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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

alright, so here's a weird one.

It was the future, or I guess it could have been the present. I was on a world saving mission of some kind with Fry, Leela, and Zapp Brannigan from Futurama. Or I guess the mission may not have been that important. Anyway, Fry and Leela went off to do some other part of the mission, leaving me and Zapp in my next door neighbor's house.
anyway, at some point, either Zapp disappeared or he transformed, because the next thing I knew I was alone in the house with Shadow the Hedgehog. But it wasn't just any Shadow, he was eerily silent and just kept walking after me like some kind of killbot. So I ran. As far as I remember, he didn't do anything to warrant me running, but for some reason I was afraid. Eventually Fry and Leela returned and I got out of the house and then Richard Nixon was chasing us with a lawn mower. I don't know if shadow became Nixon, or if we had evil Shadow inside and evil Nixon outside, but it doesn't quite matter. so we all ran from mower Nixon (I don't know why we didn't use the spaceship.)
eventually I convinced Nixon to chase the others and leave me alone. I think my logic was "go after them, you're good with Earthlings" as if I was an alien. and as if Nixon was ever good with Earthlings. then I think that's where I woke up.
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Post by Wanderer »

Argh I just typed a really long response to this thread and it got deleted. ;_;
I'll write it again tomorrow.
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Post by GameCobra »

Had a dream a few days back where i went back to work... except Rick Griffin ran the company, with Pete at his side in a tuxedo >.>
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Post by Zukio »

GameCobra wrote:except Rick Griffin ran the company, with Pete at his side in a tuxedo >.>
When I get a job, I want it to be in your dream, minus the Pete part.
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Post by Dissension »

But that was the best part!
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Post by TinFoilHats »

This was a dream I had when I was 13 or 14 years old:
Okay so my dream was that we were visiting some total strangers in BC, we crashed our car through the garage door, I grew facial hair(and I mean full-blown beard and mustache combo), an excersise ball grew on my back, and we drove along the countryside... In a boat, and crashed it into the roof.
(I never said my dream would make any sense)
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Post by 13Swords »

Terrible dream the other night. Some kind of microbe had infected all cheese, and anyone who ate it would turn into a zombie. So, naturally, it became illegal, and all cheese was destroyed for the time being. All of it. No pizza, no cheezits, no nothin.


Post by MilesKingford »

Here's a dream:

I was on a personal mission (since I can not remember someone asking me to do it) to find 6 magical objects and find a way to use them for their specific purpose. Each object was created to carry out a single function, I was to find each object, find out what they were created for, and use them for the purpose they were created for. Once their purpose was complete, they broke. I managed to find and break five of them, and I can remember one was a sword (which its blade broke) and another was a bow (which its string snapped).

Then I was to find the last one, a staff, and it was protected by a giant clockwork guardian which had the word "GOD" engraved on its chest. In order to get the staff I had to defeat this guardian, and although I managed to overpower it, it escaped. I still couldn't get the staff, the guardian had to be defeated first, so I chased it through the portal it escaped through. I can remember someone saying to me as the guardian escaped "Not easy to kill a god, is it?" No idea what that meant, nor did I care to know, I had to get that staff regardless.

Once I chased the guardian through the portal I was faced with a challenge. I was dropped straight into a building that was occupied by both scholars and chained prisoners. In order to escape and track down that guardian, I had to become one of the prisoners and work my way to get close the the main gates to this facility. Thinking back now, I think the reason why I was able to get to those gates was due to personal value, I was far more valuable as a scholar than as a prisoner, and so the authority (whatever that was) didn't seem to care too much about prisoners or about keeping them.

As a prisoner, I worked as a cleaner in the laboratories, and I saw some of the most incredible and sophisticated technology in my life. One professor was even conducting an experiment, and I managed to watch him and his work. He didn't seem to mind that I was spying on him, he must have thought that I would be too stupid to comprehend his science.

Anyway, I managed to work my way to get close enough to the gates to escape, as I ran through those gates and into the light I seemed to be teleported back to that room where that guardian was when I first found it. This time I was not going to let it slip out of my grasp, but it was at that point that I woke up.

