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Post by _Stu_ »


A poor, bored little birdie i am. And tired. But even so, i thought about something potentially funny (or even not) that we can all play right here and now. It's called the illogical contest.

1) The h?

The Illogical Contest is-- a contest, as the name says. It requires at least 6 contenders. The more, the better of course. I also need your credit card secret code. But i'm sure there's no need to tell you, you're all here to give it to me *sends hypnotic waves through the PC monitor*. If i won't reach the minimum request of players, i'll stop every comic i'm doing here, i'll cry for some days and then i'll run to Anchorage-- i'm not kidding. Feed my self-esteem "flower power" (I lol'd at the censors)

Read the rules carefully in the next point, because they're simple, but tricky.

2) The h!?

First, every contender must write 6 parts of a little story. If we'll pass over the 6 contestant (and i guess we'll not) the parts of the story will be extended to 12. A 3 weeks update then instead of two. The mini-story must follow a flow and a certain logic, every part must be written to stay in a strip (don't worry if you're not able to, i'll fix it myself if necessary).
Characters? Background? White paper. You're free to do whatever you want using every single character of mine, or Rick's. You liked a character and you want him coming back? You can! You want to make something funny between characters that have never met? You're welcome! Unleash your fantasy! Your submission has a chance to become a silly funny chapter of 1X!

But then... it comes the interesting part. This is the easy part. Now it comes the hard one.

3) I wrote a mini chapter that will probably figure in 1X! YAY! Wait now what

After having your submissions, this is pretty much what i'll do.


A dice. I'll throw a dice, according to the order of your posting (oh right, the 2nd post is reserved to sign submissions and contents, if you want to fix something, do it with a post, and i'll fix the 2nd too), which is your "turn". With the dice, i'll obtain a number. The number will be the part of the story i'll use from every one of you. Practical example:

Guest1 obtained number 2 with the dice: "so, Eyesight decides to take Max to the vet for some reason"
Guest2 obtained number 5 with the dice: "suddenly Spike has meteorism!"
Guest3 obtained number 1 with the dice: "Primo decided to met Peanut to talk, but something went wrong"

This is what will happen, more or less. Of course, mines are examples. Yours must be complete strips with a logical sequence and a precise humor purpose if possible. This means they can work as a standalones themselves... BUT with a background story.

If two of you will receive the same number, i'll pick them again to throw the dice again, and obtain two different numbers. Yup, both will be changed. The manace for your throne to be stolen is easy to see then...

4) I'm ashamed to do this! I hope for you the reward is-- NO REWARD!?

i've NEVER said no reward geez! Lemme talk! *crosses his wings annoyed* of course there's a prize. The winners of this contest are two! And they're the ones who'll stand at the half of the players' pile. In six contenders mode, the winners will be the 3rd and the 4th. In twelve contenders mode, the 6th and the 7th, etc etc. The "contenders mode" will jump only by three, this means that with 8 contenders, i'll have just 6 updates, and the unlucky two will be cut from the updating schedule. I know, it's not right, but i have to, at least to keep a classic updating line. Force someone to partecipate so to reach the legal number of 9 and solve the problem

Of course, the winners are decided by the position in this crazy chapter... the contenders who will gain the 3rd and 4th update of the little chapter.

And what the prize is then? Well, it changes. The 1st one in line (so the 3rd/6th/etc) receives an HD commission of his choice. Of course, no unclean art or other disgusting things, let's set points strenght. (times can be quite long for my new job and everything) The second one (4th/7th/etc) receives the possibility to see one of his characters in a one-off strip. And to decide, if desired, how the said strip has to go, by writing it himself.

So, recap of the passages:
1) The contenders must write 6 parts as complete strips or pages. They must be little complete stories
2) I'll take every one of you in posting order and, by throwing a dice, i'll select a single part between the 6 you wrote
3) If two contenders will have the same number, i'll take them again to throw the dice again and unlock the situation in a 1vs1
4) When the contest will be completed, a new chapter will be born, formed by six random parts from six random people, that i'll unite somehow using my personal idiocracy

Mh, this should be all. What a mess of a OP i made uh. Hope is still clear and all. If you got questions or see holes in the rules (i'm VERY stunned right now), just ask and i'll (try?) to answer. Of fix. Or don't know.

Ps: I told you what will happen if i'll not reach the 6 partecipants, right? *taps his foot on the ground*

Ps2: tl;dr spam is allowed and encouraged
Last edited by _Stu_ on Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by _Stu_ »

Part 1:
Panel 1
Sabrina – Peanut! Tarot was found suspected of helping two mortals to infiltrate in hell and now she's being judged in the heavenly court!
Peanut - What about Dragon? Can't she help her? (worried look)
Panel 2
Sabrina – She's being judged in a separate trial, but surely her punishment will not be as bad since she's a higher being, so there's no need to worry about her. At most will be a few eons of solitary confinement.
Peanut – Oh... Ok. So who is she?
Panel 3 (Sabrina presents Vanessa)
Sabrina – She is the most recent Tarot's apprentice, Vanessa. She was in prison but Spirit Dragon saw her potential and decided to release her and include her into the team.
Panel 4
Peanut – Hi Vanessa. Nice to meet you.
Vanessa – I'm not here to make friends. I just want to gain the power to take my revenge on Primo and Spike.
Panel 5
Peanut – But Primo is dead and Spike's in hell.
Vanessa – Really? Aw... I guess the last one remaining in my “payback list” is that stupid and handsome police dog.
Panel 6
Peanut – You mean her boyfriend, Fido? * realize * Woops
Vanessa – WHAT?
Sabrina – PEANUT! * blush * Wait, you knew it?
Panel 7
Sabrina – What are you doing? (worried face)
Vanessa- Nothing, just saying hi to an old friend hehehe * send * (with a cellphone)
Panel 8
Bino – * contracted eyes * Fox? (Laying back on a couch. Fox is off panel)
Fox – Yeah?
Bino – Go get the pitchforks and torches.

Part 2:
Panel 1 (Peanut and Sabrina flying up the sky. Peanut wears a Roman helmet and a sword, meanwhile Sabrina wears her witch hat and her scepter)
Panel 2
Peanut – These magic wings are awesome! But why we didn't use the elevator?
Sabrina – It's out of order cause some thoughtless spirit exceeded the weight limit.
Panel 3 (The wings are unequipped now)
Sabrina – Here we are! The heavenly gates!
Peanut – Look! There's a huge guard over there!
Panel 4
Cerberus – Stop right there! No mortal shall pass!
Panel 5 (Sabrina shakes a ball and Cerberus stares at it)
Panel 6 (Sabrina throws the ball and Cerberus chases it)
Panel 7
Cerberus – It's mine, don't get in my way!! Shut up you, it's mine! Not if I catch it first!
Panel 8
Sabrina – She may be a deity but she's still a dog.
Peanut - Can I play with the ball later?
Sabrina – Of course, sweety.

Part 3:
Panel 1
Peanut – So... How do we get in?
Sabrina – That's easy, the system is automated now. Since you have a pure soul, you'll be able to go through the gates.
Panel 2
Peanut – What about you?
Sabrina – I never said I was perfect. That's why I need you. Just pass to the other side and open the gates for me.
Panel 3 (Peanut goes through the gates)
Panel 4 (The doors are open now)
Peanut – I feel so used. * disappointed face *
Sabrina – You know, I could have brought Fido but I wanted to keep our thing as a secret, thank you very much.

Part 4:
Panel 1
Peanut – Hey Sab?
Sabrina – Yeah?
Peanut – I've noticed that we have an HP bar and some stats from the moment we crossed the gates. Why is that?
Panel 2
Sabrina – Well, since the majority of deities here are used to this kind of geek games, they decided to apply these features to their lives.
Peanut – Cool. Can we go up a few levels before go rescue Tarot?
Sabrina – Count on that! Time is subjective here after all. * wink *
Panel 3 (Tarot's looking at them from the top of a tower)
Tarot – Hey! I'm here! Can't you hear me? Where are you going?
Sabrina – Come on, I'll teach you how to fight an eleven-headed grognak!
Peanut – It's a playdate! I'll take half of the bosses!
Panel 4
Tarot – … My heroes. ( ¬¬ )

Part 5:
Panel 1
Guardian – I am Eros, the guardian of love! In order to go through this bridge of puffy clouds you will have to show the purest act of love known: a kiss.
Panel 2
(Peanut and Sabrina look at each other) * shrugs *
Panel 3 (They kiss)
Panel 4
Guardian – Aww, that was beautiful! Although I was expecting you were going to resist at least a little bit to be honest.
Panel 5
Sabrina – A kiss is a kiss. I'm fine with it as long as this never come out from here. Plus, Peanut is irresistibly cute.
Peanut - And I always wanted to know what was like to kiss a cat. By the way, you taste like tangerines.
Panel 6
Vanessa – This is GOLD! * send * (taking a photo with her cellphone to the screen)
Panel 7 (Fido receives the message and looks the photo)
Panel 8
Fido – FUUUUUU * censored *
Spo – Watch your mouth, man! There are children in the audience. Also, I think someone's at the door.

Part 6:
Panel 1 (at the court)
Sabrina – This is the court. We did it, Peanut!
Tarot – It was about time!
Peanut – Tarot!
Panel 2 (They hug)
Tarot – I missed you.
Peanut – Don't worry, we'll take care of this.
Panel 3
Judge – I don't know what's going on here and I don't care. Actually I know what's happening since I'm omniscient, I just wanted to say that. Anyway, given the over-convincing evidence--
Sabrina – Come on, Peanut! Do your thing!
Panel 4
Panel 5
Judge – DENIED!
Panel 6
Peanut – (puppy eyes) * tears * But... but... you were supposed to hear what I had to say. Aren't you a judge? How can you be so cruel?
Panel 7
Judge – (Hammer down) After considering the supreme adorableness of the defense attorney, the defendant is found innocent of all charges. * sobs *
Peanut/Sabrina/Tarot – Yay! (They are off panel)
Panel 8
Sabrina – See? There's no need to use irrational violence to achieve something when you have determination. On a separate note, puppy face never fails.
Peanut – Good thing we did it but how come we'll go back now? The magic wings ran out of mana and we haven't a backup plan.
Tarot – Don't worry, Peanut. That's the easy part. (She's off panel)
Panel 9 (Stretched panel. Peanut, Tarot and Sabrina are on free fall)
Peanut – Yahoooooo!
Sabrina – Woohooooo!
Tarot – Aw, I wanted goggles too.
Text box at the corner: They didn't die cause... uh... Karishad shows up flying on a magic carpet and saves them before touching the ground. End.

