Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

Li raised his head and looked at Glenn once more, and giggled a bit. He felt something sticky on his nose and realized it was syrup, and tried to get it off with his tounge. "Bah, stupid syrup!" He said while trying to lick it off. Li started to feel safe around Glenn, almost like he'd made a friend just now. "You know, you're one of the weirdest pets I've met." He said, still bothered by the syrup, looking silly while trying to get it off.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Alex »

Glenn laughed at Li's attempts to get the syrup off, very glad that the awkwardness is gone now. After getting a good laugh, he took another napkin, and helped the tiger to wipe off the syrup.
It's still sticky, isn't it? The toilets are right there, you should clean it with water. - he said, with a smile, while pointing to two doors on the end of the room.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Bolly »

As the elevator binged as it reached floor three, one very tall man (James) walked out, followed by a very tall dog (Tom). Of the four cases that they had with them, James wheeled out one, while Tom walked out carrying his own, small case. James then turned to Tom. I'm still amazed how you were able to fit all of our stuff into just four cases, Tom. Tom smiled at James. You should know that I'm pretty clever by now, Dad. Fair enough. So if you go and find apartment 310, I'll get the other cases out of the elevator and wheel them over. Gotcha, Dad. It can't be hard to find, after all. Tom then took a guess on which direction the apartment was, and walked in that direction. He quickly found apartment 310. Tom making an incorrect guess is not something that happened often. He walked back to James, and told him It's over this way, Dad! Great, Tom, move to the side so I can get these cases through. Tom moved to the side, as James wheeled the first case through. He then went back and wheeled the second, and then the third cases over to their apartment.

You do have the key...right? But of course, Tom. James unlocked the door to their apartment, and wheeled the cases through the door one by one. Once the last case was inside, Tom walked in with his own small case. The first thing he did was gasp. The second thing he did was turn to James and tilt his head in slight confusion. Erm...Dad? It's not like this is a small apartment...but there's nothing here! There's just some drawers, some cupboards, and three other doors! Here's a quick life lesson for you, Tom. It's often much cheaper to buy an empty apartment and then furnish it yourself than it is to buy a pre-furnished one. I've got a plan sorted out already, don't worry. And that plan is? Firstly, we don't actually own the apartment yet. I'm going to pay a month's rent on it before I buy it, just so we can establish whether or not this is a nice place to live. Secondly, I've already researched places to buy furnishings, so this place won't stay empty for long. And finally, it isn't actually the dump you think it is. We've both got our own bedrooms, with their own en-suite bathrooms and TVs. We've got a third bathroom with a shower in it. We've got a TV in this main room. It might look empty, but your old man has been clever with this, so like I said, don't worry.

Tom quickly ran what had just been said through his head. Actually, that does make a lot of sense, Dad. I'm quite impressed with you. I told you that everything's going to be okay, just trust me, Tom. How about we both unpack our stuff? Sounds good to me, Dad. Tom and James then went into their own rooms. Tom was actually happy with the size of his bedroom, as was James. Once they had unpacked their own stuff, they both got to work unpacking the rest of the cases. In what seemed like no time at all, the cases were empty, and the apartment looked more like home already. I'm getting kinda hungry, Dad. I saw that there was a restaurant on the floor below us, mind if I go and check it out? Go ahead, Tom. I've still got a few things to do in here.

Tom walked out of his apartment, and walked back to where the elevators were. He was originally planning to walk down the stairs, but he saw that the elevator that they had taken up was still there, so he saved time by taking it down a floor to floor 2. He quickly found the restaurant, and walked into it. He looked around, before noticing two other pets at a table. He walked a little closer. One of them was obviously a dalmatian, but the other one confused him slightly. His first instinct was that he was looking at a tiger, but how can that be a tiger? he thought to himself. If that's a tiger, it's pretty small for one. And why is there syrup on its nose? Tom decided that he should introduce himself. He wanted to get to know some of the pets he would be living with. He walked up to the dalmatian and really is a tiger... and spoke to them. Err, hey, do you two live in this tower as well? I just moved in with my dad and I want to get to know some of the other pets around here. My name is Tom, by the way. Tom Wolfson. What are yours? Tom extended his paw to the dalmatian and really is a tiger...that's a new one on me.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

Li noticed the new pet that arrived and looked at him. "Uh, excuse me for just a second." He said while rising up and skipped over to the restroom. When he was done cleaning his nose, he went to the table again and sat down. He looked at Tom, and he had the same look on his face that pretty much everyone else Li had met during the day. "Hi! I'm William, but call me Li, please. And yeah, pretty much everyone moved in today, I think." Li said, shaking Tom's paw with his own slightly damp one. "Hmm, everyone I met today seem to have the same, wondering look on their face, I wonder why.
Last edited by Tiggy on Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by caelei »

"Nice to meet you too Jayda. Nah, I don't know her. I must have missed her.

Not a bit. There just always seems to be good nap-spots around dog-populated areas."
Jayda nodded, understanding Tobias' aversion to water, and wondered if he couldn't swim at all, like her. She said, to the thing about dog-populated areas, "I wonder why? The only reason I can see is that cats (or other animals prone to napping) don't want to be around dogs, leaving more space." Her head tilted a little to the side, bemused. "Are most cats afraid of dogs? Do dogs really chase cats? I hope not, I couldn't climb a tree to save my life." If I had ever been close enough to a tree to climb it, that is. She seemed puzzled. Actually, now that she thought about it, all her friends back home had been cats. She had never even met a dog. She wondered if they were mean. But these ones didn't seem bad. It's not like any had randomly barked at her. Not meeting many other types of animals must just be another weird thing about her, she supposed. Though it seemed she would get to meet lots of different, and maybe even exotic, pets today. Like Ryan. Jayda's eyes flicked towards Grace again, and she caught her nod with a look of embarrassment. So the other cat had seen her gesture. She felt her facial expression go a little sheepish, and waved momentarily at the other female cat, a light smile on her face.
"N-no! ... Besides, pet necks are too hairy, anyway. Not really worth all the work, just for a vampire minion.

