First Fanfic: 18 Minutes

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First Fanfic: 18 Minutes

Post by FoxRocks »

Before i start i want to say that thius is my firstopic posted, since i joined a short time before this, and that this is my first fanfic with Housepets characters in it. This fanfic involves Tarot "mistakingly" taking Peanut, Grape, Fox, King, Max, & herself backwards in time to the Lusitania in 1915, where they learn a life lesson. (I decided on Lusitania cuz i did a recent project on it...this is really just thrown together, so please be nice!

The sky was clear, and the stars shown bright. The stale warm air blew across Peanut's fur as he walked through the streets of Babylon Garden. Grape was at his side, and that alone gave him all the comfort he needed. "Where are we supposed to go?" Grape finally asked, after a long period of silence. Peanut replied with a shrug, "Dunno, Tarot wanted us to meet her at the edge of the woods to show us something." They kept on walking. "I think she said this thing is supposed to help us define our true character..." Peanut thought aloud. "Well, what did we have to come out here for?" Grape wondered. "I'm not going out here just to take a little quiz about my personality! I don't-" Peanut cut her off "She wouldn't bring us out here for something like that!" Grape looked at him, suprised. He hadn't realized how angry he actually sounded. " I'm sorry..." Was all he could really say. He really did love Grape, but expected her to think better of Tarot by now. She did think Tarot was crazy at first, and a crack about a "quiz" really wasn't much compaired to that. They both just remained silent until they reached the woods. "HELLO? TAROT!?" Peanut shouted through the trees. They heard a voice, "Password please." Peanut and Grape looked down to see Tarot standing in front of them. "TAROT! How'd you get here so fast?" Peanut exclaimed "Did you forget!?" Tarot asked, actually suprised, "I had forseen your comig to THIS exact spot...because i can see the future..." Grape changed the subject "So why did you bring us here?" She asked stubbornly. "Oh yes," Tarot said " yes, follow me to my new lair in the woods..." she giggled. "Here we are" Tarot sighed. Peanut and Grape gasped in unison "Fox! King! What are you guys doing here!?"

"Tarot told us to come here for..." Fox actually didn't know why they were supposed to be there. He just assumed it was important, or none of them would be there. King piped up with "What are we really doing here?" Tarot explained her reason simply. "I gathered you here for a physical and emotional test." Fox was feeling uneasy about it, did she know something that happened to their families, or an event in their later lives? "This test defines your character, such as: What would you do in a disaster, would you be a hero, a coward, or bystander..." It was obvious that Grape failed to see the point. "Sooo...why is this important?" Tarot remained silent for a few moments before answering. " You will need to find that out on your own." King leaned toward Fox and whispered "That means she doesn't know!" Tarot turned and gave him a cold stare before she continued. "You all will experience a Disaster in war that may have changed the fates! You should recognize it, if you know about World War 1..." She looked at King, then at Fox. Am i supposed to know what she's talking about? Fox wondered as her eyes bore into him. "Just think of it as a little adventure, where you save yourself, or save others." She paused "But you must hurry, once she is struck, you have less than 20 minutes to make your choice. Fox couldn't believe what he was hearing, and it looked like the others couldn't either. They had to make moral choices about life and death in 20 minutes! Kin looked like he had enough, "Alright, this is stupid, i'm done!" Then a bright green blast covered their vision, before blackness encased them.

It was cold, a salty wind blew across his face. Peanut opened his eyes to find a bright sky. A fog was clearing up, and the scene was tranquil. Grape and King woke up beside him. "Where are we? Where's fox and Tarot!?" King demanded. "Peanut looked down to find s wooden deck floor, with white walls to his left, and a sparkling blue ocean to his right. Grape said it first "Well, we're clearly on a boat." Peanut's eyes were not failing him, it was a peaceful scene, but he was feeling a bad vibe. "Come on," Peanut said, uneasily "lets try to find Fox and Tarot." Just then, they heard a voice call out, " KING!?" They followed the voice, clearly knowing it was Fox. They went farther forward to find him there. "There you are!" He sighed. Peanut decided that Tarot was no longer a part of this. Fox looked horrified, "I know where we are!" King immediately responded. "Great! Then where are we?" Fox pointed up, and they all turned to see 4 tall black funnels towering over them. Peanut and Grape would need a little history lesson but King and Fox's eyes met with newfound terror. Fox continued, "Tarot took us to the Lusitania...we need to get to the stern, or somewhere safer, because we are at the most dangerous part of the ship. As they talked, Capitan Turner was on the bridge with his officers...right above them. At the bow, in the crows nest, a lookout cried out "TORPEDO CLOSING ON THE STARBOARD BOW!!!" Peanut glanced over to see a trail of foam closing in.

