What do you call a fic that's not a fic

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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

and if it's tonight I have to wait til tomorrow. stupid time differences :/
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:

Also: This update is going to be longer and totally action-packed! 8-)
Clicked on the link and.... Wow

Thanks for the longer update promise

EDIT: also did you look up ballad of linkara? Cause with altered lyrics it would be perfect for a final battle.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by EvanAierkan »

Legotron123 wrote:
valerio wrote:
Legotron123 wrote:I just got caught up and I have 1 thing to say. This is the best fanfic ever but I hate the Terence high stuff it just doesn't catch my interest.
Hmm, I knew I was taking a risk starting with a season made with OCs characters.
Will have to work on that.
Save for 1 or 2 episodes the whole season was nothing BUT Terence high. So you did a bit more then just START a season with OCs. But the episodes that weren't exclusively about Terence high were awesome.
Have to agree with this. Not that there haven't been good updates in these couple seasons, it's just A LOT of new characters to get used to. Not to mention lack of the original cast it's hard to make the connection. Third and current fourth season have been clearly made to cater the roleplay section of the forums.
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Post by valerio »

Yes, that's why I had started mixing the casts. It will be better this way

EDIT - Oh, and on a sidenote: I decided to introduce my version of Fino with episode 9.
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:Yes, that's why I had started mixing the casts. It will be better this way

EDIT - Oh, and on a sidenote: I decided to introduce my version of FINO with episode 9.

Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

A silly grammar mistake turned into EPIC
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:A silly grammar mistake turned into EPIC
F.y.i unless its against the rules I'm gonna keep asking you to watch ballad of linkara you won't be sorry
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

yes, I just listened to it! Epic ending theme if I am allowed! 8-)
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:yes, I just listened to it! Epic ending theme if I am allowed! 8-)

Told ya. I listen to it everyday.

That's not crazy is it?
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

Multi-Environmental Simulation Area, or ‘The Holodeck’, White Cluster, Xanadu.

Keep thinking that.
Just. Keep. Thinking. That!
Ignore the stench of cars burning. Ignore the shouts from the living and the wails from the wounded. Ignore the floor, crunchy with glass debris. Ignore the gunshots and the explosions coming from multiple disaster areas, the unrelenting sirens and the helicopters and the military jets’ roars passing by like angry modern dragons...
Simulation. Just. A. Simulation.
Because no matter how much realistic, reason kept screaming you that there would be no more war zones inside the United States of—
Eddie almost had a fit! “Bejezus, Archer! Did you want to kill me?!” he hissed, despite there being enough noise all around to cover a team of cheerleaders.
The greyhound/Norwegian mix regarded his human partner with an unsympathetic look. “You had zoned out. Focus on our mission!”
Eddie looked at the big building standing about 500 feet away: The Town Hall, the heart of River Ridge.
There was only one thing that could justify a part of Prometheus’ scientific staff away during a time of crisis: A meeting with the local authorities.
Scenario: Global attack to the United States’ economy. All creditors worldwide calling out the American debt, China and Russia leading the way. Stocks collapse. European Union defrags into its older nationalisms. Criminal cartels replace law. America is split once again – this time between what’s left of its old democratic heart and a new fascist rebel government.
The FNERL is the new cornucopia, the only promise of a bright future. Especially its staff: Too precious to be killed.
That’s why the building still stood, despite it being surrounded by the Golden Dawn armed forces. Despite its interiors being a battleground, as the columns of smoke and fire coming from the windows testified..
And that’s where the First Line had to go, to retrieve their quarry and bring them to the meeting point with the FNERL helicopters.
“I remember that, once, Gottschalk simulated a nuclear attack at Terrace High to the benefit of his tenants,” Eddie said, holding his crossbow to his chest. “Seriously, there’s something so wrong with this guy!”
Archer kept a nonplussed expression. “It’s a job. Now just relax, while the others clear the field for us.”
“I feel like I am some…coward baby, all cowering in a corner.”
Archer’s keen eyes scanned the surrounding. No, no one had noticed them yet. “You are the most important man for this mission. Once the scientists are out, you’ll have to drive us all to the rendezvous point. And no one can do that better than you. It’s obvious that we want to keep you safe.”
“Gee, no pressure eh?”
“You’re welcome.” Then he said in his Bluetooth, opening the secure satellite channel, “Team Beckett, report.”
Sarah was standing behind an upturned Domino Pizza delivery van. She was holding one of her Desert Eagles Mark XIX in her hands. Iris was crouched behind what was left of the limo that had carried the FNERL delegation. Her paw was reflexively caressing the hilt of one of her katanas.
The Golden Dawn men were keeping their positions. They didn’t suspect they had enemies just within their lines.
“Status confirmed,” was the whispered answer. Which meant: Ready to clear the area when our sniper is in firing position. The woman’s eyes went from the building to the remains of the walls surrounding the T.H.’s once beautiful gardens: Somewhere over there, there was an African Wild Cat with a scope, ready to give the green light to his partner. Sarah wondered if Amar was as worried as she was…but, more probably, he was keeping his cool all right: After all, Amar had spent his life in a war zone or the other, back in Africa. This was his turf.
Archer switched to the other team working outside the Town Hall building…well, more or less. “Team Torrance, report.”
“Almost done here,” Lance said, while examining the building’s schematics. His eyes went from Flare and Fredrick putting in place another C4 charge to the vault.
The last quake, the one that had damaged the old Truman Labs, had also weakened the tunnel network built under the old Town Hall during Prohibition. The building had started leaning like the Pisa Tower.
Even if the whole structure had been reinforced, prudence had suggested to close all accesses –one rare, wise decision from politicians, or the fascists’ mission would’ve been easy, just sneak in from the trapdoor and take what they wanted, instead of laying siege to the building.
It would take not only a good explosives expert, but also a skilled engineer to place the high power charges in the right places, to cause havoc in the plaza. Jake and Lance would provide that knowledge, the same that had led the two teams inside through the right door…
“Done!” Flare announced, wagging proudly his tail. “This is so going to make them jump!”
Fredrick Whitaker nodded. “We could use the remaining time to look for the old cellar, since we’re here: They say that there’s still good stuff left since the Roaring Twenties—“ But it was then that Flare turned. “Company,” he said, his sensible nose picking the new smells.
The two humans exchanged a worried look, their eyes asking to each other, Hadn’t you closed that door?!
Flare’s next words answered that. “They have a dog, darn!” The enemy had tracked their entrance!
And they couldn’t use their weapons, not here of all places!
Archer could only close the connection. From now on, he could only wait for the teams to answer and hope the enemy would be fended off until the timers ignited the charges.
Great way to start his first command as coordinator, if he lost them to enemy fire –or worse, if they were captured!
Archer looked again at the building. Team Whitaker were inside already, they were supposed to be the scientists’ escorts, and right now they were fighting for their lives while waiting for reinforcements. Which meant… “Team Forge, report.”
In answer, an explosion came from the building, as a portion of the wall burst in a geyser of fire and debris! Poor Archer went rigid and bit his tongue –and a strong curse with it. “Guess you’re on your way,” he hissed. The enemy forces on watch pointed at the fire, shouting, getting ready to shoot –and getting more distracted.
“Sorry for that, Alpha Leader,” Damien’s voice came through the sat-link. “Had to clear the way from resistance. On our way to Red Point, we’re still two floor below and on schedule. Over.”
Yeah, and they have pretty much cleared ALL of the way, Archer thought at the sight of the destruction. Even through the dissipating smoke he could see that there was no way to lead the civilians through that side of the building.
that side of the building.
Yay for plan B, he said to himself, opening yet another channel. “Team Jacks, report.”
The answer made his blood chill: He heard one of his dogs whimpering pitifully!
“…Help me.”
“Please. Help me. Mommy, where are you?” Then came the sound of coughs.
The two men wearing black uniforms exchanged a look. Some animal was approaching, or rather shuffling up the stairs. And it sounded in great pain. “Mom…”
“Must be one of the civilians’ pets, heck,” one of the soldiers said. “She must have hid herself during the raid.”
“Dad?” came from the floor below. Another cough
“Just let the thing die,” said the other soldier. “Sounds like it’s got one foot in the grave already.”
The other soldier started walking down the stairs. “Yeah, and have a body in our way during the retreat! Heard that explosion? Bet that now this is our only way out. I’ll be a moment.”

