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Post by valerio »

here it goes, folks! The complete list of all the characters appeared in my ficcie, as per your request. I let out the characters imported from other works, or those appeared only once or of no relevance to the plots.
It's still a sort of work in progress, but at least now you have some reference.
Suggestions, corrections, etc, are always welcome.
Thank you for reading this far. This list will be kept up to date as the cast grows...

And now, for the glossary:
AP = ASTRAL PLANE -- Even if they are often meddling with the mortals' lives, the creatures belonging to the Astral Plane (from Heaven to somewhere else less nice) are to be considered from that place.
AR = ACKERMAN RESERVE -- The woods near Babylon Gardens
BG = BABYLON GARDENS -- THE Pet Friendly Community, founded by Henry Milton
LoC = LOCKE’S COUNTY -- Its most prominent feature is Hunter's Academy, where the Brave Animals are Shaped!
LuC = LUTON COUNTY -- Somewhere in the countryside, there you can find Reuben Sandwich's and Miss Sunman's Farms
Mob. = MOBILE (location) -- Namely, you don't know where they are right now. D'uh!
OA = OASIA (formely Isla de la Paz), Mexico -- Formerly the heart of the largest pet fight circuit, now being rebuilt to host animals only
RR = RIVER RIDGE (may be subject to change) -- 'The City'. Hic sunt leones.
TH = TERRACE HIGH - The second (modestly) most important pet-friendly community, built by the eccentric industrialist and multibillionaire R.R Gottschalk
Unk. = UNKNOWN (location)

Part 1 - A to I

Once a human, fanatic PETA member Carl Coppers accepted to work for an unknown cosmic entity, possibly Pete, to help the plans for human/animal equality, in exchange for having his life saved. The main downside is that now he is a rat and can go back to his humanity only if he accepts to die. He is owned by Maud Gottschalk and is not exactly happy about it. But he is not happy about many things, after all…

Since he was a pup, Zap had shown a streak of curiosity. He just wanted to test everything he came in contact with. And once he zapped himself trying to make a broken switch work, thus gaining his nickname. Like his owners, Zap is a conspiracy buff, he just can’t collect enough information about every presumed mystery, although this tendency helped him uncover real troubles a couple of times. Zap is also very good at fixing electronics, and perhaps is the only one who can make Bino’s computer work.

Adam comes from Alphabet City in Washington DC. He is a talented artist working on different media. He rescued Volant from his previous tormentors, but staying in touch with them didn’t help him gain the dog’s confidence. He hasn’t stopped believing in Volant’s goodness despite the recent events.

AKUO MIYUGI – female, human - TH
Akuo worked hard to become a sailor in the Japanese Navy, but when she realized that the price to pay was the serenity of her dog Tsuki, she decided to start a new life in the United States, where she could live close to her brother…Keith Greyfield. Akuo remains a strongly disciplined woman, though a rather flexible one, as she proved by opening a flower and interior decoration shop at Terrace High.

ALANDRA ‘ALI’ GARCIA – female, cat, Maine Coon mix - TH
Alandra is young and has spent a lot of time indoors, because of her frail condition. But, she doesn't want to be treated differently than others because of it. She enjoys reading, and rainy days. Speaks fluent Spanish and has been studying English for a whole year. She has a dignified demeanor, but treats everyone as an equal. She couldn't live without her owner. Graceful and refined, with a good heart and looks to match. She is currently engaged in a relationship with Kwesi, though memories of her past love still haunt her from time to time. She was born in Colombia and came to US to get cured of a serious liver disease.

It’s not a case Tobee grew up with a passion for hi-tech. Albert is an inventor, he won’t stop testing and planning every possible gizmo he thinks it will revolution the life of people and pets. His whole apartment is one huge laboratory. Strangely, despite him being a very affable person, he isn’t visited often…

ALCOR FOSTER – Cat, European - BG
Born and raised in the streets, Alcor used to be your typical rascal, sly and good at avoiding animal control –that is, until he was caught and sent to the old shelter, the same where Grape had been taken. But for Alcor, then known as Ghost, life at the shelter was a long sequel of abuses mitigated only by the presence, the friendship and then the love of his cage neighbor, a female dog. Eventually Martin adopted them. They are currently mates, and Mizar gave birth to a litter of two. Alcor is still trying to get them to trust him. His reaction to his old life is ‘store it and forget it’, he will not just let himself drawn to the old nightmares.

Arabian immigrant, Alem lived in the US since a boy and put to use his love for spices, and worked hard until he could open up his own shop at Terrace High. Though being Muslim, he’s not orthodox and he has no any problems with animals, and his best friends is Donald Berkowitz. He has hired Kwesi as he saw himself in that dog son of spice traders. He has a cat, Ali, who is often mistaken for a statue, as he tends to…save on his energies.

Grandson of a Russian soldier who fought the Great Patriotic War, Kostya, then a fragile child, grew up under the protection of an old Mafioso and his devoted dog. After a group of bullies killed his dog, Kostya decided to grow up a man of law, and worked hard to reach his current position. He is a friend of Martin, meaning that he respects the man’s determination to protect animals, though he disapproves of his methods. Yet, he will turn a blind eye from time to time, if it serves to protect the furry innocents –that is, until the law on animal welfare will be stronger.

A member of the Noah’s Ark Biopark staff, Alfred has been taking great care of Flash since he was a kitten and before they went to Terrace High so that Flash could receive better care. Alfred has tried hard for years to adopt Flash as pet, always losing his battles against the system…that is, until he had the idea of asking to the Embassy of Buwara to see that Flash was given citizenship, thus making the leopard not a pet but a visiting citizen. The plan worked, thanks to Gottschalk’s intervention as well, and now he and Flash live in the apartment that once belonged to Piper and Mac.

ALLEGRA – female, calico cat. - BG
Allegra has been seen only a few times. Much is unknown about her, but she remains Heathcliff’s best waitress. It has been joked about Fox having a crush on her, but it looks like Max has an interest in her…

ALVARO AND BRAJERES – dog, black husky – female, marbled polecat - RR
Another former pet fighter, Alvaro displays his scars as if they were medals. He’s a ruthless dog, but also one who treats with honor those who don’t whimper before him. He is a guest at the shelter, where he has a habit of welcoming the most difficult new guest with a fight to tame them down. Brajeres is his bodyguard, a psychic creature trained by the same, mysterious organization that has provided a bodyguard to each King of Champions.

ANATOLY DARKOLM – Dog, Anatolian Shepherd – TH
Head of K9 security at Terrace High, Anatoly is a dog of few words, and when he speaks them he’ll make sure they hurt more than his claws and fangs! His idea of a dedicated dog cop is one who better survives his abuses or leave the job. And, like all typical rude figures dedicated to give nightmares to their underlings, Anatoly is one who knows when to show respect: to the funeral of his best of underlings, killed by stress!

Legally the owner of Isaac, but the two are just like two brothers and as much inseparable. Andrea’s father disappeared when he was a kid, and his mother died of a cancer some years later. At that point, Andrea bought a bike and lived one day at a time, that is until he decided he needed a longer-lasting job –if not to better take care of Isaac. Currently he is working at Terrace High as waiter and assistant cook. He is a good friend with Steve and Mira Oakfield.

ANGELA LINDBERG – Female, Human - RR
Bill’s big sister, she used to own and run the Kansas farm where the family would gather for the festivities. She and her family moved to the Gardens after a tornado destroyed it. She now owns her own place where she lives with her kids and her dogs.

ANTARES and ALDEBARAN FOSTER – Dogs, Kings of the Mountains (translated from Ukrainian) - BG
Talk about BIG! These two twins deserve their names, associated to two giant stars. They were raised to be part of the Ukrainian Special Forces and underwent a training period before Martin adopted them when their unit was dismantled. Antares and Aldebaran are immensely strong and can be the best canine fighters you can get, but they prefer to live their life as happy, carefree gigantic pups. They care a lot for Peanut and ‘big sister’ Grape. Antares has recently started a relationship with one of the Milton wolves, Celestia, while Aldebaran is dating Daisy –and they are getting along quite fine, thank you. A&A are big fans of Spot (Superdog).

ARCHER IKE MANK and EDWARD ‘EDDIE’ JAMES POPE JR–Dog, Greyhound/Norwegian Elk mix-Human – RR
Archer, formerly Tahoe, used to be property of a couple of hunters who also used him in shooting competitions. Despite not possessing a fine sense of smell, Archer’s sight borders on exceptional and so his hearing. After abandoning his owners due to their gambling habits, Archer joined a ‘gun for hire’ organization and make a better use of his skills, becoming very proficient in the art of killing. Ironically, his current human partner, E.J., though working for the same organization, doesn’t know that it is the same men who killed his father and ruined his family. Eddie is far from being a moral individual, he likes his job and is a real spendrift, with Archer being his counterpart on the moneysmart side. Eddie is a skilled driver, he can work an any given vehicle, as long as it has a motor, and knows how to operate electronics. He is impatient, though, where Archer is a real patient hunter/sniper.

ARIANNA GONSALVEZ AND SASHA ALEXANDER – Female, Human – Female, dog, Alaskan Malamute - BG
Both born in Honduras, they used to earn their living protecting politicos and other ambiguous characters, until Arianna decided that the life was too dangerous for Sasha. Despite Sasha being quite capable of taking care for herself, Arianna can’t just put her in danger without a very solid reason. They came to work for the shelter in order to keep earning their pay but in a less hostile environment.

ASESINO CRUZ and BRUJA PENA – Dog, New Guinea Dingo and Cat, female, Savannah Cat – OA
One of the surviving Kings of Champions and their Shadows teams. Young Mijo was brought into the pet fight circuitry at the age of 6 by the human who should’ve cared for him. Since them he has known no other life than the ‘Win or Die’ law. Redubbed Asesino, or ‘Ace’, this dog became famous for the swiftness of his attacks, which carry a quick and painless death to his opponents. That is, in fact, the only way Asesino has to honor his enemies and spare them a life of indignities.
Bruja has specialized in telekinesis, learning to teleport herself and objects as large and massive as humans. Like all Shadows, she’s rarely seen beside her protégée, intervening only outside the fights. And, like many Shadows, she’s also the King’s best friend and confidant and had decided to stay loyal to him even after the Isla de la Paz circuitry was dismantled.

ATHENA BUFFER – Female, dog, husky - TH
Direct descendant of the legendary Togo, one of the dogs that saved the children of Nome, Athena is a leading dog, no less. She has the strongest sense of hierarchy among the security staff, but she’s also a very competitive creature and aspires to take the place that now belongs to Clementia. Despite this trait, she’ll never disobey orders to gain a personal advantage, and is a very loyal creature. She has also a very powerful maternal disposition, since a birth defect prevents her from having pups, and she’s prone to help anyone in need. Just don’t talk about Balto near her. Not if you like being alive. She is a member of Terrace High’s security together with her owner.

AWESOME AND LAIKA SANDWICH – Dogs, English foxhounds - LuC
Awesome and his mom were guests at the LCG. They were moved to Uncle Reuben’s farm to replace old Rufus. Needless to say, the barn cats have taken Awesome under their custody while Laika does her job.

AZARAEL - Dog, Saint Bernard. - RR
The bigger brother of Samson and Brutus. He is the epytome of the perfect dog, worked himself into becoming a rescue dog for the Italian alps rescue corp.

BADESSA – female, grizzly bear, feral - AR
Badessa lives in the woods of Ackerman Reserve. She used to take care of Miles’ pack’s needs, occasionally and is still in touch with them.

BAILEY LINDBERG – Female, husky - BG
Recently moved to the Gardens with her family after a tornado had destroyed their farm. Bailey has proved so far to be a strong, loyal, hard-working dog. King developed a mega-crush on her, though their relationship is still at an early stage.

Baron is the typical prize-dog. Beautiful to see, not really fitting for the role of watchdog. His obsession is keep things neat and tidy so that his owners won’t get mad over their neat and tidy house. It doesn’t help his nerves that he’s the only dog in a block, Poe Plaza, where all the pets are cats.

BATTISTA MORETTI AND CALLISTO – Human – Dog, Maremma Shepherd - BG
Italian, Battista Moretti spent a good part of his life in the French Foreign Legion, earning his medals during Opération Daguet in the Gulf War after saving part of his armored division. Callisto used to be a show dog, and his military training was nonexistent before Battista bought him. But now both make a formidable team, though Callisto still tends to act the affectionate big pup rather than the jaded detail. But that’s why all cubs and kittens at the shelter love him, he’s like the ‘Big Good Giant’.

BETHANY ‘BETTY’ HARDY AND TISIPHONE – Female, human -- female, harpy eagle - BG
The latest acquisition in the human-animal teams of LCG’s security, Bethany used to be a poacher before she realized the wrongness of her ways. After serving time in prison, she dedicated herself to animal welfare. She went to South America where she rescued Tisiphone and brought her to US with the help of Gottschalk, on the premises she’d work for the shelter. The two females have since taken the task with the outmost dedication, becoming the terror of the intruders.