I wonder what would have happened if I managed to defeat that guardian and acquire the staff it was protecting, and I wonder what was the purpose of finding these objects and destroying them. I guess I will not know...
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Post by TinFoilHats »

Okay, heres a doozy of a dream I had just last night:

I dreamed I was in the zombie apocalypse and at one point in my dream, I was faced with an army of the undead. To buy my fellow survivors some time, I volunteered to hold off the zombies while they went to safety. I pulled out my trusty katana and, like some kickbutt samuri, I mowed and chopped down the zombies Kill-Bill style(due to the fact that I became a half-zombie earlier in my dream(which granted me mystical powers and invulnerability)). My dream ended with me blowing myself and the zombies up, however, and I awoke thinking "awww dangit!!"
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Post by Sleet »

Like the end of the film version of I Am Legend?
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Post by TinFoilHats »

Uuuuuuh, yeah. Lets go with that.


Post by MilesKingford »

I just had a horrible dream which scared me. I know I don't have flowers, ponies and rainbows running through my head all the time but these dreams are just... frightening.
It started out OK, not great but not horrifying, by finding the suitcase of a murderer who had been suspected of murder before but was not convicted of murder (must have been manslaughter or attempted murder). Ash, Brock and Misty were out in the countryside looking for Pokemon, then the scene got real dark real fast as the morning revealed that each one had been murdered and their bodies hung up on the trees (it was more graphic than that, I'm afraid, and can not go into greater detail due to the rules). As you can imagine, I am a bit shook up right now, and I find myself reluctant to fall asleep again after these kinds of dreams but talking about them always helped. Since everyone else is asleep, I have nowhere else to turn.


Post by 0404 »

Since I've been playing zombie game for past 2 months ...
In my dream I was being rescued by a helicopter from zombie apocalypse, but helicopter crashed,thankfully groups with me and I survived. So I think we called a ground unit to rescue us and we had to defend the helicopter. Apparently Diss was in our group and Diss started to blaming me for the cause of the Zombie apocalypse, Not joking. After long while of defending, a fire truck came to rescue us. Red shiny one. And then I don't know what happend.

I think I've been playing too much L4D
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Post by yehoshua »

If it was Diss, wouldn't there be ducks and an ambulance involved?
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Post by 0404 »

doesn't he like Firetruck as well?
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Post by McFly »

texascat018 wrote:doesn't he like Firetruck as well?
Dissension wrote:It's no secret that I love ambulances, fire apparatus, police vehicles, all kinds of visual and auditory equipment.
Pretty much.


Post by 0404 »

I dreamt of eating my jacket on my way to dollarshop job interview. I guess I should try eating one soon.
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Post by DingoVolf »

This dream occurred to me a month ago or so, but I happened to write most of it down right after, and it was strong enough that I was thinking about it again today and decided to share.

It was sometime in the summer, on a sunny day in an old-growth forest with large, healthy trees. A light breeze came through the leaf canopy and danced the scents of the woods past my face. My grandmother stood there, with a long, loose-fitting, short-sleeved dress made of some natural fabric and colored lightly with an almost cool pastel tie-dye pattern. Her hair was its usual silver waves of soft curls suspended about her head, like a dense bouquet of large-petalled flowers painted only in hues of grey.

She wore no jewelry, not her usual rings, wristbands, or necklaces. Her face was chiseled with the same lines that appeared when she would smile at me when I was a child. Her eyes were gems, reflecting some light that was far, far away, and she kept looking into the forest, somewhere a thousand miles into the heart of those woods.

“It is time, my grandson.” She said softly to me, “I am going to pass into the woods.” This made me feel as though a gear was out-of-place and needed to be repaired, that there was surely some other option than scrapping a broken wagon that only needed a new wheel. “Look.” She said, showing me her arms and pointing out blemishes that almost looked as though various flat circles of lichen had begun to grow on her body. She continued, smiling lovingly at me “I have had the time that I have had, and I am glad you were a part of it, but it is now my time and I must go.”

There was no contact – no hug, embrace or kiss, possibly because it was not needed, and partly because her blemishes were those of one who is passing into another realm. She silently stepped through the trees, her bare feet putting almost no pressure on the earth beneath them. She passed into the forest, and I woke up. A little sting of sadness and joy was left in my heart all that morning. Now, even though she was more fond of the garden than the woods, I look through the rolling hills of trees and see her in each branch and leaf.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

alright, I don't remember all that many details, but I do remember some. warning: Homestuck ahead

so, this took place in some sort of end game scenario where the kids had lost, I guess like one of the doomed timelines or something. It had a sad, defeated sort of feel to it. Gamzee for some reason was running a hotel or an apartment complex or something, and Snoop Lion was his assistant. I can't remember the transition period between that and what happened next, but the focus shifted to John being sad and just wishing the whole thing had never happened, longing to return when he was just a young boy standing in his room on his 13th birthday with his dad alive and baking insane amounts of cake in the kitchen. then I think he may have jumped out of a window. I kind of remember someone jumping out of the window.
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Post by Sleet »

Lucky. I never had Homestuck dreams!

