[fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER

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[fan-fic] Housepets: SYMBOLIC POWER

Post by The-J-Man »

this marks my first ever FAN-FICTION. i am an amateur writer in real life, so i thought this would be a great way for me to put my work out there...
The following Fanfic takes place 2 months after "THE GALLIFRAX PROTOCOL" arc in the comic series.
This story features a character of my own creation:
Venn. A symbolic spirit. A spirit of Vengeance.

Venn is a CENTIPEDE that dispenses "Karma" on the mortal world. (for lack of a better word) He also provides protection and good luck to couples who truly love each other. Also, he promotes good Psychic relations to the Spirits and their Mortal followers.
Venn has been sent to the mortal realm so that he can become acquainted with some of the mortals and, more importantly, learn to use his powers.
Dragon, Tarot, and Sabrina have been assigned as Venn's teachers, but there is a problem with that...
Venn has a crush on Dragon.

the story begins a few days after his arrival on the mortal plane:
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 1 - part 1: Spiritual Guidance

Peanut awakens from a long sleep more energetic than usual. He gets straight out of bed and slides down the stair rail to the breakfast waiting below along with Grape, who is still half asleep.

“Wow! Grape, I feel like I could take on the world today!” He says with his hands on his hips in a heroic pose. His whole body glows with excitement as he takes a seat across from Grape with a plate of food already set out for him

“How could you possibly feel this great on a Monday?” Grape asks as she fights to keep her face up and out of her food “Oh yeah, Mom and Dad got an early start today so they’re not here. They set breakfast out for us before they left”

Peanut quickly finishes his breakfast as Grape takes her sweet time “I think I’ll go see Tarot.”

The tan dog adorns his red collar and White Bone-shaped Tag as he jogs down to the sidewalk and before long, he reaches the home of his girlfriend. Peanut lifts his arm to knock on the door when a loud thumping sound from inside interrupts him. Peanut Hesitantly grabs the doorknob and Tarot’s voice booms from the other side.


Peanut realizes his mistake too late as the door flies open to show nothing but pitch black shadow. All of the candles that are usually lit are blown out and neither Pomeranian nor Black cat is anywhere to be seen. A strange sound draws Peanut closer into the darkened threshold. Just as peanut leans his head into the darkness, something long and thin jumps out of the shadows and clings onto peanuts Face. Peanuts eyes shrink to the size of pinpoints and it takes nearly a full three seconds for him to react.


Peanut withdraws his face from the darkness to reveal a Giant Centipede clinging to his snout. He reels back to the middle of the walkway leading up to the house in the process of trying to brush the Insect off his face.


Tarot soon comes out of the house with a very worried look on her face. “I’m sorry Peanut, I would have warned you sooner but I was distracted." She walks over to the flailing Peanut, anticipating his random movements so she won’t get hit by accident. “Now hold still.”

Peanut does as he is told and holds still, he whines frantically out of fear as he fights the urge to freak out again, and leans down so Tarot can grab the twelve inch insect off his face. Tarot grabs the tail of the insect and peels it off in one quick motion. Peanut lets out a sigh of relief as he looks at the insect in Tarot’s hand. What is tarot doing with a bug? Tarot holds up the bug and presents it to Peanut, yet she has an annoyed look on her face

“Peanut, this is another one of the spirits like Dragon and Pete, I’ll let him introduce himself” The small Pomeranian sets the insect down on the concrete and grabs Peanuts’ hand. She leads him back a few steps as a snapping sound is heard from the insect

The Insect disappears in a cloud of smoke that clears after a few seconds, revealing the Figure of a tall dog that measures a few inches taller than Peanut. The dog is covered with black fur and a silhouette pattern of a centipede Extending from the Dog’s snout to the tip of his tail in a long stripe. The dog’s face is locked in a stern look as he opens his mouth to introduce himself, He speaks in a monotone and chilling voice that sends shivers down Peanut’s spine.

“Hello Peanut, My name is Venn. Forgive me for scaring you, I thought you were an intruder” The dog holds out its hand and Peanut responds in kind with a Handshake. The dog then turns its head toward the Pomeranian “Tarot, why did you not mention Peanut before?” Peanut and Venn both look at Tarot for an answer.

“Because; Venn, I knew that if I mentioned my Boyfriend, you would try to sneak out of the house to meet him. You know that you shouldn’t leave until you are fully trained to use you’re powers in The Low-Order world.”

Tarot leads both of the dogs inside where the source of Tarot's psychic abilities; A giant green Dragon in a human-like form, is busy re-lighting the candles. She notices Peanut and instantly blushes at the sight of him, but she shakes herself out of her feelings, remembering her agreement with Tarot and the decision that Peanut had made a few months ago. “Hello Peanut”

“Dragon? Why are you here?” Peanut tilts his head in confusion

“I’m here to keep an eye on the Creepy Crawly standing next to you” She points to Venn with an annoyed look on her face.

The black and grey dog responds with no emotional expression on his face whatsoever “Dragon, I have been here for weeks, I think you can call me by my real name for the sake of saving time and breath.”

Peanut keeps his head tilted as he stares at the Centipede in his Dog form “So, why a centipede?”

Tarot answers peanuts question almost immediately: “Peanut, Venn is a very powerful Symbolic Spirit that symbolizes good psychic relations and brings both good fortune and protection to loving relationships.”

Peanut then realizes that Venn is the reason he woke up in such a good mood today while everyone else was dragging their feet. “Oh, So Venn is the reason I felt so great today!”

Tarot leans against peanut with her hands together in a loving expression “correct.”

Then Dragon butts in with the darker side of Venn’s purpose:

“However, unlike his symbolic meaning, Creepy Crawly here-” she points to Venn, who looks over at Dragon and sprouts a slight grin at the comment while she is not looking. “-Is a spirit of Vengeance, He ensures that all negative actions in the world are met with Negative outcomes and Vice-Versa. He is a very cold and Ruthless spirit who keeps his emotions from influencing his decisions by suppressing them into the dark recesses of his mind” Dragon turns her head toward Venn, he immediately drops the grin and returns to his stern expression.

“Peanut, since you got a full night’s sleep… could you take Venn for a tour of the Neighborhood? I think some time away from all the training will do us all good, just don’t let him out of your sight or reveal that he is a spirit to anyone.” Tarot asks with a pleading and tired look on her face.

Peanut smiles and readily accepts the chance to work with a Spirit “Of course Tarot, I came here looking for something to do anyway.”

Peanut runs over and grabs Venn’s paw, leading him out of the door and towards the dog park. where his friends Fox and Fido, are playing with a Frisbee in the summer weather. Venn just casually glares over at the grey husky and the Tan mixed breed


Both dogs drop the game of Frisbee to go meet the strange looking Dog, who is still expressionless as he watches Peanut’s friends approach. Venn stands a few inches taller than everyone so they all look up when they address him.

“Hey Peanut, Who’s your friend?” Fox asks as he looks up at the stern dog. “Wait let me guess… Is he a new recruit for the K-9 unit?”

Fox Backs up to the spot he was originally at, not wanting to get caught in an argument, but he is surprised to see that Venn maintains his emotionless composure.

“No, this is Venn. He uh… just moved into the neighborhood, I’m showing him around and introducing him to everyone.” Peanut says, trying to keep the powerful secret at bay.

“Not much of a talker are you, Venn?” Fido asks.

“No I am not, Fido” he says in a more normal tone of voice that sounds somewhat welcoming

Fox then interrupts them by throwing the Frisbee way past the group “Venn, could you get that? I was aiming for Fido’s head!”

All of a sudden, both Peanut and Fido get caught in a current of air created by Venn when he started sprinting for the Frisbee, At Nearly 40 Miles Per hour! As quickly as he ran off, Venn returns with the Frisbee and hands it to Fox. Both dogs look at peanut for an explanation to Venn’s super speed. Peanut does his best to find the best answer he can possible come up with.

“He’s a Racing dog?”

All the dogs, including Venn, look at peanut in confusion before they finally accept the explanation to be a possibility. Venn nudges Peanut with his elbow after Fido and Fox return to their game of Frisbee. “Peanut, I think we should return to the house. I’ve had enough suspicion for my first day”

“Well we still have some time left before I need to bring you back, Lets go to the Good Old Dog’s Club, we’re bound to have better luck there with more people around for you to meet.”

They both set out for the club house and soon arrive at their destination at the club’s entrance. They are confronted outside by a dog that looks somewhat like peanut, but with a green collar and tag marked with a “B”. Peanut gets in between Venn and the other dog approaching them

“Hey Bino!”

Bino ignores Peanut, pushing right by him and confronting Venn “Hold it, Bug-Face. No way I’m letting a weirdo liked you into the club, why don't you go back to the cave you came from."

With that comment, Venn grabs Peanuts shoulder and drags him all the way back Tarot’s house. The embarrassment showing through Venn’s emotionless façade in the form of an offended expression. Venn storms into the house and slams the door behind him "definitely enough excitement for one day. what right does that snake of a dog have to insult me" Venn leans against the door and slides down into a sitting position, still looking embarrassed.

Peanut tries to comfort the tall dog "Dont worry about what Bino says, he's like that to everyone. I think that's enough for day number one of 'Operation Friendship!'. Tell Tarot that i left and that I'll be back later, OK?"

"No problem Peanut" Venn then turns into a 12 inch Centipede, his supposed default form. He crawls up onto a bookshelf and curls his body into a spiral, falling asleep from the exhaustion of Non-stop training and his emotional outburst. He then relaxes with a Final thought:
Bino will get whats coming to him eventually, I'll see to it that he does. I just have to get through the rest of the year of training
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Saturn381 »

Great job J-Man! Can't wait to see more! :D
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice fanfic that you have so far! I look forward to seeing more!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Mickey »

Wonderful. Simply wonderful. You, sir, have my attention.
My characters!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 1 Part 2 : Dont let the bugs bite
(the story was too good, i had to keep going. it is a little short though)

1 month after the end of Part 1:

Venn and Dragon are out in the backyard of Tarot's house with Peanut, Tarot, and Sabrina watching the training session, each holding a half-empty water bottle from being out in the sun all day. Dragon returns to her spiritual form while Venn remains in the form of a dog, still sporting an expressionless look on his face. Peanut watches with anticipation while the two psychics are still hesitant about this kind of exercise this early into the training.

"OK Venn, lets try the spiritual transformation again." Dragon demonstrates by turning back into a human-like figure and then returning to her Dragon form.

