PokePets! OOC page

Put down the character sheets and walk away!

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PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

“To the graduating class of *cough cough*, we wish you all good luck on your adventures!”
There was a roaring cheer throughout the Pokémon crowd. Parents hugged their children tightly, excited that their children were finished with their academy work.
They were now battle ready.

After all the festivities, the graduated class gathered in a room. Everyone was talking about how their trainer would evolve them to the ultimate state, or, how they would guaranty their trainer all of the gym badges. The volume was at a deafening level. You could barely hear anything in the room.
Finally, the professor slammed his hand on the table. Everyone fell silent.
“Today, you all are assigned a trainer!” He shouted loudly. All the Pokémon cheered at the statement.
Again, he had to control the crowd.
“You all are expecting your trainers to be highly skilled. What you fail to see, is that these trainers are straight out of their own academy!” He explained.
The Pokémon looked at each other quizzically. What did he mean, “New Trainers”? They were supposed to be the best! How are a bunch of newbies going to compete with professional gym trainers?
“You must cooperate with your trainer. He, or she, will train you to be the best that you can be! So, without further ado, I present to you…” The door opened at the left.
A boy in a red hat walked into the room. He wore a red vest and blue jeans, and a pair of old walking sneakers. He didn’t look very adventurous.
“This is Akamaru! He will be the trainer of group Ruby!” The professor announced. There were a couple paw claps, or feather flaps, but nothing much.
Next, a boy in a green headband walked in. This one wore a green vest, fingerless black gloves, and an orange backpack. His hair was black on the sides and back, but white on top. He also wore a pair of running shoes, perfect for adventure.
“This is Emerras! He will be the trainer of group Emerald!” The professor announced. This time, more claps and flaps could be heard through the group. When the clapping stopped, the professor continued.
“And finally, this is Indigo.” A girl with a blue bandana over her head walked into the classroom. She wore a new Pokémon backpack, modeled after a Pikachu. She pulled her right foot behind her left leg, and waved at the group. This sent even more applauding in the room. She had the confidence that all of them wanted in a trainer. Both Akamaru and Emerras crossed their arms in jealousy at the amount of applause she got. She was the popular one of the three. The professor cut off the cheering so he could finish.
“Each Pokémon will be assigned to a trainer. The trainer is in charge of teaching you the skills you require to better yourselves. Your job is to make your trainer proud!” The professor continued.
“Since you’re a beginning group, you will be given small jobs, like delivering letters, or documenting other Pokémon.” The professor drew on the chalkboard examples of what he was saying.
“As you progress in your jobs, and build up your skills, you will be given tougher jobs, such as protecting wealthy businessmen, or defending a mine from wild Pokémon attacks.” He drew a very pathetic group of zigazoons on the blackboard.
“And as you guys have probably guessed, you will participate in Pokémon battles along the way, defeating gym trainers, and other competitions. So, I wish you all the best of luck!”
With that, the professor left the room.
“Hey, don’t you still have to assign the groups?” Emerras called after the old man.
“That’s for you to decide!” The old man called as he walked down the hallway.
Akamaru and Indigo stood awkwardly in front of the group of Pokémon.
“Alright then…” Emerras said as he walked back to join the 2 other trainers.
“Let’s assign teams.” Akamaru added. Suddenly, Indigo jumped on top of the desk and shouted
“Who wants to be a part of team awesome!?!”
The map will most likely be the map used in Pokemon: Emerald, with some slight alterations (when I get to it.)
Players play as any Pokémon they choose, so long as that Pokémon is in its first stage.
For instance, if you want to play as Charizard, you have to start with Charmander.
Each Pokémon will be assigned a team. Each team will consist of at least 3 or more Pokémon.
In the beginning, each team will be given a small task. For example,
Team Ruby is sent to catch a zigazoon.
Team Emerald is sent to Catch a starly (That’s a bird, right?)
And Team Sapphire is sent to catch a Magikarp.
The first mission is easy, but as each team grows in skill, the more difficult the mission.
I’m not exactly sure how this will work.
My idea is to just have one person regulate the battle, saying if the Pokémon missed or hit, and other such battle situations.
The next suggestion is to use snow tunnels battle system.
When you’re in a battle, make sure you react to what happens.
For instance, if a zigazoon uses tackle, but it misses.
Zigazoon attempted to jump on the Mudkip, but the mudkip jumed out of the way before he was hit.
Growlithe lit up the forest with a stream of fire, but the Starley flew up out of his range.
Tentacool used a supersonic move. The Charmander was hit directly, and became confused.
He looked around with blurry vision, attempted to pounce, but hit the ground rather than his opponent.
You get the idea.

