HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

"Careful, wolf!" shouted Monackay from near the hill "You don't want to waste too much energy! You'll need it!"

By the time the group climbed the hill, many more portals opened and what demonic forces were destroyed were quickly replaced by forces ten times their numbers. However, they were not attacking.
As the group closed the altar, the dark creature engulfed in mist turned around from the altar with the glowing Dimitar on hit. Just as it did so, the mists dispersed and revealed the creature's form, but the most shocking thing was Dimitar - a dark, twisted version of Dimitar that grinned at the incoming group and spoke with a such a creepy tone that could freeze you blood.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! I hope you enjoyed beating my minions, but Alas, this glorious battle will be your last!"

Martin growled, his now feral self angered to his limits.

"Enough talk! I smash you!" he growled and jumped at the Dark Dimitar ready to slice him in two with his bardiche. the dark creature simply laughed and pointed his finger at the jumping dog. A crackle was heard and a black lighting came from the his finger and stroke the dog in mid air, sending the canine to the ground. As Martin stood up, he was changed - his eyes were completely red, his teeth and claws were like long and sharp, giving him the looks of a sabretooth dog, which was completed by his ruffled fur and slightly oversized limbs.

"Now, my pet" said the Dark Dimitar "Destroy your friends!"

Martin growled and turned towards his former companions, attacking them with teeth and claw, leaving his old weapon behind and aiming for the shamans.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

And just as the dagger-like claws slashed through the lykaon shaman...he disappeared, and the momentum carried the demonic canine tumbling to the ground.
"Now face your equal, Martin," the rabbit shaman said, advancing calmly to interpose herself between him and the others. "I can handle him. The rest of you, take care of your quarry. GO!"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

"You... efforts... means... nawting!" Martin growled, his deformation limiting his speech as he stood up. "Master... gave... powah! Ah ... kin.. smell... you!" and charged the lycaon once again.

The rest of the group faced the Dark Dimitar. Monackay spoke first.
"What happened to you, boy? What have that demon done to you?"

The dark copy of Dimitar grin widened "That demon empowered me! Freed me! For the first time in my life I am in control... and I like it!" his grin disappeared "Sadly, that means I have to get rid of you as well. I can't allow myself the comfort to have 'heroes' staying in my way to power! I really like you Roger, but I like myself better. Balkan too!The rest are as insignificant as ants and will be dealt with accordingly."

Balkan was speechless. He wasn't expecting that - Dimitar's words broke his heart and his grip weakened him. He was about to give in to his doubts, but then a faint voice game from the altar - the bright, glowing Dimitar struggled to talk.

"Fear... not! Be... strong! Have... faith!" he said before he exhausted himself.

Balkan decided to follow his advice, his words giving the canine the strength to continue.

"Very nice!" laughed the Dark Dimitar "Still - it's pointless!" he spread his hands sideways, black lightnings started to crackle in his palms "You were fools to come here! now you will pay the price for your foolishness!"

"No!" Monackay yelled "Everyone, ATTACK!" and he and his warriors charged, followed by Balkan.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

The ground under Martin's feet gave way...or, rather, he was suddenly floating, surrounded by floating rocks and pebbles.
The rabbit shaman was holding out her paw, her eyes glowing with energy. "Hardly can do, without gravity by your side."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

The rabbit's spell caused the Dark Dimitar to laugh as he landed with ease.
"FOOLS! Your trickery is pointless here!" he shouted as the rabbit's spell turned on it's owner and her companions "Your understandings of reality are not consistent with this realm! You will learn the errors of your ways and that there is no 'Happy ever after!'... At least not for YOU!" he pointed the black lightning at the rabbit and sending it at the shaman.

However, the lightning was intercepted in midway by the warrior that accompanied the shamans. The lightning stuck the man, causing him to convulse and engulfing him in a sphere of crackling dark energy. The Dark Dimitar wasn't amused

"Fool! This spell was not intended for you, though you will do." he looked at the rest "Now who's next?"

