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Post by Obbl »

You always manage to create my most favorite Italian-English phrases :lol:
But you do write good English and it's quite understandable. ;)
I cannot get over how much I love this story!
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Post by valerio »

Season III
Episode 11 – Celebrate Good Times

Jackson House, Lev. 20, Apt. 202, the Fulcrum, Terrace High

Even silence could speak volumes, when it was the body to do the talking.
Tegan Jackson wanted to speak out her emotions, what was raking her soul. But she just couldn’t find the words –or, rather, she knew what the words were, but she also knew how silly (to put it lightly) they would sound. How hypocrite.
Sitting in her beanbag, the Maine Coon was thinking to a way out of a relationship she had initiated. It all seemed so far, far away in time now, while it had been what? Two weeks, tops?
No, even less, she realized with a knot in her guts.
She and Samson had officially dated the first time at St. Valentine. On March 3, Hina-Matsury Day, she and Peanut had been kidnapped by emissaries of the Fanged Teeth –talk about the past that won’t die! She and Elliot were so sure Fang had gone for good the first time—
Derailing mode on, again. Ack!
On march 6, she and Peanut were back home. No other celebration than staying with their families and no one else, no friends, no one. Just pets and their human parents, the safety of their homes, the sheer joy of being together once again, and the unspoken promise to throw it all behind them, that that event would not haunt their thoughts and lives, ever.
But Tegan couldn’t just throw behind her what she had felt for Samson. She hadn’t wanted to date him to get back at Elliot for being a jerk about her feelings. She had needed to…build a life instead of spending more and more time alone, just like Peanut before Grape had fully returned his feelings for her.
And now Elliot had understood his mistake. He had said so, wearing his heart in his sleeve, he had begged for forgiveness, he loved her. It had taken so much, but when he was faced with the fear of losing her forever, the dog she had secretly loved for so many years had put his doubts away.
And now she had to tell Samson he must stay in the Friend Zone. *sigh* she wished she was a psychic like Tarot, or Sabrina, or Chocolate…
She also wished Sam wasn’t so comfy, hmm…
The hulking St. Bernard scratched the cat behind her ears, while wrapping her like a kitty in his arm. “This means we can stay friends with benefit?”
“…I’m so sorry, Sam,” Tegan said, snuggling against him.
The dog put a finger under her chin, and gently lifted her head. “There’s nothing to be sorry. We just hanged out for what? Less than a month? Hardly a lifetime commitment. It was a great time, and I am happy because I got to hang out with such a beautiful kitty, and because it helped to you to feel better. And, believe it or not, I am really happy that now you and Elliot get to be an item.”
Samson nodded. “Honest. Tegan, what you needed in this time was a friend, someone to open your heart to. I prefer you to be happy with the one you truly love. Provided I can still be friend with you, of course.”
Tegan chuckled. “Best of friends. And with benefits, even after you have found your special one.”
Samson feigned to think it over. “Hmm, guess that will do then. I’ll have to tell her not to get jealous, but it can work. Thank you dear.” He bent over and licked tegan between her ears, making hear squirm and giggle.
“I am standing right here, you know,” Elliot said. The Golden Retriever was sitting on the chair in front of the couple, looking hallway between annoyed and ‘ew’.
Tegan turned her head and stuck her tongue at him. “So say it.”
Her voice assumed a chiding tone. “Say it and I’ll stop, Private. Say it, say it saaaayyy it!”
This time, the golden-furred dog smiled. “Sam, that’s my girlfriend, now, so tongue off her.”
“YAY!” Tegan jumped from Samson’s lap and onto Elliot, both tumbling down. “ACK!” he went, before ending up as a cushion to her enthusiasm. But it was him who kissed her with a passion, first. Tegan’s world just melted in that contact. No dream could beat a moment like this, no genie could offer a wish like this.
“I love you, Tegan. I love you more than my life. I don’t want to be separated from you, ever again!” His voice was something between desire and plea, a feeling too long denied. It seemed a lifetime ago since their last argument, and he still couldn’t forgive himself for being such an idiot!
When he had learnt about the kidnapping, it had taken the strongest dogs to restrain him before he just ran in pursuit. Doctor Rozen had to sedate him, but that too had barely worked. Elliot’s anguish had reached a level that, he was sure, should have killed him. All of a sudden, his life had become an empty shell. Sedatives couldn’t work because sleep brought nightmares, staying awake was like living that nightmare.
Elliot loved Tegan and he had only himself to tell that to.
Then the dream had come. As of today, Elliot wasn’t sure any more about its nature, but it had seemed so real, when he had found her in his room, and he had felt her fur, smelled her scent of rail dust and wood while she told him where she was… All it mattered was that, for a few precious hours they had been together, and he could tell her what he felt.
It had come natural. It was the simple truth.
After that, another long wait had followed. A day that had stretched into eternity while he and everybody else at the Club and in the building waited… And it didn’t matter that Tegan wasn’t a celebrity: she was one of them, part of the community. Elliot and Tegan’s owner had been visited nonstop, for comfort.
And when Mr. Gottschalk had announced that it was over, that she was safe and about to return, there had come the congratulations and the back-slapping.
And when Elliot had seen her in the parking lot, home at last, he had just ignored Tegan’s mom. He had run to his cat and hugged her and kissed her and sobbed against her shoulder, begging for forgiveness as if he had been the responsible for her kidnapping…
Because, in a way, he was responsible. He had insisted to forget about the first time the Fanged Teeth Gang had kidnapped him and Tegan. He had insisted not to tell Terrace High’s authorities, or security would’ve been tighter on them…
Then that day and the following had been spent in a blur. Elliot had barely any memory, as if he had been immersed in a drunken state. He had stood by Tegan and her Mom, he had been a member of the family, no longer just the ‘friendly neighbor dog’. And never like in those moments had Tegan looked so beautiful, so…feminine…
Tegan ruffled his head fur. “Ohh, puppy’s so cute when he blushes! Does that mean that you will spend more time at my place?”
He wagged like crazy. If she asked him if he wanted to be adopted by her Mom, he’d abandon his own family without thinking twice. “We could take turns. Tomorrow, my place. What do you say?”
She purred loudly. “Hmm, now that’s what I call a good idea. I don’t remember spending much time at your place, here.”
He flashed her a mischievous grin. “I’ll make up, promise.” He kissed her nose tip. “I love you”
“You like saying that, do you?”
“It feels good saying it—“ he was interrupted by a pair of muscled furry arms lifting him and Tegan effortlessly. “Whoa, what’s up, champ? Jealous?”
Samson carried the couple toward the door. “Nope. I’ve been ordered to carry you to the club as soon as you two started becoming ubermushy again. The others at the Club waited to celebrate your return, too.”
“I understand that, Sam,” Tegan lamented. Aww, she so wanted to be ubermushy in private right now! “And we can walk, you know.” The Love for Life Social Club house was located in the park, it took about twenty minutes to reach it from the Fulcrum.
The automatic door hissed open…and cat and dog were welcomed with the terrifying sight of an energy vortex, as if they were looking through a monstrous, roaring, bottomless horizontal well!
Samson looked perfectly calm. “Astral jump. Chocolate said it would come useful.” And he stepped in.
Just as if they had stepped through the door, the trio found itself in the Club’s restroom.
Samson put down his cargo, then left the room just in time to allow the couple to get rid of their breakfast.
“Remind me to kill that rat, first thing tomorrow,” she said. She was sure she had thrown up half of her digestive tract as well.
Elliot shook weakly his head. “I will take care of her. You ask Sam what pills he takes to stand that astral thing.”
Then they stood up. Elliot flushed the toilet, while Tegan brushed her teeth. She rinsed it and handed it to the dog. “So, what are your plans for the future?” she asked.
Elliot spat in the sink, then rinsed his mouth. He spat again, then washed his face. He did a good job of pretending he hadn’t heard.
Tegan nudged him in the ribs. “Come on! Now you’re making me curious. And I will claw you if you don’t tell me what’s on your mind!”
His snout still dripping, Elliot said, “We-ell, do you think you can wait until Christmas?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Why? Ooohh! Is that a gift? You planned something special like Peanut did for Grape?”
The Retriever scoffed. “Please! I won’t be no copycat with you! I was just thinking that, you see, next Christmas will celebrate the first birthday of little Martin, Grape’s, Sasha’s and Mizar’s litters. And I am pretty sure you are already planning to bring our Clubs together for the party.”
Tegan nodded. That was no secret, she wanted it to be a great time for everyone. She liked to have guests from Babylon Gardens, but a massive reunion was her secret dream since founding the LFL. “So..?” she prodded her boyfriend –oh sweet, sweet Heavens how good did that word sound! Tegan was almost afraid to wake up and discover she was still aboard that train, caged, and dreaming…
But then Elliot said, “So, what better occasion to make it really special?” His tone was nonchalant, but his eyes were gleaming teasingly.
Somehow, Tegan resisted the urge to strangle a clue out of his body. “My birthday falls in August. Why not just make that a super duper special day, love?”
This time he looked genuinely scandalized. He also put up a British accent as he said, “Why, Madame! Because your birthday comes every year. But the first birthday party of our little friends comes only once!”
Tegan opened the faucet and started washing her face to cool off. “Okay, I will be patient and wait, spot, but you better have a very special birthday present for me, or you won’t be alive by Christmas.”
“Hey, I can do so much with my allowance, give me some rest.”
She used her fists to squirt water from the tap at his nose. “You’ll get eternal rest if it’s not special, remember.”
Elliot giggled and covered his face with his arms. “Ack! Not fair! You know I won’t fire back! Unfair! Referee! Okay, okay, it will be special! I surrender!”
She turned off the faucet. “There’s a good boy.”
“Heh, wanna see how good?” He grabbed her behind her head and drew her to him to kiss her –definitely, that was another thing he’d never get tired of…

As the couple locked in that long moment, they didn’t – or pretend they didn’t – hear the knocking at the door.
“Guys?” said Pawdrick’s voice. “Ah, we’re all waiting, downstairs, you know? Guys? C’mon! Guys! I gotta use that thing!”
Last edited by valerio on Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JeffCvt »

You're writing again!!

And the update was great!! Elliot finaly got together with Tegan.

