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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by caelei »

It's ok, there only going to question him.. That nasty business with the animal control, that would have been something the old Rav would have been involved with, if not leading the attack.
Also they lost there files on him, so he has to retake a few tests, to regain his certification as a Guard Dog..
We know that he was in the barn all nite with the rest of the other pets last night, when all that trouble happened. An i seen him with Magnus myself, so you wouldn't be one the raccoon's in the paper here is talking about are you?? I'll admit i've never seen you an your brother ever too far apart.
Pavelle's ears perked up at the words 'old Rav', and the name Ravage passed through her mind. This was followed shortly by Flipshock, but she ignored that. The people, especially around here, didn't know that Venison was one of those from that list of dangerous animals. So he should be safe. She frowned, looking up at Sara. "First of all, I didn't go in that animal control center. Felix didn't either." She hoped that Sara didn't notice that her question actually hadn't exactly been answered with a straight yes-or-no answer. She shook her head, glancing around for any sign of patroling animal control out the windows before looking again at the human. "Sara, what exactly did Rav do when he was Ravage that was so bad? I know he led a pack of pets and humans, but what exactly did they do that was so awful? Or was it just because he was a dominant pet that made people nervous about him?" She paced back and forth for a moment, drumming the fingers of one hand against her other arm in sudden nervousness for Rav.

Magnus sat in the midst of a pile of blankets, looking at Cier before smiling a big grin. He seemed to have forgotten about the entire animal control thing, and about his worry for his siblings. He waved one hand, then stood up and looked happily out the loft window. "Hello! I'm in a barn!" he said excitedly, as though Cier didn't know. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of the place before looking around with gleaming eyes. "Moo-moo cows!"
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Dylan »

Amelia noticed Brian produce a book next to him, tilting her head she read the words Sudoku across the cover, with boxes and numbers all over it. What is Sudoku? She said curiously as she stepped inside.
"I'm so relieved to hear you're a nerd. I've been scared to let it on, but I'm a bit of one, too. I mean, look, I do Sudoku, and that's probably the least nerdy thing I do!" Brian laughed. "Good luck with your brother, by the way; I've never had a sibling, but I hear they're really troublesome at times. But I also hear you just tend to love them no matter what, because they're family. At least, you're supposed to." He smiled. "I wish I had a brother, or a friend who'd treat me like one, at least."
Amelia started to laugh, That sounds like a silly thing to hide. If anything, you should brag about being a nerd! and thank you for being concerned with my brother.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Alex followed Sal up to her room. It was well tidied, no-one would suspect that pets live in there. Unlike himself, her brother is a cleaning freak.
Sal wrote:What do you like to do?
Making music! - exclaimed Alex immediately. But it looked like Sal didn't own any instruments, and her mom said they shouldn't make any noise, which completely destroyed the idea. What do other pets do for fun? Alex remembered when he was young, him and Gary played a lot of those Yu-Gi-Oh cards, pretend, but mostly console and computer games.
I guess we could... play pretend? I haven't done that in a while... Perhaps we should wait for your brother? Or go search for him, he may be lost....
That was true. By what Alex overheard, her brother seemed smarter than her, but then again, this is a new neighborhood for him, too. If Pepper gets lost out there, it'll be bad, considering the news. Very bad. He sat on the floor, waiting for Sal' to decide what to do.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

"P-Play pretend." This was one of Sal's favorite things to do, but she was hesitant to do it with people she didn't know. Though she would feel more confident with Pepper there and it had been a while since Pepper had left the house, and Sal' was starting to worry. "Yeah, I guess we should go looking for him, ." Sal' stood up and went to her bedroom door, getting to the top of the stairs she would swing her leg over the banister and slide down, landing at the bottom with a thud. "Hey Mum, me and Alex are going to look for Pepper we'll be back soon." "Okay. Just be back for Dinner." "Right~" Sal' yelled to her Mum as she exited the house with Alex.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Soon, Alex found himself outside again, with Sal'. Where would Pepper go? Think like cats think... Well, that's not too hard for him. But if Pepper is searching for Sal', he thinks like a dog. This is getting complicated now. To avoid confusion, Alex decided that the best option would be "Random direction".
Let's go towards The Wall. Most pets end up there.
They started walking towards the cafe, looking around for the black cat, but there was none in sight.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by mathgrant »

