Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

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Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by Kateleo007 »


“Why do we have to go on Cousin Monte’s boat for week? Can’t we just get, y’know, a hotel or something?” Grape complains.
“Because, we’re going into deep water and Monte’s boat is nicer than any hotel we could afford. Plus, Amity Island’s hotels will be booked during the trip. Now, get a good night’s sleep, you’ll need it tomorrow.” Earl tells Grape.
“Ugh, I can’t believe I’ll be wasting my summer on a stinky old boat. Next time I’m going to be more specific when it’s my turn choosing the family vacation.” Grape grumbles as she falls asleep.

Early the next day Earl, Grape, and Peanut wave goodbye to Jill as the pull out of the driveway. Before they even get out of Babylon Gardens, Peanut and Grape are back asleep. Earl doesn't notice until he pulls into a fast-food drive through for breakfast, when he looks back to ask the pets what they wanted. He sighs, then orders himself a coffee. After a couple hours, Peanut wakes up. Peanut sits up, completely rested, and rouses Grape.

“GRAAAAPE! WAKE UP! WE’RE IN ANOTHER STATE, GRAPE!” Peanut shouts, not three feet away from her.
“What th-” Grape wakes up with a start “Oh we’re still driving. What time is it?”.
“About a quarter after 11. I was thinking we’ll stop for lunch soon if that's ok with you guys.” Mr. Sandwich informs Grape.
“Yeah, I’m starving!” Peanut shouts.
“I could go for some food.” Grape adds.
“Well, you two did miss breakfast.” Earl chuckles.

After half an hour of driving and playing car games, the Sandwiches stop for a quick lunch at a diner. Soon, they get back on the road, and don’t stop until they get to Amity Island. By the time they make it to their destination, it’s pitch black. Luckily, the bridge is well lighted from the numerous lanterns hung along the railing. Peanut and Grape marvel at the black water as they pass over the bridge. At the other side cousin Monte is watching the harbor, waiting for his family to arrive.

“Hey there cousin! Have you eaten dinner yet? No? Well, then let’s get some food in ya!” Monte bellows “C’mon, we’ll go back to my place. You’ve driven enough Earl, let me drive!”.
“Oh, ok…” Earl says bewildered at his cousin’s enthusiasm.

Monte drives them to a large, two story house with a small dock not 30 feet from the mailbox. A handsome, medium sized fishing boat along with a small jet ski, presumably Monte’s, were the only watercraft floating there. Monte parks the car in his circle driveway, and beckons his guests out. He leads them inside, to the dining room specifically, then disappears to the adjacent kitchen. Monte whips up a tasty fried chicken dinner, which the weary travelers wolf down.

“Y’all must be tired after such a long drive. Let me show you to your rooms.” Monte booms.

Monte smiles as he shows each of his guests their personal rooms, He hands them each a placard stating ‘Do Not Disturb’ in a large, clear font. Monte says goodnight and retires to his study down the hall. Monte locks the door, and falls on his office chair with a grunt. The walls of the study are papered with shark anatomy diagrams, maps covered in x’s and circles, and newspaper clippings about a man-eating shark, a shark attack, and sightings of the beast. Monte glares at one clipping about the attack, and turns on his computer.

“Tomorra’s your last day, fish. I’m coming for you, and this time I’m not gonna miss.” He growls coldly “You took my girl, now I’m taking your life…”.

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

George "Geo" Walker......S-8 P-4 E-7 C-7 I-6 A-7 L-3
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by copper »

Well, this certainly seems interesting! Perhaps something like Jaws?

I wonder why Jill did not come along?
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by Kateleo007 »

Chapter 1

The next morning, Grape wakes up without Peanut’s beckoning for once. She’s in the middle of stretching when a waft of pancake aroma-filled air blows into the room. Grape swings her legs over the side of the bed, and starts walking towards cousin Monte’s dining room. She is greeted with the sight of several stacks of pancakes, a couple waffles, and all the toppings one could want on them. Peanut has already finished eating, and was sprawled out on the couch in the living room.

“I love cousin Monte’s house! We should come here more often.” Peanut shouts.
“Everything’s awesome, except, oohh, my tummy hurts.” He groans.
“I love here too! It has nice weather, plenty of food, and, best of all, locks on the doors!” Grape says groggily.