Just one thing I noticed
valerio wrote:“Remember me to kill that rat, first thing tomorrow,”
I think you mean "remind me" instead of "remember me."
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Post by legendario13 »

looks like your doctor gave you Green light
I have felt like Housepets! was incomplete without your story.
Is great to see that the things worked for Tegan,Elliot and Samson, specially for Samson.
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Post by Obbl »

What's this? A extra super amazing update?
Glad Elliot's finally come around :roll: Silly mutt. :lol:
If my suspicions are correct, next update will be uber mushy :twisted:

And yay! This also (hopefully) means Valerio is all healed up! :D
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Post by valerio »

Hopefully, the stitches will go tomorrow, but for now I can use my hand at last.
Thank you for your enthusiasm, guys, I really missed you too! :D :D
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

glad to have you back, Val. and glad the wifi on my vacation started working again in time for me to read your first update back. and it was just as awesome as always, the only thing that could drag me away from it was lunch. ^_^
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Post by kavviyenta »

Great to see you're back! :)

We have yet to receive Evan's fanart of Peanut and Tegan. Since Elliot and Tegan just got back together, it might seem out of place. Still have hope. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by _Stu_ »

Welcome back Valerio :) nice to see ya again :D
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Post by angelusbr »

Valerio uses Update
It's super effective.
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Post by copper »

Great update as always, Valerio. You really know how to bring the adorableness into things! :D

Just one thing, though.
I won’t be no copycat with you!
Double negatives ae considered horrific grammar. Sorry, but they really irk me. :?
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Post by EvanAierkan »

kavviyenta wrote:Great to see you're back! :)

We have yet to receive Evan's fanart of Peanut and Tegan. Since Elliot and Tegan just got back together, it might seem out of place. Still have hope.
Well it's actually done already, except I don't really know how to color Tegan. Everything I've tried this far doesn't seem to fit.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

copper wrote:Great update as always, Valerio. You really know how to bring the adorableness into things! :D

Just one thing, though.
I won’t be no copycat with you!
Double negatives ae considered horrific grammar. Sorry, but they really irk me. :?
I saw that as Elliot using a double negative for effect.
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Post by valerio »

Love for Life Social Club house, Hexagon Park, Terrace High

“And you actually clawed him? In the eyes?!” It was unusual to see Frits so excited, but this time he had a reason to. His Mom was a journalist, and it had rubbed off on him. He had a knack for news and was always hungry to learn interesting things.
The kidnapping of Tegan and Peanut was still the focus of many discussions at the High. Tegan’s mom had warded off Guinevere Cardore or any other reporter from her on-line newspaper, the Daily Fact. But she couldn’t isolate her daughter from her peers.
Tegan knew that as well, so she had resigned herself to talk about her experience with her friends –and it was supposed to be therapeutic as well, or so the shrink at the Lucky Charm Grove had said… “Yes, I did. At the same time, Peanut just punched that human in the kneecap! You should have listened at him crying!”
Anyway, she didn’t feel really…relieved. She felt divided –part of her as just happy for fighting back, for taking control of that apparently hopeless situation. But she wasn’t really happy about causing harm to another living being. Those two deserved what had happened, but for what she knew she could’ve blinded forever that dog. She wondered if she could ever do such a thing ever again…
One thing was for sure, though: she wouldn’t allow those thoughts to surface. She would not spoil the general mood.
Someone slapped her back –Tegan was sure she was going to have trouble sleeping for the next week or so. “I would’ve never thought that pup had it in him,” Clementia said. She was sincerely admired. “Next time I see him, I want to give him a medal.”
“Get yourself in line,” Sigmund said. “I heard the cops in the Gardens are pleading the Sandwiches to recruit him. Bino is not taking it well.”
The Brazilian Shorthair snorted a laugh. “Poor dear, he was working so hard to be the new star of the police force.”
“Oh, Teggie!” Alandra gave her friend a bear hug –surprisingly strong for one of her build. Tegan must remember to check for her ribs as well, at the end of the party.“That was such a big adventure! Just like one of my Antonio’s. We’re so proud of you!”
“Nah, you should thank Nevermore as well. If it hadn’t been for him, we couldn’t have escaped that cage, nor take that truck for Camino Azul.” Never had said he’d pay a visit, sooner or later, but for now – his words – he’d stay in the Grdens and suffer the burden of celebrity. For once, Grape had been all too glad to squeeze him like some plush toy. Her friend knew her friendship, when someone helped saving her mate…
“Yes, but the idea was yours, right?” Kwesi asked. The Basenji dog tapped Tegan’s head with a claw. “You got brains. Under your guidance, this Club will outclass all those between here and the City, Babylon Gardens included.”
Tegan didn’t need to have a dog’s fine nose to perceive the smell coming from his breath. She wrinkled her nose. “Ah, Kwesi, did you drink soda?”
He answered with a funny drunken smile. “Just a bit. You know, I discovered this godly nectar helps me keep my nerves in check, and your absence made us all really nervous, you know? But something good came from it: my Alandra has never been so close to me.” He suddenly fell like a sack over Tegan’s shoulder, sobbing like a puppy. “Aw, we were so scared! Even Pip and Mac and Vol were so worried about you! *hic* Should’ve seen Mac, he promised to avenge you in very painful ways if you didn’t come home safe’n’sound.”
Tegan was patting him, not sure of what to do. “Ah, I guess that’s really sweet of Macajuel.”
“What?” said the hissing voice from the nearby catwalk that had been installed to allow him to move without the risk of being stepped upon. “Don’t you think we would be worried for you as well?”
Alandra took Kwesi, who was still smiling in that dopey way. “Oh, they were! *hic* it was fun to listen to Volly describing the ways he planned to exact revenge on those humans.” He kissed Alandra on the nose tip. “If someone tried to hurt you, my حلو، والحب الجميل, I would cover the whole world in one leap to save you! Promise!” And on that, he fell heavily asleep on her.
Clementia helped Alandra to lay him on the couch. “Sorry, he didn’t spend one hour sleeping, just like many of us.”
“Make it all of us,” Piper said. As usual, the Ara Militaris parrot was perching on the Rhodesian Ridgeback’s shoulder. “This place would be so boring without this Club, so I guess this makes you one decent feline.”
Tegan nodded to him and to Volant. The big dog grunted, and she guessed that was the best she could get from him, though knowing he was far better than that…
For a fleeting moment, Tegan wondered what would happen to Estrella Delasangre. She was the only known living member of that horrible family that ran the Pet Fight business in Isla de la Paz, but she had acted like a decent human, and she had sounded sincere when she’d say she hated that business…
Not that it would matter anymore. Isla de la Paz had become a ghost city, according to rumors among the human soldiers and their working animals. Something had happened, something they only dared to whisper about. She had seen more than one, human and animal, crossing himself in those occasions, and her questions were answered with an uneasy silence…
That made Tegan notice someone in particular was missing in the crowd. She addressed the silver-furred Weimaraner, who was entertaining his female audience and signing autographs –no doubt exaggerating, pardon, just enhancing, his role in the events. “Ah, I’m sorry, Siggy: where is Hannibal?” She was sincerely worried for him.
She had slept through the trip on the helicopter, but she was awake when she, Sigmund and Hannibal had been carried back home from the LCG. Sigmund was his happy self, but Hannibal…The Alsatian hadn’t been just silent, he had this…haunted look in his eyes, as if had seen things too frightening to talk about. She knew he had been at Isla de la Paz, where the Pet Fight Club had its house, but Hannibal used to be a pet fighter himself, he had witnessed those horrors firsthand, so what could scare him so much?
Come to think of it, when they had left the helicopter, Fido, Budweiser and Ralph also were unusually…silent.
Sigmund waved a paw in a generic direction. “Oh, he said he wasn’t just in the mood, so he’s doing his shift in this sector. He asked to save some pastry for him.” He scoffed. “Typical of him, I’d say.”
Tegan preferred not to comment on that. “I’ll go looking for him. Be right back, guys—“
“Not without an escort, no,” Elliot and Samson said together, appearing like out of thin air and making her startle.
Putting a paw over her chest to check if her heart was still there, she said, “Don’t. Do. It. Again.”
“Sorry,” Elliot said, “but the members voted unanimously: you don’t get to walk alone for some time. Just to make sure.”
Tegan went to the door. “As if I’m going to be alone from now on. Right, loverboy?” She ogled at the Retriever.
Elliot wagged his tail as if it was a helicopter’s rotor. “Gee.”
Her own tail swished in approval. “Like silly putty in my paws. Now, let’s see if this new gizmo works, instead…” She pressed a small button on her new collar –this one a model, which, after the recent events, had new options that implemented the ones already present, to improve the security network.
After she had pressed that button, Tegan was immediately put in contact with the Security Offices. A familiar, merry and at the same time professional voice answered her. “Security Officer Gallant speaking don’t tell me there is yet another problem, Teg!”
“Ah, no, no, Tobee, really!” Wow, not a crackle, it was like having him at your side. She took the extendible earphone and put it into her ear. “Sorry for bothering you. Just wanted to know where to find Hannibal, I’d like to talk to him. He looks like he needs a friend right now.” More than me, were the untold words.
She could hear his claws ticking on a keyboard. “I see what you mean in fact he was really down since he came back and barely ate a bite ah here he is you can find him by the cubs playground area 12 he’s been there for a while now and please tell him we worry for him too.”
Tegan nodded. “Will do. Thank you, Tob.” She put the earphone back into the collar and stepped out. The two males made as if to follow her, but she lifted a paw. “Please. This is something I must do with him, alone. Sam, if you want to do me a favor, please kick Sigmund’s butt for me. Hard.” She let the door open as she went. A moment later, she heard the hound’s yelp. “Sam! But why?!”

