Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

Jack smiled at vanilla's reaction. "its nice to see you too." he said with a warm voice. "uh, ya! his inside."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by The Game »

How can she not even care that Jack is back on his feet? I mean, ya it'd be good to see Zappa but... Wonder shut her thoughts before Jack could possibly read them. "When did you guys get back? Are you feeling 100% better?" she asked.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Athlon2736 »

Zappa poked his head around the door frame.
"Hey? Someone call?" Zappa asked seeing the rest of the gang in front of him. He looked at Jackson you motioned toward Vanilla, whom was biting her lip.
"Oh... crud," Zappa said with 'I'm in trouble' face. Zappa gave a light sigh as he moved towards Vanilla and bowed.
"I think I owe you and apology, don't I?" Zappa said as kind as he could. He truely meant it. He learned from Jackson texting him, who was trying to keep a low profile now, about his actions towards Vanilla. He felt terriblysorry.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by ChewyChewy »

Athlon2736 wrote:Zappa poked his head around the door frame.
"Hey? Someone call?" Zappa asked seeing the rest of the gang in front of him. He looked at Jackson you motioned toward Vanilla, whom was biting her lip.
"Oh... crud," Zappa said with 'I'm in trouble' face. Zappa gave a light sigh as he moved towards Vanilla and bowed.
"I think I owe you and apology, don't I?" Zappa said as kind as he could. He truely meant it. He learned from Jackson texting him, who was trying to keep a low profile now, about his actions towards Vanilla. He felt terriblysorry.
Vanilla gritted her teeth. She was doing her best not to be rude, but it was sapping her energy not to explode at him.

An apology? AN APOLOGY?!? An apology would have been what he'd owed her the FIRST time he acted like the biggest jerk ever born to her! What in all creation made him think an apology would even BEGIN to make up for what he'd done?! Not that she believed he meant it, sincere though he may have sounded.

Honey gave her sister a half-hug. "We accept your apology, and thank you for it, Zappa. Right, Vanilla?"

Vanilla looked like her insides were being deliberately twisted in knots--but she nodded. Then she pulled her hood down as far as it would go, causing her jacket to expose her lower back.

Honey gently pulled it back a little and said, "Now I think Jackson has something to say to private."

She nudged Vanilla a good distance away. She wasn't impressed with Vanilla's reaction but knew it was a big step for her sister, and so said nothing. Vanilla was clutching her stomach and her eyes watered.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Athlon2736 »

{Hey whered you guys get the awesome avatars? (just noticed them)]

Zappa nodded and followed Jackson to the side of the house.
"So what should I do?" Zappa asked, "I really screwed it up this time did I not?"
"Ya you did, and in a way she may not forgive you for," Jackson said, "I hope you know what you did was wrong with out my consent. Espically in how you did the test. You could have mentally scared her for all we know. She moved her and lost a good freind in the process, and what you did may have caused her to never trust you again." His voice became rasp and very cruel like.
"Well if you had reali-" Zappa started.
"No! You should always consult me. Never begin a test like that. Never! You will never treat some one like that ever!" Jackson barked at him. Jackson knew most of them could hear. Zappa looked down and cracked his knuckles.
"If you-" Zappa started again.
"No I'm not done yet. You've disgraced the dreammate way. I hope you understand that. You need to do the worst thing possible to yourself now and not fight back when she yells at you," Jackson continued.
"When?" Zappa asked.
"Yes your gonna go over there and let her take out all her anger out on you," Jackson with a smirk, "By anyway she sees fit."
Zappa nodded and gave a heavy sigh. He walked over to Vanilla and stood straight up and down.
"Jackson wants me to repay you by letting you do what ever you want to me, and I'm not allowed to resist. You can begin my punishment," Zappa said.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

Jack watched as the scene unfolded. "she's not gonna do anything to him. if she is truly wise, she will know that vengeance brings nothing." he thought. even though he thought that, this was still a bit unnerving.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by ChewyChewy »

[Laxan gave them to us--there's a thread for Pet Friendly avatars in this same forum.]

