Housepets: Matt

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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

valerio wrote:You know, today's comic made me all angrier toward Jack for selling Bino! :twisted: :twisted:

Yeah, me too ;)

I will update soon. But I have problems with electricity here and I can't finish what I started to write. Luckily, WORD saves automatically and I don't loose lot of data.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

10. Dad knows best

Matt was watching through the window as the woodland critters were leaving his house, following their Opener of Ways back to their camp.

For 30 minutes, he believed that he and his family are going to perish from this world. The woodland critters were besieging the Sternfeld household, throwing cones and demanding the offenders of the Opener of Ways to come out. Luckily, Mr. Sternfeld have called Mr. Sandwich and soon Zach came to calm down the crowd.

“You know what dad,” Matt begun to say to his father who was standing next to him. “This community may be ‘pet friendly’, but I think no one mentioned is it safe for humans.”

Mr. Sternfeld turned his head to Matt.

“Matt, we just moved in here.” Mr. Sternfeld started to say. “And you’re already causing troubles.”

“Ah, so as always everything is my fault, huh?” Matt turned around and pointed his finger at Bino, who was sitting on a sofa and was kicking his legs in air. “If it wouldn’t be him, I would never go to those… wild creatures. I would just simply stay in my room and nothing would happen. But nooooo, you had to buy a dog and force me to walk him out.” Matt raised his hands at level of his face and shook them, showing his deprecation. “So I had to go outside where I almost burn my pale and delicate skin and I had to run from tree to tree because mister Parisian had to find one that was not marked before. Do you have any idea how am I suffering?!

Mr. Sternfeld chuckled and crossed his arms. He looked for a moment on Bino who did not seem to care about their conversation, and then he turned his glance at Matt.

“Well, you should be grateful for Bino that you’re still alive.” He said. “Otherwise you would end up buried as a ritual sacrifice. And what is most important…” He raised his left hand to look on his watch. “You were outside for two hours! You haven’t been outdoors that for three months. I’m impressed!”

“Fsss, so you’ve planned this all along.” Matt said with suspicious tone. “You’ve decided to chain me to a dog so I can realize how wonderful world surrounds me and what I’m loosing while I waste my time in front of a monitor. Well, sorry but I see everything only in grayscale and chaining me to a stupid mutt won’t change my bad ego. So accept it. I will never make any friends and most important - nothing will force me to like animals.”

“You’re overreacting.” Mr. Sternfeld crossed his arms. “I haven’t bought you a dog to maul you. I just want to make you feel happy. And I hope both of you will bond quite well.”

Matt narrowed his eyes and stared at his dad like an angry bull.

“Forget about it.” He said coldly and swung his arms in front in disagreement. “I will never like this fleabag. I already regret that he stepped into my life. I hate everything that is cute and cuddly. I hate him. And I will hate him always.”

Matt turned away from his father and proceeded to stairs. He did not even look on Bino while passing him.

Mr. Sternfeld only shook his head in disbelief.

“If you would only listen to yourself sometimes…” He said, commenting Matt’s behavior.

Before stepping on the first step of stairs, Matt turned his head to his dad with a gaze filled with hate.

“No. No one already listens to me. Why should I listen to myself.”

Matt then proceeded to slowly walk upstairs. He felt relieved that he was already done with everything and he could go to his room where he can finally seal himself from rest of the world and drift off to his land of dreams.

He knew that after what happened today, the best option will be to lay on bed, plug headphones into stereo and listen to some good, heavy sounds of metal.


Matt suddenly stopped. Those were not good and heavy sounds he had in mind.

He turned around. He could see Bino rubbing his belly.

“I’m hungry!” He said loudly, “I demand to get something to eat!”

“Matthew!” Matt heard his full name, much to his displease.

He rolled his eyes.

“Yes dad…” He said with resignation.

“You must go to buy food for Bino.” Mr. Sternfeld said from downstairs. “We don’t have any forage for dogs at home.”

Matt snarled.

“You can’t go instead? I was outside today! I have enough!”

Mr. Sternfeld came quickly to stairs and glared at his son.

Matt knew that if his dad is giving him a Glare of Terror for the second time today, there’s no place for jokes. So he only hung his head and let out a sigh.

“I’ll go…” He said and slowly came down.

When he approached his dad, he raised his open hand in front of him. Mr. Sternfeld raised his eyebrow.

“What, you don’t believe they will give me anything if I’ll show butter eyes.” Matt explained.

“Oh, right.” Mr. Sternfeld reached to his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He took out some amount of dollars and placed them on Matt’s hand. “But this time I want you to bring back the change. Don’t buy anything else for yourself.”

“I promise…” Matt replied, crossing his fingers behind his back.

Matt the proceeded to frontal doors. He put on his leather jacket and went outside, making a loud sound while closing doors.

Mr. Sternfeld wiped drops of sweat from his forehead after Matt left the house. Talking with such troublesome son is sure tiring.

He turned his head to Bino, who was still sitting on a sofa, kicking his legs in air and holding his belly with both of his hands. He came to the sofa, sat near Bino and was observing the dog.

Bino had a grimace on his face. It seemed that he was annoyed because he was hungry and he had to wait for food.

His expression made Mr. Sternfeld feel a little unsure. But he managed somehow to gather in himself courage. He cleared his throat and inhaled some air.

“So…” Mr. Sternfeld begun to say, a little unsure. “How are you feeling?”

Bino stopped kicking his legs in air and turned his head to Mr. Sternfeld. His eyes were narrowed and his skin between his eyes and nose was wrinkled.

“I would feel way better if I would finally get fed!” He replied with arrogance. “If you will continue to starve me, I will call my brother and tell him that you’re abusing me and he will put you in jail.”

When Bino finished, he turned his head away and begun to kick his legs in air again.

“Brother?” Mr. Sternfeld asked.

Bino only tilted his head from left and right and sighed.

“He works in police.” He explained. “But he’s no one special. Just a stupid dork who thinks is the best around here and shows off all the time.”

Mr. Sternfeld chuckled.

“Funny, Matt says the same thing about his brother.” He said, smiling slightly. “Mike is a policeman too and because of that, Matt believes he is a disgrace to our family. Kind of silly, don’t you think?”

But Bino did not react, like he wasn’t listening at all. The smile vanished from Mr. Sternfeld’s face and he turned his head away, not sure what to say now.

Both of them were quiet for some time. But Mr. Sternfeld begun the conversation again.

“But you like it here?” He asked Bino.

Bino only raised his head and glanced the ceiling.

“Well, it will take me some time to sniff everything and everyone in this house so I can become familiar with scents that are here.” He said, tilting his head and raising his eyebrows. But then, his expression changed. “But it’s gonna be hard to survive in my new room since there are extreme conditions and I will have to watch out to not hurt my feet each time I will step there.”

Bino had a point. Matt’s room was a total disaster. It was a miracle that Department of Sanitation haven’t closed it yet.

And Mr. Sternfeld run out from topics. He had no idea what to say now.