Venn attempts the spell but only succeeds in turning himself into a 12 inch long insect again "Dragon, this method does not appear to be working very well." The insect then returns to the form of a dog again.

"Ok then, lets start small with minor anatomical features from your Insect form"

"We have already covered this Dragon, I know how to change my hands into claws, I know how to grow an extra pair of arms, I know how to use antenna hidden in my fur, and I know how to grow another set of eyes for seeing in the dark. However, I still do not know how to transform myself into my spiritual form" Venn takes a seat of the soft grass and catches his breath, trying to figure out why this Transformation is so hard for him to master

"Venn, this training lasts a full year, don't expect to know everything in two months" The dragon shrinks down again and opens the back door to the house to get something from inside "Lets take a break for awhile, we've been doing this non-stop since morning. We're going to get more water, be back soon."

The only ones in the backyard now are Venn and Peanut. Venn walks over to peanut and places his hand on his shoulder motioning for Peanut to join him in a private chat by the fence. Surprisingly, Venn widens his eyes and speaks frantically, like he has a bomb strapped to his chest. Peanut was obviously not expecting this emotional outburst from Venn as he takes a few steps back.

"Peanut, i desperately need your help!" The once emotionless dog was now begging for advice. "I Know exactly why I keep failing to change into my spiritual form: its because im keeping an emotion bottled up inside, but its becoming too strong for me to handle, i just don't know how to express it correctly"

"Whatever is bothering you Venn, you can tell me, there is no need to feel embarrassed because your scared" Peanut opens the cap to his water bottle and takes a long swig of the chilled liquid

"No, I'm not afraid" Venn scratches the back of his head "Peanut... How do tell someone you love them?"

"PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!" Peanut spits out the liquid that he held in his mouth as he came to the sudden realization of who Venn is talking about. "You've fallen in love with Dragon?"

"Its true, and i can't hide it any longer. Will you help me?"

Dragons voice then cuts in "Help you with what?"

Both dogs yelp at the intruding voice and Venn assumes that Dragon heard everything while she stood there. "AH! I didn't mean it!" Venn runs off into the house, trying his best to hide the tears of embarrassment from Dragon. The green scaled dragon lifts an eyebrow as she watches Venn flee with his face covered

"Dragon! How much did you hear?" Peanut asks with a nervous look

"Just the last sentence. Why? Did Venn need help with something else?

"No, i think he just has a lot on his mind right now." Peanut lets out a sigh of relief as he sees That dragon looks none the wiser

The dragon goes back into the house to see that the front door has been opened and there is no sign of where Venn ran off to. Tarot and Sabrina rejoin the group soon after. "Peanut, where did Venn go?" asks the Psychics

"I thought he was in the house, but then he went out on his own."

Tarot tries to telepathically contact Venn, but it seems apparent that he wants to be left alone as he blocks her out of his mind completely.

"Peanut, we need to go find him. now!"

All three dogs set out in search of The centipede as Dragon stays behind to ponder why Venn freaked out like that when she approached him: I can't be that intimidating to him, I just don't understand that bug sometimes. Then she goes about looking through the possible hiding places in the home for the small centipede, but it soon became obvious that he was not there. Then it hit Dragon, This occurrence was the first time that Venn ever showed any kind of emotion to her, and now she begins to suspect why...


Later in the Arbelt residence:
Zach was writing in his journal as usual, trying to avoid forest creatures by any means. The absolute last thing Zach expected to see when he looked down on the floor was a 12 inch long insect that was crawling up the leg of his table, trying to hide from him.

"Um, hi" said Venn as he say the Rabbits eyes shrink to the size of dots


The rabbits screams could be heard by everyone in the nearby houses. Venn tries his best to calm Zach down but eventually gives up when he passes out. Just then, Zach's door flies open to show a dog with slightly orange-colored fur. Venn crawls onto the underside of the table to avoid being eaten by the notoriously hungry Dog named Tiger.

"Zach, are you OK? What happened"

Zach looks around the room for any sign of the centipede he saw a few seconds ago "Im fine, I think I was just having a bad dream..."

Venn observes the two family members as they share their emotions without so much as a thought, Venn then considers his life choices of living without emotions all his life. now i understand, its all about communication... The key to relieving these headaches of emotions

He exits through a slightly opened window and decides to head back to the house, where he sees Dragon sitting on the couch, patiently waiting for his return. The centipede turns back into a dog and speaks to her with emotion for the first time ever...

"Dragon, I think I learned the most important lesson in my life: 'I don't need to be emotionless all the time, just when i make decisions for the fates of mortals.' Keeping all my emotions bottled up was eating me alive so from this moment on, I will no longer hold my emotions in. I'm going to express my feelings... wow, I feel so much lighter now"

"I'll bet" Says Dragon "that was some serious weight off your chest" Dragon gets up off the couch and walks over to the black dog "Your fate is your own, as long as you do your job correctly, it wont matter what you do in the meantime. As long as it does not involve breaking the law"

Venn blushes for the first time around Dragon, so he turns himself back into a centipede and curls up on his usual shelf. Venn lays there, deep in his thoughts and hiding his red face How do i even tell her, this is probably the hardest decision i will ever have to make. I just have to make the most of it before the opportunity passes, it needs to be perfect for her. For now, i'll just take it slow, she might not be ready either.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Mickey »

I'm liking this! Continue whenever you feel ready!
My characters!
I got too many colors to remember. I'll put them here to see. Aren't they nice? Yep! Absolutely!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really like where you are going with this! Great job!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 1 Part 3 : confrontation

The next day:

Venn awakens from his long sleep on the bookshelf to the sight of a Beak and blue feathers before him. The gryphon picks up the small centipede and drops him down on the table in the middle of the room. The centipede reels back on its hind legs like a snake and changes into the form of a black dog.

“Hello Venn, my name is Pete. I’ll be your instructor for today.”

“what are you going to teach me Gryphon?” Venn raises an eyebrow as he looks around the room to see that they are alone

“Today we will be learning how to combat evil spirits.” The Gryphon snaps his fingers

Both Pete and Venn disappear in a cloud of white dust. They reappear deep into the wooded area of Babylon Gardens in the middle of a clearing.

“This exercise will prepare you to combat the endless amount of evil spirits that dwell in the countless realms. Now get ready…”

(listen to this if you feel like following along. remember to Ctrl click so it opens a new tab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpJ072N ... C323B94A33)

The gryphon takes a stance as Venn just stands there with his hands behind his back. Pete dashes forward with a strong beat of his wings that blows back the trees behind him, he stretches his arms out in front of him to grab at the small Dog. Venn just steps out of the way with an angry look on his face, his hands still behind his back. Pete nearly smashes into the tree line, but manages to stop himself with another beat of his large wings

“You can’t fight with your hands in your pockets the whole time” Pete says as he folds his wings in and charges toward Venn again with his legs this time

Venn takes his hands out from Behind his back to show that his hands have been changed into Three-Fingered claws that are clad in a Centipede’s tough outer shell of a skeleton. Venn then grows plates of armor over sections of his arms and chest. The dark red plates of Venn’s exoskeleton shine in the sun as Pete winds up for a punch.

“You are underestimating me because of my size, Gryphon.”

Pete throws the punch but it is stopped by one of Venn’s claws, releasing a loud shock-wave that uproots several nearby trees. Pete stands there with his fist in Venn’s claw, amazed that he was able to stop it on his first try. Venn then speaks in a much deeper and chilling voice than his normal one.

“I've been watching over conflicts for centuries. I've learned all kinds of fighting styles from the mortals countless conflicts”

“Uh oh”

Venn squeezes Pete’s fist and throws him over his head, landing on his back with a loud thud producing another wave of air that knocks over several more trees. Pete breaks free from Venn’s grip and dusts himself off, he rears back again for another punch. Venn winds up as well and throws his punch at the same time as Pete. Both of the punches meet at the same point and produces a very strong wave that knocks over the tree line surrounding them and throwing both Venn and Pete in opposite directions. They land a ways apart from each other on opposite sides of the clearing.

Both spirits lift up their heads and lock their gazes on each other

Pete’s eyes glow yellow as Venn’s eyes start to glow Red. Venn stands up first and starts running at a staggering speed towards Pete, The Gryphon stands up and spreads his wings, flying straight toward Venn. They both collide in the largest wave of air yet that disturbs a large section of the forest.


Meanwhile at Tarot’s home:

Dragon and Tarot talk while Sabrina talks with peanut over the phone, giving him important instructions to Bring King over to the house in a few minutes.

“Ok I just got off the phone with Peanut; he’ll be over here with King in exactly… Now” Sabrina says as she hangs up the phone in the kitchen.

An excited Peanut bursts through the door, dragging the Small Corgi in behind him.

“Peanut let go! I don’t want any part of the Spirits or their Game!” the Corgi demands as he tries to pull away from Peanut’s grip.

“King this has nothing to do with the game, but you will definitely want to hear this.” Tarot says with a smile on her face. “We have a big surprise for you.”

King raises an eyebrow at the Pomeranian as she looks over to the opposite side of the room. “And here it is.”

A big cloud of white smoke puffs and dissipates, revealing Pete and Venn standing next to each other.

Pete looks like he went through a shredder; he has a broken wing, several bald patches where his feathers were pulled out, a black eye, and a dent in his beak. He looks less than pleased as he glares at Dragon.

“Why didn't you tell me that he was experienced in over twenty types of Hand-to-Hand combat!?” Pete yells at everyone in the room.

King snickers and then bursts out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Looks like the Big Bad Bird finally got what was coming to him!” King yells as he flops onto his back in laughter. He rolls around on the floor until his laughter subsides a half-minute later.

“Oh Ha ha. Very funny guys…” The Gryphon says as he takes a seat on the living room couch next to Dragon.

Peanut and King go with Tarot and Sabrina to get something to eat with Venn to celebrate his victory, leaving Pete and Dragon alone in the house.

Dragon smiles at Pete as he pouts next to her. “You know that Venn only did that to you because you deserved it.”

“Yes I know, but he went a little far in my opinion” Pete says as his feathers start to grow back and his wing heals itself.

“Don’t be silly, you deserved every punch. You may be my brother, but I will always hold this over your head whenever you say you can 'Handle something alone'.” The dragon snickers as she realizes that Pete will definitely hate Venn after he wailed on him.

“Pete, there is something very important that I need to tell you about Venn… I think he has a crush on me…”

Pete widens his eyes and snaps his eyes over to meet Dragon’s “What? And you’re OK with this?!”