She found him there were Tobee had said. The black Alsatian was sitting on a bench, looking at the cubs and kittens playing. It made for a strange sight, they were so happy and carefree, worried only to tumble, mock-fighting and trying to look impressive in front of their human and/or biological parents.
Hannibal was smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes. A gentle breeze ruffled is long fur. His eyes glistened as if he wanted to cry but hadn’t the courage to.
When she sat down next to him, Tegan was sure he hadn’t even noticed her. She didn’t really know what to say, there was like a barrier around him. He smelled of unpleasant emotions. Only his eyes showed a sign of life, they looked at the cubs and the kittens as if they were the anchor to his sanity…
“I saw them,” he said, in a quiet, distant tone.
“I was in that cell, together with the others. And I saw the victims. They spoke to me. To us.” The flatness in his voice somehow made those words even more…frightening.
Tegan remembered a weird thing that had happened, when she and Peanut were escaping from Fang.
The ghost.
Something that had appeared out of nowhere. Peanut had called him(?) Argos, and she had seen that immense, black furred mastiff trying to kill Fang, before disappearing just as he had appeared.
Argos, the pack leader of the monster dogs that once terrorized the Gardens. A dog supposed to be dead.
What had Hannibal seen?
The Alsatian’s fists clenched. “There were adults, elders, pups… They were…pleading, asking for our help, even just a kind word. But they were…gone. Mauled, dead. I knew I couldn’t do anything to help, but I so wanted to…” His breath became ragged, his fangs started baring. “I used to…enjoy my life as a pet fighter. Now I feel as if I have bathed in their blood…” He snorted, a bitter sound. “’Security’. Hah, what a riot. I should be put in a cell for the rest of my life, and it wouldn’t be nearly enough. I feel so…dirty.”
Tegan put a paw over his shoulder, feeling the tension knitting up his muscles. “What you deserved was a second chance, and you’re doing a great job at that. I’m sorry for not offering anything wittier than that, but I’m sure you don’t really think what you are saying. And I won’t offend you by telling you that I understand what you are suffering, because I didn’t see what you saw. But punishing yourself is not the solution, of that I am sure.”
There followed a long silence, while both enjoyed the sight of the playground. Tegan wondered how would it be if Elliot wanted to start a family with her. She was sure she couldn’t go through the ‘donor’ step, but adopting a pup, a cute one looking just like his dad…
“You’ll make a good President,” Hannibal said.
When she came back down to Earth, she turned her head. This time Hannibal was looking at her, his eyes no longer haunted. “I’m getting that a lot, today,” she said.
“Truth can be popular, sometime. Enjoy it, if it doesn’t hurt.”
“Watch it, pretty boy. I’m engaged now.”
“I’ll try to remember that, chica.” He chuckled.
Tegan thought about a thing. “Say, Hooch—“
“Sorry. Psycho. Couldn’t resist.”
“So? Wanted to tell me something?”
“Yup: next time we go to the shelter for the voluntary service, why don’t you hold a lesson about pet fighting? You got experience, you know how easy can be to get in trouble and end up in that circuit.”
Hannibal nodded. The Hunters Academy already held lessons about that matter. No one instructed the guests of a city pound about that harsh reality.
Hannibal’s eyes widened with realization -perhaps, those ghosts, at Isla de la Paz, were trying to push him in that direction, asking him to help them by helping other innocents to avoid that bloody slavery!
Suddenly, the Alsatian bent over and kissed her cheek! “If this will work, I will make a monument to you. That’s a promise! But now, please, go back to the party. They put it up for you.”
Tegan shrugged. “Nah, they can manage in each other’s company. As President of the Club, I have a duty to see that my lone members are cheered up. And no, you can’t make me change idea.”
Hannibal laid back against the bench. “Buenos. So, look at those bundles? Who would you like to adopt?”
The cat’s eyes sparkled. “Ohh, I’d love to play all day with that cute Border Collie! And you? Forgive me, but I hadn’t envisioned you as the family type.”
“You’d be surprised, if you decided to know me better. Anyway, The little shepherd mix, of course. He looks like he’ll grow into a mean guy. Give him some time, and he’ll come to apply for a position at the Academy. Anybody else?”
“I’d love to learn more about you. Also, I’d so love to take a little cat brother for my pup. Hmm, that striped kitty looks really full of energy…”
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Post by _Stu_ »

EvanAierkan wrote:
kavviyenta wrote:Great to see you're back! :)

We have yet to receive Evan's fanart of Peanut and Tegan. Since Elliot and Tegan just got back together, it might seem out of place. Still have hope.
Well it's actually done already, except I don't really know how to color Tegan. Everything I've tried this far doesn't seem to fit.
Here, i suggest to use this pattern


Valerio gave me this information sometime ago, in order to do... something.
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Post by EvanAierkan »

Here, i suggest to use this pattern
Ugh, just when I finished up the pic. Fortunately it's only couple new layers and bucket tool so it doesn't take anymore than couple minutes.
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Last edited by EvanAierkan on Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by valerio »

upper pic FOR THE WIN!
Officially perfect :D :D :D :D :D
Thanks, Evan: you always deliver awesomeness
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Post by copper »

Aww, already thinking of adoption. She has the right idea. :D

Hmmm, glad Hannibal is feeling better. He is a good guy.

Another Awesome pic, Evan. Are you the now the official Illustrator for Valerio now? :roll:
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Post by EvanAierkan »

copper wrote:Aww, already thinking of adoption. She has the right idea. :D

Hmmm, glad Hannibal is feeling better. He is a good guy.

Another Awesome pic, Evan. Are you the now the official Illustrator for Valerio now? :roll:
In some sense, maybe. I just like sketching scenes from my favorite fic and occasionally finish them up to be posted here.

Also: with that fur pattern it looks like Primo. Cannot unsee.
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Post by angelusbr »

dat fanart!
Great update!
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Post by kavviyenta »

Only Private Elliot, the member who own Tegan's character, know how she look like. Anyhow, you probably tried asking him but he's absent.

Still a great fanart for a Peanut fangirl. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by valerio »

Love for Life Social Club, Hexagon Park, Terrace High

“ATTENTION EVERYONE! THIS IS THE SECURITY HEADMASTER!” Immediately, all participants to the party inside the clubhouse froze, their pupils as many pinpoints, their fur standing up on their backs and teeth bared in shock. A mass electrocution couldn’t have worked better than the powerful, booming voice coming from the loudspeaker. “IT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTION THAT YOU HAVE SMUGGLED FORBIDDEN BRANDS OF SODA TO THIS PARTY! YOU WILL IMMEDIATELY LEAVE THE PREMISES, THEN YOUR CLUBHOUSE WILL BE SEARCHED AND YOUR OWNERS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THIS SCANDALOUS BEHAVIOR! YOU ARE IN TROUBLE, PETS!”
Those words brought icy terror into the dozens of animals.
“My teacher will kill me if she even hears about it. And I did not drink!” Chocolate said, looking around as if the dreaded figure could appear behind her one moment or the other.
“I had just a drop!” the tiny Saga lamented from Samson’s head fur, which she had elected as her new residence. She burped and it was enough to make Sam wave his paw. Small she could be, but she smelled like any big pet, phew—Hold it, why wasn’t he panicking? He reeked of soda! His agent would kill him! His career was ruined!
Frits was in panic. “Mom will kill me, this will be such a scandal for her career! She’ll take my Frisbee and I won’t see it ever again!” He was jumping up and down like a terrified rabbit –a curious contrast with the black-furred rabbit standing perfectly quiet beside him. Shadow was good. Actually, his Dad had placed a bet that one day his son would start drinking, if not to make his relationship with Chocolate easier on his nerves.
<I wish I could drink,> Morrigan, the ghost cat, lamented with her living friend, the cat Elizabeth Rozen. The Norwegian/Coon mix was contemplating her own can. “Dunno, this stuff is good but I don’t feel all bubbly.”
“Because that’s ice tea, not soda!” her housemate, the Finnish Lapphund Max, said, facepawlming.
She stuck out her tongue at him. “So? I don’t like the bubbly drinks.”
“I drank it all!” Kwesi shouted from the couch he was laying on, raising only one paw. Then he grimaced with pain. “And someone please turn off the world, my headache is killing me.”
It was a certain Pug who broke the terrible tension. “All right, guys, listen up!” He could be small, but he did have a commanding voice –a feature that had turned useful while contracting with his Dads’ suppliers. For a moment, he channeled the attention of the other animals. “There is no such thing as ‘forbidden soda brand’! And only one of us can copycat any voice so well. Show up, you—“
“YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO EVACUATE! FIVE—“ the booming voice said. Linus saw them all falling once again prey to the holy terror, and he knew he had lost them.
And that he was in dire danger. “Uh-oh.”

It was more a stampede of so many wildebeests’ stuntpets rather than an evacuation. The local seismograph registered an activity spike.

Inside the club, Linus was laying on the pavement, in the arms of Errol the otter.
“Resist, my friend,” Errol was caressing the dog’s face. Linus was so immobile... “Don’t go to the light. Stay with us, in this unworthy world, to keep counseling us with your wisdom, my king of style…”
“He challenged the true authority and paid the price.” In the flurry of dust and paper sheets, a figure emerged: Volant. It was Piper who went on, in a deep and somber tone. “It is over, now. We shall rule. Run, Errol. Run, and never come back.”
At that point, Linus coughed. He stared at the parrot with volcanic-hot fury. “But what the fur?! Piper, they could’ve ruined my precious look!”
Volant fell down on the ground, laughing wildly, holding his tummy. Piper was slapping his wing against the pavement. “I can’t believe they fell for it! The oldest in the book!”
“Well.” Linus stood up and brushed himself. “At least I can see Volant laughing, that’s a first time.”
The Ridgeback sat up. He brushed a tear off his eye. “*snrk* you won’t dare to tell anyone, or you’re gonna pay so dearly. Heh—“ his voice died in his throat as he saw a wall of cellphones aimed at him, thumbs busy on snapping pictures!
“DAAAWWW!” said the Club’s members as one.
Volant was up and running at them like lightning. “You don’t dare! No, you won’t spam the Web with pictures of me! Never! Give me those things or…” To his credit, he was fast, but by then the others had already run away. Despite the fact that he looked like a living portrait of the stereotypical mad dog, the other pets were waving their cells at him and mocking him in variously disrespectful manners.
Volant stood there on the threshold, fuming and trembling, his fists clenched tight. He snorted twice like a bull. “You…” he growled…then his paws grabbed Piper and started squeezing him like a sponge! “That was your idea! You bag of feathers! I am so gonna make a duster out of your miserable carcass—“ someone tapped him on the back. He didn’t even turn back. “Not now! I’m gonna kill him first!” he wasn’t kidding. His blood-red eye was shining with pure rage. He reeked of it. Just a little more pressure, and every bone in Piper’s body would snap like so many twigs--
“No you won’t,” Elpis said. Quietly, but firmly.
It worked like magic. Samson, who was on his way to tackle down that crazy canine, stopped in mid-motion when he saw Volant freeze and then let go of the parrot.
Piper’s expression promised a comeuppance for that stunt, but for now he just fluttered away, glad to be alive.
That development had also another effect: it smothered the celebration atmosphere. Once again, Volant was at the center of the attention –the wrong kind of attention. He looked around for a couple of moments, looking genuinely confused…before his arms were grabbed and pushed against his back! A moment later, handcuffs were secured around his wrists.
“Congratulations,” Athena said. “This time it’s the city pound for you, mad boy!” The husky was tensed up, ready for any sign of resistance. But Volant didn’t put up any. He just let himself led out of the Club, in a silence full of suspicion and contempt. Whatever he was thinking, he hid it behind an expressionless mask.
Athena called for a cart to bring them to the security ward. Elpis said, “Athena, please! This is a mistake, he didn’t really want to! It was just a moment, I know it! Believe me—“
Athena’s voice reflected the emotions the Australian Terrier could never see on her face. “It’s no longer a question of you or me, Elpis, I’m sorry. Volant is a dangerous dog and must be treated as such. And even if I believed you, as Security Staff I am here to apply the rules. And you know your parents won’t even hear about it. If you insist, you’ll just be grounded.”
Elpis’ head hung low. “Can I come with him, at least?”
The worst thing was, Athena really wanted to try and give Volant a third chance, crazy as it sounded. She trusted Elpis, she knew he wasn’t just acting the good friend, that he believed in Volant, knew him to a level the others couldn’t.
But she also couldn’t show any weakness. Her boss would chew her up and spit her if she let go of this loose cannon. The Karahalios family, Elpis’ owners, had put Volant on their black list, and they would raise hell after this new debacle…
Elpis’ ears raised at the sound of the cart approaching. “Volant…”
The big dog showed a bitter smile the Terrier couldn’t see. “Nevermind, pup. Guess you bet on the wrong horse once again, heh.”
Athena guided Volant to the cart. When the vehicle started, Elpis made as if to run after it, but was held in place by Samson.
The small dog had heard other animals crying, smelled their tears, he had listened to the descriptions…and he could not shed one. For all this time, he had been grateful for not being burdened with the weight of tears. He could only feel the pounding in his head, while his body tried to react as if it could cry. He instinctively shut his artificial, sightless eyes, wishing he could vent his frustration and sadness in a long stream of tears. “…Why?” he asked to no one in particular, barely noticing the smells from the animals making a circle around him.
“Elpis…” Pawdrick said, or rather tried to say. They all wanted to console him, but how could they express their feelings without making some harsh comment on that crazy dog Elpis seemed to be fond of so much?
The terrier shook his head, frustration turning into grim determination. He couldn’t lose control, not now! Volant needed him, he needed help and the city pound was the worst of the places he could end up to! And if Volant refused that help, it wouldn’t happen without a fight!
Elpis produced his phone. He knew his parents would never approve of what he was going to do, he could only anticipate them! “Clementia, please! If you trust me, tell Athena to delay the call to the pound as long as possible. Please!” Not waiting for an answer, he then gave the vocal input on the quick dial list. Hearing that name, Clementia understood the little guy meant business! And if she was sure she didn’t want to endanger her career at the High, she also didn’t want to risk something worse…
And, apparently, not even the other animals had anything to object –after all, they weren’t running the risk of seeing Volant return, anway. Right?
The cat pressed her combutton. “Tobee? Listen well, intercept all communications directed to the City Pound… Yes, I know what I’m saying. Just for…” She saw Elpis lifting his paw and mimicking five “…five minutes, that’s all. Use your magic, make it so that it looks like a system fault, okay? And I will not seize your ChipChoc cookies stock. Bravo.”
Elpis nodded in gratitude. It was amazing how he could put an expression in those glass orbs…
Security Ward, Sublevel 1. 1 hour later.

