Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

For all those times you're not in character, try new "Out of Character"

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Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Hlaoroo »

Welcome to the roleplaying (RP) section of the Housepets! Forums! Whether you’re new to roleplaying or you’re an old hand at it, you’re sure to find a game here to suit you! If you want to jump straight in at the deep end, click here for a list of the current RPs and instructions on how to join them or click here for information on creating and controlling characters. You'll find a handy guide on how to write a good RP post at the other end of this link.

In this post, you'll find a list of the important rules governing this section of the forums. I do encourage you to read and familiarise yourself with them as following these will keep the games fun for everyone.

Roleplaying is quite simple to understand. You create a character or characters, give them a back story and personality and post this information in the out-of-character or OOC thread. You then have your character interact with those of the other players to have all kinds of (mis)adventures and fun in the in-character or IC thread. It’s a bit like co-authoring a story.

In order for the RPs to run smoothly it is inevitable that we must lay down some ground rules. This is the important part of this post so please read it carefully and make sure you understand it as failure to comply with these rules may lead to reprimands and repeated breaches may lead to your removal from the RPs. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact myself or any of the other RP moderators whose names can be found at the top of every page in the RP forums.

Firstly, and this goes without saying, all our RPs MUST follow the forum rules which can be found by clicking on this link or via the link on top of every page. If you’re not already familiar with them I strongly advise reading them. Some other general rules are as follows:
  • The main OOC (this thread) is designed for hosting character sheets, providing information about RPing and the various RPs available, answering any questions you guys might have, organising new neighbourhoods, announcements of leave and return of those participating in the RPs and other announcements that may affect the roleplays or the RP forums so please keep it for those purposes and remember to check here regularly.
  • The RP-specific OOCs are where applications to RP are made, the details about each RP are found, and announcements and information relevant to the individual RPs are posted as well as where you can comment on, discuss or ask questions about events which occur in the IC thread. Make sure that you pay attention to the OOC for the RPs you participate in as well as the IC thread and please do not post OOC posts in the IC threads.
  • The IC (in-character thread) is canon. Only the roleplay written in that thread counts. Occasionally people will use their characters in the OOC (out-of-character thread) or elsewhere on the forums for humorous effect but this does not affect or impact the IC thread at all.
  • The GM, or Game Master, has control within their own RP. You’ll know the GM by the fact that they have a “Game Master” tag under their name and because they’ll be the author of the first post in the OOC for their RP. By joining a RP you agree to abide by the GMs decisions and heed GM requests. The GM may alter certain rules to fit their own RP so read the OOC before you join. More information on GMs can be found here.
  • Should there be dissatisfaction with the GM for any reason, players are encouraged to contact the moderators and lodge a complaint. The moderators will review the complaint and if it is deemed valid an anonymous player vote will be conducted via PM to determine the continued GMship of the RP in question. Each player may request a vote once per GM per roleplay.
  • Never control another player’s character without their express permission. The only exception to this rule is if a player has been inactive for some time and you need to move on but even then the control should be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • Characters can only be used as a main character (as defined here) in one Housepets! Universe neighbourhood at a time. This rule does not cover SRPs and non-HPU RPs (as defined here). After you have moved a character to a new RP, you need to get permission in the old neighbourhood's OOC if you want to move them back.
  • Don’t script. Brainstorming of ideas for arcs is fine but don’t make scripts for characters to follow as this can lead to plot holes and unintended plotlines when other players don’t follow your intended script.
  • As the idea of RP posts is to advance the storyline, one-sentence and one-line posts should be avoided where possible. Please ensure that, if short, your posts do advance the story and are not purely responses to previous posters. You'll find helpful advice on creating good RP posts here.
  • Comedic violence is allowed and even expected as are injuries requiring medical attention but there is to be no gore. The exception to this is in a character's back story but always check with a mod before posting it. Death is also allowed providing there is no graphic detail but it should not be used to remove a main character from a RP.
  • Catnip and anise (the dog equivalent) may be used but only in great moderation. Its usage should be minimised as much as possible and addicts are not allowed. Alcohol may only be given to of-age humans or of-age-equivalent characters and orange soda may not be provided to underage pets. Smoking is best completely avoided.
  • The cast of Housepets! cannot appear in the RPs. They’re set in different cities after all, and using Rick’s characters could lead to all kinds of shipping and other things which might contravene the forum rules. If you want to write fanfiction then please do it in the Fan Projects forum.
  • Please try to stay active. RP is a team effort and if all players don’t pull their weight then the game simply doesn’t work. If you know in advance that you’re going to be absent then please notify everyone by commenting in this thread. It’s also a good idea to ask someone to cover for you while you’re away. Also, check the activity rating before you join a RP. If you know you’re only going to be on the forums once a week then a RP that needs daily posting isn’t going to be for you.
  • Because posts in the RPs are longer, or at least, more involved pieces of writing we do ask that you try extra hard to nail your spelling and grammar as that makes things easier for all of us. We don’t expect perfection but please do your best. Actions performed by characters should be outside of the character’s dialogue rather than within the quotation marks and emoticons/emotes/smilies, while they are allowed, should be kept to a minimum.
  • Have fun!
Please check here for rules and information on character creation and control and here for rules specific to individual RPs as well as information on RP creation. Click here to find out how to join a RP and go here for information on writing good RP posts.