There was a silence among them for few minutes. Very deep and very spooky. Mr. Sternfeld could even hear his watch that was on his left hand ticking.

Bino stopped kicking his legs in air. He placed his hands on edge of the sofa and looked on Mr. Sternfeld, who was playing with his fingers.

“Anyways…” Bino begun to say. “…since you’re Matt’s dad, do you walk him out on a leash too?”

Mr. Sternfeld was really surprised. His eyes became wide and he turned his head to Bino with speed.

“What do you mean?” He asked, his voice filled with astonishment.

“Well, technically Matt is my dad now.” Bino started to explain. “But he forced me to be on a leash, which is unnecessary since we live in Babylon Gardens. And since you are his dad, you force him to be on a leash too?”

Mr. Sternfeld was speechless. He never heard such question in his life. He was close to burst out laughing. He thought for a moment what to say, scratching his hair near his ear.

“It doesn’t work like that.” He explained, smiling slightly. “You are his pet. It is in some way the same, but the difference is that Matt is our own child. He has mine and his mother’s blood.”

Bino shook his head in confusion. He never was in familiar circumstances.

“I don’t understand.” He said.

“Pets and human children are being raised in different ways.” Mr. Sternfeld continued his explanation. “If humans have a child, it is their duty to take care of him, raise him and give him a proper education. It takes a lot of years before human child will grown up and become an adult, but for parents, seeing their child growing and gaining experiences, it is joyful.”

Bino continued to listen with curiosity.

“With pets is different. When a human adopts a pet, he must treat it like his own family member. A human must know that a pet is not a toy or something that fulfils his whims. Every creature feels and a pet must be treated with love and care so it can be happy and grateful. However, pets must respect laws. You have legal rights, but they are restricted. You cannot apply for a job and earn money, choose an owner, and you must listen to your owner since he owns you as a pet.”

Bino crossed his arms and fumed.

“That sux!” He said with anger.

“Why?” Mr. Sternfeld asked him.

“Because Matt can do whatever he wants, even if you are his dad!” Bino replied. “And I am like a slave!”

“Oh, don’t think like that.” Mr. Sternfeld tried to comfort him. “Matt still has to listen what I have to say. As long as he is on our support, he must respect the rules that are in this house. For example, he can’t come back home too late and he must listen to what me and his mother have to say.”

“Then why you argue with him and Matt is not listening to you?” Bino asked with sarcasm.

Bino’s question made Mr. Sternfeld feel troubled.

“Well, Matt has now a hard period in his life.” He tried to explain. “So he’s kind of rebellious. Every teen has it. Would you like to ask something else?” Mr. Sternfeld tried to change the subject to avoid further complications.

Bino thought for a moment.

“If Matt is my dad, and he told me to call him by his name, then how I should call you and that crazy woman?”

“Well…” Mr. Sternfeld wasn’t sure what to say at first, but then he got an idea. “Since you’re the part of the family now, there’s no problem if you call us mom and dad since you refer to Matt by his name. And don’t call mom crazy…”

“Will it technically be right?” Bino asked.

“It is fine by me.” Mr. Sternfeld replied with a grin. Then, he grabbed a newspaper that was lying on a glassed table.

When Mr. Sternfeld was checking pages, Bino was looking around the room. There was a large TV, much larger than in his old house. Thumbs up for Sternfelds at this point. Wonder how it will be to watch a cartoon on Nickelodeon, he thought to himself. There was also an armchair nearby. Similar to one his old dad owned, but this one had no cat fur and was not damaged by claws.

His gaze returned to Mr. Sternfeld who was analyzing pages of the newspaper. But what caught his attention the most was his fluffy belly, which was raising and sloping down each time he was breathing.

“Wow dad, you are so fat!” Bino said with pure cynicism.

Mr. Sternfeld’s face became red all of a sudden. He placed the newspaper back from where he took it and he looked on Bino with a scolding glance.

“I’m not fat.” He said sternly. “It’s not nice to tell people such things.”

“Hey, you’re not allowed to tell me how I should behave!” Bino said with a strong voice, raising his arms. “Matt is my owner and only he can do that!”

Mr. Sternfeld was now huffish.

“Okay listen to me captain smarty-pants.” Mr. Sternfeld said with angry tone. “Maybe Matt is your owner, but I am the head of this family and everyone in this house must respect me and listen to what I have to say!”

Bino only stuck out his tongue at Mr. Sternfeld, raging him even more.

Mr. Sternfeld couldn’t believe in what was happening. He knew it was a bad idea to buy a dog. He already has to deal with a teen with bad manners. Now he deals with a teen with bad manners, but in dog’s skin.

He was about to scold Bino, but his action was interrupted by frontal doors that have opened. Matt came back.

“I’m home.” Matt said shortly as he stepped into a living room with a bag of dry food for dogs in his hand.

“Finally!” Bino said, his voice mixed with irritation and impatience. “What took you so long! I was starving here to death!”

“Quit your whining!” Matt said with sharp tone. “I already have your food, k? Hope you will eat it so you can finally stop bugging me and I can get some peace.”

Mr. Sternfeld actually felt relieved that his son came back, much to his surprise. The anger was slowly leaving his body and he was becoming calm.

“Alright then, let’s go to the kitchen and give Bino his food.” He said with a calm voice as he stood up with exertion from the sofa.

- - - - - - - - - -

A bowl filled with dog chow was on a table and was ready to be emptied. Matt and Mr. Sternfeld were observing as Bino was standing close to it.

Deep in his mind, Matt was praying that Bino will finally eat and will stop smatter that he’s hungry. Then, he will finally be able to go to his room and get some rest.

Bino’s stomach was growling. It demanded food. The dog came closer to filled bowl and looked on it with curiosity. He lowered his head and sniffed his food. When his brain analyzed the scent, on Bino’s face appeared a grimace and his glance turned on Matt and Mr. Sternfeld. He was frowning.

“I won’t eat this.” He said shortly.

Matt and his father blinked few times.

“Why?” Mr. Sternfeld asked. “It’s a dog food.”

“I don’t like its scent.” Bino explained with his arms crossed. “And there are ingredients I don’t like. And I don’t eat things I don’t like.”

Matt was becoming furious. His hands were clenched and they were shaking. He was looking on Bino with cold stare.

You French Dog!” He yelled with anger. “I went outside to buy food for you and instead of showing me gratitude, you act like some kind of archduke and turn your nose away from it?!

Bino only replied by turning away from his young owner and showing him his tongue, increasing Matt’s anger.

“Matt, where you bought this food?” His father asked.

“Uh, in a mall.” Matt replied to him. “Just grabbed a bag from a shelf and bought it.”

“Listen, it will be better if you will go to a pet store and buy food there.”

“Geez, I have to go out again!?” Matt waved his arms from annoyance.

The Glare of Terror helped him to make a right decision.

ARRGH, FINE!” Matt took the already prepared money from Mr. Sternfeld’s hand with force and went towards frontal doors with loud footsteps. Before he left, Mr. Sternfeld said:

“And don’t forget to bring back the change!”

