Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by copper »

"Jumping out of the tree he jumped out of the tree." :lol:
I'm sorry, but that is the best line that I've read so far.
Really great story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

Entering his house Bino looked around for any sign of the annoying cat he shared his house with, “Max you here?” For once Bino actually wanted him to be around, Max was going to be the final piece to his plan to bring down Fido.

“Your home early, did your party planning fail or something?” the black cat came walking around the corner with a bunch of roles of wrapping paper, “How is Fido doing running things?”

“He’s NOT running things,” Bino had to take a moment to take a breath because he needed Max’s help and getting upset wasn’t going to help, “I actually came home to ask for your help.”

Max couldn’t help but laugh, “You need my help? You must be desperate,” putting down all the wrapping paper he started to cut off a big enough piece to wrap the box he had on the floor, “and in case you haven’t noticed I’m busy! I got Grape an advance copy of the new Pridelands book. I had to pull a lot of strings, but I got it!”

“You can do that later,” Bino wasn’t about to accept a no, he needed Max and he needed him now, “you can’t even cover a box properly! Remember the mess you made last year?”

“Fine Mr. Proper you do it, and I’ll listen to what you want and maybe I’ll help you,” Max moved over to make room for Bino on the floor.

Taking a spot next to Max, Bino started to wrap the present, “You still have your tape recorder right? I need you to go over to Sabrina’s house and…”

“No way!” All Max had to hear was the name, he didn’t want to have anything to do with going over there. “I’m not going over there!”

Giving an annoyed sigh Bino continued anyway, “You won’t have to go inside, I’ve sent Peanut over to do what I’m asking you to do, but I know he won’t do it. He’s just there to get them talking, all you have to do is get their conversation!” Finishing the present he held it up to Max.

Turning around Max grabbed some purple ribbons and a black bow, and handed them to Bino, “put these on it, I figured matching fur color should be nice!”

“Fine,” taking the bow and ribbons he started to put them on, “so I know Peanut will probably go over to warn Sabrina about my plans, but they should say enough to get what I need, you just have to be there to get it!”

“And what is this ‘it’ anyways?” Max used his fingers to quote the ‘it’, “What’s so important that you need me to go and record it?”

“Well believe it or not, You ex Sabrina is actually with Fido now,” Bino handed back the present to Max as he stood up, “and if I were you I’d help me, you’ve lost one girlfriend to a dog already if we don’t break it up, you may lose another.”

Taking the box Bino help out Max just looked at it for a few second, “No way, Grape isn’t into dogs!” Max wanted to be absolutely sure about that, but he had thought the same thing about Sabrina, he had to find out if Bino was telling the truth, “alright I’ll do it for forty bucks! That advance copy wasn’t exactly cheap you know!”

“Forty? NO WAY!” Bino wanted Max’s help, but not that much! He wasn’t saving for anything in particular, but he wasn’t going to just give out money, “I’ll give you fifteen!”

“Thirty!” Max wasn’t too interested in the money, he’d go do it anyways, he just wanted to see how much he could get out of Bino.

Bino needed to get Max to agree as soon as possible, Peanut was already on his way and Max needed to be close behind, but he still didn’t want to pay him that much, “Twenty-five and that’s the final offer!”

“Deal!” Turning to go back to his room Max went to go get his recorder, placing Grape’s gift on his bed he grabbed what he needed and left. “Twenty-five buck isn’t half bad! Besides, if his plan actually works out for once, Fido won’t be trusted and Bino being to power hungry to lead the whole dog social hierarchy will crumble and that’s something worth watching!”

“Perfect,” Bino thought to himself as he headed to his room, “It’s all in how you manipulate! By tomorrow I’ll have the party set up, and evidence to bust Fido! And I didn’t have to do a thing!” Lying on his bed he decided to take a well deserved nap knowing he’d soon be top dog.

