2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by angelusbr »

Foxstar wrote:
angelusbr wrote:I'm a fanfic writer and I did some videos, which made me recieve my own share trolls/flamers/haters the same way there are those who point out my flaws and I do appretiate constructive criticism. Anyone can only improve by noticing their own flaws and improving them.
You may welcome the type of spiteful, venom filled 'constructive criticism' that some so called fans offer. Rick does not. And so I'm taking it a step above Diss, keep it polite, useful and worthwhile when you offer 'criticism' here, that goes for everyone. Passionate, venom, backbiting filled rants will do nothing but ensure, of that I can promise of not posting here anymore.
I think I worded it better in my deleted post. What I mean is say something is horrible just to be a hater is a bad thing, but point out flaws and give an explanation of why something is wrong in your work is not a bad thing. I do welcome criticism that explain to me what I did wrong. And what I meant was that I too recieve flaming/troll posts that give no actual criticism, so I ignore these ones.
rickgriffin wrote:Also if you think that "Rick won't grow unless we give him constant unending criticism," that's a perspective that assumes I don't actually care about what I'm doing unless I'm actively being insulted. You don't need to take the burden of self-improvement on for me. If you don't like the comic, that's fine, you don't have to like the comic--but taking which characters or plots you don't like as though it were a personal attack (or a threat to your personal well-being) and retaliating is not real criticism.

Please refer to the previous thread https://www.housepetscomic.com/forums/v ... f=2&t=2206
Sometimes some details escape when you write a story that recquire a third person to see and notice them, because sometimes when an author writes somethings, while it makes sense for him/her while writting, it may need some tweaking so the plot and characters can be fully understood by the readers.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Argent »

Last edited by Argent on Fri May 24, 2013 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Legotron123 »

rickgriffin wrote:Also if you think that "Rick won't grow unless we give him constant unending criticism," that's a perspective that assumes I don't actually care about what I'm doing unless I'm actively being insulted. You don't need to take the burden of self-improvement on for me. If you don't like the comic, that's fine, you don't have to like the comic--but taking which characters or plots you don't like as though it were a personal attack (or a threat to your personal well-being) and retaliating is not real criticism.

Please refer to the previous thread https://www.housepetscomic.com/forums/v ... f=2&t=2206
thats right, creative criticism is when you say in a nice way how somebody can inprove what they're doing. you DO say whats wrong, but you also give them segestions on how to make it better. you dont just tell them everything they're doing wrong, (unless they're bino) you ALSO tell them what they're doing right.
although, it doesnt help that almost everything sounds ruder in typing.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Silly Zealot »

Hoooo, boy are Gren, Huckley, Valerio, and the other translators gonna have a fun time translating that rhyme in the alt-text, as well as the song it references!
"Hey, hey, hey!" Is Pete gonna disguise himself as Fat Albert for the next year, now?
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
RioluNation wrote:
serence ice fox wrote:anyone noticed that "love me" behind panel 1 ? XD
This might sound evil but I'm actually loving Pete more and more because of stuff like these :lol:
I'm guessing the whole thing says "rainbows loves me"?
since this is in a church, I'm pretty sure it says "Jesus loves me" King must be in the Sunday school room
I was gonna say it looked like Joel/King got teleported to the basement of an elementary school, in the first panel, but you most likelly hitted the nail on this one.
Dissenssion wrote:I know y'all have strong opinions of the comic and want to provide honest feedback. I have one guideline, in addition to the forum rules: kindly keep in mind Rick reads and can be affected by what you say. Rick is human, too, and a constant barrage of "This comic sucks because..." or "This arc sucks because..." or "I hate this character because..." will eventually wear down his spirit and drive to do the comic. Bearing in mind that Rick understands literature and writing pretty well should help alleviate your concerns.
That is PRESCISELY the reason I write stuff in this forums: To readers' views and opinions be influenced by my comments, including Rick (though not him in particular), otherwise, I'd be quieter than a statue. Make no mistake: I seek to leave pemanent marks on each and every single one of you every time I write a word! I want everything to be just so for me, so give me a tiara and call me Miss Originality! :P

*Checks today's date* 24th of May, 2013, folks!

