A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

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A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Teh Brawler »

((Yes, I started it. It gives us a good 25 days to get one Christmas eve done. Please don't hate me for it.))

O'Connor and Tory sat in front of the fireplace, drinking hot chocolate and enjoying the heat. Suddenly, Tory glanced out the window and shouted. "Aaah, snow! There's snow falling! Let's go play in the snow! Come on, O'Connor!"
The old dog sighed. "Ach, ye keip furege'in' tha' Ah'm an ol' dawg, lahd. Cah'n rohmp arounde lahka ah used teh." However, he stood up and stretched. "Ah'll taeke ye aoutsuide, tho', if ye be wantin' teh go tha' bahdleh." He grabbed a scarf, and went outside, Tory flying out right behind him.
Outside, O'Connor sat down on the steps, watching Tory fly through the snow, laughing. He looked around at all the Christmas decorations that covered the houses, and smiled slightly, thinking about how it was the 24th and sipping his hot chocolate. He then go up, and began to follow Tory as the bird wound his away around the neighborhood.
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by caelei »

"NoNoNo! Felix... wait. Not that way. NO. Over there! To the left! Other left! Come'on. Wait. Don't lean that far that way. You're on a ladder! Hey - hey! Watch it! No! Felix! STOP!" Too late. Pavelle watched in horror as Felix overbalanced the ladder, as it tilted slowly this way, then that, deciding which way to fall. She took a couple steps forward, arms outstretched as if she might be able to catch him, even though she was twenty-five feet away and wouldn't be able to support his weight, anyway. Almost in a panic, trying to save himself, he gripped onto the Christmas lights he was trying to hang. And then the ladder tilted the other way and he swung out, still griping the lights, into midair before... crack! a little piece of the gutter, not made to hold the deadweight of an airborn raccoon, gave out, splintering, the light attacked to it snapping, and Felix falling dooooowwwwwwn... into Magnus' waiting arms with a surprised exhale of shock and slight pain. Immediately he pushed away from the large dog, sliding neatly out of his savior's grip, shaking himself with a reproachful look at the two others.

"I had it under control until you started bossing me around," he told Edie, frowning at his sister in a condescending manner. And then to Magnus, "and I told you never to touch me. Ever." Stressing his point with a quick jab of one index finger. Magnus' ears went down, eyes growing large and innocent, letting out a small whimper.

"Sorry," the Great Dane apologized, giving a large, depressed frown. Pavelle shook her head, pretending like she hadn't just almost had a heart attack watching Felix nearly get injured.

"Don't apologize to him, Mag, it does him no good and just feeds his ego. To him, apologizing means showing submissive behavior, right Felix?" Felix gave her a large wink, as if it was their secret. She just rolled her eyes, then seemed to notice something, pausing, looking around. Watching, for a heartbeat, the tiny white flakes that had started falling from the sky. "It's snowing." The words came out in a frosty cloud of exhaled astonishment. A bright smile lit up her face. A look of pure joy dawned over Magnus', also, but Felix groaned aloud.

"Snow," he muttered repoachfully, kicking at some of the frozen precipitation, which had collected on the ground, "Bah." And then to Edie, "What was the phrase? Hamburg? Mumba?"

She couldn't help but smile. "Humbug. Bah, humbug," she said, giggling girlishly - she was always excitable about the holidays, as they were one of her favorite times of the year - as Magnus looked around for any sign of Scrooge. For some reason, he was certain that anytime anyone said "Bah, humbug," Scrooge would magically show up to rain on your Christmas cheer. He had always been scared of Scrooge, even after his character turned nice at the end of the movie.

Felix nodded. Yeah. Humbug. That was the one. He put on his best grump face, narrowing his eyes. "Bah, humbug!" Before he scooped up a fistfull of snow and launched it at Magnus' head. It caught Magnus straight on, hitting his face with a slushy slop and sticking, before most of it slid off and plopped to the ground. Magnus recoiled, a second late, then wiped his face with one mittened hand. Instead of being upset though, he starting laughing.