The soldier found it-her, just leaning on the handrail. Blood matted her left flank. The Giant Schnauzer was still coughing, and her eyes appeared glazed. In fact, she looked at the soldier without even noticing the gun he was carrying. “Dad..?” she asked with that pitiful whimper.
The man felt a pang of guilt, but the orders were clear: No obstacles on the way out, that was way there were no bodies along the stairs and corridors.
The soldier pointed his weapon at her. “Ssh, girl. You’ll feel better in a moment. Promise.”

The other soldier heard the bang and a last yowl, loud and clear. He just hoped there would be no other problems. Things weren’t going as easy as they had believed at first, and soon the Libs armed forces would be here… “Conrad! Confound you, are you done disposing of the body already?!”
“Dad?” came the pitiful doggie voice from down below!
The man felt his skin covering with goosebumps! “The heck?!” He then obeyed his first impulse: Check out. He ran down the stairs, muttering curses against his comrade and his sick sense of humor!

“Conrad, you pathetic piece of—“ he started to say, once he had reached the floor.
He stopped at the sight of the body laying over the pavement.
A human body. And a dead dog sitting against the handrail. A surreal, incomprehensible tableau, which left a soldier wondering what had happened... “Conrad?”
The dog opened her eyes! “Boo!”
The soldier’s eyes widened…but only because he was dead, his neck impaled by a Steel Recon 1 knife.
The elevator’s door, which had been partially opened, opened completely and out the shaft came first Dasco, and then Rusty and Caleb. The dog went and retrieved the knife he had just thrown from his hideout.
Navy stood up and put on the Bluetooth she had hidden under her leg. “Team Jones. Security at level 6 cleared. And I need a shower. Ew.” She opened the door of the nearest office and collected her gear. “We’re taking the Bonduct to level 7 as planned.”
“It’s still called ‘air duct’,” came Archer’s voice. One could tell the relief in it. “Nice act there, though, Navy.”
“Psychology 101, Alpha Leader. Humans will always fall for a hurt puppy, even when they’re crooks. Over.”
Eddie let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, that gal’s good. I can’t wait to play poker with her. Won’t you check on the others?”
The line chimed in their ears, followed by Clayton’s whisper. “Uh, guys? Still waiting for the cavalry, here.”
The former Special Forces Marine listened to the mission update. When Archer was done, he closed the line. “Well, I guess we’re stuck with our friends, then,” he said. “Everyone’s okay?”
Sodina, Catherine and Chance nodded. Clayton felt relieved, especially for his feline partner.
“Bombs and flashbangs are my iPod’s soundtrack,” Chance said. “Too bad for them baddies.” Just as the attackers had discovered, much to their displeasure. The plan had been crafted professionally, with the intent of shocking everyone into submission. The Mayor, the Town Council and the eggheads – as Captain Temno used to call them – weren’t used to combat. And, honestly, two soldiers and their WMPs weren’t exactly a threat for a numerous and well-armed squad with the element of surprise.
It had taken three minutes and five units left on the field for them to rethink their strategy. Chance had moved like lightning with his blades, cutting leg tendons like butter, making obstacles out of enemies. Sodina and Catherine had used the enclosed space to tackle down their opponents and finish them quickly. Clayton’s KSG Kel-Tec Shotgun had proved much efficient at short range, especially since he had been standing as if he had been breathing fresh air –speaking of which, breaking the large window had finally provided a much needed refreshing gust.
The rest of the civilians were still recovering now but otherwise looked okay. “How long will have to suffer this?!” one Counselor demanded. He looked at his defenders as if they were the cause of all this! “You were recommended as special forces, and all you’re doing is standing here, waiting for those fascists’ next move!”
“We can’t just run to them like the Polish Cavalry, Sir, if you get my meaning,” Clayton said, his tone suggesting ‘And I don’t care if you studied your history or not!’ “We need to stall them while help is on its way—“ It was at that moment that he felt Chance tugging his sleeve.
The cat was pointing with his head at the broken window.
“Colonel,” one of the three men was whispering in the radio. “Team 5, we’ve got intruders. And the place is ridden with explosives. We can’t remove them without setting ‘em off. We need backup.” Then the man listened to his superior’s instruction and nodded. “Got it, Sir.”
“What did he say?” asked the second man, while the third kept the growling gigantic Rottweiler on a tight leash.
“Plan B. They’re sending a chopper and reinforcements to retrieve the scientists.” The first soldier drew his gun. And aimed it at the nearest charge.
Whatever those libs had in mind, the plan would die with them here and now! They were going to learn that Golden Dawn was determined to go all the way to—
*tinkle tinkle tinkle*