The feral Martin growled at the lycaon shaman as the other canine once again avoided his attack. This time, however, the twisted creature stalked the lycaon successfully even though he only managed to scratch the other canine. However that was enough for Martin's very scratches and bites were able to poison his target, paralyzing it in place. Since the poison was magical in nature, it also affected the very powers of the lycaon, rendering them useless.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

"Well, my foe..." the lycaon looked at the ichor spreading through his veins. And yet...he grinned. "That could be quite the upsetting development, should it work. I must admit it." And with that, he started to walk toward the demonically possessed dog. "Tell you what: Why don't we just rinse *you* of this nasty infection?" And his paws grabbed Martin's.
At that moment, the lycaon's figure shimmered...and it was the rabbit who was restraining the canine!
The female shaman didn't enjoy see Martin writhing and howling in pain, as the ichor was literally expelled like black blood from his body, but the intention was to cure...and it succeeded, thanks to the lapines' accumulated knowledge in healing medicine!
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

"Just enough to secure what we have," Luke said, Amber nodding. Then Amber grabbed tents until they had 5, and placed them and their clothes in the cart.

"Speaking of what we have, let's move on to hardware shall we?" She said, pushing the cart just a tad.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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"well im good to go when you are wrecker." anubis said securing his last strap on his bag.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:"Just enough to secure what we have," Luke said, Amber nodding. Then Amber grabbed tents until they had 5, and placed them and their clothes in the cart.
"Speaking of what we have, let's move on to hardware shall we?" She said, pushing the cart just a tad.
"My my my, kits, your list is growing pretty large. At this point, we need a bit of help. Stop it there!" Donau pointed at a wall touchscreen display.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

valerio wrote:"Well, my foe..." the lycaon looked at the ichor spreading through his veins. And yet...he grinned. "That could be quite the upsetting development, should it work. I must admit it." And with that, he started to walk toward the demonically possessed dog. "Tell you what: Why don't we just rinse *you* of this nasty infection?" And his paws grabbed Martin's.
At that moment, the lycaon's figure shimmered...and it was the rabbit who was restraining the canine!
The female shaman didn't enjoy see Martin writhing and howling in pain, as the ichor was literally expelled like black blood from his body, but the intention was to cure...and it succeeded, thanks to the lapines' accumulated knowledge in healing medicine!
Little changed after what the shaman did. Martin broke off from her grip and made a few steps back, as his body was gaining his previous form and when that ended, he fell on this knees.

"Infection, rabbit?" he said between his heavy breathing "You really... did remove... the taint... from me... but what you saw... is what... I truly..." he didn't manage to finish, for he fainted and fell on the ground.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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"The taint just amplified what you truly are," the rabbit shaman said, kneeling over the prone figure. "Stay with me. Now it is of the outmost urgence to help him regain his balance.
The Lycaon obeyed promptly. "Not much use, I can't keep them at bay forever. Gar, what can you do to distract the masses?!"
The wolf shaman chanted a prayer, and a fiery lance, its staff adorned with encarved wolf skulls, appeared in his paws. "This should do..." then he raised the mystic weapon toward the leader of those infernal hordes. "Brave warriors of the Undefeated Tribe...STRIKE!" and he threw the lance, straight at Dark Dimitar! The weapon, like a fiery comet, literally destroyed the hordes that stood on its path like a knife in the butter, without faltering in its destination...
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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Although the lance passed without trouble, it literally dispersed into nothing a meter away from the Dark Dimitar with even a single move from the creature.

"Fool!" The Dark Dimitar yelled "Did you not realize by now where you are?" he asked, but did not wait for an answer "You are in my own realm - the realm I will soon take entirely under my control."

Dimitar frowned "And if you haven't realised already, I am in control right now! I can twist the very reality around you!" he shouted.

At this moment everyone were struck by black lightning similar to that of the Dark Dimitar, but coming from the ground, paralysing the remaining members of the group and draining their power. "Your powers will soon be mine!"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

The pain was beyond belief, a mortal couldn't simply survive such torture. The only one who appeared unaffected was the rabbit shaman -and yet she could be of no help to her allies, for all her energies were being used to keep up a shield for her and Martin.
The lycaon shaman was trying his best to reinforce her shield, but it was clear that it was going to be a lost battle soon...
Only one.
Only one, his body crackling with the dreadful black energies from the supernatural assault, after the initial shock, STOOD UP.
His muscle were tense to the limit, as if he was resisting a titanic pressure.
Each step cracked the rock under his feet.
And he growled each words, his eyes filled with unwavering, feral determination. "Must...do...better...than...this..." Gar said, advancing one step at a time toward Dimitar
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Luke folded his arms.