Blanche, Berenice, Bob, Butch & Billy, Buck, Bradley, Bubba, Baby (don’t ask!), Benito (call me Bennie!) and Barbie (I’m such a STAR!). Talk about a handful! The Bigglesworth may look the same to anyone, and even act the same when it comes to pranking…in fact they act the same anytime, anywhere. Only Blanche moved on to be with Joey. For him, she moderated her own attitude –namely, she won’t cause him any trauma, but she could still prank you to kingdom come!

Owner of Fox, King and Lucky. Formerly police officer. Currently director of the LCG. He is a man who likes the rules to be respected, and the pets to be respected. He never gave less than 111% to his job and did the same when it came to take care of the new shelter. He still doesn’t know that the corgi his son Fox is so affectionate to used to be the same human he had arrested for kidnapping Fox. Aspirin?

BINO COSTNER – Dog, unspecified breed - BG
Still the President of the Good Ol’ Dogs club, still the ringleader of Babylon Gardens’ dogs, still the adorable mean dog we know and love, he recently married Sasha and sired a pup. Where other dogs would’ve stopped to dedicate more time to the family, Bino decided to keep climbing up the ladder, and joined once again the Hunters Academy to become a cop dog, this time with more chances of success. As of recently, it had been revealed that Bino is a real retro buff, his room is stuffed with everything ‘70s, including still working hardware.

BOADICEA – Wolf, female - AR
Leader of Fenton Woods pack, located between Babylon Gardens and Terrace High, she is the most fearsome female one could have the bad luck to cross! Older sister to Miles, like the woman she took her name from, Boadicea is a strong and charismatic leader, ferocious, determined and skilled. And her wolves would follow her to Hell and back!

BORA - Bird, Red-tailed Hawk. Currently, ghost.
Bora was a feral of the area where Terrace High was to be built. Somehow during the works, her nest was destroyed and her mate went missing, presumably dead. Full of rancor toward the humans, Bora lived at the margin of the complex, causing mischief, until she met Piper. Deciding he could help exact revenge, she lived a short-lived alliance with the parrot, until he decided she was too uncontrollable and got rid of her, serving her as meal for Macajuel. Since then, Bora has returned as a ghost, possessing Piper's body.

BORIS AND YELTSIN – dogs, unidentified breed - BG
Possibly of Russian origins, these two brothers have proven their loyalty on an erratic base, meaning they might be more two bodyguards-for-hire. Anyway, they still had to submit to Grape’s wrath on one occasion.

BOSCO BYRON - Dog, mixed breed. Pup - BG
Bosco is the son of Bino and Sasha. Like her mom, he's a sweet-disposed attitude toward everyone, he just can't be angry to anyone. Sasha is raising him to love everyone, much to Bino's detriment

Bruce is the owner of a professional gym and fitness center at Terrace High. His motto is ‘keeping EVERYONE fit’, as the place is open both to humans and animals. Bruce has never been nothing short of encouraging toward his dog’s ambitions and worked with him to build him up properely.

BRUTUS - Dog, Saint Bernard. – Mob.
older brother of Samson, he startd his own acting career since leaving the breeding farm. Mainly, he does stunt. He has first appeared in Housepets! 1X, created by STU.

BUDWEISER SANDWICH – Dog, Canadian Pointer Mix - BG
Peanut Butter’s biological father!!! After serving a long and honored career in the police’s K9U, he spent some more years training the cadets at the academy, before retiring and going to live with his son. He’s still got an edge and likes to train the new kittens and pups –much to the terror of Grape. He works part time at the Gardens of Eden Farm as General Evaluation Coordinator.

Strong and silent. Literally. Butch can't speak, due to a mental disability he's had since birth. However, he makes up for it by being a big dog, with incredible strength. This doesn't mean he's cruel, though; he's actually very loving, and can be a great friend and listener once another animal learns more about him, though this often takes awhile, since many animals are frightened by his size. He's also very brave, and doesn't fear pain in the slightest. What he does fear is losing close friends, though this is hard to tell. This leads to a very protective attitude towards smaller friends, and an alliance-like attitude towards the bigger ones. Butch is also very deep, and writes love stories in his free time, and isn't afraid to show others his work. He knows sign language, to accommodate his lack of speech, and always has a written advice for those who want it.

CARMEN AND DOLORES MILTON – female, ferrets - BG
The latest acquisition of the Milton furry family, they came from the LCG shelter but had rapidly adapted to their new life of riches, shamelessly courted by the Milton boys. Unlike the other ferrets, they don’t seem to act out of fun only…

Daughter of Other Daryl, Celestia was the first of the Milton Wolves to leave the pack in order to build herself a new life as pet. She didn’t take such decision easily, but she wanted to start her own pack, and she saw in Antares not only a very strong male and good DNA provider, but also a commodities provider, which would do good for her cubs. One could say that she’s manipulative toward the big boy, but Antares is no fool. He just thinks he’s very happy to have a wolf as his mate. Celestia is currently taking care of the Foster pups. Being them born before she could give birth has touched her inner rank instincts. For now, as part of the Foster family she will dedicate herself to the young ones and wait to give birth until they are of mature age.

Brother and sister, the only living human relatives of the late henry Milton. Their hopes to inherit the fortunes of their uncle were crushed when the ferrets got the big deal. They spent their lives trying to make ends meet, often in amoral ways, like when they ran the old shelter with no regard for the prisoners. After losing that job, they used a trust fund to buy a company that proved to be a ‘bad company’ of the Milton/Gottschalk/Foster new society. They are still working to rebuild the assets, while planning for vengeance…

CERBERUS – female, canine - AP
Yup, Cerby’s a girl and she’s been just promoted to watch over the soul’s store in paradise. And yes she used to date Pete. That may justify her nasty attitude

CHAMP and SAMMIE – Dog, German Shepherd and Cat, mixed breed - OA
Champ is a rarity among the Kings of Champions: a veteran, 30 years old, by far the strongest and the smartest of these tormented gladiators! Piper chose him to be the head of his guards and the trainer for the new defenders of Oasia. He knows a lot of techniques, to the point that, among the many names he had during his career, he was also called ‘the Wizard.
Sammie (Sam for short) is the real wizard of the two, specialized in manipulating temperatures and using fire and ice to perform several kind of tricks…all of them usually lethal. He also uses his magic to keep himself fit as a 5 Y/O while he too is 30. He is also blind since his birth.

CHANCE AND CLAYTON WHITAKER – Cat, unspecified breed – human – RR
Chance used to belong to a US diplomat and live in Afghanistan, when his owner was killed by the insurgents. He joined a local animal independence movement, before being rescued by one of the American soldiers who killed Chance's friends, who brought him back to US. Since then, Chance looked for a chance to redeem himself and joined the FNERL security. He’s a fine hand-to-hand combatant and very good at improvising weapons and booby traps from scraps. He owns a collar with lockpicks and a jacket stuffed with small blade weapons and useful devices, as he call them. Clayton, the human who saved him during a raid in which most of Chance’s companions lost their lives in a gunfight, adopted Chance and brought him to the Gardens, where they had maintained an under-the-radar lifestyle, until they saw their chance as employees for the FNERL security and put their skills to better use than just killing.

CHERIE NGUYEN AND SPRING – Female, human – female, Dalmatian/pitbull mix - BG
Cherie is Vietnamese. Like all other members of the HK9Us, she has a military background, in her case integrated with martial arts, which she taught to Spring. Cherie has known all of the rigors of a penniless life and can empathize with many of the guests at the shelter, wishing she could run the place one day and have the power to make a difference for them. Spring is devoted to her Mom and mentor, she will be no less than highly professional in all occasions.

CHOCOLATE BARONS – female, brown rat - TH
She is usually laid back and easy going for most things except when it comes to magic. When it comes to that she takes it very seriously. She is willing to teach anyone that is willing to learn magic as long as they take the training with the utmost seriousness if they don't she will stop training them immediately (This however does not mean that she will stop being that persons friend in the least). She loves to read and will read anything she can get her hands (paws lol) on. She is a night owl and loves to stay up until the early morning and on occasions will stay up all night long. When she is studying magic or reading anything it is hard to get her attention because she is so absorbed in to what she is reading. Back when she lived in Babylon Gardens, she first took on her magic through random books her previous owner used to collect, then she met Sabrina who started teaching her at a more advanced level. She is currently working as guardian of Terrace High.

Husband of Angela. Sometimes she lets him pretend he’s the man of the house.

CLARICE HUNTERS – female, human - TH
A sick child, she was born with a rare immune system deficit. Her parents had to move to Terrace high to provide her with a ‘bubble apartment’ a place big enough to let her live a decent life, but also a gilded prison. Her best pal is Jasmine who always took care of her, and now Shadow too is making her life happy. Despite her sickness, Clarice is a nice girl and full of joy.

CLEMENTIA LASAR - Female, Cat, Brazilian Shorthair - TH
Clementia is a serious cat, and just so happens to be the only cat at security in Terrace Hgh. She's young, but takes her job as a security detail seriously, and works hard to succeed. Her name is latin for "mercy", which is ironic, since she hardly ever shows mercy to those she's hunting. Even when off duty, she still shows a strong sense of justice, and works to both defend the helpless and incriminate the guilty. However, it's said that if you can crack her tough exterior, you can find one of the area's most passionate lovers. Good luck, though, as her exterior is the equivalent of three inches of steel.

COLOMBINA – female, Tibetan Mastiff - BG
The dog assigned to Kevin F. Marsh as part of the human/K9 units. She can be as much sweet as her name suggests, and as much a killer as her breed suggests! Like her fellow dogs at the shelter, she was trained to be the best at PR and the worst nightmare for any saboteur. Colombina has been raised in an Italian American family, she loves everything Italian and loves to recite poetries.

CONSTANCE ROZEN – Female, Human - TH
Constance is a vegetarian, and it was her who taught Liz to appreciate environment, she is a diehard pacifist and also Terrace High’s chief veterinarian. She owns her own clinic, on the contract that she must train new doctors –a task she applies to happily.

CORNELIA ELFTRUDIS TUDOR IV - female, cat, Maine coon - BG
At age 17, she is perhaps Babylon Gardens' oldest feline. Cornelia has helped raising many litters from many other mothers, and has always given good advice to both young and old. Cornelia is well and truly respected in the neighborhood, and there are many voices about her being candidate to help Peanut and Grape take care of their kittens...

DAIMLER – dog, greyhound - BG
A former sport racer, Daimler has been hired to accompany the paperboy in his delivery turns.

DAISY – Female, dog, black Labrador - BG
HI, I’m Daisy! –But, seriously, turned out she can say more than that. And yes, you must read the ficcie to see when it happens!

DAISY AND MORTIMER - Female, dog black labrador -- Black Wolf - fictional characters
Daisy and Mortimer are the stars of the pups book 'The Song of the Forest', in which the kind heart of Daisy wins over the wild attitude of the wolf Mortimer. (no, no spoilers!)

The owners of Linus, the Carters are cousins, respectively American and Englishman. Both have founded the DE2 Advertisement Agency at Terrace High.

Butch’s owner, he’s a corporate lawyer working in a firm founded with his old university friend, Melissa. He is still unattached having recently lost his wife to cancer. Currently, he’s working to support the campaign of the candidate mayor of River Ridge, though his priorities regard animal welfare and his son.

DANIEL PEARCE AND ARIETTA – human –female, dog, Czech wolf - BG
Englishman, Daniel was raised in the arts of military and war. His toys were weapons. He shot his first gun at the age of six scoring a perfect center. He never cared to work for the Army, ‘too weak for him’ while he preferred to be a mercenary. He moved to the Gardens after adopting Arietta, and training them into mastering as many weapons as possible. One could say that he had mistreated Arietta for being hard on her during the training, but she’s glad she’s been turned into a strong canine, not a pampered puppy. Both of them want to make a difference, that’s why they joined the shelter, knowing that the expansion of that business will cause important changes in the future of the Gardens. In their free time, Daniel and Arietta work on keeping in shape and perfecting their talents They also study new weapons to provide to the shelter’s security.

Darius is the last of the Mexican King of Champions from Isla de la Paz. After many years spent in the arena, he is not accustomed to a life of peace, though he tries really hard. He doesn’t empathize with anyone, but he will fight to help the helpless and redeem. And he knows a lot of tricks…
Riddle is a cat trained in lesser magic, but he’s very good for her job of protecting the King of Champions. He is good at throwing illusions. After his job was theoretically gone with the end of the PFC business, he decided to stay with Darius and help him out. As of recently, Darius and Riddle have been adopted in the city of River Ridge.