Just a second for the man to notice the metallic ‘egg’ rolling toward him. A second during which he wondered if the enemy had actually had the same idea—
Then the tunnel was filled with a monstrous blazing light and a sound like a million nails on a chalkboard! It lasted a second, but it had been enough to short-circuit the intruders’ brain.
When it was over, a section of the tunnel’s wall waved as if it was made of liquid…and Flare removed his own ‘Stealth Cloak’. He was also wearing a hood tightly sealed against his head. “Phew, I never realized I had bad doggy breath!” he said, removing the thing that had saved him from joining the enemy in oblivion.
The rest of the team came out, each removing their protective hood. “Good job, Flare,” Lance said. He opened a channel.
Archer listened intently to the new development. “I see. Get out of there and seal the door. I don’t think more blacks will be coming, they don’t need to take the road anymore now.” He switched channel. “Team Forge, you better hurry up, we’ve got a new situation.”
This time, the first thing he heard – although not surprising – was the sound of gunfire.
“Come on, savages! White Man has come bury the rests of you, once and for all!” Following those words, a new burst of rounds against the wall that was supposed to cover Marcus and Damien. “What? Were you saying something? I can’t hear you!” He laughed hysterically. The MWD with him growled horribly. “And when I’m done with you, my dog will gladly take care of your squaw! A traitor of her race deserves only to be fed to an animal!”
Damien listened to Archer. “I see your point. It’s only a flight of stairs. Start counting five minutes.”
“Too long,” came from the sat-link.
Marcus said, “Make it three. Over.”
‘Ten minutes of full stealth mode. Excellent for recon.’
“Also sprach Zaratemno,” Chance muttered to himself, while crawling along the external wall of the Town Hall building, praying that the artillery hadn’t damaged it and that he would make it sooner than the battery. Everyone looked so tiny from his position. The cat wondered how badly would it hurt, if he fell down. He decided he didn’t want to discover it.
Just a few more meters. Then he’d toss a Gha’ur grenade into the adjacent room and dispose of the enemy squad. “Wish you could see me now, Malik,” he said, thinking about his ‘father’, the fox who had found him after a bomb had killed his Dad and destroyed their car. The fox who had raised a scared kitten into adulthood…
Heh, they had done a number like this so many times, and then they didn’t have a Harry Potter cloak. And a fall could be measured in kilometers. This was piece of— “Carp!” Chance growled, upon hearing the incoming, unmistakable sound.
Elsa couldn’t believe the nerve! This ‘Joe’ guy was actually underestimating her because of her sex! He actually thought she had cowered in a corner out of fear of being hurt!
Well, everyone was entitled to one serious mistake in one’s life, after all.
It was only a question of exploiting it properly!
The woman ran out from her corner under the broken flight of stairs, toward the unprotected shaft!
Joe’s dog caught her movement. She thought it was simply crazy, she couldn’t just jump and reach the opposite flight! “What the howl..?”
Joe, his gun still pointed at his enemies, averted his gaze from Marcus and Damien. Just for a moment.
Silent like a shadow the Dire Wolf dashed onward, his paw already going to his own SOG cutting knife!
Elsa actually jumped, sure to fall to her doom!
The dog saw her turn in midflight…and saw her gun aimed at him! The last thing he saw was a flash from the gun’s muzzle.
“DAX!” the man said, turning his head for a second too much. And when he turned it back, just at the same time he saw, like in a surreal frozen picture, the wolf’s arm spread out…and the blade coming at him!
The knife cut through the Kevlar as if through butter! Joe was propelled backward, dead before he touched the stairs.
“Elsa!” Damien ran toward the shaft…
…and found her hanging by her feet to what was left of the handrail. “I’d appreciate a hand, for once,” she said.
Marcus looked through the breach in the wall. Yes, the helicopter was coming, as Archer had said. “On it,” he said in the mike, while drawing out his weapon…

Outside, the pilot chuckled at the sight of the wolf drawing out…a gun. A revolver, of all things! “The beast has watched too many movies!” he said, without changing his route. He would’ve gladly shot a couple of rounds into the building, but what with time being of the essence, he just ignored that pathetic attempt. The chopper was bulletproof, windshield included… “Say, funny gun that,” he added at the sight of the long muzzle.

“Guys, this would be the right moment to do something,” Chance said in his mike. His cloak’s battery was running low now…

Marcus aimed the revolver. He cocked it. "Alpha, Mike, Foxtrot."
He fired.
Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express Magnum! The Augusta engineers weren’t at fault for not considering that kind of weapon. Nor a bullet carrying roughly 4 tons of metric energy!
The 900-grain projectile punctured the reinforced polymer just like a .45 would puncture human flesh. It left a web of cracks behind itself…and a red blotch that had been a human head.