Dylan wrote:Amelia noticed Brian produce a book next to him, tilting her head she read the words Sudoku across the cover, with boxes and numbers all over it. What is Sudoku? She said curiously as she stepped inside.
"I'm a little surprised you haven't heard of it," Brian stated. "It's become a bit of a craze over the past few years. You place digits from 1 through 9 in the empty squares so that each digit appears once in every row, column, and outlined box. Some people are daunted by all of the numbers, but really, Sudoku's probably got some of the easiest rules of all the logic puzzles to come from Japan. If you want, I can show you my other books -- I've got Fillomino, Nurikabe, Akari, Shikaku, Slitherlink. . . ."
Amelia started to laugh, That sounds like a silly thing to hide. If anything, you should brag about being a nerd!
Brian laughed. "You're probably right on that count! I guess I'm inherently shy in general."
[A]nd thank you for being concerned with my brother.
"But of course! I've learned that relationships, whether with humans or other pets, are crucial to living a healthy life. What I lack in relationships with other pets -- ones who haven't hurt and betrayed me, anyway -- I make up for with two of the best humans around!"

Mrs. Dewitt blushed and cried, happy to know that her pet truly appreciated her.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal' nodded. "Lead the way." They set off for this 'wall'. "So, tell me a little about ya self." It was the only thing that she could think of to start a conversation.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

Kaido wrote:Pepper moved his eyes upwards in an attempt to see Tory, "Yeah, we moved in yesterday night. And... I guess you could call her my sister. She's called Sal, she's a border collie."
He then nodded towards O'Connor, "I honestly have no idea where she might be... she's probably out wrecking half the neighbourhood."
"Wrecking half the- OH MY GOODNESS! O'CONNOR! WE'VE GOT TO STOP HIS SISTER BEFORE SHE HURTS SOMEONE!!!!" Tory started flying around in a panicked frenzy. "What if she destroys the Wall??? Then we can't get BIRDSEED!!!! Oh no, and Jerry! He could get squished by falling bricks! How could she be doing this???? Maybe she's a supervillian! OH NO! Somebody go get Batman!!!!!! We've got to stop the supervillian!"
O'Connor sighed, and began to walk off. He motioned to Pepper. "Come ohn, then, le's fuind yer sister. Hei'll calm daown ahnd follow us in a bi'," he added, motioning to Tory.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Teh Brawler wrote: "Wrecking half the- OH MY GOODNESS! O'CONNOR! WE'VE GOT TO STOP HIS SISTER BEFORE SHE HURTS SOMEONE!!!!" Tory started flying around in a panicked frenzy. "What if she destroys the Wall??? Then we can't get BIRDSEED!!!! Oh no, and Jerry! He could get squished by falling bricks! How could she be doing this???? Maybe she's a supervillian! OH NO! Somebody go get Batman!!!!!! We've got to stop the supervillian!"
O'Connor sighed, and began to walk off. He motioned to Pepper. "Come ohn, then, le's fuind yer sister. Hei'll calm daown ahnd follow us in a bi'," he added, motioning to Tory.
"I didn't mean-" Pepper stopped mid-sentence. Tory seemed like the type of character who wouldn't change his opinion, even if you told him the truth. He turned on his heels and walked after O'Connor.
"Thanks for the help, by the way. Your friend seems to be... uh... unique." he said, laughing nervously.

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

Kaido wrote:"I didn't mean-" Pepper stopped mid-sentence. Tory seemed like the type of character who wouldn't change his opinion, even if you told him the truth. He turned on his heels and walked after O'Connor.
"Thanks for the help, by the way. Your friend seems to be... uh... unique." he said, laughing nervously.
O'Connor chuckled. "Aye, unique indeed. Don' worreh 'baout it, 'e's jest a lahd, so 'e cahn ge' aweih with i'." He then scanned the neighborhood. "Aneh ideas abaout where yur sistere muight beh?"
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Teh Brawler wrote: O'Connor chuckled. "Aye, unique indeed. Don' worreh 'baout it, 'e's jest a lahd, so 'e cahn ge' aweih with i'." He then scanned the neighborhood. "Aneh ideas abaout where yur sistere muight beh?"
Pepper pondered this for a while, with his paw on his chin.
"I'm not too sure... she may have gone to... attempt to socialise with others, though she's not too good at it. Is there anywhere around here where people gather for things?"