Last edited by FoxRocks on Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: First Fanfic

Post by Saturn381 »

So far, so good. Can't wait to see more. :)
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Re: First Fanfic

Post by zdflion96 »

Nice story! :D Keep it going! :D
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Re: First Fanfic

Post by FoxRocks »

I updated. It starts at *FOX*
Enjoy :mrgreen:
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Re: First Fanfic

Post by Obbl »

:shock: Woah. The Lusitania.
This ought to be interesting.
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Re: First Fanfic

Post by FoxRocks »

I thought of Lusitania because i had done a paper on it some time ago, and said to myself, this can offer some "life lessons" and nobody used it. But HP! and Lusitania have NO connection to each other other than Tarot...

But interesting fact...A pomerian survived Titanic...I wonder... :o
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First Fanfic: 18 minutes

Post by FoxRocks »


...The torpedo came closer by the second, Peanut did not know much on Lusitania, but Tarot's words explained what would happen quite clearly: They would have about 20 minutes to make crutial decisions. A feeling of dread washed over him. He saw passengers run to the rails and lifeboats to see the torpedo. "HARD A STARBOARD" came a shout from the Capitan. The ship had no time to turn, and impact occured. Peanut heard the massive explosion, and was thrown off his feet. Lusitania listed to starboard slightly, then righted herself. Grape helped Peanut back up and sighed with relief, forgetting Tarot's warning. "It looks like we'll be ok now." Sunddenly, the ship shook, and a second, stronger expolsion rocked the ship. Coal dust flew from the forward funnel, landing on the decks, and the tops of the ventalators broke off. Chaos ensued, and the ship began to list heavily. King seemed to loose all emotion, and simply watched all the panic. After a moment, he stated "I saw the movie once, if read about it, but i never expected this." "COME ON" Fox shouted over the screams, "LET"S GO". They tried to gather each other up, but Grape and Peanut were cut off from Fox and King by vast amounts of passegers. Peanut knew that lifeboats were the only option,"WE WILL TRY THE OTHER SIDE" he yelled. He looked at Grape, who had ever looked so helpless and confused. "let's go," he held her paw "We're gonna be fine." She looked at him and said with a sly smirk, "You don't know what im gonna do to her when we get back!" They managed to find their way inside, and saw room covered in white walls and gold plating. It was a 2 level dining room, complete with a dome of stained glass. Neither of them could believe that all of it was heading for the ocean floor. They went farher forward, and now had to hold on to the walls due to the growing list. They heard screams and folowed them, but stopped when they heard a shout behind them. "YOU!" Peanut knew the voice, and turned in suprise. "BINO!?" Grape questioned, "How did you get here?"


The deck was crowded with passengers both young and old, very few pets were seen. Fox held Kings hand firmly as the pushed their way past hundreds of people. As they continued finding a lifeboat, Lusitania, although listing heavily, and no longer operational, continued to press on through her sheer weight and momentum. Because of this, lifeboats could not be launched until the ship slowed. Fox's head was filled with questions, like:Did Peanut and Grape find a boat? Will we do the same? Did we time travel, or is this imaginary? His last thought was crutial; if they time traveled, they could get hurt or even die. If it was imaginary, they would be safe if they reached a boat or not. With all these thoughts, he couldn't think, and if he could not think, he couldn't get himself and King to safety. He looked over his shoulder and saw a boat filled, mostly with children and infants, but there were some adults there as well. In all the panic and chaos, the boat did not launch properly, and some of its ropes broke, causing all of those children to fall into the frigid water... Fox felt his eyes water, and tried to hold back the tears I can't let King see me cry! He didn't want King to know how lost and helpless he really was. The ship rolled further to starboard, and Fox heard a terriblely loud SNAP! sounds. Some of the forward funnel's cables broke, and the funnel fell over from the pressure. As the funnel fell, sparks flew, and smoke poured out. Fox and King lost each other as crowds ran to the stern. Now, coal dust blew everywhere. "KING? WHERE ARE YOU!??" Fox was in a frantic, trying to find his dear friend trough the black curtain that covered the ship. King's voice was not very far off. "I'M HERE! BY THE 3rd FUNNEL!" King's voice also did not sound scared, or worried in the least, it was steady, and would have sounded calm if he didn't have to shout. When the smoke settled, they found each other, and found a boat being filled. Luckily, they were allowed on! They were about to board, but King stepped up, "We need to see if Peanut and Grape found a boat!" Fox assumed that Grape's intelligence would find them a spot " I'm sure they are fine, we know they can easily get to a boat!" King persisted, somewhat surprised "NO we don't kow that! Do you call what we went through easy?" Fox himself couldn't believe what he was saying... they needed to see if they where okay. Both of them left the lifeboat and ran inside, through the door Peanut and Grape went through just 5 minutes ago. Fox saw King look at his watch in dismay, 8 minutes had gone by, they had 10 minutes to look for Grape and Peanut and to get back up on deck. As Lusitania's bow slipped further into the water, their odds against success increased.


