SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

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SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

"Halloween night, 2006. The air was crisp with the sound of children and pets laughing and playing on the street as they made their rounds to all the houses, collecting as many delicacies as they could in their little jack-o-lantern shaped buckets and bags. However, many were unaware of the events to take place far from the nearest civilization.5 neighborhood pets sneaked out of their parents house to all converge, as planned, at the "Haunted mansion" Or so it was called in ghost stories where they lived. Only to never return. Some say their ghosts still roam around the premises, causing fear to strike into the hearts of any that pass through. Some say they still live among us, going by different names and new owners. Some even say they are still trapped inside the mansion, being held prisoner against their will."
"Oh come on" One of the dogs around the campfire said sarcastically "As if any of those stories are true." he rolled his eyes.
The black cat which was telling the story sighed, looking at the others. "Fine, what i'm trying to get at is its Halloween night, 4 years later. Maybe we should go there and.. you know... investigate.." He looked at the 12 pets sitting around the fire in his backyard.
"No way, leave me out of this." The dog which spoke up said, followed by a few other pets, which all seemed to make up excuses why they couldn't attend, leaving only 5 that said they would go. "Alright then," He looked at the 5 left. "At 11:00 tonight, we will meet at the abandoned mansion, bring some food incase you get hungry, and if you can, a flashlight. If you want you can bring something else, too."

Later that night, all the pets successfully escaped from their owners house, making their way to the gate of the worn down mansion where the black cat was waiting for them. Once they were all ready, they slowly opened the front steel gate, and as it begun to swing open, a lightning bolt struck just behind the mansion.
They made their way inside,
hoping that they will be able to see the crack of dawn again.

Welcome to the the HMI OOC!
Here i will explain a few of the rules, and how I intend to utilize various tools which will make gameplay smoother.

First off is the map, however, i'm keeping things a surprise. I don't add it to the map until a character opens a door, or looks there.
  • Maps
  • Doors will be marked with numbers- this is mostly for the sake of keeping track of things, and where everyone is.
  • locked doors are orange- A door stays brown until a character tries to open it, if they find it's locked, then the door is colored orange on the map. Orange doors are openable by force, weather it be by brute force, or openable by leverage. (jamming something in the frame and prying it open)
  • Unopenable doors are red- These include steel doors, and doors which are blocked from the inside.
  • Characters are represented by colored dots- each character will have his/her own colored dot to be moved around on the map, updated everytime i post.
  • Green rooms are lit- If a room is colored green, it means there is a light source inside, illuminating the room. Staying in these rooms decrease your paranoia.
  • Gray rooms are dark- a gray rooms means that there is no light source other than your flashlight. Staying in these rooms with your flashlight increases your paranoia slightly, staying in them without a flashlight increases your paranoia by 4 every post.
  • lit Lanterns/candles are marked by a yellow dot Lanterns and candles only reach so far.
  • Unlit lanterns/candles are marked by a blue dot these can be lit by matchboxes.

    I will keep track of everything you collect in your Inventory. Your inventory is stored in your backpack.
  • Items size are represented by numbers-you are granted 20 slots to carry items with, the larger the item, the more slots it takes up.
  • Any item that wont fit in your backpack are held in your hands- Holding an item in your hands decreases your agility by 2, this includes your flashlight.
  • The amount of items you have effects your endurance and agility- 10 slots filled: -1 agility, -1 endurance. Full bookbag: -2 agility, -2 endurance

    A list of how many slots an item takes up is written in the next post.

  • Almost all of your actions are governed by a dice roll- Leave your posts open ended, such as.
    Jacob knew he had enough strength to atleast open the locked door. He stood back and readied himself, charging at the door and ramming it with his shoulder.
  • Matchboxes are found randomly throughout the area- With enough luck, looking under chairs, behind bookcases, in closets, will most likely land you a matchbox or 2.
  • Matchboxes are used to light lanterns and candles- lighting a candle/lantern automatically decreases your paranoia scale by 2.
  • Your paranoia level is your lifeline- the higher your paranoia, the more likely you are to see things that aren't there, reach 100% and you could pass out.
  • Inventory items can be combined most of the time- If you have your flashlight, and found a telescope, you could, for example, take the lenses out of the telescope and combine them with your flashlight to concentrate the light so you can light candles with it.
  • Staying with the group helps keep your paranoia level down- If your by yourself, your paranoia level goes up.
  • Panicking raises your paranoia faster- if your in a room alone, and start to furiously beat on the door to try to get out and scream for others to help, your paranoia will dramatically increase very fast. Meanwhile, if you lit a few candles and sat and waited for the others, your paranoia will only slightly increase.
  • Your flashlight meter tells how much battery you have left- You can find spare batteries by looking for something, then rolling a 20. The more luck you have, the more likely you are to find them.


