Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Bino »

loomCAT wrote:
valerio wrote:
ChristopherJackal wrote:And lastly blast you Copper how did you figure it out? :lol: note I'm joking... or am I? but seriously Bino will get somebody so no worries on that and it wont be a new character!
You amaze me. Both for thinking that he deserves someone and for thinking that someone could find something in him... Or will she rather be an accomplice in mischief? Yess...
I know Bino's been basically a complete monster in this fanfic (granted, mostly he's just pathetic), and I will admit I wish for him to suffer his comeuppance, but he's far from unredeemable. Bino's hardly sociopathic, and mostly just seems to be jealous and insecure. It will take several chapters to pull this off believably, but CJ can potentially turn Bino around and still make us like him even after all the crud he's been putting everyone through. Oh, yes, it can be done
Impossible! All was forgiveable until this last update. Beating up Peanut is unforgiveable!!!! Also, if i haven't already said this, welcome to the forums loomcat
Bino wrote:I don't have any tricks up my sleeve right now that don't involve roleplaying... :x
So...... *kisses sleet* BOOM! I WIN!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Impossible! All was forgiveable until this last update. Beating up Peanut is unforgiveable!!!! Also, if i haven't already said this, welcome to the forums loomcat
This! Attacking Peanut put Bino out of the 'mean bully' league and straight into the EVIL dog class. Frankly, the best he'd deserve, at this point, woould be losing his precious 'club' (being 'Good Old Dogs' club quite a farfetched name after such a stunt!)

EDIT - Logic dictates the following scenario:

Bino and his gang physically hurt Peanut.
Hurt. Peanut.

1) Grape kills Bino. She threatened to rip off King's limbs for hitting on Tarot; this should give us an idea of what she'll do if her best friend EVER (her words) is hurt. Especially by Bino.
2) Max kills Bino for upsetting Grape to a homicidal point. And if Max holds dear his relationship with Grape, he'll have to choose Grape.
3) Fido kills Bino, Brother or not. Now that Bino has crossed the line of physical violence, Fido will believe that the 'subtle' threats to Sabrina and the cub were not so subtle after all.
4) Fox kills Bino. Frankly, at this point, talking about 'frienship' with such a monster would be a heck of a longshot. Not even Fox could be so forgiving, considering he severely wounded him for the 'practical joke' of the catnip bomb with King
5) The K-9 unit kills Bino. One thing is sharing a...distaste for cat-lovers, another is harming, and that is an offense, by law.
6) Jeff kills Bino for creating havoc in the neighborhood and proving he's a dangerous dog at heart.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Barkeron »

loomCAT wrote:I know Bino's been basically a complete monster in this fanfic (granted, mostly he's just pathetic), and I will admit I wish for him to suffer his comeuppance, but he's far from unredeemable. Bino's hardly sociopathic, and mostly just seems to be jealous and insecure.

Bino is more jealous and insecure. I just don't see him as sociopathic, despite what he did to Peanut. Jealously and insecurity can make you do crazy stuff. Whatever happens to Bino is yet to be answer for the next couple of chapters.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Bino »


Bino (me) kills Bino (character) because i love Peanut

PETA abducts Bino and moves him to the wild, where he can be in charge of al of the woodland creatures and be happy! :)
Bino wrote:I don't have any tricks up my sleeve right now that don't involve roleplaying... :x
So...... *kisses sleet* BOOM! I WIN!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

Grape was in panic mode as she ran though the doors of the hospital, it wasn’t more than ten minutes ago that she was at home lounging around when the phone rang and she was rushed out of the house because something happened to Peanut. It took a while to get the information she wanted from the receptionist but Grape was now on her way to the room where Peanut was supposed to be, despite mentally preparing herself for the worst as soon as she opened the door her heart sank at the sight. Peanut was on the bed with both arms and legs in casts, his chest was covered in bandages parts visibly stained red, but what struck her the most was the fact that he couldn’t breathe on his own a machine was there pumping him the air he needed. She was about to break down as she looked around the room, but stopped herself as she noticed others were there. King and Sasha were on one side of the room as Fido and Sabrina were sitting next to his bed, by now Grape was desperate for answers, “What happened? I… Is he going to be ok?”

