What do you call a fic that's not a fic

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Post by herobrineharry »

posted from page 49:
this is just a character melting pot.
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by valerio »

Yup. I am getting the ground ready for seasons VI to X. Sorry for the mess
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Post by Brendmar »

More adorable characters and their equally adorable, or greater, relationships? TOTALLY GAME! But from a "Universe" standpoint, In the comic there are multiple universes, Val's just happens to be the one with the most intersections, the more the merrier!
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Post by kavviyenta »

valerio wrote:Yup. I am getting the ground ready for seasons VI to X. Sorry for the mess
As in season 6 to 10 when you just said you're only doing 5 seasons? Is that right?! :shock: my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by valerio »

so far, five seasons cover Babylon Gardens.
And then there is a whole wide world out there...
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Post by valerio »

Ackerman Woods Reservation

“I told you we take this thing seriously,” the hare explained in a smooth voice to the grey-furred rabbit.
Both animals were walking along a small cave, the darkness broken by at least two dozen candles of various sizes and shapes.
At the end of the cave, framed in a nice pane glass, there stood an elaborate tapestry. A red tapestry depicting a rabbit leading a congregation of animals from world’s various wildernesses toward a stylized radiating sun. And under the sun, a benevolent, enormous angelic figure waiting for its follower with spread wing and arms…If you would call ‘angelic’ a gryphon kneeling on one leg, its knee crushing a mass of writhing humans.
Zachary examined the tapestry more closely. “It’s…interesting, I must admit it, Fauna.”
The female hare nodded, beaming. “Do you like it? We all took turns in making it, predators and preys alike.”
“Oh. Did you?”
Another nod. “We figured that, if we wanted to show you the proper respect, we had to prove it. A selected group, including myself, worked at the tapestry, while the others brought us the necessary food and water.”
And oxygen, Zachary thought. This place was fireproof, in the sense that nothing here could be set aflame, but he was already feeling like he couldn’t breathe. OK, he was also fearing he’d discover here a crystal coffin where his earthly remains were to be put on display…And his ‘followers’ had closed him inside that temple without food and water, years ago… “And you, uh, congregate here every Sunday to celebrate or something?” Zach asked, passing a finger under his collar nervously…before discovering that the collar wasn’t there. Right! He had taken it off in respect to his followers.
“Oh, no. We come to this Shrine when we need to, to invoke your favors so that the higher God grants us a miracle.”
“And…did it ever work?”
Fauna sighed at the tapestry. “Oh, it has: After all, you are here today. You brought us food and medicines. And the humans are working to make this a better place for us. Now our little ones do not need to fear winter anymore. Next Openermas will be our grandest feast in your honor! And you will be here of course…unless you want us to celebrate in the humans’ territory. Whatever suits you.”
“Your birthday of course!” Fauna said, clapping her paws together.
Zach’s ears drooped. “How do you kn—No, wait, I don’t really want to know.” He rubbed his temples. But what he could do, after all? Even if he succeeded in convincing them that he was no prophet, that all of this attention was the antithesis of his idea of life, what he’d accomplish except breaking a ton of spirits?
Eventually, he broke a smile to his most enthusiastic fan. “You know what, guys? Count on me for that party—erk!” he found himself strangled by the feral’s happy grip.
“Oh, thank you thank you thank you! I can’t wait to spread the word!”
Zach put a hesitant paw over Fauna’s shoulder. “Heh, just as long as you don’t close me somewhere or make a burnt offering out of me or something, ok?”
Fauna chuckled, then put a finger to her lips as if lost in thought. “Can’t make promises about the offering, but I think—“ She then noticed that her promised mate had just fainted. “Tch, guess we’ll have to work on your nerves, dear.”
The Coliseum Sports Center, Terrace High

“Butterflies?” Naos asked, not for the first time.
“I guess I said that more than a couple of times, pup,” Samson answered. “Have you ever looked at the way a butterfly flies? Same thing with your swords. Either you are so fast that you can’t be intercepted, and yes it is possible to accomplish such feat, or you must be able to make your opponent think you’re going one way when it’s not so. But the only way to be sure to hit is to act fast and change your mind in the middle, reading not your adversary’s intentions, but the reaction. Now you know what points to hit. Show me you got it.”
And so, in the dojo where other students were training with the occasional shout followed by the clanking of wooden swords, Naos barked his “KYAY!” as he attacked!
“HYA!” Rigel barked back…and then she hit her brother’s helmet.
“Point!” Samson proclaimed. “Excellent, Rigel. Naos, you attacked thinking of her left shoulder but didn’t leave yourself open for another option. That left a hole in your defense. Try again. And don’t pout: If you want to be a police dog like Sarge Ralph, you must learn from defeats to improve yourself. Ready..?” He waited until both pups were en garde, then lowered his paw.
This time, Naos had barely the time to move, before finding himself hit in the shoulder. Naos yipped with surprise, then glowered at her.
“SloooOOoww!” Rigel mocked him, thus getting a reproachful stare from the St. Bernard.
“Martial arts are not about mocking your opponent. When you act that way, you underestimate him and then you lose. Remember, respect.”
Rigel nodded blushing. “Sorry, sensei.”
“As long as you’ve learnt… Now get ready.” He raised his paw. Both pups’ swords touched.
The air hissed, as the polished wood traced an arc, followed by a circle of light created by another sword as it flew away from its owner…before clattering on the floor outside the circle.
Rigel looked with pin-size eyes at the sword tip resting on her shoulder. Samson wasn’t less amazed, but it was there, in front of his eyes: Naos had, in one deft move, disarmed his opponent and hit her.
“You look like you just saw a ghost,” Budweiser said, walking to the big dog. He had silently observed the duel.
Samson shook his head. “You saw that move?” He didn’t wait to see Bud nodding. “That was a Shinigami, a Reaper. And I’ll be dog-gone if I ever saw an untrained pup pulling one. In this century, at least.”
On the ring, Naos and Rigel bowed to each other, then they hugged. “You hurt?” he asked his sister. She shook her head. “Nah. You were lucky, this time. Next time I’m so gonna humiliate you.”
Naos grinned. “Hah, dream on!” He then turned to Samson. “Did I win, Sensei?”
Samson nodded. “With shining colors. And I want you two to attend my classes at least thrice a week. Rigel, your speed is amazing, you are not less worthy. Excellently played.” From the dog’s head, Saga let out an applause.
Jackson House, Level 20 Apt. 202

“And what are you doing, now?” Louise asked through the phone.
“Aunt Tegan is still playing mommy,” Nutella said. "I got cookies and milk and now I’m watching Tv. I think she’s mistaking me for a little human, but it’s fun. Oh, and she’s cradling me too. You should hear her purring, almost stronger than Mama. Uncle Elliot is looking funny.”
The poor Retriever knew that his girlfriend really, badly wanted to have a litter, but seeing how she was conceding to her instincts was a new to him. He was beginning to worry that she’d actually try and keep her friend Grape’s kitten for herself. “Uh, perhaps we could go to the shelter and adopt?” He tried, scratching himself behind his hear.
By the new laws approved by Gabriella Lundberg, new Springfield Mayor, inside the city limits pets had the right to adopt without asking for permission, the only limit being their family’s budget.
“Mrrr…wanna…” Tegan purred, nestling further into the couch.
“It would be really appreciated if you guys came to take me away,” Nutella said, before her phone was snatched off her paw.
“And after this nap I’m gonna give you a nice tongue bath,” Tegan said.
“But I already had—“
Tegan put up her best puppy eyes. “Pleeeease?”
Yes, thought Elliot. Tomorrow, first thing first, adopt! Possibly before Grape skinned her friend alive.
Security HQ, the Fulcrum

“Found any culprit yet?” the Brazilian Shorthair cat asked the Doberman Minipinscher as she kept leaning over his chair.
“No Clementia” answered Tobee in that fast talking characteristic of him as he nibbled at a chocolate biscuit. His eyes kept darting at the monitor-covered wall, each monitor changing from one camera to the other of the complex security system. “And by now I’d really like to see someone with the guts or the insanity to come here and cause troubles and you’re not worried about security breach you want that pup and Hannibal to get in trouble yap yap.”
“So sue me,” grinned Clementia. She looked at her arm, her fur still puffing from the recent electrocution Hannibal had ‘playfully’ inflicted her. She used her tongue to smooth it. “Can’t I rent a criminal?”
“No—oh wait! We got a culprit!” It was a question of eyes; that was why human and canine interfaces were still sitting in front of those monitors. Should an alarm be called for whatever reason, the bubblegum (Automated Surveillance System) IA could quickly find the suspect with a reasonable efficiency margin. But it required an alarm to be launched…while a pickpocket was deft enough not to raise suspects until it was too late.
“Hannibal pickpocket coming in your direction go get,” he said in his earmike, laying back against the chair and getting ready to enjoy the show. “Must remember to get popcorn.”
“Copy you, Tiggy. And no, what you need is some elocution sessions.”

“Hey mah talk is part of mah charm,” came the answer into the black German Shepherd’s ear.
The human was getting closer, without visible sign nor smell of being nervous –and it came to reason: What with all the pets romping in the Park, you didn’t want to draw attention to yourself by running and smelling like fear.
Bosco, of course, hadn’t heard a word of that exchange and kept walking proudly by his side, holding his toy billy club. Hannibal was sorry he couldn’t tell the pup to get the bad man, but Bosco wasn’t there to end up hurt. He was supposed to watch a grownup at work and—
And just when Hannibal was about to take his taser and use it, Bosco erupted in an angry barking and seemed to take off as he attacked the human!
The man himself, a 25-year-old specimen with a robust build, wearing a large sweatshirt, didn’t look less surprised. “But what the—HEY! NO! OWCH! OWCH! AAAAHH! NOT THE BUTT! MY HAAANNDS! HELLP!”
Hannibal just stood there, jaws agape, arms drooping, as the massacre went on between screams, growls and the bip-bip-bip-bip of the club hitting at a frantic pace.
“I just can’t believe it,” Hannibal said, when it was over and Bosco was proudly standing over his fallen prey. His security beret was turned backwards and resting on his eyes. His club was broken in two and held up like Lady Liberty’s torch.
The human was…well, definitely not in the condition of doing any pickpocketing for a while.
“Did I do good?” Bosco asked, all happy. “He looked guilty! And papa says that I must always attack those who look guilty.”