Legend - * = Scene, () = Thought Bubbles.

Panel 1: *Spike, Karishad and Demon Grape are lost in hell and are travelling what looks like to be a desert*

Spike: Funny thing about Hell is I don't know why people always believed giant worms plagued it?

Panel 2: *The earth shakes constantly as something approaches them, Spike with a shocked look, but Grape with a utter look of pity. Karishad is unchanged.*

Panel 3:

Grape: Spike, I give you more credit than that.
Spike: But Grabboids and SandWorms just sounds so ridiculous!

Panel 4: *The three of them are suddenly chased by a suspiciously similar Grabboid and Sandworm*

Grape: It's just not fair! This kind of thing would never happen to me!
Karishad: That would make you the fairest of the land!


Panel 1: *Back at the restaurant, on the way back from their journey from hell. Spike recalls Grape worrying about Maxwell.*

Spike: So what exactly makes this boyfriend of yours so special?
Grape: He's actually one of the bravest cats I know. He's no lion, but definitely up there.

Panel 2:

Spike: I have to see it to believe it. He hasn't exactly been to hell and back...
Grape: *snarking* You haven't met my mother.

Panel 3: *Scene changes to Maxwell getting sprayed by a shower tap and scrubbed in the back in the bathtub Jill Sandwich, with Grape gleefully watching*

Maxwell: (This is so humiliating)
Grape: (This is so awesome)

*Bino has been knocked into a brick-wall face first with Rex and Fox just watching and looking at Bino as if wondering what did he do to get punched. In the meantime, Spike/Peanut observes his fist as he tries to figure out what just happened. Max/Primo is snarking at the exchange that just happened.*

Maxwell: Well, at least now we can rule out that your disguise makes you buff. moreso than usual.


Panel 1: *Maxwell/Primo is in the middle of tossing a bone around on the living room couch, bored.*

Maxwell: This is so stupid.

Panel 2: *Peanut/Spike enteres the scene*
Peanut: *Gasps* You fiend!
Maxwell: ...?

Panel 3: *Scene skips to both of them fighting over the bone.*

Panel 4: *Scene skips to both of them tuckered out from the whole fight over the bone.*

Maxwell: Do NOT tell Grape i did that...


Panel 1: *Peanut/Spike and Maxwell/Primo are watching some shows that discuss fictional stories about Belial, one of them dictating him as the lord of Lies and the Lord of worthlessness.*

Panel 2:

Peanut: There's gotta be something we can do to help Grape and Spike...

Panel 3:

Maxwell: It's no good. Up here, we have no concrete information other than what Sabrina and Tarot tell us. They always been like that.

Panel 4:
Peanut: they are the experts though...
Maxwell: You never know, Peanut. It can sometimes take an outside mind from all the voodoo that goes on in their lives to figure out something minorly important... like what kind of powers Belial has at his command...

Panel 5: *Both Peanut and Maxwell suddenly pop up with the song "Worthless" from the Brave Little Toaster... and the sound of a trash compactor.*

Panel 6: *The following scene has them picture Spike and Grape being returned to them as trash compacted fur, with their collar symbols on the front of the cubes.*

Panel 7: *After that, Tarot gets a phone call from Peanut and Max.*

Panel 8: *Tarot is puzzled*

Peanut and Max: Tell Spike and Grape ~ Whatever they do ~ Do NOT go near the trash compactor!


Panel 1: *As Grape and Spike are leaving hell, Grape and Spike are suddenly stopped by a crew of skeletons.*

Panel 2: Grape: Don't worry, I got this.

Panel 3: *Grape chucks the Holy Water at the ground, which goes along the ground in a straight line, similar to how it worked in Castlevania.*

Panel 4:

Spike: That's actually pretty neat.
Grape: I never expected that. What else is in here?

Panel 5: *Grape pulls out A First Aid Spray and a camera*

Panel 6:

Spike: Heh. Looks like she set you up for fighting skeletons and undead. Hell isn't~

Panel 7: *Scene suddenly switches to Grape kicking and punching the skeletons, eventually turning them into her own version of a broom and easily defeating them.*

Panel 8: Grape: I need to talk to Tarot when I get out of here...

*Spike is not only shocked, but impressed.*


Panel 1: Paradise, a place outside space and time, the ultimate location where the souls of the innocents can rest and enjoy the best of their existence. (Paradise's Cloud City shot)
Panel 2: Paradise, where every building -even better, every piece of architecture is made to sate the eyes of its inhabitants (Zoom over a majestic, beautiful building at the center of the city)
Panel 3: Paradise, where subjective time can constitute an upsetting union with bureaucracy. (zoom over Cerberus, who is working over a ton of papers. Kali is passing with the mail cart and is tossing envelopes like a submachine gun. Cerberus' left head fetches her envelope, her middle head is fuming, while her right head is amiably chatting with the Grim Reaper. There's a spot of coffee on the pavement right under the Reaper, who will never learn that she can't really drink)
Panel 4: "Remember," says Cerberus' middle head, "next time I do the pickings." Her left head makes a face. "Gladly. This stuff tastes awful after a while. You should know it." "We still like playing fetch, smarthead." At the same time she scratches her right head as it says, "Well, if this ain't the news."
Panel 5: Cerberus stands up. "Grim, can you take my place for a while? And before you say no, remember, we're out of some fresh bones to play with."

Panel 1: Purgatory: The (quasi)eternal waiting room. Cerberus stands on the immense room's threshold. The air is filled with elevator muzak. There's a weird smell of dentist's study. There's one small table near each seat, and two magazines over each table. Everywhere the eye can see, humans and animals are waiting, either reading, chatting, doing everything they can as long as they don't leave their seat.
Panel 2: Cerberus walks to the one seat she was looking for. "I just got your application. And yes, we think management can carry it on as it is, since you're not asking for forgiveness or credits about your past crimes." "Good," the guest answers. "I can't smoke here, the music is awful, I must go to the bathroom but there is no bathroom, my neighbors suck and I can't kill them. And the last time these magazines were updated The Archduke Franz Ferdinand was still alive. Not to mention that I can't find anything saucy in them."
Panel 3: Cerberus says, "Well, this is purgatory after all. If you can stand it for another 1,000 years you're promoted, otherwise there's the door to demotion." She points at a door at the end of the room: Sulfurous tendrils come from it. The glass pane reads, 'EASY WAY OUT-NO WAY OUT'. "Now, there is only one thing about your request. You may like it or not, but it can't be helped."
Panel 4: The guest is revealed: It's Eyesight. "Lady, I think I can work with a microscopic clause or two."

Panel 1: Screenshot: Eyesight is fighting hand-to-hand against two demons. Cerberus caption: "You must recover the Heart of Atantis from the bowels of Hell. You know the drill."
Panel 2: Screenshot: Eyesight is neutralizing a horrendous two-headed dragon with his Eye of Silence. Cerberus. "Holy prized possession, long-time feud. Oh, yes, and one of my bosses wants to make a wedding ring."
Panel 3: Screenshot: Eyesight, despite his many wounds, is standing ready to fight in front of an immense, threatening black shadow. he's holding a sword with a blade made of pure sunlight. Cerberus: "Reconsidering is not an option. Cowardice is punished with an additional 100 years of purgatory."
Panel 4: Screenshot: Eyesight poses triumphantly over a pile of fallen enemies, the Heart of Atlantis held high in his hand…err, fin…wing. Never mind. Lizard sentinels are taking shots. a HELLFILMS contracts is being offered to the hero. The fans are going crazy! Cerberus: "Well done! Now remember, you must walk back the way you came...You went to the bathroom before leaving, did you?"

Panel 1: Cerberus is examining the Heart of Atlantis with three jeweler's eyeglasses. At her feet, Eyesight is panting like a pack of tired sled dogs, He's body is ridden with more scars than feathers. "Good job. You earned your reward," she says.
Panel 2: Eyesight lifts his head. "So, how long will it last?" Cerberus' left head smiles. "One day, so use it well."
Panel 3: The penguin's left eye is throwing flames now. "WHAT?! Are you */&%$£ing ME?!"
Panel 4: All three heads not. "You could always work as my assistant for five more missions to earn a couple of extra days. You know how it's with Heaven: the reward is more important than the job, etc etc." And then comes the sound of a penguin facedesking against the pavement.

Panel 1: Babylon Gardens: a tranquil springtime day. A pet is walking the road, we see its grey-furred legs. Cerberus: "You will have another body for the time being, and you can't disclose your identity to anyone but your target. Limit the interactions to the minimum." Eyesight: "Can be done."
Panel 2: Green eyes examine the place with attention, professionalism. Cerberus: "During this leave that you earned for partly redeeming yourself, you can't form bonds with the mortals. Their grief for your leave will be considered as negative credit by management. Each negative credit makes for 10 years in purgatory." Eyesight: "No need to repeat that. Can I ask you a question, though?"
Panel 3: The pet is a splendid-looking Chartreux Cat of a delicate grey nuance...And it's a nicely-curved female, if looks can tell. Eyesight: "Why this body?" "To make sure you stay unrecognizable. And because management was bored."
Panel 4: "YAY! NEW CAT!" someone barks happily while at the same time someone tackles down the cat with the force of a missile!
Panel 5: The cat is being pinned down by Sasha. Eyesight: "Is self-defense contemplated in the clauses?" Cerberus: "No." "I hate you guys."