Are both of you new to Oasis? The city I mean, not just the Towers."
Jayda gave a short laugh at Ryan's joke, relieved that he didn't seem angry at her for making a statement that may have been considered rude or insulting. Still, she hurried to answer his next question, since she didn't want to dwell on how close she may have come just then to making everyone feel really uncomfortable/irritable. "Yeah. I was flown here from Chicago in Dad's jet, and then driven to the Towers. Of course, Lilian didn't let me go outside. We used these strange, huge, plushy garages that tons and tons of cars were parked in so that we wouldn't really have to go outside. Plus, I was in a cat-carrier the whole time." She looked momentarily glum at her mother's overprotectiveness.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Jyoukaagje »

Aaltje stood in front of the door to his brand-new apartment. All his own! He gave an enthusiastic wag of his tail and barked once as he fished around for his key "let's see, number 527, there it is!" This building was much bigger than he had thought it would be, and in a nicer part of town than he expected. "Things are looking up for you, Al, yes they are", he said to himself as he surveyed the empty two bedroom apartment, still wagging his tail and panting from the heat "jetzt, wo der Thermostat ist", he mumbled under his breath. Just then the two moving~guys he hired showed up with a bunch of trunks and boxes on their dollies "bring my stuff up and lock the door when you are done, I am going to scope this place out a bit", he said bruskly, cutting them off in the hall and hurrying to see if there isn't a pool somewhere in this place.

After wandering about for a bit Aaltje finally found the pool, just happening to catch a glimpse of a very with a foxy~tail?'fluffydawg! :D' heading towards a restaurant as he stepped through the door to the pool. When Aaltje looked towards the pool he froze and glanced around before taking a half step back. He looked down a bit and fixed a small smile on his muzzle. He didn't think that there would be this many people here people here, and he was especially taken aback at seeing cats at a pool. He circled around the other side of the pool than the two dogs over by the wall and headed to the shower, sighing in relief as he let cold water splash over him. Without a word he stepped over to a corner of the shallow end of the pool and sat down with his feet dangling in the water.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ctcmjh »

Vadiant wrote:
ctcmjh wrote:"Nice to meet you, Ryan." Tobias said. When Ryan smiled broadly Tobias laughed a little, "I bet you do can do serious damage with that set of chompers!" Tobias joked.
It took Ryan a split second to catch on to what he had meant. He shut his mouth at the mention of his teeth doing 'serious damage', but when he realized Tobias had laughed at the comment, Ryan was put at ease. Good to see neither of the pets he'd met thus far were squeamish, at least. In fact, Ryan was probably the one most perturbed, almost jumping out of his skin at Jayda's sudden exclamation.
caelei wrote:She tried to hide her shudder at the thought, and was successfully distracted from it when Ryan's fangs appeared (when his smile widened). She gasped aloud, "Can you suck blood?!?", before slapping a hand across her face to cover her mouth and mumbling, humiliated, from behind it, "Sorry, that just slipped out..." As a light blush appeared momentarily on the insides of her ears, before immediately fading.
"N-no!" At first not sure how else to respond to the question beyond a shocked expression, Ryan decided after a moment to just roll with it. The way Jayda responded to it herself was telling enough that she hadn't meant to put either of them on the spot. "... Besides, pet necks are too hairy, anyway. Not really worth all the work, just for a vampire minion." Stating it very matter-of-factly, he smiled reassuringly that there was no harm done by the question. Instead of lingering on it though, Ryan asked, "Are both of you new to Oasis? The city I mean, not just the Towers." Adding the specification just to clarify, Ryan knew the building was new enough that it was a safe bet that everyone in the room was a recent arrival, not just the two of them.
"Nah, I've lived in this city my whole life. My owner owns a curiosity shop near the tower, and we lived in the backroom of it. My owner had a ton of money, but he never spent a dime. I convinced him to move here, and here I am. So if you guys need a tour of the city itself, I'm you cat." Tobias offered.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by The Game »

Without meaning to Stephi dozed off, but woke up when she rolled off her chair. Looking around groggily, she decided to take swim to wake herself up. She put her purse and headphones in a locker, along with her purple shirt. Then she went to the shallow end of the pool and sat next to Aaltje and slid into the water. "hey, the water's great! Are you gonna come in?" she asked him.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Kalvin »

Cap relaxed a little and got up onto one of the chairs. "N-no. I'm not afraid of water. Fear of water? That's irrational." He then looks over the water looking a little nervous. "Fear of drowning though is evolutionary..." He uncurls himself so he's sitting in the chair regularly, kicking the water off of his legs. "Besides, he's built to swim with his fins and... er... fur type..." He does his best to reason him being unable to swim, not just being afraid of water.
Last edited by Kalvin on Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Alex »

