#arc 67 Love and War

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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Aticston »

*pulls face*

You can't have a argument both ways people

It is either slice of life, or its wacky comic

You can't interchange them

You -CAN- have satire moments ("Oh dear, oh dear oh dear" "What?! What is it?!" "I see three of your relatives" *Talking to a deer*) but every single time there is drama in the comic, people dismiss it when its talked about cause "Oh its a comic"

You can't have it both ways, this is either slice of life, or its wacky

Want to know a comic that -TRIED- to play it both ways? Ctrl + Alt + delete, because it tried to mix wacky with drama, it ended up a gigantic mess.

You can interject satire to break up drama in a slice of life comic, but don't act like that's -ALL- the comic does is wacky

Also, just because its a comic, don't dismiss it as such. Comics are simply a visual novel, that's it. They can be as wacky (Tiny Toons) or as serious (Watchmen) as you want. But don't dismiss drama in a comic -JUST- because its in a comic, I find that a cop out when people don't want to look at a comics storyline deeper etc.

"Its a comic" is not a good argument about why something is or isn't taking place, the storyline clearly has established characters, established story lines, very established drama broken up with moments of satire to relieve dramatic pressure. You can't dismiss a comic's logic simply because "Its a comic", doing so, in my eyes personally, is dismissing the comic's storyline in question as being quite terrible if you dismiss it as "comic" like its a bad thing.

If you feel there is a counter-point to something I said, then state it as such within the realms of the comics logic, don't dismiss it as "Its a comic it doesn't matter", cause your dismissing the work that's gone into it outright.

**** the King saga is the most popular part of the comic series, because King in this series so far has been the master of ceremonies for the most part, whenever he shows up all the other comic subplots are corralled together and come to a closure, then the comic opens up a series of new sub-plots, which then eventually all come back to King, as his storyline is always the direct result of the other stories going on around him.

Is King the focus of the comic? No, but like I said, he is the master of ceremonies. Its like, Back to the Future, everyone thinks its about Marty McFly, but its not. First film is about his dad and mom, second film is about Biff Tannen, third film is about Doc Brown and him meeting Clara. Does Marty have a story? Yes, yes he does, but his story is the result of these three other stories going on around him. Thus, because Marty is the Master of Ceremonies, his is the most dramatic.

This is why when King shows up its such a dramatic tone shift, because he is the master of ceremonies, he is the straight man that ties all the lesser straight man stories together. Him proposing marriage to Bailey, this is a re-affirming the thing Griffon and Dragon want to happen, where pets and people are on the same level in society. Bailey even goes "Nobody takes pet marriages seriously!" because of how pets are in society. But King is human, he takes it incredibly seriously, and he wants to marry Bailey. This pushes the previous subplot of Griffon and Dragon's quest to have equality between pets and humans to come to reality. Even then, you can't have a bullcrack of 100% serious out of nowhere, which is why Rick breaks it up with satire or comedic elements to let some pressure off. King in the cone, old naked lady at the party, Fido and Sabrina in the closet (which has its own subplot), sniff your butt etc.

In short, whenever somebody discusses the drama that takes place in this comic, and there is, indeed, drama in this comic, don't dismiss people talking about the deeper structures of it as "Its a comic don't think about it too much" cause I find that extremely dismissive, and you aren't giving the comic credit in itself by doing that.

Read some Calvin and Hobbes too, it does exactly what this comic is doing. It has comedy, satire, and a deep, deep drama vein to it.

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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Sleet »

Aticston wrote:*pulls face*

You can't have a argument both ways people

It is either slice of life, or its wacky comic

You can't interchange them
Why can't you, exactly? Genres can mix. That's a basic fact of art.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Aticston »

Sleet wrote:
Aticston wrote:*pulls face*

You can't have a argument both ways people

It is either slice of life, or its wacky comic

You can't interchange them
Why can't you, exactly? Genres can mix. That's a basic fact of art.
Except when anybody wants to discuss the comics drama, it gets dismissed like the point of the comic is only wacky craziness.

The only time I've seen "Wacky" was the water fight, which was more just like a day of watching all the pets play with water guns and water balloons then outragous humor, it was still very satire to a degree

Its still all and all a slice of life comic, heck read any reviews of the comic by lots of sources, they all refer to it as slice of life comic.