Panel 1: In front of the door, the cat hesitates. The penguin in her isn't really sure he could just accept to share one single day with his dearest friend, the one who was a son to him... But what the heck, better this than centuries of waiting room without knowing anything at all, right? So she knocks.
Panel 2: The door opens, revealing Bino, who is regarding her with the nearest thing to polite disgust. She says, "Hi, my name is, uh, Felicia. I'm looking for Maxwell--" and she gets interrupted by the dog who says, "Not at home. Grape came to pick him up. Talked about universe surfing or something. Dunno when he'll be back. You can't enter here. You're polluting my air."
Panel 3: The door slams shut. Felicia looks perplexed, she's blinking, then (caption) "Universe surfing…as in some figurative term, right?" Cerberus: "Afraid not."
Panel 4: Felicia facepawlms. "And when did you think you could tell me?" Cerberus: "You didn't ask." "Nevermind. I think I'll just join the infernal ranks."

Part 1

Panel 1: (Peanut/Spike hear the doorbell ring)

Peanut: I get it!

Panel 2: (He opened the door to find Maxwell/Primo a little dirty and Marvin standing next to him)

Peanut: Primo!...and Marvin?

Marvin: If you are wondering, Tiger is just sleeping through Thursday again.

Panel 3:

Peanut: So, what happened?

Max: Well, you see I decide that I jogging would be a good exercise when given the motivation. Out of nowhere, I saw Marvin and decide that I need to stay in character so I can live it down. But my target of motivation suddenly stops causing me to bump into it. Then it left in smoke which is why I’m covered in the filth of shame.

Panel 4: (Beat panel)

Panel 5:

Marvin: He was chasing the milk truck for reason I can not comprehend.

Peanut: Oh


Part 2

Panel 1: (Spike and Grape encountered a bull-headed demon with an ax on their way back to the mortal world)

Grape: (Gasp!) A minotaur!

Panel 2: (Demon panicked looking back and forth with his ax on the ready)

Demon: Minotaur?! Where?!

Spike(frowning): What do you think? Who the hell are you supposed to be?

Panel 3: (Demon made a bright aura that Spike and Grape are wearing shade)


Spike and Grape are unimpressed.

Panel 4: (Ox-head went to raucously eat the extremely tall grass on the hill behind him while the two heroes has their shade off)

Ox-head: Excuse me while I eat the devil grass behind me to replenish my voice and brag some more.

Grape: Is it any reason why Tarot doesn’t mention him on the map?

Spike: Yeah, you can see he’s chewing the scenery.

Grape: Now, you can not say Karishad has not rubbed off on you.


Part 3

Panel 1:

Peanut: Well, Mom and Dad (Mr. and Mrs. Robert) are out for a bit

Max: Good

Panel 2:

Peanut: No need to be tense. (whisper so Marvin can’t hear) Primo is messier than you think.

Max: I get it (whisper) ironic considering I’m impersonating an actor.

Panel 3:

Max: Either way, we don’t know if we have to stay longer but we must persevere and I’m willing to take risk to make sure that things are back to the way it is before they get back.

Panel 4:

Marvin: That includes getting a bath



Part 4

Panel 1: (Ox-head shot an eye laser beam at Spike)

Ox-head: Take this! Target beam!

Spike: Ahh! He actually got m-

Panel 2: (Spike calmed down with puzzlement)

Spike: Wait a minute. This is just a laser pointer. What’s that supposed to accom-

Panel 3: (Grape suddenly tackled Spike)

Spike: ACK!

Panel 4: (Ox-head laughed as Grape is on top of Spike)

Ox-head: I got you good! I wished I have my camera.

Spike(talking to Grape): Don’t tell me. You actually fell for that? (referring to cat going after laser pointer)

Grape: We never speak of this.


Part 5

Panel 1:

Max (talking to Marvin): I don’t care if you’re one of the pets who’s used to bath. You can’t make me take one! There’re evil!

Marvin: Said the one who like playing on the sprinkler.

Panel 2:

Max: No, it’s different! I’m a ca-I mean a bath involves liquid soap getting into your eyes, nose, and ears and all those scrubbing with a brush that’ll tear my fur off!

Marvin: Really? I’m sorry that your owners don’t act gentle with that as if they didn’t listen to your explanation.

Panel 3:

(Beat panel)

Panel 4:

Marvin: Let me guess. It didn’t occur to you to explain that to them.

Max( facepalming and in thought): If I should’ve done the same to Jeff earlier, I would have gotten more treat.

Max: Just give me a bubble bath.

Peanut: Me too!


Part 6

Panel 1: (Ox-head swung his ax but Grape and Spike managed to jump away in opposite direction)

Ox-head: Surprise swing!

Spike: Yikes! He is strong and fast!

Panel 2: (Ox-head reached for Spike about to swing his axe down)

Ox-head: Incoming-

Panel 3: (Suddenly, Ox-head sidestepped causing Grape from behind who was trying to swat the demon with a blunt weapon to hit Spike instead)

Ox-head: Bait maneuver!

Panel 4: (The heroes managed to run away as they looked at each other)

Grape: Not to mention clever even if attack names are cheesy!

Spike: I agree! But I have a plan. It shouldn’t be much hopefully! (whisper whisper)

Panel 5:

Ox-head: If you’re done making puppy love. Can you jus-

Spike and Grape: WE ARE NOT!

Spike: Seriously, why does this happen again after a long time?

Panel 6:

Ox-head: Take the super duper destructive pulverizer!

(Demon swung ax down creating a cloud of dust)

Panel 7:

Voice in Dust: What was that again?

Ox-head: Still alive eh? It’s call the super du-

Panel 8: (Spike burst out from behind Ox-head who saw him coming)

Ox-head: Must pause! Incoming-

Panel 9: (Ox-head sidestepped but the figure in the smoke heading for Spike was a cat mummy decoy they got from the museum. Don’t ask how they got it. Grape came out heading for the demon with her weapon)

Grape: I gotcha!

Panel 10: (Grape suddenly trip and accidentally hug the demon)

Grape: Whoop!

Ox-head: Gasp!

Panel 11: (Ox-head reached for the sky in a dramatic manner)

Ox-head: Noo! How did you know my weakness was a hug?! That was why I waited to be here after all the guardians since this method was the last thing that even Karishad would do!

Panel 12: (The heroes looked on as the demon writhe on the ground as if in pain)

Spike: Actually, that wasn’t exactly the plan but it worked.

Grape: Good thing. We expect this to be anticlimactic. Let’s just go.

Part 1
Panel 1: (Spike and Grape, inside the infernal museum, are running down a corridor, desperatedly looking for an escape route. A noisy alarm, probably represented by big red "Bruuuum" onomatopoeias, can be "heard" in the backround.)
Spike: -Hurry!, There are no guards coming this w-!

Panel 2: (As the two take a turn towards the next corridor, they stumble upon Karishad, still wearing the attire he's been using throughout the chapter, and standing in an overly ominous theatrical pose.)
Spike: -Wha-? Karishad?! What are you doing here?!
Karishad (smiling absentmindedly): -"Greetings and Salutations."
Grape: -Hey, if you are in here, that means you know how to get us out, right?

Panel 3:
Karishad (arms crossed, pretending reluctance.): -"Maybe I know, maybe I don't know."
Grape (Slightly annoyed.): -Stop clowning around, Karishad, we need your help to get out of here!

Panel 4:
Karishad (Pretending being offended.): -"I've got 99 problems, but a job ain't one of them."
Spike (Yelling.): -Quit goofing around, Karishad, we need you to get us out of here!

Panel 5:
Karishad (Pointing at Grape.): -"That's what she said!"
Grape (Defensively.): -I said "clowning", not "goofing".
Spike (exausted): -I hate this place.

Possible alt text:It feels like I am in hell... Oh, wait!

Part 2
Panel 1: (Our trinamic trio is still bickering in the museum.)
Spike: - Knock it off, Karishad, we NEED to get out of here and rescue Primo!
Karishad (Leaving.): -"I'll be back."

Panel 2:
Spike: -You know? I wish that rope Tarot gave us with the armor had a grappling hook.
Grape (Tired.): -It would certainly save us a lot of trouble.

Panel 3:
Grape: -So, do you think he will get back in time to see the guards beating us u-?
Karishad (off-screen.): -"I am back, and I've brought some company."

Panel 4: (Spike and Grape stand to the right of the panel in bewilderment as Karishad and the man who speaks only in limericks appear from the left)

Man who speaks only in limericks: Ehehehehe.
So it is help you seek?
The clock does indeed tick!
With me, you should stick.
Spike: -Suddenly, museum security doesn't sound so bad...

Possible alt text: Maybe we should call him George Bush? Because, you know? he has a bushy beard.

Part 3
Panel 1: (The same scene as in the previous part.)
Spike (Confused): -Who is this guy? Where did he come from?
Grape (Annoyed.): -You are that limmerick guy from my neighbourhood, aren't you? So what?, You gonna get us out if we answer your questions three?

Panel 2:
Man who speaks only in limericks (With a bemused, yet ominous expression and stance.): -No questions to be asked.
To help you out, I was tasked.
Dangers untold abound,
In your way to the new hellhound.
Yet a escape route lies masked.

Panel 3:
Man who speaks only in limericks: -As for how I got here, know this:
Great powers may lay in the smallest of things.
Some may not look like a big deal,
Yet, to the wise, their gaze may steal,
For, of great promise, such an artifact sings.

Panel 4: (Grape looks at her wrist watch, Spike yawns, Karishad plays with a yo-yo.)
-Such an item, I've obtained,
Awe-inspiring secrets, it contained.
Hidden in my house.
So that curiosity, it would not cause,
Yet full usage of it, I attained.

Panel 5:
Man who speaks only in limericks (With a less serious and more matter of factly expression.):
-Short story: I won from this fox a dimensional portal,
Portable and for easy use of any mortal.
Spike (Exasperated.): -That doesn't even make sense! How could he get a magical portal from you?!
Karishad (Smilling smugly.): -"How about a nice game of chess?"

Possible alt text: Rhyming drives you mad? Well... I believe that's quite sad!

Part 4
Panel 1: (Same scene as in the previous part, except Karishad is making a geometrical shape with his yo-yo's thread.)
Spike ("Face-palming", trying desperately to calm down and get back to the escape plan.): -Urgh! Alright, so how is this chump going to help us get out of here?
Man who speaks only in limericks: -While of limited use,
With this portal you can choose
Any nearby section of Hell
And, with one quick spell,
You will be transported thus.