Sorry the update is kinda short, but now we see what Bino's plan really is! Will it work? Also hooray page three and over 1000 views! Next update monday! Enjoy!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by lightwolf21 »

Even the short updates are well worth it. :mrgreen: Once again, another awesome update. Can't wait for the next one.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Bino so reminds me of the bullies from the old animes I used to watch. He' so nefarious, I can't help but love him for that :mrgreen:
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by copper »

Great update. I wonder how Bino will react when Fido busts himself. That should be very interesting to see. :D
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Barkeron »

copper wrote:Great update. I wonder how Bino will react when Fido busts himself. That should be very interesting to see. :D
Me too. Great update there, Chris. It can either help Bino or it can rip the whole Good old dogs club apart.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Blue Braixen »

Barkeron wrote:
copper wrote:Great update. I wonder how Bino will react when Fido busts himself. That should be very interesting to see. :D
Me too. Great update there, Chris. It can either help Bino or it can rip the whole Good old dogs club apart.
And if Peanut actually does what Bino thinks he will, then Peanut is every bit as nefarious as Bino. Great twist, getting Max in there.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

Leaving the house Peanut was in a rush, with talking to Bino and Grape he was now running late from when Tarot had asked him to come over. Running as fast as he could he practically ran down a pair of Dalmatians walking down the sidewalk, “I’m sorry!” Peanut kept apologizing as he helped them up and brushing dirt from himself.

“No worries,” the first dog looked up to Peanut, “what’s the rush there dog? You look familiar, but I don’t believe we’ve met! The name’s Alexander,” he held out a hand to Peanut.

“I’m Peanut!” Peanut started shaking his hand, “Sorry for running into you I was running late so I was kind of in a rush!” He started rubbing the back of his head as he looked to the second dog.

“I’m Opal,” she said seeing him stare, “pleasure to meet you Peanut.”

Peanut’s tail was wagging as he stood there with the dogs, “It’s nice to meet you both, we should play at the park sometime!” looking at their collars he saw the shining gems hanging from their collars, “Oooh! That’s shiny!” Instinctively his hand went up to touch them.

Looking to what he was grabbing for they both just grinned, that usually happened to every dog they met, “Mine is garnet, hers is an Opal,”

After looking at them for a while Peanut finally asked, “And they’re real? That’s so cool!” He was about to get into a conversation about it with them when Tarot came back to mind, “Oh, but I have to go! I’m definitely late now!" Turning he started off again, "See you around!”

“Some other time then!” Alex and Opal turned back to their house as Peanut headed the other way. “He seems like a lot of fun huh?” Opal just smiled as they went.

Finally reaching the house Peanut was in quite a happy mood as he knocked on the door, “Tarot! I’m here!” He continued knocking on the door until it opened.

“Hello Peanut,” Tarot gave him a hug as he kissed her cheek, “come in, we have much to talk about Peanut and not a lot of time!”

“Tarot, who’s here?” Sabrina walked into the room after hearing all the knocking, looking around she saw Peanut and Tarot sitting on cushions all over the floor, “Oh hi Peanut!” Giving them both a smile she joined them on the cushions.

“I’m glad you’re here Sabrina, though you should be bed” Tarot stared at Sabrina for a few seconds longer before looking back to Peanut, “you are aware of the events that are going to happen tomorrow am I right?”

Peanut looked to Sabrina for a quick second unsure of how to answer, did she know that he knew? “You mean for the Christmas party? Yeah, Fido came and talked to me about it earlier.”

Sabrina’s eyes popped open as Peanut spoke, “Wait Fido went and told you about us? Why? He told me he didn’t like the idea of telling anyone!” Sabrina was about to start freaking out, when she noticed Peanut still sitting there as calm as before, “Does it not bother you about us? I thought all the dogs hated cat lovers like Fido.”

“Don’t get yourself too worked up Sabrina; you have someone else to think about now remember?” Tarot was signaling to Sabrina’s stomach as she continued, “to answer your question though, Fido was able to trust Peanut because he has a crush on Grape, and he didn’t tell them he and Grape have known since Fido came back to town from the academy.”