The mods are here to help you. If you have any questions, queries or concerns or suggestions for improving the RP section then please don’t hesitate to contact us using any of the contact details on our profiles (found by clicking on our names which are located at the top of every page in this section of the forums). We welcome your feedback.

Enjoy the roleplays and we look forward to playing with you soon!
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Character Creation and Control

Post by Hlaoroo »

When creating characters, in order to keep things consistent and understandable on the forums, we use standard template to organise the information about the characters. Below are the template and an example character sheet. Note that some RPs may modify this template slightly to suit the needs of the particular RP so make sure to check the OOC for the RP for which you’re applying before posting your sheet.
Character Sheet Template wrote:Character Name: Can be anything you like within reason. Note that pets will usually take the surname of their owners.

Color: Many RPs like to write dialogue in colour to distinguish it from the rest of the post. You can pick any hex code colour you like so long as it is easily readable.

Type: Is this a main, minor, NPC or guest character? A main character is the character you’ll be playing as most of the time. Minor characters are supporting characters (e.g. owners) and should not be overly used. NPC (non-player characters) characters are minor or supporting characters that are usually created and controlled by the GM although they may be delegated to other players, and that may be used to further storylines without impacting a player’s allowed number of characters. Guest characters are the most minor of characters who are brought in only for an arc or two. They may include, for example, a visiting relative or someone relevant to the current arc that will not be needed again.

Species/Breed: What kind of animal is the character? Species allowed may vary between the RPs so make sure to check the OOC of the RP you’re interested in.

Age: 1 human year = 3.5 pet years (7 for small animals like mice and hamsters). Just as in life, old and young characters are limited and influenced by their age so be sensible when choosing. Please post the age both in pet years AND human years so as to avoid confusion.

Neighbourhood: Which RP will the character be used in? One RP per character only. There’s no limit to how many characters you can make or neighbourhoods you can join but don’t overload yourself.

Appearance: What does your character look like? Be specific but concise. You should describe fur colour and patterns, the character’s shape and size, and any clothing your character might wear (this is usually just a collar but they may have other accessories or jewellery).

Personality: Who is your character? How do they act, both in public and in private? Remember that this and the stats (described below) affect each other so make sure they match.