Panel 2: (Karishad is now playing with a bongo while Grape looks at him confused, with an expression that says "How and where did he get that?", Spike has a concerned expression.)
Man who speaks only in limericks (Upset.): -Also, don't call me "chump"
Ere you wish to walk on a limp.

Panel 3:(Spike is looking at something off-screen, somewhere in over the right corner of the panel.)
Grape (Looking back at Spike and the man.): -Alright, alright, let's just fire the portal up befo-

Panel 4: (Spike is jumping on top of Grape, just in time to move here out of the way of a soaring shuriken. The Man who speaks only in limericks dodges it by moving his right arm and his torso to one side, while Karishad, with his tongue sticking out clownishly, avoids it by leaning on his back limbo, or Matrix, style.)
Spike: -LOOK OUT!

Panel 5: (The scene shiftes to a lizard guard patloon, lead by a human or humanoid ninja-like individual, clad in black, face completely covered with a mask, except for the eyes, at least four more shurikens strapped on a belt across his belt, and carrying a "bô", also commonly known as a ninja stick.)
Ninja dude (With angry eye expression.): -HAYAAAA! I will poke you with my FINGER!

Possible alt text: "What? But you have a stick and like half a dozen ninja stars!" "Yes, but I have ten FINGERS!"

Part 5
Panel 1: (Karishad and Spike stand in front the man who speaks on- blah, blah, blah, and Grape, separating them from the guards [the "camera" showing everything from behind the guards], by stretching their arms in a cheesy heroic pose, Spike has a and equally heroic and desicive expression, while Karishad just seems to be half-serious, half-joking, as always.)
Spike and Karishad in unison: Stay back! I will handle this!

Panel 2: (Spike and Karishad staring at each other. Spike to the left, Karishad to the right. Spike looks angry, while Karishad looks half-angry, half-amused.)
Spike and Karishad in unison (Dialogue balloon 1.): What?
Spike and Karishad in unison (Dialogue balloon 2.): I will take care of this one!
Spike and Karishad in unison (Dialogue balloon 3.): Stop repeating what I'm saying!
Ninja dude's off-screen voice: Silence!

Panel 3: (The lizard guards stand in an attentive pose as ninja dude raises his arms, bô included, and yells a monologue. Karishad and Spike look at each other, completely unimpressed, and somwhat annoyed by ninja dude.)
Ninja dude (Full of himself.): I am the mighty Ta-Chi-Toh, master of the 1336 techniques of Chi-chon-Zoh-Teh! Prepare for a brusing barrage so overwhelming your grandchildren will be born with band-aids!

Panel 4: (This panel is composed of nothing more than a sign that reads "Exactly one minute of climatic battle later....")

Panel 5: (We see our four protagonists walking away. Ninja dude is lying face-first on the floor, one of his fists hitting it repeatedly in anger and protest, his bô broken in two on top of his head, his clothes ragged in sveral places. The guards are all lying in several comical ways amidst broken furniture, shattered weapons, bumped armours, and covered in boo-hoos. One of the lizard guards, sitting against a wall, sings grogilly, his pupils spiraling.)
Ninja dude: -I KNEW I shouldn't have skipped that last class!
Singing lizard guard: -"Daisy, Daisy, when will you love me too?"
Grape: -Well, that was easy.
Karishad: -Aww, I only sent six of them flying up in the air! Can we do it again?

Possible alt text: "Hi, I'm Daisy!"

Part 6
Panel 1: (To the left, Spike and Grape are looking at the man who speaks only in limericks, who is on the rightmost corner of the panel, tinkering with what looks like a colorful wrist watch.)
Grape: -Let's hurry and activate that portal already!
Man who speaks only in limericks: -I agree with you, little pets,
By all means, let's.

Panel 2: (We see the scene from the sme height as ninja dude, who is still on the floor. In the backround, we see the four travelers passing through a spiralling vortex: The portal everyone was talking about.)

Panel 3: (We see only ninja dude, as he slowly starts lifting his head from the floor.)
Ninja dude: -Nnnnrrgh.

Panel 4: (Ninja dude, what little we can see from his face filled with bruises lifts his head completely and searches for something in his pocket.)

Panel 5: (Ninja dude takes out a small, futuristic looking cellphone, and turns it on with a "prip" sound.)

Panel 6: (Ninja dude is looking angrily a something off-screen [Our heroes, of course.] while speaking to the phone.)
Ninja dude: -My Lord?
Belial (Through the phone.): - *Sigh* What is it this time, Ta-Chi-Toh?
Ninja dude: -My Lord, there are mortal intruders in Dite Town's museum, fleeding towards a neighbouring circle through a portal right now!
Belial (Through the phone.): -I heard something of it, but why haven't I been informed as to who they are yet, minion?!

Panel 7: (Same scene as the previous panel.)
Ninja dude: -There's four of them: A black and white German Sheperd and purple and white cat, both clad in Heavenly armour, a crazy old man that speaks in limericks, and red fox with a purple cape and golden laurel crown.
Belial (Through the phone.): -That's definitely something you don't see every day around here. I will have them disposed of in just a moment.
Ninja dude: -My Lord! The red fox, I think he is a T.C.T.B.

Panel 8: (We see the scene from behind ninja dude's battered body, as he looks at Karishad, who is waving his right hand as he passes through the portal.)
Belial (Through the phone.): -Don't be ridiculous! A mortal T.C.T.B.? Are you positive about this?
Karishad (Singing as he waves his hand.): -"Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!"

Panel 9: (We see a very close look at ninja dude's angry stare.)
Ninja dude: -Yes. Too Cool To Beat!

Possible alt text: Heh, I always thought Karishad loved to sing "Banana Phone", actually.

Part 1
Panel 1: (Peanut untangling Max from the yarn ball)
P/S: (worried looking) Max, you are going to blow our cover! You need to be more careful!
M/P: (struggling a bit) Yeah, yeah, just get me out of this mess, mutt!

Panel 2: (Max is free and dusting himself off)
P/S: You really need to keep your cat actions to a minimum if you want to be like Primo Max.
M/P: If you are so versed in all things dog, then by all means, show me. *rolls eyes*

Panel 3: (Peanut excitedly looks at Max)
P/S: I’d Love to! We can start now! Lesson One- Dogs play with red squeaky balls, not yarn.
M/P: You know I was being sarcastic, right…? *looking annoyed*

Panel 4: (Peanut is holding what is left of the yarn ball, picking it up)
P/S:How did you get so tangled in that yarn ball anyway?
M/P: I think the better question is why a ball of yarn is in a room shared by two dogs…

Panel 5: (Peanut and Max looking at each other with stupefied expressions)
Alt. Text: Spike- I like to knit, okay!?

Part 2
Panel 1: (Peanut stands in front of a blackboard wearing a white lab coat. The chalkboard reads Prof. Peanut’s School of Doggery. Lesson 2 in big print)
P/S: Hello Student! Welcome to my school of all things Dog! Are you ready for your first lesson?
M/P: (facepalming, groaning) We’re really doing this… You are really doing this? Oh Dog…
P/S: Of course we are! Now time for your second lesson!

Panel 2: (Writes Social on Board)
P/S: First off, Dogs are Very Social! We love to make And be with friends in groups and clubs. You can’t be aloof and a dog Max, so you need to go out in the world and say Hi!
M/P: Yeah, right. It shouldn’t be more than a day, why should I?
P/S: Because you need to be a dog!

Panel 3: (Shows Peanut dragging Max through Spike and Primo’s home)
M/P: (struggling) Peanut, where are you going? Let go of me!
P/S: Now, now, Primo! You need to learn to be more social! I want you to go out and say hello to the first dog you see!

Panel 4: (The door is ajar, with Max on the outside and Peanut on the inside)
M/P: Peanut, this is not a good idea! I do not need to socialize, please!
P/S: (Evil Grin) I am sure this will be good for you. You will finally understand dogs like me. Ta ta~

Panel 5: (Door is closed with Slam in the corner)
M/P: (Looking at the ground) Great, now what?
(Daisy appears suddenly in corner somehow)
D: Hi, I’m Daisy!

Panel 6: (The Duo look at each other, Daisy Grinning and Max staring with three dots between them)

Panel 7: (Max is slamming his fists on the door while Daisy just kind of wanders off)
(Alt. Text: She really did just want to say hello this time…)

Part 3:
Panel 1: (Peanut is walking down the road with Max in tow)
M/P: Tell me why we are going back to your house all of a sudden?
P/S: Because I need to use the restroom, that’s why.
M/P: Just go by their house or something!
P/S: I can’t! That is Primo and Spike’s territory!

Panel 2:
M/P: What? Who cares!? No one will know the difference just walking by!
P/S: Looks like it is time for your next lesson then!
M/P: Oh, please not another one…

Panel 3: ( Same scene, different background)
P/S: Lesson three- Territory. Dogs are social, but we like to have our own area, so we mark it! The entire neighborhood is divided between the dogs. The closest spot to my territory is my home, so we are going there!
M/P: I am sure Primo will not mind, let’s just go back already!

Panel 4:
P/S: If you are going to be a dog, you need to know this. It is an insult to mark someone else’s territory.
M/P: If that is so true, why don’t you just use the toilet for now. Why do we have to even walk all this way.
Panel 4: (Peanut stops in his tracks and Max face palms)
M/P: You didn’t even think of that, did you?
(Alt. Text: Remember, never face the wind when marking your territory.)

Part 4:
Panel 1: (Peanut and Max are back at Primo’s home)
P/S: Snack Break! Every lesson needs one you know.
M/P: Fine by me, let’s see if they have any tuna or something!

Panel 2: (Peanut tosses a bone in Max’s lap, another already in Peanut’s mouth)
P/S: Nope! We dogs love our bones. Fun to gnaw on, and sometimes there is meat left on them!
M/P: (Looking disgusted) Ew, how can you dogs even chew on these things? Why has mine already been chewed on!?

Panel 3:
P/S: Well, because… they’re good! Don’t judge me!
M/P: (throws bone, rolling eyes) I think I’ll wait to eat… you dogs all love to do that, jeeze. It is disgusting. So Stereotypical….