Tarot said her last comment so nonchalantly that Peanut almost missed it entirely, “wait, how did you know about Grape?” Peanut was blushing wildly as Tarot’s other comment started to sink in, “wait someone else to think about?”

“She and Fido are to be parents within the nearby future Peanut,” Tarot’s eyes started to glow green, “and I’ve always known about you and Grape, but more of that will be explained at a later time.”

“TAROT!” Sabrina was almost hissing as she glared at the Pomeranian, “I haven’t told Fido yet and you go and tell Peanut!” This was one of the few things that Sabrina didn’t completely like about living with Tarot; nothing was kept secret for long, if at all. She turned back to Peanut looking slightly apologetic, “no offense Peanut, I just wanted Fido to know first.”

“He’s almost here,” Tarot thought to herself as she watched Maxwell come down the street, as her eyes turning back to normal she looked back to Sabrina, “Some things are better off coming out now than later.” Getting up from she was she went over to open a window just a bit letting in a small draft, “the events to come are to domino from here.”

Walking up to the house Max saw a window being partially opened, “perfect, and great timing” he thought as he peered in. “They’re making it almost too easy,” pulling out the recorder he started setting it up.

Taking a seat again next to Peanut, Tarot eyed the window a few seconds longer before turning back to him, “I’ve asked you to come over Peanut because you are going to play a key role in things to come. Though Fido and Sabrina coming out as a couple will be the start of everything, leading others to do the same. They will need your help more than you know.”

“Wow, really?” Peanut was looking at her with both excitement and nervousness, “I’ll do whatever I can to help out Fido and Sabrina!”

Sabrina couldn’t help but smile at the dog’s eagerness, every time he came over to be with Tarot he was excited about one thing or another. It was as if you just couldn’t get him down, “What all has Fido told you?”

Looking back to Sabrina, Peanut sat and thought for a minute trying to remember, “Well I kind of told him that Grape and I knew about you two and he told me that you wanted to come out and tell everyone about you being together.” The conversation with Bino suddenly came to mind, “Bino came over too though, he seems to have found about you and Fido and wanted me to help get the other dogs against him for being a cat lover, but I didn’t want to.”

“Bino will not be a problem,” Tarot looked back to the window before continuing, “for right now his plans are the same as what you are planning.” Standing up she looked at the window one last time, “Now I believe enough has been said for everyone, so you should go back to sleep Sabrina,” she sighed but relented and returned to the room as Tarot walked with Peanut to the door, “remember Peanut be careful! Change is coming, and you will have to make important decisions.” Bending don Peanut gave her a small kiss before walking outside, “See you tomorrow honey!”

“Bye Tarot!” Peanut waved to her as he walked down the driveway back home, “I get to help be a hero! That’s so exciting!” His tail wagged as he walked along the sidewalk.

Turning off the recorder Max had on his usual grin, “I certainly got enough! Should go and charge Bino more for this!”

As the black cat started to pack the stuff away Tarot came to the window, “be careful of your actions Maxwell, the end result may not be what you expect.” Saying this she closed the window leaving him to think of what she said.

“How did she?” Max stared at the window for a while before getting his stuff, “She knew I was there? Crazy psychic! Peanut sure knows how to pick the crazy ones!” Laughing to himself he tucked the recorder safely away and headed home.

Update Time! Tarot makes the scene now wooo! Rather blunt and to the point though aint she? So now Peanut knows about Sabrina, Max got what Bino wanted, and Tarot knew he was there! I also threw in a small appearance by Opal and Alex because I wanted to! Enjoy and next update comes Friday!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by copper »

A Housepets baby! I am so excited!
Can't wait for the next update.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

The son of Fido AND Sabrina?!?
I'm loving this ficcie more and more and more.
You made my Monday, Christopher :mrgreen:
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Barkeron »

valerio wrote:The son of Fido AND Sabrina?!?
Wut? xD. :mrgreen: This fic keeps on getting interesting. Keep going.