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Sal' wrote:So, tell me a little about ya self.
Alex looked at Sal', while walking towards The Wall.
Well, if I start telling you everything about me, it's gonna take quite a while... So here are the basics: I play guitar, live with my parents and sister Mai, who is very annoying, (Whispers:but I still love her), I don't have much friends here, moved in little less than 3 weeks ago, I'm in a relationship, straight, uhm.... what else to say? I dunno, that's about it.... What about you?
He finished the talking right when they arrived in front of The Wall. A quick peek inside revealed that it was empty, except for two humans sitting at one of the tables. Alex walked inside, and sat at one of the tables near the windows.
Come sit, let's have a drink. - he called over to Sal'. You'll tell me about yourself over a coffee, and don't worry about your brother - I'm sure he'll show up here looking for you. I'll pay if you don't have any money.
Alex usually chooses the seats where him and his company are hardly seen, but right now, their goal is to be seen. Let's hope this Pepper will look for her here.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Dylan »

Amelia smiled as Brian rattled of a few names of puzzles he had. I think you are a bigger nerd then me, i never heard of any of those either. Amelia looked at Brian, maybe you should teach me about those sometime. Amelia wanted to stay, but she really wanted to see Alex again, it had been a whole day! Well, I need to go now...
"But of course! I've learned that relationships, whether with humans or other pets, are crucial to living a healthy life. What I lack in relationships with other pets -- ones who haven't hurt and betrayed me, anyway -- I make up for with two of the best humans around!"
Amelia stared at Brian, wait? no friends? At this moment, Amelia felt really sorry for Brian, . Well, I can be your friend. How would you want to come look at the Neighborhood with me?

Stevie snickered, she put a collar around her neck that one of the members of her pack found. (the one Pyxis threw a long time ago when I first joined) Time to find her house... Stevie slowly walked into the neighborhood, first heading towards the barn.

Dylan looked up at Cier, oh, uh...right, I knew that...Is there anything to eat? he said while sitting up.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal' followed Alex inside, she sat down opposite him. "I don't want a drink thanks." She was really, but she didn't have any money and didn't want him to get something for her, she can wait till she gets home. "Well, here's my basics; I don't have any talents and as you know; I live with my parents and my brother Pepper, he is the most frustrating thing in the world but I still love him. The closest thing I've ever had to a friend is my bro, I've never been in a relationship, it's pathetic, I know, I'm also straight and I think that's about it." Sal' sat with her paws on the table twiddling them, now that she puts it into that point of view, she is rather pathetic.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by mathgrant »

Dylan wrote:Well, I need to go now... Amelia stared at Brian, wait? no friends? At this moment, Amelia felt really sorry for Brian, . Well, I can be your friend of mine. How would you want to come look at the Neighborhood with me?
Brian smiled. "Yes, friend!" he said, patting Amelia on the shoulder. "Let's tour the neighborhood! I promised this one pet who stumbled into me. . . what's his name?" Oak something. . . Oh! Right! "O'Connor! I told him I'd go to The Wall and meet with him and some other pets at 9:30. I think we have enough time for a quick tour of the neighborhood along the way."

Suddenly, Mrs. Dewitt looked up from her paper, looking and sounding very concerned. "Oh my God! According to this article, there was a massive escape from Animal Control, and with some of the escapees being very dangerous, we're being advised to keep pets and children inside for our own safety!"

"Let me see!" Brian shouted, grabbing the newspaper, reading the article aloud to himself and Amelia. "Crap. Well, I'm not even thinking of leaving this house if it's unsafe to do so." Suddenly, a dreadful thought hit Brian. " Does O'Connor know it isn't safe?"
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

Kaido wrote:Pepper pondered this for a while, with his paw on his chin.
"I'm not too sure... she may have gone to... attempt to socialise with others, though she's not too good at it. Is there anywhere around here where people gather for things?"
O'Connor pondered the question, until suddenly....
"Ach, the Woll! I's the local coffeh shop, ahnd aull the peits go there teh eat ahnd tahlk. Ef shei's rahn inteh anyone, shei culd vereh weill bei there."
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote:"Sara, what exactly did Rav do when he was Ravage that was so bad? I know he led a pack of pets and humans, but what exactly did they do that was so awful? Or was it just because he was a dominant pet that made people nervous about him?" She paced back and forth for a moment, drumming the fingers of one hand against her other arm in sudden nervousness for Rav.

It's wasn't really just one thing.. Some didn't like that he was leading humans, an using them to get around the pet laws, esp, the leash laws.. Or that he believed that he was better than most humans were. He would stand up for aboused pets, against their owners.
But what was really the last straw, was the neighborhood pet watch... It first people were ok with the pets doing a crime watch.. but Rav thought, if a pet watch would chase crime away, a more aggressive pet patrol would keep criminals from ever entering the territory he was protecting.. An that scared alot of people, having these roving bands of aggressive pets, with no one in-control watching over them, Esp. with Rav tendency to use excessive force in a fight. an a lot more really got mad about Ravage teaching their pets to be aggressive an thinking there better than humans..