This is it!

One year from now, the Universes and Unrealities duel, after so many millenia, ends! And maybe, just maybe, the comic might end as well, and we will find ourselves plunged head-first In a New Age! Know what I'm saying?
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Hukley »

Silly Zealot wrote: And maybe, just maybe, the comic might end as well
I hope not... (my avatar just matches my feelings ;) )
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Liam »

rickgriffin wrote:Also if you think that "Rick won't grow unless we give him constant unending criticism," that's a perspective that assumes I don't actually care about what I'm doing unless I'm actively being insulted. You don't need to take the burden of self-improvement on for me. If you don't like the comic, that's fine, you don't have to like the comic--but taking which characters or plots you don't like as though it were a personal attack (or a threat to your personal well-being) and retaliating is not real criticism.

Please refer to the previous thread https://www.housepetscomic.com/forums/v ... f=2&t=2206
I don't think I saw any actual destructive (=deliberately aiming to derogate/destroy someone/someone's work with strong language) criticism on the forums aside from Aticston maybe, so you can be at ease in that regard, Rick. You should see other Internet venues...

Just let me point out that criticism requires to give a detailed explanation on why you like/dislike certain aspects of a narrative. Rejecting criticism runs into the danger that you end up with an echo chamber, and I think you know what happens to creators who only know their private echo chambers.

I don't mean to attack you or your work, but please don't institute a hug box policy.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Silly Zealot »

AleColin wrote:Man, this is a tough choice, what do you guys think? I think that King should tell the truth to Bailey. I know it is hard, but what choice does he have? King needs help.
I certainly hope so! If not, my plan of storming in, yelling "I OBJECT!", and throwing fish heads all around is still standing.
Now, if only Rick would be so kind as to lend me his magical hovercraft that he uses to travel to the Housepets! universe, take pictures, and pretend they are actually a comic he wrote.....
Gren wrote:Honestly, this is the reason why I find them interesting, because it isn't the typical "I am the good god and I am the bad god and it's our mission decide the destiny of the universe". They have personality, they consider this as a game and have their own reasons to do with the world whatever they want even if not every mortal are happy with that, because that's what they think is better for them.
They are a copy paste of the Greek pantheon.
Let's build a ladder to the Housepets! Heaven and trash the place! Yippie! :)
Legotron123 wrote:Well at least Pete is giving king a chance to decide. Oh well, ON TO THE WEDDING!!!!!!
Fish heads ahoy!!!!!!
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Gren »

rickgriffin wrote:Also if you think that "Rick won't grow unless we give him constant unending criticism," that's a perspective that assumes I don't actually care about what I'm doing unless I'm actively being insulted. You don't need to take the burden of self-improvement on for me. If you don't like the comic, that's fine, you don't have to like the comic--but taking which characters or plots you don't like as though it were a personal attack (or a threat to your personal well-being) and retaliating is not real criticism.

Please refer to the previous thread https://www.housepetscomic.com/forums/v ... f=2&t=2206
Sorry if I offended you, sir, it wasn't my intention. Besides, when I said I wasn't enjoying of King's arc, it wasn't due to your job (you are doing great so far!) but because of the extremist fans of King. After seen the obsession for King so many complains and whining and such stupid comments like "I hate you Pete, Bino, Cosmic blah blah blah..." I tend to lose the interest for this character. People can't stand to see King suffer, even if he trips with a rock. But what is really annoying is that they have a problem with everything even when you said countless times that there's always a happy ending. They can't just sit and enjoy the thing, no, they have to complain about everything and ruin it for people who really enjoy a bit of drama.
I don't want to sound like a jerk, I respect their feelings for King, but sometimes they go too far. They have to know he's not really alive, it's just a cartoon. And most importantly, they should stop taking King as if he was Jesus for god sake!
Silly Zealot wrote:Hoooo, boy are Gren, Huckley, Valerio, and the other translators gonna have a fun time translating that rhyme in the alt-text, as well as the song it references!
"Hey, hey, hey!" Is Pete gonna disguise himself as Fat Albert for the next year, now?
Well, it's not the first time this happens. I remember translating a quote from a song of The Beatles one time in an "one-off" comic (and it was a totally failure XD),
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by rickgriffin »