Chance saw the bird tilting, while momentum carried it against the building.
Toward him! “Guys, I hate you.” He did the only thing he could do: Jump!
The men in the room adjacent to the meeting room saw the monster coming towards them. They tried to run away. Too late!
Impact! The building shook as the helicopter crashed into the window.
Chance was still muttering a prayer, when a strong, grey-furred arm broke his fall by grabbing his vest. Marcus brought him into the building just a moment, before a metallic fireball passed by.
"I knew you weren't as bad as you look, big pup," Chance muttered

The soldiers on the ground scattered quickly, making it before being crushed by the large detritus.
The helicopter’s final explosion and the shards explosion destroyed the nearest three vehicles, killed several. Igniting more chaos!
“I’d say that the mission parameters have changed,” Archer said, aiming an arrow. “Team Beckett, time to secure our transportation. Radio silence is off. Everyone else, you know what to do, just make it fast!” He shot an explosive arrow, hitting a jeep. The vehicle and the men aboard went into yet another spectacular explosion.
Bullets started flying everywhere, panic had gotten the best of Golden Dawn.
And no one cared for an Anatolian Shepherd running toward the van –except for the men guarding the vehicle, that is. They drew their guns…and fell a second later, both hit in their backs.
“Nice shots,” Damien commented, sincerely admired at Elsa’s skills. That woman had honest-to-Dog ice in her veins, if she could be so good despite the smoke, despite the chaos.
Elsa didn’t answer her Apache colleague. She silently thanked Amar for pointing out the targets with a surgical precision. It was better than working with a GPS, she could see them through his indications as if she had X-Ray vision.
“…5 degrees on the left, +2 meters, standard size, standing.”
“This is madness! The whole operation’s a fiasco, we should abandon the building as long as we have the chance!”
The man with the captain’s bars aimed his gun at the hysteric soldier, making him pale and sweating. “No one moves. Our leaders have taken failure into consideration: We shall leave, indeed, but only after making sure no one else gets those tinkerers back home.” He addressed the rest of his squad. “Now, gentlemen, get ready: We’ll open the door and throw the grenades in. It will be over in a—“
A knock at the door.
Every single gun was immediately pointed at the wooden panel!
A knock again.
“Kane, is that you?”
A merry man’s voice answered, “Room service!”
The Golden Dawn soldiers looked at each other, bewildered. The frick?!
The captain reholstered his gun, walking toward the door He put his hand on the handle. “Tobins, this is not the time for one of your stupid—“ He hadn’t finished opening the door, when two small spheres rolled into the room, with a merry clinking.
“Area cleared!” Dasco’s voice came through the link. “Roll the red carpet, we’re coming with the eggheads!”
Archer nodded. “Hear that, guys? Time to move our tails! Team Nelson, light up the fireworks!”
A second later, one explosion after the other shook the plaza! Every charge was carefully positioned so that it would create a layer of craters & mayhem all around the van’s exit route. Whatever enemy had been so stupid as to remain in the area was by now gone.
“Dibs on ‘em for the 4th of July!” Eddie said, as he and Archer started running toward the van. Iris leaned out from the back and gave a thumb up while holding out a red-stained katana.
Sarah and Elsa covered Team Pope with their crossfire. Edward jumped into the cabin. “Time to shine, guys! I’ll get you home safe and sound even if we had—“
The van just exploded. A powerful conflagration that, for a moment, rivaled even with the hellfire that had been released so far!
Sarah looked at that new raging inferno, her mind numb with choc. She could smell the burning fur of her best friend. She could see with atrocious clarity every detail of what was left of a katana, the blade melted to a pulp….
But what was worse, a single turn of luck had, with one move, decapitated the command chain, destroyed the civilians’ only way out, and condemned the United States to a long, long war for power…
Then the world became a black tapestry, with only two bright white words flashing: SCENARIO: OVER
The lights went on, and the First Line team found themselves sitting on the cushioned pavement, each one of them still wearing the VR goggles and SensoSkin™.
“Pathetic,” Temno said, standing near the group. At his signal, a swarm of doctors in white coats removed the apparatus from animals and humans, while checking on their condition. Those of the mercenaries who had been soldiers didn’t protest not fussed about that treatment –unlike certain movies taught you, a doctor was your best friend, if you wanted to live and fight another day.
Eddie acted as if he was going to get a fit. He ripped his goggles off his face and rubbed his eyes. He also repeatedly cursed with a certain creativity before saying/shouting, “Pathetic? Pathetic? You furry fleabag, piece of—“ He made as if to stand up, but was caught by a dizzy spell. Only the intervention of a nurse prevented him from an embarrassing fall. Not that it stopped Eddie from giving out a piece of his mind. “I am…I was…am dead! My heart stopped, I am sure!”
Temno was not impressed. “It’s the drawback of VR Neural Interface System.” The black wolf addressed the other members. “You’ll all spend the next 24 hours just resting, while your minds readjust to reality. Use that time to reflect on your epic failure.”
“Sir, this is not fair,” Sarah said. “You pulled a Kobayashi Maru on us. We couldn’t win!”
Temno looked at his watch. “Really? I thought I had given you all day long to evacuate the civilians. Plus, you had your clue right before your eyes: A fanatical enemy who was ready to kill all the eggheads just to make sure the good guys wouldn’t benefit of Prometheus. Had you actually expected they wouldn’t booby-trap the van?
“I gave you the time to come up with a feasible alternative. Like the underground tunnels. But you were sure you were going to win –and that’s when things go wrong.” He looked at Marcus. “I should say that I am frankly disappointed with you, Marcus: you are the only one with the mindset to understand when something wrong is lurking behind the corner, but I guess you were too enamored with your feats to realize it.
“But today you have proven your qualities as well.” Temno nodded at Chance. “You trusted your teammates,” then at Navy. “You knew how to pull a deadly prank, very good: You knew that a calm enemy would’ve been more analytical, wouldn’t have fallen for the old ‘room service’ thing.”
“Hope it wasn’t just a limit of the AI, Sir,” the Schnauzer said.
“All in all, you acted with a great coordination.” The black wolf’s gaze went to Elsa and Amar. “This was your first field test as a group, it stands to reason that you focused more on what you could do as individual than as group. That’s why I programmed two more sessions for the next six days.”
Temno walked toward the exit. “Now, now: you get two days of rest between one session and the other, ungrateful whelps.”
Archer stood up. He was still shaky, and he was fairly sure he’d spend the night in the company of very interesting nightmares. “Sir?”
Temno stopped, without turning. “Yes, grunt?”
He’d miss being Alpha Leader, too. “Did we pass the test?”
“You’re still alive,” was the cryptic answer, before the wolf left the room.
Eddie said to no one in particular, “Can’t wait to play the bodyguard. Even if I had to watch over that crazy Doc Galan guy.”

Last edited by valerio on Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Legotron123 »

I prefer the pokemon simulation over the horrifying apocylspe simulation.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

Just. NO!
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:No.
Just. NO!