The reply was a slam of the doors.

Mr. Sternfeld turned to Bino, who was also looking on him. They were glancing on each other for some time.

“I still think you’re fat, dad.” Bino broke the silence.

Mr. Sternfeld could only cover his eyes with his hand.


Dad, you better sit quiet and avoid any conversations. You only complicate everything.
Still having problems with focusing, but it’s less troublesome and I could write normally somehow : )
Also, while watching today’s strip, I’ve noticed that tag “Jeff” is working properly. Therefore, I think officially Bino and Max’s owner is called Jeff, not Jake. So I will probably edit his name in my fanfic.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by EmoPeanut »

I'm the first dude to comment on the update. :D :D
Anyways, epic update.

Matt is epic!
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Re: Housepets: Matt

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I just got distracted and couldn't read it, but now I did.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by copper »

Great Update! Matt will have to deal with himself now. Oh Noez!!! :o

Bio is very picky, but I don't get the whole french thing. Anyone care to explain?
I got the parisian thing, but not the french thing.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by valerio »

Another awesome update, as usual!
Only thing that left me puzzled: how is it possible that Bino is so ignorant about pet etiquette, especially when it comes to relating with humans?! What he talked with Mr. Sternfield was, literally, basic education for a dog...right..?
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by EmoPeanut »

I suspect that Bino was born in Babylon Gardens, and so he doesn't know the rules of pets.

Also, does anyone see the mirror reflect here? Karlos you are an awesome writer, and Ive noticed that bino is a reflection of Matt. while Matt attacks pets in general, bino attacks cats or cat lovers.

Their brothers work in the police, and they dislike them because of that.

Get it? :)
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

EmoPeanut wrote:I'm the first dude to comment on the update. :D :D
Gratz then xD
Private Elliot wrote:I just got distracted and couldn't read it, but now I did.
Read, read! I'm counting on you!
copper wrote:Bino is very picky, but I don't get the whole french thing. Anyone care to explain?
I got the parisian thing, but not the french thing.
It's a stereotype that is being used in my country.
A "Parisian", because Paris is supposed to be a capital of Savoir Vivre.
And a "french dog" is a meaning of a person who is very finicky if it comes to food. That appeared because France is known from its kitchen and dog breed -poodles.
I thought it will be kinda funny to add this to my text. But it seems that it does not fit in english language and it confuses. Maybe you would like to help me and PM me a replacement for this word, Copper? ;)
Also, sorry for those who live in France and felt offended. Those are just stereotypes :)
valerio wrote:Only thing that left me puzzled: how is it possible that Bino is so ignorant about pet etiquette, especially when it comes to relating with humans?! What he talked with Mr. Sternfield was, literally, basic education for a dog...right..?
We don't know what knowledge do pets get in Obedience School. All we know is that it looks like some kind of a boot camp.
Also, when the Sandwiches have visited the Sternfelds, Mr. Sternfeld said that they moved from Chicago. And as Mr. Griffin said when replying to questions, pet rights depend from state. That explains why Mr. Sternfeld was surprised when pets in Babylon Gardens were reffering to their owners as mom and dad, and Matt who told Bino during their walk that pets have different rights in place where he lived before.
Plus, the reason why such conversation appeared is because I am placing readers into different situation than is in the comic. There, we see adults being called mom and dad by their pets. But what happens when adults have a child that owns a pet?
One conversation won't explain this. Only the story itself.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

27 I 2011: Bino and Max's onwner's name edited. Reason: according to tags, Jeff is the official name.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by valerio »

Karlos wrote:CHANGELOG
27 I 2011: Bino and Max's onwner's name edited. Reason: according to tags, Jeff is the official name.
Now I must edit every appearance of Jack! Augh!
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

valerio wrote:
Karlos wrote:CHANGELOG
27 I 2011: Bino and Max's onwner's name edited. Reason: according to tags, Jeff is the official name.
Now I must edit every appearance of Jack! Augh!

No one said it's going to be easy ;)
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Coatl_Ruu »

Well, I just finished reading this through, and I've gotta say: Well done, sir. For someone who is essentially writing in a foreign language, this is pretty great. Sure, there are a couple of grammar errors, but you write in english better than some people who have spoken the language since they could walk.

Character interactions make the whole thing work. Bino is basically a brat dog that the brat teenager has to take care of. Karma, huh?

So, basically... keep up the good work! That's all I've got to say.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

Coatl_Ruu wrote:Well, I just finished reading this through, and I've gotta say: Well done, sir. For someone who is essentially writing in a foreign language, this is pretty great. Sure, there are a couple of grammar errors, but you write in english better than some people who have spoken the language since they could walk.
It is a little hard. The technique of writing narration and dialogue I was learning in school is different than one used in english language. Luckily, here are good fanfics and I was able to see how english style looks like.
The beginning was hard. I had troubles with the flow of my thoughts since I don't know all words in english and it was taking me some time for proper translation. But I'm learning slowly and I start to feel the rhytm. ;)
Unfortunately, grammar was always troublesome for me when it comes to writing. I confuse formulas. But I try to learn. Speaking english is a lot easier for me :)
Coatl_Ruu wrote:but you write in english better than some people who have spoken the language since they could walk.
Then I guess I'm not that bad xD
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Coatl_Ruu »

Karlos wrote:But I'm learning slowly and I start to feel the rhytm. ;)
And when you look back at the first entry, and then the most recent one, it definitely shows.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

11. That annoying neighbor cat

Matt was really mad. He was barely holding anger in his body.

As he was walking on the sidewalk, his heavy boots were making loud footsteps. The collar of his jacket was standing still. His hands were hidden in pockets of his jacket, only his spiked bracelets were visible. He was slouching.

It was a signal to not even dare to look on him.

Various thoughts were crossing his mind. Most of them were focused on the current day.

“Stupid dog…” He muttered under his nose, his gaze focused on the gray sidewalk. “Why do they had to bring him home. Like imprisoning me in this ‘land of happiness’ was not already a great torment for me…”

Matt did not even want to look around. Seeing those happy pets playing games and hugging their owners was making him sick.

He hated everything that was colorful and heartwarming. He hated when in front of him was someone enthusiastic and with good attitude towards others. And he hated when day was warm and everyone were enjoying it with full benefits.

Because of his cold heart, he never had any friends. People were seeing a threat in him. They were scared of him. Scared of his cynicism, arrogance and anger. But he wasn’t complaining. He preferred to be a lonely person.

That’s why Bino’s appearance was bothering him. This dog was making him feel uncomfortable.

“At least they could get me a mute dog…” He muttered to himself again. “Not the one that likes to smatter and pretend be me smarter from me…”

As he was walking and was deep in his thoughts, Matt turned his gaze from the sidewalk for a moment to see is nothing in his way.

He noticed a figure that was coming towards him.

When he narrowed his eyes to look more precisely, he saw that it was a cat with blue collar. He had a golden bell attached to it.

