HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Well, here's the start of my interesting fan-fic. Let me know what you guys think of it!
Due to how it's being written (Main story with the cast interacting with the narrator), each chapter may take me a while to post as this is a new writing style I'm trying

Prologue: Peace And Serenity Before The Nightmare

"GRAPE!" Peanut yells from across the couch at the sleeping feline. It wasn't but five minutes ago that she laid her head down for her daily nap and had told Peanut not to wake her up unless if it was an emergency the size of an asteroid coming to hit them. Though in the back of her head, Grape knew that wasn't ever going to be the case with Peanut so opening her eyes, she looks to Peanut and simply, but kind of coldly with hints of sleepiness, asks " you...want?" Peanut, having the innocence of a small puppy that doesn't know he broke a rule, goes on to say with a surprising sound of fear in his voice, "You know how to say not to wake you up unless if it was an emergency?" to which Grape nods and is about to say something back until she hears the fear in his voice, which is rare from him so this was a cause for concern, "Well...this is an emergency and mom and dad ain't home and...and..." Peanut begins to quiver from his speech so Grape puts a paw on his shoulder and softly asks with a concern look "What's wrong?" and with big puppy dog eyes, Peanut responds with "My 3DS died during a Pokemon fight and I can't find the charger!" Now, normally, one wouldn't snap or get angry at someone who can't find the charger for their 3DS, but in Grapes case? Well..."You woke me up cause you can't find the CHARGER!?"...Peanut, quickly moving from fear to happiness, replies cheerfully "Yep! You said not to wake you up if it wasn't an emergency and, well, this is one! Can you help me find it?" Grape smiled and said that she will...but not before smacking him across the room with the pillow she was cat-napping on. Truth be told, it never really dawned on Peanut that she was being a bit sarcastic in her response to his request.

Along with being the home to Grape and Peanut, Babylon Gardens is known by many to be somewhat of a paradise to those who live there as, aside from the occasional Celestial visit, nothing really happens in this quaint little community. In fact, thanks to the efforts of it's local K9 Squad, Babylon Gardens never really had any major events or anything that could threaten the lives of those who live there. But just going by the name of this story, one could easily figure out that will not be the case soon. In fact, Babylon Gardens and the neighboring city of River Ridge? They would soon be enveloped by an event that would, like many events, change the lives of those who experience it for the better or worse, depending on the individual that is. An event that would force rivals to work together and others to put aside their differences. An event that...."Hey narrator?"---Huh? Oh, Tarot! Hey, I'm busy here---"Yeah I get that but you didn't need to go all Douglas Adams right there"---I know that, I was just setting up---"I understand but look, the prologue is just to set the world up and you did fine though you should've maybe hinted at the events to come during Peanuts and Grape lil' scene. That aside, lets just get to the first chapter now, OK? I think you set the world up just fine."---Fine...pushy---"I heard that. By the way, try not to make people wait for so long for a new chapter or forget about this like your other stories"---Hey, real life got in the way.---"Uh-huh...People are still waiting for the next chapters of your Zootopia ZPD story..."---Let's...just get to Chapter One now---"And the first chapter of your Z-Fur book..."---TAROT!---"...One more thing."---What?---"This is still a Housepets story so keep it PG, OK?"---Can I go at least PG-13 if possible?---"Depends, but I will be watching."---Ok...NOW can we finally get to the story?
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Neat concept and style so far. I'll definitely check out the next part :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really do think that this style is gonna be really cool and I do like it! I hope we can see more!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Thanks for the feedback on the prologue! Time for Chapter 1! Again, doing my best to stay between PG and PG-13!
CHAPTER 1: We Got Zombie Sign The Likes Of Which Romero Has Never Seen!

It was another lovely day in Babylon Gardens, much better then the day before. With it being a beautiful day, everyone in town took advantage of it, especially one pup who went by the name of Bino as he was walking down the street to visit his girlfriend, Duchess, and to see if she wanted to take a lovely walk through the park with him---"Did you say what I was bringing along?"---That is not important---"Yes it is! The readers need to know what I'm bringing Duchy-Poo to ask her out!"---Doesn't she hate that name?---"Eh, she secretly loves it. Now will you tell them?"---Fine. To help in asking her out, Bino, using his allowance, bought her the finest flowers---"And chocolate!"---Dogs can't eat chocolate---"Oh..."---to help with his goal. Arriving at her doorstep and adjusting his collar, he ring's her doorbell and waits with a smile.

"This is going to be fun!" Bino said to himself, "After a walk in the park, we'll head over to a local restarunt for a bite to eat, then back to her place to watch All Dogs Go To Heaven! This is going to be perfect! Nothing can go wrong today!" Then the door open and Bino presented the a Duchess who looked about half-dead and about ready to pass out.
"HELLO DUCHY-POO!" Bino shouts with love in his voice, "I brought you these flowers as my way of asking you out on a date on this lovely day!" Duchess just stood there, not looking her usual chipper self. Bino, not being moved at all, walks in to find a vase for the flowers, all the while Duchess walks back to the couch to lay down...but not before running to the bathroom and full-speed.
"Of course, you are too excited to say anything so you are rushing to get ready! I understand!" Bino shouts as he places the flowers in a vase. Making himself at home, he awaits with joy in his heart and happiness on his mind, knowing that today will be excellent for him! Well, it would've been until he started to hear some strange noises coming from the bathroom that Duchess occupied---"Um..."---Wrong noises---"Oh"---Bino ears perked up at the noise but before he could do anything, Boris,, Boris---"What?"---Are you her bodyguard or...---"Bodyguard"---Ah, thanks....where were we? Oh right *ahem* Boris, her bodyguard, was already heading over to check in on her. Shrugging it off, Bino sat there paitently, waiting for Duchess to come out all prettied up and ready for the date. Silence then filled the room up for about five minutes then it was broken by the screams of Boris.
"Boris? Duchess?" Bino shouts, "Everything OK?" Walking his way to the bathroom, he suddenly begins to hear some odd noises emerging from the room. They weren't the usual bathroom noise. In fact, they sounded like eating noises. "Duchess? If you are that hungry, we can skip the restaurant and eat here, if you like..." Bino said, unaware of what's about to happen or what's going on in general. Taking a deep breath after reaching the door, he opens it slowly to see: Duchess hunched over Boris...or what was left of him.
"Uh...Duchy-poo? You OK?" Bino asks as he places a paw on her shoulder...which was probably the dumbest thing he's done up to that point---"Hey! I never do dumb stuff!"---Shall I bring up some examples?---"Just continue with the story"---*ahem* as Duchess slowly turned her head around to face Bino...and Bino was horrified at what he saw. For instead of the lovely face of his girlfriend, what he was was a face that had lifeless eyes, a hungry mouth, and---"Keep it PG here"---Yes, Tarot...and what remained of Boris on her mouth. Standing there horrified, Bino---"OH! OH! Can I tell this part? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!?"---Um...OK---"Yes! Now then..."

As I stood there looking at what remained of my Duchy-Poo, who had joined the ranks of cannibalistic creatures, I knew then and there I should not let my love for her get in my way of what I should do. Quickly, I ran out of the bathroom and grabbed her tablet and started searching for a way to cure her of this sickness, all while she slowly walked towards me with the goal of turning me into dinner. After a few seconds of searching to no advail, I finally found it...a link to the Necronomicon Ex Mortis! Looking through the pages, I found the page that had the spell I was looking for and, in all my power and wisdom, I looked towards Duchy-Poo and said the spell. In an instant, lights flickered and a green glow encompassed her and I felt power like I never did before! Then, like a gentle breeze in the Summer time, it was over and there stood Duchy-Poo in all her beauty! Running over to me, she took me in her arms and thanked me to no end for ending this curse on her! I finally had accomplished something and, in that instant, it was time for my reward!...

*laughs*---"What?"---Not bad, Bino! Not bad at all! But I hate to break it to you, but that's not how it happened...---"Sure it is!"---No, because I had Tarot double-check your story and the only part that was true was you running out of the bathroom but not for the reason you listed...---"Are you sure?"---"Yep. If you don't mind, Narrator, I like to tell this part and say what actually happened."---Be my guest, Tarot.

So, what actually happened is that when Bino saw what Duchess---"Duchy-Poo"---Shh had become and what she was doing to the lifeless Boris, the first thing Bino did was scream like a little girl and then ran out of the bathroom. He then grabbed a nearby broom and started whacking Duchess---"Duchy-Poo!"---Shush! Over the head with it, thinking he can snap her out of her mood. After a few minutes though, he suddenly heard a loud BANG! Opening his eyes, he saw Duchess standing there...though with a huge hole in her head now---Is that PG-13?---"It is if we don't describe anything that came out of said hole or go into graphic-detail"---Ah---Anyway, the now lifeless body of Duchess dropped to the ground with Bino's eyes following it as it fell. Looking up, he then saw Terrance standing there holding a now smoking handgun.

"You OK, Bino?" Terrance asked while holstering the gun and walking over to him, while checking on the corpse of Duchess. Still shaking, Bino nodded and simply replies "WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO?! YOU SHOT MY GIRLFRIEND!"
"Bino...your girlfriend was a zombie and, in case you didn't know or hear, we're currently dealing with a zombie epidemic here and are working on gettting as many evacuated to safe house so I need you to come with me."
"Zombies?! Is that why she was eating Boris?" He said while pointing at the other corpse. Terrance looked over and nods.
"Now, are you going to come with me now or do you want to stay here?"
Bino, having no choice, nods and both he and Terrance run out of the building that was once home to Duchess.

"Ok, Narrator, you can take it from here"---Thanks, Tarot---"Not how I wanted to remember that moment"---Hey, she's still alive in the main comic so you can take solace in that---"Still..."---And by the way, thank you Tarot for staying PG-13 at that moment---"Yep! Now you have to stay between PG and PG-13 as well as I know how your mind works"---I know, I know! Anyway, lets finish up Chapter One...

When Terrance and Bino ran out, Bino stopped in his tracks and was horrified at what he saw: Buildings burning, wrecked cars, and the dead walking the street feasting on the living.
"Bino, we can't stay here, we got to go!" Terrance shouts at a petrified Bino. Jumping out of his trance, Bino nods and follows Terrance to a nearby car and they both drive off to a nearby evac point.
"How the heck did this happen?!" Bino shouts while observing the carnage.
"We don't know" Terrance replies while pushing the pedal to the metal, "We first got reports of a attack at a bake sale then, before we knew it, we were under seiged by the undead! We're trying to get as many people and pets out as we can but so far, as you can tell, we are having issues"
"...Bake sale? Oh the Good Ole Dog's sa...WATCH OUT!" Bino suddenly shouts as a zombie walks out in the middle of the street. Terrance tries to avoid it but loses control of the vehicle and crashes off the side of the road, into a ditch---"Say..."---Yeah, Tarot?---"What about King, Bailey, the pups, and the wolves? I looked through your story and never found any mention of them"---Oh, they're safe. They went on vacation to Miami, Florida earlier in the week---"Oh. Clever way of writing them out of the story"---I though so!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

oh boi it begins

The colored text is nice. However I recommend putting a space between each line. I got lost in that big paragraph of text. Otherwise nice job :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Had some free time right now, so I figured I do the second chapter!