What's wrong with pokemon :?:
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

Another big Thank You! to CerberusX for doing a great spellcheck job! 8-)
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

great update. too bad Sarah and Iris only got a small role... that ended in virtual death :/

Oh well, hopefully they do better in the next simulation.
Paradigm Shift by me
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Post by Legotron123 »

I'll just post my comments about the rest of the series now

S1 eps 10&11 my god........ That was awful!!

S1 fin& early s2 the way you left it off with Thomas and what's-her-name i though they were incharge of the Milton's fortune and all their companies. Glad too see them get what they deserve.

S2 loved the stuff with bud

S3 16? Dear god that was awesome
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by valerio »

Legotron123 wrote:I'll just post my comments about the rest of the series now

S1 eps 10&11 my god........ That was awful!!

S1 fin& early s2 the way you left it off with Thomas and what's-her-name i though they were incharge of the Milton's fortune and all their companies. Glad too see them get what they deserve.

S2 loved the stuff with bud

S3 16? Dear god that was awesome
episode 10 is, per tradition, the dark one.
Funny that you decided to post this about Thomas and Celia...Considering the incoming update...
Bud ROCKS! :lol:
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Post by Legotron123 »

valerio wrote:
Legotron123 wrote: S1 fin& early s2 the way you left it off with Thomas and what's-her-name i though they were incharge of the Milton's fortune and all their companies. Glad too see them get what they deserve.
Funny that you decided to post this about Thomas and Celia...Considering the incoming update...:
*sighs * this wont end well will it?
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

You ever realize that the two longest pieces of literature in existence are both fanfics? Weird right?
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Post by Cerberusx »

Just send the First Line after Thomas and Celia. That will fix the problem with them. Especially if you send Marcus, Dasco, and Amar after those two. 8-)
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Post by Macsen »

I want corgsky puppies. :3 hehe
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Post by valerio »

Kitch wrote:I want corgsky puppies. :3 hehe
You will, you will...
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Post by valerio »

Season IV
Episode 8 (because we can’t just jump to #9) – The Times, They’re a-Changing

KPET News Channel, Noon Edition

“Good morning from Wolfram Blitzen.
“Today, with a verdict destined to cause rumors in the days to come, Justice Frederick Nicholson turned down the will of the late Henry Milton, founder of the Milton Industries and of the renowned pet-friendly community of Babylon Gardens.
“Referring to the 1987 Wayne vs. Kent case, Justice Nicholson sentenced that the pet owned by Thomas and Celia Milton, legally next in kin to the late Henry Milton, is entitled to inherit the family fortunes with his owners as administrators, and leaving to the ferrets, as token of affection in respect to Henry Milton’s clear will, a trust fund which can allow them to be taken care of in an appropriate way.
“In other words, the richest ferrets in the world are no longer so rich. But another question is shaking the financial worlds: How will this affect the relationship between the Milton Industries and their associates, Gottschalk Technologies & Entertainment and Foster’s Garden of Eden? For sure, the sudden change of leadership at Milton Industries has caused a temporary fall in the stock market. And let’s not forget the most important question that arose with this sudden change of leadership: How will it affect Gabriella Lundberg’s campaign now that it’s entered a critical stage?”
Milton Family House for The Equal Chance Program, Babylon Gardens

“Keene! And Milton, Lana, Duke, Rock, Pit, Dolores, Carmen. And Jeeves! Come in, please.”
“How remarkable!” Dolores commented as she entered, looking around. “All this time, and we had never visited your home, Mr. Miles.”
The big buff wolf rubbed his eyeglasses against his arm. “It tends to get on the nerves of prey species, ma’am. Are you guys all right?”
“Define ‘all right’,” Keene said, while hopping up a couch in the living room. “We just lost our money, our house and every other possession. I must be grateful to Lana for thinking of handling the ECP and its estate to Foster’s firm, or you too would’ve been kicked into his shelter or in the woods. Jeeves!” he shouted out.
“With all due respect, Suh, you don’t need to do that anymore.”
Keene sighed. “Oh, right. This place is so small that I could call you whispering.”
“It is not,” Lucretia said, wagging. “You never saw our old den. And I am sure we can rearrange the space to make you comfortable.”
“What would make me comfortable right now cannot be told in front of witnesses. Jeeves! Cocoa! With marshmallows.”
The impeccable family butler opened the case he had been carrying with him, and produced five bags. “I will be needing the use of your kitchen, Mistress Lucretia.”
The she-wolf frowned. “Mr. Jeeves, please! This is our house and you are our much respectable guest! I will not have anyone doing the chores for me.”
“Nevertheless, I must insist. I have served the Milton Family for several decades now, and I will not fail my duties in this moment of crisis.”
Lucretia turned. “This way, then. Say, were you obliged to follow the ferrets, instead of working at the mansion?”
They entered the kitchen. While Lucretia was taking out the pot, the butler answered without the least hesitation. “Mistress, the Milton ferrets are the rightful legacy of the late Mr. Milton. I would give my services to no one else. And I am quite sure Mr. Milton – Mr. Keene Milton, that is – will solve this predicament in a most efficient way.”
Lucretia handed him the pot. “Do I detect a trace of steel in your voice?”
The human’s face was an unreadable mask. “In my line of job, mistress, this…circumstance is second only to the betrayal of the Whitemans at the expenses of the late Mr. Milton.”