“Pete, I’m willing to give him a chance, I kind of like him as well. All I ask is that you respect Venn and don’t try to ruin this for him or else you’ll answer to me.”

Pete hangs his head low and replies with a gruff tone in his voice: “Fine, I won’t bother him, But if he hurts you…”

“Relax Pete, I can handle myself” she says crossing her arms and lifting her chin up with her eyes closed

Pete thinks back to all the times dragon has nearly drowned someone with her tears when she didn't get her way with someone “R-i-i-i-ght... just be careful alright?”

“As long as you keep your promise, I will be careful. Goodnight.” Dragon gets up and leaves the room, leaving Pete alone to heal the last of his wounds before returning to his temple."

Pete then strokes the underside of his beak like a beard. He forms a sinister smile on his face as he thinks of something he can do. Oh, this is going to be a recipe for disaster... and i like it.

Pete disappears in a cloud of white smoke as he comes up with his cunning plan for revenge on Venn
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I just love how protective Pete is of his older sister! Great job on this!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

I felt like King deserved to see Pete get beaten senseless for his shenanigans at this point in time in the comic
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 1 Part 4 : details

Later in a Karaoke Bar:

Peanut, King, Tarot, Sabrina, and Venn sit at a booth across from Grape and her owners “The sandwiches”. The purple cat and her owners order their food and the waiter comes over to the table across from them, knowing that they are eating together. They take turns ordering different things

“I’ll have the chicken with fries” Tarot orders

“I’ll take the chicken as well” Peanut orders

“Could I get a Hamburger please?” King orders

“I think I will have four Raw meat patties” Venn orders

Every pet at the table looks up from their menus and turn their attention to one place with confused looks on their faces, Their looks are all directed at the black dog with a silhouette of a centipede on his face and back.

“What?” Venn asks looking at the confused stares from all the pets, the Sandwiches, and the waiter.

The waiter breaks the silence “um so that’s two orders of chicken, a burger, and four raw patties right?”

“That’s right… don’t judge me.” Venn says with a stern look on his face

The waiter leaves with a confused look on his face as he writes the order on his notepad and gives it to the cook who shrugs at the unusual order, probably because he has gotten stranger orders before.

“Tarot, I thought Venn was a centipede. Don’t they eat plants or something?” Peanut asks

“Actually, I thought the same thing too”

Tarot and the rest of the table look to Venn for an answer

“That’s a common stereotype among insects. Some centipedes; like me, are Omnivores. It means we can eat both plants and Meat” Venn explains to everyone so they will stop staring at him.

The two humans sitting at the table across from them than ask their own questions. “So Venn, you’re a mystical spirit?”

“That’s right…”

“Well what is your role here on earth? And Peanut tells me that you have some extraordinary abilities?”

“My role is basically to dispense what you call ‘Karma’, I make sure that people get what’s coming to them. A negative action must be met with a Negative outcome of equal magnitude otherwise the whole universe would turn evil for the benefits. ‘Good guys always win’ and things like that. I also provide protection and good luck to couples who truly love each other, and i promote good psychic relations with spirits and their followers”

“Wow, I never thought 'Karma' could appear as a Centipede...”

“As for my abilities… In my spiritual form; I am faster than any other spirit in heaven. While I am in the form of a dog like now: I can lift hundreds of times my own weight, I can clad myself in an exoskeleton-like armor, I can turn my hands into claws, and I can run faster than the conventional car. All of this is for when I fight evil spirits”


Just as the conversation finishes, the waiter comes out with the food. He drops the plates of food on the table in front of each person and stands there for a few seconds before he hands a plate of Raw meat to Venn.

“Thanks.” Venn says as he opens his jaw wider than natural to reveal rows and rows of fangs spiraling down into his throat and drops the plate of raw meat inside. The teeth grind the meat and force it down into his stomach, he then notices everyone staring at him again.


Everyone returns their attention to their own food. The group then notices someone go up on stage to sing, a ground squirrel. The squirrel climbs up to the DJ and picks out a song for him to sing, deciding after a few seconds. The squirrel starts singing, but he almost breaks both the speakers and everyone’s eardrums with his squeaky voice. The Ground squirrel leaves the stage with “Boos” from all over the restaurant as some of them leave from the traumatic experience.

“Hey Venn, maybe you should go up and sing.” Sabrina says as she nudges Venn’s shoulder

“Me? No, I never tried it before… your serious?” he asks as he starts to blush slightly

“Oh come on, Venn-Venn-Venn-”

The whole group starts chanting Venn’s name, filling him up with enough encouragement to stand up. He snaps his fingers and a small USB flash drive appears in his hand. He goes up to the DJ, gives him the Flash drive and whispers instructions to play the song when he gives him a cue. Venn steps up to the microphone just as the song finishes downloading onto the DJ’s computer. The DJ gives Venn a thumb’s up and he gives him the cue to start the song. The DJ announces the Name of the singer and the song:

“Here is Venn singing ‘The Warlord’s Last Ride by Bane of Winterstorm’”

Venn grabs the microphone and fills the restaurant with an amazing voice

(make sure to play the song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDUht4j ... rS89AvHGi3

"I now ride into victory
In the Shadow of War
Divine gods and angels; the tyrant will fall!
I'll face my destiny
The Black Crown of Ohr,
Their legions of terror shall haunt us no more

Hail, Master of Night

Across the great mountains
Our warriors ride
For glory and honour, The kingdoms last cry
'Neath the northern skies
Our swords in the wind
One last ray will shine on our King!

Hail, Master of Night


Through nightfall and agony
The traitor's return
His gods blood within him, the whole world will burn
The night is upon us
Our Kingdom still stands
The rage of the Dragon shall march through the lands

Hail, Master of Night


The armies of the Shadowlands
Crawling like death
The black wind will choke us and devour what's left
The Black gate is open
And they enter these lands
I will have vengeance, he will fall by my hand

Hail, Master of Night


Venn finishes the song and puts the microphone back in its stand as the whole restaurant applauds wildly as Venn returns to his seat, still blushing from embarrassment. He sits back down as everyone looks at him with shock and amazement. Tarot then speaks when the clapping subsides.

“Wow Venn, you’ve got an amazing voice”

It was at this moment that Venn got the best idea ever for how he can Tell Dragon he loves her. He leans over to Peanut and whispers into his ear:

“I just got the best idea ever… Ill need you and Grape to help though”
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter is really coming together quite nicely! Wonderful job on this!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 1 Part 5: change for the better

the following week:

The day has passed after a whole day of training and Dragon decides to stay at Tarot’s house tonight in the guest bedroom, the opportunity Venn has been waiting for. He turns himself into a small centipede and sneaks off of his shelf without disturbing anyone. He goes to the kitchen and picks up the wall-mounted telephone, dialing in the number for the Sandwich residence. After a few seconds of ringing, Peanut picks up on the other end of the line with a cell phone so he could set it on vibrate and not wake anyone up.

“Hey guys, did you get what I asked?” Venn asks, slightly nervous about what he is about to do.

“Yep, the MP 3 player is all ready to go with the song downloaded. We’ll be there within the hour.” Peanut says with a giddy tone in his voice.

After about fifteen minutes, Venn crawls out from Tarot’s house through a crack in the front door. He helps Peanut and grape set up a music player and then they strap it to his waist with a belt Peanut had borrowed from his dad’s closet.

Venn picks up a small pebble and throws it softly at the upstairs window where Dragon was sleeping. He aims carefully as not to hit the glass because it would have broken had he hit it with a rock. Dragon slowly awakens to the sound of rocks hitting the window panels and she opens the window. Below, Venn signals for her to come down to the sidewalk.

Dragon opens the window all the way and snakes her body out of the small opening, it was barely big enough for her to fit through in her dragon form. She flies down to where Venn is and gives him a confused look, and noticing the Music player strapped to his waist.

“Venn, what are you doing awake at this hour? What’s this all about?” She says, knowing perfectly well what this was all about. However, she still did not know what he was planning to do at this moment.

Venn looks back at Peanut and Grape with a large smile on his face. He gives them a wink and turns back to Dragon.

“Dragon, for the longest time, I kept my emotions bottled up inside. I always felt something very powerful try to make its way to the surface whenever I saw you; and until recently, I did not know how to express it.”

Venn holds out his hand for Dragon to take

“Join me, so that I can tell you what I felt when I first saw you”

Dragon brings her hands up to her face, which was turning a bright shade of red as she gives Venn a smile behind her hands. She takes one hand away and grabs onto Venn’s hand. Venn lifts his other hand and snaps his fingers louder than normal. Both Venn and Dragon disappear in a cloud of smoke, leaving Peanut and grape behind on the sidewalk.

“Where did they go?” Grape asks Peanut

Peanut, who listened to the song that was downloaded onto the MP 3 player, knew exactly where they went. He just gives grape a smile as he looks into the night sky, gazing at the stars.


Meanwhile, somewhere in space:

Dragon and Venn appear in a cloud of smoke near a star that was glowing red and nearing the end of its life. Venn snaps his fingers again and a bubble-like field filled with air surrounds them so Dragon could hear the Music coming from the MP 3 player. Venn smiles and takes both of Dragon’s hands as the dying star behind them slowly starts to shrink down.

Venn then starts the music and waits for the intro sequence to finish; but once it does, he starts singing to Dragon with a wonderful voice that echoes through the bubble of air they are in:

(link to song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSX9Yv3 ... rS89AvHGi3 )

Do you believe in powers extreme?
Bewildering majesty
Can you percieve a vision supreme?
Eruption Serene

Grim destiny
Radiant intensity
Ethereal sphere
Future Severe
Benevolent fear

Into it's fortune bestowed
Marvel and let it explode!
To the inferno we go

Detonate the sun,
And soar into the supernova
Now it has begun
A solar mass undone

Say can you fell
Destruction surreal?
Deadly calamaty
A final demise in godly disguise
Now will arise

Head to the wisdom of old
Unleash a glory untold
To the inferno we go

Detonate the sun,
And soar into the supernova
Now it has begun
A solar mass undone

Into it's fortune bestowed
Marvel and let it explode!
To the inferno we go

Detonate the sun,
And soar into the supernova
Now it has begun
A solar mass undone

Just as Venn finishes the song, the star behind them detonates into a Supernova and a wave of destruction heads toward the Pair of demigods, but neither of them pay any mind to the impending wave of doom.

“Dragon, I love you. That is all that I have known since the first day I saw you. You melted my steel heart and taught me to feel again. I want to return the favor if you will let me.”