Sara sighs..
While most wanted him fixed an brought to heel. an then kept on a very short leash. Which i agreed to do, Ravage after all had jumped two gunmen before an was shot trying to protect me, i couldn't just leave him to his fate, just because he was trying to keep any possible harm as far away from me as he could.
The counties pet warden took it upon himself to see that Ravage was destoryed, an his pelt paraded before the other pets as a warning to stay in line an obey, or they would be next..
If i hadn't mistakenly gotten a call by a clerk asking how i wanted to dispose of the body, he would have succeeded in killing Rav, while he was in his care to be altered.
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Teh Brawler wrote: O'Connor pondered the question, until suddenly....
"Ach, the Woll! I's the local coffeh shop, ahnd aull the peits go there teh eat ahnd tahlk. Ef shei's rahn inteh anyone, shei culd vereh weill bei there."
Pepper grinned, "Perfect! Maybe I could get something to eat while I'm there, my breakfast has probably gone cold by now... anyway, lead the way!"

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by caelei »

Pavelle looked at Sara oddly for a moment. Then she said, in a slightly subdued voice, "I never really knew the extent of Rav's history. But, it's not like I think bad about him or anything. It's just that I think it's kinda sad that he got in trouble for trying to protect people and pets from harm. Even though, admittedly," she said, her expression turning wry, "the story made him seem like he would take very drastic measures to accomplish his goal." She nodded once, and an unveiled note of worry colored her words. "If people are out to get Rav, and maybe even kill him, why did you just let that man take Rav to some random place, out of your sight, for questioning?"
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Laxan wrote:Well, here's my basics; I don't have any talents and as you know; I live with my parents and my brother Pepper, he is the most frustrating thing in the world but I still love him. The closest thing I've ever had to a friend is my bro, I've never been in a relationship, it's pathetic, I know, I'm also straight and I think that's about it.
Now come on, don't call yourself pathetic. You must be good at something, and if not, I'm sure you're not bad at everything, either. Call yourself average if you really don't have any talents, but I'm sure you have. And I tell you, talent makes just 10%, the rest is achieved by work.
Alex stood up, walked to the counter, and ordered two coffees.
Here you go. - he said, as he put one of the coffees in front of Sal', and one in front of himself, despite her saying that she doesn't want a drink.
Don't worry, I paid already, and don't be shy. So what do you do to kill time? - asked Alex, while taking a sip of his coffee.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Nodded to accept the coffee, no point letting it go to waste. "Well, I usually just hang out with my brother, when I'm on my own I like to play video games and sing to music." She took a gulp of her coffee, forgetting it was boiling she burnt her tongue and throat, causing her to begin coughing. She finally stopped "I'm fine" She weezed before cleared her throat, "Hot." Giving a little chuckled she stared down at the table.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Alex laughed quietly at the dog getting burned.
You don't drink a lot of coffee, do you?
It would be noticeable if she drank it - there would be burn marks across her muzzle. Alex chuckled at the thought, but tried to cover it with coughing, which wasn't a big success.
We'll go out and look for your brother in half an hour, if he doesn't appear here.
He took another sip, and searched his leather jacket for cigarettes, but there weren't any. Da*n....
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Alex wrote:You don't drink a lot of coffee, do you?
Smiles and dips her head. "No.
Alex wrote:We'll go out and look for your brother in half an hour, if he doesn't appear here.
Sal' smiled and looked back to the table. "Oh, he will come, he's smart like that." She didn't hear him whisper his curses. Taking a sip of her coffee she first blew on it briefly to prevent scolding herself again.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by ArgentFlame »

Cier looked up as Pavelle suddenly yelled out the window, then shot down the ladder. The sudden noise had startled Del out of her thoughts, and she jumped, giving a short squeak of surprised. She looked around, searching for the source of the yell. Cier smiled at how excited the big dog was. "Good morning Magnus." He turned his attention back the Dylan. "I believe there's still some of the crackers I brought over last night left, other than that there are some dog treats."
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