"Urgh..." Bino groans as he wakens from the wreck, trying to get used to his surroundings, "My head...where is..." though before he could finish that thought, a couple gun-shots ring out to his left and he spies Terrance, looking a bit wounded from the wreck, taking out a few zombies, followed by a reload---"What gun am I using?"---Colt M1911, why?--"Alright, just curious."---before turning his attention to the car to see if Bino was awake.

"Bino! You OK? Can you walk?" Terrance said as he runs over to help Bino out of the wreck.
"Yeah...urp...I'm good. Just a bit shaken up..." Bino replies as Terrance helps him out, "And yeah I can walk..."
"Good cause we need to get moving. Those zombies I just killed? They probably heard us wreck and I get the feeling more are on their way so we need to hustle."
"Right, to the safe house?"
"Unfortunately, in your condition right now, the safe house is too far so we'll have to head to any house we can find and hold up there..."
"Rex...his house is just up the road here...'bout two minutes away. We can head there."
"Seeing as we have no other options, we'll head there."

"Narrator"---What?---"Why Rex?"---Well, fans of Housepets haven't seen him King and Bailey's wedding so I figured I put him in here!---"Hm, interesting. Would've thought you make up a new character for this story."---Thought about it, but decided not to.---"Fair enough, though I would've personally love for you to have chosen me"---Don't worry, I do have plans for you in the story---"Yay!"---Now let's get back to Bino and Terrance...

Working their way through the woods, they arrive back on the streets of the now in shambles Babylon Gardens and make their way to the house of Rex Holloway. Arriving at the doorstep, Terrance knocks and waits to see if anyone answers....nothing....he knocks again....nothing....he knocks one more time....nothin...
"Hey!" a voice suddenly emerges "Quit that knocking and come to the garage door!"
Both Terrance and Bino looks around quickly before noticing the head of Rex sticking out from the top window of the house, pointing at the Garage Door. They nod and head towards it. Once they arrive, Rex opens the backdoor of said garage and lets them in before locking it behind them.
"Sorry about that, but we have the front door bolted up very tight."
"Why not this door as well?"
"I keep this one unbolted in case I need to leave for supplies. Otherwise, I lock it up like so", Rex responds while pointing at the door which is now locked up with steel bars.

Rex leads both Bino and Terrance inside and to the living room, where Terrance helps Bino onto the couch as Rex heads to bring out some water for both of them. Handing them both the drinks, Rex asks what happened to Bino so Terrance tells him that they were heading to the evac point to the local safe house but got into a wreck thanks to a wayward zombie in the middle of the road. He also explains that he rescued Bino---"Still prefer my version"---from the now dead Duchess and Boris.
"So this zombie can also affect us pets?"
"I guess so but she is the only one I've seen this thing affect"
"Maybe it's selective? Like in the movie DOOM how some turn evil and some gets superpowers?"
"You liked that movie, Rex?"
"Yeah. I'll admit it has faults but it's not a bad movie!"
"Well whatever is the reason, we need to stay safe no matter what. Speaking of safe, you got a phone I can use, Rex? I need to make a call to HQ..."
"Sure, over here. And Bino, the remotes on the coffee table, you can watch TV if you want, though I doubt there'll be anything worth wild on."
"Thanks" Bino responds as he turns on Rex's TV just to see he was right as every station (including the cartoon ones surprisingly) had 24/7 coverage of the current Zombie Outbreak showing everything, from wrecks to attacks to mauling to even explosions---"How?"---You know something, Tarot? I have no clue. I always see explosions or something on fire in zombie films so why break what isn't broken?---"Good point, though I still question it"---Hey it's a zombie media, you don't question zombies. Do you question whatever Karishad does?---"Touché"--Anyway, with every station showcasing the carnage, all Bino could do is just still there in shock and awe and drinking his water. The only thing running through his mind was that of how it could get worse...

"Hello? It's Terrance...Yeah, I'm OK....I got two survivors with me: Rex Holloway and Bino...we're hold up in Rex's house for the and Bino were on our way but we got in an accident...we're fine, as I said we're at Rex's house...Yes, Fido will be happy...Oh, I had to put down another zombie...Well, the thing is it was Duchess...yeah Bino's girlfriend...No, Bino wasn't bit...Boris? He's dead...Uh-huh...Like I told Rex, I don't know if this is affecting Pets...she could've been just in the wrong place at the wrong time...uh-huh...Right...Well, Rex's house is pretty well defended and boarded up so we should be fine for a couple days, if supplies don't run out...Wait, what do you mean?...Oh, I see...well, if we can, is Safe House Alpha still good?...Oh...Got it...thank, Sarge...Stay safe."

"What happened?"
"Well...Bino, you listening?"
"Well, as you seen, I placed a call to Sergeant Ralph...and we'll be stuck here for a few days or so as all their available units are currently working over in River Ridge and trying to get as many here evacuated as possible...."
"So..we won't be seeing any help?"
"Not for a few days or so and we should be good if supplies hold out for that long..."
"They should as I stocked up pretty good....any bad news?"
"Well...bad news is that Safe House Alpha? The one I was takin' you to, Bino? Got over-run a few minutes ago so the troops there are taking any survivors there to Safe House Pavillion"
"That's pretty far away..."
"So...we're pretty much stuck here?"
"Pretty get comfortable, I guess. I'm going to head back to car and salvage any weapons from it and bring them back here. Rex, I could use your help..."
"Actually, Zach is here as well, why don't I have him go with you so I can keep an eye on Bino?"
"Zach's here?"
"Yeah, he came for a visit before the outbreak occured. He's in the supply room right now, let me get him...ZACH!"
"Come out here, I need your help!"

A seconds later, the sound of rabbits feet are heard as Zach comes walking out towards Rex.
"Hey Bino. Officer"
"I'm Officer Terrance. Rex here said you can help me with getting some stuff out of my car?"
"Sure, where is it?"
"About two minutes down the road, not far. We're just grabbing some weapons and ammo, along with a first-aid kit I have."
"Alright, sounds good."
"Let me get the door for you two...remember the password, Zach?"
"Alright, stay safe you two."
"We will" and with that, both Terrance and Zach heads back out into the woods to the wrecked crusier as both Bino and Rex stay behind to watch the house...and the news since there was nothing else on.

"Thought so"---Hm?---" made that up."---Yeah...decided to at least salvage something from the GrimmSouls comic---"Well, at least it's a City and not a new character, I'll give you that"---Thank you, Sabrina.---"Don't worry, the story has no characters of his creation..."---TAROT! SPOILERS!!!!!!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Great job with this chapter! I really do find the interactions with the narrator funny.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Color code for the roles:


"Where's Peanut and Grape?"---They're coming, I just need to get some backstory out of the way---"So why did the prologue start with them then immediately jump to Bino in Chapter One? Truthfully, you should've continued with Peanut and Grape in Chapter One then bring in Bino a bit later"---Hey, who's doing the story here?---"Yes, but I know how it ends so I feel I should be asking these questions"---If you know how it ends then why are you here?---"...I just told I want to make sure you aren't messing anything up in your telling of it"---...right....let's get to Chapter Three now...

It was about 5pm at Rex's house. Five hours ago, the horrors of the zombie epidemic began in Babylon Gardens and Bino and Terrance, after trying to escape, found themselves at the home of Rex, along with Zach who was staying and helping out. Prior to the current time, both Terrance and Zach ventured back out into the woods to locate the crashed cruiser and, while they dealt with a few undead, they came back with the aforementioned first-aid kit, along with a few shotguns, a automatic rifle, some ammunition, and a spare handgun, to which Terrance gave to Bino, along with a few pointers on how to use it properly (Safety, how to aim and fire, reloading, the usual). With the newly acquired gear in place and the house locked up, the survivors went to the living room to try to relax while Rex made soup for everyone. With the News on the TV still playing, everyone just watched as the carnage unfolded with nary any piece of good news in site. Sure there was the occassional piece that someone rescued someone or the K9 units prevailing or the Rescue & Recovery Unit---"Isn't that from a RolePlay you're in?"---Non-Canon---"Oh"---doing their job, but mostly? It was all doom and gloom on the news that night. Sipping his soup, Terrance shakes his head as he watches the news before speaking "Hope the guys are OK..."
"I'm sure they are, Terrance" Zach responds, "The K9 Squad, from what I hear, are some of the best so I'm pretty sure they are surviving this."
"Thanks...I just feel...I should be out there helping but instead I'm here looking after you guys. No offense."
"None taken"
"Well...least I can be happy that you guys are alive at least and as long as we stick togther and not do anything stupid, I think..."
"What was that?" Rex suddenly interrupts as a loud crashing noise is heard outside. Thinking a zombie just breached, the group quickly jumps up and arm themselves: Rex with a rifle, Bino and Terrance with their pistols, and Zach with the shotgun...."You think you can handle that?" Bino asks him to which Zach replies simply with "I'm a rabbit *pumps shotgun* I can handle anything." While Bino and Rex stay behind at the Kitchen Door, Both Terrance and Zach head out to the Garage Back Door and position themselves on both sides. Zach looks to Terrance and nods, signaling he's ready, to which Terrance nods back and slowly unlocks the door and shouts "WHO IS IT?"....silence...."I REPEAT: WHO IS IT!"...."Psst....How should I respond, Grape?"...."Grape? Hold up!" Bino shouts, "I know that voice! That's Peanut!"..."Bino? Is that you? Could you let us in? I need to plug in my 3DS"...*grrr*..."Oh and we have survivors out here!"...."How many?" shouts Rex...."Me, Grape, Sabrina, Tarot, Max, and Joey!"...."Are any of you bitten?"..."Um..."..."Well?'..."Um, Grape and Max have been sleepingOUCH!"..."NOT SMITTEN! BITTEN! And no, none of us are! Can we come in?"...Terrance looks to Rex and asks "Do you think we have enough supplies?" to which Rex, after thinking it over, nods while adding that he can go out for more later tonight if need be. Nodding, Terrance tells the crew to stand down and unlocks the door to let the survivors into the house.

"Surprised you chose Joey"---Again, needed someone different then the usual gaggle of characters---"Speaking of which, even though this is non-canon, I have a question: Where are Pete, Dragon, and Kitsune?"---"The narrator hates Pete so even though this takes place after the Heaven's Not Enough, He..."---TAROT! SHUSH!---"He what? Tarot...what did the narrator do?"---I didn't kill him if that's what you are asking---"Well that's good cause I'm pretty sure, fan-fic or not, you would've made a lot of people in forum you are posting this on very mad at you..."---I just locked him and Dragon up in a cage---"OH COME ON!"---What? I still don't forgive him for what he did in that arc and I still don't trust him that learned his lesson---"Can we get back to the zombies and you two save the arguing for Twitter?"---Fine--"Sure!"---For the record, Sabrina started it---"Hey!"---"Cool it!"--*grrr*...anyway, where were we...oh yes...---"Still can't believe you put him in a cage..."---Hey, it's better then my original idea---"Oi!"