Everyone avoided eye contact for the first few moments, eventually King was the first to get up and approach the cat, “the doctor came by earlier… he said they’ll do the best they can but… so far it doesn’t look good…” King tried his best to comfort the cat despite him being as short as he was, she was already visibly upset by everything but he still had more to say, “there’s another thing…” he took a moment to take a breath and calm himself, somehow he just knew she wouldn’t be happy with what came next, “me and Sasha were the first ones to find him as I was walking her home… this was found nearby as the ambulance came and brought him here.” King was nervous as he held out the picture.

Grape was slightly confused as she took the picture “what does a picture have to do…” her voice trailed off as she realized what the picture was of, almost instantly her expression changed to one filled with almost pure hate, “Bino did this? He’s at his little club right?” As the others nodded Grape spun on the balls of her feet and rushed out the door just as her parents were entering the room, “I’ll be back…”

Both King and Fido immediately jumped up and followed her out, “Grape wait!” Fido was the first to catch up to the cat, “I know what you’re thinking, but more violence isn’t going to solve…”

Fido was quickly cut off as Grape glared at him, “don’t get in my way Fido, Bino deserves to have some sense beat into him… for what he did…” Grape could feel her eyes starting to water again but she shook her head forcing the tears back, she had to be strong now… for Peanut. Before Fido could say something else she took off into a full sprint leaving him a good distance behind, the distance between them would give her some time alone with Bino and that’s all she wanted.

Bino was sitting at his podium alone drinking a cup of orange soda as he thought over their success for the day, the rest of his group had already left but he didn’t mind, everything was on track for the better once again.

As Grape finally reached the clubhouse she was careful not to make too much noise. As she looked round she found Bino sitting alone in a room drinking something, before he could react she quickly ran in and pinned him to a wall, “why did you do it mutt?”

Bino was in a panic before he realized what was going on, as soon as he realized who the cat was in front of him he just smirked, "what do you want kitty?”

Grape immediately started to sink her claws into his shoulders causing him to yelp in pain, “You know why I’m here! Now tell me why I shouldn’t rip your arms off!”

Bino let out a small whimper as he looked the cat in the eyes, never had he seen such hatred and anger directed at him. Shaking his head he was determined not to let the intimidation get to him, there was no way he’d let a cat get the best of gim, “Peanut deserved what he… ahhhh!” Bino was unable to finish his sentence as Grape squeezed harder with her claws that they started to pierce the skin.

“Grape! Let him go!” Fido finally made it to the clubhouse with King now too far behind, as he saw the feline with the dog against the wall he was afraid only more bad could come of it, “hurting him won’t make Peanut any better,” as he made his way over to her he placed a hand on her shoulder, “Peanut needs you more than anyone right now, let us deal with Bino alright?”

Grape just sighed as she let the dog fall to the floor, “fine…” before she turned around to leave she glared back to Bino for a moment, “if Peanut doesn’t make it, I promise you won’t either mutt!” With that she left the room in a quick haste as she took out the picture from her collar, “I still have someone I need to talk to…”

Bino just stood up and started to brush himself off as he looked to the two dogs that remained, “if we’re done here I need to go take care of these scratches.”

Fido immediately put an arm on his shoulder keeping him in place, “we are far from done here Bino,” the smug expression his younger brother was showing was pushing Fido to his limits, “you’ve gone way too far this time! Peanut is in the hospital because of what you did.”

Bino was smiling a bit as he looked at Fido, “I made him an example, the others refused to listen to what’s right. So I decided to force them with fear, now I’ll be on top once again! Face it Fido you’ve lost.”

“This isn’t a game Bino!” With as much force as he could Fido slapped Bino across the face, “you need to snap out of whatever fantasy you’re living in! Look around you Bino, there is nobody left for you; you’ve lost everything and pushed everyone away. After this nobody will like you, let along follow you! In your crazy world what else is there for you to win?”

“We’ll see who’s right soon enough then brother, as long as I still have someone on my side I’ll never give up!” Bino just laughed as another dog entered the room.