"All I'm trying to make sure is that our stuff isn't stolen in the middle of the night while we're knocked out exhausted from traveling," Luke said, "What's this thing?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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"Oh, I see what you mean. But worry not: yours is a safe area, there are no raiders. As long as you keep your activity inside your territory you will be safe. Lockers won't be of help with rabbits, and wolves will respect you if you can show prowess in fight. Are you good at fighting?" he started tapping a series of items on the panel. "And as for this thingumajic, it's an electronic tablet: it works as a computer terminal. I'm using it to list all the items you need, so that the various departments will cooperate to stack them faster. So, it's up to your imagination now. What else do you need?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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"It's a television dear, you know, T.V?" Amber said with a smirk, teasing him.

"I know what it IS silly," he said to her.

"Still, doesn't hurt to show caution," Luke said, "Just the boats there and the lockers or what have you and our original list and we're good."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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more tapping against the glass screen. "Done! I added three boats, one extra in case of damage. Each one of them can be equipped with its motor, but you're kindly asked to rely on oars whenever you can. I take it you'll be building your own pier, right?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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Luke's mouth fell open a bit and he pointed to the ones in the cart.

"Uh, I meant those?" He said for clarification.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

valerio wrote:The pain was beyond belief, a mortal couldn't simply survive such torture. The only one who appeared unaffected was the rabbit shaman -and yet she could be of no help to her allies, for all her energies were being used to keep up a shield for her and Martin.
The lycaon shaman was trying his best to reinforce her shield, but it was clear that it was going to be a lost battle soon...
Only one.
Only one, his body crackling with the dreadful black energies from the supernatural assault, after the initial shock, STOOD UP.
His muscle were tense to the limit, as if he was resisting a titanic pressure.
Each step cracked the rock under his feet.
And he growled each words, his eyes filled with unwavering, feral determination. "Must...do...better...than...this..." Gar said, advancing one step at a time toward Dimitar
"Feisty one, aye?" the Dark Dimitar said as he turned to the wolf "Very well, it seems I have to actually do something on my own. But I promise you a quick end." he pointed the black ball of lightning in his right hand at the shaman, as the black lightnings that were binding the others became stronger and more painful. "I will take pleasure in breaking your proud spirit, Gar." the black lightning ball crackled and stroked the wolf with a lightning arc. The attack wrapped around the wolf's mind, digging in it like a hundred claws, filling the his mind and his very essence with dark, powerful whispers of lost hope, loneliness and despair, weakening his mind.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

"I'm done with this drawing." Shukaku said, making minor tweaks.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

hypernovatic wrote:"I'm done with this drawing." Shukaku said, making minor tweaks.
"Good." Lila examined the work. "Very well done, but by now I know you're good. Now, for that portrait: will you do with traditional media, or will you use this place?"
As the group walked up the path for the last time together, Rain asked, "Did the monkey tell you about the 'divinity'?"
The Moon Howler wrote:"Feisty one, aye?" the Dark Dimitar said as he turned to the wolf "Very well, it seems I have to actually do something on my own. But I promise you a quick end." he pointed the black ball of lightning in his right hand at the shaman, as the black lightnings that were binding the others became stronger and more painful. "I will take pleasure in breaking your proud spirit, Gar." the black lightning ball crackled and stroked the wolf with a lightning arc. The attack wrapped around the wolf's mind, digging in it like a hundred claws, filling the his mind and his very essence with dark, powerful whispers of lost hope, loneliness and despair, weakening his mind.
The wolf shaman serrated his fists strong enough to dig his claws into his flesh, bleeding, finding solace in the pain from his own body.
Another step forward.
"Pain. Humiliation. Despair. Lost hope..." his grin didn't falter. "Stupid, arrogant demon. Each shaman and warrior before me experimented those feelings, when we neared extinction, when we were defeated...when out god started to ask sacrifices to strengthen us... Another step. "I consumed those before me, and they in turn consumed their masters and teachers..." Another step. "Death is our companion, our final reward. And darkness is." Another step. "Our." another step. "STRENGTH!" this time, Gar didn't commit the mistake of attacking directly Dimitar. He absorbed the dark power, making it his own. Excruciating pain from that process consumed the wolf as this time he released the power in a monstrous pillar that reached high and higher, breaching dimensional barriers, dissolving soon into nothingness...
And it was done. Gar fell on his knees, his body crackling with the spent energies. This was as far as he could go.
"It is done..." he muttered, satisfied, before collapsing.
At least, for now, the flux previously irradiated by dark Dimitar had stopped.
"Talk about 'buying time'," the lycaon said, feeling good as new -hoping he wasn't the only one feeling that way...
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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"I'll do it with traditional media." Shukaku said.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