Within a short amount of time, Rex's house went from being just three dogs and a rabbit to six dogs, two cats, and a rabbit. While this may have been a setup for a TV show in some instances, for now they all, as they believed, were the only survivors in Babylon Gardens. With everyone now sitting comfortable in the living room feasting on the rest of the soup Rex prepared, all they could do is just try to relax and chat while not worrying about the zombies outside. As the mood in the house was beginning to sour, Zach thought of a great idea: Why don't they turn off the news and watch a funny movie...that wasn't All Dogs Go To Heaven? It would not only help keep their minds off of the events outside, but help keep their spirits up! After a few seconds, they all nodded and agreed so Zach went in search of the perfect comedy...and after a few he found it: The Three Stooges Film Collection!---"Interesting choice"---Thank you...with the movie chosen, they all spent the night laughing away the fear of the walking dead as they watched the antics of Moe, Larry, Curly, Curly Joe, Shemp, and Joe while each one took turns doing look-out in case any more survivors happen their way or a zombie tried to break in. For once in this whole ordeal, they were all at peace...side-splitting laughter peace, but still at peace.

"OK, Narrator, since you and Sabrina had that little spat awhile ago, I'll be taking over for Chapter 4"---Seriously?---"Trust me"---Fine...I could use a break...need to get back to---"Installing a few games on your Xbox One including Kane & Lynch 2 and working on some of your game reviews" did...---"Can I use your chair?"---I...sure...---"Thank you..."---Actually question: How did you end up in my house while I'm typing this?---"Kitsune"---...Oh...I'll need to have a talk with him later...---"That's up to you. Now, let me work on Chapter 4, please?"---Sure...
Last edited by SeanWolf on Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

These are coming along quite quickly. Nice job :) One suggestion: now that we have a bunch of characters, maybe include a color key? I'm not certain who's who unless it's explicitly stated.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Still liking the interaction with the narrator! I hope that continues throughout the fic!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Had some free time, so I wrote Chapter 4!
Written by: Tarot

"Now this is a comfy chair...*ahem*...Let's get to typing Chapter Four here...Oh? Huh, it looks like the Housepets forums are enjoying this, especially this Amazee! Narrator will love this! Though I think he needs to update his avatar someday...enough distractions, let's get to the story..."

The following morning, Terrance got everyone in the living room and reminded them of the current situation they all are in, along with putting their minds at ease. He then went on to tell them about his plan to get them all safely to Safe House Bravo in Pavillion, which he admitted is a bit of a risk but it's a risk worth taking---"Hi, Tarot!"---Hello where were we...ah yes...Terrance's plan was simple: He, Bino, Zach, and whoever else wanted to tag along, to which Sabrina volunteered, would search throughout Babylon Garden's for a vehicle not only big enough to take them all to Pavillion, but strong enough to withstand any zombie strike, to which Rex recommended going all Mad Max on it and modifying it, to which Terrance agreed though he admitted it will be alot of work on their part to do so. Everyone else would stay inside the house and not let anyone in unless if it was another K9 Unit or they returned. Same time, they would not be allowed outside for whatever reason what so ever as they didn't need to lose anyone else as he told the crew they already lost Duchess and Boris earlier that week. With everyone in agreement, Terrance, Bino, Zach, and Sabrina loaded up with supplies and a few firearms (Sabrina grabbed herself a revolver from the supply room while the rest stuck with the ones they had) and headed out into the now Undead Babylon Gardens to look for their ticket out of there. Admittedly, they weren't sure if they were going to find a vehicle big enough for the job, but they needed to find something or else they would be stuck in the gardens for a long time. With the away team out, Rex re-boarded up the door and the remaining hung back and tried to relax any way they could, from watching movies to playing games to, in Grapes and Max's case, sleeping.

"Not bad! For my first time doing this, I think this went well! Now to..."---Hey, Tarot---"What?"---I'm liking how you are doing this chapter...but wasn't there supposed to be some dialogue earlier?---"I cut it cause the last few chapters were dialogue heavy and I could tell you were getting a bit frustrated with figuring out the color for each line"---I was getting used to it since I have a color code now---"Agreed, but I still cut the dialogue. Now let me get back to work"---Pushy.

After searching for a couple hours, along with a couple of close calls, the crew decided to stop searching for the night and, because they were a bit too far from the house and it was pretty late, they headed to a nearby Grocery Store to rest for the night and collect extra supplies, if any remained in store that is. After entering and making sure there are no zombies inside (which surprisingly there weren't any), they went and found the employee break room, in which Zach and Sabrina setup a small campsite while Bino and Terrance went out into the store to find anything they could salvage, which ranged from canned food to batteries to bottled water, with Bino finding some portable cookers they use could. Back at the camp, Zach started to cook up some hotdogs for them while Bino stood guard---Tarot! Want any tea?---I'm good!---Alright---*Surprised he can get any work done with interruptions like that...*Whatever. With Bino standing guard, Zach cooking, and Terrance and Sabrina keeping an eye on the supplies, the team thought they would be able to make it through the night without incident...but there is a funny thing about zombies: They strike whenever they want to.

Hold up...HEY---What?---I never asked: What rules are your zombies going by? Walking Dead, Resident Evil or Romero?---...There's zombies in The Walking Dead? Everytime I tuned in, it was all talk-talk-talk---...sounds familiar....---What?---Nothing. What ruleset are your zombies going by?---Romero---So, the classic style?---Yeah, why?---Well, the next chapter just seemed a bit weird with it's scene so I was confused---Tarot confused? That's a first---What?---You heard...By the way, I just chatted with Kitsune---And?---He's fine with what you are doing as...well he knew about the original intent for Pete in both this and my cancelled GrimmSouls comic---See? I guess you can stay here...---I thought you'd say that so I brought my bed and tablet along---I's right by my bed here---Thank you. Here's your computer back, you can finish the rest of the story now---Thank Yo...could've least adjusted the chair for me---Well you could've least turn down the volume on your Xbox. That game you were playing was LOUD!---Hey not my fault! I'm still trying to get the soundbar at a decent sound level---You have a remote to use! USE IT!---"You two done arguing up there? We're ready for the action sequence in the next chapter!"---Yeah, we're done, Terrance *even though she started it*, I'll start working on your action scene---"Thanks..hey will this be the moment where...."---Yes, it is---"Oh he's going to love that!"---I know!---"What moment?"---You'll see!
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Solid chapter! I like the change in format.
but o boi trouble is coming
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can't wait to see how they are gonna deal with what happens next.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


The Midnight Hour. Zach and Sabrina just went to sleep, Bino was keeping an eye on the supplies, and Terrance was on Guard Duty. Nothing could go wrong...*crash*...until something does. Bino immediately jumps up the second he hears the crash, along with both Zach and Sabrina, while Terrance was already scanning the room. Grabbing the nearby shotgun, Zach runs over and recommends they inspect store, just in case someone broke in, to which Terrance agrees and tells both Bino and Sabrina to stay behind and keep an eye on their gear, while staying alert. Nodding in agreement, they stay prepped and ready while Terrance and Zach head into the store to investigate. Once was quiet...too quiet*burps*Sorry---"Narrator!"---Hey, I had pizza earlier, sorry---"You better apologize for that one, geez!"---ANYWAY as I was was too quiet....*crash*...a second crash then appeared...but it didn't come from the store.
"That one sounded close" Sabrina whispers to Bino while loading the revolver, "A bit too close for comfort...Bino? Bino, you OK? Bino what's MMMPH!" Before she could finish, Bino cups his paw over her mouth to shush her, then points to the slowly sauntering by was a zombie. But not just any zombie: A zombiefied Boris---"PG"---I wasn't going to describe what he looked like---"Just making sure"---As I said, a zombiefied Boris came shambling by.

"...thought he was dead" mumbles Bino as he kept his paw over Sabrina's mouth trying to keep quiet...until he accidentally knocks over an empty can of beans. *Clang!* went the can which caused Undead Boris' ears to perk up and slowly turn its heads towards the sound and spies the duo sitting there...along with the 'Oh Crap' look Bino was sporting at that moment. With the new meal spotted, Boris starts to make his way towards them, groaning and moaning, with the sole purpose to feast on them. Bino sat frozen, holding the rifle he had, not moving an inch, as Sabrina desperately tried to get his paw off her mouth so she could end Boris' undead life. While it took a while, she finally got free so in a flash, she grabbed her revolver, took aim, and fire one round at Boris' head, finally ending him. Sabrina sat there panting, hoping that no other zombie heard that shot....*groan*...."Ah, catfish..." she utters. In a matter of seconds, a hoarde of zombies starts making their way to the employee lounge as they heard the shot, each one hungrier then the last.
"BINO! WAKE UP! WE GOT TROUBLE!" Sabrina shouts at Bino, who was still frozen in terror, tightly gripping the rifle, "COME ON! WAKE UP!...OH YOU USELESS FLEA BAG!" Quickly grabbing more rounds for her revolver, she starts a one-woman war against the on-coming undead army, taking out as many as she can while still shouting at Bino to wake up! But no matter how much she shouted, Bino just stayed frozen. *bang*---*bang*---*bang*----*click*---"Ah, nuts" Sabrina mutters as she fires her last rounds from her gun and realizing she's out of ammo. Quickly looking about, she grabs a nearby frying pan and continues the assualt while STILL trying to get Bino to help...and it was at this moment when she said the one thing that she should've said all along..."BINO IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR FLEA-BITTEN BUTT UP AND HELPING ME NOW, SO HELP ME IF I BECOME AN UNDEAD FREAK I WILL DO WORST THEN WHAT DUCHESS WOULD'VE DONE!!!!"

"...Duchess...." Bino mumbles...a look of determination suddenly crosses his face and his frozen state began melting away as a fire in his eyes ignited. Standing up with the rifle in his hand, he roars with the sound of a million tigers and rushes into the horde, firing left and right with perfect precision. One by one, the zombies fell lifeless to the ground with huge holes in their heads as Bino fired his rifle. And when he heard the telltale CLICK of his gun, he quickly pulled out his sidearm and continued the rampage, all while reloading his rifle one-handed---"Is that possible?"---Yes it is, I saw videos of a soldier doing it---"Nice"---To Bino in this moment, he was the conductor of his symphony of destruction, with his rifle as the percussion and the pistol as the choir. He lived for this moment, the moment where he could finally stand up and say that he succeeded in his goal. To him, he achieved nirvana....and after a while, the symphony ended, the guns were silent, and the undead were now lifeless corpses and on top of them? A lone figure stands, clutching an empty rifle in one hand, a pistol in the other, a various zombie guts on him: Bino had won.