Glenn shook paws with the newcomer, Tom, however, he gave him even a more confused look than to Li when he first saw him. Tall like a smaller wolf, but not really a wolf, resembles a husky, but isn't a husky, and then tail, which looked like a raccoons tail, but this guy definitely wasn't a raccoon. Nonetheless, his expression changed to a smile.
Hi Tom, my name is Glenn. We're all new here, I think...
Tobee wrote:Hmm, everyone I met today seem to have the same, wondering look on their face, I wonder why.
Glenn faced Li, and chuckled a bit. It's because, you're a tiger, silly. *Faces Tom* But uh... He made the confused look again. Mind if I ask, what are you? I don't think I've ever seen a dog similar to you.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Vadiant »

caelei wrote:"Yeah. I was flown here from Chicago in Dad's jet, and then driven to the Towers. Of course, Lilian didn't let me go outside. We used these strange, huge, plushy garages that tons and tons of cars were parked in so that we wouldn't really have to go outside. Plus, I was in a cat-carrier the whole time." She looked momentarily glum at her mother's overprotectiveness.
ctcmjh wrote: "Nah, I've lived in this city my whole life. My owner owns a curiosity shop near the tower, and we lived in the backroom of it. My owner had a ton of money, but he never spent a dime. I convinced him to move here, and here I am. So if you guys need a tour of the city itself, I'm you cat." Tobias offered.
With a raised eyebrow, Ryan looked Tobias over for a moment discerningly before the friendly grin returned to his face. "A tour? I'm a local myself, you know. My dad owns a video store just down the street." Saying so with a bit of pride at the fact, despite the small-business scale of it, he clapped a hand to his chest as he continued, "And there's nothing like seeing the city from a bird's-eye-- er, bat's-eye view, when the sun's rising up over all the buildings." He guessed that flying there in a jet might be close, but couldn't imagine it himself, without the feeling of the wind... Actually, he couldn't imagine being so cooped up as to miss the entire thing, either. His eyes lingered on Jayda for a moment as he thought about it, but he averted his gaze when he realized he was staring. "Ground tours are still nice though, when you're seeing all the sights. I can guarantee that it'd be more fun than the inside of a parking garage, anyway." He said, in a way that was oddly self-assured, considering how few things weren't more fun than the inside of a parking garage.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

Glenn wrote:It's because, you're a tiger, silly. *Faces Tom* But uh...
Oh, hehe yeah I almost forgot. Li giggled
Glenn wrote:He made the confused look again.Mind if I ask, what are you? I don't think I've ever seen a dog similar to you.
Li looked at Toms tail. "Yeah... Your tail looks like a racoons tail or something, and ooh... so fluffy." Li said, reaching out with a paw, stroking the air infront of him. "I like fluffy."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Zander »

Matt was almost asleep on the beach chair when his blutooth started ringing.
"Uhhhg what is it now?"
"What do you mean the restaurant is done?....... oh so you started before i even got here... Ok, so that means i stay here for another couple months until the next resterau-.....What? you already started one? But i just moved in here... Uhhg fine."
He pressed the button on the headpiece and made his way down to the front doors, where he was soon picked up in his red Enzo. his accountant got out and walked up to the front desk to arrange Matt leaving, and what time would be good for his furniture to be picked up.

((Sorry guys, Matt is moving ;_; It was fun for the one arc i did... its just that this neighborhood is really slow, i mean i expected it to be very slow. but not this slow. Its good for those non hyper-active people, and the ones that rarely get on. but i already got in trouble once for posting too fast, so i decided to move him to a different neighborhood/place Miss you, and good luck to the neighborhood :3))
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by caelei »

"Nah, I've lived in this city my whole life. My owner owns a curiosity shop near the tower, and we lived in the backroom of it. My owner had a ton of money, but he never spent a dime. I convinced him to move here, and here I am. So if you guys need a tour of the city itself, I'm you cat."
"A tour? I'm a local myself, you know. My dad owns a video store just down the street. And there's nothing like seeing the city from a bird's-eye-- er, bat's-eye view, when the sun's rising up over all the buildings. Ground tours are still nice though, when you're seeing all the sights. I can guarantee that it'd be more fun than the inside of a parking garage, anyway."

Jayda paused, looking back and forth Tobias to Ryan. After a moment she asked, in a somewhat small voice, "You guys are suggesting we go... outside? Like outside-outside? Won't we... well, ya know... die? Aren't there like, cars and things?" She shivered a little, and wondering if they thought she was being a drama-queen. She wasn't. From what Lilian said, you step outside and automatically either get shot down or mugged. Or both. Of course, that was coming from Lilian, so... it might be biased. Jayda hesitated a moment, blue eyes worried, then said, tone intentionally brave, "I'm up for it if you guys are. Do we hafta sneak out?"
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ctcmjh »

caelei wrote:
"Nah, I've lived in this city my whole life. My owner owns a curiosity shop near the tower, and we lived in the backroom of it. My owner had a ton of money, but he never spent a dime. I convinced him to move here, and here I am. So if you guys need a tour of the city itself, I'm you cat."
"A tour? I'm a local myself, you know. My dad owns a video store just down the street. And there's nothing like seeing the city from a bird's-eye-- er, bat's-eye view, when the sun's rising up over all the buildings. Ground tours are still nice though, when you're seeing all the sights. I can guarantee that it'd be more fun than the inside of a parking garage, anyway."