Back at the security center, Tobee looked in pure awe. “I found my longlost brother yay!”
Clementia facepawlmed, her back fur bristling up. “Great! Another crazy assassin on the loose!”
“Guys, what’s wrong?” Bailey asked.
In the middle – if one could talk about a ‘middle’ at all – of that supernatural party thrown by the spirits of a long-gone pirate gang, the spirits of her not-yet-born pups had asked her to talk in…private.
One could say many things about Bailey, but not that she wasn’t adaptable. It was one of the qualities that King found most attractive in her; just like Fox, she wouldn’t get her life more complicated than necessary. Which worked just fine for the often-grumpy corgi, who needed an element of stability in his life.
Bailey was living something unique and wondrous, she wouldn’t let herself ridden by worries. Except for now.
Her pups looked suddenly strange. Sad. Were they in danger somehow? Her paw went to her belly.
Rook, Lira and Mckenzie sat down in a semicircle. Bailey went down on her knees in front of them.
It was the pup whose looks mostly resembled hers, who spoke first. “Mama…It’s about Papa. We think there is something you should know.”
Bailey frowned, trying to think what could it be. What could unborn cubs know about their father that she didn’t know already?
When the pets returned home, the sun had set already set since one hour.
Fido had discovered a lot more about feral life in this trip than in his whole life –that is, except during the lessons at the academy, but that didn’t cover the, well, the culture behind the creatures living in the woods.
He must admit, he felt somehow ashamed for not taking the time to learn more, but at least today had been a start.
Perhaps he could even leave the Police to become a volunteer. After all, more and more dogs and even cats were swelling the ranks…
Fido smiled to himself as he opened the door. And I have a family to take care of. Perhaps a less dangerous job will do just right—
The sight that welcomed him was unusual –well, considering that he was at Sabrina’s house, that was the least he should expect.
He just hadn’t expected to see Mr. D’angelo here as well, sitting by her side on the couch, holding her with one arm.
And Alcor, sitting on a chair in front of the couch. He looked a bit embarrassed. Pixel, sitting on his lap, was beaming.
The man was away for his work most of the year. Either his return was for a vacation, or for something really important.
The presence of the white Foster cat suggested the latter.
Especially when Fido saw that Sabrina was smiling, yes… But it showed she had been crying too.
Fido walked to his beloved feline and took her paws in his. “Sabrina, what happened?” He really didn’t know what else to ask.
“Those tests you wanted me to do,” she said, as tears threatened to flow again. She hugged Fido with that strength he always found surprising. “I can still have kittens. And Alcor agrees to be the donor.”
And Fido knew in that moment of wonder, stupor and joy, that his life was changed forever.
Just then he seemed to notice that Alcor showed an eye patch that didn’t completely cover the scar along his eye. “Uhh, what happened to you? Please tell me you weren’t too enthusiastic about that proposal.”
Sandwich House

“Ghosts. Again, ghosts.” Grape sighed, thinking that perhaps she should convince Dad to move to Uncle Reuben’s farm—no, wait, there was Rufus’ spirit there. She rubbed her temples while asking, “Did they seal a pact with you? Did Parnok do a blood oath? Did Tarot offer Bino’s soul, not that I’d mind? Did you bring any of them home?”
All of the kittens shook their heads no in unison.
“Kids, I’m serious: The supernatural is not a matter that should be trusted—“ then she remembered who she was talking to. She turned and went to set the big bed for all of them. Mommy needed family snuggling, period. “Peanut, we are SO going to take a vacation. Somewhere with no magic and, especially, no one who deals with that stuff. Preferably after I killed Bailey for indulging with those…things.”
The Pentagon Park

“See? Just as I told you, romantic moon included in the price,” King said. He had drank enough energy drinks to stay awake until next Openermas -or however those crazy woodland creatures would call it. But for now enough with worrying about Pete and his plans. This was the moment for a romantic picnic under the moon. There was the basket, the food, the cutlery, and a nice selection of trees. And top of all, Gottschalk had booked enough room to be left alone from everyone, birds and lizards included.
King snuggled against Bailey, though taking care of not pressing too much against her tummy.
“Aw, that’s sweet, but they’re not made of glass. Come here.” Bailey wrapped the smaller dog in her arms. They stood like that for the best part of an hour, just enjoying each other’s presence by the shadow of a moonlit tree. Fireflies droned around them.
“I really missed you,” King said. “Every moment without you feels like an eternity.”
“I know, honey.” She rubbed his back, still not letting go of him. “I want you to know that I love you, no matter what.”
“Hmm?” lost in the sweet drowsiness, he barely registered the slight change in her tone. “I know,” he said absently.
“The pups. Today we spoke.”
He knew, she had told him everything about that meeting he had lost.
“They told me everything. About you, Joel.”
King’s eyes snapped open!
Everything but this.

Season IV
Episode 12
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Post by villa »

season VI-X? val it's official i love you
on another note i began to call updates recorder events because they record your universe
val 100 or so pages in 6-12 days unless on break
all other books 500-600 pages every 2 years
EDIT:just read the ending you have done what most avoid bravo
i strive to put more happiness into the world then i took out of it
and hope others strive to do the same.

to the speculation mobile initiate the wild mass contingency!
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Post by herobrineharry »

:D :D :D :D :D :D
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by herobrineharry »

Also, What happened to Hercule and Matt?

And is Hercule a pun or a misspelling of Hercules?
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by valerio »

herobrineharry wrote:Also, What happened to Hercule and Matt?
And is Hercule a pun or a misspelling of Hercules?
Matt appeared with permission of Karlos for funny cameos only, he's never been plot-relevant. And I guess Hercule is still trying to make him a man or kill him in the process :lol:
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Post by valerio »

Season IV - Episode13
Breaktime on a Distant Shore

Lindberg House, Babylon Gardens

The grey-furred paw knocked against the door. “King..?” Bailey asked hesitantly.
No answer.
The malamute sighed, head and ears low. Again, she leaned against the door, her voice almost reduced to a whisper. Her eyes were puffy from the lack of sleep, and her fur looked messy. She had been standing all night, and her legs were tired. “Kingy, please. I’m sorry, I…I need to talk to you. I didn’t want to scare you off. I…” she batted a fist, weakly, against the wood.
Eventually, Bailey drew in one last breath then her face assumed a more serious expression, which matched her voice as she said, “I am not going to leave, King Lindberg. I am your wife. We promised to each other, and I bear your pups. And I do not care if you want to hide in that room until you starve: I am going to knock that door down and talk with you. Your pick.”
She tensed and waited for a minute, after which she got ready to actually do what she had promised…But then, the doorknob turned with a *click*…and Fox peered out. Only the weak glow from the nightstand’s lamp would come from the otherwise dark room. The poor husky mix looked even more ruffled from a sleepless night. “He is ready. I hope.” The door opened a little more, just enough to allow him out. The way his eyes quickly scanned the corridor told Bailey that her cousin was afraid that Bill could be there. But her Dad had kept his promise not to interfere, though, understandably, King was even more terrified by the idea that the human could know as well…
Bailey made as if to slip into the room; Fox stopped her and hugged her. His chest and shoulder fur was matted with tears. “Please, be gentle with him: The poor lad is almost out of his wits.”
Bailey nodded. “Want to stay with us? Perhaps he’ll feel better in your presence.” She chuckled: Sometimes she was convinced that King and Fox were more of an item that she and her corgi husband were.
Fox smiled apologetically and shook his head. “No. I calmed him down, but this clarification is between the two of you. If you need me, I’ll be here.” He let go of his cousin and stepped aside.

Bailey walked into the room. Her whole body tensed again at the raw scent of fear that filled the room. The windows were closed, every object that could be moved, furniture aside, had been thrown to the floor. Everything, apart the photo album King, sitting on their bed, was holding in his arms, cradling him as if that was the last lifejacket.
“I’m sorry…” he whined, as the door closed behind Bailey. “I’m so sorry for…for…” the words fought in his chest but didn’t come out. He had to draw a deep breath before saying it, “For lying to you. For being a monster and keeping it from you. I’m sorry…”
Bailey walked to the bed and sat down in front of him. Her paw went to him, and her heart sank as she saw him retract slightly, like an abused puppy who couldn’t trust anyone.
But Bailey didn’t retract her limb. Instead, she scooted closer and gently grabbed both his shoulders. “You’re no monster, King. And you’re no liar. Stop talking nonsense.” She said that looking him straight into his blue eyes.
Her expression took again that severe nuance of before entering the room. “A monster wouldn’t have kept Sasha company in a cold, snowy night. A monster wouldn’t have built a doghouse for her to keep her warm and safe, while her own Dad would just leave her outside. A monster wouldn’t have convinced me to marry him, and surely a monster would not be the daddy of our pups.”
A long moment of silence passed, before King dared to say, “So…You’re not still upset?”
Bailey let out a funny sound, like chuckling and sobbing and sighing with relief, shaking her body as her hug got stronger against him. “Oh, silly doggy.” She kissed his head fur. “I was never upset in the first place. Yes, you have an…interesting past, to say the least, and I understand why you didn’t want to tell me. But Kingy, Kingy…I was upset, I was scared, I thought I was dying inside…” her voice went again back to a pleading tone, as if she was afraid to speak the next words, “…when you were there, in that hospital bed, d-dying. I was losing you and there was nothing I could do. My world was falling into pieces, King. And when I heard you speaking my name, in your coma, I knew that you were still fighting, and it gave me hope. I trusted you, and you didn’t fail me. You never failed me, honey.
“And when the pups told me about your past, it wasn’t because they feared I’d run away, but that you would.” After that tirade, she took a pause, breathing heavily. “Are you going to run away from me, King?”
It was funny how that blunt question dissipated the train of thoughts running amok into King’s mind and heart.
It didn’t come ‘easy’ to answer. It was just natural. There was no other answer. “No. I will not.” And suddenly he heard her heart relaxing, her breath slowing as relief washed over her –making him feel better as well. King kept talking, “You make me so happy, Bailey…” he said. “And I know we’ll be together forever…” He didn’t start to cry again only because he had used up all his tears with Fox. “Just…never let me—uh?” He felt a drop of doggie drool falling over his temple.
“Z.” Bailey had definitely fallen asleep, sitting, holding him, her tongue laying over his head as she snored.
Not exactly the most comfortable position for King, who was starting to feel a little too hot, like wearing a duvet over his fuzzy body.
“Ah, Fox?” King whispered, not wanting to wake her up. “Foxyyy? Need help. Honest…my back…”