I'm reading the pages of comments from people, and its all people talking about the pets personal lives, what they think or what they do, very little of it is discussing the "Humor" in the comic, it all has to deal with the drama undertone which is in any good slice of life comic (Like I pointed out before, Calvin and Hobbes as an example)

It gets really tiring that whenever somebody wants to discuss deeper aspects of the story, it gets dismissed as "Its a comic". If a person isn't going to inject any information or participate in the debate, don't comment on it. Really, don't comment on it. Leave the discussion topic alone so people that do wish to talk about it can freely do it without people going repeatedly "it doesn't matter its a comic!" in their ears.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by GameCobra »

Aticston wrote:Except when anybody wants to discuss the comics drama, it gets dismissed like the point of the comic is only wacky craziness.

The only time I've seen "Wacky" was the water fight, which was more just like a day of watching all the pets play with water guns and water balloons then outragous humor, it was still very satire to a degree

Its still all and all a slice of life comic, heck read any reviews of the comic by lots of sources, they all refer to it as slice of life comic.

I'm reading the pages of comments from people, and its all people talking about the pets personal lives, what they think or what they do, very little of it is discussing the "Humor" in the comic, it all has to deal with the drama undertone which is in any good slice of life comic (Like I pointed out before, Calvin and Hobbes as an example)

It gets really tiring that whenever somebody wants to discuss deeper aspects of the story, it gets dismissed as "Its a comic". If a person isn't going to inject any information or participate in the debate, don't comment on it. Really, don't comment on it. Leave the discussion topic alone so people that do wish to talk about it can freely do it without people going repeatedly "it doesn't matter its a comic!" in their ears.
See, The thing is ~ There's more to the comic than how you're defining it. It's not so slap-stick as you're describing it. The reason people keep on shouting to the fans "It's a comic, get over it" Is some fans do tend to read too deep into the comic when you know there's something left unanswered, which we naturally have a habit of doing here. Unanswered questions happens in any media, but the louder they are sometimes, the more we want answers and leading to arguments. It's a fact of life with comics I find these days.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Obbl »

I don't think anyone's dismissing your concerns because it's a comic. We dismiss some of your concerns over rather dark matters because we are aware of Rick's intentions for this comic to stay away from Cerberus Syndrome.
What we are doing is being "genre savvy". At the end of the day, this is a comic about furry animals (as stated by Rick). Even if heavier matters are brought into it, it will remain a comic about furry animals.
Even if you can't see how this could end well, Rick seems to have a plan for it. I think he'd alert us if he were going to go grim dark on us even for a single arc. (And I don't think he will, because I trust him when he says he won't.)

We actually don't even know what kind of eyes Sasha is making right now. And if they are sad, there are many directions the story could go from there. I just think the attitude of "this is a horrible plot line and you should feel horrible" is premature.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Gren »

I think you have a wrong concept of what it means “slice of life”. What it means at least in this comic is that the world of housepets is based on ours. All the characters whether be humans or pets or ferals have a normal life in almost the same conditions they could have in our world. Other than that it could be easily unrealistic. And characters personalities are part of this. No matter how serious a comic, manga, book or whatever you read it could be, their characters are ALWAYS unrealistic. Their personalities, abilities, likes, etc are exaggerated at so many levels. Honestly I don't find posible that could exist people like Sherlock Holmes, or Bruce Waine, or Kira Yagami, etc. And now we are talking of a funny comic so it's OBVIOUSLY the personalities of the cast are going to be out of reality. Even King is too unrealistic, or you think a normal person of our world no matter how many problems it could have, is going to accept being a dog just like this? I think have a friend a no need to work is not enough reason to make me accept that. The same happened with his relationship with Bailey. You think a rational human could even think in get married with a pet just like he do it? Even if he has now strong instincts I'm pretty sure that can not overpower the concience of a human mind. It's for sure your brain it would be SCREAMING at you each second that even thinking is gross. So then you could never get a resolution of this that easy, specially after being all this time in a long distance relationship.

So then stop frying your brain with this, because their are not REAL PERSONS, their are FICTIONAL HUMANIZED PETS. You can't expect they act the same as us in everything.

I agree with you that King is the center of the attention almost all the time, and I'm pretty sure he is more popular than Peanut and Grape since a while. However, I am not with you when you say “he is the straight man that ties all the lesser stories together.”. King have their own plot, I don't discuss that, but he is not related with all the cast as you said. The number of characters that involves his arcs can be counted on the fingers.

