Since this is different from the Friendly RPs, please read the rules here!
-Character Creation-
In this section, "default rules" refers to the guidelines set down in the RP Main OOC.
Anything within reason. In the books Redwall names are a mix of European, specifically older English, and made-up names so feel free to come up with anything you like!
-Character Type-
Same as the default rules with the following addendum:
Switching Character Types
Character types can change. Perhaps that minor character has barely done anything in a long while and would be better served just being in the background. Or maybe you really enjoy playing that guest character and want to play said character full time. All that is required is to ask permission from the GM. Keep in mind there should be a good reason for the switch.
Animals and birds native to the British Isles such as the following are allowed as main characters: Mice, Voles, Moles, Hares, Rabbits, Squirrels, Otters, Badgers, Hedgehogs, Shrews, Birds*, Foxes**
*Birds are not anthropomorphised in the books, however they are generally scaled up to be the same size as or bigger than most creatures. Smaller species like sparrows (Sparra) will be closer in scale to a mouse than, say, a badger but kestrels and owls will be much larger and will have no trouble carrying off and eating rats or other creatures. They are as intelligent as any other character and can use their feet/claw much like handpaws.
**Foxes are typically considered vermin in the books, but for the purposes of this RP they are not. They are still highly mistrusted and disliked by non-vermin and often ally with or appear as vermin, but not always. This also applies to rats, mustelidae, and cats. Reptiles and toads are always considered vermin and will never be trusted by good creatures. That said, a good creature will help out any creature in need, even vermin.
Animals that are not native to the British Isles can be played with permission from the Game Master and the other players. Keep in mind however they are foreigners and thus a.) will be treated as strange creatures by those native to the land, and b.) will have an accent that does not come from the British Isles.
Redwall animals seem to age like humans, and so use a human scale. That being said, this being the middle ages, different age rules apply. 15 is the age of majority, when one can be said to be an adult. Characters younger than 13 suffer from the restrictions placed on younger characters by the default rules. Characters older than 65 are considered old for the purpose of the default rules, and their SPECIAL stats are affected accordingly.
Same as the default rules. Keep in mind that Redwall characters wear clothing, so describing the general theme or their clothing (rich, bright, dull, worn-out, mismatched, etc) is a good idea. Please keep the clothing period-appropriate.
For reference these might help your character.
Same as the default rules.
Yes, a background is required. It doesn't have to be extensive but it should give a few detail about the character. After all, anyone who is not a newborn has had some life experience worth writing about.
-Other Notes-
Same as the default rules
Same at the default rules. Animals do not gain natural bonuses or penalties according to their species.
There are not minimum posting requirements, but there is a maximum of five posts per person per day. This may change, so check back occasionally.
While the inhabitants of Redwall Abbey are peaceful creatures, sadly that can not be said for all animals. Fighting is very common in the Redwall books and death is often a consequence. As the RP section and forum rules state gore and copious amounts of blood are not allowed, nor should you use a battle to remove your main character from the game. Keep descriptions of battles vague enough. We're all creative people, we can imagine what happens. Horrendous descriptions of violence are not necessary.
This game takes place in slightly alternate universe from the books, and is set approximately a century after the last book, The Rogue Crew. Some things have changed:
There is a currency system. It is, however, very nonuniform and varies from settlement to settlement. Redwall Abbey is unique in that in accepts all currencies.
Settlements are more common throughout the land, but they remain small. Still, there's less isolation than before.
Due to all the new settlements organizations such as the Long Patrol have been able to protect animals less effectively leading to slight disillusionment. Most settlements have at least a few animals who can fight and larger settlements have guards or even full on militias. Some settlements even hire retired members of the Long Patrol and Adventurers to teach their protectors.
More changes may come as the RP develops, so check back!
Member and Character List
Hlaoroo: Brum Oakbrush - Red Squirrel - colour is #8080FF
Hotep the Psychic: Trevor Litheran - Raccoon - colour is #BF0000
Hotep the Psychic: James Loriemus - Weasel - colour is #0000FF
Welsh Halfwit: Owain Ap Daffydd - Mouse - colour is #BF0040
Esper: Aldryd Argall - Otter - colour is #008000
Serence Ice Fox: Starlight Whisperwind/Sarafina - Albino Fox - colour is #4000FF
Iron Panda: Calder - Red Squirrel - colour is #00000BF
Civilization: Bradley - Ferret - colour is #808000
Civilization: Fleta - Ferret - colour is #808040
WeirdGamer: Marko - Badger - colour is #FF0000
CosmicCoyote: Rhys Greenbrier - Red Squirrel - colour is #106150
MrNeonShot: Charles Voh - Mouse - colour is #008040 - now controlled by Welsh Halfwit
MrNeonShot: Vincent "Laterose" Voh - Mouse - colour is #FF0040 - now controlled by Welsh Halfwit
Hypernovatic: Alexander Fitera - Shrew
Fallout Otter: Aaron Silvercrest - Stoat