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Post by Nortnos »

I have a habit of remembering only the strangest parts of my dreams. All I can remember about my last dream was my cat having kittens (she is pregnant irl). Pretty normal, right? Well, only until my sister decides to make the kittens into waffles (who are still alive) and eats them. I dont remember what I ate before sleeping, but I hope I dont eat it again.
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Post by Duster »

Huh, I haven't had a lot of dreams lately, but I do remember the last crazy dream I had!

So my dream started out in a old border town somewhere in Texas.
I know there were 4 people with me, but I scarcely remember all the details. All that I can remember is that a man, 2 women, ana a girl with me.
People were rioting in the streets for some reason, but the only thing we were trying to do was to escape across the border.
We quickly made our way across town whilst trying to avoid the riots, passing by houses and buildings as we neared the border.
I was kinda lost because I had no Idea exactly where I was or what was going on, until something weird happened.
A loud booming sound cracked in the air, and in the distance I could see tanks with German imperial emblems on them.

After this happened I must have been literally seconds away from waking up because suddenly my dream kinda changed, in a way.
Of course, my small group and I kept going until we were nearly on the outskirts of town.
After nearing the last couple houses we passed through an orchard. This orchard was sorta strange, mostly because the (i'm assuming) grape fruit looked twice as big as those giants you see in the grocery stores. Anyway, soon enough though we were in sight of the river on the border when my dream took another odd twist. There was like, pygmy elephants wading through tall grass next to the river! Not to be distracted by this odd sight we kept running along to the river. Once my group reached the border we took a quick breather, just before trying to cross into Mexico by wading through the river. Eventually everyone crossed the river and made it to a sand bar not far from the Mexican shore. I remember one of the ladies trying to tell us that the teenage girl with us nearly drowned.

Not long after this part I woke up, it's been a while since I've had dreamed anything quite as "vivid" as this dream.
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Post by IceKitsune »

I had a dream while I was taking a nap like 2 hours ago or so. It was a false awaking dream, First I woke up and started watching tv which was a black and white picture of a bus pulling away from a bus stop looped over and over but for some reason a laugh track and random dialog was playing over it like a sitcom (I'm sure it was from Freinds, a show I haven't watched since like the late 90s, because of some of the names used.) My computer was on but I left it on before going to bed so that was normal. (It was on a speed running stream I had been watching which was still going on.)

After that I wake up again with the TV still on still playing the same thing but no voices, in this dream my computer was off and I thought nothing of it; so I walk out my bedroom door and it leads to me walking into a Wendys my sister is their but I pay no attention to her and go to order something. I ask for a Chili but the person at the counter (a women with red hair which is all I remember) says they are out and cant make anymore because it was really late. I remember thinking that it was like after midnight and she offers to get me chicken soup and I say ok I'll have that.

I then say something along the lines of that its weird I'm at a Wendys after midnight. The lady tells me to look at the screen and points to a TV that has some words on it, but they are all blurred out except for in big bold white print YOU ARE SLEEPING. I look back at her confused and ask what does that mean? She just looks at me with a very stern look on her face and says "You're sleeping stupid." and I wake up. This has been one of the dreams I've remembered the clearest in the longest time for some reason, usually its just random bits and pieces. This is also why I love going to sleep with something playing in the background it leads to weird things like this.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

wow, that's weird. Never had a dream tell me I was asleep before. at least not that I remember.
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Post by IceKitsune »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:wow, that's weird. Never had a dream tell me I was asleep before. at least not that I remember.
I don't think its ever happened to me before either, except maybe once if I'm remembering right.
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Post by Oblivious Adobo »

IceKitsune wrote:This is also why I love going to sleep with something playing in the background it leads to weird things like this.
The weirdest thing I can remember because I left something playing in the background was when I fell asleep with Pokémon playing, what happened was I had Ash trying to get me into a pokéball, I say "Sorry, I'm not a pokémon." and by the end of the dream I took Ash's hat threw it, kicked him and yelled something very blatant to him about what I had said earlier. :lol:
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Post by TinFoilHats »

IceKitsune, I tried so hard not to burst out laughing when I read about your dream.
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Post by IceKitsune »

Heheh glad you enjoyed it I don't get many dreams that I remember in detail.
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Post by TinFoilHats »

Yeah, it's like forth-wall-breaking stuff.
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Post by Mickey the Luxray »

I have a few dreams to share.