The thing is there are groups in this comic and practically never mix up. They are Peanut's group, Bino's group, Fido's group, King's group and Keene's group. Others characters are too secundary to have a group so they appear in one-off or in an arc once in a while sometimes mixed occasionally with one of this groups.

Besides, I don't know how you manage it, because I can't find all that so many dramatic scenes you said. As I said before, this comics has almost nothing of drama (and I was serious when I said it. Really I would like to see a bit more of this) So then, I take you as the type of persons who over-analizes things and takes all too serious.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Dissension »

Guys, let's make sure we're remaining civil. It's OK to debate interpretations of the comic, so long as said discussion does not devolve to the level of personal attacks.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Saturn381 »

I have to agree Dissension on this one.

Anyway, here's my thoughts on the new characters so far.
Griswold - I think I like him already. I wonder who his two girlfriends are. (also, what is his tag supposed to be)
Devo - Judging by his name and tag, I'm guessing he's probably an 80's fan.
Sten - I don't know why and this could just be me because I'm a fan of Game Grumps. But when I look at him in this strip, I'm hearing this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArR3yYU-kpY
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Karl »

Aticston wrote:...but FYI the only time we attach ourselves to characters is -WHEN- they are believable. We don't attach ourselves to characters that we know are acting stupid/fake/silly.
Does this mean, that because Bino is my favorite character, and in your opinion he's fake and pure evil, I should be called evil and be hated?
Does this mean, I should be cast aside from other people, because I like something that others don't?
Does this mean, I can't belong to your perfect world, because I'm... imperfect?
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by copper »

Griswold is my favorite new guy. I like him.

Sasha is probably crying, but I doubt it is as extreme as a complete psychotic break. Extremes like that rarely happen, and I doubt Rick would do that. You can be sad and cry without having to be institutionalized... :|

Sten is a little guy. I wonder how many smaller breed dogs there are in Babylon Gardens. I have never seen any except that old man Scotty who was 3...
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Sleet »

Saturn381 wrote:Devo - Judging by his name and tag, I'm guessing he's probably an 80's fan.
Or his owner is.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by valerio »

I MUST add Griswold to my ficcie.
And Stern too: have you seen his collar? I'm sure he compensates :lol:
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Aticston »

copper wrote:Griswold is my favorite new guy. I like him.

Sasha is probably crying, but I doubt it is as extreme as a complete psychotic break. Extremes like that rarely happen, and I doubt Rick would do that. You can be sad and cry without having to be institutionalized... :|
Why I added point two, its not a complete psychotic break, but reality finally breaks through that candy outer shell of a shield and her viewpoint of reality adjusts for it.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

So... This is the part where Sasha confesses that she wasn't really trying to date other dogs, just trying to make Bino understand that she's getting tired of the way he behaves. Fox then comforts her, and she falls in love with him.

Fox / Sasha.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Seth »

THe ammount of obscure references when it comes to names in this comic amuses me greatly.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Sinder »

Dissension wrote:Guys, let's make sure we're remaining civil. It's OK to debate interpretations of the comic, so long as said discussion does not devolve to the level of personal attacks.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Dissension »

Remind me to murder Sleet to death, later.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Karl »

You wouldn't want to murder everyone's most favorite moderator, would you?
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Sleet »

Yes that would make a lot of people sad. Mostly me.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by GameCobra »

Sleet wrote:Yes that would make a lot of people sad. Mostly me.
What if it was the murder to death... of love?
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by copper »

Please do Diss. I will give you a cashew cake. :twisted:

So I wonder if the chihuahua is one of the always jittery type or suffering from little dog syndrome....
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by IceKitsune »

Awww poor Sasha. Yeah I can really see this ending in the two of them getting together or at least Fox developing feelings for Sasha.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Dissension »

GameCobra wrote:
Sleet wrote:Yes that would make a lot of people sad. Mostly me.
What if it was the murder to death... of love?
We already tried that.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by copper »

Holy Carp, he dropped his Scarf Y'all! :o

I am sorry, but crying Sasha is really adorable.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by GameCobra »

AH, crap. I was wrong. About Sasha. I must hide for awhile. *hides under a clothes basket*

And poor Sasha... and flower. D:
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Sleet »

*hugs Sasha to stop the ocular gushing*

Aww, good guy Fox. This actually could be cute!
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I think Fox spills the beans, she sees that he's better than Bino, and Fosha becomes the next big ship.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by copper »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:I think Fox spills the beans, she sees that he's better than Bino, and Fosha becomes the next big ship.