Dasco belongs to a powerful breed of dogs, bought for his inbreed loyalty, his sense of duty, although such qualities are mitigated by a certain abrasiveness. He’s not one to give easy confidence to strangers or to anyone outside his ‘pack’, and that makes him a highly qualified guard. Dasco was furtherly trained in some of the most top-secret areas, thus giving him and his handler access clearances that would be otherwise denied to other members of the FNERL security. Dasco and Rusty had to take a forced pause in their activity after an accident on the line of duty, an attack that left the dog without his front teeth, which had been replaced with titanium implants. Both human and dogs used that time to learn some computer skills, which give them an edge over the others in the intelligence department.

Firstborn of Grape and Peanut, he and the rest of the litter are actually the biological kids of both pets. Dayshaun looks every inch his papa, including his playful attitude and the love for culture. He likes to correct his siblings when they misspell. he is also very polite, even to the victims of his games---

DOC AND SMITH - Cat, red tabby -- dog, German shepherd - fictional characters
Together they make a formidable team, together they are the top investigators, together they fight the crime! They are Doc and Smith, the brains and the brawn, the Eyes of the Law... Well, to be honest they are the pets of a PI agency, but since their owners are not exactly the best on the field, it takes them to do the real job...

Owner of Errol, Donald is an American Jew who really doesn’t have any attachment to his roots. He likes to have animals around, especially dogs, and his pet eats shellfish. Oh, and he will gladly work on weekends at his tailoring shop. His best friend is the Arab running one of the best spice shop in the High. His relatives hate him.

DRAKE VERDE – Cat, Persian cat - TH
Drake can be a mean person, he usually is. He is a disrespectful person (cat?) and doesn't care what other's think of him and will speak his mind. He likes to make people mad and argue, he finds it fun. He doesn't seem to like a lot of people. Though on some conditions, he can be somewhat nice, to people that he likes and thinks that they are "cool". He usually does that with friends (If people would even want to be his friend). A lot of people don't seem to like him because of the way he acts, but deep down he really wants a friend to talk to and enjoy having his company. He likes to listen to music too, which is hardcore punk. He is someone that is active and likes to run, but he doesn't really enjoy playing sports. Curiously, or because his Mom is a good friend of Daniel Warreck, is a good friend of Butch and works as sign language interpreter for him.

DUCHESS AND TERRANCE – Dogs. Female, Saluki – English Spaniel - BG
Only one appearance so far, but don’t worry, they are going to get their minutes of fame..

Mom and Dad of Peanut and grape. Both work at the Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals. Earl still is a mechanic and runs the shelter’s workshop. Jill is a nurse at the local veterinarian clinic. Recently, they had a baby, Martin Gordon Sandwich.

Grape’s and Lucky’s first owners…and the humans who abandoned them when times became hard. After several years, they showed up at Sandwich house to claim them, but in the end they were sent to prison.

Rommel is the manager and owner of the ‘For Want of a Nail’ shop, dedicated to war memorabilia from all ages and countries. He’s a witty fox with a passion for etiquette and respectable manners, and knows how to strike a deal!

EL FIN and DINGERPEAJE – Dog, Doberman and Cat, male - OA
If ‘mystery’ could describe this King and Shadow couple, no other word would be fitter. Nothing about them is as it seems, both animals have learned to live with layers of convenient lies, manipulating friends and foes alike. And even in combat, in and out of the ring, they have been able to pull up more than a surprise! They are used by Piper as heads of his ‘secret service’.

When you end up in her courtroom, you know you’re in for a world of pain. E.E. York is specialized in animal abuse cases, and she knows how to use law to inflict the heaviest punishment! Her best friend is Kostya, and together they are a team that works hard to keep their city clear of abusers. Like Kostya, she has the Supreme Court in her future though she wants to make sure to have a worth replacement first.

ELIAS ‘TOMMY’ DILERO – dog, Boxer/Labrador mix - BG
Elias lost his Dad in a car accident, or so that’s what he remembers, for his memory has been severely impaired. His owner’s name is implied in shady business, so it is not excluded Tommy’s role as a witness in the future. Currently, Elias is a guest at LCG and is studying to become a security dog. Despite his many misadventures, Tommy is a very good-hearted canine, always ready to help everyone in need.

ELIZABETH ‘LIZ’ ROZEN – female, Maine coon/Norwegian Forest mix - TH
She loves the outdoors. She would rather sleep outside than in her bed any day. She enjoys hiking, and seeing the sites, as well as nature. She can act very silly and can come off as naïve, dumb, or a ditz (well actually, she is naïve, dumb and a ditz). She can be overly emotional at times, especially when she‘s sad or happy. She is very easy to get to know, and loves making friends, even with the dogs. She is almost always hyper, and is a huge optimist. She is also a pure vegetarian and totally eco-friendly, and luckily all of Terrace High is built on eco-friendly rules. She despises killing, she won’t even squash a bug. and only through a patient diplomatic work did she accept to take flea dip baths and put on a flea repellent collar.

ELLIOT BANNISTER – dog, golden retriever - TH
Thought Elliot is nice, sometimes he cant help himself to being sarcastic when he is annoyed, which he is alot. He is very shy in front of a LOT of people/pets. Most of the time, he lets conversions start themselves, instead of trying to start one himself. He tries to act very mature and polite in front of other pets owners/humans in general. Recently, or better, after years of bickering, he started a relationship with Tegan. He is still in the ‘very awkward phase’, but at least his feelings for the cat are sincere.

Yes, they were named after the Blues Brother, her mother is a real buff of that movie. And, just like the BB, Elmo and Jake are troublemakers down to the bone, Despite having grown with animals all around, they still see them as servitors, working force. After moving to the Gardens, a place that to them is as alien as Mars, their best pal has become Matt. Need to say more?

ELPIS KARAHALIOS – Dog, Australian Terrier - TH
Although he know custom worthy of a rich noble, Elpis tend to be sharp-tongued and boastful in contrast to his pampered background. Despite hating to be dependent, he does show a soft side albeit rarely and is capable of knowing the right thing to say. He stood out from the pets due to knowing human things and is rarely prone to dog instinct though he kinda wishes to know what it feels like. Born a feral, he was found by the extremely wealthy Karahalios couple in the middle of the park as a puppy. It was not confirmed whether his biological parents abandoned him or kindly left him to the couple to take care of. Since he reminded their owners of their late son who was also born without eyes, they took care of him as their son as if he was their second chance. Although, he was considered to be treated like a human being, Elpis, ironically, felt that he was treated like a pet due to being excessively indulged and locked up from the outside of his home. He developed a way to sneak out of the manor their supervision to explore the world and at one time hitched a ride to Babylon Gardens knowing fully well that his owners will find out about his disappearance even though he “politely” left a note. His remaining senses are very keen, and he could tell each Bigglesworth apart.

Eric works in Terrace High’s security with Sigmund as K9 partner. Silvia works as 8t grade teacher. They moved from Babyon Gardens to get more money and more savings to plan for a child.

ERROL ‘SWORD’ BERKOWITZ – North American River Otter - TH
Originarian of Levis, Canada, Like any other otter, Errol is playful, hyperactive, with a cheerful personality and almost impossible to break down, easy to give forgiveness rather than standing alone from someone, but when he makes an enemy of someone, he becomes a fierce fighter! He plans of having a family and a second wife outside his species, for the fun of it. He’ll court anyone, even males, and you’ll never know if it’s for fun or not. They usually play along or leave him alone, but he’s very convincing and difficult to resist.

ESTRELLA DELASANGRE – female, human - OA
She used to belong to the same family that rebuilt the infamous city of Isla de la Paz, a gathering point for the Mexican Pet Fight Circuits. Yet she never actively participated in the family business, preferring to keep a low profile and helping as many animals to escape as she could. After her family was destroyed and the PFC business gone, Estrella decided to walk a path of redemption together with the last local pet fighter…

EUNECE JEWEL ROBINSON – female, human – RR
Think about the least person you wanted ever to see in your life and in the next one.
That’s Eunece, Martin’s and Joel’s grandmother. ‘A woman for every man’, as she likes to put it. A charming young woman, as King would call her. Eunece had her first daughter at the age of 16. And her daughter gave birth to the Robinson boys at 16 herself. Eunece never showed any real affection for her grandsons or her family in general, as she is a woman who loves to live for her own not-so-innocent pleasures. So why she’s back in Martin’s life after all these years? Why, for the money of course. Oh, and it was her who chose Martin’s second name, as she wanted a female from her daughter.

EVELYN SUNMAN – Female, human - LuC
Retired public school teacher, during her working years she volunteered at the old shelter, and followed Martin as he demolished it to build the Lucky Charm Grove, of which she was the Director for a short time. Currently, Evelyn runs the new Gardens of Eden (MFG Food & Dairies Inc.) Farm. She’s very good at keeping things running, and even the wolves respect her –and her ruler. Evelyn is a strong, but kind woman. She doesn’t fear to speak her mind. She knows all the tricks to keep people and animals in their place without abusing her position. She recently adopted a couple of strays, Otis and Mirai.

FANG THE TERRIBLE - Dog, mixed breed – Mob.
Not evil incarnated, but the closest thing to it. Fang is notorious for his multiple allegations with several criminal cartels, sometimes starting his own underground business as well. Last he was heard from, he was on the run, planning vengeance against Babylon Gardens, Terrace High, and Keith and Light. Talk about busy agenda...

FELIX MARSH – cat, red tabby - BG
Felix was the kittenhood friend of Grape, back when she lived with her first family. Together with Lucky, Felix is the only good memory of those days. After being abandoned himself, Felix spent years wandering as a stray, never trusting a human again, until his path crossed that of Kevin Marsh, and since then they have become inseparable. Felix, Grape and Lucky are known as The Three Musketeers, champions of mischief and merry adventure. Today, with Grape being mommy full-time, the Musketeers are seeking for a new third party…

FIDDLER AND KEYS – Cats, unspecified breed - BG
Fiddler sounds the violin, Keys sounds the keyboard, both sing and dance. There is still a problem telling who’s the boy and who’s the girl.

FIDO BYRON (Officer) – Dog, mixed breed - BG
Perhaps not ranking the highest in the K-9 Unit, yet, but to the other dogs in the Gardens he’s still the most beloved top dog, the fighter for animal rights, teacher for the cubs, agility champion, nurse to small ferals, etc. etc. etc., but hey, ‘it’s my job, Sir’. Loyal and community-devoted to a maniacal level, Fido is the dog you can rely on. Bino may be the only dog on Earth who hates him for that. Females still want his puppies, despite him being thoroughly engaged with Sabrina the cat.

FLARE AND FREDRICK NELSON – Dog, Bloodhound – Human – RR
Flare earned his name when, as a puppy, mascot of Austine Police Force, he got out of the car during an investigation, took a road flare and lit it up, wanting to be helpful. Some time later, after an intensive training for the bomb squad, Flare and the cop he worked with, Fredrick, were sent to the Military. While transfering to their first assignemnt, though, a bomb destroyed their van. Flare lost the sight in his left eye and the hearing in his left ear. Not wanting to lose him over a forced retirement, Fredrick adopted Flare and both left the military. They worked for the FBI until they were offered a job at FNERL security for their expertise with explosives and booby traps.

Formerly one of the Noah’s Ark Biopark’s animals, Flash suffers from a disease that forces him to eat only unprocessed food, and only meat. That’s not generally a problem, being him a carnivore, but he must integrate his vitamins with pills and shots. Despite that, Flash is a nice big cat and he’s very appreciated by the visiting children. He’s a bit edgy, much like Zachary, and is quick to hide. He currently lives at the Fulcrum as Buwaran citizen with a green card, thanks to Gottschalk’s intervention.

FLUFFY – Alligator, female – TH
Fluffy was an exotic pet living at the outskirts of Babylon Gardens, cared for by an unnamed human with the habit of kidnapping pets as ‘toys’ for her birthday. After the human was arrested for kidnapping Fox and Maxwell, Fluffy was moved to the city pound and from there to the zoo of Terrace High. She still finds it hard to have friends around for her birthday.

FOX LINDBERG – Dog, Husky. - BG
Fox is a complicated dog with a heart of gold. You don’t want to be his enemy, but if he wants to be your friend he’ll be friend for life. It is not known yet why he keeps being friend with Bino of all dogs, but that didn’t prevent him from making friends with King (of all…what?). Fox is a book smart, laid back canine, and even his misadventures (he was kidnapped…twice) didn’t spoil his kind soul (OK, someone could argue he didn’t use to be a nice puppy, but he grew over that, sheesh!). He won’t stop watching over King, treating him like a little brother.