“Actually, you’re all alone in this now Bino,” Sergeant Ralph was standing in the door with his arms crossed, as he looked at the now surprised dog, “the only ones you had left on your side came to my house tonight and told me everything, they’ve had it with you too and they felt guilty for what you had them do... so now you are alone.” As Ralph walked further into the room he was followed by the rest of the K9 unit, “and until we can figure out everything that has happened we are going to have to take you in so we can keep an eye on you.”

Bino was struggling the whole time as they put cuffs on him and escorted him out, “you can’t do this to me! I did nothing wrong!” Bino kept arguing with everyone as he was taken to the station and placed in a room by himself, “you have no right to keep me here!”

Soon after Ralph entered the room, “you’ve become a hazard to the community Bino; we have every right to keep you here.” Bino was still fuming as he paced the room, “where’s my dad? He should be coming to get me out of here!”

Ralph just shook his head, “he’s not coming… we called him not too long ago and told him everything, he told us you will stay here until everything gets settled…." Ralph let out a sigh as he shifted uncomfortably, he had more news that he wasn't too excited to share, "I’m also sorry to tell you that you may be put up for adoption in another town…with the news about Fido and Sabrina we’ve just received you may be considered too dangerous to have around… your dad has already agreed to meet with us to discuss that further.”

“W… what…?” Bino’s eyed widened as he sat on the only bench in the room, “h… he’s leaving me here and putting me up for adoption?” Bino’s world was starting to crash all around him, “I don’t believe you! I want to talk to him. He wouldn’t agree to that!”

Ralph just sighed and left the room, only to return a short time later, “he’s not putting you up for adoption, at least that’s not the decision yet, but this is the recording we have of the conversation… listen to it, I'm not lying.”

Bino’s ears fell flat as he listened to the recording, he couldn’t believe his ears, “he… he can’t just… give me away…” Bino curled up on the bench he was on as his eyes began to water, it wasn’t until now that he finally realized how alone he was, and everything that he had lost “they’ve all deserted me…” Bino was officially a broken dog as the tears started to flow, “how could they do this to me?” Everything was gone now, he lost his club, he lost Sasha, and now he may lose his home, “it’s their fault, this only happened because of them!”

Fido entered the room as Ralph started to leave, “no Bino… this is all your doing, you blindly fought against the inevitable and now here you are… alone and hated by the neighborhood… I don’t want to lose you as a brother, but it may be too late…” Fido wanted to comfort his brother now more than ever, but what was there for him to do? He could try to calm him down, but in the end he couldn’t stop him from being put up for adoption his voice alone wouldn’t be enough. Fido really felt bad for his brother as he turned to leave the room, “I’m sorry Bino…”

Bino remained curled into a tight ball as he laid on the bench, his life was all but over if he was put up for adoption. He couldn’t handle being the new dog in a neighborhood, having to get used to a new family, and having to start all over again… eventually the tears stopped as he fell asleep, but that peace was short lived as the door opened waking him up again, in his tired haze all he could here was someone saying, “you have a visitor.”

Bino didn’t even bother to look up as the dog entered the room, “I can help you Bino, but you will have to want it, to change...” Bino’s ears perked up as he heard the voice, he knew the voice but he couldn’t believe they were there and wanted to help him, not after what he did…

Anyone feel bad for Bino yet? The idea of losing your home has to be rather harsh, even for him... Also seems Grape and Max drama is a comin soon! And of course who is Bino's visitor?
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by copper »

Excellent update, Chris. Bino finally got his comeuppance. His visitor is either Pete, Alex, or a member of the K9 unit. Well, that or you are entering Valerio's world and are sending him to the Grove. :lol:

And I think I might be smelling Grapenut. Then again, my nose isn't all that sensitive.

