In this post, you'll find a list of the important rules governing this section of the forums. I do encourage you to read and familiarise yourself with them as following these will keep the games fun for everyone.
Roleplaying is quite simple to understand. You create a character or characters, give them a back story and personality and post this information in the out-of-character or OOC thread. You then have your character interact with those of the other players to have all kinds of (mis)adventures and fun in the in-character or IC thread. It’s a bit like co-authoring a story.
In order for the RPs to run smoothly it is inevitable that we must lay down some ground rules. This is the important part of this post so please read it carefully and make sure you understand it as failure to comply with these rules may lead to reprimands and repeated breaches may lead to your removal from the RPs. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact myself or any of the other RP moderators whose names can be found at the top of every page in the RP forums.
Firstly, and this goes without saying, all our RPs MUST follow the forum rules which can be found by clicking on this link or via the link on top of every page. If you’re not already familiar with them I strongly advise reading them. Some other general rules are as follows:
- The main OOC (this thread) is designed for hosting character sheets, providing information about RPing and the various RPs available, answering any questions you guys might have, organising new neighbourhoods, announcements of leave and return of those participating in the RPs and other announcements that may affect the roleplays or the RP forums so please keep it for those purposes and remember to check here regularly.
- The RP-specific OOCs are where applications to RP are made, the details about each RP are found, and announcements and information relevant to the individual RPs are posted as well as where you can comment on, discuss or ask questions about events which occur in the IC thread. Make sure that you pay attention to the OOC for the RPs you participate in as well as the IC thread and please do not post OOC posts in the IC threads.
- The IC (in-character thread) is canon. Only the roleplay written in that thread counts. Occasionally people will use their characters in the OOC (out-of-character thread) or elsewhere on the forums for humorous effect but this does not affect or impact the IC thread at all.
- The GM, or Game Master, has control within their own RP. You’ll know the GM by the fact that they have a “Game Master” tag under their name and because they’ll be the author of the first post in the OOC for their RP. By joining a RP you agree to abide by the GMs decisions and heed GM requests. The GM may alter certain rules to fit their own RP so read the OOC before you join. More information on GMs can be found here.
- Should there be dissatisfaction with the GM for any reason, players are encouraged to contact the moderators and lodge a complaint. The moderators will review the complaint and if it is deemed valid an anonymous player vote will be conducted via PM to determine the continued GMship of the RP in question. Each player may request a vote once per GM per roleplay.
- Never control another player’s character without their express permission. The only exception to this rule is if a player has been inactive for some time and you need to move on but even then the control should be kept to an absolute minimum.
- Characters can only be used as a main character (as defined here) in one Housepets! Universe neighbourhood at a time. This rule does not cover SRPs and non-HPU RPs (as defined here). After you have moved a character to a new RP, you need to get permission in the old neighbourhood's OOC if you want to move them back.
- Don’t script. Brainstorming of ideas for arcs is fine but don’t make scripts for characters to follow as this can lead to plot holes and unintended plotlines when other players don’t follow your intended script.
- As the idea of RP posts is to advance the storyline, one-sentence and one-line posts should be avoided where possible. Please ensure that, if short, your posts do advance the story and are not purely responses to previous posters. You'll find helpful advice on creating good RP posts here.
- Comedic violence is allowed and even expected as are injuries requiring medical attention but there is to be no gore. The exception to this is in a character's back story but always check with a mod before posting it. Death is also allowed providing there is no graphic detail but it should not be used to remove a main character from a RP.
- Catnip and anise (the dog equivalent) may be used but only in great moderation. Its usage should be minimised as much as possible and addicts are not allowed. Alcohol may only be given to of-age humans or of-age-equivalent characters and orange soda may not be provided to underage pets. Smoking is best completely avoided.
- The cast of Housepets! cannot appear in the RPs. They’re set in different cities after all, and using Rick’s characters could lead to all kinds of shipping and other things which might contravene the forum rules. If you want to write fanfiction then please do it in the Fan Projects forum.
- Please try to stay active. RP is a team effort and if all players don’t pull their weight then the game simply doesn’t work. If you know in advance that you’re going to be absent then please notify everyone by commenting in this thread. It’s also a good idea to ask someone to cover for you while you’re away. Also, check the activity rating before you join a RP. If you know you’re only going to be on the forums once a week then a RP that needs daily posting isn’t going to be for you.
- Because posts in the RPs are longer, or at least, more involved pieces of writing we do ask that you try extra hard to nail your spelling and grammar as that makes things easier for all of us. We don’t expect perfection but please do your best. Actions performed by characters should be outside of the character’s dialogue rather than within the quotation marks and emoticons/emotes/smilies, while they are allowed, should be kept to a minimum.
- Have fun!
The mods are here to help you. If you have any questions, queries or concerns or suggestions for improving the RP section then please don’t hesitate to contact us using any of the contact details on our profiles (found by clicking on our names which are located at the top of every page in this section of the forums). We welcome your feedback.
Enjoy the roleplays and we look forward to playing with you soon!