Matt only snarled slightly. His gaze instantly returned on the sidewalk.

Avoid…” His mind ordered him.

When Matt was passing the cat, he heard a cheerful:


Matt only slouched more. He did not even look on the cat while he was passing him.

When Matt felt that the cat passed him, he felt relieved. The sidewalk was once again empty in front of him.

But he didn’t know that his attitude will cause him more troubles…

- - - - - - - - - -

Since the atmosphere at his home was awkward, Max went outside to look for something that will entertain him.

He was thinking about what happened today. About Bino’s last words before he left, his dad’s reaction when he suddenly dropped his basket and ran towards them…

He had mixing feelings. He didn’t know to be happy that Bino moved from the house, or to be upset.

Bino was part of his life. They were living under the same roof. Sometimes they were eating breakfast together at one table. They shared TV.

He remembers how Bino was crying at touching scenes while watching movies. And how fast he was running out of tissues. He remembers how he was picking on him, to watch him how he gets annoyed every time he was doing something to him. It was fun to watch him getting angry.

But now, everything won’t be the same. There will be only him and his dad, who is currently grumpy and touchy. And it would be a mistake to even dare to grind on his nerves.

Of course, he’s friends with most of the cats in Babylon Gardens. But it’s not the same.

He kept asking himself: was he actually missing Bino?

That’s why he was currently going to the Sandwich household. Maybe if he will head out somewhere with his girlfriend, Grape, he will feel better.

And when he was walking on the sidewalk, he heard heavy footsteps. Someone was approaching him.

He recognized that it was the boy he saw few days ago with Marvin.

The boy haven’t changed since then. He had the same black leather jacked, spiked bracelets on his wrists and messy hair. Even the nasty expression was the same.

He was hiding in the bushes when he saw him for the first time. But now, he will have the chance to see him closer.

Max corrected his collar. When he was going to pass the boy, he raised his hand and smiled cheerfully.

“Hi.” He said.

But the boy did not react. He simply passed him, not even looking on him once.

Max was staring at him for a moment, his hand slowly going down. The boy was continuing his march, like nothing was on his way earlier.

And then it happened. Max’s inner radar gave him a signal.

The annoyance radar signalized a new pray nearby.

Hoo hoo…”Max was thinking to himself, scratching his chin and grinning. “This is going to be fun…

- - - - - - - - - -

“So, you’re new here?”

This voice made Matt startle a little. He couldn’t believe that the cat did not want to leave him alone.

He still pretended that no one is near him.

Avoid…” His mind was telling him. “No one’s there…

“Name’s Max. What’s yours?”

Max was walking at Matt’s side, grinning widely. He was feeling that Matt knows about his presence, but he’s doing everything to not react. It was really entertaining him.

“You remind me a friend of mine.” Max continued to tease Matt. “He’s a silent type too. But he sometimes speaks in quotes from TV shows nobody remembers.”

Matt’s footsteps became louder. He was walking faster now.

And Max was walking as fast as him.

“Don’t we have a beautiful day?” Max was pushing on him. “It’s so warm. Perfect day to find some good place for a nap outside. I love when sunrays are warming my bones.”

Max could hear how Matt’s breath through his nose was wheezy now. It was a sign that Matt was becoming annoyed.

But Max was only warming up…

He noticed the spiked bracelet that was on Matt’s wrist.

“Hey, cool stuff!” He said with amazement in his eyes. “Where you get it?”

Matt let out a low sigh.

“From the Republic of Notyourbuisness.” He replied with low voice, already regretting that he haven’t kept his mouth shut.

”Oh, you can talk!” Max said, showing his white teeth as he grinned.

“Orly?” Matt replied shortly.

Matt’s gaze was still focused on the sidewalk. But he could feel a cold sensation in his body. Like he had some inner trembles. Despite that he wasn’t looking on Max, he knew where he is exactly and what distance is between them.

“So, where you get them?” Max asked once again, reaching for Matt’s bracelet.

When Max touched one of the silver spikes with his fingers, Matt pulled out his hand from the pocket with speed.

“Don’t touch it!” He hissed, lifting his hand in air.

Max stared into those cold eyes. He could see there pure anger.

He was different from other cats. Instead of gaining energy through napping, he gets it by annoying his prey. And Matt had a lot of anger. He could feel it.

But he also knew that Matt is doing everything to not go berserk. But that was exciting him even more, watching how his prey is slowly losing control on himself.

Matt turned his head away from Max. He put his hand back to the pocked and closed his eyes for a moment. He tried to keep his nerves under control.

Don’t react…” His mind have spoken to him once more. “But if he’ll do something stupid again, make sure to skin him alive…

Both of them were silent for some time. Only Matt’s footsteps and Max’s whistling were audible.

Max was gazing at Matt, grinning and tilting from side to side. He was thinking how to drive the poor guy nuts.

His gaze focused on Matt’s shoulders. He noticed that he was awfully slouching.

That was the spot he was looking for. An evil grin appeared on his face.

“Hey, don’t slouch!” He said loudly and gave Matt a powerful smack on his back.

“YEOW!” Matt yelped as he felt Max’s smack, causing him to draw up.

Now Matt was in rage. His eyeballs were almost coming out from their orbits. His teeth were gnashing. He could feel how his muscles were tightening.

WHY YOOUUU!!!” He rapidly turned and reached with his hand for the cat that dared to smack him.

But to his surprise, his hand only met emptiness. Max was gone.

Matt’s eyes were wide open as he was staring at the place where Max was supposed to be.

“Where is he…” He said with awkward voice.

Suddenly, he felt that something was climbing on his back and everything became dark.

Guess who is it…” Max whispered to his ear, covering his eyes with his hands.

GET OFF ME!!!” Matt tried to take Max off, but he couldn’t reach him with his hands.

Max was laughing loud as Matt was dancing like someone who is possessed. He was feeling like a cowboy on Wild West that tries to ride a wild horse. Except he was missing a cowboy hat and boots with spurs.

After some time riding on Matt, Max hopped off the boy’s shoulders and dashed to run away.

When Matt regained his orientation, he turned his head towards the cat that was running away, laughing loudly.

COME BACK HERE!!!” He shouted and went after him.

- - - - - - - - - -

The purchase reached to the local park.

Max looked behind his shoulder and grinned. Matt was still chasing him. His face was all read and he was huffing.

He saw a tall oak in front of him. When he reached it, he stick his claws into it and climbed up.

Matt slammed into tree with full force. He was so close to get that cat…

He placed his hands on it and bent down. He was panting heavily. His legs were like jelly and everything was spinning around him.

After he felt better and his breath calmed, he looked up.

Max was sitting on a branch, kicking his legs in air.

“Coo coo!” He waved his hand.

Matt frowned and snarled.

Get down here!” He yelled with anger. “Get down here so I can TEAR YOU APART!

“Pffffttt!” Max stuck out his tongue. “I can climb, you cannot! I can climb, you cannot!”

Max was always climbing on trees when dogs were chasing him. And he was making fun of them when they were under it and were barking. But it was first time when the chaser was a human being.