Déjà vu.
Volant had been the first pet in the High to know closely the premises’ prison. Could have been worse, he had thought then: this ‘detention room’ was more a hotel room than a prison. He had guessed that the concept of ‘pet friendly’ should be extended to every aspect of life at Terrace High.
A life he didn’t belong to.
He couldn’t explain it to Elpis. He couldn’t explain it to anyone. He’d only sound like a stupid, overreacting mutt, but what would they understand?! Look at him, the spoiled brat, crazy doggie only because he had a hard time…
Volant just huddled against the corner he was sitting in. He was tired. He was so tired of it all. Spending the short rest of his life in a pound would be a blessing. Then there would come the syringe. Freedom, at last…
“Vol?” The voice of his owner. A worried voice, concerned, the voice of a human who loved his—LIES! LIES! SHUT UP! ALL LIES!
“Volant, please. Don’t do this to yourself.” Adam L. Male squatted down and caressed the plexiglass door, as if his arm could pass through it and reach for his dog. “Son, if you want to leave this place, we’ll go together. I don’t care, but please don’t ignore me.” His hand moved in caressing motions. “I just want to take care of you.”
Adam sighed. He leaned his brow against the glass. “I don’t know what to do. He’s had bad moments already, but now… He doesn’t seem to care anymore.” He sighed, keeping his eyes fixed on the dog he had rescued from the hands of his so-called ‘friends’. And he had never, ever loathed someone like Todd and Bill like in this moment. He wished he had them in his hands…
Then the fury was gone. Who was he kidding? It was his fault for not doing something before. He had seen what was happening, and despite that he had waited until the damage was irreparable, the final blow to a kind soul…
Adam’s voice was a croak as he said, “Can you…help him, as you said? I don’t want another dog. I don’t want anyone else but him. Please…Volant…” again that caressing motion. If the Devil had showed and offered him a cure, he’d have signed blindfolded.
“I know about abuse,” said the man standing behind him, the man Elpis had called. “I adopted a cat who was in the same conditions. Trust me. Volant will be back to you sooner than you think.”
Volant heard those words, thinking at first what gave this perfect stranger the right to think he could know him. There was nothing to cure, he wasn’t sick or what! “Do we know?” he asked with a low growl, unfurling from his position...and met a smiling face, an expression so…sincere, just like Elpis’. As if that dog had taken a human shape.
“Not yet. But please, call me Martin.”

Episode 11
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Post by legendario13 »

Two in a row (for me at least).
It's amazing as well as Evan's Fanart
I hope they really can help Volant, at least now is away from Mac and piper (better alone than in bad company?)
Also, The return of Mary Sue? 8-)
A moment of enlightenment...aaaaand it's gone
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Post by Wolfy »

YAY! You are okay again Valerio! *hugs*

If anyone can save Volant it is Martin
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Post by copper »

Here we go, the Deus Ex machina finally arrives. Can't wait to see how he solves this one! :lol:

Volant... name suits him. Almost sounds like Volatile.

Well, at least Elpis knows how to help a friend. :D
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Post by valerio »

Season III
Episode 12 – Diary of a Lost Soul

Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals, Babylon Gardens

1 Thessalonians 5:2 (International Standard Version) – ‘for you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.’
The day of Volant had come, at last.
It wasn’t unexpected, though: he knew it was just a question of time. Even the circumstances. It fit just right that it happened today, of all 365 days in the calendar.
Happy birthday to me.
Just like when Todd had dripped that acid in his eye, robbing him of the last shreds of trust in humankind, in anyone.
I trusted Elpis.
He didn’t help you when they humiliated you at that stupid party!
Because he’s BLIND! I heard him telling the others to stop!
He’s glad to see you go. Your owner is at last rid of your presence.
I feel so tired.

It was not correct to say that Volant was being suicidal. He wouldn’t throw himself under a train, or down from a roof. He just wanted to curl up and wait until his body would give up the ghost. No hurry, just leave him alone, as he was destined to.
The day had come, at last. And soon he’d be free of this life.
If only his memory didn’t keep sending him those stupid figments! And even worse, they seemed so…real. Volant didn’t want to turn his head and see once again what he had lived hours ago, he wanted only to forget.
But perhaps it was better like that. Remember, again and again, so that he wouldn’t forget why he wanted to let go of it all and just wither away.
And so Volant, formerly Male, turned his head, and saw the black cat sitting beside him in the room.
“I wish Lugh was here, instead of you, Brother Lazarus. No offense.”
The black-robed feline smiled warmly at him, placing a ghost paw over his. “I am here because you are in my prayers. And I am sure you are in Lugh’s prayers as well.”
Volant closed his eyes, but still he could feel that presence.
Do I want to feel it?
Or am I just going completely crazy? Better, I will leave with a smile, perhaps.

“There is nothing happy when a soul is lost, my child. And you did nothing to deserve it.”
This time, he actually smiled. “Heh. Don’t I know it I’ve known it all my life, but it happened anyway. So what are you going to do, Brother? Sermon me to death?”
There came no answer. Instead, they buzzed at the door. Funny, as if they needed his permission to enter whenever they wanted.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback lay down on his bed, giving his back to the door. Perhaps, if he didn’t speak at all, they’d leave him alone.
They didn’t insist. Hooray.
Veterinarian ward, the Fulcrum, Terrace High

“No evidence of internal damage.” Constance Rozen put the X-rays into a large folder, along with the other medical data concerning her latest patient. “But you are not going to move for the next three days, Piper.”
“Not that I feel like,” the parrot said from his nest. “I don’t think I ever ached so much in my life.”
Constance nodded. “That’s because you were nearly squeezed to death, literally. Consider yourself incredibly lucky for being alive.”
“Will you put that on record, doctor?” Herbert Jameson said. Piper’s and Macajuel’s owner wasn’t a difficult man. In fact, he was a rather nice guy –despite the fact that he worked in an insurance company.
Right now, Herbert looked as if he could strangle the responsible for almost killing his beloved parrot: Volant.
Constance placed the folder in the metallic cabinet. “Everything is on record already, Sir. As for what I just told, the only error margin can come from the individual accounts. Nobody thought, unfortunately, to take a picture of Volant harming Piper. But, judging by his general condition, I can testify that his whole body was subjected to a nearly fatal pressure. He owes Elpis his life.”
Herbert shook his head. He looked at the bird’s sleeping form, the drugs had kicked in at last. He was afraid of even running a finger over his body. Many feathers had broken as well, giving him a look…as if he had been kicked around. “I don’t understand, ma’am. Honest, for the life of me I can’t understand: those two were inseparable. That dog was gruff, always so wary around everyone, but he never even gave the impression he wanted to harm Piper. The other pets said he just…exploded. I can’t understand.”
Constance shook her head. She had examined Elpis after Volant had hit him. All the time, that yappy terrier had insisted about it being its fault, that Volant wasn’t a bad dog. And those hadn’t been the word of someone afraid of a bully, she had seen too many of them back in her old study. Elpis wasn’t trying to minimize the events, he was actually standing for Volant!
What did you see that our eyes cannot, pup? She asked herself, in vain. When a pet became dangerous, those few legal rights he had were suspended. Human rules, humans’ decisions. Gottschalk was a very powerful man, but not one who’d walk over his own rules to give a chance to one who already wasted his second one. The Karahalios wanted nothing short of a lethal injection, but luckily they couldn’t get in touch with the City Pound. Their own rush had worked against them, in a sense, and thus Volant had been moved to the LCG. It wasn’t as harsh a punishment as they wanted, but at least Volant Male was in a shelter, where he couldn’t harm anyone else, anymore.
Constance made a note to herself to visit Elpis very soon. She had caught rumors about his reaction, and she needed to make sure this thing didn’t devastate him.
Barons House, Lev. 13, Apt. 130