"Wow"---Yes, Tarot?---"That was...actually some good writing!"---"Yeah, I'm impressed too!"---Thank you, guys---"And good job at staying PG through out that part"---...Thank you Tarot---"Can't wait to see how you end this!"---....yeah...

Sabrina laid there shocked at what she saw. Here's Bino, who never really amounted to anything, becoming this big ole' zombie slayer out of nowhere! Guess all she had to do was yell! Jumping down off the corpse, Bino rushes over to her and helps her up, in time to see both Terrance and Zach return from their investigation...only to see all the corpses.
"Wha...what the heck happened here?" Terrance asks as Zach runs over to check if any supplies got damaged.
"Bino happened...we got over run but I managed to snap Bino out of a trance and he butchered all these zombies himself!" Sabrina proclaims proudly!
"Yeah...Yeah I DID! I DID, DIDN'T I?" Bino responds, feeling proud of himself, "Yeah! I killed them all! I...*ouch*"
"Bino? You alright?" Sabrina then asks as---"NO!"----Hm?---"NO NO NO NO! NO! You already killed off two HPU characters, you are NOT killing off Bino!"---"She's right, I even saw your notes that said that you wouldn't kill off any"---Well, I guess I changed my mind---"Well, change it back! You finally gave Bino his day in the limelight and then you yank the carpet out from under him and kill him off?! Don't be George R.R Martin!"---Sabrina, calm down...calmYIKES!---"...Uh...OK, readers, it appears that Sabrina and the narrator are currently fighting each like I'm finishing this chapter..."

"Yeah! I killed them all! I AM THE BEST!" Bino shouts in triumph, before Zach walks over and tells him to cool off as he's killed what amounts to 5% of the undead. Terrance, meanwhile, chuckles and tells them all that, during their little war, both he and Zach managed to find a bus parked outside the store in the back AND that it's full on gas so they have a means to leave Babylon Gardens! Both Bino and Sabrina cheer and they all begin to pack up camp, grab any extra supplies they needed, and made their way to the bus. After getting on board, Zach double checks to make sure the bus runs and, once they heard the roar of the engine, they begin driving back to Rex's house to begin Step Two of their goal: Gathering Materials and hsghshjkghfdsjhgdjHEY!---"Sorry! He tossed me!"---YOU JUMPED ON MY BACK AND STARTED CLAWING AT ME! What was I supposed to do?!---"NOT TOSS ME AT TAROT!"---OH, would you rather be tossed out the window!?---"How about I toss you out instead!"---LIKE I SAID...they would begin Step Two of their goal: Gathering Materials and Prepping the Bus for Evac...

"Now then...WOULD YOU TWO CALM DOWN!"---"NOT UNTIL HE APOLOGIZES FOR WANTING TO KILL OF BINO!"---AND NOT UNTIL SHE APOLOGIZES FOR CLAWING ME ON THE FACE!---"Aye aye aye....I think I need to get Kitsune here..."---"Everything alright up there?"---"Yes, Bino, everything is fine....just a case of disagreements."
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You really do get these chapters up fast. This is amazing! Wonderful job!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Glad to see our heroes are safe for now... from the zombies, that is. From each other and the narrator, not so much. :p Another good chapter! That chapter about Bino's rampage was well-written.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

Thank you for all the kind remarks! I'm enjoying doing this little story and I'm happy you guys are enjoying it too!
I do have plans for a follow-up ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

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"Now...have you two apologize?"---Yes---"...Yes"---"And are you two done fighting?"---Yes---"Yes..."----"Good...Narrator, you may do this chapter...but STICK with your original notes or else"---Yes, Tarot...

It was close to mid-day and the team finally returned to Rex's house with the newly acuired bus and supplies and were ready to start on part two of their goal, which in this case was prepping the bus for evac...except that meant going back out into the town and doing more scavenging. Thankfully, in this case, they could use whatever they want to prep the bus as supplies were numorous! So with the bus parked behind the house, the team started work, with both Max and Rex heading out for building materials and the rest working on the bus itself. It was going to be a long job, but in their hearts, they believed they could do it. The first day of the build, as it turned out, went smoothly, with the only setback being Sabrina getting her tail stepped on by Bino---"HEY!"---You deserved it---"What did I say?"---Right...and day two surprisingly went well too. It wasn't until Day Three when problems started to occur and it all began with a phone call...

"Hello?...No, it's Rex...Terrance? Yeah he's here, let me get him"...."Yeah?...Sarge! I'm happy you called! I was beginning to worry!....Yeah we're doing fine! Didn't lose any survivors...Oh we had a few more join in after our first phone call...Peanut, Max, Grape, Sabrina, and Joey....Oh, Joey will be happy to hear that....Tarot's alive? Well Peanut will be glad...Right now? Right now we're prepping a evac vehicle to head up to Safe House Bravo. We should be done in a couple of days....Pardon?....You're kidding...How many?...Oh...Right...Stay safe, Sarge...Sorry?...Oh that'll be a big help...I'll tell them...Good bye...*click*...Aw man..."

Outside, the crew were taking a quick break for lunch when Terrance came out, with a heavy that screamed bad news.
"Everyone? Can I have your attention?...First off, that was my Sarge on the phone and I do have some good news for a few of you. Firstly, Peanut? Tarot is alive and well"
"YAY!...But isn't with the Narrator?"
"Stick to the script"
"And Joey? Your friends are doing OK, too"
"Oh good!...What's the bad news?"
"We won't be going to Pavillion...City's fallen and Safe House Bravo is gone...basically we have no other safe house to go to. The Sarge told me over the phone that they'll be staying at the local school but they don't have enough room for all the survivors out there..."
"Meaning we'll have to find another safe place to go to...and frankly? I have no idea where..."
"Uh, why not the Narrator's house?"---I don't live in your universe!---"Thought you did as I thought..."---I'm NOT KITSUNE!---"My bad!"---"Can we get back to the scene now?"---Sorry, Terrance...---"Anyway, like I said, I have no idea where we can go once we get this bus up and running..."
"I have a suggestion"
"You do, Bino?"
"Why not The Miltons?"
"Funny you bring them up as we haven't heard anything from them since the start of this outbreak"
"Well then...why not Res, Grape's friend? He lives up in Canada and I haven't heard of any outbreak up there and I'm pretty sure we have enough gas to get"
"Good suggestion...but I rather be in driving distance of the rest of the K9 squad in case they do need me or they get a new safe house for us to join..."
"Well...what about Daisy? She inherited that small mansion after her owner died last year and it's well outside of Babylon Gardens.."
"That's right and it's well protected too so we should be safe there." Grape adds
"Plus it's within driving distance of both here, River Ridge, and Pavillion so what have we got to lose?"
"You know?...I think we'll try that...Anyone has her number?"
"I do!" Max raises his paw, "Want me to make the call?"
"Go ahead and let us know then!" And with that, Max rushes into the house and places a call to the one they hope would shelter them: Daisy.

"...*rings*....Do do do de da da's all I want to say to you..hmm...hmm...Daisy? Hi, it's Max!...Max, from Babylon Gardens?...Grape's friend?...hehe Good...That's kidding?...Hey, I guess you heard about the zombie outbreak here...uh-huh...Well, we have a problem...Me, Peanut, Grape, Rex, Terrance, Bino, Sabrina, Zach, and Joey...Oh you heard...well I'm calling as we need a place to stay so...could we stay with you?...We have our own supplies...Oh really? That's great!...Yeah...Yeah....Ok I'll let them know! Thanks Daisy!...*click*....HEY EVERYONE! Daisy said yes!"
"Alright! Crew, let's get back to work on the bus and..." it was then when Rex suddenly said with dead seriousness in his voice "I'm not going". Everyone froze and just looked at Rex. What did he say? Why wasn't he going?
"Is...Is something wrong, Rex?" Max asked
"No...I just want to stay here and help any other survivor. This is my home after all and I wouldn't feel right about leaving it." Rex answers, "Besides, I got plenty of supplies and I know how to survive these freaks. If push comes to shove, I will join you guys. Promise."
Terrance responds with "I understand...but you can still help us with this, right?" to which Rex chuckles and said that he will as they are using his tools. After sharing a small laugh, they all get back to work on the bus, now being called 'The Sentinel" as lovingly named after one of Max's favorite Judas Priest songs---"I didn't know he liked that band"---He told me before I started working on this book as we were hanging out one day---"Hm..."---And after a couple more days of scavenging and building, The Sentinel was ready to ride. Loading up their gear and supplies on the bus, and leaving plenty extra for Rex, they all said their byes to Rex and began their trip to Daisy's house...hopefully without any problems along the way.

"So how many chapters are left?"---I dunno, why?---"Just wondered. Same time, you aren't going to kill anyone in the next chapter, are you?"---Yes but it'll just be zombies again---"OK, just making sure...By the way, what did Peanut mean by what he said?"---As I said, he confused me for Kitsune for some reason---"That is true, he did ask if Kitsune was writing this when the first chapter was done"---See?---" the way, what was Max humming?"---The chorus to a song by The Police, why?---"Sounded catchy"
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Great chapter, can't wait to see what happens to the crew next :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice work on this! Coming out very great!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


The Sentinal: A heavily-armored bus able to withstand any zombie attack. Built to carry upwards to 30 survivors and plenty of supplies, The Sentinel is the Zombie Surviving Machine. It is also home to two-sided mounted custom built flame-throwers, blades on the front grill, flood lights, and a rear-mounted M249 SAW Light Machine Gun, one which Bino found when they raided a nearby gun collector during the build of the bus, along with plenty of other weapons and ammunition for the other survivors of their squad. With Max at the wheel (as he knew the way to Daisy's), the squad began the drive through the now apocalyptic landscape of their old home Babylon Gardens. What was once a peaceful town filled with the joy and laughter of it's inhabitants, was now home to the music of the dead and the screams of any unlucky survivor or the sounds of distant gun fire. It was clear to everyone on the bus: The Zombie Apocalypse had arrived and they were caught in the middle.

"Geez...that was...depressing"---Well how would you write it? It's a zombie apocalypse, you can't go all crazy with it---"Well, the game Sunset Overdrive did it"---"Don't forget the upcoming RAGE 2"---ONE! Sunset Overdrive didn't have zombies: Those were mutants. And TWO! Rage 2 takes place after an asteroid strikes the Earth in the previous game and it's, again, just mutants along with any insane humans---"Good point"---"What about aping the 80's like how Kung Fury did?"---Kung Fury was not an homage to the 80's---"Still though, starting with a description of the bus to that really depressing description was one heck of a way to start this chapter"---It won't stay depressing, if that's what you are worried about...