But at least I don't see any dog riots in BG after Fido gets ousted? Right? (Okay, I was only joking with this one).
Last edited by Barkeron on Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Karl »

You've suprised me :)
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

Wait son? Did I mention a gender and forget? :shock:
Also surprised is good! Just like Fido will be surprised if Bino outs him and same with Bino if Fido comes out himself! Which will do it first?
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Blue Braixen »

ChristopherJackal wrote:Wait son? Did I mention a gender and forget? :shock:
Also surprised is good! Just like Fido will be surprised if Bino outs him and same with Bino if Fido comes out himself! Which will do it first?
C'mon, please?
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by copper »

I'm with Tha Housedog on this one.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

no, you didn't mention a gender. It's an italian language thing. First thing we do when talking about a baby is saying 'son'. I should have said 'Pup', in fact. Sorry.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by lightwolf21 »

valerio wrote:no, you didn't mention a gender. It's an italian language thing. First thing we do when talking about a baby is saying 'son'. I should have said 'Pup', in fact. Sorry.
...or would it be a putten?... a kippy? :?
Maybe a kitup?
Heh. Look at that... I started an actual Housepets! fan-fic. ... 70#p131370
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Blue Braixen »

lightwolf21 wrote:
valerio wrote:no, you didn't mention a gender. It's an italian language thing. First thing we do when talking about a baby is saying 'son'. I should have said 'Pup', in fact. Sorry.
...or would it be a putten?... a kippy? :?
Maybe a kitup?
Probably a kitup, since the mother's a cat...

Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ctcmjh »

lightwolf21 wrote:...or would it be a putten?... a kippy? :?
Maybe a kitup?
lightwolf21 wrote:...or would it be a putten?
lightwolf21 wrote:be a putten?
lightwolf21 wrote:putten
lightwolf21 wrote:Putin
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by lightwolf21 »

LOL. That post is made of win, ctcmjh! XD
Heh. Look at that... I started an actual Housepets! fan-fic. ... 70#p131370
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Blue Braixen »

Needs more updates!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Karl »

When I saw that pic, my heart stopped beating for 5 seconds.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

Giving a satisfied, if not tired sigh, Fido looked to the others and back to the clubhouse they spent most of the day decorating and setting up for the party to come the next day. “Great job you guys, I know I haven’t been here as long as you all, so I wanted to thank you again for all the help.”

Going up to give him a hug Sasha was just smiling as big as always, “I wanted to help! It was lots of fun!” She was still looking around marveling at the way everything looked, “the party will be fun too!” Her tail started wagging as the excitement started to build in her.

Still a little uneasy around Fido, King offered a hand for a hand shake rather than a hug, “although I was dragged here unwillingly, it wasn’t that bad,” coughing a little he muttered under his breath, just barely loud enough to be heard “especially since Bino wasn’t around most of the time.”

Fido sighed thinking of Bino, “he’s usually not too bad, just today he went a little far.” Fido just sighed again, “That was way too close for comfort.” He thought to himself.

Fox was uneasy as King was, but for different reasons, “We were glad to help in any case Fido, sorry Bino had to be a jerk though,” As he gave the slightly taller dog a hug he took the chance to sniff around him, “there’s something there, and it’s definitely not a canine smell.” Still thinking to himself, Fox’s mind was now swimming with thoughts, “what if Bino was right?” He had to get answer, “hey Fido, can I talk to you about something real quick?” He turned and started heading away from the group before Fido could answer.

Fido could tell something was up with the way Fox hugged him, but he didn’t quite know what, when they seemed to be a well enough distance from the others Fido stopped and looked at Fox, “what did you want to talk to me about?”

Fox took a deep breath before starting, “there is no easy way to ask this, but are you honestly a cat lover? With the hug I just gave you I could still smell something else on you that didn’t come from a dog.”

“Fox, you know I help with the police a lot, but maybe I should have taken a bath before coming here,” Fido wanted to change the subject as soon as possible, he wasn’t sure if he could tell Fox the truth or not.