Other notes: Anything else you want to say about your character. Most GMs will require some amount of back story as this can make the character easier to understand and write for but this is not essential.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats: This system provides a guide to your character’s abilities. Remember to make it match their personality. This is another thing which can be altered by the GMs to suit their RPs so again check their OOCs. Under the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system you get 42 points to distribute across seven attributes. 2 is the lowest score, 10 the highest and 5 the average. You must not split points; i.e. no half points can be given.
- Strength: As it sounds. This refers to physical strength, not mental or emotional.
- Perception: Awareness of surroundings and other characters’ thoughts.
- Endurance: Usually refers to physical health and stamina. How long can your character keep on going?
- Charisma: Your character’s ability to influence others; their stage presence. Note that a high charisma score does not automatically mean others will like your character. Your character must still be written in a likeable manner for the charisma score to apply.
- Intelligence: As it sounds. How smart is your character? How much do they know and how well can they learn?
- Agility: Your character’s speed, coordination and dexterity.
- Luck: Again pretty obvious. This can have a huge impact on your character though so choose carefully.
There are several things to know and remember regarding character creation and usage as well as how to control your characters upon which I shall now elucidate.

  • You may have two main characters and three minor characters per roleplay. Guest and NPC characters are allowed at the GMs discretion. The GM may also choose to further limit the maximum number of characters.
  • Always check with the GM before bringing in a new character. The exception to this is for “strike characters” A strike character is a character that is only used once and then never again. For example, if a pet stops to ask directions or buy an ice-cream before continuing on, the person who gave the directions or sold the ice-cream would be a strike character.
  • Character sheets are required for all main characters. Sheets for minor and guest characters are at the GMs discretion and do not have to be as detailed as for a main character.
  • Small characters have their strength and endurance scores cut in half after all points are distributed, thus resulting in a score of less than 42. They are small after all.
  • Young characters (less than 3 human years/10.5 animal years) also have their strength and endurance cut in half with the additional rules that those stats cannot be above 7 prior to cutting and intelligence cannot be above 5. Their bodies and minds simply have not had time to develop yet.
  • Characters with ages older than 70 animal years/20 pet years cannot have agility or endurance scores above 4, after all, everyone wears out with age.
  • One stat does not replace another. For example, a character with high agility may struggle to run a hundred metres if they have low endurance and luck alone will not let you move a car - strength is needed for that.
  • It’s convenient but not essential to have your character’s stats in your signature. If you have too many characters to fit in your signature you can link to their character sheets in this thread. Putting links to your character sheets in that thread also aids in finding the sheets again should you need to edit or review them.
  • The SPECIAL stats are more of a guideline than a rule but remember not to stray too far from them otherwise what would be the point in setting them in the first place?
  • Many users like to draw or have someone draw a picture of their character and put this in their character sheet. This is by no means essential.

Here’s an example of a character sheet for my character, Piper.
Hlaoroo wrote:Name: Piper Brookley

Type: Main

Species: Fauve de Bourgogne Rabbit

Age: 21 Rabbit years (6 Human years)

Neighbourhood: Richmond Acres

Appearance: An even brownish orange all over with white inside her ears and a paler orange underside. Ears are upright. She wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. Collar is royal blue and the tag is a working miniature set of panpipes which can be unhooked from the collar and played.

Personality: Piper is a quiet, musical rabbit who enjoys sitting playing the panpipes attached to her collar. She can play a variety of instruments as well as sing. Her favourite instruments are her panpipes and an old guitar given to her by her owner from the antique shop. She can read and write music. She likes a variety of music including classical, country, jazz/blues, and pretty much anything from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. She’s devoted to her owner, often helping him out in the shop. Despite her quite nature she’s very friendly and helpful and is not afraid to muck in and get dirty when necessary.

Other notes: The only pet of 73 year-old antique shop owner Richard Brookley, Piper was bought as a kit shortly after Richard’s wife sadly passed away from cancer. Piper and Richard are very close as she was instrumental in helping him cope with his loss and in return Richard dotes on her despite her protestations. Their relationship is very much father-daughter rather than pet-owner. As Richard is slowly beginning to feel the effects of age, Piper is gradually taking on more duties and responsibilities in the shop. She’s a bit far-sighted, hence the glasses, and she often complains in jest about how dirty they are. She’s also reasonably strong for a rabbit as a result of the lifting and carrying she does in the shop. She and Richard have lived in Richmond Acres all their lives. Richard is also the local history buff and has passed on his love and knowledge of history and antiques to Piper.