Liam wrote: I don't think I saw any actual destructive (=deliberately aiming to derogate/destroy someone/someone's work with strong language) criticism on the forums aside from Aticston maybe, so you can be at ease in that regard, Rick. You should see other Internet venues...

Just let me point out that criticism requires to give a detailed explanation on why you like/dislike certain aspects of a narrative. Rejecting criticism runs into the danger that you end up with an echo chamber, and I think you know what happens to creators who only know their private echo chambers.

I don't mean to attack you or your work, but please don't institute a hug box policy.
You are allowed to dislike my work. You're allowed to have reasons to dislike my work, and sometimes they're very good reasons, because I'm not perfect and neither is everything I do. Sometimes I write myself into a corner and have to work with what I've given myself to the best of my ability. Most of the time what I am doing sucks and I'm desperately hoping people don't notice.

But you do not see what I see. You're not looking at the problems from my perspective, and a number of you make the assumption that is exactly what you are doing and can do. "Well it'd be just so easy if--" no. It would not; most of the time you're attacking a single peeve of your own without having to take into account that I have a multitude of issues and problems and requirements and restrictions to juggle at the same time, and not all of them actually have to do with the comic.

But I know that my product is whatever it ends up being. And whatever it ends up being may be great or it might suck. But unless you actually know what's happening, don't tell me how to do my job. I'm seriously trying to do my best with it and some days I feel like I'm on the edge of a total nervous breakdown because what I do isn't good enough, or I never have enough time or space to make it perfect.

You might be "right" but you're not helping. What do you want me to say? That I'm not entitled to my fans? I rarely feel entitled to any fans whatsoever. That my fans are entitled to make outrageous or impossible demands simply because they feel uncomfortable with the decisions I make? That they should tell all my other fans "This guy is boring, you shouldn't even be here because he's such a poor storyteller" over and over and over again just because they're allowed to be critical of me? Or maybe they can say "This isn't as good as I wanted, so I'm personally disappointed in YOU, Rick; this isn't a problem with characters or plot decisions or turns or threads or anything else except YOU". It's a really great feeling to be a personal disappointment to people you thought you were helping, let me tell you.

Or maybe they should be able to say "Rick, you should be a lot more critical of yourself because what you're doing is stupid garbage; a smarter person would have done this much better much faster effortlessly, and given everyone ice cream too." Because that's already what I keep saying to myself. And it's incredibly hard to work when you know everything coming out of your pencil is worthless.

Regardless of what you might think, my total amount of energy to work on the comic does not come from the fans. Fans are great, fans are an indication that even though I completely fail at 90 percent of everything I do that I can at least keep trying to suck a little less next time, because I am making the lives of other people better, and that is awesome. But the fans aren't where motivation originates from; fans are the result of the work I put into trying to learn and process and put together storytelling principles that I have been working at learning for years because these things are IMPORTANT to me. And it's ESPECIALLY bothersome when someone comes on and tells me something I already know and condescends to me as though it were a lesson that I need to learn again because I clearly didn't learn it the first six dozen times.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Liam »

Hm, okay, so what is the point of the CNs from your perspective?

Are they a generator for wacky adventures, an enabler to make a point about the relationship between man and animal, or an element to introduce quick drama for your characters?
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Dissension »

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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by rickgriffin »

Liam wrote:Hm, okay, so what is the point of the CNs from your perspective?