Peanut and Grape were stunned, Bino was here, but he wasn't in the room with them and Tarot. Bino didn't hold back on his sarcasm.
"I just thought it would be a good time to time travel tonight!!" He yelled. Both peanut and Grape thought time traveled!?, but it was Grape who said it first.
"I thought this was a holodeck." Peanut thought logically Well, if this was a holodeck, then we can't be hurt by the objects on the ship, but if it's time travel... Peanut was quite calm, while Bino was hysterical and Grape was trying to see if the walls were real. She punched the wall she was at to see ehat would happen, and her paw collided with a beautifully carven teak wood wall. It broke and gave her some bad splinters. Bino saw this and started screaming again.
None of them realized that the screams were still echoing through the halls until Grape punched Bino with her good paw. Peanut suddenly remembered that he was going to help whoever was in trouble down there. Without a word, he ran down the halls until the water was ankle deep, and rising quickly. Grape and Bino followed him, urging him to stop, but he kept going. Peanut knew he was close The screams are louder than ever! he thought. He turned to find an elevator, stuck in place. Inside were 4 men, 5 women, and 2 dogs, a black lab and a husky. They saw him and begged him to help them. Grape and Bino caught up, and saw the full elevator. The husky had a clever idea,

"Use your claws on the lock!" he said in a loud, voice. Peanut agreed. after trying with Grape, he stopped.

"Uh, does anyone have a hair pin?" Peanut read many books with characters using hairpins, or even toothpicks to pick a lock. A lady in a white silk dress handed him one. The water was now waist high. Bino was very gittery, and way more than anxious.
"Come on! We have to GO NOW!"

how was that for suspense? tell me! :D
Last edited by FoxRocks on Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Fanfic: 18 Minutes

Post by FoxRocks »

There are a few songs that i found that would fit this story. check them out if you want to!

They are: Exile by Enya and End of My Journey by John Dreamer

another possible one would be Road to Perdition by Thomas Newman, all sound very nice and dramatic & or sad!

How do you think i'm doing? Am i good with emotions yet? :?
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Re: First Fanfic: 18 Minutes

Post by Saturn381 »

I think you're doing good so far. :)
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Re: First Fanfic: 18 Minutes

Post by FoxRocks »

Thank you! The Lusitania thing seemed original enough. I need to think of Tarot's exuses for picking Lusitania, i really just go out on a limb when i write these, so just say so if you don't understand anything! :oops:
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Re: First Fanfic: 18 Minutes

Post by FoxRocks »

This might have to be cancelled.
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Re: First Fanfic: 18 Minutes

Post by Obbl »

Aww, must it? :(
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Re: First Fanfic: 18 Minutes

Post by FoxRocks »

It might. :( I could update it to the point where it will be mentioned in my other HP! fanfic: The Girl, but who knows what will happen with this afterwards.
I will put in an update now though, if you have been following along, than you can tell where the update begins.
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Re: First Fanfic: 18 Minutes

Post by FoxRocks »

I've decided to end this one, it's not really with me now, if anyone understands that. I will be ready to have this put elsewhere once I post a pic of the fanfic, it might have been the cover.
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