    Character sheet

    Name: (character's name)

    Gender: (Characters gender)

    Species: (Do i seriously have to explain all this?)

    Personality: (How are they like?)

    Short background: (Nothing too dramatic, explosive, or off the-wall These are 6 pets who live in the neighborhood.)

    Appearence: what he/she looks like.

    Picture: (not required)

    Keep in mind i'm using a modified SPECIAL stats thingadoo, adding a few things.
    You have 46 Points to spend. with a maximum of 10 points each catagory.

    Strength:(how strong the character is. 1=barely lift a pencil 10= Boris)
    Perception: (How well the character can find stuff, notice stuff. 1=blurry vision/ almost blind 10=Hawk)
    Endurance: (How long you can run from your shadow, 1=tires very (very) easily 10=Marathon runner)
    Charisma: (How well can you sweet-talk that character to walk into the dark room first? 1=no-one believes anything you say 10=I don't always talk to people, but when i do, angelic choirs sing from the heavens)
    Intelligence: (Mostly required to piece together puzzles, figure out how to combine obects. 1=Whats a pen for? 10= E=MC²
    Agility: (How fast can your character avoid things? 1= Sloth 10= ninja
    Luck: (Just happen to pull out the right book from the bookshelf opening a secret passageway? Success. 1=OW! Where did that brick come from? 10= Oh look, a bar of gold.
    Fear: (Is your character a scaredy-cat... er, dog. or.. whatever.. 1=AHHHHH A BOOK 10= Pfft, so i'm laying in a dark bathroom with snakes and spiders, so what?)


    How it works.
  • Okay, so you've never done an rp like this, and you have no idea how it works. No problem!

    |Points| Modifier
    |1____| -8 |
    |2____| -4 |
    |3____| -2 |
    |4____| -1 |
    |5____| 0_|
    |6 -7__| +1|
    |8 - 9_ | +3|
    |10___| +5|

    Your actions are based on dice rolls, lets say you want to pick up a brick, if you read the chart up there, you'll see that if your SPECIAL points are 5 in strength, then thats a +0 to your dice roll. So i roll my 20 sided dice and get.. 15 so we take your dice roll, add your modifier (+0) and we get: 15
    Now, looking at this chart

    1 ≥ - Catastrophic Failure
    2 - 4 - Complete Failure
    5 - 9 - Salvageable Mistake
    10 - Nothing Happens
    11- 15 - Minimally Successful
    16-19 - Expected Result
    20 ≤ - Overly Successful

    and we see that 15 would be "minimally successful" So you managed to pick up the brick, but you got a little tired.

    Lets say your strength was 10, oh, a brawny little fellow, aren't we?

    When we look at the chart, 10 would be +5

    Now, if you try to pick the brick up, and roll a 12 12+5=17
    So we look and see that 17 is the expected result,

    so now you pick it up, and move it out of the way without any side effects,

    and finnaly, if you rolled a 15 with +5 that would be a 20, so you move it out of the way, and you find a note!

    Simple? No? oh well, you'll get it eventually.

We currently have 0 spaces open out of 6

Reserved slots:
Tha Housefox
Last edited by Zander on Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:25 am, edited 6 times in total.
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »


Bold= Being held




Tuna Sandwhich(1), Flashlight(1)




Lunch(1), Flashlight(1), pocket mirror(1), Large Wrench(2)




Lunch(1), Flashlight(1), Thermal goggles(2)




Lunch(1), Flashlight(1), Batteries(1) First Aid kit(1) Matches(15) (1)




Lunch(1), Flashlight(1), Matchbox(1)
Last edited by Zander on Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:06 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Name: Zane

Gender: Male

Species: Cat

Personality: Rather snooty, acts tough, but will run at the site of danger. He's nice when he's trying to sweet-talk you, then when you turn around he'll tape a "kick me" sticker to your back.

Short background: As a cat whose owner is rarely ever home, he sure knows everybody. Adopted from a shelter just merely 4 months ago, this cat has had his fare share of strange owners.

Appearence: All black cat with red eyes, red stripes and one which goes all the way from his muzzle, over his forehead and down to the tip of his tail.