“Do you need something else, Choc?”
The first time Shadow had seen his future housemate, he was…fascinated by her. She was so cool, so…intelligent. She was very learned, she would speak with this self-controlled tone. As if nothing could scare her.
It was the first time the rabbit had seen her so stressed, as if she was suffering the mother of all headaches. “No, thank you,” she said, trying not to grimace with pain. She took the cup with the tea and sipped some. “It will pass soon.”
Shadow sat on the bed, while the rat would lay on her nest. “I didn’t imagine it could be so hard. I mean, you can open space/time portals from point A to B. Saying ‘Heel!’ to a dog, though psychically, shouldn’t be so hard. Right?”
Chocolate sighed. “Wrong. The easy part was protecting Piper.”
Shadow shook his head in disbelief. He wasn’t exactly fond of that weird dog, but he hadn’t imagined he got a murderous streak in him. “So, he was actually trying to..?”
Chocolate nodded. “He used all his strength. I was barely able to erect a shield, while trying to reach his mind and calm him, but there was so much pain, all that pent-up rage… But it was my fault for letting that catching me by surprise. Luckily, Elpis distracted him, and I could, well, shout him ‘Heel!’. Psychically, it had been like beating a lion with my bare paws. Ouch.”
Shadow handed her the cup. “And did that lion…bite you?”
“Nah, just a cuff.” She sipped. “But what’s more important, Shadow, is that Elpis was right. I know now why Volant is like that.”
The rabbit chuckled. “Sorry if I don’t go ‘tu-tumm!’, but it’s a bit too late for that, don’t you think?”
This time, she answered him with that familiar, enigmatic smile. “It’s never too late to save a good soul, my friend.”
Shadow was intrigued. “Annnd, would this knowledge help Volant to come back to the High?”
Another sip. “Hm. Perhaps.”
The rabbit sighed, ears lowered. “To think I should know better than humoring you…”
At 8pm, they buzzed again.
“They are not going to leave, you know,” said the nonexistent Lazarus. “They are monitoring your progresses…or rather, the lack of them.”
Volant grunted. “So what?”
“They have tried to respect your need of privacy, hoping you’d come to your senses. But they must have realized you are not exactly of sound mind by now.”
“So what?”
Lazarus shook his head. “Do not do this to yourself. You have not been brought here to die. They will do their best to yank you back among the living.”
“You make it sound so bad, heh.”
“If you fight it, it could be.”
The door opened. Volant had expected uniformed men to barge in with a straightjacket and shouting something demeaning about Volant’s ancestry… Instead, the door opened with a quiet *click* of the lock, and a moment later a delicious mix of aromas filled the air and made his traitorous mouth water. He recognized lasagna, cotoletta valdostana, broccoli, sour cream with herbs, mashed potatoes, eggs, and cheesecake.
“Thought you’d like your dinner here, boy,” a familiar voice said. Volant could almost perceive the smile in it. He turned, still laying down.
Martin put the tray with the food on the table. Milk and bottled water came with the meal. “Almost all new guests eat in their rooms, during the first week here. Luckily, the socialization instinct prevails, in the end. Or tends to.”
Volant sat up. He still was quite depressed, but somehow this human was…contagious. He felt as if he was talking to a peer, not the owner of this place. “And what happens when it doesn’t prevail?”
Martin sat down by his side. “We send him or her to the shrink of course.” He ruffled Volant’s head fur. “I’m sure it won’t be the case, with you. And no, I am not being condescending: You remind me of Alcor, my cat. I adopted him at the old shelter.” His face turned somber, for a moment. “That was a bad place, Volant. Its guests, Alcor included, were victims of repeated abuses. It was a miracle that so many of them hadn’t fallen to madness.
“When I came for the pre-adoption interviews, I tried hard to break open Alcor’s shell. He would barely acknowledge my presence. And once, I made the mistake of touching him.” Martin rolled up his sleeve, revealing four parallel scars running through his forearm. Volant could recognize a serious attempt to sever the whole limb, there. This human must have had excellent reflexes, or he’d have a hand a-la-Anakin by now.
“…And you adopted him all the same?” The Rhodesian Ridgeback asked. “What? Do you want me to barf rainbow and make me feel all warm and fuzzy—No, wait, I am already fuzzy.”
Martin rolled back down the sleeve. “That was good. Anyway, yes, I adopted him, because I knew he wasn’t a wild beasts. I trusted him, and with time that trust was repaid. Just like so many other guests.” He caressed Volant’s back. “It will take its time. We will go one step at a time, the first of all will be a good refill.” He indicated the tray with the food. “Now eat. You may have noticed we have PC, TV, tablet, e-books, iPod… You are not bound to get bored, hm?”
Definitely not, Volant thought. When they had brought him here, he hadn’t paid any attention to his surroundings. To his eyes, this was just another cell. Instead, it was even better furnished than his room at Terrace High…
This time, with that memory came a pang of pain and guilt.
Elpis… Volant stood up and went to the table. Without sitting down, he picked up a forkful of lasagna, not really thinking he had an appetite, despite his quivering nose…
After the first bite, without even realizing, he was sitting and wolfing down the stuff, not caring about any order. Martin just watched him, nodding. And when Volant was done, he was panting, but at least a load ad been eased off his mind. With a full stomach, he didn’t feel so depressed… “Do you think I could talk to Elpis?”
Martin shrugged. “Rules wouldn’t allow it… But I’ve always been a sucker for rule-breaking. I could arrange something, after all.”
Volant regarded him with suspicion. “Do I detect a ‘but’, here?”
The human nodded. “First you will talk with your Dad.”
The dog’s guts clenched at that perspective. All the darkest feeling threatened to surface. He didn’t want to harm this guy, but he would if he was pushed. And Volant had just enough of being pushed by humans.
Martin stood up. He wasn’t angry, he’d rather show…disappointment. “He’s been eating himself over this, Volant. He feels it’s all his fault—“
“Because it is,” the dog interrupted him. His paw went to the lock of head fur and uncovered the blood-red pearl that was his left eye. “He could’ve taken me away from Todd and Bill. He’s just cleaning his conscience. I will be better off without him. I’d rather not speak with anyone if I had to speak with him first!”
“You know what’s the funny thing?” said a new voice. One he recognized…and left him in a state of comic stupor, his ears all pricked up, his mouth a tiny ‘o’ and his eyes two pinpoints “I used to be exactly like you. Then I got wiser.”
“Surprise,” Martin said, with an amused half smile.
Volant’s mind was obsessed with the ghosts of his own past. Seeing one in the flesh, standing on the threshold, was quite the surprise of his life right now.
A ghost in the shape of a beautiful white-furred female German Shepherd with two tourmaline-blue eyes and a perfect black diamond on her forehead. “Long time no see, Volly.”
Last edited by valerio on Wed May 02, 2012 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by valerio »

Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals, Babylon Gardens.

A mind can take so much, before giving in, completely conceding to the feeling of the moment, without the least restraint. It is not a weakness, it is rather the unconscious, dire need to release the pent-up energies, that cauldron of thoughts and feelings that could otherwise bring one to snap.
Volant needed, desperately needed to see a familiar face in this dire moment. He had lost all hopes, he had lost the only friend he had since Lugh, he had thrown away that little he was gaining and now he was clinging like a puppy with his mother to yet another precious figure of his homeless past.
“Angel,” he repeated her name as if fearing to see the female, white-furred German Shepherd dissolving into thin air, leaving him to hug just another memory…
But she was there, she was solid, warm, and hugging him back. “I missed you too, big boy,” she said, nuzzling his cheek. “And again you need me to get you of troubles, eh?”
“Stupid female,” he muttered, mockingly. “You owe me big time too. I could make you escape from—“ it was then that Volant noticed one thing.
A strong scent, all over her body. Volant sniffed intently at her shoulders and chest, tracing her belly with a paw in search of the revealing mounds… “You had puppies!” She blushed and his face beamed, while his tail started wagging crazily. He hugged her again, though this time more delicately. “Congratulations!” The revealing scent told him she was still milking them, meaning they were with her, they hadn’t been separated!
For a moment, Volant felt divided between two opposite emotions: happiness and fear. Happiness because she had given birth to a litter, and fear for the destiny that awaited them. In the end, a shelter wasn’t a family-friendly place…
The Shepherd tipped his brow with a claw. “I know that expression, silly pup. Now sniff me again and tell me what else you feel. Come on, don’t be shy.”
Prudently, that’s what Volant did, trying to isolate the various scents, and… Is she actually romping with a cat?! Because that was the second strongest, as if it had become part of her, just like Alandra smelled of Kwesi. He had to ask her about that… And then he perceived another equally strong aroma…
Volant’s head snapped toward the man.
Martin walked to the couple. “Yup. Mizar is my daughter now. Not just ‘my dog’, even if law wants it so. She’s my legitimate daughter, part of the family, together with her mate, Alcor. And yes, I gave them these names because I love stars. Do you remember that cat I mentioned earlier?”
As if that had been a signal, through the door walked a male cat –one whose fur matched Angel’s white, his eyes of a supernatural golden hue. Like the dog, he sported a black collar with a round white tag. And he was carrying two three months-old pups in his arms. A male and a female, white as their mother, with brown markings over their ears and muzzles.
Mizar led Volant to the little ones, who were busy studying this new presence with eyes filled of curiosity and wonder. The female’s eyes were blue like her mom’s, the male’s gray like steel. As soon as she was within reach, the male started moving his tiny paws at her, as if trying to climb the air to reach her.
“This,” Mizar said, taking the pup in her arms, “is Naos Foster, and she is Rigel. They are my litter, Volant, they live with me and Alcor and we all live with Dad.” Her voice was gentle, as her fingers traced the body she was cradling. Naos’ fur on the back ruffled up, and he shook himself. A gentle voice, but firm. She wasn’t boasting about her status, that much Volant could tell.
The Ridgeback’s gaze went to Alcor. He brought his nose close to Rigel, and she bumped the big truffle with her own tiny one. Most puppies would squirm shyly after that, but Rigel just kept studying this new giant with those blue eyes. Yes, she would be smart like her mama…
Volant lowered his eyes. “So, all this show is to tell me that I’m being stupid?”
“No, silly.” Mizar used her paw to squeeze his tail, making him jump. “It means that no matter how things are bleak, now, they can go better. That’s what happened with us. Come.” She went and got out the room. Volant hesitated, but eventually followed her, Alcor behind him.