"Good. Would you rather paint me indoor or outdoor?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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"It's your decision. I don't mind either." Shukaku said.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

valerio wrote: The wolf shaman serrated his fists strong enough to dig his claws into his flesh, bleeding, finding solace in the pain from his own body.
Another step forward.
"Pain. Humiliation. Despair. Lost hope..." his grin didn't falter. "Stupid, arrogant demon. Each shaman and warrior before me experimented those feelings, when we neared extinction, when we were defeated...when out god started to ask sacrifices to strengthen us... Another step. "I consumed those before me, and they in turn consumed their masters and teachers..." Another step. "Death is our companion, our final reward. And darkness is." Another step. "Our." another step. "STRENGTH!" this time, Gar didn't commit the mistake of attacking directly Dimitar. He absorbed the dark power, making it his own. Excruciating pain from that process consumed the wolf as this time he released the power in a monstrous pillar that reached high and higher, breaching dimensional barriers, dissolving soon into nothingness...
And it was done. Gar fell on his knees, his body crackling with the spent energies. This was as far as he could go.
"It is done..." he muttered, satisfied, before collapsing.
At least, for now, the flux previously irradiated by dark Dimitar had stopped.
"Talk about 'buying time'," the lycaon said, feeling good as new -hoping he wasn't the only one feeling that way...
The Dark Dimitar grumbled something about how he hated being interrupted and lifted his left hand up to the breach, the black orb in his hand flew up with the speed of a lightning and as the dark thunder faded, the breach was fine.

"I am the God of this realm!" He shouted and at this moment the lightning shackles once again trapped the group, but this time, three times stronger. However, this time one managed to envelop himself
in a protective shield - Balkan.
Following the bound Dimitar's advice, Balkan stood strong. The very maintenance of his protection was taking every bit of focus, power and willpower from him, however he was not to give up now, but he did not know what to do. How would he be able to defeat something with the powers of a god IN it's own realm?

At this moment he heard a silent whisper, coming from the altar behind the Dark one.

"I put... my trust... and faith... in you! Will you... do... the same?" It was the Dimitar that was bound at the altar.

"Trust and Faith will not save you!" said the Dark Dimitar

Balkan's eyes widened. He always told Dimitar and Ivan that he trusted them and had faith in them, but now it was time to prove it. He now knew what to do. He quickly swapped his swords so that the energy copy of his blade would be in his right paw and the real one to be in his left. He gathered all the power that he had left and used it to break the chains around him with his shield. He knew he got but a moment to act and as the shield broke his chains, he threw the energy blade at the Dark Dimitar and as he did it, he was once again bound by the black lightning chains.

The blade flew right past the Dark Dimitar, who was surprised for a second, but then laughed.
"Foolish mutt! I didn't move and you still missed me!" he said with an evil grin on his face.

Balkan tried to smile through the pain from the shackles "I... argh!... wasn't ... aiming... ugh!... at you!"

"WHAT?" yelled the Dark Dimitar and turned around.

Balkan's energy blade just dispersed from the place where it hit the alter and shattered the chains that held the bound Dimitar's right hand. As the chain fell, the Bound Dimitar's hand shone in a mix of white, blue and yellow light as he freed his other arm and then his body and legs. Then the whirling mix of light spread to his entire body, until it covered it all. The Dark Dimitar was furious. As his counterpart stepped away from the altar, the ground beneath him changed - from the dead, black ground grew fresh, green grass that covered the ground around the shining human. The moment the grass stopped growing, the lights faded away from the figure of the previously-bound Dimitar, leaving his normal form and colours, but he emanated light from within. He also emanated an aura of hope and good. His face was calm and somewhat sad at the sight in front of him. His Dark version's expression was scary enough to cause nightmares for weeks.

