yells of the captain slightly he feared a small amount that passed between his owner and the captain
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Hlaoroo wrote: "And you also, señor Ventus." At the mention of the island, Pepito sits back on his bed.
"I do not want to talk about it. Gulley is gone, that is all that matters."
"Have you witnessed , with your own eyes , his death, Pepito ?"
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"They are not currently your shipmates; they are your prisoners. Your shipmates are those in my employment, unless you wish to join your friends in the brig? These are my orders. You make a choice. Either you join your friends in the brig, or you prove your loyalty to me first by swearing it on your and your dog's life and second by giving me the secret to this map. If your word holds true then I will consider letting your friends join my crew. That is my offer. Take it or leave it." The captain makes no move to remove the map from his pocket but his hand does rest dangerously on the pistol on his belt.

"Cor, is that a real sword?" the boy asks, pointing to the weapon on Pinch's belt.
"Father won't let me have one until I'm properly a grown-up." he laments.

"Well... No... But when I woke up he was gone and his tracks disappeared next to giant tracks the likes of which I have not seen before." admits Pepito.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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James let out a sigh seeing what he's done got him too. He swore his loyalty before letting out a whistle that rose in tone very high very quick. Blacks on the main deck heard clearly and ran to soon accompany James. "Now as to the secret of the map it's made to fool people. The men in the brig, myself and blacks can navigate certain sections of the map for the true path. Written and hidden only to be seen at a certain point of darkness. The writing you see on the map now only leads to an empty cave, an island, or to Castillo by a long route. The true and hidden path is written in a different language. But I need your word that the men in the brig will stay with us to get to the trove for your final decision. The others can have to your own ends." James said reaching his hand out in show of agreement.

"it is. And your father may be right on not letting you have a sword, its a dangerous tool."pinch said
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"So as far as you know , he still could be alive out there , and even found the other rats who colonized there by now , yes ?"
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"Nowww, ef you all don't mind." The dog said with a more than annoyed voice, maybe an attempt to hide her embarrassment.
"I need to bring zhis sea dog to zeh cap'tan." She grabbed Geo's arm, pulling him hurriedly away from the group and towards the captain's quarters.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"One: you have no right to demand anything of me and two: I don't believe you. I've never heard of anything so ludicrous as writing that can only be seen in the dark. How are you supposed to see it without light? You're either lying or you've been taken for a fool." The captain pauses briefly but before James can respond he continues.
"Here's what's going to happen. We'll make the repairs we need at Castillo Pato and take on some more crew, then we'll maroon the men you say are untrustworthy. I've the perfect spot for that. After that, we'll maroon your trusted men at the last island we visited. They'll do well enough there until we return and they may find more treasure there too so their time won't be wasted. Once we've offloaded them we'll find your treasure according to the map which you'll redraw so that I can read it at my luxury. Should you and your map prove trustworthy we'll pick your trusted men up again on the way back. If, on the other hand, you fail me, you'll join your untrusted 'friends' on their island." The captain sets a sheet of parchment and a pen and ink on the desk in front of James.
"Well? Why aren't you drawing?"

"Aw! But why? I can handle it! I'm big enough! How am I supposed to defend my family and fight the cats without a real sword?" demands the lad, punctuating his words with a few thrusts of his makeshift weapon before looking sadly between his and Pinch's respective swords.

Pepito can't believe this.
"No. His tracks, they were disappearing at the tracks of some great beast that must have carried him off. He is gone."

"Then I shall bid thee good day. I do not care for that pompous human. Besides, it amuses me to let him think the cook is lying about my partaking of his fish." The bird launches himself from the dog's shoulder and flaps back to the rigging.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"Because once night time comes i can make a better copy......or i can possibly make it glow right now. HOw am i a simple sailor to remember the entire map if i can only copy one part of the trail? i cant even write in its language." James said standing firm before he had a thought. "actually....i can prove it....but i need something from one of the men in the brig. it will help you see one thing of the map." James said untill blacks came in again with a small bag. he handed it to james. "Ah thank you blacks" James left no time for the captain as he opened the bag and grabbed a cup from the inside, he looked through the hole on the smaller end before blacks grabbed the small ink case inside the bag dabbed the ink quill on the captains desk and passed it to james. "now captain when heavy enough this cup here can help you see dark writing." james said as he dipped the quill into the different ink grabbed a sheet of paper nearby and began writing a small amount on it. nothing of regular writing showing. James then set the cup on top and looked through the top seeing the blue glow inside of his own signature. he then gestured for the captain to look. The cups tight binded shape was fastened by metal like a barrel to let the least amount of light inside possible. blacks tail wagged at what the captain ma be experiencing.