“I know, but we worked pretty hard today and for the smell to still be on you after all that you must have gotten pretty close together,” Fox almost felt bad for accusing Fido like this, but he needed a straight answer from him before he went to Bino, “Just tell me Fido are you or are you not a cat lover?”

Fido just stood there for a minute; can he tell him the truth right now? His mind was racing back and forth before he decided it was too risky. “No Fox I am not a cat lover,” it hurt him on the inside to have to do it, but he’d find out the truth tomorrow anyhow so Fido couldn’t risk him knowing now and telling everyone, even if it ment lying now.

“Alright Fido I believe you,” Fox sighed now having an answer. Something inside was telling him Fido took too long to answer, but he wanted to trust him. He had known Fido since he had moved to the neighborhood, why would he lie to him now? Even if he hated cat lovers, would he lie to his face?

Looking up at the clock on the wall Fido was feeling a little tired, he was due to start his night shift in a few hours and he was feeling he’d like to rest a bit beforehand. “I’ll see you all tomorrow! I’ll probably be heading home now, Bye!” He waved to the three as he walked out the club house. “This is going to be a long night,” he thought as he headed home.

Sasha stood waving until Fido was out of sight, “I want to go check up on Bino, anybody else want to come?” She turned still smiling and headed for the door.

“Do we have to go over there? He’s such a jerk,” King was pouting but followed Sasha anyways; "I’m pretty sure he hates me for whatever crazy reason he made up.”

Fox just stood there watching the pair walk before finally deciding to join them; He needed to talk to Bino. His mind wouldn’t be at ease until he knew the truth, and for that he’d need to talk to both dogs.

“So what was Bino’s problem earlier anyhow?” King’s question caught Fox of guard snapping him out of his thoughts, “What is a cat lover anyways?”

“You’re joking right?” Fox was completely surprised at what King was asking; this was basic knowledge to just about every dog anywhere! “It means he loves a cat, which isn’t acceptable for a dog. Where are you from that you don’t already know this?”

“Oh well umm…” King had formed pre planned out answers for occasions like this, but he wasn’t expecting it and now his mind was going blank, “well… in my old neighborhood a lot of dogs dated cats, and everyone was fine with it.”

“Well that’s not how it works here! No dog in his right mind will be caught with a cat; just being called a cat lover can be bad enough!” Fox paused as he walked remembering what happened with Peanut the last time Bino called him a cat lover, “Bino has only done it once before, and that poor dog ended up a social outcast for a while because of it, turns out Bino was wrong though. So calling someone a cat lover is never something to joke about.”

King was trying his hardest not to laugh, “So you basically let the community dictate who you can and cannot be with?” King couldn’t hold it in any longer as the laughter erupted from him, “that has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a long time.”

Fox was giving him such a cold stare, “it’s not a laughing matter King. You tried being unsociable when you got here, but that was by choice and now you’re coming out of that. You make the wrong decision and get too friendly with a cat then the other dogs will make that decision for you. I’m trying to be your friend here King, don’t force me to go against that by making bad decisions.” His cold stare faded to one more of concern.

King felt a little guilty now about laughing, Fox was right he was just trying to warn him about it but the whole idea seemed crazy, “Ok, I admit I won’t go out of my way to be with a cat to spite Bino or anything, but how can you honestly expect someone who as you say loves a cat to just stop because the community doesn’t like it? Doesn’t really seem fair if you ask me.”

Fox just sighed, King seemed to be determined to prove the whole ideal wrong, “You may be right, but that is the way things are and that’s just how they are going to stay.”

Now it was King’s turn to sigh, "so everyone just fall’s in line to whatever one dog has to say about it and that’s that? That’s just stupid what if you ended up loving…”

Fox gave him such a stare that King just stopped mid sentence, “I wouldn’t finish that question if I were you King, I have never loved a cat and I never will. I will honestly tell you I almost came close to doing so once, but Bino helped me realize what was going on before it was too late. She ended up moving not too long afterwards.”

“Really? What did she look like? What was her name?” Sasha had been off in her own world, but the conversation between King and Fox was bringing her back.