He thought that he must have been quite spaced, if he had missed all of this!
The balcony was at what seemed the fifth floor of an enormous steel-and-glass building, which faced a sort of citadel dotted with other structures, each one placed in a geometrical pattern. In the distance, there was a field and further from that the forest…
“This place is a shelter?!” Volant had heard about the LCG, but had never cared to verify what the hype was about.
He could hear the sound of laughter, of young and adults… Just as if this place was a replica of the Hexagon Park. Not exactly his idea of a prison!
Mizar pointed at one of the two entrances. From there, Volant could see a sort of big bronze statue, but he wasn’t sure.
“That statue marks the remains of what used to be a place of pain.” She then started telling him about her life at the old shelter, not sparing the details. Volant felt positively sick as he tried to imagine the stink, the silence of dread interrupted by the voices of mourning and pain, the feeling of hopelessness as the dirty walls of the cage tried to smother your very soul…
And then Alcor had been captured and placed in the cage next to her. His name was Ghost then, and he was just like Volant, before he and Angel fell in love, found a spark that gave them new strength…
And then Martin Foster had come, and Alcor had refused to grab that precious occasion to escape the lager, because by then he could not leave his future mate to die alone…
Volant listened, perceiving like waves of light the feelings that radiated from Mizar.
Yes, they had been brave, they had been lucky, but in the end he had been not.
He didn’t feel that spark of hope in him. If he was lucky, he’d lose those he loved. If he was unlucky…well, Bill and Todd hadn’t been the worst thing that had happened to him.
It was Alcor’s turn to talk, while he use his tail tip to keep Naos busy. “Heh, this li’l rascal has a thing for cat tails. Perhaps he’ll fall for one of Peanut’s litter…” he sighed. “I almost wish you could’ve seen me when I was a ‘guest’” he almost spat out the word as if it was a filthy hairball. “I was emaciated, bruised, dirty… Life was just a big, cruel joke, then. Look at me, now. Even if these are not my genes of my genes, they are mine and Mizar’s pups. I sealed a promise with her, I love her and she loves me. So, yes, to make it short don’t let yourself down. It won’t be a one-day healing, but you are lucky. Yes,” he quickly added as soon as that familiar smirk threatened to reappear on Volant’s face. “You are. You have a Dad who would do anything to have you back home, you have a home to come back to. You must work hard for it? So be it. This place is made to help you, you will never be left alone despite you wanting just that.
“Sometimes, Volant, one’s strength is not enough. We need the others to help us stand up. Then we can run on our own legs, but now you need to stand up.”
“I will be here for you,” Mizar said, placing a paw behind his back. “Just like you were there for me, then.” Then her paw went to his wrist as she started to pull. “Now come, time to meet your inmates.”
“Oh hardy-har. Did you think over that before coming here?”
Mizar and Alcor both put the pups down. The little ones grabbed Volant’s tail and started trotting after him. “Hm,” the cat commented “usually they do that only with someone they trust.”
“Which, being them puppies,” the Ridgeback commented sourly “means they trust everyone.”
“Nope,” Mizar intervened. “They are incredibly careful, socially speaking. It’s a trait they have in common with Dayshaun and Tarot. The kitten, not the Pom. They seem to look into your soul, sometimes.”
Volant nodded, as he turned his head to look at them holding to his tail and competing for the best tuft of fur. So little, so cute, and so intelligent… “Who is the father?”
“Another German Shepherd, a cop dog by the name of Ralph.” They stopped at an elevator, one that ran along the building’s external wall. The doors opened automatically. “Panoramic ride included in the ticket.”
Love for Life Social Club house, Hexagon Park, Terrace High

The grey-furred cat looked at the crowd below. It had been a long, long time since he used to give out inspiring speeches to his parents’ colleagues…
He almost grinned with joy at the memory, but he managed to keep himself in line. The cat harrumphed, made sure that his eye patch stood in the correct position over his left eye, then he said in a very professional tone, paws leaning over the podium, “Esteemed fellow members of this club, I thank you for conceding me the time to express my opinion over this matter, despite me being the most recent acquisition of this fine Club.
“And yet, despite not being here for more than a few weeks, during the past hours I have thoroughly studied the case we now are debating…”
“He’s good,” Alandra whispered to Linus. The Pug had vouched for him, and it looked he had been right.
“He must be. His parents sold used cars,” Linus whispered back.
“Let’s just hope this doesn’t backfire—“ Tegan tried to say, before being interrupted by another polite *harrumph* from the stand.
Steve went on without losing his aplomb. “As I was saying, I have studied the case, read and listened to the accounts, and I can say with no fear of being mistaken for a fool…” He paused.
Steve was the last of the members to speak. Linus had wanted it so: the Pug knew enough about politics to say that no matter how good were the other relators, it was the last one whom the audience paid more attention to. Provided he or she wasn’t a zombie (which would explain the curious smell of rotten carcasses coming from the podium at a political convention his Dad had Uncle had advertised, once).
The Club was divided. Volant was a delicate subject: the majority of the pets wanted even to forget about the crazy dog’s existence. A strict minority wanted to convince them that he wasn’t crazy, that whatever Volant had suffered could be helped, but only if they supported him, as a whole, not divided into factions!
Tegan was already putting her chairmanship at risk, here…but she had invested too much in this project to see it fall prey of fanatics like Bino. They were supposed to be friends, and friends would not discard each other like some weathered good. OK, so Volant had an anger management problem, it wasn’t easy to help him, but she had pressed the others into this discussion because it was now that they would test their union as a group.
It was easy to be friend with someone when things went well!
In that short fraction during which Tegan’s mind had rambled on, Steve drew in a breath, slowly.
One of the windows exploded. Many pets were tossed down together with their seats. The drinks became a horizontal cascade with mice surfing over its waves. A cow flew around, mooing. Michael Bay got inspired for a sequel of ‘Poseidon’.
When Steve’s fury had abated, while paper sheets were still fluttering down like snow, he massaged his throat, clearing it a couple of times. “Sorry. I guess I let this matter get the better of me, but since you didn’t seem to pay much attention to our President, I supposed this was a better way to get your attention.”
His audience was trying to put themselves back in place, all the time keeping their terrified eyes on him. And, above all, keeping their mouths wisely shut.
“Seriously, guys: Volant is not some ‘supreme danger’ for this community. Sure, he’s an edgy guy, and it’s a bad thing that he reacted like a bomb to something like a couple of snapshots. But he needs our help for his problem. Not here and not now, of course. He’ll be cured by pros, it will take time, but in that meantime we will have to be present for him. Let him know we support him, let him know this is home for him. And if he didn’t get that so far, we’ll try again until we can welcome him back with open arms.” Steve sighed.
“Because I don’t know how many of you were...abandoned. And it’s something that can scar you for life. They called me ‘Delusional’ Steve because I kept telling everyone that my Dad would come back to the shelter to pick me up one day. I believed it, and it kept me sane despite everyone else’s opinion.” For a moment, his expression fell. “I wish they had not kept mocking me, then…” then he lifted his eye back again, and it didn’t waver as it went from one Club member to the other until he had made sure he had looked each one of them straight in the pupils. “So, guys, we will all help him. You don’t have to put yourselves in line and extend ‘get well’ wishes you don’t feel at heart, but, at least, I hope you will not make it harder than it is for him. Because when your karma will bite back at you, don’t expect to be treated like royalty.
“I hope I made my position clear. Thank you for listening.” Steve got off the stand and went to his seat.
Tegan stood up and got on the stand. “Ah, thank you Steve.” The grey male nodded politely. “So, I guess we can take this to the vote now, also, because our eateria has been splattered over the wall…together with a cow… Anyway, those in favor for supporting Volant and petitioning for his return to Terrace High in friendship and with no grudges, raise paw. Or tail.” She did so, as did:

- Maximillian and Elizabeth Rozen (and Morrigan, unseen),
- Alandra Garcia,
- Kwesi
- Brother Lazarus
- Elliot Bannister,
- Shadow and Chocolate Barons,
- Samson Watkins and Saga Booke,
- Butch Greene
- Linus Carter
- Gaunt Oakfield
- Elpis Karahalios
- Errol Berkowitz
- Jasmine Hunters
- Tsuki Miyugi
- Steve

Pawdrick Ross,
William the squirrel,
T.J. and Zane Cabana,
Drake Verde,
Macajuel Jameson (and Piper in absentia),
Frits Cardore,
Isaac Piave
Gauss and Curie Gottschalk,
The Security members Athena, Clementia, Sigmund, Hannibal and Tobee, kept their paws down.
Tegan dutifully registered the votes, saddened by this split-up. For a weird moment, though, she was happy no one here had superpowers…
After shaking an even weirder image of them fighting in spandex, the Maine Coon said, “That will be 18 votes in favor versus 16 against.
“By the rules, that would mean that there is a majority to force you to accept the result and act accordingly…” She sighed. “But there would be no point in that. As I said more than once, today, this Club is not about enforcing rules, it’s about sharing the joy of being together, to support each other when we need each other, just like Steve too pointed out.
“Now you are angry, some of you are scared and with a reason to be. I, too, was scared when I saw Volant almost crushing Piper to death. And I don’t want that to happen ever again.
“But if we decide to turn our backs to him, now, before trying our hardest to do the most difficult thing: forgive and heal, we’d better drop the whole Club idea, forget it and close up in our comfy compartments. But before you do so, please take just one day to think it over. Reflect, once you’re home. And then come back with a decision, the first important decision as members.” She started leaving the stand: “Thank you for listening. Without interrupting, this time—“
“May I say a thing?” said someone from the ranks, making her stop…and channeling the general attention.
Next time, I’ll just shut up! Tegan thought, looking at the standing figure.
Frits Cardore hadn’t spoken a word during that special meeting: he had been busy taking notes, filling a whole bloc and a half with thick lines of notes, happy that Mom had given him those stenography lessons. He had his ‘PRESS’ hat on, and he took it off with a meek expression. “Uh, I… I am sorry for voting ‘against’, but…uh, is there a column for ‘undecided’? I mean, Volant scares me, he’s like those bullies that used to steal my frisbee… But I’m supposed to be a reporter. I can’t really take a position. I mean, if he showed up again and prove he’s OK…”
Tegan nodded to him. “Don’t worry, Frits: as I said, this is not a civil war or what. This vote will help me setting the strategies to carry on any initiative in favor of Volant without involving those who don’t want. Club or not Club.” She looked at those who had voted againt. Even if the Security was in that bunch, it couldn’t be only about rules! Bino was not surely expelled from the Gardens for being a jerk!
He didn’t send anyone to the hospital, though.
Tegan just said, “Meeting’s adjourned. See you tomorrow.”
Nobody saw a bird-shaped shadow leaning by a window taking off at that moment…
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Post by EvanAierkan »

Wouldn't have raised my paw... hand? either.
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Post by valerio »

Veterinarian ward, the Fulcrum, Terrace High

The red-tailed hawk landed at her destination: the balcony behind the glass window-door of a very important patient…
The bird of prey walked/hopped to the window, then tapped it with a specific code.