Are they a generator for wacky adventures, an enabler to make a point about the relationship between man and animal, or an element to introduce quick drama for your characters?
They're an element that was introduced into the comic for what might not have been entirely sound reasons. But they are there and I have fun working with them, and at times they will take on one or the other or ALL of those roles as the situation warrants. If I have an idea for a wacky adventure there is not any reason that said wacky adventure must be ultimately fluff and cannot comment on the relationship between man and animal, and if I wish to comment on the relationship between man and animal, there's no reason I have to be preachy instead of having a wacky adventure.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by RioluNation »

I was thinking maybe that the story will soon get better. I always hope for the best. I enjoy a few plot twists. Like the one in today's comic. Every character has a story of their own, yes?
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by angelusbr »

Ricky, yes, personal attacks are a bad thing. I agree 100% with you. Ignore people who insult you out of spite (although, I know it is hard to do so).
However I still have a question: how can we help? No matter how we try sugar coat and point a plot hole or a character inconsistence, it'll always sound a bit rude. I know you have a life outside comics (we all do) and for the sound of it, you are having a hard time dealing with it too. I know this may sound weird, but don't you think you should take a break from your comic if devoting so much time is currently wearing you down and come back when you're feeling better?
Also, how can we politely point out any inconsistence whithin the story? Through pms, in the threads or simply be silent and post only praise?
I know I'm sounding like a jerk, but anyone who tries to be an atist, writer, heck, any field of work is subject to criticism when there are flaws. You are human. We all are. We make mistakes and learn from them. Also, the "lesson" thing is a touchy subject. I, for example, brought it up because we still ahve yet to see the reason of the big contradiction of Fido's character (would defend Peanut from Bino and the other dogs, but would turn his back to King being pined down by two much larger dogs and his other brother being thrown out of the club). It's this kind of thing that makes people raise an eyebrow.
Given an explanation inside of the story, we can understand why character X is acting in such way and you did give us plenty of backstory so far and given the promise of explaining more in the fure, i guess more people would refrain from criticize.
Work in a long and complex story recquires a LOT of effort, I know very well how it is. But, as I said, pushing yourself beyond your limits to work on a free comic is simply not worth your health. However, work on a free comic does not mean people would simply pat on your head and say good job every time(yes, I know you know that, but you heavily implied you don't like when people point out flaws [the whole lsson thing again]).
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by rickgriffin »

Then BE analytical and not personal. Recognize there are some flaws I cannot fix, and that is okay. Recognize that I won't have the perfect solution to all your problems and you'll be really peeved if I don't come up with one. Recognize that you don't actually know for certain what I plan on having happen and criticizing me for things which are not there. Recognize that I trust my audience enough to let them follow the small things, and also that I'm not perfect enough to remember everything I said, and sometimes it's okay to gloss over details instead of holding me accountable for every tiny flaw that appears.

In other words, when you're going to be critical of me, remember that I'm human, and I am already trying and doing what I can to not simply "coast".
angelusbr wrote: I, for example, brought it up because we still ahve yet to see the reason of the big contradiction of Fido's character (would defend Peanut from Bino and the other dogs, but would turn his back to King being pined down by two much larger dogs and his other brother being thrown out of the club). It's this kind of thing that makes people raise an eyebrow.
Seriously?! You can't read into the character that's already there that Fido is someone who, while charitable, is uncomfortable leveraging his position, except for the one case where he's obviously overcompensating for his own personal secret?

Even if you absolutely cannot wait for the story arc where I actually explore this, I kind of expect people to figure these things out on their own without every little bit of absolutely everything that happens explained to them, or assuming I must be an idiot
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Argent »

When people point out you've painted yourself into a corner, just levitate out and make them look silly.

Last edited by Argent on Fri May 24, 2013 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by RioluNation »

Now that's funny! :lol:
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by angelusbr »

@Argent: I needed the laugh.