FREDD, DIEGO AND ARMANDO – Dogs, Dogo -- Rottweiler/Pittbul mixes - BG
Self-appointed ‘new terrors’ of the neighborhood, so far they are wannabe bullies: every plan of them to inflict terror has met the strongest and most painful resistance…

FRITS CARDORE – Dog, Retriever mix - TH
Frits is a playfull dog, running after a flying object is what he likes to do. Even do he is good with humans, around other dogs he intend to get very shy, and sit out a game with friends. It's not that he is bad at games, he just has a bad history when playing with other dogs. Overall, he is very mature, and will not turn childish to win a argument. (he would rather admit defeat knowing he was right then start a long discussion). Rather than asking a lot of questions, Frits is the type that would just look at you strange, and not say a word. Overall a very smart dog, but shy's away from showing it.

A distant cousin of Bill, she belongs to the original branch of the family, before it split and gave life to the Lindbergs. Like all Lundbergs, Gabriella belongs to the social aristocracy and is a power-seeker. The youngest of the women in the family, Gabriella is now running for mayor of the city, bringing with her a thick program of animal rights and the money of the GMF Corporation.

GARR AND SOCKS – husky – Female, cat - RR
Garr used to be one of the most famous Kings of Champions, back in Mexico. He was known for his ability with the staff and the dirtiest tricks he could use. But when, after a fight, he developed an infection that made him too weak to fight again, he was sentenced to become food for another champion. At that point, his bodyguard, Socks, used her yarn magic to free him and help him escape to America, where they were first taken to a shelter in California and then recruited as consultants by Applegate Studios on a movie about Pet Fight Clubs.

Unlike your typical stoat, Gaunt is the quiet kind of pet, and prefers to be left alone, as long as he can read something and/or play puzzle magazines. He will come out of his shell to help other in need, since he really hates bullies, and will fight them even if they were strong enough to beat them into a pulp. He LOVES walnut cookies. He developed many tricks to compensate his physical inferiority during a fight and is a skilled diplomat. Despite being owned by a loving human couple, Mira and Stevie, both activists of the WWF, he really misses Stefanie, the husky who had grown him and who now is hosted at the Lucky Charm Grove per authorities’ dispositions.

GAUSS AND CURIE GOTTSCHALK – Dogs, male and female, German shepherd/husky mixes - TH
Gauss and Curie were raised as part of a military breeding experiment to create new mixed breeds with ‘the best of two worlds’. Both brother and sister, they failed to meet the military standards, but were good enough for their future owner. Gauss may be halfbreed, but he’s an all-guard dog. He’s been trained since he was a pup. He tends to analyze other people and pets rather than making friends, and will allow only his sister and his owner to get close enough to touch him. He’ll never admit that, not even to such closest relative, but they are the only ones whom he feels love for. Gauss loves reading, he carries an e-book device with him, and he loves fiction.
Curie is a lively creature, very well-aware of her duties, and follow them as strictly as her brother, but she’s prone to be friendly with other pets and people, although she never really lets her guard down. So far, she hasn’t displayed any feeling for anyone in particular. Curie loves to play videogames, any game on any console, especially in multiplayer, preferably in company of others

Gene used to live as a stray, just one exotic pet whose owner got tired of. Sent initially to a shelter, Gene escaped and did so with the others, preferring the life of the street to the human world. Eventually, he got himself in trouble one too much time and was saved at the last moment by Anatoly Darkolm, then a K9-U officer. Anatoly convinced Gene to live with his family, and eventually their relationship turned into a love one. But after moving to Terrace High and getting promoted to head of animal security, Anatoly started fearing his relationship with Gene could damage his reputation and career, and eventually he started separating from the genet. At that point, Jin sought for a new mate and found one in the otter Errol. Since then, they are inseparable.
Jin is one exuberant creature, frivolous at times, but very faithful, and as much headstrong. He is the always-curious one, an escape artist and an expert thief.

Husband and wife, George and Mildred are FBI Agents of the Animal Division. They are Zeke and Quincy's supervisors and accompany them on all missions. They are trying very hard to change their names.

GOREN – dog, beagle. - BG
Goren is one of the reeducated guests at the Lucky Charm grove. He studied and became a professor for the new guests in Principles of General Education.

GRAPE JELLY SANDWICH – Cat, female, unspecified breed. - BG
She used to live with another family, together with a dog, the Malamute Lucky, before being abandoned for economic reasons. After some wandering, she ended up in a shelter near Babylon Gardens, where she was adopted by the Sandwiches upon request of their dog, Peanut. After several years spent together, eventually Grape returned Peanut’s love. She currently is the mother of a litter of five. She still loves to close an argument with a manifestation of physical force, and her naps.

A witty nine-tailed fox, GK is the Game Master of the current session of Universes and Unrealities. Since he knows how far his fellow players may go, he also put on strict rules about the extent of the influence Pete and Dragon can use over their avatars. And, above all, they must not cause harm to the mortals whose lives they are playing with. It’s not wise to bully him, or one could discover how good he is at enforcing the rules…

GUINEVERE CARDORE – Female, human - TH
Guinevere is a reporter working for ‘The Daily Fact’, a web-newspaper published in Terrace High. She’s not exactly a top newshound, but she gets to cover most events concerning the pet community. She’s a very demure character, a thing that helped her to keep secrets, a quality she appreciates in a newshound.

The survivor of a Pet Fight Club, he was raised with an edge, to the point that when he reached full maturity, his teeth were replaced with steel ones! You can’t get close to him, least you wanted to lose an appendage or at best killed with words. He was sent to the K-9 academy to channel his rage into a useful job, and he proved himself a fast learner! He’s currently working in Terrace High’s security. He’s the lone wolf but a good packmate with his human and partner and at home. And you DO NOT want him mad at you. NEVER.

Think about the most spoiled rich kid you could imagine, a dork with a big wallet and an attitude to treat everyone like property, sexist to the bone, and yet very caring toward animals. That’s Harry, a less than mediocre reporter, factotum for the Daily Fact and in love with the whole female staff, though it’s Guinevere he’s got his eyes for. He works there because his father owns the newspaper.

Hector, owner of Alandra, studied as botanist but back in Colombia he couldn’t put his studies to work –in fact, he could barely afford to eat for himself and his cat who he loves more than his life. For her, to pay for her cures, he was ready to become a criminal, but at the last moment he got the occasion and the money to move to US. Now he is botanist at Terrace High and his daughter is fine.

HELIAS, HONCHO AND RINGO ROBINSON – female, cat. Male, dogs - AP
The three pets belonging to the Robinson family. They were taken from the street by Joel and Martin, but only to end up in a family where abuses were almost daily. Together, they stood the pain, though…until one day Martin left, too hurt to take it anymore. Joel tried to stand his ground for his furry friends, but eventually the pets escaped, kidnapping Joel and mistreating him repeatedly during their run. Years after their death, happened in unknown circumstances, Helias Honcho and Ringo reappeared periodically as ghosts, though eventually they reconciled with the living humans

He is a broker for the Doppler Insurance Company, whose offices are located in Terrace High. The company runs the policies for all pets and human residents. Like Thomas Jakes, Herbert is not a man who likes to live fully his life, preferring an anonymous routine and the occasional drink at the bar. Someone said that Macajuel squeezed the life out of him…
After being expelled from Terrace High because of his connections to a criminal organization, Herbert hs gone living to the City

Norton is Babylon Gardens’ Chief of Police. When he had joined the force, he had expected a tranquil job –hey, after all every single house in the neighborhood had a pet watching over it! But then, the recent events had tested his organization.

IRIS POND AND SARAH BECKETT – Dog, female, Anatolian Shepherd – Human – RR
Iris and Sarah were neighbors, Sarah being a police officer. Iris happened on the scene of a robbery and seeing Sarah wounded she helped her and actually apprehended the criminals. Later on, Iris joined the police and worked with Sarah until they moved to CIA, where they worked in the undercover operations department. Both can speak Japanese, and whereas Iris is a fine martial arts combatant, Sarah relies on small firearms and tactics. Theirs is a solid bond, and they consider each other Mom and daughter rather than just colleagues, although Iris is still in touch with her owners,

ISAAC ‘BOLT’ PIAVE – Dog, Tamaskan - TH
Isaac is a small dog for his breed, he was the runt of the litter. He was never trained physically and as a result, he still stands skinny. Yet, he’s a real fast runner, on the short distances. He prides himself in being very close to his best friend Andrea, for whom he feels the deepest affection, at the point of scarcely socializing with other pets. He’d actually put himself into danger of life rather than let his friend suffer! Isaac’s collar shows a tag in the shape of a black bolt, much like his favorite hero. He’s got a powerful howl!

ITSUKI – Tanuki – BG
A Japanese immigrant student, he works at the Shelter’s workshop to train as a mechanic. He’s very good at it, and it’s NOT his fault if he’s over the average!

IVAN – Cat, unidentified breed – Mob./BG
Ivan is also called ‘Zelig’ behind his back, for his capacity to adopt language and manners of his new owners as soon as he changes family. Ivan is not a bad cat, in fact he’s a joyful soul with a good attitude at making friends… he was just very short on luck, as he changed family not less than four times, end each time becoming British, Italian, German and Russian. He is Maxwell’s and Grape’s best friend, although he tends to get too much physical in his enthusiasm manifestations. He often is called by the FBI to participate in investigations,

Litter brother of Kevin, he is a highly competitive dog. Where Kevin never misses an occasion to exercise, Ivan knows how to save his energies for real necessities. Like Janet, he shows no mercy on criminals. He is very affectionate to her, to the point he doesn’t consider her as ‘Mom’ but more as ‘true friend’.
Last edited by valerio on Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:58 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by valerio »

J to R

Jack is Jeff’s younger, and definitely fatter, brother. Due to economic problems he had to keep living with his family, or rather with their mother after their father had abandoned the family. Though both Jeff and Jack are animal lovers, Jack is the one who enjoys the physical contact more. Bino and Max absolutely love him and he enjoys spending time with them…letting them mauling him merrily…

J.J. is Clementia's owner and teacher of her fighting skills. His grandfather used to be a 'fighting monk' somewhere in Tibet, before being forced away by the Communist Chinese troops and save his family. Though J.J. doesn't want anything to do with the history of his family, he learnt all the skills his grandfather and father could teach him to defend himself. He got Clementia from a shelter, deciding he could do more by passing his talents to the most defenless creatures. And that too contributed to make Clementia a stronger and jaded creature.

JANET MASTERSON – Female, Human - BG
Janet’s life has been quite exciting. She worked hard to become member of Babylon Gardens’ police, but then her breaking the rules during arrests caused her to be discharged together with her dog Ivan. Together they became private eyes, and they ended up working for Martin Foster. Eventually, Janet and Ivan were readmitted in the police. She still thinks that the best pet abuser is one dead pet abuser.

JASMINE HUNTERS – Female, rabbit - TH
Jasmine spends her life attending day and night her owner, a girl with HIV and a very poor health. She’s so attached to her as not to leave her for any reason. She works very hard to keep her house clean and herself very clean, and that has crippled her on a social side. Only recently did she open herself into a relationship with Shadow, though all sanitary rules are strictly applied to him as well.

A lottery winner, Jason used that money to buy himself an apartment at Terrace High and a store room for his esoteric items shop. He doesn’t really needs to work, but he likes staying in touch with people. He is Adam Male’s best friend, as both come from the same street. If he’s aware that Chocolate is a real wizard, he doesn’t show it.

JASON KRUEGER AND JAYDEN – Human – Dog, German Sheperd - BG
Both retired officers from the German police, Jason and Jayden worked as your regular hardened team, eventually deciding they needed a change, and moved to US, where they got hired at the LCG. Both never stopped giving their best to the shelter, though they prefer to keep a low profile, believing their enemies should be taken by surprise, not with a frontal charge.

JEAN-CLAUDE AMAR AND ELSA OLSSON – Cat, African Wild Cat – Human – RR
Sniper and spotter, Elsa and Amar, a Swedish woman and an African cat, make for a formidable couple, recommended by none the less than Keith Greyfield, who happened to operate with Elsa on a mission. Elsa is particularly protective toward her cat partner, since losing her first pet in a random act of violence. Amar himself led a very interesting life: gifted with photographic memory, he served for several militias until, tired for not getting anywhere and seeing how furkind who collaborated were treated, abandoned the guerrilla. He served one last time with the MONUC but no one wanted a cat to act without a handler, and it was then that the Swedish forces took notice of Amar and his skills. Since then, his photographic memory has proven very useful for the woman sniper.

JEEVES – Human - BG
The Milton family’s loyal butler. He deserves to be mentioned because ANYONE living 24/7 with the Milton ferrets deserves an award.

Owner of Max and Bino. He tends to be rough on his ‘boys’ when it comes to discipline, but one must admit, it’s a miracle Jeff didn’t start drinking himself into a stupor, given the results so far. He is currently working for Martin Foster at the Shelter.
The entity known as ‘Joel’ is the manifestation of the humanity and the memories of the original human who chose to be a dog. At first, Pete wanted that part of Joel to override the rules of the game, but now it is not clear why Joel is still walking this plane, having King left the game.