Kaido wrote:Pepper grinned, "Perfect! Maybe I could get something to eat while I'm there, my breakfast has probably gone cold by now... anyway, lead the way!"
"A'ruight, then, le's ge' goin'." He began to walk in the direction of the Wall, and assumed that Peper was following. Tory, slowed down in midair to catch his breath, and noticed the two pets walking off. "HEY! Wait for me!" he cried, flying as fast as he could and landing on O'Connor's head.
After a few minutes of walking, they reached the Wall. O'Connor was instantly uplifted by the warm smell of roasting coffee beans, and smiled as he opened the door to the famous coffee shop. As he opened the door, his eyes fell on a black and white border collie that fit Peper's description perfectly. "Oi, Peppere, Ah thenk wei faound 'er."
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Teh Brawler wrote: "A'ruight, then, le's ge' goin'." He began to walk in the direction of the Wall, and assumed that Peper was following. Tory, slowed down in midair to catch his breath, and noticed the two pets walking off. "HEY! Wait for me!" he cried, flying as fast as he could and landing on O'Connor's head.
After a few minutes of walking, they reached the Wall. O'Connor was instantly uplifted by the warm smell of roasting coffee beans, and smiled as he opened the door to the famous coffee shop. As he opened the door, his eyes fell on a black and white border collie that fit Peper's description perfectly. "Oi, Peppere, Ah thenk wei faound 'er."
Pepper entered The Wall right after O'Connor and nodded in his direction, gritting his teeth.
"Yup. That's her alright...", he said, stomping over to her and tapping her on the shoulder, "You! Where do you think you've been!? I've been looking everywhere for you! Mom said come home for breakfast!".
Of course, he had no idea she had already had breakfast, and Pepper's stomach was already rumbling. He motioned for O'Connor to come over.
"O'Connor, I'd like to introduce you to... Sal."

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal' didn't notice Pepper come in till she was tapped. She turned round to see him. "Oh hey loser, what took you so long, I've already been home for breakfast," Grinning at his rumbling stomach she took a sip of her coffee. "And by the way, I've ate your sausages." She tormented with a smirk which changed to a kind smile as O'Connor walk over. "Hello there. Pepper, this is Alex." She pointed over her shoulder to the cat who looked very similar to Pepper.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Alex chuckled once Pepper appeared, who immediately started arguing with his sister. Reminded him so much of himself and Mai. But although Pepper seemed the smarter, he did it wrong. When arguing, you're supposed to ignore and pretend like you don't care, until the dumber one notices that you're not listening to him, and stops. Now, Pepper really resembled him. They were practically same looking, except the scar, and maybe the tip of their tales. Alex can't tell for sure, because he didn't see Pepper's tail yet.
Nice meeting you, Pepper. Have a seat.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

Kaido wrote:Pepper entered The Wall right after O'Connor and nodded in his direction, gritting his teeth. "Yup. That's her alright...", he said, stomping over to her and tapping her on the shoulder, "You! Where do you think you've been!? I've been looking everywhere for you! Mom said come home for breakfast!".
Of course, he had no idea she had already had breakfast, and Pepper's stomach was already rumbling. He motioned for O'Connor to come over.
"O'Connor, I'd like to introduce you to... Sal."
O'Connor chuckled at the two pets arguing. "Jes' luike lahds and lahssehs. Nuice teh meit yeh, Sahl." Tory also laughed. "Crazy housepets. I never fought with my brothers and sisters this much." O'Connor took a seat at an adjacent table, and let the scene pan out a bit. I wasn't that he was trying to isolate himself. He was just used to the idea that many younger pets didn't want an old dog around, and he had turned it into a habit to not annoy them by hanging around.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal' reached up and wrapped her arm around the back of Pepper's neck attempting to pull his head down to her seated level and rub her knuckles into his scalp as a form of childish torment, also known as a Nuggy. "Yeah, my lil' bro here is like my best friend and my worst enemy rolled into one." Sal' finally let go, grinning at him as if she was pleased with herself before looking to O'Connor. Eye drifted to the tuft of red among his fur, she picked up a spoon thinking it was a large bug or spider. "Hold-" Sal' raised the spoon. "Very-" She stood up slowly with the spoon still raised "Still-AH!" Jumping forwards she attempted to slam the spoon onto the old dog's head where the 'intruder' was hiding, possibly glomping the old boy to the floor as she went. "Did I get it?!" She questioned as she popped her head up.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