Tears of joy flow from Dragon’s eyes as her face turns a darker shade of red. She grabs Venn’s shoulders and pulls him towards her; both of their lips meet in a kiss of epic proportions as the blast wave gets closer and closer. Before the supernova reaches them, Venn snaps his fingers again and they disappear in a cloud of smoke. The wave of fire passes by; popping the bubble they left behind, and leaving no trace of anything in the blast radius.

Both demigods reappear in front of Peanut and Grape, for them only five seconds had passed. It was because all the spirits experience time subjectively. They could spend years at a time in one place while only a few seconds pass in another, and vice versa.

Both Venn and Dragon were still locked in a kiss when they reappeared. They keep it going for a few seconds as Peanut and Grape watch. They both notice that Tarot and Sabrina were watching from the upstairs window. But all of them fail to notice the Blue Gryphon watching from the roof of the house. He slides down the opposite side of the roof, hiding from the group before he’s noticed by anyone.

“Venn, that was the best experience of my life. I never knew it until now, but I think I love you too. I’m willing to give us a shot.”

Both Venn and Dragon hug each other and walk back into the house.

Pete however stays on the roof of the house to ponder up a plan for revenge on Venn.

“rest easy now Bug, just know that this time, YOUR gonna get what’s coming to YOU.”

With that, Pete flies off and returns to his temple in the wooded area of Babylon Gardens.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This chapter really is starting to get good! Wonderful job on how everything is playing out! I can't wait for the next part!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 1 Part 6 : new life, new purpose

Venn sits on his high bookshelf deep in thought while Dragon and Kitsune; a Nine-Tailed Fox with white fur and red eyes, sit on the couch below him. Venn has been in the Mortal realm for a three and a half months now, and the training session goes on for a full year. Everyone voted to take a week off because Venn was progressing ahead of schedule. But he felt that this type of training was not enough for him, he needs something more challenging than daily drills and exercises.

“So-o-o, Dragon… Give me all the details between you and the Creepy Crawly.” The white fox asks leaning his head toward Dragon with a large smile on his face.

“I told you to stop calling me that. It gets annoying after a while.” Venn demands from his bookshelf

“Kitsune, I already told you what happened three times already. It was beautiful and it came straight from his heart. That’s all that matters to me.” Dragon says as she leans back on the couch, still amazed by what Venn did yesterday.

“Aww. I want to hear the story again. How about you Venn? is the pressure getting to you?” the fox asks as he looks up at the bookshelf.

“I’m perfectly fine Kitsune… I’m just... thinking right now.” The centipede says in a deep voice that contradicts his size.

“What are you thinking about up there?” Dragon asks mockingly

Venn then un-curls his body and crawls down the wall to the middle of the room where he changes back into the form of a dog.

“I was thinking about this K-9 Unit that a dog named Fido mentioned a couple months ago. Do any of you know what a K-9 unit is?” Venn asks as he sits on the arm of the couch next to dragon so their eyes are level with each other.

“Oh that’s easy…” Kitsune answers “the K-9 unit is a squad of specially picked dogs that work alongside Police officers. They go about stopping criminals, and more often Kidnappers in Babylon Gardens. The dog you mentioned just now is on the squad along with several other dogs in this neighborhood.”

Venn smiles and his tail wags at what Kitsune just said. “Would you guys mind if I joined? I promise to be careful and not to reveal my true identity. Spirit's honor.” Venn says as he raises his right hand into the air.

Both Kitsune and Dragon look at Venn with a raised eyebrow, Unsure of how to respond to his question.

“Venn, are you sure you want to work that close to humans, they are a lot smarter than pets. It’s an unnecessary risk.” Dragon says

“I know, but they don’t appear to discriminate just from looks. To them, the centipede pattern in my fur is just artificially dyed in. If I can just stick to a story, they should have no reason to be suspicious.” Venn says as he prepares to go out to see if Fido was out in the park. But before he could open the door, Tarot’s voice stops him:

“Hold up Venn, if you’re going out alone, you will need this” Tarot holds up a small box with Venn’s name written on it.

“Just a little surprise I brought along with me to congratulate you on hooking up with Dragon.” Kitsune says as he sports a big smile.

Both Venn and Dragon blush as Tarot hands the box over to Venn so that he can open it. He takes the small white box and pulls off the top section; inside the box is a Hand-Made red leather collar with the design of a centipede printed all around the band in a maroon color. On the ID tag Ring is a piece of metal that has been painted white and polished to mirror sheen. The small plate of metal is cut into the shape of a fang, like the ones inside Venn’s mouth. On the tag, Venn’s name and contact information for Tarot’s home has been expertly etched into it. The collar is completely flawless and personalized thanks to the White fox sitting on the couch.

“I don’t know what to say Kitsune… It’s amazing.” Venn says as he opens a latch on the collar so that he can put it on his neck

“Well don’t keep us in suspense, try it on.” Dragon says, with a very happy look on her face

Venn wastes no time in securing the collar to his neck “It’s a perfect fit.” Venn waves goodbye and heads out the door to try and find Fido or anyone who could tell him more about the K-9 unit.


A few blocks of walking later:

Venn was admiring his collar and trying to look where he was going at the same time, it was then he noticed that on the back of the Tag were the words *or was it…?* engraved into it.

“Oh that sly fox, I knew he couldn't resist…”

Venn then accidentally runs into a pair of dogs that were walking in the opposite direction on the sidewalk. Venn looks up and notices that he had seen both of these dogs before, he recognizes the grey husky and the Tan dog with the ID tag that had a "B" written on it.

“Hello again Fox and… Bino, correct?

Before fox can even open his mouth, Bino commences with his usual brand of Trash-talk at the unusual-looking dog.

“Well-well-well, if it isn't Bug Face!” Bino says with a conniving smile. “I thought I told you that you can’t join the club?”

Venn then notices that he is directly outside of the entrance to the Good Old Dogs Club. All three of the dogs get up from the cold cement and exchange looks. Bino obviously has a bone to pick with Venn, but he cant figure out why Bino is so hostile towards him.

“Bino, what do you have against me? I never did anything for you to hate me.” Venn says with a hostile expression and a red glow in his eyes.

“You didn’t have to do anything, I know a Cat lover when I see one…” Bino says as he crosses his arms and returns the hostile look

Venn rolls his eyes. He now knows exactly what this is all about. From watching countless conflicts across the globe, Venn learned that some do not approve of inter-species relationships, he just never met one as hostile and intolerable as Bino.

“Bino; I have a girlfriend, and she is most definitely not a cat.” Venn says to Bino, hoping that he will believe him without too much trouble.

“That’s what they all say! Why I know-” Bino gets interrupted by a nudge from Fox

“It’s true Bino, I've seen Venn’s girlfriend and she is most definitely not a Cat.” Fox gives Venn a quick wink telling him that he knows about his relationship, or at least a version that was told to him.

Venn guesses that King told Fox about his new relationship, but with a few altercations to the story so that it would not reveal that he and Dragon were heavenly spirits.

Bino hesitates for a moment, trading glares with Fox and Venn before opening his mouth again and holding out his hand for Venn to shake

“Fine then; welcome to the club, Venn.” Bino says as he gives Fox a piercing stare.

“While we’re on the subject of groups, have either of you seen a dog named 'Fido?'” Venn asks with a smile.

“What do you need to talk with my brother about, Bug Face?” Bino says rudely, trying to get under Venn’s skin again.

“I was hoping to-… Wait, your ‘Brother?’”

Venn could not wrap his head around the fact that Fido was related to Bino, they share no qualities at all. Fido was very good natured and readily helps the needy, but Bino is so swallowed up by his pride that he can barely see what’s in front of him.

Fido than comes out from the clubhouse doors.

“Did someone call me out here? Oh… hello Venn. What are you doing here?”

“Hi Fido, do you remember commenting that I could be a recruit for the K-9 unit when we first met?” Venn says with a polite smile

“Of course, your prime material for a recruit. Did you want to sign up after all?” Fido asks with a friendly tone, unlike his brother Bino.

“As a matter of fact, I did… that’s why I came here”

"Good, meet me at the academy first thing tomorrow and I’ll help you get situated with the training officers. You’re gonna fit in just fine with the rest of the K-9 Unit..."

Venn looks behind him to see that Bino was still glaring at him

“I think I subdued your brother for now, but I'm pretty sure he will find another reason to hate me soon…” Venn says with a slightly worried look on his face

“Don’t worry; he won’t be on you about it for long, and he wouldn't dare hurt anyone as long as I’m around”

“That’s… almost comforting” Venn says with a pained tone in his voice

“So what happened to you, Venn? The last time I saw you, you were almost emotionless.”

“It’s a long story… but it mostly stems from me falling in love with a beautiful dra- uh- Dog... I meant Dog…”

Venn proceeds to tell Fido a slightly edited version of his story that makes it sound like he had fallen in love with a DOG named Dragon. It was the best he could come up with on short notice, but it was perfectly believable to Fido. Now all he had to do was stick to that story and he would be accepted into the program with no problems in the foreseeable future.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

These parts just keep on getting better and better! Wonderful job!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

(im slowing down the frequency of my posts. Be sure to check back daily, I have a knack for working fast. also feel free to comment on my work)

Chapter 1 part 7 : Public Relations

The Next day:

Outside of the police station, Venn meets up with Fido and they welcome each other with a handshake. Fido introduces Venn to one of the police officers there; Officer Bill, a muscular motorcycle cop that stands a few inches above everyone else walking nearby. Officer Bill glares at Venn with a cold and Icy stare, but it does not bother Venn in the slightest. Fido smiles as the officer leads them towards the front desk.

“OK Venn, fill out the form and sign your name at the bottom. When you’re done, just give the clipboard to the receptionist at the front desk.”

Venn takes a seat in one of the three chairs located near the front desk. He grabs a pen that was tucked underneath the clip of the clipboard and starts filling out the endless amount of questions and information on the small stack of papers. Thanks to a Psychic link, Venn is able to ask Tarot for information that he needed. He fills out the entire form and hands it to the receptionist; an older woman, and he returns to his seat.

“Thanks for your help Tarot. I couldn’t have done it without your help.” Venn thinks so that Tarot receives the message.

“it was my pleasure, Dragon sends her love. Good luck” Venn hears in his mind through the mental link.

As Venn waits for his Application to be processed, he occupies himself by memorizing the faces of everyone who passes by. Soon enough, an officer comes out of a door and calls for Venn to come into his office. Venn stands from the uncomfortable chair and stretches a little before walking over to the Plain-clothes Officer. Inside the office is the usual plaques, an old wooden desk, and two office chairs placed on opposite sides of the desk.