Outside, the husky’s ears were quite deaf to the whispered pleads, as Fox sat against the door, his body splayed, as he too made up for the sleepless night…
Foster Mansion

“A vacation?” Martin asked, while preparing the breakfast. He was, in a way, happy that his old house had been destroyed. He had severely underestimated the raw amount of food he needed to feed not only his pets, but also the new additions. And Celestia, Antares’ wife, was the living proof that ‘hungry like the wolf’ wasn’t exactly a metaphor. Mortimer, too, was proving himself a real glutton. More than once he had been found while hiding food in the garden to save it ‘for the winter’, he’d justify himself.
“Nifty idea!” Celestia intervened. “I can try out my new camcorder. My pack will love to see some selfies and the videos from a new place.”
“I don’t know, guys, there’s so much to do...” he poured the eggs into the pan, then added grated cheese and chopped ham. “Sometimes, I think I have forgotten I died by stress.”
“Veeery funny, Dad,” Mizar said. “We know you love your job, and that it often invigorates you. But you do need to relax from time to time.”
Soon, the scrambled eggs took the right density and he served them, holding the large pan with both hands. “Last time we went for a vacation, Grape wounded Peanut and we almost got sued because these two monsters terrorized the neighbor’s dog.”
“But Da-ad!” Antares and Aldebaran said together.
“Then let’s go somewhere else!” Mizar insisted.
Came the turn of the sausages, with hash brown potatoes. Martin gave his daughter a knowing smirk. “And I guess you know the right place, miss?”
Mizar tried to look innocent. “We-ell…someone else does. But she said that you would listen more to one of us than to a human.”
Martin filled his plate for last, then sat down. He filled a glass with whole milk –fresh from his Gardens of Eden farm. Hmm! “And who would be this ‘person’?”
“Uh, that miss Gottschalk?”
Martin stopped in the motion of putting his fork to his mouth. He put the fork down. “I’m sorry?”
Mizar nodded. “She asked me to ask you if you’d like to join her for a vacation, somewhere far from here, to relax and leave everything behind. Her words. She said we can bring as many pets as we want. The place is 100% pet-friendly.”
Not that it would be the only one, Martin considered. But, knowing the Gottschalk, it wouldn’t be just some camping site or a modest countryside farm…
“She said that she has booked rooms at a resort: Blue Peak Shore.”
D’Angelo House

*sip* Then the cup left the black lips. As it touched with a soft click the saucer, Sabrina asked, “So? Are you just going to stay there all day looking embarrassed or..?”
The white cat sitting by his black-furred peer tugged – again – at his collar, feeling quite hot under it. “Err, it’s that…well… How does it work?”
Sabrina regarded him with a raised brow. “I am sorry?”
Poor Alcor blushed like a ripe tomato. “Ack! No! I didn’t mean that I don’t know—I mean, I can—But you are just so beautiful—But I never felt anything for cats—but it doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate you—I mean—“ And at that point, he took the pillow laying against the couch and pressed it against his head as if wanting to hid under it. “Someone embalm me, please.”
Sabrina put the cup and saucer over the coffee table. “Alcor, I know this can be a difficult moment for you. And embarrassing. Try and think how difficult it must have been for Ralph, when he sired Mizar’s pups.”
A golden eye peeked from under the pillow. “Ralph was all too happy. And Mizar kept acting as if she had won a lottery. It made me feel…well, useless.”
Sabrina took the pillow and put it back, patting it into its original shape. “Useless you are not, Alcor. I am here, in fact, because I trust you and no one else to sire my litter.”
“And what about Maxwell? Come on, he and a reptile? He’s only trying to be the show-off as usual, but if you asked him, he’d come running.”
Sabrina just shook her head. “I think you’re right, and that’s why I am not calling him: Max could see it as an opportunity to win me back, and I will not stir more trouble. Fido has undergone a traumatic experience, recently, and he doesn’t need to be part of a triangle.”
Alcor sighed. “Then why do I feel like I’m cheating on Mizar?”
The black cat shrugged. “If you’re upset about this, just say no. I will be looking for another donor.”
“That’s not the point! Look, I am really, really honored that you would ask me. But…*sigh* here I go again. Suppose I need to build some romantic suspense. I mean, I…” he facepawlmed, but hit his eye patch. “Ouch.”
“I like that. It gives you that dangerous alley cat look.”
“Thanks, but I’d rather not think about alley cats.” His brother, Raptor, was out there with his pride and his promise to cause all the misery he could to Babylon Gardens because of Springfield’s urban renovation plans. As if the threat from the Whiteman Dogs hadn’t been enough…
Sabrina leaned back against the couch. “Is there anything at all that won’t cause you discomfort?” Then she stuck out her tongue tip with that impish look of hers. “Perhaps you want Mizar to be present, so to feel more comfortable.”
Alcor decided that this was a punishment. It had to.
Sandwich House

*knock knock* even before the brown-furred paw retreated from the door, there came a sound like a trampling herd of oxen.
“I’LL GET IT!” the beasts barked/caterwauled. Then came the growls, the yaps, the hisses and other noises usually associated to a certain degree of violence and prevarication.
The door opened slowly over a purple-furred kitten. “Hi, uncle Fido.”
“HI UNCLE!” said the furry pile from the floor, with more enthusiasm than the self-controlled Tarot.
Fido regarded the pile, composed of Peanut, Dayshaun, Nutella and Louise. “Hi guys. May I borrow your papa for a while?”
Peanut was covered with scratches, and Nutella looked like she was trying to bite his ear off, but he said, “Sure!” he stood up and roughly smoothed his fur. “Be back in a jiff, kids! And next time, be faster when they knock at the door. I almost beat you this time. Again.”
“Hey, we were napping!” Nutella exclaimed. “You were awake, so you were slower.”
Peanut blushed. “Not true! I—I was playing a game! It takes concentration!”
“He was playing with mama,” Dayshaun giggled. “Clo-osed door,” Louise chanted, batting her eyes and making a mock kissy face.
Peanut stormed out the house before he could set it ablaze with his blush.
Fido threw him a questioning look.
“Resident Evil,” Peanut explained. “Dad doesn’t want us to play it. Grape loves it. She’s teaching me. And she’s using this Shooter Attachment, and she really looks cute with it because she looks cute when she’s shooting at zombies—“
“Ok, too much information here,” Fido interrupted him. Especially because it reminded him of a time Sabrina had accidentally summoned a small army of undead. “Listen, I wanted to ask you a thing…” he hesitated.
Peanut put his arm around his shoulder. “Come on, what’s the matter? You got a wonderful girlfriend, you’re gonna marry her and she wants kittens…” He frowned, worried. “You’re not gonna marry her?”
Fido shook his head. “Heh, it’s not that. It’s that…well, do you miss the days at the academy?”
Peanut blinked a couple of times. “Uh, sure. They were fun. And Bino proved himself a good friend. And I met my own papa… But why ask?”
Fido was looking ahead as if he wasn’t seeing the road. “Did you ever regret abandoning the Academy to go back to your family?”
Peanut beamed, “Oh, no! I am happy that I went back to Grape. I missed her too much. Even before papa almost kicked me out, himself, I was thinking of leaving. But, Fido, what’s with these questions?”
Fido led them both to a bench. He sat down first, crossed his paws over his lap and shook his head a couple of times.
“Peanut, you’re the first one I am telling. Not even Sabrina knows it yet.”
Peanut didn’t even notice he was holding his breath. Could it really be..?
“I took a decision, and it’s final. I am leaving the K9U.”
Last edited by valerio on Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by herobrineharry »

blue peak shore.......
Is that a RP?

And Fido leaving the K9U?!
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by valerio »

herobrineharry wrote:blue peak shore.......
Is that a RP?