pinch smiled "its not the only way to defend yourself. you know."pinch said in reply
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"Ugh. I am zorry about zhat." Rhyme sighs.
"Az you can see. We are all ah lively bunch. Zwhich es one way to put et..." She shrugged. Pausing for a moment at the door she knocked before entering, dragging Geo along.
"Ahem, excuse me cap'tan but I waz wondering ef-" She stopped when she noticed the captain with someone else. And of course Blacks was here too.
"Ah. Szorry, et seems zat you are busy right now." The dog apologized, bowing her head slightly.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Hlaoroo wrote: Pepito can't believe this.
"No. His tracks, they were disappearing at the tracks of some great beast that must have carried him off. He is gone."
"what kind of tracks , exactly , can you show me ?"
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Re: 17th Century Fox

Post by Kateleo007 »

"Ehh. Maybe we oughta let the lads be." Geo whispers, a little fearful of the captain. The dog shifts awkwardly in place, tails and fingers twitching occasionally.

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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The captain raises a disparaging eyebrow at the cup but looks through it anyway. He hides his surprise well but can't disguise the slight dilation of his pupils. Pulling the map from his pocket, he examines it through the cup and sees the glow there too.
"Very well. You have until tomorrow morning." Palgrave passes the map back to James along with a clean sheet of parchment.
"I expect that map on my desk with my breakfast. You may go. Wait!" he holds up a finger, stopping James.
"If you don't like the way I run my ship, you'll be either marooned with your untrusted men, or if I'm in a good mood, I may just leave you in Castillo Pato. I don't tolerate disloyalty in my crew. NOW you may go." The captain then turns to the dogs outside the door.
"You two come in. What is it you want? You'd better have a good reason for disturbing me because I'm not in a good mood right now."

"Oh, sure, I know I can use teeth and claws but how can I be a real soldier without a sword?" The lad swishes his wooden sword through the air a few times, coming perilously close to knocking off a few of Pinch's whiskers.
"Why, with a proper sword I'd be unstoppable! I'd rule the ship! I'd throw the humans overboard and feed them to the sharks! I'd chop the bigs up for fish food! I'd make Father and the Queen so proud that they'd make me king of... of.. of the whole entire world!" he finishes excitedly, throwing his paws in the air and in his enthusiasm, forgets to keep hold of his ersatz blade, sending it winging in Pinch's direction.

Pepito pushes himself off the bed again. "They were like giant circles, Señor, and almost as wide as the fo'c'sle."
The diminutive rat holds his paws out, illustrating the size and shape.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Hlaoroo wrote:Pepito pushes himself off the bed again. "They were like giant circles, Señor, and almost as wide as the fo'c'sle."
The diminutive rat holds his paws out, illustrating the size and shape.
"hm.......any , let's say....pattern , or something strange about these circles ?"" Ventus asked
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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James nodded grabbing the map before him from the captain before leaving to do such. He succeeded in keeping his old shipmates and now him and his freinds would be getting their old plunders hidden within Calypso Cove. James went down to the brig and joined the men there to begin making a map copy, laughter, heavy talks and many different languages could be heard.

Blacks however went to find dune feeling he should be with her.

Pinch after seeing a display of enthusiasm only barely caught on to the wood sword. He moved aside quickley as the sword flew past him. He then turned back at the young rat."well now i can also see another reason to not give you a sword.....but maybe something else" pinch said seeing the wood sword wedged in a crack in the wall behind him.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Dune saw Blacks and walked over to him. "Hey, Blacks. Is something wrong?" she asked.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"Ah-hem" The dog coughed nervously. Just her luck...
"I dropped by to escort zhis Mistier Geo to meet you." She gave a small bow, stepping to the side to let Geo take the stage.
"I am to understand zhat Geo was on zeh other ship, a prisoner sep'e'rate from Blacks an James crew." Rhyme glanced at the other dog.
"Fwom zhwat I av seen, he seems skilled enough to join us az one of our own. An he would be a good addition to our ranks. Zeeing as zwee are lacking in zhe animal hands department after zhis ship was cleared of zhose indolent catz."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Geo steps forward, with a nervous grin on his muzzle. "Er. Yes...sir I can certainly do the work o' two if ya need me to. An' don't worry yerself none, on the las' ship I was on I was in the brig fer mutiny." He smiles, trying to be convincing as possible. His smile dropped though, when he realised how his last words could be misinterpreted. "MEANING that I wasn't loyal ta them, but that's cause the didn't treat me well at all. O' course I'll be loyal ta ya an' yer ship, er...sir?" Geo gets more and more flustered as he speaks, trying not to make himself sound bad. Eventually, he just stands there with his handpaws behind his back.

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"They were strange! They were huge! I did not look at them all. When I found Gulley was gone I went back to our camp site." confesses Pepito.

"Aww!" The lad scurries over and tries to pull his "sword" from the crack but finds it to be wedged firmly.
"What- NNNG! What instead? NNNNG!" he asks between grunts of exertion as he yanks on his "blade".