He looked around and saw immature acorns that were hiding among green leafs. He picked some of them and when he had some amount, he begun to throw them at Matt.

“Ouch!” Matt tried to cover himself with his arms. He wasn’t even able to look up because of the acorns that were falling on him.

He realized there’s no chance to get his hands on Max. The only option was retreat.

Matt ran away from the oak under the hail of green acorns. He was still covering his head with his arms.

Max grinned as he saw Matt running away.

“It was nice to meet you!!” He yelled, waving his left hand and holding acorns in other.

Matt turned around.

I WILL GET MY HANDS ON YOU, FILTHY CAT!!” Matt shook his fist, feeling angry because of his defeat. “I PROMISE YOU THAT!!

When Matt was running from the park, he could hear Max’s laugher echoing.


After rereading this chapter, I think it’s insane.
I was ill. But now I feel better. I guess I’ll be able to go outside tomorrow to do some photos.
Last edited by Karl on Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by copper »

It was insanely funny! :lol:

Reminds me of some old cartoon shows I used to watch.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Obbl »

Insane, yes! But I LOOOOOVED Max's characterization there. :D Great stuff
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Private Elliot »

Nice, but there's an error...

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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Blue Braixen »

Private Elliot wrote:Nice, but there's an error...

He's right.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by valerio »

'Annoyance Radar'... that's MAX for ya!
Oh, how I love when Matt's attitude gets the most proportionated reward! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Although I'm ready to bet on a future alliance between Matt and Bino to get Max..hmm..
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

Private Elliot wrote:Nice, but there's an error...

Tha Housedog wrote:He's right.

Oh my. I must have missed this strip when doing checkup on Max's personality. Well, that will teach me to be more accurate next time.
Thanks for pointing this out :) I will edit it right away.

EDIT: Changed on "whistling".
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by KizerZin »

:lol: HA HA HAAAaa! that is just too much! I love it! Max is Unbelievable!
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

12. Changeable frequencies

It was getting dark outside. The Sternfelds and their new family member were sitting at table in the kitchen, eating their supper.

Matt was supporting his head with his right hand. He was touching his sandwich with his fingers, not even interested in eating it. Brown bags were under his eyes, signs of his tiredness.

His bleary eyes slowly turned to the side where Bino was sitting.

Bino’s condition was totally opposite to Matt’s. He was eating his dry food with vigor, spitting crumbs everywhere and chomping loudly. He was licking his muzzle each time he swallowed his portion, instantly reaching with his paw for another.

Matt’s eyes turned again slowly, this time to direction where his dad was sitting and was slowly eating his sandwich.

“Since when a dog is allowed to sit with its owners at one table.” He said slowly and without emotion, like a robot.

Mr. Sternfeld glanced at Matt.

“Mr. Sandwich told me that pets can normally eat with rest of the family.” He explained as he swallowed what he was chewing. “They can even use cutlery.”

Matt looked once again on Bino, his eyes turning with same motion. He looked for a moment on his paws, all dirty from crumbs. Then, his gaze went back on Mr. Sternfeld.

“Funny, when I wanted to eat pizza like all civilized people do, by this I mean hands, you told me that I behave like a caveman.” Matt said with same, emotionless tone.

Mr. Sternfeld glanced at Bino.

“Bino, how are you behaving!” He scolded him. “Don’t chomp while eating!”

Bino suddenly froze. His jaw was wide opened, ready to be filled with another portion of food.

After his brain analyzed Mr. Sternfeld’s words, he slowly closed his mouth and frowned.

“My ex-dad was allowing me to eat like that!” He said with annoyance and put the food that was in his paw to his mouth.

He actually lied. His dad was always scolding him and Max when they were eating without manners. But they never listened to him, even when he threatened them that he will force them to clean all the windows in their house.

But he was also eating like that because he finally got some food. And when his stomach demands food, it must be done immediately, no matter how.

“Sorry, but I don’t care on what your previous owner was allowing you.” Mr. Sternfeld’s tone was now more serious. “We have different rules in this house. And one of those rules is to eat your meal normally, not like a wild boar.”

“I will eat how I want.” Bino replied arrogantly. Soon, crumbs were flying everywhere and chomps were audible once again.

You spoiled mutt…” Mr. Sternfeld thought to himself. He clenched his fists strongly. He hated when someone was undisciplined.

“You really don’t expect him to obey like Mikie the Walking Ideal.” He heard Matt, referring to his older brother. “If I wasn’t able to tame that dog today, you honestly believe that you will be able to do that?”

“Oh, sorry that I interfered into your educational methods, son.” Mr. Sternfeld replied with sarcasm. “I forgot that you’re actually responsible for Bino’s behavior since you’re his owner now.”

“Oh wow, really dad?” Matt narrowed his eyes, his voice was now ironic. “Do I have to remind you that it was actually your idea to bring him to our house and to chain him to me against my will?”

“Don’t talk back.” Mr. Sternfeld groaned. “You’re giving a bad example to your dog.”

“You’re blaming everything on me again?”

“I haven’t said that.”

“But you had that on your mind!”

“And what do you actually know what I’m thinking about?” Mr. Sternfeld was loosing his patience. “You have an ability to read people’s minds or something?”

The atmosphere was becoming nervous. Mr. Sternfeld’s face was becoming purple. And Matt’s lazy expression faded away, being replaced by glare.

Bino stopped eating. The argument between father and son dragged his attention.

Only Mrs. Sternfeld was still eating, like nothing was happening at all.

Matt was glaring at his father for a moment. Then, his eyes went back on his sandwich that was on the white dish.

“Dad, I’m really tired today.” Matt tried to escape somehow from this uncomfortable situation. “Just… let’s pretend nothing happened and let’s continue our meal.”

“Nothing would have happened if you wouldn’t say anything.”

Mr. Sternfeld’s words surprised Bino. His ears even lifted a little. He wouldn’t expect such reply from his side.

His dad was always holding him with his iron fist. When he was having grievances during their talk, especially when he said one word too much, it resulted in punishment or the conversation ended in complete silence, with last word belonging to his dad.

Mr. Sternfeld, to his surprise, was behaving differently from Jeff. It seemed he was getting into the argument too much, loosing control on what he was saying. In his opinion, he was now really picky.

His head shifted to Matt to see what his reaction will be. And from his clenched teeth, Bino guessed that Matt was not pleased.

“You always have to be so picky on me!” Matt said with loud tone. His fists were resting on the table. “I just offered you peace and instead, you drag me into this further!”

“Listen, I am your father and you should respect me!” Mr. Sternfeld was defending himself. “It’s inappropriate to talk to elder people with such tone! Now stop behaving like a miffed prince and eat!” When he finished his sentenced, he returned to eat his meal.

Matt groaned. He knew this will never end if he will try to riposte. But he was feeling offended. But his hands were tied in this situation. He was barely holding himself to not let out his anger.

He glanced again at his sandwich. In his eyes, it was disgusting. He had no strength to eat it.