And Fido leaving the K9U?!
Yup: I am putting BPS into my own continuity. BUT, in respect to RP rules, I am NOT going to have the ficcie's characters to interact with the players', so the events that I will depict are happening BEFORE day 1 at BPS
Also, HEY, don't look at me! I ain't no dog cop *hides*
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Post by herobrineharry »

A Tale from The Pridelands
By Grape Jelly Sandwich

Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by herobrineharry »

Valerio, I have had an idea. It's a crazy, and probably impossible idea.
H:TS in webcomic form.
Please tell me if you intend to go through with it and, if so, who you are doing it with.
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by valerio »

Thank you for the ideas.
To be honest, several of the in-book references are planned to become special episodes between seasons, so yes: there will come the moment for TAOF as well.
Since HPTS is a fan thing, by rules it cannot be moved to the comic forum.
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Babylon Gardens’ Park

“You just can’t leave the police, Fido! It’s like—It’s like—It’s like me breaking with Grape! You love being a cop, do the right thing, help the others!”
On a second thought, Fido realized that confiding with Peanut hadn’t been the best idea. At core, the poor dog was still the emotional pup everyone knew. It was a miracle no one hadn’t caught word of his outburst yet.
“Peanut,” Fido said, “this is not about what I love to do. This is about family. Sabrina can have a litter, and…” He sighed, not for the first time that morning. “And I want to be there for her, just like you were for your family.”
Peanut calmed down, his ears drooping over a sad expression…but it wasn’t the first time he had seemed to calm down that morning, either. “So, it’s my fault if you’re leaving?” Now that was a first.
Fido patted his shoulder. “Not at all. In fact, I believe you’re an example to me.”
Up went Peanut’s ears. “Really?!”
Fido nodded. “Believe it. You can bet it that we’ll be visiting you guys often to learn something about parenting.”
Peanut blushed and scratched behind his head. “Aw, it’s not something special. we love our kids, that’s the secret.”
“Weren’t you…scared? It was your first time, after all.”
Peanut shook his head. “You know what was scary? Being there on a rooftop at Uncle Reuben’s farm, with Grape, finding the courage to give her a kiss. And even scarier, when I thought, a few months later, that I was losing her again; she really broke my heart when she proposed those ‘mock dates’ thing. So, no, Fido: When I saw our litter for the first time, I wasn’t scared at all. I knew that I had taken the right decision to leave the Academy, that I would do everything for—Oh,” he added, understanding. He offered an apologetic smile. “I’ll back you up on this, Fido. I know it must be hard for you…but, please, take it from an expert: Never make Sabrina think ever for a moment that you regret it. You must believe in this decision, and I will be here for you whatever you need.” He offered Fido a warm hug.
Fido chuckled. “Now you see why you are an example. Fino is the top dog in the family, but he cares a lot more for his own image, and Bino took a lot from him. Joey is…well, Joey. And I must admit that I am somehow scared of him adopting.”
Peanut tried to imagine the thing…and felt like a wave of dizziness. “Boy, I wish you and Sabrina could have your own litter…” Then he seemed to remember something. “Oh. And who is the donor?”
“Alcor.” That earned Fido a big hug.
“Congratulations then! I’m sure they’ll look really handsome!”
It was Fido’s time to blush. “Thank you. But heh, anyway, it’s not that I decided to abandon every public initiative in the pet community. I only want to leave a job that would keep me away from my family. And it’s not that I’m leaving right now: I’ll be waiting for her pregnancy to start. But in the meantime, I’ll start looking around for someone who has the potential to take my place, now that I can legally give counsel to my superiors.”
Peanut wagged his tail. “Oh! And have you already thought about someone in particular?”
Lindberg House

“Tch, what a waste.” He heard those words before opening his eyes. Feeling groggy. Must…open…eyes…slowly…ouch…the light…
“Come on, I don’t have all day to wait on you.”
Voice…unfamiliar… White feet. Brown Legs. No…black, too. Cream-white belly strip. Female? Can’t be sure. Sleepy…
“Boris, get him up.”
Strong paws grabbed him and pulled him up; Fox felt himself waking up as much brusquely. “Oi, what—Oh, hey, Duchess.” Fox yawned loudly.
The Saluki dog wrinkled her nose and produced a spearmint box. “Wash your mouth, pup. I won’t talk with a walking bad case of doggie breath.”
Fox accepted the mint and popped it into his mouth. While chewing it, he said, “And what would you be doing here? I thought that a lady would at least bother to knock before entering.”
Duchess snorted. “Boris knocked loud enough to break that door. What are you doing, sleeping sound like a cat at this hour of the morning, splayed down like a rug? Unworthy, for one of your breed.”
Fox sighed. Boris let go of him and he almost managed to stay up by himself. “King and Bailey had a…discussion. They cleared everything, but it took all night.” No use in hiding that to her: Duchess had a way of finding out everything she needed to know. Fox yawned again, but this time Duchess seemed to approve after a sniff-check.
“I need you for the next Kennel Summer Dance event. King is no longer on the market, and you are the cutest, best mannered unattached male I can think of. We’ll need to work on some details, but you will make a perfect date. Any question?”
Yes. Is this one of those nightmare-in-a-dream things? “Didn’t you just win last Valentine Show with Griswold?”
“True. But this is not a corruptible display of wholesome loving: I need a partner who can keep up with my regality and durability on the dancing stage.”
“Ah, Griswold is a Karelian Bear Dog. Resilient breed?”
“Too much competitive. I need someone who will follow my instructions, loyal. Like you.”
Fox sagged a little at that. “Why does it sound offensive when you say it?”
And at that, Duchess showed a happy wide smile. “Oh, silly! I adore your qualities. You need only some grooming. Come, pup!” And *yoink!* she dragged Fox by the collar, nearly chocking him.
Foster Mansion

Martin just loved technology. If hi-tech was a religion, he’d be its most ardent prophet. In fact, it was no secret that when he had built his Lucky Charm Grove shelter, he had provided it with every possible up-to-date gizmo ranging from security to commodity.
But seeing a Holographic Communication System working in front of his eyes nearly made him forget about the object of the call.
“Are you still with me, Martin?” asked the woman sitting on the other side of the table. A perfect rendering of Maud Gottschalk, daughter of Raimund Gottschalk, the gentleman who had provided the HCS in the first place.
Martin shook himself –much to his embarrassment, it wasn’t only the technological perfection who had put him into a nearly trance-state. “Ah, sure, Madam—“
“Please! Call me Maud,” she said, in a mock imitation of his own tone when he decided to bypass the formalities.
Martin blushed a little. “Guess I called it this time. Maud. So, what were we talking about a moment ago?”
“A vacation. At the Blue Peak Shore resort, on Meriweather Island.”
“Oh, yes! Vacation, sure. Why?” he added with a puppy-like frown.
Maud shrugged. Heck, the holo was so good that you couldn’t see a single pixel out of place. Instinctively, Antares and Aldebaran, who were sitting by Martin’s side, kept sniffing at the photonic presence from time to time. “For two reasons: First, business. I think it’s time to…evolve the Lucky Charm Grove into the next stage. You created something great, but it’s time that visitors started living with their future pets, trying to share some daily experience, rather than a hit-and-run. And Richard Spencer’s resort may be of inspiration.
“The second reason, not less important, is that I really want some time for ourselves. To know each other. You know, like a date where no one can interfere, and where emergencies can be handled by specialists without us worrying every moment.”
“Uhh…” the second ‘item’ on the agenda just caught Martin off-guard.
“Did I say something wrong, Martin?”
“Uhh…” he was barely aware of Antares and Aldebaran giggling.
“Ok, since you’re not one to beat around the bush, Martin, I’ll say it straightforward: I like you. I think you are an interesting, and attractive individual. One who has put his life on the brink of the abyss, in order to save his pets and the community of Babylon Gardens. One who would do the same over and again. Businesslike, you are much more similar to my father than you think. And both of us love animals unconditionally. So, I guess it is a matter of reciprocally discovering our tastes in food, music, and other forms of entertainment. And if you are worried that I may be starting to think about babies, stay assured: I cannot have them, and neither I feel inclined to adopt one. Can you speak now?”
“Is this a date, then?” Martin managed to say, at last.
“It is.”
“And I can invite any pet I wish?”
“As long as you won’t use them as social shields, yes.”
Martin gulped and fell back into that weird mutism syndrome.
“He accepts!” Antares barked in.
“We know who to invite!” Aldebaran added, not less happily.
“Just get some tickets ready!”
“See you soon!”
The hologram nodded one last time, before disappearing.
Antares and Aldebaran faced each other and rubbed their paws together, one black muscular dog the mirror image of the other.
“And Sabrina. Romance!”
“Brother Peanut!”
“And big sister Grape!”
“King and Bailey!”
“No more crying for them!”
Then both dogs fist-bumped. “Aaaand us!”
“Hold it a second,” Antares said. “Kittens, too?”
Aldebaran nodded. “Sure! Imagine Grapey without them around.”
“And they all will be distracted.”
“And not interfere with Dad’s romance.”
Both turned to the man, holding their paws against their laps and batting their eyes. “DAWWWW!! Daddy’s got a girlfriend, daddy’s got a girlfriend…”
Martin was still asking himself what was happening…
D’Angelo House

The white cat nearly jumped out of his skin and spilled half of the milk cup all over himself. “Holy mother of cripes, you big…beast!” He hissed, his chest and arm dripping. He licked some of the milk off his arm –at least, having grown up in the streets made him less finicky than your ordinary house kitty. “Dangit when you learnt this trick from Peanut… What’s up with you? I was trying to have…a conversation, here.” He indicated Sabrina, sitting at the other side of the table. “And where’s your brother? Only the direst emergency could keep you two separated.” It was true: it happened with a strange frequency that the twins organized double dates when they wanted a romantic evening. Luckily, Celestia had soon learnt that she hadn’t to fear anything from the presence of Daisy…
Still leaning from the open window, Antares said, “Aldebaran has gone to the Sandwiches. I am here to announce romance! Daddy’s gonna have a vacation with Ms. Gottschalk at the Blue Peak Shore resort! And we’re going with him. Including Sabrina. It will be romantic and cute, the ideal for your kittens! What do you think?”
“I think it’s a nice idea,” Sabrina said. “Your poor brother needs to ease the tension, I’m sure a better setting will be of help.”
Alcor almost turned whiter than his own white. “B-but Fido?! What about him? What will he think if she leaves for…for where?”
“Middle Atlantic,” Antares offered. “Right in the middle.”
“He’ll kill me,” Alcor mewed.
“He will not,” Sabrina said, sipping her milk. “And neither will your wife. Just as you didn’t kill Sergeant Ralph. You’ll see, everything will be just perfect.”
“Why does it sound like a threat—?” Then his expression changed abruptly. “Hold it there a sec! DAD is going to have a DATE?!”
Sandwich House