At that sound, Piper’s eyes snapped open. The parrot rubbed his temple and, copying perfectly Constance Rozen’s voice, said, “Open window.”
The glass slid open. “Your talent never ceases to amaze me,” the hawk said, hopping in. “I got news.”
Right now, Piper was happy his bones were still whole and that the painkillers still worked. “Tell me, luv.” Technically, he and Bora could be considered an item, though nobody knew of this particular relationship, not even Macajuel, and especially Volant the traitor.
Not to mention that both of them considered theirs a ‘mutual strategic friendship’. Bora referred to Piper every detail of the Club’s latest meeting.
When she was done, the Ara Militaris rubbed his chin, thoughtfully, his mind already elaborating a series of plans. “Mucho interesting, darling. So now we know who will be on the right side, it seems. Thank you very much, Bora.” He caressed her folded wing. “Now we have to split up, I fear. I must make sure to prepare the ground in case he passed the exams or whatever test that Foster will prepare. In the meantime…”
“In the meantime, I will keep an eye on him, and perhaps keep his edge sharpened,” the hawk concluded for him.
Piper nodded. “You know me so well. Do whatever you want, I am sure you don’t lack inventive…but don’t lower your guard. I heard what that Foster guy did, recently, to help Tegan and Peanut. And that is a dangerous human, don’t underestimate him.”
Bora hopped back to the window. “Believe me, it’s been the humans who made the mistake of underestimating me. Now rest. I will report to you ASAP.” She opened her wings and flew away.
Piper’s voice switched back to Constance’s. “Close window.” Then he nestled against his bedding.
You have made an enemy, dog. You don’t know the mess you got yourself into!
Greene and Verde, Attorneys at Law

“I can’t believe you’d work against me! Melissa, we are supposed to be partners!”
Butch and Drake thought that, if they could hear the words through a soundproof door, their parents must be quite upset.
Melissa Verde answered with equal passion. “Daniel, this is not about partnership! This is about survival! That dog is radioactive! I can’t believe you couldn’t see it from space!”
Butch looked at his friend. – Do you agree with her? – he signed.
The Persian cat, this time, hadn’t the guts to look at his Boxer’s friend’s eyes when he answered, “You saw what I voted right? Please, try to come to your senses. You’re mute, not brainless.”

Daniel Warreck Greene wasn’t a man to lose his temper, and when he did, it made for quite a show. That was why she liked him and wanted him as a partner. This time, though, she regretted that decision. “Oh, really, Melly?” He enjoyed her cringing at hearing that nickname. When he was in ‘war mode’, he’d use all the tricks to unnerve his adversary. “I believed you were a supporter of animal rights! I believed we were lawyers. Come on! Did you think our career would consist of litigations over pooping in the hall?! That our clients would only come with 5-zeroes checks?!”
“Don’t play the class-card with me!!” Melissa roared like a dragon. A few more moments, and she’d start throwing flames. “We can refuse to assist a client, it’s in our right! And Mr. Male’s dog violated twice the most important rule! In front of witnesses. Both times! His owner couldn’t control him and he’ll be expelled, and we can’t appeal to anything!”
“Yes we can!”
This time, Melissa studied her partner. She knew he could be passionate when it came to animal rights, and sometimes he could think and act out of the general picture… But she also knew him enough to see that he wasn’t just grasping at straws.
That tickled her interest, in a professional way. “I’m listening.”
Daniel smiled. “Harrison vs. Tampa.”
The woman’s expression changed to one of stupor…just as she felt as if she needed to bash repeatedly her head against the wall. “1955. Florida Supreme Court.”

Daniel nodded. The dog Streak had gotten himself into the same predicament as Volant. He was thrown into the pound after terrorizing his neighbors’ pets, a bully through and through. A violent one. But his owners had fought on, they had appealed to send their first and only dog to a proper obedience school. The case had escalated up to the Court because the Harrisons’ lawyer managed to stall the authorities. Animal rights were almost less than the bare minimum. They were properties, things. If they behaved dangerously, they were killed.
The lawyer, William T. Clarke, on whose case Melissa had written her thesis, had claimed that a property couldn’t just be destroyed for hurting somebody, just like you wouldn’t trash a car for hitting a pedestrian. He had forced the prosecutors to recognize Streak was like a human being, in regard of understanding his own actions and being educated to correct them. Should that solution fail, well, the State could recourse to more drastic measures.
By then, ‘real’ obedience school were the Police Academies. Streak had been sent there like to a boot camp, but eventually he had come back a cop dog, fit to be part of a neighbor watch.

“The Lucky Charm Grove has a good obedience school,” Melissa said.
Daniel grinned. “Knowing Foster, he must have spent his own truckload of money to get only the best trainers.”
The fire of this new holy challenge burned bright in her heart.

A moment later, the door burst open and the two humans walked out as if there was the Ride of the Valkyries in the background. “Kristen!” both said to the secretary, who jumped.
Drake knew what was going to happen. He didn’t like it, nossir…
The young secretary was up and holding pen and bloc.
“Lucky Charm Grove obedience school,” Daniel said. “I want all the stats about the pets that have been there since its foundation. Throw in the numbers of their old and new owners.”
Melissa was already going to her study. “I’ll prepare a memory to make sure that Adam will remain here.”
“Judge York?”
“Nah, she’s too close to Kostya, and as of lately Martin hasn’t done much to earn his trust. I’ll get Reagan, if I can.”
“Okay. I’ll try to do some researches about Volant’s past, in case something useful turned up. Love you.”
“Love you too.”

Drake watched them and shook his head. “This is so going to end bad, Butch so ba—“ it was then that he noticed he was alone in the waiting room. “But where did he..?”
Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals, Babylon Gardens

They were all sitting on a bench.
Volant thought about the last time he was with Elpis. The Gottschalk siblings had made sure to chaperoning, but they had never stopped making sure that the big dog knew what would happen if he tried anything funny. That had completely spoiled his humor, in the end.
And despite him being in a luxury prison, he barely noticed that. The general atmosphere was serene, and the two pups were busy exploring the playground and tussling with each other.
“I understand Rigel is the more competitive of the two?” Volant asked.
Alcor nodded. “She has definitely taken that from her mama. Very Disney. Not that I mind, of course,” he quickly added.
“You are so sweet and full of self-preservation instinct,” Mizar Foster reached over Volant to pat the cat’s thigh. “Why the funny look, Vol?” She was the only one who could call him like that…she, and Lugh…
“Ah, nothing, it’s just that, well, I never imagined you the cat-lover type. Sorry.”
The white German Shepherd chuckled. “In your defense, I can say I hadn’t imagined myself falling for a cat, then. Of course, I had never met a creature like Ghost.”
Volant remembered her account of their meeting. “I envy you. I would’ve never made it out alive. But I know you were always strong.”
“Give yourself time.” Mizar held one floppy ear between her fingers. “You too were strong. You put yourself on the line to help me…” her face fell. “You and Lugh. I’m so sorry for your loss.”
Volant shook his head. His paw went to the black feather hanging from his new collar. Okay, so he was grateful they hadn’t brought that away from him. “For what it’s worth, I don’t blame you for that anymore… But say, Angel, if you live at Babylon Gardens, why not telling me? It’ not that I was at the other end of the world.”
Mizar chuckled.
“Did I say something funny?”
“No, silly. I didn’t get in touch with you for the same reason you did not get in touch with me. I didn’t know you were at Terrace High… By the way, funny name for that complex. I thought they’d call it Terrace Heights or something.”
Volant nodded. Yup, after all it’s not that he bothered to learn about her whereabouts, in turn… “The Gottschalk siblings explained it: when their owner bought the land, it was city property, and it was originally destined to the construction of a school –Terrace High, that was the chosen name. Herr Gottschalk decided he liked it and saved money on consultants for christening his own property.”
“Oh. Funny.”
Volant shrugged. “Meh, there are schools inside that place, so I guess that the name fits anyway.”
“The shelter has its own schools,” Alcor said, pointing a thumb in a generic direction. “Dad wants to make sure that the guests are learnt.”
The Rhodesian Ridgeback laid back against the bench, arms crossed behind his head, eyes turned to the blue sky. “Gee, and here I thought he only wanted them properly housebroken.”
“You’re going to see for yourself: Dad must have already signed you up. Knowing him, by tomorrow you will be sitting at your desk, listening to a boring teacher.”
Volant made a face. “No way! I’m not gonna play human to appease that guy’s distorted view of society!”
“It is a prerequisite to go back home,” the cat said. “You can refuse, but then you will be put in a list to be adopted by someone else.”
Volant fumed, crossing his arms to his chest. “And if I refuse to be adopted at all?”
“Then you get to get old and die here, you lummox,” said a new voice. A kind of voice that caught all of Volant’s attention as he turned his head toward the tree from which it had come.
“But you know, so far everybody who came here ended up leaving with a family,” said the raven, giving him a witty smile. “By the way, my name is Nevermore, but Never you may call me.”
Fate is a weird, great thing: we can build it as we move on, but we also are ruled by it. Sometimes, fate will throw you a kick, it will make your house collapse, and then you have to rebuild it, take control. Sometimes, fate will throw you a bone, and if you’re savvy enough you will not refuse it.
Don’t question fate, pup. If you hate it, work hard to bend it to your needs. If it helps you, just accept and be glad.

Lugh’s words still echoed in the mind of the Rhodesian Ridgeback, as he stood under the tree, looking with what he was sure it was his most idiotic expression at the black bird perching on the branch.
“That’s the part where you say ‘glad to meet you’ and give your name,” said the raven. “But I heard it already, Volant, and I introduced myself as well. Can I help you?”
A renewed flood of memories washed through Volant. Meeting Angel – pardon, Mizar – had been unexpected, to say the least.
Meeting a raven, one that just looked and talked like Lugh… Or was it just his mind conjuring up something familiar, one more ghost to connect with his past. He had spoken with an hallucination, earlier…
Just accept and be glad. Right, he was supposed to say, “Glad to meet you. Never.”
The bird winked. “That’s the spirit, kid.”
“Uh…” Volant rubbed behind his head, looking down. “Would you…come here? Please?”
“Sure.” Never jumped and flew down, ending onto the dog’s right shoulder.
Volant’s face relaxed in a serene expression. If he were a cat, he would’ve purred. He turned to meet the smiling expression of her old friend He had met Angel, she was fine and with litter.
And now fate had given him a raven. Sure, this Nevermore would never (haha!) replace Lugh, but if this was a sign, then Volant would accept this deal.
He had something to live for, now. So ironic, that he had to end up in a shelter, but he could rebuild his life.

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Post by Obbl »

Must you spoil us so, Valerio? :D <- (ear to ear grin)
Though I am definitely worried about Piper :? He is the devious kind.
Still, Volant has a spirit of kindness buried under all those years of garbage. ;)
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Post by valerio »

heh, today's a day off work, so I could make up for the lost time.
Also, Rick created Piper and Mac as adversaries, and it is the moment that they start showing their true colors... Yup, some things are gonna change here around...
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Post by legendario13 »

is surely going to be complicated isn't it?

I keep wondering how can you write this soo fast :roll:
A moment of enlightenment...aaaaand it's gone
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Post by angelusbr »

You'll spoil us, Valerio!
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Post by Skruffy »

best fanart and one of the best chapters ever. :D

waiting for the next update.
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Post by JeffCvt »

Thought that I had caught up earlier, but to my surprise, from the time I had logged on to the time I started reading, you posted another update. I just now had the time to read this one.