Honey couldn't help eavesdropping as Jackson and Zappa had their conversation. It sounded to her like Zappa was genuinely sorry for what he'd done, but at the same time he did seem a little reckless with his behavior. She didn't know if that was typical of Zappa or if his feelings for Vanilla had gotten in the way, or what it was, and she couldn't guess. Certainly she wasn't going to ask. While she was glad that Jackson was being firm with Zappa, she couldn't help feeling sorry for the raccoon. She didn't let on to Vanilla that she felt sorry for him, though--her sister already looked like she was going to throw up.

When Zappa spoke his words, Vanilla could no longer hold it inside. Thankfully she did not sick in a stranger's house, but she certainly had dry heaves.


She took a deep breath which didn't do much good, and started over.

"You.... Just when I think your ego can't possibly inflate any more, you go and surprise me once again?!? Do you think I have the mental capacity of an infant?! Do you think I'm that gullible, that I'm going to fall for something like that?! What possible 'punishment' could I inflict upon you that you would even consider as such?! No, don't tell me, let me guess--the only way I could 'punish' you is by not obeying every whim that pops into your head without question and being your toy! THAT's what you'd consider a punishment, you puerile BRAT!

"And even if you actually HAD a moral conscience and by some stretch of the imagination you really WERE sorry and DID mean it, do you think I'm juvenile enough to take advantage of such an option?! Do you think I'm YOU?!? Do you think this is some kind of 'sweet revenge' from my point of view, that now I get to do everything you did to me and worse, and there's nothing you can do about it?! Do you think me such an utter infant?!"

Instinctively Honey held Vanilla back, but there was no reason for it--it was more holding her up, so she wouldn't collapse. Vanilla was breathing heavily and could hyperventilate at any moment.

"Well, it saps every amount of generosity within my being, 'Mister,' to humor you thus: your 'punishment' is that you are never again to come within sight or earshot of me--and that includes telephoning, text messaging, or any other long-distance form of communication. Not that I expect you to actually fulfill that--you're YOU--but just so you're clear where I stand, if you're not too dense! Understood?"

Honey gasped at Vanilla's words. She put her paw in her mouth and bit down on it. Maybe it was cathartic, meant only to vent, but talk about harsh. And if she knew her sister, then at least for now, Vanilla meant every word of it.

Vanilla took a few deep breaths, and surprisingly felt a little better for the wear. She stood up straight and resumed her former snobbish expression.

"I believe our business here is concluded. Honey?"

She started for the door, walking importantly as she made her way. Honey gave a silent apology for her sister's words with her face as she started to follow.
Last edited by ChewyChewy on Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Athlon2736 »

Zappa stood completely still after Vanilla walked past him.
"Understood," Zappa said. He started for his house.
Jackson could only watch as he walked away.
"Zappa..." Jackson looked strained. He looked at Vanilla, then over to Honey. He waved her over.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by ChewyChewy »

Athlon2736 wrote:Zappa stood completely still after Vanilla walked past him.
"Understood," Zappa said. He started for his house.
Jackson could only watch as he walked away.
"Zappa..." Jackson looked strained. He looked at Vanilla, then over to Honey. He waved her over.
Seeing Jackson's expression, Honey tapped Vanilla on the shoulder and silently asked her to wait at the door. Vanilla rolled her eyes and sighed, but nodded.

She came back toward Jackson, unable to help a glance in Zappa's direction as he left--and unable to help a tear from forming, which she kept out of Vanilla's vision.

She waited, wincing at what Jackson was likely to say. "So sorry...." she said in a voice that did not rise above a whisper.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

Jack didn't know what to think at this point, on the one hand she had every right to be mad but on the other she acted as if he had just killed her sister or something. "can't say you are sorry? what happened to forgive and forget?" Jack thought to himself. he couldn't help but think that vanilla is also to blame in a way. when you think about, she makes herself mad more then anything, thinking that everyone is beneath her. he didn't know much about her "mind control" or any other thing she was good and strong at, she was weak. she was very weak. she was weak hearted by all means.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by D-Singer »

Blood followed the river for about another mile, casually enjoying the scenery as he searched for a place to make a hangout. After a while he started heading back towards the camp.