“Sounds…nifty,” Grape said. She was bending over Dayshaun’s shoulder while he browsed for information about Meriweather Island. That place seemed to have literally anything for a comfy vacation filled with romance.
“They have luminous bats, too!” Nutella said. “Cool!”
“Look at them lycaons!” Parnok added, admiring a female specimen holding a spear, all dressed up in tribal gear. “They look like Pridelands characters!” She sighed as if she was in love. Heh, definitely she had taken that from Peanut.
Grape couldn’t but agree. Her own dog-loving side felt definitely intrigued at the idea of meeting such…people.
“Of course, she wouldn’t have left her kittens at home, even if this was the opportunity for the vacation she was craving for. But even had she considered such option, her resolution would’ve melted in front of those kitten eyes as her litter pleaded with one voice. “Pleeease?”
“On the ground that this time you will obey your sitter, whoever it is. I don’t want to spend my time with your papa worrying over you, am I clear?”
Now it was only a matter of finding a proper babysitter: Someone responsible, with a level head, loyal…and that knew her well enough to fear for dear life.
And she knew just the right one!
Lindberg House

The phone rang.
And rang.
And rang.
Bailey’s paw grabbed the cordless contraption and, with a groggy voice, said, “Whoever you want to talk to, know that I’m going to kill you after this call is over. Who are you?”
“Hi, Bailey, sorry to disturb you. Didn’t know you were sleeping.”
The malamute rubbed her eyes with one paw. “Hmr, hi uncle Martin. Or should I call you brother-in-law?”
There followed a long moment of silence. “So, you know.”
“Yup. I think I married a very interesting puppy. And you should look at Kingy, he gets so funny when he’s scared like now.”
“I can imagine. Listen, I can say it to you as well…” And he related Maud’s plans in detail. Bailey listened, nodding from time to time with growing interest. Eventually, she smiled and said, “Get a ticket for us as well. I never went to sea, it will be fun! See you.” She hung up.
King was looking at her with a puzzled look.
“We’re going to a resort on the ocean. Romantic. And this time no one will disturb us. And don’t say no, you need a break, you’re too much pent up.”
King tried to speak, not exactly understanding what was going on, but seeing his wife so happy made him decide that for once he better shut up.
Marsh House

“Babysitting your litter?” The male malamute beamed, his tail wagging happily. “You can bet on it, Princess! We will be happy to do it! Poor Felix is starting to get feverish with adopting, he’ll love to do some practice—“ the cordless growled as its keypad turned an angry red and the display bent in a predatory gaze. A big drop of sweat appeared over the dog’s brow. “Kidding, Princess, kidding! This is your first sibling Lucky speaking, remember? I will throw myself into the fire for the kittens rather than letting anything happen to them… Ok, don’t need to get into details, girl. See you!” He had just the time to hung up, before a red tabby appeared on the living room’s threshold. He looked as if he had just woken from the best nap ever. Felix scratched his back absentmindedly. “Did I hear ‘kittens’ or was it just a sweet dream?”
Lucky shook vehemently his head. “You heard well. We’re going to a resort, and we’re going to take care of Grape’s litter! How’s that for fantastic?!”
Felix’s yowl of joy made the windows tremble.
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Post by Saturn381 »

Lucky and Felix babysitting the kittens? This should be fun. :lol:
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Post by valerio »

Saturn381 wrote:Lucky and Felix babysitting the kittens? This should be fun. :lol:
yeah, it was some time since we last saw them. ;)
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Post by Brendmar »

Excellent stuff, as always, Val. Can't wait for the tropical storm of romance heading our way!
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Post by valerio »

Sandwich House

It didn’t matter how many reassurances you could have from a person you knew you could trust.
It didn’t matter that, on a legal point of view, you couldn’t just say ‘no’ to certain decisions any more.
It didn’t matter that, after all, you could trust them.
They were your pets, and they were going on their own first vacation without their owners. It felt…strange. Like something was badly off.
“You are gritting your teeth again, Bill,” Jill Sandwich said to her friend. She offered him a cup of coffee. “Here.”
Bill Lindberg drank the cup in one gulp, then put it on the table. “Thanks, Jill. You know, I thought you’d be more nervous than me…but again, I am the one who nearly lost Fox two times in a row.” He sighed. “Sorry. Meant no disrespect, ma’m, Sir,” he added to Earl. The Sandwiches had seen Peanut almost dying before their own eyes during the Whiteman dogs crisis. Something no Dad and Mom should live, ever. Especially someone as decent as the Sandwiches.
“Don’t worry, Bill,” Earl said, sipping from his own coffee. Like everyone else gathered in the living room, he had taken a day off to discuss the decision of their pets to take a vacation to…a resort, precisely one on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean!
And that was why the general attention was focused on their two ‘guests’ of honor: Stanley D’Angelo, Sabrina’s owner, and Kevin Fitzgerald Marsh, owner of Felix and Lucky. And, of course, Martin Foster wasn’t getting exactly warm glances, himself.
“I’ve been there a couple of times,” Stanley said. “Well, more than one. There is this place, improperly dubbed ‘Ruins of Atlantis’, which consists of the remains of some unknown civilization, perhaps lions come from Africa. I worked there to collect experience and info for my first publication. And of course, I spent some time out of the field to explore the island and get to know the natives.
“There are three local dominant species: Red Wolves, German Lycaons, and rabbits.”
Upon hearing ‘wolves’, Bill went into uneasy mode again. Wolves didn’t exactly have the best reputation, and he was just getting used to the Milton pack…
“German Lycaons?” Earl asked.
“Originally, the typical African cape dogs,” Stanley explained. “They came from Africa together with the lions, the wolves and the rabbits. Somehow, after several centuries of fine neighboring, overpopulation led the four species to war… Sorry, three. By then the lions had gone extinct. Anyway, the war over the territory led the lycaons near to extinction. It was 1942, and just then the Allied Forces decided that Meriweather Island could make a great pit stop base for their fleets in the War of the Atlantic.
“The humans’ intervention shifted the island’s civil war in the favor of the lycaons, who bred with the military dogs and gave birth to a new, unique breed. The German Lycaons.
“As for the wolves, it is them who are now nearing extinction. They are definitely not nice neighbors, but they have retreated to the deepest inland, avoiding any contact with humans and pets, for they still remember the lesson they learned the first time. So, they won’t constitute a security for our own pets. As for the rabbits, they are even more elusive; you could compare them to the Chinese during the Ming Dynasty, at the height of their isolationism. Only the lycaons keep having contact with the tourists, and I can assure you that you won’t find a friendliest population.”
“That’s the problem, of course,” Kevin said. “I have experience with hostile locals, especially those who hide behind a nice smile.” Kevin had worked as Special Operations for the US Government, the ‘wet works’, before he retired and started working for the Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals. “How can we trust our kids to this Spencers guy an ocean away?”
At that point, all eyes went to the man who had systematically phoned all of them to vouch for the vacation idea.
Martin Foster was the only man standing, leaning against the wall, near the window, a steaming cup in his hand. “As far as respect for animals goes, Spencers is the man. His ancestor stroke the equivalent of a blood oath with the natives, back in 18th century, when William Spencer-Strathmore and his family barely survived the sinking of their ship by the hands of the Bloody Dragon pirates.
“The natives saved the humans, who in return pledged to invest all of their fortune to help protect their saviors and their descendants. Spencer-Strathmore lived up to his word, and his descendants after him, until they had to give Meriweather to the Royal Crown as part of the War efforts.
“Ironically, it was a Spencers, Richard, who bought back the island during the oil crisis in the 70s and turned it into a legally recognized micronation with him as the President. And he built his fortunes over the island, creating a resort and striking new deals with the natives. The lycaons, who had neither forgotten the Spencer family, nor had forgotten their debts to humans, have since then become Spencers’ most fervent allies. Even wolves and rabbits, for how much they despise the tourists, won’t insult the ancient oath.
“As for Spencers, as I said, he created Blue Peak Shore with the precise intention of letting pets having the finest quality time. The fact that they come with human is…consequential. I took inspiration from him for my own security system. Honestly, gentlemen, Jill, if I had to turn to someone whom entrust my pets to, that’s be Richard Spencers.”
That statement wasn’t exactly greeted with an applause. In fact, a long silence passed before Bill said, “I guess I’ll have to trust you, Martin. But remember, something happens to King and Bailey, you better feed yourself to the sharks before I get you.”
“Bill!” Jill exclaimed. “Martin would give his life for our kids, so stop that!”
And again, the ex-cop felt ashamed of himself. He was there the day Foster had literally stuck his arm into the maws of a gigantic killer Rottweiler to stop him. He was there to see the man clinging to his life by a thin thread after the blood loss.
Martin walked to him and patted him on the back. “Relax, chief: I know exactly how you feel. Antares and Aldebaran have been trained by Ukrainian special forces. And Kevin here inflicted a regular training to his kids. Sabrina knows what’s life outdoors and Alcor lived on the streets long enough to know how to deal with an emergency. And you know that Earl and Jill wouldn’t trust me for a second if they thought the kittens weren’t safe.”
Bill seemed to relax at that last statement. That much was true: Grape’s litter was the light of their lives, together with baby Gordon. “Ok, fine, you guys win.” Bill raised his hands, showing an apologetic smile. “With Bailey expecting, I think I went a bit into over-overprotective mode… But tell us, Martin. We talked so much about history and my worries…but still you avoided anything about your date.” He raised his cup for a toast. “Congratulations, man: About time, too!”
The others imitated Bill’s gesture. Martin tried to hide behind his cup.
“Daww, you’re so cute!” Jill said, this time eliciting a laugh from the others. “I thought I’d never see the day when someone had that effect on you.”
“Guys, please…” Martin said, trying to shrink even further.
“It’s true, boss!” Kevin added. “There were bets about your lovelife. My kids will lose some of their allowance, they bet that it’d be a man the lucky one, but again they are biased.” More chuckles.
“I hate you,” Martin muttered. “And I’ll fire anyone betting on my non-lovelife.”
“Come on!” Earl said, laughing again. “Didn’t you say you liked Ms. Gottschalk? In fact, every time you mention her, you get that dreamy eye.”
Martin gulped down the rest of his coffee. “Well, yes, yes, she’s great. She’s strong, she’s pretty, she’s rich, she loves animals… She has the right qualities.”
“And since when being rich is a ‘quality’?” Jill asked with that slightly threatening tone Grape used with Peanut when the dog slipped badly.
Martin cleared his throat. “Err… Sorry, Jill, but after a lifetime spent living for the day, and especially now that my resources are devoted to my kids, I will not engage myself with anyone who’s after my money. So yes, Maud Gottschalk is so rich that the idea of ‘ailments’ won’t enter her mind—“ He realized too late what he had just said! A moment later, he felt his free hand clasped by Earl’s big hands in a firm shake.
“A-HA!” I knew it, you sly devil! Congratulations, it’s good to see someone with clear ideas of his own future!”
Martin sighed. “Can I at least see if this date works? I don’t know why, but I feel like I’m having a business meeting instead of something romantic. I’ve seen her dealing with the stockholders, and I’d swear she’s a spawn of Engulf & Devour.”
“Believe me,” Earl said. “Panic is perfectly normal at this stage.”
“She bit one of them!”
“Relax. Just take her to a nice dinner. After a couple of glasses of Brandy, you’ll start forgetting about it and build up some guts—Ouch!” He cowered when Jill hit him with a rolled-up newspaper.
“So that is why for our first Valentine you asked for a bottle? Bad Sandwich!”
“Ow! Ow! Ow! But dear, we were seeing since the Christmas before that!”
“Which means that you were scared of me since then?! You’re *so* going to sleep on the couch for a couple of weeks…”
Martin just chuckled at the scene. “Okay, no brandy for me then. I will leave the choices for food and wine to my date. Maud belongs to the highest high when it comes to jet set. I am but a redneck, in comparison…and, for once, I am all too happy to leave control to someone else. Guess it comes from having a mother always absent.” That last phrase with a bitter tone.
“Are you sure you’re not seeing her as a…resource?” Kevin asked. “Somehow, I can’t feel the love pouring out of your mouth, boss.”
Martin shook his head. “Nah, there’s Herr Gottschalk to cover that part, and I ain’t gonna marry him. Nor any of the Milton ferrets. As for my…feelings, it’s just that I’m not used to think of a human…in something more than friendship. Maud is really the first one woman who I felt in synch with. And even then, I never took some time to get to know her.” He sighed. “Guess I’ll sing a different song when we’re back. But not with a ring. I don’t want to rush things.”
“Is she planning kids?” Bill asked with a casual tone.
Martin was happy he wasn’t drinking, or he’d have made a royal spit-mess. “Err, she said she can’t have children. Didn’t go into details. But I must admit it, I can live with that. I never thought of children, I am happy with my fuzzy family, period. No offense, Jill.”
She shrugged. “None taken. We were only worried that you’d use your pets as an excuse not to interact…more deeply with other human beings. I’m glad I’ve been proven wrong on that. Coffee?”
“No thanks.” He put the cup down on the table. “I had enough to last me through all the time zones to Meriweather. So, ready to wave your last goodbye to your kids?” he asked jokingly. A moment later, he was hit by several cups thrown with force. And by a scalding pot.
Lindberg house