Venn takes a seat on the office chair across from the Officer as he lays out Venn’s application and a yellow file on the desk. He then opens his mouth to speak:

“Well… Venn, from your application I can see that you don’t have many references. What kind of skills do you have to offer this department?” asks the police officer as he hides his face behind Venn’s application papers.

“I know for a fact that I am faster than most Dogs, I’m also quite strong for my size, and I have a knack for spotting people who are either guilty and/or lying” Venn says as his tail goes in between his legs from nervousness.

“Well Venn, I don’t think there’s anything left to say other than… Welcome to the K-9 Unit.”

Venn stands up with the Officer and shakes his hand firmly. The officer then leads Venn down to what looks like a gym where two dogs were taking turns spotting each other on the weight benches. The dog laid out on the bench is a Very muscular Doberman and the dog spotting him is a German Shepard. Both of the dogs stop as they hear the heavy metal doors of the Gym close behind Venn and the Officer next to him. The officer calls the two dogs and they both run over, standing at attention in front of their superior. The officer than introduces the two dogs to Venn.

“Venn this is Sergeant Ralph-” he motions to the German Shepard

“-and Officer Kevin” he motions to the large Doberman

“This is Venn, the new recruit that you were briefed about.” The officer then turns around and leaves the three dogs alone in the middle of the gym. both of the Dogs in front of Venn had blue vests with their names and the word “K-9” printed on them

Sergeant Ralph is the first to step forward and say something “nice to meet you Venn, I will be your Superior Officer; you will report anything and everything to me, regardless of what it is.” He holds out his hand and shakes Venn’s hand with a firm grip.

The Doberman then steps forward and holds out his hand for Venn to shake. He grabs the Black dog’s hand and squeezes it very hard as he introduces himself “Im Kevin, your supervisor” Kevin then squeezes Venn’s hand harder, expecting him to cringe in pain.

Officer Kevin lifts an eyebrow when he notices that his usual tactic of bringing a cadet to his knees by squeezing life of his hand was not working on Venn.

Venn then returns the gesture by squeezing Kevin’s hand as hard as he could with a friendly smile on his face. “My name is Venn; it’s nice to meet you both”

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!” Kevin yells as his hand is crushed by Venn.

Sergeant Ralph widens his eyes and looks at Venn, surprised that he did not feel any pain. His look of worry causes Venn to release his grip.

“OK Officer Kevin, what did we learn today?” the German Shepard said mockingly to the Doberman as he licks his hand until the pain goes away.

“Don’t pick on the new guy…” Kevin says, rolling his eyes.

The two dogs then bring Venn out to a large outdoor yard where Venn faces Ralph for some sort of Exercise

“What is the purpose of this Exercise again” Venn asks the German Shepard

“To test your reaction time, now… THINK FAST!”

Venn widens his eyes and ducks his head down as a large Doberman passes over him, causing Kevin to accidentally tackle Sergeant Ralph. The force of the unexpected Tackle sends both dogs into a nearby wall. Venn then picks himself back up, running over to make sure that both officers are alright.

“Officer Beauregard… GET OFF ME!” Sergeant Ralph orders as he tries to push the dazed and heavy Doberman off of his back.

Venn laughs as he helps the Sergeant lift Kevin off of his back


Later, after a long day of Police training:

A group of three dogs walk away from the police station with vests slung over their shoulders. Kevin, Ralph, and Venn laugh as they congratulate Venn on passing the physical training session. The group then goes their separate ways leaving Venn alone as he walks home.

However; in a nearby bush, Bino pokes his head out. He follows Venn with a menacing glare.

“Trying to win everyone’s favor by proving your better than me, huh Bug-Face? Bino says to himself as he slowly follows Venn, trying to get some dirt on him.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This just keeps on getting better and better! Though a bit of advice stop posting them so close together so people can get a chance to read and comment.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:This just keeps on getting better and better! Though a bit of advice stop posting them so close together so people can get a chance to read and comment.
agreed. updates will now happen once a week so that i can make them longer and get more feedback.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Mickey »

I do believe you have a consist watcher.
My characters!
I got too many colors to remember. I'll put them here to see. Aren't they nice? Yep! Absolutely!
ImageImageImageImage (There's actually 6 eggs, but I ran out of links)
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I will definitely be watching you consistently.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 1 Part 8 : serious suspicions (try saying that five times fast)

Bino; who was being careful to keep himself hidden, was secretly following Venn back to Tarot’s house.
Venn enters through the front door and Bino looks inside through a window to see Venn is all alone, but then Bino sees something he cannot believe at first.

Venn snapped his fingers and turned himself into a Centipede right before Bino’s eyes and the lens of a small video camera that he had brought along for gathering evidence against Venn. Bino ducks down underneath the window and thinks to himself.

OH MY DOG, that did not just happen! It couldn't have happened. It’s just not possible

Bino keeps telling himself that it is impossible for Venn to be able to transform his body, but as he reviewed the Video tape, his doubts were thwarted and the impossible was proven

"But how did he do that?” he whispers to himself as he stows the small pocket-video recorder into his collar for the time being.

Bino then hears someone approaching and he hides behind a shrub, blending in well thanks to his tan fur and green eyes.
He sees a small Pomeranian and a black cat approaching the house with a tall dog that has dark blue fur and a few gold piercings. Bino does his best to remain hidden from the Wolf-sized dog that the two psychics were walking with.

Bino mocks the dark-blue furred dog under his breath:

“Great… another new freak in the neighborhood and this one is a girl from the looks of it. At least she’s not as weird as Venn. What are those gold things attached to her face too. I’ve only seen humans attach those things to them, not a dog. Its not normal”

Tarot looks around; almost sure that she sensed someone nearby, but she is quickly distracted by the tall dog.

“So Tarot, has Venn made any progress at all with changing into His spiritual form?” the tall dog asks from several feet above the Pomeranian.

Sabrina answers her: “Very little. He has learned almost everything else, but the Spiritual form is always the hardest skill to learn. I mean, it has only been about Three months"

The tall dog talks again, but her voice mysteriously changes slightly, like she is not the same person talking from before. “You know, now that I think about it… I’ve never actually seen Venn before”

Both Psychics look up at the dog with a confused expression

“You’ve never seen Venn? Well how do you know about him?” Tarot asks as she returns her gaze to where she is walking.

“Are you kidding? Venn is famous in heaven for his affairs in the Lower Realm. I don’t know how he does it, but he is tasked
with manipulating countless conflicts all over your world.”

“Really? I thought he was mainly a good luck charm for couples and Psychics.” Sabrina says as the group stops walking so they can ask the Tall dog a few more questions about the Centipede

“Nope, Venn insures that justice is brought upon those who start wars for evil purposes. Pretty neat huh?” says the tall dog as her voice keeps changing between three individual tones.

“I never even thought of his purpose on a scale as large as war” Sabrina says with a marveled look on her face

“You know, I don’t even know what a ‘Centipede’ IS.” The tall dog says as she walks up to the front door and grabs the doorknob.


The tall dog swings the door open to see nothing but pitch black, like the first time Peanut came to the house.

“Hello, anyone ho-*"

Venn hops out of the shadows again and clings onto Cerb’s face like he did with Peanut a couple of months ago. Cerb reacts much the same was as Peanut did too, she pulls her head out of the shadows and starts screaming her head off at the frightful sight of a giant insect on her muzzle

“AAAAAAAAAH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! HELP! HELP!” the tall dog runs around in circles outside as she goes cross eyed to see
the eyes of the insect that is clinging to her face

Cerb soon stops and gives a disgusted look as she peels the insect off her snout and holds it in her hand. She gives a disgusted look as she analyzes the creature before her.

“Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met.” Venn says in his contradictory deep voice as he crawls around in Cerb’s hand. “My name is Venn, and you are…?”

“HOMYGOSH, your Venn?! I can’t believe I’m actually holding the famous Venn in the palm of my hand!” Cerb says with a giddy tone in her voice.

“Why don’t we continue this conversation inside?” Tarot suggests bluntly

Both Cerb and Venn nod their heads as the tall dog brings Venn into the house as he crawls onto her shoulder. It seems that Dragon is out on other business while Cerb is visiting.

“Wow, I certainly never would have thought that a centipede could look as scary as this.” Cerb says as she stares into Venn’s insect eyes

“I wish I could show you my spiritual form, but I’m still learning to use my powers in this realm” Venn says as he crawls over to Cerb’s other shoulder. “so why have you come here? You do a good job at hiding your appearance from me, but its not perfect. So-o what is your name?”

“My name is Cerb” she says with a happy expression and she lifts her left hand up, ready to snap her fingers

Venn instantly recognizes the Name and his eyes widen as far as they can in a shocked expression

Cerb then snaps her fingers to reveal her large size and the tree heads atop her shoulders. Venn now understands why she had three voices in her dog form.

Venn still has the same shocked expression as he sits atop Cerb’s shoulder; it takes him a few seconds for him to come to his senses.

The middle head on Cerb speaks: “Come on Venn, let’s see your lower realm disguise.”

Venn crawls off of Cerb and goes to the middle of the room where he produces a snapping sound with one of his clawed legs and he changes into his dog form with a poof of white smoke.

Cerb walks over to Venn who is in the form of a black dog and rubs his head with her massive hand

“Aww you look so cute!” Cerb’s left head says in a happy voice

Unbeknownst to the spirits, Bino is watching everything from the window with a camera pointed at them. Bino has a menacing smile on his face, but his expression soon changes into one of interest when Cerb says aloud:

“So Venn, I understand you’re dating Dragon!”

Bino makes sure to record this part of their conversation, so he ducks down from the window to change into another recording disk when he hears the window slide open.

“Bino… come up here” Sabrina says with an unimpressed look on her face.

Sabrina holds her hand out for Bino to place the Video camera in. Bino bows his head in shame as he realizes that Sabrina has influence over him due to her dating his brother Fido. The tan dog slowly places the video camera in her hand and the black cat
breaks the device and the disk inside in half with a little elbow grease and the help of the window frame.

Sabrina scatters the remains of the video camera in front of Bino as he watches his hard earned money fall to the dirt in a now worthless pile of plastic shards and broken circuit boards.

“Bino, normally I would have one of the spirits do the ‘Wake-up’ bit… but I won’t… because it is time us Low-order beings became more aware of the Heavenly spirits you just witnessed here today. Be wary of what you do with the information you have already heard, you and other people’s lives hang in the balance of your decisions. So go, get out of here before Cerb or Venn notices.”