I prefer Sox.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Duster »

Duster wrote:Apparently Yeltsin and Sasha both need lessons in proper etiquette.

OK guys I think somehow Bino is going to make Sasha cry. Of course I'm sure that's not his aim, but he did pretty much get every other male dog in the neighborhood to be rude to her (or Fox did, i'm not sure what's worse).
Shame on you Bino, that's NOT nice!

Oh well, guess we'll have to wait until later to find out for sure.
Haha I knew it! Of course in a way Fox made her cry soooo.... there's that.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by GameCobra »

What sucks is, and i just realized this now ~ If Fox hooks up with Sasha, He would most likely be booted out of the Dogs club for being the one in the end dating Sasha. The other dogs made it clear they don't have dates either. What a tight situation he's in.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

let's be honest, Fox probably the only one who had a chance. also, I don't think that would be grounds for expulsion any more that Bino could kick him out for telling her what's going on. no, Bino will need to find some other grounds to kick him out.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Duster »

GameCobra wrote:What sucks is, and i just realized this now ~ If Fox hooks up with Sasha, He would most likely be booted out of the Dogs club for being the one in the end dating Sasha. The other dogs made it clear they don't have dates either. What a tight situation he's in.
Well while we may not like change at first, one does need to break a few eggs to make an omelette. So if Fox getting kicked out of the club is the WORST thing that happens then I think they will all more or less get along just fine.
What i'm worried about is that somehow Sasha will start to like Fox which in itself would not be a bad thing. BUT Fox did orchestrate this date night that has Sasha so upset and to add insult to injury Bino may misinterpret Fox's kind nature as an attempt at stealing Sasha away from him.
Sooo... long story short : DRAMA!
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by valerio »

It's quite possible that it will end up with the GODC members lining up like in Airplane to beat up Bino for good.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Gren »

someone noticed the heart over Fox's head? :roll:

You see? There was no need to exaggerate things, of course she is sad, but not as far enough to have psychological damage and try to suicide.

Well, we'll be see if Fox gets Sasha after all or maybe just get dumped like the others if he tell her the truth of this.

Also snot bubbles? Gahaha! Sorry Fox, but you aren't going to be able to use that scarf in a while :lol:
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Macsen »

Next Friday:

Bino comes in to "save the day" after all the horrible dates.

He finds Fox and Sasha making out.

Sasha stops, goes over, and breaks Bino in half. :P
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by angelusbr »

As much as I feel sorry for Sasha I do have to agree that she ins't all that innocent since she kinda cheats on Bino. A lot. But I also had my darker theories of why Sasha behaves like this and while I agree with the Spouse syndrome thing, I doubt the author would go deep into traumas like this.
From this point I think that: Sasha will want date Fox or Sasha will dump Bino for good this time or Sasha and Bino will have a sincere conversation and become a solid couple.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by IceKitsune »

angelusbr wrote:As much as I feel sorry for Sasha I do have to agree that she ins't all that innocent since she kinda cheats on Bino. A lot. But I also had my darker theories of why Sasha behaves like this and while I agree with the Spouse syndrome thing, I doubt the author would go deep into traumas like this.
From this point I think that: Sasha will want date Fox or Sasha will dump Bino for good this time or Sasha and Bino will have a sincere conversation and become a solid couple.
I agree while this is mean to do to her she is far for innocent in all this, she is just as bad to Bino what with breaking up with him all the time. Though since her home life is very crappy it really does likely explain why she is the way she is, doesn't excuse it, but it likely explains it. In fact if her home life wasn't as bad as it is I wouldn't be as sympathetic with her as I am.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by valerio »

There is one last, more sinister possibility: psychodrama background aside (and Rick was fairly good in throwing false clued to led us into that direction), we may end up and discover that Sasha is manipulating Fox, she has manipulated King, and is quite not what she seems.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by angelusbr »

valerio wrote:There is one last, more sinister possibility: psychodrama background aside (and Rick was fairly good in throwing false clued to led us into that direction), we may end up and discover that Sasha is manipulating Fox, she has manipulated King, and is quite not what she seems.
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Re: #arc 67 Love and War

Post by Radio Blue Heart »

Hopefully Fox's generous and caring nature will overshadow any loyalty he has to Bino.
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