“So, what will you do now?” Miles asked, once pastries and beverages were served.
Keene was looking in his cup as if wanting to predict the future in it. “We got some good money. We will open our own start-up, prove to the stockholders that we are no jack-of-one-trade. For example, Rock is still in touch with our associates at the Best in Show Studios.”
The silver-furred ferret nodded then slammed his fist into his palm. “Now that I have money and time to invest, I will submit them several ideas! Their business will…” He thought about it. “Aw, ‘rock’ doesn’t sound as cool as I had thought now.”
“Work?” Carmen said. “But we don’t know what to do! We-we never did anything but look cute and get food and money in return.” She shivered, as if the idea of a work was crawling under her skin.
Rock took her paw and caressed it. “Our beloved, lovely ladies, this is exactly the job you were looking for. You’ll have to look cute, look funny and repeat a couple of gags written by some cheap temp. Soon you’ll be showered in money and fanletters. With some luck you’ll immediately get your first death-letter as well.”
Best in Show Advertisement Studios

"Mr. Garfield, what's wrong?" asked the secretary to her boss.
The man sitting at the desk wiped his brow with a handkerchief. "I don't know... I just felt as if an angel had walked over my grave... Michelle, do me a favor and cancel all my appointments. Even better, tell everyone I am dead."
Pit was nervously fiddling his fingers. “Annd…do you have a decent internet connection here? I mean, I think I had a couple of items I needed to check on Amaz—“
“No spending,” Keene interrupted him.
“But, Keene!”
“No. Spending,” the other ferret growled. “We’re on a limited monthly budget, and we must divide it into three goals: Food, this house and our future jobs! We will go shopping with what’s left, just like-like everyone else!”
Pit lowered his eyes. “Aw. So, does this mean we’ll have to sell our stuff too?”
“Do you mean, the boxes that you have put in our yard?” ‘Four Finger Discount’ Jack said. He looked upset. “Miles, it’s not fair! You made me clean up the place and pay a fine, and now…well, it looks like Ramses passed and built himself a new pyramid! There’s even a sarcophagus!
“The guys hadn’t a box for that,” Keene said, sipping his cocoa. “And yes, we will be selling it immediately. The more cash we do, the better. And when we’re done, we’ll buy something that will entertain us without getting in your way.”
Miles shook his head. “Keene, honest, you don’t need to go through all this trouble: We have our own job at the farm, we don’t need you to give out your last possessions. Just rent a warehouse and put your stuff there.”
Keene almost bared his teeth at that. “Nonsense! We are Miltons, not those sorry excuses that now are inhabiting our Dad’s place! We will provide to ourselves just as we’re supposed to do!”
Miles put his paws over the ferret’s shoulder. “Nevertheless, I won’t allow it, my good friend: When I wanted to give my pack a better life, you gave us a place and a chance, and now we all live together and can look at the future with hope. It is time for us to repay the favor. So, you will be renting that warehouse, and we will take care of you. And we will also bite a piece of butt out of those humans if you needed us to.”
Keene patted the wolf’s paw, smiling at him. “You’re such a dear creature. I knew I had done the right choice with you big boy. Jeeves! Call someone to pick up the stuff.”
Still staying in the previous position, the wolf said, “You knew already what I was going to say, did you?”
Shrug. “Daddy raised no fool, big boy.”
The doorbell rang. Jeeves went and opened it. “Oh, Master Foster,” they heard him say.
“Let him in,” Keene called out. “I’m too angry to make a toast out of him anyway.”
“I heard that, my friend,” Martin said, walking into the living room. “Are you still keeping a grudge against moi, of all people?”
Simon, who was sitting on a chair, stood up and pointed his finger against the human’s chest. “Well, far as we remember, it was you who gave Volant back to those monsters! We’re in this mess because you weren’t smart enough to hide the thing! Some ‘partner’ you are!”
“Will you have some cocoa, Master Foster?” Jeeves asked, offering the tray. “Some pastries, too, mayhap?”
“You’re not helping, Jeeves!” Simon screamed. It may be fastidious to the ear, but also funny to hear rage mixed to such a high-pitch voice.
Martin took a cup. “Thank you, Jeeves. And to answer your question, guys, I had really no choice: Sure, I am known to bend laws and rating to their limits, use my money as get-out-of-jail-free cards, and similar Italian trickeries…but one thing I will not do, ever,” and here his voice changed to the familiar coldness that no one wanted to exacerbate, “is to force my will upon a guest of my shelter. Including Volant.
“I said it already during the trial, I will say it again: Volant asked me to get back to his old owners. His will, my duty to comply. The best I could do is having him shrunk for Stockholm Syndrome or the likes, but if and when my guests decide to be adopted, and the adopters can prove they have the means to take care of their pet, I must concede.”
Keene waved off that notion. “Pfft! As if Thomas and Celia will actually take care of Volant. Wanna bet he’ll conveniently ‘disappear’, once they put their hands on the grisbì? Let’s face it, they will sell *everything* ASAP and retire with style. And Volant will end up in your shelter, if he’s lucky. And Dad’s dream will be…ruined! All because you couldn’t bend your own rules! Once!”
Jeeves came with a seat and offered it to their guest. Martin sat down. “I am the owner of the Lucky Charm Grove. The Director is Bill. And I won’t demean his authority unless exceptional circumstances required it.” Then back was the smile. “But don’t worry. One way or the other, your Dad’s dream will be preserved.”
“And how can you be so sure?”
The man looked at his watch. “Right now, our third partner should be talking with your…relatives. It should be fun.”
Milton Mansion