Grape yawns, and helps herself a plate of lightly-buttered waffles with pockets full of syrup. After a little while, Earl and Monte enter with the smell of salty sea air on them. Earl and Monte make up some plates for themselves, and sit down. The men talk of upcoming fishing contest, and of old fishing stories about ‘the one that got away’. Grape finishes her breakfast, and stands, on her way to put her dishes in the sink.

“Oi! Grape is it? Don’t put your dirty dishes in the sink, just leave em here on the table and I’ll clean em up while you guys are at the beach.” Monte says, loudly.
“Beach? We’re going to the beach?” Grape starts excitedly “Do they allow that?”.
“Sure they allow that! It’s a pet-friendly beach, as long as you don’t treat it like a litterbox you’ll be fine.” Monte booms joyously.

Grape smiles excitedly, and wakes Peanut, urging him to get ready for the beach. He hops up and races to get some swim trunks on, completely forgetting his stomach ache. Grape runs up to her room, and flings open her suitcase. She gingerly picks out her blue floral bikini, pulls it on, realizes the top’s backwards, and spins it around. She plops on her sunhat, slips on her white sunglasses, and grabs a large beach towel from Monte’s linen closet. When Grape goes back downstairs, Earl is talking to Jill on the phone while tying up Peanut trunks.

“Hey Grape! Are you ready for a day at the Beach? First we’ll go to the actual beach, then we’ll go to the boardwalk, maybe go to the arcade, then come back and eat lunch, and then walk back to the beach which should take 15 minutes and play in the water! Doesn’t that sound like FUN?!” Peanut hurriedly says, full of excitement.
“Calm down, Peanut. I can’t tie with you wiggling around like that. Plus, I’m not even ready yet!” Earl says happily but starting to get frustrated.

Not five minutes later, Peanut hops over to the door with Earl trailing behind him. Grape walks causally after Earl, completely ready to relax with the warm sand against her back. Once outside, Peanut heels but is wiggling with excitement. Earl holds Grape’s paw, and carries the bag full of their beach stuff. The air is warm, with a light breeze passing by occasionally.

It was a short walk to the beach, but the path Sandwich’s took was lined with wildflowers and grass springing up from the sand. As soon as Peanut’s feet touch the sand, he’s off racing towards the waves. Earl and Grape continue walking, following Peanut’s tracks. Earl and Grape spy a spot within eyeshot of Peanut, and set up there. The beach is packed full of sun bathers, volleyball player, sand castle makers, and swimmers alike. Grape leans back, and looks to her left when she spies a powerfully built tomcat playing volleyball.

“I’m going to go watch that game if you don’t mind.” Grape says dreamily to Earl. She gets up and wanders over to admire the hunky tabby.
“Dad! Dad! Look at me! DAD!” Peanut shouts from the water “Look what I can do!” Peanut accidentally steps into a hole and flops into the water.
Earl laughs hysterically and shouts “Do a barrel roll!” then laughs harder.

All was well until someone noticed that there was something in the water.

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

George "Geo" Walker......S-8 P-4 E-7 C-7 I-6 A-7 L-3
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by Saturn381 »

I'm liking this fanfic so far.
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by Kateleo007 »

Sorry for making you guys wait so long for the update, lots of scary stuff happening in my life right now and a fanfic isn't that high of a priority currently. Anyways, here's the next part of chapter 1.

“SHARK!” The whole beach seems to scream in unison.

People and pets erupt from the water, sunbathers run for their cars, parents grab up their little ones, athletes leave their equipment without a second thought, everyone except Peanut were running for their lives. Peanut, however, was swimming with his head underwater and didn’t hear the commotion. The shark fin closes in on the dog, and then at the last second, a lifeguard scoops him aboard the coast guard’s boat. A couple officers aim their guns, but before they could fire, the fin shoots up from the water.

“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! It was just a joke, really!” the teenage prankster cries.

After the teen is arrested for disturbing the peace, a lifeguard gives the all clear and everything resumes as if nothing happened. Peanut, though, was too shell-shocked to go back in the water so he decides to dig a hole. After a bit, Earl joins Peanut, and builds a sand castle out of the sand pile Peanut was amassing. Earl finishes his castle and looks out onto to the shimmering waves. A small, black, object was nearing a man on his raft.

“Hey! Wait, there’s a shark!” Earl shouts at a lifeguard station.