“Are you sure this is all you need?” King asked, scratching his head. Bailey’s luggage consisted of a backpack fit for her size and nothing else.
“Oh, but this is all we need, honey!” She replied happily. A few extra hours of sleep – and snuggles - had brought them back to life. Bailey looked and acted her usual energetic self.
King looked again at the backpack, ears flattened in fear. “B-But…” A moment later, he found himself swooped in her arms.
“Think, Kingy! Twho whole weeks all for us, in the wilderness! No one will disturb us, and it will be only us, a tent and the moon. How can it be more romantic than that?”
“B-but what about the food?” He tried, feebly, knowing already that his dream of eating the best food ever, in a most comfortable environment, served like a prince, would remain such.
“We will visit the lycaon villages and eat with them, silly! And then we could go to that Lancaster Village: they’re all fishermen, and we will eat what the sea has to offer! We will also do some chores and not just fatten ourselves up.”
All King knew, as he was hugged to near death, was that to see her so happy was worth every possible discomfort…
“Are we interrupting something?” Fox said from the door.
King blushed. “No, not yet at least. Come to join us, ‘bro’?”
“Nah, just to wish you a great journey.” Fox went and hugged his ‘sibling’. “I’ll be missing you, grumpy pup.”
King’s nose quivered. “Apricot shampoo?”
“Duchess. Kennel Summer Dance Festival. Date. Need to say more?”
King thought that he’d be back in time to see that exhibition. Poor Fox, who wasn’t exactly the kind of spotlight-craving dog…
“You’re smiling. Bad friend.”
King patted the husky’s back. “C’mon, it will be fun! And don’t worry, Dad. I’m a gentledog.” He took the backpack, set the straps so to fit it to his shoulders, muttered a prayer and put it over his back, discovering at that moment that Bailey was good at violating the laws of Euclidean geometry. “See?” he said with a grin that tried to hide the pain from his broken spine. “Light as a feather.”
Fox knew better and didn’t even lay a finger on his sibling. Bailey gave Bill a last hug. “We will be outdoors the whole time, but don’t worry. Kingy will look over me.”
As a ghost, no prob.
“No baggage?” Martin asked.
“No need to,” Maud answered. “This is the nicest part. The moment we get aboard the ship to the resort, everything is provided by the direction, from clothing to hygiene and first aid. Even if you planned an excursion, nothing will be spared to make everything safe and comfortable.”
Martin didn’t look convinced –though right now it was hard to focus on other than her striking beauty. Even wearing a casual shirt and Denim, with just a thin golden bracelet on her left arm and the simplest white purse, Maud would set standards! “Ah, and where would be the fun of going outdoors, if we’re pampered all the time?”
“Believe me, I will found the way to make you enjoy our time, pampered or not. Now come, guys. We’ve got a bus to catch.”
Antares and Aldebaran, loaded with their military backpacks, came trotting and singing an Ukrainian march.

Outside, they found Alcor, Mizar, Sabrina and Fido.
The police dog was busy instructing the cat. “And you will not try to seduce her, am I clear?”
‘Threatening’ would have better described it. Alcor nodded. “No seduction, Sir.”
“And no gifts, no special cuties, nothing beyond your duty.”
“Nothing at all, Sir.” By now, Alcor was feeling as if he could just go to a plush toy store and buy a Trudi litter.
“Don’t be afraid of him, Papa!” said one of the other two spectators –the twin siblings Naos and Rigel.
Alcor stopped listening to Fido entirely. He turned to his pup, feeling his heart swelling with happiness. “You called me Papa…” he said with tears threatening to pour copiously. He hugged Naos, feeling as if recharged, ready to fight the whole world. “You called me Papa. I love you so much.”
“Yeah!” the pup nodded. “Nevermind Fido: Just marry aunt Sabrina and have your litter and build a new life at that island, so that Fido can marry Mama!”
One could almost hear the sound of glass falling into pieces from the poor cat’s chest. “Why me?”

“I didn’t think he was so jealous,” Mizar said to Sabrina. The two females were standing at a prudent distance.
Sabrina sighed. “Don’t I know it. Fido feels…diminished since learning of the flirt I had with Jata. I tried to convince him it was puppy love, nothing serious, but when you compete with a hunky leopard Prince…”
“Yummy,” Mizar almost purred. “But Fido is way cuter. Too bad he’s a dog.”
At that moment, Mortimer showed up, paw-in-paw with Celestia. “Papa!” He ran to Antares. “Mama is going to take me at a hunting party! And if I do well I get first bite from the carcass!”
Antares lifted his cub, beaming with pride. “And it will be the biggest bite! You’re going to do honor to your family!” He then rubbed his snout against Mortimer’s, making him giggle. “I’ll bring you a hunting souvenir as well. They say that there are immense snakes on that island.”
“You’re not helping!” Fido barked.
"Only because he'll save Sabrina from one and become her hero forever?" Mizar teased him.
"DON'T YOU DARE!" Fido barked, then his eyes shrunk under the ferocious glare of his fiancée. "I meant, love, that, ah..."
Sabrina just crossed her arms and gave him her back. "Don't worry: Perhaps I will marry Alcor, after all!"

“You’re right on that, Martin,” Maud said. “You live in an interesting family as it is… Problems?”
The man was looking around, perplexed. “Ah, your dogs. I don’t see them.”
“Oh, Gauss and Curie can take a break as well. I won’t be needing my bodyguards, not when there’s you and your brave companions,” she said, putting her arms under his. “Shall we go?”
Martin felt his heart skipping a beat or two. “Uhh, sure. Of course.”
“Guys, the bus is here!” Jill called out from the door.
7 pets came almost running down the stairs. The kittens were carrying tiny, adorable backpacks. Grape was carring…nothing, while Peanut was carrying his own backpack and a Samsonite case large enough to fit him and her together.
“Running late again!” Grape lamented. “You read the on-line brochure: They have all sorts of videogames, and in virtual reality too! Why carrying your own and a console?!”
Peanut looked like he was going to suffer a massive internal organs collapse. “It’s an island! They may suffer a blackout, or what if I find all stations occupied?”
“What if we’ll spend some quality time exploring instead of growing roots in a room?” Grape said, rolling her eyes. “You know, snuggles under the stars and the things.”
Peanut stopped, thinking about it, then wagged his tail. “Oh. Yes, right. That, too!”
The kittens giggled. Grape just facepawlmed. “Sometimes I wonder if I really love this aspect of yours, lug!”