"Ouch!" he said gleefully, making the other two guffaw. Felix even let out a hearty, "Ho-Ho-Ho!" before Pavelle pelted him with a snowball of her own.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Buckdida »

"...It's cold." Venison walked along the sidewalk, bored and quite at a loss for what to do. Usually, for him, winters were three month long brutal survival times where his lack of body fat threatened to kill him while sleeping unless he located a warmer spot to sleep. But this year, he was in Richardson Valley. There was no surviving to be had, and nothing to entertain him, as most were...with their families, cooped up indoors. Yes, today was the day of Christmas Eve...but he was doing his best to avoid contact with others. He knew the 24th was a family holiday...and he had no family to speak of in Richardson Valley. And Venison didn't want to think of his former family besides. Christmas Eve was the worst night of every year for him, as it reminded him...of everything before.

Venison stopped in his tracks. 'Has it really been an entire year? Of me, here, in a single spot? Richardson Valley?'
caelei wrote:Felix nodded. Yeah. Humbug. That was the one. He put on his best grump face, narrowing his eyes. "Bah, humbug!" Before he scooped up a fistfull of snow and launched it at Magnus' head. It caught Magnus straight on, hitting his face with a slushy slop and sticking, before most of it slid off and plopped to the ground. Magnus recoiled, a second late, then wiped his face with one mittened hand. Instead of being upset though, he starting laughing.

"Ouch!" he said gleefully, making the other two guffaw. Felix even let out a hearty, "Ho-Ho-Ho!" before Pavelle pelted him with a snowball of her own.
Venison flicked his gaze across the street. Of course the tall one could be none other than Magnus. The other two were Pavelle and Felix.

Venison began to quietly talk to himself. "Hmmph. Icy surfaces. People staying in their homes, creating less opportunities. And the cold. But this weather does bring one helpful addition. A fully non-lethal, near infinite ammo, impact explosion distraction." Venison reached down and scooped up some of the snow on Rav's lawn, scoping out his targets as he packed the frozen rain collection into a spherical projectile.

He squinted his eyes to get a better aim. "Let's see which of those two 'coons can dodge better." Venison smiled and lobbed the snowball at high speed towards Pavelle and Felix.
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Teh Brawler »

Buckdida wrote:Venison reached down and scooped up some of the snow on Rav's lawn, scoping out his targets as he packed the frozen rain collection into a spherical projectile.

He squinted his eyes to get a better aim. "Let's see which of those two 'coons can dodge better." Venison smiled and lobbed the snowball at high speed towards Pavelle and Felix.
Tory sped through the air, expertly dodging the falling snowflakes and soaring up and down. He looked back to make sure O'Connor was still in sight, and did a loop in the air.
Christmas was Tory's favorite time of the year. He had learned about it from his parents, but this was the first year he got to actually experience it. The decorations, special foods, and activities all dazzled him and made him all the more excited. And on top of that, snow had always been enjoyable to him, and now it was coupled with memories of this human holiday that he had heard so much about. He let out a big "WHOOP!" and shot forward. Increasing his speed, he began a race with no one, merely trying to go as fast as possible.
He turned the corner onto a different street to see Magnus, one of his favorite friends, playing in the snow. He slowed up just a tad, and called out, "HEY MAGN-"WHUMP.
Without any warning, a large ball of snow had suddenly wrapped itself around Troy's body, causing him to spin out of control and slam into the ground.