Strength: 4
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 6
Fear: 5

Color: #FF0000
Last edited by Zander on Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:29 am, edited 4 times in total.
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by theblackcateyes »

Well, i Don't know if I can post my character here... but I'll try, because sounds interesting, funny, and very great!!! So... if you Zander allow me...

Character sheet

Name: Zachary Michelle Germanotta

Gender: Male, yes it's a man

Species: Mexican Wolf

Appearance: He is tall, not so tall but taller than the average. He had brown eyes and big liften ears. He had a long curved tail. he is not so "muscle guy" but he didn't care. That night he was wearing his "Silverblue" (Jack Character) shirt, (his favorite adjusted t-shirt) and dark Levi´s jeans; he also wear black boots an his grey thin jacket, had his Ipod in her pocket *always* and the headphones around his neck, except when he is listening music (obvious). His last accessory is his collar, his dream catcher collar. Fur color: color=#8000FF
This one.

Personality: Well he is very positive the most of the time, is a good friend but tends to be a little selfish sometimes. He needs have the attention of the group like his nature said, but he try of not do it. He can be very romantic and passional but had the horrible luck of can't find love. He likes to stay with the others but don't is afraid to be alone (Nothing can be worst that he was thinking) He is good finding ways to do the things, and he likes to use the mind before the body.

Short background: He just moved to the city because in here old school, he was become very troublemaker... Love hahahaha, loves that never going good. So this is his fresh start.


Strength: 4
Perception: 9
Agility: 7
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 4
Luck: 6
Fear: 4

So here he is, any problem post it and i will change it
Expecting answer
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Name: Tom Sylvester

Gender: Male

Species: cat

Personality: he believes in ghosts, but he doesn't see them as a threat, but as troubled spirits. troubled spirits with insight into the other side. he's a curious fellow, and will go to pretty much any lengths to satisfy this curiosity.

Short background: not much background. his owners are paranormal investigators, so he is really into this ghost stuff.

Appearance: He's a dark gray cat with white fur on his front. think half way between Tom of Tom and Jerry and Sylvester from Looney Tunes.


Strength: 6
Perception: 7
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Fear: 8

Color: this one. (#333333)
Last edited by RandomGeekNamedBrent on Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:26 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Whoops forgot to add the "appearance" category xD

Add that and your both in.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by theblackcateyes »

Zander wrote:Whoops forgot to add the "appearance" category xD

Add that and your both in.
Ready, changed :D so when this start!?
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

When all the slots are filled :3

Edit: Whoops, forgot to add color. Just pick a color, this will also be used to identify your character on the map
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

No agility stats??
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by theblackcateyes »


Agility is missing!!!
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Hypergenesis wrote:No agility stats??
Thats the 3rd thing i forgot to add.. I was wondering why the points were a little on the high side <_>

Go ahead and add those too.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by theblackcateyes »

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Your stats add up so far. your in.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

Name: Terry Niels

Gender: Male

Species: Dalmatian

Personality: Terry is a bit reserved for a dalmatian as he keeps to himself most of the time. He like playing with puzzles and logic and is quite a tinker with everyday things.

Short background: Although Terry graduated from the dog academy, barely, he wasn't allowed into the force because of his lack of strength and weak voice.

Appearence: Terry is often found wearing a cap, sweatshirts and jogging pants an on occasion sunglasses. He stands at nearly 4 feet and a major distinguishing factor for him is that his spots are grey.

Terry Niels.png
Terry Niels.png (35.72 KiB) Viewed 21915 times
(( Oh right, he's weight conscious too. Sorry I drew the head too big. ))


Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 6
Luck: 8
Fear: 5

Color: 0000FF

Edit (7/22/11 - 7:27, GMT+8): Updated Color
Last edited by Hypergenesis on Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Your stats add up perfectly, and i can't find fault in your character, your good to go!
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Blue Braixen »