“Hey, Princess!” Lucky greeted her from the window as the Sandwich pets walked out the house.
Grape waved back. The driver helped Peanut put his case into the luggage compartment, then she helped Peanut getting aboard. The kittens ran and greeted the malamute and Felix, Grape’s kittenhood friends. “Uncle Felix, yay!”
The red tabby did his best to pick up as many of them as possible and managed only to do so with Louise and Nutella. “Oh, my! You are growing up so fast! Have you promised already you’ll be good kittens, yes?”
“Yes!” the twin females answered, and the same did the rest of the litter, in the arms of Lucky like in the hold of a big bear.
The adults put their quarries into the seats and fastened the seatbelts.
The bus started. Grape looked out the window, but apart from a few friends and relatives, there wasn’t a single soul.
“Did you expect a hero’s leave?” Lucky asked, sitting next to her. Peanut was already lost with the kittens, and they were singing a scouts’ song.
“Not for me. I thought that Bino would organize something. Ask for a souvenir. Try to wedge himself in.”
“Are you kidding, lady?” Felix said. “He’ll be too busy celebrating the fact that his rivals for Fox, and you two, are away for a whole couple of weeks!” He leaned back against the chair, snuggling in Lucky’s arm. “Relax, Princess: this is sooo gonna be smooth.”
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Post by SergeiTheFox »

Yay, updates! Just before I got off work too :D
oh hey look more text

now it looks pretty

and slanted uwu

I check this profile like once a year or so, so if you need to reach me I'm on telegram @awootimestwo
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Post by villa »

val I was gone for 8 days and you have 3 updates :D
you are very devoted that is a good trait.
I often get angry when I see abandoned fics if you are gonna devote yourself at least finish it. (not directed at you of course)
i strive to put more happiness into the world then i took out of it
and hope others strive to do the same.

to the speculation mobile initiate the wild mass contingency!
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Post by herobrineharry »

I have to read Blue Peak Shore now
Why Valerio
or RG
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by valerio »

herobrineharry wrote:I have to read Blue Peak Shore now
Why Valerio
or RG
You don't need to, heh.
But if you wanted to join the RP, you'd be quite welcome ;)
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Post by herobrineharry »

I don't really know how to RP.
But if I ever do join one, it probably will be BPS :)
Also, why did you stop integrating music into the story?
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by valerio »

herobrineharry wrote:I don't really know how to RP.
But if I ever do join one, it probably will be BPS :)
Also, why did you stop integrating music into the story?
Well, I prefer to reserve that to a moment that asks for it, rather than adding songs for the sake of it. (always, always, ALWAYS hated Disney's habit to turn a good movie into a Peteforsaken musical, the only exception being "The Lion King")

And now for a technical question: how do I automatically add the html tags to a block of text in my word documents so that they are already there when I paste the text into the forum post? It would save me a ton of time.

Thank you all.
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Post by valerio »

Nisa Bay, Florida

The sun reflected over the silvery wings of the Gulfstream G550 sporting the Gottschalk-Milton-Foster Company logo, as the vehicle passed over a vast dome structure that covered the bay –except for the opening, from which a corridor of piers would stretch into the sea to form a network 10 miles long and as much wide.
The whole place, even from up there, was a beehive teeming with ships of all sizes, from commercial to cruisers.
“Dear passengers, this is your Captain speaking. We are approaching our final destination, Nisa Bay, headquarters of Seven Stars maritime company.
“Nisa Bay has been a property of the Spencers family since 1740, when Sir William Spencer-Strathmore bought it to turn into the commercial base for his trading company on the route America-Brasil-United Kingdom.
“During World War I and World War II, the US Government rented Nisa Bay to turn it into a temporary base. The Spencers family made enough profits to start the Project Citadel, which consisted in turning the whole bay in what you are seeing today.
“In 1980, Richard Spencers turned part of his business to pet-friendly tourism. He launched what, as of today, remains world’s unsurpassed largest ship, the Sea Dragon, the first part of Seven Stars’ project to realize the first floating citadel, Independence Horizon. If you will look at your left, you can see the work in progress.”
It was true. As the jet circled over the bay to align itself with the landing strip, pets and humans aboard could clearly see the titanic shapes being assembled at the center of the dome. The Horizon was being built in sections, and each one was already large and tall enough to rival with a building! Drones kept moving like swarms of flies around the sections, humans were like tiny ants, nearly invisible if it weren’t for their colorful safety jackets and suits as they swarmed all over the tile-white hull, sending almost continuous spark storms.

“I thought that Project Freedom had been scrapped for good,” Martin said, relaxing back in his chair.
Sitting in front of him, while Martin’s dogs sat by the two humans’ side, Maud nodded. “It was. Its creators had severely underestimated a series of measures that come with handling a floating city. That made in turn their estimated budget grow, and grow, and grow, until it was clear that they didn’t even have a precise idea of how their own ship worked.
Martin took a rusk and dipped it into strawberry jam. “And does Spencers have an idea?” he nibbled it absently.
“Oh, he has. That is why father is financially involved in its construction.”
Another bite. “I didn’t remember drawing a check for that.”
“Welcome to the wonderful world of proxy. You could be more involved in every single decision of a multinational made by the merging of three companies including yours, but then you could hardly find the time for your family, right?” She reached out and scratched Aldebaran right behind his ear. The dog answered with a thump of his leg.
“Touché,” Martin said. For what he was concerned, it sufficed that Gottschalk wouldn’t use his partner’s share for projects that could harm the animals and environment. At least, that was the agreement… “What will it be propelled with?”
“Twin Phoenix-S7 nuclear reactors, solar power and backup electric generators for emergencies. Don’t make that face, Martin: Such a ship can’t just work on oil or coal, it would be an ecocide.”
Martin sighed. “Guess you’re right…But is such a monster really necessary? Who will get aboard, just spoiled rich guys?”
Maud sipped from a fruit juice glass. That was something he could appreciate: Despite her upbringing, she had apparently kept simple tastes in drinking and eating, although it was well known that she could handle a sophisticated dinner… “Tch, Martin, now that would be a waste, wouldn’t it?”
He didn’t get it immediately. After all, Spencers, as much as animal lover he was, he also was a businessman. And to repay the cost of such a behemoth would force him to turn to the richest richies…for…
“No way,” he said, smiling. “No doggin’ way.”
Maud nodded. “Why do you think father would invest billions in this enterprise? The Independence Horizon will be the first pet-friendly floating community, where pets from all over the world will be full citizens aboard. Their families will live and work on the ship, pay a rent proportional to their benefitting from the best the technology can offer. Business will be organized via satellite link. But there will be also space for tourists, entertainment, casinos, shops…you name it. Thanks to the nuclear energy and desalinization plants aboard, fresh water won’t be a problem. Fruits and vegetables will be grown aboard. And proteins will come from cloned meat.”
Martin’s eyes went wide. “They’re already at that stage?!”
“A necessary stage: A floating city represents the toughest challenge, in terms of autonomy. She can’t just import all of the provisions she needs. And that’s why we also need two reactors, one for primary backup, or the fun will last quite shortly.”
At that point, every answer was just a stimulus for Martin the technophile to put more questions…But there would be time for that, later.
“Don’t worry,” Maud said with an understanding tone. “Men will always feel drawn to big things. You want to buy a politician? Show him something big.”

Grape couldn’t be agreeing more, as her husband kept his face pressed against the window, his tail wagging crazy.
“You’re drooling,” the lavender cat said.
“Sorry.” Peanut took a tissue, wiped the glass clean…and pressed again. “That is our ship!” he said, his blue eyes pointing at the Oasis-class ship harbored in the middle of a ‘corridor’. The Sea Dragon lived up to her name, 360 mt long, 81 mt tall above waterline, and a lot of reinforced carbon fiber to save on the energy produced by its nuclear-powered engines; thus she was also the fastest Ocean-class ship. The pier on her left was dealing with the cargo and crew operations. The one on the right was dealing with the passengers, who were being transported on a bus, although a few of them would just enjoy a walk along the spectacular pier.
“Six thousand five hundred passengers,” Dayshaun, leaning over Peanut’s seat, said. “The exact number that the Blue Peak Shore resort can host. But that’s in case of evacuation. The Dragon will carry only a fraction of them and take aboard those who are leaving. The rest are directed to other shores.”
Peanut sat back and took Grape in his arms, kissed her head fur. “Scared of the water?”
She gladly accepted those small attentions, it always reminded her how much he loved her sincerely. “Nah…Well, a bit nervous, yes. But I’m sure I’ll be too busy having fun to care about all that…water…”
Parnok leaned over her seat. “You are not going to be sick, are you?” he asked as if he had just discovered un unforgivable weakness in his heroine.
“Be silent, you,” she said warningly, “or I’ll tell everyone about your phobia.”
The white-furred, purple-tailed kitten’s eyes went wide with shock. “You won’t dare!”
“He will,” Peanut intervened, patting his head. “I know her.”

The ‘fasten your seatbelts’ signal chimed. The Captain gave his last recommendations before starting the final approach.
King patted then held Bailey’s paw. “Well, at least you can enjoy some civilized entertainment before reaching Meriweather Island.”
Bailey didn’t look convinced. “I don’t get it. What’s so exciting with a floating house? I thought we were supposed to do something different, enjoy a new scenery, not spend time in some…domestic replica.”
King just shook his head in a knowing gesture. “Honey,” he pointed at himself with both thumbs. “You married an interesting pup, remember? Well, for once, instead of mourning over my past self, let me be your guide to the jet set as humans conceive it. I promise that you’ll have the time of your life. Trust me?” he asked with a pleading puppy grin.
Bailey’s arm went to encompass his smaller figure, regretting she couldn’t snuggle right now. “Always. And you’re right: enough crying over spilled milk. You know a lot of things I don’t, and it’s time we make the best of them.”
And for once, King was really happy that dogs just bounced back.

“You’re drooling,” Lucky said from his seat, frowning at his tabby boyfriend.
“No I’m not,” Felix answered, but he gulped down, his eyes glued to a picture of a tribal wolf warrior on the seatback-installed tablet. “Why don’t they show them on National Geographic?”
“Because they ate the TV troupes!” Lucky protested. “Seriously, I’m here, remember?”
Sighing, Felix turned off the tablet. “Spoilsport. A poor home kitty can’t even dream. And you do know that I like living dangerously.” He stuck out his tongue.
“We’re here as babysitters, not as explorers.”
“You say so only because there are no native big cats!”
Lucky blushed, looking as if he had been whipped. “Not true!”
“I didn’t put all of those Pridelands posters on the wall right over our bed, that’s for sure. They make me feel…observed, when we snuggle.”
“I will not put them off!”