Bino walks off with his tail in between his legs and his head bowed down; but once he hears the window close, he sprouts an evil smile as he reaches into his collar to pull out a small disk that he managed to remove from the video camera while he was changing the disk.

"HA HA!, with this recording, im sure to get Venn kicked out of the club!"
Last edited by The-J-Man on Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

So is this the start of the once a week update? If so I really like the chapter that you put up! Splendid job!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

hey guys, i just wanted to say that the last post was the last of my daily posts. the next Update that is coming is going to be a bit longer.
also: updates will be posted twice a week as long as nothing interferes
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 1 Part 9, final part: The mighty Jungle

Venn fixes the fur on top of his head after Cerb had re-arranged it with her massive hand

“So you’re Cerb, the famous guard of the Gates of Heaven, huh?” Venn says as he fixes his ear

“EEEEEEEE! He knows my name!” Cerb’s left head says before her right head responds to Venn’s question “That’s right, I’m here
to help you discover your inner self; more specifically, your spiritual self.”

“Oh… Well, how are we going to do that?” Venn asks as he finishes brushing his fur down and the centipede pattern running between his ears is again recognizable.

“Simple, we need to go to a place where you feel most relaxed and like yourself.” Cerb’s left head says happily.

“Wait, so I can choose any place in this realm?” Venn asks with a confused look and his tail between his legs

“Anywhere you choose.”

Venn smiles and his tail lifts up and wags at high speed as he gets an idea of where he wants to go to relax, the type of environment that he likes to live in. Venn raises both his hands and snaps both his fingers at the same time, instantly teleporting Cerb, Sabrina, and Tarot to Venn’s desired location.

The group reappears in the middle of a very hot and humid Rain-forest. Everyone in the group looks at Venn as he holds both his arms out and inhales the musky air in a deep sigh

‘Welcome to my domain.” Venn says to the group with his arms outstretched in a presenting motion

“Where are we?” Sabrina says as she wipes sweat off of her forehead

“None other than The Amazon rain-forest” Venn says as he tails wags and sprouts smile as large as Kitsune’s

“This place is hotter than an African desert!” Sabrina says as she sweats profusely from the humidity

Venn runs up to one of the giant jungle trees and climbs up with ease so that his face is level with Cerb’s three heads

“This may be an oven to you, but to me it is heaven on earth!” Venn says to Cerb’s faces with a giddy tone in his voice.

“This is going to be harder for me than for him” Cerb’s three heads say all at the same time under their breath

The group follows Venn's lead through the extremely hot environment.


Meanwhile back in Babylon Gardens:

Bino runs over to the Good Ol’ Dog’s Club and bursts through the door pushing past Joey, Rex, and Fox. Bino stops once he reaches the stage and stands over two of the three dogs.

“Rex, Fox, and… Joey. I now have proof that Venn is in an inter-species relationship!” Bino says with a self-centered tone in his voice.

Fox widens his eyes and the other two give Bino a confused look. Joey and Rex had seen Venn so they know about his weird behavior. They wanted to know what Venn was hiding as well.

Bino puts the video disk into a computer and the group of dogs gathers around the computer screen to see the evidence out of curiosity.

Bino presses the play button but all that is displayed on the screen is static

“What? I know I grabbed the right disk. Why isn't it playing!?”

Bino hits the eject button and uses the fur on his arm to wipe the disk off before he re-inserts it into the slot.

The same result repeats as Bino’s face turns red with anger and frustration.

“OH, COME ON! I had the evidence right here on this disk, I swear!”

Bino then realizes that he was in fact, trying to record a Demigod. He grabs the disk and breaks it in half without a word to the other three dogs standing behind him. Rex is the first to comment as soon as Bino leaves the club house:

“Jeez, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bino that crazy before…” the tall Mastiff says with a concerned look on his face

“Me neither, maybe we should go check and make sure he’s OK” Joey says with an equally concerned look

“No, just leave him to figure this out on his own.” Fox tries to turn their attention away from Venn and Bino

All three of the dogs return to their conversation, but they are all starting to think that Bino is not fit to lead them anymore.
Fox addresses this lingering thought before it gets any worse and tears the club apart

“OK guys, I know your all thinking it, so I’m gonna say it. If Bino gets any worse, were going to have to ask Fido to replace him.
He is a danger to Venn and we can’t let him hold a position of power. So can we all agree that if it comes to it, we will keep Bino from hurting Venn

The other two dogs have no objection and they nod their heads at Fox’s proposition. They both say at the same time:



Back in the Amazon Rain-forest:

Cerb had sent both Tarot and Sabrina home when they were about to collapse from the extreme heat of the rainforest; but now the heat was starting to get to Cerb as well.

Venn is practically skipping trough the gigantic trees of the jungle as Cerb pants from the heat. Venn climbs up one of the tall trees and hops from branch to branch so he is level with Cerb’s three faces

“Isn’t this place beautiful Cerb?” Venn says as he hops from tree to tree, not even feeling the heat

Cerb’s left head responds bluntly “Hoooooooot…”

Venn unfortunately does not pay attention as he continues to talk “Just look at all the creatures that live here.” Venn says when he spots a small group of butterflies.

Cerb’s right head responds “HOOOOOOOOOOOT!”

Venn still persists, ignorant in his happiness “I forgot how much I love this type of climate, I could stay here forever and-”

Cerb’s middle head then shouts and interrupts Venn “OH MY DOG, ITS SO HOT OUT HERE! HOW DO YOU SURVIVE THIS HEAT?” she shouts as her three heads pant in the hot air

Venn then hops off of a tree and lands on Cerb’s giant shoulder.

“This may not be your definition of ‘Paradise’, but I think it is Heaven on earth. I love the heat!” Venn says, but he stops when he sees that Cerb is about to collapse from heat exhaustion. “Or maybe this is not the ideal place for you…”

Venn quickly snaps his fingers again and teleports both of them back to Tarot’s house. Cerb lets out a relieving sigh as she breaths in the cool air and shrinks down to a more Human-sized figure. Cerb practically lands face down on the couch and waits for her body temperature to return to normal.

“Gee, Cerb I’m sorry, I guess the heat was too much for you… can you forgive me for not paying attention?”

Cerb replies with a muffled voice as she does not move from her Face-down position “Of course Venn, but we will have to come up with a new way for you to relax…”

Suddenly they hear dragon’s voice at the front door “Venn, I got a surprise for yo-ou”

Venn goes and opens the front door to see Mr. Sandwich standing with a large glass box in his hands. The human points down toward a large animal that crawls in front of him.

The creature in front of Mr. Sandwich is a Komodo Dragon with a Leash harness attached to its torso. It then speaks in Dragons’ voice

“Guess who-o?” the giant lizard says playfully

Venn lifts an eyebrow as he stares into the eyes of the reptile “Dragon? Is that you?”

“That’s right, I asked Mr. Sandwich to pose as my owner so that I could get this Heating lamp.”

Venn still looks confused as he looks at the glass box and then back at Dragon. he eventually works up the courage to ask her:

“So your pet form is a ‘Komodo dragon?’” Venn asks nervously

“That’s right.” Dragon snaps her fingers and she changes back into a Human-like figure. She takes the Glass box from Mr. Sandwich and repays him kindly for his troubles

“So, what is that glass box you’re holding?” Venn asks

“Well I did some research on Centipedes at the library and found out that they love hot environments, so I found this heated Insect habitat at the pet store. Unfortunately I needed a human to help me purchase it, so I asked our friend Mr. Sandwich to pose as my owner so that he could buy it for me while I was in my pet form.”

“I still can’t believe that your pet form is a Komodo dragon, but I guess it makes sense.”

Dragon crosses her arms as Cerb and Venn snicker “They are very popular pets among Royalty!” Dragon says with her chin up and arms crossed.

“Well I might as well go try this thing out.” Venn takes the glass box and goes to the guest bedroom where he finds a place to plug it in.

Meanwhile, Cerb talks with Dragon

"Any luck?” Dragon asks Cerb, who is still exhausted from the jungle

“Nope, not unless we can find a way to bring a jungle climate into Babylon Gardens” Cerb says as she sits up on the couch

Both Dragon and Cerb then hear Venn shout from the guest room:

"WOW! This box is amazing! It’s the same temperature as the jungle on the inside!”

Dragon tries to hold her laughter back as Cerb Face-palms her foreheads multiple times.


stay tuned for chapter 2: "the initiative"
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can't wait for the next chapter! Nice job on this!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Chapter 2 part 1 : initiation (Yay chapter 2...)

Venn adorns his K-9 police vest with the word “Cadet” printed in bold letters across the back. He leaves the house with a kiss from Dragon and a goodbye from everyone else. He walks down the street and finally reaches the police department building; but when he enters, he sees everyone running around frantically. Papers are flying left and right and people are yelling over everyone else

Venn heads over to Kevin and Sergeant Ralph who are talking with Officer Bill.

“What’s going on!?” Venn yells to get their attention

The two police dogs lead Venn out to the back of the building, dodging papers and humans that were being scattered about the station. The noise subsides when Kevin shuts the door behind them.

“Sorry about all the commotion Venn, something big is going down right now” Sergeant Ralph says with a worried tone in his voice

“What could be happening that it has everyone so worried?” Venn asks them both

Kevin explains: “You see, there are these woodland creatures that seem to think a rabbit named Zach is some sort of Deity to them because he opened a door to a temple that the Milton's own. They keep calling him the ‘Opener of Ways’ and they get violent when people denounce Zach.”

“Well I’ve met the rabbit, but I’ve never seen the creatures follow him before.” Venn says as he scratches the back of his head out of nervousness, and completely ignoring the name of the Milton family

Ralph continues after Kevin: “unfortunately a lot more of them showed up today and they are blocking the streets, we need to get them back to the forest before this becomes a full-scale Riot”

“Are there really that many?” Venn asks

“Oh yeah...” Kevin says

The door behind the group opens to reveal Officer Bill with his signature helmet on and a pair of biking gloves. “Guys it’s time to suit up, the K-9 unit is already being moved out ahead of you.”

Ralph responds to the tall officer “OK sir, we’ll be right there.”

The Sergeant then turns to Kevin and Venn “OK Venn, this is your chance to prove yourself. Go get yourself suited up.”

The three dogs enter the back of the police station where Kevin and Ralph strap armored vests to their chests and helmets onto their heads. Kevin hands another vest and helmet to Venn; he takes it and straps them both on tightly.