“Needs to be secluded, sheltered, and not too far away… ”

Having an idea, Blood began searching over the ground for soft soil. But without much luck as usual, most of the area was either covered with too many plants and trees, or had too many big rocks in the way. He came up with just building a simple dug-out shelter and reinforcing it to make it last, but the idea wouldn’t fly too well in this forest terrain. Discarding the idea, he made his way back to Zeke and Mira. It looked like they had left as well; there was a note on the end of a stick that had been stuck in the ground near a small handmade fire pit. It read:

Dear Blood,
Went back too Mira’s for lunch, be back later.
P.S. – Don’t forget to remind everyone of our little explorers club. We can still camp out tonight!

“I guess that just leaves me…out here in a near suburban forest…alone…with nothing to do...”

“………Maybe I’ll just go back and see if I can find where Marshall disappeared to.”

Blood ran back to the neighborhood and started heading towards the park.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Zack_the_husky »

The husky sighed as he sat in the back seat of the car. Usually, he could take his mind off of boring stuff by reading a book or something, but, unfortunately, all his books just HAD to be in the moving van, which was up ahead. "Great going, Mom. You packed everything I could use to have fun with, and, put it in the moving van. And, now, I have virtually nothing to do." The woman behind the driver's seat, Liz, who was Zack's owner, sighed as well. "Look, Honey, I know you're bored, but try to patient. We shouldn't be too far away." "OH, REALLY? If we arrive in the new neighborhood in five minutes, I'll eat my-" "WE'RE HERE!"" "I find myself grateful that I did not finish that sentence..."

Not too long after, they arrived at their new house, and, they both got out of the car. "Well, Zack, while the movers help me get stuff moved in, why don't you walk around the neighborhood?" Zack sighed, and then said, "Fine..." Then, the husky began walking along the sidewalk, having no idea what to really do, except walk, at the moment. After about half an hour, he arrived at somekind of park. Looking around he thought to himself, So, this is the park of Radiant Gardens, huh? Well, might as well take a look around. Then, he started wandering around the park, looking around.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Athlon2736 »

"Its alright," Jackson whispered, "The sad part is, she just banished the only person how can really help her. He's got the same mind set as she does, but becuase of his choice of the Dream-mate lifestyle he toke, he has to abide by any thing requested of him."

Zappa walked away, quietly. He didn't look back, he couldn't, he was bond by a code. Everything he had tried to do for her, he end up blowing up in his face. He administered the test when he should have, he had done as Jackson told him and he still was to blame for everything that had happened to Jackson, the Cakes and Wonder. He was one of the oldest pets in the area at the time.
"I should have stayed behind and help," Zappa said as he climbed a tree. He laid down on the branch, placing his hand behind hi shead and thought of his brother.
"He'll do just fine won't he Jessica," Zappa mumbled to himself. He was alone for the time being.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by ChewyChewy »

Athlon2736 wrote:"Its alright," Jackson whispered, "The sad part is, she just banished the only person how can really help her. He's got the same mind set as she does, but becuase of his choice of the Dream-mate lifestyle he toke, he has to abide by any thing requested of him."

Zappa walked away, quietly. He didn't look back, he couldn't, he was bond by a code. Everything he had tried to do for her, he end up blowing up in his face. He administered the test when he should have, he had done as Jackson told him and he still was to blame for everything that had happened to Jackson, the Cakes and Wonder. He was one of the oldest pets in the area at the time.
"I should have stayed behind and help," Zappa said as he climbed a tree. He laid down on the branch, placing his hand behind hi shead and thought of his brother.
"He'll do just fine won't he Jessica," Zappa mumbled to himself. He was alone for the time being.
"I don't know what to do...." said Honey sadly. "I feel so helpless, and I hate that feeling. I'm supposed to be Vanilla's big sister, but all too often I feel, and she feels, like SHE'S the older one....