O'Connor watched Tory fly around and smiled at his excitement about the holiday. Suddenly, however, Tory took off, surprising the old dog. "Oi, Toreh!" he called, and began running after the bird. He turned the corner just in time to see Venison's snowball broadside Tory with a poof of feathers and snow. "Toreh!" He ran over to where the bird had landed, and picked him up slowly. The bird blinked, shook his head, and spit out snow. "Ugh, what hit me?"
The old dog laughed. "Tha's wha's called eh snoeball. Ah'll explane i' teh ya la'er." He then looked up and called out, "Nuice sho', beefcake!"
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by caelei »

Pavelle saw Felix's ears flicker unconsciously towards Rav's house, listening. She paused, still smiling, to try to make out what sound her brother was catching. There it was. The light crunchy sound of footsteps on snow. She turned in that direction, raising one hand to wave merrily at whoever it was that was outside. Then flinched, automatically dropping to the side, when she noticed Venison lob a snowball in their direction. Felix was looking by now, too, and he dropped also, belly to the ground, even rolling comically through the snow so he wouldn't get hit. They watched the projectile flying, flying, flying... and then a red blur shot in front of its path and collided with it, causing both to fall from the air and smush to the ground in a plop. And then O'Connor was there, and simultaneously Pavelle and Felix realized that the red that had intercepted the snowball was really Tory. Pavelle, concerned, ran to where O'Connor was standing and holding a disgruntled Tory. She breathed a sigh of relief, noting that neither were acting like anything terrible had happened. Felix, on the other hand, who was still lying on the ground, let out a loud bark of laughter which echoed in the chill air. "That was great!" he proclaimed, chuckling as he stood, dusting the snow off himself, pleased with the miniscule level of violence snowball fights ensured.

"Sure was," Pavelle agreed, happy that Tory was acting unhurt, if not dazed. "Oh, yeah. Merry Christmas to both of you, and," she said, raising her voice so it called over to Venison, "To you too, though I didn't really think sneak attacks were your style." She bent down and gathered another couple handfuls of snow, packing them into a circular ball. The snow right now was really sticking, great for snowballs. She tossed it once in the air, caught it, a little piece of the ball breaking off and falling in a lump to the ground. She dropped the snow, though her guard was still up, ready to make a move. She didn't know if the snowball fight was over or not, and she was being wary. She loved the snow, but that didn't mean she liked it when the stuff was plastered to the side of her head. Magnus, meanwhile, finally noticed the other animals that had arrived. He had been too busy the entire time to watch his surroundings, trying to construct a snowball, not having much luck. It looked lopsided and slushy. Still, to him it was perfectly fine ammunition.

"Hello!" he called happily to everybody, then squinted in concentration, not particularly aiming at anyone but trying to aim at everyone at the same time. He didn't understand that one snowball normally could hit only one person. He braced himself and threw, the thing whistling through the air, zooming past Benuto, Felix, Pavelle, Tory, and Venison to pelt Rav's front door square in the middle, with a sound like a basketball hitting the pavement, making Pavelle wince. She wouldn't want to get hit with a snowball that Magnus threw, she knew that for sure. The Great Dane stopped, stared at the door for a second, disappointed, then bent down, being to make another snowball at his slow pace.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Keeshah »

caelei wrote: Magnus, meanwhile, finally noticed the other animals that had arrived. He had been too busy the entire time to watch his surroundings, trying to construct a snowball, not having much luck. It looked lopsided and slushy. Still, to him it was perfectly fine ammunition.

"Hello!" he called happily to everybody, then squinted in concentration, not particularly aiming at anyone but trying to aim at everyone at the same time. He didn't understand that one snowball normally could hit only one person. He braced himself and threw, the thing whistling through the air, zooming past Benuto, Felix, Pavelle, Tory, and Venison to pelt Rav's front door square in the middle, with a sound like a basketball hitting the pavement, making Pavelle wince. She wouldn't want to get hit with a snowball that Magnus threw, she knew that for sure. The Great Dane stopped, stared at the door for a second, disappointed, then bent down, being to make another snowball at his slow pace.

Rav opens the door wearing a HUGE red bow on the back of his collar, looking like an Xmas gift himself, as he peering outside to see who was knocking at the snow ball attacked door?