Name: Zeta Rhey
Gender: Female
Species: Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Appearance: A fox with a red and brown dashed coat with white paws, wears a blue collar with a sun motif.
Personality: Zeta is normally sunny, but since she became trapped in here, it's frayed on her nerves and she is highly withdrawn. If you sneak up on her, she will scream loud enough to alert others to her presence... and then whack you as hard as possible and run.
Background: Zeta has always been a bit of a daredevil, and very helpful. Her friends pushed her to do this. She didn't want to, and would rather have stayed home.
Picture: Not yet~
Strength - 4 "Hrrgh... Nnghk... Darn it, this thing won't budge!"
Perception - 7 "I can see a light way down there... *squints*"
Endurance - 5 "I hope you don't want me to run for more than 1 and a half miles!"
Charisma - 2 "Pleeeeeeeeaseeee?"
Intelligence - 8 "That kind of event would have a catastrophically paradoxical effect on the space-time continuum which would therefore render countless societies for the advancement of unalienable rights and domestic progression utterly useless!"
Agility - 9 "I can outrun anything!"
Luck - 7 "Ooh, look! Money!"
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Your stats add up nicely, now we have to decide. Do we start now with just 5 people, or wait for a 6th?
if we start now, i won't accept anymore requests.
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

6th character could be easily dropped if we won't be accepting anymore so I'm ready for starting anytime.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Okay then, 5 characters it is. Easier to keep track of..

Stats and map updated in 2nd post soon.

Tha Housefox wrote:Name: Zeta Rhey
Gender: Female
Species: Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Appearance: A fox with a red and brown dashed coat with white paws, wears a blue collar with a sun motif.
Personality: Zeta is normally sunny, but since she became trapped in here, it's frayed on her nerves and she is highly withdrawn. If you sneak up on her, she will scream loud enough to alert others to her presence... and then whack you as hard as possible and run.
Background: Zeta has always been a bit of a daredevil, and very helpful. Her friends pushed her to do this. She didn't want to, and would rather have stayed home.
Picture: Not yet~
Strength - 4 "Hrrgh... Nnghk... Darn it, this thing won't budge!"
Perception - 7 "I can see a light way down there... *squints*"
Endurance - 6 "I hope you don't want me to run for more than 1 and a half miles!"
Charisma - 3 "Pleeeeeeeeaseeee?"
Intelligence - 8 "That kind of event would have a catastrophically paradoxical effect on the space-time continuum which would therefore render countless societies for the advancement of unalienable rights and domestic progression utterly useless!"
Agility - 10 "I can outrun anything!"
Luck - 8 "Ooh, look! Money!"

Edit: Map and stats up!
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

Will you be making the first post?
What do you mean "watch my words"? It's my tongue that I sharpened.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Yes... yes i will... :3
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

Oh would it be too late to say that Terry brought extra batteries?
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Hypergenesis wrote:Oh would it be too late to say that Terry brought extra batteries?
nah, its fine.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by theblackcateyes »

I think that everybody must have a something object extra at beginning... a diferent object, like Hyper with extra batteries, don't you think?
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

Thanks, he's normal and just brought one set XD.

It would be fair, but there are also those that don't bring anything except those that were told to them so it really decides on the players. It should be done while we're still at the introduction stage though, since it would be wrong to do this when we already made progress with the game.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Yes. yes we should.
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by theblackcateyes »

can i ask for something like a little mirror?
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Sure i guess? Added :3
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Can Tom have a crowbar? to help open some more stubborn locked doors?

if not, I suppose he could have an EMF detector to alert him to the presence of spirits.

if not again, then he gets nothing extra.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

well choose one or the other, either will be fine.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I'll go with the crowbar. better for satisfying curiosity. also, it's made of iron so it can be used to defend against ghosts if they decide to attack, because ghosts hate iron.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by theblackcateyes »

I hate iron, too
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

We should wait for Tha Housefox before continuing :o
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

I agree.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Blue Braixen »

Sorry 'bout that. This will be her color. (#804000)
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by theblackcateyes »

Like Tha housefox isn't i edited my post
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

@_ @, uhh, did you change that post so that he opens a door or something?

Normally you wouldn't be able to change something that far back since it will be confusing for the GM (especially since Zander already made a roll post).

Anyways, in case anyone posted something that will be provoking a roll but is not too clear, it would be best to PM the GM so that a roll can be made for that action, just informing.
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Zander »

Wait... Edited post? Roll? Confusing?

What's going on D:
Fursona! :3

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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by Hypergenesis »

Post Edited

It was the post BEFORE your post (the one where you gave a roll). It could be confusing because you'd usually address all actions before you post into your post (LoL confusing)
1) Check for events needing Roll
2) Make rolls.
3) Post results.
4) give narration.

So usually anything BEFORE a dice roll post would be address by said post.

So it is confusing if you edit in an action to a post BEFORE a dice roll post.

So which "So" did I lose everybody in? ^ w^
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Re: SRP: The Halloween Mansion Incident OOC

Post by theblackcateyes »

ready, for avoidin' confusing i just re- edited my post sorry..
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