Jayda paused, looking back and forth Tobias to Ryan. After a moment she asked, in a somewhat small voice, "You guys are suggesting we go... outside? Like outside-outside? Won't we... well, ya know... die? Aren't there like, cars and things?" She shivered a little, and wondering if they thought she was being a drama-queen. She wasn't. From what Lilian said, you step outside and automatically either get shot down or mugged. Or both. Of course, that was coming from Lilian, so... it might be biased. Jayda hesitated a moment, blue eyes worried, then said, tone intentionally brave, "I'm up for it if you guys are. Do we hafta sneak out?"
Tobias was a little bewildered, "Jayda, listen." He said putting an arm around her shoulder, "Like Ryan and I said, we've lived outside the Tower and we're fine. I've wandered the streets for hours at a time, and the worst that's happened to me is a few bruises. Oasis is a nice town, the crime-rate is slim, and with all of these rich pets, the neighborhood has gotten even better. And besides, with Ryan and I protecting you nothing will happen." Tobias assured her.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ArgentFlame »

Bastion drifted on his back near the center of the pool, more or less ignoring the other pets. He flipped over and dove under the water, resurfacing near the edge of the pool. He looked around, surprised at how many pets had shown up.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Keeshah »

Kalvin wrote:Cap relaxed a little and got up onto one of the chairs. "N-no. I'm not afraid of water. Fear of water? That's irrational." He then looks over the water looking a little nervous. "Fear of drowning though is evolutionary..." He uncurls himself so he's sitting in the chair regularly, kicking the water off of his legs. "Besides, he's built to swim with his fins and... er... fur type..." He does his best to reason him being unable to swim, not just being afraid of water.

Don't worry, you wouldn't be the first dog who was afraid to go into the water..
an as for side, the smaller an lighter you are, the eaiser you will float, therefor making it eaiser to swim..

Precious stretches an flexs in the lounger, Hmmm a lot of new dogs are showing up..
She eyes the one with the other dogs keeping close to him..
Well look at that, pack behavior... who would have thought tame pets like these would do that..
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Vadiant »

Ryan nodded along with what Tobias said, and when he got to the part about protecting her, he crossed his arms affirmatively. "He's right, you know. You don't have to worry about a thing, Jayda. Oasis is a good place, outside too. I mean... Nowhere's perfect." He conceded the point with a slight shrug, but shortly after added, "But you never know if you don't see it for yourself. And with me and Tobias having your back, nothing can go wrong." Though not technically true, what with freak accidents, natural disasters, the random flukes and chances of life and all, Ryan said it with confidence. As for sneaking out... Well, he honestly wasn't sure how the doorman would react to two cats and a bat just walking through the front door on their own, but he didn't think there would be a problem. At least, so long as Lilian hadn't told them to keep an eye out for Jayda in advance, or anything like that... Either way, he shook the thought off. It wasn't like the woman was psychic, for crying out loud! "Anyway, I'm sure the doormen won't give us any trouble." And even if they did, he though with a smile, they could always improvise.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Bolly »

Alex wrote:Glenn shook paws with the newcomer, Tom, however, he gave him even a more confused look than to Li when he first saw him. Tall like a smaller wolf, but not really a wolf, resembles a husky, but isn't a husky, and then tail, which looked like a raccoons tail, but this guy definitely wasn't a raccoon. Nonetheless, his expression changed to a smile.
Hi Tom, my name is Glenn. We're all new here, I think...
Good to meet you Glenn. Yeah, but I just moved in like 15 minutes ago. And as for what I am...yeah, it's a bit confusing. We think that I'm 80% Siberian husky, then 15% wolf, then 5% fox. It's a strange combination, I know. But it does explain why I'm tall and fluffy.
Tobee wrote:Li looked at Toms tail. "Yeah... Your tail looks like a racoons tail or something, and ooh... so fluffy." Li said, reaching out with a paw, stroking the air infront of him. "I like fluffy."
And it definitely explains why I have a very fluffy tail, Li. As for the colouring...I have no idea why it's like that. Neither does my Dad, neither do any of the vets we've been to see. It's that.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

Li stood up and almost leapt towards Tom's tail, hugging it. It's so fluffy!((Lol Despicable Me quote)) Li almost screamed, shaking the tail. Li then let go of the tail and sat down again. So worth it. Li giggled
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Alex »

Glenn chuckled while watching Li. But this dog was strange indeed, however, outer looks never mattered when it comes to making friends. It mattered for finding a boyfriend. A small blush appeared on his face, caused by such thoughts, but it soon disappeared. He turned to look at Li.
Fluffy, huh? Why don't you come with me up in my apartment, I have a fluffy plushy dog bigger than me.
He turned to Tom again, and motioned him to come sit down.
Come on, eat something. The food here is delicious.... so tell us, where do you come from? How's life? Tell us about yourself.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Bolly »

Tobee wrote:Li stood up and almost leapt towards Tom's tail, hugging it. It's so fluffy!((Lol Despicable Me quote)) Li almost screamed, shaking the tail. Li then let go of the tail and sat down again. So worth it. Li giggled
Ooooookay... Tom thought that Li was acting a bit silly. This was certainly the first time anyone had hugged his tail like that, and it was strange, but Li was so cute that it didn't really matter. You're a silly tiger, that's for sure. Cute, but really silly. Next time you want a cuddle, just ask, okay? Tom wagged his tail, showing his happiness.
Alex wrote:Glenn chuckled while watching Li. But this dog was strange indeed, however, outer looks never mattered when it comes to making friends. It mattered for finding a boyfriend. A small blush appeared on his face, caused by such thoughts, but it soon disappeared. He turned to look at Li.
Fluffy, huh? Why don't you come with me up in my apartment, I have a fluffy plushy dog bigger than me.
He turned to Tom again, and motioned him to come sit down.
Come on, eat something. The food here is delicious.... so tell us, where do you come from? How's life? Tell us about yourself.
Tom turned to Glenn and smiled. Sure! He pulled up a chair and sat down at their table. Well, my Dad retired from the army a few days ago. He could have been promoted right to the top rank, he was that good at what he did, but he preferred to retire and live a quiet life. We used to live in a small town just outside Babylon Gardens. You must have heard of it. Dad decided that he wanted to move here, so we did. It seems a nice place, and if you guys are anything to go by, it really is a nice place. "May I take your order, sir?" Huh? Oh yeah, do you do waffles here? "We certainly do, sir. Belgian style, with some butter and syrup." How much do they cost? "5 dollars, sir." That would be great. I won't be a moment!