In the corner of his eye, he noticed that Bino was staring at him. He turned his face to him and narrowed his eyes.

“And what are you looking at…” He said with cold tone.

Bino frowned.

“That’s what I have eyes for.” Bino replied with arrogance, leaning closer.

“You want to loose them?” Matt leaned closer to Bino, directly looking into his eyes.

“Stop it you two!” Mr. Sternfeld scolded them. “It’s your first day together, I don’t want you to argue!”

Look who’s talking…” Matt said with low voice, turning back to his dish.

“You were saying something?” Mr. Sternfeld leaned closer to Matt.

“Ehh, nothing…” Matt muttered under his nose.

A smirk appeared on Bino’s muzzle. He felt like he just won a match against Matt.

Eheheheh.” He snickered quietly to his ear. When he saw Matt’s lips twitching, he felt even more satisfied.

And then, he felt that something soft landed on his head. It began to rub his fur.

He didn’t know why, but… he really liked this. He started to feel warm. His skin receptors were sending waves of impulses to his brain, where it was being decoded and transformed into information known as pleasure.

His tail started to wag between the bars of his chair, making sounds each time it hit them. His eyes closed automatically. He was somewhere else now in his thoughts.

He could feel how the soft thing was near his ear. As closer it was to it, the pleasure was becoming more intense. His head started to slowly turn on side.

And it happened as he expected. The soft thing moved to his ear. Right to the magical spot. His tail was now wagging a lot faster.

Bino was far, far away from reality. There was only him and the soft thing that was scratching him behind his ear, giving him an indescribable pleasure.

“Is your meal tasty, sweetie?” He heard a soft, woman voice from the distance.

“Uuh huuh…” Bino murmured slightly.

Suddenly, Bino realized what was going on. He opened his eyes widely and shook off the hand that was petting him on his head.

When he shook his head and corrected his headfur, he glanced at Mrs. Sternfeld. She was resting her chin on her hands and was smiling cheerfully. Her eyes were glittering and there was pure amazement in them.

This made him feel worried.

“You’re such a cutey.” She said with soft and cheerful voice. “If you were a chocolate bar, I would eat you instantly.”

Bino sank in his chair. He was now gazing at her with eyes wide opened.

Now he understood why she was petting him. It was all a trick to gain his trust and manipulate him. And if that would happen, Mrs. Sternfeld would ate him, just like that witch from Hansel and Gretel. The only difference was that she wasn’t wearing a pointed hat and the Sternfeld household was not made from gingerbread.

Bino pushed away his bowl.

“I think I will go to sleep…” He said with nervous tone, slowly standing up. “It was a rough day and such and, heh… I need to lay down.”

When he was walking away, he heard a warm voice:

“I wish you colorful dreams, sweetie. Rest well.”

Bino shuddered as he heard this voice. He was sure it was next attempt to trick him.

Mr. Sternfeld raised his head and looked on Bino, who was now going out from the kitchen.

“Rest well.” He said with a smile.

Matt did not bothered about the situation. He remained silent, playing with his sandwich.

“Anyways Matt…” Mr. Sternfeld begun to talk to him. “I hope you don’t have any plans for tomorrow. I will need your help.”

“For what…” Matt said with bored tone.

“Mr. Jeff will bring tomorrow Bino’s stuff from his house.” Mr. Sternfeld explained. “So we will have to sort all of this. And I don’t want any toys on the floor. Everything must have its place. You understand?”

Matt only nod his head without any signs of enthusiasm.

“And later in the afternoon, we will have guests.” Mr. Sternfeld continued. “Mr. Milton will come and you will have to sign documents so Bino can formally become your pet.”

Matt raised his head. He had a grimace on his face.

“Great, now I will be nailed to him thanks to the law.” He said with displease. “Anyways, who this Milton guy is?”

Mr. Sternfeld blinked few times in disbelief.

“You don’t know who Milton is??” He asked loud, not believing his ears.

“Nop.” Matt shook his head.

“Well, I shouldn’t be surprised since you barely know what’s happening on this world.” Mr. Sternfeld said with ironic expression. “Mr. Milton is world-famous multibillionaire. He owns many consortiums in America, Europe and Asia, commodious hectares of tea plantations in India, a lot of sport teams of all kinds of discipline, including stadiums and sports hall his development company built, and has his own islands on Pacific.”

Matt was showing no interest into those words. His face remained stoned.

“And what is most important…” Mr. Sternfeld continued the conversation. “… he is the primate resident of Babylon Gardens. He is in charge of the law here.”

Matt’s expression have changed.

“We we’re not under the state law?” He asked with astonishment.

“Well, not quite…”

“But that doesn’t make any sense.” Matt was pressing on the subject. “I thought we’re just moving into different town, not to state within a state. They haven’t explained this in brochure?”

Mr. Sternfeld wasn’t sure what to say. He looked away and was playing with his fingers.

“Well, there was something mentioned about it. But there was also written to not ask too many questions…” was all he could say.

Matt suddenly felt that he’s very tired. His body was ordering him to go to the warm bed and fall asleep.

“I guess I will hit the sac too.” He said while massaging his eyelids. Then, he slowly stood up. “Will need some rest if I’m going to survive the next day with my pet… night, folks.”

“Rest well.” Mr. Sternfeld replied as he sipped his tea.

When Matt was rubbing his nape and was close to the exit, he heard a very disappointed voice:

“Honey, you won’t give me a kiss for goodnight?”

Matt moaned and hung his head. He slowly turned around and approached his mother with his arms dangling.

Mrs. Sternfeld smiled cheerfully when her son slightly kissed her cheek.

“I love you darling.” She said. “I hope angels will appear in your dreams.”

Ye, love you too…” Matt said with disgust. Then, he slowly proceed to the exit, scuffing.

When Matt went out from the kitchen, Mr. Sternfeld turned his head to his wife.

“So… what are we watching tonight?” He asked with a grin on his face and with raised eyebrow.

Mrs. Sternfeld glanced at him with questionable look.

“Isn’t too late to go to the cinema?” She asked.

Mr. Sternfeld grimaced.

“Actually, I was thinking about our Blu-Ray…” He replied with disappointment.


I went out yesterday to do some photos. But it didn’t go too well. Was very cold and there weren’t many subjects to capture. But that happens. Tomorrow should be better. I go to the artistic studio that is settled in old tenement house. I’m sure I will find inspiration there.
Also, It’s 4:20 AM here. I better go to sleep xo
Last edited by Karl on Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Obbl »

I must say, Mrs. Sternfeld is scaring me the most of all the characters. :?
But Matt and Bino's personalities are so alike, I love it :lol:
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by valerio »

The depth of interactions between Bino and this family will never cease to amaze me, bravo sir!!