Here now, what goes on out here?? I didn't think it snowed in califorina. looking surprised that there is snow on the ground..
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Buckdida »

*WHUMP* The snowball was intercepted by a high speed red blob. Venison only knew of one such blob in the neighborhood; Tory.
"Cinnamon, how did you manage to get in my line of fire?!?! AUGH! You'd better be okay!"
O'Connor wrote:He then looked up and called out, "Nuice sho', beefcake!"
"...well, I guess that means he's fine. Crazy son-of-a-bird."
Pavelle wrote:"Oh, yeah. Merry Christmas to both of you, and," she said, raising her voice so it carried over to Venison, "To you too, though I didn't really think sneak attacks were your style."
"Well, actually, ambush, surprise, and flank maneuvers are all apart of my offensive arsenal. It's just that I hardly ever have a need to go offensive...for a serious reason, anyway." Venison bent down and packed another snowball, as there was no doubt fire would be returned. He just didn't expect it from Magnus. Venison heard the snowball whiz past, and create a large *THAP* on Rav's door.

Venison called out across the street. "That wasn't a snowball shot! That was an icy hand-cannon! Lob the snow, Magnus!"
Keeshah wrote:Rav opens the door wearing a HUGE red bow on the back of his collar, looking like an Xmas gift himself, as he peering outside to see who was knocking at the snow ball attacked door?

Here now, what goes on out here?? I didn't think it snowed in California. looking surprised that there is snow on the ground..
Venison looked at Rav. Then at the snowball in his hand. Then he looked back at Rav with a blank expression, and two words from Venison followed in a monotone voice.

"Target acquired."


The snowball hit Rav square in the face. "Oh, by the way, that was Magnus who hit the door." Venison gave a half smirk and quickly moved across the street, though wary for the icy roads.
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by caelei »

"Well, actually, ambush, surprise, and flank maneuvers are all apart of my offensive arsenal. It's just that I hardly ever have a need to go offensive...for a serious reason, anyway." Venison bent down and packed another snowball, as there was no doubt fire would be returned.

Pavelle tensed as Venison made a snowball, creating one for herself, that she could throw back defensively. Or maybe offensively, if she wanted. He threw his at Rav, hitting the dog in the face, and she let out a snort of laughter, though her eyes stayed narrow and focused. Behind her she could hear Magnus still packing his own snowball, then a pause, as he stood and listened to Venison call over to him.
He just didn't expect it from Magnus. Venison heard the snowball whiz past, and create a large *THAP* on Rav's door.

Venison called out across the street. "That wasn't a snowball shot! That was an icy hand-cannon! Lob the snow, Magnus!"
Magnus' ears lowered in confusion, looking from the snowball in his hand, then back to Venison. "Throw it like this?" he asked, screwing his face up again in concentration, this time aiming only at Venison and launching. It soared through the air, still too fast, though slower than before... and then hit Pavelle in the back between her shoulder blades, knocking her forward. He was a bad aim. She immediately went into a combat roll, surprised, coming up with her own snowball at the ready, though she didn't know who to throw it at. She was kind of in the middle of all her enemies, which wasn't very tactful in this situation. And then she stopped. One. Two. Three. Four. And five, counting Tory. That left one out. Where'd Felix go? She suddenly got a very bad feeling, eyes searching the surrounding area. Almost nervously, she called out, "Speaking of sneak attacks... anybody see Felix?" Almost as suddenly as she had noticed his abscence, five snowballs were flying through the air, one after the other, though it was hard for Pavelle to tell from which direction. But it was clear where they were heading. One going for O'Connor, herself, Venison, Magnus, and Rav. They were closing in one their marks, but there was still time to dodge, if you thought fast...
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
Grif: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-8 I-7 A-5 L-6
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Teh Brawler »