SPECIAL: S6, P7, E5, C5, I7, A6, L6
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The Roleplays: Choosing, Joining and Creating

Post by Hlaoroo »

We have a whole range of RPs here on the forums so you’re sure to find one to suit you. Below are the descriptions of the current RPs.

To join a RP, once you've familiarised yourself with the rules, you should do one of two things:
1.) Post an request to join along with a character sheet in the OOC for that RP OR
2.) Post a character sheet in the main OOC and link to it in a request to join in the RP OOC
Once the GM has approved your character you may begin posting in the IC thread. You MUST NOT begin posting in the IC thread until the GM has given you their approval.

We have three main types of RP here, “Housepets! Universe” (HPU, previously known as PF), “Non-Housepets! Universe”, and "Situational RPs" (SRPs). HPU neighbourhoods are, obviously, those that are set in the same world as Housepets! whereas non-HPU neighbourhoods are set in different worlds. SRPs, which are short RPs which end on completion of a specific goal, can be either HPU or non-HPU. HPU neighbourhoods are denoted in the descriptions below as well as on their thread titles on the forums by the words “Housepets! Universe” or the letters “HPU” and SRPs by the letters "SRP". Non-HPU RPs will simply have the name of that particular RP.

In the descriptions below, you will see an activity rating which is a number from 0-5. This is an indicator of the frequency of posts in that RP and thus the level of commitment each RP requires. A rating of 0 means that the RP is dead whereas a rating of 5 means that the RP requires daily posting. A rating of 3 means weekly posting, a rating of 1 means posting monthly or less and the other ratings obviously fall in between. You'll also see an availability which indicates how many more players can join the RP. An availability of OPEN" indicates that there is currently no cap on players. Availability is subject to change without notice at the GM's discretion so always check in the OOC before applying.