I still haven’t figured out the battle system, so tournaments are going to have to wait.
Aaaand I think that’s everything on gameplay. If you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to speak.

Signing up:
Signing up will be different than my usual way that I do, since there isn’t an OOC. Instead, you’ll do it like normal people and post it here in the Pet Friendly: Main OOC.
Anything within reason. Keep in mind pets tend to take the last name of their human owners. Though note that simpler names are easier to remember, type out and spell correctly…for the other RP’ers.

-Character Type-
Is this a main character or a guest character?

Choose your breed of Pokémon.
Make sure that the Pokémon is in its first stage.
You will have to update it by crossing out your original breed, then adding the evolved form.

I don’t think it matters in the Pokémon world, so why should it matter here?

Pokepets!, of course!

How your character appears, and any bits of clothing it might be often seen wearing; for most pets this is just a collar though. One to three lines should be enough for most…but no more than two paragraphs. Try to let us visualize your character, but keep it concise!
Also, if your Pokémon is a cross bred Pokémon, make sure you say what it looks like.
If you’re really bad at explaining what it looks like (like me), make sure to add a photo of what he looks like.

The bread and butter of Pet Friendly! What is your character like? A fast talker? Slow minded, but strong? Happy and bubbly? It’s really up to you. The general question is: “How does your character act, in public and private?” But keep in mind that some of the best way to show off the character’s personality is through the RP! Keep things concise here.
Keep in mind that some Pokémon aren’t going to act bubbly (e.g, Mewtew)
Oh, and factor in the character’s personality when making the special stats bellow.

-Other Notes-
Any other minor details you want to add about your character. Character Backgrounds are NOT required but if you want to bring up a few important details this is the place to put them. Also keep in mind that characters with a backstory can be easier to write for.

-Battle Stats-
Or, interesting banana for short (giggles)
These stats are exactly what you’ll see in game.
Say that I’m a growlithe.
In the beginning, he’ll have
[Roar] and [Ember]
When he learns new moves, add them to the list.
Your move lists are only 4.

So, if you have a cross breed
you need to factor in what it’ll be able to do.
For instance, If I have an Arcanine mixed with a Ninetales, his moves would be:
[Roar] [Confusion Ray]
[Ember] [Quick Attack]
this is just a rough move list from what I can remember, but this is the idea.

When he’s starting off, he’ll most likely be just a growlithe, because the 2 don’t have a difference in attacks.

This is based off the pokemon stat system.
When a pokemon levels up, it’ll say that it gained some points, making it stronger.
I’ll have to look it up again, but this is what you’ll enter.
You will have to update it every time your character levels up, though.

To those that are playing Im sorry but I would like it if youd post your characters Here one last time. if you are to control a pokemon trainer please add that into your CS.

Ruso:1st trainer Ruby team

indigo:2nd trainer Saphire team
kateloox2 char.

emmeras: 3rd trainer. Emerald team

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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Happiness Designer »

Yay, it's up! Ill edit this post later with my sheet and such. I'm thinking of making a cheat sheet to find all of our PokePets easily. Until then, perhaps a character list?
Korakc wrote:-name-
-character type-
Ret is a average looking Scyther with a darker green on his armor.

Ret is a unique Scyther. He doesn't prefer hurting other pokemon, but his moveset can provide for it. Instead, Ret puts his skills towards harassment in battle, which he is good at. Ret isn't great around other Pokemon, but he will cooperate with them easily.