As Pavelle ran over to check up on Tory, O'Connor watched Magnus and Venison bring Rav into the escalating snowball fight. Tory shook off the rest of the snow, and flew up onto O'Connor's head.
caelei wrote:"Speaking of sneak attacks... anybody see Felix?"
Ah, greate, the feral's go'en aouta suight, he thought. He stood up, and noticed Pavelle looking at something. He turned his head, and saw a snowball heading right for him. He stepped to the left, and saw the snowball whiz past his eyes((luck 10)). He then turned to Pavelle. "That 'brothere' o' yurs is asken' fer it, eh? I's tu bahd Ah'm tu ol' fer thi', er Ah'd jump in mehself." He then looked up at Tory. "Aow about yu go wit' Ms. Pavelle, Toreh, and join in teh fuight?"
"Really? I'd love to!" Tory quickly jumped onto the female raccoon's head without waiting for her consent and yelled, "Let's go, Ms. Pavelle! There's no way we can lose while you and I are on a team!"
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by ArgentFlame »

Christmas at the Burke house had been proceesding as normal. The decorations were up, Cier and Seans family were over, and dinner was being made. Sean was looking out the window, apparently very interested in something outside. He turned and announced that he was going out to join the snowball fight and asked if anyone would like to join him. Cier smiled, "Sounds like fun.". The large gray from of Cier's mother walked over, smiling, " It does sound like fun, I think I'll join you.". So they went outside and approached the group, apparently unnoticed. The older gray dog, Kellie, scooped up a handful of snow and took careful aim at the largest one of the pets. "Heads up!" she yelled before throwing the snowball, which hit Magnus squrely in the back. at the same time, two other snowballs flew, Cier's aimed toward Pavelle and Sean's at Venison.

(blegh, short, but at least you get to see some more of Cier's family. I'll put SPECIAL in my sig if anyone wants me to.)
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by caelei »

Pavelle was really surprised as Tory jumped on her head, just like that. But what did it matter? Two pairs of eyes would be better than one. Especially in a snowball fight. She just had to be a little more careful with rolling around and whatnot. She laughed, then said, "You guys don't have to call me 'Ms. Pavelle'. Just plain old 'Pavelle' is fine with me. It's what everybody else calls m --" she was suddenly hit, in the back of the head, by a snowball. She rocked forward, temporarily off balance, spinning around, though careful not to dislodge her passenger. It seemed Cier had thrown it. She put on a devil's grin, throwing her own snowball back, though she didn't have much hope of hitting her target as a large gust of air threw her aim off. She shivered, pulling the jacket and scarf she was wearing closer to her body for warmth, bending down and scooping up another snowball. Being prepared. "Okay, Tory," she said, making sure to move back and forth a bit, making a moving target, which she supposed would be harder to aim for, "Who do you suppose we should go after?" While still keeping an eye out for Felix.

Magnus was caught off guard as he was hit by a snowball from behind. He hadn't expected so many pets to like throwing snow at each other, so was surprised to find three more coming. It seemed that the grey dog had been the one to hit him. He put on his best determined face and then launched his own snowball at her, keeping what Venison had said in mind. Unfortunately, his snowballs always seemed to want to go in different directions than he wanted them to. This one spun towards Sean, who was throwing a snowball at Venison. He scooped up more snow, carefully packing it into another snowball. He was getting better at this 'snowball making' game. Maybe if he got closer he could hit his intended target, which was still the grey dog. He tried to look inconspicuous as he shuffled nearer, one eye closed, taking aim before he threw again. This time it was truer to his mark.

Felix was grinning broadly. He was hidden behind a snowbank, on the other side of the street, nearer to Rav's home than his own. He didn't think that anybody had seen him come over here, but he was still watching his back, in case. If he wasn't careful, the German Shepard would be able to see him, at the right angle. He peered over the top of the snowbank carefully, ears flattened down to his head so that they wouldn't stick up and alert everybody to his positioning. He saw the perfect chance to hit Venison, and took it. The dog, Sean, was aiming for the Coydog also, so hopefully Venison wouldn't know where Felix's snowball came from as he got pelted from two directions at once. He grabbed a snowball, he had a pile made already for easy access, and then launched it at Venison, still lying low. Watching hopefully as it soared through the air at the Coydog...
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
Grif: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-8 I-7 A-5 L-6
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Teh Brawler »

caelei wrote:"Okay, Tory, Who do you suppose we should go after?"
"Hmmm, I think Felix is kinda asking for it. On the other hand, so is Venison. Then there's always the new guy, Cier. Or maybe Rav? Could go for Magnus. Um........" The juvenile bird went through his options. "Do we even know where Felix is? Cuz I kinda wanna go for him, if we can find him."