Laxan wrote:Sal' reached up and wrapped her arm around the back of Pepper's neck attempting to pull his head down to her seated level and rub her knuckles into his scalp as a form of childish torment, also known as a Nuggy. "Yeah, my lil' bro here is like my best friend and my worst enemy rolled into one." Sal' finally let go, grinning at him as if she was pleased with herself before looking to O'Connor. Eye drifted to the tuft of red among his fur, she picked up a spoon thinking it was a large bug or spider. "Hold-" Sal' raised the spoon. "Very-" She stood up slowly with the spoon still raised "Still-AH!" Jumping forwards she attempted to slam the spoon onto the old dog's head where the 'intruder' was hiding, possibly glomping the old boy to the floor as she went. "Did I get it?!" She questioned as she popped her head up.
((OOC: Thank you for playing right into Tory's 3 Luck :lol: ))
O'Connor looked up just in time to see Sal come charging at him with an unsheathed spoon. She tackled him in middair, swinging the spoon as hard as she could. The spoon hit its intended target; Tory gave out a large chirp of pain. Unfortunately, his small skull wasn't enough to keep the spoon in place; it's silver sheen quickly rolled off and hit O'Connor on the head as well, giving him the brunt of the force. They both fell backward, along with the chair, onto the hard floor. Tory jumped off just in time, and flew to the table where Pepper and Alex were. He then rubbed his head and continued to cry out in pain. "OW! Ow ow owowowwwwwwwww!"
O'Connor, on the other hand, wasn't so much for expressing his pain at this point. He lost visibility for a moment, as his skull rammed into the tile. He slowly regained consciousness, groaning at the throbbing pain on the crown and back of his head. However, he stopped groaning instantly as he realized the awkawardness of the situation: there was a female dog on top of him.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote:Pavelle looked at Sara oddly for a moment. Then she said, in a slightly subdued voice, "I never really knew the extent of Rav's history. But, it's not like I think bad about him or anything. It's just that I think it's kinda sad that he got in trouble for trying to protect people and pets from harm. Even though, admittedly," she said, her expression turning wry, "the story made him seem like he would take very drastic measures to accomplish his goal." She nodded once, and an unveiled note of worry colored her words. "If people are out to get Rav, and maybe even kill him, why did you just let that man take Rav to some random place, out of your sight, for questioning?"

Yes.. he has come up with unique ways to get into trouble.. but hopefully that is behind him now.
Sara pets the raccoon in behind her ears..
What? that was Christopher, his trainer that he went off with. If anyone, he is mostly likely the best person for Rav to be with right now.
He has always believed in Rav's potential, that he could change his aggressive, dominate, behavior, an give him his life back. Without all the work he has put in to training him, Rav might as well spent the rest of his life caged-up like a zoo animal.
Not only has Rav done so well in his training, that not only is he to be de-listed as a red tagged dog, but get his guard dog certification back.
We just have to be sure that he is not backsliding to his old ways, once were sure of that, an that he is going to stay within the limits of what guard dogs can do. he will be free to move about as any other pet.
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

((OOC: He just seemed to be 'there' at the moment so I thought I'd include him a little more. xD))

Sal's pure stupidity counter-acted her shyness for a moment, causing her not to see the awkwardness of the situation. Luckily enough, she didn't hit the floor and pretty much used O'Connor as a pillow. Staring down grinning at him her tail wagged like she had done something good. In the havoc she didn't see Tory fly off.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper was stroking the top of his own head to get his fur neat again, which had been roughed up by Sal's noogie. He flicked his white-tipped tail, so not to sit on it, and sat down next to Alex, just in time to see the accident. He in a state of shock at Sal's rashness, but also attempted to stifle a laugh which was coming on. After he had calmed down, he looked towards Tory.
"Uh... are you alright?" he said, cocking his head to one side. The blow that Sal had given looked to be quite a harsh one. After making sure there was no serious damage, he looked over to... the awkward situation. He grinned, as he tried to sum it up. In truthfulness, he didn't do it so she realised. He did it because he wanted her to feel as awkward as she makes him feel at times.
"So Sal, let me sum this up for you. You just attacked O'Connor. The "thing" that you attempted to "swat" was infact Tory, this little guy here," he motioned towards the bird on the table, "and now, incase you hadn't realised, you're sitting on top one of the residents. You make a really good first impression!"
After his speech, he sighed and turned his head towards Alex, extending a hand, "Nice to meet you! I'm Pepper." He didn't immediately realise how similar Alex looked to himself, but did after a couple of seconds. He didn't say anything however, just continued to smile politely.
Last edited by Kaido on Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal' pricked her ears at this and looked down to O'Connor. "Er.. I.. Em..." She jumped up and outstretched her hand, attempting to grab O'Connor by the collar and pull him onto his feet and then begin to brush him down. "I'm real sorry. You okay?" She turned to the little bird and leaned down so her face was a few inches away from him as she inspected his head. "Are you okay?" 'Great first impression Sal' you numpty.' Sal' thought to herself.
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Re: Another Venison dream....