So, without further ado, here are the current neighbourhoods:
  • HPU – Applegate: A neighbourhood built near two apple orchards, it has recently shifted from farmer housing to a pet friendly community. It's just your average small town: An animal clinic, a bookstore, a pizza place, a short drive to a nearby mall, a recently nullified predator, a few ghosts... the usual. Slight magic, Occasional adventure, but mostly slice-of-life.
    Activity Rating: 4. Availability: CLOSED GM: RandomGeekNamedBrent.
    Links to OOC and IC
  • HPU – Blue Peak Shore: You could say that there is a LOT more than meets the eye on your favourite vacation spot: ancient ruins, the finest pet-friendly resort, adventures everyday if you get to know the friendly lycaons, or danger looming ahead if you deal with the rare red wolves! Meet the shamans and learn of the ancient ways of magic. Meet the gods of the temple standing on the very peak of our Blue Peak Mountain, the volcano sporting world's tallest waterfall! And if you're one of those lucky pets who want to be free and build a new life, well...try with our Management. We want to make sure to offer you the chance of your life! And much, MUCH more... See the OOC for a full, updated description!
    Activity Rating: 4. Availability: 3 slots remaining. GM: valerio
    Links to OOC and IC
  • HPU - Exotic Acres: A neighbourhood unlike any other. Here, the "Pet" in Pet Friendly doesn't include your average housepets. You have a pet lion? Come on in. A pet Monkey? Welcome aboard. Snow Leopard? Hyena? Kangaroo? All accepted. Choose a house in one of 4 simulated environments including: Plains/flatland, Mountains, Forest/Jungle, and Desert. These 4 quadrants have a main street running through them with shops and restaurants. The RP focuses on the interactions between these strange pets.
    Activity Rating: 2.5. Availability: OPEN. GMs: RandomGeekNamedBrent and Hlaoroo
    Links to OOC and IC
  • HPU - Radiant Vineyard: A simple town, with simple people and simple things. And a heavy draw for all that's magical. Radiant Vineyard is a town that harbors a hefty populace of the magically inclined and supernatural beings, all able to walk around freely in the day, thanks to the normal peoples obliviousness or some magical masquerade. Come on down ye wizards and warlocks, sorcerers and witches, ghosts, potion makers and occasional creature of myth, down to the town of Radiant Vineyard!
    Activity Rating: 2.5. Availability: 2 slots remaining. GM: Neon Icy Wings
  • HPU – Richmond Acres: Set in the Midwest United States, Richmond Acres is a small, quiet town that's just beginning to grow and is surrounded by farms and forest. RA is dominated by its town square, which is its center of economic activity. Home to several pets and their owners, the town government has made it legal for all pets, so long as they are collared, to enter any building as they please if they are not specifically restricted. In the spring, the orchards bloom, bringing in tourists and saturating the air with a sugary sweet smell that lasts until the very end of fall. Richmond Acres is a PERFECT RP for beginners and veterans alike. We'd love to have you!
    Activity Rating: 4.5. Availability: 1 slot remaining. GM: Hlaoroo
    Links to OOC and IC
  • HPU – Richardson Valley: Richardson Valley is a pet friendly development that was once a small farming community. Major events that have occurred in the past include:
    o An assault upon the town by a pack of pets gone feral.
    o Pets having run-ins with animal control, ending in a pet full-on assault on the animal control holding cells.
    o Alien visitation involving capturing pets to transplant to a new world, while experimenting upon the ones they were leaving behind. Could they still be out there, watching? (Cue X-files theme!)
    Come and live in Richardson Valley where you and your pet can live comfortably in the first and longest running RP on Housepets!
    Activity Rating: 3.5. Availability: 8 slots remaining. GM: Keeshah
    Links to OOC and IC
  • HPU - Sunset Plateau: Sunset Plateau is a suburban neighbourhood, a short distance from a shopping district with a mall and restaurants. It is located next to a forest that houses a bustling village of red pandas. The RP is a slice-of-life look at the day-to-day interactions between the residents of the neighbourhood and the red pandas.
    Activity Rating: 3.5. Availability: OPEN. GM: Hlaoroo
    Links to OOC and IC
  • HPU? - Apollo City: Apollo City is a roleplay based around concepts from Rick Griffin's ARGO, including cybernetic animals and androids in the shape of animals, these beings take the roll of pets. This roleplay takes place on the Moon in a colonized city known as "Apollo City". This roleplay is filled with drama, which can get a bit dark.
    Activity Rating: 4.5. Availability: OPEN. GM: Valerio
    Links to OOC and IC
  • Non-HPU - Beacon of Hope: The Beacon of Hope is a massive starship, 500 miles long. It is owned and run by a hyper-tier superhuman known as Hivemind, an altruistic man dedicated to his goal of helping as many people as possible. In pursuit of this goal, he and five other super heroes formed the organization known as the Champions: A paramilitary group consisting of a combined force of the most skilled people and the most powerful supers in the universe. As the newest generation of Champions, you are charged with keeping the universe and every universe beyond safe from the villains and disasters that threaten it. Meanwhile, the forces of darkness corrupt the minds of the troubled, turning their base instincts and tendencies into full-blown madness. Odium, the dark demon of hate, threatens to consume all in it's path, and the only thing keeping him at bay is you and your team of rookie superheroes. There is little time left. Odium grows in strength every day. The time to face him and his corrupted forces is now. Are you ready? The Beacon of Hope is a haven for imagination. Barring some exceptions mentioned in the full description, nearly everything is allowed. If there is something you wanted to do, some idea you wanted to turn into reality, BoH was built to be the place to do so. Many of our current arcs and alien species were created by the players themselves. If you have an idea for an arc you want to do with your character, speak with the GM, CyberDragon. He will be happy to discuss it.
    Activity Rating: 5. Availability: OPEN GM: Cyberdragon
    Links to OOC and IC
  • SRP - Lounging Around: A hangout spot floating in the void somewhere outside reality, accessible by a logic defying wandering door from any time or place. Don't be surprised if you meet someone you though was impossible here.
    Activity Rating: 3.5. Availability: 2 slots remaining. GM: Buster
    Links to OOC and IC
  • Non-HPU - Zootopia: An alternative roleplay set in the universe of the hit movie, centered around a recreational center and the shenanigans of it's members and staff. Don't think everything will happen there, however; after all, Zootopia is a large--and drastically varied--place, with plenty of things to do. (So make sure you try everything!)
    Activity Rating:2.5. Availability: 6 slots remaining. GM: Pecan
    Links to OOC and IC
If you don't fancy the above RPs then don't worry; you can make your own RP! Simply send an application to the mods via PM containing a detailed description of the setting, the number of players you want and any additional rules relevant to your RP. Once the mods approve your RP you can advertise it in the main OOC and then when it has sufficient interest you will be allowed to make the OOC and IC threads. Unfortunately we are currently not allowing the creation of new HPU-RPs but please feel free to suggest a new non-HPU RP.