It was dark. I was on the bottom-right corner of a cold, unnamed intersection, and out of nowhere the three guys from that show "Dude, What Would Happen" appeared on skateboards. One managed to ollie over the post on which the traffic lights resided, but he landed on his face and didn't move, while the other two acted like they'd seen something awesome. A ramp appeared in the middle of the intersection, and the longer-haired guy tried to jump it, but a bus appeared out of nowhere, hit him, and then took him and the ramp to God-knows-where. I remember turning from the scene at that point, walking across the street.
Then, this surreal bit of random turned into an utter nightmare.
As I approached the other sidewalk, I turned back and saw another bus hit the last guy. Disgusted, I looked back down the road, and a single Greyhound bus appeared, coming slowly but surely towards me. Not giving it any thought, I step on the sidewalk, only to jerk my head down the street again and noting that a SECOND bus had appeared, driving half-way on the sidewalk. Scared, I attempt to run up a small hill, and looking back a third bus had appeared, driving ON THE HILL I WAS ON. They all appeared going the same direction, mirror-to-mirror, at the same speed. I started to run the other way in hopes of dodging the incoming buses. But to no avail, as every time I got out of the way of a bus, a new one would appear. I tumbled down onto the hill on the other side of the road, and as another bus appeared I realized that there was no hope. At this point I became lucid, trying to escape the dream by closing my eyes and telling it to end. It didn't work. So I ran in-between the two closest buses, and as they passed the one on the left struck me in the shoulder, spinning me around and ending the dream.

Note: Years later, I found that spinning around transports you to another part of a dream. That means that there might have been a second part to this dream, but I just don't remember it.


I was in the house I currently live in. It was the middle of the night, and all the lights were on, and there was a short bus, my mom's car and my mom's boyfriend's car parked in the backyard. I went downstairs for no apparent reason, and saw something grey flitter about in the bus. I didn't know why at first, but I was terrified of it. I got my mom up and told her to get the baby and get out of the house. Then, this demonic screech came from the backyard. She left, and I remember running around a lot while some grey, vaguely humanoid being teleported around, obviously with the intent of killing everyone in the house. She (I assumed it was a she) didn't kill anyone, and soon the dream ended. I remember holding a shotgun in the final moments. Funny. I like assault rifles better.

Note: For some reason, it had a posture and color like a Stalker from Half-Life 2.


This was a partially lucid dream I had. I was in a sort of warehouse place. I seemed to be in a game, where I would have to go and get something from inside the warehouse. I realized that I could move super-fast, and although I couldn't access any weapons I ended up blazing past the defenses and winning the round. Next round I was on the defensive side. I consciously picked an assault rifle that looked like an AK-47 that had its metal parts painted olive drab and it had pine-wood trim. Oh, and the ironsights were in a rut. So they were completely useless. I died that round. Next round, I was an attacker. I moved really slow, and I don't remember carrying a weapon. I died that round too.

I woke up thinking "This is totally something that needs to be made into a game."
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

alright, so I had a kind of fun dream. It was like a mixture of Watchmen and Kick***. Police were cracking down on vigilantes, and all of the old generation didn't feel like dealing with that so they called it quits, so new amateur vigilantes took their place, and the public was behind these new vigilantes. I can't remember all the details, but I'll try to fill in the blanks.

It started with the team of new age vigilantes doing some sort of mission and barely getting by, but after they were done they were greeted by a bunch of college-age students celebrating them. The team consisted of a gunman with Green Arrow style tech for his bullets (this one was my Suite Mate as a hero), basically Rorschach with a plain white mask and much more pleasant disposition (this is the one that was me but not me, and also I was half first person as him and half 3rd person like in a video game), and the token female on the team whom I can't quite recall what she did. Eventually the cops showed up and the team had to get away, so my view was separated from the others in the group.