-other notes-
Ret dislikes other Scythers, as he was mistreated by them when he was young.

False Swipe
Quick Attack

HP- 45
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Legotron123 »

Here's my character sheet. reposting it here.
Legotron123 wrote:-name-
-character type-
Normal riolu, wears leather gauntlets with holes designed for when he evolves.
Smart, though modest about it. Likes to think about alternate universes and how the world might have been if something different happened in the past. His life dream is to learn aura sphere.
-other notes-
Has a secret fear of dittos. Is a pure breed, both his parents are lucarios.
-battle stats-
Quick attack
Vacuum wave
(Not sure if we need to have 4 moves)
-stats- using hotep and serebii as average
Might need to fine tune later.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by kurowolfe »

Wait, so each of the players need to choose and later join one of the three teams? And how about the three Trainers themselves, are they controlled by the GMs or some other players?

But anyways, here's my character.


Character Type

Zigzagoon. Born from a pair of Linoone parents.


Looks like a normal Zigzagoon, with spiky-looking fur patterns. The only discerning feature about him is that he has blue eyes, instead of brown.

Hayazaki got his name in honour of his father's Trainer, of whom the latter respected very much before passing away due to an accident. He likes to eat Berries very much, but never gotten fat from his large appetite for them. He's very timid and speaks with a squeaky small voice, but give him a Berry and you'll be his friend for life. He loves to run around, especially on grassy terrains, and he loves to play with the friends he has.

Battle Stats

Stats (edited from Bulbapedia)
HP : 30
Attack : 20
Defense : 40
Sp.Atk : 20
Sp.Def : 30
Speed : 40

Ruby, with Ruso

Last edited by kurowolfe on Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:23 am, edited 2 times in total.

Applegate Appearance Cheat Sheet

Haq Dzi'ab (Blue Peaks Shore) || Mikan Kawabe (Applegate) || Hajime (Apollo City)
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

neon and i will control one each of the trainers. the team you choose is in the rp if you want or right niw. be mindfull yoh may have to place that in the rp as well.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by hypernovatic »

hypernovatic wrote:-Name-
-Character Type-
Ruiki looks like a normal Absol, but the fur hanging down the side of her face is black. Her left eye is blue and her right eye is red. Ruiki's tail and claw-thing on the side of her head (don't know what else to call it) are reddish gray. She wears an orange bandanna around her neck.
Ruiki is really nice. She can be too nice sometimes and people will get annoyed with her. Ruiki enjoys making puns. She likes to be around others. She has a hard time explaining things without pictures. Ruiki is very shy around people she doesn't know, but once she gets to know someone she will be very outgoing.
-Battle Stats-
Night Slash(mother)
Sucker Punch(father)
Psycho Cutter(mother)
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Kateleo007 »

Name- Jack
Character Type- Main
Species- Eevee
Neighborhood- Pokepets
Appearance- Just your average, run-o'-the-mill shiny eevee with a blue bandana.
Personality- Introverted and nonchalant, Jack quietly observes his surroundings. Although, he tends to sleep often, and he doesn't really enjoy being in hot weather. He may not show it often, but Jack loves his family and would defend them fiercely. Overall Jack sees life as a complicated game, and plans to win it.
Battle stats-
Tail whip
Take Down
Stats- Using pokemonDB
Sp. Atk:45
Sp. Def:65

Text Color: #804000

Name- Barbra "Barb"
Character Type- Main
Species- Buizel
Neighborhood- Pokepets
Appearance- Barb is a normal colored buizel that has a yellow heart patter on the inside of her right arm, near her elbow. She wears a little green backpack that holds her everstone, a couple of oran berries, and a few broken crayons.
Personality- Barb is an upbeat, positive soul who enjoys coloring but isn't very good at it. She has been with Jack since the beginning, and is usually the only one to get him out of his shell. She is usually somewhat talkative, but can get really shy. She doesn't really want to evolve, so she jumped at the chance to get her paws on an everstone. Barb enjoys the summertime, but also doesn't like it when it gets too hot. Though Barb is sweet, she likes the taste of sour things. She hates being called 'Barbra' because that's what her old trainer called her when she was in trouble or didn't do well in battle.
Battle Stats-
Aqua Jet
Aqua Tail
Sp. Atk:60
Sp. Def:30