Well, that’s it, that’s all you need to know to begin RPing. Thank you for your interest in the RP forums. If you have any questions, queries or concerns or any ideas for improving the roleplay section of the forums or you just feel like a chat then please feel free to contact any of our mods.

See you in the games!

This series of introductory posts was adapted from the Pet Friendly Main OOCs created by ArgentFlame and Brittles and augmented with the rules assembled in the post by Tha Housefox.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Serence Frostbite »

yay new Main OCC is here :P
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by kurowolfe »

So yeah, I can't post today and tomorrow. Gotta attend a funeral for my grandpa's brother, and funerals here are as frantic as weddings. Ironic, dead kittens, sick cats amd a dead grandparent, and I felt almost apathetic.

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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Hlaoroo »

Aw. I'm sorry, Kuro. That all sounds rather overwhelming. Feel free to take as much time as you need and if theres anythign we can do to help you out then pleasse don't hesitate to ask. ;)
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by 69eist »

So this is the new main ooc huh?
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Serence Frostbite »

ideed :D
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Keeshah »

Looks around...
Hmmm no i don't like the Font!
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
Oreo (RA) - M - Spotted Skunk: Str-5 Per-6 End-6 Cha-5 Int-7 Agi-8 Luck-5
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Keeshah wrote:Looks around...
Hmmm no i don't like the Font!
ba-dum-tish !
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by kurowolfe »

I'll not be able to post today and maybe tomorrow. Traveling back to campus, and hoping things work out.

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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Esper »

Oh, good to see the OOC is up
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Serence Frostbite »

take your time kuro ^^
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Hlaoroo »

See you soon, Kuro.

So guys, just to let you know you can still give feedback on the new OOC and on the RP forums in general and all feedback is gladly appreciated. Just look for the feedback threads in the appropriate forums. ;)
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by valerio »

have fun, Kuro! :D
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by ~\Rook/~ »

Hey, sorry I haven't been posting in my RPs, had writers block and a computer switch-around so yeah.. I'll be trying to come up with something and post when I can.

Anyway, new Main OOC.. Very nice.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Hlaoroo »

Thanks, Rook. :) I look forward to seeing you getting back into things soon.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by 69eist »

Will start posting again on Sunday. Only I'll be posting only 3-4 times a week.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Serence Frostbite »

well , it's good to have you back anyway , we'll try to slow down for you if possible ^^
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by xhunterko »

Hello there!