@Ricky: I see. But I must say that we have a big difference in terms of philosofy when it comes to flaws in storytelling. Instead of trying to fix it somehow (either by editing past strips or in the future strips) you expect people to turn a complete blind eye even though you have the means to fix it. Then there's nothing more to be said.
edit: Yes, seriously. I honestly don't remember you pointing out about a Fido story arc about this subject (if you did, I think then I skiped it. If so, sorry). I considered it a big hole especially because that was the first time we saw Fido being a "coward" (so to speak) and also because he didn't say or think about why he's doing this. YOU are the one explaining why he acted the way he did, not the character.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by rickgriffin »

angelusbr wrote: @Ricky: I see. But I must say that we have a big difference in terms of philosofy when it comes to flaws in storytelling. Instead of trying to fix it somehow (either by editing past strips or in the future strips) you expect people to turn a complete blind eye even though you have the means to fix it. Then there's nothing more to be said.
Yes there is. YOU assume there is something to be fixed for issues which don't meet your personal expectations of thorough explanation and then blame me for not meeting this arbitrary list, then telling me that I can meet your personal standard simply by working more on it.

I have already addressed all of this.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by angelusbr »

Yeah, I think this entire conversation over, man. Seriously. This has nothing to do with meeting my expectations. Kill everyone in the comic if that's what you want, but do it in a way that don't betray what has been estabilished.
Your comic didn't meet my expectations several times and I kept quiet, but at least those times made sense.
rickgriffin wrote:Then BE analytical and not personal. Recognize there are some flaws I cannot fix, and that is okay. Recognize that I won't have the perfect solution to all your problems and you'll be really peeved if I don't come up with one. Recognize that you don't actually know for certain what I plan on having happen and criticizing me for things which are not there. Recognize that I trust my audience enough to let them follow the small things, and also that I'm not perfect enough to remember everything I said, and sometimes it's okay to gloss over details instead of holding me accountable for every tiny flaw that appears.
Last edited by angelusbr on Fri May 24, 2013 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Foxstar »

Yeah, it's over. Drop it. That's a order.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Liam »

rickgriffin wrote:They're an element that was introduced into the comic for what might not have been entirely sound reasons. But they are there and I have fun working with them, and at times they will take on one or the other or ALL of those roles as the situation warrants. If I have an idea for a wacky adventure there is not any reason that said wacky adventure must be ultimately fluff and cannot comment on the relationship between man and animal, and if I wish to comment on the relationship between man and animal, there's no reason I have to be preachy instead of having a wacky adventure.
I see. Hey, as the finale of TNG showed quasi-omnipotent plot generators can make good stories. What I'm hoping, however, is that they don't grow tumorous and take over the show.

The quality of fiction is more often than not closely linked to how well the characters resonate with the audience. You can have a cast consisting of blue kitty aliens from Proxima Centauri or Japanese demons, seeing as they're commonly "just" (not that this is a bad thing) human beings in exotic bodies their lives full of kindness, betrayal, conflict and love resonate with our experience of everyday life and we can become invested in their stories. But what can you make of physical gods who behave like petulant manchildren when they bicker about one of their games? A game that involves the suffering of feeling beings (doesn't mean much that Faux-Joan of Arc or mortals in general get reborn in your 'verse, they still have to endure additional suffering through the CNs schemes)? They're alienating and a deviation from the roots and core of the comic, the man-in-the-street characters like Peanut, Grape, Fido and Max.

Not that I try to order you around and make you reshape the comic according to the preferences of a specific section of the fandom or me, it's just an impression I believe I share with some others and that could be the cause of the grumbling atmosphere as of late.

You say you can't fic all problems, and given how many opinions are out there I don't disagree with you on this, but I think there's ample choice of how to proceed from here. It's fiction, after all, you can do everything imaginable with the cast.

EDIT: Oh, I pressed submit without checking the posts made in the meantime. <_>
Last edited by Liam on Fri May 24, 2013 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by RioluNation »

Foxstar wrote:Yeah, it's over. Drop it. That's a order.
Yeah, I think this is getting out of hand. Let's return to the comic, please?
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Silly Zealot »

Gren wrote:I respect their feelings for King, but sometimes they go too far. They have to know he's not really alive, it's just a cartoon.
SHADDAP, SHADDAP, SHADDAP, SHADDAP! *Runs off crying like a new born baby*
RioluNation wrote:Yeah, I think this is getting out of hand. Let's return to the comic, please?
Suddenly this thread's name seems way more appropiate.