The grandfather’s clock in the living room was being deafening. By now, Thomas’ and Celia’s heartbeats had synchronized with that mechanism.
*Toc**thump* *toc**thump* and the air felt like molasses. Was the conditioning too high? It surely felt humid in that room.
The more they looked at Raimund Radulph Gottschalk, the more they kept thinking, ‘My, grandma, what big eyes you have!’ ‘All the better to scrutinize your petty souls with, nephews.’ ‘My, Grandma, what long fingers you have!’ ‘All the better to strangle you with, nephews.’ Even his two dogs, the shadows who accompanied him every time he left his premises, looked less threatening than him. The only one who looked almost…indifferent to this tableau was Volant: The Rhodesian Ridgeback just stood there, his eyes fixed on Gauss and Curie.
When he had showed himself in the flesh, right after they had moved into the mansion, the Milton siblings had thought this would be even easier than expected. Shipload of money or not, this guy was just another eccentric zillionaire like Henry. Celia had thought she could play with him a little before forcing him to any deal she wanted to set, now that she was backed up by her position in the stock market.
Right now, she felt as if she was going to wither like a daisy in front of the scorching sun.
Eventually, Raimund R. Gottschalk said, “Your offer.”
They snapped out of that infernal trance. “What?” Celia asked, starting to breathe normally again.
“The price you ask to sell your majority of Milton Industries.”
Thomas blinked a couple of times. “And what makes you think we’re going to sell?!”
The gaunt-faced man didn’t move, didn’t flinch. A statue would’ve been more lively than him. “The fact that you are going to sell your stock options to the Chinese and the real estate to the Russians, thus making a good profit and exact your petty vengeance on Henry Milton’s dream.”
Celia wasn’t surprised: Gottschalk hadn’t become Numero Uno in the finance world just by sitting idle. “Again, to quote my brother: What makes you think that we will sell to you? Even if you offered the triple of what your competitors are ready to pay, the answer would still be ‘no’. And for once Thomas agrees on that: We will make enough money to live like the King and Queen of America for the rest of our lives. We don’t care about the extra you could put in, because yes, we detest what uncle Henry did to us. So we will be glad to see his industry and properties ran by the least people he wanted to be a partner with.” In fact, they were going to sell it all to firms of shady reputation, to say the least. People used to eat their buyouts and turn them into cash, all the while putting thousands of families on the streets. And Babylon Gardens would soon become a ghost town, or some big mall. But it would be over, once and for all!
This time, both siblings waited for Gottschalk to lose his cool and spit out some indignant reaction. The poor madman! All his money couldn’t help his precious furry friends right now!
“I see,” Gottschalk said. Unfazed. He was good at masking his emotions, one must give that to him. “Have you ever read about Samson?”
Celia blinked again. “Doc Samson? We don’t read comic books, Herr—“
“The Bible, actually. Book of Judges, Chapters 13 to 16. A man of immense strength who, after being tricked into captivity, decided to die together with his enemies. ‘Let me Die with the Philistines’, is the most famous quote attributed to him. You can imagine why.” Then he produced a smartphone, and pressed the virtual button of STOP…of the recorder, making sure his hosts watched. “I am sure that the Wall Street Journal will find this conversation quite interesting.
“You will be needing to convoke a shareholders’ meeting before you can announce your intention to sell your majority, and even then you will be finding many obstacles from the Board of Directors before you can make it. But by then, or should I say starting from today’s online edition of the WSJ, the world will know about your intentions. The Milton Industries’ titles will drop faster than Lehman Brothers’ during the subprime mortgage crisis.
“When you will finally get to sell your options, they will be bought for no more than 1 dollar each, if not used to wrap gifts at a cheap convenience store. At that point, Gottschalk Technologies and Entertainment will buy out everything for the price of a sandwich and rebuild the firm from scratch. It will cost me more than I could pay you right now, but your dream of becoming rich will have evaporated. And please, forget the idea of appealing to the Government to artificially inflate your stocks: I have friends in higher places than yours. Do you think you have an idea of the situation, now?” It had been like listening to someone reading a shopping list –only with tiny skulls in the place of zeroes! Celia was sweating cold. Thomas’ heart had stopped again.
Oh, they had an idea all right. They felt like tourists who had decided to take a dip in the middle of the Pacific, without the bat-shark repellant!
Celia clenched her fists, trying hard not to shout with rage. “I see. And what will be next? Do we have to leave the place and the stocks to the ferrets back again?”
Gottschalk shook his head. “Actually, no. I only desire that our partnership as GMF remains as it is. Your private life and quarrels are of no interests to me. Keep the Milton Industries alive and flourishing under a proper management and everything will be fine. And whenever you felt like selling, you know my number.” All of a sudden he was holding out a business card, as if it had been appeared by magic. He put it onto the coffee table between them. Thomas looked at it as if it was radioactive.
Gottschalk stood up. “We have a meeting with Ms. Lundberg, tomorrow. A press conference in which you’ll announce your support to her political agenda as continuation of what started with the ferrets. I recommend you show enthusiasm. Have a nice day.” And on that, he left, followed by his dogs.
Celia waited until the door had closed behind him…before grabbing a Ming vase and throwing it against the wall! “CURSE THAT ACCURSED, FILTHY [CENSORED] SON OF A SHARK!” Then she stood there, bent like a hunchback, her fists opening and clenching, snorting like a bull.
Thomas leaned back against his couch, looking at the ceiling, his eyes meeting a very detailed fresco of ferret putti frolicking in a meadow. And he suddenly realized the meaning of ‘too much information’. “First thing, repaint.”
Thomas stood up. “Sister, let’s be serious about this for once: We’re making big bucks even without doing a minute of work. Much as I’d love to see Henry’s dream crushed, it’s better like this. Once this Prometheus thing has started, as GMF’s stockholders we’ll be richer than—“
Celia’s eyes flashed. Her brother knew that, at this point, she was beyond reason. “You miss the point, idiot! No one, no. one. can tell me what to do or not to do! I have eaten enough mud pies in my life to allow anyone to dictate my own agenda! And now I have all the money in the world to make sure that even a shark like Gotts[censored] were reminded his place!! Do. You. Hear. ME?!”
Thomas nodded frantically. “Clear, sister dear. So, what’s the plan?”
Celia smiled –and it was a most unpleasant expression to see. “Our Russki friends have a long score to settle with Foster. I am sure I can offer an extra to take care of that Kraut as well…” She looked around, suddenly puzzled. “Now where did that accursed mutt go? Thomas I remember to have instructed you to keep an eye on him 24/7, right?”
The man nodded and left, glad to have an excuse to be away from her.
*thump* went the ball against the wall, before bouncing back to the paw that had thrown it.
Volant launched the ball again. *thump*
The cell laying over the nightstand buzzed.
*thump* Volant used the other paw to grab the phone. His visible blue eye turned yellow as he said, with a voice that wasn’t his, “Hello, Draggie.”
“Hello, Pete,” said Spirit Dragon. “And congratulations. This is the first time you got us really confused.”
“You know how to butter a boy up, dear.”
“Believe me, this is not the case. Why did you send your avatar back into the hands of those mortals and ruin the life of the very same ferrets you have struck a deal with?”
The dog clicked his tongue. “Dear, are you really so desperate as to ask me to spoil my own strategy?”
“At this point, I don’t think you care about my opinion, right?”
“First smart thing I’m hearing from you. But since you insist, I will tell you this much: I am not doing it for the sake of these humans. I did not forget my priorities, Draggie.”
A long sigh from the phone. “Is there any way you’ll stop calling me that?”
“My offer for a lunch at Stairway to Heaven's is still open, you know.”
“When Hell’s upper circles will freeze.” *click*
The dog looked at the phone, shaking his head. “Girls.”
Last edited by valerio on Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Macsen »

Isn't that a violation of intrinsic benevolence?
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Post by valerio »

Kitch wrote:Isn't that a violation of intrinsic benevolence?
Pete is...complicated.
Everything will be explained in due time.
Not to mention that the ferrets are not exactly poor as of now. They just aren't uber-rich anymore.
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Post by musclecar326 »

Awesome an update on my B-day! :mrgreen:

Too bad I can't read it till later when I get home :(
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Post by GeckoZY »

Hello! :D
This is my first time posting in your thread, and I would to say that I really like your work.