JOEY PARKER – Dog, mixed breed - BG
The youngest brother of Fido and Bino, he is definitely the oddball of the family. He loves is D&D sessions with his friends, he is an enthusiast anime fan, he hates George Lucas, and he founded his own club for mixed species relationships. Recently, his love life has turned toward a ‘healthier’ relationship with a female Bigglesworth cat. Heavens help us all.

Founder and director of the Daily Fact, Beef belongs to another species. He’s grown like a 50s reporter in a world where, to his opinion, everyone’s too lazy to search for news. His best pal is the drugstore clerk that provides him with antacids and nicotine gums, since smoking inside the premises is stricrly verboten. Cox doesn’t care his employees don’t love him, he pretends only a good job from them, or else…

JOLENE LINDBERG – Female, dog, Australian Sheepdog - BG
Joline is the second of Angela’s dogs. Like Bailey, she loves to work hard and at her best. Like Rufus, of whom she’s the granddaughter, she loves to play mother hen with anyone, regardless of the age. Given her lineage, Peanut and Grape took an immediate liking to her.

JOSH MONGROVE AND TORO – Human – Great Dane - BG
The first a former Delta Force Operative, the second a former SWAT K9U, Josh and Toro are the true lethal weapons! They have only one option: fight, only one objective: win. Josh and Toro are in line to become the new heads of security. Both treat each other as equals, brothers in arms, and won’t miss an opportunity to share camaraderie with the fellows security details, though one must watch it when they start getting high on booze or soda…

Former Marine Special Forces Lieutenant, Keith was a real pro, working behind enemy lines, doing the dirty job, expert in black ops –that is, until he decided it was time to retire and enjoy life together with his wolf friend, Light. He was hired as head of the LCG security, a job he is very good at.

KEVIN BEAUREGARD – Dog, Doberman. - BG
Though he’s a vain male and his attraction for his own reflection and pictures raises more than one eyebrow, Kevin is a trusted K9U officer and he will not refrain from a fight if it is to protect the innocents…or to tackle down anyone. Since he learnt that Martin likes to be tackled, his visits at Foster Mansion have become more frequent.

Former USSOCOM, like Keith Greyfield Kevin he abandoned his career to pursue a more pacific life. It was during a respite between missions that he met Felix, a cat who was just trying to survive by stealing food in the base’s kitchens. Impressed by the feline’s courage, Kevin took Felix under his wing and eventually left his job to stay with his ‘son’. Kevin is an accomplished sniper and has gone to several length to protect his cat. He personally made sure to train Felix into a good fighting cat.

KHYA and MERUS – Dog, corgy/husky mix and Cat, female, mixed Bengal - OA
Khya is a contradiction in the merciless world of the Pet Fighters: a sensible soul, who somehow managed to keep control despite many and sadistic methods of forcing him to become a bloody killer. Eventually, his ‘masters’ decided he could be presented to the public for who he was, and it worked. Khya had become famous not for his victories, but for his kindness and aesthetics…but do not underestimate his looks. He didn’t become a King of Champions for his pretty rose eyes!
Merus, his ‘Shadow’, is the product of a unique genetic experiment that tried to create a magical being through technological means. The results were excellent, but the test subject didn’t provide cooperative. In fact, she used her mind powers to kill her tormentors and make the best of her new talents –meaning, the worst for those unfortunate enough to meet her. A manipulative and a sadist, Merus accepted the offer of Shadowship out of her love for danger, but soon fell in love with her protégée and has not left Khya ever since. Khya is the only one she never tried to corrupt.

KING LINDBERG – Dog, Corgi. - BG
Sibling of Fox since being adopted, King used to be Joel Zechariah Robinson, Martin Foster young brother, and had spent most of his life despising animals at large. After being arrested for kidnapping Fox (karma is a weird beast), he was turned into a dog by Pete the Gryphon to be an avatar in the cosmic game (remember, kids: no rest for the wicked!). Turned out that after some time King eventually accepted his new doggy life and made the best out of it. He has now a family and a girlfriend, after deciding once and for all to leave his humanity behind, and seeing that he’s no longer fit to be an avatar, Pete left him alone.

Belonging to an old Greek noble family, they do not consider themselves ‘owners’ of Elpis, to them the small dog is their son through and through, and are extremely protective toward him, to the point they don’t fear to challenge the heavens should it be necessary.

Born in Chad, Africa, Kwesi led most of his life together with his biological parents, moving from Chad to Egypt and Kenya and back in their spice trade business. Eventually, Kwesi developed a rebellious streak and left his parents to go to America. There, he met a harder life than he thought, and it was after many ups and downs (mostly downs) that he finally reached Terrace High, where he now works in a spice shop. Like William, he was adopted by the administration to become a mascot, though he’d prefer to be totally independent. He has a very strong character, though he tends to interiorize his negative feelings until he bursts out –and since that tends to happen even hours after something caused him to get upset, he got called ‘Later’. Alandra is the best mitigating influence on him. Kwesi loves trading in spices, and knows each one of them, he’s the best employee the shop ever had. As of recently, he’s been adopted by his employer.

LAIKA - Female, husky mixed breed – USSR (deceased)
History's most famous dog, Kudrjavka (her real name) or 'Muttnik', was the first astronaut ever! The mission that was supposed to launch her in orbit and leave her to die to test the limits of the survival systems in an orbital flight, was radically modified under pressure of Oleg Gazenko, the training program director. Gazenko, after the tests that claimed the lives of Laika's friends Albina and Muschka, convinced the brass that it would save money and much time to test a reentry capsule. Eventually, the program was modified so that Laika could effectively pilot the capsule back to earth. the idea was also to give the Americans a formidable lesson about how even a dog could do better than them. In truth, Oleg just wanted to save Laika's life...and he did just that, when the Sputnik 2 came safely back to Earth on the 5th of November, 1957. Laika became a world star, and was paraded in triumph at Hollywood, and a cultural icon for animal rights. Books and movies were made by the tons and she is still the hero of all pups and kittens. Laika died during the training at Baikonur for the following mission, her heart too stressed for the effort. But thanks to her, Gagarin claimed space on account of humanity one year before, in 1960. Around the Earth is the book that tells of her story in an adventurous fashion.

LANCE TORRANCE AND JAKE TORRANCE – Dog, Bulldog/Labrador mix – human – BG
Lance has been raised since a pup to be a tough guard dog, and eventually he abandoned his first owners for the treatment they inflicted him. Adopted by Ronald Castle, Lance joined him in the military where they worked until Ronald’s death in combat. Since then, after being retired from the army, Lance changed often jobs, but always working in security, until a young recruit for the FNERL, Jake Torrance, was paired with Lance. Jake already had been caring for Lance since some months, but this is the first time they work together. Lance has everything Jake lacks: expertise, maturity, skills, while Jake has enthusiasm and a very patient attitude toward his not-yet-friend.

When he was a feral, Lazarus was to be suppressed by the municipal shelter. Instead, he survived all three attempts to put him to sleep. The staff signaled the miracle to the Order of St. Anthony Abbot, and the Church took the miracle cat under its wings. Lazarus has been ordered priest and since then he moved to the High to run his own parish and do volunteering at the municipal shelter. Lazarus doesn’t consider himself a special cat, he’s just a son of god. He feels his duty to help the helpless and make sure that one day the municipal shelter either will become a better place or that the Lucky Charm Grove will take its place for good. He helped Kwesi and Saga integrate in the life of the condominium as pets.

LESTER – Dog, Dachsund - BG
One of Joey’s creepy friends, he shares with him the love for D&D and the passion for anime…well, considering that Lester thinks that anime is the ONLY form of culture for the mindless masses to grow some brain.

One of the chefs at the LCG, he used to work at the old shelter, and for that reason he tends to slip an extra snack to the guests who ask him. He has seen firsthand what was life for them, back then, and he wants to do his part to make sure it doesn't happen ever again.

He and Keith met by chance during a winter day. The wolf was wounded and Keith didn’t think it twice to carry him to safety and heal him. Since then the two have become good friends and shared many adventures together. Today, Light still assists Keith as part of the security team at the LCG

LILIAN J. COX - female, cat, Siamese cat - TH
Her physical peculiarity is the opposite color pattern of her fur. As for her psychological aspect, it shouldn't be considered peculiar that she reflects the attitude of her owner (whom she calls 'boss') and that she is his eyes and ears. Oh, and last time one of the frustrated employees at the Daily Fact tried to catch her to break her neck ended up in miserable medical conditions...

Very cheery and hyperactive, he tends to get on peoples nerves most of the time. VERY Hard to tire out! He can also be quite a pushover, though, since one thing he does not lack is self-confidence! Unlike his owners, he’s fashion smart and is the responsible for the good appearances of his place. He tends to shrug off other people’s negative comments about him, being sure they don’t mean them. He has always an etiquette/fashion suggestion to give, even to those who don’t ask it!

LONG WINTER PACK, THE – Wolves, ravens - AR
The LWP is Boadicea’s pack. She assembled it from scratch, selecting lone wolves who had lost their families to humans or to human activities. They are extremely devoted to their pack leader. As per tradition, the ravens help them out locating the prey in return of food. It is said that those ravens have also some magic knowledge…

LOUISE SANDWICH - Female, cat, kitten - BG
Fourth born of Peanut and Grape, Louise is one who will listen to everything and everyone, just to collect information with her prodigious memory and use it later to cause mischief. Many one have learned to be wary of their own words with Louise stalking...

LUCKY LINDBERG – dog, Alaskan malamute. - BG
Lucky was the dog who lived with Grape when they were young. Unfortunately, Lucky ended up growing jealous of his sibling and put himself in trouble more than once to attract attention. Unfortunately in such an occasion, he was hit by a car. The cost of the cures were too heavy for their owners, who eventually abandoned Grape…and not long after they got rid of Lucky as well. Unlike Grape, Lucky didn’t find a family and it was by sheer chance that he ended up at the old shelter. Eventually, he was reunited with Grape and their old friend Felix. Lucky lives with King and Fox now He’s still a troublemakers, as he fears a lot to be abandoned and will try to do anything to attract Bill’s and Fox’s attention –which, in turn, causes jealousy outbursts from King.

LUGH – Ghost, Raven - AP
Lugh used to be one of the feral followers of the cult founded by Pete. He was sent out to watch over Volant, but one day he was killed while protecting him. Since then, Lugh has kept watching over his canine friend, but he still thinks Pete is the key to the salvation of animal kingdom.

Absurdly sadistic, Macajuel doesn't care much for the sanctity of life or property. If he ate more than once every week, this might be more of an issue, but he prefers to be lazy to being a sociopath. He tolerates his owner since he provides the feeder mice, but doesn't give much heed beyond that. (Uh, Mac . . . you're hugging too tight . . . MAC!)
He likes to trick others into thinking he has hypnotic powers.

A member of the Navajo Tribe, Marcus, born with a genetic case of gigantism, has spent his life in outmost respect to his Tribe, blaming the ‘white men’ for what they had done to exploit his people. He grew up with a strong military training, in the footsteps of his family’s tradition, until he chose to work as a soldier. To do that, though, he had to be assigned to a handler –Damien Forge, a man he still dislikes but grew to respect. Marcus is one rare creature, both for his gigantism and his power, not to mention his skills. He is a killer through and through, lucid, unforgiving, dedicated. Damien, like Marcus an Apache of the Navajo tribe, is a man very strong in self-control, the best counterpart for an impulsive creature such as Marcus, and that is why the big wolf feels frustrated to work with. Daniel, eventually, came to like Marcus but his friendship is not returned, while Marcus likes to keep it everything strictly on a professional basis. And things aren’t made easier by the fact that Temno, a wolf, is the Security team’s boss, the pack leader…

One of the most recent acquisitions of the neighborhood, he comes from a difficult family from which he ran away after years and years of abuses. He left back his brother, Joel, and his three pets, a thing that still haunts him occasionally. After years spent living on meager wages and night shift jobs, Martin won a lottery and became billionaire overnight. Since then, he used his money for animal welfare. After adopting four pets, he built his house in the Gardens (and then another, but that’s a long story) and has later become co-tutor of the Sandwich pets. He is referred to often as 'Mary Sue'. He has a tendency to do MUCH physical harm to whomever hurt an animal on his watch. His lawyers must still decide if they love him or hate him.

MARVIN ARBELT – Cat, unspecified breed - BG
Tiger’s sibling/housemate. He likes Tiger as a friend and is the only pet in the Gardens who’ll show patience and comprehension for Tiger. That causes other cats to be friends with Tiger, occasionally. That tends to annoy Tiger even more than Bino does.