The lifeguards, doubtful after the hooligan’s prank, grab up their binoculars to check. Sure enough, there was a fin getting closer and closer to the raft. They run out, screaming the alarm into his megaphone. Chaos breaks out as people scramble, even faster than before, to leave the beach. The man on the raft doesn’t believe the warning, and continues floating. Earl frantically searches for his pets, finds them huddled together, grabs each of their paws, and runs with them in tote.
“Sir, please evacuate the water!” the lifeguards shout.

It was too late though, just as they finish the shark pulls the man underwater. He soon pops back up, waving his arms in a frenzy. The lifeguards run for their vessels, ready to rescue the poor soul. The ambulance arrives, not too long after the guards reach the docks. Before help could arrive, the man is pulled under again, this time for good.

“What’s going on? Dad?!” Peanut shouts. He, along with his family, is halfway to the boardwalk.
Earl looks behind them and sees the water, it looks like a glass of cherry kool-aid.
“Don’t look behind you, and keep running until we get to cousin Monte’s.” Earl urges his pets.

The Sandwichs finally make it off the beach, and begin up the path to Monte’s house. The wildflowers along the path, so beautiful before, now glare at them. The nice day taunts, trying to send tell the family of all is well. By the time Peanut, Grape, and Earl make it to Monte’s house, they are close to passing out from exhaustion. Monte bursts out of the front door, eyes wild with concern.

“What happened? I saw the evacuation from my bedroom window.” Monte beckons his guests inside.
“Some guy got eaten by a shark.” Earl says, in shock. Peanut and Grape turn, eyes wide with fear.
“Oh no, not another one…” Monte whispers.
“What do you mean, ‘another one’?!” Earl shouts angrily.
“A few weeks ago, a girl died in the water. It was the middle of the night, and she was drunk, so everyone assumed she drowned. I didn’t believe it, and I’ve been trying to get the city to enlist someone to catch the darned thing.” Monte states and Earl balls his fists.
“You, knowing full well that there was a man-eating shark out there, let me and my pets OUT THERE?!” Earl fumes.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve stopped you.” Monte replies.
“Like heck you should’ve! We could have possibly died there, Monte!. Where’s the phone? I have to call my wife.” Earl roars.
Earl finds the phone, and dials.
“I’m going to city hall to get some answers.” Monte tells them as he walks out the door.

Monte stews on the new information as he makes his way downtown. First it’s my girl, now it’s some poor man who didn’t have to die. Oh well, at least now the city has to listen to me. Who knows? I might even be able to get paid for catching the beast. Either way that shark is not long for this world Monte thinks. He smiles, a mixture of grief, revenge, and insanity.

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

George "Geo" Walker......S-8 P-4 E-7 C-7 I-6 A-7 L-3
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by Kateleo007 »

Chapter 2

The city hall was filled to capacity with residents and vacationers alike. People were even spilling out on the steps up to the building, holding hastily made picket signs. On the road to the only bridge traffic was at a stand-still, impatient people were getting out of their cars and walking up to other drivers to yell at them about their speed. The entire scene was filled with the voices of panicked and outraged people. That was when the mayor stepped out from his protective circle of officers, climbed on top of a mini-van, and began to speak through his bullhorn.

“Attention people, pets, and visitors of Amity Island, this is Mayor Derylston speaking. Today’s attack is no reflection on our wonderful little island. Please stay, and I will personally give you 10% your accommodations.” He announces.
“Did you know there were sharks in the swimming areas, sir?” A protester shouts.
“Well, yes but-” the mayor starts.
“How could you, in good conscience, allow people, no not just people, children to be in shark filled waters?” A frantic grandparent pleads.
“Now, there’s only one shark-” Derylston is cut off.
“How could you know?! What are you gonna do about this?!” A woman cries.
A large figure manifests itself behind the nervous mayor.
“I can do it for ya! I’ll catch that son of a batch of cookies and bring it to ya on a silver platter!” Monte booms.

Mayor Derylston falls off the car, but regains his composure soon after and straighten his toupee. The officers pull in the mayor and Monte into the tight protective circle, and scoot them into Derylston’s office. Two officers wait outside the door while the men discuss Monte’s proposition in a more private setting. The mayor rushes Monte into a comfortable chair, and hurries behind his desk with several forms. Monte leans back, kicks up his feet onto the desk, and cleans his teeth with a toothpick.