Oh what a tortured soul is Bino.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

The good: that was the proper sequence of events.
The bad: too rushy. Bino still deserved some physical pain. Also, too quick into the forgiving thing. Sorry, man, but there was the need of an update focused on Bino's total loss to make us sympathize with him somehow, in the end (EDIT - It took several, good update for Fox to come to terms with himself, when a violent bully who put PEANUT in ICU gets his forgiveness after a short update..?!?). As it is, he remains a crazy sociopath that deserves to STAY in a pound.
Oh, and the visitors are Tarot and Sabrina IMO
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Barkeron »

valerio wrote: in the end. As it is, he remains a crazy sociopath that deserves to STAY in a pound.
This song comes to mind, "They're coming to take me away haha"

Also nice update. Bino's finally getting whats coming to him. And man, poor Peanut, he is in such bad shape.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Kondog »

actually I do feel a little bad for Bino, To lose everything... in fact i feel worst for Bino then Peanut. Great update i can't wait to see what happens next or who comes to Bino's Aid.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Bino »

Delightfully painful for Bino! So... The visitor: I'm gonna say Kin, but it's a tough one
Bino wrote:I don't have any tricks up my sleeve right now that don't involve roleplaying... :x
So...... *kisses sleet* BOOM! I WIN!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by KizerZin »

over all a good chapter...
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

Sorry for the rushyness of it, other than who the visitor is Bino actually isn't an important part of the story from here on so I just wanted to get most everything of importance with him out of the way. He'll still be around, and hated for the most part but his role is pretty much done. Making way for a new villian perhaps? Who will that be?

Also he only has one visitor so it can't be Sabrina AND Tarot, but it can be Sabrina OR Tarot... or King, or someone else...

Also kind of a dumb question but what is IMO? I've seen it a lot but have no idea what it means...
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Cory »

Nope, no feeling sorry for Bino yet! :twisted: If he was MY dog, I probably would have put him up for adoption LONG before this!

And I'm pretty sure "IMO" means "in my opinion," but I'm not exactly up on internet speak myself.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Barkeron »

Cory wrote:Nope, no feeling sorry for Bino yet! :twisted: If he was MY dog, I probably would have put him up for adoption LONG before this!

And I'm pretty sure "IMO" means "in my opinion," but I'm not exactly up on internet speak myself.
Thats correct. IMO is 'in my opinion'. I actually feel sorry for Bino, sorry for the fact that he was living in la la land and lost everything because of it.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Bino »

ChristopherJackal wrote:Sorry for the rushyness of it, other than who the visitor is Bino actually isn't an important part of the story from here on so I just wanted to get most everything of importance with him out of the way. He'll still be around, and hated for the most part but his role is pretty much done. Making way for a new villian perhaps? Who will that be?
Bino wrote:I don't have any tricks up my sleeve right now that don't involve roleplaying... :x
So...... *kisses sleet* BOOM! I WIN!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by EvanAierkan »

Anyone feel bad for Bino yet?
No, not really. What Bino did is pretty much unforgivable, but I do feel bad for Maxwell when Grape is going to confront him about the photo.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Kondog »

No, not really. What Bino did is pretty much unforgivable, but I do feel bad for Maxwell when Grape is going to confront him about the photo.
True that Maxwell 's goose is cooked..Poor Maxwell. I hope Grape disfigure him too bad.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

yeah, Maxie didn't intentionally lose the picture for Bino to find but he's definately in for it now... Would be unfortnate if he suffers more than Bino no? :twisted:

Also I figured Alex would be the initial response for villian, makes sense though so yeah... not saying it's right though!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Max can work magic with his charm. I should say that I hope Grape gives him a piece of her mind AND a piece of her fists.... But considering that the villanous Bino is almost getting away with it in one single chapter, logic dictates that Max will be forgiven pronto!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Karl »

EvanAierkan wrote: but I do feel bad for Maxwell when Grape is going to confront him about the photo.
Well, I personally don't feel bad for him. He also put his hands into this, spying for Bino. Plus, he did that for money. So he deserves a proper punishment.

And since everyone are betting on who is Bino's visitor, I will also join :) The one who entered is Peanut.
ChristopherJackal wrote:Sorry for the rushyness of it, other than who the visitor is Bino actually isn't an important part of the story from here on so I just wanted to get most everything of importance with him out of the way.
Remember - haste is a bad adviser.
I understand that you wanted to throw this out from you so it won't hang on you anymore. But you must also remember about readers. You must think as subjective writer, and as objective reader.
The best is when you are sure that everything is teed up to the last button. You must take your time on that, but it's really worth it and it makes you feel satisfied. And readers will like it too. Because if you will rush something, they might feel like something is missing here... something leaked through their fingers, avoided their attention.
Well, that's my subjective opinion :)
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Karlos wrote:And since everyone are betting on who is Bino's visitor, I will also join :) The one who entered is Peanut.
Considering he was laying in hospital with multiple fractures and connectected to a breathing machine, either he got the stamina of Wolverine, or there must have been a heckuva timeskip.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Kondog »

Considering he was laying in hospital with multiple fractures and connectected to a breathing machine, either he got the stamina of Wolverine, or there must have been a heckuva timeskip.