"He said that he wasn't aiming at you. He was aiming at me." said the Good Dimitar

"How is that possible?" the Dark Dimitar asked, then shook his head " It doesn't matter! You will fall with the rest of them!" the Dark Dimitar shouted and threw a ball of black lightning at the Good Dimitar.

The latter grabbed the spell and simply smashed it.
"You have no idea what you are doing! Stop this madness and come. We are two parts of one being and one we must be."

The Dark Dimitar shook his head once more.
"No more!" he replied "For too long we've held ourself! For too long we've suppressed our feelings, our pain, our turmoil! The death of that demon gave us the opportunity to let it all out! To feed on our feelings! To become stronger for our own good! But you stopped me from doing so! You tried to suppress us once more, but not any more!"

"Our feeling and passions can give us strength indeed." replied the Good Dimitar "But we need not to become stronger. We have all the strength we need in us. To overcome our pain, our fear, our anger or any other negative emotion requires a great personal strength. We already possess that. And I wasn't trying to suppress us during that battle, I tried to protect us, but failed, for you were already under his influence." The Good Dimitar glanced at the shackles that held the ground.. and they disappeared, leaving the fighters to regain their strength.

"I am not under anyone's influence!" said the Dark Dimitar through his gritted teeth "And I'll prove it to you!" he said and attacked his good counterpart.

The two halves engaged in a combat, but the most interesting thing was that they did not use any magic, they were just fighting hand-to-hand. Soon the Good Dimitar threw his Dark counter-part on the ground for the third time.
"I defeated you!" he said "Now stop behaving like that and allow us to merge."

The Dark Dimitar nodded and stood up "I admit my defeat. Let us merge!"

The Good Dimitar went to the Dark one and stopped a meter away from him and spoke
"From where we started" he said
"To where we will go," the Dark Dimitar continued
"As one we began it" the Good Dimitar said
"One again we will beco-" the Dark Dimitar was about to finish when an explosion occurred between the two, sending them both to the ground.

From that explosion emerged a figure of a man roughly the size of Monackay and his warriors. The figure was made of pure darkness, but that did not stop Monackay from recognizing him.

"Oh no..." He said as he stood up. "Not him!"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

"I really detest fare-dodgers..." The lycaon shaman muttered. "And who would that new entry be?"
hypernovatic wrote:"It's your decision. I don't mind either." Shukaku said.
"Outdoor be it, then. Go take what you need, I'll fetch my dress. Meet me at the hall."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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"Okay." Shukaku said. He grabbed his sketchbook and pencils. He walked to the hall and waited for Lila.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by The Moon Howler »

valerio wrote:"I really detest fare-dodgers..." The lycaon shaman muttered. "And who would that new entry be?"
Monackay's face went pale as if he just saw a ghost. He took a deep breath before answering
"Someone I was hoping to have gone forever." said the monk "H-he... He's my brother..."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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The lycaon shook his head. "Great. And by your reaction, he seems like he's the bad guy of the family. And you the good."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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Amber crossed her arms.

"I think there's been some form of miscommunication," she said flatly.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

"Uh, pier? for your boats, right? Do you plan to use a boat?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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"Those boats, yes," she said, pointing to the ones in the cart.

"And if we want a bigger one we'll make it and a pier to go along with it," she said as well, her tail flicking back and forth.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

"I see where we misunderstood each other: the ones in the cart, they are 'rafts'. They are inflatable, just like your tents. But if you want something sturdier, yes, I guess you'll buy your own ones: I was offering our own boats, that's what I meant."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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Shukaku whistled the Super Mario Bros. Theme while he waited.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

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"Already here?" Lila asked from behind him. The hyena was carrying a briefcase. "My, you're a quick one."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Shukaku said. "So, what's in the briefcase?" he asked, tilting his head in curiosity.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

"My traditional dress and the paraphernalia. Not the original ones, since I left my land before I could grow in them, but Spencers made a good reconstruction of them based on cultural references. Say, can you sculpt as well?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

"Oh, cool." Shukaku said. "I've done a little sculpting but not much."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

"Well, I'm asking because good handmade sculptures are well-paid from the tourists. Now let's go: where do you want to portray me? Beach? Forest? Village? Office?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Blue Peak Shore

Post by hypernovatic »

"I'd like to portray you at the beach if that's fine with you." Shukaku said.
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