Text Color: #4080FF
Last edited by Kateleo007 on Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by MrNeonShot »

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I will post soon!
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Legotron123 »

I chose the emerald team. Emerald was my first pokemon game.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Happiness Designer »

Same as Lego, I'd like to be on the Emerald team. Also, should we all select colors for our pokepets? If so, I naturally would like green, as it's my main color I use :3
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by MrNeonShot »

I'm Trainer Emerras!
Since my pet will be on emerald, that fills the 3 pokepet team.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

im re naming the ruby team to Ruso which my character will join. well need characters in this and saphire. Also be ready following the pokemon story a bit so first thing that is going to happen is have the trainers try there pokemon like the games do.

Emeras now has a riolu a scyther and neons pokemon.

Ruso has an eevee and a zigzaggoon.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by hypernovatic »

I'll join Ruby.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Kateleo007 »

I'll be on team Sapphire. Who is the trainer for that anyways?

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by MrNeonShot »

Nobody, yet. Basically, whoever is the most active can be the trainer.

You also might want to change Akamaru to Ruso, Hotep.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by MrNeonShot »

Name: Nine the Arcanine
--Color: color=#FF4000

Character Type: Main

Species: Vulpix Growlithe mix.

Age: I am a tireless beast ready for adventure!

Neighborhood: Pokepets!

Vulithe.JPG (11.78 KiB) Viewed 42425 times
Nine has solid Orange fur, with black stripes on his back.
His eyes are a beady brown.
The hair is usually combed to the side.

Personality: Nine is an excited pet, always ready for a challenge. But, if he feels that he is being threatened, or is losing the challenge, he'll let out a loud roar to threaten the challenger. He likes to eat certain items, and nothing else. Magikarp is one of his favorite meals.

Other Notes: Nine wishes to become the best he could be, to some day be in the professional Pokemon tournaments.

interesting banana:
[Roar] and [Ember]

Stats: [I'm going to need help with this. He's going to have basic Growlithe stats here.]

-Team-: Emerald

Name: Emmeras
--Color: color=#00BF00

Occupation: Beginner Pokemon Trainer

Character Type: Main

Species: Human

Age: 11
((I know I said that age didn't matter, but I think for humans, we need to specify an age.))

Neighborhood: Pokepets!

Appearance: Emmeras is a dark looking kid, that wears a green sushi chef headband. He also wears a darker green vest, and an orange shirt underneath. His backpack is the same color as his shirt. His hair is black on the sides and back, but white on top, in a spiky, raven cropped hair style ((like Sasuke Uchiha)). He also wore a pair of running shoes, perfect for adventure.

Personality: Emmeras is a strong, silent, no nonsense type of guy, who wants to focus on training his pokemon. In fact, if pokemon didn't talk, he probably wouldn't socialize with them either. Emmeras usually follows the rules, but bends (or breaks) them to suit the situation. While on missions in public, Emmeras tends to ignore people unless he actually needs to talk to them. When there is no mission, he's slightly better. He bobs his head to any greetings, and he speaks happily with his friends. In private (when he has privacy), he tends to enjoy the silence.

Other Notes: Emmeras is part of a large family. His Father is the owner of a sushi restaurant, and his older brother works in the same sushi restaurant.
His mother and older sister are bubbly, and VERY talkative, never giving anyone a break from their constant giggling and just being cheery.
Emmeras' younger sister also catches pokemon, but is only into the bug and leaf type pokemon.

Battle Stats: Emmeras knows how to box but nothing more.
[Right Strike] and [Double punch]

Finally done!
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

ook ill have to check those stats and send them to you neon.
now two trainers have three pokemon. so we need a saphire team.
ill have ruso CS updated to first post as soon as possible.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by hypernovatic »

I can control Sapphire if you need someone to.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Alright here's my attempt at a character, hope it's accepted. and let me know if I didn't get the stats right (is there a reason almost no one's stats match up to the base stats on the bulbapedia page for their species?

