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by Deske
Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:42 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Gregg pulled his phone out of his pocket nearly as soon as it began buzzing, a habit built from working with down to the minute secretaries. He looked at the emergency notification he'd received on it from one of his friends, "They don't usually text me with this code... Ah," he stops as h...
by Deske
Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:53 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Gregg nodded along as the Colonel spoke, "Okay, makes sense, I think." He was quiet for a moment before speaking up again, "I don't know if they work that way. Honestly there's a lot I haven't tried with them, so I don't know all the in's and out's of their effects." He shrugs, &...
by Deske
Sun Aug 28, 2022 12:16 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"Ah, well, nobody really gave me the handout for this. Anyway, if they could get past all that security, why would they stick around instead of just depositing the hunters wherever their destination is, be it death or escape, and then return?" He shrugs, "Either way, I'm sure you hav...
by Deske
Wed Aug 24, 2022 2:26 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Gregg hung up the call and checked his voicemail as soon as he heard the beep and read the caller ID. He quickly sent a message to his boss and locked up the shop. He stepped into the back room and opened a portal to a rather unobserved alleyway near the headquarters that he'd passed by while wander...
by Deske
Tue Aug 02, 2022 11:36 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

After he'd finished making the preliminary holding stitches in the pant leg, Gregg stood up from his chair and headed to the front door. Snagging the phone along with the way, he stuffed it into a pocket as he locked the front door and flipped the sign to "Will Return At..." He headed towa...
by Deske
Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:39 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"Yeah, could you let him know that his suit's ready for pickup or delivery?" Gregg asks, sticking the phone between his shoulder and his cheek and shifting over to make a few hemming marks on a pant leg.
by Deske
Wed Jul 20, 2022 11:30 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

It was still dark when Gregg rolled out of bed. "Man, old habits really do die hard," he said to himself with a yawn as he glanced over at his alarm clock which was blinking out a steady "5:00". "Leaves me time to make a proper breakfast though." A quick shower later an...
by Deske
Sat Jun 04, 2022 10:55 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"Oh, no, yeah, I don't think it's physical or anything and it comes across exactly as you said, so I don't think there's anything malicious about it either." He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, "Honestly I can't quite tell if he's just better at switching off than she is...
by Deske
Fri May 20, 2022 11:49 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"Seems like it," Gregg says, a small smile crossing his face. "Don't forget to give him some chances though. You know how teenagers like to push boundaries if they think they can get away with it." He casts a look towards the doctor as his smile lessens. "I'm no doctor, but...
by Deske
Mon May 02, 2022 9:36 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"Have a good one, Jules. Good luck with your vixen," Gregg says with a smile. He turns back to the town after giving Julian a wave goodbye. "Oh, well," he pauses, "I hadn't really intended on being your chaperone, but I guess I'm getting old enough, so that's understandable...
by Deske
Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:58 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"Hm, sounds like we're decided then. It'll be good to see the area we'll be working in for the most part. Or at least what we'll be calling home base," Gregg says, reaching towards the door handle in preparation for their stop. "Get to know people, see the sights, stuff like that.&qu...
by Deske
Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:51 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Julian smirked slightly, then looked at Gregg. " Nah, she knows I'm a pacifist. Mind you, " he continued, " even pacifists work in the vehicle shop, don't they? " "True, very true. Could become a jack of all trades, y'know, every team's gotta have someone with all the utili...
by Deske
Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:53 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil
Replies: 536
Views: 450469

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

As soon as the Pidgey moved T almost instinctively countered it, launching his own attack just slightly ahead of the Pidgey, "Aha, no, me first ," he grinned as his attack tore towards the offending flying pokemon. Unfortunately, this left him relatively open to the Sand Attack. He weather...
by Deske
Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:40 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"I guess I could get away with that. Taking pictures of my products or something like that." Gregg said with a shrug. "You could also tell them you joined the military and just leave it at that. I'm sure plenty of people have jobs they can't talk about because of clearances or whatev...
by Deske
Mon Sep 27, 2021 12:26 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Maybe if I still lived where I did growing up, but now I think it'd be a little more difficult to just brush that one off. I'm not high profile by any stretch of the word- though I'd like to be one day -but how would I explain a security camera recording of me and some other dude going into an alle...
by Deske
Thu Sep 23, 2021 12:13 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope
Replies: 4772
Views: 16777215