Panel 4: ( Max goes on a rant, Peanut is seen rolling his eyes and fishing in his collar)

Panel 5: (Max suddenly stops, seeing a red dot on the wall.)

Panel 6: (Max is seen chasing after the red dot with Peanut giggling, holding a laser pointer)
P/S: Yes, because dogs are so stereotypical~
(Alt. Text: I know I would be chasing that red dot)

Part 5
Panel 1: (Max is sitting out on the steps of the back door to the house, with peanut half in the bottom of the panel, half off)
M/P: So why did you have to drag me into the backyard again?
P/S: Because this bone is so good, I want to save it for later, now hush.

Panel 2:
M/P: (staring blankly) So you are burying it? Why would you do that?
P/S: To keep it away from everyone else and save it for later? It is a dog thing… you need to learn about this!

Panel 3: (Peanut is standing and looking professorial to a still bored looking Max)
P/S: We dogs dig to make sure our things are safe, so we can escape, and because it is really fun to dig!
M/P: I still see no reason why though.
P/S: Because dogs like to do it, and you are now a dog, so come on down here and dig!

Panel 4: (Max is walking off frame, with Peanut looking at him sternly)
M/P: Ugh, fine! I will dig!
P/S: Where are you going? We are digging over here!

Panel 5: (Max comes back with a shovel in his hand, with peanut looking at him strangely)
P/S: What are you doing with that shovel?
M/P: I am going to dig, duh!

Panel 6: (Max starts digging with the shovel, Peanut walking off)
M/P: This is easy, but not fun pup…
P/S: If you are not going to take this seriously, then I am going back inside
(Alt. Text: Your n=missing the point Max…)

Part 6
Panel 1: (Both peanut and Max are on the steps, resting now)
P/S: Well, that is almost it! Just have to talk about the cats and the dogs.
M/S: The what now? I heard there was something about Bees and birds or something..

Panel 2: (Peanut is blushing, looking surprised)
P/S: WHAT!? No! Not that! I was talking about the cats and dogs being natural enemies!
M/P: Oh, that does make more sense. So what about it?

Panel 3: (Peanut clears his throat)
P/S: Anyway, cats and dogs are always at odds, mostly because of territory and cats being mean and teasing us.
M/P: Yeah, because dogs constantly chasing us is just fine and dandy.

Panel 4:
M/P: Why are you even the one teaching me this? You are just about a cat yourself!
P/S: I am not! Just because I get along with cats and am close to Grape means nothing.
M/P: Yeah, you are quite chummy with Grape.

Panel 5: (Peanut eyes Max suspiciously as Max grins at Peanut)
P/S: What is that supposed to mean…?
M/P: You know what I mean, Cat Lover. You had your chance and now Grape is with me~
P/S: It isn’t like that !
Panel 6: (They eye each other warily, staring daggers)

Panel 7: (Bino and Fox are walking the streets passed Spike’s house when they see Primo and Spike fighting and causing a ruckus)
P/S: You take it back! She is Not!
M/P: Yeah yeah, Cat Lover, just keep denying it!
B: Fox, remind me to ban them from the GODC, will you?
F: Will do…
(Alt. Text: This is actually social commentary on the Grapenut v. Grapewell debate!)
Last edited by _Stu_ on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:24 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by Obbl »

So we just have to write a six part story? No drawing necessary by us? (cause you don't want to see me draw... :? )
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Post by _Stu_ »

Absolutely not! I just require scripts, i'll put the rest! xD Example of how they should figure:

1) Incipit
2) Development 1
3) Development 2
6) Ending
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Post by Gren »

First, every contender must write 6 parts of a little story.
So that means we should write the story as a comic, I mean, as if we were writing the dialogues in a speech bubble?
If we'll pass over the 6 contestant (and i guess we'll not) the parts of the story will be extended to 12.
This means we'll have to extend our story depending of the number of contendants?
A dice. I'll throw a dice, according to the order of your posting (oh right, the 2nd post is reserved to sign submissions and contents, if you want to fix something, do it with a post, and i'll fix the 2nd too), which is your "turn". With the dice, i'll obtain a number. The number will be the part of the story i'll use from every one of you...
So basically you will be posting each story randomly, right? Or you just going to use one part of each story?
...Of course, the winners are decided by the position in this crazy chapter... the contenders who will gain the 3rd and 4th update of the little chapter...
Numbers are complicated! X3
I don't get it. The winners will be determined by the numbers of the dice or by the order of submission? The only thing I got of this is that the winners will be those in the middle of all the contenders.

Now wait a minute, this is a way to say to us that you'll be taking a break from the current arc? If it's that then I'm fine with it, I think it was needed a little recess, considering how much the story has changed with the last two arcs. Don't get me wrong, I love the story as it is, but I think it's good to have some doses of random silly comics to relax ourselves of the course of the long main plot once in a while (or maybe it's just me because I get used to Rick's style XD)

About me, I have a good idea to parody the current arc, but I'm not entirely sure to participate because my english may not be up to the task. However, I'll do my best effort to come up with something decent. ;)
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Post by _Stu_ »

Gren wrote:So that means we should write the story as a comic, I mean, as if we were writing the dialogues in a speech bubble?
Only if you want to. A little description of the events writing the part of dialogues you feel are important for it is enough

Also, every part must be created as a sort of strip, so not 6 panels, but 6 complete strips. I'll leave the paneling to what you think is better
This means we'll have to extend our story depending of the number of contendants?
Precisely. But it's an option. Still have to think about it, also, i'm not even sure to reach the 6 persons i'd need
So basically you will be posting each story randomly, right? Or you just going to use one part of each story?
Practically, of your 6 parts i'll choose one randomly. Same for the others. The result will be a random little arc formed by 6 collaborative parts, one for everyone. Then i'll remix it to make it funny according to the random events as i said in the example in the OP
Numbers are complicated! X3
I don't get it. The winners will be determined by the numbers of the dice or by the order of submission? The only thing I got of this is that the winners will be those in the middle of all the contenders.
When i'll throw the dice, the contenders who'll receive the strips 3 and 4 will win. Doesn't make sense to base it on the order of submissions, it'll be nonsensical
Now wait a minute, this is a way to say to us that you'll be taking a break from the current arc? If it's that then I'm fine with it, I think it was needed a little recess, considering how much the story has changed with the last two arcs. Don't get me wrong, I love the story as it is, but I think it's good to have some doses of random silly comics to relax ourselves of the course of the long main plot once in a while (or maybe it's just me because I get used to Rick's style XD)
No no, the chapter will be made at the end of the current one. Profana Tragedia is too much plot based, i need to keep the focus on it.
About me, I have a good idea to parody the current arc, but I'm not entirely sure to participate because my english may not be up to the task. However, I'll do my best effort to come up with something decent. ;)
You know my english is bad, too. That's not much of a problem, in case of any mistake, i'm sure there will be fixes ;)

So, to make it more clear, these are the passages of the contest
1) The contenders must write 6 parts as complete strips or pages. They must be little complete stories
2) I'll take every one of you in posting order and, by throwing a dice, i'll select a single part between the 6 you wrote
3) If two contenders will have the same number, i'll take them again to throw the dice again and unlock the situation in a 1vs1
4) When the contest will be completed, a new chapter will be born, formed by six random parts from six random people, that i'll unite somehow using my personal idiocracy

I hope everything's more clear now ;)
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Post by valerio »

Definitely so, kind Sir :mrgreen:
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Post by GameCobra »

Alright, I got some time this week. I think i'll throw in some ideas later today. X3
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Post by Gren »

Ok, I finished it. First let me say that this mini-arc is not serious at all but pure fun. You could say is a way to poke fun of the Cosmic order and the current arc of Housepts1X. :lol:
At first I tried to write it as a simple description but I realized that I talk too much (and I was confusing even myself) so instead I decided to write dialogues as a way to sum it a bit. Of course it's not precise at all considering the events of the comic, but it was never my intention to be taken seriously. Hope you enjoy it and get some laughs of it. :D
Part 1:
Panel 1
Sabrina – Peanut! Tarot was found suspected of helping two mortals to infiltrate in hell and now she's being judged in the heavenly court!
Peanut - What about Dragon? Can't she help her? (worried look)
Panel 2
Sabrina – She's being judged in a separate trial, but surely her punishment will not be as bad since she's a higher being, so there's no need to worry about her. At most will be a few eons of solitary confinement.
Peanut – Oh... Ok. So who is she?
Panel 3 (Sabrina presents Vanessa)
Sabrina – She is the most recent Tarot's apprentice, Vanessa. She was in prison but Spirit Dragon saw her potential and decided to release her and include her into the team.
Panel 4
Peanut – Hi Vanessa. Nice to meet you.
Vanessa – I'm not here to make friends. I just want to gain the power to take my revenge on Primo and Spike.
Panel 5
Peanut – But Primo is dead and Spike's in hell.
Vanessa – Really? Aw... I guess the last one remaining in my “payback list” is that stupid and handsome police dog.
Panel 6
Peanut – You mean her boyfriend, Fido? * realize * Woops
Vanessa – WHAT?
Sabrina – PEANUT! * blush * Wait, you knew it?
Panel 7
Sabrina – What are you doing? (worried face)
Vanessa- Nothing, just saying hi to an old friend hehehe * send * (with a cellphone)
Panel 8
Bino – * contracted eyes * Fox? (Laying back on a couch. Fox is off panel)
Fox – Yeah?
Bino – Go get the pitchforks and torches.

Part 2:
Panel 1 (Peanut and Sabrina flying up the sky. Peanut wears a Roman helmet and a sword, meanwhile Sabrina wears her witch hat and her scepter)
Panel 2
Peanut – These magic wings are awesome! But why we didn't use the elevator?
Sabrina – It's out of order cause some thoughtless spirit exceeded the weight limit.
Panel 3 (The wings are unequipped now)
Sabrina – Here we are! The heavenly gates!
Peanut – Look! There's a huge guard over there!
Panel 4
Cerberus – Stop right there! No mortal shall pass!
Panel 5 (Sabrina shakes a ball and Cerberus stares at it)
Panel 6 (Sabrina throws the ball and Cerberus chases it)
Panel 7
Cerberus – It's mine, don't get in my way!! Shut up you, it's mine! Not if I catch it first!
Panel 8
Sabrina – She may be a deity but she's still a dog.
Peanut - Can I play with the ball later?
Sabrina – Of course, sweety.