Next scene, my guy and the other guy were sitting down to a meal with I guess some fans, or maybe common friends cause I think we weren't in our uniforms. but then the cops showed up again and, while my colleague made a clean getaway, I was chased and had to lose the police again.

then I did something all night that was extremely tiring, then got home and passed out on the floor with the mask still on. luckily, I was under something so the wife and kids I didn't know I had didn't see the mask. apparently this universe's Rorschach equivalent is a loving husband and father. and they thought he had stumbled home drunk late at night and passed out, which was apparently very out of the ordinary for him. I don't know why they'd assume that before investigating possible health issues.

and that's where it stopped
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Post by Reconstruction »

From what I can remember from this previous dream was I woke up on a cloud, with a rather large scale bonsai tree sprouting from it, one of my personally favorite books was sitting turned upside down opened on the ground next to me. (The Zombie Survival Guide I'm sure you all know of)

Suddenly the tree shivered and it started raining purple feathers on my head, which oddly enough were the color of the bucket that was sitting in my lap, that bucket was filled with blue cake which i just started eating for over an hour until I woke up.

I looked over and saw the purple bucket on my computer stand, not kidding' neither.
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Post by Legotron123 »

EDIT: this was originally posted on a thread I started before I knew a dream thread already existed. enjoy.
I'm getting the mail at my moms house when I find out I've won a contest. Then the dream shifts to a awards party where I say my name and announce that housepets has won the Ursa Major award for 2013 . Then it shifts to the after party where I'm in a elevator with its own mall where I'm video game shopping with peanut. Me and peanut respectively buy pokemon x and y and then the dream ends.
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Post by Tatsuo »

What do cemetery mean in dreams? Because I had one the other night, where I had taken a trip to some city and found a cemetery. For some reason I decided to find the oldest tomb stone there. A lot of them had been falling apart except for this one big one that was next to a curved stone walkway. There was some type of construction in the front and decided to look around the bottom. I think it was wood construction (remembering moss), but I found a button kinda hidden in there and I pushed it. I remembered the particular spot where I was standing on felt hollow. So when I pushed the button a trap door opened, but was spring loaded so I didn't fall through. The only other thing I remember was opening the hatch and looking down to see nothing, but a dark hole. Something like you would see from an old mine or old well, with wooden planks going horizontal around this square hole.
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Post by Kyuunado »

Mainly a symbol of fear or death, do you fear dying or the dead? Do you have an exact location on where it was or was it just a generic unnamed cemetery in the middle of nowhere?
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Post by Tatsuo »

Kyuubi Kitsune wrote:Mainly a symbol of fear or death, do you fear dying or the dead? Do you have an exact location on where it was or was it just a generic unnamed cemetery in the middle of nowhere?

I have no idea where the location was. I do know it was near a busy section of a town or city. Reminded me of england or somewhere over in that area, though I have never been. Maybe from a show or movie perhaps? I don't know if I fear death or not. Probably just to the extent as any other animal would for it's own life. Thinking about it as I type this, I have had many other dreams where death was near. Except I don't constantly fear death.
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Post by Zavryn »

Tatsuo wrote: I have no idea where the location was. I do know it was near a busy section of a town or city. Reminded me of england or somewhere over in that area, though I have never been. Maybe from a show or movie perhaps? I don't know if I fear death or not. Probably just to the extent as any other animal would for it's own life. Thinking about it as I type this, I have had many other dreams where death was near. Except I don't constantly fear death.
Hmmm. Maybe you just happen to think about death or the afterlife quite often? *shrugs* it could also just be a random happenstance. I get frightened easily and fear death a bit and I rarely ever have dreams about stuff like that.
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Post by JeffCvt »

I have had two specific dreams that I can remember pretty much every single detail of. One was more a nightmare with a reason behind having it, but the other was just totally random with no real reason as to why I would have or remember it. Sometimes dreams are just like that.
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Post by Kyuunado »

I had a weird dream where I was falling completly upright, cross armed and looking at a watch whilst tapping my foot. I think this is a sign that I have watched too many cartoons.
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Post by kurowolfe »

I had a pseudo-nightmare yesterday, where the foreign exchange rate skyrocketed, with USD1 being equivalent to RM5 (currently it's RM3 something). I came to a situation where I couldn't even buy stuff online anymore, and couldn't connect to the Western Hemisphere due to currency embargo.

Applegate Appearance Cheat Sheet

Haq Dzi'ab (Blue Peaks Shore) || Mikan Kawabe (Applegate) || Hajime (Apollo City)
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