I just don't understand.... Why is he the only one who can help her--what does she need help with, exactly? And why does he have to listen to what she said? And why did he start things with her in such a way as to upset her that badly that she would even SAY something like that to him? I've NEVER seen her blow up at someone like that!"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by The Game »

Wonder just watched as everything unveiled around her. I don't like this...the whole dreammate thing is getting out of hand. She knew she was standing right next to jack but she didn't feel like talking so she thought to himm instead. Jack, are you getting the feeling that this whole dreammate thing is getting...weird? Like, it's going from a rather cool privilege to a tedious responsibility that makes people mad at each other, and ruins friendships that would've been great.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"i agree. this really is getting kinda weird. personally i never intended to explore it further then being able to block my thoughts from being heard by you... no offense." Jack didn't really know how to think about this situation.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

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Glad to know we feel the same way then... Wonder put a finger to her chin. So if we both feel like this about it you wanna, like, shut off our connection?
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by ChewyChewy »

As Honey waited for Jackson's reply, something occurred to her. She was sure it was an oversight on Vanilla's part, but she wondered if Zappa realized it--Vanilla hadn't told him not to communicate with her telepathically. She would have thought that would be the first thing her sister would have forbidden, but somehow she'd managed to overlook it. Maybe there was still a chance...?

She felt very guilty keeping secrets from her sister but decided not to tell Vanilla about it--not that it would do any good anyway, as Vanilla had already banned the raccoon from being within sight or earshot or even long-distance communication, so how was she going to get the information to Zappa now if she decided (VERY probably) that she DID want him to stay out of her head?
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"shut it off? why? i simply meant like... if im thinking of something that i don't want you to hear at that moment then i can just block it. i don't wanna 'disconnect' us, this is way to cool to do that." he thought to wonder.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

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I was just thinking.... She raised an eyebrow. Now why exactly would you wanna block a thought from me? She giggled out loud.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"i don't know..." he thought, giggling too. he knew what she was thinking. "haha, don't get any ideas you." he thought.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

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Me? Get ideas? What makes you think that? She put a paw over her mouth as to not burst out in laughter.
Saga leaned to Wonder's ear. "What the heck are you giggling about?" she asked, but Wonder didn't even hear.
Forget I even mentioned shutting this off. It's fun!
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"i know right? look at saga! haha!" he thought, trying to hide a smile. "its nothing saga. trust me."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

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Saga relaxed with her arms crossed. "Nothing always means something." she stated.

Wonder rolled her eyes, and they fell on Jack. He really is cute.....WAIT! Her eyes widened and she hoped Jack didn't hear her thoughts.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"ya, with that little pout and angry expression across her face. its hard not to laugh." he thought she was talking about saga.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by The Game »

What?...what?....oh! Oh, you thought I was talking know nevermind. i was talking about Saga...pouts and angry expression and whatnot...too cute... Was it possible to blush in your thoughts? If not then Wonder just found a way how.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"did she just blush?" he thought to himself. "wait, you can hear that can't ya? did you just blush?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by The Game » She blushed more.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

Jack looked at her. she really was blushing "what are you blushing about?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by The Game » because i hadn't been talking about Saga and i was talking about you when thought cute statement....? She facepalmed herself.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"did you say... im cute?" now he was blushing. he wasn't too sure about what she meant with that last sentence... he could have been wrong.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

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...yes.... She averted her eyes from Jack's direction, and was thankful no one could hear this other then them.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"oh..." he thought. this was kinda awkward. "... i think you'r cute too." he said and looked the other way as well. he was very red right now.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by The Game »

really??...I mean...really? She was surprised he said/thought that, but it made her feel, como se dice, hopeful.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"well ya, i mean... you are..." he thought. he never really gave much thought to it before, but she really was cute and also pretty. he couldn't blush anymore, but if he could, he would have.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by The Game »

...You think so?... She studied a fake plant like the plastic leaves told a very interesting story.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"ya... i do." he thought. "i mean... well ya." he felt his stomach do backflip.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by The Game »

like...cute enough to go on a date with?... her paw flew to her mouth, but that she remembered that she wasn't talking.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by Jack »

"uh.. sure. i- i would love to." he thought. he really wanted to look at wonder right now but was too blushed to do so.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Radiant Gardens

Post by The Game »

...really??..I say that a lot... She grinned in an attempt of normality, but she didn't look at him. She didn't want him to see her blushing so much. If you didn't know, it looked like she had a really bad sunburn.