It was four hours since they left Rex's house and they were still trying to get out of the town as, no matter which way they turned, there were road blocks of either wreck cars or trucks or, in one case, a collapsed bridge. While spirits were still high, some of the crew were starting to get frustrated at not being able to leave the city. Even Max was starting to feel the frustration and was about ready to run the bus through one of the road blocks when...*KAR-BLAM!*
"WHOA! Stop the bus, Max! That sounded close!" Shouted Terrance! Hitting the breaks, Max quickly stops the bus as Sabrina and Joey take their positions on the flame-throwers while Grape opens the top hatch and starts scanning their surroundings to see where said shot came from. "See anything?" Terrance asks as he loads a nearby shotgun to which Grape replies with a solid negative...before another shot rings out and strikes a few inches in front of Grape. "Hey! We're survivors! Hold your fire!" Grape shouts with a hint of anger in her voice, hoping that whoever is shooting would stop, which it did as silence filled the air. Everyone in the bus was tense as they weren't sure what was going to happen next. Sabrina and Joey placed their fingers on the triggers while Max readied the ignition with the plan to bolt out of there like a bat out of hades. The silence was beginning to get tighter and engulf them when a voice suddenly comes out of the night: "Is that you, Grape?" Still a bit on edge after that close call, Grape shouts back "Who's asking?" and awaited a response..."Max...get ready to gun it if we don't hear anything..." she then tells Max who nods. Climbing back up, she shouts again "I repeat, Who's Asking!"...still nothing...Terrance, starting to feel a bit off, hands Grape a flare gun they had and tells her to fire it in the direction of the shot. Nodding, she henhouse the gun, takes aim, and fires...*fwoosh*...the red flare lights up the night sky and lands a few feet in front of which they were able to make out a humanoid shape standing in the middle of the road...this was starting not to look good. If they didn't respond then, Max would hit the gas and gun it, potentially killing the strangersin the process. After three more tense minutes, the voice spoke back up: "Sorry for taking that shot! I didn't even recognize you at first! It's me: Res!"

"Res? RES!" Grape suddenly shouts, "Max, hit the flood lights and open the door!", an order in which Max was hesitant but Terrance nodded and he did just that as Grape ran out to meet Res, who was running up toward Grape as well. Wearing a spare K9 body armor he found along with some spare ammo pouches and armed with a sniper rifle he grabbed off a dead soldier, Res was doing pretty well! After the short reunion, both Grape and Res made their way to the bus where the rest were waiting to greet him, with Terrance being the first as he said "Nice shooting there, by the way!" a compliment that Res took with a chuckle. He then went on to explain why he was down in the States and not up in Canada: Seems he was on vacation again but got caught up in this zombie epidemic so he's been surviving ever since. But the joyous mood wouldn't last as, thanks to the noise of the gun shots, an even worst noise emerged...and this noise wasn't friendly.
"Oh heck...Res! Grape! Terrance! Get on the bus!" Max shouts, "We got zombies coming in fast!" And this was true as, all around them, a horde of the undead were making their way towards them. So, the trio outside hurried back onto the bus as Max slammed the door shut, started the engine, and began driving...but it was all for naught as they were soon surrounded by the undead. Both Sabrina and Joey started using the flame-throwers to torch the undead on their sides while Zach manned the rear M249. Grape stood up front with Max and Terrance, helping to make sure the door doesn't burst open while Res took position on the bus' open hatch and started sniping as many as he can. And what were Bino and Peanut doing? Peanut was still playing his 3DS while Bino was readying ammo and fuel for who ever needed it. Unfortunately, it seemed for no matter how many they killed, twenty more would take their place, slowing down their progress even more. It would take a miracle to get through this horde...and a miracle would arrive via the most unlikely of places...

"How many tanks do we got left!" Sabrina shouts as she readies another one for her gun, to which Bino shouts "We only got ten so make them count!" Hearing that they had fuel tanks, Res suddenly jumps down from the hatch and exclaims "Wait! I got an idea! Why don't we light one of them, toss it in front of the bus the shoot it to clear out a good chunk?"
"No way!" Bino shouts, "We don't even know..." though before he could finish, Terrance shouts "Prep a fuel tank! I'm gamed for anything!" before adding "I hope you're a good shot, Res!"
"I am." He responds before turning back to Bino with the instructions: "Put a flare right I'm going to get back on top of the bus...I want you to hand both this and my rifle to me...then I'm going to have you come up with me and toss it....after you do, jump back down and brace yourself. Got it?" Bino nods and they put the plan in motion.
Flare in Tank: Check
Both Res and Bino on Roof: Check
Hoping this works? Check
"OK....TOSS IT!" Res shouts! Bino, with a triumphant yell, throws the tank into the horde standing ahead of them and jumps down into the bus. Res then takes aim with the rifle and follows the tank down from the sky. In that moment, if was if as time slowed down for him as he watched the tank fall towards its target. With a deep breath, Res focuses on the tank and said to himself a quote from one of his favorite stories:
"I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye. I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I shoot with my mind. I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father...I kill with my heart."
*click*...*KAR-BLAM* venom from a snake, the bullet left the chamber, shot through the barrel, and rocketed towards its destination in which it arrived...and arrived with a fiery climax....*GAR-BOOM*...the bullet hits the tank and it explodes, knocking the undead to the ground or exploding them, while Res quickly jumps back into the bus, avoiding the shock-wave. The sound of the explosion, along with the fireball, lingered for a few more minutes before....silence. Even though they were a bit shook from the blast, the crew looked out the windows to survey the damage as Max started driving through the fallen horde. All around the bus, the dead were either on the ground struggling to get up from the blast of the shock-wave or in little bits and pieces from said explosion. But it didn't matter: Res' plan worked and the crew were back on the road to freedom as Res pointed out a way out of the town and in no time at all, the survivors made it out. For the first time in this whole ordeal: They were safe.

Earlier, Rex heard the explosion and ran up to his roof to see where it came from as he feared the bus carrying sad survivors exploded but once he was the bus was fine and was on the move again, he sighed in relief and headed back down into his house to check up on his latest houseguests/survivors of this zombie of which was a large wolf...---"How many chapters are left?"---Again, I don't know, Sabrina..and don't you answer, Tarot---"Lips are sealed"---"Same time, I thought you said all the wolves went to Malibu"---Well...I kept one wolf behind for one specific reason---"Really?"---Really---"Interested to see what you do."---Oh trust me, this will be a long-time coming.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Oh this was a fun chapter to read, awesome job :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Absolutely love the anarchic spirit of this saga; feels like the old "imaginates" with the multiple voices, riotous twists, and all-hands-on-deck hellzapoppin cast runs. Even got Daisy and Terrance in the whirlwind! Major league fun and extremely well written and structured. ;)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Every time you update this story I look forward to reading this because this is actually coming out very nice! Awesome job!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »

(Changed Max's speech color)

It was about three hours since they left their home of Babylon Gardens and recruited Res into their ranks and the squad had finally felt a sense of peace among this entire apocalypse. But even with that small feeling of peace, they knew they couldn't let their guard down as the undead could attack them at any moment, even in their bus as they saw earlier. So to be on the safe side, whenever they had to stop, which in this case they had to so they could get some quick rest, they would always have at the max three on guard: Res on the roof with his rifle (as he could scan more areas), Sabrina and Bino on the flame-throwers, and Zach on the M249 Machine Gun, along with the flood lights on if it's night time. The rest could do whatever they want, as long as they stayed within sight of the bus and Res, especially since he had the sniper rifle, an Arctic Warfare, so he was able to see far off zombies. As for Max, he stayed in the drivers seat looking at the news updates on his phone to see how the war against the dead is going and, aside from the occasional piece of good news of found survivors or the military taking back a town, it was mostly the usual gloom in this day and age.

"Hey, Max" Grapes said, making him jump just a bit in his seat, "Noticed you were a bit out of it so I brought you some coffee...How's it going?"
"Oh, Grape! Sorry you gave me a jump...thanks...I'm doing well but for the rest of the world, I really can't say..." he answers as he sips the coffee, "It seems that for every piece of good news I find, five or twenty pieces of bad news soon follow. I swear it seems that we are fighting a losing battle here...makes me wonder what the future holds if we can't win." Grape, not wanting to lose hope, pats Max's shoulder and tells him "Hey, as long as we are alive, there is still a small beacon of hope so try not to lose sight of that, 'kay?"
With a smile, Max places a small kiss on Grapes cheek and tells her that's why he loves her, in which Grape chuckles and returns the kiss before heading back and getting coffee for the rest of the Night Crew and making sure they're doing OK both mentally and physically---"Never thought you do a love scene"---Well they are a couple, aren't they? Plus, it was a minor kiss not a full on make out session you'd usually see in situations like this---"He's got a point"

Next morning, with everyone rested and ready to rock and roll as they still had a couple hours to go, The Sentinel continued on it's way to the mansion. And while they encountered a couple more minor hordes of zombies, the rest of the journey was pretty uneventful, with the only "major event" being Peanut's 3DS battery dying---"Hey! I was in the middle of a Pokemon battle! You understand, right?"---Peanut...I haven't played Pokemon since Ruby and, even then, I prefer Pokemon Red---"Why?"---It's a simple game with a simple story and a simple premise. The later games just got too involved for me---"Is that why you play all the Call Of Duty entries?"---Call Of Duty and Pokemon are two vastly different games that you can not compare together---"But you said you like simple games..."---"Ooooooh!"---Shut up, Sabrina...and Peanut...just go back to being then, where were we---"You just got done saying the crew didn't encounter anything major, other then Peanut's 3DS"---Ah, yes, so as stated earlier, their passage to Daisy's was very uneventful but they still kept their guard up in case something were to happen. Thankfully, other then a wayward zombie, nothing of the sorts happened and after a few hours of driving, they finally made it: The Mansion Of Daisy. Arriving at the front gate, Max pressed a button on the gate buzzer and told them they're here, along with an extra guest...few minutes go by with nothing before Daisy answers "Other guy OK?" to which Max answers and the gates open to let them drive in. Opening the hatch as the bus approaches the front door, Terrance stares in awe at the house before exclaiming "Wow...What a mansion!" As they arrived at the front door, said doors open up to reveal Daisy standing there with a smile...and looking a bit buffer then the last time everyone saw her, something Peanut brings up immediately. "Hey," Daisy smiles as she leads them inside, "During this zombie-thing, you need to have some sort of muscles if you want to survive i.e use a firearm" before directing her attention to the rest of the survivors:

"That being said, it's nice to find survivors of this whole ordeal! Now then, you put the supplies you have in the kitchen and any weapons you have over there in that room. Bathrooms are upstairs if you need to shower and, other then that, you have the whole run of the place. Just remember you are my guests here, technically, so please be understanding and not break anything or ruin stuff. Same time, I do ask that you tell one of us if you do happen to go outside. Yes, this whole mansion is gated off from the epidemic but it's still a good idea to let us know if you are going outside so one of us can keep an eye on you in case anything happens. Other then that...Welcome home!" Finishing her explanation, some of the crew rush to the showers for a much needed clean, while Bino and Terrance head back to the bus to get the supplies out. Res, meanwhile, goes to introduce himself to Daisy as they never met before. "Don't think we ever met, I'm Res" he said while sticking a paw out for a shake, to which Daisy happily responds "Hi! I'm Daisy!" and returns his shake---"Nice reference there"---Thanks