I would have to Agree with valerio on that one. ^
I am placing my bet on king!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Karl »

valerio wrote:Considering he was laying in hospital with multiple fractures and connectected to a breathing machine, either he got the stamina of Wolverine, or there must have been a heckuva timeskip.
Oh my, you are right xD I don't know why, but I forgot about the beginning of the newest chapter xD Thanks for pointing this out. Now I feel so stupid xD

Well then, I will switch my bet to Fox.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Cory »

Gonna laugh if Pete turns Bino into a cat
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Revius »

Cory wrote:Gonna laugh if Pete turns Bino into a cat
Now theres an idea I would like to see go throu. :D
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Gizmo36 »

Cory wrote:Gonna laugh if Pete turns Bino into a cat
Dude, that would be hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by jopencjusz »

This will be hilarious! :D
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Cory wrote:Gonna laugh if Pete turns Bino into a cat
OH YES! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Bino »

That wouldn't be such a "happy ending" for bino
Bino wrote:I don't have any tricks up my sleeve right now that don't involve roleplaying... :x
So...... *kisses sleet* BOOM! I WIN!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by copper »

Turn him into a cat and fall in love with a dog. That would be better.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Bino wrote:That wouldn't be such a "happy ending" for bino
I still can't see those two words in the same line without the computer screen exploding. :?
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

Over 500 replies! yay a landmark! To celebrate this landmark I feel like sharing some info, such as who the visitor is before the update! Group concensus yay for nay? Also though I like the idea Bino turning into a cat isn't going to happen this time around... unless I change the story a bit... hmmm...
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Aye from me.
Also, please, please, please DO that change. You have my vote on it as well.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Bino »

Bino wrote:I don't have any tricks up my sleeve right now that don't involve roleplaying... :x
So...... *kisses sleet* BOOM! I WIN!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

Hey is it Bino's birthday? More reason to share so here it goes... Spoiler Alert! :lol:

The guest is Tarot! Now can anyone tell me why? If not you'll find out! Also I can make Bino being a cat a happy ending so I may go with that, whether or not it'll be permanent is to be determined.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Gizmo36 »

while i agree that it would be funny to have Bino turned into a cat, i do not think you should change the story to what some others want if you don't want the same. It's your story and in my opinion, it's one of the best things I've read, and that means you're up with shakespeare and Homer (the greek poet) so do what you want, if you want to change it, by all means, go, but if you don't, keep going as it is, do as you want.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by copper »

Tarot and Bino are going to be a couple. Now that Grape realizes how much she loves Peanut and is going to break up with Max, Tarot's obligation to be with Peanut is over. She will move aside to allow Grapenut. She will be with Bino to help him as she has helped Peanut, for that is what she is at heart. A healer.

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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Cwitt »

She is coming to tell him he will be alone for the rest of his life if he does not change? random guess.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Bino »

copper wrote:Tarot and Bino are going to be a couple. Now that Grape realizes how much she loves Peanut and is going to break up with Max, Tarot's obligation to be with Peanut is over. She will move aside to allow Grapenut. She will be with Bino to help him as she has helped Peanut, for that is what she is at heart. A healer.

Am I getting warmer, Chris?
YESSSSSSS! and yeah it is my b-day, thanks CJ!
Bino wrote:I don't have any tricks up my sleeve right now that don't involve roleplaying... :x
So...... *kisses sleet* BOOM! I WIN!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

This will be my last post of the night. You're right on about Grapenut Copper, but wrong on why Tarot is going to Bino. Also I'm actually liking the idea of the change, so I'll probably go with it. So look forward to that folks!
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