Later, outside of the Albert residence:

All of the K-9 units are swamped with hundreds of woodland creatures that are filling up the street and blocking a few cars that are trying to get through. There are so many animals that the police officers and police dogs are being practically overrun. Venn can hardly believe his eyes as Kevin and Ralph run out of the back of the police cruiser

Before Kevin and Ralph run over to the front of the police blockade, they give Venn his orders:

“Venn, go to the back of the crowd and try to scare all of them back toward the forest!” Ralph yells as he runs toward the barricade.

“Scare them?! How do I do that?!” Venn yells

Venn asked a little too late as Kevin and Ralph leave their range of hearing over the clamor of the woodland animals. The hold their arms out and try to push the massive crowd of animals back away from the rest of the neighborhood.

Venn then works his way around the large crowd and eventually finds himself at the opposite side of the police barricade. Now all he has to do is find some way of scaring the animals that were overrunning the barricade as he tried to come up with a plan. He eventually gives into his curiosity and asks one of the woodland creatures; a raccoon, why they were all gathered out in the street

The raccoon responds kindly: “we’re here to praise the Opener of Ways”

“What’s the ‘Opener of Ways’?” Venn asks

The raccoon and all of the creatures within earshot stop clamoring and turn towards Venn.

The raccoon speaks again “how could you not know who the Opener of Ways is?”

“Um… because I’m new around here?” Venn says

The woodland creatures all sprout angry looks and several animals near Venn point their fingers at him “BLASPHEMER!” they cry as they pick up rocks from the side of the road


The creatures ignore him and one of the animals in the crowd throws their rock at Venn, but he catches it in his hand. The
creatures then take a few steps back when they see that Venn is not in a good mood anymore. He crushes the piece of asphalt into bits with his bare hand for the whole crowd to see.

“I’ll say it again... LEAVE!” Venn says as his eyes start to glow red.

Despite their fear, the creatures stay put and prepare to throw their rocks at Venn, but they are quickly stopped by a horrifying sound emanating from the tall black dog


Venn opens his mouth to show at least forty black fangs where his white teeth once were and his eyes glow red. He lets out a very loud hiss that sends the creatures running scared back into the tree-line of the forest area.

Soon, the last creature leaves and reveals Venn to the officers on the opposite side of the street. Venn is seething with rage as he stomps over to the police officers, but he quickly regains his composure and calmly gets back into the police cruiser. He is soon followed by Kevin and Ralph who look a little concerned for Venn

The car ride was mostly silent save the light music playing on the radio, Venn’s way of relaxing after an emotional outburst. They soon arrive at the police station where Kevin finally breaks the silence.

“So Venn, what did you do to scare the animals away?” Kevin asks Venn with a slightly nervous tone

“I don’t want to talk about it…” Venn says with an exhausted look on his face.

The three police dogs are left alone in the building. All the other officers are helping to clean up the mess that the animals made in the street.

“Well cadet Venn, I say that you have proven yourself in stressful situations” Sergeant Ralph says to Venn.

*sigh* “Those animals are crazy; they almost threw rocks at me just because I was different. I can’t stand people who think like that!-*”

Suddenly Venn stops in the middle of the building and his nose twitches as he sniffs the air around him. He jerks his head side to side, trying to find the source of the smell in the air. Unfortunately, he is doing this right in front of Ralph and Kevin.

“Cadet Venn, what are you doing?” Ralph asks with a raised eyebrow

*Sniff-sniff* “Don’t you guys smell that?” Venn asks as he traces the scent towards the locker room

Venn enters the locker room to see Officer Fido holding a small grey mouse in his hands. Venn then shouts out to him:

“Officer Fido, Don’t Move!”

Venn slowly approaches Fido as he sniffs the air, bringing his nose closer and closer to the mouse cupped in his hands. The mouse then gives a horrified look and quickly scurries into the safety of Fido’s collar pocket. The mouse is completely silent for a change as it shakes in fear.

“Is there a problem Cadet Venn?” Fido asks

“That mouse… Why is that mouse here?” Venn says as he gives a curious look

“Oh, this is ‘Spo’. He helps us on investigations sometimes.” Fido says with a friendly smile

Fido then looks down to see that Spo is stunned silent and hiding in his collar, a rare sight apparently.

“Spo what’s wrong?” Fido asks the small mouse

“Who is that large and menacing freak?”

“Hey, low blow!” Venn says with an angry look

Fido reaches into his collar and pulls Spo out so they can be properly introduced. Venn holds out his hand and Spo shakes one of his fingers. He then crawls onto the back of his hand and makes his way up to Venn’s collar.

“Wow, look at this collar. This is not your mass produced, average, everyday collar. This is designer leather, pure luxury to say the least. N-i-i-ce.”

The mouse then crawls up Venn’s neck towards the top of his head

“I claim the peak of this mountain in the name of 'SPO'!” the small mouse shouts as soon as he makes it to the top of Venn’s head, holding onto one of his ears for balance.

The mouse then looks down at the other three police dogs below him

“Look guys, I’m finally taller than all of you!” Spo says with a triumphant tone

Venn just rolls his eyes and picks Spo off if his head, he hands him back to Fido and opens his locker to put his gear back into.

“Hey Venn, I’ve been wondering… what’s with your fur pattern?” Fido asks hesitantly

“Oh, um… Its dyed.”

Ralph and Kevin then interrupt them with some good news:

Ralph is the first to speak with a small clipboard in his hands “Well Venn, after today’s events and your outstanding performance in both basic and advanced training… you are officially being promoted from Cadet to a full-on OFFICER.”

Venn widens his eyes and nearly drops the helmet that he was placing back on its shelf

Ralph continues: “You will be assigned to a human officer and you will become his partner. However; I will still be your superior, so you will still report to me.”

Ralph then turns a paper over on his clipboard and it takes a few moments for him to process the words he was reading.

“However… in order for you to receive the promotion, You will need to be officially adopted by human Owners for several legal reasons. Until you are adopted, you will still be a Cadet.”

It takes Venn more than ten seconds for him to say something after he heard this

“Owners…? I need to be adopted?” Venn says with a very worried look on his face

Kevin then says with a reassuring tone: “Don’t worry Venn, this part is always easy. You’re in Babylon gardens after all… just go ask around the neighborhood to see if someone is willing to take you in.

“Well, shifts over. Venn, maybe now would be the best time-”

Venn then smiles when he gets an idea and zooms out of the building before Ralph can finish his sentence. “I will never understand how he moves that fast…” he thinks to himself


A few minutes later at the Sandwich house:

The doorbell rings and peanut shouts "ILL GET IT!" as per the norm

Peanut opens the door and then calls out for his owner after a few seconds of talking

"Dad, its for you..."

Mr. Sandwich makes his way to the door expecting to see another P.E.T.A. member or a Salesman, but he sees nothing... until he looks down. A tall black dog and a Komodo dragon with a black harness stand at the threshold with pleading smiles on their faces.

Mr. Sandwich brings his hand up and smacks his forehead with his palm.

"This is the part where my life gets weird, isn't it?" Mr. Sandwich says before he lets the two pets into his house.

To be continued...
Last edited by The-J-Man on Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Mickey »

Don't you EVER think that I don't read every word of this amazing story.
My characters!
I got too many colors to remember. I'll put them here to see. Aren't they nice? Yep! Absolutely!
ImageImageImageImage (There's actually 6 eggs, but I ran out of links)
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I thought you were gonna space it out though? I do like reading it, but some spacing would help people catch up.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Im glad you guys have noticed my inconsistency on my schedule
the first of the first three posts from this week was one of the daily ones that i just had to post so i could start on my two weekly ones.
Come next week, updates will only happen on Wednesday and Saturday. (unless im feeling inspired. extra updates will be rare, but they will be put up on Mondays.)

and thus, i wish you all a good night
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well we can't wait for you to post next then. Just take your time and update when needed!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

hey guys, unfortunately my computer decided to delete my progress on part 2 of chapter 2, boooooooo
the update will have to be delayed until a later time
maybe i will upload a character sheet of Venn as well
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

(ok, so i found the auto-save file, but its a little short)

Chapter 2 Part 2 : things change

Both dragon and Venn stand in front of Mr. and Mrs. Sandwich who are sitting down on the living room couch. Before Venn and Dragon can even say why they came over, Mr. Sandwich speaks up:

“Well Venn; I understand that you are in need of an owner, but I’m afraid we can’t help you. We already own two pets and our budget is barely flexible as it is.”

Venn raises his hands and waves them in disagreement. “No Mr. Sandwich, you misunderstand. We’re not asking you to adopt me at all. We are just asking for advice on picking an owner in this neighborhood.” He says

“Oh… Well I’m not sure how to respond to that. There are lots of pet owners in Babylon Gardens, there’s bound to be at least one person who is willing to adopt you.” Mr. Sandwich says

Dragon and Venn leave and begin their search, but Venn has a nervous look on his face for some reason

“Venn is there something wrong?” Dragon asks

“Dragon, Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think you should go back to the house for the time being.” Venn says nervously

“What? Why!? Dragon yells in reply

“It’s the other pets around here. They don’t seem to like relationships between two different species. I just don’t think they are ready to see the two of us together in public. Besides, we’re looking for an owner for me not you, I can manage this search on my own” Venn says with the most honest look he can muster

“Well… alright.” Dragon says with a sad look

“Now don’t worry. This won’t last forever” Venn says as he puts his hand on Dragon’s shoulder before she turns around.

He leans in and gives her a Kiss before they go their separate ways.

“Ill be back before you know it” Venn yells as Dragon leaves

Venn walks further down the neighborhood and comes across the dog park he saw when he first came to Babylon Gardens. The park had more dogs in it than last time too.

“Well this looks like a great place to start…” He says with confidence as he enters the park

After a while of looking, Venn notices that there are not many owners accompanying their pets in the park.

“This place is weird. I wonder why the humans don’t go with their pets when they walk around the neighborhood.” Venn then feels a large hand fall on his shoulder. He looks back and sees a very large dog behind him.

“Hello?” Venn says with a raised eyebrow

The dog says nothing in reply. He then forcibly drags Venn over behind a wall of shrubs.

“Hey, What’s the meaning of this?!” Venn yells at the group of dogs

Behind the wall of shrubs are a few more large dogs with Bino standing in the middle of them

“Bino, what’s this all about?!” Venn demands

“This is about protecting my fellow dogs. I know what you are, a freak of nature! I can’t have someone like you poisoning the minds of my friends.” Bino says with a devious look

“I don’t think you should do that…” Venn says as he looks past Bino

Bino turns around to see Fido and Fox with very angry looks on their faces. They approach him and the large dogs all leave at the sight of the police dog.