O'Connor stepped back, sat down, and watched the unfolding chaos.

((Caelei, I'm giving you full control of Tory now, so you can do what you want without waiting for a response for me.))
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Keeshah »

Rav Acks,, staggering around blindly, seeing blurry stars through snow impacted eyes.

He feels one then another snowball hitting him, as he staggers about.. his big red collar bow helping to mark him as a target..
He goes to his knees, Duck an covering like the old civil defense movies.
rubbing the snow out of his eyes so he can see who is attacking him..
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
Oreo (RA) - M - Spotted Skunk: Str-5 Per-6 End-6 Cha-5 Int-7 Agi-8 Luck-5
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Buckdida »

"Hmm?" Venison heard a short slide in the snow, backwards, then forwards, in rapid succession. That could only mean one thing. Return fire!

Venison tucked into a quick sideways roll, scooping snow as he went, and launched a snowball in the direction he thought the attack was coming from. Venison called after his shot. "Nice try, Felix, but you should know I have faster reactions than-"
ArgentFlame wrote:"Heads up!"
A snowball pegged Venison square in the side of the head, staggering him in the direction he was hit. Venison quickly regained balance, scraped the snow off the side of his head, and looked towards his attacker.
"...Sean. You are a dead dog." Venison let five snowballs fly in rapid succession.
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by caelei »

Pavelle agreed with Tory. "Alright, then. To locate my brother..." she looked around, but had no idea where to start. And then she picked up Venison's words...
"Nice try, Felix, but you should know I have faster reactions than-"

That was enough for her. She watched the rest of the path of his snowball, following the direction. Now, what obstacles were over there that someone her size could hid behind? Bushes, but there were no leaves on them, totally bare. No. What else? A really skinny tree, probably a sapling from one of the species in the forest, the seed floated over on the breeze or with the help of a squirrel or other animal. Not that, either. What else was there? Oh. Duh. Snowbank. She grinned, and then whispered, "He's over there, I think," to Tory, grin widening as she thought she felt him craning to see, like he would be able to from the position on her head. Unable to see, he took to the air, comically looking as if he was trying to stay inconspicuous and fly at the same time. She thought she could decipher his expression as he casually peered down at the snowbank. Something similar to glee, and definately excitement. That pretty much confirmed her guess. She started casually heading in that direction, watching Tory swing back towards her in the air. Flying was definately a useful talent. ((Sorry if whatever I have Tory say/do sounds nothing like him. I'm awful with stuff like that, so I generally steer clear of it.))

Felix ducked as a snowball came within a couple inches of hitting the top of his head. Jeez. That Venison was a good shot. Dang. But it made the game more interesting. He crouched down lower, as Venison was momentarily preoccupied, and threw another couple of snowballs at the Coydog. He couldn't also resist lobbing another one over at Rav, who stuck out like a sore thumb with his big bow in the snow. He thought he saw a red streak fly through the sky above, but decided not to pay attention. What could the little bird do?
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
Grif: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-8 I-7 A-5 L-6
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by ArgentFlame »

Cier laughed as his snowball hit its mark. He looked around before catching sight of someone hiding behind a snowbank, it looked like Pavelle had cought sight of them too. Cier began to circle around to flank, scooping up some snow as he went.

Kellie watched the big dog turn around and didn't even move when he threw his snowball at her. She laughed as the snowball flew past only to be hit by the wayward one thrown by Pavelle. Caught by surprise, she didn't have time to react before Magnus' second throw knocked her off her feet. She quickly got back up, smiling widely. "So you want to play rough do you?" she said to herself as she made a large snowball of her own and threw it back at magnus with considerable force.