“And you just let her go because someone said it wasn’t right?” King was getting increasingly aggravated with how blindly the dogs followed each other, “I see nothing wrong with a dog and a cat”

Fox immediately cut in, interrupting King once again, "Well I and everyone else does! Looking for someone beyond our species is betrayal to our kind, and as a dog you should have a strong sense of loyalty! I was lucky Bino stopped me from getting to close to that cat!” Fox was trying to keep his cool, but King was pushing him way too far, taking a deep breath he turned to Sasha, “if you must know though her name was Allegra, she had a light grey almost bluish fur with darker stripes and her eyes were as yellow as can be. But as I said, she moved away shortly after Bino kept me from making any big mistakes.” Fox was getting tired of talking about all this and his earlier frustrations with King were wearing him out, “I think I’m done now, I’ll be heading home so tell Bino I said hi.” With that he turned and headed the other direction.

Watching the dog walk of Sasha couldn’t help but think, “Greyish fur? Sounds familiar… I think I might have seen a cat like that when I was with Fido once!” She laughed and shrugged it off, “couldn’t be though if she moved away huh?”

“Sounds to me like he already made a big mistake, and now is all warped thanks to the social standards you all have here.” King just shook his head, “seems Bino would be a crazed dictator if Fido wasn’t around, make you appreciate him a little more even if he works with the police.” He just smiled to himself as he continued with Sasha.

YAY update time! Seems Fox has an interesting background no? Just so everyone knows, Allegra is indeed moved back in town by this point, and and I give kudos to whoever figures out who she is first! I believe she's only been in one comic strip thus far! Anywho enjoy, and next update comes wednesday! Oh and what's with the picture? I don't get it!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

first, I thought that Fido was acting really silly not to trust Fox's judgment... Then i understood why.
Man, I never imagined Fox could be such a spineless mutt! I really hope that King can help him back to his senses and straight into the arms of Allegra... Oh, btw, you were talking about THIS pretty gal?
If so, Foxie-boy got taste :lol:
And though in my ficcie Bino quite became a better dog, I hope that here he gets the humiliation of his life, him and those pesky catlovers-haters. GREAT UPDATE, CJ! Will be waiting impatiently for da next!
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

Man that was fast! You got it Val! Much Kudos for you!
I seem to have forgotten to mention I'll be out of town and away from the computer for the weekend, so I'll be MIA till sunday night probably Assuming I don't fall asleep when I get home!
Bino and Fox have a chance to change still, they're just rather jerkish at the moment... though will I change them I haven't decided yet...

Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ctcmjh »

ChristopherJackal wrote:Oh and what's with the picture? I don't get it!
His name is Vladimir Putin. He's the Prime Minister of Russia. Lightwolf said that a child between a dog and cat might be called a putten. And putten sounds the same as Putin.

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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

ChristopherJackal wrote:Man that was fast! You got it Val! Much Kudos for you!
I seem to have forgotten to mention I'll be out of town and away from the computer for the weekend, so I'll be MIA till sunday night probably Assuming I don't fall asleep when I get home!
Bino and Fox have a chance to change still, they're just rather jerkish at the moment... though will I change them I haven't decided yet...
Thank you dear :D
At least, with some luck you might find an updated translation of my stuff for when you're back, who knows... *crosses fingers*
And, anyway, given the circusmstances, change must come after severe humiliation. Especially Fox! He really failed me... :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by KizerZin »

The Story is very good...

Poor Bino, it's never fun having goody-goody’s destroying you’re perfect plots
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Karl »

ChristopherJackal wrote:Bino and Fox have a chance to change still, they're just rather jerkish at the moment... though will I change them I haven't decided yet...[/color]
Hmm, so you still fight inside your mind on how both of them should end. That sounds really interesting. I'm waiting for conclusions :)
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ctcmjh »

I'm loving this story! I can't wait for the next update!