Part 3:
Panel 1
Peanut – So... How do we get in?
Sabrina – That's easy, the system is automated now. Since you have a pure soul, you'll be able to go through the gates.
Panel 2
Peanut – What about you?
Sabrina – I never said I was perfect. That's why I need you. Just pass to the other side and open the gates for me.
Panel 3 (Peanut goes through the gates)
Panel 4 (The doors are open now)
Peanut – I feel so used. * disappointed face *
Sabrina – You know, I could have brought Fido but I wanted to keep our thing as a secret, thank you very much.

Part 4:
Panel 1
Peanut – Hey Sab?
Sabrina – Yeah?
Peanut – I've noticed that we have an HP bar and some stats from the moment we crossed the gates. Why is that?
Panel 2
Sabrina – Well, since the majority of deities here are used to this kind of geek games, they decided to apply these features to their lives.
Peanut – Cool. Can we go up a few levels before go rescue Tarot?
Sabrina – Count on that! Time is subjective here after all. * wink *
Panel 3 (Tarot's looking at them from the top of a tower)
Tarot – Hey! I'm here! Can't you hear me? Where are you going?
Sabrina – Come on, I'll teach you how to fight an eleven-headed grognak!
Peanut – It's a playdate! I'll take half of the bosses!
Panel 4
Tarot – … My heroes. ( ¬¬ )

Part 5:
Panel 1
Guardian – I am Eros, the guardian of love! In order to go through this bridge of puffy clouds you will have to show the purest act of love known: a kiss.
Panel 2
(Peanut and Sabrina look at each other) * shrugs *
Panel 3 (They kiss)
Panel 4
Guardian – Aww, that was beautiful! Although I was expecting you were going to resist at least a little bit to be honest.
Panel 5
Sabrina – A kiss is a kiss. I'm fine with it as long as this never come out from here. Plus, Peanut is irresistibly cute.
Peanut - And I always wanted to know what was like to kiss a cat. By the way, you taste like tangerines.
Panel 6
Vanessa – This is GOLD! * send * (taking a photo with her cellphone to the screen)
Panel 7 (Fido receives the message and looks the photo)
Panel 8
Fido – FUUUUUU * censored *
Spo – Watch your mouth, man! There are children in the audience. Also, I think someone's at the door.

Part 6:
Panel 1 (at the court)
Sabrina – This is the court. We did it, Peanut!
Tarot – It was about time!
Peanut – Tarot!
Panel 2 (They hug)
Tarot – I missed you.
Peanut – Don't worry, we'll take care of this.
Panel 3
Judge – I don't know what's going on here and I don't care. Actually I know what's happening since I'm omniscient, I just wanted to say that. Anyway, given the over-convincing evidence--
Sabrina – Come on, Peanut! Do your thing!
Panel 4
Panel 5
Judge – DENIED!
Panel 6
Peanut – (puppy eyes) * tears * But... but... you were supposed to hear what I had to say. Aren't you a judge? How can you be so cruel?
Panel 7
Judge – (Hammer down) After considering the supreme adorableness of the defense attorney, the defendant is found innocent of all charges. * sobs *
Peanut/Sabrina/Tarot – Yay! (They are off panel)
Panel 8
Sabrina – See? There's no need to use irrational violence to achieve something when you have determination. On a separate note, puppy face never fails.
Peanut – Good thing we did it but how come we'll go back now? The magic wings ran out of mana and we haven't a backup plan.
Tarot – Don't worry, Peanut. That's the easy part. (She's off panel)
Panel 9 (Stretched panel. Peanut, Tarot and Sabrina are on free fall)
Peanut – Yahoooooo!
Sabrina – Woohooooo!
Tarot – Aw, I wanted goggles too.
Text box at the corner: They didn't die cause... uh... Karishad shows up flying on a magic carpet and saves them before touching the ground. End.
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Post by _Stu_ »

Love it! Great work Gren, it's a shame i'll have to take just one part because i'd want to take every single one!

I'll add it to the second post (with Valerio's submission sent by pm, asap)

This means two entries for now! C'mon guys, i remind you'll have ONE WEEK to submit, no more! ..........I didn't tell you? Ops *trollface*
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Post by GameCobra »

Finally finished. I decided to use Gren's example for panels too. hope you guys like it. =3
Legend - * = Scene, () = Thought Bubbles.

Panel 1: *Spike, Karishad and Demon Grape are lost in hell and are travelling what looks like to be a desert*

Spike: Funny thing about Hell is I don't know why people always believed giant worms plagued it?

Panel 2: *The earth shakes constantly as something approaches them, Spike with a shocked look, but Grape with a utter look of pity. Karishad is unchanged.*

Panel 3:

Grape: Spike, I give you more credit than that.
Spike: But Grabboids and SandWorms just sounds so ridiculous!

Panel 4: *The three of them are suddenly chased by a suspiciously similar Grabboid and Sandworm*

Grape: It's just not fair! This kind of thing would never happen to me!
Karishad: That would make you the fairest of the land!


Panel 1: *Back at the restaurant, on the way back from their journey from hell. Spike recalls Grape worrying about Maxwell.*

Spike: So what exactly makes this boyfriend of yours so special?
Grape: He's actually one of the bravest cats I know. He's no lion, but definitely up there.

Panel 2:

Spike: I have to see it to believe it. He hasn't exactly been to hell and back...
Grape: *snarking* You haven't met my mother.

Panel 3: *Scene changes to Maxwell getting sprayed by a shower tap and scrubbed in the back in the bathtub by Jill Sandwich, with Grape gleefully watching*

Maxwell: (This is so humiliating)
Grape: (This is so awesome)

*Bino has been knocked into a brick-wall face first with Rex and Fox just watching and looking at Bino as if wondering what did he do to get punched. In the meantime, Spike/Peanut observes his fist as he tries to figure out what just happened. Max/Primo is snarking at the exchange that just happened.*

Maxwell: Well, at least now we can rule out that your disguise makes you buff. moreso than usual.


Panel 1: *Maxwell/Primo is in the middle of tossing a bone around on the living room couch, bored.*

Maxwell: This is so stupid.

Panel 2: *Peanut/Spike enteres the scene*
Peanut: *Gasps* You fiend!
Maxwell: ...?

Panel 3: *Scene skips to both of them fighting over the bone.*

Panel 4: *Scene skips to both of them tuckered out from the whole fight over the bone.*

Maxwell: Do NOT tell Grape i did that...


Panel 1: *Peanut/Spike and Maxwell/Primo are watching some shows that discuss fictional stories about Belial, one of them dictating him as the lord of Lies and the Lord of worthlessness.*

Panel 2:

Peanut: There's gotta be something we can do to help Grape and Spike...

Panel 3:

Maxwell: It's no good. Up here, we have no concrete information other than what Sabrina and Tarot tell us. They always been like that.

Panel 4:
Peanut: they are the experts though...
Maxwell: You never know, Peanut. It can sometimes take an outside mind from all the voodoo that goes on in their lives to figure out something minorly important... like what kind of powers Belial has at his command...

Panel 5: *Both Peanut and Maxwell suddenly pop up with the song "Worthless" from the Brave Little Toaster... and the sound of a trash compactor.*

Panel 6: *The following scene has them picture Spike and Grape being returned to them as trash compacted fur, with their collar symbols on the front of the cubes.*

Panel 7: *After that, Tarot gets a phone call from Peanut and Max.*

Panel 8: *Tarot is puzzled*

Peanut and Max: Tell Spike and Grape ~ Whatever they do ~ Do NOT go near the trash compactor!


Panel 1: *As Grape and Spike are leaving hell, Grape and Spike are suddenly stopped by a crew of skeletons.*

Panel 2: Grape: Don't worry, I got this.

Panel 3: *Grape chucks the Holy Water at the ground, which goes along the ground in a straight line, similar to how it worked in Castlevania.*

Panel 4:

Spike: That's actually pretty neat.
Grape: I never expected that. What else is in here?

Panel 5: *Grape pulls out A First Aid Spray and a camera, With Spike looking from behind a angry looking Grape*

Spike: Heh. Looks like she set you up for fighting skeletons and undead. Hell isn't~

Panel 6: *Scene suddenly switches to Grape kicking and punching the skeletons.*

Panel 7: *Grape is using a skeleton broom to finish off the worn-out skeletons*

Panel 8: Grape: I need to talk to Tarot when I get out of here...

*Spike is not only shocked, but impressed.*
Last edited by GameCobra on Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by valerio »


Panel 1: Paradise, a place outside space and time, the ultimate location where the souls of the innocents can rest and enjoy the best of their existence. (Paradise's Cloud City shot)
Panel 2: Paradise, where every building -even better, every piece of architecture is made to sate the eyes of its inhabitants (Zoom over a majestic, beautiful building at the center of the city)
Panel 3: Paradise, where subjective time can constitute an upsetting union with bureaucracy. (zoom over Cerberus, who is working over a ton of papers. Kali is passing with the mail cart and is tossing envelopes like a submachine gun. Cerberus' left head fetches her envelope, her middle head is fuming, while her right head is amiably chatting with the Grim Reaper. There's a spot of coffee on the pavement right under the Reaper, who will never learn that she can't really drink)
Panel 4: "Remember," says Cerberus' middle head, "next time I do the pickings." Her left head makes a face. "Gladly. This stuff tastes awful after a while. You should know it." "We still like playing fetch, smarthead." At the same time she scratches her right head as it says, "Well, if this ain't the news."
Panel 5: Cerberus stands up. "Grim, can you take my place for a while? And before you say no, remember, we're out of some fresh bones to play with."