“Nice to meet with you again, Monte. It seems like you were just here a week ago, saying the same thing.” Derylston stated nonchalantly.
“I was. Only last week no one cared, no one saw. Last week you summed it up to a drowning despite my offer to catch the accursed thing.” Monte replied stoically.
“You say you can catch this shark? Can I have a guarantee on that?” The mayor says as he starts filling out forms.
“My fee has gone up, y’know.” Monte grins.
“How much?” The mayor asks, beads of sweat rolling down his face.
“Insurance for me an’ my crew, bait, tackle, spearguns-”
“Yes, as well as food, water, other beverages, and five thousand dollars.” Monte laughs.
“FIVE THOUSAND?! Oh, well, as long as you guarantee that the shark will be dead when you come back.” Derylston wipes his brow with a handkerchief.
“You’ll get that beast’s head on a platter, or you’ll be readin my obituary.” Monte answers.
“Oh my. Alright. Expect a delivery sometime tomorrow evening.” The mayor fidgets in his chair.
Monte smiles “Pleasure doing business with you.”.

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

George "Geo" Walker......S-8 P-4 E-7 C-7 I-6 A-7 L-3
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by copper »

Well, this is certainly interesting. I hope this doesn't follow JAWS exactly.... don't want more than half the crew dead by the end of it if it includes the Sandwich family! :shock:

Interesting concept though. Cannot wait to read the next bit.
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by Kateleo007 »

(Sorry for such a short update after so long, I had a hard time trying to get the right feeling into this part of the story.)

Monte returns to his house, smiling victoriously. He was reaching for his keys when he remembered that someone actually died today, and the smile left his face. Monte unlocks the door and goes straight to the kitchen to make himself a tuna sandwich. Having made his lunch, Monte goes into the living room to eat and watch the game. Monte had sat down and was reaching for the remote, when he heard a slight whimper come from behind him. He sets down his food, and looks behind the couch to find Peanut in a pillow fort, crying.

“What’s wrong, sport? C’mon sit up here with me and watch the game. I’ll make you a sandwich.” Monte offers Peanut.
Peanut sniffs. “I’m already a Sandwich…”
Monte can’t help but laugh at that. “Fine. Fine. But still come up here.” He says as he lifts Peanut up and out of his fort.
“Now. Tell me why a big, strong dog like yourself would be crying behind a couch in a pillow fert.” Monte prompts.
“I-I could’ve died...I-I was in there just just m-minutes before it happened.” Peanut wails.
“I know. But it wasn’t you, so try to stop cryin’. I know it’s hard, but it was a complete stranger.” Monte tries to console Peanut.
“Bu-But.” That’s all Peanut could get out before more tears came.
Monte holds him and rubs his back, trying to calm the dog down.
“I could’ve saved him.” Peanut says once he’s calm enough.
“No. You couldn’t have, and don’t think like that. I was just a freak accident, no one could’ve helped him.” Monte tells Peanut.
This starts up the waterworks again, and all Monte can do is hug Peanut. Monte gets up to get the tissues, but otherwise he doesn’t leave the pup.
“Hey Peanut, you wanna go fishing on Saturday?” Monte asks between Peanut’s sobs.
Peanut nods, wipes the tears from his eyes, and finally stops crying.

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

George "Geo" Walker......S-8 P-4 E-7 C-7 I-6 A-7 L-3
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by copper »

Ouch, that is underhanded... getting Peanut to agree when he doesn't know WHAT they are fishing for. I hope he doesn't try using one of the sandwich pets for bait! :shock:
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by Kateleo007 »

I'm very sorry, but I don not think I can finish this fanfic with the way my life is going right now. School and family troubles are taking almost all of my attention right now, leaving no space for writing. I might be able to write more this summer, but I doubt the Mods would wait that long before dead-threading this. So if the mods will wait, I'll see you guys this summer!

Jack the Eevee and Barb the Buizel

George "Geo" Walker......S-8 P-4 E-7 C-7 I-6 A-7 L-3
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by Obbl »

You are allowed to reclaim an abandoned fic any time you have a new update. Just PM me or Copper and we can pull it right back out for you. :D
See you in the summer!
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Re: Fanfiction: Fishing is Fun!

Post by copper »

The wait time for fics to be sent is 6 months. You have time dude, just wait for things to settle.
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