Re: Non-HPU: Beacon of Hope

" Whoa, " Sana said, being careful as she looked around so as not to twist too hard. " We could spend half the afternoon walking around this enclosure. Well, " she modified, rubbing Denver's ears, " YOU could. " "Do you want to stay in Australia for the day? We li...
by Deske
Sun Sep 12, 2021 12:14 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Gregg chuckles, both at the joke and the ensuing silence, "You could give me a little credit, I'm a little more resilient than I look. At least, I like to think so. Can't just warp away in any given situation." He buckled his seatbelt and made sure it was sitting comfortably, "Like in...
by Deske
Sat Aug 28, 2021 6:06 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil
Replies: 536
Views: 450469

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

T side-eyed the rockruff, "Can we, I don't know, maybe talk about this first or something before we all go for each other's throats?" T says nervously. "Like- like how do you know we weren't just passing through? Or that us not getting where were goin' isn't gonna bring more to your d...
by Deske
Sat Aug 28, 2021 5:52 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Gregg playfully stuck his tongue out at Tigress. "Just because I can teleport doesn't mean that I can knife fight. I've had some experience, but not enough to be good for anything other than a back alley scrap," he said with a shrug. He hopped into one of the rear seats and the truck and s...
by Deske
Wed Aug 04, 2021 11:07 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"Mmm, I think I'll explore the town for a bit and see how it goes. Travel's not really an obstacle if I want to go back so I figure why not." He says with a shrug. "Plus, I feel like it'd be a good idea to get to know some of the locals before I head out."
by Deske
Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:10 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil
Replies: 536
Views: 450469

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

"Uh... Yeah, there's like a whole town back the way we came," T says, raising an eyebrow at Marbles shock. "I guess you wouldn't know about it unless you'd come through here before... Whatever," he shakes his head, turning his attention to Kimera. "What'd it look like?"...
by Deske
Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:48 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"I'm sure I'll be fine," Gregg says with a chuckle, "As long as I keep all necessary fluids inside of me I don't think there will be any lasting damage that Doc can't fix." He turns to the rest of the group, "One of you wouldn't happen to have the time would you? I left my ...
by Deske
Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:28 pm
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil
Replies: 632
Views: 490408

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Welcome to California, enjoy the weather and the scenery!
by Deske
Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:22 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil
Replies: 536
Views: 450469

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

T raised his eyebrows when he figured out why Marble seemed to impressed, or concerned, that they were coming along for the rescue. Merch- wait, no. We're from the Adventurer's Guild, not the merchants guild." T glanced around at his teammates then back at Marble. "What- what part of this ...
by Deske
Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:43 am
Forum: Out of Character
Topic: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil
Replies: 632
Views: 490408

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Sorry, I still read it, I'm just packing what little creativity I have, so I have no idea what to say besides filler. I hate putting up 3 sentence posts because it feels like a waste of space.
by Deske
Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:41 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil
Replies: 536
Views: 450469

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

"Do either of you actually know this place well enough?" T said, piping up after having followed the group in relative silence. "I feel like splitting up somewhere that changes on a whim and leaving two of us without a guide is probably not a good idea."
by Deske
Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:35 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

"Ha!" Gregg laughs, just as theatrically, "You couldn't touch me this time, what makes you think you'll be able to touch me next time," he says playfully, reaching through a portal and waving a disembodied hand at her just out of her reach before it vanishes. "I do look for...
by Deske
Sun Jul 11, 2021 3:22 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Gregg nodded. "That's fair, I guess," he said, barely holding back a sigh. He listens to Heather give her rundown of everyone else's performance, playfully sticking his tongue out at Mist when he makes his tailor joke before shooting a grin towards Tigress. "Well, according to the Col...
by Deske
Wed Jun 30, 2021 5:45 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy
Replies: 287
Views: 235371

Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Thomas sighed under his breath, "It's a story, I'll give you that." He put the finishing touches on the sketch he'd made of David in the ethereal plane. "Perhaps we'll have more to catch up tonight. I still need to find their alchemy laboratory here... " Thomas finished, starting...
by Deske
Tue Jun 15, 2021 5:53 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

" U- U- Uh, alright... I guess I can take some pride in that," Gregg says, as his initial shock at nearly killing her wore off. " I- I- I'll try to keep my tactics up to date with your training so I don't lag too far behind," he said, doing his best at a grin. Quieting down as s...
by Deske
Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:31 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy
Replies: 287
Views: 235371

Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

Thomas glanced down at the snake, "Not in the traditional sense, no. I guess I'm just happy that he figured out how to control his other half." He stooped to pick up the pen he'd dropped when he shielded his eyes. "It's a pretty big milestone," Thomas continued, "Speaking fr...
by Deske
Mon Jun 07, 2021 7:26 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

" S- S- Sounds interesting. I'm sure there'll have to be some sort of mental preparation for her reasoning," Gregg chuckles as he moved closer to Tigress. " U- U- Uh, sorry about that..." He begins, looking everywhere except directly at her. " D- D- Didn't know that would h...
by Deske
Fri Jun 04, 2021 8:16 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy
Replies: 287
Views: 235371

Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

"Huh, might be something I'll have to look up, or just ask at a later t-" He was cut off as his world exploded into light. "Gah!" Thomas let out a small shout as his eyes, being built for the night and nearly at their limit in the day, burned in the split second it took him to b...
by Deske
Fri Jun 04, 2021 12:45 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Gregg shifted away so that Lightfoot had space to work, though he kept a worried eye on the Rakshasi. He shifts anxiously from one foot to another as the doctor tends to her. Giving an excited start after watching her move again doesn't stop his nervous shifting, but it doesn't pull his ears up off ...
by Deske
Thu May 06, 2021 12:40 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

" U- U- Uhh..." He said, taking a closer look at the now limp Tigress. " D- D- Doc? Doc!" He shouted, nearly instantaneously appearing next to the medical officer. " Sh- Sh- She seems like she's in pretty bad shape. I don't know what happened, usually it doesn't have that k...
by Deske
Thu May 06, 2021 12:35 am
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil
Replies: 536
Views: 450469

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

T sat back on his haunches as Kimera bombarded the Growlithe with questions. Eventually he leaned forward, "You want to repay us then you could join us or tell us what you know. Preferably both. But uh," he glanced over at Kimera "Don't stress yourself, alright?"
by Deske
Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:17 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Gregg watched the scene in front of him unfold as Mist tackled a...nothing? He closed the portals and looked around, quickly zeroing in on the movement through the grass that was almost blatantly obvious to anyone with eyes. Smart , he admitted as he opened a portal near Tigress, though this one did...
by Deske
Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:03 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy
Replies: 287
Views: 235371

Re: Non-HPU: Jade Star Academy

"Thanks!" Thomas says, his excitement clearly evident by the wag of his tail despite his best attempts to remain focused on what he was doing. "I'm excited to see what can be learned, but..." He shook his head, glancing down as the snake slithered off his shoulders and onto the ...
by Deske
Fri Apr 23, 2021 3:50 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil
Replies: 536
Views: 450469

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

"Uuhhhh..." T glances over at the Growlithe then back to Einar. "Alright, let's see what I can do," he says, heading over to the mon. As soon as he gets over he notices the cuts beginning to heal and, despite this, begins to rummage through his pack for an Oran berry. "Uh, ...
by Deske
Fri Apr 23, 2021 3:42 pm
Forum: Roleplaying
Topic: Non-HPU: Crater City
Replies: 1280
Views: 1416313

Re: Non-HPU: Crater City

Gregg chuckles once he realizes what Tigress is doing. Unfortunately, it's not like your standard door and upon trying again, she'd find that the portal simply closes, leaving her hand attached to her body and an identical portal in her path as the pattern had shown. Another portal opens up just out...