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Post by lightwolf21 »

EvanAierkan wrote:TeganxPeanut OTP
Oh, you... XP

Don't make me destroy you.
Heh. Look at that... I started an actual Housepets! fan-fic. ... 70#p131370
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Post by legendario13 »

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Not even think about it Evan, listen to light, it will destroy the time-space structure!
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Post by EvanAierkan »

but it would be delicious love triangle, she's totally into him!
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Post by JeffCvt »

We finally get to see Peanut put his training to good use.
Let's hope that he kept going to the gym like Bud told him too.
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Post by legendario13 »

EvanAierkan wrote:but it would be delicious love triangle, she's totally into him!
It may be, but accept it, grape would turn tegan into smoke + i dont think they may have the time to think about it, more like jeff said, is Peanut ready?
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Post by valerio »

Aboard a freight train en route for Isla de la Paz, Mexico

Never! I’m sosososo happy to see you!” Peanut’s tail was bumping rhythmically against the walls of the cage that held him and Tegan prisoners.
The raven hopped until he faced the wooden box. “Same here, kiddo: I’m definitely happy to see that your spirit is high –though I should have expected that of you. And you, girl, are you all right?”
“I guess so, given the circumstances,” the Maine Coon answered, looking puzzled at the bird. “Say, is your name actually ‘Never’?”
The bird bowed emphatically, one black-feathered wing extended and the others pressed to his chest in his trademark gesture. “Nevermore is my name, but Never you may call me!”
Tegan giggled –it felt good to find some humor in this bleak predicament. “Never, like Nathan Never from that comic book?”
The raven sort of froze in mid-gesture and tumbled forward. His voice assumed a tone of theatrical despair. “Oy! I thought I heard my poor poppa crying out from his nest up there!”
Peanut chuckled. “No, Tegan: Nevermore is a quotation from Poe’s The Raven.”
The bird cleared his throat. “Quoth the Raven, ‘Nevermore’… And I expect you, girl, not to offend my illustrious name ever again.”
The cat blushed. “Sorry…” Then she seemed to remember where they were and what was happening. “Say! Where the kibble do you come from?! Are you some sort of magical bird who can materialize whenever he wants? Are you a ‘him’, right?”
Never sighed. “Yes, I’m a boy. And no, I’m no magical birdie: I’m just the guy who’s been designated to keep an eye on this puppy. And right now I wish I was a human with a gun or a key.”
Peanut scratched his head fur. “Never, how did you get aboard this train? How did you know we were here?”
Never shrugged. “Easy. I followed you, kiddo.
“I was keeping an eye on the outskirts of Babylon Gardens, when I saw this U-Haul van. At first, I didn’t much care for it… But then I saw it stop, about a kilometer outside the Gardens. That caught my attention, and being the curious birdbrain I am, I perched on a tree to see what could be the business of that van in the middle of nowhere… You know, after the Coppers case, it would have been better to see if a fanboy decided to try and blow fireworks in our neighborhood.
“What I saw, instead, well, was a bit worse than that: the van had stopped next to a white station wagon, where this girl, Tegan – pretty name, by the way – thank you – was laying as if, well, either very sleepy or…I guess you know.
“Then the van’s door opened, and you can imagine my state when I saw you, Peanut, as much unconscious, being moved from the van to the car.
“At that point, I didn’t even have to elaborate a strategy. Part of me knew I should’ve flown like a rocket, back to Gardens and ask for help, but what if in the meantime your kidnappers got too much advantage? Not to mention that they had just changed your transportation, and they could do it again… Well, in the end I had a moment to choose, and I decided to cling to that car and see what I could do to help, knowing that within a matter of hours everybody would be looking out for you.” Never sighed. “I had hoped they’d have been a bit faster, but at least now I’m sure you’re fine, and believe me, kiddo, I’m so happy for that. I’m sure your wife would’ve really put me in a freezer for the next Thanksgiving if I hadn’t taken this decision, even if it means we’re on our own now.”
Peanut wagged again. “Aw, don’t worry Never: I have a plan to escape. Then we will go home, all together. And you will help.”
Nevermore nodded. “I am sure you have, pup: you’ve improved since the first time we met. So, want to fill me in with this strategy, now?”
Bannister House, Apt. 203, Lev. 20, the Fulcrum, Terrace High

Every year, they’d have their little celebration, the Cookie Day.
It marked the first day they met, back in the Gardens, when a very young Elliot showed at the door with a tray of house-made cookies to introduce himself as the new neighbor.
He and Tegan had become instant friends, then, in one of those rare social combination. A bond had been created, something that even then went beyond the simple, instinctive trust that came between puppies and kittens.
Every year, they’d have their Cookie Day. He’d show up at her door, greeted her, and she’d taste his…cookies…
Once, her Mom had snapped a picture, much to his embarrassment, that same picture that showed him seen from behind, blushing like crazy while Tegan was bent in two, halfway between chuckling and chewing, spitting crumbs.
Elliot clung the frame to his chest. He would gladly make a deal with all the known demons just to have her back, now.
It was his fault, it was his fault! He had pretended –NO! he had wanted to ignore that dark chapter of their past, forget everything, and never talk about it again! And in the end, even their parents had agreed.
Security would’ve been tighter on her if the Administration had known that. At least, they would’ve known immediately in which direction to look, instead of waiting for him to fill them in!
“Tegan…” Elliot started rocking to and fro sobbing silently once again. He felt his breath becoming irregular, his heart skipping beats. Could a dog just die of a broken heart? For the guilt, for the sorrow, for all he had missed…
“Elliot..?” he didn’t even hear the voice. He kept his eyes shut as he prayed with all his will. This is a nightmare! Yes, this is a nightmare and now I just must pinch myself and everything will be alright, and I will be with her and I’ll tell her—
Instead, someone placed a paw on his shoulder. “Elliot?” the worried voice repeated.
I’ll tell her “I love you.”
And Samson knew that those weren’t words born out of despair, something the Golden Retriever would later deny.
The Saint-Bernard fell silent, crestfallen. He knew he had lost her. Yes, it was a horrible, egotistical thought given the situation, but Samson knew that when she’d be back, Elliot would not only welcome back as a lost friend, but as what she was meant to be for him.
Part of Samson wanted to beat the carp out of his friend for waiting until this terrible occurrence to understand his own true feelings, but another said that from now on Tegan could count on something that Samson could never hope to give her. And, thinking of that, he felt happy.
Not for one moment Samson doubted of her return.
Foster Mansion, Babylon Gardens