A few hours go by and it was finally time for Terrance to use the showers, as he was finishing up putting the supplies away. With everyone else relaxing in the living room, Terrance headed towards the one bathroom and hopped right in the shower. "Oh yeah..." Terrance thinks to himself as the shower water strikes his body, "This is just...amazing...I haven't had a good shower since...since ever..." Outside the shower, the bathroom door opens as Daisy comes walking in, making sure not to look at the shower outline.
"Just me, Terrance! I finished washing your vest so it'll feel nice when you're done." She shouts over the water. Terrance sticks his head out of the shower and thanks her and goes to finish up his cleaning while Daisy places his vest on the nearby counter and begins to head to the door but instead decides to ask him something.
"Hey, Terrance?" Daisy asks as he turns the water off, "How bad is it where you guys lived? I only caught glimpses of it on the news as I was busy trying to keep my spirits high"
Walking out of the shower and grabbing a towel, Terrance sighs before answering "Honestly? Babylon Gardens is a lost but there are some survivors there, with one being Rex."
"Yeah he was the first person we stayed at when this whole thing started but he said he's staying behind to help other survivors."
"That's nice of him...hopefully he's...whoa" before Daisy could even finish her sentence, she accidentally snags a look at Terrance (who was only in a towel at this point) and what she saw surprised her. What she at first thought was a decent build dog, there stood Terrance packing a six pack and was surprisingly built for his size, "Forgive me but...I don't recall you ever being that..."
"Built? K9 Unit. I have to have some sort of muscles to do the things we are expected to do!" He replies with a chuckle, one of which Daisy returns while looking a bit embarrassed at what she glimpsed.
"Looks good on you!" She then answers turning her head away to let him get some clothing on, "Though I do feel embarrassed for looking when I did hehe"
"Heh don't be, I'm used to it." he jokes as he changes back into his clothing, "At the station, we had showers in the locker rooms so we all caught glimpses of all body types"
Chuckling, Daisy adds before leaving that "I'll make dinner for you guys as I'm pretty sure you guys are starving, seeing as you had nothing to eat but canned food these past weeks" which Terrance nodded and replies he'll be right down. Few minutes later, everyone was in the living room watching the musical 'Shock Treatment' and gorging themselves on some of the best food they had ever since the zompocaplyse began! Heck, it was like the world was a normal place again! With a new found sense of freedom and peace in them, the survivors all made themselves at home with Daisy and they all thought that they finally found a new home...a new and safe home from the carnage.

Elsewhere, a lone wolf, carrying a huge duffel bag over his shoulder, a walking cane in his left paw, and another duffel bag held with his right, was making his way slowly through the ruined Babylon Gardens and towards an unknown destination. Arriving at the scene of the Sentinel's carnage, he looks around around at the past battle and exhales heavily. While the pieces of the dead were still there, along with any the bus hit/ran over, something was missing...Where was the rest of the horde? Scratching his chin, the wolf sighs and continued on his trek to an unknown destination. Back at Rex's house, Rex comes out of the supply room and asks his newest rescues "Hey were you guys in the supply room recently?", which Bruce and Roosevelt replies that they haven't and Lana answers she hasn't either. Rex replies "Well I ask cause we're missing some ammo and a gun, along with two duffel bags, some cans of fruit and beans, and a canteen...actually one other question: Where's that wolf that was here?"

"Was that scene between Terrance and Daisy implying anything?"---Originally, yes, but I decided not to do a force romance between the two as it wouldn't make sense, seeing that they both just met. Plus, I really can't write love scenes---"You did a good job with Max and Grape"---That was a quick one and the comic already established they have a relationship---"Ah"---"Hey, narrator!"---Yeah, Bino?---"Can I chat with you? I have an idea I want to run by you"---Sure, let me finish proof-reading this and I'll chat then. Just hang out on my bed---"Alright, I grabbed your newest Game Informer to read to past the time in case you'll be long"---OK.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

The mystery (and romance uwu) is steadily building... Awesome job with this story so far! :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Loving how this is coming out! Please don't stop no matter what!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


"Judging by the title, I take it you are building up to one heck of a scene?"---You are correct---"This will be good"--"Actually I have a question"--What's up, Bino?---"I know this is non-canon but, if it was canon, where in the Housepets Universe would this take place?"---Well...honestly? Didn't really think of that. If I had to choose, I'd say it's set after Temple Crashers 2 but the events had an alternate effect on the HPU---"Really? And what effects might that be?"---Other then the zombies? Well...I'm leaving that up as a surprise but there's two certain game series that was one of the inspiration for this tale of the macabre---"Hmm...I think I know the one"---But keep it in your head as if I reveal it, then a future chapter would be ruined---"Gotcha"---Now then, onto the chapter...

It's been---"One week since you looked at me!♫"---BINO!---"Sorry, couldn't resist!"---Smart-alleck...anyway, it's been a couple weeks since the crew left the confines of Babylon Gardens and entered the safety of Daisy's Mansion and spirits were still high and mighty, though they still kept alert in case anything were to happen or breach the gates, which the later wouldn't happen as both Zach and Max headed out twice a day to check on the gate and reinforce it just to be sure. Inside the mansion, everyone was doing the things they would normally do be it play games, chat, or catch up on some reading. Sure there was one day that the crew did a quick imaginate (which went as well as one would expect), but otherwise it was business as usual! But like a wildfire, all it takes is one spark to ignite what would be their biggest problem yet.

It was early evening of a lovely Saturday and the crew were in the living room just chatting away after another satisfying meal. All except Res who was on the balcony, sniper rifle in hand, scanning the whole layout of the land. See, after they left Babylon Gardens, he just had this feeling something was off. His mind racing back to the explosion, he recalls the ones they killed along with the ones knocked over and struggling to get up but there was one thing that was chewing at him: How many did they actually kill? By his count, only the ones caught inside the blast and the ones the bus ran over were killed but the rest? They were only knocked to the ground. He was thinking he should've had Bino toss the rest of the fuel tanks out and destroyed them just to be on the safe side but then if he did, they would'nt have any fluid for the flame-throwers in case they needed them and throwing the one was risky enough. Shaking his head, he sips his soda while watching the country side for any activity...when off in the distance he spots one lone zombie shambling about. While tempting, he decided it wasn't worth the round just to put down the dead head who was such a great distance away, so he went back to scanning. Until he came back to the same zombie...who had a friend with it this time...and that friend had a friend...and that friend had a friend...and so on and so forth. In fact, there were hundreds of zombies where the lone one was! Worst of all? They were headed in one direction: THEIRS! "Oh that's not good..." Res quietly tells himself before bolting back into the house and yelling at the top of his lungs: "WE GOT A INCOMING ZOMBIE HORDE!" The crew and Daisy perked up once they heard Res! Running outside the front door, they all look in horror as they see the approaching horde. But they delt with this before many a times and they were ready to defend Daisy's house no matter what so, like soldiers heading to war, they rushed inside and started prepping, with Daisy and Zach locking and barricading all the doors securely while Bino and Sabrina grabbed weapons along with plenty of ammo and passed them out to everyone. With the team all locked and loaded (Except for Peanut who was in the bathroom watching a movie on a tablet), they all took positions and took aim at the horde.

"Ok folks, listen up!" Terrance shouted, "Don't start shooting until they reach the gate! Once they do, only head shots and only shoot those you know you can hit so Don't go wasting ammo! Remember, we don't want them knocking the gate down as that is the only thing standing between them and us!" Taking his postion, he ends with "Now...when I give the word, start shooting!" and waited as the horde came closer to the gate. This was going to be their biggest battle yet and while they were worried they weren't going to make it, in their hearts they knew they would prevail. Five minutes later..."Alright, they're close to the gate now: FIRE!" A Crack of lightning then erupted as a hail of gunfire spewed out from their weapons in a chorus of destruction. One by one, the unruly zombie mob fell and though it appeared they were making some progress, the horde just kept getting bigger and bigger, but they weren't going to give up. It didn't take long though for the horde to finally reach the gate and start pushing on it to break it down.
"I KNOW!" Terrance replied back while inserting a new magazine into his weapon, "Max, focus your fire on the ones at the gate! I'll help you!"
"COPY!" Max answered and both he and Terrance focused their fire on the gate-crashers, hoping to prevent them from knocking it down as the rest of the survivors continued to blast the other zombies, with everyone hoping they can prevent the horde from crashing in...*creeeeeek*...but sometimes Lady Luck is out of town....*CRASH*...."No...THEY BROKEN THE GATE! FOCUS FIRE ON THE GATE!" And indeed the gate came crashing down and the horde came on through like a crazy Price Is Right contestant. The survivors were doing their best to keep the horde at bay but in their hearts they knew this was going to be a losing battle, no thanks to the how many freaks there were already there and how many kept coming. But the crew knew that they needed to hold this house and they would do anything possible to hold it! But you want to know something about Lady Luck? While she may be out of town, she sometimes leaves behind a piece of her in case someone needs help...

"INCOMING!" Grape shouts as something comes flying in from the sky! *SPLAT* The object lands besides Max who looks down and....and..."Hey, Terrance!" he shouts suddenly, "Since when do Zombies detach their limbs?" Terrance looks over and, thoroughly confused, is about to answer when Daisy suddenly shouts "LOOK!" and everyone looks to where she was pointing. Off in the distance, stood a tall, muscular figure with two bags, a walking stick...and a headless corpse in it's paws which drops to the ground. Opening up the on bag, the figure unveils what was hidden in it: A big, fully loaded and cocked, M60 Machine Gun.
" that?" Joey asks as he takes out a few more zombies...but before anyone could even answers...*KAR-KAR-CRACK!* the figure opened fire on the undead! The horde suddenly turn their attention to the figure, but it was all for naught as each undead freak dropped to the ground, now rittled with holes and deader then they had ever been before. But the figure didn't care as it continued it's trek toward the house, the occassional zombie head being squashed until its paw, with one hand on the gun mowing the horde and one on it's walking stick, not even batting an eye at the carnage. One zombie got lucky and grabbed a hold of it's arm, but the figure just squeezed it's arm together and squished the zombie's head like it was an egg. This new symphony lasted for half and hour before the last note was sung, the last zombie was dead, and the only thing left standing on their doorstep was the figure...holding his walking stick in one hand, a now smoking M60 in the other, and two giant duffel bags. The figure....had won. But who was this figure, the survivors asked as they weren't sure if he was friendly or not, even though the figure did wipe out an entire horde. The questions soon evaporated as Joey took one good look and shouted "I know that wolf! THAT'S UNCLE DEADEYE!" to which the wolf smiled...and for the first time ever simply responded "How are you, Joey?"