The captain hides his amusement behind a stern facade.
"I see... How much are you worth and will you be worth more than that to me? Will you swear your loyalty to me and be willing to serve on my crew? And have you an owner?"
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"I see..........well , I don't know about you but that doesn't sound like any kind of animal tracks to me , does it ?" Ventus asked , still hoping to reignite's Pepito hope for his friend's survival
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"not really, just wondering if you are ok. I mean from the fight and all" Blacks said walking to the hideaway

Pinch made a small face before helping the small rat and conditioning him to follow. Pinch then led them to a small and hidden gap that was larger. On the side were different wooden rods of size shape and weight." find one you think fits yourself, I found this one day when exploring the ship. Now it's my own place of training with soldiers." pinch said grabbing a long pole. He tested the balance some before waiting.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"I'm fine. I've got one cut that's bothering me though." Dune said, showing Blacks a small cut on the back of her neck that was still bleeding.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"I can do any duty ya need me ta, so put yer own price ta that. I got no owner but I'd be willin' ta get one. An' o'course I'd be loyal ta ya, no reason not ta. Ya seem like a good man." Geo replies, trying to answer each question fully. He shifts his stance a little, mostly because he was nervous.

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"Ef I may propose cap'tan." Rhyme stepped in, her tail wagging unconsciously behind her, hands behind her back as well.
"I could always help in zhis matter. Show him zhe ropes..."
After all, she was the one who reined in Jin. The dog glanced over at Geo, a smile playing across the corners of her muzzle. This one couldn't possibly be any more work.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"at least it isn't as worse as it could be" blacks said
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"That is true." Dune said, leaning her head on Blacks' shoulder.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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The captain keeps his face impassive, betraying nothing, drawing out the tension as he thinks.
"Very well." he says suddenly. "As you have no owner you'll answer to me. You'll go with Rhyme. She'll show you the duties expected of pets on this ship. Earn your keep here and I might just let you stay. If there's nothing else, you may go."

"I do not know what they were. I have never seen the like." Pepito knows what Ventus is trying to do but he also knows it's not working. He wonders how long it will be before the other rat realises the same.

The young rat, severely overestimating his own strength and ability, immediately goes for the biggest, heaviest and longest staff and nearly topples over backwards under the weight.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Hlaoroo wrote: "I do not know what they were. I have never seen the like." Pepito knows what Ventus is trying to do but he also knows it's not working. He wonders how long it will be before the other rat realises the same.
"Very well then" Ventus sighed , feeling a little down himself seeing Pepito still set on the idea that his friend is gone . "I might know someone who knows a guy who knows this person who might know something about strange things like these tracks of yours , so i could ask about it later , but for now , feel like getting up and go around ? A little fresh air will do you good"
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Pinch let out a sigh."how about something a little shorter and lighter" pinch said

Blacks smiled and hugged dune as h led the two into the gap at the front of the ship.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Once they got to the gap, Dune sat down and motioned for Blacks to sit next to her.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Geo nods his head respectfully and relaxes a little bit. "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down." he says, glancing over to Rhyme. He turns around and walks to the door, pausing next to the doorframe to wait for her.

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Blacks sat next to dune after he saw her motion at him
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"I don't think I'll ever get bored of this view." Dune said, leaning her head on Blacks' chest.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"No... You won't." replies the captain simply. Once the dogs have left, he turns back to examining his charts.

Pepito sighs and heaves himself to his footpaws. "Si... maybe... It might help me to get something nice to think about for a change."

"No, *grunt* I can manage it!" Endeavouring to heft the staff, the rat overbalances and lands on his tail, the staff slipping from his paws and landing across his toes. He yelps, and rubs the afflicted digits, muttering angrily under his breath.
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Rhyme had followed Geo out of the captain's cabin and back onto the deck.
"Well... Zat went better zhen I thought et would."
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Hlaoroo wrote: Pepito sighs and heaves himself to his footpaws. "Si... maybe... It might help me to get something nice to think about for a change."
"yes indeed , let's go then" Ventus nodded
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Geo exhales loudly. "I'm so glad it's o'er now though. I was holdin' me breath the whole time." he laughs slightly. He stretches his arms over his head as far as they can go, then lets them flop back down to his sides. "I need a drink."

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Rhyme smirked.
"Yes, zhe cap'tan does have that air about him, no?"
At the mention of a drink the dog's smirk grew into a grin.
"Zhe mesh hall will take care of zhat thirst of yours." She elbowed Geo in the side.
"But you af to make sure you earn your keep here on zhis ship, bien?"
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: 17th Century Fox

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"me too" Blacks agreed with dune as he also looked out at the sea
pinch walked over to the small rat and knelt down next to him. "wanna switch now?" pinch said helping him up and putting the heavy staff away with some effort
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Re: 17th Century Fox

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Dune quickly drifted off to sleep by listening to the ocean and Blacks' heartbeat.
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