King and Joel sat on a bench in the park that overviewed the street and the gardens.
They still made for a weird sight, considering that the human was not ‘real’, not in the sense you’d give to a mortal being. And that the Corgi dog used to be that same human, in the sense you’d give to a mortal thing.
There was a time when Joel Zechariah Robinson was a ‘bad guy’. A series of juvenile traumas had left him with divided feelings, alternating between love and hate, for animals at large. Life had brought him at last to work for ASPCA first and for PETA later.
With PETA, Joel had helped the later infamous Carl Coppers to kidnap Fox. He had long repented since then, fate had given him the strangest of chances, turning him into today’s dog –a condition that Joel had ended up to embrace, to the point of giving up the human portion of his soul to be forever King, the best friend of that same husky whose life he had almost destroyed. That human portion that now had been incarnated into a brand new human being, with all the memories and experience the real Joel had.
As said before, King had long repented for his actions as human…but he had never really grasped the full extent of his misdoing when he had kidnapped Fox.
Like practically every other pet in the neighborhood, he and Fox had visited the Sandwich family for comfort.
And now both knew.
“Man, was I really a jerk, uh?” Joel said.
“Totally,” said King, reflecting the man’s posing, both mimicking The Thinker statue.
“I can’t believe I almost destroyed a family.”
“All because you couldn’t believe there could be some good in the animal world.”
Both sighed in identical fashion. Then both stirred, again, mirroring each other.
Joel kept his eyes on the nearby Sandwich house. “You know, I always wondered where I could start to regain some credibility. I think I have an idea now…”
Outside the Red Corner Bar & Grill

“Dimi?” asked the old man, as he looked at what was left of his restaurant. The police had come and gone, questions had been asked, no one had been arrested. The wounded and the dead had been moved before the cops could question them and before they could be hospitalized. Gunshot wounds and corpses attracted way too much attention from the wrong persons.
And Sergej Gorky had all the intentions of proving to that pompous, arrogant rich capitalist that he was the wrong person to deal with!
The man standing next to his boss nodded. “I have contacted our men. Before dawn comes, mission will be accomplished successfully.”
Sergej, his eyes still hidden behind sunglasses after the magnesium flare had managed them, grinned grimly. Martin Foster had dared to threaten his family.
Martin Foster would learn that you didn’t pick on the bigger fishes!
Aboard the helicopter en route for Isla de la Paz.

They had told her she should sleep, but she couldn’t. It wasn’t because Grape Jelly Sandwich wanted to play the stoic heroine: she just couldn’t sleep, her anguish was…too great. It was eating at her, creating horrible shadows in her mind, shadows she was fighting hard to keep at bay. She was sure that if she closed her eyes, uncontrolled nightmares would start populating her world until she’d wake up screaming, even more terrified than before falling asleep.
And thus Grape stood awake, fighting the fears with one recurring mantra: Peanut was fine and she would soon be in his arms and the family would be reunited—
“Uh?” She moved her tired eyes to a German Shepherd she didn’t quite recognize… “Ralph?”
The dog smiled. “Duke, but close enough. Why not take this?”
She followed his eyes. In his paw, Duke was holding a blue round pill and a glass of water in another.
Hypnocil for veterinary use, the dispensary is quite supplied,” the military dog said. “Deep sleep and no dreams. Worked miracles on traumatized MWDs at the front, believe me.”
Grape looked dubiously at the little blue thing and then to Duke and then to Fido. She decided she didn’t want to start an argument, she needed to sleep and her friends didn’t need to worry about her. “Thank you,” she muttered. She took the pill and downed it with the water. Then she tried to relax against her seat. She closed her eyes…and the helicopter started to vibrate! Not the sudden, violent shaking burst that comes with a draft, but more like a continuous vibration, as if something in the propeller had decided to crack!
Terrified, Grape opened her eyes.
And she was not in the helicopter anymore.
And she was sitting inside a cage. It was a square thing of solid wood with a door made of steel bars. Wide enough to contain two medium-sized pets.
But the cat hadn’t time to elaborate on the fact that, despite Duke’s promise, she was dreaming –and what a potent dream it was, it also carried all the scents of being aboard a freight wagon!
What caught her attention was the figure that was looking at her with equally wide, surprised eyes.
Then joy overcame their fears. Every dark, bleak thought vanished like a bad memory, as if that was reality and the rest only a bad dream. Yelling each other’s name, Peanut and Grape hugged, tightly like never before, nuzzling, nibbling, kissing, inhaling their scents as if every sensation was the finest of foods.
Then they stood like that, not daring to separate, Peanut still rubbing his muzzle behind her eras, Grape kneading against his back, purring desperately.
And, as calmness started to set in, Grape understood this was a dream, yes, but also one little and immense miracle they had been allowed. “Thanks, thanks, thanks, you’re alive. You’re fine. Thanks…”
Peanut nodded. “I’m fine, Jellybelly. I’m fine and I’m getting ready to come back to you, you’ll see.”
In a curious train of thought, Grape thought back at when he had invented that nickname for her, and how much she had disliked it… Bring him back to me, and he gets to call me that for a year! “I am sure you will. I am coming for you too, Peanut. I’m on my way to rescue you, and there are many friends with me. Even Fido and his team are with me. And there’s Tarot too!”
Peanut’s expression went back to that puppy-ish joy. “Really?! I can’t wait to meet them!”
“And you will. Where are you now?”
“We just passed the Santa Cruz station,” said another voice.
Grape, still clinging to Peanut, turned her head. “..Never?”
“Hi there, meadow flower.” The bird saluted with two feathers
The lavender-furred cat was genuinely puzzled. “What are you doing in this dream?”
Nevermore shrugged. “Oh, I just have this natural affinity with the spirit world. It’s a raven thing.” Then his eyes started shining with an eerie, intense green light. When he talked, his voice was still the same, but it held another…solemn quality, as if he was speaking with the voice of time itself.
“I am allowed this one miracle, my dear Peanut, Grape.”
“Spirit Dragon?” the dog said, his eyes two pinpoints. He had met the titanic creature in a dream, or at least during an experience that, for some unfathomable reason, the Powers sold as dream just to prove the contrary a moment later. It gave him the headache.
“You two need your strength, the way home is still long. You couldn’t make it if doubts and fears dominated your thoughts. Please, use this gift to strengthen your determination, and there will come the day you two will be reunited.”
Peanut nodded. “Thank you, Dragon. You’re still the coolest!”
Grape too nodded, for once filled with gratitude for the existence of these forces. “I owe you big time, ma’am. Sorry for not being…more comprehensive on your kind, so far.”
The raven’s eyes smiled. “Don’t worry, little one. I know that dear Peanut could have no better match. Now relax, you need your strength. Good night.”
It was at that moment that Peanut said, his eyes lowered. “Uh, draggy?”
“Yes, Dear?”
“Uh, I was wondering… Poor Tegan must feel so lonely too. Could you, er..?” he felt really embarrassed asking that, but he also couldn’t stand the idea of being the only one to earn at least this night of happiness, not when his friend needed help too. He looked at Grape apologetically.
Grape kissed his nose tip. “Don’t worry, Nutty. I know, and I know you still have the biggest, sweetest heart in the world.”
Through Nevermore, the entity shook her head. “Worry not, for someone else already provided to help her like I am doing with you. And now, for once, sleep, my dear ones. Sleep and be happy.”
Peanut looked at Grape. “Our…kittens?”
Grape nodded. “They are fine. They are in good hands and paws. You know I wouldn’t have moved before making sure of that, silly Nutty.”
He chuckled, blushing…then yawned, imitated by his mate, the stress catching up to them. Before long, they were sleeping deeply, their bodies intertwined, contented.
Back at Bannister House, Elliot was sleeping, too, but this time he was happy, holding Tegan to him, just clinging to that beautiful dream, speaking to her like he had never done before.
Knowing there was hope now.
Last edited by valerio on Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelusbr »

I'm anxious to see what Joel had come up with. Also I'm happy for Peanut and Tengan (Dragon FTW).
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Post by kavviyenta »

It's nice to see another miracle plus Peanut forgiving Spirit Dragon for earlier.

P.S. This is part 5. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by Zukio »

Awesome update as usual! I hope all their plans work out.
I like Pie!!!
Go ahead and send me a message, maybe we could talk about pie!
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Post by EvanAierkan »

Aww man, my ship got sunk in the very next update. Not cool
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Post by lightwolf21 »

EvanAierkan wrote:Aww man, my ship got sunk in the very next update. Not cool
X3 *chuckles* This coming from someone with Grapenut as their banner. Also, don't forget this is Valerio we're talking about.
Last edited by lightwolf21 on Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Heh. Look at that... I started an actual Housepets! fan-fic. ... 70#p131370
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Post by JeffCvt »

Not even being kidnapped can keep their spirits apart.
Great part.
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Post by EvanAierkan »

lightwolf21 wrote:
EvanAierkan wrote:Aww man, my ship got sunk in the very next update. Not cool
X3 *chuckles* This coming from someone with Grapenut as their banner. Also, don't forget this is Valerio we're talking about.
I do enjoy healthy cereals, hence the banner.
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Post by Coatl_Ruu »

Do I even need to say it? Epic d'awww...

Also, Hypnocil? I suppose Duke will be well-prepared if they happen to land on, say, Elm Street. ;3
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Post by Wolfy »

She followed his eyes. In his paw, Duke was holding a blue round pill and a glass of water in another
So Neo is allowed to choose his destiny but Grape isn't even allowed the chance to escape the matrix. Duke sucks as morpheous's replacement
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Post by legendario13 »

Is great that other miracle had been conceded to the guys, specially good for grapenut and... teglliot?

I cant manage but think "if their will is strong the soldiers will show bravery"
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Post by valerio »

Security Offices, Sublevel 1, the Fulcrum, Terrace High

“She’s on a train. She left Santa Cruz station not long ago.” To be honest, Elliot didn’t know how long ago exactly. Perhaps four hours ago, perhaps one minute, who could tell with dreams?
Heck, to be honest Elliot couldn’t tell if he had just gone crazy! He had fallen asleep, and bam!, he was in a cage together with Tegan, aboard a train. And they had spoken, and they had hugged, and they had—
He tried not to blush at that thought, both because it was the wrong moment, and especially since he wasn’t at all sure it had happened. It was a dream, it could just be a figment of his imagination, he couldn’t just relay on it as if it were there the real thing. Right? In fact, he felt like an idiot just for telling that to Tobee, but he needed confirmation, he needed to be reassured. If there was hope, he had a duty to cling to it and do something! He’d never let a hint go, no matter what! “Please, check any train on that route in that timeframe.”
S.A. Tobee was on duty, tonight –to be honest, night shift was just his thing, and he volunteered for it every time he could. He was an hyperactive, manic mini Doberman Pinscher who lived on stress, coffee, soda, chocolate and other things that would kill another canine within 24 hours.
Since Tegan’s kidnapping, the small dog had become as ferocious as a wolf protecting her litter when it came to the expensive hi-tech equipment Terrace High Security used. He had vowed he’d stay up 24/7 until Tegan was back, safe and sound.
Tobee didn’t really want to lose time after a wild goose, but Elliot was in an evident stage of agitation and there was no apparent reasoning with him. “My friend are you really sure remember you said it yourself it was a dream you know it can’t be possibly—“
“JUST CHECK, YOU DOLT!” The Golden Retriever’s outburst nearly kicked Tobee out of his seat.
“Sheesh okay okay just give me a moment we can get in touch with almost everything I had never imagined there could be such equipment in a civilian installation but it makes sense since this place is supposed to be the core of an antinuclear shelter as well…” it took him ten minutes of frantic work to know what to look for and where to look, but in the end, they had the information they wanted!
“I can’t believe it got it!” Tobee looked puzzled. “No surprise it eluded our attention!”
“What? What?!”
“Ferromex Special #45554 started at Mayflower gone through El Paso en route for Isla de la Paz we may just be in time hold it!” as per instructions, the Minipinscher pushed the speed dial that would connect his station, the Administration and the Search & Rescue team. He risked to be labeled as an incompetent himself, but why run the risk of losing the only hint so far?
Aboard the LCG flight en route for Isla de la Paz