Post by Buckdida »

(OOC: *shrugs* I was taking a break about three days ago, don't want to play games... so I did this instead. Why wait to post it? Ven will wake up sometime later. For now, enjoy one of the, perhaps, most revealing one of Ven's dreams yet.)

Venison sat up, once again on his little rock platform. Well, not much more of a platform anymore, with three large landmasses now attached to it. He continued to sit, but crossed his legs, and began looking over the horizon. The plain. The tall grass amber grass, swaying in the wind. The forest. Lush, green, teeming with life. And now…

The lake…

“Why a lake. Of all things, a lake. That’s the last thing I’d want to dream up.” Venison shrugged and stood up. “Well, progress is progress,” he said, as he walked over to the lake. As he walked, the rock turned to dirt, then grass, then sand as he approached the water’s edge and stopped there, looking at his reflection in the still lake.

It had been a while since he had looked at himself like this. Most of his fur was slightly long and stringy with a dull dusty golden brown. The exception was the fur on his feet and the back of his legs, as well as his tail underside…a soft light grey. And, of course, the dark brown ragged fur ridge that streaked down the center of his back. Pointed fluffy ears, a slightly short muzzle, emerald green eyes.

“Odd. I thought my eyes were light brown.”

“They were. Don’t you remember?”

Venison freaked out and jump-started, much to his dismay, right into the water. A multicolored female dog giggled as Venison flailed around in the shallow water until he realized he could stand up. Venison squinted his eyes at her in a look of annoyance. She laughed some more.

“Oh, screw you.”
“Well, it had to be done. Look. Now that there was movement in the water…”
Venison turned around to find the lake’s scene entirely changed. Willows draped over the opposite bank, lilies and other plant life skimmed the surface. And fish were now in the lake, of course. And the water flowed. It flowed in, from the mountain in the distance, then into the forest.

“Well…it looks better, I suppose.”
“Yes, you certainly do, without all that genetic fur dye or that silly human clothing.”
Venison looked down in panic. How had he not noticed his pants gone missing?
“Oh, calm down. I said you look better.”
“Easy for you to say, you pet!”
“I am what I am, and I don’t mind it one bit!” she said, sticking her tongue out and smiling.
Venison rolled his eyes. “What does any of this have to do with my eye color changing? I’m pretty sure they were light brown.”
“Remember? The first version of the genetic fur dye stuff had a habit of changing eye colors too. That’s why my eyes are this brilliant shade of yeeeeeellow! And yours was this pretty green color before you wanted to be all grey. Your fur went all damp, so your eyes went damp too…but now they’re better again, along with your fur!”
Venison sighed, “They’re vibrant and memorable. Not really a low-profile kind of thing, you know.”
“Does that really matter anymore?”
“You tell me. You’re the dream person.”
“Don’t you get cynical with me!”
“Oh, hush Leak. I never asked to be reminded of you…you just decided to show up in my dreams! I don’t even know if you’re still alive or not, given what I saw, and our parent’s track record...” He let the words trail off, bringing silence for the time being. Both Venison and Leaka sat on the lake’s beach, watching the water flow.

“So…who’s still looking for you now?”
Venison sighed again. “Well, those two ******** which we call parents, obviously. And possibly, the Natural Selection Animal Assassination Unit, though they got their minimum number of targets, so they probably disbanded. …aaaaaand probably a fair amount of ferals who want the bounty among that society. And probably a fair few out for revenge of some kind. Though all in all, the fur reverting to natural color will probably shake all but our parents. For a while, at least…”
“And where has all of this running from these people gotten you?”
“To a strange little suburb called Richardson Valley, as well as the blood of about five animals that could have made a difference in this human society if they weren’t crazier than I was.”
“Four, Venison. Didn’t one of them...?”
“That was still my fault.”
“They were all crazy. It wasn’t your fault, it was self defense.”
“Isn’t it supposed to be me rationalizing?”
“In a way, it is you still. But that’s good, you know. Thinking about your actions. That’s the brother I knew…and besides. If you didn’t stop them, they would have kept killing people and other animals who got in their way.”
“I can think of two humans who deserve the same…”
“How long’s it been? Two years? Three?”
“Three, I thi-”
“Why are you still angry?”
“That should be more than obvious. I’m surprised you’re not angry as well.”
“What can I say? I’m a pet.” Leaka waved her hand across the horizon. “You’ve got two areas left, Ven. You’ve done a good job so far though. I think, finally, you won’t have anymore random freak outs, provided you stay away from that strange pulse frequency and humans when you’re taking a bath…”
“Eh, both easily avoidable enough. I haven’t encountered that **** sound since I left, so I’m not too worried about that…”
“Well, find the other two at your leisure, really. They might take a while…but you’ll bump into them sometime if you stick around.”
“Oh? Why would they take a while?”
“You’ll figure it out. Oh, and hey bro? What’s with you and that raccoon?”
Venison blushed. “...I really don't know. Okay, yeah, I’m waking up now…”