I just got a bit confused on why the ferrets lost all of their assets and properties, instead of just splitting a part of it to the 'additional' pet. It also seems that the will explicitly stated that the estates will be left to his beloved pet ferrets, and not to anybody else.
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Post by valerio »

GeckoZY wrote:Hello! :D
This is my first time posting in your thread, and I would to say that I really like your work.

I just got a bit confused on why the ferrets lost all of their assets and properties, instead of just splitting a part of it to the 'additional' pet. It also seems that the will explicitly stated that the estates will be left to his beloved pet ferrets, and not to anybody else.
First of all, than, you very much for your appreciation :D A new voice is always welcome here!

And now for the technicalities: With 'Wayne vs. Kent' I invented a precedent that, given that animals have less rights than humans, allows a pet belonging to humans next in kin to inherit the majority of a legacy, rather than pets without an owner.
Wayne vs Kent in other words established that a human cannot give his whole assets to his pets, unless passing ownership of the latter to next in kin -a thing that Henry Milton forgot to do, apparently. And so, everything can be given to another family pet with owners: Volant Milton, who played ball by supporting Thomas' and Celia's lies and testified he was their pet. (for what reason, is still to be revealed. Avatars!)
Since animals have not the same rights of humans (for now!) the legacy cannot be automatically split as though between humans. But since animals DO have some basic rights, a little part of the legacy has been given to the ferrets -and, you'll, see, it's not exactly 'argent the poche'... :mrgreen:
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Post by Argent »

Technical background quirk: I thought in the strip Milton's legacy went to the Milton foundation, with the foundation's structure set up to represent the ferrets.
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Post by valerio »

The foundation administers the legacy. That is why a steward was assigned to it. But the money belongs to the ferrets, according to Henry's will. I played on this aspect.
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Post by Legotron123 »


you guys know how this is gonna end. Your evil little plan will fail, you'll be back on the streets, where you will think up another plan and the cycle will repeat. You plans will never work forever, if at all because the multiverse wont allow it. Face it. You guys are the villains and the villains always wind up losing.

Ether that or sick a couple hundred tracker jackers on them.
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Post by Obbl »

That sounds a little overkill :?
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Post by Cerberusx »

No such thing as overkill.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Kitch wrote:Isn't that a violation of intrinsic benevolence?
that depends really. In this situation, to whom would the benevolence apply? The ferrets, while they aren't as well off as before, are by no means struggling to survive. Volant went along with this plan willingly, and Thomas and Celia are seemingly better off.
valerio wrote:And now for the technicalities: With 'Wayne vs. Kent' I invented a precedent that, given that animals have less rights than humans, allows a pet belonging to humans next in kin to inherit the majority of a legacy, rather than pets without an owner.
Wayne vs Kent in other words established that a human cannot give his whole assets to his pets, unless passing ownership of the latter to next in kin -a thing that Henry Milton forgot to do, apparently. And so, everything can be given to another family pet with owners: Volant Milton, who played ball by supporting Thomas' and Celia's lies and testified he was their pet. (for what reason, is still to be revealed. Avatars!)
Since animals have not the same rights of humans (for now!) the legacy cannot be automatically split as though between humans. But since animals DO have some basic rights, a little part of the legacy has been given to the ferrets -and, you'll, see, it's not exactly 'argent the poche'... :mrgreen:
see that seems confusing. If the pet belonging to the next of kin automatically gets the money over the pets without owners, but the next of kin don't automatically get the money over the pets without owners, that means that the pet belonging to the next of kin has more rights than the owners themselves. Even if they got the money themselves because of Volant, that still means that people without pets are beneath people with pets in the eyes of the law, wich indirectly means pets are legally more important than humans without pets.

and as for the name of the case, when did Superman become Batman's next of kin? and why would Krypto agree to take all that money from Ace?

and if the other way around, why does ace need Krypto's money when he has all that Wayne Industries money?
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Post by valerio »

yes you are right on that.
The subterfuge here is a way to respect Henry Milton's intentions: the man wanted, specifically, the money to go to a pet. And so the judge applied a precedent that would spare the parts from a long legal war and give the money to the pet with an owner rather than ownerless pets.
De facto, in the eyes of the law, the pet is a beneficiary of the money administered by his owners. Law wants the human to manage it, as they see animals unfit to run such humongous profits.

Oh, and Ace owns the Fortress of Solitude as his own personal playground now :lol:
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I suppose that makes sense.

you still didn't answer my questions about Krypto and Ace =P
edit: darn edit
edit: wait, how did Ace get the fortress of Solitude from Clark Kent's will? That was Superman's. suspicious... you don't suppose Kent was Superman, do you?
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*whistles innocently* :roll:
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nah, that's as ridiculous as saying Professor Spot is Spot(superdog)
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Post by Legotron123 »

Obbl wrote:That sounds a little overkill :?
My speech or the tracker jackers

Also ... keOverkill
Play The Hayseed Knight. This isn’t self promotion, I just really like the game.

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Post by legendario13 »

Well...I caught up at last...
Crazed wasps as punishment? 8-) Nice.

Things were going too smooth... So next chapter is a travel into Pete's mind?
though I sence we are gonna be hanging on that for a while
A moment of enlightenment...aaaaand it's gone
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Post by valerio »

shorther than you think.
Tomorrow gonna start update at last. *whew*