“Say it again, Athena?” Budweiser asked. He and his team were trying to get some sleep, when Grape had woken him up, telling –no, almost shouting him that Peanut was aboard a train that had just passed a Santa Cruz station. Bud and Fido had tried to calm her down, attributing that outburst to stress, despite she having taken a pill that was supposed to suppress dreams…
But Grape was beyond reasoning. After the anger had come the despair. She had practically implored Bud to call Uncle Martin, Mister Gottschalk, anyone, to give it at least a try. There was no time to lose…
Then the level-1 call had come from Terrace.
Given the situation, Tobee wasn’t exactly the most reliable source when it came to reporting, given his chronic speech problem. It fell on his teammate Athena to give an explanation. “I repeat: three hours ago, Ferromex Special #45554 from Mayflower, USA, to Isla de la Paz, Mexico, passed Santa Cruz station. It is a special High Velocity Freight Train, dedicated to the land transportation to and from the United States. If I wanted to smuggle a couple of pets before authorities got on my tail, I’d use that train.”
All presents’ looks went to Grape.
Bud nodded. “When is that train supposed to reach its destination?”
A pause. Then, “One hour before you…if your helicopter landed in Isla de la Paz, and we know you won’t. The good news is that they’ll have a lesser advantage than estimated… Wait! What, Tobee?” A flurry of excited speaking, then the malamute said, “Within three hours from now, the train will be stopping at Cìrculo de Piedras station to unload some cargo.”
Bud thought hard about it. “It’s plausible that, should they use the bait and switch tactics once again, they’ll move Peanut and Tegan from there and onto a non-trackable mean for the final part of the voyage. If I was in their skin, I’d expect the train to be the most obvious mean of transportation. They played it on velocity up to now, they are at what they believe a good advantage, now they can slow down and walk into the city from another, less conspicuous entry point.”
“Yes, good reasoning Mr. Budweiser,” the voice of Raimund Radulph Gottschalk said. “Luckily, we have the numbers and the means to split up. Am I correct?”
“Yes, sir. I will send a team with our armored vehicle to look out in the Circulo de Piedras area, we may be lucky this time.”
“Very good. And may I know how could a whole High Velocity freight escape our surveillance, knowing they had brought Peanut and Tegan to Mayflower freight yard?”
This time, it was Tobee who answered. “Because that run was registered under a false ID officially there was no Ferromex #45554 it moved along a special dedicated track and I could track it under its real ID only because it was the only special train to enter Mexico!”
A pause, then, “I see. Our foes surely took a lot of work for their petty vengeance. Good hunt then, gentledogs. I’ll see what else I can do from here.” The communications went off.
There was a time when Bud would have gladly skinned the female cat for proposing a dream as source of information. But he had seen her litter, had witnessed the miracle of a living, healthy litter of kittens sired by a cat and a dog. And what she had just said was validated by elements that couldn’t be dismissed as mere coincidence.
Not to mention that, at this point, Budweiser was desperate enough to try anything to find his son and make the vermin who had taken him pay like no one had paid in the whole world!
The dog turned. “Alright, bunch of amateurs! Like it or not, only half of us will get the glory, and the other half will be lucky if they can kick some baddy butt!
“Marsh and Colombina, Duke, Zara and Sigmund! You and the copilot of this flying derelict will try your luck at Circulo de Piedras. We will keep up with our current destination. Grape!”
She almost stood on attention –man, this guy knew how to address his troops! She was extra happy it was him to lead the team! “Yes, Sir!”
This time, instead, he put a paw over her shoulder. “Choose your destination,” he said without the previous martial tone. “You may be lucky or you may not, but this is your choice: do you want to go with us or with team bravo?”
Grape bit her lower lip. But this time, as soon as the first doubts and fears started to creep in, she remembered the sweet experience she had just lived, the new strength it had given her.
And she knew what to choose.
Sandwich House, Babylon Gardens

Jill had tried to stay awake as long as her exhausted body and mind allowed her to, but eventually even her will couldn’t force her organism to obey.
Earl was in no better shape. He kept trying to stay awake, but from time to time he dozed off while his wife lay over his lap, a blanket covering her. He couldn’t sleep, he would tell himself, he couldn’t sleep. What if he missed any news about Peanut and Grape? Why had they let her go too? They should be out there, looking out for him, not her!
But Grape would’ve come, one way or the other. She was bound to Peanut, they were like one single entity. Without half of it, that organism would wither and die…
“Why are you smiling?” Martin asked from the other couch. He was sipping his third cup of what he called ‘Gigacoffee’ –a blend that he had created by experimentation back when he was a cook and spent his life in night shifts.
Earl sighed. “I was thinking about Grape. She was so abrasive with Peanut, at first. She was diffident, a real nutshell covered in steel. Poor Peanut, he’d try anything to involve her in his games, in fact I am pretty sure she trained him into picking up the ones she liked most.
“Jill and I,” he caressed his wife’s hair “would ask ourselves what could have brought our dog to pick up her, back at that shelter. And yet there he was, looking at us with that pleasing expression, winning our resistance over his choice. Because he knew. We are sure that somehow, by one of those uncommon occurrences, he knew she was the right one, the one he would’ve grown to love. Sure that she would return that feeling with equal strength… And I am smiling because I am a little jealous.”
Another sip. “Over what?”
“Their marriage, their bond. It is so strong that it makes mine and Jill’s look like a teenage flirt. Heck, somehow they managed to have a litter of their own, doesn’t that make you feel weird? I don’t think it ever happened in the history of biology.”
Martin emptied his cup with a last gulp. “Yup. Genuine miracle here, but you know what? It doesn’t make me feel nothing short of happy for them. Rarest exception to the rules or not, they deserved it and I’ll protect their secret, while praying that those five bundles one day will sire their own next generation.”
“Same here. And that’s why we were hit so hard…” Earl’s knuckles whitened as he clenched his fists. “To do harm to a wonderful boy like Peanut… I swear that I will—“
“Drop it, Earl,” Martin interrupted him.
The man looked at his family’s friend with wide eyes. “Say what?”
“I said, drop it. Right now we won’t do Peanut and Grape any favor if we drove ourselves into exhaustion with useless speculations. We are doing what we can. And we will exact vengeance should the need arise. But right now we need to keep our cool. Peanut and Grape are my kids as well so don’t start an argument about ‘legitimate rage’, now.”
Earl sighed. “Yeah, but you got to go and kick some butts. Next time, at least bring us with you, will you? You always get all the fun.”
Martin chuckled. “Sorry, physician’s prescription: a green lifestyle, clean wholesome fun and a dose of lead from time to time to relieve the stress.”
“Could you at least share some of that Gigacoffee? I’d like to stay awake.”
Martin stood up. “Not a prob: just be warned, if you got congenital cardiac or kidney problems that stuff could damage yo—“ He stopped talking the moment they heard the sound of a car approaching.
Martin went to the window. Even Jill stirred, muttering something together with Peanut’s name.
Their guest looked through the window. Sure enough, a police car was approaching –only, this car bore the city’s PD symbols. The car stopped behind the Gardens’ patrol car Chief Norton had assigned them. Despite Martin’s insistence, the Lieutenant had been adamant: no private justice, Babylon Gardens wasn’t property of the Lucky Charm Grove, and its owner had caused enough troubles by kicking that hornet’s nest back in the city. Justice or not, this wasn’t some Charles Bronson movie!
But, at least, Martin’s actions had given Norton an excuse to put a patrol to watch over the Sandwiches…
“Peanut!” Jill said, suddenly awake, while sitting up. She rubbed her eyes. She looked like her old aunt but she felt new energies coursing through her. At the sound of her voice, Martin turned. “It’s River Ridge’s police.”
“Do they bring some news? Peanut is back?”
Martin was rather asking himself another thing. He had counted on Gottschalk’s influence, and some help from the DA Kostantin, to keep the law off his back for that stunt of staging High Noon. So why would the city police come here, of all things?
He didn’t have time to elaborate an answer. A kick at the door broke it open!
It happened in a moment. Four men in cop uniforms stormed in, gun drawn. Two were aiming point blank at the Sandwiches. A third ran upstairs.
“The kittens!” Jill shouted.
Martin could only look at the fourth man as he drew the gun at his head –no risking to hit a bulletproof protection again, right?
The LCG’s owner could almost hear the man thinking ‘Greetings from Sergej, rich man!’