I'm on vacation and traveling mode so my posting rate may be down considerably. I should be back in the running after MONDAY.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Roarin »

I may not be able to post as much due to some upcoming tests and project deadlines.
I apologize for the inconvenience >_<
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Serence Frostbite »

ooooh boy , take all the time you need Roarin , good luck , and don't worry about it , stay , on , those , exams !
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Hlaoroo »

Guess who's got
a) exams in just under three weeks and
b) a cold

I'll do my best to keep active but I'll see how I go.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:Guess who's got
a) exams in just under three weeks and
b) a cold

I'll do my best to keep active but I'll see how I go.
*reaches for the box of tissues*
just take care.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Esper »

Please forgive me for not posting much, I've been totally out of it lately :P
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by kurowolfe »

No probs, I guess it's that transition season. Exams, holidays, hot summer. I think.

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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by 69eist »

Name: Dante Daimon

Species: Leaf nosed Bat

Age: 15 pets years

Gender: Male

Neighborhood: Richmond Acres

Character Type: Guest

Appearance: A Black bat with some brown lines along his wings and back. He has rather large ears for a bat his size and short.
He also has these make-shift shades for flying in the sun. He also has orange head fur and red eyes

Personality: A short tempered and abrasive. This little bat is easy to annoy and gets cranky a lot, especially when it's loud. He hates it when he's disturbed and gets very defensive when he's being teased or when his stuff is being used without his permission. He's straightforward about what annoys him and really lets his loud screech out on anyone who does so.

Background: Dante doesn't really have a spectacular history. Eats, sleeps, flies through the cave and flies around at night. But he does like listening to radios. He always flies around Richmond Acres at night looking for a good tune to listen to. If there's one thing that calms this Bat down, it's a good beat, rhythm, melody, anything that sounds nice.


4 Strength
9 Perception
4 Endurance
3 Charisma
5 Intelligence
9 Agility
8 Luck
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Missingo »

Finally getting around to posting my character sheet. If there are any issues with the content or formatting would you kindly let me know. Please keep any comments constructive. Thanks :)

Carlise “Kay” Johnsson



Dog (Caparthian Shepherd)

19 Dog years (5 Human years)

Richmond Acres

Kay’s coat is a pale brown overlaid with black and grey. The fur is darkest on his back and muzzle, making a mask. The fur on his chest and near the ends of his limbs is pale (almost white), merging with the darker fur around it. His dark tail is moderately long and fluffy and ears are floppy. His eyes are a rich gold-amber. His collar is black leather. From it hangs a dark, colorful sphere suspended inside gold intersecting rings.

Kay is a dog who always tries to make what he says count. He is articulate and careful with his words and is no stranger to speaking his mind when feels it is necessary. While he can be a man of few words, when he does speak he does so with presence to make sure he is heard. Intelligent and observant, he particularly enjoys quiet company and being able to sit and absorb the sights and sounds around him. Though he’s nervous when meeting new people, he finds it to be a necessary evil and far preferable to the alternative of being alone. Once he is familiar with someone, he can be sharp and witty, showing a playful side under his calm and serious demeanor. He is very caring and sensitive and can be immensely protective of his friends. Kay also has a tendency to become irritable easily and has little tolerance for any perceived ignorance.

Other Notes
Kay is trained to play the viola and enjoys playing anything he can, from classical to contemporary and folk to pop covers. He is musically inclined and can easily pick up other instruments (at an amateur level), and enjoys finding music in the environment around him. He is practical and crafty with his eyes as well as his ears and enjoys finding makeshift solutions with what is available. He occasionally enjoys applying this to crafts as well, such as the pendant on his collar.

His owner is a traveling salesman with a zest for small collectibles, from coins and marbles to cans and cards. His work takes him away from home often, and Kay is left to watch over the home.

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Last edited by Missingo on Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Hlaoroo »

Looks fine to me. :)
Just drop a link to it in whichever RP you're interested in joining (Richmond Acres, was it?) and the GM can give you final approval. ;)
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Esper »

I'm going to say that your character falls into an archetype that I'm not a big fan of, and that they seem a lot like the existing Koa in RA, but maybe that's hard to avoid
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Happiness Designer »

Hey guys, these next 2 weeks I'm going to be on vacation so I may not be able to post. I'll be back ASAP, sorry for the inconvenience.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Missingo »

Esper wrote:I'm going to say that your character falls into an archetype that I'm not a big fan of, and that they seem a lot like the existing Koa in RA, but maybe that's hard to avoid
Well my main conditions when coming up with Kay were that he be a character that I would enjoy playing, and one that I could portray accurately. I also made it a point not to make intelligence a defining characteristic (not to say that he is unintelligent).