Tom left the restaurant, ran up the stairs, and went into his apartment, the door to which was slightly open. He grabbed his leather jacket, and the spare key to the apartment. He then walked back down the stairs, and took his seat at the restaurant again, with his leather jacket now on. Sorry about that. So can I order one waffle please? "Of course, sir. It shouldn't take too long to make."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Alex »

Glenn listened to Tom, without saying anything yet. This guy was a dog owned by a man who worked for the army. Not just worked, but was extremely good, apparently. He backed away a little. Perhaps Tom is as strict as an army officer, and will act like it sooner or later. Being tall as he his, it would fit him, but it wouldn't be pleasant to be near him. Before saying anything, the waiter interrupted their talk, and then Tom disappeared... just to come back with his leather jacket. Why does he need a jacket? It isn't cold, actually, it was quite warm in the restaurant. Perhaps he just wants to look fancy with it.
Say, Tom, why do you need a jacket? Are you cold?
And Tom called Li cute a moment ago. Li wasn't that cute in Glenn's eyes, but we all have different thoughts about what cute is. Li is a tiger, after all. Glenn began thinking that Tom is a cat-lover, but that was a bit irrational.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Bolly »

Alex wrote:Glenn listened to Tom, without saying anything yet. This guy was a dog owned by a man who worked for the army. Not just worked, but was extremely good, apparently. He backed away a little. Perhaps Tom is as strict as an army officer, and will act like it sooner or later. Being tall as he his, it would fit him, but it wouldn't be pleasant to be near him. Before saying anything, the waiter interrupted their talk, and then Tom disappeared... just to come back with his leather jacket. Why does he need a jacket? It isn't cold, actually, it was quite warm in the restaurant. Perhaps he just wants to look fancy with it.
Say, Tom, why do you need a jacket? Are you cold?
And Tom called Li cute a moment ago. Li wasn't that cute in Glenn's eyes, but we all have different thoughts about what cute is. Li is a tiger, after all. Glenn began thinking that Tom is a cat-lover, but that was a bit irrational.
Hehe, I barely feel the extra heat from this thing. My fur is so thick normally that I've just kinda got used to the heat of it. I'm not cold at all, don't worry. The only reason I've brought it down is because my wallet is in this pocket. Tom pulls his wallet out of his jacket pocket. See? I'm going to pay for my food, so I needed my wallet, but I thought it would save time if I grabbed the entire jacket rather than fumbling about trying to get the wallet while I was in a rush. Tom could tell that there was something bothering Glenn, (P-7) but he didn't know what it was. He worked out in his head that it was probably something to do with his Dad being ex-Army, but he didn't want to chance a guess. Is there something bothering you, Glenn?
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

Li blushed. Oh... sorry! But being silly is fun. Li watched Tom run off, and got a bit disappointed, but when he returned he went happy again. But he returned with a leather jacket this time, strange was the first that came in mind to Li. That jacket looks good on you! He said, when Tom pulled out his wallet, which made Li realize he forgot to bring money. Oh shoot, uh I kinda forgot to bring any money. Li blushed once again.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Alex »

Glenn let out a smile at the reason why Tom needed his jacket. There was no need to worry about money this time for them, really. It's kinda his place, after all.
Li wrote:Oh shoot, uh I kinda forgot to bring any money.
Oh shush, silly, this round goes on me. My mom owns this place, after all.
Tom wrote:Is there something bothering you, Glenn?
Glenn looked at Tom, surprised. There was something bothering him, and he thought of it a couple of moments ago. It was first his dad being in the army, then the jacket, but that's been resolved, and finally him calling Li cute. But how did Tom notice? Was Glenn really that obvious? No, couldn't be. He was rarely obvious about his thoughts, feelings and lies, except when it comes to his sexuality, but that wasn't the subject here. So how? Good perception... something that is important for an army member! So Tom really is similar to his dad, like most pets.
No, no, it was just the jacket.
He gave a fake smile, hoping Tom'll buy it and not ask anymore.
Hey guys, I've an idea. There's a garden in this place, right? Want to go and play hide-n-go-seek after we're done here? It should be fun, considering none of us know this place yet.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by caelei »