Sean grinned when he knocked Venison off balance and was about to say something insulting when he was suddenly struck by the first sowball thrown by magnus. The force of the blow spun him around and he was unable to dodge the three more that came from Venison. "Oh it's on now, Venny" he called throwing several of his own back at the coydog.
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Keeshah »

Rav stays down in duck an cover position, furiously making an ammo supply for himself under his belly, getting pelted several more times with snowballs before he pops up an returns fire..

throwing two at Cier, then two at Venison.. then one at a stripped Coon tail, the only part of that coon not under cover at the time.. then he looks for magus, for revenge, since venison said he throw the one that smacked him in the face the first time..
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by caelei »

Pavelle was very busy trying not to let Felix hear her, becuase she knew that his hearing capabilities were at least as good as hers. So she wasn't paying attention to Cier as he came around. Tory, however, was. He swooped down, landing on her head, whispering, "Mayday! Mayday! Behind you!" She carefully spun, making sure to not crunch the snow too much. She immediately spotted Cier, but he seemed to be focusing more on Felix than herself. So instead of just chucking a snowball at his head, she lobbed one so that it fell right at his feet, getting his attention.

"Cier!" she called, stage whispering, throwing a glance over at Felix. He hadn't seemed to notice her yet, which was good. "We can do this two ways, considering that you may have been trying to sneak up on me while my back was turned. One, you and I can snowball fight each other because you are currently classified as an enemy. Or two. We team up, along with Tory, and start taking everybody else out one-by-one. Which do you chose?" She imagined, if they teamed up, that they would first take out her brother, then move onto Rav. He seemed a good target, too, for some reason.

Magnus had just stood back up after making another snowball when he got pounded in the chest by the one thrown by Kellie. He actually staggered back, caught off guard, nearly stumbling and falling. Somehow, he managed to retain his damage. His eyes were opened, however. He suddenly understood that Kellie was willing to fight dirty. He had been trying to throw pretty softly, and he still would, but he might put a little more edge to his throws, if he had to. He chucked his snowball at her, stepping even closer, so that it would be easier to hit.

Felix nearly got hit by the snowball Rav had thrown. Nearly. Well, technically he did get hit. On the very tip of his tail. But that didn't really count to him. To him, getting hit meant getting hit solidly. In the head or torso, or possibly in the limbs. In this case, then, not. He grabbed another two of his snowballs, tossing them in Rav's direction. He knew that his hiding spot was definately pretty old, and that he better get a different, newer one, but he liked this one. Plenty of amo. A good view of the field and enemies. Cover from return fire. Nearly perfect. So he didn't quite move. Yet.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Keeshah »

Rav can almost naturally hide in the snow, with his halloween bleached fur still mostly whiteish, as the color hasn't grown out yet, if it wern't for the big bright red bow on his collar. O.o
Rav dodges to his right plowing down into the snow to avoid getting hit by Pavelle's projectiles, rolling back up to his paws to counter launch 3 of his own back at her in rapid succession.

Than takes off on a run, closing the range on Magus, before launching his last 3 snowballs.

he makes a hard turn to dive behind a parked car, but his foot slides out from under him an he goes down tumbling into the ground, sending up a spray of snow as he slides across the lawn...

scrambling, he runs on all fours for the car, his rump up in the air as he dashes away for cover..
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by caelei »

Felix saw Rav dodge his three snowballs, watching the German Shepard prepare to throw his own back. A first, then second snowball passed harmlessly over his head, and he snickered, coming up with his own snowball at the ready, preparing to fight... when he got smacked, full in the face, with Rav's third snowball. Caught off guard, he let out a startled, "Ack!", rolling backwards, head over heels, towards the bottom of the snowdrift. He was clawing at his eyes, trying to get the cold, cold snow out of them so he could see. He did not want to be found defenseless, afterall, lying on the ground with not way to protect himself.