Technical note: it's not 'collation', but 'dinner'

Mr. Milton.... Heh, the new family's in for SOME surprise! :lol:
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

Obbl wrote:I must say, Mrs. Sternfeld is scaring me the most of all the characters. :?
She's just warming up ;)
Obbl wrote:But Matt and Bino's personalities are so alike, I love it :lol:
Glad to hear this :) I'm doing my best to make their personalities right.
valerio wrote:Technical note: it's not 'collation', but 'dinner'
I had a problem with that. Because for me, dinner is a meal that people eat in afternoon. And I was aiming for meal that is being eaten before going to sleep. But I guess I will need to work on that.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by copper »

Call it supper then. In the South it goes Breakfast, Dinner (in place of lunch), and then supper. My grandparents still use this old system, so I kind of picked it up too.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

copper wrote:Call it supper then. In the South it goes Breakfast, Dinner (in place of lunch), and then supper. My grandparents still use this old system, so I kind of picked it up too.

Okay. Then I'll edit :)

EDIT: Ok, changed. Thanks for your suggestion :)
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by copper »

Anytime, Karlos!

Glad I could help! :D
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

13. Insomnia

It wasn’t easy for Bino to get to his basket. Especially when its dark in the room. He had to be very careful when placing his feet on the ground. One mistake and he would step on something that was lying on the carpet.

After he finally reached his basket, he snuggled into the blanked and closed his eyes.

It wasn’t long before Matt came in. Bino haven’t opened his eyes until he heard “ouch”. When he lifted his eyelids, he saw Matt wearing a gray T-shirt and black boxers. He was hopping near his bed, massaging his foot after stepping on something that was a part of something electronic.

Matt sat on his bed with a grimace on his face. He rested his head on his hand and let out a sigh. He shook his head few times.

Then, his glance went on Bino, who was curled up in his basket. He was under his blanket and was eyeing at his new owner.

“And what was that all about down there?” Matt have broken the silence, frowning and glaring at Bino. “Try to make fun of me in front of my parents again and you will spend the night outside.”

Bino glared back. He didn’t like Matt’s words.

“You started first!” Bino said with annoyed tone. “I haven’t said anything! You had some problems with my eyes!”

“If you will ever dare to gawk at me like that again, I will take out your eyeballs from their orbits with a teaspoon!” Matt said angrily.

He then stood up and turned himself to his bed. He moved the comforter, climbed on his bed, covered himself and before he rested his head on the pillow, he smacked it with force.

Bino was feeling how his anger was increasing in him. He shut his eyes and gripped his blanked. He wanted to stand up and go to Matt to show him what he thinks about his stupid idea with teaspoon.

After some moment of silence, Bino heard Matt’s voice:

“Look, dog.” Matt said with calmer voice this time. “Let’s put it this way. We live under one roof. We hate eachother. So you keep walking on your own road and I walk on my own. Got it?”

Now Bino felt really offended. Not only his new dad was an arrogant and rude jerk, but he also didn’t remember what is his name.

How dare he not know his name? Every dog in this neighborhood must know his name! He is the ringleader after all!

He rolled on the other side and crossed his arms.

“I have a name!” He said loud, his voice mixed with anger and disappointment.

“So what?” The answer came. “You’re just a dog to me. What’s the difference?”

Silence was filling the room. Only some sounds from outside could’ve been heard from time to time.

“Alright. What is your name?” Bino heard Matt’s voice again.

Bino didn’t want to reply at first. He didn’t like how Matt was talking to him. He talked like giving arrogant responses were satisfying him. And Bino didn’t want to give him such pleasure.

But Bino realized that it will be better if Matt will actually refer to him by his name, not by his appearance. He opened his eyes and made a sad expression.

“My name is Bino…” he said weakly.

“I’ll try to remember.” Matt replied arrogantly.

It was quiet again. None of them said anything. Bino was already feeling offended at Matt. And Matt did not want to talk to Bino at all.

Bino closed his eyes. He was feeling very tired and he wanted to fall asleep. He hugged his pillow and moved his legs close to his belly.

But then, he remembered something. His earlier conversation with Mr. Sternfeld came to his mind. And he felt an urge to ask Matt a question. He opened his eyes.

“Are you sleeping?” Bino asked.

No reply came. Bino thought that Matt have fallen asleep. He sighed and closed his eyes.

“I wish I could, but you keep bothering me.” He heard Matt’s voice.

Bino opened his eyes once again. He rolled on the other side and looked into the black void where Matt’s bed was supposed to be.

“Do you have a brother?” Bino asked.

He heard a grumble.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Matt replied with disgust.

“And how is he like?”

Matt let out a long sigh.

“Dad told you about him already?”

Bino did not replied. He was waiting for Matt’s response.

“Let’s say that my brother is a type of a guy who likes to impress others.” Matt said. “He likes to show off and to prove how much he is better from me. And don’t believe in what old man says about him. Mike is his firstborn and he will always talk about him in superlatives.”

Bino raised his eyebrows. He never heard anyone calling his dad old man. Not to mention that he didn’t know what firstborn and superlatives mean, but he decided to pretend that he knows.

“Old man?” Bino asked. “So he finally is dad or old man?”

“Eh, it’s a byword…” Matt replied with annoyance.

Bino supported his elbow on the pillow and rested his head on his paw.

“And where is your brother?” Bino asked another question. “Why he’s not here? He was sold to someone else too?”

“What do you… oh, nevermind.” Matt said with resignation, realizing that he could have fallen into another of Bino’s uncomfortable questions traps. “Mike lives on his own now. Away from here. And I hope he will stay there for good.”

“And why he’s a disgrace in your opinion?” Bino asked next question.

“And what is this, some interview with Jerry Springer?!” Matt said louder, loosing his patience. “I think I’ve already told you to not buzz into my personal life! Care about yourself!”

Bino got scared. He snuggled himself back in his blankets. He didn’t know what he said wrong this time.

“Any other stupid questions?” A voice came from the black void. “Because I have enough of you and I wanna go to sleep already.”

Bino placed his hands under his chin and rubbed his knuckles against eachother. There was actually something he wanted to ask for a long time.

Do you like me?” He asked silently.

Bino knew that his question was very naive. The answer was obvious. But he really felt the need to ask this.

And after some moments of silence, Matt replied:

No.” He said brutally. “I don’t like you. I already regret that you’ve shown up in my life. I don’t like that you sleep in my room. I don’t like that I had to walk you outside. I don’t like that I was forced to go out twice to buy food for you. You mean nothing to me. You’re a burden to me. Sorry, but I’m not the type of the guy who would keep an entire zoo in his house if he was able to. So don’t expect cuddles and other d’awww things from my side. I did not ask for you. I don’t care about you. Deal with it. Now let me sleep.”

Bino felt like something stabbed his hear with a pin. He regretted that he asked such question. If he wouldn’t ask, he wouldn’t feel upset right now. But now, he feels like someone just pushed him into the pool filled with very cold water.

He turned on the other side and squeezed his pillow tightly.

Good night.” He said with weak voice.

But no one replied. Bino only sighed and closed his eyes, hoping to find some solace in the land of dreams.

- - - - - - - - - -

A lot of time have passed and Bino was still unable to fall into sleep.