Also known as ‘the barn cats’, they take care of pest infestation. They could be considered Peanut first serious case of BSOD, as he had never met fully grown cats before. They are also responsible for helping Grape into deciding to accept her feelings for Peanut, during the first trip at the farm. They still are a mischievous lot and will do their best to taunt Peanut, of whom they are quite fond.

Matt is one you could call ‘a problematic child’. Despite coming from a good, middle-class family, he developed a rebellious streak and an irrational hostility toward all animals and their rights, hostility which adds to his older brother who, apparently is the 'nice guy' Matt despises. The Sternfeld family opted to move from his natice Chicago to Babylon Gardens –despite Matt being fervently contrary to moving into an animal-filled neighborhood. To teach him something about pets and responsibilities, his parents took a guest from the LCG, an ex-police dog, a Dutch Shepherd named Hercule. Matt is still NOT happy about that. Matt appears by courtesy of Karlos.

MAUD GOTTSCHALK – Human, female - TH
Daughter of Raimund Radulph Gottschalk, little if nothing is known about her, save that she had followed her father during many business trips. Her father is very protective of her and always makes sure she has her own space, though Maud feels all the weight of being the successor to the guide of her father’s empire. A woman who enjoys to break the rules now and then, Maud shares a strong dedication to pets and animals.

MAXIMILLIAN ‘MAX’ ROZEN – Dog, Finnish Lapphund - TH
Max is a carefree, friendly dog who will do anything to help others, even if it means harm will come to him. He tries to be a nice guy to everyone, and does his best to keep a level head. He has a habit of acting very polite to people, especially the owners of his friends. Whenever possible, he loves to take naps, and that has earned some mocking from other dogs, who call him often ‘Maxie’…you can guess why. Since his Mom is a veterinarian, she used to be often away and he and his sister learnt to cook, He does so good, and he’s also a good tabletop games player. He and Joey use Skype for their playing session.

MAXWELL COSTNER – Cat, unspecified breed - BG
If troubles were fuel, Max would live off them. In fact, he does. He’s the most creative animal of the neighborhood when it comes to solutions to pump up the adrenaline –at the expense of others, preferably. He lived a short relationship with Grape before she, after many hesitations, dropped him in favor of Peanut. Max tried to cope with it, but his broken heart eventually found a new friend –the spirit dragon.

MAYO – Cat, mixed breed – RR
One of the ferals of the city, he’s a member of one of the most influential clans. He’s a strong believer in the dream of an equal world as promised by Gabriella Lundberg.

MELISSA VERDE – Female, human - TH
A lawyer herself, specialized in animal laws, Melissa founded a firm at Terrace High with her old friend Daniel Warreck to start a career for the benefit of man’s best friends. The only daughter in a family of 5, Melissa spent her life fighting for her place in the sun, and has never stopped to do so. Treating her with cavalry is the closest thing to a mortal offense one could commit. But when she fights for you, it’s like having an army at your side! Sometimes, Melissa likes to have a poker with Daniel, Judge York and Kostya.

Keene, Lana, Duke, Rock, Pit, Simon are, to put it simply, the richest pets in the world. They inherited the fabulous wealth accumulated by the late Henry Milton and used a fraction of that money to improve their life in the most eccentric ways, while their estate’s executor, Mr. Steward, keeps running the largest part of the money to keep the Milton industries alive Recently, Keene Milton, learnt about his dad’s pact with Pete and decided to trust Martin into doing something about it before said pact could lead to disastrous consequences for everyone.

THE MILTON WOLVES – Wolves (D’uh!) - BG
Miles (pack leader), Lucretia (Miles’ mate), Daryl and The Other Daryl (Miles’ brothers), Miles’ cubs, (Deathaxe, Rockstar Hawk, Darth Vader Sanchez), “Four Finger Discount” Jack and his mate Elaine, Poncho (Jack’s younger brother), Cousin Rodney and his mate Snow, Lucretia’s mother, Uncle Deadeye and his daughter, Natalie.
The big family that moved from the forests to be part of human society, improve the quality of their lives and find better and easier food. They are earning their pay at the farm, and are welcome at the shelter, though the Babylon Gardens’ inhabitants are still wary of them. When not working at the farm, the wolves live at the house provided by the Milton ferrets.

WWF activists, Brother and sister, they used to live a carefree life as wanderers, without caring for the future in the company of their faithful husky, Stefanie, and then Gaunt, moving when they needed to. Alas, upon reaching Babylon Gardens, Stefanie fell ill and she had to be recovered to the shelter. According to the local laws, as they weren’t Stefanie’s legal owners and she was technically a feral, the husky had to be kept at the Lucky Charm. Judge York conceded the couple time enough to find a job and earn a fixed income to take care of their dog. They moved to Terrace High to train as veterinarians under the guide of Constance Rozen, after registering Gaunt as their pet.

MIRAI SUNMAN – Female, dog, mixed breed. - LuC
Mirai suffers from a chronic disease of her immune system. She needs a lot of attentions and treatment, but despite that she never lost her fighting spirit. She is a happy canine and is in love with Otis, much like any child could be in love with her guardian angel. It is unknown if she can live long in her condition, but it is sure that Otis will be always with her, and Evelyn will take care of her as if she were her own daughter.

MIZAR FOSTER – Dog, female, German Shepherd - BG
The mate of Alcor, she too was born in the streets and had spent her life between hunger and sufferences before getting ‘rescued’ by animal control. At the shelter, she fell in love with Alcor, her neighbor cage, and since then they had become inseparable. But even now that she is leading a pretty pampered life under the protective wing of Martin, Mizar is trying to teach all possible survival tricks to her pups, as the old memories still haunt her.

MOD – Mouse, ghost – BG
Grandfather of Spo, in life Mod used to be Bino’s best friend during the dog’s puppyhood. Not much is yet revealed about their adventures together, but it’s known that eventually two cats, friends of puppy Bino, discovered and ate Mod, traumatizing Bino into detesting cats and avoiding making friends for fear of being hurt again. As of recently, Mod reappeared as a ghost to help Bino improve his life.

A former combat veterinarian, Dr. Stanwick is currently head of medicine at the LCG’s veterinarian clinic. He is a patient man, the classical ‘good ol’ granpa’ both with his pet patients and with his staff. But he is also very demanding, and still trains personally his staff about procedures. He is Evelyn’s best friends, as both had worked at the same old shelter before the LCG was built.

MORRIGAN – female, cat, ghost - TH
Morrigan used to be a patient of Constance Rozen, but then she died. She decided to stay on this plane, though, to watch over Liz, of whom she’s a very protective friend. She hasn’t revealed herself to Max yet, and Max thinks her sibling has an imaginary friend…funnily, whenever he starts criticizing Liz about that matter, he gets poltergeisted, so he became more prudent with time. After moving to the High, Morrigan has also become the local spirit guardian for the whole premises.

NAOS AND RIGEL FOSTER - male and female, Dogs, German Shepherd, pups - BG
The pups of Mizar, thanks to the 'help' of Sergeant Ralph. Unfortunately, as they started socializing with other pups they also started learning about the dog+cat taboo. Summing it up to the fact that Alcor is not their biological father, the pups don't treat him with the love or respect he hoped he'd receive. Their hero is Bino -talk about irony!

NATALIE DOMINA AND TEMNO – Female, Human and Wolf – BG
Natalie comes from the deepest Hispanic California, where her father became rich in the wine business thanks to one of the best vineyards in the State. His daughter, though, feeling more compassionate toward animals than family business, eventually decided to leave home and pursue her dream of taking care of the less fortunate. Eventually, she ended up working at the Lucky Charm Grove, where she was paired with Temno.
A black wolf, Temno is the brother of Light. Ruthless, stubborn, lethal, Temno has been trained as a living weapon, and only Natalie has a hold on him. So far, despite his…troublesome past, he has proven to be the best element of security.

NATALIE “NAVY” BEAN AND CALEB JONES – Dog, female, Schnauzer – Human – BG
Originary of Radiant Gardens, Natalie used to spend a pretty normal life, characterized by a distorted sense of justice, which brought her to be excessive in her reactions towards injustices and act like a vigilante. Upon leaving her home to join the Hunter’s Academy, Natalie not only became one fine police dog, but later specialized in psychology (in this following in the steps of her Dad) and started working with the negotiators, also following the local SVU for animals victims of abuses. Her skills drew the attention of Gottschalk, who decided he needed them in his security team. Unfortunately (although Natalie likes to refer to it as Karma), Navy is often mocked for being a ‘softie’ for preferring reason over action. It doesn’t help that her partner, Caleb, too, prefers to avoid direct confrontation whenever possible due to him killing a leopard while on duty. He worries a lot about Natalie, fearing her to get hurt. But when you get him really angry, you better start praying.

NATASHA ALEKSEEVA AND DIEGO – Female, human – Dog, Husky - BG
This LCG’s security team is composed of a former Russian intel field agent and a Spanish husky she saved during a mission. Since then, they become quite attached to each other and have sworn reciprocal, undying loyalty. Natasha is the incarnation of the femme-fatale, the cold-blooded killer you could find in a Bond movie, whether Diego is the more ruthless one, providing the muscles and ferocity to keep adversaries scared and distracted. They don’t make friends easily, but they value the few they have.

NATHANIEL BATES – Dog, Black Alsatian - TH
human, he used to work for Delta Forces, until he happened to boost a Pet Fight Club circuit, during which he rescued Hannibal and took him to a new life. Since the dog couldn’t be tamed to a domestic, tranquil life, and was deemed unsuitable for the army, Nat adopted him and left the army to train him as guard dog. After a training course at the academy, both human and pet started working as a team for security. Nathaniel is nothing short of proud of the accomplishments of ‘Psycho’ and never stopped caring for him.

NEVERMORE – Raven, feral - BG
Nevermore, or ‘Never you may call me’, is a witty raven who used to live by the Sandwich farm. After meeting Peanut, he decided he’d watch over him, and moved to Babylon Gardens. He likes to taunt Grape, and Grape has still an idea of serving him with cranberry sauce… But other than that, Never proved himself very helpful in difficult situations.

NINA BUFFER – Female, human - TH
Nina used to spend a difficult girlhood, a frail and insecure girl, victim of her peers both male and female. Grown with no friends, her parents always away for work, Nina eventually got into a bodybuilding program and psychological support. She worked hard to become a tough woman and build a shell no one save her faithful dog friend can penetrate. Nina and Athena joined Terrace High’s security and are its most unforgiving members. Males beware!

NUSKU – Vixen - TH
One of the guests at Noah’s Ark Biopark, Nusku is also the mascot. She’s the most beautiful of vixens, she knows that and she is not less than manipulative to any male who showed interest in her. Despite that, it’s not that she’s evil or something. She just likes boys dancing like puppets for her.

NUTELLA SANDWICH - Female, cat, kitten - BG
Fifth born of Peanut and Grape, Named both in the family tradition and because it combines her parents' names (PeaNUT and Grape jELLy). Nutella is one who doesn't like to lose an argument and her best interlocutor is Spo.

OTIS SUNMAN – Dog, Doberman. - LuC
He used to live with a homeless human, Simon Corset who used him to break into houses and steal drugs and food. But one day Otis made friends with a pup, a female named Mirai, and when his human was arrested Otis was left alone to take care of Mirai. It didn’t go well and both ended up in the Lucky Charm Grove, where Evelyn adopted them and brought them to the Farm.

PARNOK SANDWICH - cat, Kitten - BG
Third born of Peanut and Grape, Parnok is the litter's dominant and strongest figure, a rascal at heart and a candidate ladykiller. He knows how to win an argument with his grin...

PAWDRICK “PODGE” ROSS – Dog, Scottish Collie - TH
Native of Scotland, Podge has always been an energetic dog ever since he was a pup. He is very loyal to all his friends and makes friends like he herds sheep, easily and efficiently. Guards others who he feels are in need. Fast and agile, with the book smarts and the street smarts to reflect those skills. At age 16, he is one of the oldest pets around, but he still can give you a lesson or two. He’s very honest, never spoke a lie.

PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH – Dog, mixed breed. - BG
Peanut was taken as pup by the Sandwiches, a very lively and enthusiast creature. At first, his owners wanted to give him a dog sibling upon whom he could unleash his manic energies. At the shelter, though, he was fatally attracted by Grape and insisted to take her home. With time, he eventually fell genuinely in love with her and during a vacation at Uncle Reuben’s they became engaged, though it took some more time until he could seal his love for her in public. Married (yes you read it right!) with his cat, he sired her litter (yes you read that right too!) and is working hard to be best father. He still loves to read a lot and is still working on his comic The Adventures of Spot (Superdog).