Then a gunshot rang from inside the house, the policemen in the patrol car two immobile, useless figures…
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Post by lightwolf21 »

Image ... O_O
Heh. Look at that... I started an actual Housepets! fan-fic. ... 70#p131370
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Post by Big Fan »

lightwolf21 wrote:Image ... O_O
Really, what more is there to say?
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Post by EvanAierkan »

In next update, Dayshaun & co stops remorseless gunmen with their cuteness.
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Post by legendario13 »

Soo clear, and yet, soo many possible scenarios.
EvanAierkan wrote:In next update, Dayshaun & co stops remorseless gunmen with their cuteness.
I hope youre right.
A moment of enlightenment...aaaaand it's gone
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Post by angelusbr »

lightwolf21 wrote:Image ... O_O
My face exactly at the last lines of the chapter.
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Post by kavviyenta »

It get worse, not only do we have to worry for the kittens but for little Martin too, and I meant the baby. :(

Then we remember there was this two guys having an idea, possibly hopeful. my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by valerio »

LCG flight en route for Isla de la Paz, over the skies of Mexico

<Penny for your thoughts?> For how hard Grape Jelly tried to just think the words, she couldn’t help moving her jaw as if talking in a loud voice.
But she understood Tarot’s need for secrecy: The team would royally freak out if they discovered the telepath/magician Pomeranian was aboard to help her out.
While the rest of the team had gone back to sleep, to get some rest before the real mission started, Tarot, invisible to them and their fine noses and ears, stood by a window, looking out with worry. At Grape’s question, she shrugged. “Ah, nothing, my dear friend… Well, I’m just worried, but I guess it falls in the ‘normal’ category of this predicament.”
Grape nodded. <You can say that again. I am so thankful to this Spirit Dragon for putting me in touch with Peanut. I feel as if an immense weight had been removed from my back. And now that we have a track to follow, it feels even better. But you… it must feel terrible to have such talents and not be able to put them at use the way you wish.>
Tarot nodded. “Believe me, if there wouldn’t be you and these other brave canines and men, I would not hesitate. And I guess you will not retire to let me do all the work, hm?” She showed a weak smile.
<No way, José. I’ll find my Peanut and those who hurt him will be very, very sorry.>
Tarot turned again to look at the panorama below.
<Thanks to you too. It means the world to me that you’d go at such length for us.>
This time, the Pomeranian smiled. “It’s not a favor I’m doing, my good friend. I will always be there for Peanut.” But she didn’t even consider tell her feline friend what was troubling her.
First of all, there was nothing Grape could have done to help it.
Second, it would have crushed the poor cat’s spirit. She really didn’t need this new worry weighing on her…
Sandwich House, Babylon Gardens

The gunshot rang in the house like a cannon.
For a fraction of a second, the man who had just been hit didn’t even register the event, as if his body belonged to someone else.
Then time went back on its tracks, and the man screamed and fell, holding the mess that had been his thigh. “MY LEEEG!! GGAAAHH!” he didn’t see the female Boxer dog standing beside him, holding a Norinco N870 PA-Shotgun.
The second and third men wearing a cop uniform of River Ridge PD just froze in shock at that unexpected development.
Martin took the occasion to jump and get the first ‘cop’’s gun. He aimed it at one of Sergej Gorky’s men, those who were now holding the Sandwiches at point blank with their own guns. The Boxer did the same.
“Now,” Martin grinned. “I hope you have a good retirement plan!”

The fourth henchman had just reached the upstairs, when he heard the gunshot… But his satisfaction died in his heart as he heard the voice of his accomplice’s agony. And Martin’s voice a moment later.
But he had not the time to worry about this solemn failure. He would already have a hard time explaining Sergej how came that rich man was still alive; if he failed to carry on his own part of the mission, he’d be a goner for sure.
The henchman turned back toward his objective: the room of the kittens. Foster’s petty victory would be forever spoiled by this one loss, then it would be the baby’s turn. ‘Little Martin’, how fitting! Oh ye— “What the--?”
“You shall not pass,” said the black cat. A female, a golden ankh hanging from her collar. She was sitting in front of the door, legs crossed and tail wrapped around them. Her eyes were closed in concentration, her paws leaning against…a Ouija board?
The man pointed the gun at the cat. “Oh, I will, lady. Over your dead body!”
Without opening her eyes, she just said, “Mind the Spookmaster.”
The man was fazed…and at that moment, a gigantic couple of hands, made of eerie ethereal energies, grabbed his body! And they pulled him down through a ripple in the space/time!
The opening closed with an unsettling roaring sound, as if that ripple had been something alive that had just fed –which was definitely not far from the actual thing.