"UNCLE DEADEYE?"---Yep!---"Of all wolves, you chose him?!"---Yep!---"Why?"---Remember his fight agaisnt Jata?---"Yeah...ooooooooh...."---*smiles*---"You turned him into the ultimate Rambo figure now"---Yep!---"...hang on, just thought of this: The name of this chapter....does this mean..."---No, there's still a few more chapters left, including the epilogue---"Oh *whew*...Hey when this is over, where are you posting the sequel?"---Bit early to be asking that, isn't it?---"True but I figured I ask"---Well...right now I'm either posting it on this thread or a new thread...depends on how I want to do it---"OK"
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Close call, and what a twist! Thanks for writing these, I'm thoroughly enjoying this story :D
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Personally I would end up choosing Daryl instead but that is just me. :mrgreen:
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


"I take it this will be a dialogue heavy chapter?"---Sort of---"Well don't make it TOO dialogue heavy!"---Heh I won't Tarot---"Hey, not to interrupt, but can I guess the other game you're taking inspiration from...if it won't spoil anything?"---Ahhh...Sure, go ahead---"I noticed some similarities with the game State Of Decay 2, mainly recruiting survivors and moving from place to place"---Yeah, that's one of the inspirations.---"You like the game?"---Man, that's an awesome zombie game!---"Huh, didn't think you'd be into survival games like that"---Depends on the game, to be fair.---"Hm. That said, how does this chapter begin?" begins like this...Hey! Where are you two, going?---"Downstairs. Sabrina wants to watch a movie and I said I'd come down and watch it with her"---What movie?---"Justice League"---Alright...guess it's just us two, Bino---"Yep. I won't be a bother...mind if I play your Xbox? I saw you got Perfect Dark on there and I wanted to play it again"---Sure, go ahead.

"Uncle Deadeye!" Joey shouts as he runs out to meet him, "I thought you were in Miami with the rest of the wolf pack!"
"Truth be told, I had planned on it but I was sensing something was wrong so I stayed behind...which is when this whole ordeal began" he explain as he gave Joey a hug, "So, I just went around rescuing survivors and killing the zombies until I heard about you guys and I thought: They could use some extra protection. So here I am."
"Well, we're glad you're here...what's in the other bag?"
"Hm? Oh, here..." Deadeye removes the other duffel bag and opens it to reveal even more supplies: Food, clothing, drinks, and entertainment, "Aside from 'borrowing' a few cans from Rex's house, I stopped at a local store and picked up some items there I thought you'd guys needed...especially Peanut" he adds with a chuckle as he spies Peanut coming out of the house, tablet in hand.
"Huh? Oh...haha...that's true!" Terrance replies with a laugh, "Well, thanks for all the supplies and welcome to Daisy's Mansion!"
"Come on in, Deadeye" Daisy shouts, "I'll make you some tea and you can relax yourself."
"While me, Zach, and Bino here will clean up the carnage out here and fix the gate." Terrance adds and, with that, Deadeye was a member of the survivors. The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the place and fixing any thing that was broken in the attack, namely the gate, while also setting up traps in case any more zombies made their way past the gate in any future attacks. These traps ranged from simple punji sticks (Which are spiky sticks in a pit) to barbed wires. They even went ahead and installed security cameras in certain areas where they had a feeling the zombies would be at just in case. Meanwhile, Deadeye showed some of the survivors how to properly take care and clean a fire arm while also teaching some valuable survivor skills out in the zombie wasteland if they would to ever go out for a supply run, which was just what happened that night as both Zach and Res went out to grab some extra weapons and ammo from a local gun store. Aside from Zach smacking his head on the door (He thought the door was open), the run went without a hitch and they came back with the supplies, along with some bags of jerky, which made Terrance happy as he hadn't had any in a long time!

One night, Deadeye was out on the porch just looking at the stars when Daisy came out with some tea for him.
"Ah, thank you" he said as he accepts the cup from Daisy.
"Yep. May I ask you a question?" she then said as she sips her own tea
"Sure, go ahead"
"It's actually two questions. The first one is...well I heard you worked for the Miltons, right? How come you didn't go there?"
Deadeye sighs and shrugs, "I'll be honest...I tried....but for some reason I wasn't allowed in. They claimed they had everything under control and didn't require my help so..I just left"
"It's even weirder as when I was spending the night at Rex's house, Lana Milton was there and when I asked her, she said she was kicked out for some reason."
"Was she bit?"
"No. All she recalled was that she was kicked out for not trusting them, what ever that meant."
"...I guess they think money can fix this?"
Sipping his tea, Deadeye nods and goes on: "I kinda knew this was going to happen ever since they inherited that much money. I seen money change people in many ways."
Daisy nods in agreement before moving onto her next question, "Joey mentioned about the Wolf Pack being down in Miami...have you had any contact with them?"
Smiling, Deadeye pulls out his own tablet and tells her "I talk to them once every day. Both them and the family of King, Bailey, and their pups are safe there as there is no zombie outbreak down there..."
"Huh...I wonder why..."
"Don't know. In fact, a couple of states are zombie free. Aside from Florida, there's California, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Maine. The rest are either knee deep in the outbreak or they've cut themselves off from the world so we have no clue." Deadeye responds while putting his tablet away and finishing his cup, "Thanks for the tea."
"Oh you're welcome!" Daisy responds as she takes the cup. Before heading in, she turns back around to look at Deadeye, "Thanks for the supplies" to which Deadeye responds with "You're welcome". She then adds "Say...everyone is heading to the living room to watch 'You Can't Take It With You'. Want to come in and join us?"...Deadeye thinks for a bit before answering that "I haven't seen that movie in years so...Yes, I'll join"

"See anything, Kevin?" Officer Mungo asks as he stands guard while Kevin surveys the landscape. The two officers arrived in Babylon Gardens a few hours ago by orders of Sergeant Ralph to help aid Terrance and the survivors he amassed. Kevin, after looking around a bit more, shakes his head and replies, "Not a thing. No zombies and no survivors. This place is a ghost town." Sighing, Mungo was ready to suggest they head back to HQ before spotting a flashing light at one of the houses.
"Hey, check it out! 9 o'clock." Mungo nudges Kevin, to which he focuses his binoculars to said direction and spots the light as well...along with Rex!
"It's Rex! Come on!" Kevin exclaims as they both jump back in the cruiser and heads over to Rex's house. Once they reach it, Rex lets them both inside and explains to them that Terrance and company left some time ago to Daisy's mansion and, as of that moment, it was just him, Lana, Bruce and Roosevelt, Itsuki...and a leopard that Kevin immediately recognized.
"Jata? What are you doing back here in the states?" He asks as Jata comes walking over to greet them. Jata then goes on to explain that he had a lot of time to think about what he did that day and he started to feel bad after a while (and also he should've went about it a different way instead of getting the Miltons involved) so he came back on his own to not only apologize to Sabrina but everyone in Babylon Gardens for what he did.
"Though it appears I came back at a bad time guys are having one heck of an issue here" in reference to the on-going zombiegeddon, a fact that Kevin nods in agreement with.
"Well, if you want, Jata, once we figure out where Daisy's house is, you are welcome to tag along." Kevin said as he sticks his paw out for Jata to shake. A gesture Jata returns and thanks him for giving him another chance. Kevin then turns his attention to the rest and said that they are welcome too, but Rex once again responds that he's staying to help any other survivor in Babylon Gardens, to which Mungo responds that he'll stay and help too, if it was OK with Kevin, which he agreed and told him to stay safe. With that, Kevin went and made a call to Terrance...

"Terrance? it's Kevin...hahah I know, it's great to hear from you too!...Listen, me and Mungo are in Babylon Gardens at Rex's house looking for you and he told us your at Daisy's?...uh-huh...Well, the Sarge told me and Mungo to come and help you with defense in anyway we can...Ah...Well, can you send me directions to the house? I got supplies in the trunk from HQ....Mungo? He volunteered to stay with Rex to help survivors...Alright thanks!...Oh Terrance!....I'm bringing some more survivors over, if that's OK....I'll wait...She's cool with it?...Who am I bringing? Bruce and Roosevelt, Itsuki, Lana Milton...Yeah, Lana....oh and guess who else?...Jata!...He has his reasons....he'll explain when we arrive....All right see you soon...*click*...OK, guys, my cruiser's outside, let's go!" And so, the new survivors, consisting of Lana, Officer Kevin, Bruce and Roosevelt, and Jata, piled into Kevin's cruiser and headed towards Daisy's Mansion, while Rex and Mungo stayed behind in Babylon Gardens.
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Layer upon layer, this story just gets wilder and more elaborate - love the newest twists with the wolves and the ferrets. :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I must say, there are a lot characters here that I didn't expect to see. But as a result this story has a lot more depth to it than I anticipated, which is awesome :) Keep it up!

But most importantly thank goodness King is safe I don't know what I'd do without him
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by NHWestoN »

Yeah, wasn't expecting Jata's return (predictably heroic). ...and Daisy, too!!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I'm glad that we are seeing Jata again in any capacity! He's a hunk~.
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


It took about a couple hours or so, but the newest team of survivors made it to Daisy's House and, after clearing themselves at the gate, they were allowed in with open arms...including Jata! In fact, when Sabrina saw him, she did rush over...but stopped herself as she remembered what happened last time, to which Jata assured her that was not his intention this time as he came to apologize for his actions and he went on to explain that he should've went about it a different way and not get the Miltons involved. Something that Lana, surprisingly, agreed with as she went on to explain that her brothers are too motivated by money and are letting that guide all their choices while she just wants to live a normal life, which she admits is hard due to the wealth. "Was that why you were kicked out?" Deadeye asks as he walks past Jata, who whispers to him that he still can't believe he bent him like that. Lana nods her head and adds there was another reason why but that was more of a family personal thing that she didn't want to delve into at that moment. Nodding, Deadeye places a hand on her shoulder and tells her she's safe here now and that she won't have to worry about a thing, which brought a smile to not only her face, but everyone there.

As the newest survivors headed into the mansion to make themselves at home, Kevin, along with Terrance, headed out to the cruiser to get the supplies and bring them in. "Thanks for coming, Kevin" Terrance remarks as he grabs some of the bags, "I honestly feel like we all here can really survive now since we got you. By the way, how's the rest of the K9's doing?" Kevin, in the middle of grabbing a bag of ammo, stops dead in his tracks and let out a sigh..."I'll be honest with you: They're doing good...but it's a losing battle. We lost a good bit of survivors when we got hit and it seems like the dead just keep coming no matter how many we kill..." before suddenly perking up and saying "But you know something? The fact that all you guys, plus the ones at Rex's house, are alive, shows that we shouldn't give up hope!" Terrance laughs and agrees with him there before Kevin asks "Hey, how's Bino doing? Fido's been asking about him."
"Bino? He's doing amazing!" Terrance replies as they walk towards the mansion, "I say he's one of the best survivors here! Heck, he took out an entire horde that was going to make a meal out of both him and Sabrina a few weeks ago."
"Really?" Kevin responds, eyes wide open, "Fido will be impressed with that! In fact, even I'm impressed!"
"Same here! At first he had some issues but now? He's one of our finest!" Terrance said as they enter the house to see Jata and Sabrina chatting with each other..." forgive me?" Jata asks to which Sabrina said "Even though my heart is still with Fido....I do forgive you and we can be friends" before she and Jata share a hug with each other.