“Feeling better now?” Sabrina asked Alcor.
The white cat nodded, his attention still drawn to the colossal ship as the airplane bumped slightly in the final landing phase. And for once, he could say it: He was feeling better. “You know what? I could even skip the resort phase: That ship seems ready to offer all occasions for romance as it is.”
Sabrina nodded. “Good.”
What Alcor didn’t say was that he still felt that nagging, unpleasant feeling.
Why so all of a sudden? Why try to conceive at BPS, of all places?
Alcor Foster felt as if he had been put aboard a train lunched at full speed toward an unknown destination.
The airplane stopped at the gate 3 of Laika International…

No roads, except those dedicated to emergency services, connected LI to Nisa Bay. After disembarking the plane, the passengers were led to one of the many underground cablecars leading to the port.
The sliding doors opened on a scenario of frantic but neatly organized activity. “It’s so noisy,” Dayshaun said, reflecting that common thought crossing everyone’s mind. It was a lot to drink in, after spending all your life in a quiet suburban environment. Even Alcor, who had instead spent his life in the city, felt intimidated. Vulnerable, whereas he had grown up avoiding direct contact with the crowd.
The sight from the airplane couldn’t compare with being immersed in a crowd of thousand between crew, staff, tourists… Not to mention the sounds: Machinery, horns, so many languages spoken in one place. And the smells! One’s mind, connected to an array of sensible ears and nose, couldn’t just process everything at once. The kittens, forgetting their sense of adventure, huddled around their parents, firmly holding paws.
The group got aboard one of the open electric cars waiting for them.
“What are those seashells for?” Nutella asked after the car had started, raising her voice over the environmental noise. She pointed at a row of strange constructions at the other side of the bay. They looked large enough to contain a ship, but they were closed, just like so many seashells. Those that were opened showed only dark maws illuminated by a constellation of floodlights.
“Those,” Martin answered, raising his voice as well, “are the special Bastion-class harbors for the gas and oil tankers, and for any other hazardous cargo ship! They are built so that in case of an accident nothing will come this way!”
But again, the general attention was drawn to the immense ship that was waiting for them.
“Not many people around,” Alcor commented. Not that the ‘passenger lane’ was deserted, there must be about a hundred people embarking, but he had expected to find the chaotic, enthusiastic crowds of the Titanic movie, with an army of friends and families waving goodbye with handkerchiefs…
“Only a few left,” said the driver. “Everyone is aboard, the ship will leave in 30 minutes.”
One thing that escaped to no one: Every single human, or family of them, they met had one or more pets, just like they’d been told. The general atmosphere was one of excitement as more than one of the dogs tried to sniff at each other.
“I wonder if we’ll meet some mixed couples,” Peanut wondered, while leaning out to take in it all and wagging his tail. “Perhaps someone from the SharedHeart social network!”
“Peanut,” Grape said warningly, while trying to keep that fuzzy whiplash off her face. “You just can’t trust a social network! Perhaps half of those pets are just exhibitionists or-or internet glory-seekers!”
The half-pointer stuck out his tongue at her. “So what? We’ll meet the other half there, then.”
“Or we may meet the local Bino. And I don’t need to get a replica of our petty problems at Babylon, you mutt.”
“Let them troubles come, Princess!” Lucky said, leaning forward from his seat. He smashed his fist against his palm. “Felix and I will take care of them. You know we will!” The cat underlined with a convinced nod of his head.
In answer, Grape unsheathed her claws. “You two take care of the kittens, or I will be your problem, loverboys.”
“Aw,” both pets said, pouting.
“Leave the fun to us!” Antares said.
“We need to exercise,” Aldebaran added.
“Dad doesn’t want us to bodyguard him.”
“Because he’s got a girlfriend, lallala, he’s got a girlfriend.”
That eased the tension and made everyone laugh. Except Martin, who was trying to hide inside his clothes. “Someone kills me.”
The car stopped in front of one of the planks.
“You boys surely seem really happy about your Dad and me,” Maud said.
“Yup!” Antares nodded happily.
“He was always mateless,” Antares said, putting. “Not fair.”
“And we know he won’t abandon us for anyone else.”
“He said that he’d rather kick down a cliff anyone who asked.”
Maud chuckled, nudging Martin. “Ohh, this means that I’ll have to rewrite a paragraph or two of our prenuptial.”

The group reached the bridge, where they found none else than the Captain in his high uniform to wait for them, together with a female black labrador. “Miss Gottschalk, Mr. Foster, gentlepets, welcome aboard. I am Captain Oswald Edward Smith, and this is Marina, my faithful assistant.”
The dog, wearing a collar with a trident-shaped pendant, performed a perfect bow. “Honored to meet you.”
Maud answered with a slight bow. “Captain.”
The man, a tall and tanned specimen, his face already marked by the sea, pointed at another officer standing at a respectful distance. “Mr. Henderson, Director of the Hotel Department, will show you to your cabins. We hope you have a pleasant journey. Lunch will be served at noon. Do you have any special necessities?”
“What kibble brand will be served?” Bailey asked, raising her paw. King just facepawlmed. “What?” she told him. “For once, I want to try some luxury brand.”
The captain smiled at the dog. “Ma’m, no kibble, absolutely. You will be eating at the Captain’s table. Only the finest foods.”
The malamute wagged her tail. “Cool! Does this mean that we’ll have steak leftovers?” This time, King blushed.
“I think that the menu will make a better example. You all will find a copy in your cabin. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He bowed one last time, put on his beret and left.
The group orderly followed Henderson.
“I’m sorry if I offended anyone,” Bailey said, her ears low. “It’s all so…different from the countryside I was raised in.”
King held her paw tenderly. “Nah, no biggies. You just saved the kittens from asking the same things. After all, many one pets are not used to such a change. Prepare yourself for paradise tastebuds, honey.”

They weren’t definitely prepared for that.
Grape’s jaw fell to the floor, as she tried to absorb everything. Yup, definitely the internet pictures didn’t give a decent idea. “And…is this all for us?” she said.
Peanut checked his ticked. “Yes. Grand Suite #4. Two levels. Bed and services upstairs.” He started wagging. “Ohh, there’s a Jacuzzi too!”
“Last one up doesn’t get a bath!” Dayshaun said, and the kittens ran to the stairs shouting.
Peanut led Grape to the balcony. From there, they could both admire the full view of the port, like standing atop a building. “Tonight, snuggling here, under the moon?” he suggested, his arms folded around his beloved cat’s waist.
“Sounds like a good plan,” came the answer...but not from Grape.
And if that as much familiar as unexpected voice was enough to made them start, Peanut wasn’t less shocked to find his own waist wrapped in a warm, black-furred hug.
“Say it guys, you couldn’t do without moi,” Maxwell said, leaning against Peanut’s back.
Last edited by valerio on Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kavviyenta »

Everything is so fancy!(understatement). And we meet the first two characters from the BPS RP. Since you're incorporating Blue Peak Shore into the story, that mean the Special Issue for this current season will be changed.

I know you said the event takes place before day 1 of BPS RP. However, day 1 of BPS RP is February 2011 and the story takes place months after. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by valerio »

kavviyenta wrote:Everything is so fancy!(understatement). And we meet the first two characters from the BPS RP. Since you're incorporating Blue Peak Shore into the story, that mean the Special Issue for this current season will be changed.

I know you said the event takes place before day 1 of BPS RP. However, day 1 of BPS RP is February 2011 and the story takes place months after.
I'll just ignore the calendar occurrences, also due to the fact that, because of my recurrent hiatuses, every chronal reference is by now screwed up. So please just ignore any reference.
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Post by herobrineharry »

What is the update schedule and time for the story?
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by Obbl »

Please don't harry Valerio. He he is kind enough to post when he has a new update to post. ;)
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Post by valerio »

herobrineharry wrote:What is the update schedule and time for the story?
that much information is in the mind of Bahamut only
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Post by herobrineharry »

o.......k......... :?
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by valerio »

OK. so next episode will be an all-Spot issue!
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Post by herobrineharry »

valerio wrote:OK. so next episode will be an all-Spot issue!
.... wat. :shock:
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by micu1000 »

herobrineharry wrote:
valerio wrote:OK. so next episode will be an all-Spot issue!
.... wat. :shock:
u w0t m8
Erm... Err... Hi there, everyone! Been reading this fic for like 3 months now, i really love it, a lot! so i figured i would post to let you know... i dont really know why, Uhh... Still, Valerio, YOU ROCK (well, not only you, but everyone who was or is involved with this fic (As in, translation and spellchecking) You all are awesome! :D )
Ehm, im not very good with words, so ill just sit back and silently wait for the next update...

I love you all!
(This is a signature, This is MY signature, Praise it!)
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Post by herobrineharry »

Hello there! If you want to announce your arrival to the forum at large, try the welcome thread!
Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho'(though) the soldiers knew
  Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
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Post by D3ath_0ps »

Wow. That was a LOOONNNGGG read. I can't believe that I read everything in about 3 days. Love Lucky and Felix, Peanut and Grape (Kittens too), and King and Bailey btw. Also, Val, you are such a great writer. You have effectively made me cry during the WHOLE fan fic 5 times. I hate you, but love you (the writing) at the same time. Can't wait for another update!
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Post by valerio »

D3ath_0ps wrote:Wow. That was a LOOONNNGGG read. I can't believe that I read everything in about 3 days. Love Lucky and Felix, Peanut and Grape (Kittens too), and King and Bailey btw. Also, Val, you are such a great writer. You have effectively made me cry during the WHOLE fan fic 5 times. I hate you, but love you (the writing) at the same time. Can't wait for another update!
working on it. Unfortunately, I'm being subject to hynsomnia crises, so I tend to lose focus throughout the day, PLUS I really worked a lot on the italian translations 2.0, but I never stopped my ideas flux :)
WOW, three days only, that's some record! Thank you a ton for your appreciation, and also glad that I succeeded to convey such emotions. I love hearing from new fans and hope to hear from you again :D