Downstairs, the men kept pointing their gun at the Sandwiches. “Try something funny, Foster, and the pet-lovers are goners! Are you ready to run the risk?”
Of course Martin was not. But, at least, they hadn’t shot, meaning they weren’t fanatics ready to die for their mission. “What do you want to leave?” he asked.
The cruel smile he got in return made him understand he had underestimated the situation. “Nothing. We are just gaining time.”
The kittens and the baby! He felt his blood turn into ice. If Sabrina didn’t live up to her promise, he would be the only survivor of a bloodbath that would haunt him forever—
Then came the scream! A sound that could come only from the very depths of one’s soul –a soul that was somehow seeing the very bowels of Hell itself! A sound that spoke of terror and torment like nothing a living being could imagine. It seemed to last forever, and it raked everyone’s nerves, paralyzing the presents.
All except one.
Martin’s answer to that sound was quick and efficient –one shot to each fake cop, right at their knees!
A moment later, a new space/time ripple opened, this time in the roof, and down fell the fourth henchman and crashed into his accomplices. Not a scratch marked the human’s body, but his eyes were open and staring into nothingness, his face devoid of any emotion, his mouth open in a demented drool.
Bailey went and collected the other guns. Her back fur was still up and straight. “Foster, what happened? What was that?”
“Don’t ask, girl, believe me. The handcuffs.”
She gave him four plastic bands sets and he applied them at wrists and legs, squeezing as hard as possible, while Bailey took care of the third. “Go check our patrol, though I believe they are only unconscious.” Sergej could have the nerve to mask his boys as cops, but killing other cops was not the best idea in this line of work. It tended to draw much unwanted attention.
He checked quickly the fourth man –yes, the contact with the otherworld had literally crashed his mind. If he ever recovered, Martin supposed, he would be haunted by many atrocious nightmares for the rest of his life. Classy!
Martin emptied the gun and put the magazines in his pockets. In a way, his own experience with the otherworld had turned useful, eventually!
Bailey came back in. “You were right. They’ve been tasered, but they’re otherwise fine.” She took a cell. “I’m gonna send for an ambulance. The cops are gonna love questioning these guys.”
Before Martin could ask the Sandwiches how they were faring, husband and wife made it for the stairs…only to stop when they saw Sabrina coming down, holding a basket in her paws.
The kittens were sleeping, all curled up in a single bundle, oblivious to the terrible racket. While Earl ran up the stairs to chek up on their biological son, Jill took Dayshaun, crying silently with joy and squeezing him against her chest, nuzzling him. The kittens started mewing and stirring, lamenting that intrusion in their favorite moment.
“When will it be over?” Jill asked, growing angry now that the danger had been taken care of. Cradled in her arms, Dayshaun reflected her emotions with an all-serious pout, as if he was understanding every word and wanted to let it known that he didn’t like his family to be threatened. “Martin, for God’s sake, when will they stop tormenting us?!” She didn’t even consider the idea of venting it against him, not the man that had done and was doing so much for their family. She was just tired that even his best intentions could draw the attention of so many, evil people! Whatever he did, be it a philanthropic initiative, or beat up the carp out of an animal abuser, caused some twisted mind to come and endanger everyone to get at him!
At Jill’s question, Martin took his phone. “It will be over sooner than you think. It looks like Sergej has never opened the dictionary at the voice ‘fair warning’.”
River Ridge

The apartment was secure. Sergej Gorky could count on it.
Every place he owned in the city was regularly checked for bugs, explosives, poisons, and had no points from which a sniper could attempt at his life. The doors were reinforced. External cameras checked every visitor, friend and foe, and his men would search very carefully said visitor.
They had failed only once, forgetting that Foster could wear a bulletproof suit. A mistake that wouldn’t be repeated.
Sergej felt nervous. He checked once again his wristwatch. By now, his men must have carried on their mission, killed everyone in the Sandwich household, animals included, and called him to confirm their success.
But his phone had stood silent.
Perhaps they had encountered some difficulty, it happened in this line of work after all. But Sergej trusted them, they were his best. A shame he had to waste a police car and four good uniforms and the badges, considering how it had been…engaging to get them. But it was a good investment. With Foster gone, and that pet-loving family buried as well, no one would stop him from settling his business in Babylon Gardens. In his hands, the Lucky Charm Grove would soon become a gold mine and his best recruitment center for a new Pet Fight Club.
Yes, it would be good to be back in business after this upsetting interruption.
Sergej checked his watch again. Not good—
The phone rang. He took it and turned it on. “Dimi?”
“Dimitri is under arrest,” said a calm voice from the other end of the line. A voice Sergej recognized. He shivered. “And so are Piotr, Lukas, and Vladimir. They will live long enough to testify against your family. That should clear your filthy presence from the city, from Babylon Gardens and from my territory. I remember my associate, Martin Foster, warned you, nicht war?
To his honor, or folly, Sergej’s fears were quickly put aside. “I am warning you, Gottschalk. I have the men and the resources to start a full-scale war if I wanted to. And even if you can minimize your economic losses, I doubt you want your precious beasts to be involved in this. Am I making myself clear?”
His interlocutor didn't hesitate. “Crystal,” he said in that cool, almost alien tone.
“Good! Stay out of this, while I deal with that accursed rich man, my fight is not with you!” Sergej was almost shouting now. He was thinking of a way to avoid the backfire could reach him, devise a plan to distract that manager—
“There is only one thing you lack to carry on your plans,” Gottschalk interrupted him. There was the hint of a mirth in his voice, now.
Sergej sneered. “Oh, and what would that be, Herr Gottschalk?”
“Your life. Goodbye.”
Sergej Gorky’s world became a blinding flash of light, then he was no more…

An anonymous call had sent Alex Kostantin to Gorky’s address, promising ‘interesting developments’ on this feud.
Kostya had felt something between a stab of ice in his back and a rush of excitement. This could turn to be the case that would give him a breakout up the ladder—
The District Attorney had just made it to park in front of the Villa, when a titanic explosion blew it away! The man was knocked down to his feet, while his mind tried to process the event, looking at the pillar of fire and debris as if it was that spectacular explosion in Point Break.
When the fire would be extinguished and the debris cleared enough to allow a search, the authorities could only establish that the explosion had occurred in the basement, where Gorky had his private HQ. Later investigations would establish that the explosion had been caused by a consistent amount of Octanitrocubane. Only a few tiny fragments from the bodies and from the personal items could barely confirm the identities of the deceased, although not their numbers.
By then Kostya would remember something he had thought about Foster: that winning his enmity was like opening the Seventh Seal. He had hoped that it was just a bad, lame joke.
But right now, the only thing that the man of law could think of was an obsessive worry.
What the heck are you dealing with, Kostya old pal?
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Post by legendario13 »

Hahahahahaha... Y U NO MK3A1!?

I dont know about Kostya but for me that was a good reminder, for foes and for friends as well.
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Post by Zukio »

I like what happened to Gorky. The rich people tend to be the most violent in this series.
I like Pie!!!
Go ahead and send me a message, maybe we could talk about pie!
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Post by angelusbr »

Sabrina being epic and Martin gunslinger...This chapter was full of win.
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Post by EvanAierkan »

That one gunman was pretty polite, calling Sabrina a lady.
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Post by lightwolf21 »

EvanAierkan wrote:That one gunman was pretty polite, calling Sabrina a lady.
And yet he suffered the worst fate of the four henchmen. XD
Heh. Look at that... I started an actual Housepets! fan-fic. ... 70#p131370
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Post by Coatl_Ruu »

angelusbr wrote:Sabrina being epic and Martin gunslinger...This chapter was full of win.
Oh, heck yeah, Bailey comin' in with the cavalry! ... And I guess Sabrina and Martin did some stuff too. *shot* I kid, I kid. Martin proves yet again that he's grade-A awesome, and Sabrina ... Sabrina now scares me just a liiitle bit, heh.