Magnus, meanwhile, had just thrown his next snowball at Kellie before getting hit, three times, square in the back by Rav. He fell forward slightly, still on his feet but tottering, then slowly rotated towards the origin of the three snowballs. No one in sight. Bemused, he turned back to Kellie, rubbing his head in a gesture that displayed his confusion. "How did you do that?" he asked, bewildered, thinking that she had somehow run really fast behind him, hit him three times, and then run back.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
Grif: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-8 I-7 A-5 L-6
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Teh Brawler »

O'Connor sat, watching the fight explode, and started to let his mind wander to opening gifts tomorrow morning. Gift giving, although childish, was actually one of his favorite parts of Christmas, as it gave him time to spend with Trevor, who was often out. He thought about all the presents that would be under the tree for everyone. He especially couldn't wiat to see Trevor's reaction to his present.....
"Ach!" he cried suddenly, jumping up. "Ah fergaw' Trevor's present!" Without worrying about Tory, he took off for the bus stop to the city, to get the present.

((Uh-uh, I won't let this thread die just yet.))
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Keeshah »

Teh Brawler wrote: "Ach!" he cried suddenly, jumping up. "Ah fergaw' Trevor's present!" Without worrying about Tory, he took off for the bus stop to the city, to get the present.

((Uh-uh, I won't let this thread die just yet.))

Rav pops up from behind the car, launching a barage of snowballs at O'Connor!!
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Buckdida »

Venison sighed and rolled his eyes as the snowballs flew. He sidestepped a few times in multiple directions, and dodged the remaining volley with a combat roll.

"Hmm. Where is that dead dog...? Ah." Venison made an extremely hard packed snowball. "This will be a kicker." He squinted for a better aim, 'Eat this, Sean!' then wound up and threw the snowball on a speedy, curved trajectory that would be difficult to dodge. Venison was very focused on Sean, not paying attention to other snowballs...
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Keeshah »

Buckdida wrote:Venison sighed and rolled his eyes as the snowballs flew. He sidestepped a few times in multiple directions, and dodged the remaining volley with a combat roll.

"Hmm. Where is that dead dog...? Ah." Venison made an extremely hard packed snowball. "This will be a kicker." He squinted for a better aim, 'Eat this, Sean!' then wound up and threw the snowball on a speedy, curved trajectory that would be difficult to dodge. Venison was very focused on Sean, not paying attention to other snowballs...

Rav ducks back down behind the car, making more ammo.

standing back up, he spots Venison all tunnel visioned, and lets fly with his snow balls at the nearly prone target..
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Buckdida »

*Pack plonk pook*

"AUGHTTTHH! THAT'S FREEZING! C-C-COLD! AUGH, it's sticking to my fur! Gahk, I wasn't expecting to get hit...*sigh* my battle reflexes are getting sloppy. I'm going to go inside...PAVELLE! YOU WOULDN'T MIND IF I WENT INSIDE TO WARM UP, WOULD YOU?"
(OOC: Venison isn't wearing any snow jacket. Brrr!)
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Re: A Pet Friendly Christmas (IC)

Post by Keeshah »

Buckdida wrote:*Pack plonk pook*

"AUGHTTTHH! THAT'S FREEZING! C-C-COLD! AUGH, it's sticking to my fur! Gahk, I wasn't expecting to get hit...*sigh* my battle reflexes are getting sloppy. I'm going to go inside...PAVELLE! YOU WOULDN'T MIND IF I WENT INSIDE TO WARM UP, WOULD YOU?"
(OOC: Venison isn't wearing any snow jacket. Brrr!)

Rav shakes out his fur, only wearing a huge bow himself..
That would be a great idea, Me an Sara have been waiting all day for our other member of the family to show up so we can open the presents!!

Bark Rav, dashing through the snow twords the door
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
Oreo (RA) - M - Spotted Skunk: Str-5 Per-6 End-6 Cha-5 Int-7 Agi-8 Luck-5