PETE – Gryphon - AP
The good news, guys: heaven exists, and animals go to it too! The bad news: when a heavenly creature decides to play with your lives, grin and bear it because there’s not much you can do.
Pete is a player, together with his friend Spirit Dragon, of a game called Universes & Unrealities, and they play through ‘avatars’ (a fancy name for ‘walking pawns’, like in Star Wars, but alive. Right?). He has immense powers but they are limited through the use of his avatar. Pete is ruthless, loves to bend the rules to their maximum extent and will not stop at nothing to win… But does that make him the real bad guy?

PIPER JAMESON – Parrot, Military Macaw - OA
Bordering on a pathological liar, Piper will pretty much say anything if the recipient will believe it. He also has a trickster personality, as he can copycat most anyone's voice. He loves to torment Mac whenever he has the chance. As he likes to say, ‘The world is my loot chest!’

PIXEL D'ANGELO – female, cat - BG
A mute kitten, she was adopted for Sabrina to have a daughter of her own, since Sabrina can’t bear litter.

CEO and owner of Gottschalk Technologies & Entertainment Unlimited, founder of Terrace High, filthy rich, and political shark, Gottschalk is the man of the establishment, the guy you do NOT want as enemy. He has politics in his pockets and the fact that his enemies are powerful is because everyone else didn’t survive. Raimund ha recently created a consortium with Martin Foster and the Milton Estate. Together, they have become the pro-animals most powerful economic and political force.

RALPH (Sgt.) JAMESON – Dog, German Shepherd. - BG
Incarnation of the perfect, rule smart Officer. He leads the K9U with discipline, or at least he tries to. Few things seem to faze him while he’s on the line of duty, though they remain still unknown. Someone said Ralph used to smile, but it might have been a trick of the light.

RAMONA TRISTAN – female, human - BG
The ‘great woman’ behind the bosses, Ramona used to be every Director’s personal assistant, taking care of every possible detail, coordinating the staff, making sure that every order and dispositions are applied with Swiss precision. Ramona has a family of 4 kids and 2 cats. She knows how to make herself clear.

REBECCA S. HOLMES AND KESHA – Female, human – female, German short-haired pointer - BG
This is the only Human/K9 Team without previous military experiences or special training. Martin chose them just because of that, to shape them up and to see how would they adapt to the job and to unexpected situations to which more specialized details could answer without mind elasticity. Like all other HK9Ts Rebecca and Kesha share a close, personal bond and can act wordlessly as if reading each other’s mind. Who know, perhaps this couple may do just that…

RENE’ JACKSON – female, human - TH
Owner of Tegan, René works as groundskeeper and is very protective of ‘her’ park. Do not litter on her park. Bad idea, uh-uh.

RES AUBURN – Cat, grey tabby – Unk.
Author of the blockbuster Pridelands novel series, Res is one incredibly shy cat, to the point he will speak only in a low voice, except when he really gets upset or scared. He is a good friend of Grape and Peanut, although they promised not to reveal to the public the truth about him being the author.

Earl’s brother, he lives in the country, nine hour drive from Babylon Gardens. Though he’s a farmer with a deep respect for animals, Reuben still can’t understand the amount of love city boys put for the care of creatures he sees mostly as working help. No, he’s not a bad guy, I swear.

REX ISING – Dog, bulldog - BG
Rex is Bino’s bodyguard. He likes cooking biscuits, and he loves coffee. He’s not exactly smart, but he’s extremely loyal, and that’s what Bino asks to him.

Owners of Tibbets and Enola. Former members of the US Navy, now they are respectively foreman at the local drugstore and manager of the local Pizza Palace. They never regretted changing life.

ROGER HARTFORD – Humans – Unk.
Sasha’s former owner. He left her to reunite with his family. Sasha still misses him, unlike everyone else in the Gardens. Roger reappeared a couple of times, much to Sasha’s joy. He could do so again…

The legal studio that follows Martin. At first they had thought it had been a great deal to have this rich client. Now they are reconsidering their position…

Owners of the Restaurant La Rosa del Salice, both adore having pets among their customers and have opened their restaurant at Terrace High just to see animals eating at their tables as well as humans. They recently took Andrea Piave in their lives to train him as cook and pass the restaurant to him, since they have no children.
Last edited by valerio on Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:59 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by GameCobra »

Hooray! now i won't be so lost! =P

... Aha! I knew it! Grape and Peanut! *random insanity*

But still, nice to see you put up a cast page for viewers with the huge cast you got. =3

Side note: Don't recall Garr being dirty, but aggressive, but it don't matter much since it's your story ;)
3 words - Liquid Metal Fur
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by kavviyenta »

Great to see loads and loads of familiars!

There's more such as Liam, the young Irish cook of LCG, and Lilian, the siamese cat with opposite color pattern, owned by Cox? and Sonny, dalmatian of the K9 force, and Cornelia Elftrudis Tudor IV, and Doc and Smith too!

Here are the surnames:
Rex Ising (fan surname from the Character Dossier post)
Tarot Ambrose
Sabrina Hobbson
Tish Irons
Ralph Jameson (not the same Jameson as Mac and Piper though)

I'm kinda...flattered that Elpis has so much detail out of all those list. :roll: I mean not much of his background was explained in story unless the next season say so. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by valerio »

S to Z

SABRINA D'ANGELO – Cat, female, unspecified breed. - BG
A golden heart herself, Sabrina lives to help other pets. She taught to Tarot, though the roles reversed after Tarot became an avatar. Despite being in charge of getting rid of feral pests, she always does so by giving them to Fido to take care of. Actually, one of them became one of Fido’s best friends. Sabrina won’t just do harm unless forced to. In such cases, those who provoked her never tried again…

SAGA BOOKE WATKINS – Female, mouse. - TH
Imagine Spo’s very little sister, with an equal loudmouth and a straight mind, helpful and with a knack for sarcasm. Unlike Spo, though she wants to be a psychologist (yes a shrink) or a gymnast, she'd be good at either. She always has a word of wisdom for anything, and when she doesn't...well that hasn't happened yet. But if it did, you should be scared. Saga has trouble expressing her feelings, so she'll result in being nasty. She doesn't mean half of the mean things she says, but doesn't apologize. It takes a lot to get to say she's sorry, and when she does it's genuine. Also, she absolutely doesn’t miss her feral life. She thinks that her peers are crazy for staying in the wild. She is Samson’s best tiny friend and much like Fido spends most of her time over the hulking dog’s head.

SAMSON WATKINS – dog, Saint Bernard - TH
Samson has always been the hulking brute of the family, but is actually a sweetheart on the inside. Never really good with the female dogs, but he's working on it. He enjoys meeting new people, but isn't really one to start a conversation. Kind of the jock stereotype, but he's not a jerk. A loyal companion, also one who can keep secrets for life. Also, Samson is a body builder and wants to win all the most important championships and become an actor.

SARA WINSTON – Female, human - RR
A social assistant for the PetCare Division office, she keeps in constant touch with the LCG and the municipal shelter. Her department has been repeatedly showered with money through donations and that made her job much easier.

SASHA BYRON – Female, dog. German Shepherd. - BG
Someone calls her ‘air-headed’, someone else sees in her the portrait of innocence. What really counts is that Sasha was one of the few to break King’s shell when he was in a really sour mood, to the point he built her a doghouse for when her former owner used to leave her locked out. Now Sasha and her pup live with Fido. That caused her popularity among the canine girls to skyrocket. She still thinks that praying mantises use their antennae to call for tiny spaceships. Oh, and she’s being a nice mother as well.

Owner of Sigmund, he is the Coach of Terrace High University’s football team, he’s a very demanding man, and he will always use his dog as example of what can hard training accomplish. He’s strictly meritocratic. He loves his son but won’t admit any weakness from him.

SELENE SHENIGAN – Female, cat, Siamese mix - BG
Selene is a prize show feline, proud and beautiful. But despite her being the mascot of Poe Plaza and the President of the Schrodinger Circle, she also like to play dangerous. She has an on-and-off relation with Max, who doesn’t mind it at all. She still hopes Grape will ditch Peanut and become a honorary member of her circles. Selene, like many feline females, is really jealous of the cat who can keep all of her litter with her.

SERRA – Dog, female, mixed breed – RR
A member of Tokugawa’s pack, Serra is an ambitious and pragmatic canine. She always wanted to be a mate of the pack leader and thus securing her position to expand the pack and gain control of more territory. To this scope, she didn’t hesitate to have Mizar (then Angel) captured by Animal Control and sent to the old shelter, hoping in a slow and painful death. But after becoming Tokugawa’s mate, an infection made Serra sterile and Tokugawa, believing he had been deceived, put Serra in a lower position in the pack. Since then, Serra is plotting to become the leader. At any cost…

Shadow is a bit hyperactive but fun loving and affectionate he will try to make friends with anyone he can. He loves to write and read poetry. He can be a bit clingy at time with people he likes but knows when to back off. He will try to help anyone who is in trouble if asked. He is wary of magic (he refuses to study it however he has picked up some things from hanging around Chocolate.) but he respects it. He is currently engaged in a relationship with the second rabbit of the condominium, Jasmine.

SIGMUND FOLLETT – Dog, Weimaraner - TH
Sigmund is a runner! He’s also a powerhouse, more than happy to serve his duty night and day, often wearing out his Dad. He lives for his job as Terrace High Security and won’t let anything to interfere with it, not even social events, although he’s not prone to judge others for being…themselves. But he won’t accept less than a good job while on duty.
Sigmund is what you’d call the perfect dog for the job. He’s got all the smarts and the body, but he’s in it for the girls only (his words!). He dreams to become an actor, and he’s using the security job at Terrace High to train for Hollywood action movies.

Simon, Joey’s owner, is also a reporter and blogger for his own ‘Simon Says…’, concerning every pet fact between River Ridge and Terrace High.

SLY SANDWICH – Cat, unknown breed - LuC
Sly is the last of Betty Lou’s litter. He was kept at the farm to continue the work of his mother. He is currently Awesome’s cubsitter, though the two have grown good friends.

Sodina was just a stray dog wandering around the airport, when Cathy, daughter of a top former KGB spy, found her and decided on a whim to adopt her. Cathy personally trained Sodina to become a powerful and skilled fighter for self and house defense. Sodina learned well, and now she can wrestle down her opponents and throw large, heavy objects with outmost easy just like her mom. Cathy nicknamed her dog ‘Andrew’ as homage to her father, who had trained her himself. Sodina is quite proud of this nichname. She’s less when someone mistakes her for a boy.

SONNY RICHARDS - Dog, Dalmatian - BG
member of the K9 force at Babylon Gardens, Sonny is one dog who has earned his jacket, although he also has a very bad attitude toward interspecies relationship. Since learning that Fido is in one such relationships, he has cancelled him from his life outside the force.

SPIRIT DRAGON – Female, Dragon - AP
Hell is paved with good intentions, they say. Spirit Dragon may or may not be paving her own path. She fell in love with Peanut and for what we know, she could still pose a danger to his marriage with Grape and to their families, though insofar she hasn’t acted with malice. Now her avatar is Max. That could be a problem…

SPO – Mouse, feral. - BG
Named out of a letter combination (his smaller brother’s name is SPP, yes), Spo is a tiny mouse with a loud mouth and smart brains. You don’t want to argue with him both for the sake of your ears and because you’re doomed to lose the argument. After being given to Fido so that the dog took care of him, they became friend for a long while, before Spo moved on as leader of the Gardens’ mice community together with Squeak. He still pays a visit to his old friends, occasionally

SPOT (SUPERDOG) – Dog, Fictional character
Despite it being just a character in the namesake comic drawn by Peanut, Spot has been made real in a couple of occasions, one of them when his fantasy had to be used to fight supernatural threats. In his ‘Spot mode’, Peanut is holakamoozoly strong and fast, he can fly, breath fire and be generally super-awesome with no apparent limits whatsoever.

SQUEAK – Mouse, female, feral. - BG
Joey’s ex-girlfriend (you wanna know?!) and currently Spo’s mate. It’s not clear if she’s given up her attraction for cats…

Steve is the epitome of the faithful pet. He was left at the city pound by his owners, two car sellers, because of the crisis. He’s never stopped to believe they’d come back to pick him up, and that earned him the nickname of ‘Delusional’ Steve. Eventually, Thomas and Arnold Braun really came back, this time bank employees at Terrace High, and brought him with them.

STREAK – cat, alien(?) – Fut.
A time traveler who has appeared on a couple of occasions, Streak the cat can jump between universes and timelines ro fight menaces to continuum. He appeared by courtesy of Hopper200456

STYGE HOLITOWER– cat, Bandit Cat – RR
Member of the Martin Luther and Giordano Bruno Cultural Association, he belongs to one of the newest breeds. Styge is quite proud of his status. Despite him being of mind open enough to belong to the club, he also feels awkward with interspecies couples. He’s what one could call a real womanizer, as he loves the idea of spreading his genes around, and yet he’s quite picky. Despite these flaws he can be very friendly and nice to have around.