Also, how on earth do you write this quickly!? You're like ... the Stephen King of fanfiction. x3
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Post by JeffCvt »

Never mess with Foster.
You will regret it for the rest of your short life.
Jeff "Clavy" Civit
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Post by valerio »

Isla de la Paz, Mexico

The sight was quite a spectacular one. It wasn’t surely the first city to be built in the middle of a hostile environment, surrounded by nothing else than rocks and scarce bushes. Heck, one could think of Las Vegas, or the Burj Khalifa in Dubai…
But Isla de la Paz was the first modern architectural agglomerate to be built all over an island, in the middle of an enormous dry crater that once had been a lake.
“Looks like Mt. Saint-Michelle,” Natasha said, with sincere admiration. All around the island’s base, the lake was covered with geometrically ordered blocks of small buildings and houses. And though suburbs may that be, they still were a fine sight to any tourists.
“The beauty hiding the evil,” Hannibal said with a grave tone. “The suburbs are one single lager. Their animals are not pets, they are prisoners raised to be fighters, or just helpless victims smuggled into this place to be held prisoners until they are thrown into the arena to die. The champions, instead, live in the high towers, exhibited for the winners they are, while their masters bet on how long they will live before falling in disgrace for losing a bet. If you could think of a place where love for animals has been entirely perverted, where ‘ownership’ is a synonymous for ‘disposal’, where despair is the most common feeling among animals, welcome to Isla de la Paz.”
“And yet,” Natasha’s Spaniard husky said, “we heard you talk of your days as a fighter with a sort of…nostalgia?”
Hannibal nodded, while the suburbs got nearer. “I always hated this place, I have no lost feelings for it. But when I started earning my living, literally, in the circuit, far from Isla, It felt great. I fought battles of life and death, true, but always fought with honor. And my adversaries were never given to me as food when they lost.
“It was more of a job for us, even if a bloody one. Our owners would make a living with our performance. Sometimes, often, we didn’t even have to risk our lives every time. The public wanted to see action, they wanted a good show and we gladly put up one. I had many friends among those fighters. There was respect.”
The others were listening, rapt, not imagining this hidden…aspect of that odious world.
Hannibal’s eyes turned again hard as steel as he focused on the city-island, that nest of corruption. “The humans, here at Isla, want nothing of that. They come here to see blood, to see death in its most gruesome aspects, and they will pay hefty money for that and nothing else. The city budget’s main incomes come from the PFCs, the Delasangre family will certainly not change their business despite the international pressure. And the United States can put this place on their black list…but that won’t stop the trips of the thrill-seekers.”
“I understand,” Sergeant Ralph of the K9U said. “But if the Delasangre family is so powerful, and this perverted system is so deep-rooted, how are we supposed to make a difference? Short of carrying a nuke with us and leveling the place, we don’t have the manpower and the weapons to take down the organization. Heck, even if we had superpowers we couldn’t take down a whole city like this. Sorry for breaking your enthusiasm, Hannibal, but it is you who said that you don’t only want to rescue Peanut, but also hurt the Delasangre family.”
The black-furred Alsatian nodded slowly, as his eyes went to Budweiser, Fido, Kevin, Natasha and Diego. “We can do that. You see, one thing that all champions have in common is that no one ever left this city, alive. If we can get convince even one to leave, smuggle him or her back to the United States and get a valid account, that will be the first real success. You see, the blood tourists want to meet these champions, talk with them, know things. As if they were addressing just another sportsdog. In return, they tend to involuntarily slip precious bits of information about themselves and their business.”
“Good point,” Fido said. “Once we’ve found Peanut, we’ll work on your plan…”
Kevin raised a paw. “Ah, isn’t it somehow dangerous for any dog to come here, at this point?”
Hannibal shook his head. “Only if you left the heart of the city and went to the suburbs. As long as you’re a tourist, you’re safe. Delasangre is a crook, but he’s still a businessman.”
Budweiser, leader of this mission, hoped this was the case.
At least, for now they could carry on with one less worry: Gottschalk had called. As expected the Russian mafia had tried to get to the Sandwiches and Martin. They had spectacularly failed and the boss Sergej Gorky was a goner.
As an ex-cop dog, Bud wasn’t really keen on the idea of bloody revenge, but the human vermin had directly threatened his family and was involved in this kidnapping! And considering Martin’s temperament, the Russian had it coming big time. End of discussion.
“All right, so this is the plan,” he repeated. “We arrive at destination, do some touring and pretend everything is nice and neat, while Natasha will use Diego and Hannibal as excuse to get in touch with a Champion. The others and I will try to approach the Fanged Teeth on their turf and get information about Peanut. I am fairly sure they will not expect a direct approach, at least not now, though everyone remember: these are not fools, they will monitor our movements.” The others nodded.
Bud was also very happy that Grape had chosen to stay behind with Bravo Team. He would have respected whatever decision she took in regard, but the idea of her setting foot in this horrid place was enough to give him the tiricia.
The city now towered in front of them, as the bus passed through the suburban settlement. “Everyone check comms,” Bud said to the others. Martin had provided each one of them with TekStar satphones. TekStar was the third company, an associated of Gottschalk T&E, specialized in satellite broadband communication, though it operated mainly for military and secret services. You couldn’t get more secure communication devices than their smartphones. At least, they must not endure the ‘radio silence’ protocol with Bravo Team, in case one of them was successful. Regrouping quickly was as vital as completing the mission, no dog or human left behind.
While everyone dutifully made sure they had a charged and working phone and their backup battery, Bud’s device buzzed!
The teamleader was startled and he cussed. Call from Kevin Marsh of Bravo Team. Tell me they have not found Peanut’s corpse or worse… “Bravo One, Alpha One.”
“Alpha One, Bravo One, we got some news.” The human’s voice was excited. And as Bud listened, he understood why. He listened for another minute, before nodding. “It’s a green light, Bravo One. We will carry on our part of the mission, now re-coded Operation Pentito. Thank you for informing us. Rendez-Vous with the helicopter at the established coordinates at 02:00 Zulu. Please aknowledge.” He waited until his interlocutor had repeated, then the communication was closed.
Bud put the phone back in his utility collar. “Good news and bad news, pooches: The good is that Peanut and Tegan made a run for it from Circulo de Piedras—“ he was interrupted by a collective shout of joy. Fido, Ralph and Kevin gave hi-five. “Bravo Team is looking for them, and as we well know they have the best trackers with them. The bad news is, as you have just heard, our mission goes on: we will find a champion and bring him on this side of justice, and since we’re at it and have no hostages to worry for, we will try to free as many innocents as we can and bring them away from here.” Bud’s eyes shone with the impatient ferocity his enemies had learnt to fear during his cop days. “We may not save the world today, but we will surely hurt Delasangre. It’s a promise!”
“That is good to hear, my friend,” said a new voice. A voice that Bud and the K9 unit recognized with a chill in their blood.
“..Tarot?” Fido asked, looking with pinpoint eyes at the Pomeranian who was occupying a seat…where no one had been sitting on so far!
“Mind if I join?” Tarot asked.