It's like you're trying to make it up to us for not having been able to write.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

JeffCvt wrote:It's like you're trying to make it up to us for not having been able to write.
He has a tendency to do that. I'm still on Episode 11 pt. 2
Paradigm Shift by me
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Post by copper »

Hmm, seems Volant is getting quite a dose of his past. Let us hope it helps rather than hinders.

This is going well. Soon the enemy will show itself, and those who are fools shall realize their folly, after quite the dust up, of course! :roll:

I believe the word you are looking for is Learned. Learnt is only a verb/ past participle. The adjective is learned, with the e being pronounced, two syllables.
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Post by valerio »

Season III
Episode 13 – Parallel Lives

Lucky Charm Grove for the Abandoned and the Ferals, Babylon Gardens

“Buongiorno, Good morning, Guten Morgen, Buenos dias, Bonjour, 早安 , доброе утро, おはようございます, صباح الخير. सुप्रभात. And this should cover the most common languages in this country. I know a lot more if you want. I like to be politically correct, you know.”
“…go ‘way!” said the figure under the cover. It was so wrapped up in the beige blanket that it resembled the spawn of a Sandworm.
The raven perching by the bed landed on the extremity closer to the pillow. “You know, my former protégée told me he was always up and ready when it came to go to school, back at the Academy. And after that, they had their physical training. And you don’t have to endure that, after your classes. So, no excuses.” He brought a wing over his chest and puffed it up as he shouted in a triumphant baritone voice, “So rise and shine, Volant Male! Face the first day of your new life!”
“No. School bad,” came the grumble/whimper. A moment later, the telltale sound of claws told the raven that the sandworm was trying to burrow.
“Ah, Vol, I wouldn’t really do that..”
Dig dig dig dig…
“Vol? You know, for budget reasons, the Direction decided to replace the traditional mattresses with—“
Dig dig di—SPLASH! “ACK!” The sandworm sank, blanket and all, like the Titanic.
The raven sighed as he facewinged. “Water mattresses.”
A very upset Rhodesian Ridgeback emerged from the mattress. “But what the fur?! Never, why didn’t you tell me—Ouch!” that came after the bird pecked his snout.
“Because any dumbolo would have noticed that beforehand, you klutz. And second, I think that this will teach you not to do that again. At least, I heard it works. Oh, and don’t worry: cubs and kittens still sleep on regular mattresses. This is not an extermination camp.”
A dripping Volant got off his bed. “I am in trouble, now? Not that I ain’t already…” He went on all fours and shook himself vigorously. Then he went to the bathroom, where he grabbed a towel and started rubbing himself dry.
Nevermore looked at the mess. He shrugged. “Nah, the boss knows that his guests will do some occasional mischief to property, and Big Boss covers the expenses. Come the afternoon nap, and you’ll have this place tidy and neat and remattressed.”
Volant tossed the towel on the pavement. “Wow, just like a hotel. Why all the trouble? It’s not that we’re Foster’s pets after all.”
Never flew and perched on Volant’s shoulder while the dog opened the door.

At 7am, the citadel that was the Lucky Charm Grove was coming to life. Dogs and cats of all ages were leaving the big dormitory building. Yawns, chatters, laughs, curses—Volant perceived an atmosphere of general serenity that really didn’t fit what he knew about a shelter. The idea that there were no cages at all gave him the creeps, as if some natural law had been violated…
“That’s why,” Never said. “Foster believes that the guests have suffered enough already. All these creatures should have a home here, not being imprisoned. When they get adopted, they will do so as happy creatures, not as…social cases.”
“But we can’t leave the premises,” Volant said, touching his collar. He had read about the specifications, back in his room. That thing could sedate him other than tracking him nearly everywhere. Talk about trust..! “Right?”
“Everyone left, eventually,” said a voice beside him. To an untrained ear, that was just another voice in the crowd, quiet, casual…
Volant knew better, though. He could perceive the strength and the tension of a fighter. His hackles raised instinctively as he turned…and met the deep red eyes of a male black husky. Volant’s first impression had been right: this guy, about 8 years old at first sight, showed the scars of many battles over his body, from his snout and down to his feet. The tip of his right ear was missing, the left ear showed a cut that had never healed.
Other than his surveillance collar with the colors of the shelter, the dog sported a golden chain with a silver ring as a tag. “All the original guests from the previous lager, before Foster remade it all, have found a home and believe me, they were,” he chuckled, a humorless sound, “real social cases, like your bird friend said. And those who are ‘sentenced’ here for life don’t lead a bad life at all. So relax and enjoy your first breakfast with your new pals.”
Back on the streets, Volant would’ve interpreted that attitude as a challenge. He just couldn’t feel himself at ease around this guy. “I will, thank you,” he said, tried to keep a neutral tone.
“You’re welcome. Oh, and my name is Alvaro.”
“Not the talkative guy, eh? I understand, the streets don’t facilitate solid relationships.”
Volant followed the group into a two-stories building. The smells of food made his stomach grumble. “Never, why don’t we have a mess hall inside the dormitory?”
“Strategic location,” the raven answered. “Foster’s a bit paranoid about natural disasters: should the dormitory collapse due to earthquake or something else, he wants to make sure that the other infrastructures can take care of the guests. They are smaller, but more solid and well-equipped.”
“Hey, Volant,” the husky said.
The Ridgeback ignored him, old habits getting the better of him. That guy spelled trouble, and back on the street, the wisest course of action was to avoid trouble…
Unfortunately, troubles didn’t seem to want to let go of him. “What about having a nice conversation, you and me? In the gym? Later today, after you’re done with your homework.”
Without even turning, Volant said, “6pm. Then I’ll enjoy my dinner while you’ll be busy counting your bruises.”
Alvaro just grinned. An excited buzz ran through the crowd. For a weird moment, all the attention was on Volant, dozens of eyes staring at him. And if he got right half of what the other animals were saying, he either was the gutsiest of dogs, or had a suicidal streak…
Nevermore was shaking his head. “Let me guess: anger control problems?”
They entered the…cafeteria. ‘Mess hall’ evoked something military, cold, where you grabbed your meal and sat down with a bunch of uncaring people. Again, Volant found himself in the kind of place a mall could host. He had rarely seen such an ample choices of foods, not one canned item, or kibble –only regular foods and beverages, coming in dishes with regular cutlery. There was enough to feed every single guest without having to fight for the leftovers…
“Are you going to gape through all the morning, dude?” said a voice at his side. Volant turned and met the happy expression of a Boxer mix.
Volant shook his head, then went and grabbed a tray. “Sorry. Got caught by surprise.” He thought the meal Mr. Foster had brought him was something like a ‘welcome gift’, just for the occasion. Apparently, it was the minimum standard.
The big dog picked up five waffles, dressed them with syrup and added two vanilla ice cream scoops. He then took a big glass of whole milk with Ovomaltine and some slices of apple.
“Well, at least you don’t lack appetite,” said the gray-furred dog behind him. “Enjoy it while you still have your teeth.”
“Very funny.” Volant sat a table where two twin red tomcats were busy in a conversation. As soon as he sat down, they stopped. The one nearest the dog patted him on the back. “You look like a nice guy, why the deathwish?”
The boxer mix sat at Volant’s right. “He’s new. Hopefully, Alvaro won’t hurt him. Too much, I mean.” This said, he started eating a forkful of hash browns.
Volant rolled his eyes. “Come on, guys! You talk about this dog as if he was the top killer! He’s just a mutt from the street like I used to be, only with some extra muscles, not Spot (Superdog).”
A heavy silence befell on the hall. Cricket chirped in the distance.
At Sandwich House, Grape was regarding her mate with a puzzled look. “Peanut, are you okay?”
The cinnamon-furred mutt looked ecstatic, as if he was listening to a heavenly voice in the distance. “Someone mentioned my comic.”
Never hopped onto the table and used his beak to beak at a waffle. “Volant, have you ever heard of Pet Fighting?”
The big dog nodded. Many strays had ended up in that circuit, and none had come back…
While still beaking, the bird used a wing to point at the black husky, who was sitting with a pack of the largest dogs. There were five of them, three males and two females, short reddish fur over a pumped Great Dane’s body, each one large enough to have a heart-to-fang with Samson, and yet all of them were looking at him eating, not daring to touch their own meal.
They were waiting for him to finish, and he was taking his sweet time.
All of a sudden, Volant thought he really had done a mistake. Even more so, when Never said, “Alvaro is a former King of Champions, Know what it is?”
I can guess…
“A champion survives by killing his or her opponents. The champions, in turn, challenge the King. And, believe me, a champion is already the toughest, most vicious Son of Dog you could cross. Oh, and no, you can’t back out now.”
Volant ate another forkful. “And why not? Rules cannot allow a guest to be hurt in an illegal fight.”
The boxer mix extended his striped paw. “Elias. But you may call me Tommy.”
A confused Rhodesian Ridgeback shook. “Uh, hi there Tommy?”
“Hi. I’ll answer for your friend: it’s a question of rank. Even if you can do the scared puppy number and get protection, it will be like shaving a big ‘KICK MY TAIL’ all over your body. Of course you can’t get hurt, but you won’t be respected. If you lose but stand your ground, you’ll gain respect. Otherwise, it’s prank time 24/7.”
Volant shook his head, chuckling. “Heh, so this place is not the paradise they were hyping about.”
Elias cut a sausage in two. After eating his mouthful quickly, he beat his chest to down it then said, waving his fork at the big dog, “Oh, they tried to enforce a ‘positive attitude’. But in the end the Direction thought it had no sense to force the guests to act in a certain way, preferring to enforce a limit to competition.”
“Or else..?”
Elias tapped at his collar. “Or else, it’s sleepy time. The bed, I mean. These gizmos monitor our stats so that the vets know when things get ugly. We’re allowed to vent aggressiveness in the gym only, when it comes to brawl. Bruises allowed. And Alvaro is good, believe me. That pack?” he pointed at the five canines sitting with Alvaro. “A litter. They came here from another PFC. Still unbeaten. Alvaro beat them into submission. Together.”
Volant grinned over his mouthful. “Good. It will make quite a sensation when I ground him.”
Last edited by valerio on Thu May 03, 2012 10:38 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Obbl »

Valerio wrote:There were five of them, three males and one female
Um... unless my math is reeeeeally rusty... :lol:
Also, dogs raise their "hackles" not their "shackles" ;)

"And this should cover the most common languages in this country." :lol: I officially love this line.
And oh dear, has Volant ever gotten himself into a pickle. Hope this doesn't turn out as badly as it could :?
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Post by kavviyenta »

We get to learn more about the LCG. Even it's not perfect, but on the positive end.

Hooray, Elias came into the picture. It is Elias, right? my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style