Last edited by Silly Zealot on Fri May 24, 2013 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Peanut's a very handsome chap, isn't he?
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Silly Zealot »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Peanut's a very handsome chap, isn't he?
Like a monkey riding a donkey! (Translation: Yes, he is!)

EDIT: Wait... Peanut was hidden in this strip?! Where? Was he behind Waldo?
20th century fox? Given that this is the year 2020, that fox must be dead by now. Sadface! : (

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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Mickey the Luxray »

Silly Zealot wrote:EDIT: Wait... Peanut was hidden in this strip?! Where? Was he behind Waldo?
I bet he was using Waldo as a meatshield in case King had a meltdown. c| *bricked*

(translation: I have no idea! :D)
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by ben2099 »

Ah, poor King...

I may be reflecting a lot of what has already been said, but I felt I had to state a few things that I have seen and add my thoughts to them.

To begin with, King has been my favorite character of the story and the King/Pete story arc has been something I have been looking forward to since Christmas. I have been awaiting this confrontation to come to a head and to see the resulting scenario and subsequential fallout. I suppose I expected something a little flashier and probably more devastating to King, but this subtly is really more in style with Pete's overall character and grand scheme's.

But to that regard, King is Toast...Doomed...(whatever negative connotation you prefer here)...


Because Pete has played his Chess piece well I'm afraid (hehehehe punny).

I almost believe that Pete set this up from the moment that Joel had first set eyes on him. Lets be honest, Pete, Dragon, Nine-Tails, etc. are beings that are quasi-omnipresent to full on gods. They see the flow of causality, fate, and time as a complex web that they control and manipulate. Heck, they even made a RPG out of it for cripes sake! The one thing they cannot fully anticipate is destiny, and that is that is one thing we all have partial control over through our actions, desires, and most of all, choices.

Now, you ask, how does this play into what has transpired and how I believe will affect the future? You see, it all begins with why Pete chose Joel to begin with. Pete saw a human that was filled with anger, sadness, bitterness with the world, but deep down still wanted to try to help on some basic level. Pete, after losing his initial avatar, saw a perfect vessel to become his champion, or the Dark Paladin, who feeds on his own internal anger and sorrow as his power source. Now, from this point, Pete sees Joel, what he needs Joel to be, and what the web of time (causality, fate, and so on) has in store for Joel up to that point and possibly the thousands of possible outcomes that could result from different courses of actions that comes from Joel's choices and Pete's interference. Based upon this, Pete was able to plan exactly what would happen to make Joel/King his with the maximum power necessary to win the game.

What I am saying is that this course has been planned by Pete, with even multiple redundancies, to ensure Joel/King is locked into place. Heck, Bailey was a fail safe that I think Pete built in to ensure that he could use at the right moment to herd King back in.

So how will this play into everything, and how will it end?

Scenario 1)
King gives in to Pete's demands because of the friends, and love, that he has garnered in his new life. Pete exploits King's weaknesses to push King to his absolute breaking point, forcing him to lose everything so that he is simply a being filled with sorrow and rage, having enough power to break the heaven's himself, causing Pete to be triumphant. (If there is anything left worth having after King is done)

Scenario 2)
King becomes the ultimate Martyr. He sacrifices everything he loves, is hated by everything he loves after destroying their trust, and goes to jail in disgrace to pay for his previous crimes. However, everyone else gets to live a, somewhat, happy ending, Dragon wins the game, and Pete pays the price of being human for 100 years.

In either case, Joel/King can't win. Its either destroying everything, or destroying oneself.

However, I think that choice is the last part of the web that even Pete may not have true control over. Based upon human nature, Joel should choose Scenario 1 right? I mean how many people choose Scenario 2? There aren't any more heroes in this world right?