Circulo de Piedras railway station. Five Hours ago.

At that early morning hour, the desert was just between its icy phase and the first warming. Not a breeze disturbed the scarce vegetation, the air was dry as usual.
The station was a small affair. Aside from the station’s building, which also served as storage facility and garage, there were a gas station, a workshop and a mini minimarket.
Circulo de Piedras served to load and unload cargo, nothing less nothing more. What remained unsaid was that the cargo which passed through this station wasn’t of the legal kind. A couple of times the Government forces had tried a raid, only to be frustrated by the powerful influence of the Delasangre family. Not to mention that the station’s services served another purpose as well…

…But for what concerned this dog and this man, today their task regarded one single item. One cage they had to bring safely to the city. Failure would be paid with their life.
The man hated the idea of taking orders and threats from a bunch of beasts, but the Fanged Teeth worked for the Boss. They spoke with his voice when it came to animal business. And when Fang wanted something done, he got it done.
Not to mention that Fang’s concept of wrath was something to fear. The men who had underestimated him because he was a dog were still suffering. Fang thought that death was too merciful a retribution, and that if administered then it should come after a very long agony.
When Fang had ordered him to go pick up this particular cage, the man had seen his blood-red eyes shining with even a more crueler light than usual. Somehow, these two animals were important to him, and that meant they were in for a long ride to hell…
Oh well, not my business as long as I get paid. Not really a cynical attitude. Simply, if you lived at Isla de la Paz either you were born without a heart or you learnt soon to discard empathy. Hannibal was right: that place’s soul was wicked to the core.
The train whistled, before coming to a halt, right on schedule as usual. Metallic clangs announced the cargo doors’ opening. A flurry of activity took place around all the open wagons…save for one. My, these two beasts must be important if they deserve a wagon for themselves. That, or Fang wanted them to enjoy their first and last first-class trip before sending them to first-class arena—
“Why the chuckle?” the dog with him asked with an annoyed tone.
“Private joke. Now let’s get this done with, I still must have a decent breakfast. I swear, how could someone call ‘food’ the junk they sell at that market is beyond compre*” his words died in his throat and in his brain. All he could think was I’m dead, I am SO dead and it will be a HORRIBLE death!
“WTF?!” the dog barked, feeling in the clutches of the same dread.
The cat and the dog were in the cage, all right… Only, there was a bird as well.
The dog was cringing in a corner, whimpering, terrified, while the raven was plucking against the huddled form of the cat.
Plucking as if it was eating her.
An impression confirmed when the black bird raised its head, looking at the intruders with a glinting black, evil eye, its beak dripping…with…
“GET THE (CENSORED) THING! OPEN THE CAGE, OPEN IT!” the dog barked like crazy, his voice shrill with panic.
The man did it so without even thinking of the consequences. Fang had stressed out that it was the cat he wanted, alive and in pristine conditions, or the man would become meal for the arena.
He cussed repeatedly like Hugh Grant in the opening scene of Four Weddings and a Funeral as his trembling fingers turned the key into the lock, hoping it wasn’t too late…
What happened later happened too fast for him to register right then. He saw the dog turning into a blur as it moved really fast. Then something hit his kneecap. Hard.
The man screamed and fell down holding his knee. His canine accomplice understood what was happening, but before he could react, something sharp crossed his eyes, turning his world in a painful red veil! He too screamed and fell on his knees, holding his now bloody eyes, after Tegan had clawed him for good!
“RUN!” Peanut barked. Tegan needen’t to be told twice as she sprinted after him with energies she didn’t even suspect she had.
It had worked! Peanut thought, his pride giving him new confidence. His training had worked and he had hit the human where it hurt most, just like at the Academy!
Surprise is half of the job, grunt! Then there is your speed, and the rest is pain, Bud had said, and he was so right! “Thank you daddy!”
“I’ll be more thankful if we could find a ride away from here!” Tegan said, looking around. The place was in the middle of a desert, and soon the Fanged Teeth’s accomplices would be hot on their trail—
“There!” Nevermore shouted, flying toward a van, its engine revving. Too far to make it, Tegan thought. “I’ll hold it, you jump aboard!” And the raven dashed.

The woman at the wheel was just pressing on the accelerator…when a cawing, black feathered figure seemed to appear out of nowhere in front of the windshield!
“Madre de Dios!” the woman screamed, startled by the sudden apparition! The bird acted just as if it wanted to break through the glass and attack her.
And so, she didn’t catch the movement in the rearview mirror as two unexpected guests jumped aboard her van.
Then, as suddenly as the raven had come, it left. “Wait until I tell my mother,” she muttered and restarted the engine.

The van left, carrying with it three souls in this long way back home…
Last edited by valerio on Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by angelusbr »

My heart raced thorugh the second half of the chapter. Btw, I would have a heart attack if Tarot popped out of nowhere to talk to me.
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Post by EvanAierkan »

Play dead, the oldest trick in the book. Though I have to admit using Never was pretty clever.

And more wild guessing: next chapter will focus on treating Tegan's posttraumatic stress disorder she gets from clawing that dog.
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Post by kavviyenta »

Hooray for Peanut and Tegan and Tarot too!

Another wild mass guess! The bad guys might even have an animal with supernatural power. We have Tarot, Sabrina, and Chocolate so why not have one on the opposing side to balance it out? my deviant gallery, nope there's no housepets in it

Unless you like Lilo & Stitch, kinda wish to see the experiments in housepets style
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Post by copper »

Finally, I am back on track and all caught up! I swear, I am busy for three days and I come back to read through 5 updates.... you have got to learn to pace yourself, Val! :lol:

Awesome as ever! I hope the Raven wins the day fully and gets plenty of snacks.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I'm 10 behind.
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Post by Sparky »

Finally got caught up! Been really busy lately and got behind.
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Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Caught up and waiting eagerly for the next update. ^_^
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Post by Sparky »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Caught up and waiting eagerly for the next update. ^_^
Same here things are really picking up.