The entire room was dark. The windows were covered and no light from the outside could get through. Only Matt’s breathing was telling Bino that someone else was inside.

He tried all kind of positions to feel comfortable. On his back. On his tummy. On left or right side. With his head under the pillow. With one leg outside his basket. Curled up. With and without his blanket on him. But nothing was helping him. He was feeling uncomfortable all the time and bed sheets were annoying for his body.

The air was dry. It was hard for him to breath. He also had problems with temperature. When he was covered in his blanket, it was too hot. When he took it off his body, it was too cold.

Various thoughts were crossing his mind. They were intrusive and were preventing him from sleeping.

He missed a lot his old home. It was a place where he lived since he was a pup. And he grew into it. He knew every room there. Every place to hide. Every corners. All furniture, colors of walls. He even knew where dad was hiding from him and Max all sweets. Always in the kitchen, in the cupboard, behind dishes.

He started to feel nostalgic. He wanted to go back to his old house. There was his place. There, he was feeling safe.

He wanted to go back to dad. He was with him for a very long time. He was his parent. Father and mother in one person. A person who raised him, fed him, bought him toys, CD’s and other stuff that he really wanted.

Max was also part of his life. He disliked cats. But something was pulling him to that weirdo. Maybe because they both lived in the same house. And they were like siblings.

Cat as a brother? How weird. But still…

Even now when he lays in his basket, he can sense from blankets the scent of his old house.

He felt like his eyes were burning. He gripped his pillow.

He was feeling like an orphan. Lonely and unloved.

Now he lives in a totally different place with some strangers. He doesn’t like this place. It’s cold, unfriendly and scents are different here. This wasn’t his place. He wants to go back.

Why his dad sold him to some strangers? Why he has to live here? Why no one asked about his opinion? Why no one cared how he feels?

This isn’t fair.

He doesn’t want to live here.

Especially with Matt.

He doesn’t like him. He forces him to be on a leash. He doesn’t understand the laws of dogs that are passed on every generation. He didn’t want to feed him. He often gets angry. He is disrespectful.

Matt doesn’t love him.

He doesn’t want to hug him and pet him.

And that’s what Bino really wants. Someone who would love him. Cuddle him. Stroke his fur and rub his belly.

Maybe he should run away and become a feral? So he can become free?

Maybe he will find wolfs? And they will let him join their pack?

But what if he gets caught? What would happen with him? They will send him to animal shelter?

And if the wolfs will be unfriendly and will hurt him?

Does it mean that he is stuck here? With this cold-hearted guy?

Why is this happening to him? Why he must suffer like this?

It’s like prison…

But then, Bino realized something.

How was he behaving?

He is a dog. Is it proper to behave like a whiner?

How it will look like? He is a ringleader. A chairdog of Good Ol’ Dogs Club. He is superior over all dogs.

Dogs can’t see him as a wuss. He is the boss here. He is responsible for them all. Their leader is mighty and powerful. He must be an example of a real dog.

If he will act like a wuss, Fido will sure dethrone him. And he can’t allow on this. He will not let Fido take his position. If Fido will replace him, he will sure enslave all neighbor dogs and will be feeding them with his lies about justice and equal rights! He is the dog of the people! It is his duty to protect his people from likes of Fido!


Bino grinned. His depression was fading away, being replaced by honor and pride.

He started making plans. He will come out tomorrow, showing to everyone that changing places means nothing to him. He will show everyone how strong he is and how much he is better than Fido. And then, he will go to Fox and prove him that he is better friend than that false and scrubby dog called King.


He will show everyone who he is. Even Matt will know.

Bino lifted his head and looked where Matt’s bed was. He grinned mischievously.

Forget that I will ever listen to your orders, jerk.” He thought to himself. “You may be my dad, but I will never let you take control over me. Who do you think you are. I am Bino, the ringleader of the neighborhood dogs! And I will show you who’s the real man here!

Bino placed his head back on the pillow and snuggled himself in blankets. He fall asleep with a grin on his face.


I was unlucky recently.
When I finished writing this new chapter and wanted to post it, my net died.
We have an awful storm here. My net is delivered through antenna and when it gets really windy, it gets cut off.
I really wanted to update earlier. But nature had proven how superior is over humanity.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by EmoPeanut »

Im crazy......WAFFLES!!!
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by valerio »

Bino epicness, yay!
You really know how to work magic with this little guy... Hope you don't mind a couple of tech observations:

1) Pets are usually born in litters, and he's the second of his own. Unless he uses the word 'bumum', how couldn't he know what 'firstborn' means?
2) if there's someone who thinks of himself as 'superlative', that's Bino, so he should know that word as well.

For the rest, aw, Matt is just a hearless whimp!Not even Bino deserves such treatment!
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

valerio wrote:Hope you don't mind a couple of tech observations
Of course not :) I'm always open for people's thoughts. Feel free to ask me anything.
valerio wrote:1) Pets are usually born in litters, and he's the second of his own. Unless he uses the word 'bumum', how couldn't he know what 'firstborn' means?
2) if there's someone who thinks of himself as 'superlative', that's Bino, so he should know that word as well.
I was actually inspired by this strip, panel 2.
It seems that Bino understands mainly those words that are being used in common. That's why I used those two words when reffering to this strip. Normally, someone will say "He is my eldest son". Rarely someone says "He is my firstborn."
Same goes for 'superlatives'. Not all people understand what that means since it's mainly being used in literature. But most of them understand when someone says 'in glowing terms'.
When Rex said 'cat lover', Bino understood him. But when Fox used word 'felinophile', he gave an avoiding reply, despite that Fox actually said the same thing as Rex, just using different synonymous.

Feline - Cat
Philia - Love
valerio wrote:You really know how to work magic with this little guy
Oh, thank you :) I'm doing my best to make the character's feeling to work on reader :)
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by KizerZin »

The Darkness is strong in this one~ I love this Chapter!
Everyone hates on Bino, it’s nice to see someone puts him in a better light.
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

Well, tomorrow I start school again. So Housepets: Matt goes back to the original update shedule. So the next update will be in Saturday :)
I hope you enjoyed this little event :) I wanted to make one more update before finishing, but fate made a different decision for me. But I am glad how it turned out anyways :)
How will look Bino's and Matt's next day? Will it be normal or something will happen? Find out in Saturday ;)
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by valerio »

Oh noez!
The wait! :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

valerio wrote:Oh noez!
The wait! :cry: :cry: :cry:
Look on the bright side - your will have greater apetyte ;)

Sorry Val, but I have school :) And I need to focus on my education if I want to be a good photographer. First duties, then pleasures :)
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by valerio »

Do something!
Clone yourself!
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by Karl »

I was thinging about that. But if I will be in school and my clone will be writing new chapters, he will rebel against me and dethrone me. So it's better to not risk xo
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Re: Housepets: Matt

Post by EmoPeanut »

Oops...... sorry Karlos, I already made clone of you using my muse..... OH BOY
Im crazy......WAFFLES!!!