"Jayda, listen. Like Ryan and I said, we've lived outside the Tower and we're fine. I've wandered the streets for hours at a time, and the worst that's happened to me is a few bruises. Oasis is a nice town, the crime-rate is slim, and with all of these rich pets, the neighborhood has gotten even better. And besides, with Ryan and I protecting you nothing will happen."
"He's right, you know. You don't have to worry about a thing, Jayda. Oasis is a good place, outside too. I mean... Nowhere's perfect. But you never know if you don't see it for yourself. And with me and Tobias having your back, nothing can go wrong. Anyway, I'm sure the doormen won't give us any trouble."
Jayda was reassured when they both said that the place wasn't really dangerous. And going outside would be fun, right? She'd get to see everything without looking through a window, like she normally did. And maybe there would be more pets/people outside to meet! Her smile suddenly returned, along with her enthusiasm, and she said, "Okay! Let's go!" She was about to head towards the door, but suddenly stopped, and asked, "But where are we going, exactly? I mean, beside outside? That tour, maybe?" Her excitement was really obvious now that she knew she had nothing to worry about. "Oh, and do I need any money?" If so, she had to go back up to her apartment to fetch some, and if she did that, she might get caught.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by D-Singer »

ctcmjh wrote:Tobias looked back at Stetson's guard, "What are you looking at, stump-tail?" He said, making fun of how dobermen get their tails docked. Tobias walked towards the water's edge next to Stetson, "Not me!" He said, enthusiastically answering Stet's question. He walked over to a lawn-chair and laid down, "If anybody needs me, I'll be napping." He said, pulling sunglasses out from under his hat and placed them on his face. He was just pretending to sleep. Really, he was scoping the area for easy targets.
The guard merely huffed at the cats insult, giving him a rather angry glare, but otherwise stifling any unnecessary urges to threaten or trash talk back to Tobias. He simply took a seat on one of the lawn chairs beside the pool with his partner, deciding to just relax and keep an eye on things and stay ever watchful of Stet. Contrary to their careful observation of the room and its occupants , the two guard dogs appeared completely oblivious of their surroundings, and while still wearing their shades, one might as well assume they were asleep.
Dusty wrote:"Ten plus you.... Do you have a band name in mind yet?" Ranger asked as the group entered the pool area. He was surprised to see the area absolutely packed with pets. The sudden crowd brought a new wave of nervousness. He slowed his walking pace as his ears perked up and began swiveling. He was even more surprised to see an actual tiger and bat among the pets. Well ever since that legal loop hole there have been an increase in feral pets, he thought to himself. As the guards moved he notice the cat who had been following them had broken off into a conversation with another cat. I'll just stick as close to Stetson as possible, he's got the body guards.
“Ahahah, I like you boy! I’ve played pet-concerts on more occasions with more friends then you could imagine, but I’ve always left the band name up to the dogs that made it. No real fun if only one dog decides y’know?” Stet used his key card to open the locker, and placed his wristband, headband, and bandanna inside, not wanting the chlorine treated water in the pool to ruin the bright red and gold, silk-shined fabric. Although he kept his waterproof Rolex and collar on, he took this compact cell phone and anything else that would be damaged by water and locked them away as well. Using one of the showers nearby, he briefly rinsed off his already immaculate fur and shook himself dry, giving the Aussie a rather fresh look.

“C’mon Ranger! Swimmin is a great way to lighten up!” He encouraged, walking over to the deeper end of the pool. Stet inhaled deeply before making a short dash, and diving almost flawlessly into the water. He swam to the very bottom of the pool before shooting back up to the surface, coming up right beside a strong looking female Rottweiler, and the Dachshund from earlier with the funny looking aviators cap. Gracefully shaking the water off his head he greeted the two. “Heya! How y’all doin?”
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Kalvin »

Keeshah wrote: Well look at that, pack behavior... who would have thought tame pets like these would do that..
Looking over curiously, he perks up a little. "Well even when tame you still adhere to your primary instincts. For example grooming is a social behavior in primates and from what I've seen human barbers and their customers talk the whole time." He sits up and continues. "And most cats continue to eat mice even though the necessity is gone out of the instinct of a hunter. This is shown in all animals really, you just have to know what to look for." His eyes glint with a hint of satisfaction as he speaks.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Dusty »

Ranger glanced across the pool at the large number of pets. Well, here goes nothing, he thought before taking a running leap into a cannon ball right next to Stet, the sudden immersion in water felt strangely relaxing. Right temperature, I'm not swimming in pure chlorine, I could get used to this. He surfaced next to Stet and the other two dogs. "You where right, this is nice. Its been awhile since I actually swam. Not alot of bodies of water in Iraq you know," Ranger said before turning to the others, "Uh hi.... I'm Ranger."
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by The Game »

Stephi floated on her back to the deep end, even though she knew she shouldn't be there (corgi=tiny. tiny+deep end=disaster) and got splashed by Ranger's cannonball. She went under for a second, then surfaced, choking on water. "Please watch out for the 3 foot 2 inch corgi." she said between coughs.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Dusty »

The Game wrote:Stephi floated on her back to the deep end, even though she knew she shouldn't be there (corgi=tiny. tiny+deep end=disaster) and got splashed by Ranger's cannonball. She went under for a second, then surfaced, choking on water. "Please watch out for the 3 foot 2 inch corgi." she said between coughs.
The coughing sputtering Corgi brought an image to Ranger's mind he had preferred to stay buried. He violently shook his head, flinging water droplets everywhere. 'I'm.... I'm so sorry, are you okay? I'll leave if you want me too," he sputtered as he stroked his way back towards the edge of the pool. Well thats what I get for being daring, he sighed to himself, if his tail wasn't under water it would have been between his legs.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by The Game »

Stephi swallowed an oncoming cough and swam in front of Ranger to block his path. "I'm fine Ranger....why would I want you to leave? That means I wouldn't be able to get you back for splashing me!" she sent a wave at him and smiled. "If you didn't get between the lines, i just declared a splash war on you." added splashing him again.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Buckdida »