Name: Haze
color: #8040BF
Character Type: Main
Species: Gastly

Age: 12

Pokepets!, of course!

Appearance: His body appears to be that of a fairly young human, but his skin is pure black. surrounding him is an aura of purple gas. the gas is more concentrated in certain spots having the appearance of clothes(more specifically, a purple hoodie too big for him with sleeves that cover his lack of hands and purple pants that hang past where his feet would be) which blend seamlessly into the gas. his hood is always up, making his head look like a mass of shadows. His face looks just like Gastly's normal face.

Personality: Rambunctious. He likes to play tricks on people. He also likes to brag about his ability as a fighter every chance he gets, regardless of whether or not it actually exists (think Black☆Star from Soul Eater). He treats battles like a game, but a game he really doesn't want to lose

Other Notes:
-moves around by floating
-Is trying to become a powerful Gengar like his dad, but that would involve his owner trading him, so he'd settle for a Haunter
-The shape of his gaseous clothing is a personal choice of his. he liked the way some of the younger humans he'd seen looked, so he emulated them for the shape he takes most of the time.
-usually keeps his sleeves in his pockets since he doesn't really have a need for arms.
-tries to steer clear of windy days, since it makes it harder to hold his shape.

Battle Stats:

Stats:(from Bulbapedia)
Attack: 35
Defense: 30
Sp. Atk: 100
Sp. Def: 35
Speed: 80

and finally, I suppose I'll join sapphire, and possibly control the leader if no one actually wants the job
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

ill check stats when possible brent. i dont use bulbapedia for stats. will pm later if i find any differences
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

decided to draw my character and add it to the character sheet
headcanon: Gastly's body in this universe is the same as in the games, but with all the other pokemon having the same hominid body shape they use the pliable nature of their gaseous bodies to emulate everyone else. Now it just comes naturally to the species
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

If i counted correctly that is seven people with one full team and two with spots open.
Neon is controlling the emerald team im controlling ruby and either brent or hyper is controlling sapphires team.
Emerald team is full. Im in ruby with kuro. Brent and kateleo are in sapphire team.

.....time for. Post in the majn ooc
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by hypernovatic »

I said that I'd join Ruby.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by 69eist »

How many players are there here?
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

seven. we need two more for saphire team apparently
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by 69eist »

Are pokemon here anthro? Also, what happens if you evolve a fused pokemon?
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

that would depend on the pokemon used in fusion. for example charmander and cubone.
making charbone. charbone would be first stage
charmebone or cumeleon would be second
and last would be marowzard or chariwak. these two being marowwak and charizard.
most of this is in ooc main but its back a ways
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

69eist wrote:Are pokemon here anthro?
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Kateleo007 »

I can make another pokemon to be in the sapphire team if no-one else joins.

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by hypernovatic »

Same here.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

I guess we may have to.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Kateleo007 »

I've added another pokemon to be on team Sapphire. She's a buizel.

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by MrNeonShot »

So does that fill the slots?
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by Hotep the psychic »

still need one more. for sapphire, ill make one to fill then start the ic.


we now have enough people. BREnt if you can you will be the trainer for sapphire team. ill make the IC page asap so be ready for that!
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I;m not entirely sure I wanna take control of an entire team, but if no one else on the team can take It I'll do my best
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by hypernovatic »

I'll control Sapphire if you want, Brent.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

yeah, you take her.
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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by MrNeonShot »

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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by kurowolfe »

How's it's gonna go, I wonder? Battle system and all

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Re: PokePets! OOC page

Post by MrNeonShot »

I just saw Pokemon Origins. The pokemon there will do what they think is best, and the trainer gives them tips.

You still forgot to change Akamaru's name in the main post.

Hey, Temba. an you make the server map's rar file into a zip file? Both can be uploaded to mediafire, but the zip is easier to extract for me.
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