Retired RP Character List (Sorry guys)
Richardson Valley: Venison and Ochen
Brookshire Meadows: Trinket
Oasis Towers: Jaxeh and Klack
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

Kaido wrote:Pepper was stroking the top of his own head to get his fur neat again, which had been roughed up by Sal's noogie. He sat down next to Alex, just in time to see the accident. He in a state of shock at Sal's rashness, but also attempted to stifle a laugh which was coming on. After he had calmed down, he looked towards Tory.
"Uh... are you alright?" he said, cocking his head to one side. The blow that Sal had given looked to be quite a harsh one. After making sure there was no serious damage, he looked over to... the awkward situation. He grinned, as he tried to sum it up. In truthfulness, he didn't do it so she realised. He did it because he wanted her to feel as awkward as she makes him feel at times.
"So Sal, let me sum this up for you. You just attacked O'Connor. The "thing" that you attempted to "swat" was infact Tory, this little guy here," he motioned towards the bird on the table, "and now, incase you hadn't realised, you're sitting on top one of the residents. You make a really good first impression!"
After his speech, he sighed and turned his head towards Alex, extending a hand, "Nice to meet you! I'm Pepper."
Laxan wrote:Sal' pricked her ears at this and looked down to O'Connor. "Er.. I.. Em..." She jumped up and outstretched her hand, attempting to grab O'Connor by the collar and pull him onto his feet and then begin to brush him down. "I'm real sorry. You okay?" She turned to the little bird and leaned down so her face was a few inches away from him as she inspected his head. "Are you okay?" 'Great first impression Sal' you numpty.' Sal' thought to herself.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Ow........" Tory was a forgiving type, but the pain was still present, and he didn't feel like being cheery while his skull still throbbed. O'Connor, on the other hand, had turned a deep shade of crimson. It wasn't that he had feelings for Sal, but the fact that a female dog had just been on top of him was enough to startle his old heart. He took the hand she extended, and got up, mumbling, " Aye, Ah'm a'ruight. Eh, um, Ah thenk Ah'm gonna get sum coffeh naow." He quickly headed over to the counter to throw of the situation.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Djinn »

Djinn raises an eyebrow towards the fridge. "Really?" He approaches the fridge and grabs the handle then opens it, the wave of cold causing his fur to stick on end and almost instantly start shivering. He takes a sniff inside to see what he can smell and is nearly overwhelmed by the variety of scents.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Dylan »

Pyxis smiled as he watch Djinn stand at the foot of the fridge. Yup, and we can have some of it...at least, when Mom or dad say we can. Pyxis moves over and closes the fridge, And remember, to always close it! Pyxis then looks towards his food bowl at the table, But first, I think we should finish this meal. Pyxis then walks to a chair and pulls it out before he sits on it and begins to munch on his food.

Amelia looks at the newspaper disgusted. Dangerous? ha! They are just saying that to sell more papers! I doubt anyone could actually break out of there! I mean...They would have to be a clever group! Amelia looks out into the street and smiles, I doubt there is actually anything dangerous around here. Looking back at Brian she tries to reassure him, I think it would be fine to go out during the day time if they are. Amelia then turns around before she realized something. Oh, are they coming to pick you up? because I was just heading towards a quick visit to the wall...Kinda skipped out on breakfast this morning... she said with a half smile.

Stevie looked at the field next the barn in interest, This looks like a good spot. What if I could hide a small pack here... She walked to the barn and placed her ear next to it. Inside she could hear voices of someone, Blast!
thinking while she had her ear up to the door she decided to keep hidden for the time being.

Dylan looked at Cier and stretched out his arms. Hey! I want some crackers! A big one!
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Djinn »

Djinn nods and sits down again, continuing to eat the modest meal presented to him most appreciative that there is food. "Well I think so we can avoid yesterday's fiasco we should stay indoors today. I think I lost one of my lives last night through that whole experience. Not to mention squeezing through those bars? Uncomfortable like you could not believe."
Djinn: S-5 P-7 E-6 C-5 I-7 A-10 L-2
Glory: S-4 P-6 E-7 C-5 I-5 A-6 L-5
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