"You made this collar, eh?" Jaxeh said to Grace inquisitively. "Then why'd you forget to mention the GPS holder?" Klack sighed at Jaxeh's comment. Jaxeh snorted. "I kid, I kid. It's a good collar. I'd like to see someone be able to buy something better. Heh. One downside to it though. Ain't waterproof." Jaxeh undid the collar quickly with one hand, and threw it up behind him with the other, basically ignoring the fact that the collar would hit the ground and get damaged. Klack caught it, of course.
"You could, at the very least, say, 'think fast,' or something, you know."
"But that would take the thrill out of it," he snarled sarcastically back. He spotted his prey from earlier, standing quite close to the edge, talking to someone in the pool. "Speaking of thrills..." Jaxeh put on his grin again.
Klack put his free hand up to cover his eyes, knowing what Jaxeh was probably going to do. "...Ooooooh boy..."
Jaxeh crept about, putting himself at the right angle, behind poor Cap...and the sprinted at full speed towards the dog. "Yeeeeeehaaaah!" he yelled maniacally, tackling Cap and sailing two yards though the air, taking the smaller dog with him.

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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Kalvin »

For a second, everything seemed to move for slow motion for Cap. The moment he's lifted off the ground he isn't sure what's going on, in fact it takes him a second to even respond with a look of pain and horror as he's lifted over the water. The tackle was impressive, it managed to get Cap right over to the 10 foot mark, a clear 7 feet of water taller than him. Right before he hits the water he takes a deep breath to maximize his time underwater. He quickly falls to the bottom as he thrashes wildly, the momentum carrying him downwards. When he touches the bottom he yelps out in fear, causing all of his air to leave his lungs and him at the bottom of the pool.

(Whoever jumps down to get him assume he's unconcious when he gets back up. That's right, somebody is going to have to do CPR.)
Pet Friendly
Balbaroy: S-8 P-3 E-6 C-10 I-2 A-7 L-5
Lucky: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-5 I-6 A-5 L-10
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Oasis Towers
Cap: S-3 P-10 E-3 C-2 I-10 A-4 L-10

Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by ctcmjh »

Buckdida wrote:"You made this collar, eh?" Jaxeh said to Grace inquisitively. "Then why'd you forget to mention the GPS holder?" Klack sighed at Jaxeh's comment. Jaxeh snorted. "I kid, I kid. It's a good collar. I'd like to see someone be able to buy something better. Heh. One downside to it though. Ain't waterproof." Jaxeh undid the collar quickly with one hand, and threw it up behind him with the other, basically ignoring the fact that the collar would hit the ground and get damaged. Klack caught it, of course.
"You could, at the very least, say, 'think fast,' or something, you know."
"But that would take the thrill out of it," he snarled sarcastically back. He spotted his prey from earlier, standing quite close to the edge, talking to someone in the pool. "Speaking of thrills..." Jaxeh put on his grin again.
Klack put his free hand up to cover his eyes, knowing what Jaxeh was probably going to do. "...Ooooooh boy..."
Jaxeh crept about, putting himself at the right angle, behind poor Cap...and the sprinted at full speed towards the dog. "Yeeeeeehaaaah!" he yelled maniacally, tackling Cap and sailing two yards though the air, taking the smaller dog with him.

"GPS holder, oh yeah. My owner added that, I thought it might be bad for aesthetics, but she insisted." Grace said. She saw Jaxeh threw it behind him and Klack catch it, "You could be a little more careful with that." She said, indignantly. She saw him charge at Cap and tackle him into the water. She started laughing as he did so and made a big Ka-bloosh into the water, "Alright, now that was funny." She said to Klack.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by D-Singer »

Dusty wrote:
The Game wrote:Stephi floated on her back to the deep end, even though she knew she shouldn't be there (corgi=tiny. tiny+deep end=disaster) and got splashed by Ranger's cannonball. She went under for a second, then surfaced, choking on water. "Please watch out for the 3 foot 2 inch corgi." she said between coughs.
The coughing sputtering Corgi brought an image to Ranger's mind he had preferred to stay buried. He violently shook his head, flinging water droplets everywhere. 'I'm.... I'm so sorry, are you okay? I'll leave if you want me too," he sputtered as he stroked his way back towards the edge of the pool. Well thats what I get for being daring, he sighed to himself, if his tail wasn't under water it would have been between his legs.
The Game wrote:Stephi swallowed an oncoming cough and swam in front of Ranger to block his path. "I'm fine Ranger....why would I want you to leave? That means I wouldn't be able to get you back for splashing me!" she sent a wave at him and smiled. "If you didn't get between the lines, i just declared a splash war on you." added splashing him again.
Ranger’s odd behavior caught Stets attention and followed him back to the edge of the pool along with Stephi. At first he was slightly concerned, due to his quick apology and attempted withdrawal. But once he saw that Stephi seemed to have things sorted out, he decided to join in. “Hehey! Don’t be leavin me out! You caught me with that splash too!” He playfully dashed water at them both, and hoping that he could get Ranger to forget any ideas of leaving so soon. Fear seemed irrational to him, it’s not like there was any real danger here-
Kalvin wrote: *KA-BLOOSH*

For a second, everything seemed to move for slow motion for Cap. The moment he's lifted off the ground he isn't sure what's going on, in fact it takes him a second to even respond with a look of pain and horror as he's lifted over the water. The tackle was impressive, it managed to get Cap right over to the 10 foot mark, a clear 7 feet of water taller than him. Right before he hits the water he takes a deep breath to maximize his time underwater. He quickly falls to the bottom as he thrashes wildly, the momentum carrying him downwards. When he touches the bottom he yelps out in fear, causing all of his air to leave his lungs and him at the bottom of the pool.
Stet looked over his shoulder at the sound of Jaxeh’s yell and rather large splash, and chuckled. Thinking of it as all just a fun joke, but the though dissipated a few moments later, when he saw that Cap wasn’t really moving much and was still drifting under the surface. “Uh oh...Lifeguards!” He shouted.