"Find anything yet?" Zach calls over to Bino as he scrounges through some boxes in the store, hoping to find some more gear. After a second or two of silence, Bino replies that he found "A few battery packs and some water bottles but that's it. Place been picked clean." A statement that Zach had to agree with so, grabbing his rifle, he stood up and said "Let's check that hardware store over there, maybe we might find something there." It was the following day, after the new survivors arrived, and both Bino and Zach were doing a supply run though they weren't having much luck this time. Aside from some canned food and some first-aid stuff, they didn't really find much this time, so they hoped that could change when they hit the Hardware Store. Entering the store with their guns at the ready, both Bino and Zach began their search and while they at first didn't find much, they soon stumbled onto some much needed tools including...
"Hey, Bino! Check it out: Chainsaws!" Zach points out to Bino, "We could use a few back at home!"
"Good find, Zach! Let's grab a few..."...*crash*..."What was that?" Bino suddenly exclaims as he heard a crashing sound. Readying their weapons, both of them started scanning their surroundings, not seeing anything at first until they spot it...a lone figure standing a few feet away from them, at the end of the aisle...
"Hey!" Zach shouts "Zombie or Survivor!"---"Would a zombie respond to that?"---Just wait and see...
".....Mine....." the figure utters
"I'm sorry...what?" Zach shouts back, as Bino continued scanning to be safe
"" it utters again as it slowly makes it way towards them. Zach, tapping Bino on the shoulder to get him to focus on the figure, aims his rifle and answers "What is yours? Sir, are you OK?" And then...well....

"....I....said....THIS IS MY STORE!" the figure suddenly screams as it lifts up the chainsaw it had and revs it up! Zach quickly points his light at it and sees the figure wasn't a zombie, but a survivor...though the survivor looked to be in the early stages of being a zombie as he was still able to speak but barely. Though probably the worst thing? HE WAS STILL ABLE TO CARRY A CHAINSAW AND WAS RUNNING RIGHT TOWARDS THEM AT FULL SPEED!
"Bino LOOK OUT!" Zach shouts as he pushes Bino away just in time as the blade flies down. He manages to get out of the way too, but not before the blade manages to nick him on the arm. "GAH!" Zach screamed as he felt the blade hit him, "That smarts...YIPE!" He screams again as the being whips the saw around to hit Zach, but misses. Zach begins to run as the figure gave chase while Bino tries to get himself off the ground from being pushed by Zach. Even though Rabbits are pretty fast, the earlier wound to his arm did slow him down a bit as he places pressure on it even though the wound wasn't bad, as it was just a minor scratch, but it did still hurt and was bleeding, but not much, mind you. Suddenly, Zach slips and slides towards one of the counters and smacks right into it..."OUCH!"...he then looks up to see the being getting closer and revving the saw up repeatedly. Knowing he had to end him, Zach reached for his gun and fired...but missed due to the wound. But before Zach could even get back up and run...*VRRRRRMMMMM!*....both he and the figure look behind them towards the location of the sound and sees...Bino standing there...with a chainsaw of his own. "Hey, Leatherface!" He shouts as he revs his own, "You wanna dance with someone, dance with me!" he then charges towards the beast and swings the saw which menace deflects it off, resulting in a battle between the two as the chainsaws repeatedly swing off each other, each one hungry for the users flesh. To a bystander, this looked like two titans engaged in mortal combat, with the saws being legendary swords of power. To Zach? This looked like a scene right out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2...but unlike that film, this one had a definitive ending as Bino's saw manages to find it's target and in one fell swing, the being dropped to the floor...along with it's head. Turning off the saw and panting, Bino wipes some of the blood off of himself and tells the headless corpse "Sorry you lost your head" before walking over to Zach and helping him up and saying "Come on, let's grab what we came for and get out of here as I'm pretty sure those zeds here this. We can patch your arm up back at the house." Zach nods and both he and Bino goes to grab the supplies the located and hightailed it to a nearby vehicle and headed back to the house.

"..."---What?---"Did you...did you just give me a James Bond pun?"---Maybe?---"Well, fight was good but that pun...oof....that was pretty cheesy"---Well, it's a zombie story, I'm allowed to be cheesy---"True."---Heh---"I did notice you were pushing PG-13 a few times during that fight"---Well, I tried to stay PG during it so I treated the head part like Star Wars---"Good call"
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Bino is brutal! Great chapter, as always :)
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really glad that Bino is getting some action and being able to become a hero and not being that much of jerk!
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by SeanWolf »


When the duo arrived back at the house, Bino started to bring the new supplies in, with help from Grape, as Kevin went over and treated Zach's wounded arm, commenting that he's surprised that the guy didn't chop it completely off, what with using a chainsaw and all, to which Zach responded that he would've if he didn't jump out of the way in time. He then went on to tell how Bino went all Dennis Hopper on him and killed him before he could turn him into hasenpfeffer, which made Bino blush and the others laugh at the thought of Zach being a stew for someone. With all the supplies in the house and Zach patched up, both Daisy and Grape started work on dinner as the crew went to the living room to relax. Deadeye was already there watching the news for any updates when breaking news popped up that shocked the crew. The bulliten stated that the entire state of New Jersey has fallen and the military, along with members of Rescue & Recovery, are heading there now in an attempt to located and evacuate any survivors, along with trying to eradicate the dead in an operation the commander was calling 'Operation: Annihilate'.
"How in the world does an entire state just die?" Max asks while he starts setting up the TV for the nights movie, as Deadeye shrugs for he didn't have an answer for him.
"Maybe it happened there first?" Bino asks, "I mean, do we even know where this outbreak started?" Terrance, coming in from the bathroom and catching Bino's question, responds "We don't, to be honest. It could've happened there first or it could've happened here. Either way, judging by the news and what I managed to come across online, most of the States are dealing with this epidemic, with the exceptions that Deadeye told us, along with Hawaii." Bino leans back in his chair and shakes his head before saying "I get the feeling this epidemic was produced and not made by mother nature."
"What makes you say that?" Deadeye asks while grabbing his drink. Turning his head towards him, Bino goes on to explain:

"Well, if this was natural, then wouldn't we be affected too? Sure, Duchess was undead but I noticed some bite marks on her as me and Terrance left her house, so this doesn't seem like it's affecting us pets. Same time, 99% of the zombies we've been killing? All humans with zero animals. What really leads me to suspect that it's not natural is that zombie that came after me and Zach with the chainsaw. He was still able to speak, barely, and he still had full motor functions. In fact, he acted less like a zombie and more like someone infected or under some sort of mind-control." Max, after grabbing a few movies, then asks "What are you getting at?" To which Bino asks the million dollar question: "What if this epidemic...Was caused by someone who wanted Pets to rule the world and all humans dead?" Terrance, who originally was going to dismiss it as some sci-fi mumbo jumbo, finds himself wondering the same thing as the facts Bino brought up? They made sense to him as it was weird that Duchess was the only pet affected by this virus, if it even was that. Before they could even continue the conversation..."DINNER'S COMING!" Grape shouts as she and Daisy begin to bring in that nights meal, to which Max, shaking the convo from memory for now, then asks what movie the crew would like to watch for tonight and after listing off some, the crew decided on a 007 Marathon and, for the rest of the night, the crew ate and watched.

"007, eh?"---Was on my mind recently---"Good choice! Who's your favorite Bond?"---Roger Moore (R.I.P)---"Heh Mine's Sean Connery"---"What are you guys doing?"---Working on the next chapter and chatting! Why?---"Just wondering! We'll be watching a few films down here so behave you two!"---We will Tarot!---"One more thing, you really like having them do movie nights, don't you?"---I have a reason: It's a zombie apocaplyse and people would need something to do to remind them of happier times, right?---"Ah good call"

Back in the ruins of Babylon Gardens, Rex was doing some lite reading when one of the survivors he was housing, Rick Gryphon, knocked on his door..."Come in!"
"Hey, Rex, you got a second?" Rick asks to which Rex nods as he puts his book down and asks if anything was wrong, to which Rick responds with "Hopefully not...but a group of bikers just showed up outside asking for you..." Raising an eyebrow, Rex looks out his window and sees the bikers waiting...and they looked serious. Gulping, Rex, along with Rick, heads downstairs and Rex tells the other two survivors, Marvin and Tiger, to stay with Rick and be ready in case this goes south fast. Nodding, the three readied themselves while Rex headed outside via the garage door to greet the bikers with "How can I help you....folks?" At that moment, three of the bikers disembark from their bikes, two with bags, and walked towards Rex, who was starting to get a little nervous and began slowly moving his paw towards his side-arm but then the biker in the middle removed his...or shall I say her helmet.
"Name's Charli" the biker, who was a buff hyena with hair straight out of a Poison music video, answers, "And we ain't hurt to hurt ya. We're driving around collecting supplies and gear for any survivors we come across and giving it to them and we saw your house's lights on so we figured there were some here. How many you have?"
"Huh...Oh! Uh, me and three others." Rex, a bit dumbfounded, responds, and Charli nods then motions to the two bikers on the side of her to give him the bags of supplies, which contained food, water, medicene, ammo, and other assortment of gear. Rex stares for a bit before saying "Th...thanks?"
"No prob....hey, chill out...not all bikers are bad." Charli responds, patting him on the shoulder before turning around and telling her crew to get ready to ride. Then, as fast as they arrived, the biker crew left just as fast...leaving Rex with the two bags of gear.
"Well...that was....different..." he thinks to himself as he returns to the house with the supplies, all the while being watched by a figure in the treeline near his house...

"Who's Charli?"---She's a biker character Rick made and I wanted to include as a small little nod to him---"Along with Rick himself?"---Heh yep---"So, wait, if Rick exists within the HPU, then how..."---Again, little nod and a little easter egg. Plus, I thought it'd be cool to include the creator of Housepets in the story as my way of saying thanks for creating the world!---"OK.."---I won't be using her after this chapter, if that's what you are asking---"No..though I'm curious why you won't be"---As she said, her gang is riding around delivering supplies to survivors that need it so, in my eyes, they already left Babylon Gardens and are heading to a new State---"Hm OK"---Helps to think ahead with this stuff---"Yeah..."---You OK?---"Well...I saw a recent comment about this story on the forum and...I may have to change my idea a bit"---Oh? Well, you got plenty of time as this isn't over yet---"OK"---Actually speaking of stories, you have Joey's number?---"Yeah, why?"---Could you hand me it a while? I need to make a call to him later...
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
Creator of the ongoing fic - HousepetZ: Survivor Tails
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Nathan Kerbonaut
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Re: HousepetZ: Survivor Tails

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Great chapter, I like the cameos :D
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