Panel 1: Purgatory: The (quasi)eternal waiting room. Cerberus stands on the immense room's threshold. The air is filled with elevator muzak. There's a weird smell of dentist's study. There's one small table near each seat, and two magazines over each table. Everywhere the eye can see, humans and animals are waiting, either reading, chatting, doing everything they can as long as they don't leave their seat.
Panel 2: Cerberus walks to the one seat she was looking for. "I just got your application. And yes, we think management can carry it on as it is, since you're not asking for forgiveness or credits about your past crimes." "Good," the guest answers. "I can't smoke here, the music is awful, I must go to the bathroom but there is no bathroom, my neighbors suck and I can't kill them. And the last time these magazines were updated The Archduke Franz Ferdinand was still alive. Not to mention that I can't find anything saucy in them."
Panel 3: Cerberus says, "Well, this is purgatory after all. If you can stand it for another 1,000 years you're promoted, otherwise there's the door to demotion." She points at a door at the end of the room: Sulfurous tendrils come from it. The glass pane reads, 'EASY WAY OUT-NO WAY OUT'. "Now, there is only one thing about your request. You may like it or not, but it can't be helped."
Panel 4: The guest is revealed: It's Eyesight. "Lady, I think I can work with a microscopic clause or two."

Panel 1: Screenshot: Eyesight is fighting hand-to-hand against two demons. Cerberus caption: "You must recover the Heart of Atantis from the bowels of Hell. You know the drill."
Panel 2: Screenshot: Eyesight is neutralizing a horrendous two-headed dragon with his Eye of Silence. Cerberus. "Holy prized possession, long-time feud. Oh, yes, and one of my bosses wants to make a wedding ring."
Panel 3: Screenshot: Eyesight, despite his many wounds, is standing ready to fight in front of an immense, threatening black shadow. he's holding a sword with a blade made of pure sunlight. Cerberus: "Reconsidering is not an option. Cowardice is punished with an additional 100 years of purgatory."
Panel 4: Screenshot: Eyesight poses triumphantly over a pile of fallen enemies, the Heart of Atlantis held high in his hand…err, fin…wing. Never mind. Lizard sentinels are taking shots. a HELLFILMS contracts is being offered to the hero. The fans are going crazy! Cerberus: "Well done! Now remember, you must walk back the way you came...You went to the bathroom before leaving, did you?"

Panel 1: Cerberus is examining the Heart of Atlantis with three jeweler's eyeglasses. At her feet, Eyesight is panting like a pack of tired sled dogs, He's body is ridden with more scars than feathers. "Good job. You earned your reward," she says.
Panel 2: Eyesight lifts his head. "So, how long will it last?" Cerberus' left head smiles. "One day, so use it well."
Panel 3: The penguin's left eye is throwing flames now. "WHAT?! Are you */&%$£ing ME?!"
Panel 4: All three heads not. "You could always work as my assistant for five more missions to earn a couple of extra days. You know how it's with Heaven: the reward is more important than the job, etc etc." And then comes the sound of a penguin facedesking against the pavement.

Panel 1: Babylon Gardens: a tranquil springtime day. A pet is walking the road, we see its grey-furred legs. Cerberus: "You will have another body for the time being, and you can't disclose your identity to anyone but your target. Limit the interactions to the minimum." Eyesight: "Can be done."
Panel 2: Green eyes examine the place with attention, professionalism. Cerberus: "During this leave that you earned for partly redeeming yourself, you can't form bonds with the mortals. Their grief for your leave will be considered as negative credit by management. Each negative credit makes for 10 years in purgatory." Eyesight: "No need to repeat that. Can I ask you a question, though?"
Panel 3: The pet is a splendid-looking Chartreux Cat of a delicate grey nuance...And it's a nicely-curved female, if looks can tell. Eyesight: "Why this body?" "To make sure you stay unrecognizable. And because management was bored."
Panel 4: "YAY! NEW CAT!" someone barks happily while at the same time someone tackles down the cat with the force of a missile!
Panel 5: The cat is being pinned down by Sasha. Eyesight: "Is self-defense contemplated in the clauses?" Cerberus: "No." "I hate you guys."

Panel 1: In front of the door, the cat hesitates. The penguin in her isn't really sure he could just accept to share one single day with his dearest friend, the one who was a son to him... But what the heck, better this than centuries of waiting room without knowing anything at all, right? So she knocks.
Panel 2: The door opens, revealing Bino, who is regarding her with the nearest thing to polite disgust. She says, "Hi, my name is, uh, Felicia. I'm looking for Maxwell--" and she gets interrupted by the dog who says, "Not at home. Grape came to pick him up. Talked about universe surfing or something. Dunno when he'll be back. You can't enter here. You're polluting my air."
Panel 3: The door slams shut. Felicia looks perplexed, she's blinking, then (caption) "Universe surfing…as in some figurative term, right?" Cerberus: "Afraid not."
Panel 4: Felicia facepawlms. "And when did you think you could tell me?" Cerberus: "You didn't ask." "Nevermind. I think I'll just join the infernal ranks."


Ok, that was really silly and can't compete with the others, but what the heck, it was worth a try. I can't wait to see the others' contributions :D
Last edited by valerio on Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by _Stu_ »

:lol: great job, both of you! I really like both of the stories! Added to the second post

Half road guys! C'mon, just three more and we'll have the minimum number!
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Post by copper »

I would love to, but I won't have any time AT ALL until next weekend to even think about this, so I guess I am out. Too bad, I always seem to miss the fun contests! :lol:
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Post by Gren »

Hey Stu, I'm curious, what gave you the idea to create such a crazy mixed chapter? Specially cause it seems to not fit with the story since it's purely plot-centered and you rarely make a one-off or something like that.
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Post by _Stu_ »

@Copper: O.Q__ not even a chance to try? I mean, a full week...

@Gren: mh, three reason essentially

1) I thought it could be fun (and a challenge) to unite many very different stories into one. Also, used in a certain way, it could be a funny way to surprise readers and writers (of these parts) themselves

2) After a chapter like the current one, we'll need a break since the next two plot chapters will be (again!) important. Since we're heading straight to the end in a few chapters. So to relax and have fun all together, after this (that'll be an extra chapter) there will be another silly one, per say

3) It was actually born as an advertising idea for that project i was working on, since is based completely on gambling. Then it turned to standalone because i'm not sure i can handle three comics at once. But the idea is set since Chapter 7, or so

ps: Added Kavviyenta's submission to the second post! 2 more to go!
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Post by Gren »

I thought there was left only one chapter, it's good to hear there's still two more. You think they would be as long as the current one?

By the way, it's just me or Kavviyenta's submission seems incomplete? Is that or definitely I don't get some of his strips.
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Post by _Stu_ »

Gren wrote:I thought there was left only one chapter, it's good to hear there's still two more. You think they would be as long as the current one?

By the way, it's just me or Kavviyenta's submission seems incomplete? Is that or definitely I don't get some of his strips.
Just two? According to my calculations there should be... 4 plot chapters including the final one. Plus other silly ones to break from time to time...

You're right, it was incomplete, but now i have the complete version of his submission. I'll fix asap ;)
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Post by copper »

Unfortunately yes, I am too busy to even think about it...

This week I have work, going to tai chi classes, teaching my own class, coordinating T-Shirt sales for said society, getting quotes for advertising, moderating the forums, doing cell phone stuff, and a myriad of other things I have to do this week, mostly associated with recruiting and planning a demonstration at a local event..... so yeah, not until Saturday evening will I have time to even think about this.
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Post by Karl »

This contest looks very interesting. I cannot wait what will come out from all of this :) Knowing Stu and you, crazy weirdoes, it sure will be somrthing!
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Post by Gren »

Karlos wrote:This contest looks very interesting. I cannot wait what will come out from all of this :) Knowing Stu and you, crazy weirdoes, it sure will be somrthing!
Why don't you take part in the contest? He still need two more entries at least.
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Post by Silly Zealot »

I, too, can write a script!

Part 1
Panel 1: (Spike and Grape, inside the infernal museum, are running down a corridor, desperatedly looking for an escape route. A noisy alarm, probably represented by big red "Bruuuum" onomatopoeias, can be "heard" in the backround.)
Spike: -Hurry!, There are no guards coming this w-!

Panel 2: (As the two take a turn towards the next corridor, they stumble upon Karishad, still wearing the attire he's been using throughout the chapter, and standing in an overly ominous theatrical pose.)
Spike: -Wha-? Karishad?! What are you doing here?!
Karishad (smiling absentmindedly): -"Greetings and Salutations."
Grape: -Hey, if you are in here, that means you know how to get us out, right?

Panel 3:
Karishad (arms crossed, pretending reluctance.): -"Maybe I know, maybe I don't know."
Grape (Slightly annoyed.): -Stop clowning around, Karishad, we need your help to get out of here!

Panel 4:
Karishad (Pretending being offended.): -"I've got 99 problems, but a job ain't one of them."
Spike (Yelling.): -Quit goofing around, Karishad, we need you to get us out of here!

Panel 5:
Karishad (Pointing at Grape.): -"That's what she said!"
Grape (Defensively.): -I said "clowning", not "goofing".
Spike (exausted): -I hate this place.

Possible alt text:It feels like I am in hell... Oh, wait!

Part 2
Panel 1: (Our trinamic trio is still bickering in the museum.)
Spike: - Knock it off, Karishad, we NEED to get out of here and rescue Primo!
Karishad (Leaving.): -"I'll be back."

Panel 2:
Spike: -You know? I wish that rope Tarot gave us with the armor had a grappling hook.
Grape (Tired.): -It would certainly save us a lot of trouble.

Panel 3:
Grape: -So, do you think he will get back in time to see the guards beating us u-?
Karishad (off-screen.): -"I am back, and I've brought some company."

Panel 4: (Spike and Grape stand to the right of the panel in bewilderment as Karishad and the man who speaks only in limericks appear from the left)

Man who speaks only in limericks: Ehehehehe.
So it is help you seek?
The clock does indeed tick!
With me, you should stick.
Spike: -Suddenly, museum security doesn't sound so bad...

Possible alt text: Maybe we should call him George Bush? Because, you know? he has a bushy beard.

Part 3
Panel 1: (The same scene as in the previous part.)
Spike (Confused): -Who is this guy? Where did he come from?
Grape (Annoyed.): -You are that limmerick guy from my neighbourhood, aren't you? So what?, You gonna get us out if we answer your questions three?