"Bino, Stop what your doing right now!" Fido yells

“Guys, your ruining everything!” Bino yells in reply

“Bino; I have tolerated your behavior for a long time, but now you've taken it too far. I can’t allow you to hurt someone for no reason.” Fido scolds

“What do you mean ‘no reason’!? Venn is already taking my place in the club. I won’t allow myself to be replaced!”

Bino pounces on Fido and they start rolling around in a tussle. Fox then runs over to Venn and makes sure he’s OK, but he was also getting out of the way of the fight.

“Venn we gotta do something before they hurt each other!” Fox yells at Venn over the sound of Fido and Bino fighting

“I can’t, it’s not my place to interfere!”

“Oh phooey! Just do something!” Fox demands

Venn hesitates for a moment, but he eventually walks over to Fido and Bino. He grabs them by their collars and hoists them up in the air. He drops Fido, but he keeps Bino up off the ground.

“Bino, what were you thinking?” Fido yells

“I was trying to get rid of this weirdo before he took over my place and took over your minds!” Bino yells as he tries to break free from Venn’s grip

“Now that’s just ridiculous.” Venn says “I have no interest in your place or brainwashing anyone.”

Venn releases Bino and Fido walks over to him, placing a hand on Bino’s shoulder.

“Bino... we need to talk”

Fido leads Bino away and starts talking with him, obviously giving him bad news. Venn then looks over to Fox with a suspicious look

“So how did you guys know that I was in trouble?” Venn asks Fox

“Oh… we were following you.” Fox says with a very nervous look

It takes Venn a few seconds to process what Fox had just said. He widens his eyes and looks at fox with a surprised glare.

“Wait… how much did you guys see while you guys were following me?” Venn asks Fox

“Venn… We know about Dragon…” Fox says while scratching the back of his head nervously

Venn’s eyes widen to the point that they nearly pop out of his head.



Meanwhile on the other side of the park:

Bino and Fido walk over to the other side of the park where can talk in private.

“Bino, it is very hard for me to say this… But im afraid I have to kick you out of the Good Ol’ Dogs Club.” Fido Says with a heavy heart

“What?! But-*”

“NO BUTS! Bino look at what you've done! Your obsession with Venn is driving you crazier than usual. What’s more: you personally put Venn in danger! You gave me no choice! You’re out of the club!”

Bino is at the verge of tears as he slowly turns around and hangs his head low. He slowly walks toward the park gate and heads home, but he suddenly turns around and shouts:


Bino then vanishes from Fido's sight


Back on the other side of the park:

Fido returns to the group and tells them what had happened to Bino

“well guys, I did it. I had to tell Bino that he is no longer welcome in the club” Fido says with a very sad look
Venn places a hand on Fido’s shoulder

“Don’t worry Fido , you did the right thing. Now I have to tell you something very important…”

“What?” Fido asks with a curious look

“Don’t tell anyone about Dragon!” Venn yells in Fido's face, blowing some of his fur back
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This must be pre-Sabrina reveal as I doubt since Fido isn't a member anymore, he would be taken seriously within the club.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:This must be pre-Sabrina reveal as I doubt since Fido isn't a member anymore, he would be taken seriously within the club.
actually, the next part is going to be a real SHOCKER!
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

Venn character sheet
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well then I guess I will have to tune into the next chapter then! :mrgreen:
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by The-J-Man »

(this part is a little short, but it is the most important part of the story

Chapter 2 part 3 : She loves me… She loves me not

After the events that just unfolded in the park, Venn decides to head home before anything else happens. He is so conflicted about Bino being banned from the club because of him. He is also still in need of an owner. Venn is so distracted by his thoughts that he fails to see Pete flying overhead.

“Hah, now is the perfect opportunity for vengeance” Pete says to himself as he flies towards Tarot’s house to unfold his plan

Venn is so worn out from everything that has happened, he can hardly focus and he has forgotten about the fact that he said he would be back at Tarot’s house in time for dinner. Pete knows this and plans to make the most of the delicate situation


A little later at Tarot’s house:

Dragon is starting to get a little worried about Venn when he did not return for dinner. She paces around the room thinking about all the things that could have happened to Venn. Sabrina and Tarot have been trying to calm Dragon down for the last thirty minutes.

“Where is he? He should have been back thirty minutes ago!” Dragon rants as she paces around the room.

“Dragon, don’t worry. Venn is an omniscient Demigod with the ability to use magic; I think he can handle himself.” Sabrina says with a tired look due to Dragon’s constant complaining

“But what if--” Dragon is interrupted by Tarot, who is also very tired

“Dragon; Sabrina is right, Venn can handle himself. Now please relax so we can go to bed” Tarot says as she tries to keep her eyes open as hard as she can, but she is losing the fight against her exhaustion

A knock is then heard at the front door, it sounds a little louder than Venn’s usual knock. Dragon gets an excited look and rushes over to the front door and quickly opens it. Dragon expected to see Venn but she is only faced with Pete and one of his clever smiles.

“Pete, what are you doing here?” Dragon asks with a mildly agitated tone

“What? I can’t visit my sister on the mortal plane?” Pete answers while maintaining his clever smile

Dragon raises an eyebrow at the Gryphon and lets him in after enduring a few seconds of her soul-killing glare. They both sit down on the living room couch and after a few seconds Sabrina and Tarot turn in for the night

“So do you mind telling me why Venn is so late?” Dragon asks Pete with an accusing stare

“Well I’m sure he has better things to do.” Pete says with a very clever smile

Dragon raises an eyebrow again, yet maintaining an angry look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if he found someone more…uh...‘his size’.” Pete says

Dragon immediately smacks the back of Pete’s head with her hand. “Don’t you dare say that about Venn. He is the most loyal person I have ever known, and he would never do that to me!”

Pete rubs the back of his head until the pain subsides “Ok, whatever you say… But remember what I said I would do if he ever hurt you.”

Dragon starts thinking about what Pete had said “Do you really think he could do that to me, Pete? I mean, he’s such a nice person that I never thought he could do that”

“I’ve known nicer people who have done it… I’m sorry.” Pete says with a fake expression of sorrow

Dragon leans in and hugs Pete across his upper torso, and Pete returns the hug as well. Just then the front door opens with Venn standing at the threshold. Both Pete and Dragon immediately freeze, still hugging each other.

After a few seconds of awkward stares, Dragon pushes Pete away and stands up from the couch.

“Venn this isn’t wh--*”

Before Dragon can finish, Venn grabs the door and slams it closed from the outside. He runs off towards the forest while he is barely able to see with the tears in his eyes. Venn wipes his eyes and disappears in the dark tree-line of the forest that is further concealed by the lack of daylight


Back at Tarot’s house:

Pete watches as Venn slams the door closed and immediately starts laughing evilly. “Hah, I told you I would get my Revenge on that insect!”

Dragon stands over Pete like an extremely malevolent shadow, she is no less than furious with her brother. “PETE! YOU PLANNED THIS!?”

“Yes I did, but I warned yo-- *yipe!*”

Dragon grabs Pete by the back of the neck and hoists him up in the air as she grows in size in her Rage. Dragon can barely fit in the house while she holds Pete by his wings in between two fingers. Pete actually looks frightened by her angry reaction

“YOU. WILL. FIX. THIS… NOW!” Dragon’s voice booms, vibrating the air around the Gryphon and ruffling his feathers.

“But… I don’t know where he went…” Pete says with a very hesitant tone and an awkward smile

Dragon gets more furious and her eyes start to glow green with Rage, but they are soon filled with tears as she starts sobbing wildly. Thunder crashes outside and rain starts pouring out of nowhere. However, dragon is crying harder than usual as she shrinks down to her human-like form and lays face-down on the couch.

At this point, Pete has started to regret his actions for his sister’s well being.

“OK, OK! I’ll go find Venn and tell him! Just quit with the water works already.” Pete yells over dragons sobs.

It takes a few minutes for dragon to stop crying, but the loud noise has already awakened Sabrina and Tarot. The two psychics head downstairs where Pete explains the situation to them.

Sabrina and Tarot just stand there with pained looks directed at Pete

“Why are you two looking at me like that? What did I do?” Pete finally asks them

“Pete… do you have any idea what you have just done?!” Tarot yells up at the Gryphon

“What? Did I start World War three?” Pete says sarcastically

“YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE! Were you not listening when we talked about Venn’s role as a spirit?” Sabrina yells

“Well, I caught a little of what you guys said” Pete says with a slightly nervous look

Both psychics sprout angry looks and Tarot yells at the Gryphon “Pete, Venn is a spirit of VENGEANCE. He makes sure that People and Spirits alike get what’s coming to them. By taking a personal jab at Venn’s relationship, you have pretty much declared war on him. Now all you can expect from Venn is the worst fate Possible for a Demigod”

“You mean mortality…?” Pete asks sheepishly


“Oh… you mean he’s gonna try to--”

“Yep… you better go set this right before it gets out of hand.” Sabrina instructs

Pete exits the house and starts his search for Venn, but after about two hours of searching, he stops in the clearing where he and Venn first fought.

“Venn, where are you!? I’m sorry! Dragon and I are not together, it was just a joke!”

There is no answer. All Pete can do now is return to his temple so he can wait for Venn to come to him instead of hopelessly searching; but once Pete turns around to fly into the air, he is faced with a most horrible sight.

Deep in the tree-line, Pete can see a pair of eyes that are glowing red like Venn’s eyes, but something is different about them.

The eyes start to get closer and the moonlight soon reveals the head of a GIGANTIC centipede that is twice the size of Dragon, yet still the same length as her.

The centipede slowly crawls out into the moonlight revealing its Black body and the Red stripes that decorate the edges of its body segments and the ends of its clawed legs

“Venn… is that… You?” Pete asks with an expression of true terror on his face and in his voice

The centipede’s head is adorned with a pair of very large mandibles that open just enough for Pete’s head to fit into. Just as Pete considered the option to flee, he is stopped by a deep and scary voice coming from the Centipede that sounds a lot like Venn:


:shock: “Yep… Definitely out of hand”

The centipede’s compound eyes glow red and it suddenly lunges for Pete with a loud hiss

The only thing that can be heard from the clearing is a terrified scream that fades into the empty night sky

Last edited by The-J-Man on Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Housepets: Symbolic Power

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well that is certainly not gonna give me nightmares at all! :| Nice job on this chapter though!
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