Stet’s two escorts had watched the entire event unfold. The shepherd mix ‘Chopper’ was the first one to react, lurching up to the edge of the pool at Stetson’s call. Though His employer wasn’t in any danger, it was still viewed necessary to act. The Doberman at first didn’t think much of it. All he saw was a little roughhousing between dogs, but even he realized the situation once he noticed the large mass of bubbles coming from Cap’s motionless body at the bottom of the pool. Chopper muttered a cuss word, quickly discarding his shades to the lawn chair he was sitting on. “I’ll handle this.” The guard dove in, quickly diving to the drowning Dachshund’s body, wrapping one arm around Cap’s chest, then hastily swimming the two back to the surface. Upon resurfacing, the mix drew a deep breath and continued to drag the suffocated dog to the closest edge, right near the Rottie he was apparently talking to not a moment ago. Though in the process of doing so, he passed Jaxeh, not even acknowledging the husky.

The Doberman assisted in hoisting Cap’s almost dead limp body out of the pool. “Everyone stay back!” Chopper shouted, as even Stet at this point had swam over to see what had happened. While ‘Mike’ stood to keep anyone back, the shepherd mix was already busy checking over Cap, following basic CPR procedures. He gently tapped him on the shoulder in an attempt to wake him up...nothing. He leaned over and listened for vitals. “[censored]...he isn’t breathing.”

[OOC: Yes he’s going to try and save him but I’m giving you guys time to respond...]
Last edited by D-Singer on Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Jyoukaagje »

The Game wrote:Without meaning to Stephi dozed off, but woke up when she rolled off her chair. Looking around groggily, she decided to take swim to wake herself up. She put her purse and headphones in a locker, along with her purple shirt. Then she went to the shallow end of the pool and sat next to Aaltje and slid into the water. "hey, the water's great! Are you gonna come in?" she asked him.

Aaltje looked over at the corgi and blinkied, he shook his head and gave her a small smile. "I'm not much for water, I cannot swim", he said as she started to swim away. Then SPLOOSH, a big doggy dove in! Aaltje flinched and barked once, then another doggy got tackled into the water! So Aaltje jumped up and backed away nervously, he decided to occupy the chair that Stephi had just left.

Before he even got to sit down he heard someone yelling for a life guard, and when he abruptly tried to run over his legs slipped out from under him. He snarled fiercely at himself and scrambled up to hurry over to the side of the pool where someone's bodyguard was just hauling up the dog that got tackled. "Mein gott, um, I will go down to the lobby and show the EMT's the way up here if someone will call them?", he says as he decisively starts striding to the pool exit.
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Keeshah »

D-Singer wrote: “C’mon Ranger! Swimmin is a great way to lighten up!” He encouraged, walking over to the deeper end of the pool. Stet inhaled deeply before making a short dash, and diving almost flawlessly into the water. He swam to the very bottom of the pool before shooting back up to the surface, coming up right beside a strong looking female Rottweiler, and the Dachshund from earlier with the funny looking aviators cap. Gracefully shaking the water off his head he greeted the two. “Heya! How y’all doin?”

We are doing quite well, sir. An how are you this afternoon?
The big she-rottie replies pleasantly.
The Game wrote:Stephi floated on her back to the deep end, even though she knew she shouldn't be there (corgi=tiny. tiny+deep end=disaster) and got splashed by Ranger's cannonball. She went under for a second, then surfaced, choking on water. "Please watch out for the 3 foot 2 inch corgi." she said between coughs.

Dusty wrote: 'I'm.... I'm so sorry, are you okay? I'll leave if you want me too," he sputtered as he stroked his way back towards the edge of the pool. Well thats what I get for being daring, he sighed to himself, if his tail wasn't under water it would have been between his legs.

Precious note his tucked tail even under the water.
Yes, please be careful of the pups that might be swimming here...
Precious blushes a bit, as she look down into the water at the treading corgi.
Sorry.. I was trying to say, watch-out for the smaller species. Still no harm done.
She says, like a big momma dog.
buckdida wrote: *KA-BLOOSH*

Hey Now.. what did i just say about watching out for the pups.. dang it.. small breeds! she scolds! the husky.. not noticing that Cap was no longer next to her, assuming that he had retreated from all the splashing an roughhousing going on in the pool, hiding pressed up in some corner most likely.

She didn't see him in the bottom of the pool until the doberman's were already diving after him.
Precious helps pulls both the doxie an the doberman out of the water, then steps back.
They seem to be knowing what there doing..
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Re: Pet Friendly: Oasis Towers

Post by Tiggy »

Alex wrote:Hey guys, I've an idea. There's a garden in this place, right? Want to go and play hide-n-go-seek after we're done here? It should be fun, considering none of us know this place yet.
The proposal of game made Li smile. "Ooh, I love Hide n go seek! I'm up for it! Li said with a playful tone. "Silly doggies doesn't know hidin' n pouncin' is something I was born to do!" Li whispered while rubbing his hands together with an almost suspicious look this time.
Jason Mraz wrote: My goal is to show everyone that they, too, can do what they love to do.
Daggy wrote: Look a shadowpriest, what a cutie.... POW