Also, there is one other factor to play in all this that I have not considered: Pete. Can he live with what he is about to do? Is he truly so malevolent to sacrifice his piece for his goals? Is the old saying of the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few true enough that Pete believes the ends justify the means?

I would say yes, save for one thing: We see Pete grieve for a fallen avatar. Can Pete be swayed that maybe even he has gone too far and is out of touch for his own dreams?

Now this is all conjecture, but I do have one thing to say:

Rick, after everything is all said and done, please be sure to give King the Saint Template. You can find it in the Book of Exalted deeds. I think when this is all over, one way or another, he will have earned it.

P.S. Rick, love the comic, hope you don't mind the terrible Doctor Who/D&D 3.5 humor. Keep up the good work. Also, to anyone else, sorry about the grammer, no time to proofread.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Duster »

Ah there we go, and here I was thinking Rick wouldn't surprise me!

So who thinks that Pete's ultimatum is somehow better with a time limit?
In a way Pete's being somewhat merciful to King in this respect, considering that he's backed King into a corner with his threats of forfeiting the U&U game(and Letting King go back to being Joel).
I mean, Pete's is not technically "making" King do anything but he is forcing King's hand.

I imagine that there's multiple ways that this storyline could play out, however a few possible occurrences stand out to me.

A. King could, after much deliberation, decide to play along with Pete's game. (this one I find unlikely but i've been surprised before.)

B. King could do some soul searching, and being who he is (pessimist), decide that he doesn't deserve to live happily ever after as a dog. (again probably not likely but who knows?)

And then there's C. King somehow looks for a way or finds a way to circumvent this seemingly hopeless situation. Not playing by Pete's rules, but his own. (i like this possibility.)

I don't write for the Housepets comic (it'd be fun though) so it's quite possible that none of these eventualities will come to pass or that some elements of all three of these play out somehow, again who knows? I can't wait to find out though!
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by PhoenixAsper »

ben2099 wrote:All of that.
That cannot be all. It CAN'T.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Foxstar »

You are allowed to not like the strip, characters, plots or jokes, and you're allowed to say so. However, monopolizing the conversation with negativity and complaints is not criticism, it is trying to shout louder than everyone else. You are not the lone voice in the wilderness. Just like it is valid for you to not like the comic, other people are not invalidated for liking it. It is not necessary to insult, belittle or demean people for liking or disliking the comic
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by PhoenixAsper »

Is Rick going to be okay?
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Foxstar »

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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by copper »

Pete is looking rather buff in this strip! :roll:

I love the ticking clock! Always a great psychological element in my book. I am going to love seeing how King being affected by it affects everyone else!

I think Pete is going to forfeit, but while he has the upper hand, so he can win the game while not winning himself.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by KJOokami »

Hey guys, I'm baaaa--
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Lifio13 »

I just noticed. In the first panel with that sign that says Jesus Loves You(Well it probably does, since it's in a church, right?). Is that another reference to Mrs Robinson? I'm pretty sure that's another one of the lines. :P
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Red Ryu »

Does King really hold that much of a trump card for Pete that only in under a year does Pete think he can win with him against Dragon?

He still is kinda far behind in the power race.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Serence Frostbite »

I'm totally guessing in the blind here , but if King is still consider "playable" in the game , he would still be a Dark paladin right ? Would this one year Pete's giving him is actually to build up his negative emotion and therefore his power ?
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Kyuunado »

That's a good point Serence. But if Pete is desperate and he knows it King can really twist the deal here, "keep me a dog, don't control me and say please" kinda thing.
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Re: 2013/05/24 - Woe Woe Woe

Post by Argent »

Red Ryu wrote:Does King really hold that much of a trump card for Pete that only in under a year does Pete think he can win with him against Dragon?

He still is kinda far behind in the power race.
Assuming he's telling the truth, he's going to resign in a year anyway, so he's got to win within the year.

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