T.J. JAKES CABANA – dog, black Labrador - TH
T.J is an awesome dog. He's a really great friend, and he tends to mesmerize anyone he meets. He's really open to people and he listens as much as he talks (which is a lot). He can sometimes be slightly arrogant. His favorite things are any dice games, art, running, and talking. He has been through 3 owners, because as a puppy he was a trouble maker. Sometimes a burst of mischief can come on, but is owners are good with making sure he stays out of trouble. His twin sister is Daisy.

TAROT AMBROSE– Dog, female. Pomeranian - BG
A psychic dog gifted with a great mind power, she used to be the avatar of Spirit Dragon until the abuse of her powers granted her expulsion from the cosmic game. She still watches over her former boyfriend, Peanut, and the whole Sandwich Family. Despite not being the center of Peanut’s love life anymore, Tarot has never abandoned her loyalty to him and his friends. She’s happy, though, that she’s free from the game now.

TAROT SANDWICH - female, cat, kitten - BG
Second born of Peanut and Grape, Tarot has been named after Peanut's Pomeranian friend. She's a quiet, often introvert creature, who doesn't speak much but knows always what to say at the right moment.

TEGAN JACKSON – Female, cat, Maine Coon - TH
Tegan finds it easy to get along with pretty much everyone.. Her mom is a general grounds keeper, but will sometimes let the pets living in the Towers barrow basketballs, baseballs, and Frisbees. Elliot and Tegan have pretty much been friends ever since they were still pretty much 8 months old. She cares for all of her friends, and is very outgoing. The best day of her life was when at last Elliot opened his heart to her. She is the founder and president of the Love For Life Social Club.

Accountant for the condominium’s administration, Thomas in nothing short of a routine man, leading an uneventful life, whose highest purpose is to see things running smoothly and save money for his retirement. He has married Clarice, a widow, to give a father to her daughter. He is not exactly a cat type, though he never abused Zane. Clarice is the perfect match for her husband, as she is a catholic woman raised with the utmost typical family values. She, too, does not aspire to an independent life and she is quite happy to live in a place like Terrace High. But their pets must attend the services when needed!

TIBBETS AND ENOLA SANDERS – Cats, male and female, red tabbies. - BG
Tibbets and Enola, biological siblings, used to be mascots aboard the ship their owner was working on, and they retired together with him after an accident caused him to leave the US Navy. Max recourses to their advice when it comes to planning strategies in a water balloon war.

TIGER ARBELT – Dog, Pitbull - BG
Just being Tiger. Deal with it.

TISH IRONS – female, dog, border collie - LuC
The dog belonging to Reuben’s neighbor, she has an old story of rivalry with the barn cats for their attempts of seducing the canine males of other farms. Whenever she can, she tries to put them in troubles. Despite that, she is a good working dog and will put always her duties before her schemes –but if she can make them work together, all the better…

TOBEE GALLANT – dog, minipinscher - TH
Fast, energetic, hyperactive, immune to chocolate and coffee. That’s Tobee, the brains of The High’s K9 security. He compensates his small stature with his tech smart, and for that he’s been assigned to the informatics surveillance. Tobee is nothing short of a Dr.Jeckyll/Mr Hyde character. He’s a happy, loyal and carefree dog, always curious and ready to learn new things. He glomps. A lot. But you don’t want to steal his cookies or give him reason to attack you. Nobody who tried that experience ever wanted to repeat it!

TOKUGAWA – Dog, mixed breed – RR
The leader of one of the stray packs of the city, he earned his fame in the hardest way. Mizar was a member of his pack before his rival arranged things so that she got caught by Animal Control. In fact, Tokugawa is still in love with her, though he never showed it in a…tender fashion

TOMI – female, pup, ghost - AP
A lively and sweet creature, hosted at the old shelter, her vocal chords were cut under order of Mac because he didn’t like hear her talking. The post-operatory infection claimed her life not much later. Her ghost is currently residing at Tarot’s place. She is still a sweet pup, who despite her premature death holds no grudges.

In the city, Tristan is the leader of a large underground organization. He used to be a pet before he was abandoned. But thanks to his knowledge about human culture and habits, he soon built himself a position within the feral rats community as food and shelter provider. During his years as pets, Tristan had developed a fascination for everything French, from foods to culture, and it shows!

TSUKI MIYUGI – Female, dog, Akita Inu - TH
Tsuki is the typical product of Japanese culture, when it comes to pets. She is very well-treated, but she is also absolutely obedient to her owner, and sees all humans as superior creatures to whom show respect rather than emotional states. Tsuki is very self-restrained, but she can be quite a fighter when it comes to defend her ‘Revered Mother’ and her home. Tsuki is an enigmatic girl, always direct without being rude. This tends to puzzle those around her. Tsuki, character by Lightwolf21

The Academy’s new drill sergeant. They say he wasn’t born, he was assembled at Skynet’s Terminator factories.

VOLANT MALE – dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback - BG
Volant has a calm personality, although it is often hard to understand what he’s thinking. Volant doesn’t care for morality (so he could do something really bad to somebody and not care). He would openly insult or complement somebody if he sees it as the truth. He instantly dislikes anyone who is smart or in the least appears and acts smart. People with talents anywhere else often impress him though, at least slightly. Volant usually wouldn’t get annoyed by almost any reason. He doesn’t really show any emotions, and it’s rare for him to look happy. Although, if anybody even jokes about his red eye or black feather, he wouldn’t think twice about resorting to violence (this isn’t the case if he considers the other person a friend). He dislikes seeing others as happy, especially if he doesn’t think they deserve it. Lastly, he will assume things about people before actually meeting them. Recently, Volant has been transferred to the Lucky Charn Grove, where it was revealed he is the new avatar of Pete instead of King. And he is very willing in his new role.

THE WHITEMAN KILLER DOGS – Rottweiler mixes, deceased
The three survivors of an infamous Pet Fight Club created in Babylon Gardens. They took the community under siege, until they were killed. Yet, occasionally their ghosts have shown up…

Orthopedist and nurse, respectively, William and Mary moved to USA after investing their savings in a fitness center for elder people. Before that, they used to own a farm, but it was destroyed in a storm.

Representative of the Order of Saint Anthony Abbot, protector of the animals, Father Ghetti runs the Chapel of the Canticle in Babylon Gardens. He is a devoted priest and will always have a good word for the animals and the owners that come to him. But do not be deceived by his pacific attitude: he knows how to use force to defend an innocent if necessary. He distinguishes himself for conceding the honor of the blessing to the most wicked animals as well, for he strongly believes that they are the ones needing more help.

‘Mac’ used to be your typical bully, the living stereotype of the human who will do everything in his power to make the innocents suffer for the thrill of it. His favorite targets are animals, especially the young ones and the weak, sick ones. When he used to ‘work’ for the old shelter, he caused endless torments to the ‘guests’ –that is, until Martin Foster came, built the shelter and fired Mac. Later Mac was arrested for animal abuse and criminal association with the local Russian mafia. Last he was heard of, he was rotting in a cell at River Garden…

WILLIAM TERRACE – Squirrel, mascot - TH
William used to be a feral who moved in the Hexagon Park right after it was finished. He was adopted by the Administration and named after the condominium, where he works as butler. For his job at the hotel, he tries to act Kind and Regal, helping out as much he can to those who live there, but when he is off his duties, he likes to go to the park and play with the other inhabitants. He lives at the hotel and is cared for by the management so he tries his best to please them by working extra hard. He loves to make friends and is quite the conversationalist, as such his job demands.

Third pet of the Arbelt family, together with Tiger and Marvin. Zachary is a rabbit who’s had the misfortune of being on Tiger’s warpath. Despite the perpetually scarring experience, Zach has shown he can be really courageous. He still is adored as lead of a cult created by Pete the Gryphon, and he’s still NOT enthusiast about it, but at least he tries to keep an eye over his ‘followers’ so that they don’t get in too much trouble.

T.J.’s sibling, Zane is nice and friendly, but he can be quiet, unless there's music or a close friend around him. If there is, then he won't stop talking. His favorite thing to do is play guitar, and he's very good. He loves making people smile, but that can sometimes get him to do something stupid. He tends to stay outdoors, since the daughter of his owners love to dress him up like a girl…

ZEKE AND QUINCY JONES - dogs, Dalmatians – Mob.
Z & J are litter brothers, two dogs with an intense life! They were raised at the Farm, and not just a breeding farm, but none other than the FBI! these two canines are trained to work under fur - pardon, under cover - since they were pups, and as of recently they worked as K9 Force at Babylon Gardens to unmask a Russian Mafia plot. After the operation, they left the neighborhood for a new mission...

ZURI and ABEBI BOUSTANI – dogs, basenji, male and female - TH
Kwesi’s biological parents, like all members of their long-line family they have worked in the spice trading, along the Chad-Egypt route. They have just moved to Terrace High after their business was ruined by the humans’ political unrest in Egypt.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

thanks, now I have somewhere to look if there's a character I forget the name of or if I see a name in an update that I've forgotten.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by GameCobra »

By the way, incase i didn't emphasize this enough? I love your characterization of my characters too <3
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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aw, schucks. I like working with characters I like :mrgreen:
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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I'm sure all writers do when they write alot! *is the same way :D*
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by copper »

Wow, a lot to go through. I will never be lost again! :D
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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Edited - Added Kwesis's parents, Zuri and Abebi
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by copper »

You know, this is a good idea, but what might be better is to make some kind of Table Of Contents, a way to just go to the spot you want to be in by clicking a link. I mean, this fic is HUGE!!! :)
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by valerio »

and how do I do that? :?
Not to mention that I can't do better than a click relative to 'first appearance'. i don't think I can create a link for every single appearance of the characters. BUT, if that is an acceptable compromise, I could list said appearance as mere lines of text.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by Coatl_Ruu »

I think he meant a table of contents for your fic as a whole. You know, maybe editing the first post of the HP!TS thread to include a list of every entry, organized by season, episode, and subdivisions within the episode, with links to the corresponding posts.

Season 1

- Pilot
-- Part 1
-- Part 2
-- Part 3
-- Part 4
-- Part 5
-- Part 6

- Episode 1
-- Part 1
-- Part 2
-- Part 3

- Episode 2, "An Ordinary Day"
-- Part 1
-- Part 2
-- Part 3
This would look nicer if I knew how lists worked, but still.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by JeffCvt »

I would defiantly liked to have had one of those when I was catching up. It would have made my life so much easier whenever I lost what page I was on.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by copper »

Exactly what I meant Ruu, thank you for explaining more clearly than I apparently did... I meant nothing about characters, just a table of contents for the Series itself.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

and maybe, in the description of characters, you could just give a mention of when certain events happened that the character was involved in, or just the first appearance of the characters. The reader could then use the table of contents to find that update if need be.
but the table of contents is a good idea in itself.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by valerio »

OK, I'll work on the characters' first appearances, AND on the table of contents.
Just a question: When I link a page, the link will bring the reader to the page's top. How do I do so that the link brings the reader on the right point of the page?
thank you.
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

The best you can do is a specific update. You get that by clicking the little red arrow at the tops of the posts, next to where it says "Re: [thread title]"
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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Thank you very much! :D
but I will not insert a character's resume. I would like new readers to read my ficcie without knowing already what will happen. I could insert an episode's synopsis, though...
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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Added Bora. If you're curious about the cast, new readers, here's my series' condensed wiki :mrgreen:
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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Announcement: once I am back and posting a few updates, the official cast page will be expanded and refined.
Thank you for your attention! :mrgreen:
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by copper »

Ooo, fun! Cannot wait!
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by valerio »

Now that the new characters have been introduced, the new & improved list can be showed. Added geographycal references for each character and glossary.
Unfortunately, due to words number limitation, the list had to be broken in three non consecutive parts

part 1 - A to I
part 2 - J to R
part 3 - S to Z

Thank your for reading! :D
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I love seeing my characters listed here. It makes me smile :D
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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I like seeing my fans smile! :D
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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too bad you can't actually see me, then :P
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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I got a good imagination ;)

Edit - Added natalie Domina and Temno! :D
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by valerio »

ADDED: Alfred Gailbraith Gordon
MODIFIED: Flash Gordon, now Flash Gordon Amadi plus edited bio
MODIFIED: Herbert Jameson Bio

Thank you for your attention!
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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ADDED: Gene 'Jin' Chesters Darkolm
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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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UPDATE: Added inhabitans of River Ridge

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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

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Re: HOUSEPETS! THE SERIES Official Cast Page

Post by dtlux1 »


I guess being on page 9, you shouldn't read about characters you haven't even heard of yet.

I hate myself for even skimming through.

Ok, time to stop looking at the fur affinity too.
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