Panel 2:
Man who speaks only in limericks (With a bemused, yet ominous expression and stance.): -No questions to be asked.
To help you out, I was tasked.
Dangers untold abound,
In your way to the new hellhound.
Yet a escape route lies masked.

Panel 3:
Man who speaks only in limericks: -As for how I got here, know this:
Great powers may lay in the smallest of things.
Some may not look like a big deal,
Yet, to the wise, their gaze may steal,
For, of great promise, such an artifact sings.

Panel 4: (Grape looks at her wrist watch, Spike yawns, Karishad plays with a yo-yo.)
-Such an item, I've obtained,
Awe-inspiring secrets, it contained.
Hidden in my house.
So that curiosity, it would not cause,
Yet full usage of it, I attained.

Panel 5:
Man who speaks only in limericks (With a less serious and more matter of factly expression.):
-Short story: I won from this fox a dimensional portal,
Portable and for easy use of any mortal.
Spike (Exasperated.): -That doesn't even make sense! How could he get a magical portal from you?!
Karishad (Smilling smugly.): -"How about a nice game of chess?"

Possible alt text: Rhyming drives you mad? Well... I believe that's quite sad!

Part 4
Panel 1: (Same scene as in the previous part, except Karishad is making a geometrical shape with his yo-yo's thread.)
Spike ("Face-palming", trying desperately to calm down and get back to the escape plan.): -Urgh! Alright, so how is this chump going to help us get out of here?
Man who speaks only in limericks: -While of limited use,
With this portal you can choose
Any nearby section of Hell
And, with one quick spell,
You will be transported thus.

Panel 2: (Karishad is now playing with a bongo while Grape looks at him confused, with an expression that says "How and where did he get that?", Spike has a concerned expression.)
Man who speaks only in limericks (Upset.): -Also, don't call me "chump"
Ere you wish to walk on a limp.

Panel 3:(Spike is looking at something off-screen, somewhere in over the right corner of the panel.)
Grape (Looking back at Spike and the man.): -Alright, alright, let's just fire the portal up befo-

Panel 4: (Spike is jumping on top of Grape, just in time to move here out of the way of a soaring shuriken. The Man who speaks only in limericks dodges it by moving his right arm and his torso to one side, while Karishad, with his tongue sticking out clownishly, avoids it by leaning on his back limbo, or Matrix, style.)
Spike: -LOOK OUT!

Panel 5: (The scene shiftes to a lizard guard patloon, lead by a human or humanoid ninja-like individual, clad in black, face completely covered with a mask, except for the eyes, at least four more shurikens strapped on a belt across his belt, and carrying a "bô", also commonly known as a ninja stick.)
Ninja dude (With angry eye expression.): -HAYAAAA! I will poke you with my FINGER!

Possible alt text: "What? But you have a stick and like half a dozen ninja stars!" "Yes, but I have ten FINGERS!"

Part 5
Panel 1: (Karishad and Spike stand in front the man who speaks on- blah, blah, blah, and Grape, separating them from the guards [the "camera" showing everything from behind the guards], by stretching their arms in a cheesy heroic pose, Spike has a and equally heroic and desicive expression, while Karishad just seems to be half-serious, half-joking, as always.)
Spike and Karishad in unison: Stay back! I will handle this!

Panel 2: (Spike and Karishad staring at each other. Spike to the left, Karishad to the right. Spike looks angry, while Karishad looks half-angry, half-amused.)
Spike and Karishad in unison (Dialogue balloon 1.): What?
Spike and Karishad in unison (Dialogue balloon 2.): I will take care of this one!
Spike and Karishad in unison (Dialogue balloon 3.): Stop repeating what I'm saying!
Ninja dude's off-screen voice: Silence!

Panel 3: (The lizard guards stand in an attentive pose as ninja dude raises his arms, bô included, and yells a monologue. Karishad and Spike look at each other, completely unimpressed, and somwhat annoyed by ninja dude.)
Ninja dude (Full of himself.): I am the mighty Ta-Chi-Toh, master of the 1336 techniques of Chi-chon-Zoh-Teh! Prepare for a brusing barrage so overwhelming your grandchildren will be born with band-aids!

Panel 4: (This panel is composed of nothing more than a sign that reads "Exactly one minute of climatic battle later....")

Panel 5: (We see our four protagonists walking away. Ninja dude is lying face-first on the floor, one of his fists hitting it repeatedly in anger and protest, his bô broken in two on top of his head, his clothes ragged in sveral places. The guards are all lying in several comical ways amidst broken furniture, shattered weapons, bumped armours, and covered in boo-hoos. One of the lizard guards, sitting against a wall, sings grogilly, his pupils spiraling.)
Ninja dude: -I KNEW I shouldn't have skipped that last class!
Singing lizard guard: -"Daisy, Daisy, when will you love me too?"
Grape: -Well, that was easy.
Karishad: -Aww, I only sent six of them flying up in the air! Can we do it again?

Possible alt text: "Hi, I'm Daisy!"

Part 6
Panel 1: (To the left, Spike and Grape are looking at the man who speaks only in limericks, who is on the rightmost corner of the panel, tinkering with what looks like a colorful wrist watch.)
Grape: -Let's hurry and activate that portal already!
Man who speaks only in limericks: -I agree with you, little pets,
By all means, let's.

Panel 2: (We see the scene from the sme height as ninja dude, who is still on the floor. In the backround, we see the four travelers passing through a spiralling vortex: The portal everyone was talking about.)

Panel 3: (We see only ninja dude, as he slowly starts lifting his head from the floor.)
Ninja dude: -Nnnnrrgh.

Panel 4: (Ninja dude, what little we can see from his face filled with bruises lifts his head completely and searches for something in his pocket.)

Panel 5: (Ninja dude takes out a small, futuristic looking cellphone, and turns it on with a "prip" sound.)

Panel 6: (Ninja dude is looking angrily a something off-screen [Our heroes, of course.] while speaking to the phone.)
Ninja dude: -My Lord?
Belial (Through the phone.): - *Sigh* What is it this time, Ta-Chi-Toh?
Ninja dude: -My Lord, there are mortal intruders in Dite Town's museum, fleeding towards a neighbouring circle through a portal right now!
Belial (Through the phone.): -I heard something of it, but why haven't I been informed as to who they are yet, minion?!

Panel 7: (Same scene as the previous panel.)
Ninja dude: -There's four of them: A black and white German Sheperd and purple and white cat, both clad in Heavenly armour, a crazy old man that speaks in limericks, and red fox with a purple cape and golden laurel crown.
Belial (Through the phone.): -That's definitely something you don't see every day around here. I will have them disposed of in just a moment.
Ninja dude: -My Lord! The red fox, I think he is a T.C.T.B.

Panel 8: (We see the scene from behind ninja dude's battered body, as he looks at Karishad, who is waving his right hand as he passes through the portal.)
Belial (Through the phone.): -Don't be ridiculous! A mortal T.C.T.B.? Are you positive about this?
Karishad (Singing as he waves his hand.): -"Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!"

Panel 9: (We see a very close look at ninja dude's angry stare.)
Ninja dude: -Yes. Too Cool To Beat!

Possible alt text: Heh, I always thought Karishad loved to sing "Banana Phone", actually.
Last edited by Silly Zealot on Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Post by _Stu_ »

Great! When Zealot submission's will be completed, it'll be 1 more to go! Just one!
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Post by Silly Zealot »

Sorry for taking so long, I am really lazy and have problems to write for a very extended period of time.

For the last contestant, maybe we can use a proxy?

"Bzzzt, bzzzt. I am robo-fan, I will write a... fan-fic-tioooon. Beep, beep, beep, woop!"
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

I'm telling you, hyenas ARE canines too!
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Post by _Stu_ »

Perfect! We reached the 5 submissions.

Just one more to go! Go guys go!
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Post by _Stu_ »

*Knocks* yo guys! So, no one for the last submission?

I guess i'll wait for the end of the week, then i'm sorry for the ones who submitted, i'll have to erase the contest... :(
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Post by valerio »

aw :cry:
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Post by GameCobra »

well, cram-bams.
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Post by kavviyenta »

Wha, you mean you'll wait a few more days and if no one fill the last spot, then it will be canceled? :shock: my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by copper »

Oh fine, wait until Monday and I will write something. I will have time on Sunday to do it I guess. :roll:
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Post by Silly Zealot »

Can I post 2 submission? *Grins evily*
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Post by _Stu_ »

I'm not forcing anyone eh, it's just that i can't come to a random future day with 6 entries... since i'm very busy, i need to organize the whole thing and elaborate it. Or i'll be late with everything as always lately. I can wait max for the entire next week... max though.

And no, no double entry, it'd be really unfair! *crosses his wings grumpy*
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Post by Karl »

I really wish I was able to participate. But I don't have strengh yet to create. I can't yet...

Copper, I believe in you. You've proven before you can be creative. I'm sure you will create something very good.
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Post by valerio »

Silly Zealot wrote:Can I post 2 submission? *Grins evily*
*I* would've done that already to support the effort, if the rules allowed it!
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Post by copper »

I will have Dissension lock me in the same dungeon he shoved me into when I had to come up with the Fan Fiction rules. It will be done shortly thereafter... *shudders*
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Post by Gren »

_Stu_ wrote:*Knocks* yo guys! So, no one for the last submission?

I guess i'll wait for the end of the week, then i'm sorry for the ones who submitted, i'll have to erase the contest... :(
Aw, I wanted to see one of my strips so badly... :( (That would worth as a prize to me)
Come on copper, you'd better to come up with something, you don't want to see Sabrina angry.

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Post by _Stu_ »

Don't worry Copper! If you tell me you're going to submit something, i will wait for it! :P take your time.
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Post by copper »

Going to get on it right after I check some fan fics. I cannot get too behind on them! :D

I hate 5 am... my entry coming Wednesday night now I am afraid...
Last edited by copper on Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Idiocy on my part
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Post by kavviyenta »

...So is copper's entry coming or not? :? my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by copper »

It is! Sorry, but comedy is NOT my strong suit.... I am only on the third part and stalling! Hopefully I will have it done by Sunday, as I am only working half the weekend this time around.... Sorry Guys! :oops:
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