Wow, Fox was a bit of a jerk in this one. Maybe he's in a similar situation as Fido? But instead of dating the cat, he really wants to but is afraid to be ostracized from his best friend, Bino, and all the other neighborhood dogs. It makes me wonder what will happen when Fido reveals his big secret! And what will happen when Sabrina reveals her even bigger secret! Oh what fun fanfics are!

Also, KING! Make your move! Sasha deserves more than Bino! Sasha doesn't deserve a mean, ignorant bully mutt! She deserves a tiny adorable bipolar antisocial corgi!

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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Also, KING! Make your move! Sasha deserves more than Bino! Sasha doesn't deserve a mean, ignorant bully mutt! She deserves a tiny adorable bipolar antisocial corgi!

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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Karl »

ctcmjh wrote:Wow, Fox was a bit of a jerk in this one. Maybe he's in a similar situation as Fido? But instead of dating the cat, he really wants to but is afraid to be ostracized from his best friend, Bino, and all the other neighborhood dogs.
That also makes me wonder - in what way Bino helped Fox to realize that being a cat-lover is bad. Was it because he is a jerk or he really did want to help him.

I guess it will be revealed in progress :)
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by lightwolf21 »

ctcmjh wrote:
ChristopherJackal wrote:Oh and what's with the picture? I don't get it!
His name is Vladimir Putin. He's the Prime Minister of Russia. Lightwolf said that a child between a dog and cat might be called a putten. And putten sounds the same as Putin.
Well, I didn't think it was pronounced the same... putt-ten, vs Vladimir Poo-teen? (pronunciation from here:
Still pretty hilarious, though. :lol:

Being more on topic: I'm sure Fox has a good reason for acting this way. He'll probably come around somehow, eventually; *shipping senses tingling*. Great job giving the previously-unnamed cat-waitress a name. Rick just needs to update the tag on the comic now. :mrgreen:
Heh. Look at that... I started an actual Housepets! fan-fic. ... 70#p131370
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Barkeron »

One of those curve ball out of nowhere moments. Fox has an interesting history and great taste. Hahaha. There gotta be more to this. Can't wait for the update.

King does have a point about this whole social thing.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Blue Braixen »

Fox is the one that doesn't understand.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Barkeron »

Karlos wrote:
ctcmjh wrote:Wow, Fox was a bit of a jerk in this one. Maybe he's in a similar situation as Fido? But instead of dating the cat, he really wants to but is afraid to be ostracized from his best friend, Bino, and all the other neighborhood dogs.
That also makes me wonder - in what way Bino helped Fox to realize that being a cat-lover is bad. Was it because he is a jerk or he really did want to help him.

All good observations :mrgreen: Er, Bino the dictator? The canine version of, (i not going to mention his name here).
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Barkeron wrote:One of those curve ball out of nowhere moments. Fox has an interesting history and great taste. Hahaha. There gotta be more to this. Can't wait for the update.

King does have a point about this whole social thing.
the advantage of having 'human inside'(TM) and knowing firsthand how stupid social conventions are, when it comes to romance.
Last edited by valerio on Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by valerio »

Tha Housedog wrote:Fox is the one that doesn't understand.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by Barkeron »

valerio wrote:first, I thought that Fido was acting really silly not to trust Fox's judgment... Then i understood why.
Man, I never imagined Fox could be such a spineless mutt! I really hope that King can help him back to his senses and straight into the arms of Allegra...

Pretty much this. ^ King seems to have more of a spine as far as this is concerned.
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Re: Housepets! Changing the Status Quo

Post by ChristopherJackal »

I'm back! Camp was awesome!
Man you guys can comment alot when I'm not around, I'm glad everyone seems to love this update! Makes me feel special!
Anywho, Bino seems to be rather unpopular now. Would be a shame if he ended up winning no? :twisted:
Can King manage to get the girl and help Fox do the same? May have to be one or the other, which would you pick? Follegra (love this name by the way) or King of Hearts?

Also final note, I'm getting busier now with a bunch of stuff, so I may have to change update times. I'm not entirely sure if I do yet, so I'll let ya'll know hen I do!
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