As for similarities to existing characters... well, by my count (according to the information in the OOC), there are 21 main characters alone. Avoiding similarities of character with any of them would be a nigh-impossible feat. Beyond that, the character sheet is merely an outline. When playing, it's very likely that there will be enough nuance to keep him distinct.

Beyond that, do you have any recommendations? Is there anything I need to clarify or anything that I can improve?

Thanks for your input. :)
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Hlaoroo »

I think Esper's main concern is that we already have many characters in RA who have high INT/low LUCK scores, as well as many who are quiet until they get to know you and then become friendly so he wants a bit of variety. Do you have any ideas of how you intend to keep him distinct and different as you play him? You're right that it'll be difficult to make him different than so many other players but does he have one or two characteristics that might make him stand out in the crowd?

It's great that you want to play a character that you're comfortable with and that you can do consistently and competently, but is there any way that the character can be modified slightly to come closer to what Esper is looking for while still fitting your specifications?
Korakc wrote:Hey guys, these next 2 weeks I'm going to be on vacation so I may not be able to post. I'll be back ASAP, sorry for the inconvenience.
Have fun and stay safe! :D
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by 69eist »

Um if there are too many intelligent pets, I can lower mine a little.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by kurowolfe »

Well, I actually agree with one of Missingo's points, which is you should create a character that you would enjoy playing or writing as, and will be able to portray accurately. This is especially so if you only have one or two characters around, because let's be frank, some people create characters based off themselves, and this is a Roleplay. I only recently realized that almost all my characters have tragic backstories because I myself had almost gone off the deep end wallowing in mine. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or in this case, makes for some inspiring writing.

On another note, I must apologize for not posting sooner. Felt under the weather for the most of yesterday and today.

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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Serence Frostbite »

just in case you guys didn't know , missingno's character is accepted already ^^
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Missingo »

Hlaoroo wrote:You're right that it'll be difficult to make him different than so many other players but does he have one or two characteristics that might make him stand out in the crowd?
Well, that isn't entirely what I meant. I feel that with so many characters that similarities of traits are inevitable. However, there are so many aspects of a person or a character that I think personality will easily be something individual and easy to distinguish.

On that note, some traits that might make him more distinct might be the dichotomy between his playful inner nature and the serious exterior he tries to maintain, or perhaps his wittiness (he is no stranger to sarcasm). Though I must also state that I don't feel that a character is defined by one or two characteristics; everything coming together is what makes them unique.

I would prefer to change as little as possible without having to completely rework him. The INT I would like to leave as it is if I can; the LUCK on the other hand I can try to raise and balance out if that would help, though I feel that would only give me less potential flavor to the character.
serene ice fox wrote:just in case you guys didn't know , missingno's character is accepted already ^^
Thank you! I just want to make sure any concerns are resolved first. If there aren't any objections, I'll try to get a post in tonight.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Hlaoroo »

Well, if Esper's happy than I am. He is the GM for Richmond Acres after all.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Esper »

I didn't say I accepted him. The character falls into an archetype that I do not want another one of. "Shy, creative brain" is a kind of character that isn't all that proactive and they don't work in large numbers in big, group roleplays. It's not his stats I'm concerned with, it's his actually personality. I understand that you want a character that portrays your own personality, but I do not like this character and I don't think they will be able to bring much to the game aside from being another person in-game.
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Re: Roleplaying Forums Main Out-Of-Character Thread

Post by Serence Frostbite »

wait a minute *facepaw*
urgh , oops , sorry Esper and Missingno , I don't know why but I mistook Esper's approval for another character with yours so....sorry :oops:
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